The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, April 14, 1876, Image 2

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The Republicans of Linn connty will
remember that the primaries are to be
held to-morrow Saturday awl every
Republican is earnestly requested to be
in attendance. The political Bkies in
Old IJfln were never more favorable
for the election ot the Republican ticket
provided that ticket is made np of good
men. By "good men" we don't mean
what is generally nccepted by those two
words, but men who possess the necessa
ry brains, are thoroughly and reliably
honest, with "backbone" stiff enough
to do that which they know to be law
ful and right at all times and under all
circumstances. We must not nominate
time-servers or old political hacks, who
come seeking with the odor ot former
political contests. We rnrtst have pare
men men above reproach, who have
not and will not bend to old party tricks
or favoritism, no matter what the pres
sure. The Democratic party-5 having
failed to do this, it depends upon the
coming Republican County Convention
to present to the voters of Linn county
the men demanded by the times. With
in the ranks of the Republican party of
Linn there is an abundance of the right
kind of material, and although in some
instances the men selected for office may
not ' desire it, preferring the walks of
private life to that of a servant ot the
people, yet every ruch an one should
remember that each citizen of this great
Republic has a duty to perform, and
when called upon by his neighbors and
friends, should be willing to serve them
in any capacity for which he is fitted.
With this understanding, let every
Republican be in attendance at the pri
maries to-morrow, and aid in selecting
the best men in the party as delegates
to the County Convention. With a
live delegation, thoroughly aroused to
the importance of the occasion, and
.conversant with the wishes and desires
of the people in the precincts represented
Ay them, a ticket can be made that will
Mje elected by a rousing majority in
BeMtmUe Oanms CMImUm.
The Democratic County Convention
assembled in this city on Wednesday.
Win. Cyrus, of Sck, was elected Chair
man, and Messrs. A. W. Stanard and
(I. a. Blakelv. Socretarie. The first
business of the Convention was the
election of eleven delegates to tb State
Convention. The delegates elect are :
S. Montgomery, John Sumner,
Joseph Hamilton, B. R. Grimes, J. H-
Washburn, G. T. Crawford, J. A. Por
ter, L. Bilyeu, B. F. Cooper, J. K.
Weatlierfbrd and A. F. Beard.
After the election of delegates, came
lite main business of the convention, to-
wit : tho selection of candidates for the
Legislature, and for the different county
officers. 2. II. Haley received the nomi
nation, under a suspension of the rules,
by acclamation, for State Senator. For
Representatives the following vote was
cast : ; ' ' '
T. L. Porter, 53 ; A. W. Starard,
46; J. W. Weatherford, 39; John
Sumner, 32 ; J. T. Crooks, 30 ; R. B.
Grimes, 34; Alleu Parker, 28; J.
Beard, 25 ; Jason Wheeler, 23 ; L. Bil
yeu, 22. The first six were declared
duly elected. r '
For Connty Judge, there was placed
in nomination S, A. Johns, EL N. Tan
dy, J. W. Baldwin, L. II. MonLartye,
J. L. Cowan. On' the second ballot,
S. A. Johns was declared the nominee.
The candidates tor County Commis
sioners were J. K. Charlton, B. R.
Holt and Joe. Hamilton; the first two
got away with it.
For County Clerk Messrs. T. J. Stites,
J. L. Cowan and G. A. Hill were nomi
nated, Stites securing the nomination
on the second ballot.
Next came Sheriff, tor which Messrs.
J. R. llerten, John Bryant, I. D. Mil-
ler, W. K. Price and L. C. Rice, were
nominated. On the fifth ballot J. R.
Hcrren was nominated.
For Treasurer there were three candi
dates : Jacob Korcroes. James Shields
and Philip Grigsby. On the third bal
lot Mr. Grigsby was "nominated."
Phil Smith, II. S. Williams and
George Christie were contestants for
the Assessors-hip, but Phil got away
with it on the first round.
Larkin Bilyeu and J. B. McFarland
'Rob ! Invitation from the Centen
nial LxecutiT Committee, Portland, to
attend the celebration ceremonies in
that city on the 4th of July next, re
ceived. Thank you, gentlemen, you
may expect to see our handsome person
on that occasion.
A number ot wheat buyers ot Port
land have gone out of the market for
the present. As all vessels loaded
with grain for Europe hereafter will not
reach Liverpool until after the harvest
in that country, few are willing to tend
cargoes at even present low prices and
take the chances ot profit. It is more
than probable that transactions in wheat
fur this season are cloned. Wheat
quoted at $1.65 per 100 lbs. in Portland.
Times are hard and money scarce,
but new subscriber are coming in and
the Rkqistkk has a much larger eircu-
rial MUMih Mr!- A
mnstvuee Areas the Wrt.
During last year, Sunday excursion
j train were run to the Centennial exhibi
tion grounds." A lew week ago a peti
tion was in circulation in Jiew Jersey
asking the Legislature to stop those trains.
It they retuse to doit, and the Sunday
trains ran again this year, other ronds will
probably do the same, and Sabbatli-breakers
from Baltimore, Washington, and a multi
tude of smaller towns will pour Into Phila
delphia until the Quaker city will be inun
dated. . ; '
We protest. Even Quakers have some
rights whivkv other men ought to respect ;
a ltd though we are in. far-off Oregon, we
have a right to complain ; forbad examples
are eontageous, and we are parties concern
ed. Tlie most obsecurs family, getting
water from a hydrant, would have a right
to ery out if some bad men should build a
WOULD AXNOUNCE to the public that he
ia carrying on a
Wagon and Carriage Shop
at the old stand known as the Peters ft Spoldel
shops, where hu ha on hand the finest lot of
end oud side spring.
Two & Three Seated Carriages
ever manufactured in the State. If you don't
believe it,
I use nothing but Eastern Timber, and
Warrant all Work
to give satisfaction, while my prices are most
You do not know Imw your wife and family
would appreciate a ride in a well-made, hand
some and stylish hack. Purchase one of Sum
Miller's handsome new carriages, and yon will
pay less doctor's bills, and give your family re
creation for which they will repay you a thous
and times with tlieir happy smilus.
Call at my shops, corner of Ferry and Second
streets. Alliany, Oregon.
Apr 14, mm rajs j .
lation to-day than ; ever before. Of j tanner or a slaughter-house nt the head ot
course we feel correspondingly encour
aged, and if our friends will still con.
tinue their kindness in our belialf, we
will work rll the harder to deserve
their continued favor. -
the reservoir from which they must drink ;
wealth, perhaps, to the perpetrators, but
death to the victims.
Philadelphia is an influential city. Her
religious books and missionaries go every
where. Corrupt that fountain, and we all
suffer. How much would tlie gamblers
ami saDDatb-oreakers ot the West be in
fluenced hereafter by a colporteur from a
city Which bad herself cast off the Sabbath,
and repudiated 'the decalogue Would
they not tell them to go home and work In
Philadelphia t ..f
But worse than that. Other bad men.
seeing money in tlie plan, and utterly
blind to the ruin it brings, would also run
t tt i: t l tneir ouuoay crams an over Hie country,
i. 4am,, iitinxunrieona, nd mnel- the$P -mr,lovees to manasre
died on Monday, ot constipation ot tlie tiiem. woo Knows but they wool a start
o i . mi .n them again lu Oregon? We should great-
bowels, afler short Ulness, aged 42. w fe,r tliey woulcf
He leaves a wife and four children. He Now it is not strange that whon young
men have been obliseU to break the tourtn
commandment, tiiey soon learn to break
The Republicans ot Jersey City j
elected the Mayor the first time for
twelve yean by 800 majority. The
Council is tie a heavy. Republican
gain. " ;'. ,
Lebanon Hotel,
HOC8E newly furnished throughout. The
best tlie market satford always on t he table.
Th TwwtnfHiw in next door to this House, from
which the stage leaves tor Aioany at i o-ciocjc
A. M. and arrives ot 6 o'clock P. M.
Convevances nrocuretl lorpariies wisning to
nous springs, a.i m.i j iwih
visit the
room, with eboioe reading
guests of the house.
matter, for the
was buried on Tuesday at Willamette
tlie eight also, and steal. Indeed it would
be strance if it were not so. Break down a
rpt T? i t - . young man's conscience at tlie outset, and
The Republican Precinct Convention him to set at defiance bis mother's
to-morrow will be held, for this pre- Bible and Ids mother's God and how long
1 111 1- I -111. . . . n n luvn
ciact, at the Court House, commencing Ust? ve western men have seen enough
at one o'clock, r. sr.
Owing to the lack of office help this will pray that sikJi wickedness be not dot
, , . . . . . in our Centennial city. It might bring
ek we have not been able to bestow ainet and the e of that city, antT
tlie usual amount of editorial lab: r on
this issue.
Jjt fvprv fit. I of this, and do not vaut our sons ruined
I 17 1 11. 1 wMAn nknM ..111
. i ... . i ii c iium c viri y miwr huh uimvuci ..
puoiican De mere on time. cry out ; tliat every citiren will vote against
it ; and that an good people everywhere
this proud nation "be worse than tlie first."
It U by no means certain that a second
Centennial (In 1970 will ever be celebrated;
at anv rate, an armv ot wicked men are
Mr. L. K. Blain was called to the doing all they can to prevent it.
-i i . i - .. Of course it h easy to sneer at these
uedside of Ins aunt, Mrs. Margaret Uilngs : but let Christians read tho twenty-
Blain, ot Eugene Citv, on Thursday, sixth chapter of Leviticus and beware: let
. . , M ... - , . . tlie city fathers read the thirteenth of Ne-
by a telegram telling of her illness and jmiaf, ailfl j0 )ike Kira anj iet John Welsh
Iser desire to see him at once. do his utmost to keep the buildings and
grounds snut.
i lie writer uopes to write again w neu
BT VIRTt'K of a writ of execntlon issued out
of the t ircnit tvart of tho Slate or Oregon
for Linn county, to me directed and delivered.
for tlie sura of 7a3 45 in U. S. gold coin, with
interest thereon at the rate of one per cent, per
month from tlie 14th dny of Maivb. lt)75,and
the further snm of SVS 78. costs and for aecru
ing ensts, in favor of K. II. Suliartsand against
K. N . Beach, 1 have levied upon and will pro
ceed to seU at pubiiu auction to tlie highest
bidder, for U. S. e-old coin in hand-naid on day
of salo, in front of the Owirt House door, in the
city of Albany, Linn county, Oregon, ui
Satm-doy, Oie 13th dag of May, IS76,
nt 1k innr of 1 o'clock n. in. of said dav. all tlie
following described pieces, parcels or tracts of
land, to-wit :
Lot, No. 7 in block So. 22. in the citv of Alt-
ny, togvtlier with all and singular the tene
ment , bere? it ament s an d appurt ennc;9 1 liere
nntc. belonging or in anywise appurtiiiniiiff. to
satisfy said execnilnn, costs ana accrninpr cosis,
Dated, Apr. 11, IH70. I. C. KICK.
30wl Slieriu" of Linn Co., Oregon.
New To-Day.
Ti BOYiiK, IkHit and Sboe Maker, M door
east of Harper's warehouses is always On
hand to do work at reasonable rates, heat and
nletii 27-8U13
S. C. STOKE, Iff. !.,
Physician and Surgeon,
orriC'E At the Krur Store. 27 v8
EaieeHter'a Kale of Real Eatate.
THE UNDKKSIGXE1). remaining executor of
the hist will and testament of Iieinus Beach,
deceased, late of the city or Albany, by author
ity of said will, will sell at private fcale certain
real estate belonaHnar to the estate of sakl de
ceased, eonsistinu of a residence nndan undivi
ded one null in ino Aiuauy iiiy r muring Mill,
with tho appurtenances ; alo, certain real es
tate in the town of liuena Vista, in tlie county
of Polk, consisting of a one-third interest in
the Steam Saw Mill, and several town lots.
Persons wishing to examine the property and
learn the terms of sale, Ac. enquire of
Kemalnimr Executor of said Estate.
Albany, Oregon, Marcu as, Itf-27v8w4
earner rir
4 Wtrr SSrea
Just Iteoelvetl i
. ; ." i &
..,.. ia
BOLTS, all slxoa and deserin
tlortM, A general SHELF HARD.
WARE-a full tna complete assortment.
Stoves, Tinware, Pumps, Hose.
Tin. Coper, Zisc and Sheet Iron,
on hand for sale.
w r w w J-rr. , -
HlSbeat IBarfcet Priced
in eclmngs, tor all kinds of
Merchan table 2rocixiee- 2
"RriMtirtair done neatly, at short notice,
First street, Albany, Oregon. n27v
JErOT? Sale.
AHRSTI.AS.S Harness Shop and Stock, lo
cal ed in Lebanon. For term applyt o
.i.i".'(i'rj (, . -
All persons owing me on notes that r dne
or book acconnts, are requested to en II and pay
up by the 1st of April. JOHN SETT LE.
Lcba'ton, March 17, lOTSml
WHKREAS tnv wife, Anna Eltaa Selvestcr,
withont ratrsiorpifivocation, lias left my
lied and lioard for rarts unknown, I. Samuel
Selvcster, hereby notify all with ahoin she may
dcl, that they must deal with her at tbclrown
risk, as 1 will not stand responsible for any of
her debts, contracts ur liabilities.
March 17, lS7fc-w4n:i6 . . .
Tmelwr iMUtatc.
Tlie Teachers' Institute for the Tlard
Judicial District met ia this city on
Wednesday, April 12th, holding their
sessions in the Calvary Church, on cor
nier of Fourth and Ferry. James Wal
ton, of Marion, was elected President,
with A. Frazier, ot Yamhill, as Vice
President, E. I. Smith, of Marion,
was elected Secretary ; K. A. Lieser, of
Yamhill, Assistant. Tlie attendance
is large and the interest manifested in
the exercises by our citizens complimen
tary in a high degree. On Wednes
day evening Rev. S. G. Irvine delivered
the welcoming address, which was re
sponded to by Prof. I II. Crawford, tlie
church being filled by an attentive and
Appreciative audience. The session will
probably adjourn to-day.
Tub Abdication Scare. It is ra
mored that the Czar of ali the Russia
contemplates abdicating the throne in
favor of the Czarovitch. It is stated
that the Czarovitch dislikes tbo Get-
mans, that the political policy of Rus
sia would, under his rale, undergo an
immediate change, and France would
be encouraged and supported in her
views, which are known to be hostile to
Germany, in trie event ot an tms a
gigantic European war would result
such a time of bloodshed and barock
as probably never has yet been wit
nessed. Hence the scare in
We are inclined to doubt the report of
the Czar's intended abdication, but
there may be truth in it for all that.
wa a . . - I A UO VI I aT'M0 a IWW
'1 he democracy lield a ratification he cm aflbrd the expense ot elvlne it a
went for the School Supenntendency, mcetins on Wednesday nieht. at which sufficiently wWe circulation. Help linn
but Bilyeu got it, while Hubbard (no
relation of old Mother) Bryant was set
np for Surveyor unanimously.
R. Jacobs is to be offered as a sacri
fice for the office of Coroner.
As soon as the space and time are
afforded us we will "discuss" the above
named candidates, giving them the full
benefit of a careful and honest analysis
in tlieee columns.
the nsual speeches were made and con
gratulations extended.
Mr. Jos. Vance proposes to leave us
soon for a visit to the Walla Walla
country. If he likes that fiuitful sec
tion, lie may take up his abode there.
O, the rain, tlie beautiful rain,
Merrily, cheerily falls,
Lake county has no newspaper. As it is
a large county and must liave four or five
hundred inhabitants, why don't some one
go in and make a newspaper fortune
N. T. Moore Is way np as a sign, orna
mental or house painter, while in tlie mat
ter of glazing, paper-hanging, caleeniiiung,
etc., be don't take a back seat by no man
ner o' means. See card.
The ArlMMia and New Mexico Expreaa
now rnnninjr frnrn termmns Sotrtncrn Pacific
Kaitroad thronah lo Frescott. Tucson, and all
intermediate points, reaches the newly discov
ered Iticb mining DlHtrtcfK,
of Arizona, by the Shortest, Cheapest and Best
"rKUGHT SITIPMEXTS received by Wells,
Faiito A Co., Sail Kranci-co.
TICKETS for sale at oil principal ticket offices
in San Francisco.
HENRY WELLS, (of W. & Co. and Amer
ican KxpressCo.!, President.
J. O. UOL.AXD.No. 109CoHfomiatrt?et,San
Francisco). Vice President.
OIAH. II. WKIJ.S, Weoeral Kapt.,
30111S Tucson, Arizona.
House and. Sign I'aixiter,
X in". Gliizing, Ac. Havinpr hd an experi
ence of a rears ia the bnsiness in the lutst, 1
can safely siiarantee satisfactory work to all.
Shop 011 First street, nest door east of Clark
A Wyatt.
Iar;e Kara far (ialc or Beat.
A FARM. knowTtasthe cfonntfon claim of J.
M. Elliott, twelve miles east of Allwny.con-
sistin? of W neves ; over 2(X) acres under culti-
vat ion ; naianee ar present nscu as pasi nre, im
all rfit crain land all nnrter fiuce ana well
watered. It is one of the best fanns in Linn
county, and will le sold or rented on favorable
terms. Kiiquira ai tne rarm anoinin aiwvu
des;ri!jeil on the west, of W. A. PACL-.
March 17, 18703Hml
Opposition is the Life of Trade
T4VF, MRSAX Iais oppnediin office In the
I J rear of the Post office. 011 Iti-oadalbin St.,
where he will keep on hand lor sale -
Etnae, i'lfwtcr, (fnirnl,
and "Sand Unnks," of best qualities, at. lowest
rates. ja tt juuua-.
Allmny, March 17, ne-'XtnZ'
When we see men who for four years
did their best to destroy tlie Govern
ment and deluge the land with the
blood of patriots, and who stand respon
sible for the thousands of millions of
debt that now burdens the nation, hold
ing up tlieir hands in holy horror be
cause the wife of a Republican official
took money that she ought to have re
fused , we are led to believe that Re
publican virtue is so clearly established
that a single departure from it shocks '
the world, or that these ex-Confederate ;
gentlemen are oblivious to the crimes
they have committed in the past in com- j
parison to which the crime they condemn
ia as white as the snow.
Tli not nvxlnli of tlu fViitennhii IVnm-
Beating its wings 'gainst the window enade and two iiu,ldred ami
Trickling down tlie walls.
Mr. Cass Humphrey gave us a call
yesterday, having arrived from Walla
Walla on Wednesday. Cass is well
A. T. Stewart, the merchant prince
ot New York, died on tlie 10th inst.,
of inflammation of the bowels.
twelve dollars and a half. The Society
j now has over three hundred dollars with
! wiiieh to fence the College grounds.
The subsidy voted to tbe N. P. R,
R. by tlie Montana Legislature at its
late session, left to tbe vote of the peo
ple, baa been defeated by over 200.
Thk Leap Yeah rAirrr This evening,
i expected to be the E Pluribus Erin-
Unum Gobragh affair of the Centennial
year and we think It will.
Eastkr Sckdat. The hens should be
spoken to at once, and contracts let to lay
all tlie colored eggs possible between this
and Sunday. It may be a little late, but
there's no telling what may be accomplish
! ed by perseverenoe.
inent of I he celebrated new style Combined
Drill and Broadcast
direct from tlie factory, am now offering extra
inducements to the farmers of Oregon. Most
of t he best farmers In the State are now using
''savin; seed and an iucreased.rield of grain
is the result of drilling.
Can be used equally well as a
Drill or Broadcast Seeder.
nmil. linniYived for this vear.
Wareroomsat my Blacksmith Shop, eomerof
Second and Kiiswortn streets, aiuniiy, wegon.
Marcn 31, 1376-48
Keeping the pay of a few Government
officials so close to their noses at to fail
to see larger public interest beyond is Our three-linker friend, Mr. Grime,
the present policy f tho Democratic j 01 Mmborss,ealtea yesterday, wme
leaders in tlie House of Representative. I ".
While Democracy ia striving to save a
few millions by cutting down seeded
appropriations, hundred ot millions A correspondent to tbe Dafte Jru
Br Cash paid for Eggs, at J. Flelsch
ner's, corner of First, si d Broadalbin
It is reDorted that Boss Tweed is in I streets. ' tf -
as the "American
CsT If you want to buy the latest style
of lady's Bubbcr Boats, go to Jake Fleiacb
uer's. on First and Breadalbin streets. 6tf
In Every Town and Village persons may
be found who have been savad from death
from consumption by Hale's Ilouey or
IlorehoarMl ana Tar.
Pike's Toothache -Drops core in one
minute. j :. 20
A from April 5th to July 1Mb, witn
Mn. Morean. sister of .. the noted
Eorom. I re bS tost tor want of necessary j bune, writing from Prineville, Wasco J On. John Morgan, of Tennessee, sou
legislatioa to revive public industry.
Handsome Uniform.-Tho
chanics' Brass Band sent tor a new uni
form through Sam'l . - Young, s few
weeks ago. The uniform has arrived,
and consists of a coat, vest and pants of
cadet gray, made in the latest style, and
is a light, band soma uniform. The
"regulation hats," ordered at tbe same
time, are expected by tlie next steamer.
A Boston paper says of an actress
there that "she was taken ill yesterday,
and threw up a six years engagement
at Walkck's." We - wouldn't bave
supposed that she" could have done it,
even with tbe combined help of a pint
county, si arch zstft, sags : Jir. John -y on the 9th.
Lee, living about five miles below this
l t .f r 3 .1 !
r WUM cooM7,Kinu u The wnon. weaklv faivalid does not
remains of a human being, evidently enjoy llfei but merely drags out exist
tbose of a white man, and the circum-1 ence," as tbe phrase la Unfitted for the
stances led to the belief that bis end active rnrsnits of fift and Incapable of pnr-
' . , ' ' -: . . taking of Its pleasures, to which health
was a tragical one. 1 be unfortunate Rlone can give a asst. clisSacllnect to social
man bad sat down beneath a led f Intercourse, and a prey to melancholly, the
of ipecac .ndapaunt stomechpump. vba. W flat rock slid down 1
1 1 - t I : . - it s -t-Jl. .t. .1 a
DANGESOC8LY ILL 1 WO Of Sa, 1 .... . ' v;" Anmn fo,vr t and nervine. Hoetetter's Stomach Bitters.
ksician. were in Ibe city on When fou, the skefeton was tting KTZ
Wednesday, m consultation with Dr. m an upright position with the edge of bodily Irregularities to which nervous weak
vxr;Lwt i n. tlie rock still resting upon i the thigh ness Is most freqaeBtty attribuUble. Dis-
Our band boys will be way up with all I w IzZ .v Tv T 7v I llte tU)T ins crushed. eases ef the Waey and bladder, Imperfect
. f .. p 6,0 RU I We are intormed that they came to tbe I -m L Ti ;i.;i. .,l I digestion and uterine troubles are fertl'e
those good clothes on.
Fere , Caps. The caps ordered for
Linn Engine Co. No. 2, arrived on
Wednesday. They are made ot Alask
an leather, and are light, handsome and
conclusion that there was little or no lead to the identity of tbe person.-ZZ'IJZVT XZZ
hope of her recovery. ' - Who be was, from" whence be came, or I when Hosteller's Stomach Bitters are sys-
i whither be was going mnst forever re- teniatkaily used for ttat purr. The .bnV,ua
main a mnten Lone wandering 1 BlttoM likewise annihilate and prevent Amoriean or the Indian pony mare, au 1hw
jnam myswry. .uoae, wanoering, j - . - hJ.,. H ,hn .unft-i.ic of the Porciwron nu.
KkT- n . - a i j i tu..
01 uoa jt Allows is to be tnsuMted 1 T . i- " " r7i. , J I compuunis or a mawrvu nature, aprii.
-- , . w . -tlr , . I sealed nimseiT 10 rest, anu iiumg asisev,
durable. They cost $3 60 each "laid Ym,hX t Monday ereoing, to . ke to xhB'rrnm reatitiesf
Anm k Aiknn." Tha rA r-wwjtw w xmo. , ana ewers, death. His Dravers. screams anddvms l
.v. . - r---"- I 5..i..Jt ' v ' . . . . . ..I ' - - ...
...wu. u. is nas oeen aeieesea to l groans were lost upon w whm aa
produce the orator, and she'll do it. A I gned through tne lone ge prusn
way op tie will be had. T-f. all n I P110 nd d,ed on hoUow Ju,nP?-
of theur uniform. The new steamer is
looked for by the next ocean steamer.
Grand Occasion. On 3?edsesday
evening, April . 26tb, 1876, the three-
linkers of Ilarrisburg propose to have
a grand "promenade all, in commemo
ration of the 67th anniversary of Odd j
Fellowship In the United State. It.
will be a grand occasion, as the brothers
always make these occasions pleasant
t? all who participate. , V
But no human aid was near, and his
The funeral 'lJ 'late .Miss- JJxaie I Pt waita only served to frighten
on Thursday at 2 ooSTnSm wirS. Tnd
n . JmM . a Vhs. ST" A - V - - - ' T .
rrom tm St. TvdVm f.K
IJammorial discourse by ; Her. Jos.
Emery, of Corvallis. The funeral cor
tege wasvery large.
... -
A. Carotbers & Co.'s pile remedy is
gaining a splendid reputation.
wolves, hoverimr near, already assured
of their feast, but impatient of their
prey. Perhaps fond and loving friends
in some far-way borne are still waiting,
watohinz. pravina for bis comincr un-
conrctons of his doom, vet ever hopins I milling,
hopes, alas ! which can Dver be re-J Liverpool wheat market on the 12th
alized by them. " 1 9s 8d 910s Qd for average ; club 10s910s 6d.
Thursoat, April 13, 1873.
Gold in New York, 113.
Greenbacks, 8389.
, Wheat, 85c per bushel.
Butter, 30340c per ft.
'vXggS 18c per dozen. . .
Oats. 62c per buslicl.
Portland wheat market, $1 65 per
cental sacked.
emu Francisco wheat market $1 75 to
$1 95 per cental for fair shipping to choice
ono of the t alllons brongUt oat from the East
th. nut wlllfnr.
Will be at the stable of 11KAK ft DAVIISON,
Salem, on atmiaaya a. HkM l'rMi p. sa.
and Mitr4basa.
A t A Ihunv n. na.. Wedneadava.
and Tlw ays auM.ot each week diiring tliu
W KiTK PKINCK la in good eonditioa, and la
jrcneraUy known a naviug provvn muu
No. 1 stock horae. ' -
pDinii: nr Ph"PCHK Mnwmt train France
to Ohio in 1874, and made th -season of,75 t,r
Wisconsin, ho taa aara napptearoyi iwn
fin. otvin vfwi iiianniiiltiiai. with a araceful.
rL. inn that T 1m vo TiHversoen eanaled
in anv horae of bla size : will welch, tn good
condition, 1,800 pounds.
It has long been my amhltion to ho aolc to
supply the horae breeders of OreRon with a
breed of large horses and concentrated rnpro
duclnir powers, emanating from purity of blood,
from which could be bred when crossed upon
the eomtnon mares of the country, a uniform
nioaa ir ivnraa imiaK. v mnii t Hen 1 In form.
mnniMl with st vie, action and stamina. To
..nniv .iinvA want, nfter a careful examln-
atkn of the various large breeds known, 1 se
lected the l'ercneron lamuy. ino oiaeraii
r,m wtiit. lrlnb tire now ofiialnii 4 vearsold.
with the younaar onea, show tliat the above
rt !. lvnn aucoanltshed. as they are all uni
(nrm in mineral make-im. and show the stock
probably In a greater deatue than the produce
of any other howeln the Mate, whether bred
in OUUt'tUJf I-IM wr W lliww.o mnoww
the breeders of Oregon, it. is not an untried
matter, but a demonstrated fact of their value,
as it is vears since their introduction into
Ohio, and 19 years lnt IlltmOs, ami wherever,
introduced tbey are giving the boat of satisfito
tion. The one-fourth and one-half bloods bring
more than double the price of the good common
stock of the country, and the breeders of this
stock are unable to supply tbe demand for
There is now, and will he for Botae time to
come, a demand for tbe eulta at good prices for
stock purposes. t
,, '..tpmi ; V: V
aao the season, or tour mares for aieo in II.
8. ttold ooin, except White Prince fiUieatbey
Silver & Plated Ware,
,; .' ' and
W. It. R.4HAlTf,
Merchant Tailor",
XT KElS nlWHVS on hand Floesk ins, fassimercs
AV Vcstiners, etc., a larjtrr and iwturr stocK
linn nw lMrforc lmjiiirlit to this inarKct.
Cuts and makes to order all st vlcsf Clothing
for men and lxv, nt reusonaoie raies, guaran
kct. lately occn'ited bv lr. K. O. Smith. 2,v8
Livery iFeeii Statle
AXS. MARSHALL, Proprietor.
horses to let on tvasnname terms. ,
Horses boardml bv t he dnv or week.
I will have some of the gayest rigs ever turn'
ivl out of a liverv Mtiihli in Alhnnv.
dfT li.AKii ana carriages uniuiini ror in-
ncruls. ' .
Oive me a call when yon want 10 rwe.
Alliany, March 10, 1870-SivS
Exccnlsr'a 3iClc.
-a.TrvTtr'C If liomhv irlven tliat letters testa
i!N mcnlary have fieen l8iiel to tlie under
signed, upon the estate of Wm II. Menaennaii,
rino..! i,v itieiViiintv irourl of I. inn count',
Orwon. brarinr date March 7th, 1S7S- All lr-
sons having claims against the estate are re
quired to present them, with lie proper vouch
ers, within six months from the date ritthis
notice, to t nc saia eiwnror.ui. "
rlymiieitKOi ai min., im.MV . , -
March 10, 187-25v8 Kxccutor.
j. rr.EisciisEB.
The Best Machine Made.
Incorporated Feb. . 1873. Capital. $20,000. '
Corner Firat and Washington streets.
. Albany. : Oregon.
President, 8. A. DAWSON.
Superintendent, A. 3. JTOHXSOIV
A. M. 14MSKT,
. 'AA9h93t
' t. Mii.i.m.
A. . f.r.
A. fr 7.t.AMJV
aawswa. ,
Wholcsalo and Befall TX-alers In
tk a ff - r !?
will be bred by special agreement
Ashland, Or., March SI, 187&-28
r f t nn per day at home. Samples worth SI
$3 lU free. STtMHQM A Co., Portland, Me.
OKND iO to G. P. ROWK1.L A CO New York.
O for Pamphlet of 100 pages, containing 8,000
newspapers, and estimates showing cost of ad
vertising. BMVWy
Agents wanted. Outfit.
TKl'K A CO., Augusta,Ue.
TCST OPEXEIt. ln the lmilding o First St.,
ft east of Ferry lately occupied oy it. weed!.
a new and fresh stock of s i ;
Gi"ocorios, PixiA-lsion-s, Etc
which I oflbr t n't be e(Mns of Alliany and sur
rounding country at fair riving rates. . ,
I proMse keeping a good stock of everything
in mv line, in its season, and respectfully ask
.lw, vCuiwtn.m nf tliM .lll9onn ot A lhanv and V i-
elty, pramUing low prlcesand fair dealing with
c March 3, 1376-24 V ' '
To Ma-ol and Deast
M ... -. -
'4 bere V ua sore it will not heal, no lame
ness it will not enre, no aoho. no piiln, tliat
afflict the hnnuin builv, or- tbe bx)y of a
horse or oiuer Ucuncsuo anttual, that uoes
not yield to its matc tonob. A bottle
0031)112 23c. 50c. or $1 (MX has oiteu saved
the life of a human being, and restored to
nib ana nsemtness nianv a vainnnio oorse
Rlieumatism, Bums, Scalds, BrttlsoH, Cuts
Froat-bttes, Swelling?, Contracted fjords,
Pain in the liack, Liurnbago, Sciatica,
Chilblains, Strains, Sprains, St Iff Joints.
Sore Nipples, lirnptkuw, lalus. Wounds,
rog ANS7SAIA, IT 1TH.1. WKF.
bpavtn, uaiis ana bores, iwtnny. King
Bone, Windmills, Big Head, Poll 'Evil.
Humors and Sores, Lameness, Swelling.
Scratches, Distemper . Stlffuess,. Strains,
Soreness, Open Sores - 2Gv8
Clothlngr, Hardware, Ooelcerjr
Groceries, Farm Implements
and ' Machinery, ftt J
Also, bnr and seU on eommisaioavall kinds t
Goods, Marketable Produae, Ac
iwc , isi-ivinn
i M r a loy at home.
wl vcims tree.
From thisdate until furtlu-r notice, I will sella
Stoves & ,Ectngc3 t!
CD' G2
Albany, Dee. M, UT-1S
no chair goes front my factory without m v .
name upon H, AU'Others are false Imitations,
and should be so regarded. All persona are
hereby warned against attempting any such
imposition upon my customer.
J Jefferson, Or., Jan. I,1B7S.. a ..
-'; 3FQ'gXji.'rA7033: t
ALL PERSONS knowing t bemaelvra ndebfrt
hy note or noeonnt to John llHinrs. are
hereby notified that he calls tor a settlement,
and reiusta that thev will govern thcrnnclvea,
acoordinglr. JOUN iiKlOtiS.
Albany, Pec, 5, ;ST4-HvS -