The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, April 07, 1876, Image 4

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rrn?T r ( i ry ami 1-
, i, , 'rKKMS-lS ADVASCE. , :
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, Snlwcrilwrs outside of tlnn -onty will be
charged cents extra- f for theynir-as
tl. amonnt of postage' per ami
which we are require to pay on each paper
-tnaiicu uy us. ., , i v , , ,
The following named gentlemen arc author
ised to TveoH ve nn.l receipt tor snbscripti.m
to MioKwistkb In the kxwlities mentioned.,
M."rs. Kirk & Hume.. Brownsv c.
it. bert i I:.,. ..... . . ..CwlorrtvHh:.
rV'p.Tompkina - , .'.Iuirriaburg.
S. II. Clanghton ..i.. .ixnwion.
wiuH-li-r Co .Mtcdd.
Messrs. Smith & BrasficTd. .Junction City.
TIIOS. It. BuiBua.TOjtt.
W. Waterhonse
APRIL 7f 1876.
A Ilepubliean State Convention i.-" here
by called to eonvene- tlie city oi i'oi t la nd,
VVoilneadayv May 30, 1878, at 11 o'clock
A. M.. to select six delegates to tJie Katioti
al Itepiiblieatt Convention, candidates tor
judge of tlie snprerrro court in the second
third and fifth judicial districts for prose
cuting attorneys for tlie several judicial dis
tricts, three . presidential electors, and a
Wndiilate for representative in congress,
and for the transaction of srteli other busi
ness as mav come before tlie convention.
i It lat reeomnteodedthat primary and
county conventions in tlie several counties
be heJd as follows :Arimary conventions
on Wednesday April ,19th, and comity
conventions on Wednesday, April 26th, or
at such other times as the" county commit
tees may. appoint. T
tt The following ifs thtt" apportionment of
delegates in the. said onveition upon the
basis of the Republican vote for representa
tive in congress iu 1S75 : ; ?
Baker v.. 3 Linn 10
Benton . 0 Marion 13
Clackamas-. . ... 6. Multnomah ,,..13
. .. 3 Polk ,
... 1 Tillamook...
... & Union
. - 2 Umatilla
. . 7- Wasco.....,.. 3
3 Washington 4
. ,4 . Tamhill..., 8
'if. i Total s -I':.:-: ..lis
. 3
i 4
Clatsop . . .
Cnrry ....
iJonglas . .
Crant ....
TAke.f. .
Lane 7 . rs
, In. making this call for a . Republican
State Convention, tlie SUite Central Com
inttte'e realiwHhe Wet that too much impor
tance canuot be attached to preliminary
operations. This being a "government of
tlie people, by the peojile. for the people,"
the agents fr oflieers sot .he government
shonldbeiii accord witli the people. Ac
cording to the geueral accepted plan of
selecting caiididates.'thc first steps are ta
ken In itt primary, comity and State conventions.-
These form the gi-ound work of
political organization upon which the whole
superstructure must stand or fall. If hon
est men desire honest officials, is it asking
too "-much that they lay aside for a day all
(Cher basiiiesflur3 and devote tlie time
necessary to-select proper persons to attend
county and State conventions?
s in view oi these consuierauons aim oi me
uiportaut iutercsts at stake we earnestly
stppeal to all legal voters who arc in sym
pathy with tlie principles ot the Ilepubliean
party, regardless of personal likes aiul dis
likes to rally at tlie primaines, and see to it
that-none but true men are entrusted, with
the business of preparing for tlie coming
political campaign: Select men who arts
not only, true themselves in the. broadest
Sen5C ot that term but men of discermnetit,
inen who can'find wiHelmoee wisely for the
good of the people in defijuice of 'rings"
nd cliques."' , , - ,
It is unnecoessarv at this time to reiterate
iu this call the principles ot the Ilepubliean
panty : its glorious record ts still fre?h in
hmemrymf enlightened; public; it
is sound ujxm all .the great principles affect
ing our national existence ; it- is tne parry
of progress and development it exposes
corruption wherever found and inflicts pnn
Hlime nt upon conspirators, tearful and snd
den witliout respect of person or position ;
it lavors. tlieiiniversal enliglitenment of the
Jeole without "trairimel of creed or ism i
and its banner is found in the- van leading
on tlie hosts of reformers in all that tends
to higher civilisation and enlarged freedom.
1. S.-CO'rr, ClKurman.
-jf JU eiMSaELAl?l6ecreUrx pro tern. J
ftf.jjjitrfsras u-t i-.t . '.hi
si rSolm Iioer and Joseph Ilalt are" to
wil rrfifcB'at-'SalwniAlii'We Sotft
lee BoVlf merfin VnalcBgpa time.
vaMEBJaeklKiar Laa beef arrested, in
oftli Varo&ha" for fiot t-av vnhH As debtsl
CliriBt'f, "Ho that is uot with Me is
asaiust Me,' is distorted into tbe mean
inglera fibenrdity," "He that is uot with
Me soratchetb a boar." The hitorma
tidn that this bible belongs in Brooklyn
is purely gratuitous.
It is said that the old Roma. also
loved office, but they never had tlie
feeling which an American constable
lias never felt that their shoulders
carried over half the burden of govern
ment. , A Nevada slieepmao, who had tried
and succeeded with heep, paid : "Sheep
are better than a government bond ;
yvti can - tear off a coupon every six
months half as big as the bond,and the
bond is left as big as it wa. j
When you go to a theatair, where a
fussy ushair, withentrally-parted hair,
and flowers in coat collair, peats you in
a chair, which belong to anothair, who
comes'late in great arigair, and with eyes
of lurid glair, : call you an ujlrudair,
rush to the managair, and after a gusli-
ing swair, he'll fca'p that young ushair,
with the centrally-parted hair, and tho
rosy coat collair. J '
Hie Chinese residents of Chicago cele
brated Washington's birthday not only
by retraining from all washing, but in
the composition of partriotic poetry, of
which this is given as a f ample:
; ; Was man name alle same George
; Do heap big washee alle day long ;
Bime-by he glow so velly much lahge,
Melican mau calle him Wash-a-tou.
A Sunday-shool Fpeaker the other
evenii rased the word abridgement,
but immediately pulled up and remark
cd that "as some of the younger scholars
might hot know its meaning, he would
ay that it was a synonym of epitome.
The members of the infant class were
affected to tears.
A North Carolina negro thought he
could out-run a locomotive the other
day on tlie Air Line road, and when he
picked himself np, after being thrown
tweuty feet and landing on his head, he
said : "Yer don't ketch dis yer chile
doiu' dat agin. It's a right smart won
der I didn't tear dese britches clean off."
. Frank Heard, the artist, while at din
ner recently, was told ot a man iu Nas
sau biieet with three liauds. "How is
that 2" asked Heard. 4 He's got a little
behind hand," was the reply. "You
are a more extraordinary man," was the
reply, "for yon. have two heads ; you
have a head of j'our own, you've got a
head of me."
President Bascom, of tlie "University
of Wisconsin, says that the law passed
by tlie Legislature recently will yield
an income ot 42,000 to the University,
and, with tlie otlter revenues, will raise
the tot&l income of the institution to
$80,000 a year.
A Paris letter says: "The last va
gary for evening costumes for ladies is a
return to classic styles. Tlie dresses are
worn attached to a clasp at the shoul
der, leaving the arms bare and the bosom
recklessly exposed, i :
: The King of Holland w not a miser.
Tlie other day, when a laborer stopped
The mattresses have been runk iu the
east jetty beyond the crest of the bar,
while so tar all the work on that sea
wall has remained solid, and grows firm
er every day as the deposit on the exte
rior of the work is rapidly covering It,
as was expected or counted upon, and
hence the work is being set as "solid as
rock. On the western wall the work is
being laid from the outer end landmark.
As fas as both walls have been complet
ed the depth between them has increas
ed from ve to thirty feet.
Though the attrition nearer tlie ; si tore
is necessarily slower than further on on
account ot the greater age and solidity of
the deposit.- From the land outward
the channel t the greatest depth has
been cut near the western wall j as the
eastern jetty being completed first de
flected tlie line ot swift current as far
down as the line was completed enough
to illustrate practically the jetty theory,
while ft tolerably uniform and constant
ly Increasing depth has . been obtained,
making Jhe theory : settled axiom.
On tlie arrival at the crest of tbe bar,
which before tlie work was well com
menced had only seven feet of water, a
depth almost incredible to all but the
engiuers iu charge was demonstrated to
exist; as the boat proceeded the line
showed fourteen, sixteen and occasion
ally even eighteen feet. With lead
heaving at intervals less than owe hun
dred feet apart all the way across the
bar iu the channel ot the swiftest current,
fourteen feet was the least depth found.
After going to deep water the vessel re
crossed thQbar. In the channel men
tioned again they found the minimum
depth to be fourteen and the maximum
eighteen feet. , . :
The line of the : greatest depth was
found to be about two hundred feet east
from and parallel with the western
wall, but extended far beyond the outer
end ot that jetty. On the results men
tioned being practically demonstrated,
Captain Ilassctt said he was satisfied a
steamer could go, drawing fourteen feet
of water, to sea through this pass.! Col.
Andrews added that"yep,and to-morrow
he would guarantee to take a steam
vessel diawing sixteen feet over." The
first result of the work, that ot increas
ing tho velocity of the current to such
a degree as to enable it to hold a great
er amount of sediment in suspension and
to sever away the deposit, has i been
practically reached, and tho second, ot
course, follows as a corollary, event,
which only needs a very little time to
work out that is, to scour out enough
mud to make the channel tweuty ; feet
deep. The distinguished engineer in
charge stated that within four weeks, a
depth ot water of eighteen foet across
the bar before South Pass would be a
fixed fact.
The velocity of the current in the
Pass has already been increased to five
and six feet per second by ; running a
wall ot willow mattresses nearly : 1,000
yards long before Northeast Pass to
force more water dowu South Pass,
By this increased current, another desir
ed end, the cutting away of a little Wr
land iu the head of the latter; I 'ass, is
being gradually accomplished. It nec
essary to concentrate a still sreater vol
ume of water ip tlie improved I 'ass, it
A Case."
"Midas! I want to sposen a case to
you, an' I wat .yQUto gimme the gos
pel truth "off you 'pinion 'boul de 'riiat-
tr,4:'l'irf: 'l'" .-!nuor -r ,
lhat s the manner in which one of
Washington's dusky damsels put to her
adorer last evening.
"Now, Midas, yon ' knows, you'se
tole me more times aii you'se got fin
gers jui'.toes, as .yon lubbed me .harder
an a ma"bie-top wash-stand an'that
ise sweeter io you au .oucKwneav ck. tioM If OeneTal Pa.,..i broods in
an' lasses forebear . Midas, dis am only , aborisl)illg the nso ot lhe ve-buttons
sposen case, oui i wants yo to . on" OUT ""armi
Millions ix rr.--General Comlv
writes thusly to his paper, tbe (Ohio
IS'lafe Journal : "The-House"' is' prd.
ceeding very satisfactorily in the w'ork
of retrenchment. ' Every few; days tliey
make a saving ot fifty dollars a year on
tho wages of some widow woman in
one of the departments. This- enables
them to appropriate five million dollars
back pay. to rebel pensioners ot 1812,
w1k were stricken off the roles for dis
loyalty, while they were out with Mr
Hill, uicservino- the crood old constitu-
- , esf ry
sen ias as hard as it n 'twas a
one."; -j a
"Sposen me an' yon was going oh a
'scursion down de ribber?'? I;i--
?'Yas,' broke in Midas, "down to
Moun' Wernpiu" :-.. i:
-.t- "Any wlia's , 'tall, down de ribber.
Midas, kiiryou swim?" 4,;r u
- "No, Luce, Ise sorry - to 'form yon
dat de only dreckshon what, I . kin 4cir
enmstanshiate frn de water, am de bot
tom.''. . .. M '4 ! - t . 'A......
"Well, den, as I was 'latin. , Spo
sen we "was on dc boat, gliding lubbing
ly an harmunly down de bussum ob de
river's' stream, de moon lookin shininljf
down 'pon de smokestacK, and yoti Was
settin rite np to me jas, slide up here
Close; an'k-m'me show you howl,'dat's
d Way.": ' "- "' ": '"
"Yahi yab, but wouldn't dat be
scamiitous," intei r:Dled -Midas.
" 'Sposen," contmned i 3""
iad ias out vour. arm rouii .my Was
dat's it, deny wasen't nobody 'bcu,
you was a squeezen me up, an was - jes
gwine to gnome de lubbenest kind ob a
kiss, air an' de biler would, UusW"
"Oh, de debbu !" said the disappoints
ed Midas. 1 "Now, Midas, I is a 'sposen
dis, case an' I wants, , you to mind
de words what I am a sjieakin', " 'Spo
sen when dat biler busted,5 we bof ' went
up in de air, come down iu dc tiber, an
when we aniv m de water wehmnd de
only thing lef ob dat boat was oiie
piece o board wasn't big enutt to bole
us bof, but we bof gTab it ; now, Midas,
wud you let go dat board, or Wud . yoo
put me on an' took it all . yseir Uat s
de question whai. I'm a VposeuV -,
'Juce, km jou swim i he asked,
after hesitating a few moments.
No, Midas, ob course 110U, You
know I cau't swim." ,
"Well, deii. Luce, my conshenshus
'pinon ob de whole' ma tier, am, dat we
won't go on no 'scurslnons.
A Story of tlie Period.
the royal carriage from going into the J can be done by such detlecUng walls at
river, the King handed him forty cents
and smiled.' a smile worth thirty-five
cents more. '
Amos Pearsoa,of Portsmouth, N. II.,
lias a rose bush which for several years
has refused to flower. - Hut on Wash
ington' Birtliday it put out a gorgeous
Centennial blossom. '
" A family in a rural to n near by have a
. -rrtt. Li. i ! I 1
i... -. --.. i . -t " ..t . ..i.n. I IWMS Tears .on. -lie w vriKiimiiy
WnvdOD t nis creaiioTB iattaoiueiiM i . . ... . . . ti. A, ,
w m I -'wn batmt, 4ut lie's stayed with, -tbent so long
aigiaraw on nun. j that they now call hhna tarrier.
It was Archbishop Whately who
announcea'fhat If 6ahs atkwal made of
There is much complaint now in Mas
sachusetts that a. man there may not
marry either his mother-in-law or step-1 stipulated time,
mother, danghter-in-law or step-daughi
tor, though none of these are blood re-
wood,-while Joan tof. Arc, was maid of
T At a collection made at a charity fair
a lady offered. therfate to , a rich man lations. r ' i
"I'Lave nothiag,'? was the eurt reply, an 'exctian tfiaieB UiaiS tliere'are two
"Tlicn take Bomethmgy sir," 'said the widows, aged respectively fourteen and;
lady i'Nyoti know I am begging for the j sixteen, in .Cokoes.
U ''-' - ' ' ' ' I vt- ot-;-, :i- .w?.
jjoor. f , f t - s - , - .
r Mrs. John Smith's baby was born on
th 20tfvnit. and MxvJohn Smith wants
lo know pnwhat 'day his baby will be
a year old.'4f ritr' , .j ,,t , in
I An'Indiaatgrave recently exca vp ted
iear Clyde,5 lib, yielded, besides a lot of
trinkets, & tomaliawk and hatchet, 2
ounces ot gold bullion and 63 ounces of
The SeattlQ Coat Ciompany has struck
a four foot ve'n jof cokeing oaV .A
small quantity has already been brought
to Seattle arHi?tood the' test. The
discovery is thougi tci be one of ilie
the head of tlie I'ass at an expense com
para lively trifliig to that required in the
wall at tne sea end. In tlie present
condition of this , great enterprise,' tlie.
parties most concerned seem sauguino or
achieving complete success' at a date5
much earlier than was expected a few
mouths ago. ; With th, current now
controlled by works uot near completion
and such results obtained by ouly par
tially concentrating it, on , the , bar, it,
seems reasonable to eupiiosc that ' by a
tnrtlier concentration ' and denendent
current velocity, from finished 'walls
impervious to a lateral flow. " a deptl
will be obtained loeicallv and actnatly
far greater than that; required at- the
on our army "-and iiavy--nnitonris,we
shall proliablybeable to pensioii'aH the
soldlers bf lthe Tatercllird
don't sce.wliy this saving cannotf be ef
fected. The 'sleeve-buttons' are 'oTbrass
and are very expensive. There is two of
them on. capU lee.)y hjc1,i , JJjakes our
to a man ot every uniform".'" As' the
population af the country is npw about
tbity million, and 'each colored citizen
is entitled to forty acres . and a mule,
this would make the annual consump
tion of sleeve-buttons by the army and
navy 1 about GOO million buttons a year.
I cant say to a cent how much . they
cost, but they are ot no use under the
sun. I appeal to any old soldier? if he
ever used one of these buttons' to button
up anything in his life ? Besides, they
are very much in the way when one
goes to call the pile, in a game of draw.
Thev ratt'e On the table and a'arm the
Snard.T5V'-:;;;:'::ir '.:;:.:
Choking jback the wild sobs that
seemed to rend her heart, she braced
herself up,' and in a thick, inarticulate
monotone (she held a switch of. hair m
her mouth), 'she wailed out-
'Jr ather, save vonr child from this
great misery ; keep her from this great
wrong ; 1 cannot wed this man to whom
yon have' pledged my hand; I dare
not for 1 love - another feller; and the
little racket you have put np on me I
don't tumble to" : 'and that's the kiud of
a hair-pin I am, aud don't you forget
The above scene took place in a
sumptuously-furnished ajiartment in one
of the numerous palaces that Hank the
grand, swarming street ot the Lower
Port, lhe girl stood in the full glare
of a kerosene lamp, with one t iny toot
gracefully resting on the edge of a coal
hod, and her shapely hand grasping a
dust-pan. For a moincut the stern par
ent seemed 'apaHed at" the fierce sor
row- of his child. Dropping a bucket
of South Boston clams and giving his
overalls a yank4 he thundered ,
' 'Give us a" rest ! Pmbcttih' yer ain't
goiii'' tef marry that darned lard-ej'ed
striker on the swill-wagon ; he's poorer
nor' a skim-mi'.k' cheese, and ain't been
sober enough Wsay Itnfus' Hichardson
for tour 1 months. ! bhoot sich a "lover !
If I catch him 'round rhcre agin ; I'll
throw him over a clotlicsline and whale
thunder outen him I Ye got to marry
Isaacer Dunbar ; and now ef yer got any
more chin, guliive ahall and tell us, all',E ". i ; (
And the old man majestic in his
fury, gallopetl downr the back , stairs,
seized his clam cart, and lit out tor West
Boston bridge. l)aibury Tews. .
, That the enterprising "and go ahead
American Eees 'a right smart chance'
fbr reuVUicrative speculation at the Ccn
temiial Kxiiit:.tion is evident from' i tlie
fact that apparently extravagant prices
have ljeen otlerod and paiit fnX certain
privileges during the great show. O1
individual, with an eye to the mam
chance, has offe red $50,000 for the poor
privilege ot sweeping out the exhibition
buildings, guaranteeing to pay all his
help and to -keep the fifty-odd acres of
flooring in the buildings perfectly clean
ed,. By a moderate charge . to exhibi
torSj 'and Jby' being permitted to retain
valuables found iu tlte. sweepings, lie
expects to realize a handsome margin of
profit. A ieanut merchant has given
7,000 fbrpermisfio wares,
and probably .expects to make , a good
thing out of it. The ice cold soda wa
ter maii has given $36,000 foi the priv
ilege of dispensing his dioling draughts,
and agrees to pay a royalty of twenty'
cents on every gallon sold, which, it is
estimated, will swell his fee to
at least $92,000. In according these
privileges the Centennial 'managers
should exercise groat discretion, 'or some
of the hungry simulators will bring
discredit upon them and the exhibition.
A" volunteer reporter, who -wanted
"just to try his hand,"' lie said, "on the
graveyards," brought in the following :
'Near the entrance ot the cemetery stood
the Grecian mausoleum of" the Fire
Company, No. , its gorgeous decora
tions showing that the gallant boys do
not turret that their departed comrades
are still bravely battling with the fiery
element's in another world " ' The young
man was not encrnged.
Valuable I'roperty for Sale !
. jg-fvt.i . t$
rpiiE.UNP"ERSlGNED would rcspect
X; -fully call the attention of emigrants
and others, who wish to procure lands Ju
Oregon, to the following propositions :
I will sell ujKiii easy terms several dwell
ing houses, principally new, some of them
fine residences with excellent lots, situated
in the central part of. I he city of Albany,
convenient to bnsfiies. "and which are pny-iiMS-tUie
.-interest. . Also,, some -splendid
tmunproved kt3. Also, three taring it Linn
county, two ot thein containing 1120 acres
each, lynif together, hiio tiave been woikcd
as one .inrniiiS They are- two donation
claims, taken up in 1S50. They are princi
pally prairie and bottom land, and are un
der fence, being divided into suitable fields.
Good buildings orchards and meadows on
them, with the county road running through
about the center. These lands can be di
vided into three or four farms, and all have
timber, water and good soil, and all front
on the road. Horses, wagons, ; forming
implements and cows can be purchased with
them. Priee $18 per acre one-third in
naiHi aim remainder in payments to suit
Alsojiiall farm of 235 acres, situated
half a mile, east ..of Uebanpn ; good frame
dwelling, barn.' orchard, ete, initc all en
closcd and divided into fields. There-: is
about 150 acre"! of good grain la nd on this
tract, and a fine lot of excellent saw-tiinber
convenient to tlie Albany Canal, and can
be run to Albany in a few hours at little
cost, where It is worth $7 per M, Price
$10 per acre, one-third in hniul, balance In
Also from 100 to 200 a cres of mi Improved
lands, 4 miles east of Lebanon, fdi south
bank of the Santiani river : bottom, prairie
and timber land, fine soil ; good lot oi saw'
timber, which can oe run to Albany through
the Canal at little cost ; .will make a good
farm : convenient to roads and mills. Price.
if? per acre. ......
To persons desiring to engage In the stock
business, I will sell from 800 to 1.000 head
of fine stock cattle, containing from 200 to
300 head fine lieef steers, ranging from 3 to
0 years old ; 200 to 300 cows, tlie remainder
young cattle all good common American
stock with some tine "English blood. With
tlie cattle will be sold several head horses.
mules anil farming implements, ana from
80o 1 V00 acres of as fine meadow and hay
land ns ca be found on the Pacific coast.
The cattle arefcpuftigoW a fine rniige, and
can be purchased tor v-'G Pcr lici?(1 H round,
while the laud can be obt'ed for $12 per
acre. The cattle and kind are su."ateu I 200
miles cast of Albany, and east of the Cas
cade mortmains, iu an excellent country.
Also, about 800 acres of line meadow
land. 20 miles west of the. above, or 130
miles east tt Albany. This Is Splendid
farm land and surrounded with excellent
range, water and timber. Price, $10 per
acre. . . ,
AH of the above property will be sold for
one-third cash in hand, the remainder iu
payments to suit purchasers, with interest
at-JO., per .tent,,; For further, particulars;
apply to L. ELK INS.
, " ' Alliany, Oregon
Possession given 1st of April, 187(5.
Feb. 11, lS7(i-21v4.
X of hent itiid o:l. VV cull Ibe Htleni
'k OX
I'siriiiers to tlie facttliat we liuvc eniiwl tin? ti-
nmt tvnrtlHm.- hi t lio Htnt;jtt a lnre xiM!iirc,
untl jiro in p'it41 lo lum'Uo atislactorily an
i uiimt-iise fiuauuty ol iii'uiii. Oar liou-lmsa
capuuit y for
Fashionable intel from Milwau
kee : "Tlie lovely Mrs. Crooked .Hour
Ikjii was the admiration of all the in
dicted guests at the fancy 'ball last night.
She wore 20,000 gallons of the finest
pointed lace, sent her by her husband
when he 'tied to Furope and forfeited
his bail ' bonds," ami a set of diamonds
valued at the whole local press and
twenty-five gangers and inspectors."
To all young persons, to students, to
the sedentary,-and to invalids tho fullest
sleep that the system will take, without
it there can be n;' restoration' to health
and activity ; never wake up the rsiek
or infirm or young children of a- morn
ing. It is a barbarity. Let them wake
of themselves. v t (4, ? . - , ,-
Gcntiemcn representing tho majority
of the society owning the . Old South
Church in Boston have offered to sub
scribe $25,000 for the repair ot the build
ing, on condition that it bo deeded to
the MassachuscUs Historical Society in
trust fbrever.' '" - ' ' -
200.000 bushels of Wheat
at one lime, ami is locntort on tlip mnrKin of the
WlilniiH'tteltivcr, nnfl pmvi l.'il witlia sideiraek
from tin.; O. L-. IS. K., so llmt wliipnuMitu may
Ikj liisnlc daily ly rail, iin'l as of'UMi liy water as
lioatincfav.-iltt'lesoffiT. We lmve two laro siu
tion tuns, in :i:i'lilio:i lo oilier futiA, at tat-ltl
to the honw, run by water iwwer, and m-e
tiU3 ireiiai-eil to
i all tli? w lieat receive;!. Can take in nnd elenn
lo,(XHMnsiiels r .lay. 1 leuneil wnwit utwortn
miii-li lTlore in All foreign innrkots tlisn foul
wheut. Ht):1 ione slioiil.l 1kj hUIi-hh1 wilhont
cleauitis, Our liarses will In-ti veeuntsa Imsliel, and town wots on oats. Ve lmve
to fnrtiisli Mioe storing wlicjit with ns, free to
tlmsc ifIiikv1 t-ti05(t-rp pnn-linsej and nt tlie"
lowest vIikU lR'ioa.lm.f hOk who sell their-whtnit
from our lious lo other buyers. Persons stor
ing with hwhto nt lilxrty fo wll to whom they
plejise. Tliiwviliorisiile mi the west side of
Ihw i1ve wlH liave -feninpe free. iWill he In
llm market us buyers, and exneet to he uhle tf
pnv tlie hijrhest ixiille prtee. llavlns prtv
pai-ed om-selves lo do a lai-jie business, we lioixi
fot-ouc.tsUure of rUia public pti-Qiage. ,
nllvlijuly 31
AllMiny, Oivgon.
' ' DEAttl PEJrAtVr' AlJOOSltED.
The iiairwIisiature lias passed a bill
substituting imprisonment at hard labor
forilife, instead ot capital punishment,
It is the filth Stale to make this change.
The of Kducation .take
was heard callitrg across the fence To liisv
neighbor's son, a colored youth who goes"
to school at the Atlanta colored omvers-
"Look hyar, boy, yoa goes ter school,'
J" Ye. sir &reDlied tlie VJSf:.
"Gittin eddykashun, ain't yer ?":
Yes, sir." '-' "" " ' ' f ' "'
Liu iminutviv sv "dq
on aslateieh?"- ' ' ' " ' i'
Yes; rir-V i's :-,n
Well, it don't take two whole days
to make ao nour, ao u c.:, , ;
. ."WynoT! exclaimecl the boy-1,
TiiEfN-sEBVoicE-oiiductc I ' ' You was gwine ter bring dat hatch
nii of cn of the lreisht trains on the it back in an our, wu,nter ?" ; ; r ;
llarttord, iToviaence ana rwiwu . An its bin two days senee yer bof-'
road says Uiat, while in the caboose, ot TOwea it. Now what good's eddyk-
hiairauvthe ther day. be thought h shun gwine ter do yon when yon go
i a .i : r..r I ter school a whole year and can't tell
XZ1 7Z7 JrT i T ZZZ. how long it lakes to fetch backa hatch- lady:cooOmied?!
brakea,and he immediately set the brake i f i ; -i -t .. now more thaii th
of his caboose, but on his coing forward . , '-rf '.; s i JeipsiG I have : b
most valuable yet "made in ' the Kins ;
fmntjcffl niuiv, titt ht-nvn -'
Strange things happen iu Kentucky
the engineer denied that he or any , one
else had sounded the whistle. Fanning
neverthcleRs ordered tlie train stopped
at a point which happened to be close
to a nriage. lie then examined the
taebangetyar that a ! ndi
'tilb'wBISant inihaf fatHotleE !St4te protruding from a car in such a way that
otj the. 22d of February of this Centetf
fal.yearadf e white and Aae hair,
with V spanking spread eagle where it,
orL5ildhow the best, in infancy. , , -'Abible
is tttant in Brooklyii wbioli
. of:ila8' ftaaa'iflriooB v typographieal
i-ror.l'-iiA0 '
.pnoto Job. with sore boila," is rDad to
read, f'Aiid the Lord shot Job witli
four balls." Again,, tfio utterance pf
A Perfect Gkxtxeman. A corres-
nondent of the Uoston .Journal rya :
"Passing ' down' Washington street
Thursday, near the Old South, I : raw
before me an old woman with two bun
dies on her arm. ; One of them fell . as
. . . .. .. - I milt, W IJOdlllLllb.lU IVV W . ,
uiey wouia mve deroyea the tram jn8t a8 a"well k"nowT1 gentleman ot this
when they struck tba bndger Nobody ur out ot Fairbanks store. He
out canning neara tne wtitstls. and the I - ...m j. ,
fallsn, and banding i it I ' ther female
with a polite bow, pasced op School
street. I said to her. MDo you know
rv r
youngs Hussian has tor some years been
prosecuting life chemical studies at the
University of Lcipfic with unusual zeal.
The young man, of an - aristocratic , ex .
tenor, made friends of ; all who came in
contact with him. t liecewtly he passed
a most brilliant examination, which was.
rewarded wuh th digniity.ot a. Jiaster
of Arts. Soon thereafver a young lady
' - i - . . . , . oi tne mQsi, promuieni,.
Professors "of the I ui versity, address
ing the celebrated ta van3 in the ' foil'.' w-
ing" words 1 "I desire Professor ' before
I depart' from Leipsic to ex press to yon'
my most hearty thanks." - 1 lie ITo
fessor perfectly astounded, observed :
Thanks, but tor what V V l "Listen sir.
I was married to the old Prince My
husband died some years ago., lie died
insolvent, p that 1 was left even with
out the daily bread I resolved to seek
the nccessaryrneans. of subsistenee in
science." ' Trie Professor then inter
rupted lier, saying : ''Yes, most gracious
lady, nevertheless I don't see-why you
should address any thauks to me." The
Observe,,,lhen, it is
iree years that here iu,
Iipsioi l have tbeeo,- a 6tudent. . The
student who, lately passed the examina
tion, and whom you considered worthy
of distinction is none other than my-
ml.4ran8late(f jrom the J'cters.
burg' (jiazette. -
Advices from the Gohl Coast report that
a fire occurred at Little Pope on Pehriiiiry
1st which destroyed half the town. ' In
nearly all the houses gimpbwdei'-was stoi'eil
and ns.Oiefliimes spread explosion; followed.-
Two thousand ..kegs . stored lik, ,,one
builiUiig exploik'd, causing a shock, like an
earthquake. About fifty natives were
blown to pieces while attempting to ? plun
der biirnuig and abandoned houses. . ,;
Old tCenftt i-S
T XT ' "IVT 4 TS 1 - .
per voice." is
A Vallego girl worked
tlie ,', motto.
if to her chap.' - He says he can't help Ihdade, she replied. "Well, Chat
it ;'s It takes him all the time1 to tnilk'l the Governor of Massachusetts."
and feed tlie pigs, morning and night, dade, he's a perfect giutleman, ony way,"
auu uufiiness got to ue attenueu to. ; was ncr reply.
iSpeakinaof ehangiug the clothing
we consider it hazardous to dosson its
amount after dressing a the raormog,
unless active exercise taken immedi.
ately,. . No under ganpeBta thould be
chanced wr iignter ones uwvmg tne oay
ordinarily., .Tlie best, safest and ' most
COnVUllieilb blUIt: IUI 11VIUIJI' bllU UtOI.ll-
jng isan the roorrung when we first dress
Permission lias been granted, in answer
to application, to organize a militia compa
ny ap paiias, i uik coumy,
! There, are a number of new dwelling
ami several business' houses to be ercctetl
during the eoiiuiig gtunmetr.iit Dallas. .
-A (wolt ritt was organized at Hillsboro
oa tlio 17tu ,TIe fiirme of VVashinglpn
county say something's got to be done.
fThe Odd FelloSvs of Vanihill county aie
talking of eelehratlfig tlie" approaching an
niversary of OtlU Fellowship: In America,
Tlie,- engine in , use in, Terrell's ;niill , at.
storia was made: ia Cincinnati, Ohio, by
Mr. Ferrell himself, and he brought it with
din to Astoria in 1843 '19, and has had it
in constant use hp to date:''' ' . '"
j. ne gram crop una year in r.-isieni
gon is quite nattering. ,,t , if asserted by
those who know, Uiat there will be tlircc
times as much grain raised in Wasco county
tins season ns in any one year oeiorc.
x ne utte ivujiucr oi me io n oi luai-u
fielJahd Mrs. i'hnwootl, a woman of rather
an UncnViable repubitibnr were arrested 1
at San utiiitiseo just a tney were Dont:
to sad for Coos Jbiy on tlie &mpim ,s T; , ,
Arthur Pool and William Sunder hind ot
Butte creek, Jackson county, threw si ones
at one- onother for . a while tlie other f layi
but Sunderland' not being. ibh to get liold
of plenty of rocks, nsetl a pistol .and got
into court ana nearly into jau.
A. ;ilrk Co., ot JiqschMi'gj are ship
ping away their wheat, and .Jsoep a force ot
men - constantly, employed loading . cars,
"Tlwo liava ntnuit 110 .CJU loildl VOt to CO.
nnd oi-o pressing Jnta soryice.fththey,, can
command, , r " , "'
Mr..:ll." M. Myci-3, proprietor of tho
tTmatUla grist mill, reports that a larger
n.MntliD nt rrnln lma lieen sown IfiTTmatil
li ronnf.v this vear than ever before, and
that this has been an cxcclleiit. whiter (or
sfnep and cattle.
Mom era and .Tbrwtierft
Koald Vftd nalc lint as good as new
i l 2igri3sro4 to do aft ftiiuUofJ ff -.
WihhI TurniiiK, Snwins ntifi lreloir.
5 AIho. any Ironwork and general lUAckwuith
Uii the trade may deinaud. - .....-..."
"n nana ai an
Fencinij l'ieketa wiU be ke'
'For JSvXo I
.v .. . . ...
-' " !
check t sight-- . ' ,
-. Interest Rliowed onttTTMiieponslcom.
KxeluMMre on PortlBttd, Sun "nncinco
4nd New Yot for wle at tow-t raten.
folteatlonn miulrand promrl r"iiittHl
Keren to 1L W. CovbvU, i-iiry ieMagt
W. 8. I4idd. '
Ibinkin hoars from 8 A. M. to 4 P. M
Albany, Feb. 1, W71-'2-2vS
- IX tilers
ii:mk-aia, ohm, rAtsrn,
All the popular
tix e cx'txek y, ciaAKs, ToffAtfa,
ttixl To4IelCfNMf.
furticnlar en re nnd proinptne ttrt
niysicluiw'preiicrtptlons and Family Rr
lpe9' a. carotheks a co.
Albany Book Store
Dealer ih miscellas Eousooolf
. eeli(l roM,l4aJ$ Itooka.Htatlonvr
Fnnuv Artielef, Ac.
Hokt imported toordr,t slort"t f'
Bible notice. rWiWl
II. 3. IfOttiHTOX, 91. D.f
fVv&tVAivA'Aiv t'VlvsrK.sjT-
menilHJr at" C:llevle lt.wtl Mrtltd frt
U-tfo, New York. OKFRB-ln A. srotber
& Co.'s drua More, Albuny, OregoM.
Orocepior, Piwisions,
Tolinrro, Clpir,, atlcrjr 4rel&
ery,iuid Wood A: Willow M r, .
CST Call and tee Sfnr.
Attorney nI Coounelor mt Ij w,
in the ad, ad"iiii4tlrWlpil 4to;S
riots In the I Supremo Conrt WMni.n,
uml in .he l?.S. llistriet nnd l-lrenlt t'onrta.
OKFWK In larrih briek, (upMtair!, in
ofHee oeenpied by the Into N. II. Crnnor,
First street, Al'jany, Oregon. tolT
bav tree. Tlinnkfiil for mt fiirnra,
and wiWhlnir to merit the eontiniiHiiee of
tlie same, the ISAV TKAM will always bo
r.- lv, and eailv fonnd, to do ny lmnhnif
within tlie city limits, for n reuwmablo
coiniensM ion. Ea5JI silvery l'44ooHi
ieetallY. A. j. n.i.;i.i...;
f r
: 111 rri -.
Iilesl Iiles.'
troublesome complaint eniiuot Ixe
enro l, when ho many cvldunttsu of nwj
-iiii?ht Im pUuicd laHoi-e yon every day- -'rare
of mipposel ho)Mle! Your
plivsieian informs you that the lonjceryon
allow tin; complaint to exist, you lensen
yo'ir ehaneH for relief. KinTirnre Mat
'ttugrftt lh in all catut.
A. Cnrother Ac (V Pile Pills mm
are all they are roeoniehaa to le. Will
cure (.-lironie. Blind and Itleedin liles In
a verv hort time unci are cnnvul'-nt to tuw.
Tliis preparation If tMit by mail or n-pi-c-.-.
to any point within the United Stales
at l "o ptu:iiwkuire.
Address. A. lAUOTHKMS CO.,
27 vJ llo.v 33, AllMiny, Oregon.
The Ktigene flreinen Sre tfMkIng litw"C
niugtMiients for a grand bail at line's
llalT on Christmas eve.
c li: TiiiTS rv r i...
1876. 1870.
Chicago & North-West-
A Eargc Body of Rich Land for
Sale Clicap
rvorv A
: los in enltivation--every acre sus-
11,1.. nf oiiltiviatlon well watCIIHl. Ila
good lionse, burn, and outhouses thereonall
ponil atntion. All srood uf-liss orzrain mnn. xu
entire tract will be sold cheap. InoMlreof
Aits 2074-48V7 ' "Alljany, Oregon
lit: roriiAR kocte ovebiaxb.
Just Iel. soolr Ktlltlon
ReviMMt Atiit TOiVeete'f y lhe nnthoi', E.'do F.
. - Curtis, M. l.,tc,&c ,,, -s ... -
A Jtedteal Kssay on the cause and cure of nr
..... .lru.n.t., in num. Mhowinir how healtii is
lost, and resell tied. It gives a clear Hynoiwisof
tbeim)edinients to nint-rlnge, tho treattneiit or
nervous and ph ltil debiliiy. exhausted vital
ity, and all ot her ('X-a apiieiiaiiiw uiciyiv,
tile rCSHUS OI IWUmy yvjina Buvwo.ui
' Opinion ! U Prcstu ;,
CV'RTlSON "MANIIOOIl. "--There isnomem-
assenireii for Chicmfo. N intra ra Fnll. litt- -
bunt. Philadelphia. Montreal, tueljcNw York "
lloston, or any point, rjutt. hiiouiu ouy ineir
VIA tbe Pioneer Koatc,
. .. - tub -
Its Track ts of KTKK K nil iJkWnd on It hu
lieen made the FASTEST time that lmn ever lcn
f AIK in this country. y tins route lmMcn-
gers forpointseast or ChtcaMo have choice of the
l'...j.u..nn 1 ItlWlf...
IVIVn a.v... v.. .
Ity tbe PlttHDUrtr, Fortwnj-ne ndtltlnK
and PenimylvnulM Hallway,
3 THROUGH TRAINS 1AII.Y. with Pnllman
lnlace ears tlirouijh toPhiludulplihiandNew
York on each train.
ITHltoUtlH TRA1X. with Pnllman Palace car
to llall iinore and Washington.
Byttclrttk4f,fittre"'tatil W rVKfWwtW
mrm Hm Hwny ! tnm u r- ttor. ( .er t;
Centrnl Unci JKrle Hnilr4rU , g
3throT(sh fRAis i.n.Y, itwt:lhirW..
ltcnwinff itoam atA Sjlvee PiuaoB car tbgntV,
toKowVA. i . t I 1 - i I 1 I- I
Urcnt H'Mtrm nnd Erie nnd Kew 1'nrti
t'entrnl Hallway,
whom tills book will not. be
t her lie bo l
-Istmiltm 7'inft.
found nset Ml, whet her no oo iwreni, precepior
be rend bv tho vonng for lnstrnction, and by
the aflitct'ed for relief; it wiU injure no one.
" Price- enWMiS3 ty toitn. on eispjes
ln-Xtiife n.rfl.n." 1R - dmi TrS-WiMut ter Street,
or l'. o. ikw 5w Mt rrncwH?,.vuK w
IJmo, SUIiitf les nastcp Iuri,
- IntH, IIlr, etc.,
and for UcIoW, at riloKRl,
The lHj)bMit Cth Prlrt Pnil Tor "Wool
"AHnuiy, Slay U,"75-a''v7 v
3TIIROUUU TRAINS, with Pnllnmn palace
Urowlng Rioin and Sleeping cars throngh lo
New York to Niagara Fall, Unltalo, Rochester
or New York city.
Ry Baltimore nnd Ohio Rftlltoad,
2 THROUGH TRAINS 1JA1L.T, who -niinin
I'alaee cars for Newark, ianesvllle,W Iteeling,
Washington and Ilultlmore wunoui cnangn.
eiu-iijTKWT. BKST and only line
muning Pullman celebrated PAIAt fc SLEfcP.
I VI CARS ANI COACHES, connecting with
ITnhm Pacific Rallrotwl t MA1I A and froni the
HHiiidi Clinton. Sterling . and liem, tor Oil-'
n,ls nonnlarronte is nnsnrimssotl for 8pw!.
Comfort anil Safety. The Kinootli, well ItHllaM-
ed and periecr mica ni nivi raos, me nnvunti
...l I'lilitiiuii Palace Steeping cars,tle perfect
Telegraph System of moving trains, the regu
larity with which they run, the admirable ar.
rangement for running throngh carstoChkitgn
from all points West, secure to passenger all
tho coinfoita in modern railway traveling. No
changes of Cnrs, and Jw2!'iJ',Bi' at Fer-
lassongcrs will find Tickets via this farortto
route at the General Ticket Oftlce of the Central
Pacific Railroad, Sacramento.
I ICKCIS lOr H, HI, I'lCtSCI ,TIM-,n O, Tne
Central Paclnc Railroad. W. II. CTESS ETT,
MARVIN HI'GIll TT.Gen.Suv. lien. Pas. Agt.
II. P. STA.N Wtkll). General Agency, HI Mont,
gouiury street, San Franclscv. v7nl7y