The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, April 07, 1876, Image 3

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    - -
WhU YOU Wish
Visiting Cards,
Business Cards,
Diil Heads,
Letter Heads
ail Tickets,
Horse Bills,
Homoeopatliic Physician.
OFFICK with Dr. E. II. Griffln.'Flrst street,
Albany, Oregon. C5" t-Urontcj di--a- a
specialty. t6S
turner Flrti sad Ferry Kta.,
Watches, Clocks, Silver and Plated
Ware, and Jewelry of every description mid of
the best manufactories, on luiud for wile at fair
6"" ('leaning and repnirliig Timepieces a
fcr" Jewelry, etc., r paired and cleaned on
short notice at living nites.
fri5"tiive me a cull, and see for yoursclf.j3
.March 3, lS7ttvS
Bartoer Snop !
L. 1?. "rOYAI,
HAS OPENED a Barber Shop on First street
one door west of Thompson A Irvine's Imr
ness shop, where he will le pleased to meet ail
who wish work in his line. Thankful for past
atronage, he hopes bv close attention to busi
ness tw merit a continuance of the same. Will
keepcoiiMantly on hand a full supply of
Ierfumer aul llnlr oils,
the lwat assortment in town. Come and see
Albany, Or., February 2-", 1S76-23V8
WANTED. An asrv-nt for thiscitrand vioin
, , ity. lor the mile of E. lintterick '."
celebrated and reliable patterns. tiooil refer
ence required. Address II. A. DKMlNti, 111
Pout St., San Francisco, Cat. iSuil
tty : Mrs. Uphain and Mrs. tirubb have
oiwned a drreuutkliig shop, one door west of
Fox store, and are now prciared to do any
and all kinds of ladies" work wi! u neutness and
Mrs. L'phani is a thorough and accomplished
dressmaker, having lieen in the business more
than twenty years. Well, all we have to snv is,
try s and lie convinced. Thankful for past fa
vors, we ask a continuance of the same- -
MINK BOLDK antt .IRS. GKI'IIB, at the
same place, liave a stock of Fncy ;mhIh. unl
useful and ornamental Roods for ladies' wear,
which they will sell at low rates.
They do all kinds of slampiiiK on short notice
at reasonable terms. Also, agents for the Nmi
tary Corset the most fiishionable and beat in
use. ti i ve us a cal I.
Albany, Feb. 18, 7B-i2vS
Xcw millinery Store !
HAS moved into the store recent I v o"cupied
by Mrs. C C. KiikIIsIi. on Flrst"slreet, ad
joining the tHty Drtix store, where she bus
opened out her select slock of
Fastitonnble Stvrtt f UIHt,rr UimmIs.
Having had many yrars of experience in the
millinery business In the East, Mrs. Stevens Ix-licvi-s
slH'raii Ktve the fullest SUiMhctton to all
who stve her their itnimv.umi would there
fore repeet fully solicit a share of the same.
Allxtny, Snv. l!W3suiiil
. It. HLA( KBl'R,
ni'owxsvii.i.K, i.ixN- co., ot.N.
business. i
C. PoWlt:t.ti. t. PMxff.
Attorneys & t'onnwellwrn at I.nw nnl So
licitor a in dianerry,
Albany, Oregon. Collections made und rnn
ius promptly attended to. 1-s
PBOMIT Delivery,-t Llvins
HAVING tousrht out tiie dt-livsrv business ol
Mr. Lewis StifiiMtn, 1 iMg leave loaiiiHrnnce to
t lie citizens and business men of Allsiny. that
I have on the tttreeteaii express smd jou'wniron
and will be liappy to serve all wlio nray irive
AH orders will be promptlv attended to at
re4,na)ta rates.
Oritur- may be left at the Dms Store of Bell A
Here's the Place I
S SC. Clauglntoxi
Has received and Is ofTering' for sale a well selec
ted slock of
Which lie is determined to twli
, -
3 C a j 1 , r lerctantalile Proflnce !
MoMPjiw u!HilI,an(l examine
Goods and Prices.
, , J. If. 4 lAlVIITO.H .
U'tnaw, r. I15v7
DR. PLUmr.lER,
-:v:: Pure xumI Freah
PerXb naerte,
Toilet Artlelca,
' CPeaittja9ereah Bjae4l.
W-tnM jswww to tfcecitizensof APmusv awtA
v ici n 1 1 y . tnxt he t inqwreil to fnrni-i mll'Vin ds
r.r mrTrttUBvii'vfiA.up.iAt-11
ificf ntrm fiouad,ndald fsuues penaineA W
at liistKae an VHrst ctmet,nwi iktor wt mt
lrge awd ValuuUe Tnwt ol
Farraiag Land for Sale.
rpHRKK HtTCDBED ACRES ofpVtw bud,00
A sf which hi rlcfc Mtam land. On the pre n
Ihcs ia ttir UwiWiojr. iMmse, Ian, tmnary,
sheds.te-;aiKfHmtaria!r orchard of fruit
trees - tot) acres of Ifae very beet pastare land ;
.Vl acres of tiaaher tm.m&,ast and tuaple, the best
of farts i st land whea cleared. A msvriilins
Htrraja of Mcrn8 Utraugli the tarn. There
is alsn a. spletiHd iarry f lime-rode on the
plaue, pranootuied by experts A I mclc. Four
hnnlredaeresr4er fcaee. It Is one of the
most oesimbteawd dtearwst farms In Douglas
count v. Kins Haile frsm theO. A C. railroad
at (luklaitd. For imrtieulars as to price, ctc,
apply, iu this city, to
Allmny, May . ISX
Chclc:; City Property
THB rSDERSIGSKD, Wishing to etnlxrate,
J- Is oBeK his property lu Albany lor aalc,
consist inr of a Bo(J lieaioenoe, located handy,
and near the Imstaaas part of tjetv,with two
lots, in block 5 s, frontlnK to the north on Third
street d tm tiie west oa OtMnooia. The lots
are enclosed by a ntee picket fenoe, and there
is a tars d other outbrnlklings, besides
a c5wit kit of bearing; fruit trees and grape
vines, wUm a f-oe bniit between the two lots,
frMieel!iitle rarden spot, which la in
extra oonnuion for gardening, I'oaaeasion glr
en wxm atieraale. ,
Any Intormauon Kivcn at the residence of
0t as be is generally known, Milt. Beach.
Comer Ferry and First Street.
One copy, one year. so
One copy, six months I -yo
To clubs of twenty, each copy "" 00
. !nle coplcB.... Ten rents.
Subscribers outride of l.lnn county will lie
charged 40 cents extra i 7o for the year-as
that la tlio amount of postage tier annum
which we are rcqnlreu to pay on each paper
mailed by us. 11
....APRIL 7. IS7C
Home Matters,
MJum County HopaMlcaa ConveMtlon.
A IieptiWicau Convention for Linn coun
ty, Oregon, will be held at the Court House
in this city, on Wednesday, April 2ttth,
1876, at 10 o'eleck A. M., tor tiie purpose
ot electing ten delegates to attend tle lie
publitstn State Coiiveiition. and tor tiie
nomination of a full county ticket, as fol
lows :
State Senator, six Representatives
County Judge, two Commissioners. Clerk,
Sheriff, Treasurer, Asseasor, Scltool Super
intendent, Surveyor and Coroner.
The Committee suggests tliat the several
Precints of the county liokl tlieir riinaries
on SatnrtLij', April 15th, 1870. at one
o'clock r. M-, for tiie purpose ot electing
tlelegates to the County Convention. Tiie
Precints are entitled to the following rep
resentation :
Albany... .'. ..10
Orleans 4
llalsey t 4
Harrisburg 5
Brownsville 4
Brush Creek.... ..2
Sweet Home 1
Waterloo ......1
Lebanon 5
Santiam 2
Franklin Butte 1
Scio.... ; 4
Syracuse ..1
Center ; 3
Total 47
It is Iiocd that every IteiKiblican in the
comity will attend Uie primaries, ami see
to it tliat Iwmest, capable, trustworthy and
representative men are elected delegates
to tiie County Convention.
Allxtny, March 17, 1870.
Invited. Albany Fire Impairment lias
received an invitition to attend tiie cele
bration ceremonies at Portland on tiie 4th
of July next. Following is tlte note of
invitation :
1'OUTI.and, April 1, 1870.
To Chief Engineer and Members of the
A. F. I. (fentlemen : The Centennial
Kxecutlve Committee, in tiie name of tiie
citizens ot Portland, hereby cordially in
vite you to Kirticipate, as an organization,
in the Celebration Ceremonies proposed to
be lield lu this city on tiie 4th day of July
next, in commemoration of the Centennial
Anniversary of our National Idepttiidciice.
Trusting this invitation will be accepted,
we would request you to please inform us
of your determination in the matter, giving
us the prolwble number by which your
organization will be represented, in order
Iliac tiie Marshal ot the Day may act ad
visedly, llespectfullv,
Cor. Sec.
Coxcert and Sociaisi.k. The conceit
and sociable at the Optra House last Fri
day evening, for the benefit of the M. K.
Sunday School, was fairly attended, when
all tiie circtimstancea are taken into consid
eration. The night was very stormy the
most disagreeable we had experienced for
some time. Tiie concert was a success,
altliough tltcre had been little or no re
iicarsiug previous to the evening in ques
tion. Taken a a wliole, it was a very
pleasant occasion, and passed off very satis
factorily. Tiie receipts were very consid
erable, sufficient to liquidate the debt on
the organ f 50 and some other debts.
School Mketixo. The annual school
meeting for district Xo. 5, was Iteld at the
Central School-liouse in this city on Mon
day last, with more than the usual attend
ance Mr. -S. Montgomery was elected
School Director for the three ensuing years,
the vote being : For S. Montgomery, 30 ;
G. W. Crawford. 29; Win. Kumbaiigh,
15; scattering, 10. Tiie vote for Clerk,
to serve one year, was;- For A. X. Ar
nold, 35 ; C. E. Wolverton, 32 . J. D.
Brower, 23. Mr. Arnold was declared
duly el ectcd. This is the eighth time Mr.
Arnold has been elected Clerk of this school
district. A tax levy of $3,000 was Toted
to purchase ground and erect a scliool-liouse
In the upper part ot the city. Also, a tax
levy of f 1,100 was voted, to purchase the
lialf block adjoining the new school-house
recently erected in the eastern portion of
tlte city, and to improve tiie grounds for
tliat sclOOl.
J-bs Broken. On Monday a . little
4attgliter of Mr. M. Cowan, who lives about
three arfles from the ferry In Benton coun
ty. In some manner slipped from tiie Iiorse
site was riding, and falling to the ground,
brwke her right leg between the knee and
ankle. She had mounted the horse to ge
to the field where Iter father was plowing
te call him to dinner, when the above ac
cident occurred. Dr. B. Rice was call
ed in, and aeon had the fractured bone reset,
and the little sufferer is doing as well as
could he expected under tiae circumstances.
Looking oct ok rXo. 1. Complaint
has reached ns that onr County Ashcssor Is
perambulating the county, with Assessor's
books in one band and a "bridge petition
in Uie other ; atd tliat while thus ostensibly
engaged in assessing the county, the latgcst
portion of tlte time is used by him In talk
ing bridge" and 'eiectioiieeriug for tlio
offieeof Sheriff! This is the most economi
cal mode of electioneering, for one's self
tlmt we have lieardof, if trite. ' However,
taxpayers may object to paying an office
seeker's bills in this way.
We judge from what we hear tliat ex
School Superintendent Stites will get away
with tiie nomination tor Clerk, and Cap.
Shields for Treasurer ; but who will get the
nomination tor Sheriff is something we
don't know. There are several aspirants
among our Democratic friends, and tiie ex
citement is at fever lieat.' . May the best
man win.
Linn Co.'s new steam fire engine lias
been lieard from. Will lie here soon.
Olde Folke Cattaerlnge
Ye Younge Folke Riainffe,
la ye Tmrne of Albanyet in ge
builUeycke of Zywne, in ye
Comnwnteealth of, .
Be It knowne to all ye gnde peop'e of y5
settlement rounde about ye aforesaide
towne, tliat on Friday, yc seventh day of
ye fourth inontii, Anno domlnl, eighteen
hundred and seventy-six. tliere will be a
greate gatliering or assemblage, at j-e towne
liall, in ye Albanye, on ye whyclie occasion,
sacred e and wnrdlie aniuaements will be
indulged in, the which may be pleaslnge
to ye olde and yunge ot ye glide neighbor
hude. Ye programme may be classy fyde
in ye following lynes :
Firrtlie A Pound Partye ; designed for
ye monie making purpose in ye hazardous
SeevHiIlie An Old Folke Concerte ; In
why ch will be sunge some Sacrede aud
Woridlie tunes.
Thinllie A Fancy Faire, at ye whyche
will be displayedc fbr j-e sale, for je money
of ye Contynente, a greate tnanye ot ye
articles from j e handy worke of yegude
people of ve settle men te. " ' ' -'
FowrthUe Ye Ladye Washington Tea
Partye, at ye whyche George Washington
and Marthye his wife will preside and dys
penee ye guile thynges to ye gnestes of ye
Manyeof ye anclenteand notable gentle
mene and ladyes of ye olden tyme will
gatlier in for ye graces and ye oomply
nientes of ye folke of towne and settle
mente. Xola Bea All ye money whyclie sliall
be payede for thys Gatheringe and Risinge
is to go in to helpe ye euclostnge ot ye
grouiHle otje Albanye Hygli Sckooleor
now knowe as ye Albanye Collegyatc In
stytute. JTota lienn Ye pryce for goings In it ye
doore it for one person two shillings or
now callede and knowne as twenty-five
cents. Ye men and women folke will pay
ye same pryce, but ye lyttle boyes and
gyrles in ye imrcntes arms tuaj-e go in ye
doore gratl.
Xola l!cnaYc doore will be opene tor
ye assemblage and ye Risinge at ye hour of
seven of ye clocke in ye evening. Williame
Truthful Hawkins will stands at ye doore
and fcike ye goiiige-iu money.
1! ty.ife of X.t,n.i ofy C'on.ny'tyes :Oa
Fuitcie Frire Mary Pliilis, Patience Hop
kins, Hope Cavendish, Dorothy Ann Love,
Faith Trogonikg, Mehitable Witberspooit.
PomvMl'mtye Patrick Henrye, Cliarity
Perkins James John Freclove, Jerusha
Jane Seroggun, Betsey Ann I5oggs.
On Hymns and Tune Ye Leader and
Clerke to starte ye tunes, George Goings
Peterson ; followers In rote, Jemima Seraf
ford, Abner Hyde, Barbara Allen, Ezekiel
Higeiibothom, Petter Stuveysant, Pliabe
Belinda Coffin, Jonah Barim Smith.
"Vungb ir,i Folke to pass ye tea. Ange
lina Sparks, Deborah II eiularshott, Grace.
Drinkwater, Caroline Adams, Fortitude
Kinsman, Katriua Iondersjieck. Some
ot her ky title young women of ye neighbor
hood may helpe ye commyttye.
Oh ye Aleertiscuu-ut for ye Risinge Ben
jamin Franklin, John Hancock.
Honorary Commyttye George Washing
ton and hys wyfe Martha.
Ibonoa t'orrrapaaMleaee.
Lebanox. March 31. 1876.
Editor Register : Tiie school of Dis
trict Xo. 7. Linn county, closed on the
24tli, hist., with rhetorical exercises of over
three hours length, much to the credit of
tiie teacher. Mr. D. V. S. RekL as well
as tiie pupils in attendance. Tle scholars
were erect and healthful In appearance,
ami gave evidence ot diligent labor In study,
engaging In tlieir several parts with grace
ful ease, showing Jess embarrassment than
is usual on such occasions. At the close of
the exercises, appropriate remarks-were
made by Prof. T. L. Dogger and others;
when we separated with feelings of plea
sure and satisfaction, not usually enjoyed
between parents, teacher and pupils.
We think that the progress of this school,
during tiie past year, 1ms not been excelled
by any in this county. Mr. ReW has taught
here fourteen months, and la engaged to
continue the scltool. Our new seats, bought
of Mr. Fosliay, Albany, work like a charm
and we recommend tliein to all.
At the close of each day, half an hour is
spent In writing after the Spencerlan sys-:
tern, books, pens and ink being furnished
by the teacher at cost -the last term It
was only 25cts a scholar. Number of
scholars enrolled, 47 ; average attendance,
38,' . . If any other country district can
beat this, let them come to the front. We
would like to see more interest in the cause
of education generally, all over the county
and State, and would recommend that par
ents visit the schools and assist teaclttrs
by tlieir presence and Influence.-
Omr Hataejr Carreaaea4eaee.
IIaIJkt, Or., April 3d, 1870.
Ed. Register : Friday eve, March 30th.
I met Brownsville Lodge I. O.G. ?n and
conferred the Degrees. Tliat Xodge num
bers about seventy, and Is In a very flour
ishing condition. Wm. F. Boss, Sec ; Y.
T.fRoland, L. d. ; time or meeting, Fri
day evening of each week.
Saturday eve, April 1st, conferred the
Degrees upon Peoria Lodge. Tills Lodge
is also in a very prosperous condition, with
about sixty members. Wm. C. Davis, L.
D.; Geo. W. Davis, See; Philander Gil
bert, XV. C. T. '
'I The Temiwrauce interest In Linn is In
creasing, and I trust the good work may
goon.," Respectfully yours
Arrived Wednesday. Those,: jthinou
stallions, "White Prince" and Pride of
Perche," the property of Mr. W. C. Myer,
of Ashland, arrived on Wednesday. Tliey
attracted, a large share of attention,.
Remaining in the Post Office,-Albany,-Linn
county, Oregon, -April 8th, 1876'.
Persons calling for these letters must give
tiie date on which they Were advertised.
Anderson. J II Hayes, I C 2
Bowie, John Miinitoii, A ; -
llooda, S M Hamton, Alice
Bowles, Mrs Mary Hamton, Nellv
Caldwell Miss E . Hoitlen, Miss Sarah
Cox, M F Humphreys, T M
Courtcr, F M Kelly, Tim
Coney, Miss MA Ra msdell. Miss L 4
Clark, Robert Ranev, Hank
Dripps, MC Rlsley, J M
Eggarts, Fred Robertson. Miss E f
Edwards, Jolin II Scliorne. Mi3 L
Fenn, Til Sullivan. J S
Gray. John II 2 Suiitli, Miss K.
Goetchins Miss A Smith, John R
Goctchins, Miss I Temple. Mrs Julia
Gray, Mrs Lina Ward. IIS,
School Report. Below we give a syn
opsis of the County Scliool StiperUiteiid
ent's report for tiie year- ending April 3,
1875: X umber of persons between the
age of 4 and 20 years 5,5872,702 males,
2,585 females; increase over last year, 342.
Total number appearing on the school rolls
daring the year, 3,384 males, lT8lj fe
males, 1,003. Xot attending scliool ? dur
ing year, 1,721 males 830; females 885.
Oue hundred and twenty-two teacliers' cer
tificates were granted during the year
males 97; females 25. ' First grade cer
tificates 30 males, 34; females 2. Dur
ing the year 124 teacliers were employed
males, 110; females 14. Average number
of mimtlis in which school was taught in
each district, 5; total number, 302. There
were 5 sclraol-bonses erected during the
year, at a total cost of $3,697, all frames.
There are 74 school-houses in the . county,
12 box, 2 log, CO frame, valued at 38,624
08. Value ot all scliool furniture, estima
ted, 1,661. At the beginning of tiie year
there - was in the bands of the District
Clerk, $2,853 50. Amount of money rais
ed for school purposes by tax, $3,243 18;
by rate bilLs and subscription, $3,303 86.
Amount apportioned from tiie county fund
in March, 1875, $14,224 19; from tin; State
irreducible school fund for same time, $3,
302 73, making the total apportioned for the
year of $17,617 39. Total amount from
all sources during the year, $27,127 53.
Amount paid teachers up to first Monday
in Martin 1S7G, $19,000 35. Paid for rent,
$26; for repairs. $1,187 03; lor scliool fur
niture, $341; for fuel and incidentals $1,
1S0 46; tor school-liouse sites, $039; for
building schooi-liouses, $3,697 78, making
a grand total paid out during tiie year ot
$20,175 62. Now in hands ot District
Clerk, $951 91. The county fund derived
from tiie three mills tax, fines, etc., appor
tioned the third Monday of this month,
amounts to the sum ot $13,129 13, coin,
which, distributed pro rata, gives to each
person of school age. I lie sum of 2.4S37. -
Paintixg, Etc. Mr. X. L. Moore
has opened a paint shop in oue of Dave
Thompson's buildings 011 First street,
adjoining Clark & Wyatts' where lie can
be found by tltose who wish painting of
any kind, sign or house, glazing, calciiuin
ing. paper hanging or graining. Mr.
Moore has been engaged iu the business in
the Eastern States for twenty-five years
and has a wide experience in tlte Latest
styles, and will doubtless be able to give
satisfaction to all who employ him. Mr.
Moore Is a new comer who desires to make
a home among ns, and commences by hang
ing out his slgn-an evidence of his liberali
ty as well as confidence In his ability to do
all lie proposes. : Such . men should be
patronized. Glve hlm a call.
Diaonosis Confirmed. Dr. Payne, of
Salem, arrived in the city on Monday, to
consult with Dr. O. W. Wilcox in regard
to tiie illness of Mrs. Dr. Griffin. ' After
consultation. Dr.- Payne pronounced Dr.
Wilcox's diagnosis of tiie disease correct.
Under tiie treatment ot Dr. Wn Mrs. Grif
fin bid fair to recover health at an early
day. J ;. s?, t " " .. V:!j .; ,,.;J.
Asotiier Ci.aim Ant. I t Is how asserted
that the man wlio recently suicided In this
city a few weeks ago, whom '.the iury sup-!
Iosed to be a Mr. Frost Js no other tlian
Sam Latiglierty, of Benton county. .Tliere
isope thing certain,1 Frost says it isn't him,
says lie not only liasu't suicided but has no
notion of it. ; . . .
Politics redliot. - County full of Derao
cratic candidates for office, every one of
whom is anxious to serve his fellow-citizens
tor tiie money tliere lain Uie office.
However, as there Isn't offices euough to
go round, tliere'll he n. .large number of
disappointed people in Linn county after
next Wednesday. ., , .-,.,1 vi-,;".ir..!
Nomisatiosp. At tiie regular meeting
of Linn Engine Co. Xo. . 2, on; Monday
evening. Joe. Webber, Of No. Ve- was
nominated for Chief, rly acclamation, and
Geo. F. Simpson, of Xo. 2b, for Assistant.
Engineer. The election comes off next
Monday. - . 3 ;.;,.. 1y(--
- A telegram reached this city eh Tne3day,;
from San Francisco, informing Dr. tl W.
Ballard, of rebanon, tliat the lieakh of )iis
son, Oscar, was rapidly falling, and he
directed that lie rttum on Wie next steamer.
, .Our old friend, Mr. John Gautcr, came
up. from California, where lie liad been
spending a few weeks arriving in .this
city tiie first part of the week. Mr. Grto
ter is in splendid beaUh.
. Halt Fare., Persons wishing to attend
the session of tiie Third Judicial District
Teacliers Institute, which opens in this
city on Wednesday next will be pass
ed over the O, fc c Railway on lialf-fare
tickets. ' ' 3-; .wLi,,-t.-. v
- Camping groiiuds are to be amngedpu
both sides of the rler at Portlund, forthe
use of people who wish to ,"wit and sleep"
Uiemselves during jubilee week-rfrom the
Sd to the Utirof JMly ioxt.; ? ; 4 .fjt-
For way up turn ouU hi the Jlvcry lUie,
go to An. , Marshall's stable, corner of
Washington and Second streets.
' Read our New York letter on the ' first
agp of thi l&Ue,
Curiosity '-0"n TririKarfW . .
- - j a v xj a f
of llalsey? laM-'oh our thble a? cottple" of
hat appeaTed Co be white roses,- dbdble-r
leaved; ImVlng all the appearance of a-tef-itable
rose, which lie hal- found growing oh
one of his apple trees, a tree some ten or
twelve jeai-s of age. Tliese two flowers
were'ol tiie second crop of tlie season.
Can any one explain the cause of a rose
growing on an apple tree? Let us hear
from you. ::; . .
. -. ";,..,. ; , r'.
Coming. Linn Engine Company's new
steamer was shipped from .the Clapp &
Jones manufactory, at Hudson, X. Y.. to
gether with hose, fire belt etc., on the 21st
of last month, and lias therefore been on
the road seven teen days this Inst. It seems'
tliere, was some delay in getting the bell,
otherwise tlie engine , would have been
shipped somewliat sooner. It will be here
liowever, In time. ' ' '
Slathers pe Fcnv A neck-tie party,
oyster supper and ice cream sociable, will
be given t by the members of Onward
Lodge, No 229," I. O. G. tlieir hall
at Knox Butte, April 15th, 1876, at 7
o'clock r. m. .An admission fee of 60c
will be charged at tlie door. Ice eream
will be furuislied at 25c a plate. All are
cordially Invited. J. W. PiWrT,,Sec. ''
SWsdid. Mrs. Stevens retunicd from
Portland on Wednesday, wliere she seem ed
a large stock of the most elegant and latest
style millinery. She has the handsomest
hats and bonnets you ever went anywhere
thej ' are. elegant beyond anything. .The.
ladies slionldn't fail to call right off, and
feast their eyes on, oh! such beautiful
goods !
More TELEORAPH.Mr. - Jolin A.
Crouch lias offeretl to put tlie growing city
of Lebanon, in immediate lightning con
nection with this city and the rest ot man
kind, by. the erection of a telegraph line,
provided $1,500 are raised for tint purpose.
If tlie citizens of Lebanon conclude they
want that wire st ret died, you can calculate
It'll le stretched whenever they under
take anything they put it through. , ,
Time Extended. The railroad : com
panied of Oregon will sell half-tare tickets
over their lines to Portland on tlie centen
nial jubilee week, good from July 1st to
July 11th or from Saturday the 1st, to
Tuesday the 11th. This shows at feast a
most accommodating spirit on the part of
tlie railroad companies.
Next Wednesday Look out for a red
hot time. As a number ot candidates for
every office will be in attendance at the
Democratic Convention on tliat day, and
as tliere isn't offices sufficient to go round,
somebody U be disappointed, certain. Let
us have peace. . ,
For PiirLADEi.riiiA. Mr. C. Gray, of
Halsey, called yesterday. Mr. Gray In
tends starting for Philadelphia in about
two weeks, to be absent visiting hi the
eastern States two or three months. We
wish our old friend a pleasant and agreea
ble visit.
-' " ,- Our friend, Mr. R. Cun
ningliam, lias opened a new grocery store
in JJrownsviIJe, and as he doubtless tlior
onghly umlcrstands his business, and Is a
way tip man himself, will do A I business,
Success, anyway. . -..i . -u i y:
Penmanship. Prof. Geo. Mt Paid.
closed a very successful term of penman
ship at Liberty ami Happy Home School-
houses last week. There were slxtv schol
ars iu attendance,. and all speak highly of
the Professor's ability as a teaclier of pen
manship. ' ' " ' . "
, Rveeung A , fine , stock, Suitings
new, beautiful and cheap." Prints neat.
tasty and attractive. Also, cash in ex-
diange for Eggs Butter, Coin, Gold Notes
and "oUier truck," at highest market rates.
li- : A.,WUEELEB,SIedtU j
" Grand RaiaksTATiVKS. On Wednes
day evening last Messrs.-J F. Backensto
ana a. Baum were elected representatives
to the Grand Lodge of Oreeon. by Albany
Ledge No." 4,; I, O. O, ,.:. The Grand
Ixxlge meets in Salem ifext month.
, The Women Suffragists of this city meet
at Mrs. Luper's on Saturday afternoon, to
elect officers tor the ensuing year, and to
transact any other business coming: before
the meeting. .;.',.?;, . ..i...,.-;t
.'Hie election for Chief Engineer and
Assistant comes off at the Court House
next Monday' Polls open at 10 o'clock A.
i and close at 4 p, m. Let every member
of the Fire Department vote. ' v '
? Ed. Register 1 iOn or about he 4th
day of May next, the Baptists expect to
liave a sociable and supper in, their church.
The programme will be rjubllshed Indus
time. Everybody come for the benefit of
the Chorch. . ' ' -- .--j'-.:t . . jj. . i
Mrs. S. A. Johns lias been laying In a
splendkl stock of millinery latest in bon
nets, Iiats, flowers a u i oilier goods. Call
at ' the grand opening to-lay and to-mor-
' Good Attkn dance" On Momlhy Prof.
Gilbert opened school for the lieW quarter,
with an attctHlancQ ot about half a hun
dred.; Tlie -Professor V reputation as an
educator Ja daUy gainlug in strength,.
' Tlie singing, and especially the old-time
cookery, this evening at tlie Opera House,
will be a notch beyaot anything in the
kedeiitry, perhaps neltlie't , - ; '
Cow Rcised; The aown maH tIn; en
cYnesoay, ran. over and mashed one or
bptli of the hint legs of a fine red cow, In
Jtbe eastern snburbs., . " '. ' - " '
Iorebos Presbttert Met at Uie V. P.
Cliurch In this city Thursday evening.
The session will probably continue through
the week. 1 - '
1 A number of new bulldlRg going up.
Jndicatlong were never better to tha build
ing line, . ' .
" La.rvl bvavce h.thlcUjf at l?c per pound.
: Oneste. ftpase &x. BaiKB Hkf partye
Doh PedMy a Brazi,- fit shr feetl falgii f
Don fbafo; Albany;-Is not soexalted.-
Tne' rtf fire eirpa for tlie 'r'woAtertraW
expected bf nextf areaiaifer:-
Plowlnghas been ItKlnlgcd' f'rt with vfgof
during the week.
Mr. Ed. Casey, of the Da!la Iumiter,
calkal a moment yestenlay.
Mr. M. L. Pipes of Independence, spent
a few memento in our sanctum yesterday.
As the grass improves, so wtll the beefr
Prices will also, in all prohabinty, decline.
New brass lock boxes at tle P. O They
set off that lusUtutlotu
Billy Parker talks of going te Catifor
nla for a two or three months' visit.-
, Baker, the Dollar Store man, has gone
out of bmlneaa. . .'.,.
Clik. Bourgardea It In receipt of a nice
lot of jewelry. ,
Jesse Irvine, Esq. of Scio, called On.
Wednesday, p -rV '' ' : ' :!, '
' Cuafley QegpSe, of Sneed, mt la tbe city
n Wednesday .. ,.;tL: .:
' it n n . - 1 '": -.-
. Born In this city on the 5th, to the
wife of Sheriff Rice, a daughter.
J. Ct .Mevboldar is erecting a hotel la.
''. ' Promenade by Kopples to the Centennlaii
promenade this p. M. ; ;
: Glorious moonliglit nigltts and yet tomer
of the boys are not happy. .
Little or no business before tlie County.
Court, which met the first of tlie week. '
Revhal meetings at St. PauTa churcrl
during tlie week.
. : a
Eggs are quoted at 18c per dozen t w
cents hlgiier tlian last week.
Rev. Jos. Emery, of Corralls preactMdr'
an able discourse at St. Paul's church Otv
Sunday last.
Joe Webber attends to business Jint as
tliough honors were not tailing thickly
upon him. - v
Mr. McChire liad his fine Percheroa rolfei
In tiie city on Wednesday. ( He has got a
splendid animal.
- ' -7 . '
VEatv I ix Mrs. Harper, and her sister,-
Miss Lizzie Smith are very ill, with little :
liope of recovery. -
Mr. Corbett. w ho has been visUIng in
this section tor two or three months paatv
starts for his home lu Illinois to-day.
Be at the Opera House at 7 o'clock thhV
evening.- bud get the .cream of-the enter-
tilumeut.. ,.-
, Mecliaaic3 are engaged in erecting Sanil
E. Yotiri"s matnuSoiitlf' warehouse, oa.
Secoud street... i -- 1
, , &im Miller exeells is an artist in Iron.
It you want a way up job of blacksmi thing
done, call at Sam's shop, corner of" Ferry
and Second streets. :
Two marriages and a grand knock -downy,
all in on Mighs"bccurred t a nelgliborioar
villagew-These dull tiax-s roust be filled
in, It seems froinebow. - ,
CUib Stewart has sold his Interest In the
Democrat to M. V. Brown, and now wan
tiers alone in search of sometbing to turoj
up. Peace be hia'iu
ty-Cash paid for Eggs, at . J. IleiacbV.
ner's coriier. of First ai:d Broadalblai
streets. " "'""- - :'' -. - - etf-
tW If you want to buy the latest style,
ef lady's Rtilibcr Boots, go to Jake Flekcbr
ncr's Ytost and Broadalbia streets till
In Every Town and Village persons mar
be found who have been eared front lasiL
from consumption by Hale's liooey a
Horetiound aud Tar.
Pike's Toothache Drops cure In 009
minute. , .-. . --
: Wheel the physjcal enerjjias m mm
tasked or flag through weaknesaordJseaMV
tiny need prtimpt rnfbrcemeat. " Benevrw
el vigor is meat speedily supplied tiiroef
the medicinal Ksonrces Cs that data, Hot-.
tetter's Stomach Bitters assmwdly deserre -a
preerautoit place. Wcaxaesa, -irSr-eonstitiiUona-or
arising Irons
over fatlgije, abhet be better compeosaied;
tor than by a resort to this prime strengitf.-enmg-
cbrdlal. The enfeebled Invalid, tlie
convalescent, and." the aged. Infirm, find
tliat It is an on failing source ot vior and
comfort. - Its combined tonic and alterative -properties
also coisUtae it an iirvaluatle
remedy for Indigestion, weakness f the
orjjnus of urinatton, const! naaon, torpldttyr
f nd manT other lrregalarUk
and disabilities; and render it an htvaJnabi
protection against malaria, as well as dhw
erders of the strmacb and boweta. - mch.. 1
' , ' "Tilt-KSDAT, April 187..
' Gold In New York, 113. - ' v
'-' Greenbacks, 38ft.,: :Y,
- Wlicat, 85e per bushel,. .. , , .
Butter, 30310c per ft. .
r Eggs lc per doaen. '"
! Oats, 62'c per bushel. '
Portland wheat market, fl TO pas
cental sacked. ' 3".
Saa Francisco wheat Bsarket $1 00 to
$3 00 per cental lor lr sblppiag to choScs
.mlHing, ...r , . ': , ..:? ' '
, IJverpol wlieat marke 00 tlie 6Ufc
Os lOdSlOs 2d for average i t.1d4-5n 2dfflias
Latesi- quotations sre SUwope etw
wlieat quotations alifSd fixf.witliA
market not very eneoiwaghiSta fefj jMS-f'-,
No changs td Hie gtuteral tuMI prt-.-rk. .
. .Tratle during the week very dull, 'tin - -
htle prospect for an improvciaent for somoj
weeks to come. .