voLTJansrym. ALBANY, OREGON, MAKCir 31, 1876. NQ. 28. I . ', air. BUSINESS CAlTDS. SAMUEL. E. YOUNG, Wholesale and Retail Ucaler la DRY GOODS, . . CLOTIliriG, GROCERIES, r 7 BOOTS & SHOES, THRESHERS, , REAPERS & MOWERS, 'WAG0NS PLOWS, , . DRSLIC, -to . CHOADCST SEED IT, - SOWERS, ETC. rinl tret, Altmny; Ore Terms : ir!0v7 Cash.. St- Charles Hotels Cor tr TVaahlaatoa ud First St., ALBANY; OREGON, Matthews & Morrison, . PROPRIETORS. House newly furnished throuirhout. Tbe html the market affords always on Ilia table. Fnt 'a-ta to and from Use Houae. , I. C. HARPER &. CO., Dealers In' rive, Fanrj tin orM,-otloiiw, Mot-waa . imkI Pistols, Sulla, Kapo, Mirrors, Wallpaper, TVewd and WUlvw Ware, Tmki ud Valiscm, , Swtfc.s Vmi-lery, ..-, &e., . . Krtl rprv Innr -itll.- for rash, or to DTOllint TOY a33 inn ciHtomera on time. v7 Uoldca Kniibenms. A LOVE STOKY. Raising and Moving .Bnlldlug, WE THE t7XDERSJKJ BE LKAVE TO announce to the eitina of AHauiy ntid snrroiindintr eoontry that, having-:uipnnou nor w)pm vtth ihn iiKn.Ami.rv uiachtuerv for mi in and removing biiildiiiirs. we lire ready at all time to retvive orders for sneli work, which we will do in short oc-ler a lowmt rates. We guarantee entire satisfaction in all work trailer taken by u-. - Order left at thw RtrocaTSit oBK-e prompUy attentodto. Apply to. - . Alba, ' - BANTT, ALLEN CO. Or, April . 1870. - Sv7 stiglflariaTlj'a lUlWT? SaaaasaaaaaWaeW T? AND AFTER IATE, UNTIL FIX ther notice, freight from ... PORTLAND lo ALB.11KY 01 E DOLLAR PER TOX All -down freight 'will Undelivered at JPOliT- tANDVOf astohiaj vwSV' Free ofBraiage and .Vliariagc, At Reduced Rates. A i- uat will leave ALTIAXY for .tOttVALLM or ,. . lMKTLAN 1 r o r y For further pari ictilara. apply to ' ; EACH A JIOST1JTH, ; Albany, Jfov. id. T4-13 Asi KOBT M'CA'.liEV.' ES1TAGUE & MeCALLEY, a K 1OW OPEN IXti A MAO SIKICEST 21 slock of r . FALL AID IXTERGOOBSl aalected with care, and bongut for coin at Kcandalataslr Mw Figure" ad a. we boaght low we can aji.t m ni sell rbe.n eH, priCVB t.Ka. wr a : Astonish Everybody- Con aud Me bur aetoot Ions rngrmm liamgWw ... Jai 1 ' RImsMi M iss 'Jessamine kept boafdera. "It AvaS sKWte of your common . boarding houses, she was in the habit ot telling those who came thither seeking a home. No, il iss Jessamine aspired to select ness aial exclusiveness in the cxtremest degree,:; I have but six boarders," said Jhss Jessamine, with a uod of the lavender cap ribbons, which she alwaj's wore af ter the clock had marked the hour of noon. .;"Mre. Ponnccr, a most oenteef widow llady, Iivino; upon an income of her own, occupies my second floor. " My third is let to young ladies. Miss .Mark- lam occupies the front room : Miss Markhatn teaches in a select school on Chcesburv ..Squaws. 'The two Jlis Appletleld's at the back, are m Stop- ford's fancy; store on Sixth aveiiue Sarah Everett, in the hall liedroom, does the fashionable articles for the City Recorder. Aud the extension room down stairs is occupied by my brother, Mr. Geraid Jessamine, who is in the office ot the Commissioner of -Chimney- tops, down town. You can see for your self, ma'am how gentel and refined my circle is. A piano in the back 5 parlor, ice-cream for dessert twice a week, and select readings from the poets, by ray brother, Mr. Gerard Jessamine, in the parlor, every Tuesday ewiimg. And it wain this establ shment that Sara Everett lived when Mr. Jackiog- ton fell in love w tlf her. Mr. Jackington boarded just around the corner. Mr. Jackington was tired of "life in a human menagerie," as he called existence in a boarding house. " 'A housekeeper can't be got for less than twenty dollars a month, said Mr Jackington, counting op expenses on his fingers. "And then she d want a scullery makl under her. Costs too much! I'd better gei Mr. Jackington rode tip due day in an cmnibus, aini was 'pleased at the valliant manner in which Miss Everett contested a dubious twenty.fi ve cent piece with the driven: .The driver was an old hand at tle business, but Miss Everett was too much for him, am routed him with great slaughter. Mr. Jackington watched her get out and enter the Jassamine establishment. I know Jerry Jessamine," thought he. "Paid my chimney-top taxes to him, only the other day. A good fel ow. but cracked a little on hhakespeare and Tennyson. I'll call there, and get an introduction. I thinkheM suit me y leorge! how.he uul double up tliat omnibus. d ver i " And Mr. Jackington hugged hunself at tho recollection. 1 hat was the way m . whicit iiiiss Everett came to be engaged to Mr, Jackirgton. It is quite needless to say that all the other boarders were insanely lealous ot her. J he widow 1 ouncer. who was fat, fair, and forty, thought maturer female would have suited JlT. Jackingtonsi : 'years so much better than a chit like ara Everett, though to be sure, site added viciously, ' was fi ve-and-thirly, if : he was a day The Miss Appletield's, were sure she painted, ami wore false hair, buch bright complexion, and such "glimmer ns goldeiv -hair couldn't bo real, they were quite certain. And Miss Markhatn wlio feigned to be intellectual, remarked grimly, that "no man could long respect a woman who thought only ot dress an fashions. Hut Miss Sara having got the inside track,- could anvrtl to look dowu on them with serene stiiriority, vhicl was iiihnitely ? more aggtavatmg tliao any other system ot treatment con I have been. She thought herself sate but she did not reckon on tho thousand little undercurrents of the stream of love. ' ' - - ! "I sayJack.said Mr. Gerard Jessa mine one day as lie met his Triena on the street, " the girls at our house are saying odd things about your young woman." "Odd tilings! .What things?" sliarp- ly demanded Mr. Jackington. m tniB . SK,J av. ' v. rtj nil, Th is is Saturday !" exclaimed the lover. "At five," supplemented Jessamine. "It's a quarter ot five now," said Mr. Jackington, seizing his friend's arm. Come ! v e will see for ourselves." "You'll not do anything rash," plead ed the peacefnl-natured Jessamine. "I will pledge myself to nothing. sputtered M r. Jackington. " J5ut if I find my Sara false 1 will henceforward abandon all trust.iu humankind." : A A roar ' with a blacle velvet xat. lghly perfumed locks, anu rather du ty hands, was j list deeeiiding the area steps flowing with it round and round through as they, came un to tlie- front doorJ irpiincr stream ot its inereasinsr oroar- Mr. Jessamine let himself aud his friend it sw e vprv where, in esch li&te; in with tho latch-key "and; they stood I membraho and tissue, and fills and satri back in the vestibule as the blaek-vel-f rsa '9(.it , vital n?atH flesh, bfa.im veted serpent crept up the stairs. Uej heart, Hver ; lung,1 kid neyjki 'andjwf KnocKea a peculiar uouu e KWXK on lhb creting apparatjm- A;V.H?ave panel of Miss Everett's door, aiwi was admitted I, . ;;. : ; ; 1 i Jessamine turned to Jackinpton. "Can you ask more convincing proof than that ?" he whispered. "Open the door. I will confront her, issed the lover, turning purple. "Knock first," said Jessamine. "I wou't knock," aaid Jockington furiously. - 15ut Jessamine reached the door first. t was opened a little way by tbe house maid. "Oh, my," squeaked she, banging it to again, "it s him, Miss, it s him ! "Let me m I will come m ! ' bawled Mr. Jackington and ho burst into the presence ot his lady-love, I here m a chair, with a towel spread over her shoulders, aud her lovely gold en hair all floating loose, sat 'the fair ara, while tho velvet-coated man, with a big bottle and a hair brnsh, was pre. paring to anoint the same with- some rose-smeliing fluid, and the little house. KXlBMaa. i,iir, Cfnllarettc. X-aeea. ft r.i . . fnr the ladk. and onr oomiilofe lUios of Ressdyrnade Clothing, WOtWt a! 4 l Cstfwi, Ha 18 oat err. f'otae, Also, full erf all descriptions for men and Twys. assortments of Grcceriss, r.tttm asi uiassware or everybody. The ist good.at the lowest rate every time, LTtJaiioa.Oron.OCttbor30,lS74 Furniture AVorerooms . . . . t . i a s-.jiivi.f. or 1 1 Collar in the late firm f .oi'"T.! the furniture buainess, tnk-ui PI".' " to retnrn hU tlmnisa to tUe citizens of A'bRnj aad rinity who hav so 5"'u.7.yo'r;;L' " labial to tlU.n.ltr; ; nlture keit on liaadaod Biaiturw-lared """-: at loweot rata. Albany, Nov. 13-v8nS H r?o WOULD KESPECT- ''lib a .nt-"t5W xrt t. I.- ' s w ' . , i km mm for the fui.nre a ooHniu.ji.ln of f.ivorn. Vortlie f !-! in 1 ! i i . f hh i. ' ad a njui , , ... ai. in' Lkifr iL.. where a itoej't workman will aiways l p (MBnitsiiio to wuil. unoi patrons. . i Mysterious Worltlnirw of AJeofeeUe J--Sljjsw uinnw. t urgh :' .u.ii iUIT- In a late number of the I'-diVi Hevieio is an exhaustive and '" car: written pajier opon'"l he hyso.oj;uI Influence of Alcohol. It is calm - and scientific, not emotional, but" crowded with facts and iuformation.T According to tins article, when a spirituous drink is taken into the body it does Wotfeim plyrun through the digestive :edvii f:kt the body,bnt it runs tlirongb th4 blood befhre it can find aiiy eseape, Btid . clings Jo that blood for a.eolisideribiei period. dent happened at tbe Des Moines liiver China, near ttfr ) cllow fre (a .Jay ot bridge, at TJuena' Vita, about 'three the Northern Pacific, Oemii) laa been miloR aMit.h vf tliw :hol.v k tobe that of Teh ita ad I Jolounor: JAt vmitnrln,l uaanA TSella StvM. mAr I the SOnWWMl aM-amOMI,CMBaS: WaUiifm With death, after a fearful struggle with 1 ru,vw j f"?rJm mm the ice and water oftbe river. in many. P-aces ., JJ? Woie wiiw Miss Steveiia lives near BuenaJYista, trora JSijini evgoTO w l'ewn wni oe the I ou-imieB, oi wtticit'iiovfv inu tin uhjh nnirn 1 sho-Jld bo blood iidor4he.mujtHiti rangements of life, there is flaw, blood tningled with the alcoholk spirit, , ' Articles ot tooa ' are "compicr, ixxi ies, built up frorrf simpler I elements 1 by the effort of vegetable lH"e 1 i Aloolibf is not such ' a complex iA-ihciple. ' sTh foods which fnrnisK snbhoefitd ihfl living structures are, for Ua most part j composed with the aid of nitrogeB,r and have therefore an affinitTwith tlie vit al parts of the human trticture.',i5 lTrie fibrin of the blood, and mnscal&r "flesh, ) tbe cartilages and i teBdons, tlie vmoov braues and tlie skin, and sort nerviepu!fi and the brain', are all so rdany examples of nitrogenized matter.? ilat alcohol is eutirely devoid ot i uitrogen r iUi! oy form. In the exceptional eases rhere alcohol has been found bseful as 4 med icine, an unnatui-al condition of the body exists, and physicians should determine when stimulants as a meUicuie are nee- essarv.'1" . . , s--- - fj he parts of the body wtuctr possess tu? hnrl frncsvd tho hridnrn arlv in eVeniogrfii cbtepariipwitl? : yoimg nfaa Territory. irW4ier,4jis named u.'jr, Bird to ftttencra f school exi flMJ'W&c"? hibitioa to the, other? side. "After; the typographical lata, the apparen dini-l a .licm'tKMl , twn.Mfnrno 1 culties dwindlcf cwti'toSnothinjtrwneTal together, on arriving t,Be river lParetclioi bank, they, Tor some Tinaccouutatne rea- wtcr fcityu in oui arm- .Hi,tmtnWl i tttT'HiM' WiafsSxtaajIii-l Tltw-fint sectiou from NiiiutlSOTgorod wtucn was TMit caefeflU,,au saier-.i 4V"aa, "flu iwrai; ir-4t..-t"..M'- - . . . 1 ftho oal1i"irfyiiT-ina"Trtf'tritl4 l wg and unthinking of the great danger1 f UrjmsktAMke paijhtl. cprrM they were in until they arrived about '"g 'lu(W.lVirSV L , ine miua:e ox ine stream, wnen- int. i , ; : y oavv reeii, ana iReiargesB1Ttvent'afV' but pf Tery moderate tyWth BJtdjdepth. The, only serious? dlfficallies. r , W nave saio, neat, yi nioeso ironuer,j and they are iilferfo lo'tliose" 'overcome t in Abe Hdcky1 31ointain Sid Sierra , Nevada by the 4jr3ringUirsl more, tnan i,uw,wu,uw.witu which treacherous ice began to bend and crack beneath tbeif feet.; A desperate struggle to retrace, thoLr steps, a crah, a sJriekf and they were engulfed in the merciless Some laSorersL1' Who. lucki ly, ' wereat that lime at woTk ov tlw bridge, heard the cries, of distress and hastened to the assistance of the unfortunates, and as maid held a tray of combs and pomades j tie most energetic vitality, he,i brain. - I , . I - c uie nerves anu me nervous maiTiatroi the spinal cord, are principally TCOtopos- ed ot tlie most pulpy consistence, so soft that it may be almost termed melt ing. I his nerve-pulp ?ia r pacto irto minute filmy sacks and tubes diseern able only by microscopic aid. Throtigh these tiny aiul utmost mvisib e films the blood is "filtered." ' The .neryi-pu'p appropriates such qualities of the biootl as nourish life and bui'd up the" struct ure, and at tho same time ' tliey "reject and throw back into tlie ;streanif their own waste parties. Largo qnraitities ot water enter into the composition of this pulpy matter, and tho first evil ef fect of alcohol is aif tujcoiitrclable ' tm- pulse" Uxjuslw- water. ittio. , ttfiali. ...mh cessive use of alcohol haidsn&atMl dries up the nerve pulp in such a way -as to impair if not spoil it fdritsorieretJ fice. WheiV c.tcessive iJtiimiiigldoea not produce uatoxicatioii it ia, becasiijie the nerve-pulp has become insensiblo as an "oiled silk." '" The Hushed face uiton the approacr ot inebriation is among the earliest signs close by, 31iss Everett started up; the man m the black velvet iacket tumbled back ward .over the table ; the housemaid cried, "Oh, Lor!" " hat does this mean?" demanded Miss Everett. "Why am I thus intrud ed upon r "Who is this?" cried her finance, pointing with jlacbelh-hke finger to the black-coated individual. Mr. Solomon Solomons, at your ser vice, sir !" bowed and scraped the stran ger, "ot 222 Skip street." "And wjljat the (unmentionable) are you doing here (" roared Jacking ton. "Miss Everett is one of my patrons," said the obsequious Solomons, feeling tor his professional caros. - t sobbetl Sara, iorceiving that the truth wtuld out. "It s a b It nde process and there s nobody in Aew lork can put on the burnish like M r. Solomons ! And," to Jackington. "you are always so proud oi my hair, dear! It's cxpen sive, know, but what's expense where of the disturbance of these delicate liU pleaded, Ir. Jessamine, rather awed by the fleroe ointillatiou ot his friend's little blue eyes. " It ttVjwu Jiave the goodness to-teli me what tiiey are r quesiionea jock ington. ,? 1 ' v "I'd ratiicr not. Ask my sister or that Pouncer woman." , , , . 'Now look here, old fellow," said Jackington, button-boling the unfortu nate clerk of chimney-tops at once, you?ve said A, and "you've got to say B. vl don;ackle with a lot, of old woman. I ask you what all tliis means." Thus cornered, the votary of Tenny son and the mues wa Agreed to ex plain himself more explicitly; i - "IisuVrric J Ice no fauio find, and set 4 nothUJ siid i,es , I5at they do say there s a man comes there tn jin hor 't vour love re concerned And Sara threw herself, weeping, on Mr. Jackiiigton s shoulder., , . The' latter personage kked around iudit'nai.th' at the assembled spectators. "And you backbiters would fain have had me believe that this seraph was fal.ie " said ho. Mr.' Jackirgton married Miss Everett after all, All the boarders said lie was' a creat tool atter Until ng her out so completely ; but Love laughs at such criticisms. "If tee 're suited, it's nobody else's business! "said h. And there was a deep undercurrent of philosophy in tlie remark. S Not in the Fasiily. An old Dc troilcr brought Itoine two jugs tlie other nay. one labeled "boiled oil and the other "turpentine." They were placed in the barn, and pretty, eooii. it was no ticed that the old man had business there at regidar ' intervals. His oldest son slyly followed him and' taw' him taking a deep draught lrom one qi the jugs, 'l he old man heard a step out side, and before going out he arranged those jugs according to Ins artistic tate. lie was hardly gone when tlie son skip ped in and took a drink from the fug out of which' he ' supposed his - father drank. The next moment he was sput tering, coughing and gasping, and the Ola man entered and asked i - "Turpentine doesn't agree with yon. .1 i. -in uuea lb t t-ws ... twi. ;-- "But I saw you drinking it!" ex claimed the injured and indignant son. "That is true," said the old man while a beautiful smile played over his face, "but it doesn't' necessarily follow ' that the rest ot- the lamily must- relish tur. pentina because I do !" Detroit $)te Ire. ' -.!-;; " 'v I to see her, A - tnfln t" iff terers" in their work, the face being among the parts of , the body exception-. ally suw'ied with blood.' " TKerestrathi fug" or filtering work ot the pulpy, sub- tance is unpaired, ann hence the tmnaf. urail reception ot blood into .the ..pulp- cells. If this unnatural procesB ' re peated, or becomes habitual, Uie blot cit ed, red, swoolcu. or. pimpled, law ,h tlie result oi keening the nerve-pnipsaturat- ed with alcohol, and the delicate rncm branes, dried ' aiid dyed red, -show through the skin. t , ,. J he n rst stages ot mtcxicaUou. - arc shown in the want of command over the lower lip'and : lower J'upla.f Th nerve pulp ot the spinal cord is touched The muscles feel the torpor, Trembling and shuddering fvilowr: L"rxtle rsrye putp oi nio oraui come unoer evil in rlueucc, and the control of tho judg ment and the willdisappeflr?. When a mau is what is termed "dead? drunk, the paralysis of the higher nerve cen ters and ot tlie brasn m carried. ' to , its full erd. All inlets of tbe . seuscs. are closed : all consciousness ami iensitlon are destroyed, and all power of volun tary movement is effaced. Hie heart tug ran v hib iwa uu, At faiK. iltft motiB quantity ot alcohol is swallowei: at once, as in the case ot foolish wws, tlie toil ot tn6 lieart soou c3!esv--,ai'J the man is dead indeed: lint -rntrr '". nary instances the tor orYa v ei- &i it stops the drinker, )ust at. the., tpomt when further drinking would kill him outright. With t his general f view. l the effects of alcohol," aodj the" naut - r iu whicit they are pr odaoeiil, it ia rmy to understand why headaclic, .sleej -ness, nausea,, palpitation ; of the- L.j ? t and the "trembling delirium ' vtanv and follow tho excessive ' Xih: ' alcohol. s A Ttoieou m the stomach i 4 . 'ft Ik J. . oe pun) pen out or - .voiueu. j p---- in the blood must wait removal tisi l'crnaps the cioFcsv,eieciionw0otest l eflbrts of nmtne'efreetv Hat w i n on record, considering2 the larger number nplure itself, is. abused M ; Imps-iuJ, -.s A --,tr-?r ts.i.rt reeutwrative power sooif Dectwnps y f . i '..,. t -r I strnvml.. Tl tlivtfi cA oni.itiu&l i ir i.iuiii.ti i.,f M:Fi-wM.A.'.Mj.iwkA i v i . . Krav Vwanjf Ijwty Drowned in the juea Jioiue ki ver near lieaKak. , About 1 1 o'clock last night, says the Ceokuk Constitution, a dreadful acci- and to lay the road From llaikal to Vernheoueiuslc through" the' Taney-of the gelenga. irTIirtheJbest route , by which to reach Pkjn.; the , Capitals : of it" t niIAtr Cliaril ,Rtaa . , OSSS8S98SS9SW t J II t't i : i fcVw v.5-4u' f-vn,.ii. :itr.s .i.i hiiZJys-;x) t,.j T;tK'?f J lit") A sweat Ifttie feltow ti Who a ride en lite si earn ears iiad jdlfetwdV .. . a'oid a woniieniii stry, o - ' ' "l&"r . And rode Us srreat ri"rv, . .. Jgl (Way Dp to ; Albans froot i..vt-' Then thfltsweef Httlebof otl'';ur;f How TUey n I He was tho pink,, of poriecion f the cream ot human excellence was to be churned the butter "would lump p into the shape of Professor Porteous Prye, tutor ,J I e- bad r. .OMAraeted; w tej 'Wot JS. r;, rf yt mil sorta ef folks "by the ears." , t wostwieejoterricweu, , i,, And h is story tumout bw Ua taiytu" w It'A ...tt .i ..iifcif i.-a.'feKj.rl.iW.wS.wifSA-tri ' 1 . tnret tbla sweet littlalisy was a fraud i. ' r . "'' IIopi no oi.e t-i t- iuj,4 " ax too naeiiess lis yow ir iniwii r- -'-.i rfwawefcftl, they rushed npon the ice they found it f to construct railes 'or Tanftaa,1 woald uot bear tliefti np." Boards were f cau easily- ovu,owtw w tnnnff of the the fence and shoved more 10 eonsww,, ii oot ion the Ice, in the Vain hope that the f fd all the JPtflhr ypung lady' and ' gehlleman might be readied by this meaus, and iu a - short time the yc ung man was reached and . riii' ii:: c. puiiou out in. jaieiyT itiiss oieveng was fartlicr" out in the stream, and ' whilst clinging to tlie edges of the ice main tained a heroic calmness .1 he . men at the ! bridge say that it was a most moving sight to :see her and hear as&Iie -clung desperately and with datch of a drowpi.ng. mortal to tle edges of the ice, giving directions . as to per rescue, fn a voico which was by far the most sclfpossessed of the lot. -'' - Spurred on by the , heroism ot Miss 3tevens, tlie men redoubled their efforts to save her ; but alas ! r each eftort was repulsed by the breaking of tlie ice, and it was impossible to render any assists a nee. iWiss Stevens - raamtained her calmness to " the last,- and cheered and iurged the mec on. y lt finally became apjiarent to her, that her grip was fast losing its hold, and she announced, the fact to the ' horror-stricken men, : who Tlie proposieion liar beeui s&btaVft r-' .5 tJ tlie Govcrsment aadr- also ; mtlt -fe' I & Mr. Cox, and by tbaT. lakl:tfcf7rtT-4liff.5: r- fetirautittew oh Bankibg wld jCarrMic, that' tlie Goyemaeat'appoijst ft' bofmitru:h i tee&f iKt3fkrzpertB'ta vuutSxxA't , - wither ecietaUsthamriBvea&l aflwi-vi as "to wlletr there a r i'rxrt at pr .i . t extent uch tmthfHJyysteiaatc,fX9 m vf act ind logical cbriceptioa of ilid ;iat,' .? I law and Ttnr0 of the subject cf riopeyj:'! ft i i . r . i - . : . . l :.. er i uau naoii oi ruug pB.ai,f im .nw ,l. I stOCKing iccii. iu sew ii uie nunus vye that ;,.r. --u5Jj laif-MUi It.? I out at ten. jt is naru teacuin; our dogs new trick., bnl "boys 'Succeed ' bet- tor with old ptotessors- i Tommy iyre fe a cadaverous youth, witli a- ftdpur colored moustache, but the iron .had etv tered his Bofil ahd he said he liiust "xio wltat he could. So '2teT booghti' three papers of caipefii iacjef .oneHigbt,s andi stood the innocent bttjo uails upon theur heads all the way " up an4 . dpvyn the stairs, aiid retired with liis faitlifutrtol- Ipwers to tlie fwood?clsets above? ta await . jttitAJ rrwiw bell .trae tei tJjen seaspu of jWaitino; followed, l'resentiy came, a , purry. i.mjii tire uot For-sincKeii iMen, who i . .,...,.-, . t i- i ti .. i.. r.,... !,. . !.- :,i. creeping oand like ' woolen stockh;gs llrWllU JIIIMIi;! VUVlto Bj C T t HVI TV Ifcll I " . ,4 ' . , -s, A a . OOkavail. She finally announced that she could liold en no lotiger, arid, after l- By w'W! I Lie WMAItK Ullnfl rthMI V"S aTAOIW tt Ir -6 wero. t, looser Jrop-.the WmW edges of the ice and the body' sankto l " ' .wu' rise no more: ' The remorseless current ' 'TiJrMM' carried her tnsler the ic6, and doubtless 03 n f p,a. .p- . - . 1 ..wu-Hwl civnn m .-astA f -w-T All t tiA filQI dtt into the JW fcsit imti. and thna far v, f no traces of the body have been found. although a search has been instituted til lie neighborhood where the disaster occurrea. ....-. - .,: . :u ll is a tale which sickens one in the ielling, and the litrapnation catf easily ilnf rtt t I A lir.nir.n - . I - ttAinv I Or I compak,,,:tbe.gr4istt per lneiKis and relatives, aud the minutes which must have been long-drawn hours tO jUjc.lierqic, young, girl, twhile , she was struggling fbr life ou tho edges I of the fatoful ice. ' md scoond, if they can. sa fctoe,-o4 it Wt'f (l)"her U stfca f adei30rifKf'r:kiamrV-I thehf taagreeupca aad td Jamie,-if. i.jn.i sible, a ooneite and intelligible I restate- ', , meat oi the same and: if 2l tiere ; -.; hoi sucH a science kuowa, Uien io svol v , - .,t dweover or cTeatev it poaibjo,, su&w . science, and to sttta it is 9 jf0S tal-r.: . , ,t Hgible forrruia which tly.tfagre?, , i it'boing Ukon w granted that aud tjMSr parties appointed would-be-expecUd. to-.?'- ,; b accept It) tbk, like any-oUier subject vwwj Of department of natural pbeaegaem M n:u1 ettsccptibleol being reduced , to a .ecieo, n title exactness and Ibrmul, ,f)berein j t,hall be , susceptible of dwno8tratK o al io 'tlietesationar It phetsonteaa t&at ' Is toptrC into'such foroi as tSJeM't'''' os a body of knowledge, whose phehoro bna shall bp rraitged so as to exliilMtf ; , . Uie reason oVeose-y whichAr' tley, t f0, v governed in their kgitimate relation andH. -Mi nterdepewdenee, tC- the timei haaecaaefr: tJ for such a scietice,- andf It 41HWoriif"" triatfiiliaf'1 't'i i ; -: ' v-t t-' wsii ittbuau ipmte JViiutiier iuouii uuiu 10 v,ro then another fbot'down ; then a scream that wasift suppressed ; theit -a howl ? he had struck the second stair : then he set down on. tlie steps, and hc rg9t i;upJ again, ana a . groan, witn exclamation ik tits after it, came tearing up to the wood closet. The boys stciod ' back td a rabblii.g rotjngwfcj.lwayy -words and a distinct mention .ot the name of the 'father ' of 4iiiqli1ty,,traiid romnry appeared and asked ill' a-'viee fi-cfch fromlihe Va31o--o4;liiodl 9i4 to ml vJfWJiat fcoems :toJbe,tlic maUer.', A Kai: ArriM the Esuisern i1 UnenC. ,J. , cviv..w ,.iu.v.. "V- -.i-, j "Matter t The boys f The demons I Confound it ! See here ! Help P ,i And lie eliifted about ami imng W the railing and tifwd to j stand r n ktiees.Iaimy. bronght ; a,. lilt,,.rid tltobovs carried the, wounled mail -to hi hum': offered ftVmnart V a'rkt co?'M claw Ifcttmier and drevf ont f thdf lacks. Hie profesdr wrs 6lipier and tits on a.cushion. fr'FfOQ;wiP1 ifWfRWyhlRli cnteen dovs know uie sec res ago. n is ' The great teat accomplished ; by the United Slates in connecting the Atlan tic awV Pacinc-' OceaitSv by 'a! railroad i across tlie United States, is stimulating iitiacrprise in Europe i.Jinds; it ; now prorxscd iiideed, tlie xlan is mature J- ,.t. t-...:. i T-:c Oceans by a railroad through .Central .jretroU 'XWe iWt tlft AdU At. Ta- -AAnfilfWsVtfl sAi 4 K fWlfTW-- ' J - - 1 a t - Pliers. Tebenily-held, Col. :Bogdanowiti "Tlio.Ust phaso of.lfclknapV defense explained soma of tho details of ' tfio I appfearsin the fihape ofjaFtry settiBg road, which, it iexpoctd,, wdl : oyer in.n ine wtjow tti.. ,.o Tt"m KiniK one of tk frncta.tMt mihiitflifihMi to tltc 1 When Mrs. UtelkuaPvthcii Mrs-Iiow, i . r .... .. . - ,..;.. ertetnited by tlie ambition to rival the extension of civilization, namely, the gJTi J0.jt J;' actcptM U mtioa ot a large .-fa4;of Ati .from Marblv briiSss latal-Jnfsdi tairdiC!uc:'joe I la rope by vafc; jdeserta, in; wlticHi.aa ftiliiWraister to secure th jHfHias;;J means ot trarit Wt"a Taitw old te cor weaWl, from the Srtta- - 'i . ' ry all of the iniquitous transaction, and ofnyose. A railroad alone can d Bh9hecaJe Mrs. lielknaptbe seo- veiop tbe resources , the-iany itwu rtaryws-Bdt fe tibeevw ;J,hafc -17,8 through which iti would pas;'afn4 twanty hoiifjrsi olla'rs thatc?7i to i-..m:iJM4i.a,.-TK sttU.itA i ijviUi bw from tlie polksv 'on Ler former bus- . .. rbnad1ik?'lmd-beeu enltiiiedno 'Mr! immounu MB weii-nnown, ine ex- Mrd, 'vr,fcAAtaA aoefiessibl "Goes right tip to her room twice a week ! A fellow with long black whis kers, and a coat of black tably velvet." "It's false," said Mr. Jackington, grinding his teeth, i ,-,..,..- ---p "I'm afraid it's true." said Jessamine, "My!' tLar:'LUrbarJr Jias seeu liiaS slinking up tho stairs. r So- lias 'Mrs. Pouncer. He's bribed the cook 'maid to let him in on the sly j but Pouncer was down there making rose-f-alve for her complexion, and she seen him large, as lifaJ-- "Can J believe, nyuirs2'V- taidyMrs JackingCon, " clasping his" Iiands'ti,agu caliy together.. . '!'.,. ! "Corces every .Wednesday and Satur !y,' added Mr. Jesfcaraino. , t L votes- rCast, forr Member. , of- Congress, McDill, Republican, ; received .9,444 ; Catej Independent Ueibrmer, received 9,4 iG--ronly two majority, and just, one to spare. McDill filed notice of contest, but withdrew,, IIq ob.uld easily have! ,,;AYellsjlafgp.4&Co: ' lost nearly 1 proved ono fradulcnt vote. So could J 000 through express robbers duriirj ISTo Cate. ,i ; 1 t Tho rewards -ottered fof tbs arrest-Eiid T.olization Upou the'liverVkidncys','"'''.! stomach, it is unnecessarv- to 'esci . w, tor they aro- well . understood,,.,.! t where tlie "'mfechieyous . proeesr; L aiKl how it is continued are poiuta mvr to the most non-mcdica readera.7; '-; o'onvictiou of parties amounted to uuo , OlRi-lOUI WV.V (UUi. , uld be ienconraged, i aud j Uietr- re-1 sources developed! Vf'-'1 It is proposed "tliat - the" road "shall stirt from Nijin 'Novgorod, it -Risssfa, vi' here is now 'the esttrerne! '.eastern sta- t ' j-n of tho net-work' 'of European rail- roaas; it wdl run ..aiojgino- xok sation. j Thus originated m ban l'ran- ( ,Wj owco, wltere. tliere. is said to ibeia.boy ,.. uiue years of ago who,-iWith. W, bare- i TIE optics, can plainly see ana miimtely de-fi scribe ita -furface. ants of tlie moon are spider-like creatures c iavpa tit nnif Be . 1 be Idshpi ftfie moon are spider-luce creatures , , ana that vast rivers aua lanes oi quicic. ailcnr 0iKt imnn its surface. rti?! n rAl? ,wher the quickstlvergoesr to whieW. escapes form our quartz7rnjlls in a.vapo--. ry Jrom., Uut, then, we should think .... ... . . - -. rt fe tf at so mncn mercury wota prouuew a;ferr6rstafe6f IfvarirgjLhw , " Y"ft ! lf.jreif itf- .tj-,f inga C3l cbo" . r.--J tkiis i.Hvil o In it I IK . 1 -.'.'I S f .. .. i .... .XL - . . trt ' jr.t Of rspfi to days. Tko oUieriday.'wlien...!!e . foundu ttjat liia iManelubi.bacl been tplit.p -j fos kiiKiyroohat ?bis, gO-po-nd dnrao-beliatiaa been, aiiowea to, rsn. and. that his snnd-r"" Iil b",i fsca , , . tor potato sacks.be cor sre i a 200 p"ni. - , ttai .TlYJiowirVilJdVA)riI t?e t'lTSi-rV M 3 J aow fUH,t WnJ''V..:- rj This rs twot r" P-natw .thi. "'I't' -are tisus)ly. C;lif ;iia j tb hundred thousa'nd dollars, and. the money she received' was' from that source! , . . 'V.. I.VI I Vl fc J U1 . .N treated thc taaxWr asianysattoart -fwould bis wile's income. It was only when he 'appeared and tlie-iacts were made krtowBtoyhiraJihat ho knew jatxj- realiz ed tlie horrible truth'. At 4 this point, the Kama, to- Ekaterinbourgj ror. hcf weit eTioui'to- tSivhaoifW ' riT! Kb Asiatic side of tlie Ural mountains,' tton f defense! owhis ayikVafliehowdT T-.2rTaa. er.ter Asia, proceed m the direction of iierve.Qm.tieurniu auwu Treumcii and Omsk at the Irtisl,r cross 1 "? VV.XV ? I gra4 ;-:ift'J?,f!ir'J5"f T.';' kuwi fiiiitio&p3i a'hr Vs57 f 7.Tg e.Jj extra privilgef.i : , Iga, ;r.Th. fixcase-ottho. third jtb "a8. Mr Mo)dilitrsting Use,, r'" 1 u ,9et.f,t. i the guestp , w k? wf r rk'r ?1 4 J , ?r'i. f,; mina forward, .fwaa mor tVAur b"!) :t f any 'I have married a wife and tt&ro? yTJ-vr fore cannot come.5 Nwywhy didn the river, proceed by way. of Kainsk.to Tomsk on tlie Tern, a branch of the Obi sri eross thtT'fiver. 'Toniskv-ois' U rraiciral center ct coioTnert'o -Xt Wes t. m Sibfciia thenea U-e'vd "rirV Jrisi rc''Jy to- Irkutttf. atv1 Lilcel Ilaikati t. '' rrcti tbe f.I TTto r"Tto theTfontier f O'lir, and t""-etwe it is lonror an 4 .To test aii aE6ayer:wbo had invariab ly , reported, large resiatsjroru dyrt gatli ered at Pikf's Peak, a pitixeupffJoiora: - SriM)rAi--Paro and 1 i ; t , jht... i;ly ill.(!:au,'"frtt n; internation- Hlis mx&n'd fcyrany do Springs red weed ao Ohio; stone jg good, sour app!es,;emo'ef ""tea"- cv airg,. 'And., r.ere," ."also, tho j l"' f c"-' - T ? ii a mortar, and gave it to him to assay, aad place them iu a stcamor over s elation that4t was Peak v&rtK - The tie pf 'r telling' ;.watcf f TOn-.'t result was a report that the dirt yielded 1 serve with fingnf aud cream, aud $.17 80 in gold to the. ton. ' ine they are peaches. ded to her taiserVthO anguish of know ing tlcatshrfiad dragged Sdow-fi"- hr wretch dthi!"jn&m" tii ifisw - v'- e, A. i . - k r.. . i.i - : . fi:y.:x , Alio uuiuiu 04 u vouiia iiayo juoi decided fn 'a"case'.in'bapkruptcy, (list a liaclielof, thonlf h W, sa f, .iS'witb. au adopted sop .and a. :hs u3 f..., .t yants, is not the.fcedipt.fr.;j', ?"ifto 1 entitled to the homeiitiead Kettption. 1 take1 his Wlio kloni witnli mi ?t hat. nucDer! fowyoi vrpjn-j.' r bcos ; 'Aj Chicago photograr.her hasinvent-. cd a way of making a larjre nioiith dim- 1 .tft t-. i us tis" incenrg aiuicuuies com. Jit tLo i.uoaufe'n range ot Kiog- , w hich in its northern part is cross- j pla r.p and loolrstrawberrited;, and he's 1 . S a ' s . a a I 16 a - . -a. 3 ml ty tr.e creat oostacie, and it will bo paato raer- toreeww cameras ana ouy csary to pass by .the, ,Matchoorta, ' twenty-four more chairs , : -t bestrew the . Semale pe When a young lady giH9-ft- tainment and sees an ' acqt co ao- compaiiied by a gcatlviia ww.i' ' lepow,' 6he 'dont ttjoy ' . : stv. . . j aViti as tbe wholo 1" Jl ' t.. ' w'ooiierirg, t""0 ctr-'f-r . , . ,.-i jj!' - - - r The creo,tcra f a ''I ' . JW.Meabwa9 'aceeryC ' " , 1, cnU on the Ooii..', c. teitthat the bar :t - - a t - 0, meet'mff of tlie creC.i ; kh, fair of horses and fl'uivf i;i in-; s..