FPBI.fHEP KVEBI FRIDAY-, Br COLL. VAN CLEVE, Jf THE REGISTER BUILDING, Corner F-rry and First Streets. TERMS-IS ADVANCE. One copy, one year f 5J One copy, s months....-..-- - To club of twenty, each cop 00 Tnle conies .................... len cows. sulJseri'"Ts outside of l.inn comity win le rbaiwd 40 cents extra-! " for the year as that 1 the amount of ixslai;e per annum Mc we are required to pay on each paper mailed by us. - FBlpAY .MARCH 2. 1876. ilaexe Hatters. i m Ckxtkal School. Following is tlie program nie of exercises at tlio Central School this afternoon. lr. Jones will lect ure it the close of the - exercises. Mr. T. J. Stites is principal : Recitation Ellen Morgan. Dla'ogue Laziness. Recitation Ella Sehloser. Dialogue Br eleven girls. Declamation F. Banta. Kecltatlon M.i ry West fall. Dialogue I Kiel or. Declamatiou Aide Cooler. Song By two little girls. Dialogue. Recitation Nettie Merrick. Declamation Geo Westfall. Dialogue. I Beciution Etta Brown. Dialogue Tlie fortune teller. Beciution Helen Crawford. Beciution Clara DeardofT. Beading paper. " Beciution Atitoiue Miller. Song by tlie scliool. Recitation Xel lie Wood. Dialogue Aunt Polly' lesson. Beciution Bell Cannon. Beciution Bell Brown. Diloguc An indignant meeting. Beciution Dora Cowan. Declamation Curtis Winn. 1 Dialogue 1776-1876. i Recitation Annie Godley. Declamation Freddy God ley. Song By two young ladies. Beciution Clara Keifer. Beciution Lucy Spink. Declamation Guy Wallace. Dialogue Before and behind the scenes. Centknkiai A sociable, supper and fir will be bekl at Pacific Opera House on Friday evening, April 7ih, the proceeds to be devoted to the fencing and improving fjhe grounds of t lie Albany Collegiate In stitute. Tills will be tlie grand Ceutcuuial iiterU!nmeut of tlie season. Genernl JVashlngton and family, and otlier Revo utionary diameters will be represented in 4yeanciente costume." Songs of 177G will be rendered by artists in costumes. A splendid collation will be spread in the style of 1776, and tlie substantial and luxuries of tliat dsiy will refresh the inner man. Tliere will also be a "pound party," fancy and musical cutertaintneut, and ' overselling tlut ran will be done to render (Mi the most enjoyable entertainment of Che sea-tOM, Ttus College grounds consist of tour block, lying in a body, and when enclosed wiffi neat fence, will form quite park, and add mtui to cite beauty of our growing city. Let all liberal iniudcd citi zen come tlie re and enjoy a sociable even log, atid contribute to u nvovtliy an object. Admission, 2.x.', ami an opportunity to spend more after you get in. Till-. We again ask our friends throng! tout the county and elsewhere to writs short, pithy articles for the Registek. Especially give us the local news of your neighborhood. If you are to have a spell ing school, religion meeting, concert, sociable. Grange or farmers' club meeting, or any thing else you want public atten tion called t write to or call on us and gtvs US the necesary facts, and we shall publish them, and be especially obliged to yotj. Anything that is of local interest we want to pubtLtli, atnl if anybody tells you tfcat s notice of a meeting temperance, re ligions grange or any other kind will not be Inserted unless pakl for, tell the partv making the assertion that lie is mistaken ; jwe are anxious to publish any matters of this kind that are of interest to our readers, 'and never once thought of eliargf ng for tbem during a long experience In tlie news paper business. J . : v FtTBKiTCRE TILL. YOU CAN'T BEST -Mr. F. 8. Dunning bos one ot the largest stocks of fumUure ever brougtit to this city. . We had no Idea of the amount and diameter of the goods kept by him until, a day or two ago, we took a walk through the es tabQshaaent. lie has some beautiful wal nut bedroom sets, good enough for the bighastrtoned, besides some elegant but cheaper sets. There seems to be no end to his variety and kinds of bedstead&.elialr?, lounges, bureaus, : mea&afes, umbrella, stands, Ac &c:l We can't begin to give you an idea of what lie has in store you must go and see for yourself. Next Fstoat Xkjiit. At a meeting of the committee appointed by the M. E. Sunday cbooL lt Monday evening, to arrange fer a concert for tlie benefit of said church, it was unanimously resolved that the concert should be given on Friday evening next, at the Opera House.' It was also molred that the concert -should.. be lollowed by a sociable, at which tlie usual refresitiments would he provided, Tlie ad mission to the concert and sociable will be fifty cents for adults and twenty-five cent. fat diUlrea. His concert will be unusual ly attractive, as several noted vocalists from Fortlsnd and Salem are expected - to " be present awl take part in the programme. It is rumored that another express wag on is about to be started for tlie accooiroo datloa of our fiist growing city. This will tusfea fcsiree express or accommodation wions. The nnmber of drays has also been great! j increased hi thi lisf few Fibe. Last Saturday; night, jor irather Sunday morning, about half past two o'clock, the quick, sharp clang ot the ftrc bell startled our people from their f slum bers, and sent them hurriedly into the streets, each anxiously inquiring as to the location of tlie fire. v Tliere. is nothing more dreadful than an alarm ot fire at the dead of night. It was soon ascertaRled that the building owned by Dr. Lister. Ton Broadalbiu and Sixth streets, was on fire, and before the Arc engine could reach the spot, tlie fire had made such headway that It was Impossible to save the building. The building, a one story and a halt frame, was unoccupied, Rev. Mr. Stratton liaving moved out of it a few days before. The parties who first reached tlie bnilding, aver tliat there was plenty of evidence that the building was set on fire purposely, and Dr. Lister informs us tliat there had been no fire in or about the house the dy previous Tliere was an Insurance on the building of $500, but the building could not be replaced probably for. less Uiau three times the amount of the insurance. This Isn't the first work of the Incendiary iu this city, anil It is high time that steps were taken to find tlie transgressor and give him either a chance to stretch hemp or make brick. LIST OF LETTERH Remaining in tlie Post Office, Albany, Linn county, Oregon, March 23d, 1S7G. Fersous calling for these letters must give the date on which they were advertised. Ad kins. Melissa Myers, AVm ' Cawhom, WL McDonald, Thomas brum in, Abncr MeOanghey, Will ' Dunkee, Sam T McColniu, J W (i Dunning, Eliga B McMichael, Mr f IMstvopcK FerdiiiandMcMalum, Miss Mary Eairelukl. Fletclter i.2MUlcr, Cyrus Hanner. E Ostnmder, Wilbur Howard. W (2) - Patterson, Mrs Eliga Houston, MissC Slww, W A 2) ,. I.enuioii, Miss Ola Smith, Miss Maggie V ilson, Miss EiumaVcmon, G W P. II. RAYMOND, P. 31. Clttixg and FrrrixG. Mrs. S. A. Johns Is prepared to give instructions in cutting and fitting ladies' and children's clothing by the "Taylor System," recog nized generally, we believe, as the best yet invented. Clothing cut by tills system are warranted to fit and give perfect satis faction. 2fo married lady especially should be without this system, as it will save many a dollar, besides the childreu may always have nesit fitting clothing without paying taylor's bills, Mrs. Johns went to Halsey yesterday, canvassing, and will probably visit the the county ere long. various towns in A COM1M.ETK K.STAISLISIIMKNT. One Ot the completest stores in the city is that ot Mr. J. Gnidwohl, in the brick on First street. Tliere can be found one of the completest assortments of bolts, and "all kinds of shelf hardware, hammers, saw.; chisels, augers, etc., the best and most popular ranges, stoves, and tinware, while the assortment of ci ockery ware is the com pletest in tlie city. A full supply of gro ceries is also to be found, as well a a good cigar, excellent tobacco, and a thousand other tilings yon want. Mr. Gradwohl Is one of our most liberal, public spirited men, of whom you can buy at as low fig ures as anybody can sell and live. Go ami see the stoak of goods offered, anyway. Xew Soda Factokt. A. Carothers & Co. are erecting a new building on the cor ner of First and Ellsworth streets, where they intend transferring their soda works. Tlie business has grown and increased on tlieir hands until they have had to provide new quarters for it. Their drug business has also . increased, making it necessary for tliem to have all the- room in tlie pres ent building to carry on this business alone. Success to Andy and Rube. ANOTiira Wakuiouse Siiml E. Young lias purchased fifty feet off the e:ist sule of Aus. Marshall's lot on Second, between Washington and Ferry street, on which lie intends ereethig-'aii- agricnltui-al ware lioitse, 40x100 feet the building will run through from Second, street to the. alley, be tween Second and First sfreets. f " Tlie three persons, not1ce6f wl'iose escape from Portland iail anneared in last week's 5 f i. Reciter, were captured 14 SahwTayJ10 tiMmtMamtmtfnber afternoon, on the Grand Rouude road, near Gopher holo, by DeiMtty Slwriff Gtmt,f of Yamhill, and n not her man whom lie called to his, assistances, .. i ;-i t .$ f Enirgrants arrivfrig5 bf3tnry steamoH I Inquiries for , work are quite frequent. Persons desiring to employ any kind of skilled or unskilled labor, sliould leave the necessary word at tlie hotels or at this office.". In this way they might benefit themselves and lielp tlie needi-. CoxcEirr. About next Friday ;ilght yon cart get ready for a way upentertahS nient iu the way of a coocerfr Old Folk's concert by tlie M. E. Sunday . School, lliat octnple solo," by eiglit of tlie hlglf okl boys of snug, will be gorgeous beyond description. J"orgnt it liot, forget It hot. Our City Marshal lias had FJrst street, . from Broadalbiu west to Washington street scraped, and all IhC loose mud liauled"off, so that tlie street iireselitl aiuticlf sfjdier appearance, and tliere will not be two or three Incites of dust constantly moving and filling tlie air during the coming SmnmetV : SrocEssFCL. The entertainment given by Ue ladies of tiie Soutliern Methodist Church on last Friday evening,' was very agreeable and pleasant at'id) panned out unusually well, the : receipts being one litiudred and ninety-seven dollars. .'.This amount, we nndJrsUnd,wll1 entirely liqui date tlie debt of tlie church. . '- ; ' ' Peesosai -We met our old friend, Ad, Eilgar, in this city, the; first 61 the week.' Ad. looks very little older than he did ten or twelve yearsagdasii'tfea '-particle of his push and energy, atid, is ju6taSi 4uil of Jolarity as In the olden days. Graphic Jt'as,sftidf aefrtaln man who has been up before the." Linn County Circuit Court, th.it he had rather tell a He on six months credit than to telllrH truth f for the cash down 1 Circuit Cotjrt. Spring term, for the week jading March 23, 1S7S: Samuel Cooper V3. Elklns Bros. Judg ment for plaintiff, $215 25 ' Rebecca Rose vsA J. 'Itoae.' Cause contlnaetL-" 1 ' ' - ) i ' j " 8i-- 3 Muikey t al. "vs. :Yn' Plttman et al. Cause continued by agreement of counsel. " , . 4 , Tliomas Clcmc;i8 vs. ' I-iartha Clemens. Divorce granted as prayed, for, and custo dy of nihior diildreii given to- plaintiff. II, B. Sprenger et al. ts. Chas. X. Walt et al. . Report of referee "confirmed. H. Alexander vs. S. . C. Sutton. Judg ment of lower court-Veversed. State of Oregon vs. S. wW. Eddy and Marnetta EIdy. Were arralnged tor lar ceny and given usual time to plead. Blain, Young & Co. vs. Thos. Clemens. Judgment for plaintiff by default. Mary A. Altree et al. vs. S. J. Morton etal. Case settled and dismissed. Jacob G.Lowe et'aL vs. "Martin Low et al. J. O. Bushuell appointed sole ref eree to sell real property, and cause con tinued. J. Hausman vs. D. A. Beeder. Cause continued. ' f Phil. Wasserman vs. Hampton Weed. Dismissed without prejudice on motion of plaintiff. SUte of Oregon vs. Mary E. Xonls. Verdict of not gtttltyfj tJT Ckxtexsiai On the 4thot July, 1776, George Washington was 41 years old ; Martha Washington, 43 ; Sam. Adams, 54; John Adams,!) tfi&igafl&fldttiillU Si ? John Qutiicy Adams, 9; Tliomas Jeffer son, 33 ; Patrick Henry, 40; James Madi son, 23 ; Thomas Paine. 39 ; James Otis, 51; Fisher Ames, IS; WillUm Pitt, 6S ; Josi;dtJnIocyJr4 32 ;3 Nathaniel 3reene, 34 ; Edmund Burke, 46 ; Jonathan Turn bull, 36 ; Roger Sherman, 55 ; Aaron Burr, 20 ; Benedict Arnold, 36 ; George Clinton, 37 i Alexander Hamilton, 19 ; Robert R. Livingston, 29 ; PliUfp Li vli gston, 60; Philip Schuyler, 43; Benjamin Franklin, 70 ; lienjamin Rush, 31 ; Robert Morris 42; Charles Carroll, 39; Cwsar Rodney, 46 ; Edward Bittledg.', 27 ; William Moul trie, 4arIIortiO .Gates, 43 ; John Rut ledge. 37 ; Tliomas Sumter, 42 ; diaries C. Pickney, 30; Charles Pickney, 18; James Monroe, 13 ; Tim. Pickering, 31; Anthony Wayne, 31 ; Israel Putnam, 53; Rutus King, 21 ; .Tolni li&iioockV 39 f XI bridge Gerrj-, 32; Ricliard Stockton, 48; George Wythe, 50 ; Marquis La Fayette, 19 ; Francis Marion, 44 ; Henry Knox, 20 ; Richard Henry Lee, 44; John Jay, 31. nesolniton of TlioBkw. " The ladies of St. Paul's M. E. Church South aid society, realizing a sense of grati tude, hereby adopt unanimously the follow ing resolutions : Resolved. We acknowledge tlie generos ity of our friend David Frouiatt for the tree useot the 0era House and fixtures at our late fair and festival. Resolve I, We acknowledge the kindness of Prof. Cathcy and tlie ladies and gentle men who regaled us with niu-sie of touch ing beaut-. - . .-'?'""; Resolved. "We acknowledge tl.e well-rendered reading of Prof. Henderson Creed of tlie Hells." Resolved. We acknowledge tlie dona tions and favors of our worthy ami respect ed sisters and friends of all sister churches of this city. Resolved,.. We appreciate and acknowl edge the presence and cordial approval of the large audience in attendance, and the universal good behavior and decorum ot all. Resolved, That our city papers be re spect lully requested to publish these reso lutions. Mus.. Eia Cakteil Pres. M iss Lizzie Smith. V ice Pres. Mks. B. W. Cl'ximkf, Sec'y. Mrs. E. D. Sloan, Treas. Albany, March 18th, 1876. Resolution of ' if J Whereas, It has pleased God, iu his all wise providence, to remove by death Sister Roland, of Brownsville Lodge, therefore be it . . , . ;,, HenoTred, n Ixxlge assembled, by Val ley Lodge, Xo. 155, I. O. G. T., that we bow with submission to the will of a just God. J?enfreit, Tliat we tender our sympathies to tlie bereaved husband and family; also Jiexoireii, That a copy of tlie above pre amble and resolutions be sent to the hus band and to the Lodge of which Khe was a member, and to the Register and Dnmo crut of Albany, for publication. .K.HAYES. P. T. STARR. NETTIE RAY, Committee. 1 Audition. Ans. Marshall has enlarged his new livery stable, bulkling an addition on the cast side tlie whole length of tlie stable. Ans. now has one of the most com- Lmodioua and elegant livery houses any where. k Meiucal. Tlie attention of tlie citizens of Brownsville and vicinity Is asked to tlie card ot Dr. H. C. Stone, whose office Is at 'iue-jraig'saranuJtliariacA Hi Dr I.JT1 a hlgl reputation andf wf 1 givl propef IMS nieouyl atsent I aTfcut'Mjii to!l caingupoiiiin s-ssLndar, MaHh 19tfeI8J A It tlie wife of C. D. Burkhart, twins a boy and girl. This makes thirteen children with which our friends, Mr. and Mrs. IJnikhart.li.nvc been blessed. Both deserve 'well of their country. " '; Exceixent Workman. We are told tliat Mr. E. Beyle Is an excellent workman, making a perfectly fitting and neat looking boot or shoe. lie Is the man you want to patroiUzo, cerUltdy, See J bis i card hi this Issue of the Register. "ArgmneuUtion" whh regard to the proper place tor a new bridge across the Sautlani has been going on for some time. Undoubtedly the interests ot the Forks demands another bridge, but tlie exact point at wWtltlttbouklUiBeeed ah, there's the rub. The College Improvement Society are making -grand preparations tor their "Promenade Concert" on the evening of &ptil 7th and th College folks never fail on anything they undertake. Boss FBtrnsTS. The first of tlie week, on the second day thereof; the Directors elect of the Albauy Fruit Preserving Com pany met and selected from their number Allen Parker as President, A. X. Arnold as Secretary, and P. C. Harper as Treasur er. : - ' . Warehouse Sold. Mr. Beard has sold his fine warehouse at Tangent to the Far mer's Warehouse Company of this city. The price paid was f5,000. Tim F. W. Co. now has a storage capacity of 300,000 bushels. Some of our fanners have the wheat ot last liarvest still In their barns, and tliere they will keep it until better roads or ad vance iu prices induce them to haul it to the city. ' - - Sweet Home Objects To having all the subjects of scandal credited to her. Sweet Homers say that the Ally-Falrcloe affair occurred in Canada, in tlie locality known as Big Foot. ; Married. In this city, on Saturday, March 18th, 1876, at the bride's residence, by Elder John A. Powell, Mr. Henry New man, of Miller's Station, and Mrs. C. C Hopkins, of Albany. Cloudy, but little rain during the week. During the last five months, we are told by S. Cannon, who has dotted it down for his own satisfaction, we have had more or less "falling weather." That Legacv I-ett Conductor Stroud by an aunt rather "obtained" some ot the Oregon dailies. Stroud's leg-l-cy! Won der If they see it now. Stroud won't do he makes troubles nut de noospapers. Since writing tlie above we learn that tlie insurance was $1,000, and that the Dr. had been offered $ 1,600 for the place re cently. Subscribers still coming In. We have some friend who are doing us proud. May we be able to repay tliem a tliousand fold. Beligiols. Bev. T. B. White will preach In St. Paul's church next Sunday monilng on the subject of "ParenUl Re sponsibilitythe Training of Children." Protracted Meeting. Rev. Mr. White commences a protracted meeting at St. Paul's church next Sunday. All Chris tians are Invited to attend and aid. Present indications are that our city will be a busy one during the summer. A large number of buildings will be elected, both for residences ami business. Tlie Vivian & Kochler troupe are getting away with tlie people of Portland, and receiving tlie higliest encomiums at the hands of the pressgang there. m Judge Burnett, of the Second Judicial District, opened court for Judge Bouham on Monday, he being detained at his resi dence in Salem by sickness in his family. Improving. Mr. Belding. whose life was despaired of last week, by close atten tion and good nursing, lias passed the cri sis, and is now slowly recovering. Montgomery Queen, with his huge cara van of wild beasts ami gorgeous ci reus, proposes to visit Oregon during this, tlie centennial year. Sociable. Tlie Calvary Society give a sociable at the residence of John Moiitcith, Esq., on this (Friday) evening. ' Come one, come all, and enjoy a pleasant evening. 1 ; Our city has been pretty well filled du ring the week, Circuit Court attracting tliem hither. Judge Strong, of Portland, declines to lecture tor tlie Library Association ot this city. Bully for Strong ! Our friend Mr. Newliouse, wlio has been residing in Portland for some months has moved back to his old home in this city. Six new buildings have been erected in Halsey since February five dwellings and one business house. Bev. Jos. Taylor has got the contract for manufacturing the furniture of the Episco pal church of this city. Executor's Sale. See notice of valua ble city property at executor's sale, else wliereln this number. Mr. Gradwohl will go to- San Francisco soon, to lay in an enormous stock of Iiard wsre, crockery, stoves, ranges, etc. Second Half.-This number of tlie Reo istek Is the first number on . Uo second half ot volume eight. How time passes. For musical instrument and music books gotoJno. Fosliay's.in theParrisli brick. Mrs. Geo, F. Setttemclr is about again, after a severe attack of bilious fever. - Tlie political cauldron is getting gradual ly up to white heat Let ler bile. .. New Goods at S. E. Youngs fresh from San Francisco. A free circus with a lunch counter at tached, would draw well about now. Pluz hats are makiuz their aonearance once more indications of fine weather. . Charley Bourgardes is lit- receipt of a large tiivolce bt clocks, tliat are way up. ' .... .. The auction has been busy every night during tho week, we believe. : -S : " fi I Miss French, prostrated last week with fever, is reported slowly convalescing. J udge Upton, of Portland, made us a pleasant call yesterday. No change in general market prices. : Hams now retail from groceries at 18c per pound. : We bavo been having good grass grow ing weather during the week. C-OMINQ EVENTS. Ed. Register ; We are called upon to behold the emblem of victory for the Cen tennial year. Tlie Democratic .rooster Is again nailed to tlie mast-head. The first guu of the Centennial year is fired by tlie State of Texas, 50,000 strong. . This b cer tainly cause of rejoicing by our Democratic friends, but not more so than when the first gun was fired upon Fort Sumter, and when Sumter fell with very great rejoicings, and Beauregard, with his chivalry, drank damnation to the Yankees, they imagined tlie Independence of tlie Southern Confed eracy was fairly established beyond dispute. But not so, sir. Neither Is the centennial election ot 1876 established. The next terrible report comes down from Sweet Home Valley all Democrats up there save only eight souls, the same number, tliat jvere saved from the flood. .Thank' God for that. There Is always a seed of right eous men left. The Democrat thinks tliat at the next election they will do even better titan this. What a glorious sweet little place Sweet Home Valley Is all Democrats save only eiglit souls! The Democrat informs us that at the last election Linn county gave 240 Democratic majority. Now, Mr. Beoisteh, what was tlie reason of such a majority P The trne reason wis, the Republicans were divided, and very many Republicans sUyed at home and never went near the polls on election day. There were at least 300 Republican votes lost at the last election: : ' ' Republicans, you are called upon to be preparing for the great events which are before you. Attend your primaries. Let every Republican attend who possbly can, and elect for your delegates to the County Convention good sound men, wlio will select from among us a ticket that all Re publicans can unite upon. What you at tempt, do with all your might. Determi nation Is omnipotent. Put on the fire of resolution, and kindle a flame that nothing but victory can extinguish. GOSPEL RIDGE. FBOM oir Tiuvrxr.it. Iii traveling through tlie comity we find many warm friends of the Register, which is encouraging in tlie extreme. We occa sionally come across an old chronic case of sorehead, that like nothing we or any one else can do. But this is not discouraging in the least. We find Democrats as well as Republicans taking the Register, and nearl' all ot both parties speak in the high est terms of the Register. We return our thanks to the many frieuiis who have been so kind to us on our canvassing tour cast of town and of Lebanon. We stopped one night with Mr Keebler, living near Lebanon. He is one of the jolly California boys, and made my stay a most agreeable one. Long may he live, and may the Register add to his happiness. Next night wo stopped with Mr. W. R. Jones of the Lebanon Hotel. If you want a good, square meal, give him a call, and you will get it. ext time we put up with Mr. Leedy, one of our patrons. He owns a large farm, and has about 100 acres ready for wheat. Next night we stopped with Mr. J. G 1) ii i weii. uwie very near not Iinding a stopping place that night, for we were turned away from several honses before we came to Mr. Powell's. We began to won der at tlie hospitality of that region west of wliere he lives. He is a splendid follow and a Granger to the backbone. Every thing about the house and farm shows taste and thrift. We took dinner next day at his brother's house, west of there, and well "yum, yum, yum." Only an epi cure like ourself could appreciate and do justice to such a dinner as Mrs. Powell and Miss McKiught got up. Thanks, la dies. :, . , f We have more to say, but space forbids. FROM MIMNOITRI. Tlie following is an extract from a pri vate letter from Jackson county, Missouri, which is one of tlie ricliest and best counties iu the State. , We complain of liard times lierc, but we ought to be thankful that we are in as good a country as . the laud ot Webfoot. Jackson county is in the grass hopper infected region, and : although tlie laud is as rich and : fertile as any in the United States, it is in a deplorable condi tion at present. Read this and then grum ble if you can : There never has been a time since the settlement ot this State, wlieit the want and distress among tlie people has been so great and general as at tlie present time. The country was so. ccarce of corn; last spring and no grass, no clover, no green oats, wheat, rye, or anything else, aft be ing eaten by the grasshoppers til! late iu tlie-spring tliat most of ottr nconle were compelled to sell their bogs, to people-of more favored sections and their cattle were driven to tlie prairies of Kansas and came back In the fall poor.1 Tliere was no wlieat to sell, or anything else, so lhat ea 'great many have not paid tlieir taxes, and tliere is very little here tliat will bring money. . : There are very many here that are liope lessly iu debt. I sometimes get discouraged trying to form, for although we work hard we cannot make any money. : I do not owe anything, but it grinds me to have .to work hard and .make no money. ' We have so many tilings to contend with here, it really looks discouraging to t'iriners. : We sow and plant in tlie spring, and have such flittering prospects- of a good crop, ami then, perhaps, drouth sets lu and 'shortens lh5 crop, and from tlie time tlie seed Is put in tlie ground the insect - workl ; preys upon It till it is harvested ; so tliat short crops and almost entire failures arc of con tinued occurrence. ; "; :' Now, people of Oregon, which do you like best, Oregon as slw Is, or would you rather be back : In the Stat, where so many think tliat "every thing is lovely and the goose hangs high" t i ' On easy terms and -very low, a Gang Plow, to close consignment. ' " ' 26. ' A; WnEELER, Shedd! George McClnre, of Dallas, came near being pierced by a lead ball straying through the air. . He was thoughtlessly go log along his way , when a guti shot- was heard and he felt the warm visitation of something in his clothes. The ball enter ed his coat nearly under his left arm and coursed forward, coming out near the vest pocket on the same side, going through all his clothes except his shirt. 1 A certain party is suspected. a. iv. wilcox, Homoeopathic Physician. OFFICE with Dr. K. H. Griffln,First street, Albanv.OresoK. "Chronic! diseases a specialty. 26 v 8 7 CHAS. BOUBGABDES, ' WATCHMAKER & JEWELER, Corner First Ml Ferry Htm., ! AUIAJSY, OREGON. . Watches. Clocks. Silver and Plated i iuv..w .vMv ilowrlntiAll Hnd nf tlie best HUinufucloiies, on hand for sale at fair rates. fPSJ- Cleaning and repairing Timepieces a specialty. - , Jewelry, etc., repaired and cleaned on 8lnrt notice ai nvmg nites. - EsSf-Give ne a call, and aec for yourself .3 March 3, 1876-24VS JOHN CONNER, BANKING -AND- Exchange Office, AI.IJAXY, OKEUOX. DEPOSITS HECKIVED SUBJECT TO check at sight. Interest allowed on time deposits in coin. " KxclmnKe on Portland, San Francisco, and New York, for sale at lowest rates. Collections niadeand promptly remitted. Itelors to II. W. Cortiett, Henry Failing; W. S. Ladd. , Banking hours from 8 A. M. to 1P.M. -: Albany, Feb. 1, l-S71-MvS ;. JJ.W. BALDW1X, Attorney and Counselor mt Uw, WILL PRACTICE IX ALL THE Courts in the 3d, 3.1 and 4th Judicial Dis tricts in the Supreme Court of Oregon, and in .lie V. S. l iUtrlct and Circuit Court. Office In Parrish brick, (upstairs), in ofHee occupied by the late N. II. Cranor, First street, Albany, Oregon. tol5vt EPIZOOTICS DISTANCED. THE BAY TEAM ST1IJX. LITEM, AND IS FLOURISHING LIKE A GBEEN lnty tree. Thankful for past favors, and wishing to merit the continuance ot the Hume, tlie BAY TEAM will always be readv. and easily found, to do any hauling within the city limits, for a reasonable compensation. eliverjr f Wowtto aNpeeteltjr. A.N.ARNOLD. 2oi Proorietor. Albany Book Store. .10. FOS1IAY, DEALER IN MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS, School Books, Blauk Books, Stationery Fanov Articles, 4e. Books intiiorted to order, at shortest pos sible notii-e. voiiSU II. JJ. BOl rIITO., M. D., GRADUATE OF TIIE VXITKRSITY Medical College of New York, lata member of Bellevieu Hospital Medical Col hrsre. New York. Offick-Iii A. Carothers & Co.'s drug store, AUwny, Oregon. W. C. TWEEDALE, -'' DEALER ISf Gi'oceries," 3?x"ovisioTis, Tobacco, 4'lBrarit, t'otlery Crock- ' rry, and Wood Ac Willow Ware, ALBANY, OREOON. Gz3OaIl and tee him. 24r5 A. CAROTIIERS & CO., -IXalcrs in- ruEMirAia, eixn, paixts, dybi CUBANS, LAMPS,' ETC., All the iwpular PATEXT MEDICIXES, , FINK CUTLERY, CIGARS, TOBACCO, motions ''wnrrttanatT,';' r , ' d Toilet lUootto. " ' Particnlar care and promptness pivon Pbyslciana prescriptions and Family Ree ipes. - - t . A. CAROTIIERS A CO, ' Albany, Oregon-4v5 t jPiles I i Files t WHY SAY THIS DAMAGING AND troublesome complaint cannot be cured, when so many evidences of success miht be placed before yoo every day cures of supjioncd hopeless cases? Your physician informs yon that the longer yoo ullow tlie coniiliiint to exist, you lessen your- chances for- relief. Experience ha aught thtt in all cases. A. CarsHwn Sc. Pile Pills mm! :'V. OlBlatSt', are all they ant racommendea to be. Will cure I'hroiilc, Blind and Bleeding Piles in a very short t imo. and are convenient to use. This preparation Is sent by mail or ex press to any point within the United States at $1 90 per pucka. - ' Allure, a. UAKUlllfcKS S CO., I7vS y .JJox S3, Albany, Oregon." Tlie Eugene lire men are making ar rangements tor a grand ball at Lane's llall on OUriatmas eve. 3 '.s.-:.-;. . - iri'n -.5 -j'' ? '. - . ' - ;v:;: .i FOR SALE I - rpiIE CELEBRATED W;A. WOf 08 REAPERS &. BtOWERS. IlalaM'a Hnrtm, (Wood's improve,!.) 'oqninnrrsIodlaaFai-tMVVaicon. " Tlie Rtiss(l and Vibrator TUres.be rs, (best machines on tlie coast. Nteieansan 'Forcelced JrUl. " . "ft ' nuur Plows, and other machines ' Call, see, and get price and term before bu vimr elsewhere, at my Blacksmith Shop, eorner Sto- : 000 Ewrge ond r iaakle Tract ol Fttrmlnff Land for ale. rpiTRKEJWSTJHKO ACRES of plow land, 200 jot re ur uumunm, iiouse. Darn, granary, sheds, etc.; also irood bearing orcliard of fruit trees - 30Oaciaof the very best pasture land : SO acres of timber land, ash and maple, the best of tannin x land whon .cleared A never falltna stream of water rnns through the farm. There uw i "P"mira quarry or Iime-rocIT on tlie place, pronounced oy exports A 1 rock. Four aunarea acres are uuuer lence. It is one of tlie most desirable and cheapest farms in Horn? Ins county, lying IX mik from the O. A C. railroad at unKi.no. for particulars as to price, etc. apply, in this city, to . ; v . , . HOCGHTOJT, 51, D. . Albany, May 14, 1873,. ' Umn Comity Aepublicau Convention. A Republican Convention for Linn coun ty, Oregon, will be held at tlie Court House in this city, on Wednesday, April 2Gthf 187C, at 10 o'cleck A. M tor the purpose ot electing ten delegates to attend the Re publican State Convention, and tor tlie nomination of a lull county ticket, as fol lows : State Senator six Kcjireentutive.a, County Judge, two Commissioners. Clerk, SlierirT, Treasurer, Assessor, Scliool Super intendent, Surveyor and Coroner. The Committee suggests tluit the several Prednts of the county liokl their prim. -d ies on Saturday, April lath, 1876. at one o'clock p m.. for tlie purpose ot electing delegates to tlie County Convention. The Precints are entitled to the lollowing rep resentation : Albanv .. .... ...... .10 Orleans -- Ilalser... - 4 Harrisburg . . . . .... .... .... ....'...., Brownsville4.... ......... .... .... .... Brosh'reek' tti .-- . . ?: - - ' ' Sweet Home. .l Waterloo:... ...r '-. Lebanon Santiam;... .... ? Franklin Butte ' Scio..,. ... . Syracuse ..1 Center .... ....o Total ... . - 47, l.f Msnr !fiiihliiulll ill tllO county will attend tlie primaries, and see to it that nonest, tapaofe, imsiwuinij ouu rcpreseiitattve men are eiecieu ucivemlvs to tlie Connty Convention. Albany, March 17, 187tf. finance Tamp Icommerce. Thursday, March 23d, 1S7C. t Gold in New York, 1144. .... Greenbacks, 8788. Wheat, 80c per bushel. Butter, 30340c per Ik. Eggs, lGc per dozen. Oats, C2We per buslicl. San Francisco wheat market, $1 85(31, 95 V 100 ft. Portland wlieat market, $1 C7..C ikt cental sacked. " '" - S:in Francisco wheat market $1 80 to $1 95 per cental tor fair shipping to choice milling. Liverpool ' wheat market on the 22d, 10s 2d(3 10s Cd foi average ; club 10s 6d31l3 Od. Kead onr New York letter. Special Notices. 3T Cash paid for Eggs, at ner's, corner of First ard streets. J. Fleisch Brondalbin etf tW If you want to buy the latest styltr of lady's Kubbcr Boots, go to Jake Fleisch ner's, on First and Brondalbiu streets. Gtf In Every Town and Village persons may be found who have been saved from death from consumption by Hale's Honey or Horehound and Tar. Pike's Toothache Drops cure in one minute. 20 Prsaipt KeiulorreuienC. - Vlien the physical energies are over tasked or flag through weakness or disease, they need prompt reinforcement. Renew ed vigor is most speedily supplied through the medicinal resources ol that class, Hos teller's Stomach Bitters assuredly deserve a preeminent place. Weakness, whether constitutional or arising from disease or . over fatigue, cannot be better compensated tor than by a resort to this prime strength ening cordial. Tlie enfeebled invalid, the convalescent, and the aged, infirm., find tliat it. is an unfailing source ot vigor and . comfort. Its combined tonic and alterative properties also coustitue it an invaluable remedy for indigestion, weakness of the organs of urination, constipation, torpidity of the liver, and many other irregularities and disabilities, and render it an invaluable protection against malaria, as well as dis orders of the strnmch and bowels, nich. Presidents. The following table, prepared for refer ence, shows the political sentiments and the date of the Inauguration -of each Presi dent, the length of time he lived after that event, and his age at the time of his death : 1 . George Washington, Independent. inaugurated 1789; lived 10 3'ears; nge G8. , , 2. John Adams Independent,' Inaugur ated 1797 ; lived 29 years ; age 90. 3.. Tliomas Jefferson,, Democratic, in augurated 1801, lived 25 years ; age 83. . .lames mauison, ueuiocrat. inaugu rated 1809 ; lived 27 years ; age 85. 5. James Monroe. Democrat, inaue-u rat ed 1817 : lived 11 years : ace 73. " 6. John Q. Adams, Whig, inaugurated 1325, lived 23 years ; age 81. . 7. Andrew Jackson, Democrat, inaugu rated 1829 ; lived 16 years ; age 78. , 8.: Martin Van Buren, Iemocrar. in augurated 1837 ; lived 25 years 5 age 80. - U. W. II. Harrison, Whig, Inaugurated 1841 ; lived 1 month ; age 68. 10. John Tyler, V. T., Independent, inaugurated 1841 ; lived 21 years ; age 72. 1 11. James K. Polk, Democrat, inaugu rated 145 : lived 4 years ; age 64. , 12. Za ci in ry Ta y lor, Whig, inaugurated 1849 t lived 18 months ; age 60. - - 13. ' Millard Fillmore, v. P., Independ- ; ent, inaugurated 1850 ; lived 24 years, age "74. ?; ' .,. -.. , '. .-. . r s.. 14. Franklin plero; Democrat, Inangu ratcd 1858 ; lived Iff years ; age C5. 15. - James Buchanan, Democrat, inau- ' gurated 1857 ; lived 11 years ; age 77. 1 lft. Abralunii Lincoln, Republican; in augurated 1801; lived 4 years and-I,'i months; ajji 36. ' " 17. Aiidrew Johnson, Vi P., Imlepciid ent, inaugurated 1805 ; lived 10 years; -age 07. ., . ; : 18. General Grant, Republican, inaunt- rated 1869. , Tyler and Fillmore were elected Vice Presidents as Whigs and Johnson as a Republican. Their 'independence" fol- : lowed tlieir Inauguration as Presidents. - - From the Lafayette Courier: . 'l'lie far mers say that tlie stock lias but just com menced to die, and tliat if this stormy weather continues much longer that tlie loss of stock will be enormous. There is no strength In the grass now, and those, who have used up tlieir feed cannot hope to aave tlieir stock. Some one was count ing up, the otlier day, the number of horses . that have died in Chchalem alone, from ' different causes, this, winter, and they es timated the lofs at no less than 50. This will have a tendency to advance tlie pi ke, of liorses; There seems to be quite a de mand now, by those who have to hire, for' teams to do tlie spring plowing. Many a poor farmer Is praying that this stormy . weather will uot continue nnioh ; longer.',' The Baptist church at UjI? Dalles Is wlilw out a pastor.