The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, March 17, 1876, Image 2

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Elsewhere will be found the call for
the County Convention. The prima
ries are called tor Saturday, April 15th,
as it was thought that would accommo
date everybody. It is hardly necessary
lor us again to urge upon Republicans
the necessity of attending the primaries.
Every memlxir of the party should at
tend without tail, and do his part in se
lecting delegates for the County Con
vention.' It good, substantial, compe
tent, representative men are selected as
delegates, the County Convention can
hardly fail to nominate a ticket that
will meet the approval ot the rank and
file of the party ; and it this is effected ,
the entire ticket will bo elected. Be
sure the delegates elect are true men,
whose aim will bo to select the best and
most capable men in the county .fur th
several positions, and Linn county will
be redeemed from Democratic thrall
4om in June. Mark this down.
The Other Side.
Every financial ill and every devel
opment of dull times is ascribed by the
leaders of the Democratic party to the
Republican party ; but despite this at
tempted display of honesty in these re
iterated charges upon the Republican
party, there are scores of Democrats all
over tho land who scout at tho charges,
knowing their utter falsity. The truth
ip, as a rule. Republican States are the
most prosperous at f he present time.
All reading and obscrvent men know
this to be true. Take New York tor
an example of the untruthfulness of
these Democratic charges. That great
commonwealth was to be the very gar.
-den of Eden so soon as Democracy
came into power. On every Democratic
banner was inscribed " high wages and
plenty to do," in 1873-4. On these and
other glittering bat tain) promises, De
mocracy rode into power ; and what
has been the result? Instead of better
times high wages, light taxes, and
au honest administration ot State and
1 municipal affairs the reverse is the
fact ; wages lower than ever ; little or
no employment tor the working man ;
business of all kinds depressed ; taxa
tion exorbitant, and ruin and disaster
. everywhere, as shown iu the daily re
ports of failures aid bankruptcies.
Every promise made by the Democracy
has been broken, and extravagance and
-corruption in high places lias burdened
the people with taxes, and is driving
from its jtoiders population and killing
its industries. And comraerce,which has
built up bcr cities and made her the
-Empire State of the Union, is leaving
Iter and seeking other ports, possessing
less natural advantages, but governed
more honestly and economically.
Crime Must toe Punished.
. Rascality in high places is being nu
earthed on every hand, and the heart is
made sick with the geueral display of
corruption and dishonesty that is brought
to light.' High officials, both Republi
cans and Democrats, are charged with
the commission of crimes that should
and will forever damn them iu the eyes
. ot all loyal and honest men. We hope
the work may go on, until every man,
no matter bow high 'his position or
what his politics, who has robbed ti e
Government, or committed any other
crime against the laws ot his country,
shall Lave been brought to trial for his
misconduct, and a just and righteous
verdict rendered according to the mag
nitude of bis offense. We cannot af
ford to pass lightly over the offenses of
any because ot high position or wealth
' the highet the position the more swift
' and awful should be the punishment, so
that the rising generation might see and
feel that the Law is no respecter of per
sons;, that it is not lax in the case ot
tbe rich and great, and severe and un
bending in the case ot the poor and
friendless, but that to all, the poor and
rich, the small and great, it meets out
even and. equal justice. Let the Re
publican party continue for the future
as in the past, to xposo and punish
every shade ot crimand wrong doing,
and it will, reeeive tba hearty and full
endoreemeiife of the-American people.
Senator Mitchell Cawjbd. At a
private dinner in Washington,. March
, 4th,. Sanator. Mitchell was presented
with goLL&eaded. eaie-, h& stock of
which was-eafr from tlie batfcio-field of
-Halls Rlr.Tf: where Gen. E.D. Raker
was ki'.Ios'. - The presentation was made
by a number of Oregomans now in that
Gowrr.tK.t7Bt L"s received and is now
considering a j,o;xsitIon to purchase
the entire by!" ; -.duct of the Con-
snKslat.'!' VI California mines
far a year, to a" I I:j the . resumption of
gm$i& payment ' " J"
Some time ago in these columns we
mentioned the fact that Congress had
passed a joint resolution, recommend
ing the people of the several States to
assemble in theii respective counties or
towns on the approaching Centennial,
and cause to be delivered a historical
sketch of the county or town from its
formation to the present time, copies of
which to be filed in the County Clerk's
office and in the Library of Congress,
so that a full and complete record may
be had ot the progress ot the United
States during the first hundred years of
her existence. Of course, as this is
only a suggestion on the part of Con
gress, it is not obligatory upon the peo
ple, but as it is a feasible and practica
ble suggestion, which would be follow
ed with good results ami great advan
tage to every county, it should and is
meeting with a hearty response from
the people iu the older States. We
hope that Linn county will not be be
hind in patriotism and public spirit in
this matter, especially as it is not a po
litical fcheme,tb" redound to the advan
tage of either great party, but will be
to the interest and advantage ot the
whole people. What we would sug
gest in tho matter is, that the County
Commissioners select some one who is
competent and well posted in the histo
ry and progress of Linn county, to
write as full and complete a historical
sketch of the county as may be, appro
priating a respectable 6um from the
county treasury to fairly compensate
liim for the t'mo and necessary research
in 60 important a matter. And this
should be done at once, as there is no
time to lose. It the suggestion of Con
gress is to receive any attention at all,
now is the time. If our county author
ities will not move in the matter, then
let the city authorities employ some one
to write a historical sketch of Albany,
and let each town in the county follow
suit, and in this way we can get a very
complete historical sketch such a one
as all would be glad to hear, and one
worthy of preservation for tho benefit
of those who come aficr ns.
Representative Randolph Tucker ,the
member from Virginia, in his recent
speech on tho Centennial Hill, made the
statement that in 1860 the annual taxes
paid by the people of this country
amounted to 154,000,000, while in
1870 they amounted to 8730,000,000,
but lie forgot to mention that the chief
part ot the increase was caused by the
oierations headed by one Robert E.
Lee, who lived in a "little town'' ot the
district represented at present by him,
and upon whose grave "no implication
can be cast that I will not rise and repel
it." Had this Tucker and Mr. Lee
been as economically and constitution
ally inclined in 18G1 as Tucker is now,
Mrv Lee would in all likelihood have
lived to dispense generous hospitality at
Arlington to this day, and the lamen
tation of his representative over the
great burden ot taxation would not
have been necessary.
' .
Will Probably Escape.
It seems altogether probabl from re
cent dispatches, that the late Secretary
of War, Relknap, will escape the just
punishment of his crimes. There seems
to be no doubt that the Secretary is
guilty of the crimes laid at his door by
Marsh. The sub-committee of the
Committee on Expenditures in the War
Department, before whom Marsh ap
peared and made such damaging state
ments against Relkr.ap, instead of lidd
ing the witness, discharged him, and he
immediately took his departure to Mon
treal, where he is likely to remain nntil
Congress adjourns, notwithstanding the
House passed an immunity ' act, which
prevents his arrest or punishment for
.anything about' which he might testify,
should he return and give in his evi
dence before the grand jury and the U.
S. Senate. The grand jury to whom
the case of Secretary Relknap was re
ferred, could find no indictment against
him, because of insufficient evidence,
and the Committee of the House are hi
exactly the same predicament. We arc
sorry for this mistake or oversight on
the part cf the sub-committee, tor, if
Belknap is guilty,; he should be pmiish-
ished to the fullest extent of the law.
Raining; 1'lesb.
Wonders will never cease. The latest
wonder is reported from Bath county,
Kentucky a shower of flesh. Prof.
Smith, the scientist, in his analysis of
the specimens examined, says : In my
mind this matter gives every indication
of being the dried spawn of the Ratra
ehian reptiles doubtless that . cf tho
frog. They have-been transported from
the ponds and swampy grounds by cur.
rents o.wind, and ultimately fallen on
the spot whese they were found,
Senator Mitchell and Representative
Lane have our thanks for courtesies q
this oflictv
Editoii Rkgisteu: The glorious
news comes from all over the Stale of
Oregon that Republicans are strength
ening their stakes and lengthening their
cords, it is an absolute fact, let lie
publicans come together and be united,
read nothing but the loyal and truthful
journals ot Oregon, and come out and
vote, and Oregon will be releemed ' at
the coming election. The watchword
of the President and the Republican
party all over the Union is, be vigilant,
and hunt lip all rascals that would
plunder the Government, and try them,
and it found guilty, punish them to the
extent of tho law. Look at the case of
Secretary Belknap, who has been ar
raigned before the bar of the Senate to
be tried, and it found guilty he will bo
punished as other criminals. Did you
ever know Democrats to do this ? Oh,
yes, certainly we have. Did they not
take Boss Tweed and put him iu pris
on ? and if he had not gotten away
accidentally, no doubt he would have
been punished ! -
Did not a Democratic administration
allow the robbery of mints and govern
ment depositories, munitions ot war,
etc.? Were they punished ? No. In
stead of receiving deserved punishment,
they were applauded by the Democratic
party. Democrats generally are honest
thieves! They don't steal the whole
pile they leave a little in the bottom
of the bag to show they are honest men !
Republican voters of Oregon, stand
no longer idly by and be fooled by these
lying newspapers, which would make
yon believe there is not an honest man
in the Republican party, while they are
itching with greediness to get the reins
of the government to ruin it as tlicy
have done before.
Mr. Editor, my neighbor across the
creek came over in his skill last even
ing, with the Democrat in his hand
and a truer Democrat doesn't live in
Oregon. ' Well," he exclaimed, " this
is terrible if true ! " "What is the mat
ter, brother, what has gone wrong?" I
asked. " Jiu-t listen," he answered.
" Boss Tweed has arrived safe in Ore
gon, and he is here in the Forks amongst
us at the present time. So says the
Democrat, and it never lies. Well,
brother," he continued, " if the Demo
crats are importing wholesale thieves Oregon, I shall vote the Republi
can ticket at the next election. We
have thieves enough in Oregon at the
present time. To be sure, our Oregon
thieves are honest thieves they don't
lake the whole pile but this Boss
Tweed would steal every dollar in Ore
gon, and I would rather break up the
good old-time Democratic party than
ruin bur beloved Oregon at this pres
ent time." I remain yours truly,
The National Democratic Convcn.
tion will meet at St. Louis, Mo., cn the
27th ot Juno, two weeks later than the
Republican Convention.
The Cincinnati Gazette prints a tour
column biography ot Gov. Hendricks.
It gives him "a war record of which
any rebel may be proud," and says he
is" the prince ot good fellows socially,
but a political coward."
Ex-Senakr Brownlow is becoming
facetious. His most recent is this : "A
Democratic exchange thinks that Tom
Hendricks and Jerry Black would
make a popular Presidential ticket, the
combination " Tom and Jerry," suiting
Democrats exceedingly well. Our in.
formation, however, is that they like
it better " straight."
A tornado passed over Northwestern
Missouri last Friday, destroying and
devastating as it went. The town of
Shriukey, Monroe county, was entirely
destroyed, two persons being killed and
twenty wounded. At Kansselear sta
tion on the M. K. & T. Railroad, two
children ' were carried away by the
storm, and have not yet been found.
The damage to property is immense.
The snow blockade on the overland
railway still continues. It appears that,
although everything possible has been
done to meet and overcome these im
mense snow falls in the mountains, so
far ail these precautions have proven
unavailing. The only way probably to
prevent these blockades, is to change
the line of the road, and this will likely
be done before another winter.
Representatives are to be elected as
follows ; In the counties of Baker, two;
Benton, three; Clackamas, four; Clat
sop and Tillamook jointly, one; Colum
bia, one; Coos, one; Coos and Curry,
one; Douglas; four; Grant, one; Jack
son, three; Josephine, one; Lane, tour;
Linn, six; Marion, six; Multnomah,
seven; Polk, three; Umatilla, two;
Union, two; Wasco, two; Washington,
three; Yamhill, three. In all, sixty
members'. . There are fifteen State Sena
tors to be elected, as follows : Benton
and Polk jointly, one; Clackamas, one;
Coos and Curry, one; -Douglas, two;
Joscuhine, one; Lane, one; Linn, one;
Multnomah, two; Polk, one; Union,
one; Wasco, onej. Washington, one;
Yamhill, outu
The ConfcderVcs in the present Con
gress seem determined to kill off and
make Democracy odious. They let no
opportunity pass to stab that organiza
tion, running the kuife in uplo the hilt,
and tlien giving it a twist. Vide
Tucker's tirade, Ben. Hill's speech, and
Jeff. Davis' recent letter.
Joseph Sovy, defaulting State Treas
urer of New Jersey, has been sentenced
to three years in the penitentiary. He
is over sixty years old, and has a large
family. He wept bitterly on hearing
the sentence. .
Our City Dads have ordered that First
street be scraped. Good.
Prompt Kelnrorccinoiit.
When tjie physical energies are over
tasked or nag through weakness or disease,
they need prompt .reinforcement. Kcncw
ed vigor is most speedily supplied through
the medicinal resources of that clas., IIos
tetter's Stomach Bitters assuredly deserve
a preeminent place. Weakness, whether
constitutional or 'arising from disease or
over fatigue, cannot be better compensated
for than by a resort to this prime strength
ening cordial. The enfeebled invalid, the
convaleseeut,Ma'nd the aged, infirm, find
that it is an unfailing source of vigor and
comfort. Its combined tonic and alterative
properties also constitne it an invaluable
remedy for indigestion, weakness of the
organs of urination, constipation, torpidity
of the liver, and many other irregularities
and disabilities, and render it an invaluable
protection against malaria, as well as dis
orders of the stomach and bowels, inch.
Sew To-lay.
For Sale.
AFIUST-CLASS Harness .Shop mid Si ock, lo
cated in LeVanon. For terms uni! v to
AH Persons owinz me on not es that arc duo.
or book accounts, arc requestor toc-nll :md vay
up ny 1 ne 1st ot j;ni. Mintt.
Ltta ion, March 17, ISToinl
WHEKKAS my wife, Anna Eliza Silvester,
without eaus-3 or provneat ion, lias left my
lied and board for pnrts inikiiovni, I, Samuel
Selves! cr, hereby not ifyull with whom she may
deal, that they must deal with liornt theirowii
risk, as 1 will not stand responsible for tiny of
her debts, contracts or liabilit itw.
; March 17, 1S7G-W4n28
I-li'SC Fniin for Kale or Kent.
A FAKM. known nsthe donation claim of J.
J. M. Elliotf,t welvumile east of Albatiy.eoii
pistinn; of IKK) acres ; over J'HI acres tinder eulli
vat ion ; balance at present used as paM me, but
all of it ffrain land -all under fence and well
watered. It is one of I lie liest farms in Linn
county, and wilt be sold or rented on favorable
terms. Knu:rc at t lie farm adjoinmir above
(U'wi-ilieil on 1 ho mst, of W. A. i'AUL.
March 17, 1S7(5-3Hi1
Opposition Is (he Life of Trade
DAVE .MUIUJAN lias opened an office in the
rear of the I'ost 'dice, on llrojidalhin St.,
where lie will keep on hand for sale
I.iiuc, l'lastcr, Cement,
and "Sand Banks,'" of best rpialit ies, at lowest
Albany, March 17, '7C-2iimS .
EEl'Salwavs on hand locskins,f 'assiiiicress
Vest ines, elc-, a lnnrcr ami lietter stock
than ever ltvforo brought to this market.
Uuts-itmVt.mfces toonleraJ! stylesof Clolhini;
for men and Imivs, at reasonable rates, guarau
leeiua will fact ion.
Shop on First street, neyt door to City Mar
ket, lately occupied by lr. E. O. Smith. i:vS
Livery iITeed Stable
AXS. MARSHALL, Proprietor.
horses to let on reasonable terms.
Horses Imarded by the day or week.
1 will hav some of t lie a'yest ris ever turn
ed out of a. livery stable in Albany.
ET" 11KAKSE and carriages furnished for fu
nerals. ;ive mo a call when vrin want to ride.
Albany, March 10, 1S7-25v3
T Kxec'ii tor's Aotire.
NOTICE if hereby Riven that letters testa
mentary have liecii issued to the under
signed, niMih t he estate ot Wm H. Mendenball,
deceased, by the County. Court of Linn comity,
Oregon, Ix arhi.a date March 7th, lr7i. All per
sons bavins claims against the estate are re
quired to present them, w ith, the proper vouch
ers, within pix months liom the dale ot this
not ice, to I he said executor, at hia residence
forty miles eaat of Albany.
March 10, 7870-23vS Executor.
JUST OPENED, in the huilriins on First St.,
east of Ferry lately occupied by II. Weed),
u new and fi cuh stock of
Groceries, l?i'ovi.-ioni,IE t c.
which I ofiTer lo the eiJizens of Albany and sur
TOimdliiir conn! ry at fair living rates.
I proixittc kecpUii; n i;od.stock of ovcrylhiii
in my line1, in lis season, and respect fully ask
the pnlromcrc of t he cit izens of A 11 winy aiid vi
eily, promising low pricesand fairdealuu; with
all. J. II. HADLEY.
March 3, IS715-21V8 -
To Iup. unci IJoat
There is no sore It will not heal, no lame
ness it will not enre, no ache, no pain, that
arllwt the lnunan bwly, or! the hoily of a
horse or other domestic animal,, that does
not yielil to its magic touch. A bottle
costing 23c. 50c. or 1 00, has often saveU
the life ot" a Ionian beinf;, anil restored to
life niw usefulness manv a valuable horse.
RlieunKUUm, Burns, Sen Ids, Bruises, Cuts,
Frost-bites. Swellings, Contracted Cords,
Pain hi the Back. Luuibarro. Stiatii.'a.
Chilblains, Strains, Sprains, mity Joints.
&oie A ippies, iiwriiptions, t'ama, nouiius,
L-iuer, -
Spavin. -Galls and Sores, Svvinriy, Kinjr
15one, Winda'.K Hig Head, Toll Evil,
Humors and roros. Lameness, Swellings,
ScrarclHjs, Iii-demiier, " Stiffness, Strains,
tsoreuesSj Open Sares. 2tlyS
,- Corner First aul Perry Streets.
-Trxst Received I
wnicu will he sold
Highest Market Iriec, "
in exchange, tor a'.I kinds of
jVIereliimtublo I'x'otluce 2
ikaj.i-:i;h in
j iz w i : ii y ,
Silver & Plated Ware,
- and
The ISst Machine Miidc.
Incorporated Feb. t, 187r. Capital. i0,()00.
Comer First and Washington streets,
Albany, : Oregon.
President, S. A. l)AWSO,
Suieriiitemleiil, A. J. JOIIXSO
A. N. UMHKV, SI. HHJ.l l:,
.1 . Itl.KVIS,
j. ki:i:ii.
N. A.
Wholesale and Ketail Deulers in
Clolliiiiv, Hardware, trot-kery,
Oroccricx, Fiirin inpleineiilM
and Machinery, c., Ac.
Also, buy an1 sell on commission all kinds of
tioods, MaVUi!table I'riHluce, Au.
Iee. i4, is7i-liviii(
Froin this date until further notice, I will sell a
ciiou t: Ni:i:"iios of
Stoves & Eanges !
Albany, Dec. 10, 1874-13
. XTotice U2j8z.-txrzx.
X no chair goes from my factory without my
name upon it. All others are. false imitations,
mid should' lie so resrurdod. All persons nrn
hereby warned against attempting any such
iiipuimjii upon my cusiomei-s.
Jeifcrson, Or., Jan. 21, lt76.
2?OTIiATQ3a: 2
-A IjIj UEHSON3 knowing themselves indebted
-fA by i,ot,i ok wfimiit to John Kripjrs, are
hereliy noliited I hat he i-alls for it mttleinent.
and renuests that IHey will govern' theinsidves
U:oruilljlv. J'JUM lililtjitj'J
Albany, Dec. 47 ,3-1 1
intjll: w I
Furniture Eooms.
liesfs leave to rinnonnee to t ho cit izens of this
city and surround in;j country, l hat lie lias open
ed a large stock of
Jb' U 3E-3?JrXTTTX1.3I3 J
in tlie building lately occupied by llr. Pltiin
m?r?s driij? store, on First st ivet, where can be
had, on most reasonable terms,
Parlor Sets,
If ed room Mnitsi.
Easy I'liaii'w,
Center XahleK,
. Book-cases,
and In fact every! hins else needed to
3fy yootts are well made and of tho very
Eatcst and Handsomest Stylet.
CSiT-Fl'nXITCIJE nianufactured to order, at
short not ice.
6i5 Furniture rc mired and put ingoodahaiic
on short notice.
Uivo me a call.
r. s.
Albany, Nov. 2D, 1S73 lllva
Orcss Making I
millinery Ciootlt !
Endics' Furnishing Ciood!
General Emporium
Mi:.s. A. Jtitxs, at her new stoiv on B."oad
albin si reel, near the corner of ccou , ollera
t he ladies a splendid stock of new
hi.i.ii:kv ash mtKss TiiiM.Hixtis,
of every descrinlion. all of tho latest and most
fashionable style-. She also has a complete as
sortment of
Ladies mid Children- Fiirnisliing toola
nu Limcmrnr i
of every quality aud style, embracing
Kaninra. (liraided or embroidei-ed)
Colluret Ich,
li!l tamiH,
and all kinds of ladies' and children's under
wear, winch w ill lie sold verv low.
Call and examine goods.
JlltS. S. A. JOIIXX.
Albany, No-. 2i5, 1S7.V1iiv8
A his friends and the public jrciierally, that
he is now settled in his
on the oltl nfatitl nexl dHrto V. C. IIiiiiKr Co ,
when can )o I'ound its gi'cut un ns-sortiiiont ana
Stoves and Eanges
as can lie found in any one liouso tliis side of
Portland, and at as
' ALSO - .'
Pumps c3 Pipes,
t'astiron, ItrasM &. Inaincled -
in great variety. Also,
Sheet Iron,
alvanixed Iron,
always on hand, and made to order, Af I.IV-
1XU HAT lis.
Z7zxXX on TTim.
AllKiny, October W, 187.Viv8
X a, c li i i o S hop,
A. 1 CIIUKllY I'roprictor,
Slauufaetures Steam Engines,
Flour antl Suw IHill Maeliin
And all kintia of
Tart ieular at ten t ion paid to reiiairinsr all
kinds of machinery. , 41 v3
Groceries & Provisions,
HAS JITST Oi'KNKP HIS NKWfHMH'F.U t on corner of Kilswoi th
and First sfi-eets, witli a fresh stiH'k of
. 1)-.k, to whicli he invites the at ten
lion of our citizen.
In 'connection with filestore he will keep
a Hakery, and will always have' o hand a
full supply of fresh hreud, crackers, 4c. -
t.rocertes, 1'nivisions, i:auittes, t'inirs. To
SOT Call and ace me.
February 16-24v4
Neatly executed.
Call af the KcgiskT Office
; , 1 ,a
TIio Democratic primaries in Claclca
mas county wil Ibe held April 8th.
Oregon City is getting to be very
moral." -'There has not been a drunk
arrested for over a month.
The Enterprise says a quartz ledgo
has been d'tFcovered near Oregon City.
What good is a quartz ledge?
The Farmer contains an advertise
ment ot "an estray mare, 25 hands high
having with her a yearling colt two
years'old." The l'laindealer thinks
the mare has been taken to the Cen
tennial, where ehe certainly should bo.
Sixteen persons united with the Pres
byterian church of Corvallis Sunday
before last. Eight were received upon
profession ot faith, and eijjltt upon cer
tificates, making in all '22 who have
joiid this church since the 1st of Jan
nary. vi'-'"'"
Last week a little son ot John Clemens
one mile north of lloseburg, was leap
ing with a broomstick, when it broke,
throwing him on one aim in such s
manner as to break one ot the bones of
the forearm in two placesa nd dislocate
the wrist joint.
IT. S. land office transactions at Hose
burg for the month of February, 187C:
17 homestead entries, inclnding 2,070
acres; 2 final homestead entries, including
240 acres; 7 cash entries, including 5U5
acres; 3 donation certificates issued, 978
acres; 24 declaratory statements filed.
. Tuesday ot last week, as Kdwirt
Smith aud a son of George Sham brook,
of Coles valley, Avere crossing tlie river
at that p'ace in a skill, it floated agaimt
the ferry rope and was thrown over.
Mr. Smith was drowned, and tho boy
only saved his life by the utmost pret
ence of mind.
All along the Chehalis river, and in
many places on the shores of Gray'd
harbor, there are immense tovcs of tho
very finest fir, spruce and cedar timber
that can be put into a boom anywliere
on the bay, for about S3 per thousand.
The bar at the month of the bay, can
always ue crossed by vessels ot no more
than 12 teet draught.
During eight months past tlie Belle
Peck mine in War Eagle district. Idaho,
ia? yielded S70.000, and dunust a con
siderable portion of this time there wero
less than ten men employed. The mine
as been worked under very lavorabw
circumstances, the ledge being emlxnled
m the earth material that was easily
landled, requiring the use of but a very
small quantity of powder.
Y hue crossing the Moiave river at
Fish Pond tlie California mail fttao
was swept down the river one thousand
rods, drowning two horses and bbmuer
ging the mail totally all night. It ar
rived at l'rercolt at 4 P. M. on the lOlb.
Mr. Ware, one of tho proprietors ot
the steam sash and door factory at Cr.
val. is, had the misfortune to meet with
very painful accident. While work-
means, let ins k-tt hand come in contact
with the plane bit, and the result was
that tlie index finger was almost seven 1
at the second joint, it holding together
by a small strip of flesh.
J he wagon road to I lilamook is in a
mi.-crable condition and has been im
passable fur a liotsn inmn f i'too Tt w
intended to make repairs and put it in
good repairs as soon as rxissible, but like
all other work, we sui pose this will b .
deieiideiit on the state of the weather
for its execution. I ho mail carrier, at
ast accounts, thought he won'd attempt
the next trip on horseback.
the Jleorter says: The bridco
across the Yamhill river is not safe for
man or beast to cross upon. The drifts
which have borne against it at di fie ret it
limes during the winter have at last
torn out -several til?icr from the
bent on the cast end of the il - a w and
the superstructure hangs together o its
own weight just ready to go down at
the least start. It cannot be repaired
or some time, and there should be some
means of warning supplied there before
a terrible accideut lielal Is some passenger
that is not aware of the situation.
On Saturday, sixty kinds of winter
wheat, and twenty-five kinds of spring
wheat, together with several difitrent
ktnds of oats, a specimen of hemp, oil
and lin. flax, red clover, timothy, buck-
wheat (Silver hulled). mulct, sprinzami
winter rye, and lour kinds of barley,
were added to the collection ot grain to
bo sent from Olympia to tho Centennial "
hx position.
I he Walla Walla people, fear tliey
will have a short peach crop this year,
there hating been some very cold
weather in that section recently.
1 he alia Walla&UoIumbia luver
It. K. Co. has raised the freight tariff"
on its narrow gauge, and the shippers
talk ot going back to prairie schooners.
ngham Young has promulgated an
edict decreeing that there shall lienee
f or th be no round dances indulged in by
the faithful; and, moreover, that all balls
shall begin at 2 o'clock in the afternoon
and close by 10 in the evening.
Nineteen hundred dozen eggs were
shipped from Walla Walla last week.
Custer saya, "you can't civilize an
Indian any more than you can teach a
rooster to lay goose eggs."
The Montana people have petitioned
( ongress to have tho Columbia river
improved so that salmon can get up.
Six head of horses were stolen from
the ranch ot 13. F. Stone, near Walla
Walla, on the night ot the 4th hist.
, Daniel Drew, the great speculator,
who has liecn a principal operator on
Wall street tor thirty years, has filed
his petition in bankruptcy. Liabilities,
secured and unsecured ,&bout $l,500,000v
Choice City Property;
xTor Oalo j
THK t-NDERSIOSED, wlhlnfr to cntKratOw
isotlcrina his property In Albany for enlcl"
consist Intt of a xmh residence, located handv
and near tlie lxiincssi part of the ritv.'with two.
Ions iu block 23, fronting to the nortli on Third
ttlrcetand to the west on Callpoola. Tlx Iota
nre enclosed by a nice picket fence, and t her
U a sood barn and other onttmUdtngs, beMldcH
a choic lot of bearing fruit traes and grniie
vines, with a fence built between the two loin.
forming a nice Httlo warden spot, which t in
cxtm condition for gardeiiins,. i'oscsion civ
en tuKin after fiilc.
Any hiRtriiuUion given at th vetndi'nce of
or aa liw U ciicrully known. Malt. iX'ttcb.