VOLUME VIII, ALBANY, OREGON, MARCH 17, 187G. NO. 2G BUSINESS CARDS. SAMUEL. E. YOUNG, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in DRY GOODS, CLOTHINQ, GROCERIES, BOOTS & SHOES, THRESHERS, REAPERS & MOWERS, WAGONS, PLOWS, seed drills, broadost; seed sowers, etc. Flrat atrect, AltMi3 retro ti. ' Terms : - - Oa..li- 120Y i St. Charles Hotel, Corner WnaUlnstota a1 Ftrt Sis., ALBANY, OREGON, Matthews & Morrison, PROPRIETORS, 1tono mwW ftirnMint tlmnijiliont. rts best Ihc market affords always on the table. I'm Coweta to and from the Hoite. I. C. II A StI'EIi &. CO., lValers In OOOXS. f lot b lux, BMta inl SIio, llnlM, Urow rios, rHarjr tiood., XotteitK, Sliotaruua rad BMatola, Xnlls, Uspr, Mirror, Wallataper, Wood and Willow Wut, Trunks and Vlbr, t'oilery, &rM Bold very low either for ut-li, or to prompt iy it.13 in:j customers oil time. v7 Kailng and Moving RuiltlingK. WE TUB CSlERSi'Kl 11K; I.K AYK TO announce to llw ritimws of AlUmy ninl mrroniilijr country lli.it. liaviiig: supplu-il mir-at-l vest with the neti'iry wichinrry for mis jn ami removing huiMlwst. we arervadynt all tioi.- to receive orders tor mull work, wliu-li we will do in -tiiort or Vr sit lowest rale. We guarantee entire satisfaction in all work under taken ly n Orvlers k-fl at the RKGKTtR office promptly attented to. Apply to. Al'tt, BANTV,AI.LEXl. Or., April 23. W7o. 4cv7 O- S- CO. NOTICE. TBOM AND AFTER 1ATF., CNTIL Fl'R- X! t! ther notice, freight from I'ORTLAD to ALBAXY WILL BE OX E DOLLAR PER TOX All down frvlirht will be delivered at POKT T. & v or s r ir I Free or Isruj sijzc and WIiarTs;e, At Reduced Rates. n.ta wilt leave AI.TIANV for CORVAIXIS or .fUUTLANU 323 A7- o ry For farther rnrticulars, apply to HUt ll & JlOSTKITll, Albany, Nov. id, T4-M , Agent CTIAS. B. Ko-VTAGCE. JIOBT. M'CA'.LF.Y. M0XTAGUE & McC ALLEY, AUK SOW OPENING A 31 ACSIFICEST stock of FALL"; AND AVIXTER GOODS ! ' selected with care, and bonslit for coin at Scandalously Low Figure and as we bought low we csin and will sell them at prices that will Astonish Everybody. Con and or Belections of 4jMM Jnpancse rtrllliaatea, MnraeUies, ronlina, HibboMS, Col,ar Collarette, Iaceii, Ate, Ac, far the todies, and our complete lines of Readymade Clothing Hosiery, otUoIr, 4 Cawiiacrah " ' ClOtlM, KOtM, Cnpa, lata, . of all description for men and lioya. Also, full assort men to of Groceries, GrocXery M Glassware. ;: of ver-liody ru- t )ctuia,iit tle lowest rale every t Una. lAsixtnou, Oregon. OeUAwr SO. U7i- Furniture arcroom. PBED CrJXXF, j ai HAVING purchased tba ei.t(ro rt wt at . Collar in the lte On f Gmf A CJj ''tor. i the fnmitnre la4a. takw this Plor1H"" to return hia tUtwska tit two ctfusana of Albany and vicinity who have so ltnroaf)y Tatmn, ized hint In tha past, and 1tful Vf , cont inoamw of tba saiue. 63T All ki'la ft nitnup, kept hand and W"""".-'!??' at lowest rates. BHD UUAJf. . Albany, Sior, i4.vSiS . , Eatli IIiisi5 ;& Barber Shop. TH K 17DKRSlQXKI"WoCfJ BESPKCT fully thank the clttzona of AH)n anl vl cinity for tba liljiirftl pi.t nuwo bestowed oil htm for the nastsoven vears, and liopes for 1 ha future a eonttnttatlon of their lvor. Fortho aravimiiuxlation of traiiHient customers, and IVmmltt in t he npper ptirt of town, be banopen-u-nusit little i1umi next bwr to Taylor nroa. wkwm. hi;to a hoi I worktuun will Hlwaya be in at tendance to wait U!K"j pal nn. lM-.U. lr?i, . 0i WtiUBlilt.'" MY KEVKSUE. And this was the end. Richard Grey would marry his swecUfaced cousin ; and, more than that, he had meant to have her for his wife, evea while he was looking into my eyes with 6uch intoxi cating sweetness. I had not given my heart unsought; hut this man this man who had touched my lips with his kisses, while they were yet warm per haps from those of his betrothed had all the love of my proud woman's soul. I stamped my lect in mad. impotent rage. 1 Jut, alas! I could not take back what I had given him so freely, lie he saint or fiend, it was all the same. I loved him still. The sweet June air came in through the window, and the warm roses looked up smilingly from below. Their fra grance sickened me. How many times Kichard Grey had put just such roses into my hands; and, with all of heaven in his eyes, had told me I was sweeter far tlipn the flowers I held. I drew the window down with a crah and turned away. What a con summate fool I had been ! and what a consummate actor lie had been, if indeed, lie did not love me ! I could not believe it ; but if he did not, it it had all been child's play with him, I vowed it should be child's play no longer. lie should know what, love was before we had done. I would move heaven and earth to accomplish this, if necessary. To think that I, Margaret Sterne, should be outwitted ntitdonft. audinade an abject slave of by the will of one man I j. ne blood courfcd through my veins again ; I was growing again. The tonic was doing its work nobly. My aunt's voice came up the stairs : "Margaret, Mr. Grey is here." "Yes," I answered ; ai:d arranging my toilet comjow?dly, and with more than -usual care, I went down to meet him. There was "a new brilliancy in my check, I knew, aiidau added hutre in my eyes, as I stood before him, bowing my greeting. He noticed it with heightened color. '"How well you are looking this morn ing, Margaret," he eaid. "Am 1?'' I said, smiling' back into his eyes with all my old ti listing fond ness. "Iliad forgotten you were com ing to ride out with inc, until my aunt's voice reminded me of it." He looked surprised that T should forget, or seem to forget, any appoint ment of his, which I had never done before; but I was so attentive to him, otherwise, 'that his momentary annoy ance vanished. We struck out upon the road to liyrne. "Suppose we rile fast ?" I said, rais ing my whip, ready to stavt. "No; it will spoil our enjoyment, for we cannot sj)CaK a word then and." he might have adtled, "I cannot teed you with love's poison from my eyes." "15ut I want a race, and, more than that, I mean to have one," I answered, with spirit. He looked up quickly, "What has come over you, Marga ret?" "Xothing,' I said, meeting his look with more tenderness than, usual, but letting my whip fall with a snap upoi my horse, and bounding away at the same time. I felt as if I could ride mad!y that morning ; and I don't know but my companion thought I meant to, for, in spite of hits effort, we were hard ly in sight of each other for the next tour miles. At the edge of the village I drew up and waited. "You have lost the race in more senses than one," I said, as he came be side me. "What do you mean ? You are not like yourself to-day ; but arc beautiful as a queen, Margaret ," he said, with an eager flush upon his face. My heart throbbed wildly. "Am I a queen tor once, then, and yon the subject? 1 ruled you in the race, you know." "Hut you will spoil your horse." "Xo matter. It ia queenly tortile and ruin together." "Your heart is too kind." "My heart kind ! Hah ! It is cold and cruel as steel, Mr. Grey. If I died, I would never flinch frcm what I had undertaken." . He was utterly bewildered at the new phase he was seeing in my character, but he could not resist the magnetism of my eyes. My looks belied my words, and lie would trust me. "Never mind, as long as we do not quarrel," he said, with an emphasis upon the pronoun. "True: r.ever mind," I answered grimly, thinking of my future a moment. The sun was sinking when we rode up the avenue at Hyde Woods. I was well satisfied with my day's work. He was coming closer to me iu spite of himself. "You must not call this evening," I said as ho touclied my hand with his lips at tha parting. "I have another engagement, but to-morrow if yoii will." "If I will J O Margaret 1 I cannot stay away this evening !" "But you must," I auswered, ascend. Ing the steps. My aunt met ma in the hall. "Margaret, you are not going out with 31 r. Grey too much, are you V she said, stopping mo. "Oh, no I Wo are only flirting a itth, and it would be dreadfully dull with no one, you know, dear Aunt Hyde. I kissed hef and went slowly to my room. It I had given way once it would have all been over with me. I should liave had no strength to go on, and it I did not give way I must not trust my twlf to think aloue yet. I put otF my riding dress, and, donning another, went below. Until late that night I played chess with my aunt, and then, thoroughly tired out, I went to bed and to sleep. 1 did not mean to see Riehard Grey the next day. A little absence would only make my presence dearer, and I was going to try it upon him. t "If Mr. Grey calls this morning, say to him that I am indisposed will you, Aunt Hyde?" I said, a we rose from breakfast. "Yes ; for you do look tired." I went into the library, and hunting out the most exciting novel I could find, began to read. The sun was hardly three hours high when Richard Grey's voice sounded in the hall ; and then I heard hi horse canter down the ave nue, but I did not change my posi tion. It would not do to satisfy my inclinations now. When the sound died away I went on steadily with my read ing again. In the evening the gentle man called to see how I was. "Jctter," I heard my aunt say, "but not iu the parlor this evening," and he took his departure. I was ready the following morning early, but none too soon. I Ie was im patient to see me, and his eager greet ing would have been flattering indeed if I had not held what he meant undoubt edly should be kept a secret from me. My day's absence had the desired eftect, and cither his soul lied or he did love me. "I receive a foreign letter every Wednesday. Let us ride by the office, if you will, I said as we ttartcd oil. "Certainly," he answered, eyeing me close?y. "Vou have friends abroad then " " Yes. I never told you of my Cousin Ernest? I thought I had. He is an artist, and has been traveling in Europe a year or more. We are all in all to each other." I lis lips closed curiously and his face grew a trifle cooler, though his eyes seemed to burn as they looked into mine. "No; you have never spoken of him." "A mistake of mine," 1 answered. He handed mc the lettler from the post master's hands, with a halt frown upon his face. 'I am getting jealoHs," he said, partly m jest, but more in earnest. "Ha! ha!"' I laughed ; "and well you may be." Then opening it and reading a few sentences, 1 added, "lie is going to be here next week." . "He is your cousin, yon say." "Yes; at your service." What he had upon his lips I could only judge from his looks, for I begun at once a long siring of small talk that ended only when we reached home. For the next week I treated him to love and indifference alternately, keep ing him all the time at bay, so that he could not approach me nearer than 1 willed, until he was half mad with fear and love. I had not meant to many this cousin, who had been a persistent suitor as well, until I learned what Dead Sea apples I had been eating from Kichard Grey's hands; that changed my intention;. Wlien 1 met him after his long absence his anxious question ings were answered without a word. He knew I would be his wife then. I was not at home to Richard Grey for two w?eks after Ernest's arrival ; but at the cud of that time I was ready to meet him, and went down at once as soon as he called. "I have wanted to see you very much, Margaret," he said, bending over my hand. "Why have you denied me admit tance so long ?" "I have wanted to sec you, too, Rich rd,""I answered, slowly, lingering ten derly over his name ; "but these wed dings make such a disturbance." He started violently, but I went on speaking in the same even tone, "I should have sent you these," hold ing out invitation cards, ; "but I hoped each day that I should see you the next, and give them myself, so it was delayed until now," and I handed them to him. He threw them down and put his foot upon them quicker than lightning. "Is this true, Margaret ?' burst from his lips. "True ? Of course it is. . Why do you ask T "And you have dared to throw it in my face like this, as if I had never loved you." I was careful to keep my tones cool and even as before. "My dear Mr. Grey, you are to marry your cousin, and I mine. Surely you did not think I would love you when I knew you were betrothed to another ? And I could not be so vain as to think you cared for me at all when yon loved her so well. A harmless flirtation ; and we both underwood it to perfection, I think." His face was like a dead man's face as lie staggered from the room. Ah ! revenge is sweet, after all ! Who says it is not? We are informed by James M. Dur ham, Esq., who was in the city on Wed nesday , that there is a rumor afloat in the neighborhood of Ashley, that a son of a Mr. ThompsoDjWho recently moved from Ashley to Texas, was out hunting and 6hot a wild turkey, which fell near Fomething ot a dark color, which, upon investigation, proved to be an old pair of saddle-bags, partially decayed, and containing about 36,000 in gold and bonds. There are any number of young men hereabouts who i would be willing to go out hunting -every day it they could meet with , the same-success as did young Thompson. Nashville Vemo crat s , Orannds kr a Divorce. The new year brought trouble to that good old negro, Amos. Yesterday he entered Gen. G. a. law office, and seem ed to be in deep distress. "Have you got a case, Amos ?" in quired the General. "Yes, Gineral, I'se got a pow'tnl bad case, sah ! ' said Amos, shaking his head gloomily. "What's the trouble ?" "I wants to git me a revorce, Gineral me and dat gal what's been my wife is fallen out, sah !" "Well, that is bad ; let us see it yon have grounds for a divorce. What has she been doing ?" "W'y, sah, she's jis beeu particular ly raising de old Harry round de house tor de las' four weeks. Fust thing fo' most she tuck all de money he could tine 'bout de house terxbuy Christmas gifts fur hersef, and when I ax her fur dat money back agin, she jis cussed me out from head to heels, sah I" urged Amos. What else?" "Well, seckonly, sah, she envited two of her sisters to come dar an' quar ter on me fur de whole ob de holidays, tuk my bed for 'em to sleep on, and when 1 'fussed to gib it up, an got in it myself, she cut de cords and lemme col lapse through onto de tlo' and deo split de biskit board ober my head, right dar, sah !" pointing to a soro place on his head. "Any thing more ?" "I stood dat pretty well, Gineral, and nebber imfliii more ob her meanness twixt dat time and dc odder night when dey gib a party down here to dat nigger boarding-house on Decatur Street, Den she come up to me and sez, 'Amos, you doesn't go to parties, and my secon' cousin Josef us is up hyar an' I want you to lend him dem black suit of Sunday clo's ob yours ;' now Gineral dat hog e3e Joscfus wnz dat gal's sweetheart 'fore I married her, and dat talk made me maddcr'n blazes, an' I upsot things round daf iu a hurry !" "What did you do?" "I got on my mussel, and for an ole man I'm a boss nigger when I gits start ed ! I jis reached out dis hyar right hau', an' folched her a blili'on de mouf dat made her t'iuK dar wos a bone faery started under her nose, flung her down de back sta'rs, and emptied 'bout 'leben flower lwxerv f till ot yearth on her ! 'Uout dat time Josef us he come in de gate, and he no more-dftn sot his foe t on dc step 'fore I jumped in among him, and I tell yer de hones' trtrf, Gineral, dar aint nulF ob dat nigger's hide lef on him to patch yer slipper at de toe ! And dats whar I wants a rcvorcej, 'Kase dis maryin' 'mong de niggers now-a-days is not down to a loaferin', cut throat biziicss anyhow." Amos was given full legal advice iu the casts, but it didn't quite suit his side of the matter. Atlanta Canst Miction. A Troublesome Fortune. No large sum of money, perhaps, ever was brought under more peculiar circumstances from the Old World to the New, than the 040,000 with which Peter Demsen, of California, arrived in New York the other day by the steam ship Cambria. A native of;-Prussia, Demsciijlong ago lived on a ranch near Placervillc. Ijtst summer he receive 1 an official letter from Herlin, stating that a relative ot his had died, and left him his whole fortune, amounting to nearly 700,000 thalers in gold, which he could receive by calling in person at the Herlin Probate Court. I'eter had been dreaming all along of becoming a rich stock farmer, and so he set out joy fully for the German metropolis. Hut when he was asked by the Probate Judge in what kind of funds he wished to draw his inheritance, poor Peter was aisagreeauiy perplexed. Of a very die trustful character, he became apprehen sive that if people should find out what a treasure no had with him, he would snrely be robbed. To take the sum in gold would be too onerous, in currency he had no tailh,and htill less iu drafts on San Francisco. In his perturbation of mind he went to the great Bismarck himself, who advised him to purchase for the 700,000 thalers seventy Prussian $10,000 State bonds. These he could easily take with him, and could sell them slightly above par in San Fran cisco. The Minister of Finance furn ished Peter with the bonds, and the Californian caused them to be enclosed in a heavy steel box. Peter set out for the New World in the shabbiest clothes imaginable. He took a steerage pas sage to New York, and always had his precious steel box fastened to his body by means of a chain. When he ap peared on deck he also carried it with him. Meanwhile his fear of being rob bed of his money had remained no se cret in Berlin,, and a passenger recog nized Peter despite his shabby clothes. So Peter's story soon became known among the other passengers, and when ever he made his appearance he and the box became the cynosure of all eyes. When he arrived in New York, he left the box for three days under the pro tection of the German Consul-General, and then started with it, still shab bily dressed, tor California. It was no ticed on the steamship that his face be came thinner, and that he took but very little food, and at the slightest noise in the steerage would put his head out ot t.: I i a ! . a : io uuuk wu.ii a irignieneu eipreosiuu Reporters are often unconsciously satirical. A morning .paper says in an obituary: "Mr. was an estimable citizen. - He lived uprightly; he died with perfect resignation he bad beeu recently married, Tale or the Flood. The New York Sunday Mercury of Dec. 5th last past had an interesting account ot the discovery of an old chronicle in the Frisiana tongue which may be called the grandmother of the Anglo Saxon language giving an ac count ot events, that occurred in Europe 2,000 years betoro the Christian era. Since then another installment of the contents of this remarkable book has reached us, and we make haste to lay it before our readers. It treats ot that terrible scourge that overcame lhe earth 4,068 years ago, and is known in Biblical history as the Deluge. ; It is stated in this ancient chronicle that for more than 10,000 years there was a mighty continent extending to the West, " for many thousands of journeys," meaning an immense dis tance, which the people called Altland, or Old Land. From this name of At- land, Plato probably got the knowledge ot which he speaks in his book "Tima cos," and he corrupted the Frisian word Atland into the Greek-sounding Atlan tis. The people inhabiting that conti nent were a very warlike race, and counted by many millions. They over ran what is now known as Southern Europe and Northern Africa, and con quered the nations living there. The chronicle describes the peop'e as being of a dark, reddish hue, which descrip tion would ht the color of our Indians, and hence the supposition that the America of to-day was at that ancient time a part ot the continent of Atland, which tact would at once explain what many ethnologists have hitherto failed to do, the origin of tlie Indian popula tion ot America. The legendary ac count of Plato, who speaks ot tremen dous battles fought between the people ot Greece and the red invaders from Atlantis, is fully corroborated by this Frisian -relic of antiquity. What be came ot tins great continent and its millions of inhabitants is told as fol lows: It was iu the year 2193 before the birth ot Christ that terrific convulsions shook the globe. Earthquakes, vol canic eruptions, tnnnder-storms and rain-storms of great vehemence succeed ed each other and continued for full three years. Deep valleys rose into mountains, and rocky height were cleft in twain and sank into valleys. Oceans encroached upon the land, the light ning set tire to the forests, and smoke clouds changed the day into one con tinuous niglii. Before these powers ot destruction mankind sought refuge in flight, but few only were able to escape. For months and months the sun and the firmament were invisible, ai d the roar and the fury of the elements were so great, says this book, that men trem bled and died ot fright, nor could one talk to another, it being impossible to be heard. At last, after three years, the excitement gradually subsided, and having waited sometime, a few. ot the boldtr fishermen of Frisia ventured ont upon the waters. They returned home and told a most pitiful tale. Before the tremendous war of the elements these same fishermen were in the habit of visiting Atland for the purposes ot tiade, but now, they said, not a trace was left ot that vast continent. As far as the eye could reach to the south and west, nothing but water could be seen, the land with its millions of peo ple having sunk into the ocean, lhis recital found but few believers at first, and expedition after expedition was sent out by the Frisians to ascertain whether it was a fact, but they all brought back the same 6tory that of the immense continent ot Atland noth ing remained except a few islands, which are now known as Madeira, the Canaries, the Cape Verde Islands, and the Azores, bo great an impression did the event make upon the Frisians that the sinking of Atland, or Atlantis, was deemed by them as beginning a new era, and thenceforth they counted their years as being so many after the disap- pcarance of tiiat coutiDcnt. I lie last entry in this newly found old chronicle was made about tlie middle . ot the thirteenth century ot our Christian era, and there it is stated that the shaking of the earth commenced 2,196 years liefore Christ, and Atland sunk iu the ocean three years later, 2,103 years be fore Christ. There are many facts in history which go far to prove the truth of these assertions in this chronicle. Charlemagne, over a thousand years ago, sent embassadors to the Frisians, and these reported to him that these strange people counted their years from what to them seemed to have been the Deluge ot the Bible. One of the Fri sian chiefs sent a letter to the Emperor Charlemagn in the year S03,which is still preserved in the library ot manuscripts in the Vatican of Rome. The letter begins with the following statement : " Since Altland is sunken, it is now 2, 996 years," which, it being then the Christian year ua, makes it precisely 2,093 years before Christ. And it is somewhat strange how well this Frisian chronology, written near 4,000 years ago, tallies with tlie Biblical history. According to the first ' book of Moses, the deluge occurred -1,756 years after the creation of the world,; wh;ch, by Biblical count, would be 4,069 years ago. Deducting from that number the year 1875, in which this Frisian chron. lcle was found, leaves tlie year 2,193 precisely the time - when tlie continent ot Atland or Atlantis vanished iu the waters. It ist therefore, quite clear that the deluge spoken ot by Moses, and the three years ot earthquakes and IhwndcT storms, followed by the sinking of At land or Atlantis, are the same identical events. Die I Aarw. One hundred years ago wedding toons were not fashionable., One hundred years ago farmers did not cut their legs off" with mowing ma chines. One hundred years ago our mothers did not worry over disordered sewing machines. One hum. red years ago horses which could trot a mile'in 2:14 were somewhat scarce, y,- . .. ! . ;: One hundred, years ago it took several days to procure a divorce twd 'find ai congenial spirit. : r One hundred years ago there were no disputes about the impoliteness of street car-drivers. i One hundred 3'ears ago "crooked" whisky was not known1. Our forefath ers took theirs straight One hundred years ago every young man was not au applicant for a position as clerk or book-keeper.) One hundred years j ago kerosene lamps did not explode and assist women to shuffle off their mortal coil. One hundred years ago men did not commit suicide by going up iu balloons. One hundred years ago yonng women did not lose caste by wetting her hands in dish-water or rubbing the skin off her knuckles on a wash-board. One hundred 3ears ago the physician who could not draw every form of dis ease from the system bv tapping: a larze vein iu the arm was not much of a doc tor. One hundred years ago men were not running about over the country with millions of fish eggs to be hatched to order. Fish siqieriutcnded their own hatching in those days. One hundred years ago the condition ot the weather on the 1st .ot January was not telegraphed all over the con tinent on the evening of December the 31st. Things have changed. L One hundred years ago people did not worry about rapid transit aiid cheap transportation, but threw their gram across the backs of their horses and uncomplainingly "went to the mill." One hundred years ago every man cut his own coat according to his cloth, every man was estimated at his real val ue, Ghoddy was not known, nobody had struck ile, and true merit and honest woith were the only grounds for promo tion. Lamps -without Oil. It will be an odd thing if we some day fill our lamps with iron fillings instead of oil, and dispense with wicks. Yet an experi mentalist in Berlin has shown that a brilliant, lasting light may be obtain ed by burning iron. He took a straight bar magnet of some power, and sprink led iron filings on one of its poles. Ap plying to this the flame of burning gas or spirit, it took fire, and continued to bum for some time as freely as any ordinary combustible material do. The filings arrange themselves in accor dance with magnetic force, and however closely they may appear to bo placed of course no two ot tlie metallic fallings are parallel, and consequently a certain amount f air is confined as in a metallic sponge. The Wyomixo Jukywomax. "I say that man never tuk the mu-el, and when yon roosters git yer mind made up in tlie same way jist squeal an' we'll perambulate back inter court." It oc curred at the trial ot a mule thief in the mountains of Wyoming, where women can serve as jurors, ana every man on that jury knew that when old AI other Stevens put her foot down it "war thar," and although the proof of tlie man's guilt was strong, he was allowed to qui etly leave the settlement. j Two Sin-neks. AstriJo ;a log sat Sam and another sinner engaged in a little game of seven-up, when a minis ter approached, who after a moment's solemn contemplation of the game, laid his hand upon Sam's shoulder and said: "Mj trieno, is that the waj yon save your sool ? " Perhaps not, answer ed Sam, who having just played a card, was attentively considering his . hand, " perhaps not, but it seems about the best thing I can do to saver , my jacK." A Bird Concert. They had a hot el entertainment in the Baptist Chtrreh, Binghampton, 111., lately, which they called a bird concert. The room was decorated with evergreens and bird cageshung from every chandelier. Most ot the birds appeared frightened at the crowd and noise, but one of the feathered songsters considered himself entitled to a place on the . programme, and sang away with great energy. The pro grammes tor the concert were printed upon the back of pictures of ba ds. , Money goes, no one knows. Where itgoeth, no one showeth. Here and there, everywhere. Run. run: dun. dun; spend, spend, lend, lend: send. send. Flush to-day, short to-morrow; notes to pay, borrow, borrow. ; How it goes, bo one knows. : Where it goeth, no owe stiowetu. . , - . . ' ,' : There is a probability that the Mexi can war veterans on the i'acitie eoast will be funnelled with free transporta tion to the centennial and return. Most any eciwiblo American grri would rather marry an Italian beggar with a titled namo than a moderately well-off but humble Americau. A knotty question of law as to the ownership of a ring is to come tip in the West Virginia eourls, A gentle man of Washington was engaged to be" married to a Morgantewn, W. Va., beFe, and the engagement was suddenly brok en off. The lady put the engagement ring in Tetter and directed it to the Washington gentleman, Sftortly after she saw the same ring on tlie dainty middle finger of another Morgan to wit belle. She was not jeaforrs, probably, bnt thought it a very strange incident. Womanlike, she made efforts , to find how that particular ring got on that particular finger in Morgantown. It was finally bfooght to- light tliat a posl' office clerk had abstracted thrmgrrr- tlie letter and given it to a tnemi who placed Ujon the finger of his Iatfy4oy as a token ot affection and promise. That is how the ring came to be doing double duty i Morgantown.: The ost- ofhee clerk was arrested tor theft of the ring. The question ht law will bo lo wborn did the ring rightfully belong at the time it was abstracted from the Ut ter ? The courts will answer, j , Tlie following is from the Dantufxf Heirs. It is well said, expresses forcv bly what every editor thinks i ' 1 " "We don't mind lww eccentric a pef son is in his dress. That's bis own business. But no man has got a Tight to be eccentric iu his penmanship if he designs the manuscript for others, A eccentricity in writing is abominable. It tires the eyes, tires tlie brain, and blunts tlie moral nature of tlie reader. An article, to have its merits understood, should be read fluently. We wisK writers for tho press would tmderstand that they can brighten np their chances of a welcome by plain straight forward penmanship. We are deepfy interested in this subject, as our time is pretty well occupied. If we were tlie president of a base ball club, with nothing to do- but sit astraddle of s fence and watcb for a thaw, it would be different.? A gentleman on Aberdeen street is now thoroughly convinced of the efficacy of prayer. His wife has been troubled tor years with an affection of the eyes, so severe that it prevented her from dis tinguishing objects at a distance. She went to an eminent revivalist last weefe and was prayed over, and pro&rscd to have thoroughly recovered her sight. iier nusDanu aouDtea tins, ami wa guilty of an impious fraud to determine' the precise amount ot euro' that na1 been wrought. He. procured a nicer long auburn hair his wife's hair is ' black and put it on tho shoulder of his coat. It was dusk when he came t i - .1 .1 i i i bins uoor, uieuuiur ui ura iiair viosvijr assimilated with that ot his coat; lie was full forty feet from his wife. She came to the door. Did she recognise' him? Did she see the hair? It is pre- . sumed she did, because in less than one second she had clubbed him 'over the head with the stove-lifter and snatched ' enough hair from his devoted head to "' set up a factory of mourning lkigfv ' Chicago Iribune. , Senator Logan, who was quite H just prior to the commencement ot ther present session ot Congress, amused him self during his eonvaleseence by writing a a comedy entitled ".Experiences in the Life of a Congressman,' which was- ; performed under his direction at tlie large boarruigc house where he resides, It is a clever production, based upon the writers own experience and observation, and it was well acted by amateurs, The central figure, ot course, is C&h ; gressman Green t and around him re volve a Zjamuady, a Jsookseuert . . Patent seekert two Sisters of Char ity, and half a dozen Place hunters of both sexes. Senator Logan has display-' ed a thorough knowledge oi stage bus- mess in writing, this pleasing httlo pro duction. A play written by a United States Senator is a raovefeTV ' ;- The tar-Western cut-throats are gen- t. orally honest fellows in one respect. They are willing to give lite tor the one the; take, if hard pressed,' Barney . . ? Rounds was a Kvery-stabie , keeper in,. , Georgetown, Colorado. " ' Jack . JoneV, ' tirlu la.rrr A olftKja windniv-f iir 'ti-Ant nf " Koands establishment, and Kouadi'askJ for it by firing his pistol tuto Round', abdomen, which killed him almost in stantly, - A policeman saw tho shot and : " tall and gave chase to Jones, Jones -tried to commit suicide as, he ; ran by ..... cutting at his throat, but , was finally T brought to earth by a shot lrom the . officer. There was not enough life left in JmiM tsi liim ln Tftn fi1 v ... w v ..vw w J . . ' J. ..V . W.I.J . W ' gret about these affairs is that the cut- throats sometimes slay a good man, as ia Rounds ease, and their worthies lives are no just equivalent, 1 Two hundred Americans met recent ly in wrath at the German capital to protest aaint the Zietungittd another paper, which maintained that thedyua- . mite villainy was psychologically expli cable as a corollary of the nwreantile spirit of unscrupuioews martness fostered by American civilization. vur oomi trymeB, figuratively speaking, punched , -i : i. ' i : 1 nikn nfthm ftdito- sue psycnoojjiiii. wv.-..j t rial gentleman's head, ; rj ?, , r. "Hark, I hear the sweet yokel of my " mother," she said, and so dkl be, and , the " sweet voice" was saying, ,T Sal, , don't yoo knor you'll ketch your death ot cold stand in out trsere talfcm to. that teller without any flannel drawers , on t;? Mt. '- Cartnei 'Register ; VC ; How to raise beets Take hokl f tbe tops and pull.