VOLUME VIII. ALBANY, OREGON, FEBRUARY 18, 187G. 53' NO. 22. BUSINESS OA11DS. 8AMUEL. E. YOUNG, Wholesale ami lioiall iHsikr In dry goods, clothing, groceries, boots & shoes, Threshers, Reapers & mowers, Vagons, PLOWS, SEED DRILLS, BRQADCST SEED SOWERS, ETC. trt Ktrret, Allmuy, Oregon. Terms : Cash. St. Charles Hotel, I'oruSr Wnslimstoii niii First Sir,., A LB ANY, OREGON, Matthews & Morrison, PROPRIETORS ITohso iiewly rurnislxHl throughout. Tiic inrsi ibb markvt lUloras always on tlie ta!)!e. Vrco VwxvU to and froui tlio llomtr. I. C. HAKrSR & CO., Dealers in ID XL "S" 3-003ZS 'tolMK, Boots and SImms, Hats, tirorr- rmj (tooth, .oliottN, ShotKiuiti nd Pistols, SnUs, Rope, Jlirrwr, tYHllwjer, YVmmI nnl Willow ITf jrr, Trauks nnd Valises, wikri Cutlery, A., wi vry low en ner ior titan, or lo prompt wv ciislosHcrs on liine. v l&atsiHg mitl Movinff SSnilding "17"ethe unvki;sinko r.ttu i.eateti T? annuanoi t t he ril izons rt" Aliisny nntl surroiiii'iinij onuntry Hint, havin-'impplieil etur w.ivesuii uw n.ary wm-liiniTi- for mw- tiif? uml rciuovnt Imildttt-fs. we nre rutvlynt nil llmiw to rxwiv ertlur tor sm-ii ww.-!, wlituh M-u will tt in sliort oriler sit Itwt rat ratost. We -Kiiiimiiii-o entire Jotiatkctkm in all work under Orders huX at. tho &kgtsteb office promptly Al!)tt, BANTY, ALLEN & CO. Or, Ajiril SS. 1875. 2j;v O- S. S. CO. NOTICE. "UROM ASI AFTKU IATK, UNTIL IX'li- t her notice, freight from POiS.TL.AIVI to WIIJ. UJ ONE DOLLAR ALBANY PES TOX All down freifilit will bo delivered at POKT- if or A UK1A Free of Urayagc and WIiaiTagc, At Reduced Rates. Boats will leave ALBANY for COUVALLIS or l'.iil..AJt For farther particiilars?, apply to VEAl'II Ac MOXTKITIt, Albany, Sofi id, H-1'2 Ac;euti CIIAS. B. MiTAUE, JUBT. M'CAT.l.EY. MOSTAUIE & McCALLKY, , KB NOW OfKNlNU A MAGNIFICENT v v stock or FALL A3D YVLYFEIl GOODS selected with care, and Ijonylit for coin at 8canlalons9y Low "Flurca uil s we bought low we csui inxl will ttoil then) , ' at price; Unit will , ; Astonish Everybody. CSotoe and aeo oar selor.Uous of ltVi-HH Uootls, .Inpjtutse Krillfniites, MiinpHleit, Poplin, Mlbbon, Collars, Collarettes, , BMCCt, ate, .., for the ladies, and our complete linea of Ready made Clothing:, llowiery, Cotlonndea, ' ' '- CnwiS m erf Cloths, MaocH, ltotat, Cops, late, of all descnplkme tor men and boys. Alao, f u 11 aaeortuienta of Groceries, Crcclery ani Glassware. v ,i 'or evoryljody. Tho tAVit Roods, at tho lowest rates every time. KWtVMiio and see. Lebanon, Oregon, October 30, 1874. Furniture Varerooms. FBED GRAF, HAVING purchased the entire Interest, of O. Collar in the lain nrm of Graf & Collar, in tlie f urn iture business, takes this opportunity to return his thanks to tho citizens of Albany and vicinity wtio hare so ftenenoualy patron iil him In the past, and respectfully nk a continuance of the name. KaS-Aii kind of fur niture kept on hand and manufactured to order at lowest rates. UK1 OUAV. Albany, Nov. ia-v8n8 - Lztli House &J!arber Shop. THT5 TTNDEIISIGN K D WOULP BKSPKCT f ttily thtuik the citizens of A limn and vt cmity for the liberal patrnnnie iwrowed on rain for the past seven vtrs. and hoiww for the f.imrea continuation of thir luvoi-s. For the aoeotunirMiatlon of transient, etisioiiiers, and triendd in the njner imrt of town, hr. has orx-n-MtaittIiUle6)iopn;xt door to Taylor irOM. Siiiixm, w liero a iioixl wm-kuiioi wiil ulwaya be in fittetidtmee to wait iiimn put i-oim. je. ll.lo?4. .joii WKlliiKB. At tuc anmial meeting of tlie Dalles Military KoaJ Co!iiny, liekl on the 7th Just., the following ollicers were elected tor tho present year : Pitwident, P.J. Murtin: Vii-o Prcsiuei.t, Geo. I. Curry ; Secretary, C N. Tlioi'iibury : IMreetors, -I. J. Iartni, t.!eo. Curry, William Grant, O. S. S:iv :igo nud JLosos Seller. In Slieridan there art; 2 mercantile houses, 1 tint;? store, 2 blacksmith shop., 1 lioot ami hIkk! shop, 1 hanicss shop, 1 wngoti s!hjv, 1 iivery stable, 1 hotel, 1 butcher shop, 2 churches, a good school, a Masouie Lodge, a Grunge and now but one saloon. There used to be two salootis, but the peojile have let down on it somewhat. X!m: Dalles 3v-nlttiMCvr Kiys ; ''Tho vi er in front vt cur city has been lull of ieo, jammed in fifteen or twenty feet deep ; the Kliekitat hill, on the opposite bank of the river, covered with snow half wny down, and the hill-sides on this sale tho river covered wi.'h green, not an invisible green either, but growing bunch grass on which stoek may feed." O. W. Boon was anesteil at Lone Iiock, Wasco comity, l;ist w-eek, for an assault on U. G. Kobinson. Boon is fifty-flve years of age lie lost the tiso of his left ftrm in tito Mexican war j two years ago three saw- logs rolled over him. Gripping his left arm still more ; also his right shoulder anil jaw bone, and all his ribs were more or less broken i and yet it took three ollicers to arrest him ! At a meeting of citizens of Dailes City, held at the U. S. land ofllee, Feb. 10, 1S73, lor the purpose of devising means of utliliz ing the U. S. mint building, which was donated to the State of Oregon for educa tional or charitable purjRWes, 31 r. O. S, Savage was called to tlie chair and C. K rhornbnry elected secretary. A committee was appointed to devistj plans ot action mid reiort at a future meeting. On Thursday of last week, C. W. Young, of Fugene, shipped to Olympia Sevcntoei neau en beet cattle, wlneli would average in weight about S00 pounds each, and were probably the best lot ever shipped from Lane county. Three of the largest weigli ed respectively- 3,332, 1,084 and 1,(!4S pounds. JIo received for tliem $00J,OG ljoing an a veiage of 11 IS per head. There Is always a market for lat eatrle, and not a farmer in the country but could ship a least one ear load each year. From parties who have visited the recent ly discovered placer mines in the heighlxn-- hood of Fort Lane, Jackson Co., the NV- tiw-l learns that these mines are pnyin, handsomely, and that a nugget of gold weighing some $10 or 17 was picked up one day last week. These mines were dh covered in this wise : The water rtmnin; through a rut which had been made by wagons bringing wood from that vicinity had washed the gold fret from the earth. which was discovered by some parties who immediately took up the ground in the vicinity, and who have been working thi same for the past few weeks. Some idea ot their richness can be formed when we stale tliatnfter washing up a piece of ground not over S or 10 feet in width and about 13 feet in length, $200 was the result of the clean-up. The Seattle TiHtutte says; -'The sawmill at TJfsalady has been shut down, and the barks Omwd and lirontes tied up by the laying on ot the Attachment ot last week To secure relief, the company intend to sell the bark Qawirtl; and, as profitable prop erty, they keep the Facvrite sti'l rtmnin and arc fitting tip the Litmic for the same purpose. Bankruptcy will probably be the upshot of it, the company carrying too heavy a load of debt and paying too much interest. It has been staved olf a long time already, but is now almost certain soon to come.' In the district court: Antoine Hone, for robbery, to be confined in the Kitap county jaHforone year: John Rush, for assault, to be imprisoned in the KhVap county jail for two montlis; Ah Tuck, for grand larceny to be imprisoned in the Kitsap county jail for three rears; Georsre Johnston, tor m-niul larceny, to be imprisoned in the1 Kitsap county jail for eighteen mouths. Rev. II. Cardwell writes from Klickitat Feb. oth: During the winter there has fallen in Klickitat valley in all near four feet of snow, now all gone. Our coldest was 4 below zero, and that but one morn ing. Stock has done better thU Winter than last, requiring less feed. The citizens of Scappose made an attempt to start a lyceum; the subject chosen was: Resolved That a dog is a more useful ani mal than a gun . ' The dog got salmon-sick and the night set for' debate was deferred. The gun failed to ignite and fizzled. ; Tlie debate lias adjourned nine die. A chemical analysis ot the waters of a large number of wells at Salem reveals the cause of so much sickness in that city and a system of surface drainage is recommend ed so that decayed animal and vegetable matter will be carried off and not soak through the ground into tho wells. A boom lias been built at the basin at Oregon City, which is to be adjusted at the month of that receptacle to turn drift-wood in the time of high water.' It is a ponder ous institution, being nearly 300 feet in length, and composed of three heavy tim bers' lying side by side, fastened together by heavy bolts of wrought iron. Henry . RoeebiirT, who left Roseburg & few wee rfs ago, to give himself tip to tho authorities of Curry county, for the killing of Scot! y, has been bound over for tho next erm of court at Empire Cily. lie is out on !fd,UW (-?)' i The brass band is a new clement of dis turbance in Seattle. Sheep are reported dying fast in Clear Lake valley. At Graham's the Methodists are carry ing on a spirited revival. The ICsUcrjrrise says: "There arc onl ton mules In Clackamas county." More hhow than usual is reported to have fallen in the Blue mountains fli't winter. Claekamas county has 07(5 men subject to military duty, between the ages of 1 and 4'J. John Myers and George A. Harding si candidates lor Chief Engineer of the Ore gon City Fire Department. I Tho schooner JnmiiOi was oiit in a ga off Fori Townscnd a lew days ago, aud had her rudder broken. The shipments of coal from Seattle in January this year, were 5, W0 tons againsi 1,033 tons in January, 1S75; a very en cottfaging increase. tifteen hundred pomds of coal fell on two Chinamen at Seattle tlie other day Tlie ''Johns," strange to say were more astonished than hurt. Ilobson & Warren have secured from Mr Hickox one thousand shingles for the ceu tennial, a shingle measuring 20 inches In width. A committee of Odd Fellows have been appointed to ascertain and report tlie cost ot building a hall m La Grande, with a mu tiling smmoie for a store underneath. Some San Francisco capitalists own a track of about 1,S00 acres of excellent coal lanu, near Coos City, which, from all ap pearances, will prove the best coal mine yet opened on Coos Bay. lhe Independent says: W. "Masters, of Farmiugton had an encounter with a half dozen ot that kind of cats tliat the Irish man said had been "atiu' onions,'" and Masters was mastered by the said sweet scented felines. TV... T If .- , jw. -J, n jwani was nnumig a series o meetings last week, at Cleveland, JDongla county, assisted by the Rev. R. Boothe, of Wilbur. Twenty-three persons united will the M. E. Church, and several others were converted. In some eases entire families came forward together. They Iiave a minister in Denver, Colora do, who can lift 1,100 po.mdsand carry off the load with ease. He ought to be able to hold his own even in a lively tussle with tlie "old boy' himself. j 1 nomas btm.ton, L., has resigned tho iost of inspector of customs at Ncal B.iyaud accepted that. of assistant .light- house Keeper at Fort Angele?. Mr. Will iam Cnshman takes the berth at Xeah Bay A U isj tch from E. F. Bacon, general agent at San Frane'sco, fo Otis Freeman traveling agent on the Sound, informs the latter that the Faeifie Mail company will run two steamers a mouth on the Sound route from and after the first of April. Colorado lias a sensation in which Mr II. II. Honore and other gentlemen prom incut in public life figure conspicuously. I hey arc charged with an attempt to cor rupt the judiciary of that Territory for the purpose of adding to their own private fortunes. James Morgan, late master of the Tcxzcr and formerly ot the Mnitantr. has discover ...i - i i ? , , uu a vniiKiu.c qimrrz icau on jiiiaj'mas, or Dog island, opposite Fidalgo island. Some of the ore ha been assayed and yielded as follows : .$S0 of copper, $5 of gold and $1. 1 5 of silver to the ton. T. B. Warren, who owns an interest in the Henrietta mine, at Washington, left a Sjeeimen of ruby silver from Ills claim at the Aml'o.c'ie oflicc, which is well worthy of inspection. It is almost a solid chunk of the precious metal itself, and will assay away up into the thousands. f b or keeping a bawdy house at Seaitle i' rank lmrkc was sen tenced by Judge Lew- kj pay a nne or f:rOU. If he; can brinff ..u.-,i;.ctory proof before- court a Mourns that lie lias'not been engaged in tho same disreputable business since he was indict ed last August, 200 of the fine will be remitted. A Salt Lake telegram' of the 12th .gays': A few days ago, Alice, graud-daughtcr of JSrigham oung, and daughter of Brigham x oung, .jr., - married Clias. R. Honking. Gentile, contrary to the wishes of her par ents. Yesterday she visited . her mother, ami during tho.evening her husband called a . . lor ner, due sne could not be fmmd. A writ of habeas corpus was procured and to-day the lady and parents appeared in tho third district court to answer. Their attorney claiming tliei-e . was not forcible detention, the husband withdrew fm-ther proceedings and tlw lady went homo with her parents. baby sea serpent, seven feet Ions, has been found by Capt. Stratton, of Nenh Bay. is wna taken to fort Townscnd, and Is to be sent to tho Centennial. Everj- cent of tho taxes levied in Klicki tat county for the current year has been collected. Five dwellings arc in course of const ruct ion nt this time in Belltown Seattle's northern suburb. Wm. Brown, one of Olympia's oldest citizens has been appointed farmer on tho Ncali bay Indian reservation. Seal catching is the principal business w ith the Indians, down at Capo Flattery. Seven were taken week before last. Two gentlemen; living about eight miles South ot Olympic kHlcd twelve deer on Thursday and Friday of last week. f hehe is quite an excitement In coal properly at Nanaimo. Tlie Comrish farm tud West wood estate are either being pros pected or are about to be proi-peetcd. Tlw lew Chase river coal is sure to rsse in the tuuiition of co.ll barbers and dealers. - i THE TWIN. 11Y MAKY N. raiiSCOTT, "There, say any tiling that comes in to your head, bilvia 'any thino- that' nice antl sentimental, and Bounds as it I knew all creation, and had studied aud read and thought no end ; any thing, so mat no won t guess what a mi(erabl little dunce I am. Only don't bother me about it r "And supposing he finds out 'Finds out! How in the namo Of goodness is ho going to find out, uuless you up ana tell hun ( "I shan't tell him. Hut it doesn' iom right ; my coiircionce rebukes me, I wake up rtometimes at dead of ni-'ht, in a sort of nitrhtmarc-, where I sec him treading your letters underfoot, and his eyes like javelins : ' "It's high limo a-day foiSyoii to Bit there and lecture mo, Silvia, and prato about your conscience. I know what I'm about; write tho letters aud keer the dreams to yourself, What business had you to be dreaming about my lover let me ask t &. pretty case of con pcicncer "The same business that I have to be writing to him, I suppose." " irou write to hira Ijecause I require m. ; anu papa mres ana pays you to be a companion to me, and to do what will. I don't see that yon need troublo yourself at all about it, unless yon want to inrow up tiic situation and oblige mo to get used to a new companion." . "Von might find thocliango ot hand writing embarrassing, to be 6tire laughed Silvia. "it's very generous of vou to remind mc of that dilemma, now, isii't it? fun! just to show mo how deiieiident am upon you ? Perhaps it's a bid for a higher bgure. I always mistrust you nign ana mighty conscientious tolks." i oil know me better," answered bilvia. "I was only thinking that vou were laying up trouble for yourself." "That needn't trouble you." "it annoys mc that I should be ol- liged to aid aad abet you in the under taking." " 'bwect sensibility! Oh, la !' You may resign your situation and find better if you can. I'm almost afraid to keep such a saint in the house." "Situations don't grow on bushes i , ... . ... uu laooreis are uncKcr than lues n August; and Madame Genesis would turn the twins out of house aud home it I omitted a quarterly payment, you Know." : , , "Well, what's the need of so mud bother?. It's only a matter of choosino- between your conscience which is only another name for your own comfort ana tho welfare of tlto twins. We'll see which you lovo best, you goody goody! And, after all, I can't under stand that your poor conscience has any thing to do in the matter. You're always magnifying tiilles, looicing tnrongn your i'antan siectacles at tl.cm." - Silvia Fat down at the desk and took up the pen. "You could write as good a letttr as i, it yon chose. "Hut I don't choose to bo bothered." "It wou'dn't bo any bother to me began Silvia. .-.-. ihen youd better (Jo without anv comments. . .... 1 mean to write my own love-let- ters. "That's because it would be such novelty, perhaps." , , iow uon d do rude. Luna. 1 was only thinking what a pleasure vou loscJ l can aitora it, and my Iot is vour "am. - 'I know if you would only give a little piacuce to it, your haiul.vritmg would 1C finer than miuc. Let mo beg you to try. j iiau-hour daily would work magic." " j'shaw ! I would a" tho hired to waste so much lime on it. I nate to writo and wh3t is money good for if it can't relieve me ot doing things I hate to do ? lhe girls at school used . to write mv compositions and weren't halt as fussy as you, tnougn 1 uian't pay them. Ami noiXHly found it out either. ' LutI should so hate to deeoivo mv i . : lover. - .. r- . Wait tnl yon cet one. And as t that, the deception has begutf, and it wouia only mako things worse to con- toss." "And when you'ro married." "La, I shall get my letters, then or yours, rather and burn them up pro- viaea lie has not done so already. And ho'U forget whether I wrote well or ill : anu, like as not, won't care a fig.',' , "And are, otiln'lovo with 5im I call that an imrertineiit o nest ion. feilvia. It implies, a doubt. Most ,of J-m . . a I 1 tho girls are in love with hjrn, let fno till you. Perhaps yon'll experience a sbock when yon see. lam, J IIe isn't so stun ningly handsome s but h has those se ductive manners that make mere beauty a bagatelle I read that somewhere and he's rich, rich as mud. and descend. cd from the great Mogul, for all I can tell. : lie knows enough to run two or three colleges, I believe ; ami when I'm flirsr J'rotossor bhalo it won't siernifv wliethcr I writo in Choctaw or hiero glyphics, awl nobody will ask whether my grand lather was a soan-boiler or a cobbler. I shall be at the top wave of society, don't yon see?" "I confess that I don't see it with our eyes." "Hut don't you with you could ? "Sweetest eyes were ever seen.' so Max calls them not that I'm a bit nroinl of them! Aren't those gloves a er!ect fit? A philopot'na gift from Mr, Mush room. .Now, Pm going out, and you i uiay linibh the letter and leave it lor me to read. I know it will bo a gem. Max says my letters always are. Ila ! ha ! He says it almost makes amends for absence to receive one. So consider yourself complimented." --Poor Maxl" "Poor Max, iudeed ! Didn't I just tell you tnat he's rich as a Croesus, whoever he was? . Uy the way, if I'm not here early you had better send the letter off to catch the evening mail he'll bo so sorry not to receive one to morrow." "And isn't there any thins: in nartic ular that you wish mc to say in it ? Let mc tell you it's no fool of a job to writo a lovo loiter to a man you never saw." "Lh ! you always hit upon tno rieh things to say. I'lay that you had known hun always and loved him dearly." "iiut just, give mo a message of your own-pioaueo. Silvia. - i : - "Oh I well, tell him. tho last book lie , sent me was absorbing ot course it was, or he wouldn't have sent it; and you must know, for I saw you reading it ; i really haven't had time to opeu it, out you needn't add that. "Oh ! dear, dep.r." "Why, did you bny it at that price T langneu luna. ; "Can't you nay any thing any thing affectionate ! How am I to do all that sort of thing in cold blood ?" "Why, don't travel out of your way to say spooney things ; writo natural ly just as if we wero talking together,' he ana 1.", ,-.: ;, ;. - ' ," How do I know what you would say tc him it you were talking together? "How can I tell you 'in cold blood ?' Can t you lniagina ?" - , . .i "I may compromiso you ; I may lie too gushing or too frigid. "Never fear. The king can do no wrong. I here e his last letter : maybe it will give- you the cue. 1 declare, it you make such a fuss I shall be sorry ever set you about it." "I am sorry already." "Tho bargain's made and the money'i jmid," murmured Luna, significantly. as sue ciosea the door. : Silvia opened "his last letter" and sighed. What a pleasant one it was, to be sure, and how little appreciated owcetness wastea on the uesert air Supjx)sing it were her own. Would any one ever write to her like that ? A genuine love-letter, meant for no eye but ins sweetheart's, yet how desecrated. The old lino said "Men were deooiv ers ever." Had they taught woman the craft i Hero was she professincr senti inents she did not feel to a man she had never seen. Was not the sin as mncl hers as Luna's? -."Ought she not to ro sign her situation, rather, and trust to Providence for another ? Out there were the twins two little babv sisters, witl only her to look to, only her between ineni aud the poor-house- Had 6tie right to jeopardize their welfare for a scruple, as Luna had hinted? This was not the nrst time, to be sure, that she had lent herself to the fraud ; but on each occasion she had wrestled witli herself and had been worsted by neces sity. In fact, she had been trapped in to it at the beginning. Luna had yawn ed one day and said: "Come, Silvia dear; Max has been away a fortnight and I haven't written him once. VTe were never separated before. I never wrote him a line in my life ; but, good ness, how his letters are accumulating !" tossing a ha If score on the table, "and something must be done. I hato writ ing. I was never taught, I learned to flirt and danco and parley vots-x board ing-scnool, I learned small talk very small talk and crochet: but my nanuwritmg is ail pothooks and skew ers. iuax wouia noyer speax to me again if he once caught sight oi it; I know no wouldn't. Aiui, as to o. mposition, t can it say Doo ! t( a goose, on paper; I havdn't any head for it. And his letters are real poems. Do lash off somethins;, that's a love. Let mo sec what you'd say. ig you had a lover lika Max which would bo an impossibility, of course. Hut there are his letters. Head them." And so, in a frolic vein. Silvia dash ed oft a love-letter m the merriest mood to an unknown Max, with, iust enonch love m it tor flavoring and coquetry. jttst enough to tantalize and make a man s mouth water tor more, and sicrn- ed it "your devoted Moonshine m travesty of Luna's namo. bplendid J" cried Luna, rcadinsr it over Olivia's shoulder. "What prac tice you must have had." "lnever wrote a love-letter m mv life, said Silvia. . " . Why, what are you coins'' to do ?" asked Luna, precipitately, arresting the nait-tiried sheet that cm 1 via waved hi the air. - " 'Tcar it up, of course." ' ' ' ' ' 3f i'Xe vcr ! It's a work of art.' Let me road it again, myself, before you make away with it. . ; - , Iut Silvia fired with indignation later, when sho learned tliat ray Luna had dispatched the letter to Max a$ her own. "Oh ? how could . yon ? How could you?" cried Silvia "It was just tho easiest and the neat. est thing in the . world. He had left mo an envelop all directed himself, or iear i cwowa lorget. And he gives mo no end of crotlit lor my brilliant talent calls mo a Scvigno, whoever she may bo. Ila! ha !" ' "Haven't you any conscience, Luna?" "My dear,' you have euouch for us both." But every little while since then Sil ia's conscience, as well as her comix on sense, had taken alarm: but all tho same the letters wero written, and Max eligbted. fchoiioe. to lie awake nights trying to tie vise a scheme lor estricat- iii' Lunu and huhcit from the atiu-. lion; and, alter all, the only ono which she could invent was that which Luna scorned, and would none of. After Luna had taken herself off to the promenade, Silvia diped her pen iito fie gold and ebony ink-stand, and wrote freely, as if she were indeed hold ing sweet converse with a familiar af finity. It was something, at least, to be able to utter the thoughts that surg ed in her soul, to express herself under this mask. It was an oppoi tunify for companionship, from which she was, in a manner, cut off in all other directions. Tho opinions and fancies of Silvia Johnson, a needy day laborer, counted for nothing in tlie society about her, and it was only when she put on her disguise, and wroto to another woman's loyer, lhat they bit tho mark, and were received with 4Jow; wonder, fill that lie should appreciate and . re spond to all heT extravagances and transcendental notions, as if there had already been some secret magnetic un derstanding .botwecn them, before cir cumstances had, thrown them, mentally in each other's way. Was it only lovo ror lAina, or - was it the unconscious groping of a soul for its twin, which caused every word of Silvia a to receiv l 1 . ... -a siicn nearty approbation, ana every truth Bhe expressed seem an inborn in stinct of the others leing ? une day she tried aa experiment, She 'wrote' in' this wise: '"I must tell you of tho strangest thing that happen cd to an acquaintance of mine.; "She was ambitious, very .naturally, to ap-; pear wen in ner lover's eyes. One day lie foolishly went' away, and ' being a bad penwoman and aware of other mental deficiencies, which, however. only needed time aud caro for their improvement, she employed a friend to write her love letters. Imagino her lover's dismay when he discovered the fact ! How should you have acted in ins place r "The woman who could so cruelly deceive, would deserve my unbounded contempt, as well as tho friend w ho should lend herself to tho fraud," he answered. . - "There," said Silvia, "you have his opinion ot us." "La, he'll never supect me and in for a penny, in for a pound," laughed Luna. "Would you never forgive her ?" Silvia asked, pursuing the subiect i her next letter, "when it was only love for you, and a mistaken wish to secure your approbation, that prompted the action r UT 1 1 ' , - ' " ' , i eouiu never Kve sucn a woman again, not if she repented in sackcloth and ashes," he returned in reply, "and suen women are not apt to repent." "Oh ! Luna, Lima !" cried Silvia, ter. rifled at the confession she had wrung irom i roressor Ajax; "whatever will you (iu r" : - J ako care that ho never finds me out eternal vigilance, ami all that and, after all, there's as erood fish i the sea. I'm not a bit scared; there'd ue a rumpus and a row, but bless you he'd come to his senses rrcsentlv: lit couldn't help himself; the moth ami the candle, you., know! Jleaveii save ns what are you crying for ?" "I'm crying about my sins, "Oh ! all right; only it's bad for tho eyes, ana it would mako it inconveni ent for me if yon should crow blind "I'm not so blind but I foresee a cri sis some day, which you will rue." "Catch me! Besides -you will be as deep in the mud as I in tho mire." "Jut I am not eucfsed to Professor Shale." "Lut don't you wndi vou were? Come, dry your eyes and remember that tho end will justify tho means." "I hat is just what I'm afraid of." "Well, think of the twins, then, Max is coming back directly, and uerhaDs there won't be any more letters neces sary wedding cards instead, may-be; or perhaps I shall tell him myself and explain that it was only a joke." "And it will never do to laugh at your, own joke, unless you laugh tho other side ot your mouth Uon't be sarcastic at the expense of your mends. YouTt find my new ini tial paper In tho left-hand drawer; vou may, bo : brief - to-day, it yon pleaso. Tliero, do I look eomme il fault 1 liy tho way, yon needn't tell Max that I'm going to the Mushroom's croquet party tins aisernoon. "Certainly not : how could you bo writing to . him ; playing croquet with mr. liuinon Mushroom at tho samo time? I suppose it will be nnnecesary to mention tlio fact that Mr. Mushroom repeated poetry to you till nearly twelve las? night on tho veranda, with only tho moon tor , duenna ?r Was it 'Paradieo Tst' or ?" "Pome, I will not be lectured ' Silvia Johnson ! ; Could I tell Mr. Mushroon to go homo? Besides, they were some verses ot his own very sweet ones, too." . "Sonnets to a Luna tic?" -"Well, am I to blame if he is sweet on mo ? v, J here, I shan't jar ey any longer with you. Bo a good girl and write your letters and think ot the twins.'' ; Silvia becan to write.; "My dear Max:" how droll it looked all at onoo. Sho could hardly help laughing, hardly eip crying, uut compromised and wont on, and had finished and folded tho let- er and was m tho act of incWinrr it in its addressed envelope when her two lands wera suddenly imprisoned from bohind, and a deep voioo Faid ovei her shoulder: A feast of reason and a flow of a brow ii-bearded lip Was o id 1" and ttoout to touch '. Silvia'w white : nock; when she turned her head aud oouliont cd a strange gentleman, who dropped -her hands and shot halt across tho room. "Have I tho pleasure ot seeing Pro-, fessor Shale?" said Silvia, faking in the situation,1 but not liking it a bit," " and dropping the, letter in her excito ment. . ;.-.: " "You flatter mo in calling it a pleas- ' uro,". said the Professor, "and I beg; pardon; but, not having my glasses on, I mistook you for M iss Lutestring." " And then he stooped and picked up the" telltale 'letter, and spread it out on his knee and glared at it and then at shrink- ' ing Silvia, and selected choice morsels to hurl at her, the lightning shcolirg from his glance. - : "And this is the way in which Miss Lutestring wroto to me, eh ? "Yoji arc her amanuensis aud mind-reader, I sup- ! Pose?"... - . . ;.f , ,,V ; i :, ('l am her companion, bought and paid for,M said Silvia, -withering under his eye. ' 1 ' ' "' "A pretty pair of hypocrites bird 1 of a feather! ; I could not believe that . tho world held such a couple. ; Tho . f conception and execution of this deceit J is worthy of older heads shows genius ' ot a rare typo ! A person capable ot . ' assisting at such a fraud can have no appreciation of its effects; so, let me tell' you, madam, that you have not only , robbed moot a homo and fireside, with v all its genial influences, but. you have broken my idol before my eyes ami , . robbed mo of a future, so to speak.' . ; "I I!" cried Silvia, putting out, her , hand, as if sho would ward off tho ac-' cusation.' "No, no, you will .forgive ' her; you will bo happy together again. "" She is only a giddy child nobody tauglit ' her " --i-i.v .:;.;. "J Except yourself!" thundered Max.r 1 ou can mako her what yon Uke,"M V not heeding tho interruption, "as you -. have done." ,? .... . ;; , , "Oh ! it . was my fault. I . should have prevented it. What is a coman-;., , ion good for but to prevent such things!" ; "I am glad that you see your error," said Max; "but it's rather' late in tho' day as far as Luna and I arc concerned. "r How could I lovo a woman who regards truth merely as a plaything? I assurd1" " you that if I would it is not in my pow- er to do so." - The end of it was that Luna lost her lover and Silvia her situation. ; - " Wanted an amciinensis,"; read Salvia in tins morning paper, ono day. . i "I mean to apply." And sho may i have felt a littlo sorry at her headlong; action when she encountered , Professor Slia'e. . , "So you. want Asituation as amcnu ensis ?" asked Max, with a grim smile. "Well, perhaps I ought to employ you, since you lost your last througlr my means.". " 'I did not guess it was vou " cxi " plained Silvia, with a blush. "I will' withdraw my application, if if- re- memocrmg ino twins. ' ' . - r "That would be quito unnecessary.- I am acquainted with your skill in this." business. Consider yourself engaged.' So she sat down, and wroto hour alter"" ! hour, day in and day out, for three ' ' months; and then "I'm almost sorry that we have ot.l ten throiich with this tiiln of confessed Max. "I bcleivo that I eai.l some bitter thintrs a whilo aw but ler bygones be bygones. I am going: away." ' 1 es " said Silvia, alisontl v. " A twl I must be looking about for another sit uation. ; 'You would prefer a permanent' one r' -Oh ! yes; certainly." "And you'll not be surnrised if I of ¬ fer it to you ?" "You !" . "Yes. I remcmlxir telllnrr rmi mm' that you had robbed mo ot liotno anT fireside; but even a learned Professor may be mistaken, I find. At least, let mo assure you now. that vou can mako - ameuds, if you will; that I lovo thrr woman who robbed me of my blind" faith in an ianis fatuus. Hush ! Notr a word ! I will not have an answer to day, l am going away, as I said, and-" you shall writo me ono of your incomv ' parablo letters ithcr for good or ill."' And ho bent and kissed a tress of lier hair, and was gone. " 1 somewhat later, tho evemner Winers"' " corrnscatod with an account of tlio wed ding festivities of Miss Luna Lnteslringr ' i ami Mr. Bullion Mushroom. Max smiled, as he put tho paper down ami re-read a letter tho Boatman had ins,. . brought him; .rf .i -r . 4. Tho twins, bless them !" ho thought'.. My. homo shall bo their homa. - T'.n. . under great obliration to thnK a children. It was their neecssiiioi ihit saved mo freni marrying' a woman who held the truth as of no account." -The TiutctentlenL . , ' ANOTIIKIi LaNTTSRN. 1 totshcforV h't in contemplation a newspaiwr in I'aris. ii tno pocKec or a man arrested in that ity for drunkenness were fomul t-tt . from Hochefort contair.in"' a'il-m i r the organization of a new journal to bo called tho Hailiement. ICochefon was to writo for it over tho Le Lantcrnier," giving , this rcasr-t-1 lie law permits a transports! r-irco to writs, but not to sign. U all tho world does not recognize mo the fault will not be mine." The telescoiHi man was t-- troit again roeonlly, liaving dloveanl new oDject ot mterett on rw ten ccnti yvi soltin with its h' s 1 ..w. . . . fee Is ' ovt'r t! -j and U aiiv etlg,., gouts; it'sbaid-ho :, ,l" oi you aro lookin' lor ...vyr v au laKe v, t , ceiits.' Kr i.