A wswawr;anii OFFICIAL CITY PAPER. ALBANY, FRIDAY, JAN. 21, 1S7G. KEI'lTBIJIASi STATE i'E.ViAL ) - MITTEiEi A meeting of the llrpublcaii State Cen tral Committee of tlie State of Oregon, will 1 licM isi tlie city of Portland on Wednes day, the lGth day of February, 187C. itt 1 o'clock r. si. A full attendance is request ed. " ' ' '' L. S. SCOTT, C-iairmaiu .1. F. Watsox, tecretary. ; . COMMITTF.E. Benton county... linker .. Clackamas. .. .... Coos... Curry Clatsop.... Columbia Douglas . ... .... Orant.... .... .., Jackson .". . . .... Josephine .... . . . Lane . ....... . . . I Jim l'olk... Marion Multnomah Tillamook.... .. I'inatilla.... ... Vnioo.... . . Wasco'....-.. Washington .. .i Yamhill.... .... . .W. II T.lliott r. i. Koss L. P. l.arin .. .... ..J. Hacker M. Kiely I. K. Wan en T. A. McBride . J. F. Watsou .... ..U. A. Bicson . . ... ,.N. Laniell A. Watts .. W. II. Odell ........ J. II. Foster ...... J. C. Coojxr ..L. S. Soott . --.C. . ..DuBoU .... ..IK A. Bailey . .;-.JvO. Disoswav ...... .D. Chaplin Z. F. Moortv ....... W.MeT.eod . .... J. W. Watts ALL KIttllT. The bills introduced by our Senators looking to removing the Indiaus from the Umatilla reservation, make it neces sary that tl;e consent of the chiefs of these Tr.dians shall first be secured, be fore the removal is made ; and 'when cori-ciit is attained, the Indians are to bo removed either to the Nez l'erce, Fort Hall or Simeoe reservation. In order to induce these Indians to consent to being vemoved, their annuities which expire in two years more under the trea ty, are to be extended ten years. It is thought that this bait will catch them, and their consent will soon be obtained. Should this desirable result, to-wit, the removal ot the Umatilla Indians, bo effected, a macmiricent tract of country will be thrown open to settle ment, and Umatilla county will embrace within her boundary a large body of as line grain land as can be found in the State. The population and wealth of the countv will raoiulv increase, in a lew years at most making it one of the - ' largest and wealthiest in the State. As our Representative and Sonators seem to be in accord iu this matter, wc expect soon to lioar that tlie bill now before Congress lias become a law, when tlie Umatilla valley will soon bo -lotteil all over with tarm-houses coutaiiniiEC a happy KKple. A Sew Dppartnr.. The English Government has deter mined on a new departure iu iron-clad steamers, and will construct a fleet of small, swift, easily handled iron-clads to take the place of the huge, nu wield; structures of late years, in which she took so ranch pride when first built. This change of tactics has been brought about-by the experience tnus acquirea in the handling of these monster ships, Experience having proven them a fail ure, she has wisely concluded to throw them aside. The possession of the Krupp and "Whitworth guns make it possible tor a small, light, swift craft to get away with any of these huge but slower vessels. A small, active eratt, armed anij fuV tbe Ascot cup. Bay Eagle will as straight as. a die, and none dare mo with one of these powerful guns, could run for the Prince of Wales stakes at lest him. His name is Boss but he sail around her larger but more unwieldy antagonist, and demolish her before she could brin Ler guns to "bear. On the 18th inst. Mr. Lamar was elected IT. S. Senator by the Mis 6issippi Legislature. The Republican members of the LegisTatnre did not vote, on the ground that the jrecect elections iu that State were void because of fraud and violence. Lamar is considered the best and strongest man the party which he affiliates with could have selected, lie is doubtless the most conservative and at the same time ablest" politician hailing from the South. On account ot the kind treatment of the crew ot the ship JCuzndish wrecked in the South Tacific, by the inhabitants of Pitcairn Island, descendants of the mutineers ot the Uou ity, an account ot which was recently published, the mer- .i. ....:.. .i. . i T.inn i;. liih Vjiiilhiii ui Mtt. wrpcKPd vtic sel, h.ave determined to disriatch a vessr-1 to the island, loaded with such articles as will be of use to the islanders, who t out of the track of commerce, and have no communication wilh the outside world. Tho ship will probably sail within a month. The proods furnished will be a free gift to the inhabitants in return for the kind treatment ot the ship- wrecked mariners.' v " 4 " r- The IIou.e committee ou appropria 'tions will probably decide to report iu tavor ot u.e rouucuoii 01 ... . 'i ..... -t .-,U !,,t, If) rer cent throughout the' woil l ar'l ' will abolish, at least ... ,r...:..:,. ti .VWU - . . s jn jniti"Bhwu - .. c r the State Treasurer of rc-i!T''' . Lows the indebtedness of U- $13,7C0,5Gt.- , Orrjfou KiUlroatt History. The financial history of the IIol.ac.ny railroad system, as given by the S. P. Chronicle, is substantially this: The roads were built out of the proceeds of bonds disposed of almost entirely in the German market. The bonds were to bear seven per cent, interest. .The first default on the interest occurred three or four years ago, and continued until the summer of 1874, when an agent of the bondholders came to this coast and inspected the affairs of the roads. The result of Ins visit was that it was arranged between the bondholders and Ilolladay that the lormer should take the net earnings ot the road, and if they should not yield 2 J per cent, in terest on the bonds Ilolladay would make up the difference. As it turned out, the earnings did not reach that figure, and Ilolladay has failed to come to time with his promised quota. There fore theic is a second default, and the bondholders could now, if they chose, foreclose the mortgago and take pos session or the road. . But instead of doing that, as it seems, an amicable ar rangement lias been effected, whereby the bondholder. take the road without any litigation. The Democrats of Mississippi .have nominated Mr. Lamar as their candidate for 17. S. Senator. A correspondent of the Philadelphia Times gives the fol lowing pen-picture of the man : 'J A far more prominent figure js the man who bids fair to be a great political leader a man of powerful physique, a mass" of shaggy hair, and deep set eyes that do not by a single glance betray the workings of the mighty brain. This man, has a careless, awkward tread and an abstracted manner that scarcely yield to the fascinations of society, lie : six apparently se'f-absorbed, yet listening and when yon least expect it he bursts forth in a vein of quaint humor, or re lates some labulous tale with all the apparent sineeritY ot truth. He is gifted with the brilliant, fiery eloquence of 11; South, with the statesmanship ot, Cromwell, with the dauntless ability and subtle magnetism that will attract aud hold the gaze of a nation. This i. i . . ii i. : I man oeio,,s .o .. xxuu, u..fc v.u- ally he wanders over to the Senate chamber, and slouches along with his hands in his pockets, now and then i A-.itt.. t .-. .1-1.1.11. 11' mill tl.KlIll 1 . ! II 11 ,1.0 I . .. f i ... - . . i .a - ' i. Z . ear oi a nrav-iiaireu. Keeu-eveu cn.uii.or. wt,0 i3 oue 0f J,is chosen spirits.; This eagle-eyed Senator is likewise from the fair South land, and has been a leader Ui Ills JJCOJUl'. ..... . . . Genksuvl Sherman's Platform. Says tlie Boston Globe : General "Wil liam T. Sherman, dressed iu military costume, was on the point of starting for the New England dinner, in New York, on Wednesday evening, as a Sun reporter was ushered into room 90, in the Fifth Avenue Hotel. The reporter asked for an expression of opinou as to whether the sectarian issues would affect the next presidential election. "Oh I wouldn't for the world say a worJabont that," said the general, with great ear nestness. "It's a thing about which rM-..-d Aimlt not t ( crur-alr rV o o t r tbi t j ,lieve in tbe coUStitutioii of the United States and the Ten Com mandments. That's enough for me.' The following are the more important 1 engagements tor the American horses in England : Preakness will run in the international handicap at Newmarket Epsom, and the Bretby plate at New- market. Bay Final will run in the City and Suburban, the Metropolitan ana tor the Alexandra plate at Sundown park. Mate will run in Newmarket handicap also iu the city and Suburau. The colt Eglost will runfor the Scott Newstake ; me coit i.rown I'rmce wm not run tin later. Deck will probably le the IT. S. Sena tor elect from Kentucky, having receiv- ed the unanimous vote of the democratic caucus ' ; .- Women have been registering in Chili, and will exercise the right of BiifTrage at the approaching election. - . . .,; Streetcar companies are reasonably progressive, but there is still one stop for them to take. Y hat is wanted itt some man ot-polite manners to stand ... i . . , -i- , . ., j..... i t-oiuiup.t.nr t..i lanics iw?iiirf ii .l iinif. tionarv tnts his hand round the waist tp help them on. To be hngged with- 6ut an introduction isn't right. - . . , ' A certain colored deacon, on occa- ons of missionary collections, was wont to stmt his eyes and ' sing, "Fly abroad, thou mighty Gospel," with such earnest: ness and unction that he would quite forget to see the plate as it caruo around, vu, ysi- saiu me piate bearer ."but - just you give something to make it fly" C- ,, , TTonm " nU h.l, 1.:. the other morninr. "it von rrtv mn . j , vuiiu iv iiib wue, Chri.t.masnresent.t ustoar rt ""' it go that the bill won't come in till the next month. It's just as well to keep , ... . - , . I III! l.i 1C 3 ltll!MLU 1UI llll.l llliK. A. churches in Columbus, Ga., the other nid.t, a woman screamed, 'Glory! Ise lest like soda water: lsc l uiu' ovci; Pacific Slapors,, The Good Templars of The Dalles are to give a "Valentine party. Miss May Nelson spelled down the whole school at Lafayette last week. The Amity Literary Society, at a recent meeting decided that women of Oregon have a right to the ballot. It seems there is a determination to out the road through between Seattle I i and Snohomish City. Arthur Hayne, of Vancouver, has been appointed Deputy U. S. Marshal tor Washington Territory. District court convened iu Steilacoom last week with quite a full docket. Sev eral of the lawyers of Olympia went down to attend durins lhe session. Yakima City, W. T., has a popvt'a- tion of two hundred. It has two stores, two saloons, to make up a Fmall village. It is anticipated that the issue in the next city election at Eugene will be "liquor on Sunday" or "no liquor on Sunday." Thirteen disasters only have been reported to the Astoria custom-house authorities since the burninr of tlie Sedalia in 1874. Tlie man who hung himself iu the jail at Eugene last week, was named Dennis Fahr, a native ot Canada, and aged about 50 years, so said the coro ner's jury. The Treasurer of Washington Terri tory give notice that all Territorial warrants up to and including number 6G9 will be paid on presentation, and bear no interest after the 27th inst. A drunken woman, Sunday morning, paraded the streets ot Walla Wal'a with a loaded rifle on her shoulder, using profane and obscene language, and ren dering herself an object of disgust. F. F. Oddi, grand secretary of the Grand Orient, A. F. & A. M., of Egypt, has commissioned Past Grand Secretary O. IT. Purdy, a grand repre sentative of the Grand Orient of Egypt residing near the grand lodge of Idaho. Ti,e authorities of British Columbia d . fl -. Dab Jones to oljr J ofivcers for return to his prison home, unless the governor general of Canada . ... . . . r oraer 1X" &he" """SS ti.ereiore, was obliged to return to Olympia with out him. The Methodist church at Pendleton will be dedicated on the second Sunday in February, IJev. W. Shaffer, of Wa'la Walla. will be present and assist irv the ceremonies. A Mr. Kiikendall, living a few miles out of town, has killed sixty-five deer since August. Their hides now adorn the of hig barn It is rumored that "Dutch Fred," who drove stage on the Umatilla road last summer, was recently murdered by Indians near Bozeman, Montana. There are twenty shool districts iu Whatom comity, the school children of which number 465, and the revenue for the year 1875 was $1,248 60. 'On T. J. Moss' place, Walla Walla valley, Mr. David Craven raised pota toes, some of them weighing as high as 7f pounds, and 4 and 5 pounds was TJlle common, ; Dakota Territory lias a dog which singly and alone carries the mail over a route of 60 miles, through all weathers, never put in any straw bid, and belongs to no ring. Tle number of school districts in YVana Walla and Columbia counties is 55. namber of scholars, 3,493; amount espeudea in 1875, $16,000. School has taught in every district .'dui th(? year. More than 300 months have been taught, making nearly months average to each district, j -vt a nieeuugoi ine luauu ji ve niocK . . : T.li t c. .Association held at Boise on the 8th lost., J. . Danglo was electee, president; James Patton, L,. Ilutchins. and II, C. au were elected vice presidents, JJ. Heron, treasurer; G. W. Gess, recre- tary; G. Williams, L. F. Cartee aud J- b. Fierce, executive committee. ... .. . ltie ciweumg ot Mr. JLadd, situated about three miles trora walla walla, wa8 burned with its eontents. tno lost on the house ana turmtuie amounting i to about 3,500. The house was but recently purchased by Mr Ladd from Fratik Shclton. The Ocden Free man says that Brig- iiam Yonnsr has beenn the erection of a maE,5fl K.,. aM maRMre Sl0,,e wail 8ro""u l rods of soil, wherein are to be buried hinaself and the choice lights of his fami- .' 11 ... 3 a. - ... . .. . ,....- " A '."1 7 J-m ..'.! 'l I - T1, tj.... n- 3 t:. .... . k i ,. , . " i j. no i vri iowusenu yirrrus bays : " ' lmn a BOUrTO U)al uoda'!' -Nelson & Perkins will place a lino Lf first class steamers on the - i . . . I IU LL I' If V 111 T IkA Win 'IKin mm . - v.w .; JL -I ll 1I nounement will 3e received tvith eatis- ,d"MUM uy U1C TOeftnw ot l'uget ounu, anu particu'arly ct 'q Town I seiul, A private letter from Lake county informs us that Ilolton & Garrett, who carry the mail between Liukville and Klamath, have abandoned their wagons on account of the deep snow and great quantities of fallen timber, and now carry the mail on horseback. Travel- itig with vehicles is almost impossible. August Streit, who not long ago made happy the aching heart of a . ' til.' ... 1 . ITT 11 fiT- 11- oioommg young wiuow at vvana vvaua, nas jeit nouse, nome ana wtaow, ana . i t. t - i -i 5 r can not be found, nis iwighbors, w'm seen to know, aver that August mar ried a little too often to make things comfortable, so he took a hasty depart ure, and like the unfortunate P. Nasby, had business m the woods. The? Seattle Tribune says: "On luesclay night, last, week, two China men at Port Blakely went to their room in the cookhouse buildiog to sleep, Being cold, before undressing, they lit ""all wood fire in a bread pan, closed the room tight, and getting into bed, left 'the fire to burn as bright and warm as it wouid. About 4 o'clock next moruing, the smoke being slowly issu- inS f"m the cracks, the door was forced "F1? and the two chinamen were found dead in their beds suffocated by the smoke. Burglars entered tlie residence of Joseph Wise at ;. Vancouver one night last week and took a half dozen pairs of pants, coat and vest, broke open the money drawer and abstracted the con tents, a tew ten cent pieces. The Key I . i i " i . : .V"em waa l"e w'mH! and t,,e combination also written on a card; but tncy were not smart enougn to avail themselves of the opportunity of getting at the consents of the safe. A correspondent of the JSi'io says: "There are parties in Olympia and Tumwater who stand ready to under- r. tsi rnica 67 k OHrt ii nrraii .Visual, c ftr the completion of the Olympia and r : J ' lenino railroad, provided ; tlie company will pay one per cent, on the above ..." . .... amount, ami i;ie ampie ecui ny they will complete the railroad and turn over bonds to the parties loaning, the money, to cancel the loan, by the first day ot September, 187C." j A gentleman writing from Canyon City, Jan. 5th, says: The snow storms have set in and closed up all routes of freighting. There is freight that has been on the road from the Dalles tor U,CI u" " "U,T "' . 'J snoweo 111, ii.e leams-ers iiaviuy uruuii home their teams, and will not attempt to move before MjmcIj or April. This is a genuine Iceland in winter month?. Everything is frozen and snowed in, the mails go on snow shoes. May the Lord take a liking to this kind ot weather, for I can't- I am half frozen all the time. I have a little room, and bought a cord of pine wood, which cost me $8, and it keeps me alternately betwecu the wood pile and the stove to geep up a fire. Pine is the only timber here, and that is scarce. On tlie prai ries is an occasional juniper, on the mountains an occasional fir, and once and a while a lonetamnrac. -Mr. J. B. Decker, living near Turn er's station, has a cow from which he made, the first twenty-tour days after li mmmpnft usins? the milk, sixtv pounds of butter, or two and one-half rounds Der dav. The next twenty- two days he made torty-fbnr pounds, two pounds per day. The cow is ot the Short-Horn Durban stock, part blood. : Her feed , during this time was a twenty-pound candle box full of bran, morning and evening, and such as she could gather from a stubble field dur ing the day. Mr.H. Javens, sexton of the Odd Fellows cemetery, furnishes the follow- lllg list Of interments at Salem tor the ' . , e on i- e past year: llncler 0 years, 22; from 5 . , . . (, n jlu years, irum iu iu iu ycarv, uj I r rrt . . o ; t c o rv . . j f irom io ov yearn, . irom ou uj u years, 2; from 40 to 50 years, 7; from 50 to 60 years, 2; from 60 to 70 years. 6; from 70 to 80 years, 2. Total num. jer, 54, of which S3 wero males 21 females. Of these, 47 died inflation county, 1 in Polk, " I in Multnomah, 1 ir, Yamhill, 2 in Liun, and 1 in Lane. 1 On Monday, the 10th inst., as Mr. ja(S. Gates, the mail carrier from the wt imnco w T tuDn.iio0 WQ nominsT this wav with the mail, and I e . ... ' wi,en about five miles from Rockland, ne found in the road one of Sharp's pistols, and in carelessly handling it, . .. .. . . it accidentally went off, shooting him self in the left hand, causing a painful wound. At a meeting of the town trustees of Port Townsend, held "on the 4th inst., the board was organized by the election of T T. Minor, President, and A. F. Learned, Treasurer. ' The regular meet-ino-s of tho board will be on the second and fourth Saturdays-of each month, at the clerk's office.. J.' : A; Kahn was appointed clerk, C. F. Clapp, marshal, and Wm. IT: II: Learned, consulting magistrate. Samuel Daniels, a trapper, living near the foot of K'k' City mountains, Idaho, was found dead one ihorniDg last week about a half mile from his home. Me went out one evening to visit his traps, and not returning, search was made for him next morning with abovu rPsult. Supposed to have aied ot heart disease, 0ne of lhe necei:fiai.y a;js to the eommercu Gf the State of Oregon which the people of Oregon ought to most emt)natJcapv demand, is the construction .- . i:ffhti,on-e on Tillamook head The wailt Gf ths is aniversally feh by masters of vessels bound for the Co lumbia river. A letter from Lone Rock, Waco county, dated Jan. 12th, says: "We are having a fine winter in this section, the thermometer ranging 28 to 60. Stock looks well; grass good, plenty of game, and fat. Capt. Flanders, U. S. inspector ot hulls for Oregon, paid Astoria a visit on Thursday, for the purpose "of in specting the hull of.the Gussie Telfair which is found to be in much better condition than was expected. The course of lectures for the benefit cf the Eugene library will be opened by His Honor Judge L. L. McArthur, of the Supreme Court of Oregon, about the 30th ot the present month. He alone is a man who can resist the genius of the age, the tone of fashion, with vigorous simplicity and modest courage l.avater. Plate-sin -with gold, a d the strong lance ot justice hurtless breaks; arm it in rags, a pigmy's straw doth pierce it. Shakespeare. henrt.p;.scal. - . i . -. , n f . . . i ii i f iluni.fi a T.or1 ve are a liahle to he corrected hv books as we are by companion. Fielding. t,,, the flowers to paint a jrood book- is the let of friends the Rl tiwlnv ami forever. Tanner. t The r,namit hook '"W Jt. ten a cloiul ol witi.tses ot tlie ignoiance cf the owner. Oxeiis.u-r Let fill nrn with m-e leave? in our Mmv. and hide the thrifty' sweetness, for - u .r.i;ahver Lvtton. It sliock? me to think how much rnisehiff almost every man can lo. who will but resolve to di all he can. Sterne The measure of civilization in a people i t he found in it., just appreciation ol the , wrongfulness ot war. Helps There are few wild beasts more to he dreaded than a communicative man witl nothing to communicate. M. de Bonald Stately spring ! whose rolie-folds are val leys, whose breast-bouquet gardens, and whose bluh U vernal evening. Kitcher. r-il Xtotlccs. If you want to buy the latest style of lady's TCnhber Boots, goto Jake Fleisc-li-ner's, 011 First ami I5ro:iilalbiti streets. Ctf Cash paid for Egga, . at . J. Fleisch- ner s corner of First ai d Eroadalbin streets. etf ' The World Doe not Contain a 'Medicine that will cure a distressing and dangerous Cough or Cold as rapidly and certainly ns IlALK'S IIOXEY OF ilOHEUOUXU AND TAR. Pike's Toothache Drops cure in one minute. 15 ZVcwTo-Day. BTotio o HjjZ'tx'fx . THE METZLER CHAIR rnmsis TO ISFOEM the pctujc that X no cliair t?oc from my factory without iny lianie upon it. All others are false imitations", and should he bo regarded. All persons are hereby warned aurainst attempting any such imposition upon my customers. J. M. METZtER. Jefferson, Or., Jan. 21, 1376. JjflT Ort&Jlt ITotlCG. I -JT AT A-nKf.CI.AR MKETIXO OF TFlfe Hoard of Directors of the AHany and Santiam Water Ditch and Canal Com nany. held at the office or said Company in Albany, Oresron, on the 11th day of Jannnrv, 1S7i., the followinar res olution was adopted by the unanimous vote of all the Director of said Company, to-wit : JB-fvr-, That a tneetiiift of the stockholders of this incorporation, to-wit, tne Aioany ana San tiam Water Ditch and Canal Company, he and the same is hereby called to meet at the oflice of said Company, at Albany, Oregon, on theZ'dh dav of February, 17B. at the hour of one o'clock'in t he aftertu.on of said day, for the purpose of considerins; the propriety of and au thorizing the dissolution of such corporation, the settlinsrof it s business, disposing of its prop erty and the division of its capital stock. jftuwfr-.'cZ, That the Secr.-tary of this incorpo ration lie and he is herebv authorized and dt- purposes thereof, bv publication of the same for thirty davs in the Alba.v Keuisteh, a newnpaierpublishedin'Alhany,lnI,ii.neounty, Oreaon, and by service of such notice upon each i stock holder, wnoso resiuenco is Known, uy I 111,111 In pursuance of the above resolution IVhei-ebv jrlvcn to tho.stockholdorS of the Al bany and Sunt iam Water Ditch and Canal Com pany, that t here will be a meet In ft of said stock holders, at the ofhee of said Uompany, iu Alba ny, Oregon, on the 25th day of lebrvary, 1876, at the hour of one o'clock in the afternoon of said day, for tlie purpose of considering the propriety of, and ot authorizing the dissolution of such corporation, the settling of itsbusiness, disiHtsina of its properly and the division ot its capital stock. , Jl. Secretary of said Company. Jan. 21, 1876-17 w3 BY THE UNDERSIGNED, three miles west of Lebanon, a line stJillion, tour vesiraol.l nevt Mav. 15 liiuids 3 indies in hijllir. weiphing 1.300 pounds, heavy hone atul oVgooT) form for if raft horse, well broke L? uu?PMo stock is hiitiipson. Moi.m ana uei tntiiu. - j A span of jrood work horses taken in part W- lor 1,m parncu,a. m.'maRKS Lebanon, Linn county. Or., Jan. 21, '7S. DR. PLUMMER, DRUGGIST, Hiifc and Freli DRUGS AND MEDICINES Oils, PerrUincriett, Toilet Artlelcsj 1 KISSES AXD MIOl.'I. BRACES. Cir P-vcrptioii8 trefullj" filled. - . 8"" 15 HEMOTri3I TO REGISTER BUILDING, Corner First auI Ferry Streets. Trust Keoeived! A I.AIM2E STOC K OF BOOTS SHOES a OF EVERY STYLE & MAKE ? WHICH WILL BE SOLD M O C9 I WILL ALSO PAY THE Highest Market Price, in exchange, tor all kinds of jVIercliantable Iiroduce 2 J. FLEI3CI1NER. Oct20-v8n6 Choice City Property For Saloi rpHE UNDERSIGNED, -v lshlrip to etiiffirale. connistinfr of a Kood resilience, loeutcd handy, and near the business part of the city, wilh two J- is ottunnsi hi? nroiwrf v in Ailmnv l'ov fiule. lots, m oinch: Ti, troni m to tne noitn on Tiimi street and to the wet on Calipooia. The lots are enclosed ty a nice picket fence, and titer is a yroou iain anil 01 her on! nuim.nns, tx?siaea a choice lot. of beariiiif fruit, trees and grape vines, with a fenw bnilt between tliu two" lots, formins a nice little warden sjHit. which is in extra condition for gardening. I'osecsaion lv en soon after sale. A Iso, a large t wo story wooden store bmlilinpf with rooms ad loin hiK it that are handily made use of as a residence by-the lMirlies occnnylng the store. This projx'rt v is rented very readily at a srood fair rent, it belnsr locaied in the very iviner of the business iwriioit of the city, with 215 feet- froniace on First street. The above store is o-upied by Dr. Lister, who is keeping a tiroecry sioi-e Iberein. , Any information Kive'n at the residence of J. M. BEACH, or as lie is generally known, Milt, licacli. Sl'MJlOSS, In the Justices' Court for tbe Preeiuct of Ai- btmy. Linn comity. ron. I'. V. Heeler, plaintiff, vs. F. C. I-OQfan. da 'eihint. To V. O. t.o-;in. (iefen'lnnt atiovc named : An order havinir been imvlely ine this day. that the service ol tlii uiiimns !e m:tde U)miu on liv publication in tlie AB.vY i:;.-.ili.TKK, as l'V iaw rcouired In'the name oft be Slate of Oreaon: Yon are taorebv reo uired to aoiM-ar before the undersian- ed, a Justice of the Peace for the precinetafoiv- saiu, on 8th day f January, 1S7G, at one o'clock in the afternoon of said day, at the omee ol said Justice in id l'recmct, to an swer in a civil action the above named plaint iff who claims to recover of you tlie sum of (3uo.no in IT. S. Kold coin, with interest thereon in like Hold coin at the rate of ten tier cent, per annum from the Hi h day of November, as surety uiKin a certain promissory note which this p:aiiitiT jointly and severally executed wilh defendant to one Martin Iiailcy or order and for defendant's accommodal ion, which nole suid plaint ill" has been coiiiiclled to ray and has paid in full. And also the fait her fsnm of 17.2" witU interest thereon at the rate of ten percent, per annum from July 131 h, 1875. mwn a certain promissory note, made by said defend ant in fa voi of plaintiff, and now owned and heli) hv plaint Itt'. as per complaint on file. l'he defendant ill lake noi ice that it lie fails to appear and answer the said complaint, t he plaintiir will take judgment asminst him for tlie sum of t-2'00.00 in l . S. sold coin, wit li interest thereon in like gold coin from the Hth of No vember, 1871. at tlie rate of ten tier cent, per an; num. also the further sttm of 17.2"). with inter est thereon irom the 13th day of Jnly, 1(475, at the rate of ten per cent, per annum, together with the cost and disbursments of this action tobetaxed. iiven under mv hand thisl ".th rtavof Novem ber, 1875. " JOSEPH IMNMlX, Nov. 19, 137.V9V8I8 Justice of the Peace. 2rLTTGrB A.D r.icDicirjES. Bell & Parker, (Successors to it. C. Hill & Son) JJctvp removed tlieirstocl MUGS AXD MEDICHES, CUcmicalti, -. " IcrfMinery, Toilet Cioods, Cig"a.iss &. Tobacco, l'aiiitst, Oils, jiasoline, : Etc., ; To Froman'B New Brick Block, North side of First, between Washington and Ferry streets, w here thev will keep a Large ani Fall Assortment of Goods In their line, ordered direct from San Francisco and tlie Iast, and feel contldcnt In tne assertion tlrnt Ihey can perfectly salisiy all who call npon theui, both as to - 41VAUTY A.U KKICJE OF -MlS. Call at our now store and bo convinced of the troth of the above, statements. Particular attention will lie ntv-cn to the com pounding of phvsician 'a prescript ions and finn Uv reciiics, at all hours of the flavor nitf nt J A. II. U1XI. A- l-AKltDK, Successors to K. C. A Soie. Albany, OctolMjrS9,73-n(Jtf . , Incorporated Feb. 4, lti7j. Cap:. it!. $-3,000. UNIOH ST0HE! Corner First and Washington streets, . Albany, : Qt'ogoiy. President, S. A. OAWSOX. Superintendent, A. J. JJOSIXSOX I.IKKtTOISS: A. . I-OOISKY, J. Jtl.KVI.S, t. A0, S. A. M. MI I t ER, Jl. ... ItKF.I, A. HI.!. VIMS, l)WMI)i. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in DRY GOODS ! Clothing, Hardware, Crocker)", Orocerleti, Farm Implements -and Kfacl-lnery, &c &e. Also, liny and sell on commission all Vinda of Good. Marketalile Frodnce. &c. Dev. 21, lsvi-uvsme. Furniture Eooms- 1. S. XXJ1VINTIIS"3--, Bees leave to announce to the oil Izens of tilt - city and surroimdinaooiiiitr,bu.t heliasopen ed'a lurge stock of in the building lately occupied by Ir. Plum nier'8 drux store, on First street, where can 00 had, on most reuaonable terms, Parlor Sets, Bedroom Suits. Louns, Easy Chairs, Center Tables, -f f ; .. !J 1 : YHiatnoM,'. -ui: ' Desks, - ; - , ISook-cascSf Safes, Wardrobes, and in fact everything else needed to OO TO IlOUSEKEEPl-VC. My goods ere well made and of the very Latest and Ilandsomest Styles, . PRICES WAY DOWN. '' TFURXITCBE manufactured to order, at short notice. eg-Furnitnrc repaired and put In good shape on short mttee. Uivemeacail. : . . P. S. DIJIVXIKG. , Albany, Nov. SG, 1875 10v8 ; -f SOMETHING HEWJH ALBANY ! ! Dress making! Millinery Good. ! Ladles' Furnishing Goods S General Emporium Mrs. S. A. Johns, at her now store on B.-rad-albin street, near the comer of Second, otters the ladies a splendid stock of new - MlLUSKItY AND OHKSS TillMMIXUS of ererv description, all of th'e latest ond most : fashionable styles. SIms also has a complete as sortment of - I.nliev' hikI Child r-n"n Ftiraitlilngr ttoods Had tntlerwrnrl of every quality and style, embracing Hoar. CoilnrH, . haniniMi, (braided or emhroideredl .: Jiftclkerehicri, JLnee, - l-nbroiilrrl(Si C ol lore ttes, Uid 4-lnvw, ... Dcrk-TIrs, Mnlfh. itVIW, 1.., and all kinds of ladies' and children's under wear, which will lie sold very low. Call and examine goods. - !HRW. S. A. JOIIXS. Albany, Xoaa, 1875-10 v8 CHAS. BOL'IIGARDES, WATCIOIARER & JEWELER, With Dr. Phnumcr, First Street, ALBAJiY, OBUOS. Watches and Jewelry carcftally re- 13 paired and warranted. i A IX, PKHSONS knowing themselves Indebted by note or account to John Brims, are , hereby notified that he calls for a settlement, and requests that they will govern themselves, accordingly-. JOHN BRS3. , Albany, toc. 3, 187llv8 ESTOAY- REWARD. 17STRAYED From the farm of the tinder. Ii sisned, in Uinn emtnty. about the middle? . of Aus-nsf last.adarlchavmBi'e.liX hands hicli, lioth hind feet turned in (pieon-toed), (I years old the coiuina spring. Any one relnmimir said mare to my farm, ortflvinuf information of her whereabouts, will be amply awarded hv ' K. S. run I-I. Dec. 24. T5-4W fou. - Chemical Paint; THE BESjr AKD CHEAPEST USEll, , .. Gro ruo-. A. CAllOTIIERS&CO., FIItST STREET. ALBANY. : . : ALBANY FOUNDRY ' And '".'." Machine SUop,i A. I7. CHERRY1 .Proprietor, AIXANY, OKEGOX, Slanufactures Steam Engines, Flour and Saw 31111 Machin ery, - WOOD WORKING And ' ' AGRICULTURAL MACKIHERY, And all kinus of IKON AKD KnASN CASTI-tOS. Particular attention paid to repairing all kinds of machinery.'' lv3 JOHN SCHMEER, - DEALER IN Groceries & Provisions, ALBANY, ORKQON. HAS JUST OPEXET JFTS NEW G1ROCER entabliKiimeiit on corner of Ellsworth and Kirtit mrnntM, with a frenh sttxilc of t.rocerie., 1'rovinions, Candien, CIkhi-b, I'o-b-.icco. Ac, to which he invites tho atteik tlon of our citizens. . . : In connection with tho store he will Vccj. a ttakerv. arid will always have o hiind u full aupply of fresh bread, crackors, Ac. , , Fif Coll and see me. JOHN' SCITMIIEB, Kehntary l(i-Ulv