The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, January 14, 1876, Image 4

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. - Con 'r,ry frjf stnytJ.
Ok copy, one year o 5o
'c "iy, six momtls.l.. , I u,
- -r ' whmuc in lidb county will nti
i "urged, so cents cxtra-2 70 for the vear-as
LtMJ th amount of postage per annum
malLdby u requireU lo , t-Ir.
Agruta for Ua Register.
Thfl foflvtwlnd. ....... 1 . 1
. ...... , ' .. v. Kviiurutm ITJ SU 1 tllJl-
Il'VL l and. receipt r itMcriution-
tA the RroikTOHn the loountlcs aiem toned : -'
w tSTrlCl,",! ' ' s ' Crawlordsvflle.
W.P.Smith . Ilnlsev
f.T.rttln. .-.rJ riarrishurg:
H-Claw h . rVrf-Kv . LlnoS.
.V. heeici' A Co . , Shcdd
MtfMtv. smith A Brasftrld. .-.Junction City!
.1. It. Irvine SckiL
TUos. H. Kcynolds .". """"""!saton3
v. waterliouag ,...w.
4ooi ftewa to Whrat tirowen.
Again are the fanners of Orpgoft reap"
.raying tliat "it is r.u ilt-wind wliick
blows nobody good." And this time
the wind whieli proey-aieale great
wlicat-produefng portion of lne mg!it
uucers of our own farthest Northwestern,
State of the Union. 'The: latest London
Kussia that in- Odessa tUero is unprece
denied .stagnation in-Awsutes f jeveryj
kind, that real estate and property val
ues have depreciated, to SO per ccut. of
t.-... 1. '.s..s .... t .. i . .'r
their former standard, tiiat bankruptcies
are of daily occurrence, that wheat nn
eold and unsought is lying in the ware
houses, aiul ' ,tjhU sy.ctui time of general
and distressing dullness has never been
j These are the iacts ; now for the
causes. Odessa is the wheat field of
Russia. It is from there that the IJrit
isTf grain tnarkfets nsed ft draw he i.'
lOOtliS, or riearlf one-fca!f ot tfiefr total
imports of wlieat when the imports from
the United States used to ave.age otily
about U-lOOths. That was as tar back
as 1S57, and the jopprUojiateWWt
f-tiSod nearly at tliesamegaugelH a
few years ao.
Batin 1873 the statistic tliowe3 that'
while the imports fromjlnssjia into Hrit
Uh markets had slightly increased siuce
1837, and comprised -2 1-lOOths of the
f oV importSF iejretJiemjiortf frjtip
the Unitel Stales had increased to an
enormous Tolanac," and constituted 4-t
IGOths of the total imports. And now'
rrancisco and l'ortland and Astoria,
there is still readyy market forreyerv car
go and no diminution 6t dragin' the de
mand, the producers in Russia have nei
, ther an active market nor much call for
t heir crops. This is unfortunate for the
farmers of Odessa, but it is greatly to
the benefit of the wlieat growers of 'this
coast, and of Oregon, particularly, for it
is .the wheat of Oregon which Las the
lirst rank and that commands the high
est price and quickest sales iu the Eng
lish marketsv . - " '
; The "Moscow Gazette grieves over the
sitnation aikl counsels and urges the
Odessans to plant new- lands,' improve
t he soil thry now occnpy,to apply more
skill in agriculture, and all that j and it
also calls tbr cheaper interior transpor
tation. This is all crood ad vii and wia.
ly urged ; bat it will prove futile e.J far
as the effort will to escel or even to
equal Oregon in the productiqa of wheal
whether as to inequality or the.qnanli.
ty i grown per acre, f And tKlsVjnaiii
advautazes in favor of our wfce&t Tta.
ducers will offset or o veraome any ad van-
. A i - i i
SB WHK.-U ivupsia may jeventoaiiymu
lam m hiq itcmsi ot transportation and
close proximity to the English market.
And now tbatr the entering ": wedge
which Oregon was fortunateCenouh to
insert into that chief giaui market of the
wbrld on her own account less thau eight
years ago has been drivon so far and Bt
. successfully since, until from an iusiniin-
caut venture it has become tlte para-
in the present wheat-export yearrrff i"i'yeVHMliMifltli a
thfc United States, wfeftad, while all the mode f6'' &itlzVjiai low that
tohnage that can be is employed in the mfl 111 V"'y..ght to think of
triffio from the Atlantic, and from Pa.. ?t,Mf MH1,-M'fmves. A little
moanxi tramc or tne state, let ns reflect
upon the grandeur of the hopes and
prospects this success reasonably presents
for the future. The Willamette Valley
alone can give room and field for thou,
sands more to occupy and engage in
wheat calture. The counties to the
. West and down the CoIumbi.jan afford
room and occapation for other thousands
in tlie same profitable employment ;aiid
the Umpqua and Rogue River and
Illinois valleys, and the. vast areas in the
counties east of the Cascades, all admira
Wy adapted for wheat,'1 will enable tens
of thousands to locate upon jhera and
grow rich by the production oi wheat
alone every bushel of which will find
ready market in preference to the wheat
of any other country or clime because of
its admitted superxcellerjce. ' . ' .
The knowledge of- these facts and of
this almost certain future development,
if placed before the burfeoVof Uhoa.
sands upon the other side of the fixsky
Mountains and Europe who' wish tp
emigrate to the best and most prosperona
agricultural country tbey can find; dur
ing this Centennial year, could hardly
tail of good effect. Why not utilize the
information in printed form, suitably
prepared, for ample distribution at the
great Exposition at Philadelphia ? We
can beat the world m wheat.1-' Let ua
fairly inform the world that we can and
do, and also that Wehf the fresh, new.
Unas, yet to be tasen and tilled, that
will enable hardy and industrious and
f skillful farmers from every portion of the
civilized globe to grow rich by The cuP
tivatlon of theta. Eeienxrig Journal.
Mem. to those contemplating roatri
rrjony keep on contemplating it, and
yoa "wc-'i hurt. . :--.". ' -. i
sya ge-ttirtg things down' to a fino
pw'..t--the coed i maker.
vl .Owwy.
it was raining. Aot m the usual
direct? Jjpnejt, perpendtetilat fasWSn of
Vkal moanmiulgionVibufionrisng-i
gostively, and in a vague, uncertain'
sort, of way, as miglit at any times
prove to be fog or mt, and money
wagered upon it won d be hazardous.
I w-rwS'g much frum bejkrar as
lonngeis wlio 0hered around the:
square box stove that stood in JiriggsV
warohoueei glW of steam,
lne loungers m ITriggttt were those,:
who from deficiency of taste or the re
quisite capital avoided the gambling
auu ant'Kiitg 6aioctns,i aiKi iniUj ap
propriated crackers from flitf "cbii yenient
barrel of the generows Brtgj, or tilled
their pipe liui opeu lulacco, cau-
i stcrs with geiieral Kaggesyoiit in
thek nmiuier tfiat thefr -ootapanvifullv
corapeuhatcd tOrnhfi1 waste othfs ma
They hal been smoking silently a
silence .otilff HiJkta 1 hy?ai.occa8iunal
hi8.f apeitiraMMiftsairatkA hot
stove. wbeu 'il of baeltW)om
opened stally, and' Gabriel Coaroy eu-
' ' St-VW
-'ilow" i -he getting on." Gabe Y
Ue& one of 'Oi'e loungers. ' ' ' " " '
want to ihitt tfiosa Mndages agtu,"
ho 5ald,? f un.!ng tf Bg,f Hfere the
doctor; Cfjujes, I'd ; comernackfill an
nourj mc iTv -got t' drop ia amtee
raausroTlwO mites Iroru ftonie "
, Jio -ft saya he wmtiintwbttdy
lecn mm oui you," raia Mr. lirigs.
; "I know lie gays so," said Gabriel
scxsn5c$e buicteta grwsdliWt.
1 hat's what JStimson sed when he was
tooK worsefi tie got that, and I
J never got to see itirrr, except idtiWef to
I !.; ' "': -
Iott htm .ml "
Tlw justfee of thi was adrfliteven
by Driggs, although evidently disa
pointed. Gabriel was.walkinj; to the
HoorwlneB a!,6tne Itie-t&M the
stoy stopjjodjhi. to ni-:ns
"Oh, Glx J you mind that em grant
family witk the ick baby eaiupetl duwn
the gulch tn' Well, the babr np and
died last night."
I .east priknTfrt Vaaia-teabriel,
with thouglitfai gntyity.
I .?Yes, ; aiitt Jhai womati's Avcm heap
f f oubte. xCUWin you JiiMdsrrirop
in inp.4iiilrtMotk'ftet,'fiBg ?"
j "I wirt,t:ttTSalfl1etalghtfiilly.
? thtmjiht youd lik& t kttnXv it.
land I th.nsjht slie'd like- rae- to tell
r . - .
you, saia tne speaker, settling lum
self twcAfagaiif&iOa-vi Ah the
air of a man who had just fulfilled, at
great personal acriuoR aud labor, a
work of supererogation. -
fof,ofesSffetfd fo&&mmr.
keer al.4 fiMfiftAK 5K WAi'rl. aud
there's that family: in, the gulch. i made
cmforta witljjgjibe aJuld1'jra.,,
: Meanwhilo this homely inciter of the
unset nsb virtue's of i)iSe florae Gulch
had passed out into the" rairf andridark
ness. So conscient did he fulfill
his various obligatioits, , that .it ,was
nearly one o'clock before tie reached
his rude hut ori.jtheyiside, a rough
cabin of pine R,-rAipretentious and
improvement .:-on-.iiatuic,;The vines
clambered unrestrainedly over the baVk
thalclied rbo4' ' UieV.VisV.Wripid'Ailie
crevices of, the walls, tlie squirrel ate
his acorns on the ridgepole without
fear and"','; Hhot.iprvehJfym
BreP juem Stony .in Ocribner. ' ' '
Th Kaswlnr Cyote.
An old farmer tells ns , the fpllawing
story il lustraii ve of the 1pBtinctir the
common coyote ! ; 4'I was watkinjg one
mondiig,' said he, betweef ; what is
i iww' Shasta,' CalifotniaV thertofrn
hill, near the rivori.lik, 1 was snd
lenly startled by a rattling of tlie un-
fdrbrush, and soqo la . deer daJted"ont
from a little clump - of. trees ;3Bwd !ri.n
along the open space u'near,1 L-tW-mer.
Pretty soon I jsaw ,k' couple of coyotes
sneaking along in the rear of the misus
pectiiig : buclc, QU" a . soddeo, Qiierf
them darted immediately , m fnwitijot
the deer, while the other followed at a
respectable distance behind. The buck,
seeing thw lftttS tie, b miti horns.
i aimed rate y started HH-ferfuitt no daibt
I bnn. & i:tjr.ll.. -5 '3
expecting oon'to' toW him tlieTfflg,
wiiu uijaiK tan 'aiiuBrs-: it Arf coyote
managed to keepjust dihtanoe
in advance, snapping and snarling like
a pf. st 'dog: "ThWe"race continued
lor some time; wlierf 'Ktfd?r! ytti rear
wolf ran quickly up behind the enraged
lck, 6iiappiiigrt?rceVI!a JJieeJs.
Seoing this new enemy, the deer turned
from the one in fnmt.'aiid' siarteu'in
pursurt 'of 'thie; 1astoeiTheji catne
another race of half . a "mite, the eoyote
always' mariaginij to keep just clear of '
the deer's horn. Thus," said the
farmer, "they jnedfrgaking tnrim
in aggravating the animal, nntil they
j 0,u5: itiu: j . ... . rf
bond 4tk. tlieit shar
not but notice the exceed
which .tins incident r exhibjtedi the
two animals named, and tnought if the
human tamily.jrjfiiiiggiie amount
,01 Drain, were proptrtionately cunning,
j Grace Greenwood tells the following
in one of her tety froru Trisi ' i 1
' A gtleplligon AaissUn.
guished tergn-MhlfctterTa i.rf time
age,w!aitikl ihnuiottifuium &&4.
ceived thajttjday TBat; yarJeehe
raid to the domestic, "I have .tettre
suaienoa, aBa l come cm raatter tof'g:; !
ijA' w.i k y uunw nis mot ner-Ti!-3;' "he-
jdoes pot4ike to be GssturbeL7 . .
.1 t:i
A good temperance work-mnoviogc
the bard at' the mouth iff tlie aikalsaippi
.tfftt 5t WO
France And Amrrtnt.
.y:T'ere 4& 6Pojeqt. o:. .fbQti fAr,1the
erection iipon.! oneofc the islands in tlei
5 haitbof df NelYbrfe aeossaTbrtirizej
futJded&ated imim
coramemortjoii "of .t,he ImiKJthaHjki
-iMy yTCefRru4?jDhG(jddess:
inuhhcs- America will erpnL ihn
Godaee8 ,of . Liberty, diademed like
VUv!i -1 .'A f .r?'
.r.'v,v, ,.on : uinig eras sjiall
serve as a beacon to blip's entering the
rti'ThipleiKlrJ'fi.yhryWitl r'S.A.
less trail -two hmirfretfaiid' tWenty-frx-e
(Wfctviv rti nt-t,. ntLfi'-r v-r"- - , '
imc kbore the waters. -of Irew York liar-
fault ii-'Tite idea ! a rHMloiwj otUUii-t.
" iT V , Bra" . ' Bfl" aS"
IWwaRoget&er vorJghiaK tlf Wmt bet
nu ot, j?(ih ;w,drMf thpivertibule
P muf gOdettUoufe at - J tome
SlW& sutue of (srcbtiehiez?iejv
4W;iqwb aj.tbe VBftwtrRhpdej
the mol wonderful of the seveiLWondei-x
il of te seveitwouders J - . l ' ' tvr .
lusipriaiis Uiat the era or erectnur o-rnnt
- . - CC
Tame ot rungs or cdfiQuerors marks'tlve
decadence UtA deWiV&ftfiBir
gtory but arfthft rtattfe'
pnrpptuate the lierie 4eed of a UliHior
w kOMiHwsier u)'tiieT;irty ot lnJivHtpi
alUtesa, we,. to.po tfaaV-H
iHMiOH. ri-i nis flttaia W 4JOerectit a
an,ide; it is 4 JUift fim audjni
hodimeut of, iiatiowial lihertv its sirnr
Mf. A Juid.haA iUtliaVeicr
fayiTrr ''fnirii?'u Tit us hfitM?
,natio t.Migas Anrerrcaii liberty can- be
fn1ntiibtl,- rmi,talWpiiWlcan-yT2 HM.'li.kiuA.jlij
...iTv,.. iwajr w jwrfjuniaieu, imy giatrt
trnctre 5mayKtVhlJ'tc-eoinmtrilsirate
, - -----
Hori-jWiivliiPo .BracefuJJy,! aibes itelt to
urs cMl rect'gthwlAtneof liberty
nwy,,wl.en a hu;i.irid years hayVpasseit
swtJ; ranee became a KepiiblictJ-eceiv
from "our then greatv wealthy and pros
Parous people a .sinner Jndicatipii of
that Franci !ts successfully Wssed" hef
firsf' cpVrtennial 'as a Repnbhcan Gof -
enimeifit ; 5 i;; u- .fco--f
The auniial talfi of r-s in Plvmnnlli
Vhurcii, .liejd lasv, week, showed, a fall
ing offfrom last j-ear ofr the ,
between. $70,3 J theu'ancl $03,080. now."
A young wumiiii who was' "driven
to.distraction." .now fears.that.she wfll
have to walk back: ,
- J - LV ' , '
, '"An Irish doctor latelsent Ttisbill to
a lady as follows r ' "To cttiing ' j-ouf
Imsband till he died.? - i
;i"" ' 5 i . i '
, If a man be only true to- himself; it
will be very diificult for others to over,
reach, him. j , , , , tr ,
: 'tTail, 'gentle priiig ff s'ays4Thomp?.
son. and gentle ' Spring liailed,
snowed, too.
. Why caii not a Temperance man 'kiss,
a Jewess ? lie ha sworn not to1 taste'
jew-lipo. - . - i - m .
t- ' t -tj. ' :
i -There w a married wbrrnihwltVfour
legs n Cohnecticnt? nd becarise slie 4
wot have two et theni sawed ttfT. fiei
htsband im)bltfl to work sixteen hoars
ar day iu order tt i keep her i ustr iped
I a f 51 .! SHsi-n fij il;iil t'
! ill Kew nilllnerr S(rer
inn w-.
ruhloaiUe Ktek f iliJnrr Mib!
! f.rfii, ' , - ii.
Having-had roany years o( azperienee in tbe
millinery IwwinWir? the East. -Mrfc-StmrnVbe-'
lt;vM be on irty the fallHtais(aMin to all
ineir raironase, ana would there-ftre-reTee4fu41y.8oJU(tt
nbare of the mow u
: r Ufa lor IDS Lil
maein, tle grandest
lOBe .ntAnrllnir tn nmli.u. . :
machine, atoonldnot JaH to eU and" ee thiv
Albany; KOTi lS-TSueinl i j-. .vsj-.iiH. i .Ti 1
1 3
r .
3?Toxr fJale 1
Lime; Shingles, Plaster Vorl.' 1
.. .. ' " r . . " t
ana ior sue low. at the warehouse of .
1 4 ' J 'PASKKK H
Th Af lerheot Cwii' Prle PmM ' 'Viol I'
a loan y, jiay r."T-j,5v7 ,v '
Old Sesper,' Mowers matf Tb rWh era' '
Repaired and 1 tnade 'aTtriost as good as "new"1
Also, any Iron work uidnmnal jfilatkarauttel,
ins the trade may demand. T
Fencme Pickets will he Ttef hand at all
.L 5 i I . rvTnS2 J
wraueusni. Airn .and oil
.ql.n.nvi.iWin,w rucie M.wi.i rer the
awoiuinodatlnn of transient cutomei-t,.,and-
ed a neat little sliorrTreKtr-Soor-m' Tttvlor Rma"
Of LlSiefty W f 0 be erecWd,aya the Eas-. The order that the summons iti.ta4U .tonIbc.
f& JSi?i5r tf v':;iStI TS'V(1 ! served by pnblieation.bttira date the 13th day:
tern press, Ty the joint iafjor, -wealth, of reoemjer.i875.- --
and genius of the .two. greatest, 0Hdern ber; MiT , b. " Efs
"republics America wilferect the ueeXl BWltoe,w'''M -Jko tbpice
uiiMAiovun urotizq nglirQ jeicntV-thrve I A vlrtneof an order inade by fh County Co
feet hkh. f.TI fiirure wiiirenreseut 'tlVlJtA-
HI - rna wj-Mjw i uxnn county, urecon.
nim iiitnllirroi.oci I .. . I F. il. of aaid dav. the
I T jr. ft. - . , .a. . . urn tuvu. 111 i li..
JnstUres' Court font be Precinct ofScio, fa the
ctwnTyofLlBii.Stiitieoroivson. "' )
A. J. lloiisttmv-PfcitatMl', vs.- J". C. Loan, do
o To F. tosrurt. th Rboire rininnir defendant
In the namiroftlmilrMR rtf iiKMrnn ; Ynn mm
f ed;"a. rfiiatice orthe Peace" tor tliu piecinct atore-
tmui, on the Slat day of Jonutiry,. 1WJ8, t 10
oVloek In the fnmnonn of naid-day, at the offleo
at ttiiUlsMiatin.Kiia na&nutrt tvtwC-(he
Hbovb nturiod (llain'tffriri a'clfiaoFioh." Thede
fendant will lake notice that. If he fiiiis to-nn-
swer the complwtnt 4i-eiRhe plaintitf wilt
' fcale of Menlj iet'
: matter of thoet and wu4ln4j''ktt
i n tnsiuMi poon,i.the undersinet:
f Mndtmj;tJ, Hth dwj -of Jdiiuttrtj, J87, J
at the Court Honae door In the city ot Utlhttty,
in mm counry 01 i.initvatt lne Hour 01 1 o'ciock
lf, V,ffe.V ,lf?,it,
; ,,! Kon, t toe Cpllovvtris described1 real esfate,
jtc-wit. ,. .. -r .,U!,h, v ( .
.ynnlivtded one-third of the east hall of the
donation claim or IMvid Jebeaad srtfet; belna
"otlOcailon No. 11S7, In" township No. 11 B).ulh
atfciKiiB2 "ISJ
trf.U'O west, eontainln in
aeraa, .BiUiat ifaild !eoant.y of
coin, one-half to tie nid Kto W on t hi jday f
sale, and the remainder In six months, secured
by inortgase on the irlnien.
S.A. JoHss, Ally for Guardian-. v
Land. Gal
I a It tkUu.M.&'. finiij.v4..4i
1 ' v v.. itwfFi;ui hit VIILlirb VUUI b
I of thegt.ite of Oregon for atetimamUal ttt
I 1Aan' maaeann en tweet or record at tlie
l?5fM"5 wiitliijyW..
J Elias a Maxwell etaljii:ere. delfiAfei.ts.5
I FFIMwB-ie..inetUH3f.rsit
ind clafrn of IlioUxwelValidihh'
I Maxwell. iiiiwilV. kiiow-u anil .Ui.r.,j,i
he phii nhd Mirvyk eof fjie t?iiiietl
8w te 4tio- lannHRM' Jw 'ffigon
i ?i!lL,l1"S "Tt 'piiit,(f.59 clniins tlio
somneaiCTphnier or sfCtton 7in towusii n n
- .-I- - I . r
st, wtNiiHgiheheenorfh
5. thunw orth 0
lenee north 89c12
tt.tierth 0? tu,.e-t
fii-,m,i Miente soutu W't7, . wet
I o1,ht,jiii.i I
I JTT:V.'.!"''0 wii.iV.v.,miB
l tug o-tz.y acres. v ,
j A,M' whereas, on tUeJllth tiny of Deccm-
j ?;nu )it?Tni-T-s. v virmo or saiu uecrveaiui
I eaaitnb4orij I w!fcherti,-tiv the - J
. milatk (ktrmf Jrkitrr A. Zk iSt& i
as snVl. referee. aeHst . public auction, to
tlieSlrlghest hitWeri life saw TeVir property,
atihaijoHrc IItfiwajdoon, in ; JJtin ; eountir.
' MkkXfPffm 1Pwr. ft,
ceM,crf.i64..restiW e'.wH jtmwT tfi
Terms ot Sakt GoW-eoin.eT tlie Uiiited
I bate.ofe-hitf tiowu on, t) ,d;ty; of -wile.
tne tiiiy of sale, with .interest at - ten r"
cent, jjer sijauui tii.iik, coin, at-cured- by-
inorrgage oa.tne pwiine9. r-;: iflt y s
Powfer.t."i: Fofi Atfys
' '--15 .O.i,-M' ;.a J. 1 V
4trc.(in4l Fresh 1
1 .- - Perfufcir!cn, i' i j !
Toilet Articles.
Praacrfptioqs carefully filled. .. 815
"VTOTICE is hereby civon that in pursuance of
X'l b dewee 61 Hie trenh Oouri of the State of
Oreaott, for the county of Limn, made and .en
tered 6f record ht tlwOctoberterm of said court,
in asuitrerel rtending where
H". A. llogue et al. wtre I'laiiUilfs, and C. P.
Hoguo et al.t were defendatspfointiriB',me
the underiyrned,jfolo-rQferee tQ sell be foUow-liiesctHbed'reiesfft;rto-wtT":
'.--' ' '- ''
Ji,irt-T4,.trftt of ,lna described, aa follows; i
COOTmeric:ng at appoint Sixty rods south of the
NiiTrneriooion 1 w 1'p 13 &ot raivje west
Of the Willainette nigridjun. in Linn county,
Orjs)eoi,TaCBCo smkth. -IxoiAt asvodstsoutlt-or
the southeast corner of the. N E M y section I
in io avrnrn-in xne witiaaieiTcmeiiaian,
In l4n'couBtyOrgoQ ,il)enc,lr a nortUvrest-.
erly dh-ectfon to a point oh the open section line
tS mkH'WcTCk fce 6 Jencner of tbu H M If of
section 1 alxve described, thence west to the 8
)'ooiirof iheJ K ioi met loh- above das-'
eribed, thence pocth to tlie. N W corner of the
K 5 V of section 1 alxrv-e described, thence narth
0toiis,hBC ast 50 ixmIh, taimie uoath ltiu
rods, thence east 110 rods to tbe place of begin
utrxr, tmviat: and pbwlrB from tha t ract above
described astrip of land in.thesoutbwest comer
tlierwof.fiontalntn alwmt. X ftevesamf deeded:
by James P. Hostue to .Benjamin, Bi.t4ata, mi
the 14th day or October, lK,und duly recorded'
tn book F of the RecordMf-Oeeds In Linn coun-
S6 in TtM seat h of range 4 wetr-of the Willam
ette L.inn county, Oregon, contain
inft 80 aci-es.
Til J
i Hi:
Thirti - The sooth X of the SWVnf nnettnn Sft
In Tp 12 8 of range 4 west of tho Wtlla.rae(t me
ridian, ia .Linn fonntj, Oresrotv toeethec with
theSE H !of theS E- of section sv in Tp 13
sooth of range 4 west of tbe Willamette DMriit
lan, in Linn county, Oregon, containing 120
acreA; tsif mm itl-sitnito -.n I
Q?3iT!e T,t l ,fJia.Ell(ia"(,t
and4ffe!tloB t, irt Tp 15 soothof mnsrewet
of the WiUamotte.mtrUluia, coutcbiiiu; 120
6.?oo acres ' -" "-' ' -",!'. Tir-m.,
iThe-sptitri f lota, and , ki bloclt
So. 14, tn the chy-of Albany, In Unit cotinfy,
rcjston. asrdescnljetltwv the plM esaMif vn
fliejn the ofrlce of the County Clerk of Linn
otrairlyVOrego.-" '- "fi'- a. jt. jJT!
I And whei-eaa a commission was xwued out of
satdOmi-t , nnder the'scal thereof, directing me
too,ll suiaprenUsiw, by. vlJ't!it sid ;4eow&
and commission, t will, as such Referee, sell to
the&tekeAtAiddlsKattf houoon Hans floor, In
onine, r , ,
ornnnarV, lg76,is
en ftf'lmdr fotrr (i) OVIook
real nronertv above- das.
nareels aS herein descri'iod. '
jTjtm v iAt,i oaicoii5,ch Inhand. " t
.... eapEEj NOTICE BKLOW.. ,t i n
! . '. , . . , FKAKIjfWlEnD. . ...
: rteeenobeV ioj 1879
i " 11 Keleree.
1fnnp'n Loan !
'.'ie.!!i-i, ,,i: a- . IT n: r.t.
, To parties purchastng the farmlny Jands des-,.
errbed above, which are- to be sokl at public ven-
'9??f ie best farms in Xliin county to bo
psoiq in vuTct3,.. n ; !
svii. C. . Iili17 if:
ITrttf n ilnmn men can now menre hrmiM foi.
thetHSeMes artA- famlfies, -wfto 'a 'very' smalt
amount Of ready, money ,.t ,,-,.., ft t.
' The -irrKiCTslsrned. tothor witn'otTierfiartle
interested tnisnrofierry, pnojKiaeUi advance
inor loan money on long time to the parties .who
may : jnroeteHiiBi rhoi.a
lahns, on notes secnr
ive scibei Tsnuing
if ciasersioany amoanti'en eiieso tenuis, a Tj
tin in
r iAlthotnrh thoterrhSof tlie Uefnrae'a nnJn n
cRatii, it will ljen at orw-eilirti irtlesflf-hing-j
win him iHniis'fwii iij riiiircn
luure man ime-iouitu I j 01 tjie pnrcnas-
lag priceavsWiibie.!.. vm ia tr'-rr r ,ip It i
Foreny fun her Information isiil on or address
t t me at Shedd, Oregon
O. P.
l iiwt-juiiiiaimi aauint. you tor itio iuru. ot-r-'ia
T tv. Onvnn. on th 7 Mi tnereof. on ttm 19f Vi m v t
laTlna. fin . ... ttAf.w9 hv martMimi An ..1. 1
land nnrcbased. to the amoirnt of t-hi-ee-fonrths y yi zi "
t ol tbe 4)Hrcli9Ke price. hb4 wUl be i attend' , . ' s
- ! 'l .."! 'j ill'.ri'I
ftt 11.10 P. 11.
From CorrallW, daifyat lB.Stf a'' t'!l
rJ'OlU 1 .ti !!1.I1( II. t.-tM.-.i L-1 ; t J ,
Wednesday and Fi'dayj at 10.30"am:
t. . For Kiillrbad.lTiOTlh and hh-:Si
.close prompt at 11.10a. m. j
for Onrvatlte, laiiy,at lSJh) K-V''! :(! : .if
i' l,'1r Lebanon trt-weeHi (Monday-Wed
nesrtny and Friday) at a p. M. " "
.2 OflJuylioars frtntl ; AUIti i'7X i. a.'' W
tit r if ii i r -f il - . T,-;
..... . POWELL A. FWJrSr
Attorneys A- Coiiastllom nt and
' ' IMtwrm In t'lmumy, fT
Albany, Oititori. Colleetions
Veyantis prmuptly attended ty , ,i) ,
: T : f : 'T j v e
r t f f , i Mf . T ....
; sit i . i. ." i . i ,, jl
Front thU date until furtltt notice, 1 wui sell a
1 "
f " ' - v!l 1 ' :
Albany, Dec. 10.1874-1$ 4 .,
... - - . . . I '.; . . Si i . -i 1.. . .
' i - - ,1 r . f-.i'i .-
-1 ' i - , ; . f ,f j ' ..-.--I,.' - i 1
) I
JEWELRY,"' "r '.,
Silver & Plated . Ware,
- a'nl--: '
Singer' v : , r.
Sewing ,
. The Best machine Made.' ' 1
. t foreclosure of Mcehnle lien.
Iu the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for
the county of Linn,
Suit in equity to foreclose a -mechanic's Ken
G. G. fcmrthrplnvntinyvs. H. C. Clement and
b. .u. t oruin, iteiunaants.
N oTirt: IS hereby "crTtW the above named
plnintinT has coinriiencedHrsnlt In the aliove en
titled court,arainst Hie itetenduntii above nam
ed, to foreclose his lien of $124 00, and interest
on the same at fen per eent. nor annum fro in
the 32d day.ot October. 1875, on the saw Hiill of
thw defendants, wiih the nppin-tenances t here
unto ueiongifig, ana ontiio uuiu on wiueii tne
same s:nnd, together with a convenient sjinee
alxjaf tlia same as may lie required tor t be ton.
venient nse and occupation ot t he sainn, situate
m said Ltnn eoBotVi uioro partteniuily dencrtlw
ed lu plaintiffs notice of his said 'n on tile tn
the devil's office In said connrv ; 1'hat In his
complaint tn said suit, jilalnUff prays th Court ,W
sold to satisfy said lien and Interest ax bkwb-
tDKid, and the costs and distMirsetnents therein ;
and that plaintiff have and recover of dvfend-
amn i uesnm sum ot twzt uu ana interest rnereon
as aforesaid, and his costs and diWMiraomenfa
therein : That ail persons interested In the en
foreemtnt of mid lions or rta4mingany-i-h:ht
thereto, are herebj' called upon to present their
olaima whbln ten davs after the completion of
t)e publktion of this not ice, and n. case of
fatfnre so to do within that time or within snch
furtber time as may jhe allowed by mttfc onrt
or Judtce. all such claims will be forfeited.
.i -i. - . POWELL riANX" i
Kov. 90. T3-10v7w3 PltTs Attorneys. .
Iluirs Vegetabl Sicilian !
This standard article is oompondded. wlta
the greatest care. -
ILscUucts areas .wonderful and satlfHotory
as ever. ' ' ' -
It restama gray or &ded hair to: Us youthful
It tcsBorea-all craptiooa. itohm and dan
rdutrianc ti seals by .. baeomea white
and clean.
By ita tonie i.rncrtlos it restores h capiK
lary glands to thci. no.roal vigor, preventing
baldness, and making, Khv hair grow thick aud
strong. - -
As a dressing nothint lias been found so
effectual, or .ieslinble. . - s J i
Dr. A. A. Haves. Stars Asaaver nf Masiarbn.
tstrs,saT9 0f irr -"I consider A bemvvarn
tto)-tor mtwndod parposes n. S .!.. .
, Ouckingham's ' Dye;
Aycr'd arsaparlllay
For P riljtmf lie Itlood.
This compound
iA l 1 l ,k veeetabto Altera,
Vv. 4 ' X,. , Xaiidf,IroTi.,aMilie a
most enectual cure
of a aertao : of onv
plaints which are verv
PieTlnt and afflict
Jw-a.JI purines I be
blood,' purges out the
llll in v U.n am I n
systern, that npdertiiiue hlt h and settle into
tronbiwome a smrdmn.'
"i'iS i?"nce on the aVirfooeof humors
inert should be exiielled from the blood.
iiA!r. "" aro ine-oetetmiHatfam .of
.these same humors to somelnternal organ.
organs, whose, action t hey dranreTaru whie
isttbstance they disease and Sy. Arm
i,AP?Jl'x'Avexpols, hese hnmon from the
'W?1- ,wJe ttxsyaregortc, the disorders they
S-Z,T Ki"cl' Ulceration tf ta
kh.' w MnHniaetnx. J'lrnnC-x. THl,i1... -ijij-t,-
wf, t.-mnte WraJc-wM. JHU-rilitu Sus-fo
nruoi? rini fnterwai vo-alinn rv tinnc
jttme, wvi Ji-mriic, tlmncmUxm. land
(Annwd Ixijudj. W itji their departure hejJth
relucnst i f t. i . . " i , . i . . ' . -
. , ", . PRF.PARPI) BY,
r'JTi V. ATfSK ." Mass.,
Pnwttcal and Analytical t hemnti. 4
, Ev.Sold by all prugglsts and Dealers In
Mixlietne, xjn8
- ' . - S. . ,.-.1 -v I 'l ...
mi ' '-nS 9c -'IT ffll .
fJIlll 4 1 411 tri.l
11 h; 1 t
m it .,tt-fliA
Chicana & Norths West"
i li (T,l-iffl'i- .t U ,iiilii'.ji,w.i, ii
I-r ri'Mrn' nckflwtAtr --..i:!
If f-i!''
Poasonrer for Chtoffc'O, Xiaam Falls, Pltr
hnrgr, Pbitadolnlivii, Mini t real, QueUi, New Yorlc
JJoston,tr niyj;olnt.jast. should Jyiy tlitdi- .j
ItsTra;k Is of STEEL, KAIL3,- and on It has
been made tlieFASTKST time thai has ever been
MAHh ia tliin country. By thU tost mdmi
f ev for poi n Ueaxt of ChicnKO have clioice of th
followlBS lines froii Chicago:"' -r T
- ' ' .-. m. -iJ " I j ( ' i t ,, , ;j
By tbe lttburir.Fortwyaant'bifira
.. mtrnt PeniMylniris iMlwdjrs, '
J Palace cars through to Philadelphia and New
Vorlc-OM csoh traln - i t.i . ... .jf. t t";
1. THROUGH TRAIN; s ith FullitukttJ'Ataecciu-
to ttultimore and Washington.
'"',, i .(,... ,i X u
''' Share and HHetilifan SmMj.
r KailHiraif ranuertioii iXeir lark
.Central nd.r tiOiMMlii. . -,,. -.
lJrawiner rtixnu md vur ftUactv ca
i Pn 1juu.
ears" thro
-.5 "i,-t
iSif'' Wlrlitri Onlrnl, CtrMaA TraaJk,.
't-en Weniertt Mutf Erie w Tor It
-m jt-.-
TILROir.H TRAINS., with PnJltDon Pahuro
' uruwmg Konra ana weplnir ears throhh to
-v - . (!iir. " o..;i!sieI Iiij! .li-ii.H
w. imoTie OIirf .BnUcfMHt, j n ,.
V i"Ki?VG,IaTB'5J nAH,y,.wHl. Pulteiaa
j uns lur .iewarK, AaneHviiie, w neulniK,
This is the SHORTK8T, BKgT t onllrHnW
nwiniuK ruiinian ceieowied rAUAUK nJUKW
t'AISA'NI1mi;H. Mimumllli
Union Pacific Railroad at OMAHA nad front the?'
viit uranu jniicion, niarsnaii, twinr
I . .1 m . I I 'It... t . ..l ; i ij . .
CAGO AKI) THE .EAST. . , . ,
This-popular vmta Is ansuimnwd for SijooiI.
Comfort and Safety. Hie smooth, well tmirasi
ed and perfect traoJtof HteCi iai.f fl5 oeluhmf
ed Pullman Pa ace Sleepinif cars, the rn-rfevl
Teioj-a-nph System of moving tiiunn, t Ih -rftjrti-larity
nith which they run, I he admirable ar.
ranement for mitnins; throttsrh cars trtChtonro
...... ... iic"i nxuin to nassensera
tne comforts m inol.ini miiwuv fra-.,i;n.. v
ehnngesof Cars, and bo tedious, dolaj-s .t' fen-
PassonsrencwTliilnTietrats yfit tw faronte
rjmte at the tineral Tfctet Oftlceyof the Central
Pa"iiic Rniii-oad, &icrnipnto. v"1' "
Tictety foj te at Hit t ho Ticket Oniecs nf the
Centnil Pncifie Raih-oad. W. II. STENKEXTi
?. AVJ?.I!,.;HITT-(ien- .cn" p- At .
II. P. STA.SU Oi ill, OenerakVKeiicy, Bl MoSt
Kouiery street, San Francisco... -t e n vTn7y -
JTut iMoed. a0Oth Edltloa.
; tsilo p; t-; v; ;; J,
Revised and corrected by'llic a'ntiior, E. dor.
: t- .. Curtis, M. X4c, ftc.. U 1 y
A atedlrat Bmyan th cause and cltrc of pre'
mature decline in mnn. tlm im. luu. i,...i.i,
lost, and reiained. It jrlves a clear svnnimis of
the liiiuciliinenia to mamnjee, the treat tnent, of
nerx oiv and physical debility. e. liansted vital
ity, and all otlter diseases anrwrtninx 1rnK;
the results of twenty .years puccessful pructice.
Oplutonf th press. , -
society toy wtom this 1oott-will not be
tound useful, whether he be parent, proeout or
or clergyman. IaAvIuu srVm-. - "
CU BITS ON "MA N HM.-Thi book s&oalil
be rend by the yoinisr for instrnction, and bv
tlie afflicted lor relief: It. wUl imnre no one. -Mrtitcal
Tunc and Uazete. . ...
Price- One Dollar, bv niaU or Vnrcs"i.'' Ad
dress the aulhor. I'll. CUItlListJ.Sottor afreet,
or P. o. tlox 337, San Cal.
Js sow REAnVroR irr'ET a i" fcji
of wheat and oats. We cull tkitttoti.a of
farmers to tlie f..t ttint -vl-, iin,. ...w.t..,i ,t.u n.
tnnd11!.1!"' ?IlIlWrist..
. v ... B.v..v.. . uHfn.iwu.iuiuruyLiiil
linnienHc quantity of grain. Oar house litis a
capacity for !?: . i .i ...
200,000 bnshels of Wheat ;
at one time. and is located on the margin of tttW
Willamette Uiver, and provided wit ha si (in4 racit
troin the O. C. It. BJ, so tliat shipments, inuy,
be lnatM. daily b- raihand as often try water a
ooatiiiK rouiUties offer. We have two large sio
tk)ll tans. in. addiuon r ot her at raclied
to the house, run,, by water jpowcr, and are
thus prepared to l, rt- .;'." " i
all tlie wli'cat received. Can take in and rlcnn
10,001) bushels fier dav-C eieaned wheat is worth
ranch more in art foreign tnarkcea -tan fonl
wheat, and nose ahoald: b shipped without
cleaning. Oureharges wlllbefivccentsa-bwl)el
on wheat; and four cents on oats. We have :
r Vl rf'T.. . . --Ji:.-i;, ,i.,-l
4o furnish tbosp atortag whe.twitl navfreaio
those whose wheat wo purchase, itd-t tite
lowest cash price to those, who self their wheat
from our bouse toother buyers, . persons stor
ing with u are at liberty to Bell to wtvoia thov
please. 1 hose who reeide on tbe west side of
tho river will have ferriage free. 'W1M be in
the market as buyers; and eiroeet TO be able to
nay tbe btebeM posaibla price. Havteg pra
nared onrsolvea to do a larre bnsineaa, we boite
for oar share of tlie public patronage, . , , ,
. .,.rjittKi3u. & no&QH..
n47vejulj-M' t U ' t.; AlbaTry.OreKOrij '
' "
t A. WHRELSB. - a. C. T. UcXiT K
-4s.t - if.ty :
1 v 1'X 1 . (
Fonrarjiiis fc.toMiiQiiEurtotS.
'! In j---J '.' i -j. - , f !i ! i ?T-S
A good aesortmeot of all kinds of Ooods ai
ways In (More prt lowest market rales. '.,;! i
I Agents ftr sale of WagffHaimin lirllis. Cider
Mills, Chnrns, o., 4c. .. . , , ,
, CASH1 paid for WfTEATVoATS, POllk BUT
TER; and lttTLTRY: " ' 1-i "
For dale X
i'?t i
A Larg Body of Rich 04$ for
j6w,(V:fc.JSaJ,C3ei, m-.-i'
70V7 300 acres In cultivation evorv. acre sua.
oepMble of calti vt lon-Wfll wiitercd. lias a
good . boua, bum, and' outhouses ibereonH-all
under fence, and lying within 9 miles of a rail
ond station AH good g-asaorgraln land, a ba
entire tract will be sold cheap. Ivqnireof ,
'-j u- v aA.JOHNS,' '
Ang 30T748v7 , A y ?Albany, Oregon,,..!
- ,,.:3tlILLIXSrBRY:,
MUS.'C'C'EClitSIi; "
1.1. ' f - l 5 -'.! - , ' f 'S
" Is constantly recci'vin
Yew ana , Stylish SIHIlKery,
To which she InVltes the special attention of
the Ladies. iood- sold at the lowest living
rates. More first door cast nf City Drug Rfore.
Albany, Oregon ftill
t T I n
! .4- ,-r-fI J M'lMOO Qi Si fli';i
ft 1 w j;: -,f ; -ji-Xj Wcf
" " ' Itfl-Mv you wtar '"" ,; " 'J,, e
J' 1 ii jl- .1 , ? , 'j t- '1 (If i- ftfa i-v
.t-fI)f-n.-inv p9-vk ruii ,M?t foV x.' i
1 ' I . T I fi !; -ita'SifJ - T .V;7 Vl'.5
" i t j ' Krt .i-li;, il.'Sj tj -- 1-4,, t'.V
-.Tt ..,! ,i-.jh.-ji; s rrt i
Visiting' C&xi5gJ'ih ' l'
p-t -.'i J. -.Ai.jl r-A )TAl i .
-!)iej iV.'-nfn.J i.!ti5ja' . ."f full"
" 5'Htt IM.iA- -Si X W,
i.s , iy.Zr.f.?? TZtj j)ii,:;..j
It i."-tf
Mm . 1 1
'-?!. JII v f i
t' SJSii-
II T! ,
r (ii il i.J ;;,!j .;! J,fl X
- i lint' , S.-f 'J ! ( J . f
Ball Tickets,
l' 11. -!' -r ti vt
ft o' f
? , ! ! --! I
" !t I ,.r- .. ,ii. .
..'!' ..Z! i . . - ( i. . ( .
i i.i'7 til n, .f
. ' t "i- '."it
! ;. ,
u;ir --. !
IMorse Oilisi
A !
' ! . . i ' i ; .
. -'.... I -
. ; -' 11
,.; .' I,. -a
, -w-t
i-fc- v.l
or in fart anj-flilrig I h tlie
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fii'rtli i riii- .-' ilW 'ii-'!
i ( ;!t .'.' ..i.-i j it? rtivn .,'r
f in.--.', f t 5 -; : - - .5 -
. T f, - , i .iVff.t
' --(,' ' i j. i', ? f ,.
i ! if J
Print Irrrj
-...tlW.J- I.:Jiii
f .! I . .1 :ci
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