The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, January 14, 1876, Image 2

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AL2AXY, FRIDAY, JAN. 14, 1878.
Stews Gleanings.
Viscount Aniberly, eldest sou of Earl
llnssell,. fa dead. 1
Gov. Tifckn has denied Edward S.
Stokes' petition fur pardon.
Gen-. J&s. Packard bus been appointed
iutem&l revenue gnt., -' -- . ; ' .
Indications are that a strong effort will
lie made in' the Louisiana Legislature to
impeach Judge Hawkins.
Geo. M. Finney, the San FrancUco de
faulter, has reached Pemamtmco with his
Frank Scott, colored, was linng In Mem
phis on tlie 6th, for the murder of Ransom
Phipps, colored, Christmas evening, 1874.
The banking bouse of Easton A Milne,
Fail River, Mass suspended on the 7th,
causing sou excitement.
The coming session of the English
Parliantent will probably be opened by
the Queen In person.
Minister Washburne places himself In
tlie hands of his friends, neither asking or
refusing a nomination for the Presidency.
Railroad freights, from New York to
Chicago have been increased to 75c per
100 pounds on first class freights 1 ;
Lane's harbor improvement bill ap
propriates $200,000 for Coos Bay, and
$100,000 for the mouth of Coqullle river.
Dr. Samuel G. Howe, of Boston, founder
of the Institution lor the blind in tliat city,
died on the 9th inst, aged 74,
' The storeshlp Supply has sailed for
' Europe, to collect articles for exhibition
at the Centennial, to return by the 1st of
April .
The workingmen of Charleroi, Belgium,
on the 9th, were on a strike, and troops
were under arms to "go tor" them if
Lleuti Story, with a detachment of
cavalry, on the 10th, started from San
Diego on a scout along the Mexican bor
der. A dispatch from Delhi reports that dur
ing the parade, Saturday, Lord Napier
. was thrown from : his horse and had his
collar bone broken. ; . , j
Near Odessa, Russia, on the 8th, a
train load of military recruits plunged
down an enbarskment, the cars caught on
Are,, and a number of persons were burned
oeain. iobi numoer Kinea,' es in
jured, 64, several fatally. . ;
The Senate confirmed th following
nominations: James Bnrney to be minister
resident at the Netherlands; F. Cicott to
! commissioner of the mint at Sau
Francisco; Henry 'Lv "Waldo, chief-justice
ot the supreme court of New Mexico.
Timothy Klrby.. an old citizen of Cin
cinnati, Ohio, died on the 10th, aged 81,
l!vinran estate valued at between $2,
000.000 and $3,000,000. Dan Piatt and
Congressman Banning are among the few
heirs. - -
The railroad war in New Jersey pro
progresses. At Hopewell, on the 7th,
J. 500 people were assembled ami a col
lision momentarily expected. The Gov
ernor had ordered Col. Angell and four
companies of the 7th rigimeut to the scene
of war. . .... i'r.t.i h.-ii::..-.'
Texas Democratic nominations are:
For Governor, Richard Conke; Lt Gov
ernor, B. Hubbard ; Presidential Elect
ors, D. C. Gldding and B. H. Epperson;
Attorney 'General. H. H. Boone; State
Treasurer, A. J. Dow; Chief Justice, Rob
erts. ; - -, . '..
Piper's anti-Chinese emigration resolu
tion will be supported by the entire Pa
cific coast delegation, but Eastern members
are generally either indifferent to ttie
nroiect or believe cheaD labor so valuable
to the country that only hard work will
' effect any result ,
- The Spanish government has ordered
from Ilerr Kxnpp's foundry at Essein. six
eleven-inch breech loading steel. . cannon,
with six hnnd reel rounds of ammunition.
pvr delivery in Cuba at the earliest moment.
The contract was made at the special re
qnestof Geo. Jovelair. . .i ij - . '
It is staled' that -tlie President, in a few
weeks will recommend mediation In Cuban
affairs, nnless the war there cease. If
mediation is rejected, then Uncle Sam
M-Hl rrttpwe his own policy even though it
does result In war with Spain, v. w;,
Dr. Linderman, Director of the Hint,
reports iri favor- of the establishment of
the new mints, one at Indianapolis,- Indi
ana, for silver coinage, -and the other at
St. Locls, Missouri,: tor; gold and silver
coinage. -,,f ;.'; .vs f ,
The Mitchell and 'Keltjr bills for the
opening of Umatilla reserve 7 to "settlers
require tne removal or the Indians now
occupying .. v'.iher- to Jez 1'erces. ton
Hall or Yakama reservation, provided the
chiefs of the ' Walla Walla and Umatilla
tribes and Indians on the last reservations
consent to such an arrangement. " As an
inducement to the former, it Is proposed
to continue their annuities , tor tea or
twenty years. ... ., :.-A- :-. -
The BriiMi Columbia Legislature opened
on the 10th, at Victoria. Tlie Governor
in his speech refers to the Canadian Pacific
railway as having been, since 1 873, a fruit
ful sonrce of anxiety and disappointment
to tlie province, and the, non-fulfillment
by Canada of its railway agreement a
bavin? serlwly crippled ft pastoral and
tsricu.:ur',l int"ei of the community.
ir f ,..J V. a rrcposala made by
the , n r fvernmeut in" relation to
" the r"l way. fire at vattanee with tlie
ronditloiistreeomrnert led bv Lord Carnavon
He speaks eneuues, "ng?y ot t;;o gold fields
or and sjariooo. ana a oi we
coal n.i--!i. Ke rrom'i measures to
amend tiie law relatiii? to cold mining.
and to provide- for the Jas&ection of coal
mines with -view cf protesiiRg: th lives
and propertr oft' 03 .ea'-d- la the
"mining btw'occs. l.t vibl -$.'-. snbniit
imporwitit i ijers ' live to In Tian aCUirs,
and an a ti r tie lnj rovem-M t of county
vrt syw is m n4 nvcbwary law reforms.
j te mel.t"! - w c!rcnroi$t&ncPS connected
wicntM , 4 4 t:.e s-cialtlp JPaciJle in-;'!'-'
i n . irtl rerireetations to
r ' governments,
w ; -, preventing, as far aa poa--
rtu.-wsrsin tbefnture. Hon.:
It. 1 1 r WM.lct speaker, awl tlie
llouo s,-o,irnod uutU TtiursUay.
Hit"- HEWlTOItirlLIITTEiaw
New York, 1c.3I, 1S73. '
The Beecher trouble will not down, be
cause tlte )ieopie of Brooklyn will not let it
rest. Mr.- Beecher 's late appearance of
fight lias not been maintained. Sherman,
his attorney and chief friend, holds him
self In a defiant attitude, but he cannot keep
Beecher up to the mark. Hie fact is, the
Rer. gentleman feels that the world is
against him; he feels that whether guilty of
the -offense as cliarged or not, there haa
been enough of imprudence and folly in
his Intercourse ' with the feminine part of
bis flock to leave more upon his name than
a clergyman ought to have. He knows that
the clergy- generally believe him guilty,
and that be has lost standing In his profes
sion. Therefore, Mr. Beecher will very
soon step down and out. Despite Sher
mans'! bluster, and the curiously -devoted
support ot his chqrylt, Mr. Beecher Is a lost
man. If guilty, of course It Is all right, if
innocent, be la the most unfortunate man
living. - ."
What wide-spread destruction this scan
dal has caused! The ablest preacher in
tits world has lost his power. - Tiltou la
ruined financially, and in reputation. Mrs.
Tilt on U eking out a miserable existence,
keeping boarders. Florence, their daughter,
a delightful young lady, teaches shoo! and
works nights copying lor lawyers, wkh
tlie aid of the type-writer. Mrs. Moulton,
refined lady with a nasty qnarrel on her
hands which she cannot let go; Bowen,
with two libel suits. There has been no
thing but misery, trouble and wretchedness
from beginning to end. "Be virtuous and
you will be happy."
Has been heard from. He is in Havana
in such condition that be cannot be caught
and brought back to answer for his crimes.
That his escape was a put-up job there can
be no doubt. ; The officers permitted him
to get away, and very ingeniously put the
police force on false scents till be had got
safely out of the country. A sailing vessel
had been chartered, and was lying In readi
ness in the East River, with her papers
all prepared. ; Tweed went through his
house, got Into a carriage, was driven to
the vessel, got aboard, and sailed away.
The officers who were privy to the scheme
kept the entire force searching in all tlie
places where lie was not, till he was safely
landed. Now his lawyers will move heav
en and earth to make . a compromise,
Tweed will return enough of the money he
has stolen to make a decent dividend, and
be will return to take bis old place in New
York politics. The old man is anxious to
get into power again, for he has a great
many old scores to settle. He is a vindic
tive old fellow, ' and if he ever does get
back, woe to those of his friends who -went
back on bim In bis troubles! He will
make it exceedingly torrid for them.;
The large lmportlne houses' of fancy
wares show tew signs of tlie hard times
during the -holiday season. To an .accus
tomed eye the stock way not appear so large
as in former seasons, when money was
rolling about ; but articles are more taste
ful and select. - Such cameos, bronzes, and
elegant pieces of gold and silver ware nev
er were snown as to-iay. t he dealers say
that tbey nave not relt tne hard times affect
their custom, but expect they will before
lonr. As the next thing to seeing beauti
ful things is to hear about them, your read
ers may have some curiosity to know what
kindot gifts wealthy JNew Yorkers make
this season. Tlie gem of all the lovely
objects of "bigotry and virtue,", is the veil
ed Cupid, now ou view iu the gallery of a
bouse noted for its rarities., the statue,
by an Italian artist. Is called ''Hidden
Love ;" a charming flinire, with head turn
ed aside, and arrows dropping in the left
hand,, a veil thrown over the face. . The
charm of it ail is that the marble is colored
in the softest tint, the dimpled limbs have
the finest rose flush, tender as flesh ever is ;
.he eyes, a Deautltui, roguish niue, Deam
through tlie veil, which Is wrought with
most exanisite art. till it looks like a film
of white crape flung over the lovely bead,
not naif concealing tne orttuant roses on
its cheek. . The sutne was sold to a New
York lady for (13,000. ' Tlie ladies, per
liana, will prefer to hear of the pair of soli
taire diamond car-rings that cost $10,000, i
and tlie great sapphire for a ring, valued at i
1 the other sidev i :r'; '
At the same time changes are going on 1
so rapidly that the purchasers ot these cost-
ly things may have to pledge them before
next lioiiday to get money to live on. - Ad
vertisements appear in the papers continu
ally, offering private property for sale.' A
lady offers to sell an eveiufug dresn. only
once worn, and a new thread lace shawl.
Another lias tine sealskins, good as new ; .
while diau.onds are to be bought at ruinous
prices. , A broker told me that he could
buy diamonds at any time fur one-tourth
their cost from people Who had lost ail their
other projserty. Those expensive goods I
spoke of are usually bought by people of
assured, incomes, not dependent on the
fluctuations of business. The Astors, Slew
arts, and a half thousand other .families,.,
know nothing of itartl time, for wlren one
has an income of $500,000 per year, it mat
ters but-Jittle whether it is cut down 25
per cent, or not. While I am ou the ''oth
er side." let me show yon how some people
live. In the house where I live is a servant
girl who works from six in the moniicg
till eleven at night for $2 60 per week.
Her father, mother, and three children came
to New York that tlwy might be support
ed by her. That is to say, there was no
work for thetn at Port Jervis, wliere they
lived, and it coo Id not be much worse any
where. They got a room in an attic and
the Cither and boys try to get something
to do in vain.; The mother succeeded in
getting a little washing to- do, which av
erases ber about ti 50 ner week.,. On the
daughter's wages and this pittance $5 00
in an, tms tatnuy ot nve persons nave to
live, or rather exist. They eat one very
poor meal a day, and go without fire this
bitter, stinging weather. Keep out of tlie
crest cities, and the small ones too. God
made the country, and there is where God's
creatures ought to live. Cities are neces
sary blotches on the body of creation. -
Last Saturday thirty' English thieves
and hnr!ars landed from steamer, and
took no their abode In New York. A tel-
miRi from the London police to our chief-
notified the city ot this accession to Its pop
ulation, and detectives awatceu ana epoweu
them. Foreign thieves like America for
thev are not kept under such surreHance
as in European cities. There they , are
treated as thieves, and are watched ; here
they become Democratic politicians, ana
ft to ixs. akiennen and city facials.
mon the lot were thiee noted burglars,
i who nan-owly escaped hanging in London
a few mon tl ss since. Tlie others are pick
pockets, sneak thieves and .operators of
smaller note. It does seem as though some
arra ugmeut ought to be made by which
each country siiouid be compelled to take
care of its own crime. . As it is, when a
foreign cut-throat finds his own country
too hot to hold him he comes here. -Amer
ica is the refuge of all the hunted scounarei
Ism of the world, and New .York is tlie
sewer through which it flows. And tne
great trouble Is, we don't hang as last as
they cau be imported. v. -
political. . 4 .
Two rather Important political move
ments are being inaugurated in this city, at
this time. The Democratic admirers of
Gov. Tilden are organizing to force ; him
on tlie National Democratic Convention,
as its candidate for the Presidency, on a
monev, free trade platform, wlietlier or
no. Tbey are putting oceans of money on
it, and are stiriviug to have such an organ!-
aalion iierfeeted as will control i the Conven
tion. The other is a movement among Re
publicans for Grant, tor the third term.
This latter embraces a great many very ex
cellent men who are not office-holders, but
who really believe that tlie beat interests
of the country tieuna nis rc-uominntlou
They are organizing very thoroughly ou
tlie basts of anti-Catholicism, or rather the
protection ot the schools from Romish in
terference, haul money and purity in pub
lic places, and they assert tluit to attain
these ends the re-nomlnatlou ot Giant , is
the only thihg to be done. I was astonish
ed to see the number of men ot character
In the movement. The action of the Meth
odists under tlie lead of Bishop Haven
meets very general acct-ptauce, here. . It is
not at all unlikely that the New York tflty
delegation In tne National Republican Con
vent Lou will be largely for Grant.
Is horribly warm for the season, jnt
now. tlio streets are nasty. "Business is
fearfully dull, and altngctlier life is not a
rosetiiited dream. When will tlie ctiange
come? ' Pietro.
All who ha vp seen Senator Logrm's pho
tograph' will appreciate the story told by
the Boston Post, that once in a game of
poker Logan held " three jacks jack of
liearts, jack of diamonds and jack of clubs.
Alter running the nets up to the limit and
calling down the hands, Logan found that
his opponent had four tens, when, with
true military fertility of resource, Logan
f irtively took out of his pocket one of his
own photographs and played It anon his
unsuspecting opponent tor the jack of
spitues. thereby holding rour jacks and
sweeping the board. .
A very rich deposit of gold has been
found in tlie Centennial lode, near Lara
mie.' At a -depth of 100 feet a large body
of quartz was found, showing a greater
amount of free gold thai; ever Detore seen
in any rock will be sent to the Centennial
at Philadelphia. . - ;
Tlie examination ot Capt. Sawyer, for
wrecking the Orpheus, in San Francisco,
was concluded on the 8tli Inst. The
Commissionei decided that the Govern
ment had tailed to make out a case,
and on motion of U, S. Attorney Van
Duzen, Sawyer was discharged and his
bail exonerated. " '
The Sun considers the House resolu
tions for special inquiry into the Mexi
can robber incursions into .Texas the
first step . toward a war with Mexico.
If Mexico cannot - restrain her bandits
and will not authorize the United States.
to repress them, by effective pursuit on
her soil, public sentiment tends toward
the employment of force to compell am
ple 'redress. .
Aspira?tts for the Sesatorsuip.
Among tlie names mentioned as prob
ab'e candidates for the TJ. S. Senate from
Oregon, are those of Col. Nesmith, Gov.
Grover, Secretary Chad wick, Ex-Go v.
Curry j Judge Ben. Hadyen, J. H. Slater
and others. We have seeu in the list
no mention of Mr. Kelly, present Sena
tor, and suppose the party considers him
out ot the fight. Ex-Gov. Whiteaker
is also eaid to be willing to don the
Senatorial robe. ' While we don't appre
hend that Oregon will send a Democrat
to fill the seat ot Col. Kelly, It may be
well enough for our Democratic friends
to air their claims to his seat. v ; - I
l he democratic leaders . intend j an
s itboritati ve expression by the Demo
cratic House of Representativea on ' the
fi nancial policy shall he made, soon,
Tbe plan generally favored aims atj re
sumption through compelling the banks
to accumulate part of their reserve hi
gold, and directing the treasury to hoard
all supplies oft gold with - a view ot .re
newing, specie payments as soon as
enough for the purpose is boarded. Tlie
trouble is to tell what Is enough, l it is
also contemplated to repeal the clause
adopted in the Congress fixing the day
for resumption. The repeal ot the legal
tender act a nd the contraction of curren
cy are not included in the plan.'
Delegates from the various Protestant
churches in Denver, assembled on the
Hlh, Governor Evans presiding, unan
imously adopted a petition to the Con
stitutional Convention asking-that al
property used for religious worship, 11
brarie and charitable purposes, be not
taxed. - " ' -
Bet veen 4 P. M. of the 4th and 5
A. M. of the 5th of December, 1875,
no less than thirty -seven earthquake
shocks were experienced at : Abancay,
S. A., entirely demolishing that placev
Balloting for iU.S. tsenate in the
Kentucky Legislature at Frankfort up
to the 12th had- resulted , in no choice.
Beck was in the lead, - with Williams
only fiva behind, r I
- A. great flood inundated tlie business,
portion ot Valparaiso, South America,
recently, "destroying two persona and
$1,500,000 worth of property
Hon. S.' J, Kirk wood was elected
U. S. Senator for Iowa on the V2lh. a
Salem bad 2,27 i 81 ia ber treasary
Dec. 31st. - "
Fifty-seven : sisrrtags , licenses , were
issued iu Yamhill county in 1875. v '
Grass is Growing finely on Willow
creek, and stock of all kinds are doing
unusually well. , , -
31 Mr. George Moor, of Lafayette, has
received letters patent ' on a new gang
plow invented by bstn.
Tbe newly elected ofiiuers of Eugene
chapter will be installed Saturday even-
int!, Jan 15th. ......
The 50th anniversary, golden-wed-
ding, of 7 James' and .Amelia. Biooston
occurred on the 15th nit. -
Polk county talks ot subscribing
several thousand dollars tor a bridge
across the ri ver at Salem. ,
Columbia Hose Company of the
Dalles will givo a sheet and pillow-'
case ball , oa the evening ot February
22d. ,- : .
Mr. J: Johnson, who lias been work-
- i- v . r. - .
u jg at .Gardiner-tor some time past,
fell from 'a building a few days ago,
and was severely injured.
Salem's expenditures tor tlie support
of city goVernment during ' 1875 were
$10,697 40, against $12,888 iu 1874, a
decrease of $2,199 60.
The Courier thinks that violations
ot law ate becoming too frequent in old
Yamhill, which has' hitherto sustained
such an excellent reputation for good
A son of Thomas Graves, of Sheridan,
shot himself last week, accidently, with
a revolver. Tbe ball , took effect iu
the hip, ranging downward and lodging
near the knee.-?.:.''
Th library of the Congregational
Sunday school at tlie Dalles has been
so ably managed that of 200 volumes in
circulation not one was missing at tlie
end of the term jut closed. -
The State board of education has
ordered that the deaf mute school al
Salem be opened the first Monday in
February. ! It was closed last month
on account of sickness in the school.
Tlie bridge across tlie Chehalein, a
stream on the Portland road, baa been
carried away by the high water. ' We
understand that tlie water is now so
low that, the stream can be forded. .
Mr. Mulkey, who was in the Dalles
lar t week rays .that green bunch gras3
on John j Day's river is six and eight
inches high and he never raw other
grasses so good and thrifty at the. season
of the year. - v
Tlie Oakland Centennial, published
at Oakland, Douglas county, is nnder
the editorial control of Cbas. Skidmore,
late of Portland. It is a first-class
paper, and we hope Charlie will keep
ur his lick.
The bal at Milton on New Year's
Ere would have been quite a success
had it not been marred by a snug little
fight, whicb ' came near being a first
class shooting ..affair. Liquor was the
cAuse of the disturbance. . : -j
A good deal of preparation is being
made on the lower Columbia lor tlie
coming fishing season. Mr. John Ftiz-
patrick and associates are putting np a
new cannery of large size, ju6t below
Glen Ella, and above B.rook field. ,
-: Mr. John McCubbin,of Tygh valley,
Wasco county,- has gone to San Fran
cisco foi tbe purpose of receiving surgi.
cal aid. Some ten years ago lie was
accidetally shot in the head, from the
effect of which he suffers at times.
s ':'., A cutting affray occurred at a New
Year's ball, in King's. Valley, Benton
county,1 in which" fArno - Hal leek, we
are informed, made a bloody attack on
.Emmet 'Wrenu.',. Several wounds were
inflicted but none necessarily fatal, it is
supposed. .- i" V'i.-:
"The cbamnion bee raiser bails this
time from the McKemsie, in Lane county
His name U B. EV Finn 458 pounds
of gc)d rwrtey from ' tour hives in one
year, with enough Jeft.jto sastam the
hives tliroogh the winter. Fact, and
can be proved. - -
John Bo ran, aged 21 years, formerly
of Yamhill county, ' was found dead t
few days since, in, the field ct John Cal
loway, Wasco county. He had left
Prineville on Christmas day and when
found had $400 on hia person. The
cause of his death is supposed to be
from rupture of a blood vessel.
Mr. Ed. DuVall and his aunt, Mrs
Feudally had a narrow, escape from
drowning while fording the Wi! lamina
in a buggy, not long since. The occu
pants were thrown into tba water and
tbe lady, who had a bnbe in her arms
would evidently have been drowned
but for the heroic efforts of her escort.
- The Gazette- says: Business on Ya-
quina Bay is looking up. The oyster
trade is again' opened. Fifteen oyster-
men are now preparing a load for ( apt.
Winant, who will probably be there
with a schooner in about three weeks.
The oyster trade and mill business
combined, will make things lively on
the Bay the coming season.- ,
A letter from M ilton, Umatilla county
dated the l.-t, says: - "We are having
beautiful weather, consequently farmers
are getting an unusual amount ot wheat
sowed. One man not far from here
Mr. Broxsou1 has 200 acreb in, and
120 acres -of volunteer wheat; so he
expects to harvest 800 acres next year.
Stock are doing weli here running at
large on the prairies.
The Slate Journal has tho following
query: VV ill some one who knows
inform us why Jack - Montgomery and
Wiley Card well have not been arrested
for complicity in the U. S. mail robbery
with Dan Smith? From the evidence
given in the Smith trial it appears that
these men were equally guilty. Is not
the motto, "Let no guilty man escape,'
the order of the day? '
The Eugene Journal is informed by
B, F. Finn, Esq., that John T. Craigg,
carrier on the McKenzie and Ochoco
route, has been out fourteen days with
out being heard from, and it is feared
he has perished in the snow; yet there
is some hope that he may have reached
Camp Polk in safety. Parties ' have
gone in search of him. Mr. Craigg is
an old mouutaiueer, and we have some
hope that lie may come out sate.
The Coos Bay JVewa says: The body
of Frank Geary, who was missing from
North Bend, as announced in the Aretes
was found in Coos Bay , near North
Bend by Peter Gibson, on 17th Dec
The body was taken in charge by the
people at North Bend, and M. II.
Beaumont, Esq., ex-officio coroner, was
notified, who held an inquest. The
jury returned a verdict of accidental
drowning. The body was; brought
down to Empire on Saturday on the
steamer Coos, with flag at half mast,
to be buried,- accompanied by a large
number of people from North Bend,
who came t attend ' the last sad rites
of one who was a few days before so
full of life, and whose conduct for in
dustry and sobriety had won the respect
anc exteem of all who knew him. Mr.
Geary's father-li'-es on Lewis River,
W. T. ..
On the 12th lion. J. B. Eustia was
elected to the TJ. S. Senate from Loui
siana. ' .,
New To-Pay.
Important Notice.
of riiveton of the Albany and Santinm
Water Dltdi find Cnnal Company, held at the
office of !ati Company in Albany, Oreston, on
the 11th day of January, 1876, the following res
olution was adopted by tlie unanimous vote of
all the Director of satd Comnany, to-wit :
R Kiiv"A, That ameetinsrof the stockholders
of thin incorporation, to-wtt. the Albany and
Santiam Water Ditch and Canal Company, lie
and tlie same in hereby ealled-to meet at the
office of said Company, at Albany, Oresron, on
tne mn aay or t eoroary . uo, ai ine nonr oi
one o'clock in the aftermjon of naid day, for the
purpose of considering the propriety of and au
thorizing the dismtntion of such corporation.
the settling of it s business, disposing of its prop-
rtr anil thp division of its canital stock.
Jl mjtvri. That the Secretary of this incorpo
ration be and lie is hereby authorized and di
rected to give notice oi sncn meerinir ana ma
urposes tbereor, Dy puoncauon oi ine same
ar thirty days in the Albakt Reqistek, a
newspaper publtsbea in Aioany.m Linnooanijr,
Oretron, and by service of sucn notice upon eacb
stockholder, whose residence is known, by
mall. . . ...
In pursuance or tne aoove resoiaiion
i. hamhv rtvn tn the stockholders of the At
ibany and Santiam Water Ditch and Canal Com-
eany, I nut mere win w iit,-hih wiu biu
oKlers. at the office of said Company, la Alba
ny, Oregon, on tne
15th day of February, 2876,
at the hour of one o'clock In the afternoon of
said day, for the purpose of considering the
propriety of, and ot authorizing t he dissolution
of such corporation, tne settling of its business,
disposing of its property and tho division of Its
capital stock. JL.XLIHJI,
Jan. 14, 1876-17w5
. 8t73iai09(S. ,
In the Circuit Court of tbe State of Oregon for
Linn county.
K lwnrd H. Ruharts. plaintiff, vs. K. X. Boocll
and Deui s Beach, defendants.
Act ion at law to reco- urarej .
To . N. Beach, one of tbe defendants above
named : .
In the name of the State of Oregon : on are
hereby ftnmmoned and required to bo and ap
pear In tlie Circuit Court of tbe State of Oregon
fnr I .Inn mnntr. uid answer to the complaint
of the above named plaintiff, on file against
you wit n tne Clem ot saia uonn, in ine nuova
entitled act ion. by the Ural day of the next reg
ular term of said court for said Linn count)', to
wit, on the
4th JOoTtdag of Mirch, 1876,
or Judgment for want of such answer will be
taKen against you.
xoo are nereuy notinea tnat ii you ran to Bp
war and answer the plaintiff's complaint here
n as above reouested. the plaintiff, for want of
such answer, will take Judgment against yon
for tho sum of fc46 98 n gold coin of tbe United
States, wit h Interest on the same in like gold
coin at the rate of one percent- per month from
tne sutti day or January. is , ana ior toe costs
and disburstnentsof this aci Ion.
Published bv order of B. F. Bon ham. jnoge
of said Conrt, for vix weekB, in the AlBAST
B fgistir, w uicn oruer nears aate January iu.
Jan. 14, 1876-17WS
Attya for Piff.
"In the Circuit Court of the State ot Ore
gon for the county of Linn.
Thomas Clemmens plaintiff, VS. Martha
CItMntnens, defendant :
Suit for divorce.
To Martha Clemmens, tbe defendant
above named.
In the name of the State of Oregon : You
are hereby reauired to nnnear and answer
the complaint of the above named plaintiff
in the above entitled suit, now ou rue witit
the clerk of said court, within t-n days after
the d:ite of the service of this summons up
on vou if served in Linn county, Oregon,
but If served tn anv other county within
the State, thru within twenty days after
the date of the service of this summons upon
vou. or if served bv publication of ihU
summons, then you are required to answer
the complaint by the nrst uay or tne next
regular term of said court, to be bolUen on
tne 'M Monday, I lie
. I3tH day of Jlarck, I87,
at Albanv in said county and state : and
yon are notified that If you toil to so appear
and answer as aoove requireu, ior wu oi
answer the plaintiff will apply to ine cmin
tor the relief demanded in tH complaint,
wlii-h In a dissolution of the marriage con
tract existing between you and the plain-
tllt, and for tne care anu cusiwuy im
minor children, Aroert M.viemmens, joiki
a. ripmmpim. Samuel J. Clemaiens, K,
(Ipmmens. Thomas Clemmens, Alfred
Clemmens and Andrew Oleimnwis, named.
in the complaint to tlie plalntitr.
Attorney for plaintiff.
Published by order ot B. F. Bonham,
Judge of said court, which order was made
at tlie October term of said court for the
year IOT5.
January, 14. 18T6-6tvl7 '
Just Received :
.8c -'
?.".'- ti
niCbect Market Prlee,
, in ewsharfgc, for all kfrid of
MercliarAta'bre Iroclu.ce 2
OctSvSnS :
Choice City Property
For Oiaiot
ishlnsr to emigrate,
a isonering nis
consisting of a ki
In Albany for sale.
rood reel
lenoe, located band-.
and near the business part of tbe city, with two
lots, in Mock S3, fronting to the north on Third
street and to tlte west on Call pools- The lots
are enclosed by a nice picket fence, and 4bere
is a good barn and other outbuildings, besides
ehoieo lot of bearing: fruit trees and graie
vines, wit b a fence built between tbe two lota,
forming a nice 111 tie garden spot, which is in
extra condition for gardening:. Possession giv
en soon after sale.
Also, a large two story wooden store building
with rooms adjoining it that are handily made
use of as a residenceby the parties occupying
the store. This property is rented very readily
at a good fair rent, it being located in tho very
center of the busineso portion of tbe city, with
S6 feet frontage on first street.
The above store Is occupied by Dr. Lister,
who Is keeping a grocery store therein.
Any Information given at tbe residence of
J. ii. BEACH, -or
as be is generally known, Hilt. Beach.
E STRAYED From the farm of the under
signed, in Linn county, about the middle
of August last, a dark bay mare, l&X bands high,
both hind feet turned in (pigeon-toed), 6 years
old tbe coming spring. Any one returning said
mare to my ikrra, or giving information of ber
whereabouts, will be amply rewarded by
, . F. 8l POWELL.
In the Justices Court for tbe Precinct of Al
bany, Ltnn county, Oregon. : -
P. W. Heeler, plaintiff, vs. F. C. Logan, de
fendant. To P. C. Logan, defendant above named :
An order having been made by me this day,
that tlie service oil this summons he made upon
you by publication in tbe ALBAKT SE8I6TU,
as cy law required -
In t he name of t lie State of Oregon : Yon are
herein: reqnitvd to anpearbefora I he undersign
ed, a Justice of the Peace for the precinct aforw.
said, on
Sth day of January, 1876,'
at one o'clock in the afternoon of said day. at
the office of said Justice in said Precinct, to an
swer in a civtl action tlie above named plaintiff
who claims to recover of you the sum of 200.00
in UVS. gold coin, with interest thereon in, like
gold coin at the rate of ten per cent, per annnm
from the 14th iay of Novembet, 1S74, as surety
niton a certain promissory note which this
plaintiff Jointly and severally executed with
defendant to one Martin Bailey or order and
for defendant's accommodation, which note
said plaintiff has been compelled to pay and
has paid in full. And also the farther sum of
l7.e with interest thereon at the rate of ten
per cent, per annum from July lHth. 1873, urton
a certain promissory note, nrnde by said defend
ant tn favot of plaintiff, and now owned and
held by plaintiff, as per complaint on file.
The defendant will take notice that if lie fails
to appear and answer tho said complaint, the
plaintiff will take judgment agifnst bim for the
sumf 200.00 in Lr. S. gold coin, with interest
thereon tn like gold coin from tbe 14th of No
vember, 1874. at the Yate of ten percent, per an
num, also the further sum of tt7.35. with inter
est thereon from the 13th day of July, 187S, at
the rate of ten per cent, per annum, together
with tbe costs and dlsbursments of this action
to 1m; taxed.
(riven under my nana fnts Whoy of stsrem-
ber. 187;
Hov. 19, 1875-0V8W
- Justice of tbe Peace.
Bell & Parker,
(Successors to R. C. nUl 4 Son)
TJave rexnoved. their stoclc
jljl or
Toilet Goods,
Clgrarta 3c Tobacco,
To Fromaa'a Hew Brick Block,
North side of First, between Wasliington and
Ferry streets, where tisev wui seep :
Larp ani Full Assortmeit : of Goods
' in their line, ordered direct from -
San Francisco ' and tne East,
and fee confident in the assertion that they
can perfectly satisfy ail who call upon them.
qiAUTT ako rsirr or eoens.
Cull at nnr new store and be convinced of tlie
irn lb of the above statements. -
Particular attention wui oe tnven to toe com.
poundtnfroi pnysiciann pmecnpiiooeana iau
ily reoipes,at all hours m titeoavor mar nu ,
A. H. jucoub. c nsnui,
Successors to K. C. 1IUO. BOH.
Albany, October S9, Ti-nStf
Incorporated Feb. 4, 1973. Capital. 0,00.
Corner First and Washing-ton streets, .
Albanv, " : Oregon. ,
President. S. A. WAWSOX.
Saperlntendent, A. JT. JJoaiKSON
a. . MMneit t i-F,
.!.., . A. IA WSOJM.
Wholesale and Be tail DeuJera la
Clotnlng, Hardware, Crockery,
Groceries, Farm Implement!
and Macnlnery, &c., Scc.
Also, buy and sell on commission all kinds of
tiootUvMiirketnble Produce, Ac,
JHicSt, li7.VI4v8fn
TbMni tpav to nnnntlnea to th etrf e tt ' t
city and auimtindtng oouairj, tUmt lBaeJ
ed a large stock of
in the build U 4 LtCv skU- f rl fiv-v
liver's drut sttrw. on riie ntw), wt-s-ra sw -
Parlor' nii'jf iniVJ'll' V:':. ; '
:"jcdriBtf.''l'afttf :,:'"."'.
Cast C"
ur c n
I 4
. ?':--Wlf fit A n '
-' ' J f ii i i 1- -!
- Be.s
. ,?y .- -4 K , .. 'T' i -
and in AM 'terTtbfHjr V";.i'3tad to-
cso to not'r"
My fjood-i are well mde aasJ of tbe very
prices' way dowil
eTFTTTtXITUBE manufactvred to order, at
sliort motiee.. ..;'-''--".' .- n t j -
tdST Furniture repaired and put InfOodshap
on short notice. -
Oivemeaean. fc.DfOTISWL
Albany, Kov.t,1875 10v -' tti .
Dress Blaklnfft -
Millinery Goods t
i" Iadlcs' FafiaisJitas I .
VSis ,.! 'ii4,TI' .-' fei K
General Emoritia
Mm. ft- A. Joitkil kl her new atom tut Swaul-
albin street, near the corner of 8ecoA, Oilers
tne laaies a spieuuiu hwk ui w j
of every description, nil of the latest, and Boost
fashionable styles. She also baa a complete as- ,
IdUUea aaMl ChlldWsiHi Faratolihn f&mm
bum tisifnri
of every quality and siylev'ibraeuc ':
a, ..... ' 1
" Wacwoearjbraltted or embroidered! " '
' UaHi-resiless, ' ' '
. , ,,.,?.JBrt.T
and all kinds of ladiesC and ewBdrew wnder-
wear, which will be sold very low.
Call and examine good . - i ; - ,
mm, s. a. jonan.
Albany, Nov. 88, IBB-KMr : t
Wltb Br. Plumrocr, First Street.
auuSt, oasxsoit.
Watches and Jewelry casafallT re-
13 paired aad. warrant tl
A IX. PKESON8 hnowing tftuwwsiw wtebf
by note or account to. Job fcriw ! are
and requests tbaA tbey WUI govsr Jlhemseiveat
Albany, JPoc , tSTVIIrS 1
- y(tej,-t SfcaefcHiaWwa a si .
stockholders of tho Linn County Aarlcnltii-
mI &uml.tLiK. al tl,.ir nfTWw in Allwnv. I.ln&
couutv. Orexon. on Tburwlay. tha ath day
January, 187H, at S o'clock P. M., for the purpoa -of
electing Seven Directors.
C. P. BL'BK HART, Fresideat.
W. W. PHglH. Sec.
Albany. lJoc. 10, 1H75-UUI
Pictures and 'Plctare ' Frttanc.'
E. B.' JPUJtllJOM'
Would announce to the citizens of Albany and
vicinity, that be is prepared to fnrnbh all kind
of l'lCTURK FBAI'S snort onttesv ,
Pid nres framed, and oM frame remlred ' W
at hi office on First street, w iknr tnat of
rirondalbia. aad (nwre yuiMls -,s t v- M-f
. . t Neatly eietafed,'1 ;
Call at the Register C3
- ALBAKV FdUDlit 1 i "
- . av. r.vuciUisi rrwprtciwr, - -
i ;,. sSvs s ri(tmls4UH .
. Flour and Mw Mill KSaeSiia-
:-M-.rj-, .. .,- .
WOOD ATOlUtlisa ,
And " v'i
. - 'i'
m am, s aVPtmi m m .mm m mh.mmmmvt-tx.nam . ,.
And all kinds of ...
Iartkmlar at ten tki pgM to wqpaOiiw 3 all
kinds of mcbohlnery, 41 vS
1 i'?r.-j t.--r- ri-:;
t : , a. ... : .m .. -
establhment on corner of ,, nrtn
and Fii -arvwattay. wU'si a fwia is..s..-rj f
Orooerles, Provisions, Cand
bacoo, Ac-, to whicb be In v.tea auen
tion of our eitiseaa. . s . , a
. .... . 1. . - . ' ' ....... ...... 6 - i
In connection with ttistorfMw1311et
a Bakery, and will alwavs have am has. 4 a
full supply of fxsate bread, ctmk, , s. ,
- C33 Cail and ase ma. A.. ,
February lC-2v