The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, January 07, 1876, Image 3

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Cornet Perry and First Street.
- Oae copy, One year.. -.i.... ...... 2 50
Ou copy, six months... 1 -r0
"' To eub of twenty, each copy 00
. t -S'.MCiSfOesvUiS... Ten cents.
Swt.;rlbers outside of Linn county will be
charged SO cent extra vS 70 for the year as
t mt i th anion nt of postage per annum
a n ten w are required to pay on each paper
,' jEiiiaedby as. .,....,..
Hcinaiulng in tlie Albany Post Office on
fan. 6th, 1878. Persons calling for these
letters must give lh data on which they
Btenelmrd, John Phillips. Ira
Cowan. Columbus Kicks. Ml?sCatlicrltie
(Jrlspman, Wm. Randall, Mrs R 4
Darts, John K. Robenson. A T
Dauglierty, Lucy A 2Reeder, Miss Com
Doney, Thomas Stephens. Henry
Jones, Nancy Walton. Thos
Kelly, Joseph
A Chance TO Invest. Business de
manding our attention in the States Imme
diately, we will sell a half interest in tlie
Register to a competent man at a very
low figure ; or we will sell the entire office.
The office is in good order, and one of the
best arranged in tlie State, with a full sup
ply of job type, three presses, paper cutter,
etc., and a very large supply of nearly new
news type. iTfcfe otiSee has a good run ot
business, which can be doubled in a short
' time. As our absence will necessarily ex
tend over several months, we would prefer
to sell at least a half interest. Parties de
siring to run A. utewspapet-,' now have a
cliance. Apply at once to this office.
Dead. A few days since it became
our painful duty to chronicle the death of
au p!4 jui$ ItlgMy esteemed citizen of
Brownsville, MrHellargue a man who
had done more, probably, than any other
single individual to build up Brownsville.
It now becomes our painful, duty to an
nounce the death f Brothers John Caroline
" and J. S. Bfbwuftwo prominent cit izens of
that town. We were liot personally ac
quainted with Brother Brown, but he stood
. well In his Ijodge, and that is proof enough
thaMie joossessetLall the virtues of a good
. ttb?e8. BrtCneT John Caroline, as we
knew him, was as noble a specimen of
manhood as Oregon contains; a man loved
and respected by all who knew him for l is
many noble qualities of head and heart.
A good man 1ms gone to his reward. Peace
to his ashes.
Odd Fellows' installatio. Wednesday
night, for Odd Fellows-arid their families,
was largely atte:tded. r The installation
ceremonies were conducted by D. M.
Thompson. District Deputy Grand Master,
in an artistic manner. Bro. Btckensto
made a very short and interesting speech,
which was reclved with favor.. Cakes, pies.'
nuts and candies wee then thrown in Fight
games inaugurated, and jolarity reigned
until a late hour. We gave the names of
tlie officers elect last week.
. tS i i-$ Tine Reception At Rev. II. W. Strar
ton's. New Years eve, was very largely at
tended, the residence being crowded to a
late hour with the many warm friends ot
the Reverend gentleman and his estimable
family. .fi&w'MUiev inost pleasant and
agreeable partv of the new year. Among
tber tokens of esteem, tlie ladies presented
Rev. Mr. Stratton with an elegant easy
chair. Mrs. Stratton was also remembered.
Personal. Mr.
J. C. Blain and wife
arrived in this city on Friday of last week,
getting into Portland from San Francisco
Friday rooming at 2 o'clock. Joe says it
was the roughest trip (the ocean part of it)
he ever experienced, and he has made it
. frequently. We welcome Mr. Blain airl
his handsome bride to a home in Oregon.
Mr. Blain was united in marriage to Miss
Rebecca Huffman, of Oswego, Indiana, on
S. S. Officers Elected. The newly
tlected officers of Calvary Sunday School
are: Superintendent, Prof. R. K. Warren;
Assistant Superintendent, J. K. Morrison;
Secretary, W, E. Terrill; Assistant Secre
tary, Herman Sox; Treasurer, Miss Jane
Conner; Organist, Miss Kate Conner;
Chorister, J. B. Wyatt a first rate selec
tion throughout.
I. O. 0. vriC. T., W. R. Dun
bar, on the 29th of December last, orga
nized a Lodge of Good Templars, at
Brownsville, with sixty charter members.
The officers for the first terra arc: G. A
Dyson, Chief; Anna E. Rowland, Vice,
Templar; A: W. Stanard, Sec.; II. R.
Powell. F.8.; J. D. Rowland, C; Dr. A.
1 J2iersj3t fCbn Templar; . J.t F .
ir-Je, 1. 1. J. I I J i f
I I STAlXE9.-fD.lM4 Thompson, Esq..
r rUtricDepWjrGmnl-MastwToir Saturday
evenbtg Installed the officers elect of
Brownsville Lodge No. 43. I. O. O- F.. as
follows: W. R. Kirlc. N. G.; II. W.
Abrams, V- O. ; J. D. Arthurs, R. S. ; A.
K. Thompson, W.; A. W. Marsters. C
After installation a fine collation was par
. ta ken of by all present, and a way up time
?M. (llEsrlSHVe' Thad the
pleasure of dining " lrter and u
amUble wife, yesterday. who
acquainted with Mrs. Lister's dinners will
know that we had a perfect feast of good
things. For appetizing cookery, and reg
ular old-fashioned hospitality, commend us
to the Dr. and his latly... . ,
Sttll Anotheh. On tln 3d inst., W. R.
Dunbar, G.W.C.T., organized a Lodge of
Good Templars, with thirty-one members,
at Sand ELa. Following are the officers:
E. P. Thompson, WC ; Viola Ilealy. VT ;
II. E. Tium, S ; T. B. Robblns. C ; II. E.
Pf?"" V M j; Wl'on. DM ; Cl.
Parrih.'"00 ; T. U. Cleaver. PWCT ; ! C.
W. m!rdson, Lodge Deputy.
S. S. COXCEKT. The Sunday School
concert at tlie Methodist church Sunday
night wa as complete and interesting an
event as wc have ever hail the pleasure of
chronicling. Tlie iimlc was certainly nn
esceptionably good could not have been
better chosen or moie faultlessly rendered.
The Superintendent, Rev. W. R. Blain,
delivered a poetic Opening Aikiress, me
subject matter and style of which Indicated
the possession of a high order of poetical
genius by its author. It was exquisitely
pathetic, tender and touching, and the
death-like stillness that prevailed during
its delivery, attested the deep interest of
the audience. The selection read by Miss
TJssic Williams was another neat piece of
elocution, and was warmly applauded by
the audience. Freddie Miller's declamation
wastirst rate, and given in good style,
without a tremor or a mistake, as if the
little fellow had made pnhlic speaking the
business ot his lite eight or ten years.
Tlie solo, by Miss Angle McCnlly, a sweet
little girl of nine or ten summers, was ex
quisitely rendered. She has a sweet,
strong voice, and will be a great singer
one of these days. The solo, by Mrs. Vaii
Dcrsal, was another eew. so bv-iiiitituHy
rendered that there was nothing left to ask
for. The qnartrts. by Messrs. bkeeis. Lig
gett and Cathy, Miss Alice Griffin and Mrs.
Van Dnndersal. with Miss Annie Griffin at
the organ, were well rendered, of course,
to the delight of theaudience. The singing
by the school (in which the audience also
assisted) was good enough. The exercises
were shcrt and well rendered throughout,
and we as well as all present on the occa
sion, shall look forward to these monthly
concerts with pleasant anticipations, know
ing as we do, from the -"metal" composing
the Sunday School, that they will grow bet
ter and better with practice and experienee.
County Cockt. Following business
has been transacted :
In the matter of the estate of John Caro
line deceased. Ordered that J. M. Moyer
Iw appointed Admin istrsitor and the bonds
flsed at $-2,000.
In the matter ot the estate and guardian
ship of Irena K. ami Frederick E. liackus,
Illinois. Ordered tlutt N. B. Humphrey, a
li-interested and coinjteteiir person, be and
is hereby appointed guardian ad litem.
In the matter of the estate of Win M:it
took. ilrctsased. Onlen-d tliat G. B.-Splawu
Adniitistrator, be charged withthe amount
ot invmtory of the estate presented.
In the sjime matter, ordered that certain
personal prrerty l- set apart, exempt
from execution for the ilppon ot niiuor
clr.lUren ot the ileceasett.
In saum initter. ord.-retl that G. B
bplawu, Admimstrator, le authorized to
sell all iersoital property of said estate, to
pay funeral expenses and exjienses ot Ad
ministration. Ordered 'that the same-lie
sold at public sale, and all sums under $5
cash in gold coin, iu hand, andxll overpaid
sums to lie on credit of nine mouths with
approved security.
Blain. Young & Co. vs, Dayton S'nnison
Action at law tu recover money. Judgment
by default iu accordance with the com
plaint. In the matter of the estate and guardian
ship of Irene E. and Fredrick. El Back,
- Ordered that the sale of real estate be
continued and that G. W. Backo. guardi
an, make and deliver to each. purchaser, a
legal conveyance ot said properly.
X. B. Humphrey apeared and gave his
consent to act as guardian ad litem.
In the matter of the estate of Elizabeth
A- Smith decease'.
H. J. C. Averill. executor ot will was
authorized to sell the peional property of
the estate at public saie for cash; gold coin,
in snuis under $5; over that amount, on a
credit of six months.
In the matter of the estate of John Car
o!in. James Blakely. O. P. t'-o-how ami
H. P. Powell were appointed appraisers of
said estate.
Ordered that J. M. Moyer. administrator
of said estate, give notice by puhlication
for all persons holding claims against the
estate, to present them at Brownsville
within six months.
In the matter of the estate and guardian
ship of J. I). Ray. minor. J. N. Bot wick,
having been duly appninteed guardian of
the person aud estate of J. D.'Rava minor.
Otdercd that W. C. Foriu, S. T. Miller
and C. R. Charlton be appointed appraisers
to appraise the estate ot said minor.
In tlie matter of the estate of George
Hughbanks. deceased. Ordered that sale
of real property matle by Melissa Hugh
batiks. Administratrix, be confirmed ami
said Melissa Hughbanks be- authorized to
make legal assignment of the same.
In the matter of the estate and guardian
ship of Manora B. and Rosa E. Splawn.
minors. G. W. Willis petitioner to lie
a ppoluted guardian. Ordered that tlie
matter be continued to next term of Court.
. Window Stop. One of the completest
aud most effective window stops we have
seen is for sale by Frank Woods. We have
one on a window In our office, aud we de
fy any one to letdown, raise np. or in any
manner disturb the sash while the stop is
set, without breaking the sash. It's a good
-;, Attention. Stockholders in Linn En
gine Company are requested to meet MX. 7
o.clock P. M. sliarp, Monday, January 10th.
187ff, at the hall of the Co.. over Gradwohl's
store, to take action on the by-laws, etc., to
be offered on tliat evening for the govern
ment of tlie Co. Don't tail to be there.
'Mail Accommodations. Senator Mitel
ell telegraphed Mayor N. B. Humphrey.
on the 1st lust., that he had succeeded in
getting orders from the Postal Deiart input
directing that mails be carried on the ex
press train between this city ami Portland.
This will prove a great accommodation to
our people. ; ' ;
' Consolidated.- We forgot to mention.
last week, that tlie O. S. N. Co. 'and the
Willamette River Transportation Co. have
been consolidated.' Whether this union of
the two most powerful corporations in this
State will he conducive to the best lntere-fs
of tlie farmer, seem ro be a question of
considerable doubt. s -
Private School. Prof. J. L. Gilbert.
one of the best educators iu tlie Slate, will
open a private school in tlie Baptist church
on Second street, on Moii'Iay next. He de
serves and should receive a liberal patron
age from our people.
Religious. Second quarterly meeting
at St. Paul's M. E. Church South. Saturday
and Sunday, at IX and 6 o'clock. Rev.
Dr. Sktpwortl). P. EM wlltofSciate Come
out to the Ikhhc ofGoil.
Scpfer Postponed l'lie supper pro
posed to be given by Onward 1-odge, I. O.
G. T., on the 8th Inst, (to-morrow), has
been postponed to some time in the future,
on account ot so much sickness iu that
Remgiocs. A revival of religion was
progressing lat we-k at the Baptist Church,
and several conversions announced. The
interest seems to be growing during the
,,.. ..u ...rge uumuers come to
the altar for prayers. fj I
Marhied. On Gopet Rldo-e, .Tnnmry '
5th. 1S76. at the reMdenee of Dr. E. II. Grif-
fln. by Rev. S. S. Van Dersa!. Mr. Davi.l
Bailie, of Junction CAtv. nn.l Tkf- Martha
J4i"l l I li fit II V t
Cake received. Mnv i..v ami ninn nnti
prosperity attend them.
The Postmaster-General has" appointed
Thomas Frazer, of Portland, and ITarrit
son Liueville, of Buena J Vista," Oregon,
mail route agents on the special train on
the Oregon and California Railroad Irom
Portland to this city.
A vigorous advertiser wants a servant
girl thai! "fears the Lord and can carry one
cwt." This fellow is wasting his energies.
certainly, for handmaidens who can get
away with one hundred pounds are not the
kind who "fear the Lord," or anything
else, for that matter. I
Good. Tlie new Council, we suppose.
have ordered the crosswalks on First street,
scraped and cleaned off". At least the work
was done on Wednesday, to the great joy
of all pedestrians.
Our new City Marshal. F. M. Westfall.
was sworn in on Monday, and proceeded to
make an arrest Instanter. We opine hood
lums will be on their good behavior during
his term, or they wih visit the Recorder's
office often. !
First Board. The Board of Directors
for the new Libary are Messrs. Cipt. Hnm
phrey. J. R. Herren, C. E. Wolverton. F
Paxton and A. N. Arnold. The new boarl
Is to meet this evening, and elect officers.
Robbed. On the 4th inst.. the store of
D. P. Kawn. of Seio. was robbed of sever
al hundred dollars in money. Jesse Irvine.
John Morris. Mason and I. C. Tohnson. we
are informed, tracked the tnief to Jefferson.
ALMANAC. MeCoimiok's almanac tor
1S78. received. P is neatly printed and as
full of Information as it can hold. Call at
Jno. Foshay's aud obtain a copy.
The Centennial Home Insurance Co. have
is-ned a splendid almanac richly enilieli-h-ed
with engravh gs of scenes in the revolu
tionary war. They re way up.
Dangerous. We learn that Dewitt
Knox, aged 17. 'son of EMU Knox, at Knox
Bntte, is not expected to live., with typhoid
More Deaths. Mrs. Mai t. Miller, who
lives about ix miles from this i-ity. died
on v eiltietlay morning. iece:iei was
hnrii-d at the Powell bury'ing-ground Thurs
Lnter Mrs. Morris died on Thursday morn
ing, leaving nine motherless children, the
younget an .Infant of Jour A'eeks, and the
oldest but fifteen years.
Rev. J. Bowersox will preach at the
Opera House at 11 A. M. The Evangelicals
expect to occupy their new church Sunday
Quite a large number of the relations
and friends of the late Miss Conn followed
In the funeral procession to the grave on
A. C. Lay ton and lamlly have moved to
Corvallis. Gus. has taken charge ot the tin
shop up there. Sorry to lose Gu. and his
amiable wife.
Adjourned. The Teachers Institute
adjourned Dec. 30th. to meet in this t-ity
on the Tuesday preceding the first Monday
iu April next, after a profitable session.
Sad. Mr. B. II. Van Buren. of Jeffer
son, who gave birth to twins on New Years
day, died on the 4th. The babes died
few hours in advance of the mother.
We are sorry to learn that tlie youngest
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Barnes.
lck with typhoid fever, is not expected to
High old storm ot wind and rain Tues
day night. This thing is becoming rather
frequent an entire new feature In Oregon
Fever. Wally Manzey Is confined to
his room at the St. Charles with bilious fe
ver. He was reimrted better last
Meeting Itave been kept up each even
lug at the M. E. Church, and we hope
much good has resulted tht refroin.
V ATCH-MEETINO Last Friday night, at
the Methodi.t Church, was well attended,
and proved a very Interesting meeting. "
Abandoned. Tlie Old. Baptist chm-el
lias bee. i alMiuhincd. the society having
taken possession of the new church.
At .the shoj of Mr. Purdom yon can pur
chase as hairdsoine picture frames as cai
. be obtained anywhere, f
Mrs. A. B. Morris is very low, hardly
expected to recover, and her hu-liand. ei
route for tlie East, has been tplegrapned lor.
A good deal of sickness still prevailing ii
this vicinity, typhoid and other fevers.
generally. .
Lew Knyal lias moved his barber shop to
one of Dave Thompson's buildings, on First
street. -
Handsome young ladles about to get mar
ried, should secure an outfit at Mrs. S- A
John's. -
Cltarley Barnes reported slowly convales-
- dug, afitr a-severe and protracted attack
of typhokl fever. -
Pipenix. Or., Christmas, 1875.
Fbiend Van : Having promised to let
my trieuds know of my whereabouts, I
take this method of letting them know.
Started on my journey on Monday, Dec.
20th, and had a pleasant journey to Rose
burg. Next morning at 4 o'clock took the
hind seat in the. stage, for ft pleasure (?) trip
southward. And now comes in the pleas
ure, the stage pitching from one si If to the
other a3 u pi8Sed over thJ awffij road?!
compelling the passengers to cling with
m,K,,t a,,d "lai,, to ,he bpnces to keeP lheir
seats at After P""" short dls"
tiU,ee' U,? St!lge ,,aUed ancl tho VB
were P'ue.y requesieu to geC ouiana wa.K
i around the sea of mud while the stage was
draggi - d through
Some one asked how
long is thing to continue, when Jehu an
swered 'Through Umpqua." Our walk
was kept up pretty much all day, the mo
notony of our tramp, tramp, sqush, sqush,
through the deepest and blackest mud I
ever went anywhere to, being varied occas-
lonally to help Jehu right the stage, which
ever now and then, would upset In spite
of careful driving. At three o'clock the
next day we arrived at Jacksonville, all
safe aud sound but somewhat fatigued with
our stage "walk" and as muddy as can
well be imagined. Finding friends iu
Jacksonville, we concluded to stay over one
day and rest up.
Is a nice little town, with warm-hearted
'men to manage affairs. Mr. Mannliig.pres
ent Sheriff of Jackson County, is a warm
hearted man. The County Clerk Is also a
most agreeable and pleasant gentleman.
ong may they prosper.
At tne present writing we are sitting In
hotel iu
a small town, containing one store, one
hotel, balanced up with two grist mills.
We have a pleasant stopping place, aud
lo not know exactly when we shall resume
our journey ; the Sr-t opportunity that on
ers we shall seize upon to go forward. Four
passengi-rs Inside aud one out make up a
full stage load, so you see the passenger
that "lays over" takes desperate chances,
ami may not lie able to resume his trip just
when he wouUVwish. After a rest of three
lays we are anxious to "be going." but if
we make the trip in twenty days we sliall
considered ourseit in iuck. ine mountains
Iook white, ami the Syskyou rough, but to-
lay, Christmas, Is a most beautiful day.
with warm sunshine and a clear sky, and
our landlady is busving herself fixing up a
turkey, and in a half hour the writer will
be flopping his Hps over a nice Christmas
dinner turkey dinner.
This is a nice country, and it it were
favored with a railroad it would truly be
the garden spot of Oregon. As it Is. wheat
commands but 55 and 60c. as theie Is no
market but the home market, which Is
limited, of course. It is truly a very fer
tile vallev. aud will one dav lie teeming
with a busy, happy people. Then you will
see a live! v country even in the mud of
Rogtif river vallev.
When I think of the pleasant Christmas
scenes in progre at inv beautiful home,
Albany, anil what I am missing by my
ibsenee. and the further fact that I am
compelled to remain here when I would
be on myjonney, all for the want of the
necessary conveyance, it makes me almost
lioil over with lnneomene3 ! Ilowevet,
I hope to be able to get a seat In tlie stage
this evening, and proceed on my jonney
East. More anon.
Twelve marriage licenses were issued by
our polite County Clerk during last month.
Fifty-six deeds were filed for record
the County Clerk's office last mouth.
Prayermeeting at the Baptist Church
(new) this afternoon at 2 o'clock.
Housekeeping. fudge Baber and wife
have gone to housekeeping on Lyon street
Gold in New York. 112.
Greenbacks. 87SS3.
English journals still predict higher
prices tor wheat "later in the season," but
so far they don't advance worth a cent In
our markets. Prices in this city remain at
81 ley with nothing doing worth mention
Portland wheat prices remain at last
quotations, fl.fio ierl00; with a possibili
ty of obtaining $1.70 for lae lots.
San Francisco quotations show wheat at
$1.85 1.90 for shipping, with fl 90 1.95
for milling. . -i '
A larpv umnher of vessels have arrived
or are exacted shortly at Portland, which
will make business lively there for a tune,
and may add to the price ot wheat some
Xew To-Day.
Incorporated Feb. 4, 175. Capital. $20,000.
Corner First and Washington streets,
S. A. 19AWSON.
Superintendent, A. J. JOIIXSOX
m. ... k:ei,
( AaSttji
. S. A
Wholesale and Retail Dealers in
Clothing, Hardware, Crockery,
Groceries, Farm Implement
and KEacIilnery, Ac, dec. -
Also, bny and sell on commission all kinds of
v.ooas, larxetaoie rroaure, c. .
The tire iu tlie Salem Court House Tues
day afternoon did-dumage' to- the amount
of $800. ;;
Two'of Chas. Ba rue's children are Very
ill, one of them with brain fever. '-
N. Baum started for Frisco' yesterday.
Dr R. C. Hill is ver ill at lils home in
this city.
Tlie retiring City Council left f 1,300 In
the city treasury.
Kpeelal Afotiees. ,
If you want to buy the latest style
of lady's Rubber Boots, go to Jake Flelsch
ner's, on First and Broadalbln streets. 6tf
E"Cash paid for Eggs, at J. Flelscli
ner's, corner of; First aid Broadalbln
streets. .' otf
Before your Lungs begin to Fetter, stop
the cough that may otherwise destroy you,
with Hale's Honey ot Horehound and Tar.
Pike's Toothache Drops cure in one min
ute. 13
New To-Day.
Choice City Property
Sale !
THE UNDERSIGNED, wishing to emigrate,
isotfurlntf his property In Albany for rale,
consisting of a good resilience, located handy,
and near the business part of the city, wi'h two
lots, in mock 23, from mg to i ne norm on inira
street and to the west on Caltnoola. Tho lots
are enclosed by a nice picket fence, and there
a jexKi uarn nnu oiuer oui iuiiuiiiksi, uctww
clioiuA lot of bearing fruit trees and crape
vines, with a fence built between the two lota.
forming a nice litllo unrden spot, which is iu
ext rn condition for gaidening. Possession (flv
en soon after sale.
Also, a large two story wooden store ouuaing
with rooius adjoining it that are handily made
nae of ns a residence by the parties occupy Ino
the store. This property is rented very readily
at a good fair rent, it being located In the very
center of the business pori ion'of the city, with
IS feet frontage on First st rect.
Tlieanove store is occupieu oy ur. i.uit,
wlio In keeping a grocery store therein.
Any information given ai ine Rumenra m
or as he is generally known, MM. Beauli.
I STRAYED From the farm of the tmder
J signed, in Linn county, about the middle
of Angust lust, a dark bny mare, 13 bands high,
both hind feet turned in (pigeon-toed), 8 years
old the coming spring. Anyoneretnrnfngsaid
mare to ray larin, or giving lniormaiion oi ner
wnereauouiB, wui oeampiy rewamea 'y
V O III m'cT T
Dec. IK, Sw
In the Justices' Court for the Precinct of Al
bany, Linn county, Oregon.
P." W. Beeicr, plaintiff, vs. F. C. Logan, de
fendant. To F. C. Logan, defendant above named :
An order having been made by me this day.
that the service of this summons lie made upon
you by publication in the A l bant Register,
as cy law requited
In the name of the State of Oregon : You are
hercbv required to nnpear before I he ondersign-
e i. a justice oi tne reaee tor tue precinct bioiv
Sftl J, on
8th day of January ; 1876,
atone o'clock in the afternoon of said day, at
rt t '1 T .1... I n Hl I IVMnlnn. .A An
ever in a civil action the above named pmiiKllT
il 1C unm ,'i wiu U3i iv, ,u a tvuivi- ' -
who claims to recover of vou the sum of 3200.00
in u. S. goi a coin, witn lnreresi. Hereon in line
gold coin at the rate of ten per cent, nor annum
from the 141 n uay oi nvemoei, isi, as surety
niKin a certain promissoiT note which this
plaintiff Jointly and severally executed with
defendant to one Martin Railcv or order and
for defendant's accommodation, which note
said plaintiff has been compelled to ray and
busnaid in full. And also the farther sum of
17.2 with interest thereon at the rate of ten
percent, per annum from July 13ih, 1875. upon
a certain promissory note, made by said defend
ant in favoi of plaintiff, and now owned and
held !v nlaintiff. as ner complaint on file.
l'ha defendant w ill lake notice that if he falls
to appear and answer tho said complaint, I be
plaintiff will take judgment axinst him for the
sum of t3O0.ti0 in U. S. eold coin, with Interest
thereon tn like gold coin from the 14th of No
vember, 1874. at the rate of ten per cent, per an
num, also the further sum of $17.21. with Inter
est thereon Irom the 13th dav of July. 1875. at
the rate of ten per cent, per annum, together
wu n i ne costs ana aisuursmeuis of iota action
to be taxed.
tiiven under my hand this 15th day of Novem
ber, 187.".. JOSEPH HANSON,
aov. 19, lSJj-uvate justice ot tne l-eace.
Bell & Parker,
(Successors to R. C. mil A Son)
XTave removed their stock
. Perfumery,
Toilet CJooda,
Cigars &. Tobacco,
Paints, .
To Fxoman's New Brick Block,
North side of First, between Washing-ton and
e erry streets, wuere tnev wm seep a
Large and Full Assortment of Goods
in their line, ordered direct from
San Francisco and tlie East,
and feel confident In tne assertion that they
can perfectly satisfy all who call npon them.
uotn as to
Call at onr new store and be convinced of the
trnih of t he above statements.
Particular attention will be given to the com
pounding of physician's proscriptions and fam
ily recipes, at an nours oi tne oayor tuxnt.
Successors to R. C. liUJ. Sow.
Alban y. October 29, Ti-n6tf
Just Received
Zlignest Market Price,4.
.In exchange, tor all kinds of -
IMerchan table Produce H
Exchange Ofnce,
check at sight. . , : . ,
Interest allowed on time deposits In coin.
Kxchange on Portland, San Francisco;
and New YOrk,-for sale at loweat rate.
Collections made and promptly retnittea.
Kefers to IL W. Corbett, Henry Failing,
Baijkina; hours from S X. M. to 4 p: Ji.
" Albany, Feb. 1, 1871-2v
Attorney aiid Counselor at Irftw,
in the 2d, 3d and 4th Judicial Dis
tricts tn the Supreme Court of Oregon,
and In .he U, S. pUtrlct and Circuit Court.
OFFICE In Parrish brick, (up stairs), in
otnue occupied by the late N. H. Cranor,
First street, Albany, Oregon. . torC
bay tree. Thankful for past favors,
and wlshlnz to merit the continuance pt
the same, the BAY TEAM will always be
ready, and easily fonnd, to do any haultna;
within the city limits, for a reasonable
cotnpennal ion. C3TI ellvery of 1
t Specialty. A. N. ARNOLD,
gov 5 Proprietor.
Albany Book Store.
School Books, Blank Books, Stationery
Fancy Articles, Ac.
Books imported to order, at shortest pos
sible notice. T5nS
Medical College of New York, late
member of Bellevien H spital Medical Col
lege. New York. OFKioe-In A. Carothers
A Co.'s drag store, Albany, Oregon.
Groceries, Provisions,
Tobareo, Clicara, Cattery Crock
ery, and Wood 4c Willow Ware,
g" Cull and ee him. Urt
- Dealers in-
All the popular
and Toilet! fiood.
Particular care and promptness given
Physicians' prescriptions anu r amuy lire
Albany, Oregon-v5
lYIctslGi? Cliait
Can be bad at the following places :
Ilarrlsbnrjr May
Junction City Smith A Biwneld
Brownsville.... Kirk ft Hutn
llalsey J. M. Morgan
Scio J- J- Bniwii
Albanv Graf & Colin
A full supply can also bo obtained at tn
old snop on r irst atreer, aiwiny, wrriuu
Piles I Files T
V Y troublesome comolalnt cannot be
cured, when so many evidences of succcs
mttrut oe piacca oeiore you ererv uuy
c.uns of snnnosed houeless ea3es? ovtr
physician informs you that tbe longeryon
niinw thn MninlAint to exist, vou lessen
your chances for relief. Sxperienre htit
auffru nil tn w cores.
A. Carothers 6c Co.'s Pile Pills and
are all they are recommended to be. ' trill
euro Chronic, Blind and Bleeding Piles in
a very snort timo ana are eonvenwro io use.
This preparation is sent by mail or ex
press to any point within the United States
At tl 50 per package.
Address. aTcAROTIIERS A CO..
17 -5 Box 83, Albany, Oregon.
The Eugene firemen are making ar
rangements for a grand ball at Lane's
Hall oo Christmas eve.
Hsilsioa Iloaders, ( Wood's Improved.)
CositllsursTa IstdlaiaFarsM WKS)i
- Tbe Itassel sisjsl Tlhrsttos Tbreaitera,
- (best machines on the coast.
Wtstseessnisi Foreefecd Prill.
- Htxur Plow, and"' otber
Call. see. and" eet price and terms before buvinr
elsewhere, at my Blacksmith Shop, corner Soc-
sna Aiwwonn su., aiu&ht, iirrgon.
Chemical Paint,
boo Aomaa 2
JLarsje and Valuable Tract ol
Farming- Land for Sale.-
THREE HUNDRED ACRES Of pldw land, 00
of which is rich bottom land. On theprem
Imm are fair buildimra, honso, barn, grarmry,
slieds.ete.; also pood bearina; orfchard of fruit
treca- S00 acres of tho very beat imwtnre land :
60 acres of timber land, ash and: jftaole. the host
of farminic land wlicn cleared. A n evor fivtli"'
stream of water rwosthrooirh tho farm.. There
ia also a spioncrid quarry of limorouk on the
ptaoe, pronounced by experts A 1 rocic. four
iinndrad acres r tmtter fence. It is onr of t be
most dOKirable arid ohiwneat farms in Dons;la
count v. Jfi'ing I Si miles from the O. AC. ndlroan
at Oakh d. ror iarUculars a to price, .. ft enro, M
he is bow settled in his - , -
as large a stock of -
Stores and Hanges
ascanbefottndin any one nouso' this side of
Portland, and at as
Castiron, Brain deEsmmeled
in great rarfety. Also,-
Tin2, ' '
Sheet Iron,
Galvanized Iron,
aud f
alwars on hand, and txuide to order,-AT IJV.
Albany, October 83, 18T5-8
Here's the Place : -
Has received and Is Offering ror saie a weu .--ted
stock of
Whick he is determined to sell v
C a s h , or Mercnantaple Prodnce !
Please give me a call, and examine''
Goods and Prices
m. U. LAlBTOS.
Lebanon, Or. - UxT
Warranted to give Satisfactions
Call at the Drug Store of
BELL &. PItlillilUC
First street, Albany, Oregon, and see Testimo
nials it h regard to tne
' -OF THE-
rubber 'Paint,
Snlrl Itrr tlin fro linn r.lilv. It is nut uoreii'lv for
use in cans of 1 and o'tpillons ; also in 5 gallon
wooden paiis and barrels.- Call and sec iu
PROMPT Delivery, at Living
HAVING bought out th'o delivsry business of
.Mr. Lewis Si imsonFbeK leave to Announce to
ne citizens and bnsiness men of AHiany, that
; iiave on the streets an express and Job wasron
and will be happy to nerve all who may give
me a call.
All orders will be promptly Attended to at
reasonable rates. .
Orders may be left at the Drug Store of Bell A
Ayer's Cncrrjr Pectoral,
For Dtscaae of the Throat and Lan-,'
saeli mm t'oua-tia, Colds, M hooping
Coiig-b, Sronebltta Awtliiuaisi aud
t'SBMUssti n.
The few composf
tlons, whtcli'have won
the confidence of man
kind and become
honseliold words,
among not only one
but many nations.
must have extraordi
nary irtucs. Perhaps,'
, ninool
i " J f 80'
z or 1
noons ever secured
wide a reputation.
maintained it so
ar as AVER'S
has been ktipwn to tho
nublio for about forty
years, by a tang continued scries of rosrvellous
cures, that have won for it a confidence In Its
virtues, never equalled by any other mt-dlcine.
Itstlll makes tne most etfectnal cures of
OMplu, Cbku, Vowumptirm, that tun be tnado
by medical skill. Indeed! he CaesRY Pectoral.
nas reaiiy roouea inese aangerous aiscases oi
their terrors, to a great extent, and given a
feeling of lmmnnity from tlielr fatal effect ,
tliat is well founded, ir the remedy be taken, in'
season. Every family should have It in their'
closet for the ready and piompt rellel of its
meraoera. oiCKness, suuerinK-, anu even me is
saved by this timely protection.- Tito prudenC
should not neglect it, and the wise will not.-
Keep it oy you lor tne protect ion it asorua oy
ita timely use in snddrti attacks;
Br. JT. r. AYR JtT-si-O., Eowell, Maa.y
Practical and Analytical Chemists.
f33"-fSold by all . Druggists aud Dcalears lo
Medicine. . - 8v7y
Arer's Hair TifforV
For Rea&orlnsr Grmy Hair to lie Natural'
Vlbatlty and Col r.
Advancing years
sickness, care, diiwp,
S ointment, and
creditary predis
position, all turn t ho
hair frrav.and either
of them incline it to
shed prematurely.
OR, by long and ex
tensive nse, hair
nrovon thttt it stops
V hefalllngof tbehair
Virnmediaicly ; oftn
i'ronoa-s tho erowth.
an. I always surely
'- nitomi its color.
when taded
or gray.
It stimulates tho nu
tritive nnan to hcaltv activity, and pre
serves both tho bair and Its beauty; Thus
brashy, weak or sickly hair becomes giosny,
pliable and strenirthencd : lost hair rcxrotuff
wih lively expression : falling liatrMchecked
and atablished; thin hairthickenst and faded
or era v bnlr resumotheir original color. lis
operation is snreand barml. It cures dan
druff, heals all humors, and keeps the scalp
cool, clean and snO'-under whtch conditions,
diwauws of t he scalp ar ImiNwaible.
Asadresslng for ladies' hair, the VIGOR is
praised for its grateful and asrreeahl per
fume, and valued for the soft lustreand riob-'
new of tone It imparts.
Or: JT. c. AYEH Co.. low ell, 6laaa.,
Fraotloal and Analytical Chemists.
Car Sold by all Druggists and Dcniers in
Meuicine.' 8v7y
OVT.-A Ke given in Arril. J.
A '
AH-i j.jiia Barrel froia paring tte . i . t
" AlbanytOr.,Nor.5, igT3.- -