The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, January 07, 1876, Image 2

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s TlicY. Y. Advocate ot December lGthy
gives tlie following account of the death of
Kkv. John Van Clkve, D. D., the father
... of the editor oi the Register, in the city
of New York, on the eveuing of December
7th, 1S75:
Rev. John Van Cleye. D. D., of the
Southern IUinoise Conference, died In this
city on Tuesday evening of last week, Dec.
7. IIs was a member of the General Mis
sionary Committee, and came to this city,
accompanied by his wife, in time for the
lalo session, which began Nov. 10. He
was present but a single day, alter which a
most distressing maladv confined him to
the house, and for the mo&t part to his bed.
He was the guest of Gilbert Oakley, Esq.,
who, with the family, were unremitting in
13 attentions to the venerable sufferer..
By the morning of the seventeenth his diss,
ease had put on an alarming aspect, and
no ordinary instrumentality : could give
relief. The attending physician, as the
- only hope ot saving his lite, required that
he should at once be removed to St. Luke's
Hospital, so that sufficient surgical aid
could be had and the attendance of skilled
nurses secured. Dr. Keid, one of the
Missionary Secretaries, accordingly made
arrangements, and lie was conveyed there
in a carriage. In the course of the day
relief was found, but it was only of brief
duration. The disease raged on till it de
prived him ot lite. ,
He evidently anticipated a fatal termina
tion, and spoke of it with composure. As
the time approached he sank into a stupor,
from which he never roused, and may em
phatically be said to have fallen asleep in
Bishop Janes and Dr. Keid conducted
funeral services at the hospital, in presence
of Dr. Nelson and several city pastors and
friends. Dr. Dnsliiell had not yet returned
from North New York. The remains, ac
companied by his widow and grandson,
were taken on the evening train (Pennsyl
vania Railroad) of December 8. for his
home in Carlisle, 111. nc is to be interred
at Alton".
At the hospital tie bad a pleasant room,
and the best medical and other attendance,
and his wife spent each day with Iter afflict
ed husband. To the officers of the institu
tion a debt of gratitude is due - tor their
many kind attentions.
Father was in his seventy-second year,
and had been connected with the M. ,13.
Church for more than sixty years. For
over half a century he had preached ;a.
greater portion of the time in Illinois) tlie
.unsearchable riches of Christ, and when
death called him he was engaged in the
work of his Master, having been appointed
by the last Illinois Annual Conference to
the charge at Carlisle, Ills. After so long
a period devoted to preaching the Word
and faithfully working for the Master, he
goes to his reward, without spot or blemish
to tarnish his fair name, known and loved
by hosts of people for his great charity,
deep piety, faithfulness in the discharge of
- all his duties as a christian and 'a citizen,
and the nobleness of soul which character
ized his every act and deed. . He died poor
indeed in this world's goods, but he leaves
legacy of far more worth to his - children
but two of whom are left to keep sacred
liis memory than diamonds or gold; a
.; legacy rich iu good deeds, in kind -words
fitly spoken, in a character unspotted and
He made a good fight, bo won the race,
and ho has gone to his exceeding great re
ward. '
JLetter from n Subscriber In michisra a.
Ann Arboh, Mich., Dec. 17th, 1875.
Emtoe Register: Peiliaps av word to
your columns from this part of the world
would not be out of place. lean imagine
you people on the sunny side of the Rocky
Mountains, beneath an Italian Sky, In the
enjoyment of a temperate climate. It is
far otherwise with me whose bones were
reared. in the genial climate of an Oregon.
With us the lime has gone by when, while
only the pale-faced moon with Iialf-hidden
face looks down upon the scene, the wing
ed boy flits above the gate urging the con
test of lovers. Yes, tbo inclemency of the
weather has driven such contestants from
their strongholds. Altliongh it Is not as
cold as we expect it will be, it seems to be
cold enough for all practical purposes. Ice
cutting, however, must be excepted, " for
we must have Ice, else the heat of our sura
' mers would be almost unendurable. The
extremes of temperature in this State are
very great; also in Ohio and Illiuois, as I
can testify by experience, r
Farming implements In . these States,
and the facilities for agriculture, excepting
corn culture in Illinois, are far inferior to
that of Oregon and California. In Illinois,
last season, ; we were a little afraid the
grasshoppers would niake a raid on ns, but
fortunately the embryo grasshopper irn
providently left its parental roof iu Kansas
' en twite tor Illinois, and was caught out in
the late Spring rains without umbrella or
waterproof, thus contracting: a fatal nut
monary complaint; so he did not reach us.
, and crops would have been good had they
. not oecn nrowneu out uuring tnc bummer.
We nave many fine, substantial buildings.
but a great number of mere excuses. In
Ohio I will venture there can bo found
,-more log houses, bedaubed with mud, in
a single county than you would find in all
Oregon. . I , had a, chance, to investigate
some oi mem, lor in teaching 1 -cos rued
around" one term there. Men will live a
: v wSiC3; ii'f 'ur.e and raise a family ot chil
dren i. tit i, let them grow up In log
I,:-, -jst i as uregon rail-spatters iive In
I'C " 1 Lore can hardlv form a conco-
t;--"iti r-Oif Oregon and her people. I
' vm r:.tia aioiseu the other day in t!e
-refill, at
a person who, learning
Orezon. asked what kind
f t ec .a bred there. - He looked ns if he
tho..: t they rti.l not coma within the five
races. I replied tliey are just such people
a? they rre hrr. I was almo?t tempted
to reply that they see with their eyes, hear
by means of ear, talk with tongues, feel
with their finders and live, in houses. I
told him of Oregon's grand scenery, de
lightful climate and productive resources;
that she had lcr school-houses and her
churches; that a jcr!on there in looking
upwards seems to be in the middle of tlie
world, just as much as if lie were at Boston,
"the hub." about which, to a Bostoniau,
all else seems to revolve. -With eyes of
wonder and amazement at these revelation,
he expiessed a desire to see that country,
ar.d as the Professor rose for lecture, ex
pressing a dsire for a further interview, lie
withdrew to hi seat.
Is a part of tlie public educational system
ot the Suite, and consists of three depart
ments. Literature, Science and the Arts;
Law mid-Medical. The buildings are
large and substantial. Besides the Art
gallery, the Geological. Zoological and
Botanical rooms all are well supplied with
scientific specimens. The Astronomical
Observatory is quite an interesting feature,
in charge of Prof. Watson, who was sent
bv the United States to Pekin to observe
the transit of Venus. The Professor has
also made some very valuable discoveries
in the stellar regions. The law depart
ment, of which I am a member, furnishes
excellent facilities for reducing Blackstone
premises to their logical conclusions. There
are about 350 students iu this department,
nearly every State being represerted.
Oregon has two representatives, Mr. Mich
ell, "ot .Portland, and myself. ..California
lias four, so you see thete six of ns who
have seen I lie- western sun dip his fiery
disk into the blue ' waters of the Pacific.
We have two members from Salt Lake
City, one a son of old Brigham: It seems
a little hard, for them to digest the doctrine
of Domestic Relations as laid down by our
American common iaw and statutes.
The University is open tor any others
who may desire to avail themselves of her
It is now reported that Charlie Ross
lias been found at St. Albans, Vt. We
arc in Lopes, this time, that the report
may prove true.
Making counterfeit nicke's in the
Ohio penitentiary by a party of convicts
is the latest thing in extraordinary rogu
ery. And they do say that bogus green
backs have also been made there.
Tlie National Republican Committee
wi'l meet at the Arlington House, Wash
ington City, on the 13th inst., to lix the
time and "place ot holding the conven
tion to nominate candidates tor Presi
dent and Vice President. Tlie proceed
ings of the Committee will be ot unusual
interest on the occasion.
It is stated that the President lias
been snbpcenajd to testify in the St.
Louis whisky prosecutions.; The mins
nalness of such a proceeding will invest
the whole matter with extraordinary in
terest to the people of the United States,
should the statement prove true. The
whole story ,l;, may prove a hoax.
Dr. Robinson, of Port Jervis, N. Y.,
alter twenty years stndy, believes he has
discovered the right way to construct a
flying machine that will make headway
through the air at the rate of 100 miles
per honr. The motive power will be
steam, and he proposes to go to the
Centennial in a flying machine.
Boss Tweed is supposed to be secure
ly hid in New York city, and expects to
so remain nntil he can effect a settlement
of all his difficulties, and left free to 550
and cme where he chooses. lie threat
ens, if not settled with soon, to make
disclosures that will "set up" a number
of persons, high in official and social
positions, who participated with him in
his huge thieving operations. ;
A special from Fort Sully states that
a party of miners have formed a supply
depot near old Fort Pierre, on the Mis
souri river, and are constantly in com
munication with the camps on the Black
Hills. They claim to have found a nev
route by which the hills are reached in
one hundred miles travel over an easy
road. Their messengers make, the trip
in two days.
The managers of the Pacific Railroad
Company expect soon to raise funds suf
ficient to finish their road, to tho Yel
lowstone, a distance ot about S00 miles
from Bismarck, the present terminus.
The people of Montana propose to build
the road from that point to Helena, the
center of the mining region. It is as
serted that tho road will "then pay a
handsome proGt, and there will be no
difficulty in completing tho rest ot the
contemplated line. ih -
Hosing, the manager of the Chicago
Zeitung and leader of the Independents
in that city, has been arrested for con
spiracy to defraud the revenue and plac
ed under "525,000 bill. Another case of
crooked whisky...
m . . .
Thirteen persons were poisoned at a
Christmas Dinner in Baton Rogue by a
colored man and woman. They were
put in jail, bat a party 'of armed men
took them out and hanged the woman,
and what they did with the man is not
known. ; 1
Chip. Thomason, a tight-rope per
former, was fatally injured last Friday
by a fall from bivrope, while performing
in Alexandria, Ya. A good many met
their death during the year by a rope
and a fall on Friday, bat his was not
one of that sort, poor fellow.
The Catholic Bishop ot Gresen and
Posen is in prison for violation ot the
German Ecclesiastical laws.
The German Government is quietly
conciliating the Catholfo clergy.
The French Assembly has adjourned
to meet March 8th. . Thiers will sit in
the next Chamber of Deputies.
Spain has assured the European pow
ers that all the just demands of Cuba
t-hall be satisfied.
The road across Cowichau Flats has
been gullied by high water, and is now
impassable-for teams.
The disabled soldiers removed from
places in the Iloase of Representatives
have been, provided with other places by
the President. - ; . r
Five ministers and ten churches will
pit in deliberation and judgment on Mrs
Moulton's case with Plymouth Church,
Jan. 17th. ' ' '
Tlie gambling houses of Columbus,
'Ohio '.were c'osed by the police last
Friday. . They will gamble all the more
in secret session there. I
The Colored Republican of the Dis
trict of Columbia have declared in favor
of Grant for a third term. Residents of
tlie Districts cannot vote for President.
Romaine Dillon shot and killed M.'
Dilleher, a wealthy liquor merchant of
New York, Friday eveuing, without
cause. He is in prison.
J. II. Frothingham,. a clerk in the
Boston Postoffice, is held to answer for
the embezzlement ot 66,000 worth of
stamps. j
It is feared that at last A. H. Steph
ens of Georgia will soon die. j lie is ot
that opinion himself. How he has liv
ed so long is the wonder. I
Friday night some bold thieves man
aged to chloroform the persons in charge
ot the rich jewelry store of I Benedict
Bros, in Xew York, and stole $25,000
worth of diamonds and jewelry.
A laconic letter from a lady to her
husband: "I write yon ljeeause I have
nothing to- do. I conclude because I
have nothing to sav." .
. Oreek Models for If M.sbaiiI. -
Here is, indeed, in one respect the "pro
mised laud" for the women, for mure de
votee husbands women never hadfwri es
a correspondent from Greece), A Greek
man is only content when he can lavish
npon his wife all the luxuries in the way
of dress the female heart can desire. He
is only happy when, iu company with
his wile, iu the house, iu the street, or
on the promenade, she is the b&t dress
ed of all the fair. With the Greek
husband there is no grumbling consent
to bestow upon you enough to buy a
pair of boots, while he spends ten times
that amount with his friends in cham
pagne snppers ; no long-drawn visage as
he doles out a stingy sum 'while deliver
ing a solemn lecture as to female extrav
agance, Not a bit of it. ' On the con
trary, the Greek husband does not lead
his wife through by-streets, for fear of
silkmercers, when she wishes to go out
for a little walk. . He leads her past the
most fashionable shops, and -observes,
with the eye of a criiic, all the new styles
and is really, ladies really and truly
willing to spend his moiiey for his
own wile. Even for fear she should not
be considered as lovely as one else
he goes to a perfumer's and . buys cold
cream, rice powders, delicate pink, for
cheeks a little blanched by the stern
realities of motherhood ; he buys a little
black for eyelashes, to brighten eyes that
have become somewhat dimmed by tears,
perhaps or. vigils over sickly , babies,
and he not' only gives his full and free
consent to their ose, but! he himself will
artistically apply them, and afterward
compliment his wife npon her beauty,
till her head swells with love that he
knows so well how to retain, fresh as
when the first vows wero plighted.
Yes, of a verity, tho Greeks are bad
men, but good husbands aud . tender
fathers. -. ,
Paaitto Elopers.
A farm on the Coquillo was sold last
week for $3,500 cbinj j- --r-'i;;
A good deal ot real estate is changing
hands in Polk county at very fair price.
A break in the dam of the Eugene
mills has caused them to susjiend oper
ations. i "'-'
One side of Skinner's Butte, in Lane
county, slid off during the heavy rains
last week.
One hundred and fifty-three pupils
were enrolled ia LaCreole Academy
last year, with an average attendance
ot 120.
An Indian turned cannibal at Coos
Bay last week and undertook to make
a meal off his quaw. Tlie sheriff now
feeds him at the expense of the county,
" There was a magnificent Christmas
tree at Newport, tJooa coiintyr on the
evening of the 24th ult., in O. K. Hall,
there being about $800 worth of presents
on the tree. '
- Oakland folks had a grand time New
Year's day. ; The Grangers nad a pub
lic installation and j' a dinner, rim the
Daughters of Rebekah an installation
and supper.
Baron E. De RoUichild made a stay
of a week in Denver, on his way East
last month
Salt Lakers have over $400,000 in
vested in stocks of the great bonanza
mines. - ,';
One hundred Indian boys and girls
attend the Sunday-school on the Sko
komish reservation.
The ship Coquimbo has been hove
down at Port Madison, aud the carpen
ters have commenced work repairing
her.- -:... .
Last month 2,088,329 potinds of
bullion, and 2,472,458 pounds of silver
ore were shipped over tlflB Utah (South
ern railroad. ; "
The Snohomish county commissioners
intend opening a road from Snohomish
CT m
City VO the head OI Lake VV ashmgton
a distance ot twelve mi'es.
A. letter from Clatskanine, dated
December i 31st, saye: "Heavy rain
ptorm for two days past. All streams
out of their banks. Water higuer than
has been tor 20 years."
An Eastern gentleman" wlio has beeii
visiting Salt Lake, returned home, the
other day, taking with him an Endow
ment suit tor exhibition at the Centen
nial.! V
The Russian bark JPalaiae, loaded at
Port Blakely, has gone to sea. She is
bound for Valparaiso and South Amer
ica ports. Her crew is 6hort three men
and a cook.
Mr. E. Tj. Willey, of Mason county,
has been appointed by the governor ot
Washington Territory as trustee of tho
insaiie asylum, in place of Hon. J. W.
Brazee, dec'ined.
A big , fat fellow was arrested at
Ogden, the other day, for Tweed.
When his twenty-four wives and fifty
five children stepped up and all swore
at once that he wasn't the man, the
officer let him go.
The bark Oak J7i'7has been agroutxl
twice, once at Point-wo-Point and again
at Marrow-stone Point. She was towed
into Port Blakely with her cargo badly
damaged. She will be repaired at that
Sheriff Billings left Olympia by
steamer, on Sunday 'night, for New
Westminster, to bring the runaway
convict, Dabney Jones, back to his old
quarters. Ili3 term of imprisonment at
New Westminster for larceny, commit
ted there since his escape, has expired.
The steamer City of ' Salem reached
Eugene last week for the first time.
Pendleton wants a druggist, shoe
maker, watchmaker, furniture dealer
and bath honse.
There is but little snow on the Blue
Mountains at this time and all are pie
dicting a nn'd winter.
A man named McDermott is in jail
in Yamhill county for burglary aid
want of bail money.
"'here is considerable talk of remov
ing the Umatilla Peserv: tion fir setile
ment, by removing the Indians.
Bridges and culverts in various por
tions of Jackson county have been swept
away, and travel is somewhat precari
ous. -. '
Owing to the failure recently ot Phil
lips A Chandler, cattle dealers of San
Francisco, J. A. Card well, of Jackson,
ville, lost about $1,200.
Tlie miners of Southern Oregon now
have plenty of water and they aye very
busy. , There is a good chapce for
money to be a little more plentiful
there next spring than for two years
Under the present law the various
Road Supervisors are required to hand
in tliTr vprwiTta ot tli lonnom tnvm rP'
, . .. t . ... .,....., .. .,.
the County Commissioners7 Court, in
stead of at the February term, as form
erly. Thecity government ot Walla Walla,
according to the Statesman, -s not a
very huge financial a flair. That paper
says: .-; "Under the amended city charter
after paying the interest, on the public
debt, the city, has an income of abont
$90 a month, to devote to fire and
police pnr poses. ? Tt is proposed to di
vide this revenue equally between the
fire and police, which will give $45 a
month to the engineer and $22 50 to
each of the policemen " , 1
The members of the Lewis River
( W. T. ) Orange have just completed
their new hall, located near the resi
dence of John Bozarth. The hall is
designed for the social convenience ot
the Granger, their families and friends,
and was dedicated on Christmas eve
by a ball of a most enjoyable character.
j Parlies who are wintering stock on
tlie noi th side ot Snake river state that
the cattle never looked better, and that
they are in fine condition to stand any
severe weather, such as is common in
the months of January and February,
- Hon. O. Jacobs, delegate in Congress
from Washington Territory, has intro
duced memorials a --king the opening of
tlie -? Columbia river and the establish
ment of a laud office at Colfax, Whit
man county.
Prices for. wheat at ' Walla Walla
range from 5b to CO cents per bushel,
J and but fev? sales aie taking place.
Jnst ices' Conrt for tlio Precinct of Selo, In the
county of Linn, Ssate of Oregon.
A. J. llouston, plaintiff, vs. F. C. Logan, d&
fcmlani. To F. C. Losan, the above named defendant :
In tlie name of tlie Stale of Oregon ; You are
bereliy required loanjiearlx-fore the undersign
ed, a Justice of the l'eace lor the precinct afore
said, on tho 81st. tiny of January, 1S76, at 10
o'clock In the foi-ention of said day, at the ofHee
of iid Justice in mid precinct, to answer the
aio e named plaiiit iti in a civil action. Thede
tendant will take notice that if be fails to an
swer the complaint herein, the plaintin will
take-judgment asrainut yon for the sum of $-212
97, besMeseostManddiabnratnentPOl theaction.
The order that the summons in said action be
served by publication, bears date the 15th day
of Decemler, 1873.
Given under mv hand this 15th dav of Decem
ber, 1875. B. W. REOMAN, Sen.,
13wtdecl7 Justice of the Peace.
Ouardian-a Kale of Heal Etttate.
PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby Riven that, bv
virt tie of an order made by the County Conrt
trifliin anil for the ponnt v ot l.ltin. Rlatti of tlr.
eon. on the 8th day of December, 1873, in the
matter of the estate and guardianship ot Sarah
Joik-s. an insane person, I, t he undersiitneu
suar linn of the person aud estate of said Sarah
I Jones, will, on
Monday Vie Zlth day of January, 1876,
at the Court Honse door in tlie city of Albany,
in said county of l.lnn, at tlie hour of 1 o'clock
in the evening of that day, oiler for sale at pub
lic auction, the followiiig'described real estate,
The undivided one-third of the east half of the
donation c!uim of David Jones and wife, beinjr
notification No. 1157,111 township No. 11 south
o' ranpee No. one and two west, containing in
all 160 2M00 acres, situate in said county of Said real eataifl will be sold for sold
coin, onckaif to ho paid down on the day of
sale, and the remaii::ler in six months, secured
by uiortKnjje on the premise.
11. S. ItoBETlTS, Guardian.
S. A. Ioiiss, Aity for Guardian.
Dec. 24, 1875-4wHy8
Land Sale.
"VTOTICE is hereby given that in pursu
,'ince of a decree of the Circuit Court
of the State of Oregon for the county of
Linn, made ami entered of record at the
October term of said Court, in the year A.
D. 1875. In a suit therein pending wherein
Ludlow Maxwell et al. were plaintiffs and
Klia Maxwell et al. were .defendants, ap
pointing me, the undersigned, sole referee
to sell the following described real proper
ty, to-wit : The west halt of the donation
liind chum of Ludlow Mnxwell and Delilah
Maxwell. hU wife, known and designated
on the plats and surveys of the United
States on tile iu the land office at. Oregon
City, Oregon, as Notification No. 1.177 and
claim No- 43. situated iu Linn county, Or
eijoii. and hounded as follows, to-wlt: Be
ginning at a point. 5.5'.) chains north ot the
southeast, corner ot section 7 iu township 11
south ot rrnge 2 west, running thence north
79 20 ean 57.40 chains, thence north 0a
43". wet 20.00 chains; thence north 89C12Y
ent 51.13 chains thence north 0 40'. west
40.04 chains; thence sonth 89 17'. west
124.90 chains ; thence south u 40 east 60.
07 chains; thence north 20', east 13.(50
chain to the place of beginning, cotitaiu
ing 042.79 acres.
And whereas, on tlie 11th day of Deeeni
!er. A. D. 1S75. a voniini-sion was duly
issued out f said Conrt dm-cfiiig me to sell
said premises, hy virtue of sail! decree and
commission. I will, therefore, on the
loth day of January A. D. 1S75,
as such referee, sell at public auction, to
the highest bidder, the said real projierty,
at the Conrt ilonse door, in Linn comity,
Oregon, on s.Vtd day. between the hours ot
9 o'clock A. M. and 4 o'clock P. M-, to-wit-,
at the hour of 2 o'clock T. M., in two par
cels tf ISO acres each.
Terms of Sale Gold coin of tlie United
State, one-half down on the day of sale,
and the balance to lit paid in one year from
the day of sale, with interest at ten er
cent. wr annum in like coin, secured by
mortgage on the prmise.
M. H. W ILDS, Keferee.
I'OWEI.L & Flikn, Attvs. 14td
Pure and Fresh
Toilet Articles,
K5-Prescriptions carefully Ailed. 8 15
NOTICE is lierehv siven that in pttsnnnce of
a decree of the Circuit. Cour of t he Slate of
Oregon, for the county ot I,inn, mide and en
tered of record at t be October terui of said court
in tlie vear 1875, in asuit therein pen Unit where
H. A. lloi?ue et al. were plaintiffs, and C. P.
Hojueetal., were defendants, appointing me.
the undersigned, sole referee to sell tho follow
ing doscrilied real estate, to-wi: :
First tnut of land described as follows:
CommencinK at a point sixly rods south of the
N is, corner of section 1 i n Tp 13 S of range 4 west
.i tho Willamette nteridian. in Linn county.
Oregon, thence south to a iioint 2 rods south of
l lie son. must corner ot me j r. . oi sec ion i
in To 13 S of B 4 W of the-Wtilauiette meridian.
in Linn county, Oregon thence in anonhwest
rlv direction io a point on the open s!ction line
68 rods we-t of tho S E corner of the N K if of
section 1 above described, thence west to the 8
W corner of t he N K It ot section 1 above des
cribed, thence nonh lotheN W corner of the
N K of sectionlabovedescrilied, thence north
Wr)). t,eneo east r0 rods, thence south 10J
rods, thence east 110 rods to the place of begin
ning, saving and reserving from the tract above
descrilied asiripof land in thesouthwest corner
t liercot, coniaining aiKiut n. nciesanu aenueu
bvJtttne P. Ho 'ue to Benjamin Brattai i on
the Hth day of Otiolier, and duly re rded
in book F ot the ltecordsof Deeds in Llmi coun
tv, uragon.on page 730 thcitof, on tho 12: h day
o"f tlciolier, li6. The tract lo lie sold as above
described contains 128 acres, more or less.
fivond The north Sot tneSW a of section
3(5 in Tp 12 soul li of rane 4 west of the Willam
ette meridian, in Linn counly, Oregon, contain
ing 80 acres.
Third Tho south X of the S W If of section 3fi
in Tp 12 S of range 4 west of t lie Willamette me
ridian, in Linn county, Oregon, together with
the 8 E M of the S E If of section &j in Tp 12
south of rnnge-4 we:t ot t lie Willamette merid
ian, in Linn county. Oregon, containing 120
KuHh The east K of the N E V.andotsS
and 4 of section 2, in Tp 13 south of range 4 west
of tlie yillanictte meridian, containing 120
66.100 acres. ....
fifth Tho south J4 of lots 5 and 6, In block
So. 14, in the cily of Albany, in Linn county.
iVMrnn a rlc-ri 1 Wll Ml IllA rtltLt Ot SAid CitY On
file in the oillee of the County Clerk-of J
connty, Oregon
And wheivss a commission wasissned out of
said Court, nndcr the seal thereof, directing me
to sell said premises, by virtue of said decree
and commission, 1 will, as such Keferee, sell to
the highest bidder, at the Court House door, in
Ltnn county, Oregon, on the .
ItHb day ot JnnnnrT, 1878,
between the hours of one (1) and four (4) o'clock
P. M. of said day , t he real proper! y above des-
criijeu, in mu tmiccisas uuiin uescriiieu. .
Terms or Sale iold coin, cash in hand.
December 10, 1875. Betereo.
5Ioncy to Loan!!!
To parties purchasing the farming lands des.
crilied above, which are to be sold at public ven
due, at the Court House door in AHariy. on 8a. t
urday the lth day of January, W78;
If yon want a splendid farm, uow is your op
If you only want a snng, cosey little home,
now Is vonr onnortunit v.
One of the best farms in Linn connty to be
sold in nsrcels.-
Half a dozen men can now secure homes lor
themselves and famines, wlto a very smalt
aiitnnnl nf rpflilv mnnftv.
The undersigned, together with other parties
Interested in this property, propose to advance
oi loan money on long time to the parties who
may purchase the above descriled farming
lands, on notes secured by mortgage on the
land purchased, to the amount of three-fourths
C fc) of the purchase price, and will be in attend
ance on the dav of sale, rcarty to back the pur
c.hnHors to Miv amoii"!. on these terms.
Although the terms of the Keferee' sale are
cash, it will be seen at once that parties desiring
to purchase will not necessarily be required to
have more than one-fourth (if I of the purehna
ing price available.
For any furl her Information call on or address
me at neaa, vwgon- tr. nvmjxt.
Iec. 10, 175-liwt
Furniture Rooms.
Bess leave to announce to the citizens of this
city and surrounding country, that lie has open
ed a large stock of
in the hnlldltij? lately occupied by Dr. Plum
mer's drujr store, on First street, where can be
had, on most reasonable terms,
IrIor Sets,
Bedroom Suits. .
- Sofas,
Lounges, -Easy
Center Tables,
"-.' Desks,
;' Safes,
and in fact everything- else needed to
My goods are well made and of tho very
Latest and Handsomest Styles.
lyFURXlTURE manufactured to order, at
short notice.
Furniture repaired ana put mgoousnnpo
on short notice.
Give mo a call.
Albany, Nov. 36, 1S75 10v8
Ma-sab aaMa 1
Dreni making! . -.
millinery Goods !
Ladies.' Furnishing Goods !
General Emporium
m-rh. K. A. Johns, at her new store on Brood-
albin street, near the corner of Secend, atfers
the ladies a splendid stecK M i
of everv description. all of the latest and most
fashionable style?, blms also has a complete as- ;
sort men tM
L.:i (Lies' and 'liil1rena I'nrnhbins Vaode
sua tnucrwmri
of ever' quality and style, embracing
Howe. -
hadtiiM. (brntded or embroidered I 1
liinbraMerlea .
Kid Ulovea,
and all kinds of ladies and chfldi'ea.'s under- I
wear, which will lie sold very low.
t&U and examine good.
hrs. s. a. joiiars.
Albany, No . 26, 1475-lOva
With Dr; Plnniuicr, First Street,
Watches and Jewelry carefully re- I
13 paired ana warrnntea. e
T.I.PKltSONS knowing themselves indebted
J l,v note or nmiunt. to John Brisrirs. are
herabv notified that ho calls for a settlement.
and requests that tliey will govern t hemselves
. . i .. I i f xr inm u in
AiDany, hoc. 3, isio-uve
Kolice to Btoektaoldera.
X stockholders of the Linn County Aicriculto-
in.1 AsHociaHon. at their office in Albanv. Linn
county, Oreaon, on Thursdav. the 6th day of
January, 1S7G, at 9 o'clock r. M., tor t nc purpose j
oi electing eseven mreciors.
W. W. Pabbish. See.
Albany, Dec. 10, 1873-12 td
Pictures and Picture Frames.
WVsiilfl nnnnnnpA tn thnclt Irons of Albnnv and
rloimtv that lie la nrnwrpd tn furnish all kinds i
of nLTl KKtKAl i.s to
Pb'inm framnit. unit old frames repainvl ' !
at his office on First street, one door "vt nt ,
Broadalbin, and leave purmw".
Neatly executed,
Call at the Register 011
Machine Shop,
A. F. CHERRY Proprietor,'
manufactures Steam Enginesy
i lour ana saw umiii juavmn
. ' ery, ..
. And .
r And all klnas of
'Particular attention paid to repairing all
Kinasoi maenmery. . siva
Groceries & Provisions
establishment on corner of Ellsworth
. and First streets, with a fresh stock of
Orocerles, Provisions, Candies, Clears, To-
ihwo, AO., in wniun an invites uie atta
tUn of our citizens.
In connection with the store he irill keep
a mxorjr, ani wui always nave oa nana a
ruii supply oi ireea oreaa, crackers, Ac. -tar
Call and ee me.
JOHN scnatEER. -
Kebruarj- l.9tv4
Bad whisky produced about full
average of Christmas fighu at Walla
Walla.'-" '"-':.;'" "
Three gallons of coal oil which bad
been spilled on the floor of. J. II- Tur.
ner's house, at Pendleton, was acciden
tally ignited one night last week, and
the flames came ( near t&ttiifi the Tor
ner famil j put oi doors. " ( p
New, SSilSinerjr JEtore!
HAS just opened, up stairs la fi&nmny
isn brick
ITavlng had many years of yperfene In the
millinery business! the EM, . Stevena brj
lieve slie can give tlie fullest si isfact ion to all
who give her their pfttrowa, tid would there
fore respect fall saticlt m. tkusof the sense.
Also agent for the I-1TTI.K MON1TOH sewtngr
machine, the grandest seWefement of the age.
unapproachable by any ottter sewing amctlM
In the market. These .ntending to porchaae a
machine, siioold not fail to caU and nee thin.
MBl. I. 8TVN8.
Albany, Kot. tfrvSnSnl v -
When yon wlab $ A
i Visiting Cards," 5
Business Car 3 r
Dili Ilea tfr,
. 'L; ' r - I I 1 iT"
Letter' rieado
air Tickets.
lliorse OlU
or iu Jbct aoythhaj iath- i
i f - i
call at tW
. t " ;jr