3 ',j. VOLUME VIII. ALBANY, OREGON, JANUARY 7, 1876. NO. 16. BUSINESS &YHDS. SAMUEL. E. YOUNG, 1 thhesisers, reapers & mowers, viagous, plows, . :XEED. DRILLS, BROADCST SEED SOWERS, ETC. First itmt, Alaaaiy, rrl;on. Terms : Cash. M20r7 Ameriesa t f Exchange Hetel. Cor. Front and Washington sts. AlJUSV, . ... OBlXiOX. THE A?5iRie?rX fiXCHAjtGE , HOTEL, so popular trhScr the frtrnrvr raim;' men I , Will be transferreU on tho 1st of October, to Mr. 8. W. EUDV. Mr. Eddy, in addition to beinff a flnt class caterer, is thorough in the hotel business, sept. 2i;7 5-tt. glcsCliarles Hotel, C.rner Washing-ton and First Sts., cbAIiS&' OREGOSi, Matthews & Morrison, PROPRIETORS. Jlaiiaswiwly rm isliel thronsrhont. The best-the trmrfcet Hflerds always on the table. Free t'MCh to and fro in (be Ilonse. P. C. HARPER A. CO., Dealers in 33 3E1. 'lc3S - Clothing-, Boots mtd Shoes, Hitta, tiroee rlnt, Fanr; IJoods, olioiiK, Mioton ad Pistols, Sails, Itope, Mirrors, Wallpaper, Wood and Willow Ware, Tram lis and Valises, Sold very low either for cash, or ib prompt pay- Raising and Moving Buildings. WETHE-CXDEKSIGNEn BEG LEAVE TO announce to the citisaMfnrfTAttmtiy and ' surrounding eonntry that.itt'vin -supplied our selves whit the necessary niaehinery for vui ina and removing Imihlinsrs. we are ready at all tittle to receive orders for sneh work, which re will do in short or lcr af lowest rates. We goanntra entire satisfaction in all work nnder tMken by us. , , -Orders left at, the Reoisteb office promptly : J ftrnfiriLG4Hl'ly to. AluaT B AXTY, ALLEN CO. Or April 23. 1373. 2fiv7 -CKOM AN! :i AFT&R. PATE. I7NTIL Full- tber not lee, f naight Croat tiitiU i - PORTLAND to ALBASV WILL BE ON-E, J0LLAU,.PER T0. AH cknrn freight will be delivered at POKT LASD or ASTORIA. Free or Drayagc and Wliarrage, J At Reduced Rates. Boats wB leave ALBANY" for COKVALLIS or PORTLAND For further particulars, apply to- 4? TBEAC'II & WOSTETTM, AMmy,Nov-2d, Tt-l? Agents Oil AS. TfTfitTTiniilil JL KOKT M'CA'.LfcT. McCALLEY, ARE NOW OPENING A M A G.N I F I U K N T stock of ... FALL AID WIXTEIl GOODS ! elected wltlr care, and bought for coin at Scandalously Imw Figures ' end as we bought low we ran and will sell them' at prices that will "iczn'.-hj Everybody. I Co Co' e a". I see c. selection i of t M f "l -V .l W 1 :: J1lMne i , , V h IlX -wla, i " Krlitlantenk flfarseillea, Fonlins,. - H!Sion, Collars, CToriarettca, Laces, ftc, &c, for the ladies, and our complete lines of , Y Readymade Clothing, Hosiery, . '-' Cotionades, . --,- - - - IMBUBCaot aaoi Haw, of all descriptions fcr men ami boy s. assortments of Xter, forll Grc:2ricsr Cr::isry and Glassware. r everybody,. , .-., The best goods, at the lowest rates every time --arrCome and see. -.. n-. . Furniture V7arcroomo. FRED GRAF, 1 HAVING porchawd the entlrn Interest of t. Collar in the into firm of Graf Collar, in the fnrnnre l"iw!r-si, talces tha oprwrr-mity to rernrn his t "an twiiwer ciias-n" ct Aiwy sndvK iaitv hm l.rtve s x' txerrv- ? ttron l-d iii'n in t-o i".tt ari).' r'tti ,.' ai a " m H"i -s -A1J himi of Utts ainire k , i , so,, s,rj! nuiusfu'tnred toorder at ktweM. r;tt.-s. i'lifcU GiAF. Aiatij-, Nov. 13-v8n8 Hqijx.o Interests Canada on the War Path. Lebanon, .Tan. 1st. 187G. I thought a few lines from the "Forks" would be ol Interest to your readers. Every thing glide? smoothly along during the holidays. The only notable thing that occurred in that region- was a dance near Providence Church, and it was one long to be remembered. The leading characters in the dance were four young men whom We will call Scarfaeed Charley, Shackhasty Jim. Sixfoot John and the Hydraulic Ram. who came to the city last Friday, Dec. 24th. and made a hi id on a fish berry juice es tablishment. The victory being in; their favor, each secured a bottle of juice. As there are no negroes in the burg, they songhtand found the China wash-house, and made a furious charge upon it, and Were vigorously repelled by the inmates thereof; but by tile aid of the Hydraulic Bam tlie defendants were eventually over powered. The victory being complete, they left town for their grds and the dance, yelling something like Si washes oh the war patbv There were forty numbers and five gallons of juice at the dance and how many there were drunk, we leave it to the reader to judge ; but from all accounts it was the mast ridiculous thing that Canada has witnessed for many a day. One young gentleman (excuse the expression), waltzed around the room, with his gal on his arm and a bottlo of juice in his hand, drinking aud treating ; aud from this they quarreled anb fought "till broad daylight, and went home with the gals in the morning." My information .vas obtained from iu eye wit ness. - . ' H. Y. Z. P. S. Albany would do well to send a man to our next dance to take items, so that yon would know how to carry on one in style. -. -; : . , .- Choice City Property tor Sale. Mr. Milton Beach oilers for sale his elegant property, on corner of Calipooia and Third streets, consisting ot two lots, inclosed with a picker, fence, on which there is a goxl residence, barn. etc. ; also, his large two story frame buisiness house on First street. The property is of the most valuable kind, and can be obtained at a bargain. For further information read the advertisement in this issue, and call on Mr. Beach at his residence. Bead Tins. Parties who get their cop ies of the Registem at -the postoflice, but who failed to get a copy last week, will oblige by cutting the name off of the mar gin ot the last paper they received and handing it to us. The gaily containing about 90 names was unfortunately pied, and we have no means of getting at the names or the proper credits attaching to each oth er than as above. Please attend to this, and oblige us. SonROWFtL News. Mr. W. P. Ralston. I ofT.ihis -city. . on Tuesday received a tele gram from Tacoma, XV. T that his two nephews, John, aged 10, and Harry, aged 10. sons of Joseph Ralston, were accidental ly drowned in the Sound, near Tacoma. December 29th. 1S75. Xo particulars re ceived., : They were bright, interesting boys. a'd their .sudden death has almost driven the mother and father distracted with grief.';...' - .... ; IEAt. Miss Mary Conn.cldest daughter of Sir. Robert Couii. who resides about fonr miles east of this city, departed this lite about 2 o'clock on Tnelny morning last aged iibout twenty years; of typhoid fever Funeral sermon preached at the M. E. Church on Wednesday at 1:30 p. m.. by Rev. Mr. Van Dermal. EntebtaIsmknt. Linn Engine Co., will give a grand entertainment at Pacific Opera House, on the evening of February 2Jd." The Committee having the matter in charge, ennrtnx the brtsinessr h haul tholf-obghlyn-therefore we may expect a splen did literary and social entertainment on that occasion. Come TO the Front. At the regitfar monthly meeting of Linn Engine Co. No. .2, jVIonday evening, the ComtnitU'eon Uni forms was instructed to order material for the shirts. jAJl who wish to be , uniformed in time for the grand blow out on the 22d pro'-f wif) give their names to the Com mittee. The 'Picti'kes Taken by Bsixton.' at Ms, alleryMi Froman's new brick; are mi excelled by any artist ot the Pacific coast, weearnestly believe. Go and try a sitting. He warrants satisfaction or no pay. V Rev. I. AVIIson writes us from Eugene flfy itrd 5servuig ffie week'of' . prayer in that city. May the Lord prosper the work. We are nnder" obligations to Bro. Wilson or,4ivoys, rJj . . . . , , Mr. Seth XV. Eddy, uf the American Ex change, will spare no pains to secure the comfort of all guests of the house. And fts f If becarpQ 8ath,s got big heart in him. Opened OCTSIessrs. St;hmeer Se Mil ler liave opened ont in,fh new betiding feniinst the' Enrplre BAkery.wIiere yoan get joor;oyster8 as oi like them. k ..;:-';...',! :- .:r - . m ,' !."-..- IlAtt. Linn Engine Company h&& engaged the the hall in Burkitart's brick over Grauwohrs store, where meetings will hereafter be held. , ' ' : ITie St. Charles still maintains its name as the way op hotel for the weary traveler Tlie new City Council met on Monday evening;, and were sworn in. OUR NEW YORK LETTER. The cause of chime the mstress of toe year and how it is met a mur der, a week sympathy for murder ers feminine devotion the shop girl question tweed beecher business. New York, Dec. 30, 1875. THE CAUSES OF CRIME. The Committee Investigating the causes of crime in this city are unearthing some" terrible facts. Among others is the testi mony of one of the first physicians of the city. Dr. Elisha Harris, who declared that the increase of criminals in tills city in the past few' years was greater In proortion than the increase of population fioni births and immigration together. '. Dr. Willard Parker, an authority of equal standing, said that liquor was the chief cause of the vice, crime. Idiocy and Insanity in the country. All who have looked into the cause and cure of crime agree that the vicious classes must be made to work harder. It is a notorious and patent tact that with all the increase of wages and regulation of hour3 in the last ten years, the condition of tlie lower classes does not seem to be the better tor the change. The complaint is made by all employers that there is very little, almost no fair return made for the wages paid, no matter how liberal these may be. The average; of work done in a day with all tlie labor saving helps of the time, is hardly half what It used to be In the old times. JTrnv, that there is such an outcry for work, employers bethink them-, st-lves whether they cannot obtain their own right of a day's work tor a day's pay. The fact has rather been lost sight of, that employers had any rights beyond that of paving the most wages for the very least that stupid aud idle help chose to do. Now that the cry for bread comes so urgent there is a chance to find whether the poor are willing to work for their money rather thau starve. Those of experience among the lower classes of New York, are not wanting who do not hesitate to say that these had rather starve than work hard. Certainly they will all beg. loaf, or cheat in a mild way, sooner than stir themselves to do a brisk day's work. THE DISTRESS OF THE POOR. Curious incidents come up among tlie labors for the poor. One woman was found with her five children iu the sixth story of a wretched tenement house, where she made a miserable living by washing. Her children were without shoes in bitter weather, and a kind merchant eiifc a sup ply all round. The oldest girl objected to them because they were laced with shoe' strings, and button boots were the style Tlie same family lost their father, a misera ble wretch, who drank himself to death, and were obliged to ask for charity to bury htm. The teachers of the mission school who helped them before, agreed to bear tlie ex penses whereupon the old woman went out aud ordered a liearse, with plumes, to attend the funeral of the departed sot. A member of the. city authorities told of a poor fellow who had seen better days, who came to him tor help as he was without a position, or money. The official handed him a five dolhtr bill, which he could spare itone too well himself, but he was J-ather sorry for it, when he found the first use the fellow made of it was to go to the market and order a pair of ducks tor dinner, taking most ot the money which might have kept the family in food for a week. This may be considered apropos of the study of crime, t jr such thriftlessness Is a crime not ot the least dimensions. It ought to count heavily against the laboring men ot this and other cities, that with the high wages of the last ten years. ' very few of them have saved money. The idea it the time Was to make money' not to save it, ami to make it in many ways beside work lug tor it. ONE A WEEK. A murder a week seems tlte regular allowance, not counting nomieiues ol less degree. The lastnad and shocking traitedy is that of a yotnig Hebrew girl who has not been long in this country anrt who was brutally killed by her betrayer last Suutluy night. The parties both have the reputa tion of being exceptionally religious, and carl-tut iu observing all the rites of their Church, and fclie girl was much beloved by the faintly ot the murderer. While a ser vant iu tlie family she nursed him through a long illness, and he seems to have really loved her iu return. But hU wife was coin ing over from the old country and there was trouble ahead, and no way presented itself out of the ditticniry, but murder. So lie took, tlie girl to walk with him iu the lonely outskirts ot East New York'. . And stabbed tier, kneeling at his feet for mercy. He betrayed himself by his anxiety to show bow impossible it ws that he should have killed a girl to witoru he was so purely attached. And. speaking of murders, ' there are at this time four men under sentence tor be hanged, and over thirty in the various pri sons are waiting trial for the same offense. v Tlie bloody villlwit Dolan, who killed Noe. will probably escape the hanging he so richly deserves. I'he politicians are, moving heaven and earth to clear him, and as they have succeeded in obtaining two respites he will doubtless slide out all together. There are in the same prison three negroes :eouvleted of killing a Jew peddler oh o stronger evidence titan that against Dolan, but no one thinks ot moving a respite for them. And while I am on this subjeet, , . THE STMPATHY shown for murderers Is something curious. I was at the prison, the other day, aud saw broiled chickens, wine, rlcheakes and con fectionery, tlie choicest cigars that had been cent in to eouifort chose miserable murder' ers. : The low-browed brutes are living, better now tlian they ever did in tnelr lives, aud tner seem- to expect it. They growl, and consider themselves ill used,- if they do not get these things every day. It vt a niee thing to be. it murderer for a IKtle While, V" " . FEMININE DEVOTION. ' It is a thousand pities that the heroic de votion shown by women in humble sta tions of life could not find worthier obiects. There is a young woman dying In hospital of wounds given by her lover in a drunken xs . ... --.1 . : l, f.n . : , . .1 I. . , .in i . i in, in wijicij iks it i."4.ru iter arm tin lie oroKO it ; yet the girl steadfastly refuses to say one worn about tne quarrel for tear of making trouble for him. Ii she dies with out giving her testimony he cannot be con victed, as she was the only witness. There i was good blood In that girl, no matter what she was. and a stout heart better worth song and story than any we read about this year. he brute goes out without trouble, through tho devotion of the girl ; but all the same, he leaves her to die miserably in a hospital. .. , . , THE SHOP-GIRL QUESTION. pPtm ciinr crirl 2 'I t-f mnvillfr fni f lmtt f rvhta It appears that they are compelled to report for dutv at 8 A. M., and stay fill 7 P. M., with an hour for lunch at noon. What they complain of now is the regulation that Is made in all the stores from Stewart's down, that they cannot sit down during trade hours. Xo matter whether there be customers or not. no matter If there be not a soul in the store, the poor girl must stand on her feet till the welcome stroke ot twelve gives her an hour's respite. And then from one to seven shestands again, till worn out with fatigue slie crawls to her wretched lodgings, only to go through the same tor ture the next day. A number ot influen tial ladies, the most prominent In fashiona ble circles in the city, have taken the matter in Hand, and tiave petitioned the leading merchants to abrogate this rule, and per mit the girls to sit when it can be done without interfering with their duties. They have examined some of the girls and found them all afflicted with various veins, weak- ! uesa of the spine, and more or less with female diseases, all of which medical men ay, results from this practice. The mer chants in defense, say that, to alter the rule would be to do away with discipline, and impair the efficiency' of tlieir help, and ! that tliey will not chanjre the rule. The girls do this fearful amount of work for i wages ranging from $3 00 to 87 00 ner week, and severe as it is, were they all to quit to-morrow, there would be ten thou sand not only willing but anxious to take their places. And they have Intimated to the benevolent ladies that they had better mind their own business. But what I wanted to get at Is this : what kind of a llfi is it that a girl leads that compels her to work twelve hours per day tor $ 3 pyr week ? She pays $ 6 for her board, for which she gets a little hall bed-room, without tire, and the vilest table imaginable. Her washing she does partly herself but that which she has to have done costs her at least $ I per week. This leaves her a dollar for clothes, medicines, and what, luxuries she has. And miserable as this life Is, there are twenty, thousand girls in this this city to-day who would cry for joy to get it. 1 he numbers who live In garrets on such food as they can get for almost nothing is appalling. Is it any wonder that the bagnios are full to over flowing, and that suicides are ot daily occurrence ? It eems to me that life on such terms would hardly be worth having. TWEED is still noii est, aud tlie meaning of it is no one knows or can imagine where to look for him. The official have a dozen theo ries, but as not one ot them lead to tlie place where he Is. they might as well have none. The general impression is that he is in good hiding in this City, waiting till he can make terms with tlie city for an unconditional release. This may, or may not, be the correct idea, but whether the venerable thief is In New York or Belgium, he is doubtless waiting for a settlement in a very safe place. His counsel are prepar ing the way in the courts already, and when they get through work the Boss will make his'nppearance and take ciiarge of the city once more. There is no danger of his ever being caught. , He had his plans too well laid, and there are too many prom inent men interested in his escape for that. BEECHER. 4 Plymouth Church is at last acting on the offensive. Beecher and Shearman, ills lawyer, have decided to no longer be quiet but to strike back. They have refused Mrs. Monlton's demand for an Investiga tion, they have sonek-hed Deacon ; West, and they have said to the other Congrega tional Churches that were Interfering with Plymouth, "What arc you going to do aooutitr" lu short, Bro. Beecher pro- pvses to paddle his own canoe witltoul any interference from the otlier Churches.. He feels that Plymouth Church is strong enough to go on alone, aud lie don't care a straw whether the Congregational body recognizes it or not. Of coutse, the Other Churches will refuse; to consider it as a member of the general hotly, and Plymouth cuurcii win stand alone an independent noay an association all by itself. Mrs. Tilton is keeping a boarding-house in Brooklyn, and her daughter. Florence, is doing copying for lawyers. Theodore is lecturing in the West. Beecher, now. that lie has taken the step. Is happy once more. business. " Ihef-e Is no such thing as business." The merchants are doing nothing, that?-is, the wholesalers. The retail people are doinga fair holiday trade, and that U all. 'When I say fair, I should say light, for it is not so heavy by half as that of fornter yeaT3. All oilier lines of trade are as dull as dull can be. Thank yonr stars that yotl are not in New York. ! t PIETRO. ' IN nE.WORIAat. . Hall Brownsville Lodge, no. 86, 1.0.O.F., I BBOW..SVILLK, January 1,1876. ; f Tlie will of God Is accomplished.1" 'Whereas, It hath -pleased God, in His all-wise providence, to call our beloved brother John Caroline, from the midst ot his labors on earth to bis reward In heaven, be it . -,..""-. Resolved, That in the deaf ft 6f brother Caroline our community sustains the loss of an active, upright and honorable eitizen ; onr Lodge the loss of a beloved and worthy brother, and his family the loss of an affec tionate husband and father. , - : Resolved, That with cliastened spirits and subdued hearts we bow in bumble sub mission to tlie will of Him who doeth all things well, being by this providence again reminded of oar approaching dissolution, and the futility of all earthly hopes ; and being further reminded of the great Import ance of being ever ready to be called from labor here to eternal refreshments hereafter. ; Revolted, That onr Secretary be directed to furnish the bereaved family a copy here of, and that he be instructed ti connection lierewith to present to them In their' mo ments of grief, the kindliest sympathies of this Lodge, and that a copy ot these reso lutions be spread on the minutes ot this Lodge: " ' ... . : ' J?Mo?r7, ! That tlie Secretary fnrnlsh copies hereof to the Albany Register, States Rights Democrat and Cultivator lor pnbllcntlon. . W. 11. BISHOP, . PETER HUME, o. P. cosnow, - Committee. In mehobiam. Hall Ekowksvillk Lodge, No. SO, t.O.O.E., snuwfsvu.i.E, jhti nary i, vain. The will of God Is accomplished. Whereas, It hath pleased God, in Ills all-wise providence, to call bur beloved brother, J. S. Brown, from the midst of his labors on earth to his reward in heaven. Resolved, That in the death of" brother Brown our community, sustains the loss of an active, upright and honorable citizen; onr Lodge ;he loss Of a beloved and worthy bro her, aud Ids companion tlie loss of an affectionate husband. Resolved, That with chastened spirits and subdued hearts we bow in humble submis sion to the will of Him who doeth all things well; being by this providence again reminded of our own approaching dissolu tion, and the futility of all earthly hopes and being further reminded of the great importance of being ever ready to be called from labor here to eternal refreshments hereafter. Risolvetl, That the Secretary be directed to furnish the bereaved, parents a copy hereof, and that he be instructed In con nection herewith to present to them in their moments of grief, the kindliest sympathies of this Lodge, and tliat a copy of these resolutions be spread on the minutes of the Lodge. Resolved, That the Secretary furnish a copy hereof to the Albany Register, States Rights Democrat and Cultivator, for publication. W. it. BISHOP, PETER HUME, O. P.COSHOW, Committee. Mrs. Smyth's Husband. a record of certain negotiations for a memorial tablet. Tlie Widow Smyth called at air. Mix's marble yard, the other day, and tlie following conversation ensHed : Mr. Smyth. "Mr. Mix, I am anxious to have my cemetry lot fixed np; to put in new tombstones and re-set the railing, I called to see if I could make some satisfactory arrangement with yon." Mix. Certainly, madam. Tell roe precisely what it is you want done." Mrs. S. '-Well, I'd like to have ft new tombstone put over the grave of John my husband, you. know and to have a nice inscription cut on it. Here lies John Smyth, and so forth. Yon know what I mean ; the usual way, ot course, and maybe some kind of a design on the rtotie, like a broken rosebud or something." Mix. "I understand." Mrs. S. "Well, then, what'll you charge me for getting np a headstone just like hat, out of preUy good white marble, and with a little picture ot a torch upside down", or a weeping angel on it, and the name of Thomas Smyth cat on it." Mix. "John Smyth, you mean." ; Mrs. S. "No, I mean Thomas." Mix. 'But Vou said John before." Mrs. S. "I, know, but that was my first hiiaband. and Thomas was my sec ond, and I want a new headstone for each ot them. Now it seems to mo, Mr. Mix that where a person is buying more than one that way, you onght to make some red net ion in the price 'throw something off. Though, ot course, I want a pretty gcod article at all the graves. Not anything gorgeous, but neat and tasteful, aud, calculated to please the eye. Mr. Smyth was - not a man who was fond of show. Give him a thing comfortable, and he' was satis tied. Now which do yon think is the prettiest, to have the name in raised let. ter in a straight line over the top of the stone, or jnst to cot the words Alexan der P. Smyth in a kind of a semicircle in sunken letters?" , , Mix. "Did I understand you to say Alexander V.I Were vou referring to John or Tborffas?n " Mrs; S "Of course" not.- Aleck was my third. I'm not going to neglect his grave wbile 1 m fixing up the rest. 1 wish to make a complete job of it, Mr. Mix, while I am about it, and Im will ing tor you to undertake it if : you are reasonable in your charges. Now what'll you charge rtfe for the lot, the kind I've described, plain but substan tial, and sunk about two feet, I 6).ould think, at the head ot each grave? What'll you charge me lor them tor the whole four ?' Mix. "Well, 111 put you in those three heatdstones " . Mrs. S.- "Four, Mr.: Mix." ? JVlix. "Four, was it ? No, there was John, and Thomas, and Alexander P. ThaVs&M you said, I thiuk. Only three." Mrs S. ".Why, I; want one tor my AdoJph, as a matter ot course ; the same as the others. I thought , you knew I wanted one for Adolph, one made just like John's ouly witu the name differ- ent.- Adolph was my fourth husband He died about three years after I buried Philip, and I'm weariug mourning tor him uow Now please give me your prices for the whole of them." Mix,. ."Well, madam, 1 went to be as reasonable as I can, and I tell you what 111 dot Yott give' me all yonr work in the future, and Pit put you in those ttvo headstones at hardly anything above cost, say ' ' - , - -5 . . Mrs.S. "Four headstones; not five." Mix. "I thiuk you mentioned five." -JSlreuS. ; ".No only tour." ' - Mix. ' "Less see ; there, was John and Thomas, and, Aleck, and Adolph and Philip." ; Mrs. S. "Yes, but Aleck and Phil ip were the game one. His middle name was Philip, and I always called him Phil." Mix. "Mrs. Smyth, Pll bo much obliged to you if you'll tell me precisely how many husbands you have planted up in that cemetry lot. This thing's getting a little mixed." Mrs. S. " What do yon . mean, sir, by saying planted? I never planted any body. It's disgraceful to use such language." Mix. "It's a technical term, madam. We always use it, and I don't see as it's going to hurt any -"Id row of corpses named Smyth. Planted is good enough tor-other men, and it's good enough for them." Mrs. S. "Old row of. WhatM yon mean, you impudent vagabond ? I wouldn't let you put a headstone on one of my graves if yon'd do it fbr nothing." Then Mrs. Smyth flounced out of the shop, and Mix called after her, as she went through the door, "Lemme know wlien you go for another man, and I'll throw him in a tombstone fbr a wed ding present. He'll want it soon." An Extraortilnnry 9tan. The Detroit Post tells of a most extra ordinary person who has been giving ; public exhibitions of several marvellous feats, which confound the doctors and astound all spectators. His name is Thomas, and he is a short, thick-sel and wonderfully muscular negro, who says that he was born iu Sheffield, England, and is thirty-five years of age. He was in tho States several years ago. The Post there decribes his performances : Thomas claims to have a vdonble set of ribs, one under the other, and is able ! to lower the inner set at pleasure, like ! the drop-curtain at a theater. This was the first thing that he proceeded to ac complish last evening. Baring his breast and abdomen, about which there is nothing unusual in appearance, he in dulged in a variety of appalling abdomi nal contortions, suggestive of a .severe attack of colic, produced by a too free indulgence in green apples, and presently sure enough, the false ribs settled down, and could be distinctly felt by pressure upon the abdomen. Iu hifiiug the po sition of the heart Thomas indulged in a similar series of internal gymnastics, and the heart could be seen to drop down at least ten inches below the normal position- Again, he was' able to shift it at will to the right side, and back again to its proper place with but little apparent effort. No matter where the heart was, the pulsations cou'd be distinctly secu and felt. . Another feat no less puzzling was the voluntary stoppage of the pulse. One of the physicians applied a stetho scope to Thomas' breast, the heart being then where it properly belonged, while two other persons each seized one of his wrists and applied a finger to the pi use. Suddenly the action of the heart and pulse apparently ceased, and neither of the three examiners was able to detect the faintest pulsation. All this time Thomas continued to converse in an or dinary and natural tone. This singular mau claims that he does not know by what means he is able to accomplish these wonderful performances, and says that they do not cause him the sightest pain or inconvenience. In addition to his other peculiar ac complishments Thomas is the possessor of almoxt phenomenal strength. His muscular devclvpmeut is something re markable, lie gave a surprising aud practical proof ot his strength last even ing by rolling up his left sleeve aud striking across his bare forearm a heavy iron cane, three-fourths ot an inch iu diameter, with such force as to bend the cane very perceptibly with half a dozen blows. Probably no ordinary man could bend the iron rod by taking it in both hands and striking it across an iron post. Thomas' forearm is Covered with a thick, calloused surface caused by the terrible blows which he has rained upon it with bis iron canes He claim" that on former occasions he- lias succeeded1 in bending an iron rod one and one-half inches thick in the same manner -i He also says that lie has lifted 4,300 pounds with the aid ot harness. It is to be feared, however, that Mr. Thomas is not strictly accurate in all his statements. For instance, al though apparently an illiterate person, he claims to have graduated at a medical college iu Edinburgh, Scotland, in 1850. Now, inasmuch 8s he is only thirty-five years of age, it would realty seem as if there was .some- little mistake about this. ' This is how the Walla Walla States man view s the. Alaska annexation : ; . Senator Mitchell has introduced a bill annexing Alaska to Washington Terri tory. An improvement, iu our opinion, would be to annex Puget Sound to Alas ka, and transfer all tho river and eastern comities to Oregon. This would make Oregon a magnificent State, and at the same time it Would leave tho "clam-eaters" and "seal-catchers" in an organi zation by themselves. It would also be "in accordance with the eternal fitness of things.". , . - - ''A-"r- : -'&' ' '' ' 'V . Mr. ,, linrch, of Cow ereek, Dong las county, the other day had one of his hands badly -mar bled by the acoidentai discharge oi-a gun, whica t jug by the muzzle. -,: , 3 was noia. "I kinder like poetry," said a Wiscon. sin farmer as he waited for bis mail, "but there's nothing like coru-beet to touch the exact spot.' . The Annexation Project, The -Walla .Walla Statesman and Union of last week have leading articles on the subject of annexing that portion of Washington Territory to Oregon. The Statesman says : , For years the Territory lias been in a ' comatose condition, and the sooner it is allowed to die out the better. A proper arrangement would be to give Oregon the whole of the Puget Sound country, and in exchange for this, organize tho country cast of the mountains into a new Territory. ' We should then have natu ral boundaries, and an organization that would secure harmony and a unity t interests. With the "clam" country we have nothing in common, and a political union with the Sound people has became distasteful - to a great1 majority ot our people. : Th is arrangement, however, we dispair of obtaining, and hence as n, choice of evils, we favor annexation to Oregon. We are now tied to a dead carcass that is represented in Congress by a non-voting delegate a political eunuch who has no interest in common with us. . The people living east. of tho mountains are tired of it, and will glad ly welcome a transfer to Oregon and the position of equals in moulding' the destinies of a live State. : Onr voice is fbr annexation. ; i And the Union takes the same side warmly as follows : , ' The question ot annexing Walla Walla and Columbia counties to Oregou . is becoming a most interesting one to ma. ny people, y As wo expected, the people over on the Sound are becoming greatly interested. They never took much inter, est in this section, except that they al ways looked in this direction tor about twelve or thirteen thousand dollars ot Territorial tax .each year they were interested in us to jnst that sum, and nothiug more ; and so long as we came forward promptly with our money .things were all serene and lovely on the Sound. We were useful in furnishing from one-third to one-fourth of the whole amount that went to support the chronic office-holders and political managers of Puget Sound, and ot course they do not wish to lose this money. We and bur people are most anxious fbr a change in their political relations. In the first place they would prefer to bo let out of the fight by being annexed to Oregon, and then let Idaho and the balance ot Washington Territory adjast ... their boundaries to the .best interests of the several sections ot the two . Territories. Oregon will gladly assent to the pro ject, for it would' simply restore to the State that which it originally included in its boundaries. . : ' - A Bnl Man-, As Si was coming up town from the Atlanta and Richmond Air Line depot on yesterday, he indulged in a little song all to himself. Two other negroes passed b?, and one of them - shouted back i "Pin up yer onder lip, ole man, "an stop dat lackct !' "Who yer talkin' tcr?" said .Si, stopping short and turning round. ' "Talkin to yer ; who yer tink I'm talkin' to, you ole Guinea rooster, you?"- "Yet don't know me, do you?" said Si. . ;:. . "I don't care who yon is; you ain't no grand army ob' de public, no how!" "Look hyar, I'm de mos' discoura geous uigger iu dis Atlanty city, and I'd jis take dis hyar head and butt yer inter de fore part ob Christmas week, I will!" - "You re a da " - Just then Si took a run ..with head bent down, and two seconds after there was a sick nigger in the mud, , wanting nothing tinder heaven but ft doctor. And as Si went on, he remarked over his shoulder : .' ' . , 'Irri a' bad nigger ; alius ' . wns tns 'fore do war, bad all in de war, bad ar ter de war, an am do loudes' buttin' nigger you ebef read Txirtt m books "wid de leabes all out an de kiverlost." Th ere is danger in permitting young men to decide to study for the ministry before their minds are matured. It is well wheh they can put off decisions of this sort until they have bad a brqad outlook on the world. When a youug man has felt the strings of power and ambition in his soul and then comes with a whole heaited consecration and fays it all on the altar of God. lie is likely to be a man ef ; power trith God and men Not every man who can make appropriate exhortations is fit to preach. Tlie re must be power : to control. Dr. Andersou. "- ' :, -.; - .Tholightkeeper at Cape Bealc writes that when tlie mate ot the lost ship Or pheus reached the lighthouse he pro fessed not to know that the light M capo Flattery was a fixed ono, and for : sotpo time iusisted that it was a fladt. lle said that ho mistook the ,'Cape. Scale light (which i a flash) for Flattery light, and that was why the OrpJus went on. .''.'.'" ' t The bark Mary Ann Wilson t which sailed for Iquiqui on Wednesday last weck,'.Tras ,xompc!:cl to put bads to Royal Kofivlity heavy' . U.,1 'win' met in tlie Strati, ; . ... , ... . r Tho woman is yet it Isoovered who, when her husband is -pouring expletives into the bosom of his c'. Jin shirt, will not solemnly declare that tho garment had every button ou when it was put away. ; ':