Unao .--,J - ... . I ... C"T m.'-p'W--! "i? f i i 'if i " i-i -. - . - 5 . i PC BLI-SU ED EVERY' FKI1AV, BY COLL. VAN CLEVE, 7? THE EEOI8TER BUILDING, Corner firry ami First Sirctia. TERMS-lN ADVANCE. Ose copy, one year i"2 50 One copy, six mouths...: I M To clubsof twenty, each copy ...2 00 Single copies Ten cents. SubscrilH-rs outside of I.inn -ouiity win )e charged 2( eclits extra 3 70 for tbeyenr-as that' is. the amount, of postage per annum which we sire required to pay on each paper mailed by u. r A iff li In for ttio licjrister. The following named gentlemen are author ised to receive and receipt for subscriptions to the Rjwsistf.b in the localities mentioned : U?ssrs. Kirk & Hume Brownsville. Robert Glass Cmwlbrdsville. W. P. Smith Hal-sey. rt. P. Tompkins Harrisburg,. t. H. Clanghton Le!nn.qii. . Wheeler & Co Shedd. Messrs. Smith 4 Bmsfleld Junction City. J. B. Irvine Scio. Thos. H. Kevnolds satani. W. Waterhouse Monmouth. FRIDAY DECEMBER St, IS73. A mule has kicked Sergeant Bates in Canada. Bless that mule. Bates is now freezing there on the fires of patri otism. s Sunday is a heathen name, and Sabbath is a Jewish name, the Congre gatioualists proposes to substitute ior them be Christian name, Lord's Day. . The Southern Oregon Swamp Land Company rnetfat Jacksonville on Fri day last and elected James D. Fay J. N. T. Miller and Ileury Clippel as directors; afso Ilenry Klipyel as Presi dent. s Tlic. Chnrchmau, which does not favor revivals, says the system of revivals is often almost as "false and certainly not as honsst as thc,Koran. The latter requires something to be done, but the former substitutes emotion for doing. ! At the late meetii)"- of the Georgia i Methodist Episcopal Conference, a reso lution was passed expressing their firm opposition to any movement which looks to the separation of the work of tho church into white and colored con ferences. A man is reported as having attempt ed suicide because lie regaled himself with a dose of castor, oil, turpentine, and several more such condiments. Whv should an innocent man be accused of snicido when physicians frequently charge . liberally for exactly the same prescription, and no one accuses them of murder. It was "chimplirisftaday" at Trevor Hall, and the boarders were fast ap peasing their inordinate desire when one cf them" discovered a long hair is- suing from his dumpling. lie tried quietly to remove it, but discovered that it was no loose appendage. He then handed it to the waiter with, "Pleas remove this and give me a bald headed one." Governor Thayer, of Wyoming Ter ritory, in his annual message, directs attention to the fact that, within six months, along the Hue of the Pacific Railroad, not less than three thousand lk have been slaughtered for the hides alone, that flesh bcins; thrown away, and Le recommends tho enactment of , laws imposing severe penalties for such a wholesale massacre of game. It is .estimated that one huudrtd thousand and head of cattle aro annu ally stolen from Texas and driven into Mexico by JVIexican marauders. The extensive border line between the two countries, reaching many hundred miles, witnesses many atrocious acts on the part of Mexican bandits that the civil ized world never hears of. Assassina tions, robberies and other crimes have been carried on to such an extent as to make life and property very uncertain and insecure anywhere on that bordeu. " Sonic time ago, says an exchange, a farmer came into the office and stopped : his paper because iie "couldn't afford to take a newspaper. The next week he sold off his old corn four cents below .the market price ; then his place was sold for taxes because he didn't know they were due ; he lost the nomination for supervisor because he only beard of the convention three days after it had adjourned ; he lost $10 betting on Col umbia two days after Cornell . had won both races; he was arrested and. fined - eightylollars for going hunting on Sun day, and V he aid $300 for a lot of .forged notes that bad been advertized, and the people cautionad not to negoti ate them, two weeks. Then he paid a great big Irishman with a leg like a derrick, three dollars to ' kick him all the way to the newspaper office., where he paid four year's subscriptiou in ad Vance, aud Biade the editor sign ' and swear to a written agree mene to -knock him down and rob him if he ever order ed hi paper stopped again, d For Presideut the best man ; in the republican party. IVtlliatusport Uull- etm. V e appreciate the compliment : but we don't want the office. - A good hotel at night is like a rail road bed full of sleepers. lie was tcu years old. lie had a red . nose, tears in Tiis eyes, ragged clothes, and lie was awful sorry. , "It makes a shiver run up and down my back when I think cf this boy standing on a 6treet corner aud calling pedestrians names," said- his Honor gravely. "It was in fun !" wailed the lad. "Think of hi.s calling men 'old bald headed' and tho like of that !" "Jim put me up to it!" "I don't want to saw him in two, and it's too late" now to use him for lish-bait, but this boy needs reforming." "I'll reform ! I'll reform 1" cried the lad. "I don't want to send him to prison, and yet I fear he will turn out a bad boy." "Try ma try me I'll never call names no more !" sobbed the boy. His Honor left the chair, walked down to the boy, aiid putting his hand on his head he solemnly said : . "Bub, a bald-headed man isn't to blame lor it. He'd have hair there if he could. I am bald, and Bijah is bald, but we always pay one hundred cents on a dollar and never dead-beat a street car. You may go home, but if you come again I shall know that you want to turn out a Dick Turpinj and I shall deal with you accordingly." Detroit A husband and wife had arranged that when one was drunk the other should work, thus keeping on every other day. But once John kept drunk three days, and came home in Jistress. "And what are you crying about?" asked his helpmate.. "O, I feel so un naPPy' cried John. "LTnhappy! and you've been drunk, while I've been working ever suce day before yesterdav. Ho you expect to be an angel?" Iu the four years from IS70 to 187-4 there was a decrease cf two hundred in the number of candidates for orders in the Protestant Episcopal Church. It is said of the candidates that they do not "represent the highest culture, talent and social standing in the church. The African Repository states that since the close of the war 3,000 colored persons have been sent to Liberia and established there by the American Colo nization Society. Yesterday after noon While several men were drinking at a Griwold street bar a a woman quietly and soft ly. entered Some of the men sat down, others stared at the woman and the bar-keeper timidly inquired : "Come to pray?" "No, sir!" she promptly responded, "I've come here to get .the wash-bill and if you don't fork over I'll make these gin bottles sing a funeral march." He forked. We heard recently how one man cured a neighbor newspaper borrower. It is told thus: "Mr. , father wants to borrow your paper. " He says he only wants to read it." "Well, go back and ask your father to send me his surpar. Tell him I only want to eat it." Tho next evening the boy did net conic A meteoric Stone weichinir ninetv pounds fell in Missouri last week strik ing a elarkey square on the head. He seemed to be considerably confused when he got up, and went off muttering: -'Et I knowed for shuah, de man who trowed dat brick, den I'd see whar am de Libbu Rights ob uiggahs. Urookbm Argus. Many a fellow who cannot possibly pay his washerwoman, will rush" around and scrape together enough to take his girl to the theater in ten minutes. Wm. A. Bombay, Secretary of the Xew York 1 iectifying Company, has been arrested for not making proper entries. A girl in Berks county ,Pennsylvania, only twelve years old, rises daily at four a. m., milks thirteen cows, and prepares a breakfast for the family. Her hair isn't "banged,", and she doesn't wear a one-legged dress. ' "A -wife- will hardly ever notice whether her husband has had his hair cut or not, but let him go home with a strange hairpin sticking in his. overcoat and she'll see it before he reaches the gate." . A week female will berate a man for 'letting her stand up in a horse car, and She will then dance from ten o'clock till two. This shows that dancing is better than standing up. ' . i The look a man gives his wife when he suddenly awakes in the morning and finds her going through his vest pockets, is not a studied expression, but it is excellent in its way. - i r " .L Mrs. Partington wants to know why the. captain of" a vessel can't keep a memorandum of the weight of the anchor instead .. of weighing it every time it leaves port. - . - -. " The Indians continue to alternate in the far West, between minor massacres and pipe-smoking conventions. Their pipes of peace are mere shams. Two heads are better than one, from a hatter's point ot view. ' : :- . In the journey of this world the man who goes right is not apt to get left. Josh Billings says': "You can't change a date by cussing after an edition n is been, worked off." Big ears are now said to denote intel- ue inaKBims statement solely because we do not desire td see Al bany become a deserted city. - An unusual number of people are mar rying now. Next year is leap-year, and no woman wants it presumed that the popped the question herself. p Counterfeiting money is getting to bo one of our most imnortnni-. i..i?.t.:. In Brooklyn recently ten million dollars ' iu counierieit greenbacks were burued. Columbus discovered America, but when a bey he had as much difficulty in seeing an empty wood-box or water-pail as any other boy. You will notice that when a boy steps on a Canada thistle, or sticks a splinter into his toot, it's iuvariably a few seconds before school; The Dominican Fathers have formed an antiprofanity society iu the Eastern District. It is recommended "to disap pointed politicians. A noble Omaha mastiff has saved the lives of three children within a month past, and bitten fourteen men who call ed to sell a patent clothes-bar. A woman is composed of two hun dred and forty-three bones, one hun dred and sixty-nine muscles, and three' hundred and sixty-nine pins. LOST 0. IirE IInius. (Correspondence of Ien vor News.) Plattkville, Col., Nov. 29, 1875. On Saturday evening last our town was startled by the report that a little girl, aged about nine years, a twin daughter ot a Mr. Sutherland, who recently moved into the neighborhood, was lost on the plains. It appears that the child accompanied' her father in search ot cattle, aud when about two miles out they found some calves, one of which had a bell attached to its neck. The cows not being in sight, the father directed the child to follow the calves, which he supposed would go directly home, while he went in search of the cows. It was then 4:30 P. M. At about 6 o'clock the father returned home, and was alarmed to learn that his little daughter liac not come iu, but was all the while supposed by its mother to be with the father. Ihe alarm was given to the people in the village and twenty or more persons went out and secured the couutry for six or eight hours in every directioo, but without success, though some.ot them were out until 4 o'clock next morning, and two, one a boy of 17, having themselves beeu lost, did not reach home until 8 o'clock Sunday morning. On Sunday" sonic 40 men and boys on horseback and at least 20 on fool, went out, notwithstanding the extreme cold, wet wind, but after hunt ing all day returned unsuccessful. Again on Monday morning men from every direction were on hunt, and in the most sy&tCmafic manner examined a wide strip of country, from the Platte to near the Box Elder, and were still looking, headed toward home, when a signal gun was heard, by which all knew the cYiid 1 al been found. It ap pears the little one followed the calves i jr a tin e, but, cs they did not go t -ward home, She became conscious she was lost. At first she says she wan dered around; but hearing the wolves growling around her, started in a straight course, which took her to the Box Elder and, without knowing what direction she was tkiDg, 6he followed the bed of thejereek until daylight. At that time she saw trees on the Platte, and staitcd for them, arriving at the ranch of Mr. John Beede, .about "(our miles below Evans, at 10 o'clock Sunday morning, having traveled constantly for eighteen hours, and probably a distance of not less than twenty-five miles. When, asked it 6he was not frightened, she said no. She said he wolves kept close to her heels and snapped at her feet; but that her mother told her that if she was good the Lord would always take care of her, and so she knew the wolves would not hurt her because God wouldn't let them. After being kept at ihe house of Mr. ; Beede "until the "following day," Monday, she was brought home as sound and fresh as though she had only taken a short walk of ten or twelve miles. The latest plea in favor of tho Texas Pacific Railway subsidy from tho Gov ernment is that it is not a subsidy ; it is merely a grant which Congress shall pass to help build the road. As well call a present a gift as to call that a subfidy. The Reading Railway in Pennsylva nia has to be guarded near Mt. Carracl, against the acts of desperadoes. A gang of them had boarded a passengr train and badly mangled the conductor and brakesmen. Stroud could set 'em up level. Richmond, Va., has been rolling in the luxury of an earthquake, and yet the people were not happy. No great shakes, we reckon. Secratary : Bristow refuses to grant the petition of the wool growers ot Low er California aud San Diego. The red buoy at the mouth of the Nanaimo harbor went adrift on Monday nfght during tho heavy blow, ViT grand ball was given by the Xanai moSocial Club on Friday evening, December 2ith. , i . . v, j . - -m ,...-. i .r..n. i - ! A MrIreland in going from Walla home on V dark night.- recently, fell down a steep bank about 20 feet, and was seriously hurt. A corret-pbiideut writes us from Nico'a Lake that everything is quiet in the val ley. The weather was very fine the snow was about gons from the low hills, and the live stock was doing well. John Kircbhoffer, of Walla Walla, had one arm crushed very badly last week while working a fence building machine. Candidates for Sheriff are announcing themselves in the Baker City papers. They go on the principle that the early bird catches the worm. The wrecK cf the Isabella was success fully righted on Saturday, and about 25 tons of coal taken out and placed on board the schooner Blade Diamond. The schooner is but slightly damaged, and will be taken to Victoria to be refitted. " " The census returns of Washington, Union, Multnomah, Graut, Columbia, Baker and Benton counties have not yet heen handed in to the Secretary of State and the assessment rolls 6f Wasco, Mul- tonmah,Lake and Benton counties have also failed to put an appearcr.ee. ... : . Hon. A. J. Dufur has appointed A. If. Sale, Deputy Master P. ot II. for Clatsop county, as chairmau of a com mittee to assist in procuring and forward ing to him in Portland such specimens of timber and ornamental woods as may be deemed creditable to the State. Two companies are now stationed at FortKalamath one of cavalry and one of infantry, but owing to a number to be discharged this month, both companies will be considerably reduced in force From the December report of the De partment ot Agriculture we learn that during the month cf November Oregon wheat brought a h:2er price than that of any other country or section except Anstralia,the latter being quoted at lis 10 J against lis 6d for Oregon. The Jacksonville Sentinel says : "A large number of immigrants have lately arrived in this section, and, notwith standing the bad weather, some are still comiwr. In many instances those arriv ing are poor and of large families one couple who came to Ashland a short time ago having 14 childien." The Indians of Barclay Sound picked up, a few days ago, a boat painted white about 24 feet in lenght, with 18 inches ot her stem torn away, as if it met with the injury in lowering her from the davits of a vessel. It is probably a boat which had belonged to the wrecked steamship Iacie. A lot of hops, liquor in barrels, and any quantity of lumber has been picked up floating and drift ing around the coast. Tho directors of the Dalles Military Road Company had a meeting on Tues day last, at which it wa determined to place the road iu thorough repair. A resolution in reference to the death ot Hon. O. Humason was placed on record. The president of the company was au thoi ized to take action iu reference to the selection of the lieu lands of the company. Considerable other business of importance to the advancement of the interests of the company was also trans acted. , . Lime, Shingles, Planter Iarit, Latli, llair, etc., and for sale low, at tho warehouse of -.. . PAIiKER & MORRIS. The Highest Cnsh Price I'm HI for "Wool. Albany, May H, '75s35v7 - LOOK TO YOUR INTERESTS! ... , ' AND SAVE IVI ONEY I Old JBeapera, Mowers ud Threshers Repaired and made almost as good aa new KIEBRILL A PUTNAM'S NEW MACHINE SHOP ' Is now prepared to do all kinds of Wood' Tmutnff, Sawing and Dressing. Also, any Ironwork and general Blaclrsmlth injr thn Uncle may demand. Fencing Pickets wiU be kef "n band at all tjjn.es. v7n82 Bath House & Barber Shop. HPIIE UNDERSIGNED WOULD B . JSCT- M. fully thank the citizens of Alban and vi cinltv lor Mm lllvrnl mtmnaim heKrnwed on him lor the past seven years, and hojws for the future a continuation Of t heir favors. For the Hresmmodatlon of transient customers, and friends in the nnnei irt of town. hbas open ed a neat little shop next door to Taylor Bros. wnereagooa worstnan win aiwuys uo ii uuvituiinw iq wiUl UPOu nairons. loe.n,lS7i. - JOJE WEBBER POST OFFICE BEG From Railroad (north andVmth) dally MAJI.8 ARRIVE 3 FromfJorvallis.dailv.atlOJ!(lA. m. From Lebanon, tri-weeklv. (Mondnv. Wednesday and Fi'iday) at 10.30 A, M. MAILS DEPART : . . 1 For Railroad north aiid' tcntS), daily, Close prompt at 11.10A. M. For Corvallis, daily, at 12.50 P.M. For Lebanon, tri-weekly, (Monday, Wed nesday and Friday) at 2 v. H. - Offlee hours from A. M. to 7 P. M. Sunday, from 12 M. to 2 P. M. Money ordur office lionrs from 9 A.' K. to 6 P. M. P. H SAVMOSD, P. M. J. C POWELL. X.. FLI". POWELL, & FLINX, Attorneys 8c Counsellors at Law and So lleitors in t'bnneery, Albany, Oregon. Collections made and con veyances promptly attended to. ,1-8 STOVES STOVES! From this date until further notice, I will sell a choice m:uxtio?i OF -i I : - - -. Stoves Ranges ! -AT - ALSO- PUMPS, HOSE, ETC. W. n. McFARLAJfD. Albany, Doc. 10, 187M3 TITUS BROTHERS,. SEALEE8 IN 3 J EWELR.Y, Silver & Plated Ware, and DIAMOND SPECTACLES. AGENTS FOR THE Singer - Sewing Machine, The BcKt Machine Made. Foreclosure of Mechanics"! Lien. In the Circuit Court of I bp State of Ores-on for the county of Linn, Suit inequity to foreclose a mceluinic's lien notice. , . ei. Smith. Plaintiff, vs. If. C. Clement and S. M. t'ornui, defendants. oTH F. is hercbv iriven that, the above named plaintiff has commenced a suit in the above en titled conit.asainst the defendants above nam ed, to foreclose his lien of $1-24 00, and Interest on the same at ten per. cent, per annum from i ne yju day oi ec:oier. lSJa, on tue saw mill or ino uetenuants, witn the appurtenances t Here unto beloneintr. and on the land on which the same stands, together with a convenient space about tho same Irs may be required for the con venient use and occupation of the same, situate in sjiid Linn count v. luore narticnlnrlv describ ed iu plaintiff's notice of his said lien on file in mo uiei-K's omee in saia conntv : 'i nat m uls complaint In said suit, plaintiff prays the Conrt to order and decree that tlni said property bo Spld to satisfy said lien and interest as afore said, and the costs and disbursements therein ; and that plaintiff have and recover of defend ants the wild sum of $124 00 and interest thereon as aforesaid, and his costs and disbursements therein : That all persons Interested in theen forcement of said lien, or claiming any rlffht thereto, are hereby called unou to present their claims within ten davs after the complet ion of i . . . . . i .i : ;.... . . .. i. . . .... i i n'u imuiivmiuii m una nuuvu, itu 111 VUK; 111 failure so to do within that timeor within such further time as may lie allowed by said Court or Judge, uU such cluims will be forfaited. Nov. 26. T5-10v7w3 PllTs Attorneys, Hall's Vegetable Sicilian II A 1 11 HE N EWE 11 This standard nrtlt'ln Is oomiwi-iiilflrf u-lti. the'Kreatest care. Its effects areas wonderful and satisfiirtnrv as ever. It restores gray or faded liair to its youthful colur. .- . ' It removes all eruptions, itchinfr and dan rduff; and the scalp by f no becomes white and deai). . . . By its tonic properties it restores the capil lary glands to thou uoimal vipor, preventing baldness, and inakinv thn Imtrimiwthtcir.nri strong. as a aressuifr nothinj . has been found so effectual, er desirable. Dr. A. A. llayes, State Assaver of Massachu setts, says of it : "I consider ' Ute bexpreparn ttun for its intended purposes. Buckingham's Dye. FOR THE M UIMiED . A j-cr Sarftaparilla, :. For P.rllylsK the Blood. xuis compound the veg-etable altera 1 1 v e s , Sarsaporilla. '?k fiullingia and. Mandrake with tbe Iodides of Potassium and Irnn muira. A njpst effectual core . series or mm. :plaints which arc very prevalent and afflict liif?. It purifies, the plopd, purges out the system, that upTIe iKtTa'XseUle'into troublesome cUsordeis. Eruptions of the skin ""- "m-" jiviu iuo uioou. in ternal derangemets aro the detei initiation of these same humors to someioternal onran or organs, whose action they deransre. tnd vh'i substance they disease ftndSro AvS SARSAPARiWLejrpels these hnmora fw,m the blood. When thcyaregone, the disorders thev prodnea disppear, such aa UloemtUmr of the I Aver, Utomnvn, Aulnryt, yn?,, .Yunlioni ami Eruptive guetue the Skin, &. Anthont,' J.tre lleati, 72wi(7" Ulcm ana Sores, Jiheumn '.1', WyzfW-1 ' the fiffla, SiVfc and Jecwl, J'htnala Weukne, Sterility, Juoorrhrpa aristng rota internal ulceration ami uterine disease, Jp), rhxpepsia, Emaciation and General Ztebdtly. With their departure health returns. . . . .. . . PREPARED BY , ' Dr. J.C. AVEli "0., Iwon, Hash., Practical and Analytical Chemist. T Sold by all iTug'-ista aud Dealers in Medicine.- - . vZaS 1 CENTENNIAL. 1876 1876. Proclamation. Chicago & North-Western Railway. rpiE POPriAB BOVTE OVBIA.D. ; Passengers for Chioago, Niagara Falls, Pitts burg:, Philadelphia, Montreal, Quebec, New York Boston, or any point Kast, should buy their TBAXSCOSTUfESTAI. TICKETS i Via (he Pi oueer Koate, MTHi: '. : ' CHICAGO A 31 OB-nrWESTEIM KAIX.WAY Tins IS THE EEST EOUTE BAST. Its Track ts of STEEL RAILS, and on It has been made the FASTEST time that has ever been MADE in this country. By this ronte passen gers tor points east of Chicago nave choice of the following lines from Chicago : By the Pltfctbnrgr, Fortwnyne and Chlcaink unit rriuisjlvaulK liMtlways, 3TIIROUG1I TRAINS DAILY, with Pullman Palace cars tbrouif h to Philadelphia aud Now York on each train. ITIinoUGII TRAIN, with Pullman Palaoo cars to Ualtimora and Washington. By the Imke Shore and Hiehljrnn Sontli ern Bail way and connections i$ew York Central aud Erie Bailroads), 3 THROUGH TRAINS DAILY, with Palace Drawing Koom and Silver Palace ears thro' to New York. - . ' y the f lelifgan Central, Grand Trunk, Clrent Western and Erie and New York . Central Hallways, 3TintOUGIT TRAINS, with Pullman Palace Orawing Room and Sleeping cars through to New. York to N iagara Falls, Buffalo. Rochester or New York city. By Baltimore and Ohio Bnllvoad, 2 THROUGH TRAINS DAILY", with Pullman Palace ears for Newark, Zanesville, Wheeling, Washington and Baltimore without change. This is tho SHORTEST, BEST and only lino running Pullman celebrated PALACE SLEEP ING CARS AND COACHES, connecting with Un ion Pacific Railroad at OMAHA and from the WEST, via Grand Junction, Marshall, Certnr Rapids, e;iinton. Sterling and Dixon, lor CHI CAGO AND THE EAST. This popular route is unsurpassed for Speed, Comfort and Safety. : The smooth, well ballast ed and perfect track of steal rails, the celelmt ed Pullman Palace Sleeping cars, the perfect Telegraph System of moving trains, the regu larity with which they run, tlic- admirable ar rangement for running through carstoChicago from all points West, secure to passengers all the comiorts in modern railway traveling. No changes of Curs, and no tedious delays at Fer ries. Passengers wiU find Tickets via this favorite route at the eJeiiCral Ticket Ofik of the Central Pacific Railroad, Sacramento. Tickets for sale at all the Ticket Offices of tho Central Pacific Railroad. . W.H. STEXN ETT, MARVIN Hl tiHITT. Gen. Sup. Gen.Pas.Agt. H. P. STANWIXD, Genensl Agency, 121 Mont gomery street, San Francisco. v7n47y Jnst Issued. ; 300th Edition. MANHOOD, Revised and corrected by the author, S. de F. Curtis, SI. D., Ac, 4c. A Medical Essay on the cause and cure or pre mature decline in man, showing how health is lost, and regained. It gives a clear synopsis of the impediments to marriage, the treatment of nervous and physical debility, exhausted vital it y, and all other diseases appertaing thereto;, the results of twenty years successful practice. Opinions ol the Press. CURTISON "MANHOOD." There isno mem ber of society by whom this book will noL.be found useful, whether he bo parent, preceptor or clergyman. Tsmilnn Tint''. CURTIS ON "MAN HOOD." This book should be read by tho young for instruction, and by the afflicted for relief; it will injure no one. JHerlieal Time ami Ouzrite. Price- One Dollar, by mail or express. Ad dress the author, DE. C"!UUTIS,:t)SutterStreet, or P. O. Box 337, San Fmneisco, Cal. ' 48v7m3 ATTENTION. PARKER & MORRIS' Uevr Elevator ! IS NOW READY FOB THE RECFir X-OS of wheat, and oats. We call the attem.v. - of farmers to the fuel that we have erected the fi nest warehouse in the Statcat u large expense, and are in position to handle satisfactorily an immense quantity of grain. Oar house lias a capacity for 200,000 bushels of Wheat nt one timc.nnd is located on tho margin of (lie Willamette River, and provided w i t ha side truck from the O. C. R. R., so that shipments may bA mode daily by rail, and as often by water as boatinir facilities offer. We have two large suc tion fans, in addition to ot her fans, attached to the house, run by water power, and are thus prepared to ; ' O X.33 j. 3JflT all the wheat received. Can take In and clean 10,001) bushels per day. Cleaned whdat la wort h much more in all foreign markets than foul wheat, and none should be shipped without cleaning. Oureharges will be n veccntsa bushel on wheat, and four cents on oats.' We have SIXTY TIIOISAM) SACK. Si to furnish those storing wheat with its, free to those whose wheat wo purchase, and at tho lowest cash price to t hose who sell their wheat from our house to other buyers. Persons stor ing w mi us ore atiioerty to sell to whom they plise. Those who reside on the west side of the river will hae ferriage free. Will be in the market as buyers, and expect to be able 1o pay tho highest possible price. Having pre pared ourselves to do a largo business, we hope for our share of the public patronage ' PAttKER 4c 9IORBIS. nl7v(jjuly 31 Albany, Oregon. A. V UKELER. . . . C. P. UOOftA . C. B. WnEELES. A. Wheeler & Co., ! SIIEDD OREGON, Forwarding "& CommissioR Merchants. Dealers in Merchandise and Produce. A good assortment of all kinds of Gootls al ways in store at lowest market rates. Agents for sale of Wagons ,G rain Drills, Cider Mills, Churns, c, 4c " ' . CASH paid for WHEAT, OATS, PORK, BUT TER, EGeiS and POULTRY.I Sale t A larse Body of Itlcli IanI for Sale Cheap.- '-. ','.. AO A ACRES OF LAND. IN MNN COUNTY; tfOU 300 acres in cnltlvation every acre sus ceptible of cultivation well watered. Has a good' house, bam, and outhouses thoreon all under fence, and lying within miles of a rail road station. AH good grass orgrain land. The entire tract will be sold cheap. Inquire of ' - . S. A. JOHN'S, w' Aug Sorm&n . Albany, Oregon. MILLINERY. ' Bins. C. C. EXCLISII, . : Id constantly reociying lew ami Stylish KUIinery, To which she tovltes the stiecial attention of the Ladies, fiood sold at tho lowest living rates. Store first door cast of City Drug Store, Albany, Oregon- . mil tfj nj- AVlien you wtah Posters; Visiting Cards. Business Cards, Bill Heads; Letter Heads Envelopes Ball Tickets, Programmes Labels, (Horse Bills, Circular, Pamphlets. or In fact anything iu tl Prix2tlkrj Line, call at the ALBANY Wmm 1. u - printing nous::. I.': "T Zr V -e . , CORNER FE2P.Y. & r.l'r.'T '7 R PR S I Ffl L 1 1. :! i . A A