The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, December 31, 1875, Image 1

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NO. 15.
' Wholesale and Retail Dealer in
laerku Exebaage Hotel
Cor. rmt aad Washing-toe eta.
JUBASTi . - - MOO.
so popular under the former management,
will be trannferred on the 1st of October, to Mr.
H. W. KUur. Mr.Kddy, la addition to beinpr
first class eater, Ls thorough the notcl
St. Charles Hotel,
Corwer WnktarlM ami Has Mtq
Matthews & Morrison,
flowm erlr farntsaed throughout. Tlie
bent the market afiords Always on tlte table.
Free t Mdi anal bwa the Booms.
Dealers In
CteAfctaae;, Beat Mrf ShN, Hat, eveee
riee, i'UH7 Goods, KoMw, Hn
and Pistols, Kails, Map, Mirrors,
Wallpaper, Wood aad OTIUew
Ware, Tmaka and Valises,
PMkd CnUcry, Ae., &e.,
old very low either for cash, or to prompt pay
n&3 ing customers on time. v
X&alslns and Hlovlna; Buildings.
announce to the tilizen of Albany
eurrounting conntry that, having eupplioa our
selves wit the ncetMary machinery for rais
ing and removing Dmuiings, we are rouiy
times to receive orders for such work, which
we will do to sltort order at lowest rates. We
guarantee entire satisfaction In all work under
taken by us.
Orders lea at the Rboistek office promptly
ettented to. Apply to. .
Or April S3. 1875. Sbv7
O. S- S. CO.
titer notice, freight from .
All down freight will lie delivered at PORT
Free of Droyose and Wharftqre,
At Reduced Hates.
"Boats will leave ALBANY for COUVALLIS or
For further parOcnlarm, apply to
Albaay, Nov. d, 14-11 . . . Aeae
. sioekof
selected with care, and bought for cola at .
and as v bought low we can and will sell them
'.. ... at prices that wiU
"Actonlah everybody.
Come and see oar seSoctkmt of
mSHKr-, Cellars, Collarettes,
for the todies, and oar complete lines of
teadyraps! Clstfilaij,
fcii ( aenptkms for men and boys. , Also, fuD
' -.. -.-." assorUneats of
Cr"::i:i,;Gr::!:;rT til Ulsssnrars.
- z oe everybody. -
j., v TiiTrwt tcloveatraSecevary time.
v.. !-,.t.-is tx-vp.Oxi October a 1S71. . ,
- v W'iiSe
- s t-.s onnoriKintty
-itisa otfa eitiaena f Aioany
n i ast, and rwwwtaily ask a
i "As I ,.y aotittr
1 1 . iu and mta Oi ."" -d to order
A lappy New Year to all.
The new council don't go
in until next
. The river at this date (Tuesday) is billn'
To-morrow is New year's day, as well as
the first day of Leap Year.
Doublets At Johnny Morrison's, Scio,
on the fSd hoy and girl.
The S S. Concert at the M. E. Church
next Sandfly night will be interesting.
The net receipts ot the recent Evangelical
Church Fair, wore $$2, which is remarkably
coed. ' - --S
. -
Uaa County Teachers Institute opened
on Tuesday. The attendance, considering
the gaoseness of the weather, is very good.
Directors Elected. At a meeting of
the stockholders in Linn Engine Company
Mo. 2, at the Court House on Monday after
noon, the following named gentlemen were
elected to serve as Directors for the endu
ing year: Dr. Oeo. W. Grav, D. M.
Thompson, Frank Woods, J. F. McCoy and
Cliris Houck.
- Gone to California. E. Melton, A.
M, professor in the Albany Collegiate In
stitute for some time, on account of tailing
health has resigned and gone to California.
Prof. L. T. Henderson, a graduate of Cor
nell University, If. takes the place thus
left vacant.
A Fire On Friday morning last, at the
store of Mr. F. S. Dunning, destroyed furn
iture to the amount of 100. The fire was
caused by sparks dropping on to a pulu
matrass from an unused stovepipe hole in
the brick flue which was up In the rear of
the sales room.
The Masonic Festival On Monday
night was not largely attended, owing to
tlie extreme tempestoousness ot the night.
The rain fell in torrents, and the wind
blew like mad, discouraging the ladles from
making an attempt to leave their homes an
through the inky darkness and terrible
storm,attempt to reach tlie Opera House
We did not learn the amount received.
Okester's Dar.ce at the Opera House
last Friday evening, was a grand affair.
The decorating commmittee bad done their
dnty, ami the hall looked splendid ; the mu
stc'as satisfactory, and tbe "large compa-
n v assembled aramer! to he eniovin? the
I occasion right merrily when we called in a
moment, early in the evening. We don't
know how many couples were in attend
ance, but judge there were near a hundred,
and we suppose the receipts ' panned out
China Weddixg A very pleasant par
ty was that at tbe residence of Rev. T. B.
White, pastor of the M. E. Church South
of this city, on Thursday of last week, to
congratulate tlie Rev. gentleman and his
estimable wife upon the arrival of the
twentieth anniversary of their wedded life.
Quite a number of beautiful gifts were pre
sented. Among tbem were a china set, by
MissHanna, ot Corvallis; a pair of statues,
by Miss Lizzie Smith ; glass set, by Mrs.
E. Westlake '"portrait of Gen. Lee, by
Mrs. Etl Carter ; box of dried plums, by
the A. A. F. P. Co. ; 100 M. ot flour, by
A. Umphrey ; box toilet soap, by Dr.
Plummer. It was an occasion long to be
remembered by tbe pastor and his wife,
and was fully enjoyed by all present. , May
Bro. White and lady live to see and enjoy
many more years of wedded happiness.
Chistmas Trees. The U. P. Church
was most elegantly and elaborately decorat
ed on Christmas eve, and was well filled
with okl and young, on that occasion, to
witness tbe undressing" of the beautiful
Christmas tree erected with so much care
and trouble. Beautiful mottoes,expressing
hope, love and tlwnlugiving to the Giver,
were placed upon the walls, evergreen
wreaths festooned the windows and other
parts ot tbe building : the chandeliers were
festooned with flowers and evergreenes.
while in the windows, and here' and there
among the wreaths that enriched theaudito-t
rium, were placed lighted wax candles, al
together making a most brilliant and en
chanting sight. Tbe tree not being large
enough to hold all tbe presents, a side dis
play was made or some or the larger ana
more valuable ones. The exercises before
dearinsj the tree of its valuables, we are
told, were Interesting. I We suppose , that
there were 1 1.500 or $ 3.00 worth ot presents
taken trom the tree, among tbem a hand
some gold watch for the pastor, Eev. S. Or .
Ixvlne,D.D. , "f ;
Tbe Cavalry Church was also brilliantly
lighted and decorated, j white a handsome
tree, dotted all over with presents, made
the hearts of many In the audience throb
with pleasant, anticipations. Among? the
presents was a handsome fireman's shirt, af
ter the style adopted by Linn Engine Com
pany No. 2, ticketed to "Coll Van Clave".
Of coarse we got into them shirt right away,
and for tbe rest of the evening was as hap
py as anybody. Probably as many pros
ents were taken from this tree as from the
one first . raendooed. : "'
We were not to attendance at the Bap
t,k& Church, but learn Chat their tree, too,
reeeivad due attention, and many heart
were tzsade f lad by receiving handsome
ptts frora i r tranci.-es. We su ppose there
were three t.aaid dollars worth of pres
ents t&kea f,c;.a C three trees. - -
4fcc if. ii,
ler tie Sunday School concert at
Chnab next Sunday evening.
Am Aaanatna; tatMcat at laatt
A large crowd gathered yesterday on
Fourth street, in front of the Court
house, attracted by tlie moving through
the streets ot one of the old buildings
from John Taylor's lot. Tbe 'building
4U about fifty, feet long, had been
mounted on four wooden truefe? wheels,
with a pair of wagon wheels in front, to
which a team of six stout mules were
bitched. After many tugs tbe old house
started, tbe driver yelling and the mud
flying all over the sidewalk, scattering
the crowd and bespattering the Goddess
of Liberty, on the dome of tbe Court
house, A Aer an hour's time they sue-1
150 feet. Within a few icet of the crow
ing from tlie Recorder's office to Evans
store, they stuck fast, owing to a slight
rise in the street made by tbe crossing-
Tbe driver shouted himself hoarse, tbe
six big mules floundered about in the
mud, but not an inch could they budge
tbe old building. The crowd increased,
and bets were made that they would
never start it again. A teamster from
the redwoods, with four mustangs, had
stopped to watch the performance, a
smooth faced, athletic young fellow.
He eaid nothing until, roused perhaps
by a splash of mud, he walked to the
front wiping his forehead on his sleeve
and said : "1 ain't got but three dol
lars, but I'll bet every d n cent of it
that my four mustangs will start that
rookery out of there." There was a
derisive laugh from the crowd and half
a dozen takers. "Put up the money,"
said the teamster, "If I had more or
knew where to borrow any, I'd see the
last one ot you-" Tlie bet was taken,
Jerry Farmer held stakes, the six mules
were taken off aud the four mustangs
hitched on. Meanwhile the interest ot
the crowd increased, and bets were free
ly made with big odds against the
teamster. When ready to st,art the ex
citement was at a high pitch. The little
mnstangs bent to their work, but the
house did not move ; he started tbem
again jaa 0. OT Jfothing , daunte6VJ.hai
teamster, in answer to the crowd, who
were chaffing him' from all quarters,
said, "If Jim Shaw was here I'd get tbe
money and bet fifty dollars that I could
start it. I ain't got'em warmed up yet.'
I'll bet you fifty dollars against one of
your horses," said a well-known livery
man, "that you can't pull it five feet."
'It's a whack," said the teamster, "put
up the coin." The money was handed
to Jerry Farmer, I the stakeholder.
Another tug, the little mustangs seem
ed to biunp themselves, but it was . no
go. "I'll bet you another fifty agin that
mare's mate, you can't do it," said the
livery man, eagerly. "Done," said the
teamster. "I'll bet the la t hoof of 'em
on it, and yon may swing me to one of
them oaks in the plaza it 1 they can't do
it." By this ime the excitement was
running high among the lookers-on, and
side bets were numerous. One offered
to bet a hundred dollars that he could
not do it, and the teamster got a friend
to take tlie bet for : him. Those who
bad watched tlie teamster closely now
noticed a change in his manner, and ca
rious smiles on his countenance. ' He
walked up to each horse successively,
tapped him on tlie rump With tlie butt
end of his blacksnake, and said to each.
"Stand op there now, in your harness.
For the first time be mounted the near
wheeler, seized a single rein, tamed - his
team off. "haw," swtnig themTback
0aA . ra1cMf : Iii wAhin mm a vell.
M they atraighteDed, and the unwieldy
load rose over the obstruction like an
old bulk over a swell at sea, greeted by
a burst, of applause from tbe bystanders.
Tbe mustangs pulled tor about twenty
five feet and he stopped them.' "You
see, boys," said the teamster as be got
down, "I'm with 'em all tbe time and
know just what ; they can do, and"
with a childlike smile, "jest when to
make 'em do it." j As he dropped the
stake .in his overalls pocket he said,
"I'd give filty . dollars out of that ar
stake if Jim Shaw bad been here to see
that team pall. Jerry, I'm dry ; -let's
go over to Back Williamson's and take
a drink." , - r :
When he returned to bis mustang
to start out of town, be threw up bis
bat and said, "Whoop-la, Ive teamed
in Walla Walla, Nevada and Arkin.
saw, and with my slab sided 'pings kin
oct-pull any six males in Sonoma coca
ty. As ha - mounted bis whelks?
soj?2 oat to tbe crowd, "I sxaked h&t
old tambleidown oat pt the raad and
have fot the coin to ebow it. - Ilocrsy
for Arkicsaw. Wtr's tLem nsu!;s 1
Git erp, Petev" cracked bis whip, turned
the corner and passed oat of sight.
Sonoma Democrat.
' " - - - " " - !
' Seasonable Iteetjpe. e ' 1
Iron rust may be removde from cot
ton and woolen goods by saturating the
spots With ink, fend removing this by
the use of muriatic acid dilated with
five or six times its weight of water.
: Chocolate Crwmt Allow enough
new milk to fill $0 small caps ; set it
on to boil ; and hating mixed in 4 pint
of milk . 2 ounces of grated chocolate
add it to the boiUrig milk. Just before
itooiaea oarth. wat in AVf
6 eggff beatd-ifadd' mixed ''ia a little
milk, and . potrod of white sugar.
When cool mix in the beaten whites of
tbe eggs, and a small quantity of vanilla
boiled in milk. Fill .the cups nearly
full, place them'. In water, and boil
hour. Eat when cold,'
A Good Wash for the Outside of
Buildinga. Take a clean, tight bar
rel, and shake in it I bushel of freshly
burned lime, by covering it with boil
ing water. After it is slaked add cold
water enough, to brine; it to tbe consist
ency of cream or j thick whitewash.
Then dissolve in water 1 pound of sul
phate of zino (also , known by the com
mon name of white vitriol) and add to
the lime and water, with 1 quart of fine
salt. Stir well nutil the ingredients are
thoroughly mixed. This forms a pure
white. If a cream color is desired, 4
pound of yellow ochre is added.
Light Bread. -Take 6 good-sized I
potatoes, "wash clean, boil down and
mash through a colander, add 3 quarts
ot water, 1 pint of Hoar; 4 pints of yeast;
be careful not to have hot enough to
scald the yeast, let it stand over night,
and it will be a light foam in tbe morn
ing ; then stir it in your floor to tlie
thickness of batter, let that stand about
an hour, or until light, mix and knead
till it blisters, let it raise , again ; then
work in loaves, let it 6tand till light and
bake. This quantity makes five ot six
bhjo loaves. -. Add a tafcfesBseasfaiV-&f
salt to yeast. ' ; . i
, Breakfast Cake. Aj Central New
York banker who regard cakes in gen
eral as an invention of the evil one,
indorses but one kind which he desires
as an adjunct to his breakfast cup ot
coffee, taken, as coffee should be taken,
without milk. This is the recipe as
his cook gave it to me: 1 oofTeecups
ot light bread dough ; 2 ditto of white
8t,gr; i teacup of batter ; 3 eggs ; 1
teaspoon of soda; 1 teacup f stoned
raisins. Cloves, cinnamon or nutmeg to
taste, liub tbe raisins tu floor, - Stir
tbe batter with the hand, aud if cot thick
enough add a small bit of floor. Put a
layer of tbe batter in a deep, round bak.
iug pan, then a layer of raisins, until all
the batter is in the dish. Place the pan
in a warm place for two hours, or until
the mixture is light j bake.' ' -
Didn't Come Off. A few ckys ago
a Detroit widoweiysays tb Fret JVess,
who was engaged to a Detroii widow,
each having two or three e! Z.ry, and
both being well oS; determl ! t. ts"i
her love for him. aa at the r
discover if she was actuated' t r
nary motives, as some of bis' f. .,JL& had
asserted. : He called upon her at , tlie
usual evening hour, and aitrr while
remarked : . '
i uMj dear, you know I have t
dren, and to-day 1
policy oT 523,000 thanked to i
benefit in case of niydeathJ
she promptly replied, "I fcav i,.rn
children, as you are'aware. jt an
we were engaged I had every t' r's
worth of my property so sec I
they alone can have the ber.I i !
He looked. . ' , .
She looked. ' V f . ,' . .
The marrutge didn't ootse cT.
time set last week, , and it rry
occor.', t , h ' , -', '
3 Tho surgical exac" ix'onct
ot Lexington, the grv i 11.-.'
borie, revealed a mo. 'tip ;
his death. That pa; . J?
the left eye,- whera t.,? t::
horse casemcd to Is Ik"'
with, at least a qas-R "cac '
which had been . i.y -throah
an cpenir; '' ;
csasedky-tlskcstf- -
A CascAso ftp. .
EafaoEifcr l"uLc:I ;
Iowa ara , . : 3. 1.
the"Iwa v Lzzza ar.
kssfci -"" 7" l Sept.-'
mem ; ' d tlcaa ,
tlcy i f is, !
Christmas was doly observed all over
the Bute.
Wheat sowed in Tygh valley, last
fall, is 10 inches high. -
A bouncing big wild cat was killed
at WestChehalem last week.
Grand shool exhibition at Junction
on Tuesday of this week.
- Father Wilbur's farm .in Douglas
county was sold last week for $$,000
" The mercury stood 68 degrees above
zero at tbe Dalles ' on Tuesday of Jast
week.5,::: ;
aflicted with the worst kind of hood
lum ism.
Four cattle belonging to a drove being
ferried over the river 'at Salem last Fri
day were drowned.
The residence of Mr. Write, near
Amity, was broken into and robbed of
valuables one night last week.
Tbe east pier of tbe new bridge across
the river at ' Springfield, Lane county,
has settled about four inches below levcL
The Good Templars' Lodge at Astoria
have changed the time of meeting from
Tuesday to -Monday evening of each
week. " ''
, Burglars entered the tame house three
times in one night last week and got no
thing. : Talk about "the rewards of per
serverance." "
The streets of Vancouver are to have
street lamps.
There are only 26 prisoners in the
Utah penitentiary. :
Every house in Tenino is occupied.
There are at the present six families.
It is expected that 6,000,000 hoop
poles will be shipped from Tenino next
year. '" - ! "
: Some of the Hood river colonists
have removed to Cowlitz which they
like better.
Tbe ore . recently struck in the Bay
City tunnel, Alta, Utah, is said to assay
from $2,900 to $5,000 in silver to tbe
ton. ; '
v Tlie foVry mnn at the NisquaTIy cross
ing has been damaged to tbe amount ot
$1,500, by the river .cutting away tbe
banks. ;
A Territorial wagon road is about to
be built from Cheyenne to the Black
Hills. The ' legislature of Wyoming
recently passed an act for its location.
The stockholders of the Seattle and
Walla Walla Railroad Company will
meet on the 10th of January for the an
nual election of the board of trustees.
Railroad business at Tenino is rather
dull just now, although the last two
months it has been rather better thau
at any time since the terminus was es
tablished at Tacoma.
The Tacoma sawmill has been ran
ning night and day for nearly a month
past, and cutting about one hundred
and six and one hundred and eight
thousand feet of lumber every 24 hours.
The Seattle Tribune ot December
3d says: . "The White river rose nine
feet yesterday, and the - Duwamisb, at
SteeV three feet, overflowing their
banks and inundating a large portion of
"is country."
A man named James Newman was
drowned at Port Ludlow few nights
since. . He had been down 00 the wharf
to boy apples from - a boatman, wben,
in returning, he fell off and was lost,
lie lived is Port Ludlow, where' he
woiked in the sawmill, aud be leaves
a fjattjr of throa laifdren.
1 be Hon. J. G. Swan, Centennial
Commissioner ot Indian curiosities of
the Northwest coast, has .had brought
down from Alaska a carved column 30
fcst long and about. 4x3 feet "It has
cr rved on it immense heads of Indians
tn various , postarea. It ' is now being
hosed op for shipment to.. Washington.
Hr. Swan is making valuable selections.
f.?tl.a Centennial.
The ; Olysapta Transcript of . last
f -iarday says: "Mr. . J. T. Hieklin,
who has lately been employed in Mc
; -;aja steam sawmill, in this city,
r,-lb ' a severe accident orr Thar,
j . Id attenijtiRg to remove a
. vlLHbad, got Cisteoed between
" sr fen&r and the cat-off saw,
' hand was drawn' in," badly
rZ. u It, and laeerati-sg: his' arm fear.
" ' jt cn'.ng the sjoscles and opening
f - h t 0 (Oohes wide. , Ha received
fi;;:.:.les on trsast, but forto.
' 7 eo f rtfrtea wer s-everii .
6 rolffry grcrla-
v A Walk'Sir lift. "'.";'v;f ;
The Montana Missovliah has the
following interesting incident in frontier
life: Daring the Winter,, of, 1867 a
party, beaded by Bacon, the Elk county
expressman, Btarted from Lewistoo, Nez
Perce covnty, Idaho Territory, for Flk
City, a spur of the Rocky Mountains,
whose altitude is not less, than 12,000
feet, through dense timber. . ' .
Leaving Silverwood's . Mountain
House, no stopping place existed until
twenty-six miles were made over mount
ains to Newsome creek. In tbe party,
of some seven or eight, was one' Richard
WSdan,' a Norwegian, well known to
the writer of this article. . He had xhe
ill luck to break, a- nowshoe, and was
advised to take jt back to Silverwood's
as the party could not stop in the snow.
Believing he could go back by the
plainly marked trail in ; the snow and
blazes on the trees for a guide, the others
pushed on and safely arrived at Elk
City, and no fears were expressed re
garding the fate of Wildan, till seven
days later a new party crossed ' the
mountain, and then it ' was ascer
tained that Wildan had not c;one back.
Immediately a party was mustered,
and on enow-shoes started to find tbe
lost man. His trail was at last found
and followed by the hardy pioneers in
seach of him. ; On the ninth day he
was found, still on foot, walking in a
circle on the hard-beaten trail of his
own making, his feet badly frozen, yet
enclosed in the sleeves of his coat, which
he bad wrapped about them, v ;
The thermometer showed nine degrees
below zero a great part of the time he
was struggling on bis feet for life. The
party nndinz mm saw that lie was
thoroughly crazy. On accosting him
and asking him if he was" not hungry,
he at once replied no. He was ted pork
and beans at a house not for back. Not
a trace could be found where he had sat
down, not a sign of where he could hare
taken a rest in fact, with the -cold
never less tlian four degrees below zero,
be never had i. walked... again . had -he
rested. He was brought to Newsome
creek station on the ninth night of his
wild, cold, unfed, cheerless walk in tbe
deep snow tenderly cared for by Wall
& Beard, keepers of that station, and
eventually recovered so as to do a good
season's work with a pick and shovel,
in a mining camp called Ebon . Water
Station, sixteen miles below Elk City
camp. Mr. Wildan ; was a man of.
about 180 pounds weight, short and
stout. . jV-WT -: ,. l-
- That this article is true in every-re?
spect is easily to be proven. 'L. P.
Brown, Deputy V. S. tax, collector,
now of Mounl Idaho,, or M. Charles
Frush, a clerk now in the land office of
the interior department, can vouch for
the general truthfulness ot this, slight
sketch. Here is a case where seven,
days ot real walking took place without
any refreshments or 'change of apparel
with outcheer of any kind, and all
for iife. Let. tools praaeo on boards,
stages, : etc, Dick , WUdan'a feat will
overshadow anything they ever can do.
. There is ao unexpected and quite
serious bitch in the new- North Brook-'
field ( Mass.) railroad. The bottom1 of
a section in Kimball's ,? swamp - has
dropped out, and no solid work can be
done; , all the ballasting sinks out' of
sight, and the contractors are in doubt
as to a remedy.
- JTus Latx Yick Psisident. The
Springfield vMa6a.) Republican... give
these interesting facta in its notice et
Vk PrssidoBt Wilson's death : f -
' His father was of the' noonaat "of
New Hampsliire eouotry people, a half
vagrant, aisetpatea, shabby - person,
and his son, Jeremiah Colbath, for that
was tbe name which ' Henry Wilson
bora as a boy, found himself early in
the village poor-bouse, from which he
was apprenticed, at 10 years old, to a
farmer in the sasie town of Farmingtoa.
The Vice president leaves' neither family
nor property; his wife, a woman of sweet
nature and delicate body, died the last
year of his Senatorial , experience; , and
Lis only son died early, after some ser
vice in the war, aud an experiaee that
repeat&l ' the' i-stroction of a former
oneration,, and . resouSrraad :tlS Vic
President in his zc.lous and total absti
nence. princip las aci practfee; while as
to- property, he r.-.ver Ls,i or sought
no-re than a livisg L-ota lucnth to eio&b.
Ilia personal rtuu were fw &$d simple,
and ha had rp- roori in . Lis enure for
ambition for "tdoney fcr money's sakt
and do spaas ia tb'll izt-ils ,!cact
osos of taoneyrfi V --' '; '
- An '
prosaiiisist -Pres
cow n
psetea. The Ne .0..
pahlk-Lss a fjrc:IiIi.liIolI,icrtLcr3.
ACMaayef Insane,
' The town of Gbeel. situated in thel' .
province of Antwerp,, has been for six
centuries an abode of madmen, and tra
dition even takes the story back eUren -centuries.
There are 11,000 peopia in
the tlae. and thev have charsn of 1.3G0 '
lanaties from abroadr Who. r boarded .
utmnd in the familks) and treated with
great consideration. Tbe children from
youth are familiarized witb the business, . .
and all the peep! 3 know how .to reata ,
those committed to their care." 11 1
habiunts are.alI,oto rpeik,er -1
in ta atrrvaillanea of tha lasatSa, - '
of the ereatest iocls.1 tmnkhcsfflt thatf
can be inflicted a femiivt to Ci. in;
that it ia aifSt to resslvs 'sucli Lci.'crs,
The lqn&tics are dicposed of "
statione wfs&Ithy . I-l. " U.'- .
the bvner-Xhsuss, rsaa- poor usata u
poorer. Of course the very iaEEo c?l r -dangerous
lunatics, are not thus &kxl
of. The cures averaga from sixty t-
seventy-iive to tee nuaarea. uoeei
divided into four districts, each wivh i.J
overseer and -physician. Larct emm o
money are spent in tne piaca oy 109 1 -
tiAnta anil familuMOWnRttallV are ftlwaVB
aesuious 01 caving one or mwa -
Few tragedies better deserve the
name of "horror" than that which trans
pired . but a few days ago on the rail
road near Gopfritz, Austria. . At a few
minutes past one in the morning, as a
train of fourteen carriages, with 12&- -oassencers.
was crossing: a bridge some-
forty feet in height, the engine ran from
the rails and plunged into the ch&sm,
dragging all but one of the cars with it.
About a dozen passengers were killed'
and as many more seriously injured, the1
others, wonderful to relate (for the cars
were heaped on each other ana emasoecu -to
fragments), escaping with but flight
wounds or braises. The engineer and -
stoker were crusDea to ieny ana tne
chief gaurd decapitated. A mail clerk
was fatally scalded, thong Ii death diJ
not release him for several hours, during.
which be lay beneath tbe mis, audibly
lamenting the fate of his family and en
treating for water, . which could not. be
whose mother's brains were dashed out
by an iron bar by her side, escaped unin-'
jured, and gave birth to ber child while-
yet entangled in the wreck, xamina-
lion snowea teat tne siaugnter was not
the result ot accident, for hands accus
tomed to railroad work had removed the
nuts and bolts from five 'rails ou one
eide of tba-oovre, end-then tpl&Ei4he'
rails so that the track appeared safe and
untouched. . . The affair is all the more
horrible because but a little while before
three attempts had been made in a pre
cisely similar manner to wreck trains on.
another road.
The Bjestnbtb to Makky It is
again rumored that young Bennett,
owner of the New York Herald, is to
marry soon. The Wy ; in the case is
Miss Tznaga Del Valle, daughter cf a
Spanish merchant tor many years a
resident of Bof!klo. She has been
called the most beautiful lady of America
and is highly accomplished. She has
been- greatly admired ' in society here
and , in Europe, and ; has, . ever been the
centre of a .charming circle of friends.
Mr. Bennett is certainly a most eli'ulo'
gentleman for a husband. His yearly
income is about $700,000; be tl hie
yacht, his four-in-hand, town house on
Fifth avonne, oountry houses - at New
port and Port Washington, a wttare at
Brighton, -England, twenty ;' blooded
horses in his stable, and a newspaper.
He belongs to half a dozen clubs, and is
very generous With his money. Mr.
Bennett And bis sisier, .Miss Jeannette,
are all that is left ot the Scotch Ben. '
oetts of New Tork, and rumor has
already named a hosband tor Mist Ben.
nett, who lives with her brother at the
family mansion, N6. , 5 Fifth avenue.
That thirsty traveler 00 tho Central
Pacific railroad the other day knew how
to get a. drink. .Entering -a smokirg
car while the train was inmotion, in an
earnest and sympathetic tone he said:
"There is a lady in the coach fainted
away. Has any gentleman here any
liquor for her?" TweMy-dgbt men in
that coach , immediatelv . arose- to their
feet, each "With iii his hand. A "
more eloquent expression of tyc3t,'ihy ,
coukl not becOuceived.; . 5
Proctor's lectures on astrojioray mm -revolutionizing
the'rfigalatlons of tuoy
a Boston hosieohold. . Parentg,' in their
ardor for science, 00; longer. ext tie
lights to be out and everybody
by ten o'clock. - A young man can call
and explain the "ptanetary system to a
yoang him till one
o'clock in tbe morniEg to do Brook.
'A Vassarj eirt. wrcta boTO:-C23
Paw-I'aw, we rtudy Lav'n f Qvezhn
day."',Fweceb seven, up and sv.rr3
evah so' lotoj;1 i The good ks-to: an
oevah let us g ov.xtJ " Vi out yea r , 1
ma my -h'RS : anl . t l-st;s f.r f; :J
little prl. who live? in the vill
Don't forget tLafceil t .r: 'fl." ' "
r - - -mi-- .
r-' Bob LorHleT '
"Q Jr-'J O, f r a
la taait
fbrt"?.hrrti rccsn cr
one's 1 trovsf I :r .rc 1 1
, U CM ll. 3 lot
;i c
n-. 1 c ; -t 1 r i cf t
1 . ;ve.