The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, December 03, 1875, Image 2

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1 The Hudson river is trozen over
from Hudson to Albany.
It is reported the President Las now
tendered the festoon of Commissioner
of Indirfn Affairs to Congressman Wm
If. Upson, of Ohio.
Since the purchase of the Suez canal,
England has 6ent two accountants to
balance the books of the Khedive and
set his finances in order.
The St. Petersburg Galois says the
incessant raids on Russian territory
prove the necessity for the occupation
of the remainder ot Khokand -by
Russian troops.
Governor Allen has appointed J.
3Iillilicn,of Butler county, Treasurer, to
fill the vacancy occasioned by the death
of Isaac Welch.
.Upprecedentedly cold feather1 for the
season is reported from all sections of
New England, the mercury ranging
from four to - fourteen degrees below
. ,
Immense Loss. A London telegram
of 'Nov. lOtK says : The estimated
damage done in London and neighbor
hood by high tides to-day will reach
$5,000,000. Wolwich Arsenal Grouud
are partly submerged.
Mr. Doromy was killed by the kick
of a horse some, time ago. Neighbors
of the widow gathered ou her farm a
few days since and prepared the land
for next harvest, cut wood for the winter,
and dng her crop of potatoes. Good
The following parties, under indict
ment lor fraudulent whisky transactions,
have withdrawn their plea of not guilty
and have entered a plea ot gui!ty:
Philip C. Eberwene, Col. George Sim
onson, Jno. Phillips, Harrison Miller,
David 31. Lewis, George Hogan, Geo.
TV Crisu, Christopher Cocholar, Wm.
Menfoat aud Dennis Reilly. The
court deferred pronouncing sentence.
y Eugene Sue was very rich he inher
ited great wealth from his father, and
his house in Paris was as sumptuous as
it was artistically furnished; his servants
wore silk stockings and presented his
letters to him on a f silver salver not
bad . for a professional radical. He
wrote always in white kids. 1 .
The Fbers papyns ' roll ' discovered
and translated by Prof. Ebers, , is an
Egyptian Medical treatise written just
3,400 years ago, according to the
commonly received chrono'ogy, when
Moses was just 21 years old. Chapters
65, 66, 79 aud 80, show that hair invig
orators, bah dyes, pain-killers, and flea
powders, were desiderata ev.n at that
early period.
During the first success at Drary
Lane, Kean overheard a lot of old stage
carpenters discussing ' the various per
formers of "Hamlet", they had seen in
their day. f Well," said one,"you may
talk of Henderson, and Kemble, and
this new man, bat give me ' Bannister's
'Hamlet. He was always done twenty
mi notes sooner than , any : one of 'em."
A JTerakl special from London says
-the Royal Geographical Soiety met
again and congratulated Sir. Stanley
for his successful African explorations.
Speakers declared there was nothing in
the gift of the Society too high ; tor h"s
reward and he deserved a; reoept'o i on
bis return like $hat accorded to Speke
.and Grant in the old Burlinglon House
when they returned after the discovery
of the Victoria Nyanza. , ' -
Copp's lVesteiyi Land Owner for
November, reports a . decision of the
Land Office, establishing the following
important principles: An incorporated,
association of citizens owning separate
and distinct interests in a placer mine,
may unite their means and expend $500
as required by law, at one : p'ace, and
afterwards secure a ' patent from the
United States. Locators of mining
claims have exclusive - right of - possess
ion of the surface ,- embraced in their
clalrr.9 and of the timber- growing
thereon on compliance with the United
States and local laws. , ' . ,
Tl.o feeling in regard to "annexation"
in 1 7dIIa Walla U growing daily. The
citizens of Walla Walla have no interest
in common with the balaoce ot Wash
ington Territory, Gince the division of
the c. -!:(, Let their interests are more
or sS3 Clrccily connected with our State.
We "ir.LxV i3 an 'early annexation of
thit j-rtion of the Walla Walla" valley
of v . ' . u 1 5 i.t tin ving city is the county
mt, to Cr;jon. . ...
Z" Ki'y Wolfd i3 said to be the
rlO -.wr:'.! in Arrerloa, her income,
! ficn. Crook and the Indian.
In view of the lato reports from the
Black Hills and the Cheyenne and
Sioux county, the following from a letter
which appears in the Sioux City Times
will be not without interest : - For some
months it has leen a matter of the wild
est conjecture as to what the large pack
trains ot Mexican jacks were being
organized for at and in the neighbor
hood ot Cheyenne. Several hundred
packjacks have for weeks been centered
in the neigb rhood of Fort Russel and no
person, not even the officer in command
of the post, was let into the secret use
to which they were to be put. The
writer of this knows whereof he speaks,
and the following are the facts : The
post or military camp in the Black
1 litis is to be moved out. Gen. Crook,
commander of the department of the
Platte, has for some time past prophesied
and looked forward to an Indian war in
the event the commissioners appointed
to treat for the Black Hills failed in
their mission with the Indians. The
General is an old Indian fighter and
means business. He proposes to make
a winter's campaign against tlie Indians,
which is the only manner in which they
can be successfully punished. He will
have do wagons cr commissary stores.
The pack-train is to accomjwiny the cav
alry to carry their supplies while pursue-
ing the Indians. As soon as the pack.
animals are to be killed and the cavalry
to pack what food they can on their
horses. When the food is gone they are
then to kill their horses and eat horse
meat and still koep up their pursuit ot
the Indians, who when overtaken, are to
get such a chastisement as will teach
them that for once in many years they
are to receive a dose of the medicine
that was formerly administered to them
by Sully and Harney. That an Indian
war is imminent is now heyoud question,
and that Gen. Crook is fully prepared
tor it will be demonstrated in a few
.Says the Burlington Hawkeye: Brief
ly stated, our filiate al views are these :
Tiebacks are better than greenbacKs.
They are in greater demand ; they are
more constantly in circulation ; they are
always boyant, dreadfully boyant ; they
are always good for their face, and are
always quoted above Par, or mar either.
Capt. Sawyer Conduct.
From the Victoria Colonist we copy
the following, which shows how the
heartless conduct ot Capt. Sawyer is
there regarded :
When the Captain of the Orpheus
was told there was a hail and cries of
distress from the steamship, it was but
natural that he should first concern
himself about the' safety pof his-own'
vessel and ascertain that she had not
sustained damage sufficient to cause her
destruction. lie says, that he sounded
the pomps and found her making no
water, and then goes on to say that the
bail ot "ship ahoy!" from the steamer
was reported to him by the man at the
wheel. Having ascertained tliat his
6hip was all right he "commenced to
shorten sail;" but why did he not put
about and run dowu to the steamer ?
The hail must have shown him plainly
that the steamship needed assistance ;
and it seems strange that if cries of
distress from the people on the steam
ship were heard by others on board the
ship that the Captain did not hear them.
We trust we shall not be considered as
judging this man harshly, or adding
one pang to the anguish which (if he be
animated by the common dictates ot
humanity) must wring his heart when
we say it is perfectly clear that it he
had answered the hail, ran down to the
steamer and sent bis boats to the rescue,
not a soul of the large company that
perished so miserbly almost within sight
of our harbor need have been lost. The
agony of mind our friends on the steam
ship suffered as they saw the lights ot
the ship fade away and realized that
they were left to their fate must have
been ' terrib'e indeed. All the facts
connected with this disaster will never
be known; but enough has come to hand
to show that there was culpable care
lessness on the one side or the other;
that on the part ot the steamship there
was a lack of discipline and a want of
speedy and safe methods for launching
the boats ; and that on the part of - the
ship there was (an apparent) indifference
to the cries of distress which arose from
the sinking people. We trust that tnis
matter will be sifted to the bottom, and
that the brand of responsibility tor the
lofs ot life and property will be indelli
blv affixed to the jrailty parties to be
worn noon thesr brows as a mark of
Cain to designate them as murderers,
' Sorely the President will not pardon
Des Anges, who has been convicted ot
conspiring with other scoundrels to de
fraud the revenue of an immense amount.
The crime of his confederate smugglers
is light compared with his,for they were
not engaged and paid by the Govern
ment to prevent smuggling; he adds
deliberate and long-continued perfidy to
fraud; and were it not that President
Grant has bestowed pardons in maoy
other very "bad cases we would never
dream of uttering a note of warning now:
' - Private advices assert that the Cuban
General De Janginitibas slain a Span
ish force of 300 men, under Co I. Cam.
peilo, at the intersection of the main
turnpike, running tfi rough the center of
the island, , and , the road leading to
Ilemedios. A decoying force of sharp
shooters was deployed to lead tliem into
ambuscade ivhere they were attacked
by the main body of rebels.
Ilo-n-i Eery. P. Avery, Minister to
China, is reported dead.' " '
Paetiie glairs
A G5 pound squash has been sent tc
Astoria from Sauvie's Island.
The late storms have left the streets
ot Astoria in a deplorable condition.
The Corvallis College and all other
schools of that city are unusually well
attended this winter.
D. W. Overton has resigned the
marshalship of Astoria, and B. B. Turley
has been nppointed in his stead.
No lumber can be had at Indepen
dence for love or money. Parties wish
ing to build must wait or send to Salem
One day last week, Roy, a little son
of Judge- Hurly, of Lafayette, fell
against a red hot stove and badly burn
ed the side ot his face and hands.
Mr. Atterbury of Eugene, fired two
shots at a burglar who was trying to get
into his father's residence, one night last
week. Unfortunately the shots did not
take effect. i ,
. The citizens of Jefferson did not re
gale on roast turkey and chicken pie
Thursday, as is their wont on Thanks
giving. The reason is that some one
put out poisoned meat for the dogs of
the town, and the afore-mentioned fowls
did partake thereof, and did die.
L. G. Suiter, of Lafayette, met with
a serious accident a few days sines. He
was running a saw at the furniture estab
lishment of Smith & Co., when the saw
struck a knot and flew off", .j Before he
could stop the forward motion of his
arm the saw struck his hand and tore the
flesh from the thumb and index finger.
The Salem JiTercury says : "Some
two or three year9 aro, old farmer Whit
lock, who resides in the vicinity of Sil
verton, 'got religion,' and ever since
that time his mind has been elevated so
much above the affairs of this world
that he has declined to pay his taxes.
Not long 6ince he run off his family,
and now is "monarch of all he surveys,"
and defies the tax collector and every
one else. Some think him insane. Be
that as it may, a party leave to-day with
the intention of bringing the old man to
a realizing sense of his condition, being
armed with a warraut for i his arrest."
The sh:p Longfetioint third vessel
with steel rails for the railway, has arriv
ed at Royal Roads. -
The Colonist says Mr. Justice Crease
was presented with a pair of kids . at
Westminster, there being no criminal
cases for trial. !
A telegram received from Mr. Rob-
ison, pay-master of - the railway forces,
states that he has arrived at 'Cache
Creek after a hard trip from: Kamloops,
the cold being intense. I
Mr. D. N. Allen, ot the firm of Crane,
Hastings & Co., "arrived at Victoria
from San Francisco by the Salvador to
take charge ot the remains of Mr. Hast
ings, who was lost on the Pficijlc.
If the rudder found at Bentinck
Island proves to be the Pacfi?a the
Colonist deems tl at the evidemce is
conclusive that the steamship, was split
from stem to stern. If the hull had re
mained intact the rudder could not have
broken away in the manner it seem3 to
have done. M
In delivering his change to the grand
jury at New Westminster Judge Crease
said : "In view ot the late terrible dis
aster, he might say that the manner in
which public carriers, by land and wa
ter, discharged their duties was a matter
upon which the grand jury might report
The terrible waruins we had should
teach us to look at home, and see weth
er there were not some things to be set
in order." I i
Hon. L. F. Lane started for Wash
ington, D. C, last week.
Several new books will shortly be
added to the Oregon Citv library.
The Oregon and California Stage
Company change to winter time on the
lotb. .
Williams creek, in Josephine, is f till
so high as to delay the mail several
hours." -'". '." .'.
The Governor has issued an offical
proclamation of the result of the election
in this State.
Capt. Griffin, last week, killed a bear
near Japksonville weighing about 300
pounds, near his farm. !
The mail carrier reports all the bridges
down between Jacksonville and Rose-
burg aud two .teet ot snow on the
mountains. i
Considerable freight for Jacksonville
is yet lying at Roseburg, and ; several
teams are having a rough time trying to
get it through. j
Prof. C. II. Hodge3 has secured the
Academy building, at Columbia City,
Oregon, where he intends to establish a
permanent school. . "
An exchange says Thanksgiving Day
didn't appear to rack the mind of any.
body in Eugene City much. As usual,
the business honr-es were open, and the
churches closed. ' ;
Messrs Craig and Finn, mail carriers
on the MeKenzie and Ochoco route, ex
perienced rongh weather on their Jasf
trip. Mr." Craig was out 48 hours in the
cold and wet without; food or fire,
The miners of Josephine county ex
pect a successful mining season, as water
is plenty and liable to continue so.
Those who are not already at work are
busily engaged making preparations to
get at mining as soon as possible.
The State Board of Public Instruc
tion held a meeting at Salem Nov. 26th,
at which time Mrs. John Gray, who has
served a term of years as Matron of the
Deaf Mute School, tendered her resigna
tion of that position and Mrs. Frank
Cooper was appointed to fill the vacan
cy. ;
One day last week a family by the
name of Hall, attempted to cross Wil
liams creek, Josephine county, which at
the time was considerably swollen by
the late storms, and when near the mid
dle tfhe wagon upset, spilling the whole
lot into the creek and drowning one of
the children. .
J. E. Bowes, agent of the English
company owning the extensive placer
mines at Galice creek, reports that dig
ging on the ditch to convey water from
the creek will soon be suspended until
next summer, when it doubtless will be
finished. Work by hydraulics will soon
Mrs. Lottie Ream, chairman of the
centennial commitee for Lane county,
calls upon the. ladies of that county to
aid in the work ot securing for the coun
ty an honorable representation on that
occasion. Relics of antiquity, works of
art and fancy work of all kinds aue ear
nestly requested. Pressed leaves, wild
flowers, mosses, grasses, ferns, and all
plants common or peculiar to our State
are desired. ,
Article one of the by-laws oi the Na
tional Grange, reads as follows : "The
fourth day ot December, the birthday
ot the Patrons ot Husbandry, shall be
celebrated as the anniversary of the Or
der." In accordance with the above,
Monmouth Grange has voted to have a
meeting at their hall, commencing at
10 o'clock of said day of December,
1875. Dinner will be served in the hall,
speeches made, and a good time gener
ally is hoped -for.
A fracas occurred between some Indi
ans at Fairchild's ranch, on Butt ecreek
Jackson county, a ftw days ago, in
which one of them got a dose ot six
leaden pellets from a pistol in hands of
another one.. It appears an Indian
named Stephen A. Douglas, who was
given to John Fairchild when about 5
years old, and raised by him, got into a
fight with another Indian, whose name
we did not learn, atid after trying it
awhile with their fists and Stephen A.
Douglas getting the worst of it, he went
off and-got. bis4itsol audwonnd up the
argument by putting six balls into his
opponent. A half-breed Indian kept
the other Indian off with his pistol
while Stephen A. did his little piece ot
target shooting. At last accounts the
Indian 6hot was not dead, though it
was e.xpecte lie soon would be.
Levi Lcland, the Total Abstinence
lecturer, has organized a Lodge of Good
Temp'ars with 40 members in Victoria,
under the title of British Columbia
Lodge, No. 1.
A schoolteacher nameJ A. W. Brodt,
of the San Leaudro Unioji School, Cali
fornia, is before the court for having
caused the severe illness of a pupil a
small boy by cruel punishment. He
had ordered the little fellow to go up and
down a stairway of twenty-nine steps
1280 times. On the 25th time down
the lad fainted, was carried home and
had to keep his bed for two weeks.
When we come to consider that under
the most severe goal system in England
the strongest convicts are subjected to
18,000 steps of the treadmill in one day,
and then find that this -lad was sentenc
ed to walk 37,120 steps up and down,
or four times as much ot a task as the
English grown convicts, in the severest
prisons in that country have imposed
upon them ; we can reasonably realize
the inhumanity 'of the teachei in the case
before us. All such teachers deserve dis
missal and punishment besides.
"Oh, these ugly ; old States, I've
got to bound them all," was the half
perplexed and very impatient ejacula
tion ot the eight-year old little lady
bothering" her play-hankering brain over
her geography lesson at home. "Why
don't they put 'em all in one place ?"
And the child in saying it was simply
mother to the woirjan. just as the boy is
father to the man. Like all of ns she
prefers to slide down the grade of Ease
and is averse to climbing the hill of
Difficulty. Who can blame her for is
not example her guide at last ?
Kalama, November 27. Last night
about 11 o'clock, while the steamship
Gussie Telfair was steaming down the
river, on her way to Victoria, she struck
on a rock at. Waterford, about 40 miles
below here. She stove several holes in
her bow, and is now beached on the
Washington Territory side. - There is
about ten feet ot water in her forward
compartments. She had about 125 tuns
of freight and a small list of passengers
on board. ' The passengers and fifty tons
ot freight were transferred to the steam
er Emma Hayward this morning and
taken back to Portland. The rest ot
the freight is a total loss. " v '
Some white msn tackled some Indians
in a game of poker to-day, says the
Austin Reveille, but the son of the forest
rung in a cold deck and cleaned up all
the money on the blanket, aud then the
pale faces, said be was a son ot some
!" thing ele than the forest.
A Munchausen Story.
The Sonora Democrat of the 2d has
the following : As the Sonora and Mil
ton stage was leisurely approaching
Tuttletown on Wednesday evening,
dogs were heard baying opposite a deep
cut just ahead. As the stage approach
ed, there was a terrible racket in the
brush, the dogs made a grand rush, and
a huge California lion bounded aboard
and seato4 himself by the side of the
only outside passenger a Chinaman.
The Chinaman only gave a momentary
glance before be yelled, "Me no likee I
All same China devil, good by John,"
and then the driver and his strange pass
enger had the outside to themselves.
By this time the team had become res
tive and started on a half gallop down
the grade, pursued by the dogs. As
Sam had .a splendid stretch ot road
ahead, he had ample time to note the.
graceful bearing of the liou, aud he says
the animal in the most engaging manner
imaginable showed, him the finest set of
teeth he ever saw in his life. Iu a few
minutes the stage emerged into an open
fiatfwith cattle feeding on either side,
and as the vehicle came whirling along
enveloped iu a cloud of dust, the bark
ingot the dogs and the growling of the
lion became so violent that it stampeded
the cows and horses. By this time Sam
began to perceive that affairs were get
ting a little mixed, and he gave the
lion a cut with his whip, when he
sprang upon the nearest cow and play
ed circus until she bucked him off in the
neighboring brush. Sam says that the
last he heard ot the lion he was mowing
a swath through the brush and "wal
lopping" the dogs right and left.
A Washington special says: Advices re
ceived through naval sources, set at rest,
apparently, the newest story regarding the
sudden activity in the Navy Department.
The extraordinary expenditure of Secre
tary Robeson during the past month have
been ot such character, and so continuous,
that even the officers of the Treasury,
through whose hands money has passed,
have been amazed and startled. That some
good reason, or plausible excuse, tor the
consideration ot Congress, exists lor this
immense outlay, has been generally conce
ded. " Various explanations have been
made, but no adequate reason has yet been
suggested. The newest explanation for
activity in the Navy ii a very plausible one
at first sight. It relates to carrying out
the protocol between Admiral Polo and
Secretary Fish, requiring the punishment
of persons connected with the massacre of
the onicrs mid crew of the Virglnius.
The protocol in question was signed .Nov.
29, 1S73, and provided that Spain should
proceed against t'.ie persons who committed
the massacre, before a competent court,
and inflict punishment on those who may
have offended. It has been claimed that
the Spanish Government, instead ol carry
ing out this agreement, has allowed the
officers to escape, and has even promoted
the principal offender. Gen. Burriell, under
whose orders the orew ot the Virginius
were executed. This lias been the subject
of correspondence between the two Government.-?;
but the subject hits' not reached
a point where it was necessary for the
United States to assume a threatening at
titude. It can be stated on the highest
authoiity, that the non-fulfillment, on the
part of Spain, of the protocol . relative to
the authors of the massacre, has been the
determining cjui-e.of the noval activity, as
the conmiuiiieation received from Madrid,
at the State Department, yesterday, states
that the Spanish Cabinet has decided to
carry out the protocol by proceeding to try
Uurriell, and other officers' who murdered
the Viryinius prisoners.
According to cable dispatches receiv
ed from London by prominent Spaniards
here, the recent reconstruction of the
Spauish Cabinet implies the appoint
ment of Gen. Jovellar to relieve Gen.
Valmaseda from the command of the
islaud of Cuba.
Our old friend, Ira :aytield, Esq.,
has associated with him 'Mr, 1$. SI.
Washburn, aud they are now issuing
the Walla Walla iSjji.u' semi-weekly.
Thev are making a o. 1 paper,and we
hope will make it pay financially. i
. !,
" ill a man rob iod?" was the text
of a preacher's sermon in San I'raiiciw,
the other day. For one,; we haven't
a doubt of it ; but they that do never
manage at last, we reckon, to cheat the
devil. Men who say or think "There
is no God," finally bring up in, the
clutches of Old Nick, and praying for
any God to rescue them, f
It's nonsense to call King Alfonso
the sheet anchor of Spain." He's only
a little buoy. And yet the verse writer
wished, if he didh't hope, for "A wind
that follows fast," and all that which
goes before. Even buoys always hold
their beads above water.
"Father, do yon Ilka mother?''
you?" "Of course 6he does." ''Did
she ever say so?" "Many a time, my
son." "Did she marry you because she
loved you?" "Certainly .she did." The
boy looked the old woman over, and
after a long pause asked : "Well, was
she as near-sighted as she is now ?"
Dark . Houses. A dark house is
always an unhealthy house, always an
ill-aired house always a dirty house.
Want of light stops growth, and aids
scrofula, rickets, etc., among children
People lose their health in a dark house;
and if t hey become ill they cannot get
well in it.
"John Henry," said his wife with
stony severity, "I saw you coming out
of a saloon this afternoon." "Well,
madam," replied" the obdurate. John,
"you wouldn't have me stay in there,
would you ?.", , '
The ' Northern Nevada Telegraph
Co have completed their line to Walla
Walla from Winuemucca, a distance ot
800 .miles. - " -
James, eldest son of Dr. Helmcken, of
Victoria, lately passed examination at
Kdinburg University with honors. lie
va -born in British Columbia.
New Hampshire was shook some by
an earthquake on the 1st.
The decrease of the public debt last
month was over $480,000.
1 "My onthankful hearers," said a back
woods preacher, "yoo air like onto hogs
eatiu' acorns. They never look up to
see where the acorns come from." .
There's one pleasant thing about
house cleaning. A man can straddle
himself out iu the parlor for a day or
two and spit on the floor without spoiling
a brussels carpet.
"The prisoner at the bar seems to
have a very smooth face," said a
spectator to the jailor. "Yes," replied
the jailor;"! was ironed just before he
i i. ;..? i
was uruuuiiv uu
. !
In Salem, one armed Brown and
E. O. Norten were the winners of the
8350 horse Gen. J. F. Miller had up
for raffle. 1
Blow fob Blow. Young Ra Jolph
Brown in Los Angeles ventured to blow
in a loaded pistol which he supposed
wasn't. It went off and blowed his
head off. Both went off pearly together.
.The Chicago Times wauts to know
who would pay eight million dollars for
the Black Hills,, when a thousand dol
lars worth of Cincinnati whisky would
settle the whole question in twenty
tour hours, aud kill the Indians to boot.
Think about marriage as we please,
there is no pieasanter sight than a newly
wedded couple walking home from
church on the first Sunday, with the
bride's mother in the rear thoughtfully
adjusting the bustle aud back bows ot
the happy daughter. j
When a man goes to a quilting party,
about tea time, and sits down on a ball
of yarn with a long darning needle in it,
he will think of more things connected
with darning in a minute than he can
mention in two hours. !
A Texas Judge is credited with the
following neat decision "The fact is,
Jones, the jail is an old rickety affair,
as cold as an irbn wedge. You applied
to this Court tor a release on bail, giv
ing it your opinion that you wonld freeze
to death there. The weather has not
moderated, aud to keep you from freez
ing I will direct the Sheriff to hang you
at four o'clock this afternoon.". '
Tilton says Washington is so corrupt
that the Man in the Mcon holds his
nose when he eoes over, that city.
What does he do when he goes over
Brooklyn ? j
It is aid that the game of chess was
invented by a tender j woman, more
than two th usand years ago. She was
a Queen and played the first game with
the teth site had extracted from one ot
her slaughtered enemies-j
Here's a Yale co'Iege ditty- "And if
it is a girl, sir, we'd dress her up in blue,
and send her out to Sal 'oust all to coach
the freshman crew; and if it iss. boy,
sir, we'll pit him on the crew, and let
him wax the llarvards as his daddy
used to do." j
Dnri'ig the Var a Georgian stared to
Marietta with some chickens for sale.
He met a squad of soldiers, aud they
bought all his chickens but one rooster.
He insisted that they should take him,
but they were outuf money and couldu't
buy. i
The old man said ite hated to go on to
town with only one chicken, and was
greatly pnzz ed about it.
At la-t one of the soldiers said :
"Old man, I'll play you a game of
seve -up for him." j
"Agreed," says the old man.
They p ayed a lng and spirited game.
At last the soldier woo. The old man
wrung the rooster's neck a;d tossed
him at the soldier's teet, and mounted
his swab tailed pony aud sarted home.
After getting some two hundred yards
he suddenly stopped, turned round, and
rode back and said : v
"You pla.ed a fair game, and won
the rooster fairly, b it I'd like to know
what in the you put up agin' that
Anna Dickinson, alone and single
landed, will do more toward making
people give p theatre going than a
regiment ot Tahnadges. She is going
to act.
"Et connty fairs i goin to do agricul
ture enny good," said a Long island
farmer, "keep out the wimrain. Tliem
air pull-backs git a man's eye so sot that
be can't see nothur else."
A Wisconsin lad v opened a matrimo
nial intelligence office recently, but He
married the n rst man who applied, and
the concern came to a speedy end.
What holds all the snuff in the
world ? Xo one's wise.
Little Johnnie "I heard somebody
crying in mere, ana it wasn't ma nor
the doctor." blssie-T-"Maybe it was the
kitten." '
' The discovery of a one hundred and
fatty carat diamond is reported from
South Africa.
Kpeelal afettees. '
e"5r If yon waut to buy the latest style
of lady's Rubber Boots, go to Jake Fletscb-
ner'a, on First and Broadaibln streets, 6tf
New Fibm . Sam Milter bas bought the Wnjr
on and ' Smlthshop heretofore occupied ly
Peters A Speldel, together with tho material
cnrl unfinished work, and is now iwenaracl to
furnish anything in- his line, consisting of
rferrtfurRM. fsnnririo.8. Lumber Wauons. Hacks.
Ac., and jreneml 'smithing neatly and with dis
patch. I employ none iut tire Deat oi qiecnan
les, and Instiro satlwactlon. All worlc war.
ranted. I ihiuk I can make it an ohjoct for
von to buy of me. in price, style and durabilll y
of work. I use the oest of material, -hickorv
and oak, from the (-.astern state. t'HU anu e
omlna for vonrsf lve : all I want in a fair trial.
I have had several years of experience on this
const, and with the UnQiy ledge "m Kained, U1
certain I can please you. I guarantee to sell tor
caah as low as can Te bought in this city.
larfte lot of lumber wagons, side and end spring
cnrriiurcs and hacks on hand. Patronize home
manufactory do not send your money off out
ot urn coumrv. Anine pari oi wine mm. mm
bnild up-your cuvn State, and you will prosper
Why is a stationer a very wicked
nianj? Because be makes men steel pens
and then says tbey do write.
- - KOTICK. .
NOTICE Is hereby given to the voters
ot the city of Albany, in Linn county,
Oregon, that an election will be held at the
Court House in said city, on the Flint
Monday In December, 1873, for'
the election of one Mayor, one' Iiecorder
one Marshal, one Treasurer a fid six Coun
cilmen, for the year 1878. Polls will be
opened at nino o'clock iu the morning and
closed at six o'clock in the'evonmg oT that
day. M. A. BAKER-
City Recorder"'
Albany, Or., Nov. 19, 1875.
Furniture Rooms.
Begs leave to unnonnce to the citizens of tills
city and wurroundingconntr)'. that be bos open
ed a large stock of
in the building lately occupied by Dr. Plum,
mer's drag store, on First street, where can bo
bad, on most reasonable terms,
Parlor Sets, -Bedroom
. -v Soften,' "'X ' r
- Easy Cbalrs,
Center Tables,
Whatnots, . -
and in fact everything- else needed to '
My goods are well made and of the very
atcst and Handsomest Styles.
E5T"FX7RXITURK manufactured to order, at
short notice.
ttFurnitnre repaired and pat in good shape
on short notice.
Give me a coll.
Albany, Nov. 20, 1874 10v8
Pure and Fresb.
'Toilet Articles,
Fur Solely Medical I'aea.
School ISooKs, Stationery,
Cigars ixncl Tobacco.
fS Prescriptions carefully filled. T-
Neatly executed,
Call at the Register Ofii cc
j . And . " - -
Machine Shop,
A.F.CIIEBRY Proprietor,
Manufactures Steaia Engines,
j - -- ' "' ; '
Flour and Saw Mill Machin
' And ' .
And all kinds of '
w , x '
Particular attention paid to repairing all -kinds
of machinery. 41v3
Groceries & Provisions,
- ,-4 :
icHtuhMvninont on cUJU'i" of K Us worth
and Firtt utreets, with a fvuah storf of
(Groceries, ProvtuionR, Cnriliei, Cigar, Vs
bacco, fte., t which ha invites tlx) atten
turn of our dtizons. .
In oonnection with the store he will keep
a llakery, and will always haveo. hand a,
lull supply of fresh bread, cracker
C2T" Call and nee me.
February 16-24v4
v- D. dFl D I rj c ,
good Broom ever made in A)tanr
haa returned from California, and located
permanently in .this eity, where he bat
again commenced the uuuiufacture of all
kinds of ...-. . TV
Brooms, Brushes, JYIs
1)is VOT on FirRt. street, at John
Motjtler a old etaml,east of Magnolia Mill,
where heJnyit t hose a first ciasa
broom to call and neeurn it of him. -
Albnir. Oit. 1C, 13 ivy -