PUBLISHED EVKKY Kill DAY, BY COLL. VAN" CLEVE, 7t THE REGISTER BUILDING Corner Frrry ami First StretU. TERMS-IX ADVAXCE. Oite copy, hnp yciir $j 50 One copy, six months ..... 1 50 To olulw ot t wcnty, each copy . . .. . .fi 00 siiBid copies .... lull cents. Suliscriliers outside of Linn county will be charged SO cunts t;xtra J "U for the year as thitt is the amount of imstiurn, ntr. nn,. which we are reciulrcd to puy on each: paper Agent Tor (be Keg Is ter. The following named crcntlemen ...!. ized to roccivw and receipt for subscriptions ! Rwibtkb in the localities mentioned : MKSHS. KH K A llUUie. , Holier) Glass.... ........ W. P. smith O. P. Tompkins. 1;..... II. Oiaughton....... A. WhwhtrAlVt Messrs. Smith A Brasflcld... I. H. Irvine Tho. H. Reynolds ."...", W. Waterhouse ....Brownsville, .Crawford grille, Halsey, .....Hnrrisbunf ....... .Lebanon . Shedd. ..Junction City. ncio. Salem. .....Monmouth. FRIDAY. .XOVEMBER 10. 1873. I.XIOEXTS OF THE DISASTER Ilir following incidents connected with the loss of the steamer l'acijie are collated from the Victoria papers : Among those on board were Mrs, Moote, eldest daughter of Mr, ., McjJ ill. an, editor of the Stanford. She was returuing W her husband in $an Fran cisco from a visit io her relatives here. Air. Sullivan, magistrate at Cassiar, going home on leave ; the wife aud two children of Mr. Thomas Styles (Kinsman & Styles) ; Mrs. Moote (el dest daughter of ex-mayor McMillan, editor of the Standard) ; the wife and child ot Mr. William Lawson (Hank of British North America) ; P.ioliard J,y. 011s and Dennis Cain, two of the discov erers cf the Cassfar gold fields. Mr. Jelley fails to recollect the name ot the man who was lashed with him on the pilothouse. He was a successful Cassiai miner. He took out $5,000 during tlie past season. I3y the survi vor's description of the man who was on the pilot-house with him he is sup posed to be Jack McCormick, an old Cari)xoite, and late!y from Cassiar. Mrs. Garesche, wife of Mr. Garesche, is in England with one of the childicn. Four other children are in this city ; one line little boy called at the Standard office only to learn the awful news. Mr. Ueberly, whose name appears in the passenger list, did not sail in the J'acifie. A premature death befel the infant, .child, of Captain Parsons. It appears "that Mrs. Parsons liad the child in her arms coming up trom below, and in the confusion a man tumbled upon it, trom A lady, while in Turner's 6tore, in this city, purchasing some articles, pick ed up a Standard extra which was thrown in. It was the first she had learned of the news and the loss of her husband. She fainted immediately on receiving the news. Capt. Parsons was on board the Prince Alfred when she was wrecked ; was on board the Los Angela when she broke her shaft ; purchased, tickets for San Franckco by the Dacota, but was unable to get away in her j sailed in the Pacific on Thursday last, aud is reported lost with all his family. Miss Palmer, whose name is mention ed as among the lost, had a presentment ot the dark shadow of approaching dan ger hanging over her. Wheaishe said farewell to several friends, she- said she felt she would never see them again in this world, aud it is said that she wrote a note to a former schoolmate in which she expressed her belief that she would never return to Victoria. Mobe Victims Reported. The Oregouian, has good authority for the statement that, although their ', names have not been published among those who perished on board the Pacific,- to the list of the lost must be added two more names. Mr. E L. Hastings, of the firm of Crane, Hastings & Co., of San Francisco, and Mr Miller, of the firm of.Reduigton, Hostelter & Co., of San Frai cisco, have both been lost. These gentlemen were both acquainted with Capt. Howell and did not purchase their tickets at the office but went ou board and bought them of the Purser, and thus their names did not appear on the list. They were men ot considerable means and occupied high J social posi tions, and their unhappy fate seems to be authenticated beyond reasonable doubt. It is said that Barney McCagh, a young man formerly of Portland, aged about eighteen years, who joined Rock well & Hurlburt'a troupe a short time ago, also , embarked on the steamer and is doubtless lost. Mr. Moody is the most rapid speaker the New York stenographers have ever had to encounter. The Tribune's swiftest stenographer took: down' from his lips 2,290 words In" ten minutes by the watch. This at a rate four times as .rapid as that of Mr. Evartsr, and a third faster, than that ot Mr. 'Beccher, two of the most difficult speakers to report, . ' - "WllEX AXD WlIERE DlD II E La.VD ? Under this heading the Oregouian says : - "lUscwhere wo pviblish af dis patch sent from London, Ontario, Cana da, to the effect that Conductor Frazer of that city is in receipt of a telegram from his brother, A. Frazer, who was a passenger on board the steamer Pacific, and that ho had escaped with his life- Consulting the passenger list we find that auch a person was among those who sailed, but when, where or how he was so fortunate as to reach the shore, we are at a loss to conjecture. It such is really the case, we can report three survivors thus far." Carrnth, the Vinelaud editor, who has lived since March with a pistol ball in Lis brain, has at lat died, and his slayer, Chas. j K. Land is, has been sur rendered by his bondsmen, aud now lies in jail. The; affair was causal by Car rnths persistence in low, disreputable attacks through his paper on the char acter of Land is and his family. The Washington 'Citron icl makes the a flair the occasion and text for a very severe and just article on the style ot journal ism which can get no higher than per sonal abuse and 6lauder. Dates froni Tucson, Arizona, to the 13tb, say : The latest advices from So- nora represent public affairs in anything but a satisfactory condition. It was ru mored that fighting would commence in the district ot Atlas, but up to the present time nothing has been done. E. C. Kimble, Indian inspector, is here, He is reported as being in favor. of "re moving the Pimas and Maricopas to the Colorado river reservation. All aiuc mat, tome cnangc 01 location is necessary to preserve peace aud security. A special dispatch states that the British ship Lenhic arrived in roads of La Platte on the 6th inst. The cook was navigating the ship under orders from the mutineers to conduct her to Gibraltar. In consequence of bad weather they were obliged to put into La Platte when they were arrested. Dispatches say there are rumors at London Stock Exchange ot failures in the iron trade in Australia, and of fail ures at the Bourse in J'aris. There is a failure of more considerable impor tance of an old Anglo-American house in Manila also rumored in banking cir cles in Xew York. The grand jury at Vancouver sub mitted their report and were discharged. They icported that they failed to find two indictments, because the peace offi cers at Vancouver failed to do their duty, aud that the conduct of those officers could not be too severely condemned. They also reported the county jail in an insecure condition, and the blankets un cleanly and insufficient. George Metzler, of Carlisle, Pa, now in his ninety-fifth year, is the oldest person who has ever served in the Penn sylvania Legislature. He was a mem ber during the year 1813 and 1814. lie is said to retain his powers of body and mind almost unimpaired. Boss Tweed is still in "durance vile" while many of his accomplices are free. But the incarceration of Tweed has been all along luxurious without any humiliating features. He lives like a King because he stole millions instead of a single loaf. Great storms of rain reported along the northern coast for several days past. They were unusually severe, and ship ping has suffered more or less. Notuixg Mean About Him. A Western paper tells the following : A man went into Slight's confection ary store a Jew days ago, in an, excited manner, and rushing up to the proprie tor said : "Do you make wedding cakes?" "Ye, sir," said Slight. ' : "Well," said the other, "I'm goin ter git married ter day, an' I want a cake. I'm no slouch,- ah' I'm goin' to dew things up to the handle. I don't intend to get married but once, and you bet I'll make things howl." Slight smiled blandly, and commenc ed lifting out ten and twenty dollar wedding cake, gorgeous in beautiful fronting aud artificial flowers : among the rest was a small, plain cake. "How much is that V asked the excited purchaser. "Four bits," said Slight. "That's the one for me ; here's your money, old pard wrap her up. Tfaar's nothin' mean about me; I wouldn't care if it was six bit?." - Slight gazed after the purchaser about five minutes aa he went out, the pic ture of amazement, and then sat down and fanned himself; after awhile he got np and consumed half an hour or more In stowing away the piles of fancy cakes and talking to himself softly, but his bland smile had passed away tor the time twine. . The Singer will case, makes a curi ous revelation of domestic manners. It lifts the roof on a harem. 31 r. Isaac M. Singer, the celebrated sewing-machine man left$13,000,000 and twenty-sixchil-dren two having died by five differ ent women. He got divvrced from two of them and was not married to the one to whom he left the largest portion of his property, though he publicly ac knowledged her as his wife. The strik ing thing about the will is that he ac knowledges all his illegitimate children, calls them all by name, and makes pro vision for all of them. There is no shirking of responsibility, no mealy mouthed subterfuge, no polite prevari cation, but an honest confession of rela tions which most men would have shrunk from acknowledging before folks. Yet this modern polygamist was not only a successful inventor and business man, but a church-goer and exemplary Christian so far as the world knew. This is modern civilization. But, how ever such polygamous practices may be condemned, it is certainly creditable to the deceased that he treated his numer ous progeny fairly and showed no dis position to shrink his patriarchal respon sibilities at the last. There are a good many men who might profit by his ex ample in this respect. The United States local inspectors have concluded their investigation as to the cause of the explosion ot the steamer -Tigri, and find it was caused by low water, and have revoked the license of the master and reported the case to the United States attorney. Senator Dawes was painfully injur ed at Pittsfield, Mass., on the 12th inst., while horseback riding. He was let ting down some bars, when the horse wheeled and kicked the Senator and left him prostrate. -. i The number of vessels entering at the custom house for Puget Sound district for October was 39, registering 23,200 tons; cleared dining same time, 65, embracing 17,203 ; total, 74, register ing 40,403 tons. The exports to foreign countries ammounted to 53,133. The productioh of gold in Montana this year has been very satisfactory to the miners. Since last snrin?y them has 3 been an average monthly shipment of $100,000 in dust by Wells, Fargo & Co. from that Territory. John II. Bnrrough's, of Brooklyn, X. Y-, shot his wife three times on the 13th, killing her instantly. Jealousy was the cause. Burroughs was arres ted. Messrs. Phelps & Wadleigh have driven out of the Yakima valley this year over fifteen hundred head of cattle to rupply their markets on the Sound with heef. 1 On "Wednesday the contract for hnild- dinpj the Dairy creek bridge in Wash ington county, was let to Erastus Sav age, Sr., for SI, 989, bridge to be made on trestle work with 110 bents and sev en stringers. Whole lensth of bridsre. w CI 7 1,004 feet ; to lie finished on the 1st of January, 1876. John Goodman, of the lielknap neigh borhood, Benton county, has buried two girls recently, who died d the disease is spreading considerablv. Jos. Gregg, another neighbor, buried a little girl, 8 years old, who died of some disease, on Friday of last week. Wm. Watson formerly of Reedville, las rented 1,000 acres ot land near Jack sonville and has stocked it with 10,000 lead of sheep. lie proposes to winter liia sheep on the farm aud summer them in the Siskiyou mountains. Mr. Green, ot Oregon City, has establ ished a logging camp on the laud claim of Sol. Richardson, ; one mile above Bridgeport. Ho proposes to put in one million feet ot logs this winter for the Oregon City mills. Last week Mr. "James Simmons, who was sentenced to fiftydays imprison ment in the county jail at Ilillsboro for an assault on A. J. Tucker, "was pardon ed out by Gov. G rover on petition ot prominent citizens. lie had served half the time. A little daughter of W. E. Dyer, while accompanying her jlather to the woods, met with a serious' accident bv the falling of a tree, breaking one of her legs in two place?.- i T. C. Land has shown the Coos Bay News a specimen of. ore which comes from the North Coquille. It looks rich in copper, a little gold, and perhaps some iron.;... ,.. :;.-? ' . On last Monday the hounds ran a buck into Mrs. Murdy's yard, near Scholl's ferry, and 6he seized a rifle and killed it on the SKt. Two thousand barrels ot oysters from Shoal water Bay are to be planted in Coos Ray, Oregon, " ' ' . Mines in the Mojave country are re ported looking better than ever, ,: The ground is too wet to plow in the low lands of this valley. A large number of emigrants were looking about through Yamhill county last week. A chicken with four legs and a tail like a cat, is the latest monstrosity in Yamhill. An enormous drift caught on the bridge at Lafayette about a week ago and strained it badly, but did not carry it away. The Owyhee Avalanche says the Central Pacific Railroad Company re fuse to come down on their unjust and exorbitant freight charges from San Francisco to Wiunemucca, thinking that they lmre the people of this portion of Idaho completely in their power- The Courier is ot the opinion that Olympia has entirely too many shade trees for ether convenience or health. In hot summer days they are, jo doubt, pleasant, and just the thing, but when the rainy season sets in it renders more dismal the prevailing gloom. The general prevalence of tramns in the East has induced the suggestion that girls should carry pistols. If the advice is adopted, the bashful young man's last hope is gone. It's bad enough for him to face a young woman's eyes, and before the spectacle of a protuberant pistol-pocket he would become a mere animated dish-rag. New To-Day. J. C. roWElt. L. FXIXH. rOWELL & FLIXX, Attorney A" Counaellor nt Law and So- lbany, Oresron. Collections matin n.nr1 rrtn- veyanees promptly attended to. 1-8 STOVES STOVES ! From this date until farther notice, I will sell a CHOICE S FI.KCTIOX OF Stoves & Ranges ! -AT- -AL50- PUMPS, HOSE, ETC. W. IL MvFARLAXD. Albany, Dec. 10, lS7t-13 Hull's Vegetable Sicilian HAIR ItENEWE 11 This standard article Is eompoudded with, the greatest care. - Its effects areas wonderful and satisfiiotorv as ever. ' It restores gray or faded liair to Its youthful color, i . ',u5,v? aH crnpUons, Itching and dan rduff; and Ums spalp by f 8e becomes wUito ana clean, - By its tonic properties li restores the capil lary glands to thoL uo.nial vigor, preventing strong83' "" xixe halr erow thick and 9. ?rosJn!! ntulni nas been found so effectual, or desirable. it. j. a. ayes, btate Assaver of Massnchu- setts. mvH tion for fts intended purposes, PI U!. i consider " the beitareixmt Buckingham's Dye. FOB THE WHISKER , Ayer'a Sarsaparilla, Vr Ptrtfyinr the Uood. ..xuis compound t ro vegetable altera tlves, SftrsaparUla, Pock. Stiuingla and aianffrake with the Iodides of Potassium and Iron makes u Xmost effectual c-ure yi n series of com plaints which are very prevnlent and nffliet- iniT. It nnnifloa . I. blood, pm-goa out the IJirL irnr li.., ( system, that undermine health and settle nin troublesome disorder. HruyM ? the appearance on the surface of humor! should bo expelled from the bloodrSn. ternal dorangomets are tbe determination of these same humors to somointernal organ, or organs, whose action they derangeVanf whose substance they disease and destroy AyS 8AHSAPARII.I.A expeU these humors fromlS.S blood. When they aregone, thedUroemhev producs disppear. such as' CloeS of tZ JAver, Stomach, JOdneta, lM,naTrrji,J.t Boil, Tvmwr, Teltfr ad battJ&iruk Head, Kmgworm, Ulcer atul fibr. KhT HeaiL, Female Weaknem, 8tertl,rjzZJ OgJXbduy. VutiT their depaiturneulVh Dr. J J T .n ; ,1U v jiomists. Nr ."old by all Drngatsts nni iw...iw. Meiicli, V7u8 CENTENNIAL. 1876. 1876. Proclamation. Chicago & North-Western Railway. THE xah imm: ovekumj, I'agsensrers for Cliipaso, Niusjara Vn.V t'it. buiy,,.:,, MoutrMl,uyewYol2 Boston, or any poiut Jiast, slioukl buy thei THANSCOXTIXEXTAI. TICKETS Via the I'lonccr Konta, the cmcACio & onrmvESTEiix hailwat THIS IS THE BEST -ROUTE EAST. - aiAUfe, in this comitrv. Ilv this route nwn. By the I'ittsbtirsr, Fortwayne amlftairnso - , and PcniMjilviiiiiii Kallnaya, 0 TIIROUC. II TRAINS DAILY, with Pullman J ' 1 alnec ears 1 1nougH to Philadelphia and Xew York on eai-h train. 1 TIIR)lJaiTRAIX.-Ritli Pullman Palace ears X to Baltimore and Washington. By the IJke Shore and Michigan South ern ISailwitv ... . & tent ml and JKa-ie Itallrond), 3TnKOU0JH TRAINS DAILY, with Palaee in-awing ioom and Silver Palace cars thro' tosewl ork . I y the Nic-hhran Central, tirand Trunk, Oreat Mettern and trie ami .cw York eutral Hallways, O THROUGH TRAINS, with Pullman Palace '.' Jmwing Room and Sleeping cars I lirongh to cw York to i;r!iifi .".Hi itnir..).. or Xew York city. ' By Baltimore and Ohio Bailroad, 2THROlTGII TRAINS DAILY, with Pullman Palace curs for Newark, ZaiiesvilleAVheehng, Washington and Baltimore without change. This is the SHORTEST, BEST and onlv line ri'n.",,VrvP.,,11,nan eiebmU;a PALACE SLEEP JNC.T --R AM COACJIIKi., conmctintr with JvnJ'?n, Pai"lnu Kailroud at OMAHA and from the n ,' ?.V irina Junction, Slarslmll. Cedar Ranids. linton. srcrrtnr .,,( iiv. t ut CAUO AND THE EAST. ' ' This lxmular route i iii,a.,i.clcU..i c... Coinlortand Safety. The smooth, well ballast! , "Vrt,Jw,u,t;f track of wtejl i-ails, the celebrat ed Pullman Palace Sleeping cars, the perfect .rmpii.ijsinnoi moving trains, 1 he regu larity with which thev run. the iliii .?." ,v r-angement lor rmimng tlirongh cars toChicago from allpolnls W est. s.j-nre to passengers all the eomlorts In modct-ii railway t ravelin '. No changes ofCai-s, and no tedious delays at I-'cr- J'assengers will find Tickets vi.-i tl.i-a r..,-r.t route nt the Ticket Ollice of the Central Tickets for sale at till the Ticket Offices of the Central Pnci(ic Railroad. W. II. STEN'XETT M-K VIS HCilIlTT. (Jen. Sup. Pai. Agt. It. 1 . STANWooli. (ieneral Agency, 121 Jiont gomery street, San Francisco. v7nt7y Just iHMued. 200th Iklitlon. MANIIOOD, Revised and corrected lv the author, E. de F Curtis, M. D., &c, &c. A Medical Essay on the cause and cure of pre mature decline in man, showing how health is lost, and regained. It gives a dear synopsis of the mieliinents to marriage, the treatment of nervous and physk-.ii debility, exhausted vital ity, and all oilier diseases apiiei-Iuing thereto: the results of twenty years successful practice. Opinions ot the Ire. CCRTIS ON "MANHOOD."-There is no nerol society by whom this book will nor lie found useful, whether he be parent, preceptor or clergyman. Tyiwhrn Tmn x. CURTIS ox ".MANHOOD. "-This liookshonld .7 1 .V,- y '"' ,mMT instruction, and by the atllicted lor relief; it wili injure no one -M'lticnl ana Uitz -Uc. Price- One Dollar, by mail or express. dress the author. DIf. UlMTS.fti iSutterStreet, or l'. O. Box 3a.", San Francisco, Cal. , 48v7ma ATTENTION, PARKER & M0RKIS' Hew Elevator! IS SOW RC.4DV rK THE RU'Fi V-tSS of wheal and oats. We call the attcni.,v .. of tanners to the fact that we have erected the fi nest warehouse in the a lanre expense, and art: in position to bundle satistacioriiy an immense quantity of gram. Our house lias a capacity for 200,000 bushels of Wheat! at One time, and is located on the margin ofthe Willamette Hiver, and provided wit ha side track from the O. C K. R., so that shipments may be made daily by rail, and as often by water as boatingfacilitiesoU'cr. W'e have two large suc tion fans, in addition to ot lier fans, attached to the house, run by water power, and are thus prepared to O Xj IE! 3M" all the wheat received. Can take in and clan 10,000 bushels per day. Cleaned wheat is worth much more in all foreign markets than foul wheat, aud none should be shipped without cleaning. Oureliarges will Ix; 11 vecentsa bushel on wheat, and lour cents on oats. We have SIXTY' THOUSAND SACKS to furnish those storing wheat with us, free to those whose wheat we purchase, and at the lowest cash price to those who sell their wheat from our house toother buyers. Persons stor ing with us are at liberty to sell to whom thev please, - Those who reside on the west side of Hio river will have ferriage free. Will be in the market as biryers, and expect to be able to pay tlie highest possible price. Having pre pared ourselves to do a largo business, wo hope for our B.mio of tho public patronage. . l'AKKF.K & MOIlRrs; nl'vojuly 31 Albany, Oregon. A. WKEKiEll. c. p. uoarK C. B, WHEELKU. A. Wheeler & Co., SIIKII OltECJOX, Forwarding & toimission lercliaiits. Dealers In Merclinnclise unci I'roxlnce. , A good assortment of all kinds of Goods al way9 in store at lowest market rates. Agents for sale of Wagons .Grain Drills, Cider MUla, Churns, Ac, CASH paid for WHEAT, OATS, POKK, BUT TER, fcGGS and POULTRY.: Hyox Sale : A Large Body of Ricli La ml Tor Sale Cheap. . OQA ACRES OF LAND. IX I4XJT OOUNTT; iOvf 300 acres in cultivation every acre sus ceptible of cultivation well wittered. Has a good house, barn, and outhouses thereon all under fence, and lying within U miles of a rail road station. All good grass or grain land. Tho entire tract will be sold cheap. Inquire of 8. A. JOHNS, Aug 20T4-48v7 Albany, Oregon. MILLINERY. . MRS. C. C. JEXCLISII, Is constantly receiving New and Stylish Millinery, To which she invites tlie special attention of the Ladies. Goods sold at the lowest living rates. Store first door east of City Drug Store. Albany, Oregon,. . r . jnlj Chemical Faint, THE REST AXD CHEAPEST fSEI, A. CAROTHERS & CO., . FIRST STREET, ALBANY. GOO ACHES z Iairge it iid Valuable Tract ol Farming JUana for Sale. THnEK HiSrpREb ACRES ofpimr land, 200 -1- of which 1b rich bottom land. On tbe prem ises are fair buildings, house, barn, granary, sheds, etc.; also good bearing orchard of fruit 50 acres of timber land, ash and maple, the best1 " mulling mini wjiuii uciu-cu. j never lauing stream of water runs through the farm. There aiso a splendid quarry or Jlme-rock on the place, pronounced by experts A 1 rock. Four hundred acres aro under fence. It Is one of t he most desirable and cheapest farms in Douglas V Vf i - l"o i "a uiiies irom me vj. j. rauroaa .i tor iarucuiars as to price, etc., . J- ii. BouGirrox, si. d, Albany, May 14, 1875. . i tie Kicli .llan-H Xeeemlty and the Poor' Awarded the Void Medal at YELL'S POPCX Universal Dictionary of Science T Art niphy, language. Botany' 1118 jnri?n?S" .IK.'.'y 95 Wltole'a-rcie'o'f ph 50 cents each, or bound in one-half morotSto two large royal quarto volumes. Ten eentsa day lor a year, will get it in cheapest binding Every facility offered to those in moderate cfiv Also, the new Pictorial Family Bible, .ll.1,u,if- In 41... 1 . . .. . . ... or.7i'i;.i L, iimiKci i.iseo illustrations, bend 3-cent stamp for specimen pages, to S. n. DYEU,t;en'l. Agr., t, , , " for Paeifle coast. Portland, Oregon. Pictures and Picture Frames. E- 13. PURDOM VVould annonnee to the citizens of Albany and 'f i.,w';!lJl!ili?.'?r'l1HI'eu to furnish all "kinds of I ICT I HE 1-RAS I' short, notice Picl nres finmed, anl old frames repaired op atlus olico on First street, one door -west of Broadalbin, aud leave your orders .t Price, Tuv-ntf-five Ccnis. NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING I NINETY-EIGHTH KDITIOX. ( ontaming a complete list of nil the towns In (ho L nited States, the Territories and the Do minion of Canada; having a population greater than o.oon according to the last census, o"et her with the names of the newspapers having the largest local cnxnlation in each of the places named. Aiso. a catalogue of newsmiwra wln. l. the Religious. Agricultural. Scientific and Me- 1 iucuicui. .'lnsonicJuvenile.Edueation- al, t ommeivial, lnsnranw. Real Estate, Stmit nig. Law, Musical, Fashion, and other special class Journals; very complete lists. Together Willi a complete list of over 300 German papers printed r.i the United States. Also, an essav upon advertising; many mbles ol rsvtes, show ing the cost of advertising in various newspa pcrs, ,iiinl nvervrhing which a tK;guuier in ad vertising would like to know. Address liKD. P. ROWELL A CO., 41 Park Row, New York. TASTELESS MEDICINES. p,ri ANLiAi.v,--f.p Oil. Capsilrs, stating that Ihev sometimes cured miraculously, but that a ratt en t ot bis had taken them without effect. On liemg inlormed that seve-nl imitations were sold, lie lnonired and found his patient had not 6 fctfiflliUMAS PICK CD'S. What happened to this pbvs'cian may have hapiiene I to ol hers, and LI'S 1.S DICIv & CO take t h is met hoclof protecting physicians, dragl gists atifi themselves, and preventing On, of ANtiALWci n trrnn enmini? iutr. ri;r,..v,.,, PIiylClAXS who once prcscrilie the Capsules will continue to do so, for they contain the pure Oil in the best and cheapest lorin. Dl XDA lICK & CO. use more Oil. OF SAX palwcoo than nil the wholesale and Reta'll Druggists and Perfumers in the diked Slates combined, and this is tlie Hole reason whv the f.V'.Tr .Vs s",'l-e'P--m their Capsules than in any ot her-torm. . . till, ub SANDALWOOD is fat snpei-setling e ci y other remedy, sixty capsules onlv being -required to msu re a safe and certain cure in six resn'lt Iw hliif ' F,or" " othcr uiodicinccan this iiiiXDAS PICK & CO"S SOFT CAPSITLES the problem, long considered bv eminent physicians, ot how to avoid tlie nausea and dis gust experienced in swallowing, which are well known to detract from, if not dstro3-, the good ellcclsot manv valuable remedies. Sott. Capsules are put up in tin-foil and neat boxes, thirty in each, and ure the only Capsules prescribed by physicians. TaMtelt a Heicluc. -Castor Oil and many other lmuseans medicines can bo taken easily and safely m KinulnM DJcK A lo's NortCan siil cm. riio taste. IKoHinell. , feHr"vI1,S! Ver'' O'C only Capsules admitted lo the last Paris Exposition. ' eiivuiars to 8.1 W oosler sti-eet. V. V. lm Sold nt nil Drnr Stores Here. 4a For Salo S QOXSTASiTI.Y O.V IIAXO Lime, Shingles, Plaster Ptfris, I.ulli, Hair, etc., and for sale low, at the warehouse of PARKKB & MORRIS. The Higbest Cnsli l'rice Paid Tor Wool. Albany, Hay U, Vj-SjvT ' L00K TO YOUR INTERESTS I S AY JB1 1VE ONE Y Z out Reaprra, Mowers and Tliresliera : Repaired and made almost as good as new MERRILL. & PUTNAM'S NEW MACHINE SHOP . Is novr prepawd to do ail kinds of ' 1Vool Turn ins, Sawing aud OresaiiiK. Also, any Ironwork and goneral Blacksmith ing the trade may demand. Fencing Pickets will be ke u hand at all times. v7nS Bath House &Barher Shop. rpnE CSDEKSIGSED WOPI.D R KCT X fully thank thecitlzensof Alban and vl entity lor the ltb;iil pati-onage bestowed on him for the past sevon yers, and liopes for the future a continuation of tbetr favor,. For the accommodation of transient customers, and friends in it he upper part of town, he has open ed a neat little shop next door to Taylor Bros, Saloon, where a good workman will always be inattendtineetowaituponimirons. . Dcc.ll,ld7t.- .JOE WEBBER. Wheat and Oats Stored. Sacks FtirniKlicd lu Unlimited Supply. p. c. harper: & CO., Arc prepared to receive aud store s . WHEAT & OATS on as liberal terms ya can be obtained elsowhev, S5i5"SacksfnrnishoI.! " Albany, July SIT, I873-W i v- m .'niun-iim a ( j n'ivon istTSfls "ivin trivat est valmj in proportion toprk-eAchniverif Alo ail iKwiuptirs in th Unitorl Stntesund Canada I'Mii'iiia liver n.-jiiit ttii in. 1. JOB PRINTING AVlieu yon wish Posters. Visiting Cards, Business Cards. Bill Heads, Letter Heads Envelopes, Ball Tickets, Programmes, Labels, Horse Bills, Circular, Pamphlets, or in fact anj tliing in the callt tbe ALBANY PRINTING HOUSI'V RECISli