FCB1.1RIII5D EVERY FRtDAT, BY dOLL. .VANCLEVE, Jt THE REGISTER BUILDING, Corner Ferry and fHrst Street. TERMS Hi ADYAXCE. One copy, one year $3 50 One oop'Fl( month ., 1 50 To clubs of twenty, each copy..... 2 00 Single eorftos.. ....Ten cents. Suliserlliers outside of I. inn county wilt be cluuyed. So cents extra 3 70 tot the year as that is the amount of postage per annum which ire are required to pay. on. each paper malted by us. " FRIDAY........ NOVEMBER 19, 1875. LArots Ato Society Gbaxi Tiiasks- mvlwa FAULThc T-atUeV Akl Society of this city propose givliig a grand fair-festival oiTliurlay evening next, November 25tb, at the PcJ8c Opera Houe. . There will be music ami flowers, ice cream and --cakes, candy and uuU and In fact everything will be done to make the affair pleasant to all who attend and profitable to the Society The money secured by the fairs given by the Society, as all know, is used in allevi ating want and suffering wherever found in our midst, and this fact alone should in duce the general attendance of our citizens. both oM and young. Jet everybody be there, and while enjoying tlie evening, swell the receipts ot the Society. Boreas ok a Tear. A small hurricane visited this part of the country Tuesday afternoon, blowing a pretty stiff breeze during the afternoon and until lutein the '' night. The first blast was probably the heaviest, and it lifted the tin roof from the briclf building occupied by Messrs. Clark & Wyatt; .tnd flung it into the street. Wm Gird's cloth side awning was torn into ehreds in a jiffy, signs were blown down, houses were rocked to and fro by the strength of the blasts, and lor a few mo ments a good many people field their breath and asked "what next ?" Coxcrarr ani Ice Cream Festival. Tlie Erode! plitau Society gives a concert and ice cream festival at tlie College, next Monday evening, November 22d, to which an im itation is extended to all our citi zens. Ticket? 25c ice cream extra. The entertainments given by this Society have always proven very interesting, and we are satisfied the coining concert will prove no exception to tlie general role. Those of our folks who wish to see and be seen and enjoy a pleasant evening, all tor the small outlay of 2oc shonld be on hand ear ly in the evening, if they wish to secure good seats. , CHRijTMAS is CosttXG And friend Fo- shay is getting ready to entertain and please tlie young as well as the more mature in years, with a display of Christ tna3 goods calculated to fit tlie desires and wants of each. He has ordered a splendid stock of books, annuals, albums and scores - of other nice icters suitable for Christmas and Xew Years presents, which will soon be open for inspection at the Post Office Book and Drog Store. Save up your spare coin for some of Foslmy's novelties. New Millinery Stoke. Mrs. D Stevens lias cpened a millinery store in FromaiTs new brick (up stairs), where she has a fine display of bonnets, hats and mil llnery goods in general. Mrs. Steveas has large experience in tlie business, and being possessed of good judgment and most ex cellent taste, will not fail to give the fullest satisfaction to the ladies of this city and vi clnity who patronize iter, can ami see ner, The 1 aii.ro ai to be Completed to Jcnction. Ben JJollady asserts that there is not now nor has there been any negotia tlons entered into for the sale ot either the O. cfc C. or Oregon Central railroads. He asserts, on tlie contrary, that arrangements have about been completed looking to the early completion of the Westside road to Junction City. This latter is good news, and we bone will be realized at an early day. - Xew Patents. Through dispa tabes to Dewey fc Co., Patent Agents, S. F., we received the following advance list of TJ. S. Patents granted to Pacific Coast inventors, viz : II. P. Garland, S. sewing ma chine for sewing bags, etc ; H. Sea, S. F., brick machine; A. S. Wadleigh, S. F., socket coupling ; B. Wailman, S. F., pad lock ; S. P. Randolph, Teliama, Cal., reis sue, cutter head; Consolidated Tobacco Company, S. F., trademark for cigars; , "Lee Ping and Pou Jib, S. F., trademark for teas. ' - ' :' Additional Mail Service. Petitions were in circulation the forepart of the week iu this city, asking for additional mall service, oh -the Oregon & California rail way, between this city and Portland, said mall to be carried by the "Albany Express" train. Two malls a day wonld be qnlte an accommodation to the people along the line ot the roadj, and heed not necessarily cost the Government' a very large sum. If such service can be secured, at a reasonable expense, we are In favor of scouring it at once. - m MAiraiHK On. Sunday last Mr. Star Mealey was 'united in marriage to Miss Emma Settle. The ceremony was per formed by Rev. .S. S. Vandersol, at the residence of the bride's father, Uncle Jackey Settle, In Lebanon. In tlie afternoon, the newly wedded, accompanied by Rev. Mr. Vandersol, returned to this city, their t utore residence. It was a stormy day, and the roads were fearfully muddy. Just be fore reaching the city a partial break-down occurred to the vehicle, which was fixed np by some of tbo parties getting their cloth ing somewhat soiled. Mr. and Mrs. Mealey have the best wishes of a large circle of friends for a long life of happiness and use fullness. ... . 1 o Skttjght GOne In. The high winds, the other day, caused the sky-light on Fro man's new brick to cave in." The sky-light was a large one, and was built for Mr. Paxteu4 picture gallery, . - In the Last Drrcn. A young and handsome friend of ours, accompanied by an est imable young lady, last Sunday night, started to attend services at one of the churcltes ot our city. They got along very nicely through the mud until they came to a ditch crossing, when the young lady made a misstep and plunged Into the ditch. Ot course our gallant friend jump ed in after his lady companion, determined to rescue her at the risk of taking cold and getting his fine harness soiled. Both succeeded in regaining the sidewalk, but neither were in suitable plight to attend church, and tliey formed a somewhat mel ancholy procession as they solemnly re turned home. Thanksgiving Dinner at Shedd. There will be a public thanksgiving dinner at Shedd, Linn county, on Thursday, No vember 25th, for tlie purpose of raising funds to complete the M. E. Church at tlmt place, and to pay tlie parsonage debt. The pastor, Kev. Mr. Doane, has Invited Kev. Mr. Strat.'on, of this city, to be present if possible, and deliver an address on the oc casion. A good time may be expected, as the good people of Shedd never fad in en terprises of this kind. All wftliin reach are cordially invited to be present, to" aid and participate. An admission fee of 50c, chil dren 25c, will be . charged. The commit tees appointed are as follows : Committee of Arrangements Mrs. N. Doane, Mrs. AVm. Powers, Mrs. C. P. Hogue, Mrs. W. L. Wade, and Messrs. D. P. Porter, F. M. Kinehartand W. II. Gaston. Committee on Refreshments Miss Minnie Porter.Miss Ina Rankin, Miss Maria A. Thompson. Committee on Music AV. H. Gastou. More Damage. The high winds of Tuesday damaged a number ot unfini.-slied houses in various portions of the city. A fine residence in the course of erection In the eastern suburbs, near Hackleinan's grove, belonging to Mr. Clark, va3 blown over. We were unable to ascertain the amount of damages sustained. The hand some dwelling in tlie course of erection by Mr. George Patterson, near Prof. Warren's, was moved from its foundations and con siderably racked. Another dwelling in tlie vicinity of the College, sided up, but upon which the roof hud not been placed, was taken from Its pins almost In the twliikllu' of an eye. A number of other buildings were shaken up pretty lively, but no great damage reported. It was the liveliest little zephyr we remember to have ever seen in Oregon. LINT OF LETTER Remaining in the Albany Post Office ou Nov. 18, 1875. Persons calling for tliese letters must give the date on which they were advertised. Anderson. J C Bilyew. Peter Bloom, J Bowie, John Clark. George Calloway, MchTenzie Combs, Amos Denney. J A Gross, Nancy E Gourley. II ugh Howe, Feank L 4 Johnson, A G Jackson. Martin L Jones, Miss E Leaglin,; John Leggett; R H Modi, Allen Michaels Elijah McDaniel, Ruth NVff. Daniel Nicholls, Emanuel Prleiderer. C C Parsons J D Penland, Henry Pool. Mrs Martlia Powell, Mrs Roberts Win G Runnels Hiram B Starr, Matilda Stewart. William Smltli, J W York. DJIj 2 Williams Cilas New Firm. Snm Miller has bought the Wils on and Smithshop heretofore occupied by Peters A Sneidel, together with the nmtcriiil end unfinished work, and Is now prepared to furnish anything; in his line, consisting of ferriages. Buggies. Lumber Wagons, Hacks. Ac., and general smithing neatly and with dis patch. I employ none but. the best of mecban Jcs, and insure satisfaction. All work wiir ranted. I think I can make It an object for you to buy of me. In price, style and dnrubilit v of work. I use the Ixwt of material, hlckorv and oak, from the Eastern States. Call and e amine for yourselves ; all I want is a fitir trim. I have had several years of experience on this coast, and with the knowledge thus gained, r.in certain I can please yon. I guarantee to sell lor cash as low as can be bought, in thiscitv. A large lot of lnmlier wagons, side and end spring carriages and hacks on hand. Patronize home manufactory do not send your money off out of the country. Act the part of wise men. and build up your own State, and you will prosper 32tf Acquitted. The trial of Mr. John H. Burkhart, charged with taking $1,000, be longing to Sheriff Rice, from the lire-proof vault in the County Clerk's office, which commenced on Monday, was concluded on Wednesday and given to the jury about 4 P. M. Alter an absence of a very few min utes the jury returned with a verdict of "not guilty." Thereupon the case of J. G. Evans, arraigned in the same indict ment, was dismissed. We congratulate tlie boys ou their honorable acquittal. During tlie late "inflation" a tree was blown on to or so near Pearce's ferryboat, at the foot of Ellsworth street, that the boat was half filled with water, nearly swamping it. A number of trees were blown down on the Corvallis road, but so far we bear of no person receiving any in jury therefrom. ,. Ciiromos. Mr E. B. Purdom has re ceived, at his picture gallery on First street, a lot of the liandsomest chromos we have had the pleasure of examining. Mr. Pur dom lias as handsome pictures and picture frames as can be obtained anywhere, at rea sonable figures. Go and see those hand some pictures. Who Wants to But? That elegant little farm, known as the Phelps farm, about seven miles from this city, contain ing ISO acres, is offered for sael cheap, on tlie roost accommodating terms. For par ticMlars enquire of Bart. Allen, at Ilalsey. Committed. Watkins, who did the reck less shooting in the Court room at Salem, had a preliminary examination on Tues day, resulting In his being bound over in $1,000 to answer. Failing to raise tlie se curity, he was remanded to jail. ,. Damn Swept Awat. The damn be longing to Messrs. Smith Jk Briggs, near Harrisburg, was swept away by tlie recent high water. The loss will probably foot up about $1,000. Detained A slide In the road at or near Comstock's, detained tlie northern train on Monday four or five hours. Snow. A slight snow storm occurred on Tuesday mpming. Lumber continues scarce. Thanksgiving next Thursday. Read the new ads. in this issue. Tlie Calipoola river lias been bank full for several days. Wheat fell, on Tuesday, in this market, five cents per busltel from 85c to 80c. Freight south, over tlie O. & C. Railroad, is now but $5 per ton to this city. The "blow"' on Tuesday was destructive to signs, sky-lights and fences. Alex. Purdom and Geo. Mealey started for their mountain home yesterday. Mr. Foshay talks of making a business trip to San Francisco before Christmas. For Christmas goods in great variety, go to the celebrated Dollar Store. Remember the exibttion at the Central District Schoolhouse Ihis afternoon. Go in and ask Titus Bros, about those new fashioned "jew'ls." George Settlemelr is about again after a two weeks rassle with neuralgia.""' Circuit Court quit this week, liavlng clear ed the Jocket of all cases ready for trial. Tlie cool weather of Tuesday caused the Willamette to fall two feet during the night. We had tlie pleasure of shaking hands with our old friend, Capt. Smith, of Oregon City, on Wednesday. Work on both the Episcopal and Evan gelical churches hindered because ol the lack of lumber. Please remember the lair of the Ladles' Aid Society next Thursday night, and all turn out. Hon. AV. R. Dunbar delivered an excel lent lecture at Good Templars hall on Tuesday evening. Mrs. Clement, of Sweet Home, arrived In this city on Monday, ou a visit, looking iu excellent health. Parties trom Sweet Home will soon open a placer claim about twelve miles above the Greenhorn, on the Santiam river. If yon smoke, of course you want a good cigar Drop in at Bell & Parker's and try those splendid Havannas. The greatest velocity ot the wind last Friday night was computed to be twenty tour miles. Let all our moneyed men take stock in the woolen mill enterprise it's just what we want, to build np our city. High water damaged the trestle-work 011 the O. & C. Railway, near the Harrisburg bridge, on Wednesday. .. The trial of J. H. Burkhart, charged with larceny, occupied the attention of the Circuit Court the front part ot the week. Grand Worthy Chief, Dunbar, called at our sanctum -on Tuesday. Bro. Dunbar Is doing a mighty service in the temperance cause. Hat chaseing was Indulged In freely 011 Tuesday afternoon, some of our oldest and most staid citizens joining In the exciting pastime. Last evening Pearce's ferryboat levanted down the river, having broken from its fas tenings. At last accounts it was floating grand iy on. Those magnificent jeA-elry sets, rings and ladles' gold watches, gold neck chains, etc.. at Titus Bros.i are just the things for Christmas presents. . Drop in at S. E. Young's and examine one of the bet assortments In the dry goods line any wheie. Sam also keeps a full stock ot groceries, Crockery ware, etc. Stamping, for braiding and embroidery, done at this office, at short notice, and at as high rates as anybody. A new lot of stamps on hand. J A small child had just passed under Jake Fleischner's sign, when 1 the wind blew It down, the falling sign missing the child's head but a very little. The high winds of Tuesday shook the building on the corner of First and Broad- albin streets to such an extent that Jake Fleischner was at one time consiberably alarmed tor its saiety. , POSTPOXED The M. E. S. S. Concert has been postponed one week. - Next Fri day evening is the time. Rehearsals and active preparations are going on to make it a success. Wc learn that Messrs. Barrows & Wake field, in the coal business at San Francisco, have sold out, Ed. Palmer, formerly clerk for Pa n-ish & Mendenhall, in this city, purchasing one of their coal yards. . . . We hear from every direction that the roads are terrible in some places almost swimming, in others vehicles go to the axle in mud without any load. And still it rains. TnANKSGIVTNG UNION SERVICE. All the churches of the city will unite in a thanksgiving service on Thursday next, at St. Panl's M. E. Church South. The ser mon, at 11 o'clock a.m., will be delivered by Rev. S. S. Vandersol. AH are invited. Good Story. Sweet Homers tell us of a country stlll'turther up in the mountains where the mule deer ranges tlie fastnesses in bands of from twenty to two hundred strong. Couldn't you make it an even thousand 9 what's a few deer among so many mountains? Funeral. The corpse of the late J. B. Sprenger, formely a resident of this city, arrived here on Tuesday, when it was taken chai-geofby the Masonic fraternity, and tlie rites of burial performed. Mr. Sprang, er died at his brother-ln-laws's at or near Hubbard, Marion .county, of consumption. A Foolish Assertion. A few day? ago tlie Call of this city asserted that its editor had consulted with steamboat cap-' tains on the river, who told, hiua that the Government Snag Puller hadn't removed to exceed a half dozen snags during the season; that tlie work had been merely run over, the persons in charge .having had a jolly good time, drawing their pay with great regularity during tlie time. .-That' In tills manner had the $25,000 appropriated by Government for the improvement of the Wilkimette been expended evry dollar gone and no work done. After consulting several steamboat captains we find that not one of them ever gave tiny such informa tion. - Upon further investigation, we find that $1(5,000 of the . appropriation was set aside for building wing-dams, and could not have been gobbled up by tbetrfficers in .charge of the Snag Puller, even had they been so 'inclined. We alse.have it from the best of authority, that the Snag Puller has taken out over seventeen hundred snags during the season thus far, besides blasting the rock3 from Humphrey's "rapids, and cleaning out Union Bar and fenr other large sloughs, so that boat3 can run up- or down them at the lowest stage of water, and a large amount of other work which wc have not time -nor space to enumera, .Tlie of ficers of the Snag Puller liave received high commendation for the large amount ot honest work per formed by them during the season, and never a Word ot censure from any one acquainted with the: work dontyor is competent to judge of its value to navi gation. We might further add that, it the General Government always favors jus with as competent, faithful and honest men as Gen. Michler at the head of river Improve ments, and as faithful and competent sub ordinates as Capt. Geo. G.. Smith to exe cute his orders, work on our, fivers will be retarded only by the elements themselves, or the meagre appropriations made by Con gress. The city election will soon be here, and as it is very important that we have the right kind of men to fill tlie several offices our citizens should set themselves to: work selecting men who haye the -qualifications necessaty to fit them for the high and hon orable positions. Our city is growing and rapidly extending her borders requiring more and more legislation each year at the hands of tlie members of the City Council. With the growth of the city increases tlie demands for greater and more lasting im provemeuts, among the foremost of which is the adoption of a thorough system of drainage. For the health of the city some system looking to the carrying away and thoroughly draining our city' of surplus water is Imperatively demanded. Men of sound judgment and an honest purpose to serve the city to the best of their ability and to the best interests of the city, should be selected to embellish the City Board. Men should be selected, too, who are wil ling as well as qualified to attend to the re sponsible if. not lucrative. positions. . We throw out these suggestions for the consid eration of the honest voter, who wishes to be well governed, at the same time wishes the finances of tlie city handled as econom ically as the have in the past. We take it back. We said last week that Mr. Propt dnrscnt do it again, reler ring to a present of splendid butter he had just made. As he had just done the same thing over again,. only more munificently than ever, we willingly acknowledge the cor butter. Bigger hearted ment than J. W. Propst don't grow in Oregon, . . Remembers Us. We are the most tor ttiuate of newspaper men in the number and quality of our friends. One of tlie best women in the world, Mrs.& Ilaight, the' other day brought us in a winter's supply ot magnificent cabbage and some ot her ex cellent butter. May her shadow never grow less. - The Champion hitched on "to the Snag Puller at Buena Vista yesterday, and tow ed her to the locks at. Oregou City. ... From there she goes to Portland, where a donkey engine is to be nut in, with hoisting appa ratus when the SnagPullerwill be enabled to do a much greater amount .of work each season. - - - Wc have been "bi'owihg"ome little for Webfoot, in the past twelve-years, but-on luesday the "element" V?uudertook..-to "blow" a little on its own hook and It did it well. : The tenat hurricane "paraliz- ed" very favorably with some of the East ern zephyrs'. ' At Home. Ed Freeland and fctmily ar rived at home in the Ochoco4 country, right sitie np, and found everythmglovely. The trip, over the mountain wagon road from this city, occupied one week, during which time not a drop of rain fell.Tbe very day after their arrival a heavy rain storm fell. FINANCE AND COMMERCE. Gold In New York, 114'. :. : - Greenbacks, 8G87. .. No change to note in the wheat market, either iu San Francisco or Portland. The general belief "is that the price of , wheat will soon - advance in Europe, but whether shipowners will not demand' a corresponding advance in freights is a mat ter that Is puzzling speculators on the future of trade. ? . ' The depression of prices " elsewhere has caused a corresponding feeling here, and our buyers are offering but 80c per . bushel for wheat, with but little coin to buy with. No change in general market prices. We quote butter at 30337 Jle ; eggs 37 .c ; beef cattle 3c ; mutton $2dci 25 per head ; pork 50c. -- NOTICE Is hereby given to the voters ot the city of Albany, in Linn county, Oregon, that an election will be held at the Court House in said city, on the First IHondnir In 'nimhii lev.! fWt the election ot one Mayor, one Recorder, one Marshal, one Treasurer and six Coun- i-imieu, turiqe year isu. l'olls will. De "i-f iiiuu ciuck in uie morning ami Closed at Six O'clock in t.hn uTonlnir nf tlinr dy-. M. A. BAKER, . ''''"'-. " City Recorder. Alhuny, Or., Nov. 10, 1875. . Special Kotiees. t-&" If you 'want to buy the latest style of lady's Rubber Boots, go to Jake Fleisch ner's, on First and Broadalbln streets. Gtf t" Cash paid for Eggs, at J. Fleisch Broadalbtn 6tf ner's, corner of First ar.d streets. - Paint. A. Ca rot hers & Co. are sell ing large quantities of the Averill Chemical Paint, and it seems to give the best of satis faction. - Xew To-Day. Small Farm For Sale. LYlXCi FIVE MILKS EAST OF CORVALLIS, seven miles from Albanv. containing li0 acres of land, all under fence. On the premises i a good dwelling house and outbuildings, and splendid orchard, known as the Phelps farm. Terms low one-third of purchase money down. naiance on time. oriurtner particulars en quire of BART. ALLEN, Nov. 17-n8ml . Halsey, Oregot. : XOTIO-G3. 0. ft c. R. it. Co., 1 Oen'i, Freight and Pass. Office. $ 17 ROM AND AFTER DATE UNTIL FURT1I . er notice, the rate 011 General Merchandise South, will bo as follows : Portland to Albany, 35c per loe lb. K. P. ROGERS, - : - - - i. F. & P. Agt.- Portland, Oregon, Nov. 13, 1873-4w9 . , . - New millinery Store! MRS. D. STEVENS, HAS Just opened, np stairs In Froman's brick block, a Fashionable Stork of MHIIuery Goods. Having lind manv years of experience in the millinery business In the East. Mrs. Stevens be lieves she can frive the fullest satisfaction to all who give her their pati-onapre.and would there fore respectfully solicit aliare of the name. Also agent for the LITTLE MONITOR sewing mucbine. the trrandest- achievement of tlie ase. unapproachable bv any other sewing machine in (he market. Those intending to purchase a machine, should not fail to call and see this. MRS. W. STEVENS. Albany, Nov. 19-v8n9ml In the Justices' Court for the Precinct of Al bany, Linn conntv. Oregon. P. W. Beclcr, plaintiff, vs. F. C. Logan, de fendant. To F. C. Logan, defendant above named : An order having lieen made by me this day. that, the serv-iee of this siimmonslie made upon you bv publication in the Albany Reuistkb, as-cv law required - In' the name of the State of Oregon: You are hercbv required to appear before t he undersign ed, a Justice of the Peace for the precinct afore said, ou 8th day of January, 1876, at one o'clock in the afternoon of said day. at the office of said Justice in said Precinct, to an swer in a civil action thealxwe named plaintiff who claims to recover of vou the sum of tiOO.00 in V. S. gold coin, with interest thereon in like gold coin at the rate often per cent, per annum from the 14th day of November, 1S74, as surety upon a certain promissory note which this plaintiff jointly and severally executed with defendant to one Martin Bailey ' or order, and for defendant's accommodation, which - note said plaintiff has leeii compelled to pay and has paid in full. And also tlie farther sum of S17.23 with interest thereon at the rate of ten per cent, per annum ii-om July latn, lss, unon a certain promissory note, made by said defend ant in favor of plainl iff, and now owned and held by plaintiff, as per complaint 011 flic. The defendant w ill take not ice that if he fails to appear and answer the said complaint, the plaintiff will take judgment against him for the sum of 230.00 in V. S. gold coin, with interest thereon In like gold coin from the 14th of No venilxjr. 1S74. nt the rate of ten per cent, per an num, also the further sum of S17.25. with inter est thereon from the 13th day of July, 1S75, at the rate of ten per cent, per annum, together with the costs and disbursments of this action to lie taxed. Given under my liand this 15th davof Novem ber, 187s. JOSEPH HANNON, Nov. 19, 1S75-9t810 Justice of the Peace. Furniture Warerooms. FRED GRAF, HAVING purchased the entire Interest of G. Collar in the late firm of Graf ft Collar, in the furniture business, takes this opjiortunity to return Ills thanks to the citizens of Albany and vicinity who have so generously patron ized him In the past, and respectfully ask a continuance of the same. C"A11 kinds of fur niture kept on hand and manufactured to order at lowest rates. FREll GRAF. Albany, Nov. 12-vSuS AN . MEDICINES. Bell & Parker, (Successors to R. C. Hill & Son) JJux removed tlieirstoc DREGS AND MEDICINES, Chemicals, "Perfumery, Toilet Good, Cigars Sc. Tobacco, Paint, . Oil, Gasoline, Etc., To Froman's New Brick Block, North side of First, between Washington and r erry sirccis, w acre inev win Keep a Large aM Full Assortment of Goods in their line, ordered direct from Sun Francisco and the East, and feel confident, in thte assertion that, they can perfectly -satisfy all who caU upon them, uutu its I o Ql'AUTT AS& PRICE OF GOODS. Call at our new store and be convinced of the truth or tlie above statements. Particular attention will be gtven to tlie com' pounding of physician's prescriptions and filia lly recipes, at all hours-of the dayor niarht. Successors to R. C. H11.L, A SON. ' Albany, October 29, '75-n6tf Tvxst Heceived ! A LARGE STOCK OF BOOTS SHOES a 14 Q V . " -rf OF EVEUY STYLE & MAKE jv WHICH WILL BE SOLD I WILL; ALSO PAY THE .. - Q Highest Market. Price, jj in exchange, tor all kinds of Q Merclian table Produce. 9 .' - T- 'n ' " J- FLKtSCHXTSR. " 0(!(29v8nS . . - JOHN CONNER, B A 1ST K J N G -AN! Exchange OSice, ALBANY,' OKEUO. BK POSITS RECEIVED"' siTjJECT TO check at sight. Interest allowed on tlriiedepoelts in colife Exchange on Portland, San Francisco, and No w York, for sale at lowest Yates. Collections made and promptly remitted. Refers to H. W. Corbett, Henry Failing, W. S. Lndd. Ranking hours from 8 A. M. to P. H. Albany, Feb. 1, U71-22v3 J.ir. BALDWIN,0 Attorney and Counselor at bw, WILL PRACTICE IN ALL THE Court in the 2d, 3d and 4th Judicial Dis tricts in the Supreme Court of Oregon, aud in .he U.S. District and Circuit Courts. Ophce-In 1'arrWi brick, up stairs), in office occupied by the Jare N. H. Cranor. First street, Albany, Oregon. to!6v6 D. B. RICE, IK. Vrt - Surgeon &, Physician. OFFICE Fit st Street,- between Ferry and Washington. Residence -Third street, two blocks below or east of Metho ?sp Church, Albany, Oregon. . -v3n4C DR. GEO. W. GRAY, X E TV T I S . T V ALBANY, OEEBQ5. OF FICE IN PARRISH BRICK BLOCK, comer First and Ferry streets. Resi denceCorner Fifth and Ferry streets. Office hours from 8 to 12 o'clock a. m;,nd " 1 to 5 o'clock p. nt. . Mv4 EPIZOOTICS DISTANCED. TIMS BAY TEAM SfII.1. "LIVES, AND IS FLOURISHING IJKE A ORF.KN bay tree. Thankful for past favors, and wishing to meril the continuance of the same, the BAY TEAM will always be ready, and easily found, to do any hauling within the city limits, for a reasonable compensation. fSfM fillverjr of Uool aKpeelalty. A. N. AKNOLO. 20v5 - Prowrletor. Albany Book Store. JNO. FOSHAY, DEALER IN MISCELLAXEOUSBOOKS, School Hooks, Blank Books, Statlonery Fancv Articles, Ae. ' Books Imported to order, at short est pos sible notice. ' - V5n30 - ---v -. " II. J. BOttillTOX, M.D., GRADUATE OF THE XSilVERSITY Medical College of New York, late member of Bellevieu- Hospital MedicalCOI lege. New York. Office In A. Carothers A Co.s drug store, Albany, Oregon. - W. C. TWEEDALE, rKAX.KR IK " ' Groceiies, IPi-ovitsionsi, Tobacco, 'Ijfnrt4, Cutlery frock- - ryymd WsotfJrWIIlow Ware, ' . ALBANT, OREQOZr. 'OS" Call and tee him. 24i-3 A. CAROTHERS & CO., Dealers in . i - - -. CHEMICALS, OII3, 1'AISiTS, - Dl'KN UIJLNH, LAMPS, ETC All the popular " r PATENT MEDICINES, FINE CUTLERY, CIGARS, TOBACCO, NOTIONS PEHFt'MEKY and Toilet! (jKmmIm. Particular care and promptness given l'uysicians prescriptions ana r nmuy nee ilies. A. CAROTHERS A CO. -Albany, Oregon-4v5 Metxlez Cliais? I . Can be had at the. follow In gplaCe: ' Harrisburg Snm. Iny Junction City.. ..Smith Braslield itiu-itui-nw. . Kirk A flume Halsey .... . J. L' Morgarf slr. T..l.Hhtvn Albany! .. ; . U mf & Coli-ir A full snpplv can nlso le obtained nl my jr. it. eTzu:K. A. W. GAMBLE, M.. D.,.. Physician, Surgeon, etp. OFFICE -On First street, over Weed's grocery store. Resiiientr Opposite late residence of John C Mendenhiui, near tlie r ounarv. f irst st ic aiijuut. JPilesi: Piles"?".'- . . c - - '- - i.' - Wn y sa Tins DAivrAGnrtr' and 'troublesome eomnlalnt nmfiit lx cured, when so many evidences of success mignt ne piacca oeioro- yon every oav cures of supposed hopeless cases l our pnysician in tonus you tnar tnc ongcr voa allow the coratilalnl to" exist, vou lessen your chances for rclff. Exivfricnce hat :. 1-' 'I- -- -' II ' U.yiKUIHIll Ult HUCi. m - r A. Cnroibers & Co.'n Pile Fills and Ointment are all thoy are reeommrndWl to lie. - Will cure Chronic, Blind and Bleeding Piles In a very short time, and are aimvmiml fa toe. This Dronaratton Is sent by mall or ex press to any point within the United States at i ow H.trpucKare. Address, A. CAKOTITERS 4 CO.,., . S7v3 ' - Box S3, Alliany, Oregon. Tlie Eugene flremert are makliic ar- mngemenU for a grand ball at llano's liaii on cnristrans eve. FOR SALE! IJIIE CELEBRATED W. A. WOC.S REAPERS Sc MOWEUS. TIaiae'a Ilcadrrs, (Wood's Improved!) . CoQwillard-alndianaFarta Wa(ron. Tlio Basset and Vibrator. Tkroakcra, (heat tnachines on the coast. RutttmM Forccrcod Dvlll.y Stwr Flown, and other machines Cft I, see, and get price and terms before-buying u.n.n-.t, ni ny oiatuui n n enop, corner cseo nd and Ellsworth sts., Albany, Oregon. v . ' FBANKrWOOD. As soon as a hirmnroua narBirrAnTilat turn nil on a I Milraorrt ranw V10 mwivM a flattering offer .to come to New York anu eon a oanK-note reporter or a cook qooK. JOTIN BRIGGS : TA KK.fl -THIS. OPPORTUNITY TO -INFORM his friends and the. public generally, that lie is now settled in his . , .. NEW WSTUESi HOUSE) on the old stand next.doocto P. & Harpor & Co., where can be.fourjd as great ap.a-ssortujcut and as large a stock" or - Sioves ncan le foinVd iriifiny"' one" house- this sido-of ' Portland, and at as. w " Castlron, Brass i'Enamele-i ..' " in great variety. Also,' . Tin,' Sheet iroRV "'- '."1 ' Galvanized Iron, ' Copperware, always on hand, and made to order, AT L1V INU.;RATi.( r; . . ;.: Albany, October 22. t875Jv8 ... ;, . HereV the I Pteee? S. H- -' : CXa-aQbtoxa-l Has received and is offering for Bale a well seloc--ted stock of GENERAL M3CHAN 1 Which lie is determined to sell - -AT THE LOWi"ST PRICES' for ' -' C a s li , or IuMantoeTPrduUce;4: Please gi ve me a call, and examine Goods and Prices. S. II. CIUJUHTON. Lebanon, Or. : - 137 RUBBER PAINT THE I1EST II' tHE Warrauled to give Satisfaction. Call at the TrjtB Store ot BELL Sc PARKER First street,' Albarty,Oregon. and st-e Testimo' '" niats witii regum to tuu .. , .. : ana: - ' r'.., , Durability rrOF Till! - . " . RUBBER PAINT, ; Soul bv tlie srnllon onl v. It is rmt no ready for use in cans of k , 1 and S gallons ; also In 6 gallon' woouen pnus aim iurrei. LHuiiuttOTiu . PROMPT Dellverj j at' IJTlne Rates. , , HAVING ' bouarht out the dell vsry business ol, Mr. Lewis Stlmson.T bea leave to announce tot t he citizen and business men of Albany, that I liave on the street an express and Job wagon and wrfceliBfroy to-serve all whd"niay gl 6 me a cau. . .. . - -, . - .. -All orders will be promptly attended to at reasonable rates, . . ; . ' "' Orders may be left at the Drag Store of Bell A .Parker v " . Ajrer" Cherry Pectoral, For Utoeaaei of tbc Throat and liniumv" Mrh mm Wiglia, ,UI4, tMuooptBiic' t'soRbi nrwpcblila AvthnBax and . ioumimpU. u. . The-' few corn posi tions, which have worn, -the confidence of Iriara kind- and hsts liousehoid word K. .among not only one. out,, ' many nations,, must have oxtraordi- J2S nary virtues. Perhap ""tioone emir secured "LVs " L tao. wide "n repntation, i ..wmK,, ,m .v, or maintained it so - , -y i lung ni. - ai&m T ion or 1 rrnniST Per-roBAi..' T4 . 'filhasbeen known to the -nnblle for about fortv years, by a long continued scries of marvellous cures, that have won for it a confluence In lta virtues, never equalled by anv other medicine Itstlll makes the most effectual cures of f Anton. Cold. ComntmnUoti. that can tw made by medical skill. Indeed the Cbkrsy Pbctohax : nas real ly roDoea tnese oangerous aiscases or their terrors, to a great extent, and given a -feellng of immunity from their fatal effects,.' that is well founded, If the remedy be taken liv season. Every ffttnUv slionld have it in their. closet for the ready and prompt relief of. its niemiwrs. Bicaness. sunenng. ana even uie ut saved by this timely protection. The prudent . should not neglect it,. and the wise will not. Keep itby you for Uhs protection it affords by its timoly use in sudden attacks. . PBEP4SED J1V - . .- t- for. J. C. ATEB A. 4., Ixwell, Hiasa. - r Praeficarand Analjtwnl Chemists. . Car Sold by all Druggists and Dealears in . Alodiclno. - f . " , 8v7y . Ajcr'n" Hair Visor, For Kcstortnir' Gray Ilnlr to Its Natural . ... vltslUjrsudl'elsr. - Advancing venrs- .slckne&i, pare, disup. poin t mcnt, - a n d nereditarv predis-. position, all turn the:, hair gray.and either of them incline It td shed prematurely. aiuii xiAiR viri on, by long and ex tensive use, has bl proven tnat 11 siosjs Vthefallingofthehait' (i,f..TC fvlmmediatoly ; often" ; I 'renews the. growtfi,-' when laded: or gray; 'It stimulates the nu tritrve organs to healty activity, and pre serves both the hair and its beauty. Thus fcrashy, weak or sickly hair becomes glossy. . pliable and strengthened; lost hair rcgi-ows with lively expression ; falling hair is checked and stabl.tshed-. thin harclhickens ; and faded .or gray hair resumctheir original color. Its oiicratlon is sureand harmlew. Jt cures' dan druff, -heals all -humors, arid keep the scalp , ' cool, clean and soft'-under which eondltlonsv diseases of the scalp aro impossible' Asa dressingi for Jadies'-hair, tlie.yioon is Ftaised for its grateful and -agreeable per- : uine. and valued for the soft luatrcand rich ness of tone it imparts. "-' prepafftd mr. - JUJP,..ATEM. "towell . Practical and Analytical Chemists. , Cirsoid by aU Drugglsu and Cealera in Medicine. ... , 8v7y , NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ------ . f'.ti", .111 1 c-. tt u . vn". 1 .i. .if!Hi.urnnsjn zvy.ot ot- enuiut?! Ail.-. Iioine, for fhe anm of AKta I .hereby warn all persons not to purchase said note, and Jamt and John Burrea from paying the same. 7W4 .Albany, Or., Nov. 5, 1873. '- -. . 4