The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, November 19, 1875, Image 2

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ALBANY, FRIDAY, NOV. 19, 1875.
Another earthquake rutted San Fran.
Cisco on tbe ereuing of the 14th.
TIhj cholera prevailing in Madras, it
is doubted whether tbe Prince of Wales
will be able ta visit that presidency
Sixteen suits, commenced against the
.? t-ahforoia, were vocated on
the I3th, and attachments withdrawn.
They call Lowell the "Spindle City
ot New Ene?and . which
on the shanks ot its spinsters.
T. C. Woodward, of Iowa, lias been
appointed chief examiner of the patent
It is rumored that Secretary Chand
lcr w"l offer the place ot Assistant Sec
retary to Gen. Barber, now Third
Assutaot Postmaster General.
S. S. Fenn, the Democratic candidate,
has gone to Washington to contest the
seat of Gov. Bennett, the Delegate
elect form Idaho.
"Let's retire twenty cents of the re-
deeroable" is the way they now put it
in Calhoun, Ky., when they want to
"inflate" a couple ot drinks.
Tlie big race advertised for last Sat
urday at San Francisco, didn't come off
on account of the rain. Weather per
milting the race will be run to-morrow.
Rev. John Mattocks, a well-known
Presbyterian clergyman of St. Paul,
died on the 13th, of appoplexy. Mr.
Mattucks was a sou of ex Governor
Mattucks, ot Vermont.
The boundary lire in the far North
west is being marked by cast-iron pill.
are, eight feet high, set in the ground
four feet, at distances of a mile from each
other. The English and American
Government set the posts alternately.
A Detroit woman remarked that she
regretted but one thing in her life. She
said she was always vexed that a tor
nado didn't strike the twenty-two men
who saw her fall on the icy walk, claw
around and get up with a lame back.
The severest shook of earthquake ev
er experienced at Yuma, Arizona, occur
red on the afternoon ot tbe 15th. It
shattered chimneys and cracked adobe
walls badly. There were several shocks,
toe longest lasting four seconds.
A London dlpatcli of the 13th says :
wave, ujii ieex oign, swept up
x arrott river, Somersetshire, to day.
Bridgewater dock gates burst and ves
sels broke from their moorings. One
vessel was sunk and 20 others were
more or less damaged. The weather
is 6till inclement and floods increased.
One more stage robbery is reported
es oi mo mountains, this time occurr
ing on the morning of the 10th inst.
about 1$ miles from Boise City, I. T.
i ne stage running between Boise City
ana auver City was stopped, on said
morning, and Wells Fargo Jo Co's,
treasure box and the mail sacks deman
ded and given up. There was about
$8,000 in bullion and gold dust in the
treasure box. The Superintendent of
the N. W. S. Co., at Boise City. Mr.
Morris, ai soon as acquainted with the
fact of tbe robbing, together with Fred
Ililm, the Umatilla driver, repaired to
the place of the robbery. They found
the empty treasure box and mail sacks,
all giving evidence that experienced
nanas bad gon3 through them. The
rain navmg obliterated the tracks of
tlie robbers, no clue to the perpetrators
ot the robbery was obtained
Watktas Attempt t
A Salem on Monday, in County Court
during the examination of Whiteman,
the prosecuting witness in the case, was
testifying when Watkins drew a re vol v
er and fired at Whiteman, missing him,
tbe bullet striking a man by the name
of D. D. Orton, a painter by trade, and
formerly of Portland, in the left side of
the head near the temple, causing a
wound from which Orton will probably
die. H atkins is tlie man who was out
rageously mutilated by Whheman, for
alleged intimacy with his(Wbitemaii's
wife, and for which Whiteman was sen
tenced to the penitentiary for one year.
amies was immediately arrested.
Three shots were fired, one entering
Ortou's face at one side and passed en
tirely through his head. What next!
The British Minister to China, Mr.
Wade, has been knighted.
The new hotel in Holladays addition
Portland, is reported very weak on its
pins from the abundance of water sur
rounding it.
Full returns from Curry county show
the vote given to be: Warren 75, Lane
62, Whitney 3. it will be seen
Whitney still runs ahead of his ticket.
Heavy rain 6torras are reported in
California. The telegraph lines are
down, and we have no late Eastern
Lane's plurality in the State is now
figured at about 280. When the . vote
is counted we shall know probaly to a
j Charles Francis Adams, Jr., propesies
that all the railway systems of the conn
try will be consolidated into one power
ful monopoly, and that ultimately thev
will become a department ot the Gov
ernment, just as the Postoffice now is.
He thinks thaf Scott, Vanderbilt and
Garrett are bringing this abont.
l Important Decision. The Depart
ment of the Interior decides that an ad
miniiiistrator or guardian cannot relin
quish the homestead entry of a deceased
pei son without authority from the Iwo
bate Court.
As Oregon Ship. In a late San
Francisco paper we observe the follow
ing complimentary paragraph concern
ing a vessel which was built in this
State: ''The Western Siore is a Pa
cific coast ship, having been built at
Ccos bay, a little over a year ago, since
which time she has made a round voy
age xo Liverpool and back, with a full
cargo of 1,600 tons, making the quick
iowj;j vacu way oi any vessel m
the fleet sailing between the two ports
during the season of 1874-5. Last eve
ning the Master Mariners of San Fran
cisco held a meeting, at which a series
of resolutions, complimenting Captain
JlcAllep, the master of the Western
Shore, ou his successful and expeditious
voyage, were adopted. The Western
Shore is built of Oregon pine, except
ing her upper works which are construct
ed ot cedar, the latter being the most
durable wood, growing on the Pacific
coast and the best adapted for the pur.
pose to wuicn it was devoted by the
builders, of tbe vessel." The above
vessel is now on the way to Portland.
The steamers Ajax and California
were detained at Astoria Sunday ui-ht
on their last trip out, because of a heavy
storm at sea and danger ot crossing the
bar at the mouth of the Columbia.
Dr. Schumaker. of Portland
appointed physician at the Umatilla Tn.
dian Agency. He is said to be an ex
cellent physician, and well calculated
to fill that important place.
In his message, the Governor claims
a population of 36,000 for Washington
Territory, and says the emigration for
the year was 5,000. The Governor
advises the organization of a Board of
Emigration, a wise suggestion.
A reporter at Helena, Mantaua, Oct.
28th, sent this : "Sterres was hanged
at noon to-day. Everything passed off
pleasantly. He made no speech."
What an idea of pleasantness! And
think of a man just abonf to be hun-
not making a speech on such a pleasant
occasion I
A protracted meeting we understand
is m progress at Bethel under the anspi.
ces of the Christian Church.
Tl . . .
xnucni oi me cinnaoar mines on
Applegate creek, Southern Oreson.
have just finished burning a kiln of
brick, of which they will construct a fur
nace for their works.
Chester P. Barden. indicted for th
n i rnrt i iini n t 1 i' 1 i-finj
. A letter from Douglas tsounty say'
the Journal, and also a telegram from
the same place report the bridge over
the South Umpqua on the stage road
between Roseburg and Canyonville to
be in danger, more from the drift than
the force of the water itself. Nothing
was allowed to pass over the imperilled
structure on Tuesday.
The village ot Hubbard, in Marion
county, is putting on city airs, notwith
standing it has only about a dozen fami
nes in the burg. They have the rail
road depot, three stores, the usual shops,
eta, a lyceum in a flourishing condition,
and now they have organized a "select
school company," which has rented the
Methodist church for a term of four
years.refitted it and seated it for a grad
ed school room. This company propose
to open their school on the first Monday
in .December the books being now
open for pupils to engage and it is
expected that the first term will be at
tended by 25 t- 40 scholars at an aver.
. " asern Oregon Tlibvne will be'
issued at tiwi t-h ...
T, nexx week.
ihc Plaindealer announces ti.a't
mgton, D. C, this week.
Engene City has
struction of fire cistern, until next sprin.
u,Bn walked from La Grand, to -
'n, a distance of flWrWL.
walk seventy-five miles
and snn," on a summer day;
Col. Larrabee. of 5Wri. k T.'iiiv'
boght the celebrated Bushy farm,
Crescent harbor, Whidby I8l,d. ,1
r w mtLKe a model farm of
murder orDaniel McMahon, was last, age tuition of $4 each- They have not"
. am uaaoij,uvu ttb HlTKSflllVI I 1( O ttit
Scaxty A-rrinE. It was an affect
ing case. It was in Indiana : and she
applied for a divorce "Did he give
yon clothing enon"h?" said the .Tndw
I lived with him nineteen years " said
she. "and all the clothes he ever Deiiht
roe were a bunch of hair-pins and
Tbe question 6t licensing tbe whisky
traffic baa long existed and worried tbe
sage and subtle intellect of our wisest
solone. It is now suggested that instead
ot requiring liquor vendors to take out
license, it would meet tbe ease exactly
to compel consumers to procure a license
to drink. The revenue thus derived
would be a princely one indeed, far ex-',
ceeding that now derived from whisky
license, arTordiDg ample means for the
support of the General and State gov
ernments, ana running our common
school right up to jthe handle. Ita s
good idea. --'
Tbe London Morning Post of Octo
ber 23d has a Berlin dispatch of the 23d
saying : - "The depression of trade is felt
so keenly by tbe industrial classes that
tbe Government has been requested, as
a means of preventing acute distress, to
resort to a measure successfully adopted
in the last two wart,namely T Jjhe-estab
lishment of loans banks. The Govern
ment baa not as yet shown much incli
nation to accede to the request. Serious
distress is anticipated among the indus
trial and working classes during the
coming Winter, and apprehensioni are
also entertained of a crisis in financial
circles." ;...--.
Js ixcoxgrlous Hkmark. They
were walking arm m arm. The moon
was shining brightly on the water, and
he said, "how beautifully the silver
moonbeams touch the dancing wavelets.
t lflV tmnt inn . 1 T i . 1 .
..,.. uivuuii vuiuwiiig on ine oeams in
a flood ot tremulous light. How sub
lime the effect, Emily!" "Yes, Heory
she answered ; "and only just see how
ridiculous that slim woman looks in a
pull-back dress!" Henry groaned.
Here is a Frenchman's prescription
for curing warts, which is said never to
fail: Take a small piece of raw beef;
steep it all night in vinegar, cnt as
much from it as will cover the wart,
and tie it on it ; if the excrescence is on
the forehead, fasten it on with strips of
sticking-p'aster. It may be removed in
the day and put on every night. In
one fortnight the wart will die and peel
ott. Ine same prescription will cure
nours. lae ax fell before the fathe1
could reach the scone, severing the neck
of the son. Thus were seven nmnn.
. f- wuo
hurled into eternity in a twinkling.
The Olympia Courier says : "A
farmer, whose name we could not ascer
tain, residing otf nhe Kittitass valley,
started through the Natchez Pass short
ly after the fall rains-began with 200
mutton 6heep. After getting this side
of the summit with them, he met a man
who informed him that all tbe little
streams were full to the brim, and that
it was impossible for him to get through.
The farmer knew be could not drive
tbetn back the way be came on account
of the high waters, so he abandoned
them to the storms, wild beasts or star
vation, and rode toward home as fast as
lie could. We imaeine the wolves and
cougars have provided material for a
woolen factory long ere this.' ,
Tbe new county cut off from Walla
Walla county by the late Washington
Territory Legislature was nominated In
Uj bill creating it, Ping: county. The
niggesu ine preax An. - But
the Governor vetoed the bilL Aain
they fcjccy, too, tbat they iorm tLa par. I sS'ature goea to work and present
ticular tbeise of every rasserJby. 14 1 cew bill, this time calling : it tJolum-
cia. tvnetber the Governor wtii
the second bill, remains to be seen.
We have heard ot a very distressing
accident occuring in Jackson county.
West Virginia. It was a house-raising.
ab is customary on such occasions, chick
ens had been killed Cy chopping off
tneir heads. Two little sons ot the
owner ot the Douse to be raised saw the J he steamer tug Goliah arrived at
chickens thus guillotined, and during Por Townsend on the 13th from Cane
the day concluded to repeat the opera- Flattery, having on board the body of
. I . . . . . 1 J . t r .
nu it was just at a time wliAn t ho I one 01 mo iemaie nassAnwia r ti,
w I - I fc-
white men were lifting a heavy log in- Pacific The lady was very tall, about
10 us piace. The father, who was hold- nv'e feet seven inches in hiaht. with
ing one eud of the log, casting his eyas b,ack hair. She had evidently been in
toward the little fellows, one of whom I at ' tme ot the collision, as she
had an ax raised to sever the neck of had on otS he' underclothina and an
his brother, let go of the log to save trachan jacket, while her shoes were
the boy, and H fell, killing six men, two unlaced. She wore three plain gold
instantly, theotbers living only a few nnSP one of which had 011 it the letters
A great deal of discomfort rises from
oversensitiveness about what people
uay eay of you or your actions!. This
requires blunted. Consider whetiw
er anything that you can do will have
much connection with what they will
say. And, besides, it may be doubted
whether they, win lay anything at all
about you. Many nashappy persons
seem to imagine that they at always in
an amphitheater, , witbi the assembled
world as spectators, whereas all the
while they are playing to empty benches;
however, tbey tsvt Usisn to iaatisary
converaatJOEa aboct tbeaseolvea they
is .it, at any rata, duly tha proverb and
iasist hsjtLei2itsKUsiijen
, At .Jaclponville it u reDorted that
cssnarty gave Lane 70 majority
ov7T7rr?n ou a light vole-
"O. II." The ear-rings were' round
gold enameled, without pendant3, with
a cluster of small pearls. She is sup
posed to be Mrs. Hellmuth, the daufrh-
f ter ot Mrs. Farg-Ally, of Portland.
General Gomez, who has command of
the Cubrn patriots, announces to his
government that he can prolong the
struggle for independence another seven
years in the island in spite ot the rein
forcements promised Valmaseda from
fcpain. He has entered unon a fresh
campaign and is burning shugar estates
iast sa me lorcn can be applied.
The oldest nation in the world does hon
or the youngest. The land ot tbe
Pharaohs shows its respect tor our peo
ple by appropriating; $65,000 to pav the
expenses of its representatives at the Cen
tennial Exposition next year. All the
arts, products and industries of Egypt
will be represented, as well as many
things pertaining to her ancient history-
The Salt Lake Tribune says: . "It
may be of interest to the large number
of young gentlemen and ladies in this
city, ju6t now, to know that there is no
marriag law in tbe Territory. Simply
standing uy in the presence of your mother-in-law
and saying, "Sal, let's hitsh,"
or "Jerueba, let's go pards for life,"
constitute a legal marriage and don't
cost a cent."
Mr. Patiick Laird, ot Pleasant HilL
Lane county, raised a Chester, white
hog which weighed 777 pounds, net
when killed at two years old,
wm perhaps be tried ere long. He was
carried into court and presented a rather
emaciated appearance.
i We learn that there have been two
pools made up of 10,000 and 12,000
bushels of wheat, respectively, bv some
llie tanners storing at Liucoln, and
reaay ior sale whenever a favorable
opportunity presents itself. They hold
for $1 clear of sacks.
John R. Ticeand others, while on the
road to Fort Kalmath from Yreka, with
freight, encountered a regular young
hurricane last week, which upturned
several trees and playe J havoc generally.
Fortunately nc one was hurt, although
it was a close call.
Mrs. Caroline Briggs, who was tried
for murder in Josephine county several
months ago, convicted of manslaughter
and sentenced to five years in the peni
tentiary, but' who was given a new trial
by the Supreme court, was put on her
second trial last week at Jacksanville.a
change of venne having been taken.
Hiram Farlow's temporary home on
Little Bntte creek, Jackson, was one
day last week destroyed by tire. He
resided alone, and was out hunting at
the time it occurred, so nothing was sav
ed. The property consumed consisted
of grain, tools, guns, etc., the total val
ue ot which was about three hundred
The Jacksonville Times says : -Mrs
Caroline Bripconvictedofmanslan'rh-
ter at the last term of the Court and
sentenced to five years imprisonment in
me r-emtentiary, surrendered herself
this week, and is now confined in the
County Jail. She will bo taken to
balem in a tew davs
There are at present twelve prisoners
confined in Kitsap connty (W. T.) jail,
or winch five belong, to that county,
nve territorial, one to Jefferson countv
and one to King county.
jiic JCiigene Uuard says; Gran
gers certainly will not grannie at low
price as a general thing for produce
this fall. Potatoes have been selling at
81 per bushel ; good butter finds a ready
sale at 50 cents per pound and eggs at
50 cents per dozen.
rr . e .ti ' -t .
a ne luuowing namea vessels were
towed over the bar at the mouth of the
Umpqua last Monday morning and
cleared away on their destination : The
Sparroict Capt Lawsou commander,
and J3obolinky Capt. Morse commander
for Lower California. The Zetitia,
Captian Nelson commander, bound for
San Francisco. They were all landeu
with lumber, and carried away about
six hundred thousand feet, from the
Gardner mills.
The Roseburg Plaindealer says :
The Hancock sisters are. now running a
saw and grist mill near Scuttsburir.
They also run a farm, conducting all
the, works aa well as their male neigh
bora. There are four of these sisters,
all single, and although a blight was
cast upon their lives by their natural
protector, no one who becomes aennaint.
ed with them can help pitying and ad
miring them for their energy, industry
and honest dealing with their neighbors.
Tbe late rains have put back the. fall
work on Tualatin plains considerably.
But very little plowing has been done.
and scarcely any ct the farmers have got
their fruit gathered or potatoes dug yet.
The frost has kept off remarkably late
this season. The tomato vines are green
yet, as in midsummer.
Mrs. C. W. Snively, who ban been stndy.
ing the German and Italian opera the
past year under some of the best instruc
tors, having been previously encouraged
to do so by many of the best musicians
of San Francisco, will henceforth follow
the opera as a profession.
There are ten prisoners in the Idaho
Territorial penitentiary. Only one, a
Chinaman, who is cook, does muoh work.
The others are put at light gobs occa
sionally do nothing.
Large -numbers of beef cattle are
shipped every week from Olvmnia to
supply the victoria market,
yet hired a teacher, but offer a growing
opportunity for four years, to any coin
petent man who will come among them
tor that purpose. Hubbard will grow.
On Sunday (the 7th) afternoon about
three o'clock Messrs. M. Longden, Wal
ter bawyer and George F. Furguson,
(who were in the employ ot L. Jiaker,
fcsq., the contractor for building the
lighthouse on Entrance Island,) started
fjom the island in a good sea boat.
about 18 feet long and capable of carry
ing 12 persons, tor Nanaimo. When
the boat was 200 yards from the Island
it became necessary to "tack." I11 doing
so Longden, who weighs about 225
libs., failed to change his petition.
This caused the weight to be on one
hide, and the boat Billed and turned bot
tom upwards, The three men managed
to get on the keel ot the boat. In a
short time Sawyer slipped off and was
seen no more. After the boat had
drifted about a mile in the direction of
LigTithouse Island, Longden was seen
to drop into the chilling waters. The
boat, with Furguson still clinging to the
upturned keel, drifted out into the Gulf.
As the boat disappeared in the far dis
tance the form of a man conld be seen
upon it. The sea was t-mooth and the
wind light at the time of the accident,
Those on the island used . their be t en
deavurs to save the unfortunate
throwing planks and sticks out toward
them, bnt without avail. There was. no
other boat on the island. There can be
no doubt of the sad fate of Longden and
5-awyer, bnt there is a possibility that
the boat, with Furguson upon it. mav
have drifted ashore on some ot the
numerous islands, or been picked up by
a passing vessel.
Un the 24th ot October a little sloop,
with two men. on board, started from
San Francisco for Port Townsend, own
ed by Jack Pogh of Port Discovery,
and intended to carry the mail from
Port Townsend to Neah Bay. So far
as we have learned she has not yet ar.
rived, though no apprehensions are felt
for her safety on that account. The
little craft is 38 feet long, 5 feet broad.
4 feet deep, and measures 6 tons. It
was a foolhardy job, however, to bring
her up the coast, that these men under.
took and the boat, no matter how cost
ly, was never worth it.
In the races at Victoria last week, on
the first day, the two mile and repeat
race $500 was won in two heats by Mr.
Bigham's Foster, who beat Mr. Yonng's
Billy Bigham by a length in each beat
The first heat was run in 3:45, and the
second in 3:48. The halt mile rsce was
closely contested, resulting in favor of
Mr. Scoggins' mare A Ipha, closely press
ed by Mr. H. D. Saunders' Hiram.
For the Scurry stakes four horses enter
ed, and it was won by Mr. II. D. Saun
ders' Back.
A correspondent of the Port Town-
send Argus, writing underdate cf Neah
Bay, Oct. 27th, says : "On the night
of the 23d inst., some Makah Indians
were camped about three miles below
Cresent Bay on their way down with
some horses, when they felt a terrific
earthquake, throwing them down and
stampeding their horses. They, were
terribly frightened : ono of them has not
get over his fright yet. They" say the
illahe was awful ma-sa-che.' . Parties
above and below Cresent Bay did not
notice it. The Indians captured a huge
whale a tew days ago, and were fast to
it for several days out of sight of laud.
It finally drifted ashore at Nit Nat,
where it was cut np and brought home
with great rejoicing by their friends,
who had begun to mourn them as dead.
This makes the sscond whale captured
by the Makah Indians this season.
II- M. S. jFhntone, 4 guns, commaru
der Long, arrived in Esquimalt harbor
at 12 o'clock Tuesday night. She is
about the same class ship jn the Myr
midom, and will remain on that station
some weeks. At the request of the
ieutenant Governor, Commander Long
put to sea the next day to assist in the
searching for the shipwrecked people.
The owners of the cinnabar mine at
the bead of Little Applegate are confi
dent of rich pay from it.
ThejStage Company's paymaster has
been paying off the employes along the
road south of Roseburg, and the boys
are giving tbe money a chance.
' Alex. Mrtlin has a Percheron 2-year
old colt which weighs 2,000 pounds
Another strike ot very rich gold
quartz has been lately made near tbe
head of Little Humbug" creek, just over
the line in California. !
One ot the bills allowed and paid by
the Whatcom county commissioners
last week, was to Mrs. Fouts, ($5) "for
cutting ai.d keeping down Canada
thistles :n town of Whatcom, to prevent
their going to seed and spreading over
the country." T
Tlie Grand Lodge of Independent
Order of Good Teioplais of Idaho Ter
ritory convenes in Boise City ou the
A company has been organized in
CIteyeune looking to the construction
of a railroad from that p?ace to Laramie.
The proposed line has been christened
the Wyoming Central,
One by one the luxuries of life are
becoming so plentiful and cheap as to be
within the reach of j the poorest. A
InrcrA Intro Iiaq fuvn iiic-hiar1 oVmnt
" " " vvntM. -
forty miles west of Laramie, in the bot- rUU& AND MFntPfMFS f
torn ot which is a th ck layer of epsom 1 v,,8
A sHALt' ''abm rati rest, rx itfvtww
Albany. Oct. 22, 187Wv8tf MJi:i..
Purity i accuracy !
Pure and Frcslt
salts in almost & pure state.'
There seems to be some probability
that the okl man calling himself Myers,
arrested and confined in jail at Malad
City, Idaho, about two months on a
charge of murdering his traveling com
panion, and who committed suicide
while Incarcerated at Malad, was really
old Bender, of Kansas.
The Bozeman Courier reports the
organization of a Yellowstone Transpor.
tation Company which will run steamers
on the Yellowstone in connection with
the Northern Pacific from Bismarck,
and in opposition to the Carroll and
Fort Benton routes for the tronsporta-
tion of Montana freights.
I he Denver Aetrs says : j "Rumors
are rie, and with some show of anthen
v..i-j, Evvrcnk nuiiueriuiiy ricii dis
coveries down in the Pan Juan region
A mountain of porphyry has been found
the entire body of which is richly im
pregnated with gold,! the poorest por
tions of which yield; $G0 to the ton,
while the best class goea as high as
$150 per ton. j
The Port Townsend Argus says that
a late assay of a specimen of the sand
stone found at the head of Port Town.
send Bay, made by Mr. Heichling, of
ban Francisco, reveals the fact of the
existence there of both gold and silver.
1V i , ...
iie oeen snown a letter trom a
party in the above named city, giving
some particulars connecting with the
assaying of a fragment of the stone.
which says: "Two facts in relation to
it are certain. First, that close by, and
probably within twenty feet, there must
necessarily be a well defined lead which
carries both gold and silver ; second,
that the further the' lead is followed, the
richer it is likely to be."
Two vessels with steel rails for the
Canad ian Pacific Railway have arrived
in Victoria harlmr from England.
The treasure lost on the Pacific was
insured in the Ocean Marino, Indemnity
Union. & Royal Exchange Insurance
Companies of London. Tbe amount
was over $72,000.
The following amounts of gold were
shipped trom Victoria, through Web's,
Fargo & Co., on the Salvador, ou the
10th : Bank of British Columbia, $17,
182; Bank of British North America,
A thrce-quater interest in the Van
Winkle Co., Lightning creek, belonging
to Harry Jones, changed hands last
week at $4,000. Mr. T. R. Patullo
was the purchaser. Six thousand dol
lars were offered for a full interest and
The three principal claims on Light
ning the Van Winkle, Victoria. and
Vancouver have yielded as follows for
the nine months ending 30th October
nit.: Vao Winkle o., $218,262;
Victoria Co., $202,282 ; Vancouver,
$54,114. I
Telegraphic inquiries were received
in Victor from Ottawa and other parts
ot Canada, California, Nevada and near
ly all the Eastern States, and from
England and Ireland, as to the fate o
persons supposed to be on board the
Capt. Parsons was on board the
Prince Alfred when she was wrecked ;
was on board the Xo Angeles when
she broke her shaft ; purchased tickets
for San Francisco by the Dakota, but
was unable to get away in her ; sailed
in the Pacific, and is lost with all his
AH the repairs done on the Calipooia
creek bridge, on the Scottsburg road,
were washed away during the last fresh
et so we have been informed' Thia
improvement was sadly needed, and
the bridge m.ust be in a. critical condition,
Toilet Articles,
l or Solely Mtdlrml V e.
School Books, Stationery, V
Cigrars and Tobacco.',
lET Prescriptions curefully fllloa. HtT5
Silver & Plated Ware.
Tbe Best Machine Made.
IVt ach in S lx op,
A. F. CIIERRT Proprietor,
Manufactures Stead Engines,
Flour and saw STIII Iflnchfira-
-. . And Vr: .
.t.r J... --And aH-khMof - -
Particular attention paid to repairing all
kinds of machinery. 41 vS
Groceries & Provisions.
establishment on corner of Ellsworth
and First streeta, with a frexh stock of -Groccrlett,
Provisions. Candies, I ' To.
buoeo, Ac, to which he invites the attei. "
tion of our cltlrensr
In connection with the store he will keen
a Bakory and will always have on hand it
tall supply of fresh bread, crackera, Ac.
tar" Call and see me.
February 18-34V4
vv- d. bin.Dirjc,
Roodllroom ever made tn Alhenr.
has returned from California, and located
permanently In this eity, where he has .
klncls 2Ju"nenoed the manufacture Ot ail
Broods, Ereskcs, Visps,
fte.. at his tactory on First street, at Jnhn '
Metzler'a old stand.east of Marcolia Mills.
" " inviiesinose wtahtniraflrstclaa.
broom to cull and secure it of him.
Albany, Oct, IB, Id
"V. n. RKi.mvrt
v7 :