HHf.ISHfJ) KVKKY KlttPAY, BT OOLL, VANCLEVi; N THE REGISTER BUILDING, Carif-r t'rrrg anrt First tjtrcHs. " TKKMS IX ADVANCE. Or.i: copy, me year .....-.! 5 , m copy, six months I 50 To i-liilxif I went y, each copy fi 00 tviiulo eor.i-s .Ten cents. Suliscrilwr ouiside of I, inn county will be charged 20 cents extra--! 70 for the ycar-as that i-4 tho amount f iKMtago- per annum which we are rcirnircd to my on each paper mailed hv ns. AmlH for the Register. The following trained ircutlcmen arm nnllinr. izoi to wn-lve and receipt for subscription' Messrs. Kirk A Hume , ""v' " nnTumiess iiit-Tirioiiei ...Brownsville. Itolierl (ilnss.. W. I. Smith . I. Tompkins , K II. Clanvhton ;'. A. Wheeler Co Messi-s. mith A Bmslicld .1. 15. Irvine Tims. II. Reynolds , V. Wuterh6u.se , .Crawfbrdsvillc. ...-Halsey. .....liarrisourg. ........I-clmnnn, Shcdd, . . .Junction City. Seio. Salem, Momnontb. FRIDAY .XOVEMBKB 12, 1875. Tiik Stockton Independent is inform ed that ilie increase of the number of the insane committed from San Francis co the present years is 25 per cent, over the corrc?Kii(ling period last year. . . , i.. An old gentleman from the East re. jcently offered the baggage master at Sac ramento, as he thought, a 20 gold piece, bnt which proved to be a spiel mark. When the fraud was pointed out to him he said he had $200 in that kind of money, and ho i howed more spiel marks, which had been given in exchange for greenbacks by a scamp at Omaha. Tiik Sacramento l?ee says that one of the female immigrants who arrived from the East by Friday's train created more attention at the depot than any one else, in consequence of her wearing chin whis kers, of a beautiful auburn, and atout two inches in length, and a very good match for those of her husband. If it had not been for the fact that site was caring for a nursling infant many would have been inclined to believe that she was a he. The engagement of Miss Armstrong, of Brooklyn, to an opulent Italian noble man, is announced. The Count lives iH much splendor in the suburbs of Flor ence. Miss Armstrong went abroad a few years ago to learn the art of becom ing a prima donna at Milan, but in con sequence of impaired health, abandoned f her project of leading a professional life. She is described as being a great beau'y and a fine linguist- By her marriage 3Iiss Armstrong becomes related to one of the noblest Italian families. Parties interested are already mem oriolizing for the repeal of the law doubling the rate of postage on books, etc. The Postmaster General declares the proposition to return to the former rate of postage on books and printed matter of the third class is heartily ap proved by him, and he will earnestly urge the change to be made as speedily as possible. There is no doubt he will make a strong recommendation on this subject and there is ret son to expect Congress will correct that legislation be fore the holiday's adjournment, so that the old rate of one cent for two ounces may go into effect January 1st. A great four-mile race is to come off at San Erancisco on the 13th of Xovern- - ber, for a purse of $30,000, given by the Pacific Jocky Club. It promises to be the most exciting turf contest ever witnessed in California. The following famous runners have been entered for the race : Wild Idle, Grinstead, Katie Pease, Springbok, Rutherford, Revenue Jr., Fannie Hall, Hock. Hocking and Chance. mento is now in full operation, employ- ins? 120 men. and producing fiftv barrels or ten thousand Bounds, of sn!?ar uer lay. 11ms saccharine vegetable is grown in the valley, and it is sold to the manufaotorer at the rate, of $5 a ton an acre yielding six fonsJ The Bee says that five thousand tons were grown near Sacramento aurtnr last season and brought the farmers 630,000. The head xf Carrie Dawson, of Rem ington Station, Ohio, was completely ca!ped by a revolving shaft that caught her hair. Her mother and sister have sttbmiued to the taking pf Bkin from ",su VIV-T M XT. Z W operation. The academy has an at their heads and shoulders for the wouu. ffih&dthfta io wSthe tendaneo of about 100, which is daily ded girl, and she will probably recover, amputated leg had been bniied, and on increasinfj, whilo the sanio may be said Cincinnati scientist has alh, i.w sell to be stung once a day lor three weeks by bees to ascertain tlio effect of the bites. lie says that after about the tenth time the pain and swelling were slight, the body seeming to become in oculated with the poison. When you see a married woman fctandiuq on tho coricr a block from her house to catch the letter-carrier, you may know that she is expecting a letter from lier aunt, and doesn't want her jjuouauu cv Champagne is now made of gooseber- ries, coal oil and rhubarb juice, sweeten . ... ..... in fa t i i Ti-trrtfini ntit n s TVfsr iirn - - nni v xV1KIyw , flnn nftl,. 1 .... i--.. !..! vi wjb wjiitB mac wua. uiw V K?nca was a thin white wine, strength encd with braniy and aoerated. ' , IMeutppearaace of Party Iducs. The politics of : the United States, which are commonly, and in a sense just ly, considered to be absolutely witliout interest for Englishmen, seem to fore shadow the condition to which English polities are r pidly comil ig. Wo are not alnjut to, raise a cry of warning against the "Americanizing of our iiistitulTons." In the sense which used to bo attached to this phrase, the supposed danger never existed. Eng'and is not about to be come a republic, or to make the judges elective, to abolish the peerage ; and she was no nearer taking any of these steps before the late conservative reaction than she is now. The resemblance between the politics of the countries relates to a matter more fundamental than any of these. It is easier to imagine England ruled by a President, or inhabited bv a wholly untitled population, or submitt ing lawsuits to the decision of judges chosen by the rate payers, than to imag ine Englishmen not divided into lberals and conservatives. Yet whilo there seems no chance of any of the first three contingencies occurring, the last is in all probability, on the eve of being reduced to fact. The obliteration of political landmarks has already been accomplish ed in America. Bepublicans and Demo crats are now preparing themselves for the Presidential cauvass,and everywhere they are making the discovery that neilh- The present is general. The entire ent er party have anything to unite their tivated ite is deprived of its expected members among themselves, or to differ entiatc them from their opponents. Lotion Spectator. ew York Paper on the Elections. The Tribune claims that the Demo cratic party was beaten in Tuesday's election by inflation, as the Republicans were a year ago by Grantism and third term. 1 he two elections prove the exis- tetKSJ of an independent vote, with power ana intelligence u dictate tne result m the Presidential election next year. lhe lones, replying to the Jurpress, positively asserts that Grant will, not secure their nomination. The Sun sees in Tuesday's election the explosion and death of inflation and a great triumph for judiciary independ ence. Every judge has got a new back bone. The World claims the Democrats won a moral victory as visible as their memorable victory last year, because the Democratic losses on J uesday resulted only from the accession to the Republi cans of the canal thieves. The Time combats this by showing the great Republican gains in the coun ties having no local interest in the canal question, instancing the 4,000 Republi can gain in Duchess. The Jfark jfcane Express, in its weekly review of the Britsh corn trade, has the following : Sowing has been re sumed in some places, but in most cases the soil has been unfit to receive seel. Large arrivals checked the upward ten dency in prices of English wheat. The quality is good, but there is no material change in the market. Russian has been lower in consequence of large ship ments in anticipation of ice in Russian rivers and harbors. It is reported Russia has a short crop of wheat and forage. There is consequently tenacity of hold ers at Odessa, and it would seem to be justified. The absence of the usual abundance from America and Russia must eventually tell on our market- In France sowing is near completion. in rans and throughout the provinces of France, as well as Belgium and Holland the markets are unchanged. At Ham burg the market is tending upward; last quotations are fully maintained at Dan zig, while in Austria and Hungary prices are lower. The deepest sea sounding yet effected was obtained by the Challenger this year m the abysses of New Guinea, depths which have occasioned a sharp line ot demarcation betwean the fauna ot Asia and Australasia. The "lead" wheighed 4 cwt and struck bottom at tlse depth of 4,ov liiujoms, or about zq,uu leet. m m n r l.ll . i-va Bar si s-v . "he hollow rod, by which specimens of jiati Hee down were smashed to atoms bv the pressure of the suoerincum. bent water. A previous attempt was I MM3 Vv WAMM Vt.. nk:L , ma m(kra tWini, A fVOS fathoms wem antirulAd. Khnwinor tne temperature at that depth to bo 35 decrees Fahrenheit nflcotreeted. p , . , . -Tbe Deposit (Mo.) Courier tells the i t ...:.. r . iir .c k IUHUWIII!: 11IU1IT BWUI w - allla Kay W VaC. IIV 0 man who was accidentally shot in the knee at Canterville a week or two back, and whose leg had to be amputated, ua since the operation felt a peculiar twitching around the toes of his reraain- .W. ?t i graw inieriwining ins iwb, ii wu iv moved, and, strange to say, sinco then I Stevens has been entirely free from the former unoomtortable feelings. Tho year 1875 will rank as an event- ful one in American rnininjr. - Whether " iv iu the line of new and rich discoveries, I orbWer methodsof, taking out and re- I ucinS OI-e?, it is equally a year of great progress. Tne yield ot precious metalr ,,,,u 'J T I in United States, whksh has for some f 10 stra"Scrs- j time fluctuated from $60,000,000 to $70.- i "vu.uuu ii rear, win in iniamrnmta m.-rti nnn. -no " i.canv My,wu,uuv. - .,. ff 1 our man Kalph is a good rFtian"-IIowso, mvbov?" Whv ra , read m the Bible that flirt IeV c v -m - m m - i I t.-ll I! , .... . k i euait nut iivu vut nan bis days; and - 1 Ralph says he has lived out ever since 1 he was a little boy." tteprcaaton fTmcle tm Umnnny Total Failure of Oops In Rusin. The Morning Post of Octolier 23d has a Berlin dispatch of the 22d, saying the depression of trade is felt so keenly by the industrial classes that the govern ment has bceu requested, as a means of preventing acute distress, to resort to a measure successfully adopted in the last two wars, namely, the establishment of loan banks. TIe government has not as yet shown much inclination to accede to the request. Serious distress is an ticipated among the industrial working classes during the coming winter, and apprehensions are alo entertained of a crisis in financial circles. The same paper also says : "Russian correspondents to German newspapers give distressing accounts of the unpafa Icllcd failure of this years harvest. Xev er before, it is asserted, has the failure been so general in Russia, both in geo graphical extent and in comprehensive ness with regard to the crops effected. Russians are still familiar with the dis tress resulting from failing crops from their experience of the Samaria famine. harvest. From Orel to the Crimea. and from Tarnbow to Bodalisk it is the rame tale, and there is no prospect for help for there is no one to help. All are groaning under the same load- In other years if there is failure of crops it attacks only one species, be it in cereals or root or grass, but this year all crops ,iave snfferea aiike, A Virginia Fire Incident. The Enterprise of October 27 th relates the following pleasing incident: Yesterday after the Consolidated Virginia and Ophir works were in full blaze, a gen tleman, whose residence is east of the Ophir shaft and which residence had been on fire several times had finally given up that the house must be lost, and had ceased further exertion ; sud denly he was surprised to see a moun tain quail light at his feet. In a mo ment the bird flew tip to his breast, and lit on his vest. The man unbuttoned two buttons of his vest when the bird ran beneath it and nestled close over his heart. lie buttoned his coat over the bird, and then said to himself, "That means that my house can be saved," and went to work again. Just then' the uncertain wind changed, the vol ume of smoke was turned another way ; the house was saved, and now, next to the children, the bird is the highest prized treasure in that house. The Jacksonville limes says : "The late rains raised the various streams so as to render it for a time almost im possible to cross them. Slate creek, in Josephine county, was so high on Sat urday that the stage was delayed nearly twenty-four hours in making the trip to this place. The stages from the north and south are behind hand, owing to the bad roads and high waters. The weather has turned on clear again, however, and the mails will doubtless arrive with more regularity." i Ater a Detroit man bad entered a street car and dropped his nickel in the box, a boy came running after the car and called out : "Jones oh ! Jones, yonr w;fe ,as got another fit." Jones stepped to the door, looked around with a perplexed air, and called back : '' Well, it's too late now? I have paid my fare, and I don't propose te let this corpora. ton get al)Cad of me J" . I . - a Harpers Bazar says that it is a mis- toke to oppose ti,at the lady who con lodge was about to be lield and who when discovered was allowed to be initiated is a myth. Thcclock case may be a t mirth rmt. iIa laiiv is nnt Shn wo.fi the Hon. Mrs. Aldworth. and contin- J ued through lite to take an active inter- I 111 vneotuer inw which m iwr yonm i sue iiau so twrii"t;iy uaiia.-u zKiniissiuu, 1 She founded the Dnhlin institution lor i tne orpnan aaugnters or jiasons. ner I - . portrait still hangs in the principal lodge room in Cork and under it in a glass case the apron and jewels she used to wear when sue atte aea lougo meet ings. Ashland has two schools in success of the district school. Touy Noltner has sold the Eater prise, so long published by him at Ore- eon City. We wish Tony good luck in whatever enterprise he may embark 1 . "TT-, " .,' 1 . , : , . . Kn 4miin11 oroatvi a. rinrtln liv I mr,; tn tlm thnr of herSundav I school class: "Our i dog's dead. I bet the angels wnre scared when they What is the difference between sper- i mamti nni si whnniimv a nnwif tjneia I . J - - . V "... .. the wax procured by the whale ana the other is the wail . produced by the whacks. ' j i A U.iiftn nrr,vD,V, KobSro n-n- - I . r , w.j , . 1 lug to war, pray once; before going to sea, pray twice : before getting married I pray three timet? 53 ' ' Happy Thonght.'-" - - When at about the middle of the cross walk she Uropicd a woll-lilled wallet -out of her hand. Then Hie trouble began in earnest. She stooped over in lront co pick it up, but her lingers could not fciieh the wallet by eighteen inches. JS1mj changed her parasol into her right liaiRlrtinl tried to reach sideways for the . walleW It was. no go, however, lor her lingers did. not I'ench anywhere' near the coveted ai ttclUi. She then tried to get down on her knees, but she niitfht as well endeavor to pick up a drop ot water with her ear. She reached backward but her hand only extended down ward on a level with her hips. She appear ed to be much embarrassed. 3Taphief-9?,in-ed to be passing at the moment who could assist her. Ah! a thought struck her'-snd-denly. Quickly turning her parasol with the top on tlie "ground, slw glided a pretty little toot out from beneath her snow-skirts, and, with a gentle kick, the wallet lay in the coucave parachute. i Origin- of the Term BitoTiif.n Jona than. Tiie story of the origin of the above ternt, as related many years ago, 10 me eu itorot the ATorwich Corn ier, by a gentleman over eighty j-ears of age, who was an active participator m tuo scones or ine revolu tion is as follows : "When Oenrcal Washington, after being appointed commander of the army ot tle Revolutionary War, came to Massachusetts to organize it and make preparations lor the defense of the country, he found a great want of animation and other means neces sary to meet the ' nowerftil foe lie had to coutcud with, and great difficulty to obtain them, if attacked in such condition, the cause at once might be hopeless. J3n one occasion, at that anxious period, a consul tation ot the officers and others was he'd, when it seemed no way could be devised to make such preoarntion as was necessary. His Excellency, Jonathan Trumbull, the elder, was then Governor of the State ot CounecticutjOn whose judgment and aid the ijenerai placed the greatest reliance, ana remarked, 'We must consult Brother Jona than on the subject.' The, General did so, and the Governor was successful iq supply- ng many ot the wants of the army.. VY hen dilliculties afterwards arose, and the army was spread over the country, it became a by-word, 'We must consult lirother Jona than.' The term Yankee is still applied to ii portion, but 'Brother Jonathan' has now become a designation of the whole country,, as John Bull has for Englaud." 4 An Englishman was boasting to a Yankee that they had a book in the Lritsn .Museum which was once owned by Cicero. "Oh, that ain't inothin'," etorted the ankee; "in the Museum in Hosting they've got the lead pencil thatXoali used to check off the animals that went into the ark." A person looking: at some skeletons asked a young doctor present "where --he got them, lie replied, " e raised them." Always rcaJv for a tare sugar dealers. Comfortable quatcres iwenty-five cent pieces. Where is happiness always to be fonnd ? In the dictionary.-. Most disinterestedly good- -Those who are good for nothing. A rirl never looks so killing as when you tread on her uress. What is the best thing to hold when you get out ot temper? i our tongue. There is considerable human nature in man, ami sometimes a little ot u in woman. A certain vounz l.-ulv is so modest that she wonld not permit the Christian Observer to remain in her room over night. IVcw To-Day, STOVES STOVES! From this date until further notice, I will sell a CHOICE SELECTION OF, , ' Stoves & Eanges J -ALSO- PUMPS, HOSEi ETC. W. II. McFARLAND. AUny, Dec. 10, 1874-13 Hall'a Vegetable Sieilian HAIR RENEWE.E This standard article Is comnoudded wltn the srreatest. care. Itsctlocts areas wonderful and satisfactory as over. , , . . -s'Mji It restores gray or laded natr to tts youtniui ertlrtr. It removes all eruptions, itclttK nd dan rduff; and tbo scalp by f "se becomes wbite mid clesin. liy its tonic prcmerties it restores the capil lary elands to the, noimal vljior, preventiiiK lial'dness, and tnukin the hair grw tbiok and strong. As a dressint; nothing lias been found so effectual, or desirable. .- Dr. A. A. Hayes, State Assaverof Massachu setts, says rC if. consider e beprrpnra btstprrprtra lion for ltu intended purposes. Buckingham's FOB TIIK W1II.NUJRH Dye, Ajcr'n Sursaparllla, For P.rltyuir the Klool. liiia vcunoonnft the vesrctable altern- 4 V A U .' .. -U...W. H I la. IHX-K. MtilliUKia and AiaiKiraKe with the iwitura of lrtiuKiiini ana irmti makeit a niost effectnal euro v. t n cr i ijr, t i mill- plaintH which nrc verv prevalent and afnlvt ins;. It purifies the bloo1, rmrgces out the lurkinir IinmnrH In tbn ayatetn, that nnaerinine health and nettle into iTOuiittwumu Artiii.iuit oi me SKin are the appeanint on the surface of hnmors i bat. should bo expelled from the blond. In ternal deranemets are the determination of these same humors to someinternul organ, or organs, wlione action they derange, and whoso substance they disease and destroy. Aykrm 8ABSAPARII.I.A expels these hnmors from the l.irMul When they are arone. thedtMorriKi-Httinv prtKluea dispixiar, such as Uloeralitmm of the Jjivrr, HUmtach, KUlney, iM-nm, Krnptions and t)rijAive lHcnae of Uur Skin, . Anthony's Ktrr, lUvuc or KrwI" -', jPMfte, Match,. UvUk- Tmnm-, I'vUer anil Haft Jlheum, Mil llixtti: Jtm(iiorm, Ulem ul Sores. Jfhnmta- Uitm, JWnrofKi, Jttn in -Out Jkmri Side and tleml, J-trnvUo Weakness, tHerUUy, Ijeueorrhma aririno - front iniermtl nfeeratiim anrt uterine iliviisr. - lhrormu Ihixxrvxia. Entacinltn nntl (feneral VebilUy. With, their Uei-nrture health returns. : -. . PRKPAHFH BY l'nwtk-al and Analvtical Chemists. E33-oia by all prua-vists and Dealers Mudicinc, AT , I win, 0 r. vuS 1876. 1876. Proclamation. Chicago & North-West- ; ern Railway. IIK POrt'LAB BOITE OVERI.AXD. l'nssensrers for Chicago, Nlasnra Falls, Pitts tmrjr, 11)llalelphtn. Montreal, Quebec, Now York ISoston, or any point East, should bay their . TRA.VSC'OXTIXrc'ITAl. TICKETS Via tbe Ftoucer Kotit?, THE ClII('ACSO& XlRniM EVI KnX RAILWAY THIS IS THE BEST KOlTTE EAST; Its Tra;k Is of STEEL. RAIT., and on It has been inude t he VASTEST t irae that has ever been MADE in this country. By this route -passen. gera for points mst of Chicago luive choice of the following lines from Chicago : My tbe I'Jttliirsj. FortwariK andl'liicngo Had Ieiiiih I vauin Knll wa,' 3THROUUII TRAINS IAIT.Y, with Pullman lulaeeitrs through to Philadelphia and New York on eucli train. ITIIKOCGH TRAIX.wH.lt Pullman Palace oars to Hill ti more and Wualibigton. By the IK Shore and Miehlgnn Ho tit ft -era ftUwny and ronncetliHiXew York Central anl Erie Hailroadia), 3 THROUGH TRAINS TAIT.Y, with Palace Drawing i!ooiu and Silver Palace cars thro' to New York. I y the 7lichtan Ontral, Ciraml Trunk, t.r-nt Went cm and Erie and New York : Central Hallways, 3THROUWII TRAINS, with Pullman Pnlaco Drawing Room and Sleeping cars through to New York to Niagara Falls, Buffalo, Rochester or New York city. ; By Baltimore and Ohio Ballroad, 2THROrGn TRAINS DAILY,' with Pullman Palace cars for Newark, jmesville, Wheeling, Washington aud Baltimore without change. This is the SHORTEST, BEST and onlv line running Pullman celebrated PALACE SLEEP ING CARS AND COACHES, connecting with I'nion PaciHc Railroad at 1MA1IA and from the WEST, via Grand Junction, Marshall, Cedar Rapids, Clinton. Sterling and Dixon, lor CHI CAGO AND THE EAST. This popular ronto is unsui-passed for Sliced, Comfort and Sifety. The smooth, well ballast ed and perfect track of steal mils, the celebrat ed Pullman Pala Sleeping cars, the perfect Telegraph System of luoving trains, the regu larity with which they run, the admirable ar rangement for running through carstoChicago from all points West, secure to passengers all tlic comforts in modem -railway traveling ' No changes of Cars, and no tedious delays at fer ries. I'assengers will find Tickets via this favorite route at the General Ticket Olticeof the Central Pari lie Railroad, Sacramento. Tickets for sale at all the Ticket Offices of the Central Pacific Railroad. W. II. STENNETT, M AR VIN HI GHITT. Gen. Sup. icn. Pas. Agt. II. P.-STAN WOOD, General Agency, 121 Mont gomery street, San Francisco. v7n47y Jiwt laaued. SOOth Kdltlon. 3 rv :v j i o i , Revised and corrected by the author, E. deF. Curtis, M. I)., &c, &c. A Medical Essay on the cause and enre of pre- mature decline in man, showing how henll lost, and regained. It gives a clear synopsis of the impediments to marriage, the treatment of nervous and physical debility, exhausted vital ity, and all other diseases appertain" thereto; the results of twenty years successful practice. Opinions ot the Press. CCRTIS ON "MAN HOOD." There Is no mem ber of society by whom this book will not lie fonnd useful, w"hcther he be parent, preceptor or clergyman. Ituton Thtis. CCHT'IS ON "MAX HI )OD." Thisbook should be road by the young for instruction, and by the ainicted for relief : it wili injure no one,--Jl'flical l'iuUiJt antl Lrit&tlr. - - Price- One Dollar, bv mail or express. Ad dress the author, DR. C CRT IS, 52J Sutter Street, or P. O. Box 337, San Francisco, Cal. 4riv7m3 ATTENTION. PARKER & MORRIS' How-E levator! IS 1VOW KKADT FOIt TIIK BEIFa T-US of wheat nnd oats. We call the attentn... of fanners to the fact that we have erected tbe fi nest warelumse in the State,at a large expense. and are in iwisition to handle satisfactorily an immense quantity of grain Our Jiousc Uasa eapticity tor.. . . , ; 200,000 bushels of Wheat! nt one time, and islo-atcd on tlic margin of the Willamette It ivcr. anrt proviuco wit nn siae tracK from the O. A C. It. It., so that shipments may be made dally by mil, and as eften by water as Ixiatinatfticilitiesotfiir. We-lmvc two la wo suc tion fans, in addition to other fans, attached to the house, run by water iHwor, and arc thus prcjxircd to s , nil the whiait received. Can take in and cleaiy 10,0(10 inislieis per aav. i.ienneu wnear is won n much more in all foreign markets than foul wheat, and none should be shinned without cleaning. Ourehai-geswilllietlvecentsa bushel on wheat, ana lour cents ouoais. .yto nave SIXTY THOUSAND SACKS to furnish t nose storing wheat with ns, free to those whose wheat we purchase, aud at the lowest cash price to those who sell their wheat irom our uouse to ot ner ouyen. rersons stor ing with ns are nt liberty to soli to whom they please. liHiwffiiuiwmu on uiu wem nrno in the river will have ferriage five. Will be in the market its buyers, and expect to be able 1o pay the highest t possible price. Having pre pared ourselves to do a large .business, -are fcjupe. foe oar share of tlvo public ps,trmgu. PARKER A MORRIS. n47vtyuly 31 Alliny, Oregon. A. WUF.roj:i(. C. U, WlaBKiJSH. A. Wheeler & Co., SHEDD- OREGOX, Forward & Coiumissioii Merchants. aler tu Mcrebanis ! Produce. r A good assortment of all kind of Goods al way in store at lowest market raies. i . i Aleuts for sale of Wagons ,irain Drills, Cider MlTiSi Churns, Ac, Ac. jt A CASH paid forWHEAT, OATS, POKK, BUT TEMi KOUS and l'OlH-TBY.I ii For m&JLG s - A'darge Body of Ilieli Iiii for 'jt1- Sale Cheap. AQrt ACRKS OF LAND, IN US Ji WliHIV; .Ii A r xnn iums in enltivat ion every acre sus ceptible of cultivation well watered. Has a arooft nouse, iiarn, hiiu umiHMiaw nn under fence, and lyina; within 9 miles of a rail road station. All gooI grass orgrrain land. The entire tract will bo sold cheap., luonire oT , . AHtf 20T4-18VX Albany, Oregon. "r JS1ILLINEIIY. fa : ia constantly receiving New and Stylish Millinery, To which she invites the special attention ' tn tlieL4iuies. t.oocn soia nt me lowest living rates. Wtore Hint door ctst of City Imiy Store, Albany, UOijOi. : Jull Chemical J Paint, THE BEST AND CHEAPEST USED, C3rO TO A. CAHOTHERS & CO., . FIRST STREET, ALBANY. S58 .CiElSS S , Large ami Valuable fract ol : Farming Iaml for Sale. TfttfEE jfUNDRKD ACRES of plow Ifimt, 830 X of which is rich bottom land. Oh Ibeprem ises are fair buildings, house, barn, granary, uiinrii also flrood Vniaring orchard of fruit trees-00 acres of the very best pasture land f 50 acres of timber land, asli and maple, the liest of farming land tthcit cleared. A never failing stream of water runs through the farm. There is also a splendid quarry of lime-rock on tbe Iilaee, pronounced by experts A 1 rock. Four lundred acres are midcr folce. It is one of the piost. desirable and chci)Cst farms in Douglas court"- Iviig Hi inilcn from the O. A O. railroad at Oakland. For particulars as to price, etc., apply, ii, this ty, to boCGHTOX, M. D. Albany, May M, .187-1. ..J The llloh Man'a Necessity nnd the l'oor t .llan'n Friend. -, , Awarded the told. Medal at - ".. VI15NNA'. Z ELL'S POPULAK ENC YCLOPEDIA AND Vniverml Dictionary of Science, Art, Biog raphy, Ijmgtiaao, Botany. History, Jurispru dence, Geogi-apliy and the Whole Circle ol Hu man Knowledge. Complete In 64 nnmlKrs at .V) cents each, or bound in one-half morocco M0, two largo royal ouarto volumes. Ten eenfs a day for it year, will get it in clioapest binding. Every facility offcixnl to those in moderate cir cumstance" obtain it. Also, the new Pictorial Family Bible. cheapest in the ; market 1,300 illustrations. Send 3-ceut stamp for siiechnen pages, to S. II. DYER, Gen'l. Agt., 1 lor Pacific coast. Portland, Oregon. ! IMcturett and Picture Frame. e. n. j'TiinOAi Would announce to the citizens of Albany and vlcinitv. that be Is prepared to fnmish nil Rinds of l'ICTl'HE FR AVES to order, at short iotice. Pictures fi-anied. nnd olil frames reraimd athisoflice on First street, one door- w5st of Broadnlbhi, and leave yuir owlora t-t . , , I'l ie.'!, Tiventy-flve Cent. NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING! N IN ET Y-EIG HTH EDITION. : Containing a complete list ( f nil the towns in til; I'nited Mates, the Territories and the Do minion of Canada, ha'-ing u population gi-enter than 5,000 according to the lust census, t ogether with the names of the newspa)ers having the largest loeal cii-culation in each of the places named. Also, a catalogue of newspapers which nrc recominended to advertisers asgiviug gi-cat-est value in proportion to prices cluiivi'd. Also, nil newspapers in the Ciiitod states and Canada printing over 5.000 cojnes each issue. Also, nil the. Keligious, Agricultural. Scientific and Me chanical. Medical, Mason ic,.lnveiiile.Education al, Commeix-ial, Insiimnee, lteai Kstite, Sjioi-t-ing, Tjiw, Musical, Fashion, and other special class journals : very complete lists. Together with a complete list of over 300 tei-inan papers printed in the I'nited Slates. Also, an essay npon advertising; many tables ot rates, sliow ing the cost of advertising in various newspa pers, and everything which a beginner iu ad vertising would like to know. Address UKO. J ItDWELI- CO.. 11 Park ltow. New York. TASTELESS MEDICINES. A prominent New York physician lately com plained to Dl-NDAS J ICK C ). about their Sa.iiai,hid Oii. tlArstiLKH, stating that, they sometime cured minic-ultiusiy. but that a pati ent of his bail taken them without effect. On being informed that scve-al initiations were sold, he inquired and found his patient had not ton (iiii.( DIMIAS 1'ICK & CO?. What hnpiM'ticd to this phvs!ci:in m:iv have happened to ot hers, and Dl.'N DAS DK'li & CO. take this met hod of protect ingphyeiciniiA drag gists and themselves, and preventing oil ok SAxnAt.wtKii) from coining into disrepute. I'HY'sK'I AXS who once prcscrilic t be "aijsnles will continue to do so, for they contain the pure Oil in the best and cheapest form. DUN DAS DICK t CO. use more On. of Sax iai.woii than all the H-holesnle and Retail Druggists and Perfumers in the Cnitcd States combined, and this is the Hole reason why the jMircOil is si)!il clienp.-r in theirCapsulesthan in any other form. i Oil. OF SANDALWOOD is fast snie.rserliiig every other ivtnely, sixty c-apsuhjs only In-ing roqnli-ed to insnre'a safe "and certain euro in six or eight davs. From no other medicine can this result lie had. DUN DAS DICK "A CO'S SOFT CAPSUI.K.S solve the problem, long considered by eminent physicians, of how to avoid the tiniiscauiid dis gust experienced in swallowing, which nre well known to detract from, if not destroy, the gtxxl effects of many valuable remedies. Soft Capsules are put up in tin-foil and neat boxes, thirty in each, and are the onlv Capsules prescribed by physicians. TnsteU sH' nedlclnes. -Castor Oil and many other nauseaus medicines can lie taken easily and safely in Diiiidn Itlek & Co'a Nolt l'ai anle. No taste. Xomnell. 6" These were the Only Capsules admitted to the last Paris Kxposition. Send for circulars to 3 Woosf er street, X. 1m , (Sold lit nil llriiur Stores Here. 4U For Sale QOXSTA3! TLY OX IIAM ' Lime, SliinlcN, Plaster Iari, JLdtlli, Hair, etc., and for sale low,' at the warehouse of ! l'ARKKB A MOWKIs, Tbe II fell h t t'aMi lree Paad for Wol- ' Albany, May U, T5-35v7 LOOK TO YOUR INTERESTS I -AXD- S j.V 111 jZ O 1ST 13 Y ! Reapen, movent nnd Thrtaborii KciHkiiXHl and made almost as good as new & IUTSiAM'S NEW MACHINE SHOP , i Isnow iircpared to do all kludsof ni 1 Tfiriiiiir, Kawiiijr nnd DreHina;, Also, any Ironwork and general Blacksiufth Injr tho trade mav demand. Fenenu; IMekets will be kej ' Mi band nt all Bath House & BarUerVShop. JL- tullv tliniik tlH! citizens of Albau .and vt cinitv lor tho Hlieral mtrmirn iM'fttnwcd on jiiiu 1 im iwtM. sovea. vears, aiift iKajxs tor tm future a continuation of their favors, i'ortbc uxxramotatton of transient cie.lMiien, and friends til the upper lart of town, ho has on ed a neat little sboniMt-Kt tlcx to Tnvlor llros. Saloon, where a good workman will always be in Htwnnanee ta wtwt uihmi patrons. Dec. 11, 18V. r ;, 40i WEBBER; Wheat and Oats Stored. Sacks' Fnmtxlieri lit Supply . P. C. IIAKPEK & CO;, Are prepared to receive and store WHEAT & OAl'S of on as 1 ibcral terms ys can.bb ojitatncd elscu-her 8r"Sncks furnished. - Albany, July 27,1Sj-10 ; . JOB rRlTXXG f fZ , , - . , .. .. r .....'... I ': .. ... - ,f 1 -- i-ii. VA -Utt.4T . in. - ',,- m - z y I. v L I '' ! When yon wisb i - ' '.-! ' , a- I Posters. lit Visiting Cards. -.5 Business Cards, .1. BHlrteads, ui t'ita''1 Letter Heads i Envelopes, Ball Tickets. V'..,j Programmes, Labels, if Horse Bills; t.j, J ii :r .-.a - Circular, Pamphlets, or in f:ict anything In tlio i-,iv.i ... H Frintixt Line, call ,l th ; - . 1 1 m... ! - ! . ' -'IT '' ... r- r. X -? r. . '.-. ' 'i am-ll rim ui PRINTING IIOTJSp .1 .t-. l tu'