The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, November 12, 1875, Image 1

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    Volume viii.
NO. 8.
' Wholesale and Retail Dcrtler IH '"
DRY 6600,
!.,;' ClOTHIMS,
Reapers & moweSj
Fin atreet, Alkuiyt Oroo. "'.
Terms : - - Oasli.
ABerteftB Exchange Hotel.
Cor. Front nd Wnsulngtoa sta.
AI.BAST, . ' - OBHiOS.
xo popular tinder the former mann?ement,
will b transferred the 1st of tx-tolwr, to Mr.
iji, 1(V. Mr. Eddy, In adilUlou to beint'
ff first clasx caterer. Is thorough in the hotel
sejrt. 29?5-U.
St. Charles Hotel,
Crner WaMhlnston Mid First St.,
Matthews & Morrison,
flonse newlv fumlslied tlirouilont. fne
ImmI the market affords always on the table.
Free tranen f anU frem the Houne.
- IXulers lit
-4tM-, Hoots md Khors, Hats, liroee-a-lea,
Vnmry oods, Xotlons, MiolKiiiWg
and Pistols, JSall, Rope, Mirrors,
Wallpaper, Wood and Willow
Ware, TrnnlM and Talisrs,
rorkrt Cutlery, Are., Are.,
Sold very lw cither for cash, or to prompt pay
n33. Injj customers ou time.
Raising and Moving Buildings.
announce to the citizens of AIMiny and
BtjrroiinUinjr country that, haviiij? mipplieil nnv
wives with the nwewtry machinery for nu
ing and rciaovini? bniWiiifcs, we are ready at all
times to receive orders for aneh work, which
wilt do In -short or:ler at lowest rule, we
pnaranTeeentireaatistaotkm hi all work under
taken hv u. ' .
Orders left at tho ofllce promptly
nttented tor- Apply to. - .
alba, f - BANTY, AI.UEK ft CO..
j Or., April 0. - r. 8V.
fS. S. CO.
JP tber not lee, freight from
All down frelaht will be delivered at POKT
K.AKD or i ASTORIA . .- -..-'.'
Freof Urayajce ami Wliarfage,
I At Reduced Rates.
floats will leave At.BAXV for COKVALLIS or
lollTIAXI ...
For further particulars, apply-to '
Albany.SlOV. 9A, 1-B L vr tn --.
stock of ,, ; -,.,,-, .....-.',
fleeted with care; and bought iot coin at
8canloalr Ffgrnre i "
and as we boaebt low we can and will sell them
at prices that will , f , tJ .
Astonish Everybody.
Come and see our selections ot tfljrt ,
. . - Japanese :
. - ' ' . ' : N fan wis,
tones, , ,,ni ! ii
. - ftr5IaBts,
Ribbon. Collar, Collarette.;
for the todies, and onr complete Tinea of
Ready made Oibthtngr
..-CloSlMr .
Of all OMotiptioM tot men and boys. Also, full
, ... .. assortuienU 01.
ercste, Crcctoj asi. Glassware.
or everybody. ; - .,.,.!,.
The best iroortvat ie lowest rs.te very t iB)C-
Casrnaas and see. ' - -IsiK:an
Oregon, October 80, W.
Wltftta 0n ol Albany
Parties in wsntolT Homestead Ixn wo!d do
Weil to call on V . ii. lM)lfl A CO-, betore pmr
asasin? ei'iewbcre. Xand rich and would tusice
Kir lii whale can be irrigated with very lit-
'li"1 - W. II, PQDD A CG.
- --
lEdm Interests.
Xik Brr'i-fch. Sloe, sweet fresh but
ter has been a scarce article h' this market
for weeks in fact, first 'class butter is
never over plenty in this market. We had
not been able to secure any real nbx butter
lor oiir table for weeks, Until last Saturday,
when our friend, Mr. .J. W. Propst, came
hurrieclly into the ofllcv, and remarking,
"I see from the Register that good butter
seems to he Scarce about your house, and I
thought I'd bring yoii in si chunk, just for
greens,' laid a fine, large loll of golden
butter on our table. Now we appreciate
the kindness of fi tends when they bring its
a pre-sontof line,.lAre patatoa?, luicioiu
fruit, a fat tureky " for Christmas, or any
other present, knowing and feeling that it
is out of the goodness of a full heart ; but
when a man brings tu an article that is as
scarce, at this season ot llio- year especially,
as hen's teeth, viz : well made, sweet, gol
den butter an article that there is an
extra demand for a cash article an article
that will bring "tlie coin much quicker than
wlteat anl makes us a present of It, we
propose to stand by him as long as memory
lasts. And tlie beauty of the whole matter
was, Mr. Propst made the butter with his
own hands, his wife, who is a .splendid
butter maker, by the way, being absent
and we defy any woman to make nicer
looking, sweeter butter than that presented
to us by Mr. I. And 1n conclusion we
nay, lie darscnt do it again.
City of This new steamboat,
built by U. I. Scott & Co., made Iter ap
pearance at our wharf last Saturday. She
is one of tlic neatest furnished and trimest
built boats on the river. She is li0 feet in
length, 33 feet beam, and with otic-thin!
more carrying capacity and with but one
third of the power of the (irocer, makes
the same time and draws less water.
Loaded, she draws 10 inches at the bow
and 12 Incite? afc. This-boat was built to
run in low water, and there is hardly a
da j- it) the year in which she cannot make
this city. The boat was built for the pur
pose of furnishing onr people with cheap
transportation facilities, and the owners
propose to carry grain and otlier freight at
the lowest living rates the present rate
being $2 75 per ton for grain. If prices
are lovrercd by the old companies to tignres
that will not pay to run boats, will it be
good policy for our people to throw off on
the two boats owned by Capt. Scott & Co.,
and thus, drive them oil the river? Will
not the rates runup to five or six dollars
per ton as soon as the two boats are with
drawn ? Isn't that the history of the past?
Would it not be a matter of economy, a
sound business policy, to give the new boats
ftiir living rates, no matter what tho old
companies charge during a good stage ol
wafer, and thus keep them on the river
tiurri'ug the entire year? These are ques
tions for our people to decide. The past is
a criterion by which to judge of the future.
ItCKolutionH or Knox Itntle dirniitre.
Albany, Xov. 8, 1S73.
Mis. "Editoh : At a meeting of Knox
I!utte Gninge Xo. 22, I. of II., held Xov.
bin, La.. tlie following resolutions ".vere
adopted :
AViiEKEAS. It has pleased our Heavenly
Father to remove from onr midst bv death
Bro.. I. C. Burkhart, a incmhcr of our
Grange, thereby depriving us of one of out
most worthy members Mid an earnest labo
rer therein, t'lerefore.
liesrtlrerT, That we deeply feel the loss oc
casioned by the death of our Brotli?r,- and
become joint mourners with his iamilyand
immediate 'friends, and we hereby tender
them ottr sympathy in this their sad be
reavement, yet we cling to the hope of again
meeting him at the festal board of the
Grand Master ot the Universe, where tears
ami farewells are unknown.
Jiescdrert, That a copy ot these resolutions
be tendered the wife and family of deceased,
and one spread upon tho record of this
Grange ; also, one to each of the Albany
papers tor publication.
Brotlier Burkhart was born in Hawkins
county, East Tennessee, Xov. 14th, 1S23,
and was in his 52d year at the date of his
death. J. B. HOUSTON".
- A. ii. MARSHALL,
Committee. ;
UaiX Onward Lohoe No. 2-29. 1.O.G.T.,
, .f. . ; . : Xov. th, 1875.
At a regular meeting of Onward Lodge,
the following officers , were-, instilled by
State TJeptity, IL Fox : C. G. Burkhart,
CT; Iinni Marshall, VT; F. A. Burkhart,
S; F. Trites, FS; E. Miller, T; A. T. Cree
scy, Ct A s Archibald, M; J. W.Props
OG-. Miss D. Marslmll, IG elect, was not
present. Afterhe installation all present
partook of ;a splendid colialiou, spread by
tlie ladies qtA the Lodge, and then : spent, a
few hours very pleasantly in social enjoy
ineur, assisted by a few outsiders, who hap-'
penetl around there about the time supper
was being prepared. '
' ', F. A. BUBKHAltT, Sec.
JJew Patents. Through dispatches to
Dewey & Co , Patent Agents, 8. F., we
received the following advance list of U.S.
Patents gi-antetl to Pacific Coast Inventoi-s,
viz ; W. O. M: Berry, S. F., traction wheel;
L. Marks, S.F., carbureter; Al Moon, S. F.,
steam boiler indicator ; V. Schmidt, vermin
exterMinator ; J:- G; Steel, S.; 1.; process
tor making poisonous coinposttions for des
troying "gophers, squirrels, etc; ; J, Weath
erbe'ad, San Jose, Cal., guard strap for
shafts and strap couplings. ;
Well Officered. The officers of the
City of Salem are : Captain, 'U. B. Scott ;
Pilot, S. JEj.MiUer ;. Piirser, Z. T.. Hatch
Mate, .lolin Gore ; Steward, , S, . Illedge;
Engineer, XV. W.. Jlciichicke.
Fallen Asleep in Jesus.
Mks. Emma Bruce Byland, youngest
daughter of Jno. XV. and Liiruna Bell, and
wife Cf LWnaltl E; Byland, &s born in
Lebanon, Linn county, Oregon, March 9,
iJelng the yonngest, tint 111.1 Vils the child
of many liopes, and was tenderly cared for
by her parents, who early sought to lead
her to the Savior. In the 17th yeor of her
age she was United In holy marriage to
Mr. 1. E. Byland, the husband of lier
choice. Six months, afterward she took
upon herself .tlic obligations ot a religious
life, and, in company with her husband,
united with the Cumberland Presbyterian
Church, in the communion of which she
tea il fast ly continued until she passed from
earih to heaven.
Her pithway was not one of uncertain
direction, but always led on to the Savior,
through snadow as well as sunshine. Her
sufferings previous to her death were of
manj- months'' duration, and often very
great, but always endured with patience
ind christian fortitude.
Something over one year ago she was at
tacked with disease of the lungs, which
moved steadily on in its progress until it
resulted in her death. She saw her ap
proaching dissolution without fear, and
gave directions touching her burial, select
ing a text of scripture expressing her tri
umph over death, and appropriate hymns
for hc-r funeral services.
Aftei many repeated declarations of her
confidence in Jesus, ot her willingness to
depart, and of her resignation to the will
of her Savior, and liaving formally bidden
her friends an affectionate adieu until they
should meet ''beyond the narrow river,"
she quietly fell asleep in Jesus and passed
on to "the sweet by and by."' 011 Sunday.
Oct. 24, 1S75, at 1 o'clock l M.
She leaves an affectionate husband, two
children, yet too young to know their loss,
an affectionate father, mother, sister, and a
large circle of friends to mourn her depart
The funeral sermon was preached Octo
ber 20th, by Kev. W. It. Bishop, of tlie
Cumberland Presbyterian Church, at Leb
anon. Lebanon, Oct. 23th, lg75.
The Sad Stoky of MR. Wiscii. It is
not a pleasing prospect which Mr. Wisch,
of Warsaw, Illinois, has before him, name
ly, to be licked in every town in the United
State?. ""This is the sad -story of Mr. Wisch r
Some time ago he came into possession of
100, which is claimed by Mr. S. D. Math
ews of Alexandria, and which Mr. Mathews
asserts he was swindled out of by Wisch.
Shortly after the transaction whatever it
might have been, Mr. Wisch went to Alex
andria, where he was promptly thrashed
by Mr. Mathews. Wisch then returned to
Warsaw, whither Mr. Mathews, after settl
ing his hill with the justice of the peace,
followed him. In Warsaw ' likewise he
thrashed his enemy and next morning
made it square, with the Warsaw tribunal.
The otlier day Wisch went to Keokuk, and
thither, too, went Mathews, and mauled his
victim publicly tor the third time. Justice
was easily appeased the next day, although
Mathews announced in court his intention
to accompany Wisch to St. Louis and whip
him again. I lis programme, he says, is to
lick his enemy in every town the latter en
ters. He will be careful not to thrash him
twice in the same town, for he . allows that
he is not a vindictive man, and once in a
place is enough.- Wisch is rapidly losing
his taste for travel under these circumstan
ces. We wish Mr. Wisch much joy ol his
hundred dollars.
In' about three weeks M. II. Abbott, Esq.,
will commence the publication of the Ore
ijon Tribune at tlie Dalles, as he informed
us by note' on the 6th. Dalles will then
have two newspapers, when that country
may look to be written up in good style.
"Pa, 1 guess our man Ralph is a good
Christian.". "How so, my boy ?" "Why,
Pa, I read In the Bible that the wicked
sliall not live out half his days ; and Ralph
says he has lived out ever since he was a
little boy." -
You've pinn'd it back, he cried with grief,
-'Much further than you'd ortcr ;
Your front stands out in bold relief
My darter ! oh, my darter !'
Peter's Musical Monthly' For No
vember, is full of elegant pieces for the
piano. Peter's musical publications are
way up, "
' V
"Yes, I like those short days," said Old
Trupenny, the other morning, joining in
the discussion ; "the interest counts up so
fast. Why when I come into my place
mornings, and get out mr securities, I can
fairly hear them draw interest, right
through tlie side of tlie box ?" -
A youth called ata printing office one day,
and, after watching thein set type awhile,
said to one of the typos : "You use a heap
o' four penny nails? " - . . . . - ,
1 1 u
The old gentleman who spent a fortune
in endeavoring to hatch colts from horse -chest-nuts
is now cultivating egg plant,
with a view to raising chickens from it.
Xov we know what makes it so cold.
Elder Lntz, of New Haven. Is preaching
on "Hell Qlosed for Repairs."
"The vilest sinner may return," wrote a
pious girl to Iter lover, with whom she had
parted in anger.
"it is said that when a girl is born In In
diana the untiappy lather begins to save
money to buy a piano. .
The boy who was kicked out of time by a
guasaid he fired and fell back in good order,
Flash writers Telegraph operators,
A Reminiscence.
BY O KjS". HfittSi WtLLtAitS,
I is 110 longer ago than .thin, week
that I noticed a remark in a newspaper
that the old song, so lamiHfcr at one
time as to be on Uie lips of nearly every
body, and which begins with these
words : -;
"We'll rally 'round the flog, boys,
Rally once again, " . . 1
was growing old and stale. In years,
this may be true, but it is to "be hoped
that the patriotic fervor which produced
tho song in the dark and gloomy days
through which the country passed, will j
i:ever die put in the hearts ot those
who earned the flag front the, OJ!o to
the Gulf, and from Vicksbrtrg" 81? ieh
niond, or their descendants. The
words ot the song ere old ; in reality
they are well-worn ; they were sung by
the boys who could sing no other, were
they to try ; they welled r.p in the
hearts of thousands ot noble sons on the
march and in the bivouac ; and men
have died with the inspiring words on
their lips. At home, in the parlor, the
sister, proud of the brother who had
gone forth to battle for hi country,
sang thera to evening callers ; they
were mingled with the prayers of the
mother tor the safety ot lier first-born
who had gone to the tented field, and
who at the same moment might have
been singing them with his comrades
around tlie camp-fires in the swamps of
Georgia ; among the deep ravines that
encircle Vicksburg, or the earthworks
around Richmond, the Capital ot the
Confederacy. Yes, the words may be
old, but the song inspired many a young
man with a higher and holier purpose,
and caused him to leave home and
friends and march to the rescue of his
imperiled country, alter hearing the in
spiring strains from tho lips of tho girl
he loved
It was the evening of the 3d ot July,
in the year 18G3. A cordon of Feder
al bayonets broken only at intervals,
to make room for a battery of Twenty
poujider Parrots ; of Rodmans, or loud
mouthed Napoleons encompassed the
beleaguered and doomed garrison which
had been driven, weeks before, withiu
the defences of Yicksbnrg. Rumors
were rife in the encircling camp of Fed
era's, that negotiations were in progress
for the capitulation of this stronghold,
by the rebel general Pemberton, but
this was only rumor. In the mean
time preparations Jiad . boea -going Jfor
days before looking to celebrating the
4th of July on the morrow in a manner
somewhat diffeient from the usual course
in the more peaceful days. The mouth
ot the Yazoo river was literally filled
with steamers, loaded to the guards
with cargoes of solid shot and shell,
canister and grape, and it was beginning
to be well understood in the Federal
lines that at sunrise the next day would
be fired the grandest national salute ev
er attempted -on the face of the globe.
Three hundred ami eighty-four guns
were in position, all compressed within
a line of but two or three miles in length
and all pointing in the direction ot the
doomed city. The commandant of each
battery had orders to fire sixty-five
rounds from each gun, beginning at sun
rise arid continuing until the last shot
was hurled within the lines of the strong
hold ot the enemy tho closed gate to
the free passage ot the .Mississippi be
tween Cairo and New Orleans. The
reader can, for himself, calculate the
number of shots that would bavo been
tired had not the city surrendered previ
ous to the time appointed for beginning
the celebration, and will then admit, I
think, that it would have been a Na
tional salute such as is seldom seen or
While these operations were going
on in tho immediate vicinity of Mcks
burg, the Rebel armies were not idle,
by any means. Under the able leader
ship of Gen. Joe Johnson s largo force
was marching to the relief of the impris
ioned and starving garrison, within the
walls of Vicksburg. JFe had approach
ed within a few miles of the rear of the
forces that encircled the rebels in their
fortified position. Gen.' Sherman wa
at once detailed by Gen. Grant to "face
to tho rear' with the forces under bis
command, and march out in the direc
tion from wlience this new rebel army
was appioaching. It was 10 o'clock at
night on the evening of the 3d, before
Gen. Sherman's forces were fully on the
march, and they had scarcely begun to
move, before one of the wildest, fiercest
storms that I ever beheld burst upon
the earth. Dark clouds entirely shnt
out from sight every ' object upon the
face of the earth. The troops were in
the narrow wagon road leading from
Vicksburg to Jackson, but to move for
ward was simply out of the question
Great forest trees were falling on every
side, the lightening hissed an-1 crackled,
aod at times would seem to be creeping
in sheets of flame right among the feet
of the troops as they stood Immovable
in the road, unable to move in; any di
rection whatever, and only capable of
watching the terrible grandeur of the
storm. An entire company Was knock
ed down by a stroke of liuhfening ; here
and there a horse that had broken away
from his rider went dashing through
the forest, visible only, wheo flashes - ot
lightening revealed bim to the gaze - ot
the almost awe-struck troops who stood
motionless and silent in the ' winding
road through that Mississippi forest.
All at once, between the intervals of
thunder, there came back from the front
a strain of the popular song, : that is
"now growing old" ; j i-t f
s "We'll rally 'round the flag, boys, v.,;.
Rally once again."
Indistinct at first amid the roar ot
the storm, it began to grow louder '-and
louder, and in two minutes after some
soldier away up in the column had
struck up the inspiring strain, it was
being sung by fifteen thousand troop",
and could be distinctly : heard above the
rushing winds, the noise of falling trees
and the reverberations of thunder. I
had seen wild storms before, but never,
in my life, had I witnessed one so sub
limely terrible as the one on the evening
ot the 3d of July, tlie roar and - din of
which was at times -, overpowered ; by
the verses of that graud old song of
"Rally 'round the flag, boys.? ' '
Yes, the song is growing old ; bo . is
"Old Hundred," "Ortpuyille,", and
many others that could be named. Tlie
Guet melodies. wever heard ar grow, 1
ing old, and are none the less cherished
let us hope, on that account. We are
all growing old ; the songs we sung in
our childhood are not the songs we hear
to-day, yet they are inseparably connect
ed with a period in our lives that only
make them the more valued for that
reason. So, too, with the patriotic
songs sung by the "Loys in bHe,"
They will never grow old while memo
ry holds its sway. They were sung by
the comrade who died by . the side of
him who lived to return to the "loved
ones at home ;" through toil and priva
tion, through want and suffering, they
served to cheer and inspire the brave,
patriotic men, and when victory and
peace came, the surviving soldier march
ed to his old home, keeping time to the
same old songs. To some they may
grow oid, iu tact, as well as in years
but the words,
"Rally 'round the flag, boys,"
are inseparably interwoven with the his
tory of tlie war for the preservation ot
the Union, and as such will be ever
cherished by him who wore the blue,
whether he bore but the marks of a
corporal upon his arm, or a strap upon
his shoulder, inclosing three stars; indeed
whether he bore any distinguishing
mark at all, save true, upright, noble
patriotis-m, and love ot country.
In Roeunebeck, Bremen, an engine
has been nearly completed by Herr Tross
in which resolves the problem, which tor
nearly thirty years has engaged the at
tention of inventors, of the utilization of
superheated steam in common engiues.
The answer to the problem has been
found, in the new application of tlie phys
ical law and tlie use of a peculiar lubri
cant. An engine working with super
heated steam needs only half the ordin
ary amount of coal, the boiler and grate
can be smaller by one half, the supply of
water by one third, and the air-pump
and condenser are equally reduced to
halt their usual space. Tlie improve
ment has been patented 111 England, lie!
gium and other countries, and can easily
be applied to engines ot the existing
A horrible rape outrage is reported
from JJinghamptou, New York, where a
fellow named James Lovest waylaid and
assaulted a nine-year-old girl named
Minnie German, as she was going along
the road with a young sister, October
13th. The rcreams of the children at
tracted the attention of two ladies and
a party of men, but the ruffian had es
caped into the woods, lie was captured
and fully identified October 15, and
lodged in jail, after barely escaping lynch
ing. 1 ho girl is dangerously injured
and not likely to recover. .
r - ) - T-
It is said of Norbury that he would
at any time rather lose a friend than a
joke. On one occasion he began tho
sentence ot death in this wise : "Prison
er at the bar, yon have been found guil
ty by a jury of your own countrymen ot
the crmie laid to your charge, and I must
say I entirely agree with the verdict,
for I - see 'Scoundrel' written in your
race. Here the prisoner interrupted
with "That's a strong reflection from
your Lordship P whereupon the Jndge,
keenly appreciating the joke, commuted
the sentence into transportation for seven
years. ,;i;: - .r. .?,,.;.,
George Clark, a well known prospect
or from OrcgonV'who found the richest
diggings at Dease Creek last season, has
been looking for gold this Summer along
the Tahcoo, in Alaska. He says that
the indications are such as will warrant
his return next year, prepared for work.
The impression at Wrangell is that he
has "'struck it rich, but does not deem
it prudent to gi ve particulars.
Great Britain has varied her recent
system of constructing iron-clad shipf
iron outside and wood within. She has
launched a. wooden-ctad corvette iron
inside, wood outeWe. , -She is a sixteen
gun 6bip. . . But we are not informed
what are the anticipated advantages of
this style of naval architecture. Tlie
ship just launched is called the Boadicca.
i Tlie Fair of tine Mochanics' Institute,
San Francisco, received about $90,000.
The Fair lasted about six weeks, and
was remarkable not only for. its complete
ness but for the endurance of the holders
of season tickets. . , ; i
- Wo spend half our lives in making
mistakes, and waste the poor remainder
in reflecting how easily we might Jiave
avoided them. .
There are four little girls in Milwau
kee, two ot them the .darrjrhtera of a
southside fisherman, one the. daughter
of a German carpet weaver, and ttyjother
a Third Ward lassie "Annie," who are
employed by a tobacco dealer to pick tip
whatever may ba: funnd in saloon, oti
the streets and in the gutter at. 1 cent
for every, ten pieces, . whether large or
small. Every cigar-stump and discard
ed "quid" is plucked up, no matter who
has used ity or where it is found These
are., used in the manufacture: of both
'choico.jjlav.ina cigars and paper chew
ing tbbacco."r" The longer andt lietter
stumps" are- unrolled and used for Ihc
former purpose.' while the "quids," tfliort
stumps, and soaked aid Totteo Hips' are
-i- ... 1. . mi ... -
tnauu into cnewiitg KioacowMinere is
something delectable in a contemplation
of all this. : These 'children make good
wages at the business, tiieir pay ranging
from 80 cents to $1,50 per day. When
a large and well-soaked lump is found
the little rascals divide it and by so doing
make 50 per cent, on their- "fiiid.
Milwaukee Ac?. t -- h' ---
Editors have a first rate time in Texas.
The ladies of a town down there liave
given to the editor of the paper an em
broidered shirt, which contains a picto
rial history of. Texas, including tlie war
with Mexico, and the meeting of the first
legis'ature, and also pictures of the fruits
and cereals ot the State, all worked in
red worsted. The editor never were a
shirt in his life, and he thought it was a
banner tor the temperance procession
which was to come off next week. So
he made a Iittla speech of thanks, in
which he said he would fling it out for
ever in the breeees of heaven, that they
might kiss its folds and that until his
hand palsied it should never be trailed
in the dust never! Tlie ladies didn't
understand him, they blushed, and said
they were sorry they made it toe long.
But a committee-man took the editor
aside and explained the shirt to him in a
whisper, and the next day he appeared
at the office with that shirt mounted over
his coat, and lie wrote four columns of
explanation for his paper. Thedurti
much admired by the boys of the town,
and whenever the editor goes out for a
walk they follow him iu regiments,
studying the histoTy of Texas and the
fine arts off the back of his shirt.
She Yielded. It was the twilight
hour, and they were meandering over
Uie execrable sidewalks on Veto street.
He was blacker than tho king of clubs,
and she could discount the ten-spot of
. "Susan, I lub you!" he suddenly re
"Shoo! Go longP 6he replied.
"Susan, will you marry me?'" he con
tinned. . i .. i
"Go long wid yu, Pete!" :
"If yer don't I shall embrace de flot-
in' waters ob de dark , ribber. l)eu de
coroner will haul mo out au sot on me;
dey'll plant me under de roses, an', de
verdict will be, "Dat feller died ob a
broken heart!' " ; - - , -t-
"Yu don't mean dat, Pete?"
"I do, Susan!" , . V
"Den, Pete," Bhe said, as she sighed
heavily," den it's roy -dooty to marry
yu to save yer life, au' de weddiu' is to
cum off in de fall!" . '.:
And they clasped hands, and rolled
their eyes and stumbled along. Vicks
burg Herald., i , 1 ; : ; u
, A friend residing in Baltimore bad iu
his possession a small alligator, which
had been sent him 'Trom Florida.1 Its
habitation was a tub partially filled with
water, kept outdoors. , During one of the
cold snapsof the past winter.iu the night
the water became completely) frozen,
imprisoning. the reptile in tho ice, with
but a sma' I portion of his body protrud
ing therefrom. - To all appearances the
animal was as dead as one of the stuffed
specimens seen in a rauFcum collection;
The want ot time precluding an effort for
its extrication in the morning,- it was
allowed to remain frozen, and ns soon
forgotten in the maze of tlie cares ot the
of the day. .For forty-eight bottis the
reptile thus remained frozen and -lifeless
at the end of which time,' being thawed
out, vitality became visible, and in a
short time , it was as animated as ever,
with no evidence ot having in the least
suffered by the prolonged trigorific con
finement. Here is an mstanee in which
the vital spark seems not to Iiavo been
extinguished by tlie freezing, ; nor the
animal's organism to have been mutilat
ed, but that vitality merely ' remained
torpid or dormant during the- freezing,
and ready to respond to its functions
whenever tlie animal's organism return
ed to its normal- condition. Ameri
can Artisan.' -: ' i -
- "Ain't yon exprised to Fee me?' said
a five-jear-old girl, as she tripped into
my house in the midst of a .: rain 1 storm,
Tbe rain ieli all.verr me UfcV- H ' ran
through a straner, and I shook it off,
bat it wouldn't stay shocked; ! asked
God to ftop, but there was a big thuru.
yer in, the way and he, could not hear
me, I underspent ; and I most know be
couldn't see me,' 'cause - a 1 black cloud
got oyer my head as black as anything
Nobody couldn't sea little girls through
black clouds. . I'm going to stay till the
sun shines and then, when I go horaej
God will look down . and say, 'Why,
there's Nettie ! , She went to see, .her
auntie right in the middle ot tlie rain ;'
and I guess he'll bo just a much expris
ed as you was
said the old lady, as ftlie wiped
uer ejes ami proceeded to tell the sympa
thizing neighbor about the - elopement of
lier daughter, "ye, -Mrs. Blobbtsyou may
well say it ar a dreadful stroke. - I ain't
liad such another shock sence that last o"
rhetimatiz. To think a darter of minet
would do such a disgraceful thing after"
all the care an affection'me nn' her lather
have iavisiied on lier from her Infancy up.
I couldn't bear under tite affliction no how
but Tor the cor.serlatinn of religion. Relig-.
tow U powerful enervating in sech trials
as these." , . - -; ... ?
'. "Did yoti not suspicion they were
contemplating such a move ?" asked tlie
neighbor. . -
"No, we never suspicioned nary contem
plation. After I'd runned tlie conceited
UOStart off rite nreinlse with the nmn. 1
lldi)'t think he'd' have the Insurance tV
niK.i iu oaiiiaiiuif agin. An sue seemeii
to a npwat feoomtoaett tkaU never resnect-
ed her of bavin any under, handed cotiteti-; .
lions, vnt au the time-o I've heera
sence they used to meet clandestinely..
wiien I thought Sauwuithy was at meetin,
an' decoct their plans to run off in elope.
Well, Samanthy has made . her IxkI. ami
slie'Il liave to lay on it. I wash my hand
of the ougrateftu girl from this time forth-
"Did you make any effort to intercept.''
them?" . .. ,
Xo. you see. we didn't know it, or else .
we'd a intercented 'era within an inch o
their lives. - . ' .: ,
I neaii did you try to have tliein ..
stopped when you found they were gone."
"Yes, indeed. Father telescoped to five:'
or six towns, an' eive their nerserlptioti
cost him lots o' money, too, but he sakl he
would spew! the price of a cow to- zit sa
manthy buck. But we never heerd nothin'"
more from them, and 1 told latlier to Kt,
'em alone and they'd come home after-'
awhile with five or six children behind em-
But I tell you. Mrs. Blobbs. thev slian't
set loot in this house except over the dead"
Dody ot my defunct corpse, xou lest re- -
.1... .
lUCIUUVI lll.ll. .
Pretty ToiikIi lIag
One day last month, when trade wasdulB 1
of sole-leatCer from a shoemaker, painted'1
it black and laid it aside for future use- '
Within a few days an old chap from back:
in the country came in and inquired tor a
plus of cliewinjr tobacco. The piece ot ;
sole-leatlier was tied up. paid for, nnd tlie
purchaser started for home. At end ot the-'
sixth day he returned. - looking downcast
and dejected, and, walking into tlie store,
he 1 no utred of the cleric :
Jieinuerod mat leruacKer x esn. ncre inu
ntl- .1.. ..a?,
v,ii unit w
"Well, was tlmfr a new brand? -
"liegular plug terbackcr, was it?"r .
.- -"Yes."....
"Well, tlien. it's me ; it's right here br
iny jaws," sadly replied the man. "I
k flowed I was gittin' purty oid, but I w
alius handy on bitiu' plug. I never seed1'
a plug afore this one that I couldn't tear toe
pieces at one chaw. I sot my teeth on this
one, and bit and pulled and twisted, like a
dog at a root, and . I've kept biting and
pulling for six days, and thar site am now.
tlic a;iuia ns tlio ilnir vnn osklrl lur t me"
'Seems to be plug." remarked the clerk,
as he smelled of the counterfeit. . -
"She's all right ; it's me that's fklliiigi"
exclalmed the old man.
, "Pass me out some fine-cut, and IU go'
home and deed the firm to the boys, and
git ready for tlie graTe!"
' A Soft Asswek. lite husband vr'ai olf
quick temper aud often", inetftfeklerate-
Thev had not been mnrried a' vetrri- wImxi-'
one day, in a fit of liasty wrath, h-'satd to
lili t.-ifVi ...---'. . : -.
'I want no correction from you. If you'
are not satisfied with my conduct, you can
return to yonr home whence I tboft. yoo-,
and find happiness with yoilrlfibd. ;
" "If I leave you," returned the uhhappV
wife, you give me back that which I
brought to yon ?" .
... "Every dollar. I covet not your wealth f
...... i . .. i . i & ii i. . . i ,, . ..
"Ah,"- she answered," I mean not tfite"
wealth Of gold. I thought not or tTrefe: P .
mean my maiden heart my first and only.
ove my otioyant iiopes,-nuatne prom wet -blessings
of my womanhood. Can you
-give tliese to tne?" r- i :. '-')' ;''
A mowient ol inorrgnrr-of convulsion
and then taking tier to Ins af ms : 5 . " '
' "Xo. no, my wife, I can not do that. bnC1
I will do more ; 1 will, keep them iience-.
forth unsullied nnd unpaii'tedf:, I cherlflv
your blessings as my own ; and lTer again '
God lielping mer will I forcet the' pledge
I gave at tlie holy altar' wheW. Jbu gave"
your peace aikI happiness te my keeping.",
How true it is that "a soft answer tumetlr'
n n-n r tfiuiiu ,7 o f s-twtr tnnnv riti iiai
many,' of the bitter strifes ot domestic life"
inignt oe avoided oy remeniocring ana act
ing in accordancet herewith," . -;i .,.
v A rt malleable discovery was recently":
made on in island in the Misstsninnl. etcrht'
miles below Davenport, Iowa, by some fuiw
ernien. It was a subterranean cave, bewu
out of the solid rock, which was covered by '
a huge lock, and which was reached by'
stone steps. The floor ot this subterranean.''
caviiy. wtrich -had nndeubtedly been made
tlioirsniids of years ago, was thickly strewn
ashes, the charred remains of bones, and a;
substance which tliey took to fee dead!
leaves, first wetted, wAen they were pressed
together, resembling In order and solidity
tlie cake from oatmeal. Amnmr the drv"
ashes they picked up three tusks about tlie
size ol bear's teeth, and still lower the boat-'
hook came In contact with a hard substance
Which Droved to be a skull hmmi aa nnltaK.
d walnut, perfect In every respect, and ot
ordinary fefete. - Oil further exatnmation,
alrnosf a oomptete skeleton was disobvered.
But the most singular part came to light Iht ,
tlie hardened and almost petrified leather
straps, bronze buckles, and a wooden lcpr
which continued the right extremity, that;
limb having been nrmoved ; about midway
between hip and knee. This Is a very in-"
reristing discovery, proving that a know!-'.,
edge ot bronze was among the learning of
l.lw flliftririkkfhl it nuirWna - n tltflfl in-"
chanlcal surgery in those days was equal at
least to the adoptation of a timber extrenv
Ity. Chicago Tribune , . .jr. ,-i I
Political orators Intfe Wtf IndiiTge in
some high flown asseTemtTons ia regard U
thlr flnmiPM nf nrlneinle. The fohowiDfl- .
h i moderate specimen .- "Biriid a worm'
fence around tlie Whiter'swy of Sum-,
mer weather, skhn the cktl from the
sky witn a leaspown, vw - .
Iu a bladder, break a hurricane t- f -r-es
ground-sluice an earthquake, las . m va
Emclie. pin a napkin oh the orator c. an
- ... htif: never exDect to ee KCl
false to my principle.' , . 1 ' . -
1 Tlie owner of a Aacnvuie ecretj-rauroaa
tried to ride on one of bis cars, last week,
for nothing and the driver "bounced" hi.n.'
The driver who had read that story aboud'
tlie great warrior and the inflexible senti
nel, expected to be, promoted,1- bue- i3 now
looking for a job.