The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, October 22, 1875, Image 1

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I Wholc-?alo anil Kef all Dealer In w ..; r
! V it ! ' t- . . . . , . V 5t -
' u CRT. GOODS',
reapers 2t, Lowers;
Terms :
St. ; Charles Hotel;
' Ctrur Washington nrf Flnt fits.,
Matthews & Morrison, !
TTonse newly furnished throughout. The
best the market affords always on the table.
, i'rre C'oarta So and from tbe House.
A H. BKT-L. A PARKER, late of Oregon City,
A, Imtk leave to inform the public that they
have purchased the entire stock ot druirs, iuet
Una. Ae.. formerlv oMlbv R. C. IliU ft Son.
and that they desin continuing the business
at toe oia siana.wuereiiieypnrpos cwpuigiu
the turn re a full assortment of
7; f fatent MetHCtne,
Toilet Articles,
tind everything nettally found in a first-clas3
While earnestly sojlcitlnir a continuance of
the literal patronage heretofore extended to the
old house, we hope at the same time, by fair
and liberal dealing-, and carefnl attention to the
-wants of customer, to merit the esteem of any
-kw friends who may nivor us with their or
ders. Particular attention wtB be (flven to the oom-
Ermnriinx or physician a prescriptions ana turn
y raelpes, at all hours of the daror night.
Suooesson to B. C. HUX a SOW.
Aroany, October ,'74i4tf
Dealers in . "
CtothUNT, Boots and ttia, Bate, ttroee-
and Piatola, Bans,
Wan paper, Wood i4 Willow
Ware, Traata and Valises,
Jocke fMlerr, I
liaising and 51 eying Buildings.
vv announce to the citizens of Albany and
surround i n s eountrv t tu t; having mippltcd en r
selves with, the necessary .machinery forsahv
Insf and remorins buildings, wo are ready at all
times to roretTO Orders tor such work, which
We will do in short order at lowest rates. We
amarowlrc entire satisfaction iu all work under
taken by n. .. ....... i
Orders l-n s.t the Reqistes offloe promptly
attentedto. Apply to.
Alba, l"J BAXTT, A1XE3T 4 CO.
Or., April 23. 1H73. 887
OM Rnpm, Mower and Thrwhers
Bepaired and made almost us good as new
Is now pxejiorcd to do all kinds of
Wood" feawoifasoV danrtaar Prtaslos;.
Also, any Ironwork and general Blacksmith
lax tbe trade may domaad. ; . . r
renang Pickets will be Vtf - a hand at all
times. . v7n84
Eith Hocse & Barber Sliop.
JL fully thank the citteens of Alban - and vt
einity tot the liberal patronojfe bestowed on.
him for tlie pmt seven years, and hopes for the
futures eon unn&tion of their favors. For the
accommodation of transient customers, and
friends in the upper part of town, he has open,
od a neat little shop next door to Taylor Bros. .
Saloon, where a ferioA workman will always be '
in attendance to wait upon patrons.-
Vt,UiiXi. f . . - ' .. JOE WEBBER.
J, II. .J I I - ' 'I - IM "' nil -. Wif '
- n
VTlfldn XE 3IILE ,et, Albany
Parties Is want of Homestead Lots would do
well to call on W. U. DOUV A CO before par
chasine; elsewhere. Land rich and would make
Ine imrden.
eSTTiie whole can be irrigated with very lit
tle expense.
iyl) - - H. DODO CO.
-- IPor Pale S .
. QtsmmTWHin . ' -'-v
Xijsae, SStinsles, Planter Paris,
.I-alla, flair, etc., ';
aadfor the wart-house of
- , - . ., A HOBBIS,
Ttit HJffbest Cash Pries Patd torn Wool.
Albany, May 14,75-aiv7 -
A Jj&f& i3o&y ! H.Ie&. Iand for
- -' Bale C&eJU-j. " -a-"v
'-,rf' tAv lilies irvisr codfTT:
i, m ,nt isi t- . ,ifi!tMn e?ery ai)r a-
a-uiei f "ittvoto well watoroO. Int a
st .,,!. Si . w ! wi a fi'ley oi r
r. i s. A a. -k.S ;"! or grain Innd. i us
m,,i'i..u.i,tE'iji.i-i'4 4-isfif?. le.nf5ir .
. . A. JUbTsb,
Aas274-4Sv7 ? - Albany, Oregon,
Earn ; IxifeFsts.
v Thursday, October 14. 'S ;
Fob Caufoknia. Judge R. S. Strnhun
and faintly, of Corral 114, passed through
this city yesterday, on their way to their
uew home In Los Angeles county, Califor
nia. ; ; The Judge Is an able jurist and the
people of Los Angeles will have a -valuable
acquisition to their number. . The judge
has a number of warm friends In this city,
who wish him the utmost success in bis
uew field of labor. . w . " ?V
Madam Demoeest Ecmpsed. A lady
friend of ours in this city,' wrote to a
fashionable dress maker In Salem, some two
weeks ago, -wanting to know how she
should make a new fall suit. The lady
was sick wbeu this letter was received, and
her husband answered H for ber'.X Ptrteps'
hi? letter may-; enlightens sooie other
Daughter of -Eve" on the subject of fash
ions. We will publish it for their benefit.
After explaining why his "better hall" did
not , write, , he ;says:, ?"5"ouask how you
shall make your . new dress and I will
answer to the best of ray -ability. - u the
first place I don't, think a basque quite
proper at this season, just as the stormy and
cloudy weather is about to set in, lor the
reason that 'basking' is done in the sun
shine. And as regards red-herring goats,
they are not in style at all, they went out
on the down train night before last. Over-
skirts are only worn in place of a water
proof, v Plain waists are very much in
vogue everywhere. - -It is quite plain there
is a great waste whatever the garment.
They are built gearing in the rear breadth,
with a gather or two in the south gusset.
besides now and then a bias sprinkled in to
relieve the sameness, the whole beautiful
ly draped to resemble a shanghai pullet
sheddine her featbeis. Some think that a
flounce under the left arm is quite proper,
but I don't agree with them; it's too com
mon. Should there be any cliange this Fall
I will telegraph. I am determined to keep
at the head of fashions If I have to stay
away from class meeting to do it."
Friday, October 15. ,
There are fifty-two cases on the Circuit
Court docket. ' -v
' All those who contemplate matrimony
will do well to call on McFarland and price
his stoves, wash-boilers and the like. '--
When in the course of human events it
becomes neccessary for our citizens to have
crockery, and glassware, let it be under
stood that Baker, at the dollar store, can
supply your wants. ; ; ; , - :-
Mr. and Mrs. "Lo" and tlieir children,
friends and relations, arrived here yester
day, from the reservation, on the quarter
deck of csvnse horses. Ttiav arw mmnte
ortl.e Fair, tosee the circus and eat water-
New Safe. Messra.P. C. Harper & Co.
evidently expect to handle considerable coin
this fall, or at least tiiey have purchased a
large safe of die Diebald patent, and yes
terday the Iron receptacle waa placed in
tueir store,
The sttfpiJcst boy tliat ever succosfully
resisted the attempt to' propel tlie etymolo
gy of the word baker into his Intellectual
system, will display more ingenuity and
knowledge . of strategy In robbing a melon
patch than the colonel of a militia regi
ment; . : : . , . . .
Tlie .famous California horse Twenty-one
is a ehestnot sorrel, white ' hind feet,' four
years olil,-slred by Norfolk, -iJam, Maid of
tbe Oaks. . This horse . is ' the one tltat won
the ''selling race" at the recent Sacramento
Fair. lie is entered In the two mile beat
tKXay. ' , . -..... , .
Begdong Life is Eabkest. Yesterday
our attention was called to a young couple
that was passiiig down tbe street, and who
had pnly been joined in tbe bonds of matri-
rimouya few boura. They had been pur
chasing their outfit for housekeeping, and
we will bet a trade dollar there is not
young lady in town that can guess, in three
trials, the first article that she had her
liege lord purchase;, you give ' it np, we
know, and we will tell you. It was noth
ing more or less thai) woouett was&4ioard,
and the young bride-, remarked, as. the ar
ticle was sntiglyjilacqd iu the wagou, that
that was the first article, her mother had
purchased when site , was t married, and
cover, to her knowledge, did her lather
lack for clean clothes, and she proposed to
nltafd the 'example' set liy liervtnbffier.'
Again the proverb is verrl'fledV "train your
children up in the .way they should go, and
When they ' itr otdf thei will ' not depart
from It.", - , , ..
; A Spotted J oke. Wo -were Informed
fa nice little joke on one of our citizens
which happened not long since. Ile'Tmd
been put harvesting, and .of course when
working around a threshing machine U
liable to have the dust "ftud dirt settle -on
his body to a more or less extent. '. ' He
turned home on Saturday evening late, and
wanting to appear neat and clean on Suiv
day, lie procured a tub of water and' scrub
bing brush took them to his room for the
purpose of having a tcjh. : ,1a tbo toons,1 it
was not very dark and he concluded not to
light the lamp, and after divesting himself
or iiia ciouies bo hopped Into " Cat tub
graceful as a half grown fVog would Into a
roiu pond, and taking the acrulLIng brash
ue prpoeeaea to remove Cm rasi estate from
off his net and sbot-JJers, and tbe mora fca
robbed the blacker he gdt, and the .ws'-tt
went eourSnj doww fcla boJy ndlvL
U!imletakat! " slns that something' waa
wrc&z, yet ha esrtttbed away .nwtll ly
coance taa water from the brush got on 1.
hands where it could be seen bit doppetl
the brush and lit out of thai tub as though
he bad found a hornet and gave a yell iar
Ms "better half," who came rushing Into
the room witli light, and ae glance at
tbe besmeared man told her what was tbe
matter with him,'aho had been using the
brash that day to polish the stove. There
has been a reconstruction of things In that
house since then, and a new looking glass
and water pitcher, has been purchased.
But no more stove blacking will be allowed
on tbe premises. , i.
Saturday, October M.
Bad Management. There was a tre
mendous rush of people from this city last
Thursday morning for the State Fair. Such
jam we never saw, Instead of five coaches
as promised, tlie nUlroad ofScials dLplayed
their, usnal sicosaaaodating (?) spirit
toward tb7 people- that generously donated
to the road $50,000, by furnioblng one oonch
in which to carry, three or tour hundred
people, a very large : proportion of whom
were ladles. It is true there were several
cattle ears that went to make up the train,
but the tickets sold called for first class cars.
AH the " cars were filled ", to overflowing.
and ' many were' compelled .to stand up
as there was neither room , or seats upon
which to sit, . . .and . were , knocked and
bumped about, by the motion of the cars
until they were almost exhausted. - Upon
returning in-the evening, '. an additional
coach had been added. Upon tbe arrival of
tbe train at the platform opposite tbe Fair
Grounds, the rush for places in the coaches
was grand and thereupon ensued such a
squeeze as we have not seen for many a
day. This was the opportune moment for
tlie light fingered gentry, and the cry was
raised, look out for "pickpockets." How
ever, so far as we were able to learn, but one
of our citizens lost any large sum. The
incapacity of tbe present railroad manage
ment, at least of tbe O. & C. R. B., is
marked, and the sooner it is placed in the
hands of competent persons, who have at
least a spark of decency in their make
up, tbe sooner will be allayed the bitter
hate of our people towards railroad monop
olies. The people of Albany will .not sub
mit themselves to be thus degraded by be
ing forced to take passage in a stock car
after paying for tickets, for first class
coaches. This is tbe second time that our
citizens have been grossly insulted by this
one-horse railroad company.
Sebiocslt HinBT. Thbe. Bradley, of
Portland, was seriously hurt last Thursday
evening by jumping from tlie train when
in motion, at tbe crossing ot the Lake La-
Blsh road, near the Fairgrounds. He was
picked hp senseless. The right side of his
lace is smashed fearfully and it is feared
that his skull is cracked. . .
Since tlie a Dove was in type, a rumor
lias reached us that he died last evening
from toe enects ot nis injuries, .
The Benton Democrat says: "Tne contest
of the fire engines for tbe silver trumpet
which was to have occured on Friday, was
left entirely to tlie Albany boys, - as there
was no one there to compete with them for
it, yet lliey did their work with credit.
Tbe engine threw finely, and the boys pre
sented a good appearance, and would have
mail. -U intmnoti.ti, anw MimnatifAM ' -
Kew Patexts. -Through, dispatches to
Dewey Co., Patent Agents, S. F., we
receive the following advance list of Pat
ents granted to Pacific coast Inventors, viz
A. L. Roberts, S. F- C&U beer faucet;
P. Burns, 8. F Cal.,- blenching soap;
E. W. Walker.: Oakland, Cal- vehicle
spring; E. G Watkius, Georgetown, Cal
Deu oug trap; . : : - '
Ton. tiik CfftiRCii. Tlie ball and
wfeather vane for. tbe. Evangelical Church
In this city,' Is inst finished and Will be
placed iu its position in a few days. .The
wonc was none at j&iCEariawrs on score.
Robbed. Dave Morgan reports yester
day morning that he bad his pockets picked
of ten dollars last Thursday evening, just
as he was about to get on tbe train at tlie
Fair Ground depot
FnnSHiKa UP. The carpenter worE oii
the Farmer's Warehouse was . completed
yesterday, and the painters commenced
piyuiK tne nrusii.- ine warenouse is nuea
with, wheat from cellar to garret.
.- New Babn. Mr. Parker, of the firm ot
Bell & Parker, commenced the erection of
a commodious barn yesterday
Judse Eurnett niid ifr.. Htnton killed
ten bears in three days,, near Monroe, Ben
ton county, last weeta
One thousand one hundred and eighty
dollar was taken- iu at the railroad gate,
on the Fair round, last xnursciay
i A Poik bounty bride received, among her
weddlm? eilts. a receipted bill of eight dot
lar lor gate mugci, inw uer vamkt-
. . . . . . i
Tlie sera and yellow leaf now begins to
fall upon the sidewalk. . , - t
Extba Choice. Those clears at A
Carotbers&Co's. ... . ,
- The' Baby Show. Tlie show tor the
prizes ofTercd by Mr. F. A. Smith, photo-,
grapher of Salem, took place on Friday
afternoon.' Quite a number of the little
"darlings" were presented for judgment to
be passed upon them as to their good quali
ties and expositions After considerable
time was spent the committee awarded the
1st premium to & little. oo of J. W Craw
ford, of Salem, and the second to tbe son of
A. A. Wheeler, of the same place. Una
thinks lie has strnck a bonanza. '
- Ruined- From a gentleman who ar
rived oa t&a noon tram yerterdsy we learn
that fie Csilibrnia horse, Twenty-One, had
brclcea oue of tii main lesJers iiffclsleg
wfc'Js jtmnLrj !a Xs race lt F!Jsy, wilch
rsoJer mat , miZt to. eyer ac
Oet':-.-fek '- This- is a tad awviatane
for V- Taylor, as he valued the horse very
tt - "
' Grata fcatilij! season U nearly overan
our warehouses are crowded full
. -.,-i. i . f
THTJBSDAt, October-14, I87p,' ,
. .. . : -, FOUKTH DAT.
Tbe Fair still goes on with locreased Vig
or, icvery train Brings a large number of
arrivals, while many; caiapers stQI arrive
to see and be seen. The train from Al
bany this morning brought down - a large
crowd, and to the arera . outskkr it
would seem that no one, had been left to
take care ot the city.' I $bjp criea , of . the
showmen, hackmen, patent medicine men,
etc, continues with unabated fury. Honey
making seems to be the chief object of
many, and where so manj thousand people
are present, and it takes all aorta of people
to make up a crowd,, of course the usual
number of - . V , '? . V
TinxTSS akd wrarrocMPra -
are present. " Mj .ace.' Sontaiworta, of
Wasco county,? ;Vrho " arrived . yesterday
morning, went np to tbe west gate to pur
chase his ticket, but was slightly mortified
at finding that his pocket contained only a
four-bit piece, and his purse - containing
100 had been abstracted by some member
ot the light fingered gentry.
The Board of Managers' gave a special
premium on Wednesday foi two yr olds,
single dash of a mile. Baskett narted Val
iant; Brlgham names Oregon, aijd Stott,
Dolly Stott. Tbe race was closely contest
ed. Oregon and Tallant being rick and
neck from the start to the outcome, tbe
race being decided a dead heat. After tbe
usual rest, the horses were again turned
loose, and a beautiful race was bajl to the
home-stretch when Oregon showed his
"heels" to Valiant, winning the trace by
about three lengths. Time, 2:02 aid 2:3).
Tbe second race was trotting foi Oregon
bred horse, mare or gelding, four fears old
or under, mile heats, two in threft. First
premium $100; second premium, $50;
third premium to save stakes Three
horses were entered, but only two started
B. B. Acker entered Bine Mountain Boy,
and J. J. Welsh, Mollie Welsh. ! The race
was not at all exciting, as tbe horse broke
badly and Mollie came home firsf in both
heats, making the extraordinary (?) time
of 2.57 and 2:57 - 5 j.
A number of accidents occurred yester
day, tbe most serious of which reralted in
the death of a baby. From what we could
Ieam,a lady from the mral districts conclu
ded to take a swing, and took a'' little child
on the soat with ber. After tbe ride was
finished she looked at her child, and behold
its spirit bad fled f , ; . : .
As Charley Holman, Mrs. Holbert and
her sister were returning last evening,
their hack was by some - means
upset aud Mrs. Holbert and ber baby was
somewhat bruised but not otherwise in
jured. Mr. McDanlels and Miss Annie
Curl met with a rather serious accident tbe
same evening by their horses becoming
frightened at some object lu tbe road
Mr. McDauiels was thrown from tbe wagon
and Miss Curl immediately jumped out and
in so doing dislocated ber ankle aud broke
tbe instep, bone. .
Below we give the election of officers of
the State Agricultural Society for the ensu
ing year: '
President W P Watson.
Vice Presidents G W Dtmmlck. of
Marion; Jos Hamilton, of Linn. . -
Secretary jh. M Waite, of Marion.
Treasurer Iadd & Bush. Bankers.
Directors Lane, Thos Bdwarda: Wah-
l. VJTt. I , VMIiB4,IIIH0 1. Ill J J.'
ot; eolnmbia, J, By bee; Marion, John Min-
InntAn QMurn. rl,.l. IVm IKl
iooihi iwwrnug; juuitnomaii, a u-neeu;
Polk. Jas Tatom. J G Baskett: Benton.
Jos Kelsy: Linn. O P Burkhart: Grant: B
hi btewart; was en, VVm Bimtham; JacK-
son v u JMyer;.initiii, Orylile Stewart,
Union, John Caveness: Clatson. R W Mor
rison; jniiajnooir, -; umatliia ltugn
Fields,' Dooglas; J D . Burnett; JBaker, W
xa .Drowsier.
Sa'iem, Fhtdat, Oct. li, 1875. s
' ....... I
Where crowds ot people are congregated,
some .of-whom .are pass!nsrto and 'fro.
while a great many are sitting oWa the
shelving on either skle. - As most of them
are ladles it will -not do to ear they are
"laid upon tlie shelf," and as they have no
tags affixed, we don't suppose: they are in
tended for exhibition. . To the eight we
pass the telegraph office, and on tlie wall
over tbe lightning manipulator hang eight
beanttful oil paintings neatly framed, all of
which are the production, of Miss- Nell to
Meacham, of Salem, Farther , on are
seven large photographs by W. H..Catter-
lln, among thera a very fine group of
some ol the members of tbe M. E. Church
choir in Salem. . Right here we encounter
a jam ot people who are tightly wedged to
gether In the passage-way. Having con
slderable faith In tlie honesty of humanity
in general, and knowing that nobody
would be so green as to pick a journalistic
pocket, we elbow our , way through the
crowd and come to some show cases full of
stuffed birds and minerals, entered by T.
A. Wood, of Portland. - Further along,
Mr. Hugh Owens, of South Salem, has
Couple of cages containing, about 100 ca
naries. The fine display of bird cages is
by J. G; Wright, Major of Salem. ' Tlie
tables at this point seem to be rather sll oi
ly Supplied but they are occupied as seats
fy tee ladles..4 Yfri ha've now reached the
end .of the north wing, and turning to the
left we proceed to inspect tlie articles otf
toe ' .
Bui' as', lie ladles ' have ' pre-enpfeu the
whole row of si:r-lvSrg and tfse it for seat
it is rather d...:cwt to get any particulars
la regard to It arttdes that are arranged
be hi ad them. Eelng too- modest for tbis
work!,' we gofc.a young limb' of die law to
neip os c-.-.t of the dilema. We notice sev
eral - e;.i" re! JpeJ 4. chairs eutered by
Mrs. 7or'! end cler' ladies, and a large
diapliy c" ru is aaade by Urs. Rebecca
Clawsoa, Mrs. i Phebe Wright and others.
Mrs.E, Mv Watte has a very nice em
broidered rocking chair, and several speci
ruens of rag carpet are exhibited .as the
handiwork of Mrs. J- Condit, Mrs. E. Mill
and Mrs.; 1. 1. Cbichester.. Mia. "JT. I
Cooke has a yery aloe, ladies' work, stand, J
sou a iiuie iurtner aiong are aoxne rag ear-
pets oh which Jos. Albrect has been a ward
ed two flrsT prizes. - ,
The display to this department is truly
magnificent. ' . And for this: creditable dls-
ptay theState Fair AsaodaOoa :.. er 1!
oeii5ioB wAir. .y. a. amjumn, -vum i
CfumtT. who fbf the nast veer has MenacR I
Ino- In the Interest at the Centennial Com-1
uwMuuciB w a.-.'TP' "
gether samples of tlie grains and grasses of I
this State to forward to Philadelphia.
. . I
jsy r m. iriunuer, oi tjron.iana, i
K. Cooke and Mrs. Ira Erb, of Salem,
which drew an admiring throng of visitors,
and would have been a credit to Vick, the
great Rochester florist, . . ,..
FBcrrr peeseevikg compakies.
The California Frnit Dryer U represent
ed by Dr. Herbold,. of Eugene; City, with
some very nice frnit, which, under other
circumstances would attract attention, but
when placed along side ot that of tbe Alden,
it pales into insignificance. Mr. Patton,
of tbe Salem Alden Company, has a con
siderable quantity ot fruit which be claims
to be of as good quality as that of the Ore
gon City Company, although It does not by
any means look as well. , The centre of at
traction is found to be in the truly magnifi
cent display otthe
Here tlie greatest profusion and variety
prevails and the taste shown in the arrange
ment of the different varieties shows su
perior judgment and attention to the In
terests ot that Co moan v by its acent In
cliargc, Mr. Pyle. This assortment does
not consist of fruits alone, but embraces
vegetables of every kind, as well as fish and
meats; all of which are in an excellent
state of preservation. .
in at ten o'clock
Tlie Portland train came
with IS car loads of people and the 1 o'clock
down train brought in 11 car loads of hu
manity, which with the large number that
came otherwise, by two o'clock, it was es
timated by good judges that there was 20,-
000 people on the grounds.
Were fairly represented. Cheese was dis-
nlared in abundance, but that ot butter
seemed to be limited although of very fine
Thesewiug machine men were limited
in number, and no great amount ot strife
was manifested in that line, while the mu
sic dealers were represented by two soli
tary Instruments.
Mr. H. Ray, ot Eola, Polk county, bad
ou exhibition some fine carriage harness of
bis own manufacture. . , f
Mr. J. VT) Crawford, i.of . Sajem, , bad . a
very creditable display of ranges, . cooking
stoves and tinware, while Mr. H'B Moo-
rill, ot the same city, exhibited a sample of
liis spiral springs tor spring mattresses, etc;
Messrs. Patterson A Co., of Gervau, Ore
gon, displayed kettles,' band irons, etc
Samples of -Oregon Umber made a -very
creditable display ' and were neatly ar
ranged and labeleJ-j -Tlie sample were all
rather small to eize, but nevertheless, were,
sufficent to give one accustomed to them a
fair idea of tbeir nature. -,x
W. D. Reldiog, of Albany, lad some fine
brooms of his own manufacture.
The big race of the season came offat the
, iora
mine of aajUO, 2 inuaheata, a in s. turee
hnrsea were entered.. Foster. ! Bhzham:
Nana, bv Baskett: Twenty-One by Baylor.
Great excitenfent prevailed and betting ran
high, Twenty-une Deingtne ravonse at tne
uools. Time was called and the riders
meunsea. osier navins Hie insKie traca,
The- horses irot a fair , start and the first
mile ail three of them rtmdo,togetfceff
f oster nrsc. ana jsappa eeoona ana
TwentyOne- closefy' towtoffNappa.
Tbo second mile Foster firsSJ Kacr sec
ond and Twenty-one .distanced,. be iiavlng
smuwu luawwt ,wun urvveaieu wis run
Tbe second heat only two hortSs ' started:
Twenty-one was wltlidrawn on account of
nis lameness.' ' r oster too tne., ieaa ana
was closely followed by .Nappa thronhout
about two length behind. On the last mile
Eias uiiiu. cnwitiu urns awa wiui itMuiu
Foster was not crowded in tiie least, 'and
won the heat and" race twitb ease.- ' Ufappa
oeuig aimos oiautnct.
REAt ESTATE THAJiS actions The real
estate business has been rather eltra iu this
county tbe past week, owing to the fact
that everybody went to the FalrBtit i
wbat few changes did take place we give
as follows; ' ,
W. II. Mendenball to John W.'Althouael,
city property: consideration $1,800.
a... i.a..,t ctt . . .
Chas. Bourde to 3. E. Youusr.
DroDcrty: conekleration. 91.800.
Rowland Johnson .to Wm. Mdlosnel.
Base Bau The first of the series of
games of Base Ball was played Friday, at
the Tair .Grounds, between t:e ' Col 3e
dub of Salem, and the Pioneers of Portlaud.
in wuica the MM'eges KOt away with their
nponents in good aha pe.' The gcoT S'OOd
fnirtecu for the Pioneers to 42 for tiie Cot-
leges, . ', v'
, Hakjiied By Jos. Hannon,- J.- F Oc
tober WorUi JJu-.cnr to Lury O. Uu.
lei 11 ot Lfiin county.' j
. .Bt the Ber Jas. A. PowelL Octo.r t:
Mr. John U. Sh Idler tot Clara II. liicter
ail of JUtmr county . .
XiEsahoh sidge. We learn that the
Lebanon bridge will bo completed some-
more uui nig iuu ween,-
i a,
IiaiANAPOi.i;;. Dct. 13. Joseph TcCht-
ty, of West Vi;-..-.ia, watrbtJ r f i ',70
las$ nlght,'wbUe standing on a pi a of
tne l. a. it. tt. jitn as tne t , was
leaviuir tbe denot. bv three ... m who
jumped on the train. Mr, JicCssrty thinks
tne meu louoweu mm from vv est ,v trjrtnia.
AcuusiA, srm ucc xi AiaxaBuer JUU
ephens is now considered out of danger.
New Yorac Oct. . IS. The Red Cloud
Investigating Commission completed its
ette Of whfeh will fee sent to leskJent
Grant to-morrow, ad another, to .the JJe
partment of the Interior. .' The report hi
quite long, covering 600 pages of foolscap,
ami tsjweponEiTe. to iu ine cnarges maue
or Mfmmeeor warsn, Desiaea emuracuvg
ffood deal f matte not referred to by him
toe Erst tJengr?,K?a.i tirsc:jemocEaue
Convention-s Midtlksbero. Tr- Exeeo-
5J wm"B,MOT V .""" Pj y
name or Joan ijtuncy Aoains. upon- uie
ticket at candidate for Lieutenant Gover-
JSAJV-a- .
ruanlnir mill. Aue$risanv iJlrr was bnrrkTil
uas evening. .. lxwa aoouc u.uw.
Syh AriSK. Oct., 13. TTifl TTational
Woroan's Congress met in Wening's opera
house to-day. The attendance B not .as
large as at Chicago-last year, though there
was a number of prominent women presen t,
among them Prof. M. Mitchell, Julia, W ard
tlowe, xtev. iruoeoe xiannaioru, auss
Louisa Alcott and Mrs. JLlvermore. All
professions are fairly represented. In the
morning-an executive session was- held,
from which all not members were excluded.
At the afternoon session Prof. Maria
Mitchell delivered the annual address, Mrs.
Eadna Cheney read a paper on woman's
work in the school, and Mrs. Antoinette
Biackweil Brown spoke on woman's work
at home. At the evening session Sirs,
Phoebe Hannaford addressed the meeting
on statistic's of Roman's ministry, followed
by Mary Eastman, of Tewkesbury, Mass.,
on the educational Interests of the conntry.
The audience attending was large. The
Congress will continue Thursday and Fri
day. "1 '? -: . -'
Columbus, ' Oct. 13. Returns come In
very slowly. It is yet impossible to give
accurate figures on the result, bat both Re
publican and Democratic State Committees
agree that the'State has not gone Republi
can Dy over iu,ww. .
cincinkati. tJct. 13. tsevency out or tne
85 precincts, in Hamilton County, give
Hayes a majority of 903, and 68 precincts
five Young, Republican candidate for
Jeuten ant Governor, a majority, over
Samuel Cnrr, Democrat, of 2,800. The
fourth ward first precinct, gave Allen a'
f majority of 726, a Democratic gain. 1
Republicans elect their legislators by
Uemocratic gain. Tne
average majority of 2.000. - It Is estimated
time myes' majority in wis county win oe
1.50O. .-.f,';-.. - . 7 7.-."5''
COEmtBCs.' -Oct. 13-Ketnrns66lh pre
cincts eive a Kepnniican gain oi o,4u
'lOLEDO, ucu xa. i.Tica8 tjoone town
ship to hear -Irons, the majority for Hayes
wui not be lea than oy omciai count. bits. Oct. 13. The 'Demoorata
concede the State to the Repnbiicana by
15,000, and a fair majority in both branch
es of the ireneral assembly.
Dubcqck, Oct. 13. Later returns of this
county makebnt little change In tbe State
ticket, the Democratic majority being about
1,500. For the Legislature the lie publi
cans elect two ont ot three members, and
possibly all three ot them. Special dis
natcbes to. the -Dnbuaue Timet show con-
eiaeraoie lncrensea uepuoiican majomies
over last Fear, from nearly all Darts of the
State. - 1 lie majority for KSrkwood tt is be
lieve will reacn s&wxl witn a strouff ma-
ioritv in thijpaneraJ ssaembhr. ' ; '
; Ukaha, Oct, is .-Ttie estimated Kepua-
Iican msiority in ine stare is i,wu. - -; -i
Des ' MoikxS. Oct 13, 11 r. M. Up to
this hour the Seate Register hag special dis
patches, giving pretty 1 complete reports
from 61 of tlie 100 count ies of the State.
Of these 63 rives Republican majorities esr-
gregating 25,839," and eiglit, Democratic
majorities oggrcgatTftiir B,t3. The Btrpng
est RerffibrlcSs counties are Tetf to liear
troefiv This Will make a total majority of
bsjxo a gain or over o,wu, - -t
, i New OaxKAia, Octr 13 The following
tofcsraiifaed tbla r.'M., to A. F Wicked
Chairman RenSbllean Cbmmltte. Colum
bm -Ohte. " We celebrate your victory with
one hundred ertins, now being fired. Con
servatives here are with Republicans in
congratulations vr the defeat of inSa-
tioo. fcigneo, Oi n. jnacEara, vnainnan
ReiHiblicaii committee. ' f. r ,'
Columbus, Oct. 14. There is still in
tense excitement here over the election
news, t Much Hsrarnz is being done t The
Democrats do. not exnect - to dissiiiata
Hayes' majority, but claim that it will be
very small. '".c ' ''
After a very carenu mamas A. T.
WiiiofT. cMinniUi of the Rcbubiaan State
Coounittee, states that 63 count les now re
ported, give 10,807 majority ror Hayes.
Democratic niftiority of 5.271 in 1873. The
Denioerats here claim 'lw f6. of. these
counties, and the llemiWrcasis a gain of 105
in iotir oi tnen.- a uta woum) ieay k net
raaiorltv of for Haves. .Thn TVmo-
cra- concede the State to the Repabllcais3
BaLTDHSIK.. Oet. l-t-U-Jsut, VTj ITnvWt
dealer iu faidesi leatlier and oil, under the
firm name of J. A i Hewlett & Son, Water
street, has suspended. Hewlett is ( prepaid
fng a statement for the creditors. -The lia
bilities areaupposed to amonnt to f GO.OOO
or $70,000.7v h.-p.r,i :a;.-viHf m :
i 2faw Yotm, Oct. 14-Clafiln & Co have
concluded to move to (mash the indictments
chargtug them with smuggling, instead of
uwauin nos gusity ------Anere is no general
belief that the firm was guilty ot substan
tial fraud, while trickery in the prosecution
is largely snspectesi.ria. v - t . ., v -Hew,
York. Oct. 14 Attorney General
Pierre pout gives 'personal testimony dis
proving tlw charge that eighteen truuKS
brought by Secretary Bristows family from
Knron were landed without examination.
There were only five trunks, and all were
caremiiy insnectea oy oraer oi nnssow,
who paid tbe customs on every dutiable ar-
New Yoek. Oct. 14. J wljro .Lawrence,
of the Sunreme court. lias denied a motion
for stay iu the suit against Tweed, holdlug
that orders of general term? which it Is pro-
being entirely discretionary with tlt eotirt.
I ' Ikdianafous ;Oct 4rwmin-Mii
iTMwninsr hroiwlit lar;e "delesmtions -from
every part of tbe State- to attend the sol
diers' re-union The caaiD is- Iocs ted od
the rronntta of State' Board ot A5-orr!tnre
(old Camp Morton), iu connection with the
enosit!on biHldins'S.
' The: roklJgrti re-union is m iaamens" sue
cess. -The city is liter v JmmeJ with
people fiom Oil parts ot t 3 fctate. C-mp
I ; or ton looks very mucii --te itcta ra i'ji.
Tuo city fa Sm a tumuH of excitement f
and banners araatreursw; from fhau&amia
of windows andacuse-topa, and from every
side. Hundreds of tents have been put up
hr tbe State Fair Grountte,' ami tfa expos i-
Uon bttiidinf; has baen. tiiraecj. Into bsrrck-9
one-half o tbe. lower, being reserved for.
dlninf purposes and tiie tMkiuceor speed-,
taking anil sleepU.. , Fity tijoussuid men
am on the camp p.uunda. ., '.
v NEW-M"Jf oe, t . 14,At l e Jerome
Park races t!io rice for the pot stake, pf
f30a'entra'riee,li.f.f Mfclt. tbe chib to -aJJl
i,Clt0, daali t 4 .r. W. deed boat,',
tiiough not entered On the prosrramme noc
sold in pools. rlt'-rtl,ifi'..h Pnrtin'n;on,
Nettie, Horton, j.i r and WWrfiji-ke.
- 8AKTA ClJtBA, . iXt.3.'-rAt .5: ,Qls
evciitn?; quite bey iock. of earUiqnake,
was Xcit.--here. , rrations from east to
wext.. Ko damage. . . i-
San Fbascjsco, Oct. 14. A sXuirp siiock, -of
eartlujuaka, wi frit- bers abott &50 this
evening. . Vtora. eart M, wet. j '
The wife of John V e convicted.
Harbor Coraoala loner," Imout to apply to
Gov, Pacheoq for thn t vri o her &f-f
band, and fcaa so Rfewjrf' District lAisor-'.
cey Ryan. - '
.An, attempt felrTae to oUjs.!i -
' Tlje .ctosing of entries, tar the (30,0- J fwiZ'
ning nee ha Men postponed anUl next'
. New Tosx,' Oct. IS-jlSjoaes S. Harman!
A Co., of 22 .Walker Jtmet, the piincfpat
member, of which to a fcrotber ef A.S. Her
mau, who recently went- i.-to :r!inkniptcy,
have also failed.- The firms "Utilities are
nlaced at 200.000. and the nHi sfc-fS,-.
WV, .wv wiug biau.7 mm wjwv vuw
Iw, Atee iwi 'ii9: ."J. fx s'n s-.t4'
receivaoiet- -
Harris Rothstein. a hatter., has failed and. '
made an assignment of his property for tha
benefit of creditors. Liabilities, : $37,089 ;
asset, $12,045. .... V. ..
.. IvnTiv tnfiTffl I InF 1 LTha nwwrM mmf
for tbe Grand parade of soldiers to-Uay was
fully carried out, although , a drizzling rahi
pre ya lied all the morning. There was au .
immense number in the procession. Nearly
all. it not all. the old regimental organ iza- .
tlons were representeu. . . , ....... .
KOfsrov. fli. IS. There was finite a run
on the Home Savings Bank, of this city, to-,
day. . omcers state in si tne panic is in a, :
perfectly safe condition,, .that they are pay-.
lar notice, and exnect to continue to (U so.
The semi-annual dividend on the . savings,
amount to about 200, 000,-and Its. distribu
tion calls nearly 300,000 depositora to tte
bank. Should tbe run continue the banlf
undonbtetliy will reaaire toe notice provi
ded for In the, contract with each depositor..
ULEVELAKDi, WCl.- lO. J . A iiuss caair- :
lor of the First National Bank, of Tiffin,'
Ohio, suicided this evening by sliootiug
himsplf thronu-h the heart. . JExamination
is now going on. . It is- believed irregularl-
ties existed for some time.
Evaksville. Ind Oct. 15 The iiasrlQ
distillery, formerly owned by Bingiiani
Bros.,- at Potako, was burned this morning.'
.Loss beavy. and, partially lnsnrec. -
Augusta. Me.4 Oct.. 15 This evening
the steam mill of the : Kenebec. Land and.
Lumber Co'mhnnyiwiOi Jts. valuable ma
chinery ami two lumbef Jtm'osQS sere burn
ed. Loss, $50,000 ; insurance,' $15,000. -
While the ft j was in. progress, a derrick,
ffell kllliatr Herbert Beaiend severely in
juring C. DlptocK of the Pacific .fire com- -
pany. ; ,. ... . -- - -; -.',... j
St. Lotrra, Oct. Id. Writs were Isuea "
by the TJ. . coart to-day -against Jtarlous
ons uistuiers ana gaugers. cnargeu wjui a
violation Of tne revenue taws, a ub oouos
of the distillers and other securities amount
to $615.000 : those of the saucers $60,000.
The government expects so realize 4a large.
pars qi ine revenue ox wnicn it nas ueeu up
fraudea. : '.; -
lican or Democratic committees have re
ceived any additional returns this morntne.
WilwJUHJOt Wta Wa vU AM.1UU-
Tbe Senate is still in doubt, and tlie resa.t
can't be determined until (nil. return are
received from Wood comity, mtmrm it"
ported the counting out is delayed bf fraud'
ulent rotes. ... r J '.j
; News just received from Wood county
at 1:30 T.u calculatoa that..beavr fhtuu?
were practiced In Perrysbarg, which will ,
polled - tijere. If tlteir vote' la, counted,"
I Im' niafnrlrw In tha nrmnrw xtrill ha aiiil.
and give the Republicans one Senator. If
is v to oe tnrown one, iiayes' majoruy in -tht
county win be 723,. and both Kept.1U
can Senators will fee- .elected, which gives
the Senate to um Kepuoiscan try two ma-
orlty. aud the lloasQ..tyla majority.
aayea' majority wUi now probably be over
, WASHINGTON, Utt. -t 15.' I'm (UftolIieB
was in setcaion. over, two boors, and a large
amount of tontine bnsiness was con :
There was some conversation nron the uuk
ject of tbe appointment of. Secretary cf tins
Interior: but the Cabitiel ofSterf m - 4 tnat
no rppointment wilt be m&pe jbnta next
week. ; If Is- toe giant; tmtmsAanpM
the President fa waiting for a' response front
a gentleman to'w!f?ota an oiler of appoint
meitt has been made.' -" '- :- 'v
The. Attorney Gloria stated t the Cart-
net meeting that he is in reoeipt of iur t-
mation, wtiich ha deems antiientic, to u-a
effect that fcotTa pftit-lit .In Ifteisslp I v?
agrcTed to terms wB w il preyect, fuit'iter
i roubles in tlmtf Ssite. and An imtHAd
election Is con'bfmtly anticited.
of currency has lieciAred a cividend of IS
per cent, la favor of the crediitors of tbe
Etn M.KWn.l Tr. .r t TVWtlr,! Vae . ala
a aivWtcna of 4 -pkt . cent.' . in fiivor of tts
creditors of .the Gibson .County Nations.!
Bankof Priucetown, lmL, payable on the
90tb ItlRffw '-i ! ! rvZ-'-h -.;.;-' .. f
WAsurNaTQjj, Oct. IS. Tlie TJ. S. eteanr-'
erTuscarora, now at San Francisco, wi.I
sail about the first of November and crulso
among the fai t-is groups of telimds fo tbe
Pacific Ocean, for tlie purpose, of taking ,
soundtn&'s to ascertain the molt advanta
geous route fdtK cable in those wat-
. Washtkgtoiu Oct. Iff. A delcmtion of
id Cblp'pewas," froia Minnesota, v .;-d.tlK
Indian Department to-day. They U-'t tbelr
agency without permlssioii ot their r nt,
and were four weeks on their road, " ,io'
tlieir expenses by dancing etc., at u..rtU6
placea A halt breed with them amd as
Interpreter. They came to complain f the
agent, and desired to remain hero r; .'1 an' .
interpreter conM coino from Minnemiti, to
present their case properly ' .Commis-iiorrr
timith told them ondr,. tlas Cfrcurr5s''9r,
he could not keep tuem, and aUVhieu the,t
to retnrnat once. , ..,.,:.'.
WASHntG-rox, , Oct. 18 " La-,' -. n&W.f
Pease, ot MiaeUsJppi, to-c.y recclred tiie
following: - " ... -
i Jacksc, irks;, October li Tl", :.'ary
operations Imve beensnt . llyiover
nor Ames, bed tpon it i r. ,t n ' . ? c -. J
mlnste assnrnuces of len.;..- t J. , . 1 1 thrt
State that there sLr'l to p-ace, ap 1 a feir
and free election. ..; TJiey would not turfer-"
take to answer far lawless Beta, btrt n-'ui?-antee
to ai !!ce IwtheeiefeVtioiiof
the laws. The C3oTernor expresses Lrroetf
wlwl!y t".M l-i the ittnc?' -'Iveni
end tt. n'.'t f,it they sre -rinie 1,, e-.i
faith, a . ? w;:i r rrb 1 Ci i Uft 1 1
Aw ij-. jicJ ict...ig y.ev-.'v e-
ambbg the whites, and a reneral dc-. :
reace prevr..s a,i -cJ -zzn. o-k .1
fc-ithaeij are gw 'y eocoars J.
.(tiibed , J.- L. ijikv, ;..,..
You can gs arythin ya wa-.t
crockery line at iker" Collar t-ore
ii t':