The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, October 15, 1875, Image 1

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'' ' "' . ' : ' - . '
' .A
- - y?,M,,"yMMMststt'
15875.: - , : . , ttu;.-'
Wholesale ami Hot ail friealcr in
First street Albany,
Si. Charles Hotel,
vCrr lVhi..gtoa and Flre. Stff.,'
-at;hcTi3:JIorrisori, 1
t .proprietors. ; ' ;
Hotrse newly furnished itli-Onvliont. Til?
beat the murkct. affords always ou the fable.
Free Coach ft cud frm the IToiiir.
-' ' .
Alt. BELL & PABKKR. lnteofOresonCIfy,.
he-j? Wave to inform the public ilmt tliev
have purchiise-l the entire stock ot (li-n.,
ielne. Ac... formerly oynclly it. C". Hill A Son,
unci tluit they dcsigni coiitiiinini the business.
Ht the old t:uiii. where t lu-v purro:e keeping in
lo furure a full iiSTortment of
Chemical., ... ,, ,
Patent JKrlictne.,
TuihJ. Artielm,
Ami everything iisuu.I"y found in si fli-st-ciiufs
tlrmr store. - - v , - . -
While earnestly "sotieitfntr n. conHiinnTiee'of
the liljeral patronage heretofore extenlc'l to t he
01.D house, we hope at the sjime time, by fair
and liberal ilcalhijr, unl careful lUteion tothe
wtnts of customer, 10 merit the est win of any
'KW friends who may favor us with their or
Uers. " ...
Pnrfienlnr attention wHl le given tothoeoiu
THinndin of phvsicuin's i:-erc-riptioiis:iml tatn
ily reuiiies-at all honrs of the lavor nioriit.
Successors to It. C Hili, Sox.
Albnn y, October SI, T4-ii4tf
Imlera hi
1olhiK IlootH anil Shots. IIhIs, (irort-
rte, I'ancy ttoods, 'lion, Shotguns
ml IItoIs, Aull-t, Euiic, "Mirrors,
Wallpaper, Wood Willow
Wire, Trunks antl Valines,
Pocket Cutlery, 4c, Ac,
Sold very low either for cash, or to prompt pay-
v S customer? on time.
Raising ana SItvtiaj; ISiiildiu;;.
announce to the citizens of Ailwriy sum!
arronn(liiiK country that. U.viui?i-imilie;lMS-selveswitli
the nevs:iry maeliinery for rais
ing and removing hnihtlnsrs, v. e are ready at all
times to receive orders for such work, which
we will do in short order at lowest rates. Wc
guarantee entire satisfaction in all work mider
taken bv .
Orders left at the Reuit.kii oftic promptly
ttentcd to. Apply to. - -
Or., April 2:i. 1S7.j. 2trv7
ax n
S 12 iYI O jV lH Trf I
OUI BniinivKier nnI Tlireliers
RcxMiired nl made nlmost ns yood as new
MERKII'li & ri TWM'S
Is now pri-rca to do all kinds of
Wa4 Tarn ins, Knw Inar ttnd nresNiuK-
Also, any Ironwork and general Blacksmith
nt tho trade may demand.
ffanCnsi Pickets will be ke,
f- hand at all
Bath House Barber Shop.
fully thanlc the citizens of Auniil and vi
elnlty for the liberal patronage liesiowed on
him for the past seven years, and hopes for t he
future a continuation of their favors. For the
aeeommodft t ion of transient customers, and
friends in the npper part of town, he has open
ed. nest littlesbop next door to Taylor Bros.
4taloon, wttere & good wortcniaiv wtlL, alw ays be
in stteadanee to wait upon pat rons.
Dec 11, 1874. , JOE WEBBER.
Witbii) IflLE ol Albany
Parties In want of Homestead TOts would do
.well tocaUon WJ jff. lKln &, Gi., beioro ptiRr
chasing elsewhere. Hand rlcli and would make
line garden.
-The whoLo enn hp irrigated wllli very lit-
ttepense, W.H. JX)PP jfc CO.
S 4 t .
:Line, sssngica, t-iuMer i-jrjs,
And for sale low, at the warehouse of
.Th lliliest Osfti Price PM rr Wool
Albany, May U, T5-a"v7
JL Jjorge Body or Rich Land Tor
Sale Cheap.
ann mnram in -tiitivfit ion every acre sus-
jeeptlble of cultivation well watered. Has n
good bouse, barn, and outhouses thereon all
under fence, and lying within miles of a rail
road station. All good grass or grain land. .Tho
entire tract will be sold cltcag. ".
rr . .1
Homo latcrcss.
Friday, October 8.
, Lumber is scarce in this city.
JUcl arUuiii has the fiuesi assortment of
stoves in the State.
Itev. K. Fay. son IlanimouO, Utenotcd re-
vtvalUt who was licre iast'siunnk'r, is now
f.t Vernon. Conn.
The total amount of fees tip to last even
Tiiff taken in at tho northwest gate are
- At tire tlollar store you can rct lanterns,
looking-glasses of all sixes anil '-slmpos.
Don't take our wonl for it, but go iiml see
for yourself. ,
Captain Car7, ot Xcw Hampshire, is
tleatl. HewaifNl one- limuTrod and tour
years for the last "trump. ' run Gabriel
"eaJieO, Jiuu At-lcm:tii, and ha . "ivtsseil
"S:inih, you're a ootl gal, hut there aint
no gal a-soinjr to call for two plates of iceJ
cream on me and keep me for hot- feller. I'
were the closing remarks of a - yonng gen
tleman at the Opera house last evening.,
Atojckmext Dav. To-day is the day of
atonement, awl a Biimber of our Jewish
friends will close the doors of their business
roi. Returxfj. We learn from the
County Clerk' that the whole number of
polls in this county, as returned by the as
sessor, are 1,105. This is quite an in
crease over that of fast year is v
" CAiTrni:r. We ! arn from a passenger
who came up on the train yesterday noon,
tnat urown. the escaped convicr. was c:ip-
tureu near Uiuuy ami brought up to balcm
on yesterJay morning 3 tram.
Fike in i--A sRglit blaze occurred
hi Salem last Thursday night in tltn brew
ery lielonginji to Sam Adolph, anil before
the tiames could be subilued, scveml hun
dred dollars damage wasdonci . The origin
of the tire U unknown, ,Tle builduig wits
insiirctt. ? ltger engine got tue lirst water
Boot axi Shoe- Stobr Purchapei.
Messrs. Carncs&Settieniiro havgrvoTd their
entire stoek ot boots and shoes to Mr. Jake
Fleischner of Portland. Jake . savs that he
would ratlier take his chances in Albany ior
making, money than any other town 111 the
State. We are glad to have 3-ou back here
again, Jake.
The Bi-st Wat. Thci-c Ls no lietter
way, no safer way, no easier way, no surer
way ot SHvmg children from the jlebasing
influence 01 the street, from corrupting as
socialious, and from the acquisition of
vicious and hurtful practices, than to make
Home sitrractive. -
t FXT. IN THE bTBEET. I.ftSt Veiling
about 7 o'clock, a young man by the name
of Andy Williamson, was riding through
f he street in a gallop, when ly soine means
or other, itist at the cross walk in front
of ihu donar . store,. li horse stumbled ami
fell, throwing Mr. Williamson about ten
feet, but, fortunately there was no tfnmage
done..r -.'.;,-.. - . - ,
The Fikemen's Bali. Tist niglft, w a-;
largely attended, aril passed off,
as da all balls gotten tip by tlie Onosfers,
in first chias style. The mus-ic was special
ly gooil. ami called forth the fullest praise.
The supper, gotten up by Mr. Kddy. of the
American Fxehange, was a splendid a. flair,
and was a credit to Mr. Kddy. ; There were
eighryodd couple in attendance at the ball.
TIhj Salem Slatesmmt says , that Tigers
got the 'first water" at the brewery the
other morning, at the lire, and flic. II00S
got away with the first 4'bepr."!i.The loeal
on that paper bclonge to the Hooks.
Eat Rice fob Rvx-clar Dict. .V l.nly
who resides in Scio, was eating, amongst
other fid fin- dinner recently, rice. She
had taken hut a few monthfuls when her
teeth struck on something hard,.'. She took
it out ot her mouth and found it was a
stone, resembling glass in appearance, and
very clear. Being puzzled to know whether
the stone was. of any great . value, slie
hronght-it to this city, where it was ex
em hied by our jewelers who pronounced it
a first water diamond. Our advice now is,
cat rice for regular diet, as yon may lliid a
thousand dollar diamond. ;;;:. .
1 State Fair GkocxkS. iVo learn from
Mr: Geo. f WeIlcr, ho' caTrie iip ba'the
evening traii from Salem, thationt at the
Fair grounds everything presents' a very
lively appearance and tluit teams are run
Ing between . Salem and the grounds, and
that bootlis and other institutions are in
full blast, lie says that there arc just lota
of camper already on- tho ground.- Mr.
Waite, the Secretary, i. kept bny alf the
;me; niaking entries and giving the de
fired infoi .T.aiiU couceriiing the gronuds.'J Tate' iias
come to the conclusion thai ll.?t little old i
ofTlce," with a " red front, situated ' be
tween ST E. Yoartgs dry good? store and
lie drug store, has ;;:disgi-act' Main street
long enough, aud 6a Jt.ucsda-, work
men commenced to move the building back,
in Order,; to put tip a ubstintlal j brick
structure In its place. ' This is about one. of
the wisest conelnsions the doctor eottld have
taken. We wish that others in this .city
would follow Uie example of Messrs. Fro
man and TatCi and tea away some of these
old rookeries that ;stind along' Front street
and put op 'substantial brick buildings. ? ,
The MAnsifeK CCEirr: -Th6' Concert
last evening 'Jit', tlie Cbnrt House, ; by Miss
Fanny Marston, was fairly ; attended.
Our citizens, had tliey known the great
treat in store for tliem, --would - hare crowd
ed the" 4nditorini, ?ve leil convinced tiotr
witlistniMJing the attractions oQered by the
Firemen's bail. And to pay that Miss Mar
stonls singing was grand, superb, surpass
ing anvtlHuai we, ever Jieard. on the occa
sion, fills, to express pur appreciation of it
Such power fltia sweetness were probably
never coinbined la one- oice.; wan .
charming presence, and almost Scbild-ilke
ways; '"wlieii the full measure ot lier rich
voice tails in-sweet cadence on tlie enrap
tured ear of the Jis'teneKjalT ef e is lost to
perception save her smiling setf. She is a
Pacitiu Coast girl, and we ore proud of her,
and cliallcngo thei world "to fluflf lifer eqaal
in sonr if iss Marstoh goes to FoAIandjbn
to-day's train, and we congmtitlatc in ad
vance, the people -tse bal eftydit the rich
treat in store tor them. All bail to the
Queen Beetof songpnot nly of thol'aciile
Cosit, butjof UiQjWijrld Mt .,4
As tlie eutire ibrce of the Jfew Jferfhieett
intend visiting the Srate Fair, Mrs.f Duni
way announces that there will be no paper
t&uea irom uuitoiLice uexi ween. -s. 1
PkttT" TmEF.-Yestei-day, Mr. John
Lark ins,' who lives hut a short distance
from this city, came to town and diove his
wagon in the al lev j nst back ot S. E
Young's store, and he .and his wife went
into the store-to do some trading. The
ladv had to return to the wagon for some
thing and she had just 'got to the door when
she observed a man take a coat rnat nau
been left in the waffoO antLstart off with it
3Irs. Jj. cave the alaroi and her husband
came to the door and she inlormed him
what had liaopeued and pointed out tlie
man who was tlien going down the alley
with the coat 011 his shoulder., Mr. L,.
soon overtook him and made him give up
flic coat, and then applied a. a o. 10 boot to
the scoundrel anil let him go.
. A Gbasd Time. Quite' a number of tho
friends of Mr. and Mrs.. Tlios. Taylor
Miss Annie Bently met at the residence ot
Mr. Wm. Tweedale last Tbursito.r evening
to pay their respects to the newly weddel
pair. The bpiss bajid fnmlsjiwl some, (le-liiTitfii-jurf
wine and cake were spreail
and all partofc of tlie bo,uoUful supply.
Toasts; 'regail3 aiut well Wishes were free
ly expressed by all. We were not present
owing to our "inability to leave the office.
It was fltiitoMsite ,wlien theitjolly: crowd
quitted the house, f wishing thenv a safe
journey upon the; rnatrimotnulea. fir.
aim sirs. Tavlor took ynsterdiiy moriUBg
express lor Salcm. w here yiev will remain
a short time and tlien prooeed on their way
to AValla Valla," their future home.
f ? . , r r . f- "y ist
if f-s &vturtlay,-'iOetolx!6n.,5 ti s i
Anocr, Bkidgi. The attention of road
suiei visors, is, called to. the bad jstate m
which some'ef the "bridges are in at tlie
present time. One Of our physicians the
1 otlier dayj 'Jtiylog to this --city- from visit
ing a patient out ou the Corvallis road, on
on this side of the river, ljad occasion to
cross one county bridges, ,whcn one
Of his borses liroke ' through the flooring
with both fore-feet. The doctor had no
sooner succeeded In 'txtHcating - the" anl
mal's fore-feet, when the hind-feet went
througlt. and he was delayed quite a while,
beskles tlie- danger to the limbs of the horse.
There are a number ot bridges on the va
rious roads leading into this city in a di
lapidated and broken condition, and unless
they are rcp:,red very . soon, f the county
may have the pleasure of paying some
man heavy damages for the loss of an ani
mal. stitch in time, etc ' -
Wkli. Doxe. We have before its the re
port of (he trial of Xo. l's fire engine at the
Fair-on s JYklay. nttcrnooii. ; There"; wiere
thirty-five men on the brakes.- The judges
consisted of . Messrs. W. O. Bruen, cx
Chicf Engineer of tlie. P.F.1.; Harry Mc
Cormick, First Aisisfant Foreman of Pro
tection Co., Xo. 4, Portland ; Al Church,
Willamette Xo. 1, Portland. W. A.
Hart, first Assistant Engineer of P. F, 1.
actetl as referee. Following is the rejiort :
Fikst 1' 100 feet of hose, . inch
nozzle (nozzle put; on i by mistake) threw
water 151 lcet. - i
Sfconp Pl.AY 10fJ feet of hose, 1 inch
nozzle, ISO feet. " , -
Tuit:i Flay Two streams, 50 feet of
hose each, 1 inch nozzle, each stream 1.10
feet. -
Focirrii Play Three streams, 50 feet
of hose cachi 1 inch nozzle, each stream 100
feet. -
AH measurement from the nozzle, and 110
spray. ( , -, . - ;
PiacrABiNf! fob Wak. The Alden Fruit
Preserving Company at Oregon City, are
busy preparing samples of their work tor
the State Fair. Superintendent Pyle says
that he intends to get away With that Geld
Medal, says tlie Enterprise. Well, pTer
haps he will, and then perhaps he won't.
Superintendent ; T. McF, Patton, ot the
Salem Alden 'Compapy, is -also 011 the war
path and will bave epeciiiftnsof his work
in the Pavilion.; Stttt-esmim. It will y!o you
no good to quarrel about it, and for fear
yon should light, we will state that it is re
corded that the Fruit drying efc-tabllshmcirt
at Albany will have that'ihedaL ' .
i SriJCMJip AxnasL-Miyj '1 VT Morris
brought iiito tlie? city j-yestOii-day a inagni-.
ficcnt Pcrcherori coif, sired ty .Mr, ',3Iyer's
'White Prince,"" yearold, thatweigh-
ed nine hundred and fifty pounds, If the
cott keeps lip lit lick at tlie same rate fo
two or three rears more, he'll out weieli
old Barnum's elephant. - The' colt, is finely
put up, has snicnuiu action, nnu is an hon
or to his sire. . Xi.
Ruxaway. Late Friday oven'mg A. X.
Arnold loft Ms team, standing ncir his
residence too long to suit them, and they
levanted, going down Washington street at
Sr-iDidpace. .They ..ran 011 down tothe
;o?t of the street to tlie river front, turned
down tlKT fiver and broiifflitHpngalnst
Messrs. Bench & iTontelwi's-! wareiiousc.
They broke oiifr fore-wlieel and the front
axle : besides other dauingos. 4 The bay j
team Is" decidedly on It. ! t u -n-.. - j
I New Patents.- Tirroiigh the dispatches
to Dewey Co., Patent Agentss 8. F., we
receive the following advance list ol TJ, S,
Patents grantcdt6 ayfldaStltUyeiitors.
viz E. Goat, Napa, Cl.,cliam; Af W.
Lockhai-t,' 'Sacramentci'FCal.V "feeder ' for
threshing machines; .T. H. Mertz, Paso
Robles, CaT.,-tlre upsetting'machlne; BWC,
Ball, Oakland. Cal., wash ftand and water
closet combined. - ? '. .
. , . .. .. - . J'-i i. "i flli t v V; ?
I That TCMWoT.--Tne jSeeretnry of 'the
Linn County Agricultural Association, W.
W, -Farrisb, :Estt., ou Friday presented, lo
Albany Engine Company Jfol, the silver
trumpet, peered y the Association to. the
best drilled hand fire engine. The trumpet
is gold lined, aud neatly scolloped.' " It is a
very IieavyV handsomely gotten up trumrjet,
and the boys feel proud ot it.
New Coach Tlie, America a Exchange
now has a new largo coacli of its own, with
a good span ot horses to haul it to and from
the hotel to tlie depot, lor tlie accommoda-
twiforguestrortba uoS$z '
, f itdtityiG0&3jtt. Va1Uonsstorfeda
jnin'wvj'HStiMyt brttefleHvefy of
niilk to all who Wish to btryV He hOpei to
"convince oii'l citlzehs5 that tt "Is Cheaper to
pay two bits a gallon for lnilfe than to keep
their own cows, I
of- 'Tint- i'.--',. uw.-t
Linn County AgricBural . Association.
; ' ., ; Fkiat; October Rth.
Another beautiful daynd as we ant lei-
.1 ..(vtAwliii. f Im . ' .
iMiet.i . ii.t-iiiitiice was larger
than on any previous day. . After dliTner
Albany ;, Engine Co, , ;liiled :tbeir, engine
to the grounds, and gave tli visitors to the
Fair an idea of what sHefconld do in the
way of , throwing , water; We were not
present, but learn that alio enme right up
c3 ii-u.ii. 111c eomnatnr nn'irio
a iiue uispiy ,iS nicy moveU ftloug throual
Mm efAAa V. .... 1 .1 1. .1 . .
nti rc.mcvi vy UID UTHSS OatlU Oil
their Avay- to tlie Fafr. Practically the
Fair ends to-lay, a"He a, number ',or tlie
VMiirawuia iui yrutsa lliwing aircnuy .with-
drawn. To-morrow K 2niness t ki vrr
liicuiiuuia m-v 10 ou paui, prizes ' awameu,
etc ; ,
.. . back. .. ;
There was but one rtice to-dayv and that
a ruuiiiiijF race, ,' inree in nve. tor .which
there were two entries : Bill Gird names
Bill Gird" and-.? Mr Hiurhes names
"Brown Horse" (at least this was all. the
name we iieanlior buoy. The Brown horse
was shut out on tlie . first heat, and Bill
Gird won the first and second licat, race
ami- purse 01 , u : v.-'.v.- ,
Satubday, Oct. 0.
This mortilng ojieifetf fair and clear only
to see tlie Fair groin ids lcsei-ted,' the Side
shows, campers, exhibitoi-s and all, having
folded their tents and silently stole away.
there was little or no attendance, and the
race advertised for the afternoon came
near lieing spoiled by some, one letting
water on a portion of the track.' In the
showing of blooded stock, f lie tenth annual
Fair of the Litm County Agricultural As
sociation was a success;" in other respects
the fair-was not a success. Tlie ..'.".
TBIAL OF ei'EEn, i"
a mi mere was one one, a trotting race.
was lor ail horses that had never made bet
ter time than three minutes Purse, $150.
The entries were: Roan mare, "Butcher
Girl." by J. L. Harris; grav mare, "Ve-
nta," by J. B. Comstock; "Captain Hogg.
by C. Barnes. "Butcher Girl" took the
lirst and second premiums, distancing tlie
other two animals, in 3:45. So ended the
the Linn County Fair. -
"' Baker, at the Dollar store says be reaped
a bountiful liar vest;. hist week, by selling
goo-Is cheap. - Baker- don't- misrepresent
things. ' lie's another one of them ''fel
lers", that owned a little hatchet.; s '. "
A Long Search Rewabdfj. A few
nays since, - SJiys tlie Clncairo J. rt'mn, :n.
portly and. partriarchal gentleman, might
nave oecn seen passing along i.eavilt street
pausing at each house to ring the door bell
W hen it was luiswerwd he -nlwava sii;led
heavily, ;ind witli a mournful air, asked if
a gentleman who wasn't known 111 tlie vi
cinity lived there. At last he stopped le-
fore a cottage which cave to tlicevean im
pression of humble comfort and refinement
it not grandeur, and rang. The mistress
of 1 lie house answered the ring promptly.
The old man's lace lighted tip with pleas
ure, ami taking. from his finger a diamond
ring, the blazing solitaire in which weighed
nineteen and five-cixtecnth carats, and was
of the purest water, lie said, in a voice hus
ky with emotion : "Take tliis, my dear,
und this too, "taking from his pocket a roll
of parchments. 'Tlmt is the deed, in Ice
simple, to a mansion ami corner lot 011
Calumet avenue,; with a blank , for yon to
fill, with your name. Xay. refuse it - not.
1 am not your long lost uwcle, hut I liave
devoted tlie past seventeen yea as of my life
to seeking the woman who, before answer
ing the door bell, iiiu ot strive to tcep
throujrh the window to see who was there.
Good bye, "and with the agility of a. boy
he sprang into a magiiiticeot barouche that
was drawu by two priceless liorses. aiul
vanished..;-.. f. fs .i-;v r,
Mr. .T. V. Borst. of Snofiualmie urairic.
has recently sent into Seatthjj says the Tri
bune, some mineral specimens,, which he
has gathered about thirty miles east or Se
attle. There are nieces eontainlne 70 nor
cent, of magnetic iron, and other- plainly
and riclily marked with silver and copper.
The deposits from which these specimens
were taken are directly oil the line of tho
proposed Seattle and Wall Walla railroad.
and one day will be of untold value. Fifty
miles from town, 011 the same route, Is an
iron mountain, the ore from which assays
00 per cent, pure iron; !
Tlie parties who left Salem some time
since to take up claims in the Nestucka
country have returned, and do not give verv
encouraging reports of that section. They
went In a wagon to Grand Ronud, and
from there footed it over the mountains.
Tliey took up eight claims, Which they say
embrace all tlie good land liere" is there;
but judging from the reports of other par
tics who hare visited the tBcalityr there
roust be large area ot valuable land to the
north of the Big Nestucka which the Salem
party did not visit. So says the Mercuty.
1 e-i - -- .t;--0 - -
: TKe Walla Walla Statesman says T -Tbe
loss of the Tenino wlii serlously'.Interiere
with the shipment of wheat by way of the
Columbia river. The boats now at the dis
posal of the company are the Tatfnw" and
Ouijhee, capable of carrying oflT, not to ex
ceed 400 tons a Week. As a matter "of
course this will necessitate the holding over
of much of the grain crop to the coming
spring, when it U hoped tbo facilities for
shipment Will be greatly Improved. ,Tlms
far tliis season the movement of grain has
been attended by A series of mishaps, first
npon the railroad and tlien upon Uie river,
until shippers have become dlsheartctied."
I "Tlie Catholic tatlier, w!m -has' been in
charge of the Cceur d'-Alehie Mission for a
period of twenty-seven years. Btates that
all Uie treaties made , wltli these Indians
have been annulled, and everything ia-Te-gard
to tliem Is unsettled. lie says that
very few whites have cone into tlie Ctenrd'
Aleine country, for. the treason that good
lands are scarce, and the roads bad. The
tatlier approves the ''Christian method ot
dealing with Uie lundlans,"; but savs its
Intentions Jiave been thwarted bythoactlon
of corrupt meo;..;( j-ij t 1
1 !jrndgei Hewitt, late rwYamhUl county
has purchased Matheny'a ferry., and will
paid was 10,000.''" -'-
... .r t rs'-i Irii
Some Ingenious- - observer- has discovered
thtit there i a renwi kabha resetnblanee be
tween a baby and wheat, since 1 is cradled
then thrashed, and finaly becomes the flower-ot
the family. - - - -
is kw youk, Oct 5. The fifth report of
iiivcsriganon ;.;omniisston mane
iwiblic to-tlay, states that the financial rc-
stijt 01 teo. 1 1. Lord s career as a legislator,
and contractor with the State, so far as has
oecn inveatigated, gives an ao-Teoate of
AIDS ...... v . . . . 7
Tt;i i),in?u imtKinieutiy paid DV or
charged against the State for work covered
by his repair contract of $lM00 a year. It
impnciues in mcse 1 ranc is several canal
Commissioners and inspectors and nieni-
bars of both branches of the State Legisfci-
e State Leirisfti-
tnre, ami says in whatever
direction tfib in-
Riciimokd. Va.. Oct. 5.-A bill of fore-
n1n.,.n r-1 , 1 1
vn i. j. . v..TO11vtr ,Hi vm JMiii-
road nrst mortgngo-was flletl yesterday in tonfZ.":' l'"vL' p'.1'? ,eK
the 17. S. Circuit? Court tor this district. J ..." F.?y).eLf" rore forfi-i ted rights to
An identical one :bas also been placed on
file at Parkorsbnns,' West.Vinrinia. An
order prclimmary to-eceivet-sbip,
with an umiiiotiou rastinluinorAi
ference witll any mortgaiedrrtVpend-
inetlie nrocccdimrs. baS be,, kJSi. hT
Judge Bond. . , . t, , , , '
Cixcinxati. Oct. 5 Tlie disease amono-
horses, known a ti, v,i-,ti h..
horses arc cou:hiiic-. though none are down
as vet. In manv private stables tint dis-
ease is appearing in . the swellinir of the
glands In the neck ot the animals. At the
least calculation 2.000 horses are sufierinsr
nroirr ?r ic-? irom me iiisease. ...
Moxtbeau Oct. G- The epizootic Is
spiesding and all the large stables in the
city are affecteil. The disease is also pre-
vaient-ln Toronto. Hamilton and London.
Xew Yobk, Oct. The Snnreine
ouri, genemi term, rendered a decision
this morning. Judges Davis and Brady
giving uie opinion, contii ining JiKlgo Bar
rets s oruer 111 cnambers. denying the mo
tion to vacate the order of arrest ou the six
million dollars' suit arainst Win- M.
Tweed, or to reduce the three million dol
lars' bail. Alio her decision was given
through Judge Davis, reversing Judge
Donehue's order, from which the weoide
appealed, requiring a bill of particulars as
to the fradiilent bills anu vouchers com
plained of by the people
h'KOvmENCE. K. I., Oct. 0. Most of the
valuable bank letters sent from this. (Provi
dence) postollice to Boston Saturday night
are missing. A similar wholesale loss of
bank letters sent to Boston occurred the last
of July, and smaller losses twice since.
The business community is much agitated
New Okleans, Oct. 6. The Galveston
biidge over the bay Is repaired, and trains
running regularly into tlie citv. Scarcely
any traces .remain of tlie effects ot the
storm. Business is active iu all branches
of trade. Contributions are coming in
from all sections lor the sufl'erers, and is
being forwarded to poiuta wlicre most
needed. Galveston liarbor is srreatly bene-.
mteu iv the srorm, Having washed anil
leepcned the channel over he bar several
feet. There is now 14 to 15 feet Of water
on the bar. Liverpool six-amcrs catne over
o the wharf without lighten mr. Wrork ou
the Santa Fc railroad is being pushed for
Toledo, Oct. 6. .V stockholders" meet-
ng of the T. W. & W. B. It. Co. reorgan
ized hai-riionion-sly. Gov. Cox. chairman.
and Messrs. Ashley and Corry appeared as
a committee from the recent stockholders
meeting in A ew York. A lull statement
ot the condition of the company and a his
tory of the foreclosure proeeei lings up to
date were friven by the chairman. Mr.
Ashley offered a resolution renncsthia ihe
lireetors to procure delay until further cou-
iilt.-uion could be Iwu between the stock
and the bondholders, which passed with
opposition, lhc election is progressing.
t Is understood the compromise ticket will
be elected to fill one third ot the Board,
who-; places become vacant. . ' , :
WASHisr.TON, Oct. a. The comptroller
of the currency has called oil the National
Minks for a report exhibiting their condi
tion at the :!o3e of bniness. ' '
ChiCaoo. Oct. a.- Washington special
says the tacts In the SehafTetiburg case, as
Heretofore telegrapnec are cmoracetl in
Fornej''s reports to the Attorney General.
The mot pmcfli'al result of his journej'
was accomplished in securing the indict
ment of Scha ffenburg on the four accotmts
took out. The ex-marshal was held In
the sum of $22,000 bail. Forney also
report" that the. Government ought not to
top tnere. as lie nas garnered -evidence
srainst - scnattennurg - tnac win warnuit
lurry liioiciiiicun lur iicrjtiry. - tinny in i
dictments for fraudulent accounts, and suits
to reeover upwards of $100,000 frandulent-
idulent- I
taken from the treasury ot tne Cmted
States. 'He savsSchafroiihnrg, who tried to
Xr.tflWndwr aUt toV
I and would jump the country d,, l?y f " "jf1 btaUs" ,
.for Ms- bondsmeiT, who say .N')r ?B"; 7; i'he rinal par
brass out the
oughly scared
it it were noc.ror ms' ooimsmeiT, wno say
that he has received to-day word' from Den
ver that tlie Colorado delegaticn will call
on tlie President this evening to beg ofT for
SchatTeitburg. They will clalrh that his
prosecution will break down the party in
;oiorauo ; mennwrme me present marstiai,
wiioin the
enhew of
'ol. Chas. C. JLompkms, a 1 man
iuz cannot rcare or buy, is a ne
the President, and has also made arrange
ments to can on Air. uratit witn tne dele
gation., Mr. Forney says, if tho govern-
ment pnsn&iie cases .now ui mo u. .
Court, 'those: j against bcJiaftenburg. D.
Mollat & Co. and ex-Register Cook, for the.
loss and frauds, the ring will be completely
broken up, and the reign ot good roen iu
Colorado secured. , ?t, fat-
Washixrton.' Oct. 6. -A delegation of
Pueblo Indians, trora Xew Mexico, arrived
here Oils .morning, unaccompanied by.any
Agent or interpreter. ; They can only speak
mixed Spanish. They were taken to tlie
Washington Honse, and a gentleman speak
ing Spanish took them to the ludian bureau
about lr. M.iTbey bring a letter 'of in
struction from the Indian , agent at -Now
r,,i. . n rHtim, in .,aisi. I.
Mh eir(rriflvaneesaiidthj1inetnfthrtwli;iesset a parade of a portion of the New
visit. . i - - t, , I
WOKCESTEB. Mass.. OctvG. About thir
ty delegates are. holding a labor .reform
convention in tins city. . Chamberlain,
ot Boston, presiding. -Resolutions were re
ported from a committee in favor of con
centration of efforts for a reduction of the
hours of labor, denouncbig tlio Fall River
manufacturers, advising tlie workingmen
to keep away from all preseot political par
ties favoring the substitution of 3-d5 bonds
for the 5-20s, and the making of greenbacks
legal tender payble ford titles and all debts,
and denouncing the national bank system
as one of the greatest swindles on n peni
tent people.-.- v-r.':rit f-n-xj. -'.
Xew YOKK.:Qct. 6 The report of the
Rapid-Tratisit Commission 'of- Xew :York
was give n to the press this afternoon. From
more tiyai one hundred plans tlie commis
sioners have selected arid, adopt otl three,
cither of which may .bo construe ted singly
or by combining the three., , .There are a
single track road on each side of the streets,
over jtho sidewalks, elevated on a siogla
line of columns, or n. double-track road over
tlie center ot tbo streets by posts placed in
tho roadway, justs spanning tbe horse-car
tracks, or supported on- gmhic nirhes span
ning the streets from curb to curb, accord
lugu3 to plans presented . by Richard
Morgan, ot Blopmlngton, Illinois.
iKW UEHFOBIV, Oet.TJ-siTliP f!i-f. rn.
gressional district Republican convention
to-day, nominated Hon. Win. N Cropoi of
m7w tW for ""'gross, iu place of the
late Mr.,Botriuton. , ,
f toTTSviLi.K Pa., Oct. GLast .night
the fireman at Oraneber & Rumpel's col-
IlflV- . iir ' T wHns. 1 -
UvnZhZ u-"lP '"isvoverwl that 'n
n W rV'-r WHS W flre bv the locAKli
fl',;,,, Ifore assistance could arrive tho
flre had gained such headway that it was
found Impossible to save the breaker. wwS I
rniiBiimoii - n.iti. s.1 . " , .
wiui tiic! rnnronro i ra
. TT . . " ' 1 - "
rfi.,,.V . "TA., c v".te me otate
IZZ" ". ." "-""initional amendment.
1?25 "S.00 33.670 yea, ik1
S W Ill-eiSllt lOWIIK f n Wli Ymn
The vote on M. n.,L...i ,
itov w jw to,lu'13M;
I Jrahfomla wool in de-
J,.1''.'h'U. . Court In Jnne
f-w' "i t& ' 013 possession, with Intent
"I cwuuorien . money,- ;m
S'i"eu a new trial yesterday.
- -. "r ' ijjimtu s r riar s
x vniii niicvuri. tins morniiw
mpnrsnit 01- tlie ne-
fe',-1 ' ,uer .general .xteese (coloml) on
wL??F.,-m to 'nnfordsvilie.a. Frank
L"' a'wtushi and fetally
wounded by nesrtoes. near Surrniiniiwi
on 1 nestlay.; - A squad of white cavalry.
under Captain Bnrke. afterwards riiarged
Hip necrroes li- x 1 i. i. : , 1 71
three, wounding one, who is doubtless dead.
" i ruitil-ll. fMl 1 II 1T
ami succeeded m capturing five, who are
now in jail. Chalmers mminnnil n( 9SO
cavalry has not yet returned. Forty or
fltty ot his command remained last niirlit nr.
oiaricMiaie to watch the negroes in thatdi
recrion, as several places were threatened.
Chalmers", with the rest, nroeeodod hist.
night to Jonestown. 14 miles northeast of
Here, where tlie negroes, under Gen. Bill
i-ease, are reported in force, about 500
strong. Information istoceived this morn
ing that Chalmer's pickets were within
sigiit of their outposts, but no fight had oc
curred when tlie courier left last evening.
Negroes are also reported in force at Lake
Alcorn, 12 miles from here. Fighting was
reported going on there, but the report is
unconfirmed. There are about 100 armed
citizens, who picket the town and will re
main untu disturbance and security to lite
and property is restored-
Washington, Oct. 6.."r-Among the true
bills returned by the Grand Jury are eight
iu connection with the recent robbery of
the United States Treasury of over $47JXM).
as follows: Against Benjamin B. Halleck.
two indictments: one each for larecnv and
embezzlement; Wm. II: Ottman. three in
dictments, grand Weeny, receiving stolen
property and receiving embezzled monej';
J.AV. Brown, three indictments, grand lar
ceny, receiving, concealing anil attempting
to conceal stolen money, and receiving,
concealing and attempting to conceal em
bezzled money, knowing it to liave been
stolen and embezzled. Tk offence is pun
ishable, by confinement in the ieiiitciitiary
not more than seven years, or by fine not
more than $7,000. or hot It.
WASirrxr.TON, Oct. 6. To-d.iv. in the
friend of C. G. Fisher, late assistant district
attorney and now iu iail awaitimr trial.
tiled a petition for a writ ot balsas corpus.
lepresentuiir Fisher as bclnir of unsound
mind and not responsible tor his nets.
fudire McArthur will liear the application
Saturday. . . , ,
Cleabi ieli, Penn , Oct. S. Parks was
sentenced to hard labor for one year and
fincd'a dollar and costs, the latter estimated
at $1,500. , ......
Haktfori). Oct 7 Rev. Thos. llrdcr.
pastor, of Strong street Baptist Church,
Aottltigli.ini, England, was found in
his bed this morning at the residence of
airs. Harriet Beecher Stowe. Mr. Ryder
was tniveliiis tor his health, and rtrohnblv
died of heart disease. He met Mr. and
Mrs. Stowe at Twin Mountain house in
Angut. and had callctl to visit the lamilv.
MiLwAfKrE. Wis.. (X;t. 7. A man eail-
ing himself Chas. Dmiiels, prescnfeil at the
First National Bank here a counterfeit let
ter of credit for $3,000, purporting to be
from the New York nirents of fie Bank of
British Jfnrth America. lie was arrested.
ami is in custody.
I'lTTSKtEfiH, Oct. 7. In tlKS STrit Of
Rchook & Palmer, of. Xew York, asrainst
McKee Rankin. Jmlge Wing. to-lay issued
a. pei-peiuai ininction asilnst the latter.
i , r .. " ... .
A" P",c"?" l"f P'V
vi M5 wij, iiiw is
tue nrst time decision nas Deeu rendered by
any court that Shook & ralmcr haveex-
representative of the Gorhanv ManuTactur
ing Company, went to protest on the 5th.
His failure is caused by fcxrse real estate
transactions" in New York and Boston, and
in no way impairs the credit or standtmr of
thoGorham Manufacturuig Company,
1 ne reI,ort f the Treasurer of tlie Pea-
'-J ....... .w i vwi kv utfv nuci iiuuil .-CKlHUf
and sho.ved the total amount available for
appropriations to educational purposes to
After recess, the special mmmittm nn.
iiuutteu 10 report on unitorm tiireau and
dimensions of hose conn!lnr. recomtneiu11
that tlie luside diameter ot couplings be 2
incites in the clear, that the outside be 3i8
Inches, exclusive of thread. and inclusive
of thread, 3? Indies, and tliat tlie number
of threads to tlie inch be eight, The Con
vention adjourned to meet in the morning,
and go in a body to tlie review or the fire
department in Union Park.
Xew Yoek. Oct. 8. The fire engbicera
met tO-dav Olllv tor closins' exercises, nod
adjotirued fio meet in Philadelphia next
yvut, Alter" auiouriimcnt -the rtelesrates
loik fire department. ; tv-
ME3irms. Oct. 7. Senator Alcorn has
telegraphed the Attorney General to the ef
fect that several of the dispatches relating
to the disturbances at Friar's Point are
without foundation, and tlwt there is no
cause of ahum for the peace oftlwtconnty.
The mob has dispurscd and it is thought
will remain quiet. There is no question of
politics in this" excitement. The distur
bance was originated by party of several
nuncircu negroes, wno lUMi ocen mobw "7
the ill tempered sheriff. ; They marched on
tlie town, but were readily dispersed. r ; ;
Xew Yobk. Oct, 8 Momlyandfianlsey ,
will begin their revival, work. October -wsi,
in tlie Brooklyn rink, which lias a capacity
ef seven te eight thousatf. Services win
bo on. the, same genorais.ju.aiii piosucu
Great Britain.
'. .1.-1 sf:
Ciitr.r.r. Oct. 8. The iron propeller
nfenJiant. which left this nort Wednesday
afternoon foe Buffalo, haying on board 30,
000 bushels ot corn, and; 1,200 barrels of
flour, struck a sunken tm3 11 Racine reef,
and sunk about 9 o'clock that night in nine
Cithoms of water, ,The JUercAajit U one ot
tlie finest, boats . in the Anchor Line and
was making her first irip of the season,
wblcl accounts possibly for tbe bad man
agement of Uie vessel, as there Is apppar.
eutly no excuse but that. of bad. saifing, or
. -I . .1 1 -..'.. - , . : r 1 - 1 n I . ' a
thti. accident. Tbe dangers of JtaclW rwf
liave lidCn pobited out b tlie governrneiit
authorities and the press, and unlervW
sel becomes. (nmanageable, whlcB drbes ridt'
fcppear, no otljer cause can be assigned far
the disaster. &
, Bosrftt od s.i.M;rbmbrrbK'
Hanged this forenoon in Charles street JafL
for the imirder of Mre. Mflrgare"f E'Brtg"
ham,, in East Boston, oh the 224 ot March,
lie was. little aflecteil. calm without being'
stolid or Indiftereiit. His death was Instttr&V
taneons and was caused by concushloi
Liie umiu or shock oi tne rail. At I0:S(r
the doors were opened and the ' execution
was over, the whole time being exactly on
bonr. The body was givea tb his .tfH&- , ,.
New York, be'. 8-The police thliite-"
they have captured the murderer of Jas. N.' '
Xoe. but are very recticent about IV
lheir captive has been- recognized as ihm'
man i who pawned Noe's stch In B00ipv'
lyn tlie day after tlie murder'.
ci.d savs it is renorted upon uhnt ti Ji4 -
4eigootliiiithority. thata new SecretiiBr
or the inferior Will be announced to-bor?'
row, and further, that hia name has not ye
been mentioned In the speculation, hereto;
fore, made concerning t that appointment. '
Washingtoji,. Oct. 8. The Treasury"'
Department was officially advised to-day'
that parties in the Cochrane distillers nrwt
of tlie largest in Cliieairn. mm lasr; nln
ca light in tbe act of wi3ilt5WrisFU9 uiii
lawfully from tbo cistern room. . . : o : r
WASHKITTrJift Ot..8. Actlntr SceiifaW
Cowan hasjiffirmetl, tlie decision o?the gen-'
era! land office in the matt Ottffe liifjclltr'
Ilussna. directinff'the Dublicatioii'in'idAr Otm
act of Jannary, 1SP4. of the sirrvey of that
rnnche made In 1859. When.' the srrrTte
was made In 1859 tbe authoritieS'!d& not6
publish it, but set? If. aside,' aha' without
paying any regartfto it1 rb.nte a ne'w-' sup-",
vey. Tlie decisfon jnst rendered directs the
1859 survey to be published", and plaees the
whole quest ion back to that date, rcirardlesv'
of subsequent surveys.
Wasiiixotos, Oct. 8. The Dfstrfef A IV
toniey to-day eiiteretTstlttfiii tfi .dlstHct?
court in the name of the United: State 1
against G. W. Bollock for $16,000, balance'
due on a special settlement of bis account
as chief disbursimr officer for the Creed-"'
man's bureau. - ..- .
Ztasiardly Attempt to FoUoai a wtwle
Fatally The - IotsniMis Com psssnsl'
Placed In tbe apont ol tbe , Faaafljr .
Well or Mr. Orin HaTaa;e HmW
cape from lientbor.Hr. BwvKs;e."
From the Salem Statesman of Tuesday 'r '
October 5th, we clip tbe folloiv1fafrt; We"
are called upon to record a mct'dastkrdjy ,
attempt to poison an entire tamtjybjr'.
placing a deadly compound' in tHe Iron'
spout of tlie well in the jiuft' of a" well1
known citizen of this eonntyl livihg'oh the' '
SUverton road, about one mItebeysoidJ tbd
Fair Grounds. The tacts ns given are as -follows:
Mr. Savage,; wno is an early
riser, was the first to get ap yesterdays
(Momlay) morning and feeling-thirsQr vl'dntf ,' .
o the well and drew about a' half a gallon,'
of water and drank a Copious draught.- A
few minutes afterwards lie was taken wlttr
violent cramps accompanied with an in
tense burning at tlie stomach and with cot'
tinned spxsmodic retelling. . Becoming
alarmed a messenger was dispatchxTtb'tne
city for Dr. J. CJ. Sheltbn, who npon ar
riving at Mr. Savage's found him- sttffei-
lug intensely and bearing" immisSthftb&r
evidence of having been poisoned:- Re roe-'
dies were given which soon relieved Mr
Savage, but he Is yet suffering from tbe ef'
fbcts of tliis devilish attempt to com miff
mrmJei: - - :- ' ' --.
Suspecting tAe water",- Mr'. Savage direct-'
ed tlie pnmpv an iron one, to be taken npy . -and
the yell examined. In carrying-oatf ,
instructions a piece of cloth was fitaid-lh
the spout coneainmg sfraiigo looking;-,
conipound. Dr. Slielton brought the hllxX
ture to tlie city, and after analyzlng'abeordl'
mg to the usual tests known to irjiemls&j
found the comnomid to consist of corrri-
sublimate, sub accrate of iron and ppobHtkiy'.
stryclHiVne. As the WeH had1 been dsed the'
night previous, tlie compound1 had" been
placed in the spont some time dirrinc Sun-' -
day night. We have not learned that there -
is any clue as to who perpetrated this da-
trtrdiy act, but doubtless steps will be taken "
to uriug tue cowardly vuiaui to justice.-
; ncAijTn sotksv
Life would be a perpetual flfertdfnnt itm ,
man were obliged to run down all the innn
endoes, inveracities. Insinuations and' sot-
piclons which are uttered against hlmi ,,. ,
When Brigham Young was in Jall; the ,
oilier day for contempt of Court, there wenr '
five of his wives weeping at each window
of that institution, and twelve at the door.- .
A gentleman advertises bis willingnes '
to exchauge a cork leg for a revolver. rTblw
is the nearest approach to the old law of
retaliation we have seen tor a long time
It isn't an eye for An eye but its a le tar '
an arm. . .,.....,. ........
'' lie lield the old shirt np by the neck b- ,
foie discarding it forever, wit lie wasn't -'
mourning for the garment. lie only swfcV
thtisly'i' I wish I had alt the drink auaihts
tha t have gone through that old neckoAidt
"Xow, siy soc," said a Brooklyn fatber ' :
"take this castor oil or out you go Unotwia .
tbe window" "Boo-hoo-hoo'v saltj ttier
little man, after applying tbe point ot tha ,
spoon for a few moments to Ins lips, "Mw :
can't take It papa.' Fomeoufde winner! "
A lady who loved Bulwer entered boofc
store just as one of the clerks liad kUIed
large tat. "I wish to see 'Wlust will he
do with it?' " she said to it boy behind tSm
counter. "Wei I, "said the boy, "Ifyow'M
'ep to tbe window, you will probably sev ';
him sling It Into the back -lot, .; , , .; ,
, The other dy an old fellow from Det--
ware, going west, stepped off the car, amdY
slipping down on the platform, and broko
his leg. Everybody sympathized with ,
hi in. In his misfortune, but he wared Ida
hand and replied, " It's all right 4 no one
to blame but mvsef. Mv old womnn was-'
lakl op tor two years ami' now I've got a
chance to get even with her. It she don'S-1
have to do some tall dusting around andl
sitting up nights tnv name faht Jordan." :
Yonns Coviile was in the hat store with
a companion last evenlnff. . "What klndl -r
of a ha t do yon-want, young; mnn soft or
tiff ft Inquired! the- proprietor. MSolt,;'' i
said young coviiie "Why don't yongetw., ,
stiff 'nn, Bill?" wblspered his- wtrprlsedS
friend. .."AiSUST nnl" elaculanxl) votmfE'
Covllle, staring contemptuously atf hti'
companion. "And what kind af a cbnneer
do yon suppose. I'd have for getting out At "
tne nonse wun a stm nas unuer my jackett
inKjuw tit.-t. seeing me an- mantnz
a-uma K..-.1. ? it: t . .
"nuo uvav uu UM1UH-WU NieiU.
f 5
i 1