The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, October 08, 1875, Image 4

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    -;. ; " , "
. Corner Ferry and Jrt Slreett.
On copy, one yea.
tz SO
1 SO
One copy, six months..
To clubs of twenty, each copy...- "i oo
single copies ...ach wmo.
Subscribers ontstdo of Linn county will be
charged 20 cents extra Hi 70 for the yeor as
that is the amount of postago per annum
which we are required to pay on each paper
mailed by us.
Agent far the Befrtstcr.
The following' named gentlemen are author
ized to recciv and receipt for subscriptions
to the Rbohstrr in the localities mentioned :
Messrs. Kirk Jt Hume ........ Brownsvl He.
Robert Glass. Crawfordsville.
W. P. Smith . .Halsey.
O. P. Tompkins... Ilarrisburg.
. H. Claughton Lebanon.
A. Whoeler Co ........Shedd.
Messrs. Smith & Brasfleld Junction City.
J. B. Irvine . ..Scio.
Thou. H. Reynolds. Salem.
W. Water house Monmouth.
..OCTOBER 8, 1873.
Ah How la A Detroit Police Court.
Only one more Summer month," re
marked His Honor, as he hung up his caue
and stood his hat iu the corner.
"Yes, we are passing away passing
nway," sighed BSj:ih, wiping the dew trora
tiehlnd his ears. "It won't be Ion" before
certain people that I know of will be laid
away, and thev'll have to answer for some
tarnal mean things."
His Honor looked at the old janitor.
Bijah looked out the window at a dog
dragging a bone. .' ' - .
. The clerk silently gaaJ at the gorgeous
new water-cooler. . j- -
"Mr. Joy, let the prisoners to, "said his
Honor at last. In a quiet Tolee a voice
betraying the feet Sbat hd would bide his
time lo get even. - J t -
Samuel Prescott and Mrs. Prescott, man
and wife, and colored, came out in a body,
'Family fight, eh?" queried the court.
"He fout me 1" she exclaimed.
'Doan you believe it !" he shouted.
"He'sa reg'lar plrut!"she squeaked.
"Jed go, doan you let dat ar' woman fool
ye!" be answered. .
"JCow, then, what la this row about, and
who's to blame ?" asked the Court.
"He's ter blame!"
She's ter blame!"
I want you to both shut up, or talk one
at a time. Now, Mr. Prescott, was there
a fight?" ,
"X)ere was, sah she fout me."
fh ' roll. but dafs a whopper!" she
shouted. "Why, Jedge, dat nigger is de
wustest pusson dis side ot tanaxiy i"
"DoarT you believe dat, J edge I fche 9
de one to blame 1 She's de Indyvldnal
who makes dis world a perfeck wilderness
for me". . , .'
' I want to know who is to
blame," said His Honor, tapping the desk
at each word.
"He's de pusson !" ,t
"She's de pusson !" . . .
"See here, 1 cant tool around with this
case anymore. I have no doubt that both
of you deserve to be punished, and the sen
tence of this Court is that you both return
borne and jaw and fight and pull hair and
mawl each other around for the next five
"Jedge, I want" ' - ,
I don't care go borne get out of
here vanish and begone and get away and
And they lelt.
j 'You can smile and smile," remarked
the Court, as a girl about 18 years old
nipped out. . . .
'But the law wants to know why you
threw a pop bottle through a window on
Beaubien street last night.
"Has any one a right to make faces at
me?" she asked.
'I waa going past Mrs. Johnson's, and
-she made up a face like this and then
shook her list at me like this j and then
I flew mad." ' ' .
"Well, Miss Prim, it was your duty to
-pass right on without seeming to notice
Iier, even if she had stood on the front steps
and called yoo a strawberry blonde, or
yelled ot that your pull back dress didn't
pull for shucks. There's my clerk over
there. Almost every day as he passes along
the street some one calls out, 'Shoot that
necktie!' or See those little cane!' but
be never lets on to hear. He knows hi3
duty and he knows what law is."
I 'I won't do such a thing again sir," she
J said.
"Well, I shan't punish you for what you
are not going to do, but in this case it's
$10 or sixty days,"
She smiled as sweetly as ever, nipped
lock into the corridor, and was last seen
-writing a message to her sister on a sheet
-of brown paper.
He was a stogy-looking fcllow. one eye
swelled shut, one finger badly bitten, coat
-torn down the back, hat gone, and his
good eye having a wild look. He was a
former, and he bad come la with some
produce, sold It tor cash down, and sold
bta cash for whisky.
"Found in an alley, ugly drunk," said
the Court. '
"Well I feel mean enough about it,"
aeplied the prisoner.
. "Wanted to have a good time, eh?"
"And X guess you had one f You look
party, you do, Mr. Bambo ! You look
dice to go home to your wife and children."
. "I made a fool of myself." ,
"And I am glad to bear you own the
corn. Yea were as ngly as a Malay when
the police brought you in ; but as yon are
Jdl banged up, repentant, and $40 out of
socket, I'm going to let you go home."
"Moeh obliged!"
Tes, sir 'most always."
WeU, now, when yon reach borne you
tell ber that you went down to tbe fer
. ry dock to see the little steamers canter
back and forth over tbe foaming billows,
wwr tugs anavpropelier ran Into
your bows and almost stove you. to pieces."
"Yes, sir; I wljl." .
"And sbell believer It?" - '
Well, go out ; put beef on your eye,
salve on your finger, run yonr face for a
bat, aud when you come to . Detroit again
see if you can't keep irom making a fool of
'You needn't have no trial over me,"
said William Palmer, as be toed the mark.
"You want to plead guilty, eh?"
"Yes, sir. Send me right up." ?
, "I'll send yon up, of course, but hasn't
the pure air of liberty any charms for you?
Hadn't you rather ride on tbe ferryboats
and see the women Clint away when tbelr
bats blow ofT than go up to the retreat and
make chairs?"
"No, sir. I'm tired out, hungry, strapp
ed and discouraged.
-'Will sixty days do you?" , . - ,
1 dunno."
"Well, say four months?"
"IM rather you'd make it six. I wan
to sit down and think and get fat and re
gain ray health. I'm shattered to pieces."
"BtsLUtia, Mr. Palmer, and if I could sen
you Jor sixty, years I'd do that I see you
dont care fo your character. You are an
old log, coateaU to float with the curret.
Wfaea you sit down you want some one to
rig a derrick and hoist you up so as to
save exertion. 'I'll send word up by the
driver, and I'll bet my farm la -Canada
against a bat that you'll step around high
vh&Q your sentence lasts." :
A tow-headed bey. of e'gbt summers waa
brought out and lectured on the slu of call
ing names and throwing mud, and when
ba deputed the ilaria pranced around, tbe
two prisoners were brought out and the
band warbled . s
ITcr name is Prim and hbt 3 Palmer(
. He's a dunce and she is smart.
Ho don't care, but site is weeping
Just aa If 'twould break her heart.
" They tell a? wicked story!' about
jo vul soul tliat canic np to the gates of
Heaven and asked admission. "No,"
said St. Peter, severely; "you can't get
in; you're not fit." . The traveler step
ped back, looked the old saint steadily
in tlie eye and crowed three times. St.
Peter colored, shuddered, and fumbled
for nis key. "You can go in," said he,
in a rather shaky voice, "but don't do
that to me again-"
i '(Brooklyn has a mania fbr queer
lawsuits, its latest venture in that direc
tion being au action brought by one
Ilugg against Miss Sarah Williams for
breach ot promise. Vlule Sarah was
poor the pledged herselt to . Ilugg, but
an ana died and left her $40,000 and
she repudiated Ilugg. The damages
are laid at $20,000 which shows a dis
position ou Hugg's part to deal fairly."
Hurrying down Jefferson avenue yes
terday to the depot a man struck a
heap of peach skins and fell on his
beam-ends and rolled over twice before
he stopped. A boy, standing in the
centre ot the street, anxiously inquired:
"I3e you hunting for anything, mis
ter?" "Come here, bub," said the man as
he sat np ''come an' get ten cento and
some candy and plums aud juba paste!
That's a good boy, come and see me.."
"Your intentions may be good,", re
plied the boy, as he backed off, "but I
guess I'll wait till the other booting
Sets over aching besore I get any near
er." Free JPres. -
, The three Misses Cooks (triplets)
after relating a Christian experience,
were received into a lull fellowship of
Rockspring Church, Wi&, of the order
of Primitive Baptists. The ordinance
of baptism administered, communion
taken, and the washing of feet received
by them at the same time.
; Mispl,aced Feae. All languages
have a literature of terror about death.
But living is far more terrible iu reality
than dying. It is a life that loments
pride, that inflames vanity, that excites
the passions, that feeds the appetites,
that founds aud builds habits, that es
tablishes character, aud, binding up tbe
separate straws ot action into one sheaf,
hands it to the future, saying : "As ye
have sowed, so shall ye reap." And
again: "As ye reap, so shall ye bow."
A lately appointed Postmaster of a
western Massachusetts town came down
to Boston the other day to rtqualify"
aud have his bond for $600 approved.
The bond was all right, and the
regular question was put to the P. M.:
"How much are yon worth sir?" " Wal,"
be replied, "1 don't tell how much I'm
worth. Brad street sets me at $10,000.
I guess you'd better put it down at that
figger." "How much do the assessors
set you at?" "Wal, the assessors don't
set me at quite so high a figger; but (in
a confidential whisper) 'tween you'n
me, 1 ' one of the assessors" Uos
ton IVabeler. t
; Goo Law fob the Girls. By an
ancient act of the good old Scottish par
liament, passed in the reign of Margaret,
about 1288, it was "ordouit that daring
ye reign ot her matst blessit Majestie,
ilka maiden ladee, of baith high aiid low
estait, shall bae liberty to speak ye man
she likes. Gif he refuses to take her to
bo his wit, he shall be mulct in the sum
of an hundrity poundis, or : less," as his
estait may be except and always gif he
make it appear that he is betrothit to
onither woman; then he shall be free."
The .Osiox as Food. It la stated
that the onion forms one of the common
and universal supports of life in Spam
and Portugal. Authority shows, accord
ing to analysis, that dried onion contains
from 25 to 30 per cent, of gluten, and
ranks in this respect with the nutritious
pea and the grains. It is not merely as
a relish that the wayfaring Spaniard eats
Lis onion with his humble crust of bread
as be eUf by the refreshing spring ; but
it is becansd experience has long proved
that, like the cLeefiP of the English lab
orer, it helps to sustaiu his strength also
and adds, beyond what its bulk would
suggest, to the amount ot nourifihm?nt
.which his simple meal supplies.
Southern journals speak very encour
agingly of the progress of the work of
improving the mouth of the Mississippi
river, already begun by Capfc. Eads, of
St. Louis Bridge fame. From one ot
these we learn that on the eastern. lo
cation piles have been driven a distance
of 7,500 feet from the shore, and seenre-
ly joined together. The character of
.the river bottom has proved quite favor
able for tbe pile-driving work. .The
manufacture of immense willow ' mat
tresses goes forward upon the ways,
where the material is brought in barges
After their , construction, they ' are
launched, dropped to tbe piles, filled
with stone and? sunk. Work upon the
western location, which will be com
menced vry shortly, it is expected, will
bo advanced with even greater rapiditv
tthan upon the other. Upon the west
ern shore piles are being driven fbr an
immense1 hotel, which is to be immedi
ately constructed for the accommodation
ot the oiSoers employed upon the work
and casuf 1 visitors. From the ' present
time it ia-proposed to sink willow mat
tresses at the rate of 400 feet in twenty
four hours, and to drive 600 lineal feet
of piling1 within the same time. 'The
water in the South pass is said to be al
ready deepening, and the progress thus
far made upon the work is spoken of as
most encouraging. The prospects are
favorable that the troubles-uf the South,
from the frequently recurring overflows
of the "father ot waters? are almost
over., -' -
The best ha goldeu rule,.
' Some one who has taken the trouble
to post himself on the laws governing
railroad passenger travel says that ex
tra charge; for failure to buy tickets are
universally sustained by the courts, but
there must be a full opportunity to buy
afforded by the ticket seller. Persons
must show tickets when asked for. As
to "stopping off," there is only one de
cision, which is that a passenger cannot
"stop off" and resume his journey again
without the previous assent of the com
pany. As to the obligation of the road
to furnish a scat to a passenger, a de
cision says: "A passenger who exhibits
his ticket need not surrender it until fur
nished with a seat." A railroad is not
liable for things stolen out of a passen
ger's seat, there being no previous de
livery to the company's servants; for
the same reason the company is not li
able for baggage in the passenger's own
care. Passengers who neglect to look
after their cwn baggage on arrrival at
their destination cannot recover it if it is
lost without fault of the carrier. Bag
gage left in station houses for the pass
enger's convenience, after it has reached
its destination, comes under a new class
of rights and duties, the baggage master
assuming the 'position of a "gratuitous
bailee." who only becomes liable in casW
of gross negligence. The obligation of
the railroad as carrier ceases when it
has delivered to its owner at the place
of destination, or when no has bad rea
sonable opportunity of receiving and re
moving it. It will interest spoilsmen
to know that they may recover for the
value of dogs when they entrust them
to baggage masters fbr hire, because of
their exclusion from the passenger cars.
The National, State, municipal and
railroad indebtedness of this country
amounts to not less than $6,000,000,
000. This, we believe is the biggest
debt in the world. The interest on it
has to be paid at intervals and a large
portion of it has to be paid iu ' gold,
much ot which unavoidably goes out of
the country. Some European nations
have a heavy mortgage upon the gold
and silver products of the country, and
an exchange pertinently asks, "Where
will the gold come from that will cover
the circulation of over $750,000,000 of
paper currency , that is afloat in the
The Austrian Government has
showed its appreciation of engineering
skill by awarding to several of our
countrymen a contract for improving
the navigation of the Danube up to Vi
enna They are to get $5,000,000 for
the job, tbe chief feature of which is to
remove "the Gates," a cluster of dan
gerous recks on the Hungarian frontier,
and also to deepen and widen the arti
ficial channel cut some years ago." The
rock cutting will be from tour to twelve
tect, the contractors receiving from $7
to $15 per cubic yard tor removing
rock. The A'ustriau Government pays
$3,000,000 of the expenses and the
Danube , . Transportation .Company,
which runs over 500 boats pays the
remaining $2,000 ,000f .
Mb. Jonx Fatlor, who brought the
nimble footed Osceola to this State and
fbr a long time the keeper and trainer
ot that-animal, telegraphs as follows
from Sacramento under date of
the 26th: "I shall start on Saturday
with the race horse Twenty-One, for
Salem, to attend the State Fair." The
animal mentioned has a good record in
California, and he will probably make
it tropical for some of our Oregon
Fkom the tS. jFI Examiner we learn
. . . -f ' T., .
j uiat a x'oniana jL'iiysician was robbed
m San Francisco, while' drank; of $1,
100, by a FaciSc street syren. He was
ou his way to Europe, leaving Lis wife
and daughter in YYeb&ot-dpm. t The
question now arises, can lie bo tntsted
so far from Oregon alone. ",
A Chicago Alderman recently re
fused , $1,000 " for'; his vote: We
hasten to add, however, that he got
$2,000 from the other side ,
The family was seated quietly around
the stove one bleak rainy night, when
master Tommy interrupted tlie silence
with the business like question, "Pap,
would you be satisfied to make five
cents a minute?" "Why, let me see five
cents a minute would be three dollars
an hour,: and by working ten hours I
could clear thirty dol yes indeed my
son, of course I would.? ; ' You . would
eh? well then I'll give you five cents to
go out to the pump and get me a jiice
cold drink, it wont take you a minute."
Johnny found his way to bed that
night with a dry tongue and a hot -ear.
New fashions in ploughing are com
ing into vogue in Illinois, by which
much expense is saved. Instead ot the
old plan of employing one man and a
pair ot horses and a . twelve-inch plow
an additional horse is used with a six
teen or eighteen inch plow. One man
therefore tends to the work of three
horses instead of that of two. A fur.
ther improvement is in the use of sujky
plows. These are provided with seatfa
so that boys or cripples pan take a turn
at plowing, and thus leave the stronger
bands to dp other work,
If a borrower comes, Jend him your
car. . . -
- The best theology a pure and benefi
cent lifc - ,
Women always give nioi'e than they
promLe men less. .
The greatest mtefortnno of all is net
to be able to bear misforttiue.
5 Sooner or later we pardon onr friends
the injuries we have done them.
The best statesmanship self-government.
; The best medicine cheerfulness and
temperance. .
The best art painting a smile upon
the brow of childhood.
The best science extracting sunshine
from a cloudy day.
The host war to war against one's
The best music the laughter of an
innocent child. . .. '
The best journalism printing the
true and the beautiful only, on mem
ory's tablet.
The bestV telegraphing flashing a
ray of sunshine into a gloomy heart.
The best biography the Hfe which
writes charity in the largest letters.
The best mathematics that which
doubles the most joys and divides the
most sorrows.
The best navigation steering clear
of the lacerating rocks ot personal con
tention. No wise man doubts the propriety o
a fool parting his hair iu the middle-
Not every one who has the gift of
speech understands the value of silence.
Love is like liquor; men say it is
killing tbem, but. they always come
back to it. ; ,
Unfriended, indeed, is he who has no
friend bold enough to point out his
There is no such thing as liberty
fbr no man is tree if he is the slave ot
his conscience.
Weigh others as you would he weigh
ed yourselves, and tbe scales would
have a sinecure.
If yon become famous, beware of the
fools, fbr they always gather around the
people who are "stared at.
Young vows of everlasting friendship
are foolish. If ever kept they are kept
by accident not by resolution.
He can never speak well that can
never hold liis tongue. He who cau
talk only on one subject is seldom want
ed. A note from a woman, no matter
how tender, is a sight dralt on you
you must always pay in some coin or
"Bub, do you know this is Sunday?"
"Y-a-a-s." "What are you fishing for,
then?" "Mud-cats."
Chile Sauce. Take 5 large onions,
8 green peppers, chop fine 30 ripe
tomatoes, cut them, 5 tablespoonsfuls
sugar, 3 of 6alt, 8 cups vinegar, aud boil
all together 2 hours, and bottle lor
use. -
Tbe ArineU Strength of Europe. a
A lecture'was recently delivcrey be
fore the Iloyal United Service Institu
tion, London, in which a British officer
gave a detailed account of the standing
armies and reserves of all the nations of
Europe. He said that, looking at tho
armies of Europe from every point of
view, the rapidity with which they can
be mobilized, fed from reserves, concen
trated on any spot aud maintained on
the field, he should divide them into
three classes, iu the order ; of their
strength. The first class comprised
Germany, Austria, Itussia and France;
the second, Italy and England; the
third, Belgium Turkey, Sweden and
Norway, Holland,' Denmark, Spain,
Portugal, Switzerlad and Greece.
There are four armies of the first class,
two of the second, and nine of the third,
with, in round numbers, a strength on
paper of 6,500,000 men and a combat
ant strength of 5,000,000, with 15,000
guns and. 1,250,000 horses. In navies
Great Britiau is supreme, and then come
in order , ot strength, Franco, Russia,
Turkey, Austria, Germany, Italy, Spain,
Holland, Denmark, Sweden and Nor
way, and ; Portugal. , Tho ; navies of
all theso . have . an agrcgate of 2,039
vessels, of which 309 are iroa-clad.' the
whole being manned with 280,000 men
and armed with 15,000 cannons. One
hundred and ten ships ot war are now
being built, and of these fiftyiixwill
be armor-plated. ' The expenses of these
fcrces amount, according to this Icctur
erVieiSimatesJto $560,000,000, per
annunCof vviilcb three-fifths go to the
land force. The armadeuts pf Turkey
and Austria ? cost only about 50, o
year per man; that ot ureal j-maio a
the most $500 a yesr. , ;
Speculations of G. M. Pinney, de
faulting3 clerk ? of 5 Naval Paymaster
SpauTding, promises to create a sensa
tion second only to that canscd by the
suspension ot the Bank of California.
Later information iudicates that his
stealings will mount into the neigbbor
hood ot a million dollars. His vic
tims are among the ; shrewdest and
wealthiest citizens ot San Francisco,
bankers, brokers and merchants. The
only wonder will be when tbe facts are
brought to light that such parties
should have allowed themselves to be
so imposed upon. In some cases it is
said losses are so great as to cause se
rious financial embarrassment. : . It is be
lieved that the government will not be
a loser by Pinney'g operations, nor is it
Elain that sufferers by his ; swindling
ave any recourse either to- Paymaster
Spaulding Or elsewhere, as the ' fetter's
bandsmen are accountable merely to
the government. ; i It is thought that
most if not all of Finney's victims are
well able to bear their losses.
nraovAL of the ausca aso suktz
A Washington special, dated October
1st, says a clause iu the Indian appro
priation bill last session authorizing the
Secretary of the Interior to-remove all
bands' ot Indians located on the Alsea
and Siletz reservations in Oregon, set
apart tc them by executive order, Dec.
21, 1866, and located them on a defined
part of the public laods bounded on the
north by Salmon nver and on the west
by the Pacific Ocean, and these lands
were made a permanent reservation fbr
them, while, by the same act, the rest
of tho Alsea and Siletz Reservation was
opened to settlers. There was, however,
a provision that the Indians should not
be"removed without their consent. Benj.
Simpson, Special Indian Agent, was de
tailed to endeavor to effect their re
moval, and on the 30th he telegraphed
tho Commissioner ot Indian Affairs from
Portland, Oregon, that he had made
satisfactory arrangements with all the
Indians, and that they were now mov
ing to the new reservation. As scon as
the fact of their removal is officially
communicated the land will be thrown
open to settlement under the Homestead
and Pre-emption acts. :
An important decision has lately been
rendered by the Supreme Court of New
York involving the question of the
ownership ot stolen bonds. The 6uit
was brought against the Missouri,
Kansas and Texas Railway Company
and the Union Trust Company, by the
plaintiff, who owned a quantity of
bonds ot the 1 ebp and N eosho Rail
road Company a corporation which
has since become merged in the Missou
ri, Kansas and Texas company fbr the
purpose of compelling the last-named
company to receive the old bonds, and
issue in exchange those of the new cor
poration; the Union Trust Company
being also made a party defendant, as
it was the financial agent of the Missou
ri company in the system of exchange
The defence was, that bonds had been
stolen from the president of the Union
Trust Company, aud i. appeared upon
the hearing, that, although- the bonds
had been. signed by the president and
secretary of the company, yet the seal
of the company had been counterfeited,
as had also the counter-seal of Presi
dent Frothingham. Nevertheless, the
court hold, that as plaintiff had pur
chased the bonds in good faith, in the
usual course of trade, the bonds must
be exchanged, as though they had been
genuine in all respects, and also gave
judgment against the railroad company
tor the amount of the depreciation ot
the bonds upwards ot $4,000
Tomato Omelette. Peel and chop
5 medium-sized tomatoes, season with
salt, pepper and chopped parsley; add
cup of grated bread; beat 4. eggs to a
toam and stir. them into the tomatoes.
Heat a spider hissing hot; place a piece
of butter therein, turn iu tho mixture,
let it brown for 2 minutes, and lay over
the half, serving it in turnover form
on a hot plate.
A darkey called at Owensboro,' Ivy., the
other day, and wanted to know, "Does
this postorlis keep stamped antelopes."
It ain't a joke any longer to ask a
postmaster how the postage-stamp busi
ness is. For some, unknown reason he
gets mad about it.
Xintecn children and seven birthdays of
one Indiana lamiiy.
The "great American obituary provok
er" is the latest for kerosene.
Sheridan's wedding has bceu called a
piece ot I'bil-agree work.
A Miss Ilaulce, of Allcntown, Pa., has
six grand-mothers, all living.
Silver & Plated Ware,
; The Best Machine Blade,
Wheat and Oats Stored,
Sachs Furnished In Unlimited
Supply. ' .
Aro prepared to receive and 3toro ' 1 .
on as Uboral tonus ya can be obtained elacwhcr.
6T'8ocks furnished.
Albany, July 37,
lohSti'oWn.01 th StatC Ct
Suit for divorce). -
To Maitbit Clenimens, tho defendant above
Yin. mod
In tlie name of tlie Slate of Oregon: You nrs
Hereby required to apiear and answer tlie com
plaint of tbe nliove mimed plaint ill in tlie a!ovo
entitled Bit it, now on tile with the cleric tit Sid
eourt, within ten days after tbe diitn of thelSt-ii
Vloeor this suimnonaupon you if served in Iiiin
county, Oresron, but if scrvd in any otliur
county within tbe State, then within twentv
days after the date of the service of this sum
mons upon you, or if served by implication of
this summons, then you are required to answt r
the complaint by tho first day of the next reiru
lar term of said court, to be holden on the fourth
Monday, the
35th day of October, 1873,
at Albany in said county and State ; and you
aro notified that if you fail to so appear and an
swer as alovo required, for want of answer the
plaintiff will apply to tlie eourt for tho relief
demanded in tho complaint, which is a dissolu
tion of the marriusre contract existing between
you and tho plaintiff, and for the cure and cm.
tody of the minorchildrcn, Albert M. Clemmens.
Jcbn A. Clemmens, Samuel J. Clemmens, K.
Clemmens, Thomas Clemmens, Alfred Clem
mens and Andrew Clemmens, named In the
complaint to the plaintiff. JOS. HANNON,
Attorney for plaintiff.
Pnblisued by order of B: V. Bonhain, Judge
of said court, which order bears date September
13th, 1875
. September 17, 1875-62v7w8
; " Irice, Fuvniy-fivc Cents.
Containing a complete list of all the towns In
the United States, the Territories and the Do
minion of Canada, baling a population greater
than 5,000 according to the last census, together
with the names of the newspapers having the
largest local circulation in each of tiio places
named. Also, a catalogue of newsjjapers which
are recommended to ad vert isers as giving great
est value in proportion to prices cl uirged. Also,
all newspapers In th United States and Canada
printing over 5,000 copies each issue. Also, all
tho Religions, Agricultural, Scientitle and Me
chanical, Medical, Mason ic,Juvcnile,Kducation
al, Commercial, Insurance, Real Kstate, Sport
ing, Law, Musical, Fashion, and 'other special
class journals ; very complete lists. Together
with a complete list of over 300 German papers
printed in the United States. Also, an essay
upon advertising ; many tables ol rates, show
ing the cost of advertising in various newspa
pers, and everything which a beginner in ad
vertising would like to know.
Address GKO. P. ROWELL & CO., '
41 Park Kow, New York.
A prombient Now York physician lately com
plained to DUNHAS DICK CO. about their
Sandalwood Ou. Capsclks. stating that they
sometimes, cured miraculously, but that a pati
ent of his bad taken them without effect-. On
being informed that several imitations were
sold, he Inquired and found his patient had not
been inking 1JUNUAS DICK CO'S. ,
What happened to this physician mar have
happened to others, and DUKIAS DICK & CO.
take th is met hod of protect ing physicians, drug-
fists and themselves, and preventing Oil. of
AsnALwnoD from coming into disrepute.
PHYSICIANS whoonce prescribe the Capsules
will continue to do so, for they contain the pure
Oil in the best and cheapest form.
DUSDAS DICK H CO. use more Oil of Sax
salwood than all the wholesnle and Retail
Druggista and Perfumere in the United States
combined, and this is the sole reason why the
pure oil is sold cheaper in their Capsules than
In any other form. 1
OIL. OF SANDALWOOD is fat superseding
every other remedy, sixty capsules only being
required to insure a safe and certain cure in six
or eight days. From no other medicine can this
result be had. '
solve the problem, long considered by eminent
phvsicians, of how to avoid the nanwa and dis
gust experienced in swallowing, which are well
known to detract from, if not destroy, the good
effects of many valuable remedies.
Soft Capsules are put tip in tin-foil and neat
boxes, thirty in each, and are the only Capsules
precrilcd by physicians.
Taste less Medicines. -Castor Oil and many
other nanseaus medicines cau be taken easily
and safely in Omnia Iiek A: Co's Kofi Cap
sules. No taMte. No smell. :
K-T" These were the only Capsules admitted
to tbe last Paris Exposition.
Send for circulars to 35 Wooster street, N. T.
lin Sold at all Iruir More Here. 49
Karge and Valuahle Tract ol
Farming Land for Sale.
rpnEEE HCSPRKl) .ACRES of plow lnnd, StXvJ
jl oi wiiicn is rieu uoiioui mnui mepivni
ises are fair buildings, house, Imrii, granary,
slieds. etc.; also good bearing orchard of fruit
trees ; 200 acres of the very best' pasture land ;
50 acres of timber land, ash and hiaple, tlie lx;st
of farming land when cleared. A never failing
stream of water runs through tine tarm. There
is also a splendid quarry of lime-rock on the
place, pronounced by experts A 1 rock. Four
hundred acres are under fence. It is one of the
most desirable and chcnjest farms in Douglas
county, lying IS miles from the 0. AC. railroad
at Oakland. For iiarticulars as to price, etc.,
apply, in Ibis city, to- I
j. ii. uouuirrox, m. d.
Aioany, May , ii.,.
Tiie Rich Man) Necessity and the Poor
Sinn's 1-ricnd.
Awarded the tiold Medal at
Universal Dictionary of Science, Art, !iog
rapby, Langnaire, llotany. History. Jurispru
dence, tieography and the Whole Circle of llu
nnin Knowledge. Complete in it numbers at
50 cents each, or bound in one-half morocco WO,
two large roval quarto volumes. Ten cents a
day for a rear, w ill get it in cheapest binding.
Every facility offered to those in moderate cir
cumsuuicc" obtain it. j
Also, tho,ncw j
Pictorial Family Bible,
cheapest in tlie market--I.i illustrations.
Send 3-cent stamp for specimen pages, to
S. II. DYER, (ien'l. Agt.,
for Pacific coast.
, Portland, Oregon. j
: ::- - )".'
From this date until further notice, I will sell a
' !
I ..
. . . i. . : 5 ' . :" " j
Stoves & Ranges !
Albany, Doc. 10, 1874-13
Is constantly roecivtng
Mew and Stylish Millinery,
To which sho invites the special atlenMon of
theLalUs. oods sold at the lowest Ii; ving
rates. Store first door east of City Drug Store,
Albany, Oregon. , j Jnu
GRAF &, r
kinds of Furniture. Wardrooms on Mrst
sU-eet butwoen Uioadulbm and Ellswoitb. sts. -
ritOHirT Delivery,
. ICaics.
t Living
UAVINa lionghtoutthodelivsrylnsinessf
m" Lewis Stimson, I ljtsr leave to ir.noun to
th citizens and buslnos men of Alliany, that
S lfavo on th "si reels an express and job wagon
andXrtll beliappytp serve all who may give
"AUmxlera'will bo promptly attended to at
rdcfmaj'bo'lcft at tlie Draff Store of Bell A
Parker .1 vidhtt.
y Uvw A-a- jm r ssj
In the Cfrcwrt Court of the MMe of Orefffhi for"
thl Count j of l.inn. : .,-,.. !
Ltither Klkins, Plaintiff, "vs. E.'C. SpanttiSBB,
Defendant. " . , .
Suit in Equity to remove cloud on title to
Real Kstate.
To E. C Shannons, the above named defend
ant. '
Iu the nnmo of the Slate of Oregon ! ' You aro
hereby summoned and required to lie and ai-
pear in thoCircutt Court of the State of Oregon,
for the County of Linn, within ten days from,
the date of the service of tblssummon on you,
if served on you within said Linn county, but
if served in any other county in said State of
Oregon, then within twenty days from the date
of such service, and if served "by publition,
then on the first dav of the next regular ternv
of said Court in and for said County to-wit : on
23th day of October, 1873, , .
and answer the complaint of the plaintiff
herein, ou file against you with tho Clerk of
said Court, or judgment for want of such an
swer will lie taken against yon. You aro here
by notified that if you fail to appearand answer
the complaint of the pluintitr Jiereln, as above
required, the plaintiff will upply to the Court
for the relict" demanded in tho complaint, to
wit, that the court order and- decree that the
said defendant make, execute, acknowledge
and deliver unto said plaintiff a good and euA
licicnt deed of conveyance of all the right, title,
.and interest of said defendant in and to tho
tract of land known as tbe donation land claim
of John Wilxil the same being notification No.
"23!," and claim No. '-37," aa "described on the
plats and surveys of the United States on file at
the Land Office nt, Oregon Citv, Oregon, and
situated In township 13 S It (1) West in sections
3, 4, ttand 10, in Linn county, Oregon, and I hat
said Court further order and decree the legal
and equitable title of said land to be tn tho
1) lilt nl fir. and that the Vibilnlitr hiva Iml 'inent
against said defendant for his coats mid dis
bursements of this suit, and such otl i and.
further relief as shall seem Inst tooqnit v.
. . . Attorneys fo. PrftV
Published by order of Hon. . V. llonham;
Judge of said Court, made at Chambers. Sept.
2d, 1875. . aowo
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon'
for the Count) of Linn. -
Ludlow Maxwell , Eleanor B. Davis and Hugh
II. lavis her husband, Nancy A. Smith and Jo-2.ia,,.,..B-
8lnJtn her husband, Mary Powell and
William Powell her husband, Elixalieth J.lear
hart, John J. Maxwell and Albert Russell, Plain
tiffs, vs. Ellas Maxwell, Mary E. Powell, Edward
Powell, Rosetta Powell and Marion A. Russell,
Suit in Equity for Partition of Real Property..
To Ellas Maxwell, Mary K. Powell, Edward
Powell. Rosetta Powell and Morion A. Russell,
defendants above named
In the name of the State of Oregon : Yon aro
hereby required to be and appear in the Circuit
Court of the State of Oregon, for tbe county of
Linn, and answer the complaint of the nlnive
named plaintiffs in tho above -entitled cause,
now on file .with the Clerk of said Court, within
ten days after the date of the service of this
summons ujion you, if served in Linn county,
Oregon, but if served in any other county with
in this State, then within twenty days after ther
date of the service of this summons upon you,
or if served by publication of this summons,
then you are required to answer the said com
plaint by the 11 rat day of the next regular term
of said Court, to be Uoldcn on the fourth Mon
day, tho
231b day or October, 1S73,
at Albany, in said county and State. Yon aro
hereby notified that if you fail so to appear anta
answer said complaint as above required, for
want of an answer the Plaintiff -will apply to.
the Court for the relief demanded in the said;
complaint, to-wit: for the partition of the we
ball ot the donation land claim of Ludlow Max
well and Delilah Maxwell his wife, known on
the plats and survey of the U.S. as notification
No. "1177," claim No. ,'3," situated in Liuns
county and State of Oregon, and for such other
relief us shall seem just to equity, and that
plaintiffs and defendants pav their proportion
of the eosts and disbursements of this suit.
Albany Sept. 2d, 1H75.
Plaintiff's Attorneys.
Published by. order of Hon. 1J. F. Bonham,
Judge of said Court, made at Chambers, Sept.
2d, 1875. sow;
Ajcr's Cherry l'cetoral,
For Iisene of tlie Throat mid I.nnirs,
such as foUKhti, old, Whoopiiiit
Cough, Bronchitis Asthmas aud
Cousuinptlc n .
Tho few compost
tlous, which have won
the conlldenceof man
kind and ljcoomer
household words,
among not only ono
but many mi Hons,
must have extraordi
nary lit ucs. Perl m p
noone ever secured
so wide a reputation
or maintained it so
long as AYea'H
CnEisnv Pur-roitAi,. I
has lNxn known to tho
nubile for nlmitt fm-tu
years, by a long continued series of marvellous
cures, that have won for it a confidence in Its
virtues, never equalled by any other medicine.
Itstlll makes the most effectual cures rf
Cniilv, V'iIiIs, (, that can lie made
by medical skill. IndeedtheCHKKKY Pwtokau
has really roblMKl these dangerous diseases of
their terrors, to a great extent, and given a
feeling f immunity from their fatal effects,
that is well founded, ir the romly m taken In
season. Every family should have it in their
closet for the ready and prompt relief of ft
members. Sickness, suffering, and even life is
saved by this timely protection. The prudent
efeould not neglect it, and the wise will not.
Keep it by yon for the protect ionit affords by
ils timely uac in sudden nttneks,
ri;m-AiiKi uv
r. J. '. AYHt ., T.oietl, nm.,
Pmel leal and Analytical Chemists.
ffST-Sold by aU Druggists and Denlears in
Medicine. . Kv7y
Aycr's Hair Vigor,
For Kextorinii- Uray Ilnfr o Its Xnturnl
Vitality and 4'olur.
Advancing yenrs
ickness, cure, Ulsup.
r ointment, iitidi
hereditary prertis
Ksitioii, all turn the
mlr gray.und either
of them incline it to
shed premarnrelv.
A v KK'rt Hair V ra-
(5rf''f V5-J ". by long and or.
S ' . Wtensive nse. has
'Ttprovcn that it. stops
Vl be falling of the hair
FA Immediately s often
fe' tlorelWT9
when laded or gray. It stimulates the nn
tritivo organs to Iienlty oetlvitv, and pre
serves both tho hair and its licoufy. Thus
brash y, weak or sickly hair becoimm glossy,
pliable and strengt henod ; lost lmir regrows
with lively expression ; lulling hair is eliocked
and stablished; thin hair thickens x and laded
or gray hair rcsumelheir original color. Its
operation is snreand harmless. It cures dan
druff, heals all humors, and keeps tbe scafp
cool, clean and soft under wltich conditions,
diseases of t he scalp are impossible.
Asa dressing for Indies' hair, tbe VtoOK fa
praised for its grateful and agreeable pee-
f nn.l . 1 . . ., , 1 e. . . 1 . ....... 1..... .I
w-rtC'1 jvnin;tii'wu tin, ffmwlli.
. 11 .1 1 V, IMIU .IHItUU I'll LitVJ mil 1USLIC1U1U 1H.I1
ness of tone it imparts. -
l'KKIAltI by 1 ' i-i
Dr. J. . AYEIt 4c '0 loirell, HsMh,
Practical and Analytical Chemists.
EST Sold by all Druggists and Dealers in
Medicine. . . 1 BV7jr
Jnst Issued, sooth IklitKua.
, MANHOOD, , :
Revised and corrected by tlio arrthor. E. do Y.
Curtis, 11. !., &u, &c : f i
A Medical Essay on tho cause and enre of pre
mature decline in man, showing bow health i
losY. and reirnined. It crives a chmr s-noisis of
tho impediments to marriage the treatment of
nervous and physical debllily, exhausted vital
ity, and all other diseases appertaing thrv-tol
the results of twenty yeai-s successful pracHcOv
" Opinions ol the Press. ? .
CUBTISON "MANHOOD." Tlierc IsnomotiK
her ol society bv whom this book, will not lio
found useful, whether ho Im twrent, preceptor
or clergyman. Tsmritm Tfitv. .
OUHTlS ON" "MANIIKI." Thtsliook should
hcreadbvtho young for instruction, and by
the alllicted for relief ; it will injure noone.
JJ-'liriU Timr atul UitetU-.
Price-One Dollar, by mall or express. Ad
dress llio author, lilt. CUKTIS,ftS) Sutter Slrocf. -or
P. O. Uox 8S7, Son Francisco, CaL - . f.i'
4Hv7m3 ' r
Here's the Place 5 ?
S. ELV ; Claugliton.
Has received and is offering for sale a well seiuo.
- ted stock of , j. ;
h Which Uo is determined to sett ...-.'. '
Cash , or McrtataMe Produce !
, Pk-ase give mc a call, and examine ""
CSrooclfcS . 'ixxl Iric;oH.
. , s. ii. t juntiuroiv.
Leuaueii, Or. tlov'