The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, July 30, 1875, Image 2

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Tim New York Daily JluUetbi is
publishing full details of" the ootid iteon
of the weather and crops in Europe.
The main weight of the injury to wheat
liaa fallen on France, but even there the
injury is not no decisive that it might
not be remedied by euh-eqaent fine
weather. In Germany, the weather ia
fair. Tho average in Hungary in nn
favorable. Ireland tia suffered from
too much wet. Paria papers give the
following account of the weather and
crops: Ilarvext operations will txw be
delayed, and the yield be materially
less than last year. The quality ot the
wheat has already given rise to general
complaints, I! ust has made its appear
ance almost all through the country in
the West. Central departments com
plain that the sprouting which is platn'y
luaniiest iu the south threatens exten
sion into the central and., western prov
inces. The weather has bceu -most de
plorable. A copious afiid continued
downpour of ram ha prevented the
commencement of ha i vest, which works
great uueasuies among tarmers. The
weather, coupled with an active de
mand from the south of France," lias led
to an advance in wheat in France of 5
centimes per cental, or irom 85 to 45
per quarter.- There is an equal rims in
the value of flour. The wheat crop has
yet fffered but little from rain. It fine
weather comes soon tho present anxiety
wifl Fpeedily be dispelled.
The Seattle Dispatch says: On Tues
day evening, last week, as the sloop
2kfortha was passing Protection Wand,
the men on board dicovcred a stiange
looking object floating in the water.
Tbey steered towards it, and on picking
it up they were horrified to see that it
ma a coffin containing the body of a
wotrsu wrapped in asheet. The coffin
was a plain fir box, and a portion of
the lid pas broken oil". The face wa
wo much that it was imposs
ible to toll whether it wa a whito wo
inon or a k tHitchman, though they
could make out that the features were
regular and the hair long, black and
gh-sy. The body was hurried on Pro
tection Island by the men who discov
ered it, Jas. Wiltson and Thou. Hayne,
from whom any information in. regard
to it may be, . obtained. They reeide
near Port Townsend. :
Laura de Force Gordon, prbpietbr
aud editor os the Stockton, Cal.,
Leader on the 23d -of July, brought
euit agaii6t the City. Council of Stock
ton, praying that a writ of mandamus
be issued to compel said Council to
ward the city printing to her, the bid
i ot tho leader being 33 per cent. lower
than the JTerald, to which paper the
Council awarded the contract.
The Trsbune anounees that tne post
master general has set the mail route a
long the shores of the lakes for fast
mail to the west. It is expected to pe-
gin to run by tlie first of October- It
will make tlie distance from New York
to Chicago in not more than 26 hours,
and hope to reduce the time to 24 hnnrs,
a gain of 12 hours over the present
mail and express time. Tlie amount ot
mail matter to be carried will reach 45
tons before the expiration of six months.
The greater part of the work of distri.
butiou will be done on the cars. Newt
paper will be trken in by the bundle
and toldeq and distributed on the cars.
Re'ays of clerks win be stationed on at
Syracuse BuSaloand Toledo This en
terprise will uot cost one cent additional
expense, 'the railroad having met tlie
government in tbe most generous cpir
The Democrats met in State Convention
at Salem yesterday Thursday, bad a vigor
ous fight over tbe nomination for Congress?
man. The. nominating were f Lan of
Douglas; Nesmitb of Polk; Hsycten. of Polk
Page, of Multnomah; Slater, of Union; Slieli
of Marion; Reed of Multnomah; WbUaker..
of Lane. Slater and Pag, were afterwards
rsaolutW As we have not rd tha plat
form. w we "fraln from comment. A
fjommattoa was not reached to w Fpll1,T
the vote, being pretty evS
tween Laue, Whitaker and Reed xhU
morning Lafayette Lane, of Douglas, recelv
ed the nomitwton. ncti.
The British Parliament almost nnl-i
inotMly voted 7ia000 for the expense r
- -. ...n u iiium. xnu may
appear enormously extravagant to Amert
ca, but the British Government understand
tbe Importance of display when
with Orien tals. Tbe Prince's visit is of a
Ctplousauo nature, for the purpose of
sfwngtheBHig- the ties between tbe two
countries. Being a King in prospect, be
must travel la royal state, to command tbe
respect of bis future subjects, and if be
makes a good impression, tbe mosey will
cave been well Invested,-
Some boy-s carelessly set fire to a grass
pst oe&r Gov. Grover's barn at Salem tho
c- wer dsy, and only by exrraordinary ef
forts were the tci:.3g and contents saved.
; . j ii i -r' '-
SaleKltes Ave !Ir. Hammond only 16t
fc?r bl fjvk- s tliere.
Tl ew buiklingf at Philadelphia are
on a scale of prodigious magnitude. The
main one is l.SSOlt long and 464 wide, and
covers twenty acres. M mortal Ha',1 U to
be of granite, glow and Iron, 305 feet long
210 wide, and 59 In height.
building, iron and glaaa. 383 feet long, 193
wide, and 72 high. - Machinery building.
3.824 feet long, one story, ami cover tbii
teeu acres. Agricultural Hall, 820 feet
long. and eimw ten acre. All these vast
structures an; expected to be finished early
next Spring.
The firm of palmer & VVoodrnff.drnggUts
of Rosebmg, were robbed on List Saturday
evening of $250, Which tliey had concealed
in their store. Te thief U ot jet known,
although suspicions are entertained of a
certain person whoso tin me tliey do not
propose to give at presei.t.
The trial of John D. Lee U progressing
In Salt Lake City. The evidence so far
elicited proves what has long been elm rged.
that the Mormons massacred an emigrant
train at Mountain Meadows in 1S57.
There was a French regiment in which
d.ielmg was all the rage, Tlie offleer were
?iV?i,yS?htl''FJia,!h ",er- wptii op
httle affairs with the oftlcer ot otlier rei-
ments. At lint the War Oirlce, wearit-d
out of patience changed the voinmnmliiio
ott,r: . A Colo";l was sent down who
would be sure to put a stamp on such
nonsense.' A few days after hU arrival
two of tlie officers came to ask his permiss
ion to goout and fight. To the amazement
everybody he gave his consent; the officers
-.. iiwy sngntiy wounded each
otlier, and '"honor was mtisnVtl," as the
phrase goes on these occasions. They
were no sooner recoverwi than tlx-v received
an ordr to wait Uwn the Colonel. "Yon
Iwve to go out and tight again to-morrow."
said he ; and as they looked at him with
questioning astonishment, tie explained,
when officers fight in the regiment I
have the. honor to command thev kill.
to!" The officers went out agniii, and
this time made right good holes in each
other, which it took them six mouths to
heal. The story is very horrible. They
were sent out again and again, and at last
they killed each other ; bnt henceforth and
forever in tlrnt regiment, and a good uiauv
besides, there was an end of dueling.
From Mr. IT. If. Lase. orCoos Bay. who
i at balcm attending to some land maite.vr
the Fnrrner learns that four vessels are now
U-mg hmlt tliere. one of 1.00Q tons capacity,
by huiipson, at North Bend; one by John
son Co., capable ot carrving 700 tons,
building at Mar-hfleM; and by Keed & Co?!
at Marahfield. and Iauv Rinpire
vessels each of 400 tons capacity. The two
first named vessels are barkentines, nr
the two last schooners. Tlie time i soot
coming when ship building will become
a great business at Coos Bay, and also at
Puget Sound and the Columbia river, aner
already ship builders trom Maine are em
barking in the business on this rost with
wonderful success
1 lie editor of the Itoseburg Plvindealer.
iKirmg made an extended tour thmrgh the
northern portion of Donglas county, con
cludes that the yeld of grain was never
larger. The Eirruers" are nearly ail busy
harvesting. Mane hmu rWi.; i
cut. while others are bending aud waviiur
hi tlie beeze like a golden sea.
Tim 1a draiiAa Kr,.t,;,.r
Heretofore taken, on snbscrintion to his
paper, "bran and short s cabbage, potatoes,
rutabaga.- green wood, sour krour, green
hides, old clothes, swill, leathers, fence
rails and caroet rasrs.' and Insr
tliem all." Xow he wants
equivalent. -
rhe schooner Xorthirester, that went
ashore on the nerth spit, while attempting
to outer the haibor at the mouth ot Rogue
river on Jan 30th. was bought by Stewart
& Strahn, repaired and launched on the
14rh hist. She was to load with fish, aud
sail tor San Francisco.
Dr. Bunncl left Rosebn last week en
route for Sail Francisco to purchase ma
chinery tor tlie Nonpareil cinnabar mires.
1 his looks like buincss. About $40,000
will be expended, and the owners are con
fident that they have the best thing in
Tbe wool clip for Curry countr this year
U unusually large. Notwithstanding there
has been some disease among sheep they
are PVT 1,1 healthy condition. The
wool is being shipped to San Francisco.
' '
The Claemas county council meets on
the fourth Friday of each month at 11
o clock A. M. Place of meeting at J. C.
Inilluiger's mill, near the center ot the
A number of wheat fields on French
Praine, Marion county, are "white unto
the harvest. ' Reapers will start lu on them
tni3 week '
t .. " " ' i
J. C. Mortimer, a colored barber, was
found dead in his bed at Salt Lake Citv
last week. Mr. Mortimer was a yotine
man of considerable ability, and two yeara
ago represented the colored men of Utah in
Uie civil rights convention in Philadelphia.
Southern Utah wants Jav Ronld tn hum-
tip his extention of the Union Pacific in
that direction. The mines ofSn Pvtaaiui
Beaver promise tl)e new line plenty of bus
iness. J
The river afc Kalm I. i ..-.r.-
--- ' 'vn " ni ix;! u,ai jfc
ut the steamers Champion and Cifo con
tinue to disturb the gravel for some dis
tance above. '
Tbe. tltxmM MAVM- a1i.
- J - v ..v, VK t lie Tl'WIJl
men of Kalpm in in Vu Kh o....t..
. - -w v. KIIUIIIE
obscene langicig through the malls -on
postal cards. . -
The intense heat in tti n!l hufwun
Salt Lnke City and Lake Point. twistMl
the little narrow gague raits to g'ich an ex
tent as to impede tie passage ot trains. -
VlTednesdair nf ta: wroalr mm m 1 1- t.
fr"tW.,ll.W.ti. nZ LT.:l'"
, " w Alio HICI Ull V lutsia
108 In the shade. It was the hottest
j me season.
. Mrs. Ann EHjw Young. Is at rfeent
SS5S1LS2ih a"d Mrs. John
M.Xa-tLetu.r reaideno8 ' Worchester.
- -- - - v
thSffi1,1' W rritorr
be a mil fledged vCrr
nevt year"6 menber of the sisterhood
tlie I ji ramie river with sh to stock
. IT?30 eounty owes now oulv iiiim m
. Jackson oounry haa warranto outataMitn
casha0,6'587 62
The locust trees In Oakland, Douglas.
COUlltV. arn in full 1.. u UT
Pacitic SIoipore
An unknown man was drowned in a lake
near Cheyenne tlie other dav.
A mau who liad been working for B. W.
Dunn, at North Yamhill, lielped liimself
ii ueniignig 10 a lenow-iniMirer. anu a
revolver and some clothing belonging to
Mr. J.Shehon, on last Monday night, and
then sloped for parU unknown.
Several mining claims have recently
been locate on the Florida Mountain, in
tlas vicinity of Silver Citv, I. T. Quite an
excitoment exists, and it is believed that
bonanzas are numerous. Prosiecthig is
being attended witli very favorable results.
In tlie mining towns of Idaho Territory
the prospects of a marked aud gratifying
improvement in all kinds of business the
coming fall are very encouraging. Tlie
mines are looking well, and from the crop
raising sections of the Territoiy the reports
-,'he blaiio World of the 21st inst. says
"1 here was a tremendous rush into the re
corder's office last Mon.l iv. to have claims
recorded taken up on the rich ledge discov
ered six miles west or Plaoerville, last Sun
day. Sevcuty-five hundred feet were re
folded, and tlie excitement continues."
Several sales Of farming lands and farms
linlie vicinity of Walla Walla have been
n,'e .rebently. Mr. Frank Shelton lm
sold his splendid farm, some three miles
from town, to a gentleman just out from
lenncsoee. for 7.500. Mr. O. P. Lacy
has also just sold the old country farm on
y Creek, four miles fioui "town, for
. Ah Alabama man advertises: "Prepare
vm j-- iinc vi my pinorai Home Bi
ble. I have tlie best umbrellas tor buggie-.
.,0.l,otl,er S00' ihiiig. cnciMnber puinpt.
J he best ot all is the American cistern Fil
ter. - '1 lie- eople want my pi tent cofiee
ii-5c imrii times. Select styles of gen i:ii5ii nars aress pqtterns. sewinz
1 1 I 'I I'l 1 1 HOC L'.MUAII. All . . ) 1 O
----- v.-,i.wWImii;uii nun -vpiosive lamps
pianos, orsrans. harness. inu-lrv n i
me a call' He will be hard to please who
w suitcti ai mas csniDiistiment.
ue .TKtmisn lnttinns, wo ar ctold are
very disorderly, drnukeness prevailing
i mm aiarming extent, last
week, while two tiitoxie.-it.-d ImlL-vrw
in a canoe together, one fell into the water
am orowneo, the otln-r being too in-
teusioie to render any assistance.
rhe Seattle Trihune says: Mr. Bishop,
the enterprising Chimicmn farmer, lost
ioriy tons ot Hay, while it was standing ,i
the field, hv th r-, r . i...
- - -m?-iv' vi tiac mm,
worm. Tlie vegetables in tlie same vicini
ty are fist being destroyed. Fefty two of
"-- "r" are ?ccn atiaKiug a single
ucet. -
' Tlie Seattle Intflligencei' tells ora big tree
that was cut nt Salmon Ifciv. W. T.. a few
uaj-sago,. the product rwbich was 22,000
jeet m mmoer. Another cut 32 feet in
length, with a measurement of 55 incites
. . i . n ii . . . .
Allien en-i anu oo iiusncs at tlie Dtltr,.
enuld have been obtained, but it was not
xi isi i i num.-,.
I lie Idah M orld swrsr " The water
eourses are getting very low, and many of
them will soon be dry. There Is a suf-
ncient qinntity in the principal streams.
aowever to feed the big ditches some time
yer. i he majority of tlie miners having.
p iitTir wors lor tne season, tuve
turned tlieir attentioo to prospecting for
Peter XapoJeon, an Indian, was arrested
... ujiiiiJVn int-Minviitst. oy air. Mont
trtnnerv. denntv slwrlfr nf
ftu- a murder cominited by liim uoou one oS
hit. owu race some time since, he havinir
L- . t a. . ... .
",,,cu. 4trvT ujr (.willing tier necK uu a
I he tJheyenne eemetery has no fence
arounu it, anu the cows re- in and m-r-m-h
themscl ves against the tombstones.
A nest of gold- nuggets has been found'
Sfi llllld. ? t-S !'! , I . ....
....n.-. ..ti. ui x niiiiiau. toiorano. ine
ranchmen have quit farming and gone to
mumig.- - - , .
A salt Lake mother held- her three-year-old
Ix.y in an irriiratitiff Hteh. heail don-n
aitil it was drowned. She will be tried for
. i ..-
wo- uronicrs, namwi Kelson, aged ro-
xueciiveiy. ten and thirteen years, were
urunneo m a poua near Corlnne, Saturday,
.T ' l,,e nes at Sehome has lieen
partiauy suspended lor the past three weeks.
owing to the bunkers being full and the
wit i viwseis ociiiuu.
rh Tribune estimates that tlie Cotton-
nofHiauu iingriHm mining districts in Utah
H'ge-ner, are turning out ore at a rata
iiiai win avi-rage ?iu,O00.000 a year.
a The Ogdenites are vociferous in thir claim
to nnve me united St-ites mint established
at me junction and ctll Ogilen the -center
ui me mineral Delt or the world.'
An unmarried preacher is wanted in
Leavenworth. One(the advertisement says'
desiring an engagement is requested to cor
respond with Sister Kate Hanson.
Forest Ores have swept thousands of
acres of timber in Decatur mining district.
Ltail. Tllf minora nvml liAnn..l i
abandoni ig their cabins and taking refuse
111 till t-ltnnola .ml 0
-w -..0 mill CIMI19.
i. n . firkp.r. nrnnuii rv.i,i ...
- - wiui nun, net
out 9 ,0 transcendental crab trees, and when
me inipei-s came, says the un, they
strinned the Uvm iimh .
iivih k,ira fcl V I 'F,
a iid even devoured the young shoots, some
" wiciu KTCIdl 111 jeugui. 1
On . Thursday morning. Frank Parker,
a son -of Mr. Parker, tbe head etrpenter at
the Renton coal mine, near Seattle, was
killed at that place by the caving of a sand
bank, in which he was excavating a play
house. Ills funeral took place In town
Tuesday. , -
A stabbing affray occurred at Port Di-
PnVPFV An ttlA f Atl Inalmit ...
-saIlojtf the brig Deacon, named- Johnson
v. " 1- uiii nig tn nuray xewis re
ceived five cut on different parts of his
body, one of which Was, at the time, con
sidered dangerous.
Tlie steamship Los Angeles is withdrawn
from tlie rout between Seattle and San
Francisco. " Her place Is to be taken by the
steamship Pacific, which Is to make semi
monthly trips between Puget Sound ports
and San Francisco, touching also at Victor
it. .; v , - -
The following Is an exact copy of a
coroner's jury verdict In a New Mexican
town; W, the fury,--find that the
deceased came to his death by a shot
accidentally went off by himself by killing
a cat by shooting tlie same and when she
Was not dead instantly by atnking the cat
with the breach of tbe gun and tho load
discharged Itself." ...
An old gentleman named Kinney, who
is well known around Salmon river and
Florence, was found dead in bis cabin tn
the Big canyon, of Snake river; where he
was mining, a few days since. . When
found he had been dead some days, and
was In a bad state, so some of the miners
amtind opened the roof, - and filled tlie
cabin with. dirt. Th old man hsl hwn
ailing for some time past. '
On Saturday before last four Chilians
started out for a sail in the harbor at Port
Madison, but shortly after getting under
wy the small boat they were hi upset.
w!tm.bein? unable to swim elnng
lu&teriI 9Ht Becoming ex-
anldl iSr Jatter csught bold of
the Oth nlliWl,tU' ner blm, but
sun k and' w. 8 ?tH 1 " nl" r,
The other three
LpJIous situations: " Tmm thel,?
Hie Mormons of Tooele valley, Utah,
have been all tlie spring praying for the
young grasshoppers to leave, and now
they are not leaving a leaf on any of the
trees or a vegetable on tlie farms.
Pendleton will Iiave a new flouring snlll
in running order by the 1st of August.
The people ot tlte Dalies are luxuriating
on green corn, cucumbers and doctor's stuff.
Tlie mercury came within two of a hun
dred at Koseburg last week.
C !E. Whitnev lias been chosen city clerk
of Walla Walla".
One rtirtn at Walla Walla bought 4,000
tHishels'of wheat last week at 75 cents per
A large number of people In Nebraska
ami Kansas are talking of coming to Utah.
The Avtdanche says the mumps ami
measles prevail j; among tlie children In
Owyhee county.
Whitman seminary, at Walla Walla, will
reopen Sept. 1st, uiider charge ot Prot. Ma
riner. '
(Kmeline Frees, who was once a favorite
wife of Brigliatn Young, died at Salt Lake
last week.
"When you wish
Visiting Cards,
Business Cards,
Bill Heads,
Letter Heads,
Bail Tickets,
Horse Bills,
or iu Cict anything in the
Prixatixi5 Zfixie,
call at too
-17 ; so cEsrrs per botixk. .
X riiaiiiu Um mvmmtH Twmrrm she
Cater, laevoaaea ti Vljror mm Beaartx
f UK IliUr, PNWati Urn FaUrns; en
mm Twrwtmn ry
Aycr'a Stimutparilla,
For P.rltybii; tlie Blood.
1 ills coiniKiunil
tl-e vesuiafiie altera-
t I V n u f . . .
VJISs,. Cwn:",.l,0 makes a
.? fft - -)L.-t-0- most ctCmtiMi
t a sei-ius of com-
CplulntB which are vprv
prevalent and alHic-i-
tf'X. J 1 punnes tlie
B:ool, pnres out the
1uibinv luiTiini n
yatem, that nndcrmine health and w;rtlein;o
iniuuiesoiiii; uisorufi s. jrti itions of t lie skin
are the appcitranve nn the snrliiee of humors
that slionlil Imj expelled, from Hie Ulootl. In
ternal aeranuemets are the clcteiiniiintion of
these same lminors to somchiternal organ, or
orcana, whose action ihev ilcrane, and whose
substance 1 hey riiseuso und destroy."8
SA.KSAi'Attii.i.A exicl these huinnra from the
Wood. When they are gone, the disorders they
proluc3. dispiiear, snch as Vletmlicmx of tlte
JJvKr, tiomach, Kidnrfx, Imnrrt, Htvjtthmt rend
Eruptive 1 Ham fw of Ot- SA-hi, Antltonft's Fire,
Jtre or Eryip?la, I'iinpt. -, J'usluh t. Iilctrh't,
Bull, 7muirx, Tetter ami Halt Jtitrum, ficald
Had, Jfingtrorm, Ulcr atut Sjrva, lilit-uma-tixm,
Xf-uralgta, PUn in tht limes. Side and
H.xtd, JVmnle W'xtknt.tx, UterUUp, Ijmcorrlvca
arising from internal ulceration and uterine
disease, lh-mysy, Di!nyiwia, Enuu-iaticn and
General Debility. With their departure health
Dr. I. V.. AVER - .. IawcU, Haa.,
Practical and Analytical OhrmUts.
Sold by all Druggists and Dealers in
Medicine. . v7n8
Sash ft Door Faclor- a irenonil overliaul
lnrand reimlriiig-, and rctatly hiereascl I heir
facilitie" for doinork, ly pattintr In k now
and a new PLAN KB AKli MATCIIKK. all made
la Oivjjou by Oregon mechanics ancT out of
Orearon iron, and ai-e a credit lo Oi-egon.
Tlve Planer and Matcher Is spcciaJIv adapted
to match in sr Flooring and Kn.ttie, which we
iinke a siiecialty. and are now nraitarct to do
wit hout delay, as we in cliange the inachiite
from one kind of worlc to another 'in a few
minutes, and with our excellent water-jjower '
are always ready lb run any or all our ma
chinery. We keep DOORS, SASH and MOLDING always
on hand, or make to orLr with dispatch. We
hat c uia-ie urraneinfiits by which we are now
prepared to furnish Sash and Sash-Doors,
primed and uliizcd. to order, at very near Port
land prices, and propo! to make it to Hie
interest of limlders to buy AT home and
cnnnimie home interests.
With our new Suai-ek we nra prepared to do
any kind of circular or irreatilar work, much
better than it has ever locn done in Albany.
We have two new Grindstones, one for the
special bentnt of those iUiu torindaxes or
tools of any kind.
In short, we have fjiured neither money or
labor In flttinsr up our shp for doing all kinds
of work in our line with neatness, cheapness
and disriatch. sad iiav mntertnlly reduced
our priees for worlt. All of which we hope
the public will appreciate, and continue to give
us a liberal share of I heir atrona;e.
Ku. Cartek B illalway be on hand, whh com
petent mechanic, realv to serve those who
may favor ns with their'orders. '
atl9trtion ss to work nnd prices irtutr
autrcd. .
Allmny. Or., April 9. 1S75,
Ayer'a Cathartic IiIIs,
"o" all the Purpose of a Family rtij-sle,
CITIING Costiveness,
Jaundice, Dysiepsia,
1 n digest ion. 1 sentcry.
Foul Stomach and
Breath, Krvshx-lss,
Headache, Piles, Rhc-u-ti.uiisiii,
and Skin lixeascs,
ltiliousness. laver Cotii
Tlaint. Dropsy. Tetter,
Til 1 1 w-. o n .l K n 1
'StKheiim. Worms. Gout,
-jJsj'Neumlsia. as a Dinner
. in, niiu a ui XI villi: l lie
nifwl . t. . . .. i i -
u-.wv.. ci niwi- ns;eiiiai I'uitjtl ive vl
perfected. Their effects abundantly shbw
how much they excel all other Pills. They ate
safe and pleasant to take, hut powerful to cure.
They purjre out I he lonl humors of the blood;
they stimulate tlte shiisli or disordered
organ into action ; an 1 they imrnrt health and
tone to the whole beine. Thcv cure not only
the every day comprint of ex-ory body, hut
formtdalMe unddangcrona disease, most- skin
ful physicians, most, eminent elerprvmen. and
our best citizens," send certificates of cures per
formed and of great benetlis thev have derived
from these Piils. They are the safest and best
physic for children, lieeause mild as Mell as
effectual. Beinsr susrar coaled, they are easy
to take; and bcins purely vcge;ab:e, thev are
entirely harmless.
Ir. J. AT1H & t o., I4w. ll 5tas.,
Practical and Analytical Chemists.
m.iff0'"1 i al1 I'i'uSiStsia aud Dealers in
Meiieino. - v7nS
Hairs Vegetable SicIIIau
This standard article is comroudded with
the Krentest. care.
Its effects areas wonderful and satisfactory
as ever. .
It restores gray or faded hair to its youthful
It- removes all eruptions, Itrhinr and dan
rduff; and tiw sculp by f "tss becomes whito
and clean.
By Its tome rnertics H restores the capil
lary glands to the. vigor, prevent inar
Iwldncss. and makim. he hair irrow thielr nrf
As a dressing not taint baa been found so
effectual, or deslrubie.
Dr. A. A. n.iycs. Slate A shaver of Massachu
setts, says of it : "I consider. the besnrvpara
tton for its intended purposes.
Buckingham's Dye,
Aj-er's Ague Cure.
For the Sptm-Oy Teller of
rfTcr'nnd Ayne, lutprmii
temt ri-ver, ChlU x-Vver,
Hemtttent Fever. Dumb
!" Pertodleal or Bilivita
Fwi-r. A . m .1 I ...1 ., M .it
the nfleetlna wbiclt arioe
. - mwwmiw, ..... 2,1., . T
Minimiitin; pinnmi titist ucrn wi-jeiv used,
durinprthe last twewty-flve years. In the treat
ment of these distressine diseases, and with
such unvarying; success that it has gained the
reputation of being infeliible. The shakes, or
chills, once broken by it, do not return, until
the disease is contracted again. This has made
It an accepted rente iy, and trusted sprcino,
for the Fever and Aguo of f.e- West, and the
Chills and Fever of the Bonth.
Ayertj Aguo Cure eradicates tho noxious
poison from the system, and leaves the pa
tient as well as before the. attack. It
thoroughly exncllsthe disease, so that no Liver
Complaints. Rhontnatism, Neuralgia. Dysen
tery or Debility follow t he -mre. Indeed, where
Disorders of the Liver and Bowels have occurred
from Miasmatic Poison, it removes t he cause
of them and they disa)ear. Not only is it an
effectnal cure, but, if taken occasionally by
patients exposed to nin'aria. It will expel the
poison and protect them from atttutk. Trav
ellers and temporary residents In every and all
Ague localities are thus enabled to nefy tho
disease. The General Debility which is so ant
to ensue from continued exposure to Malaria
and Miasm, has no speedier remedy. For
aJvee Complaint, it Is an excellent remedy.
r. jr. C?. ATKB & ., Itwell, Mnu.
Practical and Anal vtieal Chemists.-
63T8old by all DruggWta and Dealers in
Aledioine. v7n8
O Vm wnai Pare, Blooming t,
piexloaT If ao, m rew npplleuna ot
IIA6AVS 91AG.nei.IA BALM will craUfy
T romr heuri content
way with Btfcm, Bteteliea
para. Overcomes the riaikcd
anee r heat,, fatlirae and es.rttetneat.
v. .
. - I;
Hi Dodc
Corner First ami Ferry streets.
Ha taken 10 Europeairpreniinttis;
Farming Tools
Extraordinary fndurcmenta of-
.:..' : : -'i,.l'-.'.. ;-:.'- r.'.-'v-.';..-,.''',: V
rerod to CASH cu.tomcrt. y
'"-''' ;;'':t.-" 'tr
fCc;3 ;oj eij.ij! itTri -''it-u.uo;i
-i-'.j.cri pii; t.f2:;.t; f-lll'O't
a?;j eo;?rt.:.:p!:::i i:,7;::.t-.i.:?i'-s!?
JO SOI3.j: i.lii !! Jt'P":( 11
1133 i: t.9tJS4:ai- ;w-
-IIo i Si. j u mi ;. r j a h j a t u ? i
-1 i ,?5;tf 3 .JJd. M3ti-Avt:o;x:.
oj sioajic.i.n s:so.ii.)ti at: -J
tt."si.i.i it ry isaj-sTtTRtoji J uontit
Ikjij oil ' "vi'-i JI p;:ii:nT:i ptro
Pii iiiri .:ci t3ts;o3 aa 3iuoi
JO Jllf3!tH-50E;3 t VJ OA1WJO
-b eera 5,1 pr.toA. otr-j trj pooj
ao csoxi tjctzi eancl vzoij. sp-era
nq U20 TiOA ADJ tJ wOJ .
(iooi airs
01 uon3TTdd no Mil
siiff ill
O I Htl.
'aaoonv paa
Xbdoo sitn 10 arm
pandaid 71 -Bfrtoq qava tn naofq imi
"sP"t opioM aqi avq apnj BDraaa as r.
Ptn, -uo Pn'VtTol
"t m pxA-uu,j fjat m tqaartttK
TyjWS suaqr ppng Jo moots.
agaamia8jojnbaonmqtl ivo JUOX
"I namoaiorf ptnt rnmMipnr taatia
- a 1 1 K. M 11 " a i
notni40 piona tnra iniHuaMT on'jepaajg
0018 o.M 'UWixa apaoa tBlliuvi 81
. : ' JIUIUiih
H fuioidon innvavwoiL rnua avai
-M vom'ssmsoetout 'on.taM it twtniu ptnt
oofta.ia a3 wmu funmiiav
PPI gt apa-BH pMai)
Mnwtfviu Din id janmim nm
"laoaaw Jo tdtapH aj p
Jfu 3ino3uoj eqt o uorirppv at xiivsxt
mo nam ttasn johj lopio moqu joliniux.
antatsfqj jo spaipanq uiojj uortpuntnx I
turiat BAq . TOnMad jjeqj u j paaanoa j
""m l"tl .:IA t tatuna apao j itilm t
ppnilKM ioqM. aioonpsn o fHVI9itM
. paind Zioavui
"B1 uWO pn pai3'T orrr" Tf J vfo-mjrtror
MUMaaia pna 'qjvtuaia TlwHt
moij Sapaq jmuro oipafntj Knpamujeqt .
tf "q H JO apaiponq poAKr aq jt ata
T lHI'iOi -aam Jiam bkuj Mifff
asa moSu m im
JH yhooid aia arPMII JOptp tTIM
-ntooav ooq ut nwp rr0vl -pajno tndoiarl I
am isotqna mim wipsi qsiqji 01 rnu '
n y pa nv Tnb en wiiii vpmasasn ta
T" 11 III
im iTvkru
-iri"-- .WI WW, .UV)MWtlM.lU MWIWH
'Smpseia saois 'uttrnuu dmj 'nomnmnz
-u rtrauv ano,x riw;
g8 m aa-qij ipiaoxa
apfaas uifl jo atnvd auttu Xp,dnoij
aonvonddB nnmza rttmani isocors
Ftia -mf9 , aaopnijaaiy
,la jnpiaov- isaotxa a(pao
Wars q ot pjonv inn Xiiaraj aN mummM
' . . JVypox a tonno annA ex
ana tdamdpna amiuia ao; ptm uitt 1
ni Jo 0a nt ntwq rnn ''XsnMir 1
NnwA tvuV'AWBiX t.6l8tf
nwx ia tatxla ma JQ jnsxrT t
FOtt OLD !BEr.
"' " Py Ocean Steamer, at , , .
Baat & SImo Staro,.
nierr kt., corseh imoAttALBix,
Albany; Oregon,
Cheaper than the Cheap eat.
Albany, March S8, 1875-28v7
Imtug and Valuable Tract of
. Farming XukI rw aSe.
pBREE IJUSDRKD ACRK8 tf plow land. SW
ii..f n,,,.u bottom land. On tbe prom.
Ii-e are felr buildliiRi, bonne, burn, gmnMi-v,
aboda. etc.; alao trood beartnn orc'.iard ol fi-ui
treea; 400 aorwn of the very bent, paatnre land :
Macros of timber land, nub and maple, tbe lient
or liu-minx land when ck-arod. A never fxillnr
tn-nm of watnr runa through the larm. Tttfiro
is aim a splendlit irry of UbkhwHoii tbe
Pfaco, pnmmiiMwt by experts A 1 rock. Vonr
nnnilnHl arres are tiiirtcr tenon. It In one of th
ntost denirable and clumnoMt fiirma In HoiiRln.H
county. Ij lng IS nilleo from the O. AC. mili-onMt -
a. fta.lfu..l 1 , ... .....
I - .. V't (Till (UUitVI W WHVW, VIVi,
apply. In tola ott j-. to
J. H. -BOCCnTOV, M. P.
l - Albany, May , 1875. -
wuc um xito qi ni 'tHiaA isesiav
"Ma JTftulaj mtt macu Snot ntia fiiriflncnA ."