The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, July 30, 1875, Image 1

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NO. 4&
Homo lows,
SATURDAY, JULY 24, 1875.
The revival meetings closed last night.
R I'Sawat. A team belonging to John
J.uper, attached to a hay wagon, rsiu away
to-d:iy, throwing the driver, Sir. Foster,
lienvily to tlic ground iind injuring his hip.
The temn was considerably scarred up, awl
the wagon broken.' ,
Dlls"T Know Him. Fred Grafs father
whom he had not wen for about twenty
three years arrived hi the city n day or
two since, and Fred went out to the depot
to meet tlic oh! gentleman. ' After the ar
rival of the train and after Fred foul nnx-iou-ly
stiimifil u.Kh face lu the vain en
tlcavor to find lii-s fuller, an acpia! titmice
came to him and in ft irmttK Him tliat .his
fitlier was looking for hind . Euclf luid
probably passed and repis?ctl Hie oilier
without recognition, the coitiintty 'rolling
years fiavtng mail-i swell groat changes
In the two men.
1'isoiiabi.y Fatal Accident. About j
noon to-day, .. ont on Abe llacklcman's
place, a couple of miles smith of tins city,
a young man named James Chambers feh
from the ttarn loft striking a stake on a
wagon-rack partially loaded with hay,
-with such force as to penetrate tlie cavity
of the stomach, cutting a gash five or six
inches in length, from which the entiaU
protruded. The siake penetrated the left
shle Jan below the rjbs. Dr. Jones D. C.
and J. I-. Hill were called t;, who re
moved a portion of the protruding mem
brane. Tlie physician will exert all their
skill to save him, Imt tliere is scarcely any
Iiope for tlie wounded man's recovery.
Ktiixologt. Tin SmitsonUn Institute,
wishing to mkmi'-c as large a display as pos
sible illutraiive of tlie ethnology of tho
Uuittd States, to Ie exhibited at the .Cen
tennial at Philadelphia, In le!7tf. has sent
out a nrircnlar "reottuMMig all. friends and
txirrespomk-nts and all who are interested
in tlie eorripleteiiess of ich a display, to
forward any and all specimens they can in
the way of stone, bone, earthenware, etc.,
tending to iihitrare the pa.-t and present.
IiUtory - of tlie aboriginal races now or
previously inhabiting the Continent of
Xorth America, including what is strictly
prehistoric I" its character or relating to a
long-past age, and wlwt belongs to the
present day. Such article? a axes, chisels.
Jlushers, knives, ha miner?, pestles, 'mortars,
scrapers, smoothers, polishers, sinkers,
pipes, tubes, ve-strls, or vases of eai-tlien-waro
or soap-stone, both entire or fragmen
tary. The ; modern objects required are
articles of dress, ornament, and the toilet,
implements of war and the chase, lints.
wigwams, sleds, boats, dog and hor-? trap
pings agricultural implements in short
everything tliat tend-? to throw light ujkmi
Che manners and customs of the American
tribes. . Skulls and skeletons, both ancient
and modern, .will be acceptable, as also
photographic portraits , . ot riiodern races.
All specimens should, as far as possible, be
accompanied by an invoice and atatemei.t
ot tlie circumstances under which they
were collected, whether la a mound, a
gruve, or found au tlie surface; with the
exact loealityV collectors, vte. The collec
tion thus obtained Will, after lliey have
served titeir purpose ot exhibition at f ile
Centennial, be brought kick to Washing
ton and form part of xhe permanent ex
hibition at tlie National Museum, wliere.
a in lliiladelDhia. due credit will be
riven to the contributors. Tlie '"' display
in question---Will be exhibited under the
joint auspices of the Smithsoui.-tti Institu
tion and of the- IudUn Bureau ot '
Interior Department, - both department
bcin ennged Irr riiaki collections for a
common object. Parties hereabouts who
nnv t,-i vi snmimens a above described
- I.-.....1 tlw.m In Mr. John Ii!I2S
will pack them nicely ami fortvard ilwiu
to Washington, wnere an pk"" "
Institution sliould be forwarded.
James Chambers, so badly hurt la.-t
Saturday, is reported getting along fine
ly to-day, and it is now thought he may
pull through. Good. -
Coixar-boxb " Beokex, A litt'e
daughter of Mr. A. CarotherH, Libbie,
aged between three and four years
while nlavimr. fell off of a lounge,
yeaterday, breaking her collar-bone.
Dr. Geo. W. Gray, Mrs. Foster and
son, Robert, took the cars for the north
on Saturday. They intend joining
the party, headed by Sir. Hammond,
thai- ctn-t f..r tiiA Rnmid in a day .or
two. .- . .1- .. ', "
Rumor has it that E. S. Merrill takes
charge ot the American Exchange
Hotel, and that Backensto floes to the
mountains to recruit. Well,; Ed can
tun the hotel he's just the boy to do
it. -
At the wedding Saturday night, the
happy benedict insisted on the minister,
Rev. 1. Wilson, kissing the blushing
bride, adding, "it musv be for lle last
titne,n With tlie same proviso, he in
vited all to sail in. It was 8 merry oc-
- caeioD, hugely enjoyed by all present.
Mrs. Dr. Gray starts for Portland to.
w- J, Cemstock and wife arc fn the
citv, ,
The field belonging to Walter Mon
teitli, just south of James Eikins' place,
caught fire to-day. . We liavnt learned
whether it was grain or grass that was
being burned, .or bow great the damage.
Supposed to have teen Fet on fine by
Fparks from a passing locomotive.
J. W. Rust is canvassing" for "Wild
Life in the Far West; Personal Adven
tures of a Border Mountain Man," "a
most thrilling and entertaining work, il
lustrated with numerous engravings
ot border life. Price S3. Persons fond
of reading ot hair-bread th escapes and
daring deeds, sliould wninre a copy of
this work. It is well writ en, and the
interest is sustained from beginning to
end ot the work. Subscribe fur it.
Dro"vxei. A young man named
Dudley Gilmore, aged about eighteen
son of the hotel proprietor at Junction
Citv, was drowned in the Willamette
river, at the bridce near Ilarrisburg, on
Saturday. Deceased and two others
were in swimming at that point, ami as
lie was swimming across for the third
or fourth time, he got too close to one
of the bents in the bridge where the
water makes a swirl, and was drawn
under. The other boys male an effort
toave him, but were unsuccessful
JT-earcii had been made for the body,
but wilhofit success at latest dates.
Serious Acctokst. Letters have
just been received from Ochoco convey
ing the information that Mr. Win
Gird, who left his home in this city a
short time nsro for his ranch out there,
has met with a serious accident by be
ing kicked by a young horse, lie was
kicked on the left leg just below the, the hoof cutting a terrible gash
which, in the absence of a physician, he
was compelled to stitch together with
his own hands. The le' is completely
paralyzed, and it is feared the bone is
fractured. As soon as possible Mr.
Gird will start for home, although let
ters to friends in this city just received
announce that he was confined to his
bed; and it certainly is a pretty severe
wound that would keep Bill in bed. j
Dick Fox, City Marshal, has gone to
aquina, leaving Yes Packus to fill
his office.
Markied, -In this city, at the
residence ot Joseph Webber, July 24th,
by Uev. I. Wilson, Mr. Gustav I lodes,
of Corvallis, and Mrs. Anna 1 lodgers,
of this citv.
TUESDAY. JULY 27, 1375.
The tirs-t green corn we have seen in
this market this season came in to-day.
Hishop Peck, of the M. E. Church,
will preach in this city at the Methodist
church, & week from next Sunday.
One hundred and seventy-six persons
signed the covenant during the revival
Mrs Bart. " Crooks has returned
.'rora a three weeks visit out at llose
burg. The third story is to go on to the St.
Charles Hotel, the initiatory steps
being takeu this morning. .
J. II. Stuart is out again, after a six
months' affliction with sore eyes. He
is in a fair way to reccver.
The , report this morning is that
James Chambers is better, withrene.ved
hopes of recovery.
Cucumbers, at three bits a dozen,
isn't as cheap away to get phills .and
cholera morbus as might be expected.
Vert Miss Lissa Williams
returned from her mountain trip very
ill with typhoid fever, we are sorry to
learn. .-. 4 ?
Lucy CIayjWx)l,f Lizzie Geary and Mig
Parker started on a trip south this after
noon. Two of the Register employees
were too unwell to work yesterday,
which accounts for the limited amount
of matter in that. issue.
Mayor Stout,! of Jersonphas re;
signed f nayoralityCpf that little cityi
and now that' mnnicipality. is without
an executive head. K:
A. Carothers 4s Co. are kept busy
night and day filling orders tor drugs,
paints, soda, etc. The continued and
arduous labor is telling on Andy, and
he is geating thinner every day.
Fencb IirBTrKD.-i The fire 'spoken
of in yesterday's Registeb, caught from
Rparke let fall from s passing locomotive.
Thdiv irrass caacht ia Thos. Mon-
-.. j 0 ...
teith's pastaTe, just south of the city,
and communicated with the fence, des
troying about two hundred yards of it.
The Willamette is now way down,,
none but the lightest draught boats
being able to connect on to this city. ;
Green plums only three bits a gallon!
So much fun and cliolic for so little
Wheat is gradually advancing in
price, and our farmers are correspood
ingly cheerful, Tihies promise to be
"Hush" the coming fall-
Our markets are not overly well sup
plied with vegetables, eta, not because
there are none in the country, but lie
cause the Grangers are too busy to
fetch them in.
The firemen were out parading the
streets yesttrday evening, led by the
bras band, wearing their new hats.
They Vmfc gayer'n anything. 4 Wearing
one of those heavy leather hats on a
broiling hot day will be punishment
enough to satisfy most anybody.
Fd. Robinson and E. R. Gates
brought down a raft of lumber from
Corvallis to-day. Gates is a rusher and
knows all about a sawmill and sawmill-
Rev. Mr. ITammonl leaves Portland
for Olympia on Wednesday, and from
thence to Seattle ' on Thursday. One
week from Monday he leaves for Sitka.
An excursion party is talked of for
Sitka in connection with Mr. Ham
mond's visit.
The debate between Revs. G. W
Ricliardson and j E. A. McCa'listcr
opened at Bethel : to-day, wo suppose.
The question for debate is: liesolred,
That the Old and New Testament, and
reason, alike teach the final salvation of
all mankind.
Young Foster, of Oregon City; who
j it will be remembered was brought in
from the mountains r-ome days since
very ill with mountain fever, was
carried to tlie cars to-day, still too un
well to set up, and started homeward
His sister, Mrs. ! Newman, who came
up to attend him here in his sickness, is
now sufferiiiir rom the same disease,
too ill to be removed at present.
Removal. Mr. John I'riggs has
removed his tinware, stoves, etc , across
the street from the old stand on First
street, wliere he will be pleased to see
all those wishing anything in his line,
As soon as.may Iks the old frame so long
occupied by the "Old 'Stove Store" will
be torn down, and its place taken by a
neat two-story business house.
RArr.uoAo Talk. The question of
the construction of a railroad from this
city to Yaquina Bay is taking shajx?.
If our people conclude to build it, it'll
be done. And if the Corvallis eop1e
fail to make their railroad stick, Linn
county will go for the road with a
rush. It will not be a very big job,
and our people don't hesitate at any.
thing that promises to be remunerative,
even if the first cost is a little binding.
Our people are determined to, have
cheap transportation facilities to tide
water, and this route promises to bo the
best and cheapest in sight. More on
this question at another tune.
Rev. I. Wilson preaches his farewell
sermon next -Sunday.
Salem buyers are reported as offering
01 per bushel for wheat.
No eggs in market hens all struck.
Watermelon time is coming on. Let
'er cotue. .' - ..'
There is talk of starting a Dollar store
in this city soon.
From Lebanon we learn that all who
possibly could, had gone to the moun
tains. Just so every where.
Prof. W. E. Wei Is . started for Fish
Lake yesterday, Tuesday, expecting to
be absent for two or three weeks.
Wheat is quoted at 82 202 25;
choice old milling, $2 27 percental, in
San Francisco.
Messrs. Bell & Parker have a splen
did article in the line ot cigars, as we
happen to know. Don't take our word
for it, but try 'em yourself.
We have some idea of "liglringontM
next week tor the mountains, as bard
aud continuous labor for the past two
years without a "rest spell" convinces
us that we can fully enjoy a week's va
cation. ,. -. ..
Business. W. C. Twecdale has ad.
ded books and stationery to his line of
business, and now you can get school
books, sugar, letter paper, starch, pens,
syrnps,' envelopes, tobacco, etc., etc , by
calling at his establishment. Business
is business.-
No Services. There will be no
services in the Congregational church
on Sunday. - - - ' ;
- Dr. T. W. Harris is comfortably loca
ted at 1517, Stockton street San Fran
cisco, and we shaT probably hear from
him occasioisally during , his residence
there. - -i
Dr. W. F. Alexander and family sjart
for the Fish Lake country to-morrow.
The Dr. will return, but the family will
remain up there a couple of month".
Delegates to the Democratic State
Convention from this county went down
to Salem to-day. To-morrow we shall
doubtless know who is to be the Demo
cratic standard liearer" in the coming
triangular Congressional $ghj. f-
A lady dfbyafew-Iys'go
tied a calf to , sawbuck wilh a- rope.
The result can be imagined -Tlie calf
tore up the garden, and eventually tore
the sawbuck all to pieces. I .
Bury Times. Everybody seems to
be busY--few if an idlers about. Im
provemer.ts are going on in almost every
part of the city, and all is life and ener
gy. We aic bound to grow and thrive
if we have to build a railroad to Ya
The root on Froman's brick block
is being slap)ed on rapidly, and will
probably be fi:ished this" week.' Car-
jicnters are laying the floors, and the
building will soon be ready for the
The work ot tearing down the "Old
Stove Store" commenced this morning,
Mr. John Brhrgs, to whom the property
belongs, will erect a handsome two-
story business house where the old build
ipg stood.
Rubber Paixt. Talkiti!! about rub-
lier paint, a sample ot it can be seen on
the new awning in front of Mr. S. E
Young's store. This paint has a good
reputation. Messrs. Dell & Parker
have it tor sale at their drug store,
Gone Ui Our buyers ar? offer
ing one "dollar per bushel for wheat.
Oats Jtave : advauoed to sixty cents,
t.ggs are sought aiier at Zo cents jer
dozen, with few in market. Butter is
worth 25c. The Good times are com-
Cheap Ridixc. The firemen of this
city have chartered two cars for next
Tuesday's excursion to Portland, and
as there will not bo fitaemen chough to
fill the cars, they propose to sell tickets
for the round trip to ali who wish to gi
down on that day tbr4 which ischeaj:
enoug'i. Seize on the opportunity, you
that want to go.
Roll of Honor. The names of
the following pupils have beeu placed
on the roll of honor in tltc higher de
partment of the District School in this
city, which closed Ju'y 2d : ,
Krncst Slinks.
t '.Itnrlca fon nelly.
l'ss IlBlf,
Annular liji-wett,
0nr IS-ouiit.
Xollie Ricufti'dH,
Anthony llaltliuorc,
Itiurgria Brink.
Graix Stored. P. C. Harper &
Co are prepared to receive and store any
quantity of wheat aud oats, at their tine
warehouse ou the.. corner of Ellswortl
and First streets. They will furnish
sacks to all who order, in any quantity
desired. Now is the time to make ar
rangements for storage. -. P C. Harper
Ss Co. will do as fairly by yon as any
body. There are no more accommodat
ing gentlemen in the business.
Personal. Miss ' Lissa Williams"
was reported much better this morning.
James Chambers also reported im
proving. Ho was able to stand on hi
feet yesterday for a tew moments. It
has come to a pretty pass that a man can
have a stake-aud-ridered fence run
through Jiim, and still lively IT
Dr. J. L. Hill went to Buena Vista
to-day, to see a patient.
Rev. Mr. Stratton and family, , Andy
Carothers and family, and others, start
for Clear Iake to-morrow.
-fay Blain arrived tiomefVom Yaquina
la.-1 evening, and scooted for Portlan
this morning.
J. II. Backensto is very sick, antl
was yesterday removed from-the Amer
ican Exchange Hotel to the residence
of his father.
It is generally conceded that General
Benjamin Harrison, will head ;the. Re
publican ticket in Indiana. foV feovonot
in 1876, and Uloni William Is. ilohs
man the democratic General Harrison
was second in' the3 Convention in ' 1872
when General Browne became'the nom
inee, and wa nomtuated by acclimation
for Congressman at largobut permpto.
rily declined.
Returns ot the department of agricnl-'
lure tor July 1st, show ti e condition
of spring and winter wheat together
at about 82 per cent of an average.
Winter wheat, including California,
averages 74, and spring wheat ' 96.
Spring wheat, in States in the northeast
and northwest is generally in high con
dition. r Of winter wheat the area in
in the South Atlantic and Gulf States
Is geiierlly above the average, but in
the middle States the condition is very
low, ranging down to 45. West of the
Allegiianies from New York, the pros
pect is better, the Slate averages being
between 71 in Ohio and 95 in Iowa
California reports winter wheat at ,7G
and spriug wheat at la.-
A Sacraitiento paper of tltfs.3'd.'saysi
"Lincoln, Placer county, usually a qui
et place, with notliinir to disturb tlie
even tenor of its country ways, was on
Wednesday agitated to a somewhat u-
usal extent by an elopement which took
place on the night previous A gentle
man, the father of a pretty and marri
ageable daughter, had forbid au estima.
ble young man well known in this city,
where he resided, to court his daughter
or even speak to her; but the young
people were determined to surmount pa
rental obstacles, and friends of the
young man aided him in the chivalric
enterprise. A liceiiso was procured
TuesJay,and it appears that pater famil
ias suspected something, for that night
the damsel was directed to lodge in the
extreme upper art of the house. But
but at midnight, by some of them gett
ing on top of the house, the young man
and his friends managed to lower the
lady down, and took her in triumph be
fore a minister, who tied the knot, and
the couple went to their new home
An Tiiter Ocean special correspondent in
the Black Ilills, under 'date July 20, tele-
graphs from Harney's Peak that Prof.
Jenny has discovered encouraging pros
pects along Spring anil Itaphl creeks wiicre
lie has been working with his troops the
Mt two weeks. There is abundance' of
water, probably from one to twelve inches,
with fine fall of 75 to 80 feet per mile; aloa
number of Hat that average form 3 to 4
cents per pan from the grass roots to the
betl rock. There are. It is estimated, on
Spring and Ka p'ul creeks, not fewer than
300 miners, nnd disseminated throughout
the Hills about S00, although some-place the
number at 1.000 1.500. The gold in the
new diggings U of coarser quality and
greater quantity tliau that discovered along
llniiic'i i reek. Miners are coming at the
rate of 20 daily, and new gulches of gravel
ire thickly settled. Col. Dodge left thi3
morning witti a cavalry companies for
Prof. Jenney's camp. The remainder of
the command will occupy camp -Harney
for several weeks, or till tlie Indian com-
tmssiouers arrive. It Mill then move
north to Bear Butte, where the next
permanent camp will be made.
A dispatch - from Berlin says Count
Dzembeck, his mother and chamber
maid, have been arrested at Laudeck
in the district of Bestan, charged with
being coi.cerned in a conspiracy, to
assassinate Prince Frederick William
A Washington special says Senator.
Cole, of California, who has been at
Washington attending to business before
the Geneva court, is said to be an aspi
rant for the position in the cabinet in
case of Delano's removal."
Anisiai. Sagacity. A Mississipian
has a cat of which he tells the following
story i "I was sic a short lime ago.
and the cat would come from the table
to the bed l'reonentlv. She finally dauirht
.. 4 - cj
a mouse aud brought it loj the bed, lay
ing it down beside me. threw it oft
but as often as I did so tlie cat would
bring it back, until I thought site wanted
me to eat it; so I made believe I ale it
and thee t went away apparently; sat
isfied. And betore mgnt tue eamo day
she brought ma striped I squirrel, and
each day tor three days I was iu bed she
broutrht camo with the wme," result-
she would never leave until I had pre
tended to eat it.
For twenty long years,' fays a Xew
Jersey paper,' "the wolf stood at 'this
poor widow's door." T01 keep a wolf
standing that long is nothing less than
cruelty to aoinials. ' I " V
The losses of the Carl ists: during the
past three weeks iu killed, Iwounded and
missing, is estimated at 4,000 men. r .,
There were 198 deaths In Vera Cruz
during the . month of June, . of which
125 were from vomito.
John Marden, ' superLutendent of tlie
Dalles ud Stindy wagon rood. Informs the
Mouwtatvmr that the road over the portaga
a distance of six miles i now finished
aud ready for use. lie lias moved his camp
to one nule lielow Jio.ier34 intending to
open the road betweeu the Dalles ami Hood
river, or as far aa tlie money ou hand Mill
carry it;
: BepnMlenn CBveafMa
At a meeting of the Republican State
Central Committee it was ordered that
a Republican State t onvention be held
n Salem on tlie 11th day of August,
1875, at 2 o'clock P, M., for the pur-
pose ot nominating a Congressman.
The Committee also recommended that
the Primaries bo held on Saturday, July
31st, and the " County Conventions on
W ednesday, A ugust 4th. In compli
ance with this recommendation the
Republicar.s of this county will meet in
their several precincts on Saturday next
at 10 o'clock a. m., for the purpose of
electing delegates to attend tlie County
Convention, which meets in this city on
Wednesday of next week. Tlie several
precincts will be entitled to the same
number ofMelegates elected. y them m
1873. V:'"'.: . .:
By order Chr. Co. Cent. Com. ?
' ... . . . .
Tlie waters of the riyer Ncne at Pe-
tcrboro are from 15 to 20 feet above the
ordinary level. The rise was so sudden
that bedrooms in buildimgs along the
river were flooded between Earilh and
Denburg, and 3,000 cattle were de
prived of pasturage. The water was 3
or 4 feet deep on 45 acres ot land near
Duncan, Sherman & Co., Xew . York,
failed yesterday, 27th. Liabilities, $0,000,-
000. Tlie announcement of the failure
created the wildest excitement In Xew
John Noble, a highly respectable tarmer
ot Milburn, Ohio, beat his wife with a club
aud then cut her throat. Alleged cause,
infidelity. He surrendered to the authori
ties. Noble was 60 years of age.
The Gazette Meatcale, France, says
that by au accident charcdal has been dis
covered to be a cure for burns. By laying
a piece ot cold charcoal upon a bum, the
pain subsides immediately. By leaving
the charcoal 011 one hour, the wound is
healed, as Iia3 been demonstrated on several
occasions. j .
The Aralanche says: "It seems to
be a well established fact that John
Mowbray, who is now in jail in Silver
Ciiy tor beating and threatening. to kill
his wife, instigated one ot his children
a boy some eight or nine years of age,
to set fare to the house :n "which Mrs.
MowbrayIived7 "At alt evenTphe'bbv
did kindle a fire under the house the
night of his mother's confinement, and
had it not been for a Chinaman, who paw
aud extinguished it, the bedridden wo
man aud her helpless little children
would have fallen a prey to the devour
ing element and beeu burued up alive.
To (be Farmer of Una County.
Hold your orders until you see the Ctil-
easo Pitt Threshers. Ask old Illinois
farmers and they will tell yon tliat they
are the best in tlie world, without anj- ex
ception. Sold only by I111 forth, Kellogg
& Co., Portland, and their agents through
out Oregon and Washington Territory.
We also have a full line of farming imple
ments and machines, consisting of the
following A No. 1 goods: Win. Anson
Wood Mowers, whfch took 32 first pre
miums, in field trials, in 1S74, aud could
go into the field with any machine on this
coast to demonstrate that they are the best,
which we are prepared to prove, and chal
lenge any machine to the contest. Extras
to. all machines supplied from our Portland
house, without delay a full supply always
on hand. Please send for price list and
circulars. Address, A. SLOOU3I, Agent,
Portland, Oregon. 43m2
Xew Firm. fnm Miller has bought the Wag
on and Smithshop heretofore occupied y
Pelra A Sneitlel. toiretlier with the materia
rnd unfinished work, and Is now prepared to
furnish anvlhlnit In his line, consisting of
CurriaKes, Buggies, Lumber Woxons, Hacks.
Ac. and general smithlnir neatly and with dis
patch. I employ none but the best of mechnn
lot, and Insure satisfaction. All work war
runted. I think I can make it an object for
von to buv of me. in orice. stvle and durabllltr
of wiik. I use the best- of material, hickory
and nuk. fi-oni the Eastern States. Call and e
nminti for voursel ves : all I want is a fair trial.
1 have had several years of experience on thla
const, and with the knowledge thus gained, uin
certain I ran please yon. I guarantee to sell lor
cosh as low as can lie bought iu this city. A
lanre lot of lnmtier wuirons. tilde and end spring
carriages and hacks mi hand. Patronize home
manufactory lo not send vour money off out
of the country. Act the port of wiso men, and
uauu up your own aiaie, anu you wui prosiier
Canckb Can be CritEir. We warrant a
cure on Cancers aud "old sores." llave
also new vegetable remedies for diseases ot
the eye, which have cured a great many
eases considei-ed hopelessly bliud. . Office
at the residence bit corner of Callpoolit and
Fourth streets, opposite Judge Baldwin's
35-7 It. G. & Mrs. PRE5HAW
Ma. James- Moo kk Will ommence, on or
about fbe lot 11 -day of May, delivering fresli
Hilk. Batter, Egprs and Vegetables to tho citi
xens of Albany. Now is tho time to make j our
arrangements, as Mr. Moore will run a teem
dally, and do as he agrees. '' n33tf.
' RErfeTt..iii)r.? Gamble has removed
hi office to bis iiew.,building. adjoining his
residence on First street, otie block west of
the foundry, where he may be found at ell
hours. " . , 43 '.
WOOI. WASTED. P. C. '.Harper ft Co. will
pay tlie highest cash price for ail tho wool tbey
can get. and would respectfully Inform every
body tliat 11 icy bave a fine stock of general
merchandise for sale rery low for cash, or to
prompt paying customers on time: , 33tf.
PitEMrcsx Chairs. Those" wishing to
procure the celebrated Metzler chair, wil
take notice that none are Genutna unless
the name .1. M. appear on tlie
back of each chair. 11 tfc
WbokMMJo Mid Re tall Denier in- i
. E00TS &'8H0E9y' ".
reapers & rjiovtnsV i
. BR0ADCST 6lD . '
: , , ; SOWERS, ETC
' Tint , Btrumt, i Alfctmy, . Orfa.'
Terms 1 4 CaslV.'
AH: BEL4 PARKER, Into Of Oivfton City';-.
bK leave to inforio tlte pnMlo tlmt thoy -Itnvepurcliaaett
tl6 entire Motkolili-nm.mnil.
loioes, Ac., formerly owneclby U. V. Ft ill A Bon,";
and tbat they desljro continuing the bnineHs'
nt. the old stand, where tliey porpoee koepln; lit"
tbe farurc a full assortment of- . :
Drugs, ' y vl - "
Chemical, ' " .
' Patent Medicine. ' ' '
v. ': "': Toilet Aitide,' : ' "i
f ParfaiiNsry,'
nnd everything nsoally found ia a first-cbtM .
drtis nrore.
hlle earnestly solicit l ok a wmtinnaneeor .
the llneralnatronHire heretofore extended to the
old honac, we hope at the same time, ly flr ;
and liberal dealing, and cftrefnl 1"it iiu o tli
wnn t ot customers, to merit t lie esteem n an y
kew friends who may favor us -with their or-"
ders. ' - - ' ,
Partienlnr attention Will helven to the com- .
pounding of physician's nroeHptionsand am
uy recipes, at au nonrs n tn;inyor ninc . , f
Successors to JO. C, iliuu -Sqjt,' ' '
Albany, October , 14-n4tf
Here' tlie Place I
Has received and is oiToi tng for sale a weU soleo
Wliichheis determined to sell ' :r"' 4
u a s ii i or Merctantaila . Prodncs
Goods axict Prices ,
Xiebanon, Or.
- auiiacx2kJKs
j fall stock of Trusses and Surgical appliances;.
. ear Benember PI.I7.U3IEB.
v7 . . .... -,,, : nSa :
I. C. HARPER &. CO., r
Dealers in ,
'loibrn Boot! and Sbt,Hato,Uret-
rtra, Fnncy iiootb, Kot Ionic, KhoMrnna .
and Piatols, Halls, Hope, Hlrrwra . , .
Wallpaper, Wood and Willow
Ware, Tronltat and Valtaea,
Porbet Cotlerjr, dte &e., ' .
Sold very low citlier for cash, or to prompt pay.
nw ins; customers on nine. . v
' GOO' , ;C32rl.333 I
, Iiirgc and Taluable Tract ot
Farming Land for Sale,
THREE ITCXPHEl) ACltES of plow land, tOO
of which is rich bottom land. On thsprcin .
tsos are fnlr bnUdinir, ltouse, Imm, granary,
sheds, etc.; also koch bearing orchard of fruit
trees; will acres ot ine very orat pasiure iana ;
50 acres of t iinlicr land, ash and maple 1 he Ixwt
of farming land when cleared. A never fntllnar
stream of water runs tu rough 1 no farm, xnoro .
is also a nienaiti quarry .jiniaocaon ine
Diace, pronotinceu oy ex pens- a tr rocav sonr .
nindrod acres arc muter fcace: It Is one or th-
most desirable and cheapest ftirtns in lMnHrlas
count y, lying IX auuea f raao. tiM O. ft V. raUroaa
at kkland. For particulars tar to price, eto.,
apply,luthlsty,to. Albany, May It, 1879 .:'..-,;.; ."-' -
auu Maay,;w. wuvj
X fully thank the cltixens of Albaii and vl ,
einlty tor tlie liberal patronaire bestowed ott
lilin for tlie past seven years, and hopes for tho .
futurua continuation of their fuvors. For (ho
aocnmnKKlatkn of transient! customers, and
friends in t ho npner part of town, he has open
ed a neat little shop next tloor to Taylor Bros.
Saloon, where a good workman will always bar
in attundanne to wait upon patrons.
lleo.ll.U7t. . ..... , . JOK WEBBER.
'.''s f v - FOR OLD MEW,"
-.,,-; t .v w!,'foii 'xdvxti: mew."
y, , By Ocean Steamer; at , , y
Bmt &' Bliao Staro,,.
- iTBsrr ST., rB5En bsoadalb! x , ,
' Albany, Oregon,
Clioeper tban tbe Cheapest
Albany, March 26, 1875-B8vT ,'