The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, July 23, 1875, Image 1

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    V y
ALBANt, OREGON; JULY 23, 1875.
NO. 45.
WhotoUe and RotwU Dealer in r " i
Tei-m.s :
A CAItl.
con tin ulnx
at the okl tnd, whero tlioy imrpoee keeping in
1 tie lurure a iisn aaonnxiH oi
' . .. j li. i 1. Toilet" Artie!, ? ; .
oml everything ttutilly
l.vr Atom.; a--
found in a first-class
White earno3tlv soliciting a continuance of )
V.ta lioeml piuroiiije heretofore estentUnl to the ,
old hone. we hop. at the sttme time, ly fair
u ! l ami rnrfiil ntteittiou to the t
wanrsof customer!. tnteri-the esteem of any
-r.w friends who may favor as villi their or-
ter. - '-.
Parfientar attention xriil he jriven to tneeom-
pouu Jin ot nhyxieian'H presrcriiwioiipanu mm
ii v rceipc.t at! lwwrsnf the flavor ntnt.
A. II. Ac I'AKlitK.
Snew-ssors to R. C HILL. Jt Soy.
Aliany, October y,1i-ii41f -
0. P. S, PLU301EE, M. D.,
-bsale n;
- 'ioi!A CX, :
A fall stock of Trnsseand Sm-gicJU iipi&inees.
P..C. HAKlPliSi & CO.,
-Dealers in
'IutltIn3r, Boots mid Kboeit, tints, Groce
I'nurjr tituxSst, TSoion, Miotjons
Had Pistols, Kails, Hops, Mirrors,
VIIpaier, Wood ami Willow
"". War, Irciifcs imU Vitlh?,-;"
forItet Catlery, &e., Ac.,
fVl;l v.ery low clt her for cakIi, or to prompt iy
injf etwiosuei-a on time. v7
A H. BKT.I. A PAKKEK,lnteofOiaonCltr. ..,.,1 would cost little or nothing, if the
2. Lsr leave to iiiftu-in l!to public that they , 11 . nm;
imve pnreiinscMi th entire stock ot tU-nars. iuikI- s ditches running through tins, at eacn
Iciacs. c. formerly ovtMilby R.O. Iliil & Son, I . - . , i, .. ...mi.
uiti turn tiu-v design continuing the inisineaa ! street crossing, were fixed in suui a man-
BatbEouss & Barber Shop.
f ally tlinnk the citizens of Albnn and i
ctnity for the liberal patromute Ihiow1 on
htm for the past seven years, aii'l hopes for the
future ft continuation of their fiivora. For the
aocom moittt ion of transient customers, and
frienda in tlie upper part of town, lie has alien
ed a neat little shop next door to Taylor Bra.
T Saloon, where a good workman will always be
In attendance to wait upon patron. t
Dec. 11.1S74- JOH U'KBBEK. I
Here's the Place !
Has reccivccl and Is ffeiinsr for snle a well sclec- J
C a si, cp;tt8rcMalilrProilnce !
Please sive me a call, and examine
CJobds and Prices.
T (B. Tf . ILll'MIITOX.
050 .OJL-LT7!?? Z
tirgc and TaSuablc Tract of
Farming Land for Sale. -
THREE HUXDRED ACRES of pW tanil, 200
of which is.rlch bottom land. Jn iheiireni
iaes are 60r tmUdlniw. lionne, ra,ram
sheds. ec.; lsoroodberinjr orchard of frait
trees; too acres of-the verv best rnslure ; ";
50 acres of timber land, ash tk BipJs- e,Sfi
of farming land when cleared. ' A never j
stream of water rnns throu-b t he farm. "There
is also a splendid quarry f Unie-rock oil th
place, pronotmced by experts- A 1 roeic. jJjr.
hnndred acres are tinder fV-nc. It i one ; of t he
most desirable nndheapest illiS
comity, lying 1 raiie fron ths
at jBkland. For particular as to price, etc.,
apply, iu thte city, to ,,AV f.W.
Albany, May 14, 1873.
aonnae, A lbs ny. on t be most favoty bie t errn
The ESTEY OKtiAN has beenpTOnotmced tm
best by themost ixvwpc-ont wlae. !ih2I
any ot ler until yon hv Been and 'yljSfBO
beautiful instruments, w"-
if: iiVl
two miles from Altanv. with hOTcom
piodioua bnrn.nnd small oreliard of Sf?t
Also, fxrmin imp!etnits. and 'J-J7rnM5
for feprln use. PRlCR WW ASD TJCRMS
KkSV -a.. aa m..i imiarnintssee
"R n unaic iimr nils I nn- v.. j - f
given iuiraedistely. ITor mrtJcnMrsj enquire oi
s SVaifelpgtoti&Sdi- Aiony vrt
frM fat wmm. Ttr Hlf m emtmrr.
I Pittrntti tsi erawtfi Pre?
Color, IscrntMt lut'Viitr'siii Sewtfy
Hams Kov$.
TUESDAY, JULY 20, 1875.
- Hack Upset. - Last evening as V. B.
Cannon was driving his hack to the depot
of the O. & C. Railroad, ad while on
Lyon street, the team concluded to '-travel"
and travel it did with such rapidity that
when if came to the "turning off" point
Just before reaching the depot, the hack
wasupet, and Mr. Cannon, Henri Sayrs
and another party thrown out of the
vehicle regardless of, style or taste Mr.
Cannon was severely hurt, aim ic was
thought tor a time that he could not live,
but he "U better to-tlay. Neither of the
rtlKMwere liwrwh r'v-It- was - loud' Witl,
and all will do well to heed it. The team
and vehicle were so little injured that they
brought in a load of passengers from the
How's This? It would be a good Idea
ner that by sliding one or two board Into
grooves fixed for t-lie purpose, tlie water in
said ditches could le 'raised a couple of!
1 feet then and there so that in case of tire,
..... . . 1 1
our engine might uue water ironi mem.
To enable the engine to get water, the
water hi 'the ditch incut be at least a foot
and a half djep, rand none" of the ditches
running from the Canal carry tint much
water. A3 soon as the demand fur water
wlwa the boards could be removed
and - no harm done.
Operation Pkkiokmei. This niomins;
about S o'clock "Mr. E. A. Frecland sneered
the atv.pufcitiou ot tlie leg, midway ot the
thigh. Tlie limb had Jiceu ejected with
turbemilosis of the knee-joint, and the
h-iil tn 1h severed from the bcxly or
tlie ratior.t wonlil die. Drs. Watkins. of
IPoitland. and I). B. Rice. O. 1. S. I'lum-
iver And II. .T. Eottghton, of tins city, aitl-
and assisted in the operation. The pa-
! ....t.l. -I....;.. 1.13 AtiruuVklAjl viirtl-
I t'ton i-ausetl by months of sutTering, stood
tlie operation well, and tlte chances of en-
tire recovery are in bis f;ior. Mr. Free
! laud is at ihe residence of his f.ithcr, on
i Fifth street. ,
Fieh. Quite a lively time was experi
enced at tbe Albany Foundry last evening,
owing to the fact th:rt the bnilding eanght
Cre, and the hoys ot arottiMl with unusual
dWpateh for a few moments. The fire,
liapjjiiy was soon nnder control, and did
not do a great amount of damage. The
lire was caused by melted particles of Iron
filling on the roof, being blown from the
Has any one found a -gold sleeve or
shonlder pin, on which U engraved, in
German text, Baby"? . The reason of the
inquiry is, our baby has lost one of his
shoulder pins, and the person finding it wi'.l
oblige by returning it. We are of the
opinion the loss occurred in or near the
Methodist church, two ar three weeks ago.
Young people's prayermeethig at the
Congregational Church this evening at 7
o'clock. Tlie union meeting at tlie Court
House commences at fifteen minutes before
eight. All are urged to attend Uiese meet
ings who can possibly do so. .u
The Alleerhanians. now playing ur
British Columbia, advise us that they, will
vi.-it Oregon soon on a. professional tour, j
They received high praise form the press j
of Victoria.
Miss Kelly, of Portland, is visiting her
sister, Mrs. Dr. Plummer, in this city.
MiS3 Kelly is member ot the typographi
cal profession. '
Meetings are held at the Court House
each morning at nine o'clock. They are
delightful, and all who attend them arc
great! y blessed. .. ,
- 'Deserted. If all leaves the city whom
we have heard say intend to,' we shall soon
be the only one left to keep watch and
Miss Lizzie Westlake, who has been sick
for the past two weeks, was inneh wor3e
last night, and the gravest tears are enter
tained for her recovery.
See new ordinance granting right of way
to the Albany & Santiam Canal down
Broadalbin 6treet in this issue ot the
Register. V'..-- ;' . :' :u i','
Rev. J. Thompson 'preached a most ex
cellent sernion at the Court llouse la3t
night. . .. tfjf ';4
Prof. Warren is enjoying iho" pleasures
ot a sprahied foot. ; He don't' get rouiul
much. : r.?ni,.. :Mr -yi,fU
Mr. Element U down from Sweet Home.
Reports everything progressiiig rivprably
at the mill. . ;
Tlie s!kw was well patronised Last uight.
New hay coming in lively : ; . -1,
- It is nadd-.ning to see our hair blossoming
for the grave too early. More especi
ally women feel this affliction, and . it Is
vin a creator deformity to them than to
meii. Ayer's Hair Vigor, removes it and
restores the hair sometimes, but its original
color alway, - .-, ; --l ;-. , i
: An TCtio-lUh medica Jlournal reports the
flccomplUhmeritofthe eatxif nuwibering
the hairs 6t the hed.v It ' announces that
thora r from 100.000 to 200'000 hairs In
a lady's- bead, and then, computes, their
value by relating an incident which, it says
f,rnonfd to Madam Nllsson durinz her
rosidence in I Sew York. city. : She was at
,nT f-iir. unit an admirer asked her the
price of lrsle hair JTrotn he itead. She
;ti io nri in iIaw momenM the Swee
dish songstress was surrounded by admir
ers anxious to Dnj a uair nv uio snma rate.
The proceeds" were given to the. fair. At
M tlte value of Madam Mlsson's
baJr Is f 2,000,000.
A Presbyterian minister recc tly de
livered a lecture in London on "Con
gregational Psalmody,," in which he
referred to the incongruities that occur
iu present divisions ot repetition lines.
For Instance: .. "Jxve Thee belter, than
before," was divided, "Love Thee bet.,"
"We'll catch the fleeting hour" was
sung, "Well catch the flee-;" . "My
poor polluted heart'' became "My poor
pol-" "And take Tliy pilgrim home'
was "And fake Thy pi!-;" "And in the
pi-;" and "Send dow salvation from on
high" became "Seud -dotfn sal-;" A
soprano in one case Ang?'v h for a
man-;" and the chorus 'responded, "Oh,
for a JIairsion in tho skies." In one
case the soprano modestly sang, "Teach
me to kiss;" the alto took up the strain,
"Teach me to kiss," while the basa
rendered it quite prosa c by singing,
"Teach me to kiss the rod."
VVnut oriviion lcde About the "or tli Pole.
At present there lies within a few
weeks ot us, and right between ns and
inhabited continents, a circle 1,400
mi:es acioss, of which we know not.
even whether it be land or water, or in
what respects it is effected by some con
ditions wholly different from our own
Is it anything more than a ereat - refrig
erator fbr the production of cold that
is, for the absorption of heat? If water
preponderates there, - then the cold
need not be so extreme a- we imagine:
and just as ihe equator is not every
where hotter than the tropics, just as
the Knsterti hemisphere is warmer by
ten Uesjrees ot north latitude than the
very much warmer than the Southern,
so even the Arctic circle may have the
benefit ol some gonial It has
at least half a year of continuous day.
What if it be found sufficiently haftit
ab'e for the establishment of stations in
which l!ic production and economy of
heat will lie tho.only serious difficulty?
Sc'.oiice is sanguibc, but it confesses it
self to be hoping against hope as to the
matterof its exjectaHoiis. An cnimal or ;
two, seeds that, can stand ay cold,
some of the lowest forms ot vegetable ,
life, and prehaps organisms in the sea,
the possible Tevclaliptis of arl atmos
phere completely clear of aqueous dis
turbance, figure prominently in the
catalogue of hope, as is suspected, there
be ingredients in the earth's atmosphere
too subtle for chemical analysis, the
spectioscojie may detect them in a
region where humidity nc longer em
harasses the question. Then what is
the aurora? Is it of earth or of heaven?
Is it meteoric? Is it cosmic? Does it
rever.l a universal medium? ' Is it a
magnetic phenomenon? At about the
seventieth decree of latitude the expedi
tion will reach the other siJe of the
mpgnetic po!e, and will have to steer
by rules the contrary of our wn, and
becoming more and more, complex till
the needle points finally to the centre
of the earth. At the pole not only
tlie compass, but even the sun, moon
and stars will cease to be available fbr
the usual purpose of observation; that
is it anything should happen to tlie
chronometers, for all will then depend
on the preservation of Greenwich time.
The forlorn hope told on tor the pole
will have to mark its track very care
fully it it would be sure of retracing its
course back again. London Times.
Gold, copper and iron are found in
Iiockimgham Countv, Va. On the
James liiver side of the County North
ern capitalists are buying iron ore lands
at good prices. One larm nas been soul
tor 50,000 and 300,000 has been re
fused for the tract adjoining.
The accidental deaths around Com
stock mine, in Nevada, average one a
week while serious accidental injuries
happen at the rate of one cveryday.
This does not include demises occasioned
by whisky, revolvers or bowie knives.
.-.. i
-A i exas woman has learned to use
the lasso so deftly that she can stand in
the door and haul the hat off the lightning-rod
peddler while he is unfastening
the gate. .'- -i ' -
. An assessor aslted a woman how ma-
ny chickens she had, and doubting her
word ho proceeded to count 'them. .. She
took him to a bee hive kicked it over
aud asked biro to count them.
- - ...... i-. - . . .v--'.-
Tlie difference between having a tooth
properly drawn by a dentist, and hav
ing it knocked out tv a fall on the
pavement is only a slight distinction
one is dental and the other accidental.
Switzerland proposes to watch our
Centennial. J ust lever alone, and she'll
come out all right yet. She has already
wheeled into line and joined tbe move
ment. - -
Jt has been settlen beyond dispute
ttiat Evarts nose more than - any otner
person connected with thelirooklyn trial
ho shows it on his face. ; " '
My lecture will be brief said - a Cali-
1 rnia oaator. ; A turnip hit him that
instant and he announced : The meeting
stands adjourned.
' -' Collector Jackson, of Louisville, Ky.
has defaulted, to the tune of $38,000. y
In the conrt of general sessions in New
York, on the 19th, Thomas Spratfc was
sentenced to ten yearsn the State pris
on for throwing his wife out of a three
story window, notwithstanding both of
them denied the assault. 1 1 1
Tlie American team are. again vretori
ous, having won the St. Leger staVesa.t
Wimbledon on the 19th. : The splendid
shooting done by the Americans excites
the astonishment and admiration ot tbe
English people.. -
Mrs. Demmock, ot Springfield, SlasF.,
who recently tried to shVDrS A. W,
Thompson, of Northampton, ws dis
chargerl onahe 19ti,tUe Dr. jefuing to
prosecute, '-.v ';':5; -";
I Secretary of War,' nelkna,p Generils
Marey ai.d Myers, arrived at Salt Lake
fan the lOthon their wa to 'the Vcl
towstone and UpieFIisBouri.
A young School-lioyjwas asked for
an apt quotation in Latin to show off
the progress he had made to a friend of
tlie road father.' After, a moment's
consideratio the boy said he had got it.
" is it,-my boy?" ''Why, father,
you know our Latin master's name if
Cave, so I think 'cave .canetn? would
best express the slate ot affairs and
maimer of progress in the class."
A Chicago man thinks that the
ilia ns ought to be exterminated, because,
after all William Penn's kindness to
them, "thev went and made him stand 1
in one day. and shoot au apple off his
i: .1.. l,. ;.l. ov. , l
l" J " ...v..
A geutlemaii advertises his wi ling-
ll ss 10 c.c:ngc a corn, icy mi u c-
vol ver.
1 his is the nearest apprr.ach I
to the old law jf retaliation we have
King time. It isn't an C3e
for an eve but it's a leg for an arm.
And if he has not this indisjwnstble
requisite, how else d;is he expect to
obtain the use oi" other eople's money,
even if the (ovcri.m?t.t added oi;e hun
dred per cei.t, to its circulation
A young man charged with being lazy !
was asked it lie look it lrom his :aiher.
lie replica: i uuuk not; lamer Jiasgos
all tt;e laziness he ever had.
TirrlSli? Storm on Illnton.nnd Willow
The following account of tlie bursting of
a water snout on the 11th In-taut, was
written by W. J. Ilerrcn, m Willow Creek
valley, to his father in Salem, and pub
lished in tlw Statesman of the lSth :
VesrertJ.-iv nfternnmi nhont 4 o'clock we
had a Water spout, in the vicinity ot the
Lensbnrg ranch, doing a great amount
of damage on llinton creek ai.d on the
main creek below its mouth for ten or fif
teen miles. I was up this morning and
examined our ranch and it Is badly dam
aged. All tlie grain on the bottom land is
roue, the granary was washed away aud
aaitftt ail to nieces, so ne ot the silts are
uy--u3ite here (tour miles below). One of
i.i nay stac-Ks strncit uramaru's nou-e.
mashing it all to pieces, and they barely
haved their lives. Iew Warner was in bed
sick, auu before ho could get out the water
was up around his waist and lie only man
aged to escape minus coat, hat and hoots.
The house did not go over thirty feet be
fore it went all to splinters. Brninard lot
SS00 iu coin, but found this morning $240
a quarter of a mile below where the lpuse
stood, our spring nousc is gone, ur.e oi
our hay stacks Is standing in Mrs. Smith's
field, carried intact. We have uot a cross
lence ten. anu a.i oi me ptanK leuce, even
queer storm. Here in llepneritonlysprin-
wiwi Hio iiwuv, it u
kieu a little anu we nau no idea oi sucn a
thing. There was a temperance lecture,
by Mr. Iceland, going on at the school
house, and everj'body in town was at it.
All at once we heard a noise like a heavy
wind, then we saw one of the Marlette
boys coining, who told us the water was
coming. We ran over in time to see it.
imd such a sight hay cocks and. stacks,
wagons, chickens, hogs, and even old
mother Mitchell's ducks, were carried olf.-
bight, The loss is estimated at full fifteen
thousand dollars on both creeks. Van
Dyne's house was lifted off the fondation.
John llinton has only IiU dwelling left; all
nu uui.uMuuni hit inn!, snuiuini
lost her organ and stoves, bnt got ber sew
ing machine out ot the creek -nninjured.
She also lost sixteen dozen pair of buck
skin gloves that she had, worked on all
summer. Tbere were no Jives loit. nor
stock lost except nou'.try, hogs, dogs, cats,
etc. -.
Wuo are Rich? The man with good,
arm health 13 rich.
So Is the man with a clear conscience.
So is the narent of vlsrorous children.
" So is thaeditorof a good news paper with
a big 8ubscrintion list. . : v
So is . the . clergyman , whose, coat , the
children pluck as he passes tlicni by in their
play. . :-- .r-'X'-., - -;: " '
ito is tho wife wlio has tlie whole of the
heart of a good husband. :- '' ' "
So is the child who goes to sleep , with a
kiss on his lipi. mid tor whose T.' king a
blessing await-. ....
So Is the maiden whose horizi n sls not
bounded by tlie coming man, bi vttiv uas
a nurpose in life, ..whether- t. ccta mm
or not. .-..,.'.."...
So Is the young man, who, ... a ui
hand on his lieart, can say, I - treatetl
every woman I ever met, asli : id . wish
my sister treated by other men.'' -.-
iftaf twr nfhi-PA ffovA have been Drettv live-
A IWIirr lrillll a Uli A J unvuu .. '
lc ewn fnr Port Townend. On featurday
Jimmie Good, the notorious bad a row In
his mad house. Hp ; got U runic ana peai;
squaw bad!y and then aitaCKen a dock.
S2!?.?fu."ff ' BS KTwh1.
through a window and cut it pretty - badly.
K wna inimlinfelv arrested by the effi
cient marshal, JEdward lllckman, 5 and on
Monday was fined. - .. .t
Jav Rlaln and John. llanaon sUrtcd for
the Bav tcwlayv- ... .
Jim Strait was mowing in his field when conntrv or Burnt river hi Oregon, will furnish anvlliinjr In his line, consisting of
lie saw tlie water got wet before St C.hiXrr In Oregon, wiil u8lV Lttmlr Wwons, Hacks,
he could get away, an.1 l.mowcr was bieht by tins feiry. . . . , , tatg-with --
taken down the creek about half n mile. The Seattle Dispatch of the 15th says: Jos, na . insure satisfaction. All work wnr-
Thls morninsr the creek is nown to Its usual "Tim trnmli on flm .i VLnm mllp ramnt. i think I can make it an object for
. A new process has been soccesgtnllyjtested
in Park City, Utah, by which $4 ore can
be profitably worked.
Nearly 50,000 In pure silver bullion
was received in Salt Lake last Week,, The
receipts are cany increasing.- . ,
The Park City stage Drought to salt la-ke I
one day last week six silver di-icks jrom i
the Ontario, -weighing 10,183 ounces, and
valued at ?9,703. . f ;
One of tlie two saw-niills at Port Gamble
is running day and night, and one running
div only. The dailv cut of the two mills
Is over 150,000 feet of lumber. . -
Robert Brown was held to answer
charge of , horse-stealing at .Ashland, the
other day. t , - - .
The new engiueof the Seattle Coal Com
pany, .in use a?t ot Lake Washington,
jumped tbp-ack last week aud delayed
business for a tune.
Mr. Wagner living upon the Coqnille
accidentally shot himself in the breast.
Tbe balL followed the course of tlie ribs and
did no serious injury.
A large tree near Olympia was struck
by lightning on Wednesday morning of last
weeli, aud set on fireC
Albert Gaines, living a few miles South
of Dayton, caught an individual burglariz
ing his house the other day, aud started
the rascal to jail, but let him loose on a
promise to reform.
A son of Mr. Galbreath, living at the
Lost river bridge, about ten miles from
Ltnkville. was seriouslv hurt bv a horse
falling with him while ruling after cattle."
The boy was supposed to be fatally injured
at the time.
A cutting scrape took placr- at the county
jiil at Steilaeoom on the 10th. A prisoner
named Watt cut another prisoner uatneu
Wriffht. both in for murder, over the head
with an ax. making three tcartul wounds.
Mr. Pembroke, living iipon Souh Fork
of CoruiUle. met with a severe accident
wnile cutt ng down a tree. Ihe tree split.
throwing lii.n with creat 0,(f "P0","
breaking the bone in the small ot tlie
m,.nu u.uvlV burned a few
dys 'no
near KtiStaie. in ciouung
caught trom the rem.iins of a lire used by
some campers, and he ran to tne nonse,
fanning tlte hre into a name wmcn was
liiHcult to extinguish. .
Messers. X. S. Porter and Olias. Petraln
have been admitted to nntctice at the bar
of the supreme court of Washington Ter
ritory. The Walla Walla papers denounce the
late races at that ulacc in no very choice
word, as being unfair and a"put"up job
to swiiitite.
i'he Tribune de.iies the current report
1.1 . . I . M. 1 1
- -
ern. f,om Seattle bay to the Columbia
river. '
The infernal revenue collections for the
dwtrhc f Washington Territory for tlie
fiscal year ending June 30, JS75. "amount
ed to '21. OO j .)'.r This revenue was de
rived principally from special taxes on the
sale-of li pitir. "tobacco and beer, and on
the tnauuf.tctmv of the latter article.
On Sunday before last a cutting scrape
occurred at Port Discovery, one sailor
Qlnlil;iiKr another verr sevprelv. t.hi knife
entering- the left siile about the lower ribi
The wounded man -and his a3sallaut were
t Drought to town immediate! j the one go-
lug to the hospital and the other to jail.
. A man was so rejoiced at Salein over the
removal ot one ot his neighbors to a dis
tant point, that when the household goods
were packed up and put In the wagon
readv to start, be came out and sliouted
Glory." Tlie team became frightened
at the shouting and ran away, one of the
horses Delng killed and the tiirmture scat-.
tcred promiscuously along the street.
The following officer? were elected In
Boise City on Monday of last week: John
lmn, M-tvor: T. C. Jlaupui, First. Ward;
IT . Branstettvr, Second Ward; Fred.
Dangell. Third Wanl; C. W; Morse. Fourth
ward; iU. r.yrd. tittn ward; I,. Weil.
Treasurer; T. Morrow, Marshall.
The Olympia Farmer says: "There are
but a few old snags in the way to prevent
j a steamboat from navigating the Puyallnp
river mr at least ten nines, and it someone
1 11.IY.II" it ZMI1HII - VilUimi UUU 11 LnjUl UCtll Ui
energy would only give this a trial, we are
of the oniuion that it would nnv. if not in
passengers it would In freight. esDecl-illv
during the fall and winter months.
Tho Boise Statesman of July 13th savs:
Mr. S. S. Gray has advertised his notice I
of application for a ferry on Snake river,
which crosses the riverat Whitley's bottom,
eight miles below the mouth of Boise river.
The object is to open a better route to and
lrom Oregon for the Boise travel. Persons
I creek,, on the road between Seattle and
Snokomish, and Mr. J. W. Denny's house
j u burned. Tbe fire has not extended into
any very heavy timber land yet, , but . is
i iiKeiy to 8 nap inrotign a portion oi tnai
largo body ot good timber, unless a rainfall
prevents it, Belonging to the fort tiamme
Mill Co.. In townships 52 aud 2iT, If. B. 4,
and 5 E." - ' "r
The Btikcr City Democrat, of the 11th, says
"On last Tuesday we were shown, at the
banking house of I. W. Virtue, three beau
tiful gold bars, Ihe results of sixteen days
run ot tlie v irtue mm,-from rocK irotn tne
Virtne mine, which were of the value ot
S9.53& 40. This wUie Is improving in
appearance and richness at-, every lick of ,
the drill thit is strucK iu it.-'
- , , , - T,.,. , .
Tlie mining claims of Jai Ingraham &
V,'., lilfiii"-B-.
HT.,,1,1., ahnnt olfrhtooil milua Iw.
low Baker City, are running inree nydraui-
le pipes with full heads of water. Pros-
nect good as there Is more water than has
been for six years past, and enough to lst
until JSovemher. ADove tne ciaim oi
Ingrahain & Co. comes Mills fc Co..
trim urn ninnlnir two nines with full heads
of water, which is likely to continue for at
least two months yet. Prospects good.
' i ;
The following is rrem Kjuama under date :
jutyits: 10-aay, wnuetm steamer wm
was cutt lux up iikj river, mm wncii kuuih
.i,, 7..lL, ), a Krr nn.wl t,.l.
r..r- 1- .1 ..ll
V in iii4 sw lllllll.VI V Ullll
V I 1-. w rnn l un m I ao.An-kiB I
board and was drowned. It seems that he
was sitting on dens and went to sleep, and
I -t .,t . i -
I ,M n 7k v.h Ll i
while In that condition fell -overboard
Th Carriecame to ,hU Dlfte whe. ih
I The Carrie came to this place, where the cap.
1 uln ot a pmftS1 jjoat Hnd irrannlSnir Irorm
and returned to drag the river, bnt up to the
,atest W". Bd Leii KIM
lngtnTortta'- i!19e0yS 'f118
,, k. , 1-' , J J "
Squemoqlia. When tbe Ashing season
I over it win do moroiiguiy prospecced. -.
i-iiniiiiir i ii m ry rwt, r r rna ,v 11 nur muiir f . :....-i.v. i n-sti'ir anil i, mviMivti iff
Tbere was a case concerning the identity
of a horse before the Lake circuit conrt.
One of the partifes got the hbr3e, valued at
about $30. but was mulcted into' the pay
ment of 200 cost. , - -
The enterprising citizens of Amity have
organised a militia company called the
YanihSJ Guard. i
The contract for building a bridge across
tne waiiametat JSugene has been let at
When little boys are brought before tne
justice in Sealtle.all they have to do is to
cry a little and tuei.r tetirs serve to wasli a
way tlielr guilt of swimiisg within the city
limits. .. --
The contractor, J. A. Tuylor, has finished
tins bridge across the Yamhill river on the
Amity and Sheridan road. This bridge Is
t suh-tantial and necessary improvement
uid a credit, fo the builders. ' " ,
Vflie- 'Sen tteIftpatc!ty saysr Mr." Trfciand
sitid other prospectors have found a very
rich gold and silver lead on one of the trib
utaries ot the Skykomish. Everybody up
the river have a slight attack of quartz
fever in consequence. Tin quartz is sup
posed to be quite rich and the lead is exten
sive. ; '1 . ' '
A correspondent writes to say that the
road party on the raid from Hastings to
Graniteville have set fire to the woods in
clearing away the bruslifrom the roadway,
ami that in view of a possible wind there
is danger of the destruction on a vast scale
ot the umber in that district..
The Echo savs . "It is renorted that a rich
loileot gold and silver-bearingquartz ha3 re
cently Deen uncovered at swhuk, east oi tne
Cascades: also, that a loue of excellent cin
nabar has been discovered some ten miles
distant from Swauk. Crowds ot miners are
rushing In and great excitement prevails."
Several Quakers are lookinsr at Oregon
for a good place to found a colony ot Fri-mds
They have gone to bike a look at the Walla
Walla country, but have received a good
impression from looking at Yamhill, and
will be likely to settle there
The Columbia river at Wind
was very rough on last Wednesday, nu tfins
some of the passengers on the steamer sea-
ick and otherwise stirring up the intiards I
.1 ,i.n l.....f 1.:... ,l: -1 i .. I
i ot tlie boat, smashing dishes and glassware
A depraved punster' says he sh;dl smoke
it lie chews t -
We have In our office a small stand iu
which we keep our private - papers, and ev
erybody that comes in Is sure to sit down on j
it. and it is weak in the legs already. Tlie
other day we took a piece of inc, and driv
ing it full of sharp tacks, nailed it on the
top of the stand, the points of the tacks up.
Onr friends began to sit down on it not so
much any more, but recently, while stand
ing by this stand talking to an old lady, who
namco uie paper tor anueiKiii.v
sat down on it: but we weren't tired and eot
up so. suddenly that the old lady snatched
ner umoreua auu went nown tne steps six
chair nt our table for tbe last three meals.
Lancaster Gazeitef
A Florida pictvbe. A lean okl -ox
! hitched m-a twov wheel cart, containing n
stalwart woman and four tow-headed chil
dren. Mounted on a saddle on the ox is the
"cracker," In all Iii3 glory, going to market
with a tew deer and beaver skins. Trave
lers say tlie town is sometimes full ef sight".
THERE Was something Very beautiful
about the simple faith displayed Dy a JNei-
I son street ooy in ioiioh ins a roum iui iicujr
an hour with a Iruidful of salt.
To the Farmer of Uiim County.
" Ilold your orders until you see the Chi
cago Pitts Threshers. Ask old Illinois
farmers and they will tell you that they
are the best in the world, without any ex
ception. Sold only by Linlortb, Kellogg
& Co., Portland, and tlielr agents through
out Oregon and Washington Territory.
We also have a full line of farming iniple
ments and machines, consisting of the
following A No. 1 goods: .Win. Anson
Wood Mowers, whi-h took 32 hist prc-
I miums. In field trials, in lb. 4, aud couiu
go Into the field with any machine on this
to demonstrate that they are the best,
... 1
I wnicn we are prepareu to prove, uu um-
lensre anv machine to the contest. ji,xtras
1 ... ....s.,a Q.,r.ntiMl fmm our
our Portland
L .,.,, ,,
house, without delay a full supply always
on hand. Please send for price list and
Mi-enlnrs. Address. A. SLOCUM. Agent.
Portland. Oregon. - i 43m2
New Fibm. Sam Miller has bought the Wag
on anu gmlinsnop neruioioro oreupicu
Peters Sneidel, togetner wiin me inniernw
von to buy of me, In price, style and durabtlily
of -work. I use tho oeut of ntaterial. hickory
and oak, from I no tasiern sraies. n anu e.
nmina fnr vtmmelves : all I want is a ftiir trim.
1 have had aeveral years of experience on this
coast, and wit li tne knowieafre tnus gamea. bin
niiiln r mii nleiuie von.
I guarantee to sell for
cash as low a can be boujtht in this city.
Inr-'R lot of lumber wmrona. side and endi
tuicnt in mis cuv. a.
carriaces and hacks on nana.- Patronize home
maiiufiictory do not send your money off out
of tho country. Act the fart of wise men, and
build np your own a:aia, ana you wui prosttor
: Mb. James Moobk Will commence, on or
about tho loth day of May, delivering fresh
Milk. Butter, Eggs and Vegetables to the clt I
sous of Albany. Now Is tho time to make your
arrangements, as Mr. Moore wlU run a team
dally, and do as he agrees. . n33tf.
I WOOli WAJITEr-P. C. Harper Go. wlU
1 ... ... - .
. ,,,lrt nanulfnltv
I '"" 1 ww. iuojt
r";-'' . " " '"T 'f '
"" that they have a fine stock ot general
j nierelianaisc for sitlo very low for cash, or to
I prompt paying customers on time.
I "
I Pkemtcti CHAfBS. Those wishing to
I procure tlie celebrated Metzler chair, wll
I take notice that none are Genuine unless
I the name J, M.Mktzxjer appears on the
i uhck oi eacn cnair. --! , , 44 tr.
, Bemoval Dr. Gamble has removed.
i ...
OfUoe to his DCW
buudmg, adjoining his
I MwManM mt V ul e(nl .
the foundry, where he may be found at
v11T9 - i -
Caxceb Can be Cured. We warrant a
cure on Cancers and "old sores." Have
a also new vegetable remedies for diseases oi
theejc, which bave: cured . great many
.. cases considered hopelesdy blind. OfSoe
1 nt the residence on comer of Calipoola and
is Fourth streets, opposite Judge Baldwin s
4 35-7 - ; K. Cr. R i'KtSHA n
A red haired lady, wfio was ambitious
ot literary distinction, found but a poor
ale fbr her book. A gentleman in speak
ing of her, disappointment, saidr "Hefv
hair is red, if her book is jiot." An au-r ,
ditor. in attempting to relate tbe . iokef
e sew-here, said 'She has red Iiair if her
boot hasn't' -
A few days since 3 fanner was tellinr
in our hearing that he had. planted an
acre and a hair of potatoes. "Are the'
plants up- yet 7". ' asked a byftander.-
No," replied the farmer," but the aarn-
ed bugs are sitting on every bill waiting-;
lor them."
The Sultan of Zanzibar is represented?
i l newspaper reports a a model pf pbnar
vation and observations, but a London'
t or: es, o tdcrit dispels t' e tllusion by term '
ing him a great overgrown, bull headed'
n g ;er, with scarcely brains enough to go'
in when it rains. :
fliat was a sharp'reply of Mrs. I3eechs
erjthe other day, when she answered some'
questions as to how .she managed to en
dure all the anxieties and fatigues of" the ,
trial, in this way: v "To lie mad all
through is good ftmiev Beecherhim'
self couldn't haye-improved oti that.-
A lady, returning from an unprofitable
visit to church, declared that "when she
saw the shawls on those Smiths, and then'
thought of the tilings her own poor girls
had to wear, it it wasn't tor the consola
tion of religion she did not know what
the should do.- c
A gentleman 'meeting a Wall rtreeff
friend, said: "I've just mortgaged mjf
house, and have several thonsand dollars
to spare. Can't you tell mo somethjng-
neatand safe to go into?" "Yes "replied
. . . o 9 . r
the broker ,"I can put yon to a sure things
buy that mortgage on your house".-
The llogan family ot TJkiah, Mendcv
cino county, California, deserves to be.
i classed with the sons of Anak. Tlie '
father stands G fee. 2 it ches iu his sleek
ing feet one son 6 feet 6 inches, a second
6 feet 3 inches, a third, 6 feet 7 inches:--
The claimant to a piece of ground in'
which a body is buried near Scranton'
p l,o ., ,1,, fi.n.:.
notice, on the grave: JNons 1 Ins..
I corpse is reqnested to Temovo immedi--
i ately or 1 will remove the same.
The United States commissioner of agri
culture savs that Pennsylvania comes near-
erbeing self-supporting than any of the old "
states oriarge population. . btie raises near- .
ly everything. And her manufacturing an
mining districts are her mai kets.- -
The next regular meeting of the Yamhill'
Conuty Women Suffrage Association will
meet at North Yamhllhon Wednesday, the
21st int. Changed frOm Dnyton-by petl--tion
of the executive committee; -
A dispute about the use of the water In a"
eartain tributaryof IongTom was amica
bly settled by arbitrators last week. Solo-'
monTs decision tn trie case or two babies -was
followed! -
TI e freight brought by tbe new line of
steamers e.i h trip will be brought round
from Esquimau to Victoria by ihe B. C.
Towing and Transportation Company's
steamers. .
Tfte Boise Statesman says that Influenza
prevails among .the people of-Middleton and
Dixie valley.
3F02X tiAliOSr.
By Oeean Steamer, nt
Boat & S&ao Star,
Albany. Oregon,
Clicaper tban tlie Chearoit.
Albany, if arcli 96, !S7s-2Sv7.
From this date nnUl further notloo, t wiU mil
cuoics- wxEcnos or .
tfiw-- O- T?(Tfl.! I
i U LfU V 1 fcdl tJfm WMMAt. V
W. n. McTART-tAJf I.
.ilSttay,Iee. '