E I 1 Pi BUS IE EVERY flUDAY, BY ' COLL. VAN" CL'KVK IN TBHiREGlSTEK BDItirNC, Corner .Fcw.y aul .f'trrf ,tre. : i :- u-u ,' i ii.il' TKRMS-IXr,AIVASCK. One copy, one ' -car.. .'J:', i j.'i:1. .'.'i ; J1"H i f js 50 . Utv copy, six "'U.;.V-s.-j..,-r-,..,,. 1 M) To clubs of twe- y,i;a.l copy---. ...... w ; . i.ngle copies' ..--.. .............,Tn cents. . s libera .i;sWU' of Linn oonnrv'wrU bo churn , ,0 a its ex;ni -fcl To for .tho yeyr-s-llmT is ..- .ttiionm of postage' 4er nfihuni which wf are repaired to pay on each paper mailed by iiv . . . yi i - ... .- r- FWIHAV;. .i: i.wlKItY 10.;, 1S?,. The following rrinie-1 ccntlernpn are.rtulhor' Ued to receive and rcit for KtibsiH-iplio-.is rh ttic IIt!isTK in the localities mentioned : Mfwn. Kirk .Hniu.i,..;,,..Uwvrnsvi:i. Hot icrl S 'ass. . , i i ....... i .Cs-itwfordsvllle. W. P. Sml t h . . i . , . . .. 1 Inlsev. . P.otiiPkiu,.,;....-,.,.,.,, ., .,IIurriimri. Kit Hun: h Jon A. ;...Llwnoi. A. V. heeler .feCo-; ..-rt...s...t.i.i She la, SteXf. Smltll & Bnisiicld.. : . idilnctioh r'ttyl J. li. Irvine., ii..: ..i4t S-.o. Thos. II. R"ri'WS...v;.....i.;...: ...Salem. V.. WaUsriie'....T. . . ry, ....Monmouth. . Excrwsioj? to Cokvaijj?. TheEvau-" CeUsf, Rev. E. P. Tlamiiioiid. vith some twenty-five or thirty ot the working eims tiaus ut Albany, itunle a religion visit tv C-irvaIH yesterday; VTord w"a leiegrapl! el to ."orvaIiN about Jl a- m. that flic emi nent Evanjreli.it -vas co:i;Lig. In a very i ehort tline after the rcwption, of ilw te!c rant notice? were circulated"" throughout t'hecHy, And at 2 i. I5 Vresbyieri.m church (the largest, room iii Hie dtv) .van crowded with an eager and anxious throng. Siiorf Aildro wet' made by eivnlof the visitors and a praise niceting Ijeld fol n few minutes, hi which, atming 'rith'-rs . several young Indie praisctl the -I.ortt.-t'int : titey had jut fvn::tl the pn-uiow SsivSor. interest va- deep ar.it enriiest. Jti.d wo 1 a ve every rcai to Ih-IU vS tlia't some tf iei-e smd tlien jrave Ihefn-Hj'.ves tottie I-onl. Mr.-' SlaiitiiKHMl. in i.U. 'rapliiv way. ite-i ilK.tl the Rnirering of our vior, and f.it iw. aiul bv several Iscuutiful torteJ,. i5lu-tratsl what it i to suffer and d:e f.r another.. An tiwniry nieellng wa l;!d. arsd niany !S rewd '. anient hvtTest ls the -jiVi:;t cjnetioii..:"Vliat shall I .i ro ! staveily" 'J'he brethren of Coi vallU reso'wd to esi tiime tlie ine'tii;n. and sotije of our All.;v. iv brethren have k--' Kp todsy ti :h ii Iie'p:. A rrni.i.i.NT MinKcn. Sbort!y af.i r wo liad retired on- Ssttirdny liij'nt Me .Weiy rtartled by an ex"eetliijiiy lii ight ; litx'st whieh fl:1-iiod throiiixb or window. In an " instant we sprang: from our tied to-the w i:i low. only to see ilie expr'nT effort of a meteor in the northwest heavens as it ex- -i p'oltd and fell t'. tiee sp.irks or niitief t t IkiIN if lire Tallin; trmn it similar' tmly "nr er than tlioe from an exploded by roeUet. t vas eerUtinly tlie ;nto-t tri!Hanl m -t or we ever saw, and s It pasnl through sp:i e, it lelt a path of tire. .t-Jrtinl. ; It iiLUj whole heavens far and near, and onr lir-t thought wa the Wll; city is o:i lire. It wyis a grand silit, a'lbo lb !a"-titn; l.nr a: iiiitant ot tl:n-. an I we Avnld n-t ha v io-t it for a jrreat deftt. After tlte' explosion of this apparently reUlMt- lio.lv. llie l-alis or parliele- f)i app;ri'itjy from to iOiJ Ki t. and then went oitt diippeart;! from ij:Iit in flie snrrotfnrtiiijr depriis. . x Anotlier "pJemlid ineeliiigwas belli at tlie Court IIon-e last evening- .The house was fnil. and as tl weather" was much eooVr than an Umi t.reviom eveiilnsr. the- :ii d'enee did not Mi"er wi li 1 eat, and therefore could enjoy the occasion , wiih mum plea ore and coaifirf. Tllo-t .excellent-- work . was done, and a tmmlier of person- slnilu-il their de rire to be clir:-ti::is. Her. Siraito:;. Ir vine, Wllsoti. D!aii;. ailsi litrie mmhNt of the christian ladies and jfriitlenien of this city, with Mr.' Jackna and MrWaUefield. " ot Portlanand a inimlier of ot!ies from different parts ot the, State, under the ni.l fcuce of Ilev. Mr;- Hammond. w?re scatfer- 1 cd here and there U!t3i;Uthe1ar3e-c!isrtv gation, busiiy at work for the MaMer, en- : treating, eneonraging:id praying with and forth nncoiivcrted rtfc. it a grand atKl gTorion? sight, ...jgf:t orth: goii'g miles and tidies to witness. 5Iay t!ie good woFk so well liegnn go on and increase im - til every inhabitant of this city b fc-!t the influence of divine grace in l.i-' soul. Amen f.? j . v , BAiLr IIi'KT. -As Iftfti4 '. Jjewi wa driving into tlie city yesterday, 'in the vi- cinityoflx UnrkhartV hw team oecante friglitenei!-. Ile'siuxxetleil in stopping them. a;d got out aner fetit ' to tlie licnd ot Hie team for some pffr pts; when they again tarted. . Dave seized fLe.JUi.rct. i:orn; by. tlie bridJe-rebi antfafteiupfed to -top them, Imt was HiLsuceeEsftrt, "the teaui breaking from hU grasp, knoifciiig'bfitt down and J "running over Limy injuring bin) 'in various ; , parts of the body. No boiws were broken, - i bat lie tr3 iraitf o;eTiv!yr that it was ithdifUybeedgi'Ssdouttal!. The 'tft- tvagon vas prettyfweii jmafitnp ii ? team at length becaniedetAcliedacd rnnn f ing into a team sotne dfetauce ahead, were I caught.' " , , Wm. Talley' am fed" irom hfs ranch in .: ; Benton county this inprnIg.1fokh)g rng- .jged and healthy. The ni piy frienUi oi Mrs. Tally will bepleaswi to learsi tiia-Bsne T lias entirety: recoveied ber : Jwalth anl - strength since her -Residence -tliefe. Bill is delighted wiUi hU 'fartm and speak iii I glowing color of libi proi)ect - t- , Mrs. Ximrod Price enme- ttrto' the tity i yesterday, wlwn she vnis taken very ill. so ill iiKlcctl tliat she could not w taken lmmc. I It was tliougbt doubtful this morning I whether she. lutd suffljiently i-ucovered to j be einoved to, licr home to-uay. : f ExCLitfiOX-Tliere Is talk ofjuaking an f excursion to Kngene ClfywMw tin? during week, provided trail wu . fce-eenred to i leave' tliis city In the monu;ig aHT return i, ..tn time for the evening services at , the Court House. The-people' of Kugene are ' MaaSoiM for Mr. HarHom? ! f9iHe, tliereV. fore, if arrangement can be iwnde as above, .. . ; Ute intention is to favor tlieirr!.',. , j-".., .1 ,Tbe Willatuette Traucporutlon- Co. wjll ' I 'pot on their light draught' teafrer,'; Chmr . ' l i;:rh next Thnrsday, . wittalrftftving their large boats from the Upper Willamette,' ti e river not affording sno1cien water t&V ' enable tbotn to. uccegsfulJy, aud irofitably navigate it. v ; ., A young man tiamed Fo.ter was brougT ff 1owo from Upper Soda yesterday by Peter Bchlosser, who is suffering from an attack i f :ourUin' fever,- And taken Ho the St. ' . " a rk Hotel. His parents were telt'gra ph 1 for and came up l;tt niglW an was broke and a pipce or, struck .liim on . the left arm, cut ting quite a gali. Xotliing serious. . X. liium paid out several thousand dollars on the llalsey wool purchase yesterday. Mr. Black received and took the coin to llalsey yesterday. Have you tried the Rubber Taint? You liave no idea of its excellence and its cheap ness until you do. It can be had at Bell & Parker's, druggists. First street. Jiessn?. P. C. Harper & Co. have pur er iast'd a targe amount of wool, and arc rxnidy to purchase more. Jerry Lucky, of Ochoco, arrived in this city this morning with several loads of wool fi'tnii bis ranch over there. , News reached here this morning that the Ohit was lyiiig fast on a liar, ten miles below Salem, yesterday. ;: These warm days keep A. Carol hers & Co. putting tip soda for others to put down. Its a soothin' beverage. . Weather coo! and pleisant in the morn !,S gt'n'g warmer in the aft-irnoon. Aiiotiier splendid meeting at the Court House at 9 a. m. Attendance good. Bart. Allen, of "Halsey, came in this hifr;ii;ig. Vool is quoted at 23c per pound, but buyers say it may drop lower any day. V.'ild blackberries are a failure this sea so:i. : -' Kronnn's brick front U nearly up, and it looks gay. - WEDNESDAY, 4 IT fry 11, 1873. . TOE KT1 VAI. MEE . IXG. ..Tuesday evening at tlie Court Hon?e long before the time appointed for the me ting, the audience-room of the court and the gallery were filled wiih people to overflowing. For some length of time the large choir of singers accompanied by .in sinuhents. sang those r sweet songs of Is rati " as on previous evening-. Mr. Wilson asked God's bles.dng to rest on all resei;t. . . Mr Hanimr.iid pklttml to tl awliene; a iis-ig.iiticeiit painting he had seem in Philadelphia scene, 4-Christ liejected " and then joined with the audience In an audible r.iyer: after which be described a u cftM.ir kind of peop!e called "dysH'pti christians.' ' He made some very clear il lustniiiosis. lnlln:.'ucing the children to come to t."hri-t. An invitation was then given for those . ho loved Jtfsuj. and those who wished to love .lesu to arise, aiwl about two hundred arose. . The rest of the evening was spent in an en juiry meeting, when christian., both young and old. , workel haitl to lead sinners front the error of tht ir ways. A good f.-e'ii;r was evident throughout tlie who!c uieciing. As we staled ve.-terday. Mr. Il.tmaio .1 aiid a uitiulH.-r of our working chri.-ti ins. o:i -Moiid.-iy. went up to Corval!i. at the e.".rn-e.-t re.piest of citizens there, ami held a glorious meeting, at which it is hoped last ing good was aeeo:npli-hed. The paTties going from this city all returned in time for the evening meeting at tlie Court House here. . Monday evening the meeting at Cor" valHs failed to come up to the meeting of the afiernoou in feeling anil interest, we are informed, and a somewhat noted infhlel of the place concluded to have a joke at the expense of the christians there, and tele graphed to this city this simple message Cold as an iceberg: come and help us.' Upon the reception tf l!e telegram Mr. Hammond said to liev. S. G. Irvine and ethers, "brotliers, tiiey need you up there and you must go at once," and they di. Upon their arrival at Corvallis, they were heartily welcomed by ministers and people ; their presence seemed to hifirse new life and eonrage and warmth into the meeting, and a precions time was fiati, s all went to work. Now' that the ministers ot Corvallis have got; warmed up to tlie work before themy we may expect to hear of a great oiffjjctfPriug of the Spirtt in Corvallis. Amen. : .We were toll this story in relation to young Foster, of Oregon City, who was brought to fins 'cify day befjYe yesterday from Upper Soda, very sick with mountain fever: . He was driving team for a certain party wlien taken sick. When it beeame trident tcr Foster's employer that lie was ''nable to drive the team farther, and stood a chauce'of being sick for" some days, lie dumped him on one side of the road and drove on,; leaving him in the tnofnitahis alone to do the best he could Fortunately for Foster, Mr. Schlosser came along with bis hack, returning fi-omFish Lako, wliere he liad" been fo convey a party of"pleasure seekers from this city, ami lie lilted him into bis hack air t bronglit ' him to this city. Foster Is a step-son - of Mr. Wiliir o?Ore gon City. ..: .' ..; .-. The fountlation tofthe new warehouse of the A-. F. Company Is completed, and tne wolk of erecting ttie strtiiftiHre coiMtnenml to-day. Mil Is & Btll wiw hate tile cohtracfc The house is to be forty feet in width, eigh ty feet In length and thirty-five feet' liigh. ' Lixx CocxtV" Cfwxem P. of II. Held at IX'banoii yesterday, was largely attend ed, and considerable business was transact ed. After a general good time, partaking of a splendid feast prepared by the sisters ofthe orders etc the Council adjourned to meet at Brownsville, tlie second- 'lkiesday in Octotpcr', at TO o'clock" m m. : . 'jj. M. Simjwon, brother pt Oe0: ISlmp sn, tlie excellent Superintendent of tlie A. F. Cd.'s warehouse in this city, arrived in thls efty from Ochoco yesterday, bringing; some -thousands 'of pounds of wool from his ranch out ther. - 't , JilVVVIIafTt3stat'Ufbr San Francisco to-morrow. . He goes to juteuu we iotanu Medio-d SeliooUliere during the Summer. Xcxt Fall lie will go to New York Where Jie ,w'(ll iiuiiih up and- eompkte hisBedlcat edircasioii. . , ". A yoting lady 'of 'tf its' city tins rectved ; ni-tr firrvl.ishe.s Slie was born with thcin i ii-ou Iter eyelid. . j .- A train loaded witfi ties passed uplontiay.. Currents 25c. per gallon,, and slathers of them on the budies. : j Rev. Wll3on Blafn veii1 ftp to Corvallis this evening to aid In the revival meeting. ; Revs. Mr. Hainrn'ond ritid Strittton wenM grouse shooting this; afternoon.' , ;s ;, , , If you don't bridle ydur tonguej saddle be your fate. ...-. '.';: : Mrs. Jenny Pnrdoift, .of GervaiV.is here on a yisit to relatives and frtend&i: - To-day has been much : the coolest day and most pleasant we have had for some thne. " '' ' ,' '' : "' '" ' 1 . . llemember the writing School Mondayv at the District School house. It Is certainly a great advantage to be able to write, a clean.' legible band. ; - - - - J Sam'l. E. -Young, who has been laid tip for several d-tys with measles, is reported getting along nicely to-d ty anil wilt soon be all right again. ' " ' , "- Woor. Pool.. The wool pool of 60.000 pounds is ready for sale to tlie highest-bidder. Inquire of G, F. Simpson, Albany Fanners' Warehouse. Dr. I. T. Hill and family, Mrs. Adda Mansfield and Uncle Jake Fromati 'were, enjoying the fresh zspbyrj' ftntiid on the banks of Fish Lake when last heard'from. John Hutchinson while fixing up the flax factory in llie eastern end of tlie city, fell a distance of six or eight feet, and hurt him self pretty severely. ., .' A switch being left open to-day' a car or two loaded with wood, got offlhe track.! Trouble fo get thcni Oa, but lib particular damage done. Parties from long distances-, have visited this city, for the sjeclal purpose of being in attendance at the revival meeting now progressing under the guidance of JSev. Mr. Hammond. We are informed that a train has lieert chartered, and wti! leave this city for En gene to-morroV morning. Christians who will work are earnestly invited logo on the excursion. , t ! Bisiioi Pf.CK This able divine leaves ! Oregon to preside at the Ncvad i Contt enee of the M. E. Chiirch about tlie middle j of next month.- In the - mean time lie does I not intend to be fdie, rfs will be seen from j the following li.-tofiippointiiteiit; published ! in the Advocate of Portland EiJgenc City.... .... . . . . ..Tiily 11 ..... "- 13 ... . 15 ..... H .... " 21 ....' 2 llillshoro Fore-t Grove .-. . . . ; JleMinnville ; Salem..-..- .... .m .... 'ancouver , Hood River la!les Session E. O. & W. Coi t'r 27 2 Conference Sunday. East Portland..-.-. .... ...Aug. 1 s . . 4 LeeChapel A b usy .. " 8 Salem Session Oregon Conference. " 11 Conference Sstiiffav "IS THURSDAY, JLLY 15. r7?. Rev. E. P. Hammond pit-ached Ids first sermon last night. He took his text from tiie Oth chapter of Acts 4th verse "iSml Saul! wbay ptrsecute.-t thou me?"' lie touched every class of jcop!e with the ex ception of one. that was tfe I'mxftiverted l.-iislwind praying for his wife to become a christian. Wre know of such eases in our mids, who liave been the subject ot many prayers. Baw.v Iluirr IVitiglas Lewis, who, in company with a load of young folks were returning from writinz school in the vicin ity ot Miller's station last liond iy evening, fell out ofthe wagon, and the wlicel struck him, oil the head, jn-t over the eye, render ing him insensible for tlie night. He was taken to-the firt lioue and cared for.; I!ope3 are entertained for his r covery. but the ease is very serious Aim! what seems strange", tlie f-ither met with a similar acci dent on the same day. ExcntsiON to EroKXE City. -Our worthy brother, Rev. E. P. Hammond, with about 70 or 80 earnest "workers, left for Eugene City this nnrniug on a special train, at-S.'i o'clock. He received a tele gram yesterday inviting hi in to come to : that place and bring with him as many earnest workers as lie coifld. -- The report coihcs to tti that 80 persons "eft. on tlie special for Eugene. . May tlie' Lord be with tliem. and may they Imve a gloriotts nteefi'ng. And may every; chris tian he tlie iustrmueut of bfhiging some poor sinner to see the error of his way. i3 our earnest pra3"er. From Mr. J. E. Bundy, we learn of aft attempt by a gentleman of Auaora to com mit suicide. The can e of tlie ' rash act was domestic troubles, and the instrument used a. razor. From pain or some other, cause he failed to complete the job. It is thought he will recover. . , Hotels CRQwjKf. -Last night's express train wan packed ' wHth emigrants look Irtg" for homes in our beautiful Oregon. Hotels aiKl Boarding" Iiouses are crowded.. Tlie St. Cliarles lias alretuTy contracted, aud will add anotlier story to their building to jfjeommodate Bhe trtveL - The fii cman on the excursion traiucame very near meeting with a serious accident,, Inis moriiHigi IIe was attempting to get aboard of the engine after it liad started, wtlen lie feil .with his leg across tlie track, and just barelyr got it off in- time to escape liaving his leg mangled aiid'torn to pteces' Some civilly disposed individual pur loined a bnsrrcl rf' soft soap from Mrs. SElmpsmi's rissiiletice a few nights since.' About tlie same time Dr. J. L. Hill's barn was entered aiid considerable Iiay abstracted therefrom. , , .. ' . : ; - The special train arrived here lasf even iug,:abont 8 o'cloek,- bringing from Port-' laud some earnest Workers, among whom' were'. Captain Ingersoll, ; and MV," Wad ham,-both'of whom'went right to Worli.- , The wool pool tu the Farmers Ware house, which was to be sold to tlie highest bidder, was purchased ByN. Baum. Therft are about 75,000 ' pOtJnds ih tlie pool! We" were unable to Team what It sold, for. -- 'Mrs.. Dr. Crawford wasealled home, last evening;-' itr war tlioiigh.her motlicr : was dyeing. Rcportetl better Ibis morning. '" residence of Y. V. Morgan, ilth, Mr. Edwin Cox and Miss" Claiessa A.'Morgan, all of Linn cpnnty ".; . f; J;;i?? t Vf i , Lr;MWi:n Edit S.ti,i-Mr.'. F. E- jRobin-; sen, is repared to furnlslt -.fiif t ;oualiry Liuttber at the foot of Wstshlugtpn Streel; Cal before contracting,, . , , 30trn'.: ''"'As tills U.otirXwMttempt ",'at frying to,", run a iiewsna'ner. we hope otir many errprs may be passed by!' And we h'i -"!thSY niay dobetter In the fUtrei'"; !s Dr. D'i W. Baltawt'an! S&P 'Cowan; of Lebanon, chn'rfe ftv yesterday- to tiear fhe celebrated Divine; MS,-,-Hammond,, .leav ing for botiio ininiediay aftfer: cburehj On! Friday ni'g'iit, . last . week, a coucert Was g.vui at the; Sanitam Aeadamy, la. Lt-banori under the chafge of Xicker son, for the benefit of tl.-e Hi E. Sdnday chboi'.': "'- ' ' '' " " y Dr. J. L. "I I HI' has reuVned from his Fish Lake eirenfsloii,'! entirely satisfied for this year. .;...; a: CI . : ' ,': ; " " f Allen Parker Uon, his way ihome; jfrom. Jiverpool.j He is expected to arr.ve in about three weeks. .. . - ' , ., i)on"t forget the theeUing at the Court. House. Rev. E. P. IiainuiojitTIi only to be with us two more nighLsr - r' , : A."L Stlnson. of Jefferson, csfme; in thii' morning looking mneli older than when we first knew him. ' -i. -u.V- i- '; : Mrs. Dr; D. W. Ballard, of Lcbanoh has presented her lwsband with ja?, token of her love. A daughter. ;; .. i A- Our editor, has. gone to Engine : City, so ice are running the Keijister o x our. otrn hook. ', f . . Fa i'etl to reccivq report of last night's meeting! Sorry, for it was the best one tliat wehavehiidi- " " 1 ' i ' Mrs. J. C. Mendeulud!; ion and daughter, are np visiting friends.-; "''"-- Mrs! Nickorson. 'ot Lebnou, "Iii 'town; we persnme, to attend the meeting. ' Cool in-the mornings, and red-hot in the atiernootis. . . . ; . . II. Weed has returned from the moun tains. Dr. J. L. Hill says' blaekben-ies are a fiz zle tbK -year iii the mountains.-' - Everybody goes mountain-Wari.l. ' . . , '"N'on-explo-h-e: exclaitncd a Burling ton grocer. Why look at me put a iightr t-d match into that can ol oil. No explode rtii.. ' .-nn s-a wlirtr,:.' Anit.ns flu. ins? ranee palk-y explfetf the day before, be wii I not rebuild his grocery. . What is the c": IVrn nct! Iietwc n a lwlle and it bui-glat? "'he hl.'e can-ies t.-t.se lm:ks and the burglar keys. ! TomThtimbh.-isf.keh th;:ly tv.-o degrees i:i Masonry. . . . Flfpper. the only - o"o;-,-d t-a -t at w.-t I'oin , s-a d f..r y--ix b. a la -s ot'seventy seveii. Ti:r.CovtXi vr-V.'I::i! a !.-nntiful siitiit it is to behold so many to te.-l iry ih it they fiave foiinil their preci Sav--.. . A. W'. McClat!iti. of rt5!:n-.; Visits jto learn the whererilKiit.of ;i .l-r.it !-r Clar' ilcCJafin, who left th it .ia;-; M i.'cli 373 -'Biddy. " said a- lad. tep over ai d see how old Mrs. Jones is this mormtig. ' in a few minutes Biddy retnrneil with the intirmaf ion that Mrs. Jo;ic was seventy fi vo years, seven months and two days that i.iorniiig. . . - 'Tiira'm, observel a ' anbury woman to her husband, '.lrs- Ilolcomb feels pretty bad'y since the VVss Of her child, and I wish you woutil trop"over there and see lur.. .You might say that alt flesh is grrss that we've at I'got to go the iFame way; and see if rfie i going ta use Iter dripping-pan this af.c-ri:oti- Dft-neurt Jreirs. : f -' J .NEW TO-DAY. Proposals for Winer Dsum, "M"UIiuiiett i.lver. t. S. Kxoixkeu Office, I'iiktlakd, Oregon, June H. ISTi. SEALED PROPOSALS willbereceivc l at this oflk-e nnlll li oVIock M., of July -23rt, I when thev will lie onened in the prusentof hid Jers), tor building 8,000 fee 'mnn- or lc.-; of wini; (Uuns on me u;iier h liuimctte itiver, an ! removal of rocks. " 5-" - Bidders will s!ate Iho nnionnt In United States currency for which they will construct tlie damn per Hue! foot, and removal of rocks per cubic yard. Detailed speeiaVationf", wiih blank fornix for proposals, can be o'ltaincJ nt this office. - ;- Tho l n'.nsinre to 1e hul.t at fiuch loenlltics on tlw river as tlie Vnltcd States Engineer In clmrpe slmtl direct. i . . ' Ths clam will consist of lo.?ft laid oil the river ljd llie entire leinrlli of the dain. fatUencd bv drift bolts to ?niall piles driveti toa depth of ne-ori feet, tlie piles beinjr llftecn feet apart. Tli is la to lie covered by a one fotft lM-ir of brash lied nun bundlos and covered with u. ... - ;... .1 ... , , -i v Vi Ji trii kx-i in UIIII. Bids iiinsf lie in triplicate, oi forms furnished fi-om thlsotnee, and endorsed "Proposals for Wins? linins, "Willainettc Biver." The right Is reserved tiTrejectnny and all bids. . . MlCIlLER Major iff Uukineers. "" - " -- -.-' - i 42w3 3i , UIIAKIMAXW SALE. AtOTlCK- H. nEREBY GrTEJT THAT THE- -, iiuiicrsixiiu-i inartiinn oi Tite Ticrinons and i estate of Wftlhim B.- MartiivEvA'C, Jlirtin and Minnie A.Martin, minors, and chikli-cn of Tliorrms Martin, deceased. In pnrtimiice of an' order of ttoe CotuiTy Crt of lann conntv-Ol-esron made and entered or rceorU at the reat ular June tonn of said conrt, In the sear 1371, licensing and dlrectingr the nndersisnetl to;ll all llK! riirht. title interest of j-nid minors in and to the follow described real property, tO-WlTI ' - '- ' i i Beglnnlnjr at the southwest corner of WJ1 liam H. McCnlly's donnlion land claim, the'1 same uc-iiih noitneaiion iso awa, andctnini So. 41. In towurthlpdS) soath of ninsc 4 west. In Linn county. Ort-aon. rnnuiijx ttumoo cast 31 aviOO cliains, thenee north Sa 6V1U0 chains, thence west ft 10-100 chains to the count v road, thence in asonihensterly df rect ion aSonsr the : mid county load at eliams. tA' it point on the western boniidary Ime of said Ssoitialn Land claim ; of m. II. McCully, 14 M-JOO chains north ol the corlier of eaid hind elalin ; tlienoe soatli to the . p'ueo of bcinninic, eoiitr.liiinst seventy acres, nvire or less. ' ' " Andln piirsnnnooof sniaordor of-s&id conrt I will sell at. public auction at the Conrt House rtaor tn Lma county, Oregon, on the- si Sl Uny or Anfcast 1875, A' "f between tlie honrt rf utne o'clocViA. M. an4 fonro'eloch : p. ir., of said iHty. nlV the riRlit, tiileand lntcrem of Hii almve named twiners hi anil to the r!mvb d.wirtlwd i-d property to tffe-nlsflH-st liidder. : ; . t-i?s Teiujs of Saij:.-iold coin, one-half rash In "I",;.atln.0 ne oftis sale, the balance on a credit or six mont hs,-ec-cd by mnrtimeeon thu premises. SELENA MARTIN. J Guardian. Julyad,llj7jl, ! ... . , ; ,,ty 4iv1wl. f The IHeb SInn'o .Keenvtlty and tbe Poor - , Mn". lea. ' ' AwdrdMl the tiolil TWetfaf r Zrii? 2"iKr'.AR "KSCYCLOTSraA AND LnIvra(a Hietloimry of tteioe. Art, Blo- aJ'&P' ."y-HiMy, Jnrlsprn don).rtoarnjihy and tao Whole Circle of Hu- ti2.Sl"0J,.'-'Svirora?:l',t' lu fi.miinber t 60 cents each, tit btfitiid in tme-hnlf morco fHO. 4 we laixe royal Quarto" volantea. Ten teiitii 5Slii?rHSS!r' Vllfr.ctttl" e1ien'rst Wmlln Every facility, offered to those iu inodemte-eir cainstnnccs to obtain It.-'' - - . , Jrr'"', . - - . .. . , . 1 '. 7 "" ' '' ; ' ' Also, the new r.j.i.i Pictorial Family Dible. cheapest In the' market -'-lpwe lllnstrutlons. taiU flenl stinnp for riKieliuutiiwAes. to . , !- JJVER, 4eii,l. Aitt.,' I rorlla'uioiTsdfr.' " i'cvoast.:;. OO" TOStlJ;T!'f??:. A " - f. t- -j . . ; :. . ; ... . .... TO BCY . Groceries, & h,u ,-w-U' m Notions, ,fj-.i i.S -. f. i ,. . I.:-, ; ul :, &C,- &C, ':rCUl&AV!'r P9R:lllAn'-l. i ft . rn;-:; ' 's ' ' Coon try PMAuce ! All Kinds . . . "-' ; -';.'- . ' r.-; BOUOIIT FOtt MfiRCHAXMSE OH ".. This Is tlie place to get ttie" BES BAB' ' tiAIN'S ever -oifered iif. 4llmtiy.'.. Partfef , - will always do well to craiajatffiee for them- ' Belvcs. ' -". K r ., , ' H.WEEB. ; First street, Albany, fregon, 32v5 ; rV -tt: : - - - , If atfGTSS : FACTOUt ! V-: IX; E L D I N C , - WHO. MANlTF.J-rrirfr T1JE FIBfsT r Xoort !ti-oo!ii ever infi Ic f AIlMiny, , . liasretnnn-il from t tliforiiin. unsl locn'teil ix'rrtianontly In t ti t- eliy, where lie lias ! aain conmuT!ee;l tlis liJrtisvfKotnrc of all ; kuiiH ot . ; . . -. . . V- jjrooms,'; Brushes,' Visps &e.. at his livctorvon First s1rt!f, nt Jolm Metzier's old staii'l.enst of Ma cno'iii Mills, where lie Invites those wlshiiv-rii flrat ciass bi-ooni to cullnid seenro It of lilin. V. I. BEI.DIXG. i. AJtwnjvOct. in, is fiv-7 fi, j6iin schmeer, Groceries & Provisions, " ALBANY, OREGOX. : HAS JUST OPEXKD IUS NEW CBOCKR cwlabJUJinen on rarniir of Ellsworth uu'l First strc-ets. with a fresh stoek of 4ivo,ri!s, I'l-ovisioiis. Candies, Cljnu-s, To--l-u-co, &m.. to wliit-h lie iuviles tlie at ten ' t Ion of our eil izens. , . .' . Tn connection with tliesor lie will keep r. Hak-i-y. anil will always linve on hand a f nil supply of fresli !rua 1, cnn-kors, Ac. CS" Call and sec me. JOHN SCHMEER. Fcbr-.iary 10-2 1 v4 , - VXOVXiiVS Agricultural iachinerj TO BIS SOLI WAY ' DOWIT. FRANK WOODS Ofcrir ftVr sale the celebrated mimL esd-shiee thresher ... hoMi Rchi-ed and lielt, wltli, mounted powers, to be sntylnr ajnl-sraln to close' oht stock. Ateo, ij Ji-iud 14 feet single gearedailJiiSHble PCC""" -' ' " . """" . -,':., iron Wheel Headers, , with lute Improvcmcnta. . EI'NA CombiiKd Reapers & Mowers. .- PatMock Iock-lerer1 8fel-f6blli iSuikey Hay Kakc. -'., t.i..v r . j..-,-,,-. Ittiber RefolTuijr Rake..i , i; - j ' '.. Iiarley Foi-ks--flve th-rl'- " :. u Excelsior ITand Rakes. ' ;'! .r,Fpjrks, Scytle3,.nath3, Stcv ; , .'..'; ; : : Also, a good assort nicnt of '-. , -" J . All off wkMi will be sold i-ery ebenp. . Cnilond" i?et rnicesnd see goods before yon ony, if yon wish to get good mac nines and low prices at . " - FETA fl K VO O D S tWrfrciTlmiriniIerfejepftdimdra ., near Pierce's ierry, Alliany, Oivgon. ' . Jny t ifftMlns nnd . moving BulldinsH. U THE I'ihlER&IGNED BEtj T.EAVE TO announce to the citizens of Albnnv and auiTOiindinK country that; lmvlntt supplied onr strlvcs Willi tho necessary tnacliinery for mix ing tihd, rcmovlnw buildings, we are ready at all times to receive orders for such work, which we will do iii iiort -ordoE at lowest rates. , We friihraiitcc cntiie wnisfiictioii iu itll work nuclei- taken by us-( s, ! . ' - .-., - Ordein left lit the KB JlMTEn o31ce promptly nttcntud to,. .API Ijf tpi .' . . - ' BATTV,'ALfcESX'0. -,. AKiaiiy. Or.. April 3J. ; jy, . 3av7 yE3atey i Orsana. ESTEY ORGAXS SOLD AT TIIE M". E.PAt sonae. Alliau v, on the most lnvorablo term The ESTEV OltUAN lias lKXinoi-onounwd tin beat hy tlia most oommtent judges. Dot.'t buy any ptiior until vou nave soon and heard these beautiful, hiS'i-amenls.' . .,.... ! I WIL&ON'.. ; , J I B RAXJEt A9MAT.IJ BMOTOSB HUSI K Sli ACRES o miles from .Alban v, with house, coin mod 1-ins bam.MidsmaU-orelMUTl of choice trees Als-i. -orminsr luuj'.ementSjJtnd. liaysuflieieMt for Rprrhj? use.. TPKlJE- COW A$t TEBM KaSY. -breat Inducements toomlgrhnts seek-, I tig a borne near this thriving dry. Possession, given immediately. For part icn fars enquire of v- - J. S, BdERRILXj, ... ;Waslilngton A Sd ss., jyuxjay Of,t . PfeCures ' and ' Fetikre ' Frameil Would aii noti lice to the citizens of Albany and. vkslmtv. that lie Is rirepared to furnish all kinds of riCTUKB FRAMES to order.at short notice. Pictures framed, and old fi-amcs i-oralred. fJail nt liiooftico on Fn-st street, on -cloo west of Ilixmdalbiu, and leave yonr oi-doi-. si-T y I5i Elevator 1 IH2X KAlY FOR TittR nF.F .i IS r-f wbi-Ht ana oatsr ,We call tlc atteui,.. . of tarihera to the faet tMat Ve have -erected"' i he 11 I'Sif " nrelse in ih S;nt!,at a tnrue expense' nna Sre hi position tot handle saHsirtutorrlv an rS3tyVtnautIt xf 2ra-tt- OUF lonac bK a ?oeo bushels of Wheat ! irniSJ I?,"iftnd ,s 3"1 le margin ofthe I Ti!;. e.,iV7i,"',?,VJ1 lniv:'ewltho sidetrack Ihv iiiade daily. y i-ail.a'nd (w ofum by water as niatnialaeliiiiesoir.i-. We have two lare silc tion lans, iiv a l-litiou to other fans, attached to the house, rtnt ly viur vowor, and are thns prepared to, ; all the wheat, received, i'ftn tiik in arid lenn 10,(Xiu Inislicls per day. ' Cleaned -hcat in wm-tl. mneh-uiore in all. foreign mari:.-n than fonl whiwtj and nono alfonld le sMiipcd ivltbont cleaning, Oarelnfrses willlelvecfii!i)msl;el oa wnear, unu tonr cents on oavs. itt nave SIlSTt TIIOl'SAXD SAC2iS to pimtsh those storing wh'it wlffi. lis, fi-ec to thnso whose wheat we jHiix-lMise, 4ti!l oj.. the lowest iii-sTi price to those who sell their w neat from otir lionso to o;lrer.bayer. I'ei-sous st,ir- Injr with n are 'at liljerlV T7 J! tn whom thev plea.sn.. Those who, reside on I lia west siije oj tho rK'er will have ferriiurc frti. Will Iks In the marker as .Ira vers, and exxict to lie able to pay the hijfliest tosK!!le in-lt-e.' Having-pres Pdre'i ourseivesi.io uoa tararu .nnsinos?, .wo noie 1IK llir Bli(S OL till.' 7.I11U JKl I LTJlIHjl7. PARKGa & IIOKRIS. n47viijii!y 31 AliKinj-, Oregon. FftOSf -jtSI) AFTEB IATE, fcXTIL FCB ther not ice, freight from. 1 , , POKTLAND to AlsBAJSY - ,;r,. r tfirx iVu .,; ... ' .- f 0 E DOLL Ail PER TOi All down freight will be deaVcrcd at I'bfJT LA.V1) or ASTOItl.V Free of Iraj age aud Wliarfhge, At Reduced Rates Boats will leave ALBANY for COBVAI-U3 or ! l'oliTLAXI) E3r E-y X,3r- For farther particulars, apply to - . MF-ACIi A: SaoVTEITII, Albany, Xov. 2d, 74-li Ajfi-uUl TITUS BROTHERS, DEALERS If Silver & Plated Ware, am! DIAMOND SPECTACLES .AGENTS EOR THE Singer Sewing ;MsLcMne, The Bent maeliinc Slarte. ! fn AS. B. JfOKTAfciUK. KOBT. StVAJ.LEV. i UxViiivv ' i.rif.i.FVJ ABE KOW OPEX1NG A MAGX1FICEKT stock of . -, . F 4 L WLITEit GOODS ! selected with enre, and bonnht for coin at , j Scandaloitsljr Low FIgnrei ! and as we bought low -we can and will sell tlicin s - - nt -prices that will . ' Astonish . Everybody. Come and see our selections of . y.a- .DrH Goods, ' nH- ..i.;,- JJleC.. ... -i w - il lji "' i - Pliieai ..-I ; ' -. .. : ' Brilliantes : StMntellresi.i - ' Popllna, , . .....j ' . ... : Ins4re, Itibboas, Collar, . Collarettes, Inees, ace., &e., for the ludics, and our cQinpteto lines of , ; Readyrnade Clothing, : IIoKlvryt - - - : (XlUOBRdn, - MKMluicren, lotbs, .-!.;.. - KtMe, ...:. .;...( i.a xtootM,. .. . - . . ts, ; .of all duseript ions for nion nndlicys. Also, full '.. . . , . , nssortnivnts 61 . , -, .. Groceries, Crociery- aiii Glassware. : --, ' i or everybody. ( Tho beat a-oo4s,iit t heTlowcst rates every time. , gCoinu and see. .- i. ' Lotxtnon, Oregon, October 30, 1374. ' - : ItADlES, Do yon want- n-lnre, Illooiulnc Com- plratouf II nov n ' few' npolIeatlonM of ' HAteA3iS lUtMOUA BAI.M will Kmtlfy yonr- heart" content. It does way with RedneKH ntotebea ud Pint, pie. ' overeoawea the FlosbtMl npjtenr. naee of bent, fntiffoe nd (rxclteutu - OXi8AKTrV OS. HAJtn' Wmci SbUiaHesi, I'laser l"urt, '- " IJatli, Ilatr; etc.,' ' , andforstUclow. attlw warehouso of , ' . - ; lAltKKH , SIORRi'S, The HlhcKt H rrho rm .r. Wool. Aliauiy, Miij-H,-r.i-5vr - ' yi O. S. S. OO. St. Chari Hotel, '- a. " '' ? ' " . , . V OmiM H'RHltliig- on iHKirtrtil Sin., A Leant, ; ; oiiEUdN, Matthews & Morrison, PROPRIETORS. im'itj Of House newlv ftirnlsbed ntrbiislihltf. The best the market affoi-ds alwn y on the tiflKl. ctangQ , Hotel, Corner First and 'rt'ashiiiijftfli sfi-SAf; ALBANY, " OKECIfi t ilder- the. new mana-joment. this t-opu'iir-Hotel lias becil refilled and refurnisiica.aucl now ofB-i-sihe traveling imb.lc llie Ix-st aotom uiodmions o?i the. most rcff-sonable terms. . Free coucli to nnd f 1-01.1, t:i6 tTtitme. .". 83-V 'I II"3 KTS-t ty the woiti.D r ' ? So IIotiIi.;eper own iSake Kwncl and . - .. uv.-e....m ... . ... a. ... L This well known and Ionpr established YEA8T POWDER is now in .trreat demand. ..Sales In- creitsliijf -daily. Now-2 groii iief.usy to the. ii.uie. it. tair.A(iUAS now sole inanniner-. ture and pj-oprieior, uses no drugs-iv Jtmiio dust: imi-e wliito "cream of Tailai". Inintirted direct and ground on file preuitaea,' IifethiJ the chief Ini-oJ-reut; ; . Always on hand and for sale at lowest -prTces f CallaartiRii'ti "1'cnKt Powder, In I S cans, a suoerior art Tele. C'allntcHti'M 4 ream or Tartar, in alPsiyle of-lnieUasres. C'allMirlinu's I'rire FnicHsSi Blarbonnto 01 noaa nnu nnicrntiiH, . - - FOR SALE BY ALL tiBOC'ERS. 4 renin or Tartar 4'ryHtnls nnd TM0thOM ni-tniuuiinie 01 , in Kejcs. ...; PoltSAI-E BT ' : i;lf! I. 4'Af J-.t;iIA' & ., Mnmilacf iirer, , 121 rtlOT SYBEE, Pan Francisco. ' - .tin Ayer'n Ague Cure. For the fnwdy KltiT $ Fever nitd Agnem latenuif. Iiil i Fever, 4'I.HI , Frvrr, Iti-utitteiit Fever, ' Itnmk t iriio, j-rlodIenl or Bitionii J-'ev: r. At., nul Indeed 1 i the nR'cetinn whirl, turAa fa-0111 :!;. rleira, llltirsh, or mlas.iintCe iMilxins, Bm benn Widely nscd, durinstlie last twei'i'iy-'fi ve yeais, in the treat ment of tlieso dlslressinri diseases, and with such nnvai-j in success that it has pained the reputation of lielna infallible. The shakes, or chills, once broken, by it, do not return, mull the disease is contracted a;ra1ii. -This has niadu It an accepted remedy, rind triisted spH!iic, forthe Fever and Aaue of the West, and tho Chills and Fever of the South. Ayer"j- Asue Ctfre cAdicatp Inflt nmtio1i poison f.-oin the system, and, leaves 1 ho ya Hent its well as before the attack: It thoi-ouahly exticlislhc d'sense, so that no Liver Complaint s, Khciimatisni, Nenralnla. Pj-cn-tery or 1 feblliry toIlowiAe --nro. Xiuleed, where Disor.lei-sof t In- Li v?r and Ilowclsjiav.eo-urrei from Minsinaiic Poison, it removes tlie cause of them and 1 bey disappear., iSot only is it 1111 otfocmal cutr, but,, if taken ciecaslohni.v by patieiitsexn:-ied to nm'aiia, it will expel tho poison and pro'oet them from attack. Trav ellers and temjiorary residents In cverv nnd all Anne localities rtrc thus enabled to defy the discos, 'i'lie General rebiiity which Is so apt to ens, from continued exiiosure to Malaria and Siiasni. has no speedier reined y. .. For Liver 4'ouinlalntn. it is an excellent remedy. PKF.PARED BY nr. J. -. AY Lit Sc '., lAwell, ftnm., I'raetical aud Anatvtk-nl Chemiste '... , . gssold by all Lnujgis-.s and peelers -lit SleJiciuo. - i:. ; : V.118 Aj-er'a Cuihartie. If lis, For nil the I'lirposes of Fnnifly l'ltjklc, ftniXti CAtivcness, Jaundice, I-Sc:)ihIii, lndisest ion.Uvsenterv, Foul Stomach and Hrealli, F. ryslpelnsf IlendaiJie, Pi'its, Rheu mat ism , K.r 11 p t i ons and. Skin Idseasw, Bi:i3Jisness, Liver Com piaiiit. l.n. Teltr Tamors ,nnd 8a It Bhemn, Worms, ;ont; .,.-iiini(iti, iu, u ifinner 1I1I I-. ..1 .,. Blood. are the most eonireniAl.pHririitiye ,vt perfected. Their - effect s lmndautlv show bow much they excel ail other Pills. TfiCyaro safe and pleasant to take, but rsowerfnl to core. They purtre out tl)c ioul ,jivmt .-sof the blood: they stimulate Iho shipn-ish. or dieordere.1 oncan into action ; and IVjr isnpurt health and tone to Iho wholo lieinsr. Tlicy cure not onlv the every day compbiiiits of every lio.ly, but, formilu')':e O'lilduiiKciioivsdlstxiscs. Most skill ful physicians, most eminent cienrymcn, nnd our best citizens, send cert iUcates of cures per formed nnd of prcnt bencrtts they have derived from these. Pills.. They are the safest and best physic for children, because mild as .well as effectual. Peijijr t-usar coated, thev nre easv to take; and lxdnj? purely vegetable, they ai"u entirely harmless. - - PHKPAHKn ET i ' , Ir. J. '. AYtR Sc Ct., IxwIl, Mass., Practical and Analytical Chemists. fffiSSold bv all Lrutrslsts and I :'.. ra in .Meuiclno. . ,.r. ,i . , - vTna . FOR SALE t rjlHE CELEBRATED W, A- WOOD'S REAPERS & ISOWERIr TXnlue'M Headers, (Wood's improved".) 4'oqillllarrs IndlnnaFnrus WKron, ThoBiMselnndYlDrtorTbrrs1iera l.-.v (best machines osfttieooast - Ktetoaoaaa Foreefeed D-rlfl. Ktr Plows, and other machine - fn il n.l vttf ,-!a, n n .t , , . . elsewhere, at nry Blacksmith fcliop, comer r Sec ond and Eljsworth ats AMev, OveRon . 33v5 FBAKK WOOD. tOOK TO YOUR tfiTEKESTS I &.A-y..iz E Y ! Old Reapers, Mowers and Thresibeva, Kupnh-cd and .made almost as g(Jod s ne MERRILL Ot. P17TIJMHP'- NEV MACHINE. GHOP t . IsiiowpTOrnwUc-.tttllkiilot Vood Tturubia;, fSa'wiujf ni,a' r6alnir. t.me2.""? U keiitonhanantall IXevr tina KrnutiJtil trjstnire j; 1 ' ' (OHEOOK ABKJ ' " " ' Ttee .Wetclrr alr-rwhJd : botttnue. -'-.t ... .. and-the-- , , . "'P eX'd.ing fiToo rti ! Fi?2l2iy"Tpl.y3ri B" 11'r.!tVi shop on iiZiirL1 .f wnolia Milli Call and examine Roods and prices. ' Maylt.aiv7 W. U. BKLDLNf. ' ISPOBTaXT. Endorsed by the, Jdtav profession. Dh. Wk. HALL'S BALSAM for the lung cures Coughs, Colds and Consumption, and all diseases of the Throat and Chest. ! TfJWTSSLEYS TOOTHACHE ANODYNE cures Jn one MTNXTE.. . . V YEASt powder; :SBawm mtm if WAvnffi- r.m'r, - 47