The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, July 16, 1875, Image 2

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    1 I? a a If IP 8 f5it
The steamship Scytkia, disable ly
a whale, has returned to Liverpool.-"""
: The Eastern Editorial excursion ar-
rived at Salt Lake oiiSatnr.lay. " ' !
The Cnnard rteamcr, Scythia, was
crippled by a whale on the4 10lh,.; oil
Roches Point."
The Salmon Falls-unite,-of Salmon
Falls, N. II., also chut down lor two
. Tlie funeral of Chief Justice Wood
ward, of Penn., took p'ace at Wilkes
barre on the 10th.
Mrs; Algernon Sartoris, at Long
Branch, on the 11th, gave birth to a
fine boy.
. m ;7- . '
The Carlista seem to bo getting the
worst "of it in the recent battles. Gen.
Dorreaary is in full, retreat.
' Rain has fallen in various ortioiiR
ot the State of Arkaueas, and the pros,
pects for good erops is better than ever
it is reporied that the military were
to march from Fort Randall, to drive
out miners from the Black 1 1 ills on
. Monday last.y
On the lllh at Indianapolis, Indiana,
Monroe, on trial for the murder of his
wife, was fbnnd guilty, and sentenced
to the penitentiary for iiie. -
Tho Vandilia liaitroad Company has
offerd a large reward for the apprehen
sion of the parties who attempted lo
rob the express on the 9th.'
Bishop Meriarty died on the 10th, at
Villa Wood, says a Philadelphia dis
patch. He was a man of great literary
The story that Filkinn, the express
robber, perished in sewer of Clinton
prison is discredited. ..Report has it
that he Las been seen in Canada.
Major Muretta, a Japanese, totally
ignorant of the English language, is the
best shot at WimWcton, says a London
Edward Kelly, bridge watchman at
Otsego, N. Y., wife and child, were
were run over by a railroad train on the
night of. the 10th. KVly and wife
were killed, bnt the child escaped.
Abraham Jackson, the defaulting
lawyer of Boston, was arraigned on the
10th for forgery; pleaded not guilty,
and in default ot (90,000 bail, was,
remanded to jail.
Gen. John A. Logan, Senator from
Illinois, arrived in Sacramento, Ca-ifor-
nia. yesterday 12th. Ho announced
tltat became on business and would le
main but a short time.
Through carclcrsness a train on the
Toledo W. & W. Railroad was wrecked
on the 10th, seven miles west of J ack
onville, 111., fatally scalding Peter Leal.
Che engineer, and Roberts, fireman.
- -r- ..
At Fresno, California, on the 10th,
the jury in the Grantee case, after being
out five hoars, brought in a virdict of
guilty of murder In i&e first degree, the
punishment being imprisonment for life.
The 26tb of October fixed for passing
sentence. -
Ha ed TtXESL The Atlantic Cotton
Mills of Lawrence, Mass., which gives
employment to 1,250 operators, shut
down at noon on the 10 th, for eight
weeks. The suspension may last longer
if the present fetock of manufactured
goods is not marketed.
"That clock, stranger,' said a Michi
gan farmer, ' was the best kind of a
clock up to six months ago, when my
daughter began to have beaux, and now
the blamed thing is always two hours
The annual camp-meeting, in connec
tion with the M. E. church at Golden
dale, W.' T., commenced on Friday
last. Revs. Caldwell and Wilber
were to be in attendance, and also two
' or three cf the native Indian preachers
from Simcoe reservation.
- Ililliard, Wyoming, lias a sensation
iu the shape of a suit for breach of
promise, an old bachelor being the
. plaictCF, and a seventeen-year-old girl
the defendant. The girl's father is a
contractor, and has piles of greenbacks,
while the old bachelor hasnV a ' rod
... At Montreal, July 12th, a carriage
containing Mrs. liernard, two daughters
and son, and two neighbors, was ran
into by a special train near Relocit
-Wids. The two ladies were killed,
and lira. Bernard and one daughter
badly hurt and not expected to live.
The went New - Ham psbTi contest"
involved this' point rdtdistricling of
the State. .The democrats: feared that
the repnblieansy'it ."allowed ;" cc5rtrtffl
the Senate, would'secure wimeJixivaip
tage in tlie iext; L&gratjj, JuU if
to elect. Senator Crasiu's' Weceesor.
The Senate being democratic, can pre
vent the passage,, pX, auy,. JjMlUuS
bill that does not suit its majority.
, . - - I. .
Three Southern states are to elect
member? to a Constitutional Convention.
thp.'cusuhigFa'l. . They are, S'orth
Carolina, Alabama and Texas. In the
two last it is believed that a principal
juiii.t" for democratic' attack'wilf be tlie
free school system-. Nebraska is the
only northern !?tate that has called such
a Contention.' The delegates " wiir be
elected at the next election. ' "' '
Moody -and aixcyV. farewell meet
ing in London took place oa the even
ing ot the 12th. Seven hundred cleniyi
men were present. Speeches were rtiadc.
thanking them for : the neiv', life and
energy, infused i-tu- the churches . by
their efforts. -It was suggested that a
methoi ml -of -some kind be 'presented to
thers, but M. Stone, on tho'r- liehayy
said it would not be accepted, and no
thing would .'give them more pain.---;
Trouble-is brewing from the Jloopa
Indians of Iloojia reservation, southern
part of Klamath county. About 250
Indians in war paint sat down Ix fore
Florence mine on Klamath "river, 100
miles east of Eureka, and told the
miners, 25 in numlier, and told the
superintendent they would waste- no time in talking, they must leave.
The situation is aid to Iks critical
. .
In regard u t! c insurrection in Hcr
zogovii a, an almost independent prov
ince ot the Ottoman empire, a Kpccial
to the London S(andrtl say:;. The
disturbances consists apparently of a
number of riots among the Sclavoniau
inhabitants of vi lages in the wester dis
trict who have been aroused to resist
ance by an "' endeavor of the Turkish
officials to collect arrears - of taxes,
large bands t ; fugitives,, - composed
mainly of women and children, cross
the border into Dalrriatia daily. The
Turkish troops, on the night of July
4th, made an attack" on tlie defenses
erected by the insurgent!- at a bridge
over the Krupo river near Celevo.
After a long and bloody -combat they
were defeated and fell back in disorder.
The following particulars in regard
to the great earthquake in South
America under date of New York,
July 10th: The steamer from Panama
bring3 later details of tho great earth
quake in South America. Cueuta is ai
ruins, not a single house remaining.
The killed are calculated at 5,000.
Losariu, San Antonio, Capacho, Gev
arimo, San Jaun de Urfa,Sa:i Cayeteno
San Cristobal, Tariba,. Lobatera,. La
Grita. and adjoinii.g villages are in com
plete ruin. Salagau 'suffered -severely,-
1 aud the adjoining country , is nearly
devastated. Chinacota, Chapo, Pemj)
tona, Cucutilla, Arbcdolla.", fantiago
Gallindo and " Gramolote have also
been great sufferers. 1 he number, of
dead in Cuenta is calculated at three
quarters of the entire jxipulation. "The
few families saved are on the outskirts
ot what was tho city, but they will
soon be obliged to retire, as .the putrifi
cation of the dead will not all them to
remain. Tt is heartrending to see the
wounded, who have no care, and can
not remain long alive in their presa: it
condition.; Thei es and robbers swept
down on the ill-fated city and hardly a
single safe has been saved from the
custom-house. Pillage is general.
Four : hundred , mules' were s killed
in the streets, and as there was no oi e
to remove them, the stench is becoming
frightful. A rforelwHse at Puerto de
Low Cachos was sacked burned by
bandits. In , Piedccue&to, tho town
hall is destroyed, and in. -Paploui the
cathedral is iu ruins. The . Tcnezuela
side has suffered, if possible, more
severely than tho Colombia Ten
tliousand dollar were Kent to-day from
this city for t e relief ot the sufferers.
' :,i::;M.iv .: , . .' V i. ..ii S
A dispatch . from - Raleigh, North
Carolina, states that one ot the most in
human murders ever committed in 'this
country came to light last night, July
12th. Scott Portina, a while man, cut
his wife's throat, cut her head off, nn
jointed her at every joint,-cut the flesh
off her bones, and attempted to burn
the body, but' did not v succeeilt Re
then - murdered " his little boy,' eight
months old, in the same manner. lie
. buried tho two bodies in a marsh, where
they were found last week by neighbors.
Circumstances show 1 "Portina's father
and one of his brothers to be accessory
to the murder.- - - ; ?.
From Vienna on tho 12th, it ; isj
stated that the weavers strike in Barunn
assumed a threateningattitudeand three
battalions of infantry and two squadrons
of cavalry are: held .ready to4-preserve
order. . "jW m' i.;;.-,";
: The cathedral at Portland, Maine,'
was set on firo by lightnhigon the lOth
but tho flames were extinguished.
rTlteTfoltdwiiVg1a'"nntnber of meet.7!
ings held by Moody and Sankey in
London Ouring y the. past four months,
with, aggregate attendance r Caraber-
j eil 6aneetuigf, altended Jby 4SO,000
petple ; iVietoHa, 45 meetings, attended
;by 40,000 ; in the opera heSise, GO meel
Ingsfatlended by SSO.OOft; i" Bow, CO
meetings, ..C0,000 4. and in
Agricultural Hall, CO inectiugs, attend.
el by 720,000 The ainouut 'of money
exfkjndedfor building,' jirinifng,' stew
ards, &b., $140,000. Mody;; and Sani
key declined to receive any compe'.isa
tion from"thc committee: - ;
i A special reports that another des
tructive storm visited Buda,'Pesth:, on j
the 11th hist. Nearly all the tempura-
ry works erected for the repair ot the j
damages caused by the tempest of Juno j
20th are carried away, houses unroofed j
and several largo towers blown down.
No lives lost. ! .---..-"
The Ohio iSVfjV? Journal says:
"Dohii Piute, of the- Washington : Cap
ital, 'sailed for Europe 'recently."," There
is no danger that tlie ocean will swallow
Donn. I If it does, it will be throwing j
'IP gn.'ino islands for three- . months I
after, and will be the sickest ocean that j
ever went to sea.
The comu-il.of Baptist clergy, assem
bled at Philadelphia, on the JSth, to
investigate the charges ot improper
in'imaey with certain ladies of his con
gregation, brought against Rev, Bolt,
have found the gentleman . altogether
blameless in tho matter. I
The taxable real e tate of New York !
City amounts to the enormous sum o? J
$880,000,000, notwithstanding ' an csli-'j
mated decline in value of tifieen per,
cent, during the pa-H year. f
". The German Liberals of Ohio have j
bolted the Democratic nominations iu a
body, lieeanse of the position taken by
the party on the currency and the
temperance questions.
It is reported that Mr. Dc'a-no, the
editor of the Loudon Ttutes, is a'umt to i
resign his position. IT? lias occupied j
the place for a term of thirty-fonr j
A Mrs, Dunn, of Lowell, Mass., was
kicked to death liy her brutal husband
on the 13th, because she wouldn't give
him monev. .
Next Saturday the citizens ot Cor
vallis are to have a grand massmeeting
in the interest of the Yaquina Bay
" A sudden freshet ' in the Licking
river, Ohio, on the 12th and 13th, de
stroyed property estimated at $200,000.
Fred Douglas is to start a paper in
Washington, to be devoted to the in
terests of the negroes.
-tinder a 'decree of Court all tlie assets
of the North Pacific Railway Company
are to be sold iu the first week of Au
gust 'next. The present bondholders
.have arranged to bid" iu the projierty
and then ptssh the construction of the
Hue a distance of five hundred miles
further west, where they find a large
amount of business iu the mining and
cattle growing regions ot Montana,
They hope by this means to be able to
realize something on former investments.
Should mich resu't lx? attained- th?
present year it will demonstrate another
coming event, that of completing .it to
the Pacific. -
f The Mountain View Grange, Clacka
mas county, met at 9 o'clock, July 10th,
at the usual place of meeting, and afier
conferring the fourth degree on a class
of three, retired to a most beautiful
grove, looking out on Gribble's prairie,
the natural paradise of the granger,
and where the table was spread with
the luxuries of the farm, and listened to
an excellent address by Hon, Chares
F. Beatty. He alluded to the fact that
the grange movement will unite the
farmer on political Affairs, that they
will demand equal taxation, etc. i About
150 persons were in attendance, and
oneness ot sentiment pevailed. 1
f A fearful suicide occired in Paris the
other day.. Gerard Authoine called his
little boy, aged six, to him and said:
MLittle one, you have otlen wished to
play with this pistol," showing the,
child an old pistol.- "Oh, yea, papa."
"Welly we will , play . with it now,'
aud ' loading the weapon the father
hauded it to the - boy. ".Now, look,'
be said, f;I will got down on my knees
before yon; you will point at me right
between the eyes and pull, the trigger;
you'll see how funny it isP rand , be
knelt down. . "Aim well jn " the ' head,
between the eyes," he said again; "but
first embrace, me' .-TIjb poor., child
embraced bis father, then pointed the
pistol as told, and. fired. Anth'oiue fell
back dead, aud the boy seeing the .ter
rible result ran out of the room sobbing.
' . The mean temperature is what dis-
g ists a man with every climate. w-, , ::.,
53 ?leaking of the Winnemncett Rail
road enterprise, the Statesman says:
There is now something like a certainty
that this road 'w-ill be built; and 'that it
will be commenced very soon. .' Tlie
preliminary sarvey is now being made,
and Mr. Colby informs the Silver ' City
Avalanche that the work may be com
menced this fall. Mr. Colby is one of
tlie company , of capitalists who pin
chased he land grants' belonging to the
5niitafy"Road Company; the corpora
tion includes a number of the heaviest
capitalists in San Francisco who could,
if ' they thought proper, construct the
roal without any assistance from any
other quarter - It is slated, however j
that the Central Pacific Company in
tend to take hold of the enterprise, and
that statement is supported by the fact
that Governor Stanford and other mem
hers of that corporation are on the way
north', intending to traverse and view
the route. Altogether, the thing looks
more favorable now than ever before.
The recent contest IxHwecn American,
Irish and English marksmen has at
least .established one fact clearly, and
that is that the American breech-loading
arm is as reliable as the best English
muzzle-loader."' In the recent contests
the American team used the Remington
and the Sharp breech-loading rifle, while
both the Irish ami English teams used
their best muzzle-loaders, and the Amer
ican team dm e the best shooting, and
got away with tho spoils.
The, Jlf'ir.'c Lnc Express hi its
weekly review, says the crops have been
progressing lavoiably, and reports to
this effect have produced a quietei feel" j
ing in the London market, where prices
I a 1 br-guu to advance,, but there has
Iwen a tui lher improf emenl iu the coun
try.. Prices in 'many p'neos are again
l2s deare r for wheat. And as the u'ca
of having a crop equal to la-.t year's is
given "up aud stot-ks decrease, there is
plenty of room tor a further rise. In
France the damage lo crops from floods
has been very extensive in the provinces, '
and figures show a rise in wheat from 1
to 2s. .
The Trinity Journal relates the fol
lowing incident:
Trinity County, as vve'l as other sec
tions, has found its bonanza. Ours was
a bonanza of rattlesnakes, and was dis
covered on the line of the Coffee Creek
ditch by .James B. Watkins, employed
on the ditch. lie tan into the den of
rattlesnakes, the extent of which may
ha imagined from the fact that he killed
sisty-five of the snakes iu half an hour
with a club. lle'was in town the other
day and showed us the rattles, which
range from three to -fourteen in size.
The smallest ones, he says, were the
most trouble, being inore active than
the larger and older oies. ioffee Creek
has always been ce'ebrated for the .num
ber ot rattlesnakes -produced. Since
work has commenced on the dileh some
are killed every day, Mr. Watkins alone
having 'killed a" hundred and twenty
this summer, l ife teat in this line sur
pluses any single-handed combat with
rattlesnakes ever placed on record.
Carrots fvkK:ss It is notgener7
ally known that boiled carrots, when
properly prepared, form an excellent
substitute for eggs in puddings. Thev
must, for this .purpose, be boiled and :
mashed, and passed through a coarse
cloth or hijir-seive stunner. The pnlp
is then ..introduced among the other J
ingredients of the pudding, to tlie total i
omissioH of eggs, A pudding nisdc up-1
. 1- ..... 1 1 1
in tnis.way is mucu .jignter man when
eggs are used, and is much more palat
able. On the principle of economy,
this fact is worthy of the prudent house
wife's attention.
A shooting affray ocenred IssS Sunday
afternoon between William Blackcit,
familiarly known as "Butcher Bill,"and
Louis Petzold, which resulted in the
shoot'-ng of the former by a derringer in
tbe hands of the latter. The ball struck
Blackert in. the breast-bone, passing
throngd, and it is a question whether
the ball had force enough to pentrate
the lung or not. : The . recovery of tho
wounded man seems rather favorable
at present, frorii which the doctors think
that his lungs escajed the effects of the
ball. So says-a Jacksonville paper.
A California story tells of a man who
resolved to nive np drinking, aud went
to a notary to get him to draw op an
affidavit to that effect. Tho document
was drawn, read and proved; the -party
he'd tip bis hand and murmured the
usual promise. The paper was then
properly sealed and delivered
" What's to pay?" asked tho pledge
taker. "To pay to pay?" exclaimed
the notary. "Nothinf, of course this
is a labor of lo"ve.'' "Nothing to pay!"
returned the creatful but forgetful
pledge-taker. ''You are a brick. Let's
take a drink.':
On Friday last a little son of J. L.
G win, ot Polk county, was severely hurt
while riding with his father, who . was
hauling and distributing rails. At the
time of the accident the wagon bad no
load on, and the boy was sitting on a
boaid with his feet swinging between
the wheels, when, in running' over a
stump, one of his ankles caught between
the stump and the brake, causing intense
pain.- : ; ' . . " .
Tlie Alleghany Mail made some
pretty plain charges against parties
connected with Indian supplies and as a
consequence it is called on to defend a
625,000 libel suit. ,
------ 4 Jf'jhiw- KOTITE
Tlie X. Y.- Tim- has a correspondence
from Philadelphia which at length explains
tlie claim. of a nfrw motor that is to revolu
tionize tlie world follows :
sThe nieclwnicnl and scientific world has;
been greatly excited of late by the discov-
ory oahew motive power by a Mr. Jobrf
TV Keel.Vi ot this cHy. The lately discov
ered motor U generated, as the gsntlenianf
claims, frain cold wutt-r and uiiv and.
evolves into a" Vapor more powerful 1)1:111
steam,- and vonsKI'rat)y- more-eonomiri-
It is propoed by this new invention to rev
olutionize tlie world, and turn maehiuery
topyturvy. Steam will be a thing of the
past, and the- wonderful power of thkniew
creation .all the need of man.
far the we to which. steam' is now-applied:'
Just what this vapor Is. and how it is made
the discoverer refuses to make plain or di
vulge his hidden secret until h has letters'
patent taken out in all tlie countries of the
globe which issue' patent right. 'Thisier
vice alone will eost about $o0.00(). aud will
not be com poled until tlne or four uonth
hence.- Mr. very retici-nt on the
subject of hU discovery,' and' l-eferrert youl
correspondent to isi.-i attorney C-liarlts Ii.
I oilier, E.i-. The latter gefttlcnuui- aid
that a private view of the working of the
motor had been' m:ule on-; tbe lOtli of No-,
vember, 1374, before a: tiuuihcr. of capital
ists, and that only three weeks, c.ince an
other exhibition had been, given ' before a
number of gentehnen from the "ffew-Kng-and
States. '1'licse latier wei-e so well
pleased. with the w'bs tj,eram)t. and In.
Iieved so tiruily ii) the Ultimate sujKJrsedurc
of steam by the new power, Ihaflbey
formed n stock Company, purchased the
patent riy,ht for the six Xe'v-Kii'ilaud
Suites, aud paid fSO.COO ciisli isiiiiicdiately
for 1 heir, share in the invention, and are
it-mly to forward $200,000 more a soon .us
eil!ed upon. . -They will orfpniize a compa
ny with a en pita 1 of .,000,000. and be
ready to inanutUcturc the engines and nec
essary apparatus as btn as the proper pat
ents ore secured... . - -. ' : ..-
M.r. Keely alleges that, the discovery of
this power "was purely accidental. Up to
witliin h t-hort time he was a poor man. Lilt
having a. wonderful degree of natural me
chanical ski!!, lw devotetl all Ids time for
the past fourteen year-to esM-rlinent with
water with a view of procuring a niofivc
power fmm it. lie was engaged uOii an
idea of hU own reg.mliug tli forcu ot col
uinns of water one day. when lie accidental
ly discovered the vapor which fie has lr,vr
nessed. Us studieit the stibjeet. ascertain
ed lsow it was generated, learned its pow
er, and henceforth applied himsclt solely to
the perfection of this idea, work i up: night
and day for a nnuibef tif, uutii his ef
forts ere crovrnvd with -success. The ap-jKii-itns
iiy which the power is made
ovide is termed a "general 01"' or iiiu!ti
pMcalor." and the . v.iKr is then passed into
a " receiver," and frntn thence to the cyl
inder box of the engine, where it drives the
pistons and sets the engine in motion. The
"generator" is alxuVt three feet high,
made ot Austrian gun nut:i!. tit one solid
piece, mill v.i'l l:o:d about ten or twelve
ja Hons of water. It i- four or live ii:vhes
thick, and made to stand the very heavy
presire of 2(.!00 to :0,UO pounds of vapor
to 1 he s-.piare incii.
Mr. Keely claini that thHf!pp:ir:itns wiil
generate cold vapor from water by mechan
ical appliance, without the u-e ot cfit inic--al.-.
The water u-ed Is coiumou ri?er;
siring, or well water, and does net under
go any previous preparation, a rirbher hose
from an onliietiy hydrant to the g.-ner.-rtor
being u-d as a means of conveying the
Ii'iuid. Th pecivli-ivVt'y ot l!;is vapor is
that it can be used to the htrt advantage at.
a pressnrs 01 ttoni 20,000 to J10.01X) pomals
to the s p-isi re i:icli. To the luei-hatiieal
mind this seems impussiiiie. Yet such is
the claim of Mr. Keely. aud it Iiks been at
tested that such is tt-e f.ict by gentlemen
who .tre hekl to be niechanical ex) ei-ts ot
the highest grade. Yet. wish all thW ini
mense p'.sitrtr at hi losnmand. the inven
tor is en.-d-iled to control iA.-t eiisiii". :nid
run ft with the same ea;. aud facility as
engines are now run l.y steam. The parts
of the generator and mu'tipMcsttor are all
ntiule of wcidel iron, of great thickness and
strength. The connecting pipes are also
sniaii and of great thickness, snid are ox'id
ized f iid pl.-tuisfied so as to prevent tho.
force of the vapor escjipingtlirougli the pores
of tlie metal. Steam could not pass fhro'rrgh
tlie conned ing pipes which are u-ed on this
npparatus, since the bore Is ouly i;!;out the
dintetision if a knitting-needle. '
With this immen-e power at hand one
would naturally fear an cxp'.o-dvvii u,-t
disastrous in its results. But such if is
claiuietl cauntst be the case, since when tha
vapor comes in contact with the atmos
phere, it va-e.s to exand, and instantly
goes back to its: original state, namely siir
m:d water, theretoie, in this regard it is
less dang-.-rous than either gunpowder or
teaui. The Aapor is thinner than air, and
will not cut tile metal in escaping or pass
ing through the throttle valve. It can
not be expnnled or caused to l;:tir.e
by the application of heat ro it. A Kgiit
ed candle has been held at the. month ot a
eouk, and the force ot the air did not even
extinguish the light, and did not have any
offensive odor in tact none was at all pt-r-ij
ceptible. 'l-Ue rapidity - wiVU which this
vapor can In; generated N almost inappre
ciable. " In live peeouds." said Mr. Keely. 1'
" I it'm supply 2.0:K) pound of vapor to the
to tlie square inch, and riiough to rni a ;
train of tcuews from Philadelphia Co New j
York and return.'"' 16 seem innrosr install- h
tineoti.s, fo short is tho -time consumed.
The vapor has a damp, cold feeling. There
is not the least noise perceptible iu its gen
eration .. ii
"Seeing will be believing " in tlii-j mat
ter and the sooner Mr. Keely makes his
first public eshitntinu of ihtt inventioii will j
the pubiie at large aud the world in general 1
come to i-egaul the name of Keely as they
do that of Fulton or Watts. Mr. Keely
says that tlie first public exhibition will lie
upon the Pennsylvania Hailroad. when he;
proposes to take a train lrom tltis city to
New -York and return. He will have the
generator1' stationed at West Philadel
phia fill the "receiver" which accompan
ies tlie engine and take vapor enough to
draw twenty cars to New , York and back.!
The passage of the train wilt be sileut.
'JKiere will be no-ehnler, no escaping steam,
or dropping of coals to set Are to bridges.!
The engine will be smaller than those now
in use. but will be of greater horse power,
lie says -that the generator cau either be
carrio'l on the train or left at a depot, ac
cording to the wishes of the engineer. It
is small and compact and takes op very
little room. : :
At tlie close of tlie past fiscal year, Clarke
county, W. owed $7,107 73, and had
$540 54 on hand. .
The Union Pacific company have a geol
cgist oj their own, who, with a corps cf assistants,-is
now hunting for metals, precious
and base along the lino of tlie, road.. : ,
Freight by tlie steamer Los Anyelcs was
12 days in reaching Olympia. from Sau
Francisco almost as long as Is usually re
quired for sail vessels. ,-,
Mr. John T. Wills 1ias-ica!gned his posi
tion at tlie Steilacoom insane asylum to ac
cept au appointment on the India u reserva
tion at Nh Bay. -
: Tlie first coal huidi sold , under tlie-new
law were purchased at. tlie United States,
land office iu Olynipia last week. Mr.
John Gales and the Fletts, ofPuyallrtp,!
bought 320 acres. '. (
' The body of another of the victims of thS
snowlides in Big Cottonwood Canyon,
Utah, lust winter, was dug out of the snow
recently In a good state of preservation. ' ?
The three coal companies shipped to San
Francisco 27,000 tons of coal , during the
past six months.
al letting of surveying contracts iu Wasli
ingtoSt iTerriforjr .'.Having arrived, dejmty
surv!-or3 and rfielr crews are taking their
departpre for theirj several fields of labor.
'sThere are rJoi inbout a dozen logging
camp within fen flriles ofOlympia engag
ef every working lioiir stripping the tim
ber, every stick" of which-is taken from six
ty t eigtify tinfies from the place to Le
manufactured into lumber.
- A scow containing idiout live hundred
.pieees-fr-wtfr-pip-souk mooriiig
oti Friday nigiit !at, near the draw ot the
bridge, at Olvmpia. The pipe floated away
on the tide, but the most ot it was recover
KVflHefiWBielwnl puHitrg" iur smalt teonts,
and ioadel on a schooner. ',, .
The supi eme court of Washiiigtoii Terri
tory convenes in Olvmpia yesterday (Mon
day) with a full leuch Chief Justice Lewis
and Associate Wingard bavins arrived a
few days- itgtvi-Associate'- Greene' ' residing
lieje,- 'The docket U. -not .hirge.. nnd the
court will probably bo in session put a short
time. ... " '"'.' " : '; " "'' '
Evauston, Wyoming, ha? a Chinaman
with a bid et i.i his brain, and he appears
todo just as good a job of wastiingas a hea
then with less galena riches ituhhn.
- Crops Jn , Klickitat- comity,;,W. ..T. arc
looking siilendidly, and large yields are un
anticipated of a'l .cereals. Fruit and vegr
Ctables Jiave been greatly iujurJ by frosts.
The mining-news from Ari:oua very
favorable.: The Silver King .uiine. nciif
Floreniv, h;TS 2.5!K) pounds of picked ore.,
worth $2 per. p-amd, and. twelve tons worth
from $i.U00 to $1,200 icr toti. .
The l.Tiiited States ciar-hal of Utah arres
ted tweiitv-tive iritoer.s . at oiio banl. fit Tit-
lle Cottonwood,.- the other day. Tbey'-had,
taken f.irciliie awl la w-uss; possession of lluj
Suith Star and Titus inine, nnd hemic their
arrest.1'-'"' ' - - -.' ' ':'-
St uk ai-e d dng well in WashiHgton Ter
ritory, opposite i'he Dalks- and ranchmen
think that stock will be iiisUv'h goodto.idi
tiou before the approach of winter, that
heavy losses wilf not; be 'Buffered n9 were
last year. , .. . .; ... .
At the wcra 011 Domiipon day .at Cache
creek. In-igl. ton's horse, Major, carried ofl"
the Ooiniuiou stakes. - :. ,
TXhh tv-ivj.tat- estimates that 1,210,700
wiil b; la!d out in .improvements in the
province during the next eighteen months.
'During the 'past six monfiis 25,GoO tons ot
coal have been siilp;ie() from Nanaimo, tind
22,3:i3 tons fnun Deparlm-e bay.
The scholars of the Methodist Sabbath
School, ,'ind their teacliers and friends, held
a Very pi. asaht picii' -n ,tl.e Peninsula.
Nanaimo, on iioiidiiion D:yr ; .
A party of engineers will arriveat Victo
ria Ly the mai! steiuner that will leave San
Francisco on tlie 20th instant, to commence
the lot M ion of the Isi.Tiid i-rii: way.
. Ti e United States steamer !cfn a rri ved
in Ks jiiini.-it h-irbor 0:1 Suiiitiy before 'a t
lroi fa:i Francis:o. S):e is hound to-Alaska
to coiU!)!ete tiro errainl ot tlie ill fjtetl.yjv-
A litt!e girl of Mr. Shepherd, of Salt
Spring l-l.-ti.d. was sei fonsiy injim-d in trr
right arm on Sat unlay last, by the;ic-idental
U.ircHa rg--; of a gi t;i in thehandt of her broth
er, tt hiiotbis ialtt r was drawing the weapon
from a boat.- '
Among-t the many candidates fol pnrlia
inenr put forward ly D une liumor on thu
in.'iinland. are Mr. James Steel, of ('linton.
.iial Mr. William 5itNoU, ot llumlj-rtf
and Thirty-lour Mile Post, th former
tor Cariisoo li.-fric6 and the latter for
I.illtMu't. ;
.Woikniencoiuinencid on Monday toefect
the necessary treslivwork for 1 he nriel trani
:iy to bo ned i"!) fr.fu-ijortii:g t?oal from
the iuh.e, at Nanaimo, to the w ater tVir siifp
ineiit. A'iont SOU tons h.ive 11 j:eady been
taken out, . -did o ily await the means of
traiisportition. :
.Mr. Wltiiam Ev.-in.-fresi.-lent since l&i'Z.
iliei very u!i.nlv o:i Sin. day morning. it
his Ittme.on the Ksiiuimait road. . lie at
t:iideil the pkaiic oh S.iturdaj- in apiiarciit
g;I heaiiiu and was t turning fronr; chort j
wiilii wlien he ten down m a lit at his own
Spite and died almost immediately.
' A fewdaysiig-.!lie oldest tla lighter of Mr.
It. Crey. of G.iljiiola isini:l. bad a vefy nar
row csc!i;e from being killed by n 11 enraged
cow. J'.ut for the almost superhuman eliorts
of the father, the girl about fourteen years
of age would undoubtedly hifve lteeu kill
h1. "The cow r-arcdly tossed and stamped
rai the girl before the father, who wassome
di.-tata.ti o.T. could interfere.:
Hon John Allen, living near "Kola, while
Vut ting cord wood on hi place last F-rid .13",
by a glancing l.iow of the ax opened the fir-t
joint of his left big toe, nearly severing that
The IheoTogical debate Ix-twocn Revs. (5.
W. lIichari--oii. ptJ the t'hrist'tan denoini
uation, and K. A. McAllister, ot the Uni
versal Church, which was to have taken
pl::ee at Pvthel on the2lith in'st.. has'lieen
xxtpoficd one week, at- the request of the
f'lriuer pastor, and will couuueucu Tlun-s-day,
July 27b, at Bethel. .
The Brown brothers, who wre tndicteil
for the killing of Oliver M. Ifurt iu SSjiragne
river valley about a year ago. a:id whose tri
al took p'i.-ce ar the i!-ceiit term of the. cir
cuit com t at I.iukvilie, were ac putted.
Q11. Thursday,: fne S'th inst., ".Henry
WaPer, aged 30 years, the son of 4)iwMle
vv alker, ot Dixie, met w:tu an accident
that tor the time being rci.'dercd him
uncoiiiciouK. 11c Lad just mounted a
spirited colt for tne purpow of breaking
it to the vaihlie, when the animal com
merced rearing and plunging and finally
throwing and falling upon young Waller,
and rendering bin insensible lKu the
concussion ot tl-.e brain. ,
'lliat vas a touching allusion to at de
ceased rpouse, ma le recently by a farm
er who came to the village flore to pur
Chase things. "Caii't I show you any
thing e'se to-day?" 'politely asked the
clerk. "Nt, I -reckon not," rep ied the
sad looking ciiFtonicrj "1 lost iwo horses
and my wife last fall, and I feel putty
poor. : Good span of liorses,too.w
An old lady,, hearing soma one read
ing about a Congressman at largp, rush
ed into tho kitchn door thoutiug,' "Sa
rah Janef Farali .Tanef donTt yun leave
the- clothes oitt all night, mind I tU
you, for there's a Congressman at large."
' mum 1 " 1 ' ! -
.-Hoarding-fcIiooI missi."0,CIirlier I
expect to graduate at next cvmmenco-;
ment." "Graduate? what will yon grad
uate in?' ".Why, in wliite tulle!" -
Probably not less than' I'O.OOO sheep
will be this-year added "to the herds
feedii g upoli the !miCricions bunch-grass
ranges of Montana. ......
, There's nothing, fo wonderful alxiiit
mal'eaUe g!as can be hammered. A
friend of miiiahasa glass ill tmbi'okeiiy
thotigli he ha 'kept pnnch-in-it at inter
vals forreveral years ' '
" - T- -" '"
'A young - lftdy who Iiad no time to
unare &t makui" carmcnto for the noor
baa been engaged tlirco weeks embroidi
ermg a blanket for. her poodle dog.
m r . : -r -- 1 T '
It is a strange fact that when people in
dulge in liigh words tliey usu low Uui,
guage. . , . .
y joHN conriER,
CV lections mndeirtdpromrrtly wnittod
lteff to II. W. CorlHitt, Honry Filin(rlr
Tl'umkTnfi Iroiirs frwtn A. M. t6 'i. M.
i: .Alfiany, Feto. 1. feTHMv t ;
. Arid". .-.r
Machine ! &tY
,- - : -i '''
A. F. CIIEEIIIV- Proprfcloi-y
5Iauufaciuros Stcaui Esgtncs
Flour und Saw Mill MnCliih
" cry, ;' ' " -"''-
And ' ''' '
.And all klncis of
tnOHl A3ff KAJSS t'ATIXi.j.
i'nrtientnrnttrntton paid toreplrinU'iJ
kinds of mnclilnory. ' 41v
Dtailer In
It -A N (t EHr;-
rr o v k s z- ;
Of Uic licst jiat terns.
. - . . -r
And the liAiial a.ssortment of fnmbtbinff
ls to be obtained in a tin store.
itcpalrs neatly and promptly csecntcd.
n reasonable terms. : . .
Short reckoning uaaliIonS'rrldit
IJec.S. IStHi-l t
. .
A. IAR0111ERS & CC
alcrs In-
IIi;.11I AI, OILS, PAIXTS, li-ilE-i
VlUhe popolar ,.i
FINK CC'l'tfelti; CfcXRS, TOTlACtO,
siOTioxs prjtrinrjtv, ! '
anU Tollrt.UaoUs.
l'articuliir eiire and pmiinhiMi jrivon
I'liysIfUms' prt'c-riit ions and Familv Iteo
ijM-s. -
AlUmy, Oregon-4v5
Albany Book v S fate
School lluokK. Blank jUook,MuUoBry
Ittiu-y Articles, &e. ' -
Hooks im;ortod tp order, at shortest no.
alltle notice. ValiSO
A Collum Vnik. Iai0
mwuta-ot Bellsvien rf. wpltal STedfiwtt-ol-e
York.- Ollli-In A. I'nnMUen
& Co. s drng store, Albaiiy, Oregon.
Attorney n 'onnnrlw nt Imi,
ottliiHft.ato. Okkiik Inoxbcl
(up stalrsj Fii-jt street. ; 6v'
Surgeon & riiyaiclam ;
GF"ipMMrt'itreV 'iirtwWn Terry
Miw. two Work below orcirt o 3TvlHo
Cliurch, Albany, Oregon.
wrncr First and Ferry street. Hm
,. ;?w"'t n ,,,,u "iry Mnwita.
OtHeo hours ft-ui8 ta IS-eUoek a. mZ
1 tO a OrCOCk p. lit.
A TQ l.T.nTTT?TCXTrr-l T .
bay tr. Thankful for- paHC favor,
and wishing to nwrit, tbo continnanca oi
. . , . -Ban mil KIVHYH ne
. way, wwl easily foniid, to do any Iwolmir
within tbo city llsilta, for a reawmabiiy
.oomiicnwtioit.. Cs- l Iwry MUMaa
MSlclnlty. , A. X. AKXOl.U.
Sus Pnmrtevor..
thfliinA Tl V rpriu v. . .
..Groceries, , . lrovisiom?
1 o.
.. - v. n miv nM?f,
- ..''' ''!) I Z i. .i '
V JojtEs k inu. ; ,i;',,ii . :
raxsxcxANs ant susasoiii,
'- Xvt - ... v