The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, July 16, 1875, Image 1

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    i.FBIOAY. JULY !). 1S7H
ravtrni at tUm X. K. Church bnt Kvea-
, Uuion Prayer meeting was lield last
Teuing iii the M. E. Church. The atten
dance was large, btit ratlier slow coming
In. Tim eervkes begji at 8:15, by the sSng
Inj "There U Fountain filled with blood,"
after which Elder White led la prayer
Act, 4, calling attention to the result of the
4emetit of the Holy SjJrit : Tliey were
fl!lsd with the Holy Ghost, atid spake the
word With boldness." Should w remain
ten days lit Anxious hopes and earnest pray.
'er'ftrtlie baptism of the1 Holy Ghost, and
.onr prarera -answered, wePoKl -not but
speak the word with boldness, lie believed
we were now here of one heart and one
f&iud In asking God to revive his work.
Several brethren were then engaged In
.prayer, after wlik-h Elder White said his
snuHa uaa ueun coauarteu oy renet-tmr on
tlte blessed promise "I will never leave
time nor forsake tbee." If our bles-sed lte
deeiner1 U afivtiys with tlie church she will
vrosucr. It He is with the individual
ehrtstion lie need fear no evil.
Bro. Stnttton said that lie had to tliank
tlie Lord that he had to-day received au
nwer to prayer !" the conversion ot his
ldest flo. - He liad written him a letter
" front Portland, enclosing his Covenant Curd,
and saying that by tlie grace of God he
meant to Ik! a true and taitiiful folio .vt-r of
the Lord Jesus Christ. Bro. Stmtton con
tinued to say tliat -we must acknowledge
mercies already received in answer to pray
erj and vrben ;we pray for God's glory
and uo selfish end, we are sure to be heard.
y i Dr. Gray asked why are not all the peo-
pie of Albany clrrUtiaiis ? Surely theie is
no waat of power in tlie Holy Spirit of God.
Tlicre must be fault in us; we arc not
doing our whole duty as vc should.
Itev. Wilson Blain gave au account ol
liis labor as Bible Agent. He luul visited
tvnt it,iin.1ira nnl !ithiilfl uvirnl
"""Catnpmeetlngs and iottnU tlie work of the
LonI prospering. AH denominations were
becoming less sectarian and more christian.
The coming Sabbath services will see ninny
ootuiiur in twelve and fifteen miles to hear
tlie good word of tlie Lord.
Bro. Eowersox urged all to pray for ?nl-
' ration for 'Albany,' not that our church "
should be filial. We have tlie spirit of
unity we cau unite with one heart and
une Tolce in praying for tlie glory of God
tflfcl the gootl of souls. '
Fatlier Royal retcrretl to the dying testi
mony of Fatlier Kelly, and urged all to build
on tlie "rock The hymn, Hock of Ages,"
was then sung.
BrolMorrisou thought we could alwaj-s
bare as goo 1 a meeting as we lK'fS'Trestlay
evening if we were iiof &odiffi.leiit, ami all
akl tlieir'duly.
Prof. Warren .acknowledged Ms w
shortcoming In uot securing tlie blessing
be desired last night. HtT 'narrated tlie
circumstance of Whlttlehl's pjissing a fur
uace4h? with i such earnestness asking a
workman, What does Hint fire remiud
you of?" that he was converted . to' Got!.'
Iferhia oVn cstyerlehce lie tainl been iiifiiiene-
3 W ma u-laj rwL- li tl L-tlMllvr till I
..earnestly, urging him to come to' Jesus,
and say big, You know your duty, brother
Bro. Irvine referred to the frtiua of tlie
Spirit, ). Love, Joy, Peace, etc-., as all
- linked together.
Bro. Stratton told ns of Bro. Ilainmoud
golden cliain, and urged harmonious, con
certed action, U we expect and desire a
blessing. lie" aiM clirlsttins were like
v your Oregon lire-wood one stick will iot
burn ' alone, but put several together and
1 you have a brilliant tianie and glowing
beat. ' '.'---V. .
Tlie .'meeting adjourned, alter singing
ttA laU the power of Jesiis liaute," and
prayer by brother Irvine.
Tbl evening service will be licld in the
' Baptist church. ; Let all come expecting a
blessing. -- . S. G,
On the 6th the Begister said there was
an -lnwnwise anioont of 'spiruous and
malt Kquors got away with during the
day (speaking of tlie celebration at J une
t Jon the day -previous), and we are told
that Albany people got away with tlwir
share." Some ninny at once construes
thiat mean an attack on the fire company,
and cheekUy requests m to Into It back.
"We are hot one of tliose.' We stick to
what we said, because Its fact. We might
mention the names of several individuals
ot this city who ; we have giod evidence
for believing were foolUhly drunk oil Hint
occasion, and if they wish their names
given to the "public 1 Vu spenk right
oneti . .JJ.u.. i-.-.f j r ;
A Feast. We are ilulebted to James
Finlayson, sqH for- a- full supply of
;., cherries . yesterday and' when we say
cherries, we niean those huge, luscious
.kind, such as few iu tlie valley ca equal.
This "offls" Is full and hippy, and all bow
tbeie acknowledgments to Mr. Finlayson
lor ids liberality
T The Orover came in iust befom we mt to
Pre.,; She ran agroand on Peterson's bar-
. wise re sbe laU all night. . Iu attempting to
c ivpe oroKe, nying back and
striking the Mate and one of the deckhands,
Injuring both somewiAvtl. Attorn nwl
deal of hard work the boat was got of, and
"""" "re as acove Indicated.
"Ten) Scott U stuiout ortlieliaiidsoftbc
vigilantes, and probably, always will m.
main out, as-lie's too smart to be cati"ht
Miss Antie Bentley left us for Waterloo
Mrs. B. F. Walling is at present at her
motltcr's, Mrs. J. B. Comley, very ill. .
Mrs. Bart. Crooks has gone to Koseburg,
vlsltinj; relatives.
Egg4 have advanced, being quoted at
20c to-day.
Dick Morris drives a truck well, and
goes right after it just as though lie meant
Tlio first load of new hay that we liave
noticed came in this morning. It is Sell
ing at $12 per ton, delivered.
Our postofllee has one hundred and
twenty-thiee lock boxes, and one hun
dred and twenty-five glass boxes.
If ytiu wut moderately 'dlfllcult -piano
music, send for Peters Parlor Music, pub-.
HsIiedbyJ. L. Peters, Xew York, at f4
per annum.
Lost. A baby's gold shoulder-pin, on
which was engraved in capitals of German
text, "Baby". The finder will confer a
favor by lea vin it at this office" and get
ting his reward.
The Success made lier wharf in thfs city
at 9X this morning. She scraped bottom
in several places but was compelled" to line
onlv at the mouth of SantiamV She brought
up thirty tons of freight.
ThkIIocseholo Magazine For July,
is another excellent number. It will always
be a cause ot wonder how such a splendid
magazine can be issued for so little money
one dollar tier year. Send to Household
Publishing Company, 41 Park Row, Xew
SATURDAY, JULY 10, 187o.
Sir. Gray, of Halsey, called tc-day.
Mrs. P. C Harper is in very poor
There is considerable enquiry for girls to
do housework.
Miss Lucy Claypool returned from her
visit South to-day, in splendid health.
The Grangers are erecting a flue ware
house in Halsey.
SuritKME Cofirr Meets at Salem on
Monday, July 19th.
Mr. Tliompson, of Halsey, has been
paying 2.1 .ic a pound for wool during the
week, which beats our folks one cent.
The recent assay of ore taken from the
new Clackamas quartz shows: Gold per
ton, (2 3i ; silver per ton, 1S 60 total
yield. 20 94.
- A Glokious Mektixo Was tliat held
at the Baptist church List evening. The
house was well fiileil. and all seemed to
enjoy the meeting so thoroughly that they
were in no hurry to go home.
A telegram from Allen Parker received
by his' wife to-day, da feil Liverpool, July
10th, informs her of his good health and
spirits, and that he will start for home iu
a few days.
'tS& Liverpool wheat . market is quoted
as having advanced slightly, owing to the
iiupropitious weather that has prevailed in
tlie United Kingdom fur a few days past.
Average Pacifta coast wheaS'Is quoted at 9s
on the spot.
Ice Ckeam. Mr. J. E. Smith lias
erected his tent near tlie Court Ilofisi','
vfTifife he will. -.dispense ice cream to all
who wish it this eveuThj He proposes to
run the ice cream business (luring next
week at the same place.
Fnojf Camp Foi.iL Mr. ' Hindman
brought in nearly two hundred deer skins,
Survey Completed. Tlie survey of
the Corvallis & Yaqulusi Bay Railroad has
just been completed, and tlie terminus nt
tidewater located at McLane's Point.
The distance from Corvallis by tlie survey
ed route is sixty-one and a half miles.
This is somewhat longer than we had been
led to believe would be the length of the
road, but it Is said this distance cau be
shortened three or four miles. The peo
ple of tlie Bay are specially elated at this
"starter," and are already dreaming ot
fortunes to be received for "corner lots"
iu the new city to be built at the terminus.
Success to the enterprise, say we.
Put the Money where -twill do the
jiost Good. The fact that the Upper
Willamette is navagable for light draught
steamboats at a .very low stage of water,
has been thoroughly ' cstablislied by the
Ohio. Boats properly built can reach this
city at auv season of the year, and ifproper
dredging be Jfahe and a few obstructions
removed at difficult points, the Willamette
could be rendered navigable as tar as
Eugene. Let a sufficient amount of inouev
be expended judiclottsly in dredging and
snag pulling on the Upper Willamette,
and boats of the right model and draught
will be biiilj;' and" tliey will do a'il the
freighting required on tlie Upper Willam
ette, and at such figures as will prove re
munerative to the farmer and to steamboat
A KAKitow Es&ru fkom Isstast
Deatii. Dr. D. M. Jones was out at
Tangent yesterday making professional
calls, and Was deta'ined until the regular
train on the O. & C. Railroad had passed.
I Heine? anxious to come home ho secured a
hand-car, and Messrs. Ambrose Beard,
Jerry Cocht an, -David Spangler and an
other gentleman whose name we did not
learn, volunteered to man the craft. The
hand-car and its freight arrived liere all
right, and leaving Dr. Jones, the boys
started back with the car about 10 o'clock.
Mr. Beard, who had blistered his hands
somewhat with the unusual exercise ot
turning the crank on the car, was again at
the crank, holding his thumbs parallel
with the fingers to save his blistered hands,
thus having no grip at all on the handle of
the crank, wlien his hands slipped off :.nd
he fell forward, the revolving crank strik
ing him Iu its revolution midway of the
body and throwing him clear in front ot
tlie car. fortunately they were just pass-
liiff over the trestlework that siKinned a
little stream, and young Beard was pre
cipitated headfirst between the ties, the
car coming up iu time to catch and pass
over one foot which struck the iron rail as
he descended. Had the accident happened
a few feet cither way from where it did.
Mr. Beard,, would have been instantly
killed. As it is he sustained only a tew
bruises and contusions. 11 was in tlie
biggest kind o! luck, and should be corres
pondingly tliauklul.
MONDAY, JULY 12, 1S75.
Fixed. Two fights Saturday evening.
Parties arrested ami fined, adding about
$30 to the city treasury.
Rev. Mr. Hammond's sermon at the
Court House last night was clear, forcible,
and carried conviction to tlie hearts of many
who heard hlin.
The music at the Court House yester
day was undoubtedly the finest sacred
music ever rendered in Albany.
There Is still some stock to be taken h
the fruit drying enterprise recently Inau
gurated a Shedd, but confidence is expressed
hev. Et paysos ii AMMosro ts Albany.
Tlie Court house was .well filled at Rev.
Mr. Hammond's first meeting in this city
last Saturday night. Tle hymn commenc-
mg, f
'Tench us, O Lord, how wonk we arc ,
That nil our strength, ta vain ; . '
That only by tho splripowcr,
. The work revives again,"
was lined by Mr. Hammond and sung by
the congregation. Mr. Hammond immedi
ately drewphe attention of the congrega
tion from himself to the Lord of Hosts, the
source of all power, by repeating the words
written above the 105th page In the Song
Evangel, 4Xotby mtgM; nor by power,
but by my spirit, saith the Lord of Hosts."
He then read apart of the 1st and 2d chap
ters of Acts, and urged ; all present to seek
earnestly for tlie baptjjgm ojthe Holy Ghosts
Revivals must be prayed down, not J gotten
up." Ho spoke of the wonderful revival
now iu progress in Portland, and said we
may have Just such a one in Albany. .
Announcements were then made for ser
vices n. Sunday as follows: Praise jneef-
ing in tlie Court House at 9 Vo clock A. M.;
o clock r
besides furs, such as beavcrT Covotc ancT n the belief that it will all .be. gobbled up,
wild cat. His boy. a few days ago, killed
three deer at one shot. At another time
the same boy lassoed and secured another
deer alive It's a splendid country for game,
is Camp Polk.
A splendid bridge across Muddy, 24
mlic3 west of Halsey. is about com
pleted. Tlie bridge is 7S feet In length,
covered, with graded and graveled roadway
at each end some thirty-five feet. Joseph
Lame is the buiMer, and It Is pronounced a
good job. Cost $709, independent of the
grades one-half paid by the citizens, bal
ance by the .county.
Complimentary. We to-day acknowl
edge tlie receipt ot an invitation from
Willamette Engine Co. Xo. 1, to attend
the 22d anniversary of the Company, widen
transpires on the. 3d ot August next, at
the hall of the Company in Portland.
There isnl anything we would enjoy more,
and it we can so arrange it we'll be among
the Onesters on tliat occasion.
A Baro.ux. The Messrs. Nicliols, of
tliU city are In luck, They liave purchiised
tlu. farm owned bv the late Hon. David
Locan. two miles south of McMinnvllle,
Yamhill county, containing 320 acres, tor
the sum ot 12,800, growing crops and au
There Is 85 acres of wheat, 25 acres of oats,
and 25 acres of timothy to be harvested.
wbUe ef rtle balance 105" acres have been
well Summer-fallowed. The buildings on
the place are oftfie best klud,erecPed"atoKt
three years since at a'cost or s,ow,
boys have wnSred a bargain, sure;-
The Keceptiox Given at tho Opera
Hiwu hintAvenimrbv Mr. and Mifc- Barn-
hartr who bad- just returned from their
weddimr tour, was a very pleasant anair.
tn attendance, dis-
eonrsi2.eaa1nt music. After dancing
a ronnlA ntsaAta . tlta fntBBta to tlie number'
of about twenty couple, iortned " "'wo
rftsiUi" nfi. mwnHr to the residence of
the bride's father, Mr. R. Cheadle, where
an elegant supper had been spread; - to
whhai ativnto iustlee wns done. It was a
gay and pleasant occasion, long to be re'
and the enterprise pushed right along.
Pkemich ChaHSs. Those wishing to
procure tlie celebrated Metzler chair, wll
take notice that none are Genuine unless
tlie name J. M. Metzler appears on the'
back of each chair 44 if.'
Extra Train. An extra train passed
down to Portland this morning on board of
which were quite a number ot California
celebrities, among them Gov. Stanford,
Gen. Dan'l. Colton, Mr. Cunningham,
and others. J.J. comstock was also on
board. "
Retorted Shot. A report reached
us this morning that Abe Irvine, of Leb
anon, who has been tip iu the mountains
some days, has been shot. We didn't learn
whetlier tlie shot was accidental or -other
wise, or whether the wound was serious.
A large number of people are hi the
city from Corvallis, Lebanon, Shedd, Jeffer
son, Portland, and other places, in attend
ance on tlKTrevlval meetings now in pro
gress in this city under the guidance of Mr,
According to report a team ran off some
where on tho opposite side of the Wil
lamette, on Saturday, pretty badly using
np the driver ol the team, breaking his
knee-cap, and tearing tlie calf of the leg
Dauiy. ' e lorgot uic name.
Tho children's meeting at the Court
House yesterday was one of the best we
ever attended. A large number of adults
as well as children;- made a profession of
rellgton, while others promised to devote
the balahec of their liver to Uie servlee of
Mr. Hammond's g&at power lies in
his nearness Co Cnrist, aiid his method
of conducting a revival. . He manages
to keep all christians at work, and
knows how to gain the confidence ef
i John Schmecr is not only a first-class
baker, and keeps a'"-good assortment of gfo
ccrics, but he's on the horse trade as big as
a skinned -elephant and he's hard to get
ciiiiureirs mass-meeting at
M.; uuion services at night.
Long before the morning hour the liouse
was filletl, and services were commenced
by singing, after which several short pray
ers were oflered for the blessing of God on
tlie services of the day.
Mr. Wakefield, of Portland, spoke of the
wonderful conversion of Zed Wilson, form-
erly a leading rowdy in tills county. He
said Zed Wilson gives good evidence of a
sound conversion. He had been thoroiighly
tested both by his wicked companions and
the church,- and all were satisfied that there
is a marvelous change in the man. He
scut word to his old associates in wicked
ness, in the city of Albany and Linn coun
ty, to repent ami give their hearts to God.
Jesus can save the chief of sinners if he
will come to Him.
Mr. Jackson, of Portland, said he came
to this coast 24 years ago, bnt lived in sin
until about eight vears ago. when he was
led to Christ through the lntliif.i:ce of hi
little son, who said to him, Pa. do you
know that all we need to make our home
liappv is for yon to become a chrl-tWn. If
Annie, and you, and me, ami ma were all
christians, oh, our home would be so hap
py." This apiieai tnuclicd las heart, and
led him to tltu Savior. The speaker appeal
ed to the young men in tin- congregation
to cease to do evil : reform their lives, and
they woulit find many friends to take them
by tl:e hand and lift them up. - He showed
clearly the great value of a go,d moral
character iu business life, and urged all to
take hold iu these meetings with Air. Ham
The mot Interesting and profitable
meeting yet held was the children's meet-
ng in the afternoon. Notwitlistandingthe
intense heat, the Court Honse was crowded
to its utmost capacity. The singing led
by Prof. Warren and Mr. Wyatt, was per
fectly grand. Mr. Hammond read about
the crucifixion of our Lord, and feelingly
explained to the children the awful suffer
ings and death of Christ for us. The chil
dren and young people? were greatly affect
ed when he told them how Jesus had been
crowned with thorns, and buffeted ; how
ie sweat, as 'twere, great drops of blood,
and was afterwards nailed to the tree and
all this sufterinsr was to save sinners. He
related many anecdotes beautifully Illustrat
ing his subject, "and which helped to lead
the children to the "Limb of God which
taketh away the sin of tlie world
An inquiry meeting was held at the
elose of Mr. Hammond's remarks, and
faithful, earnest workers went among the
children to bilk and pray with them. About
fifty of the children and yonngpeople, upon
uiviiaiieji,. went upon me piasiorm, sigmiy
ing that they hoped Jesus had pardoned all
their sins and a.'opted thcu hito His fain-
ii'y. .
: It was a'glorioife time, and the tear.eonld
be seen trickling down the cheek of many
a stern man, who, perhaps, liad not bad
his heart so softened since childhood.' A
number of people professed to have found
Jesus, while others declared their intention
to seek until they found Him.
The meeting at night was largely, ntr
tended, and lield until a late hour. It was
a happy occasion, 1 aud many promised to
make a new start for the heavenly land.
The meeting this morning was well at
tended, and the cause is marching on,
We cannot close this report without
speaking of the music. There are two or
gans, a piano, tuber, bass viol, cornet and
violin, inside the railing next the Judges
seat tn the Court House, to assist the ono
hundred or more-voices tliat form the choir,
and tlie music made by that vast number,
aided by the different musical instruments.
all in the liands of artlstsis Indescribably
grand. We never heard any thing to excel
it anywhere. ;
The Metzler chair having achieved so
great a reputation, everybody got to manu-
iuciurinz anu seniug wo jiwi
.Tnhn ilirlit'k liU-A this. SO he lUlS COlie tO
w vmiKa W mw - ' T
work and put his name on all the clialrs he
makes. No other kind genuine.
Rain A eentlemau who has kept
Vecofafof'the weather for three Jteats past,
informs us tliat, from June 25th, 1-874
to Jnho 25th. 1875, there were, one
hundred and thirty-nine days in which
rain fellvory light rain, hoWever, on a
great many of the days.
Mrs. Katie Frotzmaivof Portland. Is at
prbseut visiting relatives and friends in this
city. . ,
- C. P. Hogue, of Sliedd, spent Saturday
Broke Jail. Early this morning the
two prisoners confined hi the county jail
for larceny In a dwelling house, Frank
Schofleld and John Klein, made their es
cape. The cells are hi tlie centre of tlie
all. with a hail on tlie sides aud west end.
A brick wall goes up from the outsides of
the cells to the floor above. The cells do
not reach as high as the floor above, so tliat
there Is a space of nearly two feet between
the tops of tlie cells aud the floor above.
The prisoners were In . tlie hall; by stand
ing on something sufficiently high to reach
the rear wall above the cells, they pulled
out the brick until they lmd made a bole
large enough to crawl through. They then
proceeded to the front wall, pulled out the
brick, got out on the stairway, marched
down to the open' front door and decamped,
Ex-SIieriff Irvine, comlngT-Irto the dtp.
from his farm early this morning, saw a
bareheaded man running toward the east
ern sWe of the city, which. e'xcitcd: his sus
picions, and after making tnnhiry of parties
near' by," who reruarked they expected it
was one ot the jail-birds, he gave pursuit,
chasing (tie fellow into the brush near the
river bank hi the eastern end of the city;
but not knowing certainly that the man
. ; i l i l
was.aii ecapeu jiiu-uiru, lie gave up me
pursuit at tliat point, and returned to tlie
city to inform himself. As soon as the
Sheriff was informed of the escape, lie with
several others started iu pursuit, with what
success, we have not learned at this liour
Two gentlemen came into the city this
morning, and hearing tliat 31 r. Hammond
was conducting a revival meeting at the
Court Hotise, they drove up, hitched, and
went into the' Court House After sitting
a few nilnu'tes, listening attentively to the
services, Mr Hammond arose to address
the congregation, when one of the gentle
men hurriedly left the loom. The expres
sion on his face, and tlie hurried manner of
ds leaving, alarmed his companion, who
astencd after him to find -out what was
the matter. On reaching: the vehicle which
they had left hi front of tlie Court House,
the gentleman who had left In so uncere-
Tlie wen titer this morning was some-;
wliat cooler. Cloudy, with indications of
, "
?o the Farmers of Una Comity.
Hold your orders until you see the Chi
cago Pitts Threshers. Ask old Illinois
farmers and they will tell you that tliey
are the best In tlie world, without any ex
ception. Sold only by Ltnlorth, Kellogg
A Co., Portland, and their agents through
out Oregon and Washington i Territory.
We also liave a full Hue of farming lmple
meuts and machines, consisting of the
following A No. 1 goods : Win. Anson
u oou aiowers, wnicn tooK 32 nrst pre
miums, in field trials. In 1374, aud could
go into the field with any machine on this
coast to demonstrate that thev are the best.
which are prepared, ,torc!e, and clial
lenfie auv machine to Hie contest. . JSxtras
to all machines supplied from our Portland
house, witliout delay a full supply always
on hand. Please send ' for price list and
circulars. Address, A. SLOCUM, Agent.
Portland, Oregon: 43m2
Cancer Can be Cured. We warrant a
cure on Cancers and "old sores." Hate
also new vegetable remedies for diseases of
the eye, which have etired a great many
cases considered hopelessly blind. Office
at the residence on corner of Calipoola and
Fourth streets, opposite Judge Baldwin's
35-7 R. G. & Mrs. Preshaw
New Firm. Sam Miller has boitsrht the Wnar-
nn and Smithshon heretofore oocunled liv
Peters ft Speidel, together with the material
and nnfinished work, and la now prepared to
furnish anything in his H06- consisting of
utrriaxett, Bnrcies, Lumber Wagons, Hiicks,
Wholesale and Retail Dealer in
i wp;-"I.
if 10 SKILLS, .
1ST -SEEDr .il
SOWERS, itC' -
-Terms: . - - Cash.
t... PARKER, lato or oeejroauiiy.
J beg leave t& Inform the' public that they-hoi-n
nnmhiMMl the entire stock ot draica. nted-
iHnes. Ac. formerly ownedby R.C. IIUl Son,
&o., Hnd general smithing neatlv and wii h dls
patcn. I employ none but the best of riftjehftu-
ica, anu insure snitsmctlon. All worlc war
ranted. I think I can. tnake it an object for
VOtt to bnv of inei in nrira. stvln nnil diirubilll v
of work. I use the best of niateriivl, hickorv
and ouk, from the Eastern Slates. Call and ex
amine for vouruelves ; nil I want is a fciir trim.
I uuve had several years of experience on this
coast, and with tlie knowledem thus gained, am
certain I can please you. 1 guarantee to sell tor
cash as low as can be bought in this city. A
u&n$e tot oi mmner wagons, siue anu cuu s
carruuees anu nacks on Itand. l'atronlze Home
manniuctory do not send your money on out
in lire uuumry. act i no parr ox wise men, nnci
uuiiu up your own state, anu you will prosper
To buy the best brands of calicos 14
and that they desteB,conthiulng the bustnes
at the old stand, wlli re they purpose kceplag in
the furure a full assortment of .
Drugs,;? ...
Chemicalsi . . . '
. .Patent Medicines, i.,...
Toilet Ailicles, 'r ;
- : - ' ' Perfumery,
ft'nd everything osnalJy ,fpiin4 In ft flrat-class ,
dm store.-' . : , . . ,
Whllo earnestly soliclHng a ontlnnance p
the liiieral patronage heretofore extended to th-r
oi.d house, we hope at the same timo, by fair
and liberal dealing, and areful attention to tho
wants of custoiriers, to merit the esteem of any
nkw friends who may favor us with, their or
ders. . ::...-,
' Furtjctnnratrention win nc fcin iu
K minding of phj'sielou's prescriptions and lam
y Irathoathe dajor pUM,
- I' Suco88irs to K.-C. HaL SOM.
Albany, October 9,JJ.4-n4tf ,-
ttKO. P. S. PLtllMEBr Pi D.,
mnniniK and lmrrlml n in.niiu.r wns fiinml
apparently cool and serene. Upon enqttir- SIS
crockery, at verv low prices tor .nsii or
1 ... if Sf 1 1 a. ''
' , ! , UUAKK,
it came out tliat it was not a conviction
of his sin and unworthtness that had sent
him so hnriiedly down stairs, but
meiiibraiicc that in his hurry to attend tlie
services he lmd forgotten a package con
taining several hundred dollars, which lay
iu plain view upon the buggy scat.
Rubber Paixt. Messrs. Bell A Parker
are agents for the "Rubber Paint, " said
to be the best in the world. Tlie points
claimed for this paitit are, its cheapness, a
given quantity covering more surface tliau
any other ; its durability, as no climate or
weather affect if ; its gi eat body, forming
a coat firm and strong, at the same time so
adhesive and elastic tliat it will not pcelxiff
or crack ; retains its color better than any
other paint, and brings out colors with
more brilliancy and effect ; it retaiis' a
beautiful gloss aud presents tlie finest possi
ble finish. Tliese are a few of tlie points
advanced in favor of Rubber Paiut; many
more might be given. Any color you wish
can be obtained. The paint comes in quart,
gallon and five gallon cans, already mixed
for use. You can obtain the Rubber Paint
at the drug store ot Messrs. Bell & Parker
on First street, wliere those wlio . are iu
need of paint should call and see tlie paint
and the testimonials of those whe have used
it. .
The Buena Vista Tragedt. The in
quest over the bodies ot W. F. Tubbs and
Mary Josephine Tubbs, lield 4f Buena
Vista on the 4th iust., only developed the
facts that intemperance ana jealousy was
the cause of Tubbs' killing himself and
wife. Tubbs had been married eight
months and fifteen days. It was in testi
mony that Tubbs had often accused his wife
of infidelity, and had tr&i&Siittf Snipped
tier, witness having seen tlie bruises on' her
body caused by the whippings. The States
man, from which we get the above, says
that after the Inquest a note was found
nnder the pillow of tho murdered wile,
evidently pnt there hastily by the husband
after he had shot his wife. Following is a
copy of the note :
Buena Vista. Julv 4. 1875.
Mv Christian friends. AU farewell. I
want vou all to meet me iu glory I mar
ried this woman to live in peace togetlier,
If we can't live together, we can die together,
M. J. P. T.
The above beinz the initials of both his
own and wile s name in inn.
Xew Patents. Through dispatches to
Dewey & Co., Patent Agents, S. F., we
receive the following advance list of U. 6.
Patents granted to Pacific Coast inventors.
viz : Jennette Cooper, b. F. Cat., medical
compound ; V. si. Collins, Nordhoff, Cat
flnser uar tor narvesters : a. m. tiovev. S
F., Cal., fare box i Myer Lewis, S. F., Ca!.,
door securer; G. W. Swan. S. F.;- Cal..
veneer cutting machine ; II. C. Holloway,
San Diego, Cal., planing machine ; Maria
Aicisurney, aumx. oi w . -Mcliumev. deed
Sac, Cal., liay, cotton and wool Dress: D.
B. Scofield, Baker City, Oregon, carpet
cleaner ; Tj. Chaize, San Jose. Cal., faucet ;
r . ju. Aierren, juarysvtiie, Cal governor
xor steam engines ; o. a. r. uverend, .
F., Cal., (reissue) typo casting machine.
uiv. jv. xi.
To CoBVAtxis At the intercession of a
number of citizens of CorvaHis, Mr. Bam
monct went np there to-day, where a mass
meeting was to be held at 2 p. m. He will
return hi tkiie for evening' service at the
Court House.
R emo v At. Dr. Gamble liars removed
his ofllce to his new bssAMinsf, adjoining his
rcsldoWo on First street, one block west of
the foundry, where ho may be found at all
cot'iitry produce. Also, f fie highest mar
ket price in cash paid for good Wool.
Now. the reader would like to know where:
It's at N. Balm's, next doo? id Cheadle
and Fox. tf.
WOOI. WASTER".- r. C. Harper & Co. Willi
pay the highest cash price for all the wool they J y
can get, and would respectfully inform every
body that tfVjr hare a fine stock of general
merchandise for sale very low tor cash, or to
prompt paying customers on Mine. 33tf.
A full rtocfcof Trusses and Surgical appliance.
C--r Remember PU'BIIEK S3
v . '
Mn, J axes Moore Will commence, on or
about the" Mth day of May, delivering fresh
Milk. Butter, Eggs and Vegetables to the citi
zens of Albany. 'Now is the time to make your
arrangements, as Mr. Moore will run a team
dally, and do as ho asrecs. n33tf.
' Dealers in
bin a:, Boots and. Sboea, Hata, Uw
rlH Fmrjr Ooods, KotiouH, Cih6tana
ud IMMtols., A'alls, Rope, Mtrrora,
Wallpaper, Wooa'ssa Willow
Wure,- Tnmki anl VailKt, - ;
Iodket CoOery, Ae.,
Sold very low cither for cash, or to pr3inpt payj
T f
lng customers on time.
At a meeting he!d at the Christian church
at Harris bridge near Forest Grove, by El
der O. V. Richardson, on Sunday J uly 4th,
six qersons were added to to the church.
John Van Kleit was killed by poisonous
sas in a well which be was digging iu Polk
county on the 7th. A caudle could not be
made to bum seven leet down in tne wen.
Bishop Peck will preach at Ilillsboro on
the 13th of this month aud at-the Grove on
the 15th.
II. T. West, of Greeley, has a keepsake i
in tlie shape .of a gold ring, which is over
auou years old, and was taken from tne ru
ins of Nineveh.
Bath House & Earner Shop.-
ly thanic tne citiKensorjAiosa dm vs.
fop' tlx liberal: piit-Ktfat?o bestowed on
M fully thanlc tlie citiKens or j AI03B
him for tlie rmst seven vears. and hopes for tho
future a continuation of their favors. -For tho.
accommodation of transient customers, aud
friends In the tipper part of-town, he has open
ed a neat little shop trtxt 'door to Taylor Bros.
Saloon, where a good workman wtU always ba
in attendance to wait upon pni rona.
Dec. 11, 1874. JOE WEBBER.
For Bale
Lime, Slil ngles, Plaster Parts,
Latli, Ilutretc.
... ... . V'- .
and for ede low, at the warehouse' f v. ...
Tlie Hfg-heat Cnah IfBlee PaM for Wool.
Albany, May 1. "73-85 v7 ."-
fer-. BE---
the Place
lias received find ia oflbring for salo a well cloe-
tea siock oi
Which ho is determined to eU :t'
FOR bies.- c a sir, of Mercliaiitalile Prcte !
By Ocean Steamer, at
Albany, Oregon,
Cheaper than tlie Cheapest.
Albany, March 36, 1875-287 :
Please give mc a call, and examine -
Goods "and : Pricesi
Lebanon, Or.
R.1I. IXAl'dllTO). -
1 1 jgifwa
From this date until further notice, I will sell a
Stoves & Ranges
Albany, Doc 10, 187H3'
GOO? '
Large and Valuable Tract of
Farming Land Tor Sale.
THREE HfSPRED ACRK8 of plow land, SOO,'
nf whli-li 1m rich bottom land. On thenrem-
i Ixoa ai- fair tniildinjis, houso, bum, .BraM.y-,
1 shed, etc.: also pood bearing- orchard- of .fruit
trees; aooncreaof the verv best past are i land :
SOnc9 of timlier land, ash and maple, the beat
of farming land when ckwed. A never Jailing
Bt i-CHtn of water runs through the farn. There
place, prono.mced by experts A 1 rot. rou,
hnndred are uro under fence. It is one of the
nioat desh-ahlo und cheapest farms In Douglas.
1 eonnty, lyina 1 muwinxii uiausuraurota
at Oakland. For particulars as to price, eto.
app.y. . J.'H. ls6CGHTOJf,
Albany, May 14, 1873., , ..
i. v:
Rstffelng and MTovlhg BuUlniu' f
Mtte the undersigned' beg xkave to
I it announce to the .citlsens of Allwnv amjr
surroundinx country tnaU liavliwHi(ip.i. jMji'i
fHrives with the neoeswiry maxjlitaerv for rntn
ing and removing bnUdinira, we areiwuayat ad
times to eecesvy f.-iclora lor such wort, wis!-is,
va will do la vliort onlur at lowest rates. 'We
a-uanuitee entire satisfaction In all wora wader'
taken 'by us. ,- .. ,t , -
Orders left fix the RsaiSTKa oOloe promptly
Albany;, 6) April 23. 1H73,-
Mall .and
f Af -V1 AS-Moday, AVcdneadny ar, rri-'
uicmbvitd by all the participants
au'ay with, too. .
and Sunday in this city
i Hours. 43