The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, July 09, 1875, Image 1

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ATRATNTV riT?T7,irkXT "tttt,i . .. . . .. lggg!!B '" ' ..." i "'m?
Wholesale and. Retail Dealer In
v SOWERStiu.
First ete, Albany, Orcifou.
Teims : -: - 0?li.
Here's the Place I
S. H. Clsragliioxi
Has received and lstTorlngr for mile a well selec
ted slock of -
' Which he is determined to sell
. , ... for
0 a s l . or HsrcliantaMe Proince !
Please give me a call, and examine
oods nnd Xrricess.
h. n. (XAroiiTox.
I-ebsnon, Or.
From this date until further notice, I -will sell a
ciiftK'-z:' sixj-xtiox or
Stoves' & Ranges
f . H. McFAKlAXD,
Albany, Dec. 10, 1314-13 .
' ' ' Dealers In
ClotntaSt Mid Kboa, Ilitlx, Vnrc
rirs, Faiacjr tmti, SoUonn, KtvotniiK
and YtsUtli&i Bails, tiipi, Mirrors
WIpper, Wod nud Willow
Ware, Vrnnks mwl Vitlbtt,
fTf S "tlery &e.,
Sold Terr low eitiier for cash, or o nrontnt m'
li 33 Ins customer on tiuie. v7
liikVA purchiiw;! Che enlirf fcei:4 dmsrH. mett-
nave purcuK9v uw enntr mcvw uni liieti
Icinea, Ac-formerly owht'Mtr,l.C. Hill A Son
and tliaf tliev desurn'eonUu'ninK the !nine
at the old atiind, where tte.ypnrpoj; keeping in
the furure a full assortment of
Potent M"icinest
Toilet rticles,
an ex'tirytMng osnally fonml in u flrst-clasa
H-Tne''eEiBlly aIelHnjr a continnnneenf
the liberal patronage lierWo$rrc exteodtKl to t he
iilDltonw, we hope at the Mine time, by fiiir
and liberal dealing, and careful attention to the
wants arciiAomen, to merit idc esrecin oi any
friends who may favor us with their or
ders. " --
Part tculac ftttfjrinon w-111 tie (riven to the eom-
oundins ot pfeysurian-s prercrip,
llv rAtlnM OF all liA
JILinit 9 M LT V 1 1 Mar nuu wur
Mr Si
SoccdrVloK. X??nnx Son.
Albany, October , 7-n4tf
2?or ' Salo 2
Lime, SMngleii, Plaster Purl,
LMlii, Ilalr; etc.;
and for sale low, at the warehouse of
PABlvl-:ii A MOKK1S.
Tbe Illft-liest Oaak Price Paid for tVool.
Albany, May H, 75-SvT -
0. P. S. PLUHSIEB, I!. D.,
w ....
. -DEALF.B f N J
. 41UAKN.
' TOHAtfO,
A full stack of Trasses and Bargical appliances.
ear BtMtMrlpuwiai' -se '
Xdirge md Tuluabl Xrasl of
Farming Land for Stle.
A of whteit forfeit betfeHw land. CW-the prum
iws are ftOr bnlKilnes, tiouae, bnrn, tfinnKry,
saeaa. etc.; ftl-wvirotxl bearing orehnrd of frnit
trees; momtif the very boat pasture, land ;
80 acres of timber land, ab and liiuple. The Ijest
Of farming land wlcn cimred. A never fniiinx
stream of water rtna tbrol the fitrm. There
. atsc a splendid qnarry of Ilme-roek on the
piaee, pronounced by exueits A 1 rock. Koor
hmrtrf ! u-nre onder ionue' It 1 one of the
wont stuj cheapest Urni in Dousrlaa
S7?Uf t ,y,,n i1 m tntm the O. O. railroad
Albany, May i."'' MWGliTOS;, M. D.
Ilamo latorests,
Prawedinm f the fttrcon State Dental
Albasy, Or-, July 1st, lS75i. .
Society met a,t,S a. m., Dr. J. R. Card
wen in the Chair.
Members ircdent as on 3-e.sterday, with
the addition of Dr. Rubcll, of Moiiinouth.
Minutes ot pievious session read sind ap
proved. A general discussion was tlien held on
the subject of the various materials used
for tilling teeth. Gold, silver, tin, amal
gam, Wood's metal, Oss'' artificial, Hill's
topping, ic, were discussed : and .liA-i
it was agreed that eacl - i,, i. w
was decided to be siiperior to all other "ma
terials in purity and durability. '
On motion, adjourned to meet at the
office of Dr. Gray at 2 . M., to witness bis
oileiating" in clinic at that time.
The Society met at the office of I)r. Cray
at 2 r. St., when Dr. Gray proceeded to il
lustrate his mode of operating, by filling
a large posterior caity over
ait exiosed nerve in the left superior second
bicuspid. The o;enition was skillfully h;v
fornjed, to the SJitUtUcion of the Society.
On motion, adjourned to 7! l i. .
Society met at Dr. Gray's office at 7j v.
M. t - -
Letters were icad fitin Dr. Kochler, of
Portland, and Dr. Miller, of Eufene. re
gretting their inability t atteiKl tiusseiwioii
ot the iSoeiery,
On motion, they were ex-
Dr. Chance presented the following paper
in reference to the length pf time necessary
to irepare stiidenU for tlie practice of our
noble profession :
Believing that the time has arrived when
uuifoimity should govern the ijciitul Pro
fession with regard to the education of those
who are to come after us ; and fullv realiz
ing that no man can become a .skillful Den-tt-t,
alike an honor to hi.: profession and a
benefit to eommtuiity, unless lie ha re
ceived a thorough dental education, there
fore, lteslc1n That we tlie under.-i-'iicHi n?!(ii
bers of the Ix-utal professtoii of fhe'St-ite of
Oregon, mutually pledge ourselves not to
take a student for a less term than three
years, and that we will ne ail legitimate
means to induce our students, before assum
ing practice on their own responsibility, to
attend a full course in some reputable Den
til College, either during their pupilage or
as soon after as practicable.
Signed: J. u. HATCH.
fc. O. SMITH.
1 he octety then proccetlefl to disci is
the merits of the various materials .-is a base
lor artificial dentnr.e ; also, extracting, &e.
ume being liiuited the discussions were cut
short witliout reaching any definite conclu
sions. The fblkving ofllcers were elected for
tlie ensuing year:
PnsiIent-Dr. J. R. Cardwell. Portland
ice President Dr. G. M Grav. Alteurv
l,ee. hec Dr. (J. II. ChancP. Portland.
Cor hec.-Dr. J n. u., Portland.
1 reasnrer Dr. I., s. Skilt. Salem.
Ji-xecntive Committee Irs. T. J N'iek
Im, J. II. Hatch and Geo. H. Chance
The Committee on Revision reported,
ami the report was adopted. -
Dr. Hatch resented illstted an
ingenious and novel inethrvl
cortiiKiiitii disks with
V1 mani jir
which all were hiffh-
ly gnitified.
A remarkable sjiecimen of Japanese
Dentestrj, was presented by Dr. Hatch.
A set of teeth made of actual ivory
Inserted in a base carved out of smooth
bard wood. The teett, are inserted with a
wooden dowel. The inserted place of the
molars is supplied by some rough iron
tacks driven in the woo-len h..,"
"-v . A I1C V
exhibit u good deal of patient whittling but
.o v.u..v mm awkward; yet they would
be a great help to an aristocratic "John"
in masticating his rice.
Un motion the thanks r.f h ..t..t
unanimously tendered to Albany Engine
Co. Xo. 1, tor their courtesy in granting
ih tlie free use of their. Hall. i , n..7
. ; -JVF IU A O,
Oray and Smitb for their
Ing our visit Albany.
On motion adtouined to
land on the lst Wednesday of .ln iqt"
atlP. M. '
; FRIDAY, JULY 2, 1873.
PitoWAiu-v STA13IIKI. Va-
day afternoon, near Dick I'owers' black-
smitlisliori, in Lebanon, Al. Fum and
Henry Klum got Into an altercation whlei.
terniinntcd In Klum's stabbing Fruni in
the tieck and ; side two or more times,
wounding him so severely that H was
thought yesterday evening lie . could not
recover. As we got the particulars, Klum
was standing lu he shop whittling -when
F'ruiu came In. Fruio accused Klum ot
lielng about Mm , Klum dented,'; when
Frutu ttsed some very strong language,
shortly after which the fight commenced.
Our iiifwinaiit could not tell who began tlie
fight. Tlie wound on tlie right side of the
neck bled learfullv. and Fruni was smn
verjr weak from logs of blood, lie was
taken into The shop and Dr. Ballard sent
it. , .. i i i ... ... . ,
ir. JL xiianj ecceeueu nr stopping
..v., v.uum .t. tnuv) Ult V JCaill
iii tlie evening, and Dr. Rice of this city.
titer news this evening ui time for our
paper. ' ' . .
isiter. uv. luce reports t rum easier, tuidr
tliat lie will recover. He thinks the worst
wound U a, c.ut on Uie face, not reported
IieretQfore. ; ,
Arm Bisokex. Last evening Robert
Chambers, living out near Knox Butte,
met with a severe accident, resulting in
tlie breaking of the left arm lietween the
shoulder and elbow, dislocating the elbow,
receiving a deep gah in the same arm
f ust below' the shoulder, and badly bruising
and lacerating tlie left liip. As we are
informed, the accident lm upend in this
Wise : He had left his team a moment.
when the animals started, to run. Bob
started for the wagQ-w1h a rush, intend
ing to get OELfr'thG
on tlie team, but be missed his imiin
anI fell, when the wajro'n passed over'nini.
itijm-ing him as above stated. Dr. Rice
was sent for, and the necessary medical at
tetdion given him.
the Fannie Patton on her down trip
Tuesday ran on to a bar situe seven miles
below Salem, wliere she lay till j-cstcrtlay
The river is lpw and falling rapidly. The
drorer announced that she made her last
trip to Corvallis to -day. There is con
siderable freight yet awaiting shipment be
low, anu tlie JMmanzn will be anxiously
looked tor, as tlie regular boats draw most
too much water to get up main' more trips
eveu to tnis cry.
Once Moke In answer to VA." and
r . s squio in the .UtMniun, tlie Siamese
Twins respond that they are under the
impression tliat if they (S. T.) desire either
"brains" or "beity, I' they will have to
search beyond "A." and F." S. T.
Our old friend, Mrs. Aaron, of Quincy,
1IU called on us to-day. We had not seen
her since 11 S over a quarter of a century
ago. We were -young folks" then.
Mrs. A. is here visiting her sisters, Mrs.
Courtney and Mrs. Ostrander.
Closed, till Jseitejieek. District
school closed to-day, not to be opened
until sometime in Septeuiler. School
bills in the hands of the Clerk.
Postoflice box .-ent is due, as this is the
first of the quarter, and the Postmaster
would like to wrife, a receipt to each box
renter. "A hint,'' &c.
A large express from this citv to-dav
two express wagon loads, besides packages
on the mail coach.
Union prayermceting at the Baptist
church tlds evenine. Come out let's fill
the house chock full.
r. Jones' reports Mrs. Cochran de
cidedly better this morning, aud thinks
her recovery certain. .
Col. XesiuiUi is n the city, looking as
natural as life-
An excursion train will run for the
Robert's bridge campniecting on Simday.
Services at tJie M. K. Chlkch Last
Xigiit. A goodly number were present
at the union services in the M. E. Church
last evening. The exercises were opened
by singing "Sweet liour of Prayer, " and
reading a part ot the 14th clianter ot John
The meetine was led by Hie mstor of the
Church, Rev. I. Wilson, who said we honor
God by asking large blessings oflHni, or
believing the piomL-c of Christ. We
ought to come to a throne ol grace with
confidence, ami ask largely tliat pnr joys
may oe mil. uou having given his only
Son to die for lis. will with him freely give
us all things. While at camnmeetinsr lie
(Mr. Wilson) liad witnessed the power of
Uod in -the salvation ot souls, and in the
strengthening of believers In the faith of the
Then followed singing, from the "Song
Kvangel, " "Oh, happy day. tliat fixed
my choice, On thee, my Savior and my
Mr. AYebber said lie was anxious to see
tlie revival of God's people, and sinners
Mr.' Blain said this union effort reminded
him of the glorious meeting of last winter
and rejoiced when lie saw in tlie Daily
Registew that the churches were all work
ing together for the salvation of souls.
Mr. Blain's remarks yere followed by
singing; "Did Christ o'er sinncra weep?
And sliall our cheeks be dry ?"
Mr. Conner snoke of the wonderful low
of J esus in weepYng over and saving lost sin
ners, and told how lie liad been led to the
USavior of men. .
Rev. Mr. Bowersox, while speaking of
Mr. Hammond's ylsit to this city, said a
greater tlian. Hammond is here tlie Lord
Jesus, wlio fa mighty-to; save, is witlIlla
people, and in Him we must trust to accom
plish the work of salvation. :
Father Royal rejoiced to see tlie united
effort of God'a people to save souls, d
build up the cause of Clirlst,- V :
Others spoke earnestly, but we cannot
remember 11 the good things which were
said during ta service.
Strawberries and cherries are about play
ed out. Grapes, plRiiyv watermelons and
such are coming on.
At the raMence pf Walter Montcith,
Esq July 1, 187a, by ReV. H. W. StraU
ton, ossrstetr by Rev, S, G. Irvine. Mr
Dunri Rankin and Miss Lbia Bidewifr
all of this city. (-
AccompftByiiig. the above notice came a
delicious three-story cake, nicely frosted,
etc. We are assured that the newly made
wife is a,n excellent coqthe eake is
evidence enough of tbjs fact. . ir Dunean
proves as good a provider as his Wife Is a
cook, they are bqiid, tsil pyeriba -eea
of life ple;rsantly. Anyhow, we wish tliem
all there fa lu life of pleasure and happiness
without any of it rude jars and shocks.
May their lives, be long and useful.
, yuii imo, - -vt
Ted. Whitfield, w ho started for -Rnmrw.
the other day, expects to return about the
nrst ofbeptember.
CrillBurkhart, who lias been ; quite sick
uunug tne week, fa about again, we
lea iii.
CrQuetPicsic. Quite a iarty of young
nipple crossed the WilUnnetle from this
City this afternoon to take their 4th In
Mr. Fruni has been removed to the
Qra,ngpro hall, Lebanon, wliere be is get-
ung atqng nneiy, ana from present bp-
narnuces will soon be well.
r-At the celebration, at Jefferson to-day
Frot. Jj. J. Powell was the orator : P,
H. D'Arcy read tlie Declaration of Inde
pendence ; Jesse Parrtsli was President of
the day, and Jacob Conser, Marslial.
ngil Parker drove his team into the
Canal early this morning, to water them
wnen the pole of tlie vehicle dropped, and
Virg. lad to wade into the water and
straighten matters. It was a cool bath.
Little Charley Westlake fell into the
ditch that passes by his father's residence
on uaker street, this afternoon, but for
tunately was rescued before recoivi nsr in lien
uamage oeyond the wetting and scare
LMiion services at the Court House to
morrow eveumg, when the nublie ,,.
erally are invited to be in attendance
Meetings through the week have senerallv
oeen wen attended. i
A number of the citizens of
..... . '
in me city to-uay, an of them. w
oeneve, witnesses in the case of the State
of Otvgon vs. Henry Khun, cliarged with
au assault prion Al. Frum, In Lebanon, on
the 1st; iiisfaut;.
Mrs. Hart and family Utt on the last
ocean steamer from Porthml ft,- cn
l t . -
Ei.anciscq. Mr- Hart. Who has been W.
California for some week past, niet his
family in Portland, and escorted tlicni to
tlieir ney home.
T?!e- Linganls seem, to be in tlie interest
of the Railroad Company, as they now
announce (hat Miey yill "not appear in
Oregon City, Salem or this citv. but. h.ilf
fare will be f.liarged over the road to Port-
iaui on .Monday evening.. This train is
advertised to lee j,js city at 4 y. m., on
tlie tii, returning after the show is oyer.
: At the Baptist ( iu i.t-ii In.t nlglit
there was V'gPpd alteuit-iuiv. aiid the
meeting oiic of the best in some respects of
the week. A resolution was passed that
the teachers and scholars of. the dtflbreiit
Sunday Schools be invited to meet at tlie
Court House to-morrow, at 2:30 i ji
wliere a gmud nipn iass meeting will be
heli. The occasion will be one of unusual
interest, and almost everybody will want
to be in attendance.
Intelligence just received from our oldest
son, John, inlorms ns tliat be lias been
very sick for several wepijs ; tliat he has
a terrible cough, is spitting blood, and it
is feared tliat consumption, that fell dis
ease that spares neither young nor old,
and which lias already caused the death of
so many relatives and friends, has laid iii
grasp upon him. We hope for. the best,
but fear the worst. ' '
Fla3 Flying. The, nst thoroughly
patriotic citizen of this city Is Father
George, lie lias run up three flags in
front of his fine residence on Ellsworth
street to show that he it least reveres the
memory of tlie nation's holiday. May he
live to enjoy many glorious 4tiis.
Cleared. Henry Klum, charged with
assault with intent to commit murder on
the person of Al. Frum, In Lebanon, on
the 1st Instant, vohinfirily came to this
city to-day, together with witnesses, for
the purpose of Iiavine bis' trial before
Justice. Harmon. Mr. H. being absent
from the city, and tlie County Judge also
oeing aoseut, it was aereed to Iiave an
examination before Justice R. M. Powers.
of Lebanon precinct, much against Mr.
Power's wish, who was really the priucipal
Witness In tJinraaa Tha .Tuattre, howffVfr
. v v . .
before opening, made his statement, when
tne cause was put upon trial . The evidence
was SOOll all in. nnd rh onnsn Riihmilted.
The verdict was not guilty as chargcil in
tue niuictmcnt, and Tar. Klum wa3 als-
chjitgecj. ,
. BHOWNSVIt.i l? "Vjwstl nt tlm foot ot
the mountains, on tlie banks of the pictur
esque Calipooia, Is one of the liveliest,
"sretunlnccst" vitlnmta in T.inii county.
Business is enerallv trood. and there fa
c rf
less loafing and le3s complaint of "hard
times" there tlian fa nsual in. small Inland
places. But Brownsville has some odd
people, geniuses in tlieir way, who. delight
in odd-sounding titles and names. As an
evidence of tlieir high estimate of tlie ridic
ulous, in tlie way of names or designations
of localities, one ltaa ojnly t be informed
tliat North Ttmivnavtlln l known tmder
the general cognomen of "Llckskillet,"
nue tne eastern portion innup; about
the Woolen' Factory, fa' denominated
"Doetown."" Rnnth Brownsville fa known
by the beautiful and sggest4 appellation
of "LoHsy-leyet H ; OT course ' there fa
something behind this some circumstance
Or event nf'tliA nni - n.nt cinnHKiMl anil
iwsf ""rio :
lastencd tliese names' upott t&e different
ocoiates, and some day we may uueartn
the facts for the edlflction. of or readers.
' One of Webfjiyj' trie poets aa im
mortalized the flhiirn -nd It several
sobriquets in the , fbllowigv beawUful
lines : ' . ,
Llekafcrilet Is a place of- true dellgnt,
rwLf hui,oh taen ascending bteli: u
. Hat Lousy-level Is the phi1
Pogdays. .
-. .. . .,;,.:-,.;, xiv.; 1A.
IsjraTAKT.-We intended to call atten
tion $o te fac4 yestejiuiiy that au effort fa
being Us, secbw. ttlikls to send out a
party, ot pipspecto . iotct the Cascade
mountains The cjoitnUUns and gnllies
between this, city, and, Ibvney- contain t,he
precions metals Ufa believed, hi paying
quantities, jtiv VaJtnec- aid ote's have
picked np hu ge pieces vhUe,oiiisureying
lands in tliat, cojintiac, hut made, ti0. effort
at the time to fid whete specimens
ooiaiueii came from. Th opty, wty tlie
country can be nronerlv. nrosnprtiwi i
the ricli places found, u by. makW 'ur. a
purse and sending ost a stiaa,ll uuniber of
men awustomcd to the bushieas. tO.K
Interested be at the
nanmiay. In tlie City Ual aitsa. hat
iiiey win no.
Wc expect Mr. Hammond Satur
day. Let next week bespci-fallydedivatcd
to GotI : let it be a week of heart-se.irektiir.
anu earnest nraver. Iet f:itiu. ..,.1
. - . r r
mothers and children all unite in
efforts to save the fallen and glorify our
rattier in heaven. Mr. Hammond's la
bors have been crowned with irreat
in Portland, but let us remember that he is
only the instrument, that God alone ran
torgive sins. Let ns bumble ourselves at
the feet of tlie Son of God, and plead for
tne saivution of our neighbors who are out
orchrist. Let us welcome Mr. Hammond
among us, and all join in fervent pi aver
euura.-, iy HUCIIU 1113 laDOrS 111 AI-
bany as elsewhere. ;. .
Services at the
Tlie Union ineetiiisat the Bantist nimrrli
last evening. vas led by Rey. Mr. James.
-It. . O.l , . - . ... ....
i ue aiu ciiiipter or- Kon(:tns Avas read, nnd
Mr. James, Dr. Hill, and others, led in
Three q!,estious ycre proixmnded by the
liader. (1st). Where-am I? f2il. . What
am I? (3rd). Wliltber ain I going? The
congregation' was'e xhorted to consider tliese
Importanf qnesoj(si, and qscertain their
true couditipn before God. r ' '
Rey. Mr. St rat ton asked wliere
Do' we sfanil ready to york for Jesus and
e Niivaiiou or our rciiow-men ? lie ap
pealed to the young meii and enquired
where is the zeal you manifested last win
ter? He said (what all present felt to be
true), we need to be nersonallv hantizeri
with tlir Holy Spirit, and thoroughly pre-
parea for tlie great work before ns.
Air. iison said he rejoiced that be occu
pied probationary grgung; felt tliat he
aiiiuer eaveu oy eraee. ami that h
was going to Mount Zion." into tlie citv of
i tie nvuig cod, the lieavenly Jerusalem.
Sirs, btratton said siie was a sinner, and
nothing at all. but, .Toena ( '
Mr. TT.ieklemnii trll 1
- - ...... i.w.. yi JV IVJI 1 111 J V
the rellp-ion of r:ln-Ut cnt.i;..i 1..
all tlie nfilictions and sorrows throno-h
which he had passed, lie wanted to Fee
the children eon verted, nnrl
clasfreSI,l'R tft Py Sl,a!,X Scbopj
Prof. Warren be was reminded of
!'i,!X!r!SsioM mat,p by Mr. Hammond, vizi
All chist,5ans re soldiers of Jesus, and
must. Worlr MipiiMtlv ,1.A .w. .. r j-t ,
He told them of a man whp' Vw i't hearJ
n .-mini in jour tears mnu ne neara air.
I l.unmond preach in the streets in Porland.
ITie Prof, urged the children not to wait
until Mr 1 1... , .. ji i
. . . c-iiiiiuiiu wiuca, uiit io give
their Iiearts to Jesns, now.
Rey. Mr. Irvine said we are . workers
together with God. Let us do our duly,
and gratify our Father in heaven.
rer was rcqnested for the blessins of
I Ilia VlM4ililn r.9 1 . , . 1 .
t j ' -' ww-a,S alll9
city next Siibbath. aiid Dr. Hill exhorted
the' people of Gcd' to remember the request,
and earnestly pray that the truth may be
blessed in the salvi.ntkn of souls. .
It was voted that a Unton meeting be
held in the Court Ho.use iifext Sabbath at
teroooH, at 2 o'clock, fbr the benefit of
the Children. There u-ill Ko ..n
Schools at the churches. There wUI also
be a union meeting in the evening, to which
all are invited.
Several fights at Junction vesterdnv.
caused by swallowing too much benzine.
Several farmers are in need of help, and
wish to employ from one tojhree hands.
Our farmers will soon be In the midst m
Don't forgot that weddins- to -morrow
morning, at tlie Met liodlst Church.
Slatliers of wool coming hi. Quoted at
Prof. W. E. Wells has onened a writincr
school at Miller's station.
The soda at Messrs. Bell & Parker's tlrua
establishment fa perfectly splendid. Try it
a whiz. "-'
Carpenters are rapidly running the par
titions i.nd hoisting the roofing timbers in
place, pxn Froman's brick block.
Prof. Stites has donned his overtll?, and
will start for tlie "hills ami far away"
probably to-morrow. - "
Carothers & Co. have received their new
soda apparatris, and will soon bo ' biliii' "
out sotla. ,.
' ........... .; ... ..
A number of new comers, fn the city,
nearly 1I Swhom are desirous of nureluia.
ing farms. You tliat Imye farms for sale
come tjp the front.
AVe acknowletTee a eall from Mr. a si
cum, of Portland, tlie gentlemanly agent ot
the vv r. Atigon Wood Mower mn.tii.
cent machine. ; Sec his ?nrd elsewhere. '
If ovelv-We are told that Jhe greatest
novelty at one ,oP the campmeettncn near
this cltyv is the manner ' fa wiicli tlie
youngsters in attoiiclance do theif court
Cami-mKettx At Robert's bridge
closed yesjetljay at 1 o'clock r. M. Asa
resBlt of the meeting, thirty-five imited
with the church, nine of whom were bap
tized, six by sprinkling and three by lm-
, -- - ia wiro wjf " 1
hicrsiou. It -as if pleasant and nrofitabie I
' Runavtat1. The "bung hole" dropped
out of keg of beer loaded on toi Arnold's
express; wagon yesterday, the escaping
"teunsmnKing snch an unusual noise that
the bays"-beea-rie terrified and ran off,
nuining. into. a pile of wood and breaking
tlie, double-trees'. . The beer all escaped and
was therefore a dead loss, r
Tu; nios Praise Mketix At the
Court llouse Sunday night,, was largely
attended and; was very Interesting The
music was. excellent, Miss Jennie Conner
presiding at the organ, and Prof. Warren
as leader. The meeting? are to be con
tinued.. . , "
IIOT.-r-Yestenlay the thefrrfomw t
dicated 07 degrees in tlie shade; -Mid, many
degrees hotter in the awu To-tlavo i.
grees fa the marki with A.ueat mtfe ,'warm
oreeze... VV.e never have as vWarm n-.,n
as tlie present mew Uwi tonr or five .h
SUcli exasperating weather generally
brings rain,, which purifies and cools tlie
atmosphere. . ' -
A gentleman who was at Junction m,
tne 4iii. says he never saw m n.n,.i. m
fiishioned fighting rezular knock down
anu arag outs as he Witnessed yesterday
i . unction iity. .The saloons seemed r
baye procured nothing but fighting whisky
urine occasion, lie thinks the fkit
aone both the drinking and the flrfitin"-
From all accounts tlie marshals of tli
day at Junction yesterday had rather a
rough time. Wlieucvcr ibey attemnted to
arrest a man ror drunkenness or disorder,
tney got " heads put on them." The nfU.
cers succeeded in arrcstlusr one of our .in.
zens, and getting $2 50 out ot him in the
way or a nne.
gress on ine Batiks ot the Sautiam, near
Walter Ketchqm's farm, nine or ten mile
troni this city, fa weli attended, nw pro-
nises goou results. A number of distin.
guUhed ministers are present, and all are
workins in the interest of 7m m'k
- - - I - . " ' Ml WOJ
meeting will continue over next Sunda v?Tsnot Pass!"g through his coat Into his wife's
he best of order fa maintained by those in
Badly BcirjiED. At Junction at
yesteplay a lady's' clothlnz caucht fire.
b'tsbaud succeeded in putting out the
re, mn, in uomg s yas sq ldly byirneil
tliat he had to be. carried in a bed' to' the
cari St. John Skinner was the name of
the party burned, telegraph operator at
Roseburg. Both hands were' badlv burned
to tlie l ists and It will be some time before
lie Will be nhle to ik 'tkon? t,:.
dress is supjxised to liave ca'ught Trom the
stub of a cigar whidi had been carelessly
thrown. lighted, among the dry debris oil
the ground.
At J EFFERSpj. Ou,r correspondent from
Jefferson says the celebration there oh
Saturday "was a complete success.
The oration by Prof. Powell was an
excellent production. The vood and
instrtunen.t,al music was a marked fea
ture, especially" the vocal part,yhich was
executed with a deal of sweetness and skill-.
reminding one "of Yankee Mummer's Acsl
criptlon of a Singin' Skewl. "The instru-
meiita.1 music was specially enlivening and
adapted to the occAsioii, consisting of a
sweet-toned liorn and an elcsrant drum.
The closing scene, when all made a grand'
rusii ior ine wagons autl. '.gjiib,' was grand
and sublime and as there was plenty of
eatables, everybody was soon full, joytB
'ftPPy- Among the notables from Al
bany, we noticed your handsome City Re
corder and James the sewing machine
mar who were seemingly 33 happy as
clams. Altogether it was a first class cele
bration, in which all present enjoyed them
selves tip-top. M. D."
Fon the Mocxtains. Messrs. Brunk,
May and one or two others, started for
Clear Lake and a month ot hunting and
fishing, on Monday.
Wm. Gird and sons started for his stock
ranch In the Ochoco country Monday morn
big. . ; '
Lew. Stimpson, brother, two sons and a
daughter, started for his cattle ranch over
the mountains on Mouday. ,
Mart. Williams and several others packed
up and slid qnt for tlie grass-fields and cat
tle ranges beyant, the first of tlie week.
W. W. Porrisli ancl fanaily are getting
ready t.ogo. the mooiitains again Ifi a, day
or wo Tis hot, Useiidrng'everj
bodj to Iiftnt the coot shades and the ice
cold waters, to be found in tfe Cascade
ranges " : ;
JcKonps COT Eleven cat lpatls of
peoplelelt this city for' Junctton at 8:30
yesterday. About forty member of
AIba Fin? ropanjV attended by the
braisA fenKfV 'ent lopgj fq give tone to the
celebration.; At Harrlsburg two, moe ears
were added, filled with peopte. The cel
ebration waa held! in an ash s wale just east
of town. A gentleman from Eugene read
the Declaration ex.-G,o,y. Gib&s, , of Port
land, doliveretf tine orntioV: The bdnajta
ble 'Llsh Applcgate was President of the
ihty, and bfa part ; of the ceifbjtation, was
done up in good slmpe. Tliere were four
or five brass bands in attendance, ana tlie
crowd of people was yarioasly estknated at
from 3,000 to 6,000. It was a much larger
crowd than- bad been expected, and pro
visions were mn pretty Tow before tliat
crowd, got away. A free dinner was given
a !a,rbacvse dinner 'for which oxen,
sheep,- hogs, etc., had been rousted who'e,
in the ojd-ftsionedj stylv Bat all that
vast anionnt of , grb disappeared, like
magic before tliat JftWgry eiwvd. - Under
tlie eircBjnstances we give the Junctionites
great credit for the liberality displayed hi,
w.w. j.-.-- v v .- -..a -
biweer-strickeii humanity- There was au
even attempting to ieeu onas nuge mass 01
immense amoitnt ot "spirituous and malt
liquore" eot away with during tr, ,1.
..-7 7 O uuj a
and we are told that Albany people got
away with their share.' It was a' w:arm '
day-a red hot day and under the circuni- '
stances the wonder is that them were- soJ
few accidents. : : ..f
Tbacedt at Bckna Vista LastSfitvl-
aay evening about 7 o'clock, a resident of
Buena Vista, wlio gave his name and liad
been generally fcnowrf as William Frank
Un, bnt. whose reaj- qaiiiie Was Willian.
iranklin Tnbbs. wnt tntn
sit down by the side of l.U wife oil alounge,
and, while encirclinff her neck with m ir' -
; C aa ks luik.
arm, drew from hfa pereoii a revolver with
his bniyjL and nlarfnor th .noi r
the weapon; (mmeajteljf.'ojr-'iW hearty
the DIStOl DiiulnkY-4t w
- ' w -n-ri, o airs,
Tubbs, and, with one despairing cry, she'
sprang, fjtoni. her. maidens embrace and
fled from Uie house, gasping and Weeding
reached, thg front gate and fell, a corpse.
Tlw murderer then turned his attention to
tiie sister of his wife, who was In '
when the fatal shot was fired, but she liad
fled so quickly that be had not time to icajnry
out hi3 murderous Intentions with regard
to her; seeing whlcl wUhont losing a'
moment's time, he wound up his cowartly'
tradegy by turning his 'eapon upou him
self, and, discharging another chamber,'sent
a leaden messengec ccushing through lib)
own heart, which killed lum instantly.
Our Informant could arlve
double murder, or account lor it on on
other hypothesis except that Tubbs was par-
nany insane. ;
From Mr. Drury Hodaes. who came over
this morning, we get fuller particulars of .
mcnoove tragedy: Tubbs and hfa Wife,
had parted several times, and had- hati
more or less trouble ever sincjf tfaeu;.inar
riage. On Sunday evening he went to; ic-.
house where his w ife WlU stoonini-:. sat
down by her and engaged In conyeiaatlpn
all the time i.,.,s. , .t.,r 1, rr"rrr.r.
.,,UJ mvuiver tmoerAnia
eonctaled by his coat, jwhen ha ttreiL thet
i . . . .. j .
side. His wife's sister beinir
and hearing the report of the pistol enter the house, when Tnhfw
pointed the pistol atbef; she jumped back,
slammed the door tod, and ran. Tubbs
tlen shot himself, tlie hall entering hfa left
lung. Neither party spoke a word after tho
first shot. i
Cmntai Services on tiie Fm-irrrt.-
The attendance at the morning service in
the U. P. Cliin-dli, on ISunday vwas, good.
The text was Frocfciiui liberty to idl thee
laud, to all the inabitimts thereof '''l&rh,
verse 01 tne zatli chapter of Leviticus tlm
motto on Independeuce bell. Philadel
phia. Froru this e Rey. S- G. Irvine;
preached probably, t,h best sermon of hfa
life, and it was listened to. with marked at
tention by his audience.;' '
To the Farmers of Z.IbB rimt.
Hold your orders until yon see the Chi
cago Pitts Threshers. Ask old Illinois
farmers and they Will tell you that the
are the best lu the world without any ex
ception. bo;d only by Llnortb, Kellogg
vu., x oriiaiiu, nn tneir agents tltrongh
out Oiegpn and Washington Teiritorjv
V$ also have a fall line of firming imple
ments mid, macliiiies, consisting of the
following A No. 1 goods i Wm. Anson
Wood Mowers, which took 32 first pro
mlums, in field trfals, in 1374,: and eottldj
go into the field with any machine on this,
eoast to demonstrate that they are the best
which, we are prepared to prove, and chaf
lengo any mjichliift to Uie contest. Extras;
to all machines supplfedfrom Otfr rbrtiand
house, without delay a full supply always
on liand. Please send for nrlce lias '.
circulars. Address Av SLOCUM, Agent
Fortland, Oregon. fjjmtf
Cancer Can be Cubed. We warrant n
rure on Cancers and 'old sores.' Have
afao, new vegetable remedies fe diseases 0
theeyey which have curedra great many
cases considered hopelessly blind. Office,
at the residence on colfher of Calbpooia, andj
Fourth streets, opposite Judge Baldwin's.
3-7 -i : E. G. & MaSi Phesham
New Fiiuf.-Stn Miller has bought the Wna
on and 8mithshop heretofore ooennied bv
lS D61del, together with the lnateriiO.
amTtrnanished work, and Is now preparedi try
fm-nish anything In bis line, constetiHst Or
OarriaKca, BussUss, lunW WoKOns, Hacks,
&e., o.twTgeueiu.1 smithing neatly and with dhv
mtch. I employ none but. the beat of niecimn-'
ies, aiid Insure, ealisfaetion. All work wsr-'
ranted. I think I can make It nu object for; '
you to buy of me, In price, stylo and dorahtnrr
of work. I use the best of material, hickory
and oak, from the Eaern 'States. Call and jx
amine for youi-aelves ; aU I want is a fiir trinli
I have had Several years of experience on this
, odnBt. 'and with tlie knowledge thus gained, atn
certain 1 can please yott I icnarantee to sen iot"
cash as low as can be bought in this citv. A
larjjo lot of lumber wagons, aide and emtspring
earrioees and hocks on band. Patronize home
manulaotorj do not seiia your money offout
of the country. Act the part of wise men, and
build np your own State, and yon will prosper '
. r fcf, .
To buy the best, brands of calicos 14
yards for 1. Other dress and fancy goods,;'
clothing, boots and shoes, groceries and
crockery, at very low prices foV cash1 or:
cocntry produce. Also,- the highest mar-,
ket price In cash paid for good Woor.
Now, the readef would like Co know wherei
It's at N.; Baltis, next door toCbeadla
and Fox. . .. " " if. "
WOOi. tASTE. P. & Haroer A C6, wll '
rvry tho highest cash price for all th W tbey
can get oVwoifcl Wpectfulfy inform evcrj--
boOy that they have a tine stock of gen era I
merclurnuise fog" esrte. verr low for cash, or tci
prompt imyhsg customers on time. SStt
. Mr. .kkh Moobk-Win eommenee, on or
Milk, Butter, ggu and Vegetables to the cltt-
3iis 01 Aiiany.- rs ow is un vraiu w ywn
arrangements, as Sir. Moore wHl rtftx a. Ummt-
dally, and do-as he jfrei:s.
Th National Graage has donatetf
$500 to the grasshopper eufferefs ot
Colorado.- , -