- A ' tv rt ni T 'If ! 4 a w IrxroisuKD irm ranAT, kt COLL. VANCLEVE, aW TBEH EOI8TER BUILDING, , t Canter .FVrry ami Firtt Btrettt. 1' TKRMSHBt ADYASCE. ; . wa copy, one year .3 so tM copy, six months I SO Y elabsuf twenty, each copy 00 S'.nals copies,,.,.,..,. Ten cents,- " &il-ritrs odtstdo' of Linn crrnnty will be Charged is cent extra Si 70 for the year as that I the amount of postage per annntn which we are required to pay on each paper MM by its. . ... . . . . , FRIDAY,. ...... n.sJVLY 2, 1S75. Afmt for tint aa?iier. TH frrtlrtSririir Mined irentlenien are author ised to receive niiil roeelttt for subscription Hi the ftwjrwf kh in the localities mentioned Ifcobcrt la.. ............ . Crawford -vil)c W. P.Smith i.: ... ui. Halsey. O. P. Toinnklns..w. i ........... HarriAlmrit. a, H. Clauj5hton..;i.i...4.ytt;...4.....Lelinnon. A. wheaksr A f fl i.-iivii."""!" Shedd. Messrs. Smith A Brasrield. ....... .J ttrfctimi it y. J. B. Irvine. n .... a i.ui. 14... .Sclo. Tho. H. Reynolds..... . '"ii Salem. W. Waterltouae ..-... ....Motiniauth. Heevleea as the Atpttmt iTxwreli. Tlie services at the Baptist cliurcli last evening (Monday), were rensouably .attended, but we arc certain it those who knew lie v. Mr. Baker as an cariu est, wide-awake Christian laborer, lial jirojserlj announced his coming, a much larger audience woukl has been Both fikaaed and profitetl. ITcasant in presence krA atVlrras, Mr. leaker slioweil rare skill in so ckth injj the plain aisl often nnwelcutne jos pel of Clod's grace with freshness , of iliought and aptness of illustration, as to interest and instruct all present. After singing stme of tlie sweet wngs of Zion, Mr. lrtker gave" a telling cx ositiou of Isaiah, 53d cliapter, hring. ing out; the glowing promises left mi record tor the eneuuragement of tiud's lople in every age. Tlie sjieaker, re ferring to the cxiectel coining of Mr. Hammond, said : "Tliis means a con flict witli the devil, in which all the v forces ot evil are to be met and, by tlie grace ot God, overcome." Tlie sermon wluch fblK.wfd was a forcible presenta tion of tlie old, old story " of salvatiou , Ly grace, from Ephesiana 11,5. Care ful study of the bible proved the total depravity of tlie race not. tli&t men were as bad as they conld lie, or wi 1 he it they do not repent ami turn to God, hut that tud can see nothing in man which entitles him to favor TTinrcfre respectable sinners are ajt to rls self-4lceivel sinners. Tlie text, "By grace.art; ye saved," means three .hings: Jfavor shotcH. Favor sho n the tut tser?ing. Favor shown the rjisleserv- ' ihg con fatitiy. Favor shown, was -"illustrated in tlie h'story of Alexaisier the Great, whose custom was,liefore beginning the assault ot heseiged city, - to cause a light to be set upon a hill outside tlie city tltat all could see it, and a proclamation made that all win would come out and surrender them selves while the light was burn sliottld be spare"!. So God showed - favor by setting tlie light of his love upon calvary, and proclaiming that all who would surrender to Christ alnrtild be savc-1. But man Iiad cliosen to away from God, and proved himself unworthy ot his favor by his rebe'Iion and nnbeiiefl When . Victoria began - her reign the first document brought . her to nigu was tlie death warrant of a deserter, whose example and influence : huwle his execution imperatively neces sary. Tlie guilt was clearly proved, knd no extenuating circumstances conh . pe urged. After thrice reading tle document, aiid thrice asking for ome - grotnul of release in tlie justly cwk Hem ned crimiil, the Queen assnmed lier royal prerogative of mercy, and nraivad tlie waiting official from lier presence with the paper. gned--"rar. Honed." So God ibnrive all w!h 1, provided tliey come tonfesing. s once a wretcr galley-sUvewas Irom tite dungeon where ne was ifined, awaiting trausporUtion to the place of punishment, liccause lie alone of all his ftsaoctates. acknow'edged . his jrailt and was sorry for hiisv Gd pardum all prodigals who confess their wins and accept aalvattou by grace, Ir. Baker closed with, a warm trib ute to the eiiaracter and services ot Mr. Ilatntnond. Having kntwn him tor years, and seen tlie Quality of hia work, tliere could be no question but that he was a man of God, and signally blessed id tlie building op of Christ's kingdom All Christiana were urged to earnest work. Bcxiwat AT Shewd. On Sunday even ing, as a merchant of llalsey was on bis way home from .campnssetlng passing tfcroagh StHsdtl, Ue biiggy in wbfck hhn self and a young lady were riding ran luto a dicii and upset tlie vehicle, throwing both occupants to t!t ground. - The team went on towards Halsey. :3reIUier the gentteman r lady were aerioosly hurt. Late the next day the team was found about foar miles beyond Halsey, hitched to tlie veidkte' all right ..; and ttM "both; airftnajs lying down, apparIy pretty :wU fegsed out. Xo da atxpm exorpt tlaa tn-eak-ingof onesprbtg. ... .. . .. Arnold has ltd his express waon re r'ljvd, atl U reauy for whatever c-ers. WEDNESDAY, JUNE SO, 1875. 1 Pi-UCKT Women. Geo. Howell, who had bis slioulder displaced by being thrown from a hack near Robert's bridge on Sun day, was waited upon by Dr. Smith, of Ilslsey, and is getting along finely. How ell's wlte aui Mrs. Shaver, each wilh a child in her anna, were left alone In tlte back, and tlie idea occurred to them tliat it they wished to save tliemselves from tlie same or a worse fate titan George's, they must stop the team, which was then mak ing very fhir time. As tlie lines went out wtteu Oeorge did tliey had but one chance to stop tlte flying team, and tlutt was to 'put on tle brakes," which they did at onoe, and so effectually as tS stop tlte teiini. Bnt before tliey succeeded iu stopping the team, tlie tniig broke, and jammed and brxtUod np tlie leg of tlie l animals considerably. I rn.f. W. E. Wells closed two writing ! schools on Friday evening last by a grand writing matclK at ltockhill sthool-ltoue tour miles from Lehsnotu The two schools uuiuberiiig over sixty scholar, one from Saiwlritlge, tlie ot lier from Bockhill, met on tlie evening in inestion, wlien a nioct ex citing content ensued over the five prizes offered for tlie best penmanship, etc. Tlie liouse was crowded with people,' w1h seemed to enter into tlie spirit ot tlie oc casion. Tiie exercises cloetl about 8:30. when tlie judges, . W. It. Joues, ot Soda Vtlle, and D. V. 8. Bckl, of Lebanon, uiiitle tlie following awards : The two flr- prises, albai!. for best specimens of pen maushlp, to MUs Mary A. Frum, of ShikI ridge, and Hilton A. Miller, of Rockhlll. Tlie two secotid prizes. (5-pieccs, to Frank Cokt-r, Kockhiil, ami Annie Duffleki. of SaiKirUlgPi - Tlie hut prize, a gold pen and Ieu-hoklfr. to be awarded to the scltool j making tiic 1110-t progress during tlie term, was awarded to tlie Kockhiil school. Tlie Prof, lias taught seventeen schools fifteen in Lluii county, since tlie ftr.st ii.rf of January last, ami has established a reputa tion as : teaclM'? of peuuiauship and a gentleman surpassed by none. W11.U Come. About ttfro weik- ago Western Star IXMlge I. O. G. T-. of tills city, fvissed resmlutions requesting Mr. Hammond to visit this city, - said nolu- tions lielug forwarded to Mr. llaminond by tin Secretary, Mr. A. N. Arnold. ftMlay Mr. Arnold received an answer from Mr.- Hammond. apoIgi7.1iij; for uglcct iu not answering, and stating that in ouipliaiice witli tlie request lie will visit this city one w eek from next Saturday. OiiFKl.l.OWSinr. Tlie lodge at Leb anon, lunation Joiige ISO. 47, ciecteo ofHcers la Saturday night. Following are tlie successful ones : C II." Kalston, N, G. ; S. A. XickerwMi, V. G. ; James Stittle, S. ; B. McCally, T. IiKtallation comes oil a week irom next CNiiuruay evening. BrotlK-r in goixi standing, fcmd of goml grub and a general jolariou time, are invited. Count us hi. - TllASKS. Owing to a press of bu-iness we 'omitted on Monday to tender our licst tliauks to Ml Flont Parker for the pre sentation, on tint ilny, of an e'eg int fruit rake. It wa dellciotts a c'uf dtttrre iu tlie art cuisine. It came jn-t in tlie nick "tinwv too, a our lanler wns entirely empty, t lie re fore are we doubly tliaukful to Mi Flora for her ki.iduesw of lieart in thinking of us. Passki os Two Pairs. We guess tlie fipttexmnn. manv lias beeu tliere himself ; bear him s "We regret to see tat our old friend Jim Anthony, of the late Sacramento Union, was somehow alamagnozled out of tlie noininatloii for Governor at tlie late Independent Convrntioii iu Sacramento CVintniry to hi. usual eti-tom, be refused to stmddl tlie blind, and passed out 011 two pair. At first tlie rubicund James was consltleretl in tlie lead, but some trivial ob jections as to moral character were raised - iu San Franci.-'co, and lie decided to jump tlie game.. AsiXiVKKSAnT. Willamette Engine Co.. Xo. 1, Portlantl, has Invited Albany En gine Co., No. 1, of this city, to be present on tlie occasion of the celebration of the twenty-second anniversary ot tluit Com pany, which tiauspires on tlie 3d of Au gust next. Our "feiler3" are cliock full of jolarity in antk-ipulion oft tlie good time they will iiave on tliat occasion. Tlie .Statexma U iufon;H-d tliat tliere will be a discussion on the following question: ;;."IX reiison and tlie Scripture teach tlie final holiness ami liappiness of mankind F" at Bet lie I, Polk county. Jury 20th. ; E. A. McAllister afilruis; G. W. Bidianlson denies. Isoefksdence Bai.I- Given by Albany Engine Co. No. 1, at the Pacific Opera House, on Moislay - evening. July 5th. Tlie parties given by our fire boys are always pleasant. See advertisement else where. . Catnpmeetli.g at Lebanon and Bobesrt'n bridge still progressing, the former not so btrgeir atteialed as tlie latter. We hope tint both meetings may result in much good. Mrs. Belding's inotlter, Mrs. Smith, arrived from the States on the lat ocean steamer at Portland, and came to this city ou the noon train. 1 See advertisement in this .issue asking for sealed proposals for building wmg &m, etc- in tlie Willamette. Send to Gen. Michler, Portland. ' We've qnit tlie orplian bnsinASs, ami gone to bookkeeping again. We don't want any more of tins orphan style In 1 otirn not any. t The down train yesterday .ran over and killed a cow. Just in tlie edge of the city, belonging t Thomas Monteith. ; ; The new steamboat, "Bonanza," behig bnilt for t!e.O. S. 8. Co. at Portland, was fcntMcbed yesterday. i DcCrabb ts the name of tlte boy 7 re, ported thrown from bis hone at Sbedd on Sunday, nsnltbig In breaking his shoahterv Wa learn to-day tliat Mr. W. H. GoW tra ts bettor, ami his physician. Dr. Bal lard thinks he will recover hi time. :. Charley Ralston, of Lebanon, - called to-day. 1 I .. " The union praycrmeetlng was well at tended last evening, f J A brand splinter new house for rent wlio wants It t ' ''j ;' Dr", Crd well, of Portland, looking as handsome as in tlie olden time, ism the city. . ; . A nttinbef of dentists in tlie elf y" crime in yestettlay, and on tlte noon traiu to day. . "j. :;V Prof. Welts gave ns a caff this morning. He lias been winning golden opinions from our people all over tlie county. THURSDAY, JULY 1, 1875. Proc f dta E ef ltOtrgi Ksate Dental ISveSeCjr, . AI-Rakt, Or., June 30tli, 1875. 'Hie Oregon State Dental Society met Pcrs,w,,t to 4Jo'rment, In the hall of Albany Engine Co., and in tlie absence of the President, was called to order by tlie Vice President. Dr. J. B. Cnrdwell. , The roll being called the following mem bers answered to tlajir names : Drs. J. 11. Cardwtdl. G. II. Chance, G. W. Gray. J. II. Hatclt, G. W. Mereditli, Tr L. Nlcklin. K. O. Smith, L. S. SkUT, and J. Weldu '. : ; Minntcs of previous meeting read and approved. On motion, a committeo was apxinted torewirt upon candidates fur membership, consisting of Drs. Skiff, Chance Gray.; - f.4 'C . " and Tlie application of Dr. S. J. Barber was reorted upon favorably, and upon ballot j was unanimously elected. 1 An interesting communication from tlie Presbleiit, Dr. Wmi F. Tltompson (now residing in San Francisco, was read," ami, , on motion, placed on file. I. j Beading of essays being in order. Dr. G. W. Gray presented one ou "Irregular!-j ties of tlie teeth, and the best means of correcting the same." The subject of tlie paper was then taken : up awl generally discussed, all the mem- : bers participating.. , j On motion, a committee. cotilttz of ; Drs. Nicklln. Smith and" Welcli. was ap-j pointed to revise the Constitution and By-Laws of this Society, and report during this session. On motion, adjounietl to meet at tlie oRlce of Dr. G. W. Gray, at 7 ' r. M. KVKX1XO SKSSION Society met pursuant to adjournment, Dr. J. 11$ Canlwell hi tlie Chair. Minutes of previous meeting were read any approved. , ' Ir. J. Weleli. Treasurer of tlie Society, made hi report, which was referred to tlie Committee on Finance consisting of Drs. Sklft, Mereditli ami Chance, who. after ex amination, reported tlte accounts kept Mrrectly ; when. 011 motiotu tlie report of tlie Treasurer was adopted and ordered placed 011 file. Beading ot essays being m order. Dr. i. II. Ilaich presented an" interesting pa per on '"Operative Denti-try." Dr. J. B. Card well tlten read an able production on 'Xeitralgla." Discussion being In or.Ier, the subject of capping and fHlinf teeth over exprtcI nerves was taken np, and discussed At considerable leugtli, hi which all tlie mem bers parttcttKtted. givbig various methoxls of treatment. , S Dr. G. II. Chance made a motion that tlie Tlieses. as read by Drs. Gray, Hatch and Card well, be forwarded to I lie dental journals for publication. Tlie motion was carried. 1 On motion, tlie Society adjourned, to meet at tlie hall of Alltany Engine Co, to-morrow, Tlmrsilay, at 8 o'clock, A. Si. Anotiieh FnriT Co. A company -was organized at Slietkl yestenlay (Wednesday), for tlie purpose of drying fruit, vegetables etc. Capital stock. $8,000. Tlie Incor porators Were John Isom. Wn, M. Powers ami C. P. Hogne. Sliares I00 eaelb Forty-two. hundred dollars were snlwcribed in aliout twenty minutes atsl all tlie stock will be gobbled up In a few- days The business will be conducted at Sliedd. Tlie necessary apparatus will be secured, and buildings erected for tlie eonduet of tlie business of fruit drying within three months. This adds aiiottier important industry for the production of wealth Iu Linn county. Success to It. ; ' Daily Lisk to Lebajsos. Tlie Donlca Brotliers commenced to-day rumilng a daily stage Hue between this city and Lebanon, to meet the requirements of the times and accommodate tlie citizens of Lebanon. ' The malt will, at least during the Summer months be carried dally, ami we hope, before Whiter Itas set hi, ; Uncle Sam will order that tlie mall between 'tlie two points be carried daily, instead of tri-weckly, as at present. The Donlca line deserves a first class patronage from the Lebanon people, ami we are sure tliey will get. It for their accommodating spirit. Offickks Emit. Last night Albany Lodge No. 4, I. 0: O. F of this city, elected A. N. Arnold, N. G. ; Jue , Web ber, V. G. i W. O. Palmer, B. S.; Geo. Kezartee, P. S.j Jolin Briggs Librarian. Installation next Wednesday evening. ' i A party Is organlzbig tor tlie purpose of a prospecting tramp which Is intended to extend through the Summer. This is the best way to thoroughly prospect our mountain and valleys, and find where the precious metals can be obtained hi pavlne quantities. . -. x. report in circulation that one of our iMiKisomest yonug ladies and talented legal gentleman of Ue city bad 'jolned hands and forbmes " the day before. Is doubtless mitrueC as we liave received neither notiee or cake. ' , Unde Billy Anderson called a moment Has morning. We are always glad to see ota-friends especially when tliey., bring as news of their nelghDorboous, a Mr. A. generally does. j r : The report that one of onr handsome widows was enfted, en Sacday, to a Cor- vallia man. Is HdTgrMnlly denied Jby the lady's friends. wrvleea at tae U. p. ctmveh ImI Rl. Tlie union praycrmeetlng at the U. P. diurch last evening, was well attended and quite interesting. After the usual Intro ductory exercises of singing and responsive scripture reading, the leader introduced the topic by saylug: "Every disciple of Christ is autliorized to be a preaclief of bis gospel in some sphere and to some audleece. Some fields of labor may be wider than othefsi but the duty of witnessing for Christ Is eqttftily Imperative rfpon all who are His. All who hhte heard tlie joyful sound should tell to others 'what a deaf Savior they have found.1 " Among other remflfks Mr. Irvine spoke of a letter, received tliat day, from a young man wlio had been a traveling conimnioii six years befbru, who luid been - won to Christ by personal effort. Prof. Warren said tlie delre to bring otliers to the Savior was one of the earliest evidences of genuine conversion. Those wlio are torgiven will desire to liave their friends also blessed. . Beltgion Iielps to cure tlie uatnral selfishness of the human heart, and its blessings increase by sharing tliem. But sometimes those "most difficult to approach arc tutiiifcite friends wlio are acquainted with our weakness and note our daily inconsistencies, Tlie same difilctilty was a seriocs obstacle in die wny of s peak ing to tlie unconverted. But as it is God's plan to commit the work of the "world's redemption to Imperfect men -a Lla-phem- hig Peter and a persecuting Panl- so if we do our duty faithfully, our work will "ot be iu vain iu tlie Lord, . r ' Ileference was made to Henry Variey, tlie great English Evangelist, who believes 4.000 souls have been ' converted throngh ids jiersonal efforts liesltles those readieil unler his public ministry. Instances were related of winning men from lives of vice and sinful indulgence by personal kindness and sympathy. We must go ont into tlie high-ways and hedges and compel men to ! come to tlie gospel fenst. If our diameters are ImLuiger by trying to help those low- t down in moral position, it only proves thst we need more religion. Christ was called tlie I- riewl f Sinners, and we should imitate lfls cx.tmp'e. , t . All agreed that we neeil a deeper work of grace in our own hearts to prepare us for the work of whining men. e should spend much time in secret prayer, and not give up until we get the hlesinf Announcement was made of. the expee- ! eoiuiug ot Mr. IHmmoud wxt week Friday or Saturday. - Tlie Tlltmi-Beecher jury retire regularly at ten o'clock every night now. It Is thought tliey arc no r.eart-r a v rJicr-tiow titan thei" will be six month heiiee. unless the Tiltou man caves. Tlie Lingards want the ieop!e ot this city to pay $2 50 for tlie privilege ot going to Salem and seeing their show ! Check enough. :A Kansas paper says: "A mu'e Licked an insurance agent iu this pl:t- on the dieek the other day. Tlio agent's clieek was uuinjuretl, but the mule's hoof was broken." . "Southwest" favors us with anotlicr of hlexcelleiit letters to-day, which will be read with Interest by all. Our physicians are pretty well employed these days as tliere is still no little sick ness hi the vidnity of this burg. For" Coifghs colds bronchitis and all Bffcettons of tlie LOngS tike Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. ' A arry of the- boys Gns. Iiyton, George- Bnrkhart and Geo. Btmibangh, talk of starting for Clear Lake next week. A couple of ottr boo tons are to be united In marriage soon. Tlie cards are nut, and it will be tlie gayest lmrty witnessed for some time." j . Senator Kelly arrived in Portland yes terday. . .;' - ;: . , . , ; . ' IJST OF I.LTTCKM Tteinnlulne in 1he AUiony ' Postofllee, Jnly 1st, 1875. lerson calling ftr tlu-se letters must icivetlie date on which tliey were advertised: Bnnton, Win. Keed, F. W. Cowdell. John Moherts, Win. 4 I "leek, Henry Slmtnlwun, A. V. Cutter, Co . Sheave. lr. T. J. 1 Jvishucy. - Slrlis. Ur. T. I). Harrinirton. John - ' Southern. Seward W. Jmies. Henry Thonius, loke tirkcr.K. FlMAflCE AMD COKSfJBieL GoM in Xew York U7l,a. Legal tenders 85i86.4. ; , Tliere is absolutely nothing to state with regard to tlie markets.' Prices remain soim-wliat firmer It is true, at last quota tions. VVlieat still quoted at 80c ? Wool, 2i,4c; butter, 23c t eggs 18c Our mar ket ts well supplied with vegetables, small fruits etc at fair rates. i At Cincinnati,; June 28Ui, the grand Jnrv retuned uidictmenta atraiust Titos E Snell, Baker, present chief- of police ana mrmeriy secretary 01 me water works; Wm. -Marks, city editor of VoUa? Freud, ex-col lector of water rents; J. 1?. McCormick, - ex-solicitor ot water rents, and lotul Keiiuan, formerly trustee of the water works and and now secretary of the board of trustees ot Longfellow lauatic asylum, for erabcz. klemeut of money of tlie water works, and II. A- Bowman, son of one of tlie present trustees of the water works, for grand iatceny. J tiese case nave all liave been brought to light by io- vestigation into the management 01 trie water works, which has been in progress some weeks past and now nearly com pleted. . - At Jlontrcal, Canada, an action lias been instituted by Rev. Gavinlong to restrain management of the temporalities of the Presbyterian Chucir of Seotlatid from dispossessing themselves of tanas ot upwards of 553;O0f otherwise th tor the benefit of those who maintain their conueetKm with the Chorch of Scotland. A eimiSar action has been begtm by Rev. Simpson, restraining tho """"W o wwi wtoows and orphan's teoAt WBoanting to 73,000. " NEW TO-DAY. V. 8. KXQINEER OFFIfJ ' Portland, Oregon, J nne J4, I87-. CEALED PROPOSALS will be rmivei at tbta O otBee nntll 11 n'ulo-k M.. nt Jniv tn. (Whfln tllev will l nmnml in 111, nm biditers), lor ImiIK11iij S.ooofeet (nioreorlesaiot ' uniiet on imi npicr nutturatHr Klvr. fernl removal of rocks, ... Biddura will state the anionnt in TnUad State! etrrrenoy for which Ibey-wiU coma met .UMt-dtuus per lineal foot, and removal of rocks per cubic ard. tietaiied spec! dent ions, wilh blank foiin for proposals, can he obtained at this ortlee. . The 1 mms are to he hu it at mirh toralltic mt the river.au the tutted Slates Knsrhieei'- tn cliarve sliaH direet. The dimiM will consist of loss laid 011 the river noil the entire length of tho dam, fastened by drlft bona tostnnll piles driven ton depth of Ave or lx feet, tlie pile liuing nneen feet apart. This Is to be covered by , one foot la-er of ornsh tied into hnndles and covered wiih a cuhlo yard of gravel to every ten feet of dam. - Bids must lie in triplicate, on forms fnrnislHMl from tliis ofBee, and endorsed "Proposals for Win fmiria, Willamette River.J' Tins right igrcxcrvtid to reject anv and all bids. X. MiCHLEU, Major of Eujfinwt-.. ' . . : . . - 4'2 wS '. UVAHniAWH KALE. NOTICE IS HEREBY JIVEN THAT TIIE ttnilersierteo Unanlinn if tlio pernin and estate of Wftllntn U. Mnrltn, Eva C Mnrtin and Minnie A. Martin, minora, and children of Tliomaa Maiiui,'dccea.H(;d, tn pnrsnance of an order of the County lmrt of Linn eouiily, Oregon, nwle and entered of record at the ren niar June term of il winri, In tlie year 1S7, Uceiminv and dtrecthia thJ nnderisne'l to sell all tlie risflit. title and intercnt of mid ininarn iir and to the following tle.-icribcd real imipurty, tvwit : , HtimlnKat the onthwet corner of Wll liaui II. McCnlly'it donation bind claim, tlie hhiiic lieinz nntineatton No. SSTSTnnd claim No. 41, In township (15). Honlb of ranu 4 west, in I. inn county, Oregon, mnnins tlienen imt 31 2.i-lU0 chains, thence nortli 2s 6100 clmiii. thence wear s 1IM00 elmhis to the coonly rouil, tlience in a southeasterly direction nioiut tlie xnl'l county toad S3 chains to a point 011 the Wtwtern lionndarv line of-said SantlHOi fcand ciaiiu of Win. IL McC'ully, 14 iiVl:l eliains northol tlie tfomer of said land cbitttrt tlience south to the place of lieinutntf, contHlntnjf sevei4y acres, more or lens. And In pursnancc of ttliu order of said ennrt I wUI sell at pnlilic auction at theOcnirt Ilonse door in L4nn county, Oii-od, 011 the - - Sd Day r AtMrnMS 175, -v v lietwi-cn the hours ,vf nlnu o'clock A. M. and four o'clock P. M., of said day. all t he right, title and Interest of the almve named miners In and 10 the ivUv dtwcrilied real property to the hl;MH-st bidder. , Tkrmmof S.vlk. -told coin, one-half cash In hand at tlie time of tue sale, the balance mi a credit, or six months, sei-wd by mot-tun ou the premises. S.HXA MAKTIX, (uurdian. ' JulySd. 1S7S. - 42v7wi. A CARD. All. HEM. A PARKER, late of Oregon City. lies leave to inform the public that thev hnve purchased the entire stock ot dmtrs, med icines. c.. fonnerly-owntxlby R. C Hill A Aon. and that they design continuing the bnsiness at the old stand, where t hey nrpose keeping In the future a full assort incut of Drugs, C.tf.miculj, I'ateut JJeilicfnes, ' Toilet Article, and everything usually found in a first-flu 4 droit store. While earnestly snlieltine a continuance of the lihernl sttroniiireheretofoi extended tothe ( 1. 1 honse, ae hoja; at the stitue time. In,' fhir and hls-ral dealing, and careful attention to tlie wants or ens:omers, to merit the esteem of any MiW friends who may favor ns with their or ders. - Particnlar uttentlon will be ftiven to theeom ponndins of physician's precriptknsaniHain tly reciism, at all hours of the lavnr nlsciit. A. II. BELL Sr PARKER, Successors tn R. C. LIli-L. A Holt. Alliany, Octolier 9, '74-n4tf P. C. HARPER Sc. CO., -Dealers in (TotbllMT, Boots mh4 Kboea, UaUt, Ureee rice, fam-jf MeoJs, NettoBH, Ntitowa and Flstols, Halls, Rope, Sllrrers, Wallpaper, Wood and Willow Ware, Trunks and Vallsra, Pocket Cutlery, &e A-e., .. . Sold very low either for cash, or to prompt pay; nw inx cuMumcni on lime. . Here's the Place ! Sa Sa ClCLIXQlltOXl lias received and Is olTcrlnc for mile a well seloc- ted stock tn , - GENERAL MERCHANDISE ! Which he is determined to sell AT TifE LOWEST" PRICES! for Cash, or MercIiantaHe Produce ! Please :lve uie a can, and examine Goods and PrioeH. h. 11. cicuirrosf. llnnn. Or. (Livl C30 &.GmS3l A Larec and Talosible Tract of Hfmtming Land for Sale. rpriREE HUXnitED ACRES of plow land. 00 M 01 wnicn is ncu imiioui ana. inirncprem- ises- are inir uniiainKs, nonse, narn. irranarv, sheds, etc.; also itood bearing orchard of fruit trees; 300 acres if tho very best pasture land : Maeresnf titular tand,asn and mapla. the best of farming land when clearefU A never fntlinjf stream of water runs throngh the farm. There Is also a splendid quarry of liuie-rock on tlie place, pronounced by experts A 1 rock. Pour hundred acres are under fence. It is one of the most desirable and cheapest farms In IMmjr!as count v. lying IX miles from the O. A C. railroad at Oakland. For particulars as to price, ete apply, in this city, to 1 " J. It BOCGlfTOX, SI. D. Albany, May 14, 1871. TITUS BR0THEE8. DC At. BBS JEWELRY,' Silver & Plated Ware, DIAMOriD SPECTACLEl. AGENTS ro TIIE . ' . Singer;'. Tbe Best Rae&lae' JSaAe . ATTENTiOiV, paksek & sionnisr ITew Elevator! V-T NOW aXAftT rOR Tin: KECRPTfttjr JL of wheat andoats We call tha attention of fanners to the feet that we liave ereeied the II net -arehonse in the Siatcflt a uinre expensii, and are in position to lutudle satisfiictorily an immense quantity of grain. Our house lias a capacity for ,000 fciiskcls of Wlical ! at nne tlnte.und is located' on tffe rnHrjrin of the ItTlil... . . aj... . .lJt.it tii. iju mi. 1 . 1 . vw liinu iuliu Rivn j hii'i in nu;n nui'nni'JiMiaca s..... i s & n 4s is 1 j s 4., HVMII n . ' rU IIIMllVri(I SSfl. Isa- stnrA HSitlw W swll.4iit As Jrifin ln eatnMa boHlin'r tiJtflaflVr. Wo ha v two htnfe lion lunrti fn &tftltU9h ttr tit tier frtuH, nttacU! to me iTfTiis, run uy Traser ixwer, una mwm h. --....j. Ji 0 nun nvHiiuu s t j all tlw wfieift rt1vcvL C'sn take in and eb"an IU,wn imrfliels rs-r aay. gleaned wheat Is worth much more in all foWfaii hiarkets tliaii fonl wheat, and none slttnila Iw shiimed without clean me. 4 hiri-harrcs will lie'ftvecentsa laisliel on wheat, and tonr cents fa Onts. We lutve SIXTY XSIOUSAKD SACKS' - to fnmisfi those strtrlha whent a-lth na, free to those whose wheat we min-lmw. ami tlu. low,jst eKSh price to those who sell Hieir wheat irom uitr nousv to orner imvers. Persons stor ltl With ns are at lilw.rlr 10 sell to whom tliey please. Those who reside cm the west side of the river will hava fcrrbure free. Will ho In I he market a luiyers. and expect to be able to pay the hisrliest possible price. HavinK pre nared oursidves to do a Isrire husincss. we bone for our share of the public patronage. PARKER & 1UORRIS. nlTvPJulj- 31 Alliany.sOreqron. . CRAS. S. XOXTAOVK. B11BT. UVALHT. MONTAGUE & McCALLEY, ARE SOW OPEX1NU A MAGNIFICENT stock of FALL AW WIMEk &DS ! selected with care, and bought for coin-at . Scandalously Low Figures ! and as w-e bought low we can and will sell thein at pra3 liiai win. Astonish Everybody. Come audace our selections of - Ureas UooOs, Japaneae Kfcamla, Piques, Rrllllautea, Marseilles, Ponllus, lAstrea, Ribbons, Collars, Collarettes, Eaccs, Ae., dee., tor the ladles, and our complete lines of Readymade Clothing. HeaJery, Cotloaadea, 'wwilmerea. loins. Itoout, SVipa, Hati, of all descnptimis for nipii and Imys. Also, full assortments of Groceries, Crociery and Glassware. or everybody. The best irood,at the lowest rates every time. Cirt'-oiiiennd see. Lelnnon, Oregon, Octolier 30, 1874. 3?x Sale Z QOXffTAJiTI.Y OS HASD Lime, Shingles, Plaster Parts, . Eatb, Hair, etc., and for sale low. at the wnrehnnso of FAUK:U A MORRIS. The If Ijrhest CmsU Prlre Paid foe Wool. Albany, May It. 75-S5Y7 AgricTiltural Machinery TO BE SOLD "WAY DOWN. FRANK WOODS Oflfers tor sate tire celebrated - RITSSM EB D-SHAKE fHBKIES botff irered s-n'd beltwlth mounted powers, to be' sold m a lrsrln to close ont stock. Ah 10, 12 anxl K feet slntrleKeared adjustibM reel '; ' Iron 7hec! Headers, . with late inrrpreveutents. JETS A Combined Reapers & Ifowefs.- r I'sillock Ixx-ltTer Steel-tooth Sulkey liny lisbe l . IloW Revolving Rake, ' . Jhirley Forks five Hi etl. Kxcelelor lland Bakes. forks, Scytltes, dtistbs, &c. Also, good srtirtent e V WAGONS," All mt wkka wlH awM efceaf. Call and fret prices and see goods liefore -ytitt ovryir yon arista) toiet frood machines and low . " Fn Afi It .VCO DO- ' 'Warerhoiaw wwiiet Second and Kllsworth sts riereas terry, Aiuauy, uregon. jn PlCtl m4k PI dare trawss. B. PURDOM Wowkl atiniJ iw.e tothecltlsensof Albany etwt vielnfry.t hat he is prepared 10 furnish all Simla of FtCTi'leiC FBAMEStorer,aawwtwle. Pka Rves- f rasuad, and old f ratna ranalrsA '"-' MBMixnon oa First street, ww done west of HrONdaitrttV, aad leave f"Wr ontw f4-I Hew smd BeaaiMM FarAltanre (oaaooa isAbsc) and tbe :' 23 e 1 d i n j? Brooa t altlnaoodstrpplya W. P. BoMins shnpan rVrst street east of MssmoTai Kliia. Cad M examine goods and prwea. Damnge to property by the- ree&ni innudatkm in tlJ dtle of Totftotu sad Ager, France, alone exceed $24,000,000 A young colt, with hofn in tbe ceuter of its foreiieadi is exdting tbd Laramites jiist notr. The cars oftl.e Atcliison Topeta and Santa Fe railroad will run into West AnimfiS oy tlie 15th of Jii'y Sotne of tlie horses fertely stofeh from sctt'ers iii the sweetwsier conntry have been traced to Red Citttft Agency. . m mi Hie recent storm in Iowli d&tfoftid $150,0000 worth ot property, princi. ally bridges. li. L. ftko of Washington Territory has invented a hay press which is claim ed can get moru grass in a 'small spao then any other. Tlie St. Paul & Faeilic liflilruaJ has just iaid $40,000 judgment and cost, in the strit of Gt U Warren, for proper ty taken by the road for its use --r Tt,m , ., , 1 A rotal edict has been pubiuified fn irnin, eonfiscatiiis all Dronertv beumrr. inc to Car'ists. and exDellin? tmm ths conntry all families which have any t its members in the rlist service. Cliarles Ileitler, ot Del Norf, left his wagou in the road and wandered off, and wlien found, five days after. wards, was iuseiisible. He lias since diral. w John liognn, colored, wis hung at Ltttle Itock, June 29th, for attempting to get into bed with two white girto with the intention of rape. . Tlio Locder-Frice perjnry conspiracy case is exciting the New York public. It is thought Loeder wifi receive the . full penalty ot perjnffv . . . -r -f i . r A few days ago such a swartfr ot grasshoppers were seen at Fort Laramie as never before, rbere were so manv. and thqp &v in such a thick swarm that the people thought it was a black thunder-clond.- . - .'..' Henry Gsrhanatiy formerly a lawyer at Central, now an Editor at Evanston, Wyoming, has just been mulct before a justice for thrashing a fellow whoevtted! in to see "the man who wrote that article." Score one for the press. A San Antonio (Texas) special sayt no apprehensions are entertained of se rious difficulties ou the llio Grande at present.. Cortina is eluding the MexU can authorities, who intend to arrest him.' Anotlicr vessel ot War is to be ordered to the Kio Grande to preserve order. 5 " A telegram from Little Kock, Arkn dated June 28 tb says: Six persons, all 'colored, while rowing in a skiff on HelPs lake,- near here last . evening, were drowned by the capsizing of the boat. There was one man and five women in the party.- ' -... ' Tlie Iowa State Temperance Cbn TcntloH at ttes Moines, Jane SOtb, nominated Kirk wood for governor. Judge Adams for rirprutne court, and Col. Abernatby for State snperintea dent. - . . At Ottumwa, Iowa, June 29th, on of the Smith boys, a noted desperado, while being taken to jail, shot and kill, ed the deputy city marshal, W. Logan. The next day 500 citizens took him from the hands of the officers, and fa broad daylight hung him to a lamps post, fn the pfeseBetr of a thousand spectators Tiie reason attributed by workiW men are at times ridiculous. At- a col liery near Sheffield, belonging to Earl Fitzwilliam, safety lamps were introdoe ed in place of naked lights, and 50J men struck work in eoeasqaeaceof that. .rjtri rnzwiiiiamy witnoot any more ado, closed the collieries, and now Aha . men are wondering what they bare been abost, . -: YeV said thedrtrerof tlie" car to the man who stood on tlie steps, "she's -a mighty nice mare for ear work least, ways to look at. Kick? Well, yoa bet. Since Fte had her jslie's removed the insides from two hetsea hitehed in with her; site's caved in he stalls times enough to make one carpenter rich, and livened ap more than oue passenger; 'member one case in particn fain : Nice old gent with youngsters, coin' out for. a Sanday picnic; bed a basket of luneli covered with a table, cloth. Jes as he was s gittin off the mare worked roaiai when I want . - , , r.,.i..J .1... 1 1 . WVUH , SIM MIS wmw mMMnrw. a Matter with both feet I don't rightly knowliut she got in all four anyways there: was Inneh tor everybody within ten rods, whether he wanted it or not the paper boys mostly did. Think tbe nhi Mian isrwl lha hat s?Vn ai nwt Tkm and the eork 'of one bottle Sieh s nice lookin' beast as she is too. Why" tliat mare liaa been brought out of tba stable not less than three times caoa lie was sech a geuCle lookiu lady, horse. Well, it's good for tbe doctors. im wsKuiuuBKeni, mnyaow, AIWaTC stoves up tlte family, sad gets back m the team in less'n a week. - Never ws broke she wasn't; and sever will be tlU shw falls off a house," :