The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, June 18, 1875, Image 1

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Volume vii.
Wholesale and Retail Dealer in
, Tint street Albnayv, OHgiini'
Terms : - Cash.
. Here's the Place !
S. U- Clauglifon
Um received and is offering for sale a well selec
ted stock of , .
Which lie is determined to sell
. ' for .
Ca s i, or Merdiantatls Prodnce !
Please give me a caH, and examine ' , ,
Goods and Prices
Ectxinon, Or.
. tlSv7
0. P. S. PLMMES, -(iM.,
A full stock of Tmshcs and Snrjricul appliances.
Beneaibcf PLl'JI HejI. .
. ll28
IValen in--1
MMok, Bwti IkiMl Miem, IlnU, Vrwr.
Mm, t'fUM-y 44004, Uomm, Mwum
Pistols, Satin, Kopr, Mirror,
tVallfmper, Wood ihI Wllhm
"" Trattkn anil VmIImvn, '
PoeJket Callery,
Sola very low either for cnsh.'or to prompt pav
W3 ...... . inp euMtotuent tin time. - iJ
From this date until farther notice, I will sell a
Stoves & Ranges !
APmny, Dec. 10, 1874-13
An. TJKLn PARKER, late of Oregon City,
be leave to inform the pnblic that they
lmve pnrcln wl the entire stack at drnjrs, med
icine ftc.. formerly ownedby R. C. Hill A Son.
and that they dwiii oontinuln the broineMS
-- "... i. M uirn? inuj imnww Keeping ui
, 2Ve Articles,
: ..Perfmneru.
tC.' oontinnaneepf
LtaSS rtiS6 ho " by fair
f!!rf!dS c"""' attention to the
:kw 7f. w ",rnl esteem of any
w fewndswhomaytovofM witii their or-
J f vL J'rPtnanl lam-
- a ,riVi,ur. 'syr.rittt.
two miles from Alhanv with w. E 3
for gprif m. PRICK lxiw ASD TkrmS
insr a kme near thU thrfinir city .PoJS
WaaMnirton Ad ahu Albany Or.
lmc, Sklnles, Platter Parla,
xd tor Sale kMK.K ttm nnimiMt r
PAii l jt SIOliRIS.
Th Hbet Caalt Prtea 1M for Wool.
- -, - , Man n Cvrta tjfX if
ir orders at their inthaoM
Homo Interests
r FRIDAY, .TU?fE H, 1S75.
Mr. John llindtnan, wife and two chil
dren, who arrived in this city fron the
great State of Iowa on "Wednesday, s
stopping for the present at Mr. McClnng's
place, about four miles out. Mr. llind
mmrs brother resides at Camp Pol);.
Tire New Express. Our accommoda
ting and gentlemanly young friend, Virgil
Parker, lias bouslit Stimson'3 esoress and
job u.igou, and will take pleasure iu filling
tne orciers or our citizens, promptly, care
fully and expeditiously." We can conscieu-
timidly recommend him as a caieful, relia
ble ami prompt young man, and commend
liim to the patronage of our citizen. T
TiAMP9.-Speakfnie of lamps, tlse
est excuse" nsualljr attendant npon the
n.e of lamps U tne chlmuevsl Thev will
break in spite of all tlie care taken of tliem.
and of course create trouble and a constant
bill of expense. To avoid all this exoner
ation and expense the reader is advised to
go to A. Carothers & Co's, and purchase
one of their new stjie burners which re
quires no cliimney. Wc have one of tliem
in, use now. and it gives an excellent light,
is much less trouble to keep clean, and the
saving in chimneys will pay for the burner
in no time. Try one of those latum.
Tetdcg. 'Uneasy rests the licad that
wears a crown," seems to be iust as true
in the case of the avera ire office-holder
The Road Supervisor, for Instance, occu
pies an enviable position and excites the
jealousy of his neighbors. ; It seems to be
generally understood that the Road Super
visor U an overbearing, self-sufficient, ego
tistical tyrant, set ui for his fellow men to
lieave things at. Xo matter how good his
intentions, nor how high he stood in the
social scale, or how generally conceded
that he was a man of sound judgment fcr
he was invested with tlie awful iiisi-rni.i of
office, erfter lie assumed iU duties, all his
gool trnits are forgotten, and he becomes
at once, one of the "way-downestM 'men in
creation. .ThU is more esneoiaHs- tnw
with the average Road Supervisor. His
suggestions are looketl upon as eivinsr evi
dence of a vast amount ot clicek, and are
to be met by the tinuest resistance from
every man in tl district. It certainly is
an enviable position, that of Road Super
visor, and everybody wants some.
Fiiilayson, Esq- returned from a tripfto
Alsea river, this morning. Alsea river,
about twenty miles tnm this city, in Ben
toiucoiinty, is one of the Ibiest tront
streams In the valley. Mr. Finl.ivson in
forming ns that he caught four dozen in an
hour with ease. He also reports Ot-ex and
other game in abundance. Mr. F. went
over on Monday, and (luring the entire
time the rain poured a "continual eeaso ?
causing a damper to what otherwise would
nave proven a pleasant excursion. Mr.
F. describes tlie timber in the mountain
between Corvallis and AIea as the finest
on tlie coast. He found firs and cedars
that measured sixteen feet through. An
old settler told him that he had cedara on
his place, farther down the river, that
were twenty feet in diameter. Th
ber is very dense, and tlie clearing of a
small space would require an average lifetime.-
Mr. Flnlayson is an exDert an.rW.
and has, in his time, probably visited all
the noted trout streams and lakes in the
central valley, and he expresses it as his
opinion that tlie Alsea is far ahead of all
of them in the quality and numbers of
trout it contains. He doesn't advise thir
ties to go, however, nntil the storms are i
Dead. It fa again our mournful dutv to
announce the death of one of Albany's
youngest and most nromisimr datisrhfers.
Miss Eva Golta, who passed away at 10
o clock this morning. Miss Eva liad been
ill for many weeks, but ber Dbvsician.
friends and herself thought she liad Dassed
the crisis of tlie disease and would soon be
well again. Hemorrhage'of the bowels set
la. and a few short hours thereafter she
passed into eternity. Deceased was in her
latn year, ana is tne oldest child or w. ii.
and Sarah Goltra, of this city. The funeral
will take place on Sunday, the exact time
we have not learned. The family have the
fullest sympathy of the entire community.
The Cohvaixis Exccbsiok. TheFan
m'e Patton. with a large number of Cor
vallis people, came down the river early
tnis morning, wito colors streaming and
band playing, landed a few moments, took
on ooara a large number from tins city,
and then steamed on down ? the river to a
point about two miles below the city, where
a landing was made and a nicnic dinner
thrown in sight. . About one o'clock the
boat returned, and for a few minutes
number of handsome Corvallis ladies
graced our city by their milinr
At cwoo ciock all were on board again
ai iue tannic left for Corvallis.
m v J
i WlJ tA CtV'i AW
OQilauisr the brldm c.,t. .i
Lebanon to AMessrs. A. S. Miller & Son:
work will be commn(Wi - : ,l.
lumber can, be obtainwi ?.t-
ent &qorom baTO tbe- contract for fnm-
"""K inm&er, something oyer 206.00Q
feet- ' . '
haa received the first irivnW
itexprepslyfor this market-the Orel
wiey are as, handsome
h Vr tLJZl iwre area num.
Kt & whh6!?1341 ?naces
fi i ''fr. wb-;n will commend them to
lPib lc'- jf see them, and ZbuZ
the taka a ktok Btftlmf intent rimm..
A dairy mail between this city and Leba
non Is what's demanded.: ' i
Advertisements in the Daily Registeb
takeh at low rates. ;
f If yon want an elegant dock or afah-
go to Titus Brvs. . As to jewelry they have
y quauuiyiptt oi tne latest styles. ,
; Billy Millei returned to fni hr.m
city after an libsence of- several monrt.
'fatlis a buckl" . 1 : i . .
John WUliabs, of Ck)rvallls.droDried'i'n
a moment to-uay, butt ivas gene again be
fore we had thjne to s'vear hlin in.
'Father Scliwatka. of Salmj
just after dinuer. He never wlu erow anv
older. ' s
N". WriglifcClty Treasurer, who has hn
ill for" several weeks, is thousriit to tm imi
proving.,. -
4-Tedi, Parker; Chris. Raisioh, Duncan
Monteith And Oscar Lincoln are expected
oach. irom an rancisco soon.
things in the world" are happening every
uay, anu nignt, too, for that matter. We
have before 'mentioned the iact. as nnr
readers are aware, that an order of mam
mals bavins two large incisor teeth in enei.
jaw, separated from the molar teeth by an
empty space, often called rodeuts, but
known under the more generally accepted
name of rats, are becoming more numerous
tlwn pleasant throughout the city ; and, We
hear that even in the country j surrounding
us they are becoming thick and bold. And
they grow, like everything else in Oregon,
o mi enormous size, in regard to their
boldness, we have heard of several in
stances in which thev h.iv nnrhsJv at
tacked and bitten grown people, in some
cases inllicting serious wounds. Here's a
casein point, reported to u4 yesterday :
At a furm-hotie not a great (many miles
from this city, a young lady while lying
asleep in her bed, during tlie night of
Thursday last, was attacked and severely
bitten through ithe ear several times by a
monster rat. The suddenness of the at
tack, the young lady being (wrapped in
profoundest slumber at tbe time, rendered
her incapable of speech or movement lor
the moment; but upon the repeated attacks
of the vicious animal an involuntary cry of
pain escaped from lier lips, eatising his rat
ship to cease his attacks for the moment
and awakening some of the family sleep
ing in an adjoining room, who immedi
ately appeared upon the scene, and drove j
tlie rat away. Tlie lady's ear was pretty
badly mutilated, and it wBl be some days
e're she.will be able to 'see company." -
Commexdam.fJ Out on Mr. Penning
ton's place, about nine miles from the city,
three families have located all new com
ers. Ever since their arrival the major
portion of the members composing" the
three aforesaid families. psii.iiiw ti.o
adult, lwve been prostrated by illness. The
neighbors finding out tlie situation of af
fairs, and that, owing to continued illness,
there seemed to be no prospect of their be
ing able to get in a crop, turned out with
their own teams and put in the crop for
them. Xo less tlian fifteen teams, owned
by farmers of the iieighborhood, were en
gaged at one time iu turning up the sod
and putting iu the grain for the afflicted
families. That's the way the Linticouuty
people treat new comers in distress, and
this is why we are proud of Linn county
and her people.
Baltimore & Dowel!, bnilders. are erect.
- i - 1 - - - - " r HIV
ing a splendid barn for L. C. Bmkhart,
one mile east of the city limits. The barn j
Is 30x60 feet, with a two feet brick founda
tion wall, and is 37i feet from comb of roof
to ground. The lumber will be dressed.
and the barn painted with Averill's Chemi
cal Paint. A shedd of 20 feet will also be
erected on the south side. When completed
It will be one of tlie ; handsomest barns iu
the county. J ; ;
Base Baix. In the game between th
Hoinoleties, of Corvallis, and the College
juniors, or baiem, played In this city this
aueruoon, the first named made 43 runs to
the Wtter's 20 thus winning bv 20 mn
It was not only a warm day but a warmly
contested game. Geo. Belt of Sal
oiucu a yiupire. a uig crowd of suecta
ters witnessed the game.
The father of W. B. Henderson. nmA
arrived in thU city on Wednesday, from
Ohio, on a visit. Mr, H. had not seen his
boy for thirteen years, and the meeting was
an agreeaDie surprise to both.
Dr. Alexander purchased an Want
. . ... . . a
nacK tne otner aay, Duut by Mr. Safford,
or this city, which he will use in hacking
about In the mountains during the sum
mer, for health and pleasure.
The Juniors, or thU city, ia a match
game of base ball, beat tbe Redhots, of
Corvallis, in good style this morning.
The crocus pdt its head out from under
the snow and said to its companion, " yon
mac everyining u you say wis is spring
A casket, to contain the last remains of
Miss Eva Goltra came up on last evening's
train from Portland.
"Ma. when is a griddle cake inhabited?"
"Why. my dear, when thefe la a little In.
dianinlt." . "t '
Ferren nine and a half 'feet ligh at Al
"Orthogramraanla," Is What they' are
calling the rage for the spelling matches,'
' Messrs. Parker & Morris will soon issue
their quarterly circular, from this office. '!
W. W. Parrlsh and family returned
from the mountains yesterday 1 ; . , '
Dave Froma'ng brick la aotng fight tip.
Clark is a rusher. '
Mrs, Graf la very ill with pnetitaonia.
iirHwa-Ar- .
"HlflVnA V TTTVrw
tonotlce the Conrt . lion, ZZ
take part in a.riVd ..
toBHimw..i.ii.VL. . :
., x um vHigreganonai church. "--kju, to enaoie mem to store tne grain I . , ' , , - I ""'"' rewmwoia were auoptea ex
Opened the ollowed by ; Revs. red.. Last year the Company rted LTafeSS n K 70,000, presslVf of ihelr lore and esteem for a de-
arMna Souuierri Methodist, S. G.
Irvine, United , PnsW&W ,i t..i.i.
Wilson, Methodist, by slwrt; stirring ad-
dresses, urging upon cLftstalns orthfa city
the necessity of a united effort dt. ,
sva .uaidii
or grace for a grand revival tt reliHon
among us. Rew Miv Hanunond,: the
eyangellsfe' DOW labor lntr at Tn?lo'r.A
- - c viiMciiiji ua,
-..v., Mttuy-promisea,
..waa tMiy-acrr: If
people genejam desire it, nil lend ife afa
in building up the church of Christ. It
was thought Mr., Hammond Vould not
wr ITICir this lt A -J :A -
able to come to this city for- three weeks;
A similar meeting" was announced for next
&nndny evening at the same place. The
audience seemed to be in tali sympathy
with tlie speakers. It was a pheasant nd
profitable occasion, we think, to all! In
attendance. " .
TitouiiLKSOME. A lot of SI washes,
camped in the Western Suburbs of r.h pt v
are making themselves rather free with
the property of citizens thereabouts. They
knock Off the pickets and turn their mitrfna
into me neids and gardens, and when t?e-
n , .iv. nucu us-
tected and their little game stopped,1 tbey
have slipiied Into the fields and with thir
knives cut down the green tlmothv W(
it about time these
I heir reservations?
redskins- were sent to
We can spare' them,
certainly. -
The funeral sermon of the late Miss Tlva
Goltra was preachvd in the Baptist church
on Minuay morning, by Rev. Dr. Hill.
llie lionse was crowdwl by the relatives
and friends ot the dfieeased. who 'Hat.!
to one of the most effective sermons vr
delivered by Dr. Hill from tlie Baptist pul
pit. - eany nil present- at the chntvh
followed the body to the , cemetery, where
it was deposited in the earth with proper
Capt. L. S. Scoti, of tlie Salem States
man, Chairman ot tlie Rentiblhnn State
Central Committee, lias called the Com-
miltee togetlier at Portland. July ' t
whldi time it will be decided Wlien ami
where the State Convention shall ' meet for
the nomination ot a candidate for Con
gress. " ' ;
Base Bale. A very" interesting game
was played Saturday afternoon -between a
picked, nine of Salem and Albany, and the
Willantettes of this city. Tlie picked nine
made thirty runs ; tlie WHIamettes maue
25 runs.
RETriKKu. Dr. Golden and family,
who have been absent a year or two in tlie
Mtates, returned to this city a day or two
since. Tlie Dr. re turns satisfied that tliere
is no better country than Oregon.
Young Morgan, of Cliewaucan, Lake
county, U la tlie city. He came down
last week, and is buying young cattle to
tike back with him. He says that Lake
is a grand country for stock, their market
being Reno, something - over 200 miles
from the Cbewancan country. Morgan is
as hearty as a buck. Evidently frontier
life agrees with him.
Goxe to Portland. Dave Froman,
Capt. X. B. Humphrey and George Hum
phrey, of this city: Robt. MufiawW.
E. Kibler and Tlii-lmr.! n,nrii - t"k
anon, took tlie morning train for Portland,
to be in attendance on the meeting of tJ
Masonic Grand Lodge. - -
Bishop Peck, of the M. E. Church,
writes to Rev, I. D. Driver that he will
preach at the campmeeting near Shedd on
Sunday the 27th. He Is one of the most
eloquent divines of the Church.
Judge Denny, wife and daughter came
up from Portland Saturday night, to at
tend the funeral sen-Ices of his niece, the
late Miss Eva Goltra, which transpired
Rain. We were vUIted by' a smart
rainfall Sunday night snfflctnnt
dust. To-dftV th wmH. Uam j
threatening rain. A "pecrt"rain wouldn't
hurt. ' " ' ". . .. (
Good Day's Wohk.S. E Young sold
two Pitts threshers " thfa moming-about
1,700 worth. Pretty fair day's work
these dull times.
Mr. Backutandhls Ron Vna o- tn-
Yaquina Bav in n .
KoKi.. ' " J BU' P"
wuuaj IWU UIUI1U13. I
Postofflces discontlnl - w..
Walla countv W nT . "
puiiiKu : joseDh A: Wrii.f on.
Marion county, Oregon.
TOOTHEESS,-Ye8tert1a- l,ll-
lull headway, the hi a- ntr.,i.- ,
K CO.'S SaW mill mot- nth i . .
in the log, and every tonth i.,.,i 1
HI?'! Ulh rigbt &sln UMlaJr' how-
ever, and is chawing up logs as usual.
Campmeeting near Monroe, in the Bel-
knap settlement, Benton .county, com men-
ces 4 hursday. Also. . th
. . . T Tm ; vWU4UW4U I
igeui unoer Uie auspices of the
Southern AT.H,ji I
pouinern .Methodist, will commence ou
Thursday. .J ; ......
Trie trrAt fooh,.- ' , ,m. S W I
. iiie great leature of 2111's Sneyelopedla
l ' " .. i
is tne condensed imlormatirtw Wri,-i is
. .11 AMn.l ... I .
into one work. Airhahc;wi i .sin.
uu y ,or reierfeuce, We lave bad one
in our ohice ror several;. - mnM
scarcely get along without it. , , ,
A Carofchera & Co. will receive their
new soda towntaia and fixtures in a faw
I - !
r AXEvrWAHEHOTatnornu
Alhan. ZzZZtZZLZZZZL 11'' .l 0,8
ctohi. ocaauu,
. I ik rt4 i .u- it..,
M-j . ., ... . .
brick packing hoifee, on the bank
th'ii WdhmpMi. nwc rf riui
i t ' i'vu. aj.ho naio
basfe. alfi&ough storelDg 140,000
i-hwmtjsnmvei'fyi room,
Th'fe' nresent t wareroom i will tmte w
1 lOOJOOO bushels with the nmoim nf
j nev building, capable of holding 150,000
I bnshels. t.h nomnanv nrttl Iv.
L " i ... .-w wvabwr urc- r
uie cnsiomeis
thiJ M It . . A I . . . t .
"." wiey wiu nave a. storage
7 m00 bushs. " new
Rehouse wiU be 50x90 feet; 40 feet bigh,
wttb'ten bins,- substantUlly bJitilS
tbe ,atest and D58 machinery for the con-
vcn,en nd handling' of grain In-
troduced.' Work - on the new warehouse
will be cotameneed at once, and hurried to
completion. - It will require over 200,000
' feet of Wmbei' in Its erection, and , will
keep several mechanics busy to have it in
readiness by harvest. The Company will
most ltkely commence the erection of a
mm the coming fall, In time to have it
ready for next year's crop.
RobekY. On -Tuesday night of last
week the residence of Mr. Wlrtz, a, short
. v. mi. uu, Buuri,
I distance from Tangent, was entered dur -
ing the absence of the family, and mhld
of clothing, etc.. amonntw l ifftrn"u,e Uchoco country." John saw
of clothing, etc- amounting in value to
over one hundred dollars. Two suits of
clothes' Were taken, several dresses or dress
pateans, one-of them worth f40 or $50, a
hat, and other articles. Susnicion nnintml
to certain parties, and the ofBceri who has
been working up the ; case, expected to
"cramp" on the guilty party or parties
yesterfay. On the same niht si pair of
boots were stollen from tbe residence of
iroiiiuie resiuence ori
Mr. Settlemier. who lives in the same
; neighborhood. We hone the guilty nartv
may be asrested. '
Siax rr. Tlie following petition, al
ready signed by a large number of ladles
I and gentlemen in this city, can be seen at
the Express or nostorH!e : "TLimMMrlinn ,i , . .. . .
grace in the building up of Christain peo-
l"c ,ltlu",e3a pniuai , activities, as
well as tlie conversion of the IroDenitent
e nose names are appended Invite Rev.
E. P. Hammond to visit Albany as soon
as convenient, promising our prayers and
co-operation to mate ins coming a blessing
to oar city." Every Christian in the city
is asked to sign the petition.
F00TKACE, Tlie boys liad some fun
Saturday last. A runner came down from
Corvallis, trimmed tip ready for biz., with
weights on his legs, and proposed to get
away with anything around here a dis-
- - -
rtZ T 'mS WM
Just what Billy Boou (colored , was look-1
Just what Billy Boou (colored), was look
ing for, and a race was soon on. Boon
was the winner, beating the Corvallis man
badly. Boon offers to wager that he can
run a quarter of a mile in one minute.
The dedication of a Catholic church at
Gervais on Sunday last, called together the
largest crowd ever witnessed at one time
011 French Prairie. The special train from
this, city and Salem carried about two hun
dred people. Xearly everybody took lunch
baskets, and after the morning service pro
ceeded to "fill up" and "decorate" the In
tier man. Ice 'cream and soda were on
sale, but not a saloon nor a drunken man,
we are told, disgraced tbe occasion.
Xo country under the sun is so favored
as Is Oregon. Our people had hardly time
to commence grumbling and predicting a
total failure of late sown grain because .of
lacK or ram, before copious showers fell.
Insuring full crops. r We are generally
- vgy-.www vuwrgf0 JtAAa
fayored with just the kind of weather
needed to insure good and sufficient crops. I
r j.x,.- .
, , . . . . "
elsewhere. We ought to be a happy, con-
tented and thankful people.
The two suspicious characters who left
... , , , .
this city Sunday morning, have been ar-
res tea in aiem. one or them is an ex
convict. ., One of them was "seen getting
out of a window of a residence ' on First
ouccb onuiruajr uigu x wo wacaies anu I
some other property, missed from tlie Ex-1
. ... . . I
street Saturday nignt, Two watches and
cnange iiocei Saturday night, it is now
supposed, was taken by these two thieves.
Messrs. Price and Patterson, assisted by
Mr. Keiley, are finishing the new wing er
addition to Allen Parker's -residence in
first rata atvlo. Th ,1,HrJon la
"T. maln 14 neat
"a nanaJ' aenoe wnen compiewa,
Camejieettno. The Christaln Churches
of Linn County wilt hold a campmeeting
on the Santiam, nine miles east of tbia
city, half a mile south of the old Maxwell
ford, commenctngr on Friday, i July 2d,
1875. The grounds are first rate, plenty of
Lvl tw, nm-rtmlt-v
All are invited to attend- ,
At two o'clock Sunday afternoon, in'the
Court House, Rev. Mr. Stratton delivered
most eloquent address the funeral ser-
mon of the late Mrs. R. K. Warren.'; The
&w .a. ww? - '
a marked affect.
cbemleal nalnt seems to be sntieraeding
f1" 8f. "
wi vurur uuua iictcmivum huks uiu i
. . . - . r " .
tlties is being used, as a-most everybody
. -I
IfararfWn-ll nn ihtl, Mtliiuuiu A .! I
up their residences. '-- A,
.. -
keep it, any color you
can mention.
Plans and speclfieations for the new
Episeo church can be seen at W. n.
DodJ &. Co.'s, REGKTts Building.'
T?iT JTiiXal:.
MissLofiige Irving, the celebrated skiger,-
e feer way seatbr
u seen Dy tne oldest- tafeibltant. v t
.T .
I ,obx? yton baa bnrned another kUn
I Brick, containing 140.000. and wtii h
of 4 T - ' 1 - ' . .
XArgeamoitots of lumber received al-
i .....
most daily from Jim Comstok's and Its
good lumber, too. ' "
A number of oar yonng folks (Pioneers)1
rent down to Salem this morhfag id' be tit
I went
Koneers wakej,
1 i' r a
Banta. of Reno: iTevadii: wmr
A . .-
i w nwxae waettsooua j John Wortli.-
I m - 1 - S - . a
wno Mutea fitfthegon WlM:-'
Vjfei hizt rKtw w
ZZ, J'3 i
2L1 " !
" ' " - ' ' '
thmeoml " OT
; nnmmwm nwaaQA - -
nbscrlptlons increasing.
So failure in the cherry crop.
Strawberries onlv snn rraiiAh ;
Hank Hendenball Is in the dry.
JCakhied. Tuesday, June 15th, at the
resKienoe or Ur.G. W. Gray, in this city,
by Ekler C. U.Mattoon, Mr. Wm. Taylor,
of Jackson county, and Miss Eliza Brown,
"fcrcrtoESDAY, JUXE 10, 1875.
i , rDi.- t t. . !
1 Kzi.y.Jol)n Davis and two or
fT ?tI, " long since, were out on a
something to the thick underbrush, tnd
without giving a thought aa to what it
might be, blazed away. Immediately an
enraged grizzly came out of the brush
and with opened jaws made for .fnhn.'
jThe first thought that struck John was
;umt ne'd llHe to be op high somewhere,
... .V J . ... . . .
! , TX i..' Wbere 000,(1 866
bruio feu"Ch roimd and tear things with-
t , . . . -
-"'a u w way anu scar-
ing the bear, so . John IncontinentaHy
shinned tip a tall tree, taking Ida gun
with him.. Bruin came thundering through
brash, alightiy wounded and i mad
bears usually get, making for John's tree,
John eetnr thai- Tr m4nW iw.. -1 .
anyway, made ns his mind to die game.
When the infuriated bear bad aonroaehed
I within a few f i th-1 t -
I -w-. w w w vf mr vuil U1CIT 0
bead on him and fired. It was a good
shot, the ball going directly through the '
grizzly's heart, and shutting off his wind
in good shape. And this is abonfraU of tiie
bear story that need be told.
Sweet Home Messrs. Clement & Cor
uni's saw-mill is located at Sweet Home
postofflce, a few miles this side of the j
valley by tlie above name, some twelve or
fifteen miles beyond Lebanon. Mr. Rilea,
tk!. I-Jl. 9 m.m . !
KMcvi uiu itjr, is neaa sawyer, mart.
pring''ni, we are informed, intends putt-
. i-l. t.. .1 ,
ing no a nlaner iu the mill, an that
lshed'f lumber can be supplied at tbe mill.
Mart, Is at present erecting a residence
near tbe mill, to which, when finished, be
will remove hfa family. Mrs. Rilea joined
her husband put there some days ago. We
are informed, that the country all along
the mountain wagon road, an! the little
valleys, are swarming with people-; that a
number have located1 and gone to work
making themselves homes'. Messrs. Clem-
ent & Coram are favored with the luest of
timber, and will be able to turn out superior
1 amber
Henry Myero the firm of Horn .
Myer Is lying very ill,- with little prospect
of recovery. In fact, his death nmy be
looked tor at any moment. Henry' has
never been'entlrely welf since he waif run
' over by the fisfp engine two years ago.' He
. k-."-, i.r:.ii. f
uaa UCCll H laiLUllll IIIKIlll ir II AIINTIT I
EWine Co. fta. l m im I
tton. and with the excenfibn of one vear.
lias been annrwlly elected Treasurer of tihe
Company.! Tlie boya are dblng what tliev I
vb au iuuo uia um uays aa pleasant ae
maybe.- . -TT-V"
A New JevTIxby StorCD. Stevens
17" penuanently located in Albany for
the pnrpose of earrying on the watchmak-
ing and jewelry buslneS. is now ready to
do au kinds or one watch and clock work.
Old. worn out watches rebuilt and made as
good as new, and- warren ted to give per
fect satisfaction or the money refunded.
tr I . .11 a. . m a - ' .
iuiuik 11111 1
D&Z watches
part new whei
xii&vin nui eei i rosenmery jot maKfng
it enables me to make Oft V I
part new when necessary.1 All kinds f
solid gold and silver Jewelry made to or
der. Cash paid for old gold and sliver,
and second-hand watches. Shop in Dr.
Plummer's drug store. ;
-:.-:.",' r D. STEVENS.
Lost. A couple or the boys, accom
panied by two handsome yonng ladies of
nf thia rftvi ratnminir from rh Tifiripr
j , . 0v ,
celebration las night, go oewliaerea oe-1
tween tbta city and balem, and didn't reach
the vof &H isThe
team. , , s ( s j
Bead This.-A1I persons in Ltnn county
surance Company oT Sacramento,t)allfor- j
nia -re htrebv notified thtttvhrni ntr. I
mAntahMnnwdnfL thA will flnrl Mnn.1 I
receipts of the Company at the bouse of
2a -.7. . . . . .
alt. e. loung, wuwb tney can mage
payment ana gee weir receipts
;t v .. i ' . lAAav,jAni
Dted. June 13th.1 in" this cltv. at th
j resinence of his soo-ln-law, A. Jl, Mar-
i snau, or consiunpuon, jn eison wngmv
aged 60. Last December deceased-' was
tZj A,Z rr was
,11 vui.., tt. ...: i
S kvuuiuuwi uuieiiOW-l
tt-i,.. .a
W,MMT... W un WGU l.ULL.U m 1 . . r B I.MM I
order of Good Temnlftra ever since: th
:. . - ' l -
Deing one or use cnarter member of Wes-
tern Star, Rnd was tborocgh
SaaTa worSnSof thS
gatlonal Church. He will be barfed to-
morrow afternooa, the GooiSTewbUn tak-
ing charge of his resu&iev (
Ata iolnt meetifth- t.
i: i .
the Baptist S. 8lnth dtv r Alhanv.
of held June irsft - ffws w aIw .
I M-va ..tti., .. , r .
pressiT3.oi tneir love and esteem for a de
, parted sister and Sunday ' School teacher j;
ll bis. Infinite Wisdom to iwmnm
I jteaiJjr Wored s&ter, HIm.Bto E. Goto
1116 heavens, therefore be it
..ISflSkS1',1? 1116 deat,h of
our sweet'
!OA AtlA
wiHjse uaiiy jue was
tbe reflection of tbe
1 P" "? O0. teachings of Christianity :
IDA MDIUth MhHl n. M lb . -1
ous (ind av mpmtr.
- 1 , J i..v.hvbu
V- Molted, rim we estemTto th bereaved
' te behind tomtom aba wasadear
mthTJ .d lovtoS
est heartfelt sympathy, in this sad bout of
their affliction. . - : ,
t Jtemimd. That a opy of these resolu-.
nuua w sransmuxeu to tne. sorrowinir
parents of onr deceased sister, and also to
the city papers, for publication, and to
the Cleric of the First Baptist Church tor"
record. . , , . f , R. C. HILL,
Moderator 1st Baptist Church.
s. CLAS.'
Aebakt, June 1, 187 .
Almighty God, having seen fit, in Ms
untiouotea wisdom, to remof our most
loving and (Unrlv twin c:3fHoth o-,i 1
c ' ww.ei uuiwa
I leaciier, jsiiss Kva Ij' Goltra. from tiw
active scenes ofi this present life to Tbright-'
w !om.e beyond the grave, therefore, be it.
U.ff if'? members .of Eya'a
sabbath School, class. connpMerl with thn
BapUst S.Sn in the city of Albany, do!
hereby express, so far as we are able, our
Intense grief and heart-rending disappoint
menS. occasioned by tbe great loss that we
have been called upon to endtne, by tbe
very unexpected departne btfi tenderly
loved, and most earnestly doed teacher
of Christ and Him crneiaed. - , ,
XeSOlved. itulmll K
J16w5 teacmngstMt we have so"
ten received, not Oiily from her lips, but
also from her brkrht nmni tn iii k-
walks ot life, ' ' " "
.. Mcolved, That whUe we would hot call
her back, yet. In this dark hour of bereave-"
m"KT?emit I)roPer ud right, in thtf
her dear little brother and sisters, and as
Well to another whow life 1. Ihm marls o '
J lonesome and sad. our h tort-felt, nmnnthr.
T! p'nhllshe.1 in'.
Z,ZZJ T 'tl inu J!s0 M
Fh. . MmuK CI - P
I vuuivu CVUJ
MAlfri' MOWTrtrimii
f Eva Bktnghak
-? Leua Abnoed, ::
Adellau Pabbisr,--'.,?'
Mat Pakhisiv'.. ;-
Eunice Cune.
roena pakkei'
Ada Rice,
Lai'ha Goetha.
Mr. A. X, Arnold, Clerk of this School1
District, has got pretty well throndi
ing the (2,000 tax voted for boikling the'
I scnooi-nouse. n ui nnish no this
and next week commence collect--
1 1..0
new scnooi-nouse. n ill finish im thia-
I . From the threats uttereSI ntoJeodi-ofnU
window this rooming a master 0? "talk""
wH1 naTe fo be cleared op soon 6$ there'll,
08 .cutting of throats and snooting , off of
beads, and cohseqirtHf! fibre ftibefils to .
augment the already. pWtS6rW poSk"lti of
tlie undertakers. , , - ;
. Tne Baptist 8. S. Convention win be
held in Portland on the 22d and 23d lnsta.'
AI1 delegates to the convention, giving-
two days notice to tbe pastor of the Bantist'
hurchy Portland, will be entertained free
I of expense bv the church there, from Tiwa'
iky evening tSll Thnfeday morning.
Kev. J Ai Siler into of Empire Cttv.-
Cob Bay, h lying vMry slclf af bis sister's.
Mrs" R. E. Bowell,' on Tirslf and Hill'
street; in this city. , ? . -
un of tETnoas
m ne..Alttny.;Pototnee, Jnne
If. IMiV FflTBAW tfMOl 1 1 1 v W IKK -v
Wo lhe on fhich they were adverttoar
jntS?VJ".W. ' MrVi?
5f?ert R Meyer, An4reSj
HT-'CKi' B"' wu.
Nkw rrmt.-Pam Miller has botsght the Wr-'
pn and Smithahop heretofore occupied by
Peters A Sneldol, together with tbe material',
nd unfinished work, and. 1 now prth:MrM to -
I firnlaH
I Carrlagea,
anrtainr in nu tnw, ,.l.ninir of
ir 1
Lnmber Wasrn HaeVa.
., ana
1 eeneriti mftitMim nelv ami 1
eral aiftitlilnii nely and wilii dia-'
I emViloy n hnt th best of nsocban-
ioa, and
yoiMo buy of me, in price, style and daVabtllt y .
of work. I tmm the ben of matet ml. ttkory
and oak, from tbe Eastern Btatea. Call and x-
nrairu, ft-tr vmimuIvm .11 f want. I. . ft t I
amirvo for Tounwlvea : all I want ia a fklr trt.l.
I bav hod everal yean of xvwrienee on tbia
eoaat. ana iritn tne KnawKxtfm tun fained, ant
curtain I can pieaaa you. I iriMniiuw to Mil lor
ith the
won rcn ww mm vui, I. tUj fit in iitta Cll-y. JK .
lanre tot ot Innibor wngont, aide and end anrtnir,
carriaifea and hacka on hand. IHttronln Jhorua
nianniaotory do not send yonr, money oil out.
of the country. Act the part of wlno roen, and
build up your own State, and you will prootwr
' :: , f . - - 4
cash aa low aa can be bought in thin city. A
xo oaj
To buy the beet brands of calicos 14
umt,.en. t i
rfothtn - . toot- t(Mi ghw .rrooartea ami'
crockery, at very low price, for cash or
country produce. Also, the highest mar-'
ket V- to paid for good Wooe.-
it's at 2T. Bacm's, next door to Cbeadlo'
r .
ox- ' - f tl i. .-. tf.
WOOX. WASTES-P. C. rr&rper A Co, will
pay the highest caKh price for all the wool they
can get, and would respectfully Inform every-!
body that they have a line stock of general
merchandise tor aale very' Krw tor cash, or to'
prompt payhag; customer on time. " 1 ' 5tf.
Mb. Jamxb, Uooaa wm ,oomnenee,'oa or ,
afcout the IWh Sy'f &.ay,'de!l'e;rie ftelt
MHk, Bttr, 5- an t vw.- to the etti-
bui, jsnwer.-args ana egAO!o,w-iiie cii--
" "r- buui raw,
dauv.anddoaaher.a.' .'aaax.
. . . . .i .u -
- y - -).'. -v--. i ,..-..... i-J . I ' I
- . - I ; " - . - .
Caxckb Cam bb Cltred " . ws rrnt
cure on Cancers and "old aoe'S."
alad new vegetatile remedies fur el C3 ot
the eyei wMcl Iavo cured a great -3
pelJy Ul.l. -C'f
Fourth street?,- opposite Ja,' L. ' ,lnV
15.7 Ji. G. & IJkt, JL' ' A V
" - : " i- ' ......