The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, June 11, 1875, Image 1

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NO. 39.
Wholesale and Retail Dealer in
nnrvrs A. SHOES.
Fin street, AlHuiyi Ortrm.
Terms: - .-- Cash.
Here's the Place !
; ... i J
XI. Clauglitoxi
Has received and is offering for i
ted stock of ,
ule a well Kleo
Which be is determined to sell
C a 1 , or MercliaiitaMe Proance !
Please give me a rail, and examine
Goods and PriceH.
Lebsnon. Or. I15vj
o. s. s. oo.
JL' t
ther notice, freight front
03S E
All dnrn freight. wUl be delivered at PORT
free of Drajragc and Wharfage,
At Reduced Rates.
Boat will have A LB AX F r COBFALUS or
IE", 1 '
a. y -
For further particulars, apply to
Albany, Nov. id, Ti-11 Agesit.
ITew Elevator !
J. of wheat and oats. We call the attention of
fanners io the fact tlial we have erected the n--nest
warehouse In the a large expense.
- in tmiikui in linn lie Ha" istactoril v an
iutwnsft onantity of grain. Our bowse has a
capacity for
2GO.G0O bushels of Wheat!
..i ia inrntnri on the marein of the
W Idamrtte River, and provided wit ha side track
from tne O. C. K. K-. so tliat shipments may
ba made daily by raii,and as often by water as
" boating facilities offer. We have two large uo
tira lanx. in addition to other fens, attached
tn th house, run by water power, and are
thas prepared to
O Xj 31! A, 3J"
ai -iiut Mxwirml. 'jtn take in and clean
lJOOO bushel, per day. Cleaned wheat is worth
aench more in all foreign markets than foul
wheat, and none should be shipped without
-leanlna. Onrcharges will he aveoontsa bushel
and four cents on omis. tt o
to fnrntsh those storing wheat with ra, free to
those whose wheat wa purchase, and at the
lowest cash price to those who sell their wheat
t rein onr house to other Ira vers. Persons stor
inar with na are at liberty ro smII to whom they
ieaie. Those who reside on the west side of
the river will have ferriage free. Will he in
he market as buyers, and expect tn be able to
fiay the highest possible price. Having . pre.
parea oarsuives to uo a large Business, we nope
nrsur snare oi uie puuiic patronage.
i7vJnly SI
Hath House & Barber Shop.
. fally thank the ettizensof Allnnv .i i
lnlty for the lllwral patronage ImwiowmI nu
Itlm Cnr the past seven .years, and hopes for the
fat arts a continuation of their fuvors. For the
araoromodstkn of transient, nnunmon
fmeads in the npper part of town, he has open.
n m imm ship nut ttoor to xavior Bros,
flakmn. where a good workman wiU always lie
Dec. 11.1874. JOE WEBBER.
' Otw Betters, Mvwer and Thrrshrra
Be paired and made almost as food as new
la now prepe red te do all kinds of
Tuntafi Sewftsg1 mmd Prsmlina,
' Also, any Ironwork and general Blackstnitb
Fencing PickuU will bf kept on hand at all
tloiea. vjng
0. P. S. PLOISIER, M. D.,
A full stock of Trusses and Surgical appliances.
ZiT Remember KH.WMEK.
Raising and Moving Buildings.
V announce to the citizens or Ainany ana
siirrotinilinir coantrv that, bavins ennnlted our
selves wit n I lie necessary macninery ir rais
ing and removing uniimngs. we arereauy at an
times to receive orders for such work, which
we will do In sliort order at lowest rates. We
guarantee entire satisfaction in nil work under
taken hy us.
Orders left at the IIegistek offloe promptly
attenteu to. Apply to.
Albany. Or., April 43. 1875. 32v7
Manufacturers of
Leave vonr orders at their shop in theold
Foster building, on First street, bekw A. Ca
rol hers jc to. , v
AH. BELL PARKER, late of Oregon City,
iMxr lmvM tr, tntVirin tlin nnlilir. tlwt 1 1 1 1 ' v
linve nurcluised the entire slock ot droits, med
icines. Ac. formerlvownedhv K. C Hill A toil.
and that they design continuing the business
at t he om stand, wiicretney purpose keeping in
tne turure a itui uioniueni ot
I'tUent Jlnh'giiins,
Toilet AiUclen,
and everything usually found in a llrst-class
drug sf ore.
While earnestly soliciting a continuance of
the liiieral patronage heretofore extended to the
old liouw, we hope at the same time, by liiir
and hheral cicaling,and careful attention to the
wants of merit the esteem of any
mew friends who may favor us with their or
ders. ; Particular attention will be given to the com-
uniting of physician spre.-cript ions and lam-
recipes, at an nonrs ot tne fmyor ntgni.
Successors to K. C. Hiu. fe Sou.
Albany, October 9. -l-n-ltf
From this date until further notice, I will sell a
choice snxenos or
Stoves & Hanges !
Allmriy, Dec 16, 1874-13
Dealers in
Clothing, Boots mid Nboea, Hala, roee-
rtrs, Fancy Uooda, Notions, Khotgnue
anil Pistols, Nulls, Rope, Mirrors,
Wallpaper, Wood' and Willow
Ware, Trunks and Valtwi,
foeket Cutlery, Ac., Ae.,
Sold very tow either for cash, or to prompt pny
n33 ing customers on time. v7
3?or Sale 2
lime, Shlngleti, Plaster Paris,
Iath, Hair, etc.,
and for sale tow, at the warehouse of
The H la-heat Cnsli Price Paid for Wool.
Albany, May 14, 75v7
New and Beaatlfnl Furniture !
ie Mrtxler Chair rawhide bottoms-
.-.... ... and the
Beldin ix B ,i o o m !
all In irnod aunnivat W. I). Beldtng's shonon
First street east of Magnolia Mills. Call and
examine goods and prices.
May v. v. jbiisuu.
Lebanon Mall and 'Stage Line,
i Q: W. (B. BOMCA, Prop'r.
MutF DAT8"Mon(lay
Wednesday and Frl-
j BEAPEBs ft nowtius,
U; UnlaC Hendere, (Wood's improved.) .
! CoqnllIrra IndfnnarM Wagon.
: . The Rnseel and Vibrator Threahers,
' . (best machines on the coast.
a, ta teaman Foreereed Drill.,
Htar Plows, and other machines. , ;
Call, sne, and get price and terms before buying
elsewhere, at my Blacksmith Shop, corner Sec-
013v5ntt , FANKB WOOD.
IMPOHTAirF; Endorsed by the Medica
profession. Dr. W. HALL'S BALSAM for the
lungs cures Coughs, Colds and Consumption,
and all diseases of the Throat and Chest. Ds.
tn one MINUTE. i7n48
x. two miles from AlUnny, with house, com
modious liarn.and small orchard of choice trees.
Also, tanning implements, and hav sufficient
for Soring use. PRICE LOW AND TERMS
EaSY. Crreat inducements to emigrants seek
Inar a home near this thri-tnir nltv. Possession
given iiu mediately. For particulars enquire of
WftShlUgton Aid sta., Albany Or.
Remaining in the Albanv Postofflce, June
10. 187s. Persons calling for" these letters must
give the date on which they were advertised:
Rally, Charley.
Miller. Mrs. W. H.
Bowman. Joel B.
. Miller, William
McKinnev, John F.
SlcUlltver. Patrick
McAUiff, P. H. (3)
Romane. Jerome
Tbarp, John
P. H. Raymond, P.. M.
C'ollon, Jesse,
uevsney, r .
Harris, J. B.
Harrington, John
Hare nr. w. n.
Campmeeting. The Brownsville and
Shedd Circuits propose to unite in holding
a campmeeting near Robert's bridge, Linn
county, commencing on Thursday the 24th
of June,1 Ministerial brethern and triends
generally are cordially invited to attend
and participate in the meeting. No hux-
tering will be allowed. X. CLARK.
Medical. The Llhn County Medical
Association met at Dr. Tate's office in this
city on Monday. ' A very Interesting paper
was read by Dr. J. L. Hill on 'indiges
tion or dyspepsia, "which led to a short
but animated discussion. ' Tills being the
last meeting for the year, an election for
officers was held, with the following re
sult : Dr. D. B. Rice. President ; Dr.
O. P. S. Phimmer, Vice' President : Dr,
J. L. mil, Secretary ; Drs. H. G. Bough-
ton, R. C. Hill and D. M. Jones. Cen
sors. The next meeting will be held at
the same place. July 1st. 1S75. Physicians
in good standing are invited to attend and
participate in the meeting. '
"Excursion Fkidat. TheCon-allis peo
ple have secured one of tlie oltl line's
steameisand intend to exenrsh on Fri
day. The excursion will an-lve early on
tlie morning of Friday at this city, wliere
all who wish can get on board, when the
host will proceed a few 'inilea down the
river, where a grand picnic will be liekl.
Our citizens are conlially invited to par
ticipate, bringing "loaded " baskets with
them. The Corvallis brass hand will be in
attendance, and a time of rejoieing may
be expected. i .
Died At tlie residence of V. R. Tem
ple, Sandridge, June 1st, 1875, Mrs. Ln
cinda M. Wilcox, aged 47. of consumption.
Deceased came to this comity about one
year ago, her name then being Mrs. Hol
mes a widow, trout Ottumwa, Iowa.
Shortly alter her arrival here she was unit
ed iu marriage 'to Mr. Wilcox. About
four months ago her mind became de
ranged, and in this condition she p.issed
away.. ' Peace to lier ashes. " '
A DicciDED Success. We speak now of
! the Good Templar icre. cream, and, straw
berry festival : last Saturday night, at
their hall on First street. The hall was
densely packed, too much so for absolute
! comfort, the net receipts being $34 50.
The lodge having purchased a handsome
regalia, probably the handsomest and most
costly of any in the State, took this mode
ot securing the coin to pay for it thus
uniting business with pleasure. It was a
pleasant occasion, enjoyed by all.
Great Sale of Farmino Implements.
W'e call special attention to the advertise
ment of Frank Woods in this issue. He
has a large number of wagons, threshing
machines, headers, combined reapers and
mowers, sulky hay rakes, liarley foi ks.
five tined, hand rakes, - forks, scythes.
snathes etc.. all of which are to be sold, to
clear out stock, at a great reduction. We
are assured by Frank that everything ad.
vertised will be sold low, lower than ever
before offered in this city, and it will there
fore be to the interest of all looking for agri
cultural implements and machines to call
at his shop, on corner of Ellsworth and
Second streets, and see goods arid find nut
the prices at which they are offered. Bus
iness is business, and you only consult yonr
own interest in purchasing where you can
get the best bargains.
Mr. A. 3f. Arnold, School Clerk for
this district, commencetl to-uay assessing
and collecting the tax voted tor the pur
chase of lots aud the erection of a school
building In the eastern portion of the city,
the old building being entirely too small to
accommodate the demands made upon it
Hie school Board have purchased a half
block on the corner of .Third and Madison
streets, and have contracted with Messrs.
Dowel 1 A Baltimore for the erection of a
handsome school building, tlie - whole to
cost probably $2,000. The building will be
23x44 feet, 16 feet , from floor to celling
foundation wail about 4 feet: from eaves
to comb ot roof. 11 feet; belfry, 7 'feet
spite, 10 feet, or a total of 48 feet from top
of spire to the ground, the whole to be
painted outside and upholstered inside In
a neat and comfortable manner. . '
Aletter from Dallas, Polk county, in
forms us of tlie arrival In that prosperous
town of five families by the name of Avery,
ail from Iowa. The writer of the letter
writes to inquire the whereabouts ot either
Allen or Thomas Averyi who arrived
Oregon upwards of twenty years ago,
Allen is said to De a violinist or no mean
repute. Any one knowing tlie wherea
bouts of either of the above named gentle
men will confer a lavor by writing
W. R. Patton who had hL left leg bro
ken between the knee and ankle, - some
three weeks since, we learn from Dr.
Rice, is getting along finely, and will be
able tu be about as usual in a few days.
Mr. Patton was - engaged In milking
young heifer when the accident- occurred
The animal was restive,' and in trying
break from tier fastenings, knocked l a
ton down and fell ou him, breaking his
Kicked by A Horse. Frank Savage, !
living near Shedd, was kicked In the right
side by one of hia team horses, on Wednes
day, the blow knocking him senseless for
some time. Dr. Rice, of this city, was
telegraphed for. - The Dr. hurried to the
residence of the patient, whom he found
suffering the most Intense pain, so much
so remained with him during the
night, administering needful remedies.
Dr. Rice thinks that one of the lower ribs
was broken by the force of tbe blow, and
tliat tbe patient will require close, attention
and good nursing to bring him through.
When the Dr. left yesterday morning, Mr.
Savage .was resting somewhat easier.
About Half-Fares. The Baptist Asso
ciation met at Turner's Station on Wednes
day and will hold till Monday. Tickets to
Turner and return at half the usual fare.
over - the - O. v. I. K., gooa- on any
train. Grand Lodge and Grand Chapter
A. F. and A. M., met fn Portland yester
day. 1 Tickets, good to tlie 19th, for the
round trip. $4. ' The Congregational Asso
ciation meets in Salem on Wednesday next.
Tickets, good to the 20th, for tbe round
trip, $1 60. To Portland and returu, the
Willamette Association aud Baptist Sunday
School, June 21st to 29th, f4 tickets good
for all trains. ..You pays your money and
you takes your choice.
Religious. The Evangelist, Rev. E.
P. Hammond, who has been recently
laboring with great success in San Fran
cisco and other cities ot the Pacific coast,
and who is now hi Portland, is ; expected
shortly in Albany. In anticipation of his
coming and his help in the work of the
ord. a union ' meeting of the different
churches will be held on next Sabbath
evening in thejCourt House, at 7:30 P. x.
Short addresses will be made by the differ
ent Tastors, Interpersed with singing and
To buy the best brands of calicos 12
yards for $1. Other dress and fancy goods.
clothing, boots and shoes, groceries and
crockery, at very low prices for cash or
cocntry produce. Also, the highest mar
ket price in cash paid for good Wool.
Xow. the reader would like to know where:
It's at X. Baum's, next door lo Cheadle
and Fox. tf.
WOOL M ASTED.-P. C. Harper A Co. will
psy the highest cash price for all the wool they
can get. and would respect fully inform every
body that they have a fine stock of general
merchandise for sale 'very low for cash, or to
prompt paying customers on time. 33tL
Mr. James Mooke Will commence, on or
about the 10th day of May, delivering fresh
Milk, Butter, Eggs and Vegetables" to tlie citi
zens of Albany. Now is the time to make your
arrangements as Mr. Moore will run a team
daily, and do as-he agrees, s- . nsstf.
Cancer Can be Cured. We warrant a
cure on Cancers and "old sores. Have
also new vegetable remedies for diseases of
the eye. which have cured a great many
cases considered hopelessly blind. Office
at the residence on corner of Calipooia and
Fourth streets, opposite Judge Baldwin's
35-7 R. G. & Mw. Preshaw.
On Wednesday, Hale Backensto, land
lord of the Exchange Hotel, had the mis
fortune to run the ' sharp end of .a small
file Into his right hand. ' making a serious
wound. While pressing with his whole
weight upon tlie file, the handle split or
came off, when tlie file proceeded to make
a liandle of his iuuid. v ' f
Conductor Stroud wishes us to say tliat
he will run an excursion train from this
city to Gervals and return on Sunday next.
leaving this city at 7 U' o'clock A. M.
Half-fare onlv will be cliargeil. 'lne oc
casion is the dedication of a church at Ger
vals on that day. , ' '
Continual calls are made upon us by
persons seeking employment. Any of our
people, needing help of any kind, will
confer a favor, not only npon ns, but upon
a large number of worthy emigrants, by
informing us of the'fnet that they wish to
employ bands, aud for what kind of labor.
Tangent Grange spreads a harvest feast
at their hall to-morrow, and all Grangers
are invited to attend.- -Tlie Tangent Gran
gers know how to get up a harvest feast
iu good shape, and all who attend will be
well repaid. .
At their last meeting the Pacific Hook
and Ladders elected Ike Conn, Foreman,
D. E, Taylor, First Assistant, and F. M
Wadsworth,; Second t Assistant Foreman.
The next meeting will be held on Mon
day evening. '..v-
. Geo. Roberts, proprietor of the Albany
Bag Factory, on Wednesday, while play
ing a game of base ball. In attempting to
catch a ball on the fly. " broke the little
finger of the right hand, between the first
joint and the cud of the finger. The nail
was ' torn completely tfroni the finger.
Ugh ! ' Dr. Plummer dressed the wound
A petition to the City Council to establish
a grade on First street was circulated tbe
first of the week, and obtained a good many
signatures. As tbe matter was not thor
oughly understood, however, a counter
petition, , protesting against establish! ng
said grade, ; was , circulated. : However,
neither petition was presented to the Coun
cil, we believe, and the matter is in abey
ance for the present.
On Wednesday, a number of the clergy
of this city met Rev. Mr. Hammond at
the depot, en rotete for Portland, and ob
tained his nrotnise that be would visit Al
bany before he left the State, and lend his
aid hi awakening sinners to repentance
Thi nntleA of his .min will be given
In the mean time do not forget Ihe-unlei
I meeting Sunday.
Mrs. R. K. Warren died on Thursday
morning, of consumption, aged 24 - She
had been sick but a few short weeks. She
was a loving wife, a kind mother" and a
devout Christain, and has gone to her
eternal reward. Deceased leaves a hus
band, one child, and a host ot friends to
mourn her early death. The funeral ser
vices will transpire at the residence of the
family at 10 o'clock A. M. tills (Friday)
morning, to which all are Invited. The
funeral sermon will be preached in the
Congregational church, at the usual morn
ing hour on Sunday.
The Greenhorn Mining Company have
found it necessary to build a reservoir,
their ditch not carrying enough water to
get away with tbe dirt as rapidly as de
sired. The building of the reservoir will
take about a week's time, when, no un-
forseen accident occurring, the business of
gold-washing will commence in earnest.
The people have, been so much imposed
upon by several worthless Sarsaparillas,
that we are glad to be able to recommend
a preparation which can be depended on
as containing the virtues of that Invaluable
medicine, and Is worthy of the. public con
fidence. Doct. Ayer's Sarsaparilla cures
when any tiling can cure the diseases that
require an alterative medicine.
Cass Humphrey and Billy Mansfield pro
pose Issuing a daily evening paper in this
city, commencing Monday evening, June
21 st, to be called the Daily Albanian. They
propose making it a lively sheet and hope
to receive the generous patronage of our
people. If the boys don't win It will not
be for lack of printistlcal skill, for they are
no slouches, and can rush up slather of
The largest strawberries we have seen
this season came from Mr. John Millard's.
They were whoppers. If we should say
that several ot them were six inches long
and conespondingly wide out, . no one
would believe us. east of the Rocky Moun-talnsi-uuless
they saw tlie point. We had
them sliced up and eat them raw !
Just iu the rear of Peterson's Butte, we
re told, wild strawberries cover tbe ground
like a carpet so thick are they, that it's
next to impossible to put your foot down
without crushing'ltlie delicious fruit. The
berries are said to be larger than ever be
fore seen lit Otegoti.
R. G. and Mrs. Preshaw can be found
at tlie residence on the corner of Fourth
and Calipooia streets, opposite Judge Bald
win's residence. They have been very sue-
rssfnl so far In the treatment of diseases of
the eye and cancer. : , 5 .:v;
Mr. W. H. Ross accidentally ran a
cbisel into hia arm. between tbe elbow and
wrist, at Carter & Co.'s planer, on Satur
day, making quite a gash. Dr. Bonghton
took two or three stitches in the wound to
close it up, before binding it up.
W. R. Dunbar, Esq.. has been unani
mously elected Grand Worthy Chief of tlie
Grand Lodge I.O.G.T. the first time in
the history of tbe order in this State where
a G.W.C. has been re-elected. Tlie reason
is, ne raaue tne most emcient o nicer tne or-
der ever had.
The Fannie Patton has been secured by
the (orvallis excurtionists, and will arrive
in this city about 9 o'clock to-day. Those
of our citizens who feel disposed to take
part in the excursh, should be on hand
with their lunch baskets.
Work on Froman'a brick block is rush
ing right along, a number of hands being
engaged yesterday and to-day. The first
story will soon be up at the present rate.
Linn Connty Council met on Tuesday,
calling a large number of Grangers to the
city. Our streets were quite lively through
the day. ' Kr y
To-day Ihe carpenters commenced erect
ing an addition to the residence of Allen
Parker, Esq., corner of First and Mont
The Southern Methodists will hold a
campmeeting. ' commencing 'Thursday,
Jjuie l?th, on the Calipooia river near
Dr. Gamble Is erecting a neat office and
drug store on his property at corner of
Baker and First Streets. It Will be one
story In bight, twenty-six feet deep
Farmers tejl us that early sown grain
looks splendid, and bids fair to yield an
abundant harvest. Late sown grain doesn't
look so well, and needs ram badly.
Sheep shearing has commenced.
Tlie first Daily Albany Register made
its appearance on Wednesday, and was
well received. It is an eveulng paper.,
Mr. Pierce's new wire ferry rope came
up on Wednesday evening's express train,
and tbe ferry will soon be in working trim
again. - - ,.'
Several new-comers now in this city,
are looking for farms that are for : rent ;
others are anxious for 1 employment as
assistants on farms. Any one wishing to
rent or to employ help will please leave
Information at this office.
Mr. John Briggs has onr thanks for a
late copy of the Newcastle (Eng.) CAronf-
cle. a perfect bedblanket of a paper. ,
r. Balterd, of Ibano wa. in the
yesterday, called to consult in tlie case of
Miss Eva Goltra.
No change In market quotations except
in the matter ot bacon, which is a half cent
, .
Large, luscious strawberries, at five bits
per gallon, is what is keeping ns op during
these heart-rending times.
Albany ; Collegiate Institute closes its
collegiate year to-day. . Vacation will last
t'il September 7th, we believe. '
r- . ta r . . r
nxwo. c . jucrwr is to giy a. puinu
concert at the Opera House Saturday even-
ing of next week. ,
Greenbacks have declined a half cent.
Slight rain fall Tuesday. ,-4
f County Court in session.
Monday was a warm day.
Cherries in market at 50c per gallon.
. Those red balloons capture tbe boys.
Miss Eva Goltra is still very 01, but her
friends still hope for her recovery. ? .
; Mrs. Warren is gradually sinking, but
while there is life there is hope, ;
On Tuesday- Messrs. P. C. Harper &
Co., received an invoice of new goods.
Gus.' Taylor and wife, of Rosebnrg, paid
our city a visit tbe first of the week. -
Mr. Rnberts is having the east side of
his lot on Baker street filled up.
The dance at Corvallis Monday night
took off several of our young bloods.'
Weather cool too much so for the rapid
growtn oi grain. . ,
' Buyers are offering 82c for wheat and 60c
for' oats-ii "; '- ---i :::
The Masonic Grand Lodge convenes la
Portland next Monday. ,
A clam opener is termed a "concbolo
Oh, my dear wife. ' as John Henry
said when be paid ber millinert bilL
Since the whisky troubles, the charges
against Grant of seizerirm are somewhat
to the point.
The Willamette Cbureh (U.. P.) Sunday
School will have a picnic on Muddy, Thurs
day, June 10th.
Perry Spinks always has good worxl for
sale. Orders left at Dodd's promptly
filled. .
Judge O. X. Denny, ot Portland, was
in the city Monday.' He was on his way
home from Rosebnrg. " ,
The flume along Lyon street fat rapidly
nearing completion. It will be entirely
covered. , j ; :
Messrs. Graf & Collar are in receipt of
some beautiful furniture at their place on
Flrstj street. Call and see.
; The Grangers of Syracuse are building a
warehouse capable of holding 60,000 bush
els of grain.
The harvest feast at Sandridge Grange
last Saturday, we learn, was ' a gay - and
festive occasion,, thoroughly enjoyed by
ail...' -
T. Adams, of Dalles, arrived in the city
Tuesday. ".; .
Mr. S. H. Dyer is canvassing for a new
pictorial family bible, tbe handsomest edi
tion we ever saw for the money. r. It is en
dorsed by all the clergy, nearly every min
ister in the city having subscribed for a
copy. Mr. Dyer is also canvassing for
Zell's popular Encyclopedia, a universal
dictionary of science, art, biography, Ian-
guage. botany, history, jurisprudence, geo-
gipby and thewbole' "circle of human
knowledge." It Is issued in 64 parts, cost
ing 50c each, which will not aggregate the
usual amounts paid for other encyclopedias
by one-fourth, besides providing the pur
chaser with the best dictionary and gazet
teer now before tbe public, as we may say,
gratuitously. We should like to impress
npon all our readers tbe value and reliabll-
ity and exceeding cheapness of Zell's En-
ciupeum, uu urge u-wn nu wiimcikj-
uu u.u .u
ces oi ousiness nu iiuines ui mi uttr peo
ple, who wish to keep pace with tlie world's
growth in knowledge.
Born. Tn this city, June 3d, to the
wife of H. Fliiidt, a daughter.
June Cth, to the wife ot Mr. Bingham.
7 miles west ot this city, a daughter.
; Thanks to Mr. Jas. K Ixon for the first
lot of new potatoes that have graced our
table this season. Jim's a brick. -
The Daily Register will be delivered,
daily except Sunday, to city subscribers at
tlie rate of 25c per week, payable weekly.
Quarterly, in advance, $2 50 ; half yearly,
in advance, $4 ; yearly, $7.
Nbw Firm. fain Miller has bought the Wag- I
on and Smithshop heretofore occupied by
Peters A KneiduU together with the material
.ml nuflnlshed work, and Is now nrenared to I
furnish anvthing in bis line, consisting of I
Carriagcsv Buggies, Lumber Wagons, Hacks,
Ae. . and general smithing neatly and with dis
patch. I employ none out tne nest ot meenan-1
les, and insure satisfaction. All work war 1
I yon to buy of me, in price, style and dnraUltty
(It l t.i. a . i . . n " " J ...
and oak,-from tlie Eastern States. Call and ex
amln for vonrselves : all I want is a fair trial.
I have bad several years of experience oft this
enaat. and with the knowledge thus sained, am
certain I can please you. I guarantee to sell for
cash as low R9 can oe bought in this city. A
large lot of lumber Wagons, aide and end spring
carriages and backs on band. Patronize "home
manufactory do not sena your money on oat
of tbe country. Act the part of wise men, and
ootid up your own state, ana you wui prosper
. . - ' " ' slapping his face aud accn'slna lt of II
Tiik Adventists Again DisappoikteI). iku jntercouree with his wife." T&te Curtis
The Adventlsts .of Chicago, after making uenred, and hot word ensued, isvhich re
their own interpretation of the Book oi tnlted in a challenge to fight a oovt and its
Daniel, fixed upon Monday last at mid- acceptance. That afternoon both men pro
night for tlie end ot all things here below, j ta a carriage to Marianuo, wHhout
and the coining of -the Son of Man. They witocases, aiid eti arriving -dismtesed the
fathered, to the number of nearly two carriage. Five shots were fired by each,
undred, in their accustomed place or wor- be,,,, jM at a distance ot twenty feet and
ship, where the day was spent inwaltlng firing as thev advaurd. At tiie fifth dis-
and suffering annoying visits from i im- charge Ciu-tis was seriously wotmded in
believers. At night they sought a secJixlea tbe bip maA feii to the growt aitlngfron
hall, where tbe ceremonies of feet-washln alKj of biootlT Upon recoverinK
and eating tbe paschal lamb were ooserveu. eonsciousiBesa he says lie saw Cortreala re-
Wltb tlie approach of ng : ' " load his revolver, place It at Ida temple and
thunderstorm, during wbkh the skies fire, killing himstif. Cortreaia's hotlyha
veum filled with m neeflliar VellOW llgllt, Kn..h u At.r t. , ... t.
giving temporary hopeand courage to the
Adventistson the appearance or iipi.j
I company knelt, awaiting the coming of j
midnicnc ana uieir inrnr oi wtwniim.
- . ,Vj,trl
Xht graa 1! The HgiTt of
niznt ,Ba"..vT. .rfir" k...k-,,i.I
...,.. r., ...!,.!. ,h hnoes at the self-
d?M M SA- SlWy atul d.y
tn learn that
.-. 4
tHO IVinEUOiw i nenw
couieth not with ooservanon.
The London 2W Paris correspoint
telegraphs, that there are rumors of a re-
( . . . . , . , t. .
i publican DIOVe at Ataunu, u vaiiwmiei; o
j recent military wauts, which prove that
thm im, .re unable to g:iln any advao-
I.tagcs over the Carlbsts.
On fhe Slfr Beach eommeneetT Che rfoa- "
fng address in fhe TDtoBeeerier ease, .
Jeff. Davfe will eeept the Prestney of
the Agricultural College at Ryan. Ohfcn
M. StAempff! has been efecteo President
of the KatlotwT CoOocfl of Switzerland,
We eongratnlate Sfaemp-ftf.";
The Black Hills1 stlH engage a large
amount of attention, especially froma resi
dents on the other sfde of the Rockies.
The 4 Legislature of Uew Hawtpshfrv
elected P. C. Cheney Governor, or the
ltth. f::.:
The International Typographies Asso
ciation meets at Phfiadelphi July 1st,
187(1. -jf ,; ---r;
- Rwmor has It that twenty armed Mexi
cans crossed into Texas.' ttght miles below
Brownsvflfei last Saturday night
' Aboui one hundred Stack Hills miners,
tamed back by the ministry, have retwrncd
to Sioux City in dfetresev , . -
Oa the 8th, fn Beef on. the Wenef s Jury
In tbe ease of Mabel Young, rendered m
verdict starting the evidence pointed direct
ly to Trios. W. Piper as her marderer.
The defanlting lawyer, Abraham Jack
son, was arraigned hi Boston oh the 8th,
acd bail fixed at $89,000, lie went to
jafl. : " -
: The Government geof osteal expedition)
reached the east fork of Beaver creek, in
the Black Hills eorni try, but so far have
found no gold. It would he a fiore joke,
after all tbe fuse made about tliat country.
If no gold, l paying quantities, eonld be.
Recent reports from Melbourne state that
the epidemic measles have got away with
5,000 natives ot the Fiji islands,'
There are now fn Milan, as it is said,
three hundred American girls stndylng
singing with a view to the operatic stage.
Since the robbing of the TJ. 8. Teasnry,
visitors will not he allowed to visit any
room where moiiey is kept, . , , il, ;
Carl Schura was feted at Berlin on the
8th Inst., by American residents, mem
ber? of the Diet and. professors in tbe Ber
lin University. ; j
Tbe Comanehes raider Qoahada, who sur
rendered on the 3d at Fort Sill; numbered
ISO warriors, 300 women and children, and
1,400 ponies. ..' V.
According to a telegram from Philadel
phia, June 8th, 13,000 persons left, there
Tuesday evening, by different routes, all
bound for tbe Black Hills. '
According to .the Piafndeoer the Coos
Bay Wagon Road has been aokl again,
this time for $100,000, to a California con-
, A fire at Victoria on the morning of the
7 tii, destroyed the Colonial hotel and other
buildings. Loss about $30,000, partly in
sitred. :rz- 't
Gottleib Behrena committed- suicide at
his lodgings in San Francisco Sunday night.
He had been out of employment for some
time on account of 111 health.
On account of doll tinvs the Atlantic
Cotton Hills, of Lawrence, Mass., will be
j g-not amt neX month, and remain closed
ontU oaptemb-r,- The mills employ 1,200
operatives. - '
Secretary Delano has notified the Indian
Bureau that a commission will be sent to
the Sioux nation to negotiate with them
for the relinquishment of .their hunting:
grounds hi Nebraska. .
Several large failures reported from New
York, among them the Metropolitan Collar
Company, Pettit & Maun, tn tbe iron
trade, and Strong aud Holland Bros., in
the wool trade. . . Y-J
The Secretary of the Interior , appointed
Governor Axtell, of Utah, to be Governor
of New Mexico, vice Geddlngs," deceased,
and Geo. W. Emory Governor of Utah
tt"oe Axtell. ' .l. '
The Mark Lane Express, in a review of
the breadstuff market, says in Great Britain
cooler weather and more rain is wanted.
On the continent frosts ami drouth have
earned a money advance in prices of from
one to three shillings. The London mar
ket is dnll as ever.
A ... w-
A telegram irom tiaraiia gtvea an w
count ofa doeJ which-took 'place on the
6th instant, between Dr. Algernon Sydney
Curtis, of Jew York, aud Hhlvador Cor
t reals, a tobacco merchant of Haraua and
New York. The eonibataBta had been lit- .
titnate friends for many years and lived to
gether in New York. -Cnrtis arrived liere
two weeks ago and was stoppiug at Cor
t renin's bouse. He states that yesterday
nmminff he warn awakened bv Cra-trealai
hiieved bte opponent dead, whe n he kll
An account of a brutal entr- mmo
lrwii unuiiiiurr, miuer tifll or June 7th I
Xrl imnUy 6thn,r OJeuton. a
Mksoti. a flaly
1. most respectably emuieebaJi .!
I YFy ctniueeieu atiu
i water. .- niuie nsnmiiiw Kim va
,i ;, . . . unn
ute negro who seized htr I v tl lirtatanl
dragged her to tlie bvhea. In, ... a leadtsd
f I
sbretK and her fitee ami r.el 1. 7?JJ1
l 1 l 1 - , va. . "
i uv uniitm. A ie negs was ei-f a?a t-
rnorningin a swamp amd c.v.iijssed t3a
V. "T i..'.'.? w .
,j .y. ....... vui. vai-nirs r S.'j rui thai
I train for Aiuwpolb.