1 VOLUME VII. ALBANY, OREGON, JUNE 4, 1875. NO- 38. ! ' . j- T- " " 1 1 ' B MiMWw.iiiiWPlBliiMiaCTHBMMMffHMfcMMJaMf n.... -wt r T ' ' BIT f BUSINESS CAIIDS. SAMUEL. E. YOUNG, Wholesale ana RetsU Dealer tn ., ,. - f."w m nnn & C.IOE, k:lzz::$, flows, CSC3 CHILLS, i cCH9AS8AST GEED COUEHS, ETC. Mawt, Albany, rcM. Terrtx r ; ' Cash. HZ. Glanclitozi tSM rsneived d Is offering far sale well seleo- CSaEHAL MEBCHMBISE ! Walokete determined to sell AT TEIS LOWEST PRICES! C a t , or HercUalils Prcte ! Ph give ae a call, and examine Goods and Prices. m. H. fLAl'GHTOM. Unme, Or. 15v7 o. s. s. oo. T7BOM ASD AFTER DATE, CNTIL FCB JL .ther notice, freight fronm . POQTJUA.I i ALBANY . WILT. BR .i:-V. OSE DOLLAR PER TON All down freirht. will be delivered at FORT- Cree of Dras-age mnd Wharfage, At Reduced Rates. TVmt UI L(C AtTXr Tor couv , TOKTI.AXU , For prtKTi!arK,rT(ty to BEACH A mXTHTH, , Xov. td, 1-I4 . Axeato. ATTENTION. PAHEES & SIOSSIS' if ott Elevator ! HOW UKABT HK THE RZCBTTIOS M. of ihmt and oats. We cull the attention of Xarmt-r to trie fuct that wi have erected tbe fi nest warvJionse in tbe8lte,ata tantc expense, sutd axv In position- to handle satisfitctorlly an lunnne iioamtlty of gnun. Our uoaae Uaa a capacity Cor Z2223 tefccis f Wheat! mt mw tiMi.id lii located on tlte nranrln of the WIHaiaette Uivcr.ud provided, witlta Hide track rrom tbe & C. K. K mo tltut nhiHnent may tie Um rtaMv hy mil, and a of len by water aa Doatiniriacuiiuesoizfr. nave iw jairvTT mo- lion mm, in aJtMe- to ot her EuM,attacaea T tit mmd, rraa vy -wmier power, ana a taa. aErepared as alltheaWt reSBlveu. Oan tnke in and dean . bnAela per day. Cleaned whtat In worik nwh atnen in mil forcifit aa&rketa ttann foul rtteat, and oa stmnld be .hipped vitlinnt elanninir, OnretaarKeantnavecentftaanshel mt riteai, miA four ccaMon wU. We hsvt e fMrninh thone MnrMir wheat with nn, free to ranee rams waueat we pnrenaMe, una at tne Dnweat mail prw to thena who sell their wheat a row tm.t hoaaa toother bnyers. Perwme etor fcntr wit k are at iiiierrv io wll to whom thev ' Tw. Those w!m rmide en the wKt side of ae nvcrwiHMrt rerrwuge trre. will ee in the tnnrtcet a. bayers. and expeet to he aMe to fv the hlifhe pntuuiHe price. Havina; pre- iwito vnrauvee nwi atnce inmnow, we nope PAOZaEZi etc Z30HIXIS. Ms7atr9i i . i Albany, Oregon. , ''SJIK CraSEBfTGJIICU WOtTMr HESPfcCT JL fnilv tiiHnk t!iti3eenaof Albany and vV einity frw tite iiiierwl patroanKe hctowml on t)int tor taw fM sren yearA, and hopes for the fnterea ontinnaton of rheUr Swore For the nKMimnuetkm ft tranaient easterners, and Srtmuti in w xtyifmt part of town, he iMsenen d neat h ,.ta bap next door to Taylor Bros. - eknn, wtwweainiod werkatan wUi aiwsysbe ta attendt ne to wait neon patrons. Uwj. It, U. JOE WEBSEH. dT "WJ1 vwwbJo terms A has beenrtrononneed the y tns not eemretent Jndires. ixw't bny ' nnnl yea naveaes and hnrd tltesa Wi Uual iasrranieata. t W1LSOK. . VSlSTOarrAST.vKndorsed'' fcy the. Hedkml IBroAsseion. Zs.Tx. HALLOS BALBAM foe the Bansrs enrea Congba, Cnids and Cmmimpthm, .'BS a 4 disaMos of Tbe Throat and Chest. Da 'ToysiajBr ToaniAtrsiE axoutxk cures 3 One KSSUTE. . 7n4a :.' e"1 IZ.X. FARM OFOVB HTJKPH APACHES J.Jt. iciiiee from Aioanv, tun honseoni i j' 5 i m rn , and t nai I orehArd of e inoioe trees. wint imp-fi!ients. and tey anffieient -iHr f.nri wise. . FiSIt'ij VttW ASD TERMS ')', !-?! indsenen tonut"ntse6c I ,r tk 5o-- nntr this thrt"titr s-'-iy. jTmnrwnion j:i;n uauf-ea lately, i'or nanii-iurtr enquire of ' - K. ft. MfeUtRILL, - JVajJUugton A 2d wis., AUsuy Or. BUSINESS (JARDS- St. Charles Hotel, sr Waslitav am Hirst Ma., ALBANY, OREGON, HjlULts & Morrison, PROPRIETORS. . " p.r - . " Honaa nowiy fnmished thronjrhont. The best tne market Affords always on the table. Coawai aa and frasm Use Hoaae. Exchange Hotel, Oorner First and Washington streets, AlAASTaV ORE G OX, J. EL Citlicnsto Froprieior. rwder. as nwuiaymont, this pomfer Hotel ta been refitted and lerurnfcthed, and now oners. the rrmTelinir public the best acom modatnmson the most reasonable terms. tsFroe eoacri to and from tle Hooae. --T Lebaaoa; Mall and Stage Line, F. B. DONAGA, Prop'r.Vl MAO, AV-Monday, Wednesday and Fri dHy. ' 7033 0. P. S. P1IM51ER, M. D. IntAXlB IS- I. . PKBFl'MERIfX. CIO A US. TOBACCO, BOOKS AND STATIONERY. A foil stock of Treses and Surgical appliance. CsfBenaesaoer PMUIXEH. m 7 Tn Ralsiatc and Bloving Building. TTTBTHE UNDERSIGNED BEG LEAVE TO tv announce to the citizens of Albany and snrroendtng coon try that, having supplied onr aelveswith the necesanry machinery for rais ing and remoying bnildings, we are ready at all times to receive orders for such work, which we will do in short order at lowest rates. We guarantee entire satisfaction in all work under taken by no. . Orders left at the Rbowtkb office promptly BANTY, ALLEN A CO, Albany, Or., AprU is. 1875. S2v7 BRTJXK & MAY. Manufacturers of BOOTS fe SHOES, ALBA3T, t t OREUOS. ORDER W)UUTKD, AND A LI. WORK gtntraateed. - J ..- - Leave OTutr onlera .fc irwiw t.n i. .v.- KTirer ''nlJ',lni " 'irst street, below A. Oa- vvs s 4Vj P. C. HARPER tc CO., . -Dtlers In dotntaa-, Boo to and Kboea, Hata, Chrweo mH7Nn, asuow, Nfaotc-nna mm Plstota, Nails, Bope, Xlrrors, Wallpaper, Wood nod Willow Wsure, TranJka sod Valines, Pocket Cutlerr. Art- Arm Sold very low either Tor cash, or to prompt nav- 1133 1V ...u n a 1 - " IT. w UIIKt v '-" card. ,' A R. TtlTT .1. a- Vllirill n . oesr leave to Inform llta, nnhlU. lh. have purchased the entire stock ot drugs, nied- wanes. formerly ownedbv R. C. Hill A Son. and .that they deslsrn continntng the business t. tIM nil, .tMnfl ).,. .1. ' . . . S. famT. A. i ""J inirpuw Keeping in Drugs, r Chemicals, Patent Ifadieines, Toilet Articles, Perfumer. and everything usually found In a first-class slPHT aUcs J - r"rj iinviuiupomiDpaeQ to me ' aassp, Miiu JHr;i.l1I HtltTnUOTJ TO 11 IO wan u of customerH, to merit the esteem of any - " v mm laTin u. wum lueir or- l'artfcnlar artenHon will be given to tbeeom pounding of physician's prescript ionn and liitn. uy recipes, at au noers of the davor nisrht. A. H. RVI I. Jr U'. BBIfs U Snocseiwors to R. C HUL A Bok Albany, October a, 74-nf GTOVEOl OTOVEGZ rrom this date until farther notice, I will sell a : ' ciEEOffCB SEaVBTTSOX r, . - Stoves . & ilaiiges ! i PUMPS, HOSE, ETC. W. H. McFAKLASD. Allmny, Dee. 10, 17HJ ICSX TO YCUH II1TESESTG ! AXP ' " SAVE TVX ONE Y I Otd Reaneav, wr aas! Threshers Repaired and' made almost as good as new fisv"r.iACsiirjE chop ' Umw prepared to do all kinds of Wsiaai TsrctsIsiik, Bawjag na Oresetnar. Also, any Ironwork and general Blseksmith. inar the trade mv dctnapd. BiacitsjuitD. mcws keu wiH V kept on hand at all AL80 Home Juterests, UHT OC W.rT-rT-ana I 8, 1875. Persons culling for those letters mixt . hm, wh. vu wumu iney were auvertiseU- itaxter.ldas Smith. Soffle R.TtAi una n.... t. Krvll., Emma Til ton. E. G. Kenaajl,j. H. A anghn.W C. C. Halsnne, Chas. Vinlng, O. T Msrton, David . Wisher, Chas. Uorria. A. S. Wrvui...u P. H, Bayxoko, P. Jkt HOTEIf ARRITAUi ' ST. GHAKI.K8. J M Chance, city J Evans, iSoleiu j W H Madigan, Spring J J Comatock. city Hill ; jiay 29 I A Bartsoh, Portland W O Thompson, Cnl K L Ferguson. P'tland W II west. Portland H D Randall A wife J A Ripperton. Ptbind 11 - Mrs Fisher A dau Cor- E L IHxon, CorvalllB vallls " C H McLain. Corvallis Mrs Bay. Corvallls f 8 A Logan, Corvallls J W L RuselL Peortv M Foster. Scio Ol Brattin. Shedd i C H Ritimoe.Xebanon S3 B levins. Tangent nwialtaAWawi, a J Blevws. Tangent w nangmey, i-angent L Huston. Tanoent' B l Arnold, CorvlH ''- Wafkin, Tangent, W r Hitchcock, s r Elliott, connty I ' . 1 ti Rinlth' Eane en , M Conlev. Portland -) W A Phllllns, P'tlnnd T K Bently, Portland A J Spencer, W Wj v n ueran, connty . J M Lynch, 8 F W W Taylor, Ptland A 8 Miller, Dayton fi R tiilmore. DaytOK W Creswell, Davton W Johnson, connty J Anderson, Yaqnina W King, Corvallis i ST Armstrong, Polk oo A Olmrdorfier, Poland H E Happeraett, Port- C B Williams, Iebanon . "nd May SI u - J Alexander, O CBR Mrs Baber, Harrlsburg D H Lorlnson, do J McBride, St Helens R U Williams, Plillo- O P Bolter. Montnth nnb - B Morris. Portland R R Winter. Pt:and J Babcock, Portland J W Bradley, Salem B Simmons. Corv'I's W R Moore. Junction T W Lengan A wife M Pastrfleld, Junction Eugene i A O Rtosterman, Ptd J ti Holbert. Ralem K 8 Strong. Hillsboro C Wilson Tangent JH Walker, OVnclty J M Davis, Portland H B MUlbargs, Fa Ir Alexander, city E Akin.N Y AN Combs. Halsey C Crandell, NY J Orchard, Salem T KkUTke. Minn J R Johnson, Tangent nay zi amy ou S A enreiii d o nuiiama, oo o a mine roniana 8 R Smith, conntv W S McDonald. Marion I. A Sumner, Ptiand B Harris. Salem - Jnne 1 TC H Hare, Matamoras W C Ward. Saleni J O IvUisr. do . W P Anderson, co May 28 L J Anderson, county C D Snwj-er, Portland E Beard ft wife Ind y naiiey, Wyoming J c Mills. R I B C Mills, Kanxaa G A Bali, Portland A Taylor, city M Madigan, Spring Hill i Mrs Mnlkey, Corvallis L P Chandler, Corv'l's Mrs Rockford, Salem P Clover, Harrlsburg G- Gerhart, Corvallis J C Worth, Peoria L Dielman. Salem J Teal. Portland D W Baldwin. Scio T J Holmnn, Scio J G Connell, Amity 5 J Brewer, Mo O B Allen. Mo S W Fetton, Ptland T Kay, Brownsville D P Johnson, Inde pendence J Bales, Corvallis 8 Wingerd. Corvallis R Casteel, Corvallis W R Cornelius, Cor A Rizeor, Corvallis -R D Kennedy, Lebn A W Kent. Pollc on A Oberdorfa, P'tland K J Hitman. Brown. W Van Busklrk. do M James, Ont Mrs James, Portland T McWebb, wife ft 4c J Lieruy. city Canada J AXXRICAS EXCHANGE. i , . May S6 J Roberts, Eugene: E Welter, Portland L Lnedln ft family K W Strong, 8 F Sweden W MrLaean. S F A J Spencer. WE W J M Goldson ft family M E Monteith, city MJs . r. ... K Bnnm, citv H Goldson, Srtw NT Miller, S F u r. jvwm, imi o-uhi a jiuier, w simxissinpt "P Wall, Ohio P Hmtth. Scio 1 M Jones, eltv Mav 9 Chas Ford. Snlem K 1 Crandall, r. nuns. M H Rose..MiHi4Stppi W Armstrong, " J H Wortham, Mins A Bunnell. J Johnson. Lebanon ' W Hawkins, " W Hutchinson, county J Rigs. . L Huston, county ; U A Reynolds, n xiionrKomery, city M wtTOviiie, imrpnen, citv J M Lynch. S F E E Cooper. Corvallis T Jones, county W Harris. Salem B Chilton, ft family Halsey t ' Bnlt,. W Brlstow, i" I Banra. city ! M n M;Co-, Tnngent H E Woolev. Tangent II C Brown. Dallas C Harrison, Kausns H ticntry, Portland J II Lnwton. Suleut e wonmsm, rtmn'l t ' smith. Wis s B L Hartlnian. connty A Cleaver. Leanon S S nigahiH. Polk co T E lloblnson. :orv'ls A W Thorough man, Corvnllts P Pnrdy, county J M Metxler, Jefferson Y Hoddleston, Iowa J Hutchinson, Hulsey J f'oleman. elty F Velarde, Corvallis O Nelson, 8 F B Worth, 8 F W P Klrby, Texas R Imm-au, 8 F H G Webb, 8 F A J Swift, ft family Mav 27 P G Eddy.fcalem Wm Puroines, ft flun Illinois D J McPerk. Cal Mrs Baler. Harrishunr Mar SO H R Parker, Browns- K Whltflcld. cltv ville S Brlggs. Portland F Peters, Portland A S Morris. N Y Mav 2S A Taylor, citv T Fro man. county O Valun a V ,v invlor, city F Peters, city E Tlnn. city 8 Montgomery, city J Claypool, connty A L Murphy. P'tland G Evans) city xr i-nrxiy, .county v nneo, aeuerson v It Is jnst possible that It may not be deemed ont ot plane at tbis time to suggest that, however much money may be wor shiped in this spliere," it certainly can- not be earned to either ot tbe other worlds which are generally acknowledged to ex ist. It is almost universally acknowledged by mankind that express fiicUlties for freight of this kind to either of these places are at least extremely limited. f Nrw Fikx. Sam Miller has bought the Wag. ana nHirrnsuop uereioiore occupied ly Peters ft SneideL toaether with the innterini nd nnnnished work, and Is now nxnawii w. fnmtoh anything in his line, eonsisting of vTinje. imimm,- j,uioer wagons. Hacks, etc., ura genonu .ion inn; neatly anil wit n Ol. patch. I employ none but t he best of mechan ics, and insure sattsfaetlon. All work wmk. ranted. I think I can make it an object for yon to boy of me, in price, style anil unmbilitv n Hfll t . l.K li.. n0 ...U.AL1 1. ..1 1 and oak, from the Eastern States. Call and ex amine for yourselves ; all I want Is a (nir trial. 1 have had several vears of exnerlenra on tlila coast, and with tbe knowledge thus gnined, am certain I can please you. I guarantee to sell for cash as low as can be bought. In this cltv. A large kit of lumber wagons, aide and end sitting carriages and hacks on band. Patronize home manufactory tlo not send your monev off ont of the count ry. Act the purt of wise men. and uuuu up your own Mate, ana you win pmspev WOOI. WARTEDrvP. C. Harper ft Co. will pay the highest cash price for all tbe wool tbey can get, and would respectfully Inform every body that tliey have a' fine stock of general mercliandiae for sate very low tor cash, or to prompt paying customers on time. astt Mb. Jaxks MooBK-rWllt commence, on or about tbe let u day of May, delivering fresh Milk. Butter, Eggs and Vegetables to the citt aens of Albany. Now Is tbe time to make your arrangements, as Mr., Moore will run a team dally, and do aa he agrees, j nsstf. Casckr Can be CtJRES. We warrant a rare on Cancers and "old sores." Have also new vegetable remedies for diseases of the eyi which have cured a great many coses considered hopelessly blind. Office at Geo. F. Settlemicr's, Second street, near Democrat office. Albany, Oregon. 35-7 B. G. & Mrs. Pbeshaw. Wool, Etc. Only 100,000 pounds good wool wanted, for which 1 intend to pay tbe highest market price in cash, j For' wool sacks and twine. Inquire a X. BjuhuW May U, 1875. - i , f. ur Alexander, connty W Hcllree. Victorta. WJ Johniwn CoVvTw J i Been, city i J Wassoa. Lh.iyk W ir l-v . . ORMEA9W XTESBi. :., Friekd Van Clkvk i t send yoa a few items ot news from Orleans. On Friday a very respectable audience assembled at the school-house, to witness the closing exercises of the school taught by Francis Martin. The programme con sisted of declamations, dialogues and read ings, after which the relative standing of the scholars was given, Nine of the pupils came off with tbe highest average, add re ceived the first prize. The distribution of tbe prizes caused considerable merriment. At early candlelighting of the same evening, the old and young of tbe neigh borhood gathered In, and had quite a ' spell," using the Pacific Coast Series. Hie grain prospect Is flattering in thfe section. A large acreage is in,, and If pri ces are good, this "neck o' woods" will feel well off financially. ORLEANS. Corner Stoni? Ceremonies. At 4tS0 P. M. of Monday last,; Bishop. Morris, assisted by Bert Jf H. Babcock. laid the corner-stone of the Episcopal church, on :iie corner of Ellsworth and Fifth streets. in tills ckr. Mr. Thomas Meateith, at the desire of the Bishop, made tbe deDosit of tlie box, containing tbe articles for keep ing, in tne corner-stone, said box contain ing tne following articles: Holy bible. book of common prayer, church almanac for the present year, copies of tbe Church, man, Begisteb, Democrat, list ot subscribers to the lot, small silver and conDer coins, business cards of persons dotne business In tliis city, one being tlie card of the maker ot the box ; an account of the doings of the Episcopal Convocation of 1875, and tbe constitution and by-laws of Albanv Engine Co. Nol 1. The brickwork necessary lor tne occasion was done by Mr. Jos. Clark. who also plumbed tbe stone in position. lue opening, address was made by Bev, J. H. Babcock, who was followed by the Bishop with an appropriate ending. There was assembled quite a concourse ot people, who were solicited to take part iu tbe cer emonies, and all seemed to be pleased with them. In the evening, tbe Bishop, assisted Dy isev. i. ir. Babcock, held services iu the Congregational church, after which the Bishop delivered an able discourse, etn- oractngthe causes why the Church was established lie re, why the Church used liturgical services, and the wide distance Between tne .Episcopal and tlie Bomish Church, allot which was well received by an appreciative and numerous congreg tlon. We understand that Messrs. XV. II Dodd, Walter Turrell and Thomas Mon telth have been appointed by the Bishop as a committee on build in sr. and that, tiiev will, nu the. arrival of the plans, solicit was for tlie building of tlie church. Both tlie Bishop and the Bev. Mr. Babcock left for Salem on tlie early train Tuesday, higlv- ly gratified by the result ot their labor. . Leg Broken. One da v last week. Mr. Mitchell, agent for tlie Howe sewing nia- cnuie. xor some time a resident of this cltv. while traversing Benton county selling ma-t chines, met with an accident that resulted in the breaking of his left leg. At the time tlie accident occurred, his wife and baby were with him in the hack. lie iiarl left the malu traveled road, taking a 'near cut' to save time and travel. Just before coming into tlie main road again, he came to a "sidling" place in tlie road, a place wliere tins road had been, annarentlv. stood up on its edge to rest, and in attempting to pass over tins place his vehicle upset, throwing the horse over as well. IVlfe. baby, man and sewiug machines came to tlie ground together iu a grand rush, re gardless of taste or exrjeii.e. With the ex eeption ot breaking Mr. Mitchell's leg, no serious damage was done, liowever. Mr. M. bad to be conveyed to Corvallis, some twenty or twenty-five miles, before medi cal attention could be secured and what lie must liave suffered, joking over that long roau before reachlm? assistance t I)r Gamble, of tills city, was son for, and dressed the wohikL when Mr. M. was brought to his home here, where' he is now siowiy recovering. "V: . Pacific Hook akd Xadder Compawt. At the meeting of the Hook and Lad ders Monday evening, constitution and by-laws were adopted, officers elected, new inembers received, etc. The officers elect are t President; JWt Bald win. Esq". Secretary, Clalb tttewart Treasurer, Dr. G. W Gray. A committee of three, con sisting of Messrs. A. 1 B Morris, J. B. Weatlierford and G. W, 'Gray, were ap pointed to wait upon the City Council and ascertain definitely the amount the city will apnronrlate toward the purchase of tne necessary apparatus to completely out- nc tne iompany for. business. The com mittee will first ascertain the cost of a full outfit and report to the Council, enabling tliat body to act anderstandinslr in the juatter. Tlie roll of the Company now contains fifty names, ail good and true men. The next meeting of the Company occurs on Monday night. : . A lot of nice Ice areata was procured as special treat for tbe boarders at house, the other day; but when those boct- lnms were offered the cream, they all de clinedsaid they didn't like It, to the great chagrin of the boss. Feed, 'em on beans and dried apples straight, for a season. with a dessert of cold codfish balls. - Bev. I. D. Driver held his last quarterly meetlug for the Conference year la this city on Saturday- and Sunday; last. Al though still feeble, having joat arisen fmn a sick' bed,. lie delivered three most inter esting discourses during th, meeting . Yon can eet a tiD ton ctfrar at BbK A. Parker's. See them new stoves and tin flyings at McFarland's. Pnxtonls all rh?ht at his trallerv on Ferry and second streets. Squire Montgomery has sent his fine mare down to Sim Reed's farm. Tbe Odd Fellows' excursh will probably transpire in July. , Fuk has a magnificent display ot cfcre- mos. . May-day festivities belne over. 4th. o" July is now in order. " "' Roses in full bloom as well as some of the boys, this week. . s Mayor Froman is suffering from a severe attack of erysipelas in the eyes. Tlie spell at tbe Opera llouse Tuesday night was a big thing. Tbe Ladles' Aid Society met at Mrs. Tliomas Montefth's last Thursday,- ' WorttoritheSoutltIeOTch is progressing. , s Bev. Mr. White will soon comraence tlie erection of a neat dwelling. " A horse's foot is made up of thin layers or leaves of born, numbering about 4,000. P. C. Harper & Co. have received .an invoice of neat carpets. ; ; The rain fell on Monday it was a cold, raw day. . Miss Annie Bentiey is down from Wat erloo on a visit. " A party of forty-six went out to Soda- vtneon Wednesday, picnicing. ,. Grass is way up in some instances it got too high and had to be cut. For tbe first month of Summer tbe weather is extremely cool. Business on the river lively freight clear down in price. We might receive a few more cash sub scriptions for tle Begisteb. Aiay Z7ui tne wue of M. M. Hart pre sented him with twins boy and girl. Mr. Jos. Clark lias the contract, we nn derstand, for the brickwork on tbe Froman MOCK. ' " ;i Private parties are projectinir excursions to Clear Lake, Yaqulna Bay and Tilla mook. The street sprinkler and the rain have been having a tussle for precedence daring tlie week. ; -. Bead the excellent letter from "South west" iu this issue it is in his most inter est! ng vein. . The Mlllerites propose to leave us about tne loth of the present month a week from next Tuesday. Tin Marshall 1ms the thanks of every body for his efforts in repairing the side walks tiurliig tbe week. ' ' - t M Messrs. Bell Parker's drug' store has received a new coat of red paint, which makes it prettier'n anytiiing. Mr, laylor, ncoompanied by W. S. Newbury's oldest daughter, ot Portland, arc visiting friends In this city. . The total receipts of the Ladies' Aid Society sociable at the Opera House Tues day night foot up $56 23. Tlie Bosedale Troupe gave an entertain ment at tlie Opera House Wednesday even ing to a gooo nouse. A. J. Arnold has purchased a pretty pair or colts which be drives to his express wagon. Mr. Robinson, of lower Corvallis saw mill, contracted 50,000 feet of lumber In tills city last week. He will raft It down. Messrs. Altbouse & Co. and Chas. Simp son nave received their new water wheels and they are beauties. - The Statistician, for May, has been re ceived. Every business man should have it. Published monthly at t3 a Year. The Linn Connty Medical Association meets in tills city next Monday at 1 o'dock P. M. ... James Thompson wOI take a trip Into Washington and Polk to look at tbe "lay oi tne country " over there. ' The Baptist congregation have sold tiehr cnurcn and Intend erecting a new building near ine new .Episcopal church. ; 1 Thomas Clemens takes next Monday's train for Portlacd, en route for old Mis souri, business Is to brins bis asred parents to Oregon. f ;.?a-.v- Everybody most has been out straw. berrying during tbe week, and sallona niwm gallons of tbe luscious frnit bss been se cts red. On Sunday afternoon Dr. IBB. of the Baptist Church, baptised m yotmglady in tne Willamette at the foot ot Ellsworth street. 1 . . The ditch down Ellsworth street Is ixoW numea in tne most elegant and workman: .. . j ..... . . . ... nto manner. Its estimated cost is from tl.000 to tl,200. Frank Fish, late derk at the Exchamra Hotel, started for bis old borne in Indiana, yesterday. "May smiling breeses attend him. - . Thnrston Hackleman tetorned from Ochoco last week. He came In answer to a summons from the couch of a dear friend who was then and still is very IB. A sister of Mrs. Cocrtnev. whom aha bad not seen for over twenty years, arrived nere a.rew days ago, all the war from Hllnois. . ; Mr. James Comstock, of Comstock'a Mnis, Pass creek, sent to friends in this city during tbej week some Berkshire mixed with Chester White ahnat. ht were really the handsomest porcine speci mens we have seen In " tAm Rtata. .!. stock was imported, and bids fair to 3e as elegantly portly and handsome In tnatnrii w as their late genial owner. Wears pleased to notice tlie general interest manifested in the Improvement ef all kiuds ofstock hv ovir people - Business Markets dull. Let us have peas Cherries are ripefrfng fast Col. JoeTealisirffiedtyr i'v' No advance fn market prices.' ; " The 4th of July wUl soon be here, and the sooner we. commence preparations for a good celebration, the better and more successful will be the occasion. Chas. Bourgardes had a well sunk I n the fear of bis bouse on First street. It was bored with an auger and cast!" or walled with piping earthenware. Nevrs was received a few days since that John Gilliland, out at tlie toltgate on the mountain wagon road was very HI and not expected to recover, ijfi s Tbe Board of Director of the Farmers' Company, at a meeting In tins city held on Wednesday, elected G.V Crawford, Presl d&it, and D. MansfSeJdt Secretary, tor tbe next ensaloiE vear i .- " ' Mr,' Bobinson, of Corvallis, on Saturday test stsrMal with a arge cotlnlng, 1 3,TJw feet of lansber. , The barge sank, butr by careful management the lumber was safely aocbored at this city. . r -We. here tender our thanks to . . Mrs, Backensto for a sweet bouquet presented on oeitairor tbe Ladies' Aid Society, on Wednesday. It fills our- sanctum with the most delicate perfume as we write. Mrs. L. C. Bond, who has been spend ing the winter tn old Linn, started tor her home In Waitsburg. .W.T-.'.on Monday, She has tbe best wishes of many friends for a safe and pleasant journey Jacob 2Tye, an old Oregonian, died on Monday niglit, at bis residence about twelve miles above Lebanon, seed about 83, He was a Mason, and was burled with Masonic honors, j The spelling mania In this city is about played owet I On tbe last two occasions on which and attempt' was made to get up a spell, both attempts met with an igno minious failure. Vale, orthozraohv , We are obliged to tbe Committee on In vitation for a card to tlie Excursion and Picnic under the auspices of tlie Printers ox Portland, which conies off to-morrow We certainly wish (be boys tbe biggest tune in the world. - Strawberries, wild and tame, especially the latter, are getting quite plentiful. , Six Mts and one dollar per gallon was tlie initiatory price. Wild strawberries are more plentiful than for vears before, and in some places literally cover the erouud, Some samples of rye from the farm of Mr. C. D. Burkhart, gatlwml last Sunday by Mr. Matthews, of the St. Charles Hotel, measured 1 feet from root to top, with large,' nice heads. Tbey cah ba seen at the notei. How's that for high t - r Sixteen stalks from one grain ot wheat Is what's tlie matter, and can be seen in a fine field of spring wheat belonging to Mr. G. W. Dawson, seven miles southeast ot Harrlsburg. If George doesnt get a huge crop from that field this season, we' miss our guess. ' The Salem Junior Collese Base Ball Club came to this city last Saturday, ex pecting to meet tbe Corvallis club, when a match gaane was to be played. The Cor vallis boys not making their appearance, a scrun nine was hastily got together here to anrord tbe Salem boys a little amusement. Of course tbe Salemitea got away with this nine In good shape. If yon want nails to hold and last for ever, almost, pour hot grease over them before using. The grease penetrates the pores of tbe iron, causine them to last an indefinite time, besides ne .difficulty will be experienced in driving them into the hardest wood. The coating- of grease pre vents contact of air and consequent oxyda- non. Those twin babes at Hart's excite the admiration if not tbe envy of every" woman Intbeefty. They are the tiniest, nated somest babes anywhere. A lady friend had the curiosity to weigh tbcm on Mon day or Tuesday last, wiih the following result : The boy Wei-died one pound and a bait, while the girt weighed two pounds. Dotb witb all their dothtng on. A good sized bowl would cover either of them. Tbe entire block ooTsosite the Alhanw (ouegutte institute has been purchased by the Catholic Church, on which a church ana school building wUl be erected, v It has not Deen aeteratoed, as yet, whether work wtu be commenced tbe present season or not.' The impression la that th KniMint wm Be of brick. At this rate Albarrr win soon be "tha dty of cfaurches" on th Padflo slope. Our dty is maklncf nokl strides In growth and prosperity. New buildings are Rome un in almost averv l!?wt!ri Sivfng our mechanics the foilesf eraploy- menc jsmtgranto are highly pi eased with our' city and tuiroutidlngs, and tel) . w Albany Is the only place tbey have see so ar that gives evidence of life and energy Our people are; dobis what thev can to give employment to all new comers woo sppiy, and In other ways aiding them to obtain homes among us. Mr. F. M. Wadsworth Toresented tbe at taches of tliis offics with all the strawberries and cream they eon Id get awav with yes terday. It was tbe richest and most 1ns ciooa lay out " ever gotten up for tals ofTlce. and altbousrSr the boys were taken by thmrilnMftBll'SntVnfiblV. '1 Wad. has tin hearty thanks of all concerned for bis thoughtful liberality. Jr. w. s piaca tooolyhalfa'mllafrcHn the ferry landing. over tn Benton county, jbss uengiaiui walie.' whem nartlea will be Served whh delkious berries and the sweetest of cream at 25c a plate. - . ' ' BSSHteias 31. M. Hart's (Swfc ioy dled'yesterday. Ttnf otfier dky one of Our moon-eyed' celestial while tktrjhrg A' heavy piece of' timber; Was eeUxX and twitted by an other' neathen Chtneer M to his powers ot endurance and abfiffy fo perform tlie Job. He threw the piece of tsnbei1; Upon the' ground and produdn-f a in coin offered tlntt attroont as a wager that ftie second1 aiinamnn eonldu lihuaelf peiYorm thev labor. Tlie wage was at once ftccerrtrxL- - and Clifnaman No. 3- started1 wMi fbe tlm-' ber.-'Howere'Be had scarcely made a' half block when lie ws compelled' try weaken, to the great aihusemeut of tW bystanders and the mortification of John, who gave up his coin with an expressioir on his countenance too wofnl lor anything.- Jfortrt Never chide otliers for their Ina- , bllity to perform that Which 'you yourself ran not accomplish! '-, J . , Messrs. Kurd A Co. have contracted with ,Mr. G. G Smith. of SDrkitrfiekL- j-Lans. county, for one of his S24uch turbine' wate wbeehv to't used detr mllV which will be put in as soon as possibkv Sn the meantime, Snd while waiting tor tbe wheel to be cast, Mr, S.. wl put in a simi lar wheel for Messrs. Clement & Coram, for their mill on the Santlanv the only difference between tbe wheels feefti-j, tbe first will be or Iron and the latter will be of wood. Tbe increasing business of Hnrd & Co. requiring more power than they now -liave, has compelled1 the putting in of another and larger wheel. Mr, Smith lias' " had 30 years' experience iu water wlieels A and guarantees a forty-five horse power, ' after an examination of Ute fall' of water. He has several wheels fo Operation. One in a saw-mill at SprfciglfelH, we are told,, will start the saw Wherr dead i the- log, without gtggmg baca Well, tbe paftoscopfc spelling mania lias' seen Its best days ; tlie logomachy lias pre--terlapsed, arid We have only to- write,- In words befitting the theme, its early demise. When fi'ie ortliogrepB&al wnrf eriospHmf contests were In sysj-ffyv fRsre arose spen cataclysm of comment, Cftat inate modesty' forbade ouf farther augmenting, tlie malm. inctmyeMla of taass dessertationsi ut now alas, as ft is but a dueritous lieap, as 'twere, wfch no synovlaf fluid lubricating: Its joints, W spring- willlugf to the front, scattering myrrli and arunaaome'atov its ossuory, and bedew it with bdellium;- while' we indite its eplcedittm and sing lb coron' ach, engraving the while upon Its saroo phagur all manner' of trepe and symbol . and mytAi now and' then' fbqfllnating If with a . eatachresis. It is- well while? ladiryniation moistens our dliifbrm lashes' at this gruesome catastrophe mtf nostalgus makes hypochotnl'riacs ef As all while our polyaoonstky ulteTations resoniid through tfte drcnmambieiit atmosphere to recall antl pyx tlie manifold blessings' it lias DeqUcatbed' to us. Tadiygrspby an heliochromy united can not begfa to serve; within our limited space to-day, tlie nberous mentaf bonanzas reltqnated at tlie demise of this suspirated friend. It is not sinlstrous, in deed, to asseverate' that we aw more in- -debted to this logotnaetty for cerebral pol lination, for linguistic symmetry, for philological acquisition, for naoscopic tn tumesceaee, and for ptieOntatofbglcal tur gesceaetv than to any ridotto that ever de lighted' percipient hntnanfty. And here ,' we rest our cause " One day last week. eX-Cfcy Treasurer Titus was ont scouring tbe country with an eye to business, driving that spanking tean of his a spa of anfmals foil of lite, and ' nerve enough to go any where ' Out to wards Boston Jin observed what he took to be at (" near ettt," amrf &efng desirous of saving time be headed (da team for the by road. It wasn't long, however, before tbe road narrowed down to "nothing," or rather a long; narrow, (lack- and deep-looking' mod-bole, between two hills, that had a threatening' look, Jm had seen' rough places before, and as be don't go Wk on anything, he just determtaed to . haul . through that hole anyhow,. A iew step Into that abyss of mr, and the vehtele had dropped to tlie axle, rkT tlie- tenia was putting fn their best Ifcis, Stating aH.fhey could do o saote ttm rate at ail, when three of tke tg snapped and fe team walked off wltbont the wagon, snatching: Jim right over tint ttxeh-bosref neadfore most fwto the mndf.snkf out of tliat mud hols west the team and driver, looking as . tbougli tby had come bp not of great tribw ulatiou, to I sure speeWJy theTflWver- but they went cut of that porJUhole, the team first and Jim folio whia regartResa of looks or style f Sawaedlateiy Opow reach- -lug dry ground, Jfo resumed hfe ftprlght position, sd ar?er orrefolly dfe vast accumulation of mrnl oof of his 's sars, neck, hair and modtiw and jremar&ing to the Surrounding solitrKSes 0M a ma has no Idea how pleasant said enftfs w matr batlbti until be tries ft, be teTsr.cf3ou foot Ur thv nearest hntffatlon, .w'jre her seewed a good square meal. Afterfaying liberally for irnvhig M wagon potfcs) out of tbv atadV and KWU'.'Jr.j his bmuss, Jhg eanw on Itooe f t"? he wfll Kct S.i-resftcr bent nri2iert.J3iS'!J,6a8e IsJb tf.loi !' that tbey are unrftuTtfU 1 ftatnir, -t ; 1 TrrS4s forest fes ers r Vsf lit thm ' nfounralns of pelnwat . 3 s'.'Jt - i roia ties. 3?. Y- cn thm t ,V -' d wel.,; J.-'Avber, fenes ? , , bchir. -' ' - "I AfJrer at Vr destroyed? C. V- telegraph brrtt-U. r Tlie THteo-r 1 ss Been Port Ing nearly sis i. end '-sf' - I - i 4' : t- i t r