FTBLISlftD .msT FMDAT, WT COLLt VAN OLEVE, tm THE BCaiSTEX BUILDINO, Comrr Ferry and ftrnt StreetM., ' r T Ell MS IN ADVANCE. One copss-on-ifyoar.. ............... W 50 One copy, l months - SS To clubs of t enty, eell copy. u :VL " Sntwcriliera rMrskife Of Linn opunty will be Charged 20 cents etrti-2 To ft tho year-as that is the mmmiit of pnsttw per annom which we are retired to pay m each paper Mailed by us. - - Fit ID AY,. , SI AY S3, 1S75- ; 4 4 4 T"h" following nnmed gentlemen areatlthor feed tt rswrfvb md receipt for subscript Jon tO the KTOI9TKB 111 IIUl lovtuiiira inT-umuimi ; Messrs. tunc c uuuni. Robert Ola.. cmwforasvuie. ttnisey. .......... .llurrUbura. W.P.Smlth.s.... O. V. Tompkins., S. II. . r In Mir lit on Lcrmnon. A . Wheeler l'o . . .Sliwld. Messrs. Smith & liruUcld junction tnty. J. It. Irvine Scio. Tho. II. Reynolds. M ..Salem. W. Wiiturhonae ... ............Monmouth. Laying tub Corner-stone, Etc. Jlighr. Rev; B. Wlstar Morris with the gsitaiKe of otlnrs of tlie Episcopal clergy, will, on Monday nrxt (May 31st), at 4:30 V. "M., lay the cornerstone of the St. Feters church, on the corner ot Lyon -and Sixth streets. Tlie ceremonies will be in teresting and Impressive. Bishop Morris will also hold services in the evening at tlie Congregational churchy which . las Jieen v kindly tendered tor tlie occasion-. The citi zens of Albany are cordially invited to be present on both occasions. . -Xy.'u In the Tilton-Beccher case, ex-Judge Porter, for the defense, whs to conclude his argument on the 25th, wlieu Evarts, on the same side, would orate. In one, two, three, four, five or six weeks, more or less, the lawyers will probably have said tlieir say ; tlie Judge wHl then doubt less consume some time in summing up, wlien tlie case will be given to the jury. And lu what a condition will that jury be In ! ', ; ; . " i - Bro. Abbott, of the Pendleton Tribune, objects to Lafayette Lane as the Democratic candidate for, (ingress, because lie drinks too j ranch M sod com ; objects to Ben. Harden for the same reason, and the ad ditional, reason that Beri. is. so slovenly. Bro. Abbott, , while assuring' his renders tliat We have lejieatediy supported swill . tubs and brandy casks for office; but we are getting slightly tired ot it, and we hope will not be placed under tlie necessity of dolngso again," informs Messrs. Lane and Tlaytlen. tliat although they are partakers of benzine" and "rot-gnu' (his own terms y lie will zealously support Hie Demo cratic nominee, no matter whether, it, be Lane or Haydeu! Comment is unneces sary. "The State Board ot Immigration is doing tt noble work for Oregon ' in spreading abroad reliable information with regard to our resources, climate, soil, eteU' and in securing homes and employment for those who are constantly arriving from the okler States. The Board is an honorary one, glv Vlng their time and attention wfthout "money and without price. To enable them to be of still greater benefit to Oregon, " tliey need money to secure tlie publication ot facts" and figures regarding tlie State, to t' pay postage, etc-, and therefore ask our citizens to aid tliem, eacli to the extent ot his'or her ability. It has been suggested that If tlie newspapers over the State would ; present the matter and receive subscriptions from their patrons, tltey could largely aid the Board in Its important work. " Tle sug gestion is a good one. " We will therefore .. recti re and forward all moneys donated by subscribers and others, to tlie Board of Im migration, giving from' time to time, through our columns, the names of the per son, and the amounts donated. In this way all can be assured that tlieir donations will be received by the Board, without trouble or loss of time to them. Send in your donations now. while they are needed the most.- The Sioux chiefs now at Washington, were quartered at tlie Fremont. House by the Government.' Part of tbetn became dissatisfied with the liotel because it was a temperance house and they could get no whisky, and they changed to tlie Washing ton bouse, when Assistant Secretary Cowan notified the proprietor that Government would pay no bills contracted by them. These redskins seem to have acted badly ever since their arrival la Washington, and from the tact that, they cannot agree among themselves, that; they, are .suspicions and, 1 somewhat arrogant, It is feared no satisfac tory treaty will be arrived at for the trans fer ofbe Black Hills to the General Goy - crnment. It is reported that thousands of miners, from almost every point ot the compass, are hurrying Into the Black Hills . country, encouraged to risk tlieir lives and property by tales of the fabulous wealth to . be btaJaedln the gulches and" streams of 'V that new IJorado, and although the millr. tary has strict orders to keep them out of the country, coming in such numbers it " will be simply an Imposibility to do it. If half the stories regarding the richness and beauty of that country be true, the whole army of the United States would not be , able to keep but daring and reckles white men, who will dare any danger, face any . undertaking, no matter how hazardous, tor the sake of glittering gold. The Indians may1 make some opposition, but they will ; step down and out before the reckless dar ing and untiring energy of the gold hunters. If the Black Hills are as represented, rich in deposits of gold and silver, the daring - and enterprising American will go there and get it, despite tlie Indians or the Gov ernment. ' i Onr Democratic brothers of tlie quill are having a high old tiaae quarreling over who shall and who shiJl not be the candi date for Congress, and are telllngf some thrC2ing anecdotes" on each other. "Go it husband, go it bear. ' On TuesJrjr ie General Msembij of Bbodo Island t' -ctci Henry Llppct or Dudley Baxter, of Loudon, died recently. The widow of the late Kinir Otbo, ot Greece, Amelia, died on the 20th. A twenty minutes' earthquake at Santa Barbara, Cal., on the morning of the 20th. : The N. Y. Legtslatura adjourned sine diepu the 2nd. '.I'5'." ' v V: 'rZ'. Forest fires were destroying vast amounts of property in Pennsylvania oh the 22d. Gen. Custer's expedition starts tor the Black Hilla in June. It Is again announced that the Pope of Rome is seriously ill. ; Los Angeles, California, Is infested by a band of incendiaries. - ,. , The President and family go to Long Branch next month.. K. B. Pomeroy has been annointed 17. S. Attorney for Arizona. ' Tlie next grand lodge I.O.O.F. for tills State will meet at Salem. The notorious counterfeiter, Peter Mc Cartney, has again escaped from the U. S. omcers. Jesse D. Bright ex-United States Senator. died at his residence in Baltimore on the 20th Inst., aged 63 Abraham Jackson, a prominent lawyer of Boston,' has flowu. leavlne a deficit in Lhis accounts of more than $700,000. It Is thought under the Influence of the recent pleasant weather, three-fourths of a cmp will be harvested In California. , Scarlet fever prevails fa its most vtra ient form in Sacramento, proving fatal In many cases. - ' a- The San Francisco board of underwriters offer a reward of $1,000 for the arrest and conviction of any one guilty of arson in that city. ; : i- - -.. . . France has appolntecl two commissioners to represent lier in the Philadelphia cen tennial, one to reside in the United States and the other In France. ' - ' Cardinal Mcdoskey was presented. on the 20tlt, with a diamond cross valued at 20,000. by a young lady of St, Vincent Institute, New York. The colored man. J. H. Thomas, who killed his wife and her sister at Detroit last month, has been sentenced to prison for life. Hill Beadiy. the stage man, well known all over this const, was stricken with paral ysis on the 20th. In San Francisco, and died on the morning of tlie 23d. He leaves one child a little girl. An article that appeared in the Paris Fignro last week, suggesting tiiat tlie re venge of France be postponed a hundred years, caused a great sensation ; it is even asserted that the article was made the sub ject of a cabinet discussion. Tlie Sioux delegation at Washington promises to be expensive and troublesome. Tliere U an evideiit want of harmonv among the chiefs they are also disatlfled with tlie Government interpreter, while Government officials are suspicious of the half-breed interpreters. . A sentimental, cuss was Jake Young. On the night ot the 23d, in the suburbs of Brooklyn. X. "Y he murdered his second wife by cutting off her head with an ax. Hi tlien went ro tlie cemetery and dast! out his own brain on the grave of his first wife.. .... - On tlie 25th the Republican State Con vention of Pennsylvania renominated II.irt ranft for Governor, and Hi W. Rawle, Mayor of Erie, for State Treasurer.j ; - President Jewett lias been appointed Re ceiver of the great Erie railroad. In California wool commands 17023c fbr fidl, and 253.T0c for Spring. , , , On the 28th in Boston. J. D. Dow's ding store blew up, killing several and wound ing a large number. Loss near $100,000. Cause of the disaster not known. The Boston defaulter, Abraham Jackson, has been arrested. Tlie Orejonitm reporter lias seen a thirty five pound gold brick, fromi the Virtue lode, near Baker City. Oregon, which lie wanted to get away with. but. could not owing to the strict watch kept over It. : f In the raid on the fraudulent distillers. Government -has seized $200,000 worth of "crooked" whisky and other ' property liable to forfeiture. The crop prospect in Nebraska is cheer ing, and if the grasshoppers do not visit the State, large yields of corn and flax' are confidently anticipated. Fires in the forests ot Pennsylvania have done immense damage besides valuable timber, destroying fencing, houses, etc The aggregate will foot np an Immense sum. Supervisor Munn, of the revenue service, is accused of taking a . hand in the 4 crooked whisky transaction, and the dtscoverey of the,fact led to his receiving a request to resign. The bearer of an anoymotw letter con taining an offer to assassinate Bismarck for one . million florins, was arrested In Vienna few 'days since. jJSTo name giv- en. -Tbtf sbire of tbtfSctiutiaaf YtHiirn no lenger the ' highest-Irf Europe. ; The steepJa of the Church of St; Nicholas, at Hamburg, just completed, is 472 feet high, six feet higher : than the one' In ' Stras bourg. ,..., . , - - There is just at; present huge discontent in the Democratic' camp. The difficulty seems to be - that there Is a general im pression ' 'among the faithful ' that the Democracy are about to carry 'everything before them and capture all, the offices, but that there will not be enough offices to go round. - '- ' ' ' A physician desiring to enter Into the practice of his profession in Nevada must first file with the ' Recorder a copy . of his diploma; and If he undertakes to practice without so dcSij.'he subject to heavy penalties. ' Nevada should be ' shunned by quacks. ' . While the bells iA a Jfew Orleans Roman Catholic Church were ringing for 'vespers the other eves; Sag, the iron castings fell from the belfry arid struck and ' killed a lit tle boy underneath. The child was watch ing the sexton pcR the rope, when the tags TOSght dropped pii bis ead, crashing the sfcun. : : - " The Grangers of Independence have in corporated as u warehouse and shipping company. They have purchased the nec essary land and will at once proceed to erect a warehouse 60x160 feet, with all the latest machinery and Improvements at tached.. They win also erect a grist mill. All the necessary; money has been subscribed. Arthur Cox, the man arrested at Salem on a charge of conspiracy to release the pris oners confined in the penitentiary there, on Tuesday was held to answer at the next term of the Marion County Circuit Court In the sum of $600. The charge, made by convict Wilson, was that Cox had brought into the prison and enclosure arms and ammunition and was . to secure more; that convicts Wilson, Bargeman, (Shulta), Alexander, Hardy and Green' were In the plot ; tliat Alexander's father, . who lives in Iowa, was In the plot, financially; that he, Wilson, didn't want to escape he tried in once, was caught and had his bead allay ed; that lie Wilson had been In the pen itentiary five years and still had three yeaVs to serve. Bill Watklns. In Lis evi dence, showed a feeling of bitter hatred towards tlie prisoner, Cox, asserting that he wanted to hang him. It looks some like the. whole thing is simply a plot to get A. pox into trouble and it has. lit! TEUSKAPIIli' ItXWS. Daniel CTConner, a wealthy, former of Coo cohnty; Iowa, on the. 18th attempted rVIh hbi.flatiirhtcr, aged IS. and threatened her wlh death tf "he told of the crime. She went to her nncle, howeye, and tokl him, and otaers went to arrest him. 'Heating tbrui coming ile shot and tilled himself. .. The Otoe? and Dematrat. of St. Lonto, hnre been united, and wJU hereafter appear as', the CHab. ami Drmncrat, intoing- a beet about as large a the Bjkhstek. - The General Aseeinbly of the Presbyterhu Chttrch of 'the C 8., known esperlany as the Southern General Aasnmbly, met in St. Lonis, Ma, Mny 0th, Dr Rmherfnrdlt ehiuub, on Klerenth and Pine streets. The Asxtmbht rep. rexonts all the Southern Statesand Illinois,' Iow nd Mlssoori. A larwe repnwentation is piv sent. After being called to order. Dr. J. Girard, moderator of last seRson, delivered an opening address. Dr. M. Hofte, of Riclimond. Va., was then elected moderator, and the aaaembly ad jonrned. I A telegram from Qncbce snys: A letter re ceived from the light hoiue keeper at tlieaoath weot point of Antiomta Island, says that on tho M of November last the brntlne Orimtrnn ashore seven miles from that island. The cap tain and seven men were frozen t death ' in the rltrginff, and six men perished In attempt. inw to reach shore. Joyce, chief mate, and Moore, deck band, landed safely bat badly f fu lfil. 1 ' Mrn Abrnltana EJaeolsi lanaBie.i '" The appended telegrams explain tbenuelres : CniCAOo, May 20. -Mrs. Abraham Lincoln, widow of the line president, was yesterday adjudged insane by a Jury in the county court, .and this morning was removed to a private asylum at lintavia. III. The Inqniry was made on the petition of her son, Bobt. T. Lincoln. .The evldenee of a number of physicians, the proprietor and several employe of tlie Orahd -PHcirlc Hotel, where nbe has been staying since her return from Florida, and of her son and numerous friends, all showed tha she was undoubtedly Insane. Her insanity has been of a milil type. ut after the trial she became vio lent and was obliged to be pluoed under res traint. 1'HlfAOArt, Mny 20 It- has been known by Mrs. 1. 1 noon's family and friends for several years tliat her mind was unsettled to a degree which fully warranted her being called insnne, bnt a natural reluctance to take any steps which would make the fact known to -the general public has heretofore influenced them against restraining her in any way oJ her liberty, or putting her under medlvnl treatment lor Iter mind. Kecently, however, ber condition "has been so iiuu-1 worse hat It beehtne alwolntely iMwwury that something should be done fortbe nufortunate lady. VHK'Aii,!. May SO. Mrs. "Lincoln, who has been kept under clnsesnrveillancosinceleavlng tha court ronin )-esterday, escaped from her court room yesterday, esittpetl from her room to-day, went to a drug store and ordered iHaiamum ami other dniRs with thu Intent inn of euiiiniittlng snlelde, lmt the druggist, who wa acquainted with her, fixed up a simple cointiouiid. whlrh was taken by her in a few minutes after leaving tha drug store. Tho effort was harmless. She will be taken to tlie asylum at Bataria to-ninrrowr. ., Co The deaf mnte school at Salem has 19 pupils. (lams are furnished at 60c a bucketful In tniplre city. Yamhill county la out ot debt, with a balance in the treasury. . . - . Tlie new quiekltver mines near Bosebnrg, retntly struck, promise blgthlng. Tlie prospect for Trait is said to be good in Coos county. . i ..r1,ont,,'nreMMaetno'r appcaraneeln Millard county, Utah. t Latxring men are wanted by tho hop-grower In Tacomn vulloy. I . Tlie first strawberries of the season have been picked at Seattle. .' j The snow fell to the depth oS Inohea at Silver City, Idaho, on the 16th of this mouth. A vessel, name unknown, has been chartered . in San Francisco to load with spats on the Sound for Cork, Ireland. .... . . . j . . , The number of logging camps in the yiotnity of Olympia have been largely increased thia year, and are all running full banded. . The Courier' Seattle correspondent says, Bcriah Brown has been appointed clerk of the district court vfor Mr. Andrews removed. In the last issue of the Idaho rati, T.J. Sutton announced that his connection with that paper ceased with that issue. . Some fifteen or twenty emigrants,' lately ar rived, have gone to the Seattle coalmine in search of employment. the Steilacooin JErpnsst baa been designated by the county commissioners as the official paper of Pierce county. . , , .. -. , Wm. Fowler has resigned the office of sheriff of Island connty. Mr. James Watson, Of Cove, land, now holds the position. , fi 4; - A Colorado tombstone remarks: '"He was.' Jjung, he was fair, but the Injlns raised Ws The miners about Bear river an Bmunnanv ' t w.or!f,- ?nd bad.. good head of water as early at i The nop-varCsOn tha Island, above CorrsIUa are thriving finely, and , pronuse a heavy yields'? - -. . ... . - w ,i . .-f t Place rvlUa, 10ahMs pat of rhaeocu ' oeaia, itvnd bntfer;nd thelnlneTsara In a . state of griev onsncMM abont ieir -i in wardeaae.,',iV . - TnVpnae CifrT-lBi-iggs, n aged, wWoV tady. In faougal county; was , robbed o 90o during ber absence. . T . ' Chewacan , valley waa visited y-snowstorm on April tit h, the worst aver experienced In tha valley. The thermometer was down to 10 de grees below sero, . Hon. Kd ward Eldridge efera to give a van, able mill site, with water-power, to any party or parties who will improve the same. Ad dress Kdward Kldridge, Whanxrai, Wf T. v 1 . Gradually the town' of Lewfston is .dwio dllng in numbers. Many who came to 'winter have departed to- their' respective ptaceM of bustnesa to resume their summer's avocations. ;. The wheat crop In Washington county looks spledid. likewise the oats and grass, but there has beetwt little too much dampness lor gar ' Ws understand that a military hospital is being built at Camp MoTiermlt. Idaho.' Sev eral government teams have recently- arrived, wilGSs&a ". ' . -' - A tiny black fly is said to be kining the grasshoppers in Colorado, and tha naahmMi are praying that it may achieve a complete 1 The Corinne Maa says that; th Western tTntoa repair outflt is getting in readiness to start along the Helena line and thoroughly overhaul it. . ' The land ofBeeat the DeJles, with Capt. L. Coffin as register, and - Mr. C. H. Thorn tmry as receiver, will be opened fbcbasi&esa ?on tlie 1st of Jane. ....... -..j K. M. Lamaon, Judge Hi' Hurley and 'A, B, Barbank have been appointed as a local board of inunlgmtlon for YanihUl county by the State boar " - ' . . "' Olympia now boaots of two boat clubs, the faember of Which "We ladles,' Ic ft under stood tat acbalienpn mSa lm made to row for the silver cup .which - was"Wiiy'? wu;j tf:: yearsago the coming Fourth oT4. ,.nd tjiuiwaspiousliip of the Territory.-- f. . - Flaxisaprofltablecropln Oregon. If every fltrmer In the State wonld produce It tint de mand would still keep up a steady price. Mr. John Harden Is getting along finely, building the wagon road around the Cascades, and has it completed within one and a half mites of the lower landing. , -' The Pioneer and Historical Society of Oregon, on the 17th, Instructed thecotnmlttee on rooms form library in Astoria, to proceed and fix the same for use and occupation. . , Edward Ashley! your sister, Mrs. Sarah Ann t'rabtree, of Baxter Springs; Cherokee county, Kansas, Is anxions to hear from yon. . If you are in Oregon write to her immediately. The saloons at Baker City, which have bil liard tables refuse to pay license on the same to the city, and consequently do not charge for billiards now. . , - ' Prof. Baird acknowledges (page K8 late re port t, the receipt of two specimen salmon for the Smithsouinn Institute, sent from Astoria by Mr. James Welch. Wm. Brown, while, working at the Owyhee ferry, for David IJorsey, was drowned one day last. week. He -fell into the stream and all efforts to rescue bun were unavailing, ; Marshall A Pealey, plneer miners. Olive Creek, Grant county, picked np from their "ground sluice " one day week before last, the stun ot S8.000 In nuggets,- weighing all tha way from half an ounce to six ounces. . . Powers Co., of Vye Valley, Baker county, made a clean-up from a short run in their placer claims, and had the proceeds run Into a bar at theasnrofftcetn Baker City on Mon day of last week. The bar was worth tlAOO. The people of Grant county expect big t hings from their quarts and cinnabar mines. Mr. Thnmhury, at Camp Watson, states that cinna bar haabeen found in that locality, . . Mr. Taney, who lives In Coast Fork precinct, Laneeonntyihaaacalf about three weeks old that was born blind and tailless. There are creases in the skin where the eyes should be. Suit lias been;' commenced by W. W. More bind, of California. In the U.S. drcnlt court for he district Ol Oregon to, recover from Ma rion connty the-blpuk in Salem, on which the court honse stands. s 'WhSp riyer, In Jttngxswnty, Wj, Twttias been, giving some trouble of late running where some of the sett:nrsdid not want it, and where others did.. Judge Letts has lieen called npon ihing'Knrn Rec&ntly saya the'HUlsboro InrUpemirnt, a man. by the' name of fhannon, and several other rowdicVralsed a disturbance In the Sun day school at Crnbh's nlaoe on (Tale's creek, -and Shannon was knocked dnwnnnd dragged out, and the other parties were alio ejected. I Last week Mr. Rast, who Hesin the lower part of Washington county, staked oneof his lmrseaont to-grass near his house, and when he went to see hint found that he had been hit over tlie nostrils, just below theses, and the hones of the nose were"1 crushed In terrlbly. so that the horse will have jbe killed, .1 From different aectfons of the Pfflret Sonnd ronntry reports reach.the Olvmpla AnWrthat the crops' are doing splendidly, and gle prom ise, at this time, of returning a greater yield per acre than at any previous season. i Week before last, at Fort .Snmpter, Ah Sum was shot by An nine, his partner in a minng claim. They were quarreling about the own ership of a pine, one ctalminga half interest. uiic i iic in ner cinwnea ino wnoie 01 tne pine, when An IHng ran and got his pistol and shot Ah Sum. who was lytnor down, through the shoulder, but did not kill him. . -. i Mr. G. P. TerrpU,. of. Salem, received a note dated 90th inst.i from SmlthM Ferry, Santiam, which snys: .UA party of men came out from Qnartaville yesterday, who snv that they have a rich thing. They have struck .diggings that pay il cents to the pan. and are on their way to Albany for -mora -men and a snpplv of pro visions. They expect to return Immediately The BeHlngham,'BBy Mad says: Messrs. STirtz A Hardin, who recentlv located a few miles up tho Nootnack, are perfecting plans for the construction of a flonr and sawmill on tlieir property. Th nilll will be run bv water power, nod :1s intended 'in supply the local wan ta of the people of the Xootsack and country generally. i The Miner of the 7th. contains a somewhat lengthy historical sketch of Arizona, embrac ing all that 1s know to lie trap, and some of the more plausible speculation with reference lp a prehistoric rape, that once occupied that Territory- -. I Some of the goldMjdto' have been obtained In the Black Hills has been exhibited at Sioux l'lty. Old miners soy It lias been dng several years, as it shows signs of wear from handling. The exposure caused considerable excitement. The exhibitors, between two days, left the city. ... 1 . , . ,. . , . 1 The ttaofa racentdate hasa review of the condition ortheState and Territories of the Paotne slope, remarking that "IIhIio tostatioit ary. Thecliktf hoptt of th Territory nt pres ent for advancement is fixed on a number of quarts mines which are being opened, and some or them are very promising. " Sheriff K-Livlttisyoipf Douglas :,conntyi Inst Wednesday turned over to Superintendent Watklns a pian namimt liavid C. Clark, who has been neutenced to five sears' Imprisonment for horse stealing n llougla county. Clark was a horse trainerraitd eihlblted hU skill In that line at the State fair four or five years ago. i-;-.i--s- j About two ywrs. agtv MnWm.. Ewing. a gentletAtn who ivyfl resided near Portland for some tint, removed to South America with his family. His object was to permanent I v reside there. A few wtknifo. Mr. Kwina; returned with bis family, thoroughly disgusted with tlM olliniite and soil of South Ainerca. and fully satisfied to make Oregon his future home. 1 The volume of water tn the Colorado equals Kiagara; it rreelves, through Its tributaries, t lie drutnase of more than soo,OM snuare miles of Territory, from which It derives the red send, giving tlie name of Colorado (Red) river. The current In the great canvon equals in ve locity a railway train running forty to fifty miles an hour. The' ruins of London could be thrown Into the chastn without filling it up. j Says a Montana paper: "A nie travels on horseback, while truth goes' afoot, f has been excmplined. A typographical error In this naner some four or five weeks ilnwimiia price of bay read STO instead 'of $30 per ton, ni-t tiww reinvuww mm uun o iieer sheinandon several other routes. We have stated several times -that Montana is the best country ont of door, and exchanges avoid re peat ing It as they do. religion. " j A correspondent of the Jgrpnrfer says the growth of Hood River -Valley, touching fmtt trues and vegetables, are the most gtantlc I have ever seen In Oregon.' Peaches seem to bo their "."strong- anft, "perhaps the oniv safe peach location north of -California: and It Is good for apples, pears, pit Ins, cherries, black berries, rasnherrtes. strawberriea, gooseborrisa. In fact, all kinds of berries. As for fish, the mountain -trout of Hood river, cannot be equaled.---'. ,'j'-.; ! Five hnndred miles above the mouth- of the Colorado occu rs a, phenomenon unique upon earth the great gorge or canyon of the Colo rado - This canyon Is 917 miles long, and the walls vary in bight from 4.000 to 6,S33 feet. At .the greatest elevation the width is. from five to ten miles. For aires the great river, has been (Cutting its bed down through the .-limestone, down through-the Mndstone, down Into the granite. How long baa it taken- the -attrition of the ' asndVbcaring stream to cut its way 900 miles long and 6,000 feet deep?. ', .i' " Two nttlesoosofH. BrttHieri llvmg on Lewis and' Clarke river,' aged 'respectively -Hi and 7 yearss .met with -an accident a- lew days ago which rates then as young barosa. 'It- appears that th hound tracked a deer into the river, and these little fellow (Jake and Frank BnaUlar. went ma ixm--ant beading on" tile deer, -worried tt f-sr tkreWtot' hours, then final fi. -captnred and rooght4thooev-. The deer weigh? ed about 60 pounds.. -: ProcMials to bridire-the Winatuetfe at Kntrene7 are asked - for. . The- following to tlie-general puuiof Said bridge i Main spaa , !30 feet in the clear; fhort span, 85 feet in the clear ; two-pi era of wood- II I led with 'stone' Abridge to be 33 feef 'aoove.low water-mark j- pier on the right bank to be-hollton nilimr rientli'of water at. w,tn -near-left bask for.. . the second "pier, so feet at w water 5 length of apron on rightbank, tin 10- uc eonsrrucieu on .piling; engrn ot apron on. left bank, SOfeet, m be constructed on trestle work ; both pans-0 be eovered sided in and minted. - ' - - , . . . .. The Jntcti 'farmer report that on the 90th , nit.,' Justifying SehontB for San' Jtrancisco, went - hv iwb luiwiuHw wixn a revolver in nana, to compel -the sailors to do duty, When the latter at bnee attacked and handled., him . rather roughly.- During the-assault the mate was quite severely stabbed. He wae taken on shore by somoof the sailors, bad the wound sewed np and dressocL and then he and the men went .beckon board aaabw when the vessel shortly after proceeded to sea. . , : : , , -a fw oays ago tba steamer Otter arrived at Victoria rom Fort Wrttngell, with, a few pas sengera. . The Stikine river was not open When yTr , wngeji,;Dnc awge quanntiea of loo was coming down.' and It was suDnosed to be mpiaiy breaking P. Tba (Jrrtrude had already reached- Wrangel! n. safety, and the WentiH was sighted between Point Stanhope n c?no O"1! abmnv 45 mile from Wran geil. The Otter brought down neither mails nor express from Caesiar. Johnston left Wran pou to try to get tip the river two days before the Otter arrived. A correspondent, writing to a late Victoria paper f wnrflfc AngeU nnder date of May 8th, says: The rivsr is. open about six miles an. and huge blocks of lea are float ing down. It is very cold this morning. The Jit ipe got np steam this morning at 8 o'clock and started np the river. The-steamer Git (rude will possibly jn no the- river in a day or two. She fes j'-wie freight' and passengers la saw 1 m.iiu. -Petals a finn-rata place for- sav ing money, there being not a drop of liquor in town, it bein a ptobii?(te( arUoie." - Th Independent tny9i The whole neighbor boodintho vicinity of McLeodV saw mffl, Washington county, is in arms. Two men. Schorb and Bnrlinsrame, have Jumped Mr. Herald's and W. McLeods homestead claims and propose to hold them. The people in the nehctibortiood have taken sides in the matter, and the Interest is increasing. Several wagon loads of them rook up their line of march for Oregon City this week, where the matter wlU be examined for adjustment in the land oftioe !.? v)ffe' J"ben they return active hos tilities wUl probably commence. . . - The btteiliornecr says that last winter Mr. J. Taylor, of Snoqnalmle, while passing along about a mile from Mr. Fares farm, on that river, discovered a white man's akull. The next day, when he Intended to ascertain far ther In regard to the matter, there came on a boayy snow fell, and his investigation was rendered Impracticable for so long a time that the circumstance was for gotten until last week, when he. In company with Mr. Man ning, visited the spot and found the same skull, and also a boot with the bones of a foot in it, besides a Ballard carbine, and a pocket book with two dollars and ten cents in it. No her portions of the man's bones could be found. The remains are supposed by the peo ple In that vicinity to be those of a crazy man from near Cadyville, who was in that neigh borhood some four years ago. " Otter hunting ia recognised Industry on the coast part or-Washington Territory. ' At Neah bay the Indians monopolize it,, while at t. ray's harbor white men take nearly all the furs. The latter depend entirely on their skiU with the rifle for their success. The otters frequent the vicinity of the lieach for many miles up and down the coast, bnt rarely come in nearer than three hundred yards. The hunter fix np short ladders at intervals along the beach, of sufficient hight that the surface of the water cm, be seen from the top of them over and beyond the never ceasing surfc On one of these the hunter will perch him self for hours watching for tho otter, firing at one whenever it presents itself, lie that near or far. There have lieen occassional instances where they have been killed at 8n yards dis tance: Sometimes a hunter will expend a month, shooting every day thirty orforty shots and not kill an otter. Again, be will get two in a day. We believe the average Is about two a month to each hunter. Some seasons are better than others. There have been times when the more fortunate and skillful marks men have killed enough to bring them tM0 andS,O0Oayeareeh. This is rare.' The furs vary in value, and range from $30 to ISO each. Ague without ever'ls-fao great "shakes. The worth of woman double you, O man. . - j Garlks eaters are not crowded in street cars.. s At a recent toot-race between two girls the one with the. blue garter beat. A door step Is often the first step in life taken by a little waif. Questions of the day one 1 or two f z, sore? able or ible ? u in or u out f If there is anything on earth that beats four aces it is a kind and amiable wife. 'And still 4ie spelled, and still the won der grew tliat one small bead could carry all lie knew. " A little man observed that he had two negative qualities: he never lay long in bed aud he never wanted a great coat. FINANCE AMD COMHERCE. Gold in New York 115J3116. , iLegal tenders 80987. y Dates from London to the 35th Inst-, give thU: The Mark Lane Hxpreat, in its weekly review of the breadstuff's market, says A drought has been felt in France and a poor yield Is probable. This, coupled with the abundance of grasshoppers in the United States, will make low rates of short duration, notwithstanding continental mar kets are down sixpence to a shilling. , Late dates from California are more en couraging for the farmers there, but it is not deemed likely that her exports will be more tlian 300,000. or 330.000 tons, as agaiust nearly 450,000. for the year 1874. - The wheat crop of the Eastern States, it is asserted, will tall considerably short in quality and quantity. v The Chilean wheat crop was harvested in February, and was a small and inferior one, making her exports light for 1875. Tlie stocks of lpomo grown wheat in Belgium, Holland, Spain, France and Germany are greatly reduced, aud the prospects of winter wheat are not so favor able as previously reported, especially iu France. Germany .and Hungary, the un exampled cold weatlier liaving retarded the crop, while in many localities it was badly injured by severe frosts. In France and Germany a much smaller area has been sown to wheat than usual, while a larger area has been put into barley. Australia is said to have harvested a good crop, with 175,000 tons surplus wheat. . The estimated surplus for export, from the Northwestern States last year was 151, 000,000 bushels. Now, says the N. Y. Tribime, should present apprehensions be realized, there will be but little for export the coming fall. From the above reports it would seem tliat our farmers should be In the best of spirits, tor the Indications at present are that Oregon will raise unusually large crops of grain, which will be in demand at remunerative prices. j Home markets show little variation in prices from last reports. Wheat is quoted at 80c; beta, 50c; butter, 20c; eggs, 16c. ' There is considerable Interest manirlested in the wool clip of this season, and there are a number of buyers in the market. : In Portland' prices range from 22 to 23c. Dealers declare that present advices from the East do not Justify , the ex pectation ot . any . important advance, and that even the present prices cannot be maintained through the season. However, it is believed that the fine quality of wool which Oregon produces, If carefully re paredr fbr market,' wiM;rolr at a Somewhat higher .figure -than' the above quotations. The present prices, offered here, 20322,'ic per lb. -. - Following are the present quotations, in this market: Potatoes fll 25 W bushel. ' Apples, green, retailing from stores at 76c per box.- Chickens. 2 5093 V dozen. - Hams.l3gc; shoulders 8c; sides 11c Lard, in 10Jh cans, $1 75; in bulk, 14c White beans 4c V ft. -' Onions scarce nominally $1 80 per busheltrom stores. : Beet, on foot, 3c; pork, 5c ; ' mutton sheep, per head, $2. Hall's Vegetable Sicilian ' H A 1 R RE NEWEBt ' Thls standard article la eompoudded with the greatest care. Its effects areas wonderful and satlsfiustory eotortorMl KrRy fcdi ,laIr ltB yonthful - It renMves .all cnreUpna, itching and dan "c,Up by 118 8e becomes White atrongr . ttIVW a00- . Am n . 1 ' ' ' . ' j...., ,m l umuig naa neon round so elfuotual, or desirable. . i 1 tm . A r a . . -. ,V 2: " " V "Jr. are Asaayer of Massachu- y. . - cuiiiuuer it IMtemTmra. Uon tot it Intended purposes. JeVraro- , IIVVJ?!1 .tores the eapO. I"".- t jivn uuu vigor, nreventin liafilnesa. and nwktno th. i.i1" .ll,n Ducrclnham'o Dye,. fP Taj? vrHitrsx9t We yW. ood deal In the papers of styilsS W- - in 'Washington. Butler's UirnaaV t-ogh not stylish, has been much ad m -Arcadian. - Sew To-Day. NOT1CB IS HERBBY GIVES, THAT THIC - . . jwular annual meeting of the stock 5.,???r.ibe. Eale Woolen Mills Company i"Jj?.nld at the offloe of the Compnnyin .W A. WHEIiLKK, Secretary New and Beantlfnl Furniture 1 ; (ORBXIOK XADI1 TIm Hetaler Chair rawblde ' bottoiua "--...' and the 33 e 1 d. i n g Bro o m ! all in good supply at W. . Beldlng'k shop on First street east of Magnolia Mills. Call and examine goods and prices. May U-Sv7 . , W. D. BBLDIKG. . Por Oale 1 - - - QKSTAHTLT OJf HA59 , JLIme. Slitngres, piaster Paris, . , JL-atli, Hair, etc., and for sale low, at the warehonse of PARKKB MORRIS. Tbe Hlirbeat Cnan Vrtce PaJd r -vVel. Albany, May 14, T-SSv7 ; G1343 jSLOJEUEIEi t A )Lar?e and Valuable Vract or FaVsnlng Eatnd for Cele. THREE ntTSDRKD ACRES of plow land, 900 of which is rich bot tom land. On the prem ises are foir buildings, honse, barn, granary, sheds, etc; also good bearing orchard of fruit trees; SO0 acres of the very best pasture land ; 50 acres of timber land, ash and maple, the best of farming land when cleared. A never failing stream of water runs through the-(arm. There is also a splendid quarry of lime-rockon the ekioe, pronounced by experts A 1 rock. Four undred acres are nnder fence. It is one-of the most desirable and cheapest farms in IKraglaa counts, lying 1 H mUes from the Ot A O. railroad at Oakland. For particulars as to price, etc, apply, in this city, to -.-..-,.. J. II. BOCGHTOX, M. D. " Albany, May 14, 1875. . i Pictures and Picture " Frames. E. 13. PURDOM Would Wnnounce to the citizens of Albany and Vicinltu that he is nramrad to furnish all Vlnris of PICTtTRK FRAMES to order, at short notice. Picturenframed. and old frames rentlred. Call at his ofltw on First street, one door west of BroadalbVn. and leave your orders. St-7 SAI. KZlTXCaiECT. NOTICE ?9 HEREBT GIVES THAT B. H. Allen, administrator of the estate of Alfred Allen, doceaied, on the ftth dav of May, 1875, filed his final account in said estate in the County Court for Linn county, Oregon, for final settlement, and that by order of said Court, Wednesday, the etti day or Jane, 175, bas been appointed to hear objections to said account, and for the settlement of the name. . Published by order of tho County Court- - B. II. AU.KX, May 7, lS7VaSw4 Administrator. DR. LISTER'S With your Coin for Cheap Groceries ! Having paid Cash for his stock, he offers superi or inducements to consumers. All kinds of FARM PRODUCTS accepted as the equivalent of cash in ezchange for goods. Superior Glassware. Cutlery, Notions, Perfn merv, etc, in large quantltius. at whoicmile or retail. Cigars ajd To a Sipeclrlty. CHAS. B. XOKTAOCX. BOBT. SCCAI.X.XT. MOmGVE & BlcCALLEY, ARE SOW OPENING A MAGNIFICENT stock of FALL AND WOTER GOODS ! selected with care, and bought for coin at ' Scandalously Low Figures ! and as we bought low we can and will sell them at prices that will , Astonish Everybody. Come and see our selections of lreo Ueods, Jlapsinea Nhswls, Phiutsa, .... '.....' RrllllMBtm, : Mantelltea, Pupllaa, Lmtrn, Ribbons, Collars Collarettes, Lnces, &tc.f &e., for the ladles, and onr complete lines of Readymade Clothing. Halei7 'ottoaMdea, ' t'snlsicm, 1 notUa, Sham, ' Bootat, :", . . pa, MatiT ' of all descriptions for men and hoys. Also, full assortments of . Groceries, Croctery ni Glassware. for everybody. The best goods, at the lowest rates every time. ' fcTt'ouui and see. Lebanon , Oregon, October SO, 1874. FOR SALE! rjIIE CELEBRATED W. A. WOOD'S r , ,l REAPERS A fflOWEBs. ' Hataie'a Header, (Wood's improved.) 'wtUUsalBMUsaiaFaraaWagwsi TneBnaael aaaal TtawatwrThireahera, - 'i cv: :; i..:.t(. r . . - .2.f 4. it .-'- ..,. X i,irV: ;rf,(best piarhlnas on theeoastj Wtateaw ism ataweaAed DriU. titnr Plows, and other machines. . Call, ane, and get price and terms before baying elsewhere, at my Blacksmith Shop, corner Sec ond and Eltewortb. sta., Albany, Oregon. v ... FRANK WOOD. 1 "Ayers Baraaparilla, ' Fee PaurlfyteaT the BIsmI.'. ion ooinponna the vegetable altera tlvea. ta.rm.Tm-41lB U I f lS, tw 'n. -ZZ AYL ' fManrfrake with the "i3i. ,J. '"a iron makes a :js- 'a KSsmaat eflfectnal mi ' 5of . series of com. a, srf P'sJnts which are very Pr pnwntii anu amict 1 ing. It purifies the 1 blood, purges out tlie M . BiiMuB raramg uumors in the system, that undermine health and settle into uvummnn ujnurueis. UUptlOIUOI tile Skin are the appearance on the surface of humor that should be expelled from the blckd; in ternal derangemets are the detumtnatioR of these same humor to aouiernternal organ, or 61Sf"'ZLh,0!w '?-HydBrange, and whose substance they disease and dwttiwy. AVer's S4S5.A,IM'exp1" tnw homors from the bkKMi. Wlien they aregone, the disorders tbey produce disppear. ttuch as Ulceration, of the Tfertl fitonacA, Kidney t, Lstno. Emotion and Head, ntnffvorm, UUsera and Sure. Mhevma Urn. JftwadrtTiWs in the Bona, fhteZnd Jlead, finale If'enJkn, 8triisJ Aw? internal aenUtnn'andiZ General Debility. WUfiTtueir departure helith returns, f .ATB a to Iwell, Ksm Poetical and Analytical Chemists? KOW BEAD! FOS CCEI5EC E. CARTER & CO, HAVE GIVES THEIR PLANING MTfX, Sash A IXior Factory a geneml-overnaul-ing and repairing, and greatly increased their facilities for doing work, by putting in a new watkk vhkel, a new SHAPING MACHINK and a new FLA NER AND MATCHER, all mado In Oregon by Oregon meclianics and out of Oregon iron, and are a credit to Oregon. The Planer and Matcher Is specially adapted to matching Flooring and Rtratlc, which we makeasiecialfy. and are now prepared to do wit hout delay, as we can -clisnge the machine from one kind of work to another in . a few minutes, and with our excellent water-power are always ready to run any or ail oar, ma chinery. . , We keep DOORS, SASH and MOLDING always on hand, or make to order with dispatch. WW have made arrangements by which we are now t prepared to furnish Soxfi and Sash-Doora. , primed and glased, to order, at very near Port land priced, and propose to make it to tba interest of Builders to buy at bom and encourage home interests. With our new 8h apkb we are prepared to do any kind of circular or irregular work, much oe'jer than It lias ever boon done in Albany. We have two tMw f rial rw,., ..nM fn. thik special benefit of those wishing to grind axes or! tools of any kind. . l i "hort, we have spared neither money or "i uuihk up our snop w aoing an ainaa or work in our line with neatness, cheapneaa and dispatch, amd have nansertollF reduewst JMtr IwHfeea for wwrk. All of which we bop the public will appreciate, and continue to give us a liberal share of their patronage. Caktrk will alway be on hand, with com petent mechanics, ready to serve those who may favor us with their orders. HatfantetfM Mlswsrk and prSrea, E. CARTER CO, Albany. Or., April 9, 1875. is BOOTS ufetSHOFJ FOll BTEltniODT tit ' r!-''-r' - -w"v -v -f-vj r-w V Y FOR old Har. PANCT SHOES FOB YOITXG ESE5T. PRETTY SHOES FOR LJLDIRS. TINY SHOEl FOR 11 ARIES. JUST RECE1TEI By Ocean Steamer, at LOUIS REHVALD'G FIRST ST COKIEB BBOAjeLBI3I, Albany, Oregon, Cheaper than the Cheapest. Albany, March 98, 1875-t8v7 ' - TUB BERT IK TU WtlRLOf X Hmwrkrcper esna matte Hert viioeaosn nttss ainsMit it. ..... This well known and long established TEABT ' PO DER is now in great demand. -SahMr-in-creaslng dairy. Now 85 gross per day to tho . trade. I. CALL AG HAN now sole uuntibw. turv and proprietor, uses no drugs no bono dtwt; pure whhe cream of Tartar, Imported direct and gixnmd so. tho premite8, being the chief ingredient. , - ''h ' Always on hand and for sole at lowest prices s 'allag:tKra-s Teasl Pvwdcr, In In cans, av superior article.-.- i (allagban a reuaa or Tartar, in all stylo. "alUjgt.nai-a Fur Kagtlsn Bi-arl of Mod sibmI SJMlenttu. FOR SALE BY ALL UUOCEK3.,, "' -ALSU- . ... 'renns ,r Tartar 4'rystars and Enarltola. BKarksaalc or hud a, tn keg... , . 'AI.I.AirAM A ., ataanfiirtnren 'lil FRONT STRKE. San Francisco. "32 . t. Jim, - TITUS BROTHERS, ..- " &KAX.EKS IK " ' , T E .W ELRY, Silver & Plated Varo, BfAMOHB -SPECTACLE AGENTS FOR Till: C Singer Sewing The ResLQfachlne Blade. J. ON'S. EATHAIRQN, ' w.tasSrrsf riai bottle. . j-Kaas fteesi tm won vv Half a ?. Is Pawanotea lijfirwtte, PrMtrns tsiw fl4r, Iaevraaes; r bm BUtlr, s?. vvwaSa Urn ralltaa; wait ' and Torning Ui.: y. - tr .:''' LADIES,. Bw yoii wsm' Par, BlooiulaiaT Caa. ' plMiMiT If ti a few appltcauna V BifiAir HACXC UA BALM wlU cwtut yo S yemr ihw V eiat. It wy with Kaaihs, Bldtestra and PIms. ri ' Ovrdnal tba rilhd trtn AYEASTPOYDER i Ait iSa. dt f 1 L :rT::7