1 tv it 4t li i i n i i v COLL. VAN clevk; Ail Ayr, OREGON. k'UESll 'TOPIC?. " Pitt-siDi-iNU Gkant prot.vtts that he has no deaigiw upon Mexico. Th apriufr Btyi.j Ui check- the nnui whs talks ; Tell him to " write tins rest on a piece of paper atid. you will read it Sun dav afternoon." Hos. John C. New, the successor of Jen. Spinner, is described as slightly built, and a little below the medium height. He has a benevolent and expres sive face, and, though grown wealthy, has not let the weeds of pride keep pace with his bank account, as many do. - In a Maine spelling match " mosquito" was the stumbling block. The diction aries give authority for no less than four teen spellings of the word in question, viz. : mosquito, niusquito, nioscheto, mos ehetto, mosquetoe, mosqnetto, muscheto, musehetto, musketo, musketoe, mnskitto, tausqueto, musquetoe, and musquitto. A Washington telegram states that the government has secured a large quantity of silver bullion, and the work of coining for fractional resumption will be pushed forward at once. The bullion now on hand 'will make two and a half millions of dollars in small coins, and hen these ane struck the Treasury will commence redeeming fractionals at once. "It is believed," savs the telegram, ply." Redemption will not begin before June or July. A woman who superintended an illicit distillery in active use near Asheville, Ky., stoutly refused to permit an officer, the other day, to levy on the property. ""Why?" exclaimed the revenue gentle man, "your distillery uses up the grain tkat would oiAerwise make bread for :starvihg women and children ;" but his feminine antagonist, rising to the occa- -sion, muttered : " Sir, bread may be the :stafT of life, but whisky is life itself. The officer was : extinguished. He was speechless. He had never considered the question under that peculiar aspect. POLITICS AJfD P0LITICIA5S. Ths ' Illinois Legislature has passed a law compelling publio treasurers to in vest surplus moneys in government bonds. Got. liEsiiiH, of Kmtuckyi is a candi date for the Unifesd States Senatorship from that State. The Hon. James B. Beck ia his rival. Thk New Haven Register asserts that 3,200 pounds of mail matter recently ar rived at Norwich, Conn., under the frank of Representative Starkweather. The town of Seaford, Del., unpatrioti- cally forgot its town election recently an inadvertence which will compel an act of the State Liegislature to remedy. Ik five States of the Union the Gov ernor receives a salary of but $1,000. These States are Michigan, Nebraska, New Hampshire, Rhode Island and Ver mont. Ex-Gov. Parker, of New Jersey, has resigned his office of Attorney-General because he wishes to give more time to private practice. Ex-Senator Stockton and Mr. Jacob Yanatta are candidates for the position. It is not expected -that there will be any controversy between Secretary Bris tow and the new Treasurer relative to appointments in the Treasurer's office. New's friends state that he will insist that Gen. Bristow make all the appointments. Thb new liegislature of Connecticut stands as follows : Senate, 15 Democrats to 6 Republicans ; House, 109 Republi cans to 133 Democrats and 1 Independ ent. Last year the Senate stood 17 Democrats to 4 Republicans, and the House 99 Republicans and 112 Denio- r crats. Flanagan, of Flanagan's Mills, Texas, retires from the United States Senate with a remarkable record for a man of j his experience. Though a native of Vir-j ginia, once a tanner in Kentucky, and a l cotton planter in Texas, he never smoked a cigar, uttered a profane word, or drank a drop of intoxicating liquor. Ths majorities for Congressmen at the recent election in Connecticut, as com pared with 1873 and 1871, are as follow hint. tfembern-eltct. 1875. 1873. 1871. 1. George M. Loaders. .. 263 I). 1,366 R. 347 R. 2. Jamea Phelps. 897 D. 588 R. 23 R. 3. H. H. Starkweather.. 373 R. 1.764 K. 1,465 R. 4. 'Wm. H. Barnaul 2,180 D. 1,764 D. 1,076 D. The London Times, which is exceed ingly stinted in its praise of everything on-English, has uttered a good word for Brother Jonathan. In its issue April 8, in an article on the United States gov- - i x r rrt;i.3 sage concerning the canal frauds, and Qavn vv" all Vtmw t Visit afc Vinr, th American nation is as sound as our own, -and equally capable of noble - impulses. "The malpractices thus exposed are inex cusable, but the corruption is not deep--seaied, and by bo means characteristic of Hie American people." t James Lick, the eccentric California t. - millionaire, who deeded away nearly all his large fortune, last summer, for a variety of benevolent purposes, has thought better of it, and now revokes the deed. He says he wants to provide for persons who have natural claims on him, and make some changes in his other plans, and, ae his health is getting bet ter, he thinks he will take charge of his benevolent projects himself. The in ference is that he will essentially carry out his original purposes, however, and he confirms all the acts so far done by his trustees. But the latter object, and will not surreBder the property. The youngest nuptial union that we have seen recorded in many a day has just been consummated in the quiet vil lage of Yonkers, a suburb of New York ity. Master Mathew Mansfield and Miss Fanny ale, pupils in one of the public schools, and aged respectively fifteen and thirteen years, fell in love with each other and were united in mar riage. Besides being remarkable for the extreme youth of the husband and wife, the marriage is somewhat peculiar on ac count of the manner in which it was brought about.. The family of the girl being strong Spiritualists and believers in " affinities," thought the boy and girl exactly suited ' to each other, and has tened the. marriage without the knowl edge of the boy's parent. The . latter were highly indignant at first, but final ly relented, "and are now reconciled to the match. . The tendency of law to buttress the institution of marriage and all rights ac cruing under it is illustrated by the de cision ol a .New xork case, in which a man on the eve of his marriage gave away nearly all of his property, amounting to $150,000, to his daughters by a former marriage. The wife, to whom he had represented the, value of his estate before betrothal, and who did not know of the . secret conveyance for months after the I marriage, brought suit to invalidate the conveyance on the ground of her inchoate rights of dower in the property. Judge ; Tan Vorst has just maintained her right in a learned decision, showing that neither the man nor the woman has the right to convey property on the posses sion of which a promise of marriage has been contracted and in order to defeat the rights of the other party. It is not necessary, moreover, for the wife to jawait her husband's death before moving for the assertion of her rights, dower be ing a right which is inchoate from the moment of marriage and of the posses sion of property; under this decision, it is inchoate even from betrothal. Re-elected. Concerning the personal appearance of the new United States Senators : Angus Cameron is not unlike Simon Cameron in size, features and manner. McMillan, who takes Ramsey's place, is a small man, with a black beard and. a Granger or rural air about him. Ran dolph, of New Jersey, is a tall, corpulent and broad-shouldered man, with full face and bushy side whiskers. Like Burn side, he is showy and dresses well. Pinckney "Whyte, of Maryland, is of a delicate and aristocratic bearing. Ker- nan, of New York, is very Senatorial in his looks, and looks as if he had six years of uninterrupted happiness before him. Cockrell, of Missouri, and Withers, of Virginia, both of whom were in the Con federate army, have that hard and rough look of the Southern soldier. Andrew Johnson looks admirably, walking around the Senate chamber with an air of ease and comfort. Eaton, of Connecticut, is a small man, with gray fair and smooth face, and has a look on his countenance of perpetual anger. Jones, of Florida, is a tall, gaunt, broad-shoul4ered, -ungainly fellow, with sandy hair cropped down close to the skull, and a smooth red face. It is a frank and honest face, although not very handsome. Maxev, of Texas, is a tall and slim man, with long goatee. He was at "West Point, and a General in the rebel army. McDonald, of Indiana, is a great, heavy man, with a big head and full round face, and a look of intense severity. Bruce, the colored member from Mississippi, dresses well, and has the bearing of a quiet and -unobtrusive person. . The Fatal Swirls." Much has been written of the fearfully grand scenery of the Colorado river. This remarkable stream has terrors out of sight more impressive than its canon walls, and more dangerous than its rapids : The Colorado river is noted for " swirls," so-called. They occur every where, but only at high stages of water. A bubble rises from the bottom, and breaks, with a slight sound, on the sur- ! face. The water at the point begins a! rotary motion, so small that an inverted tea-cup might - cover it. Larger and larger grows the circle, till a surface of forty feet in diameter is in motion, spin ning round a funnel-shaped hole in the centre, two or three feet across at the top, and coming to a point in the depths below. - "' '''-. ' Often a laree tree, floating down the stream, is caught, and its' foremost end thrust in the air twenty or thirty feet, while the other passes underneath, the exposed end to be slowly drawn down again, and to disappear. Three soldiers deserters from Camp Mohave passing through the ravine in a skiff, immediate ly below the fork, suffered their craft to run into a swirL . One of their crew, at the first intima tion of danger, threw himself overboard beyond the charmed circle ; and as he swam away he turned his head and saw the boat spin round and round until, one end being drawn into the vortex, and the other upheaved in the air, it slowly sank, as ft revolved, into the turbid bosom of the river, its human freight to be seen no more ; for the Colorado nver does not give up the dead no corpses lodge on its shores. x ' - " . Not Quite." Do yon want to kill the child?" exclaimed a gentleman as he saw a Fifth street boy tip the baby out of its carriage on the walk. " No, not quite," replied the boy ; " but if I can get him ' to bawling, mother will take care of him while I go and wade in the ditch with Johnny Bracer I" Detroit Free Press. Snow has often beem called "the poor man's manure,", and recent researches have shown that it absorbs from the air an appreciable amount of ammonia, which it imparts to the soil when it melts. From its loose texture and the amount of air it contains usually about ten times its own bulk it is a very bad con ductor of heat, and thus keeps the earth warm by checking the radiation of lte heat. In extreme cold weather, the soil is sometimes forty degrees warmer than the surface of the superjacent snow. In mountainous t countries the snow, by melting' and flooding the rivers, carries lertility into district ma wuim wise be barren wastes. The following incident is related by a writer in the IJcnn Monthly : A gentle man who fell in with one of ovr school boys offered him. " a quarter if he would tell him the names of all the capi tals of Europe. It was quickly done. "Now," said the gentleman, "I will give vou another quarter if you will tell me whether they are animals or vegeta bles." Animals," 'was ready and confident answer. Whereupon, - toe writer inveighs against the parrot-like drill of many schools both private and public. ' CHIT-CHAT FOK LITTLE FOLKS.' " . j SHI1U.KY A HER KITTENS. , JVnonralltUegirl . i Who ia neither biff nor burly; She U ..u.t ufitu butter, And her hmir ia brown and curlv Hr akin ia white aa milk. ' f ! I think they call ik pearly. ! ;. 8Ue rona mhmit aIIdT ' I And 8ea to bed qTiite early; I S.aietuaee ane'a full of fun, f . una aomeumea ahe la aurly But no matter how ahe ia, ' She'a a charming little airly. And ahe haa a pretty nain J iiat liatea ! it la Shirley. She weera a crimson hood And little crunaon niitten. She ia dreadful wared of dola. And very fond of kMtena. One day a neighbor boy came in With something in a hat Said he, -1 're got for Shirley A pretty little cat ! And if ehe'a fond of thia one. To-night I'll brinir another. Tot we have got three tortotae-ahella, i And one like thia hia brother !" She waa very glad to get it, ' f And daneed about with j. y. And Raid, "Oh, yea, bring nozzer one. You goodeat, nicee boy I" , When ahe got two, thia tiny maid Waa gayent of the gay. And o much milk ahe gave to them. They fatter grew each day, ' And rolled around liked puff balla In cunning kittens' play; And which waa merrieat, kits or girl, Twaa pretty hard to Bay. Her sister Susie aaid, one day, " What are your kitties' namea T I think if I were in your place. That I ahould call one Jamea." " I a'all not call one kitty James ! ms on, witn tan ao slim, 1 And atripea all running over it, 1 Hia name ia Dandy Jim; And thia one I have in my lap, I don't know, but I flnka ! It'a such a pretty one, I deaa I'll name him Capen Jinka !" j " Oh. 8hirley, those are ugly names Why don't you call one Nell T i . You know that is the baby's name And call the other Ben." These tata are mine, not yours ! 1 I s all name 'em bofe myself, i An' 1 wis' you wouldn't bover me !" ! Said the independent elf. ' One day at ball ahe played with kits A very merry match: They raced, and rolled the room around, t And tried the ball to catch; And wheu they all grew tired of thia, I They lay down on the floor, And every one fell faat asleep. Before the open door ! The first to wake waa Captain Jinks, And he waa full of tricks; So when he saw the other two Lie just aa still aa bricks, I He pounced upon poor Dandy Jim And rolled him o'er and o'er, ' Till it turned out they tumbled out Through the wide-open door. The noise they mads awoke the maid, Before her nap waa done, And up she rose and rubbed her nose, But oouldnt see the fun; The fact ia she was rather cross, And would not join the rout She snarled her face, and thought she'd cry, But ended with a pout. She told her trouble to mamma, AncLaoon good-natured grew Toward Captain Jinks and Dandy Jim Aa ronnd and round they flew. They kissed, made up, and then agreed To play another match; And somehow, I cant tell just how. Poor Shirley got a scratch ! She from the carpet sprang in haste. With rage her frame did shiver; . Snatched up both kittens by the neck And started for the river! And when ahe reached the river brink She gave an angry scream. Then lifted them above her head And dropped them in the stream. They did not sink as you might think The water ran ao fast; She laughed to see them borne along, And waa spunky to the last. When they were gone quite out of sight, She came back to the house. And sat down in her little chair. And kept still aa a mouse. Soon Susie came and said to her, " Where are your kittens, Shirley?" 8he answered not, but stamped her foot, And looked down cross and surly. Then mamma came and asked the same; Her lip began to quiver " Dey was such awful ugly tats I frew "em in ze wiver." "Oh, Shirley, child," her mamma said, ' How could you be so bad 7" She Bhook her tangled curls and said, "Tause I was dwedful mad!" " You've been a very naughty girl. And I shall tell papa. What do you think hell Bay to yon ?" " Oh, nnffin much, I desa hell say like ?is," she said. While a curl she slightly yanked. " You'se an awful wicked little dirl, So now you must be spanked !" Soan papa came, and in his arms He bore two dripping kittens. And said to Shirley, " You did this For I have found your mittens. Both lying on the river bank. Just where you tossed them over ! And there were prints where little boots Had trampled down the clover !" Tp sprang the child in eager haste And brought her crimson hood; " I'se do n to run way off," ahe said, " Betause I tant be dood ! An' when I'm gone you'll sorry be, An' all of you will cry. For 111 go way off in ce woods. An' maybe I shall die." Papa put kitties in the sun. And Boon they were quite dried; " I deaa 1 will-not go," ahe said, " The tittena didnt died !" Small thanks to you," said her papa, " For they were nearly dead ; You'd ne'er have seen your pets again Had it not been for Fred; He waded in the water deep, , And brought the kittens out. And all the bora upon the bank Cheered him with merry shout ! Now take your kittens, little girl, And see yon treat them well. Or I shall have to give them both To little sister Nell." Then Shirley took her pretty pets, And kissed them o'er and o'er. , " M not be bad again," ahe aaid, " Nor dwown you any mora ! And I will div you lota of milk, . As much aa you tan stuff ! An' I will make you ahoes of silk, An' yon shall have a muff ! So, now 111 put you in you' bed, Tause we must dit up early. Now cuddle down you Ittle head. And say 'dood-nignt 'to Shirley!" -Young Folk ilanthlti. bring back to Belle. When she was a little theng, and before we knew she would be an invalid all her life, she al ways cried when the boys took her, they handled her so roughly. .- But they have learned to nit ner so careiuiiy mat sne l&ves now to sit in their laps, and have them tell stories, or to be - earned about in their arms, to see their pet rabbits and squirrels, and to feed them from her own tiny hands. , "Baby . Belle cannot bear a word of anger, or impatience, or roughness ; she can only grieve over unkindness. Knowing this, and careful never to wound her tender Utile heart, we are all more gentle and considerate toward each other than -we should be were Belle strong and "fug-god as the other children are. So she has become our perpetual peacemaker, and the maker of sunshine as well, for we oaunot look into her face, pale with suffering, yet bright . with pa tient cheerfulness, and wear clouds upon our own. j " ' You cannot wish her to five, said a friend to me the other day. Not for her sake would I have her live, though the world is so beautiful, but how could we spare her? Who would teach us, as she does, lessons of smiling resignation, of trustful submission, of cheerful hope? Loving and patient toward her we learn unconsciously to' prefer each other to self, to bring forward only the sunny side of life, and bear its snadows with Berenity. "Jfoor little baby iieiie i asus sne nas a mission, and is unconsciously making us all fitter for the heavenly mansions, from which, for our sakes, she is per mitted to remain a little while away. Angel work is Baby Belle doing, till the angels take her home." Little Cor Baby Belle's Mission. " Poor little Baby ' Belle I" That was what everybody said when they looked into her great brown eyes of suffering patience, and tne slender misshapen ng ure that sat so still in the tiny wheel chair. Poor little Baby Belle t She had lived through five summers of roses, and thouen tne lauiipuaan leet Had never learned to walk, and the fragile hands were. translucent like Sevres cnina, sne sang as the sunshine played over her on the latticed porch, or in the bay window, and was happy all the day long. No cloud seemed ever to darken the brisrht light of her lustrous eyes, and the notts of her bird-like voice were as sweet as those of the meadow lark. One day atalL sad lady, clad in gar ments of deepest mourning, visited Baby Belle's mamma, and as she looked at the cheerful little soul so happy with the toys on the mimatce table before ner, yet destined never alk the beautiful earth, always to sit helpless in the quiet corner, she silently shook her head and said to Baby Belle's mamma: "Why are such spared, and my husband, so full of life, and labor, and usefulness, taken away?" ' ' . Baby Belle has her mission," replied the mother, " and perhaps, in her quiet way, does as much good as many a strong man.;- What patience she teaches us, what gentleness ! The boys are some times rude to each other, but they are always kind and tender to Baby Belle. In their long rambles in the fields and woods, they never forget her some sweet wild flower, the Btray feathers of some bright tinted birds, or a gaily-hued butterfly, or a bit ol green moss, tney Johnnie and his Wheelbarrow. Patter, patter, came the leaves from the maples, red, gold, brown, as if a rainbow had dropped from the sky, and was now falling through grandpa's maples. With both hands in his pockets, John nie stood looking at the fallen leaves. Something could be done witn tnose leaves. Johnnie had a little wheelbarrow, a red one with a bright gold norse on eacn side; a gay little thing. It was a new wheelbarrow. Every boy liked it; and the bright eold horse was a wonder. He was painted as if running. It seemed as if he would run on from tne wneeioar row any moment. But Here ne was, tne last tning at night, and the first thing in the morn ing, always running, ana yet never stir ring a step. He was a wonder to the boys. The gold horse was now by John nie's side, stall running, and looking as if he would go the whole length of the maples in a second. " Johnnie I" It was srrandoa's voice caUinar from the barnyard. Grandpa was leaning on his cane. Johnnie looked up. "Do you want a job Come up this way.' xne neaa 01 tne sroia norse was point ed toward the barn door, and he went prancing along in grand style. Johnnie, lor every ioaa or leaves vou will wheel into the barnyard I will enve vou a cent. A cent a load ! uion t tnart souna large? And it would make the gold horse feel bo well, too, if he coma earn something toward his oats. Agreed, said Johnnie. All that afternoon the gold horse was prancing from the barnyard and back again, and such loads and such leaves went into the yard ! The rainbow had got back of the barn at last, and there it was scattered round in f 11 its bright colors. , A cent a load t How the cents did count up 1 That night a tired little boy lay in his cot-bed : a heap of cents on the table, and the gold horse under it. And never did a horse pull a ti peart from Boston streets to his stable at night, better pleased with what he had done, than Johnnie's horse seemed to be after work ing among the maples. But he was still running. Nursery. What a Model Boy Should Be . Lady Barker, in a recent work, gives her ideal of a model boy, as follows : If I could make a model boy, X 11 tell you what he should be like ; he should like cold water and hate a lie he should be frank and unsuspicious, as becomes a noble, trusting nature, and yet ne should be neither silly nor soft ; he should have plenty of ip""" ; he should have an ap petite lie a won, lor x snouia wisn mm to i be tall and strong ; but he must not be a bit crreedy. xle should not be ashamed of loving and reverencing all that is crood and holy and pure, but with nothing of the molly-coddle about him ; he should have a fine, sweet temper, yet he should be, as the xankee song says, An orkered man m a row, and ne should know how to take care of himself with his fists. ' ' How to Calculate Interest, and What It WiU Do. The following rules are so simple and so true, acoordiae to all business usages, that every banker, broker, merchant or clerk should post them up for reference. There being no such thing as a fraction in it, there is scarcely any liability to error or mistake. By no other arithmetical process can the desired information be obtained by so few figures : iSix -per Vent. Multiply . any erven number of dollars by the number of days of interest desired ; separate the right hand figure and divide by six ; the result is the true interest on such sum for such number of davs at six per cent. Bight per Cent. Multiply any given amount lor the number of days upon which it is desired to ascertain the inter est, and divide by forty-five, and the re sult will be the interest of such sum for the time reauired. at eight per cent. Ten per Cent. Multiply the same as above, and divide by thirty-six, , and the result will be the amount ol interest at ten per cent. '-- - What It Will Do. If -a mechanic or clerk saves only 2 cents per day, from the time he is twentv-ane untU he is threescore and ten, the aggregate, with interest, will amount to $2,900 ; and a daily saving of 27$ cents reaches the im portant sum of $29,000. A sixpence saved daily will provide a fund of 87,000 sufficient to purchase a good farm. There are few employes who cannot save daily, by abstaining from the use of ci gars, tobacco, liquor, etc, twice or ten times tne amount oi tne six voub Every person should provide for old age, and flie man in business who can save by a dollar a day will eventually find himself possessed of over $iuu,uw. New York Fashions. ' IiADTBS' PAWAJtA HATS. Among .novelties for the spring and summer are very fine plaited French Panama - hats. These are. commended for their exceeding lightness, elegance of shape, fineness, and durability. They ure as soft and pliable as chip braids, do hot' break when bent, are not injured by rain, and aro so elastic that they may be rolled in a small parcel without spoiling the shape. FRENCH WAIJCTNG SAT. The new Derby or French walking hat is an improvement on the English walk ing hat now in vogue. It is precisely like the Derby hats worn by gentlemen ; the crown is high and round, and the narrow brim projects in back and front, and is rolled slightly all round. These are most popular in black and brown chip and fine English Dunstable braid. GOVT ADD BHiTEB. . The few ornaments imported consist of gilt and silver slides, buckles, and brooches of filigree in old mediaeval designs. There are also ribbons and galloon studded with polished jet or silver spangles. Flowers, branches, and leaves of jet with gilt or with silver are oc casionally used. SCOTCH GINGHAM AND LINEN SUITS. Imported suits of Scotch ginghams are shown in quaint and pretty colors of stripes half an inch wide, alternating blue with brown, or pink with blue, or blue with white. Tney cost from sid upward, and are made in the neat manner for which the best Berlin suits are proverb ial. The skirt has a pleated flounce, showing a certain stripe on each pleat. headed by a bias band. The deep apron has a simple sash drapery behind, and is edged with - side pleatings ; the jacket- bascrae is double-breasted, and has two darts in front. It may be worn with or without a white blouse-waist beneath it. Such dresses are a boon to busy women who have no time to mate their own dresses, and who would nave to pay a dress-maker the price of this suit for mak ing the dress. These gay stripes and checks will be chosen for morning dress es in the country. Domestic gingham, mmniar to the seersucker gingham that was popular last summer,is now made in the high colors of Madras and Scotch ginghams, and is sold for 25 cents a yard. The Oxford stripes half an men wide are most liKed. Very tastefully and neatly made suits of irray undressed linens are made in three nieces, basaue. apron, and skirt. and trimmed with fiat pleatings and bias bands very simply arranged, so that they will be easily laundriea. x noserromB.ou and upward are commended highly ; they are also shown as low as $6 50 a suit. GUIPURE AND APPLIQUE WRAPS. Many new wraps to be worn late in the sorinar and all throucrh the summer are made of strong black net, either woolen or silk, nearly cavered witn applied ng ures cut out of black cashmere and Bewed on with narrow braided edges. Some times the figures are entirely made of the Titan wool braids of different widths. BLACK CASHMERE FICHUS. Fichus of black cashmere are also of fered as wraps for pleasant weather. They are made with long fronts like pointed mantillas, almost forming -an over-skirt, and ornamented with fancy pockets. The back is a pointed cape. They are trimmed with lace and jet, and cost $25 and upward. They will be worn over black silk dresses, and are meed lor quite young ladies and misses. The Milkman's Horse. " Mr. Fullen, a milkman living near Augusta, Maine, has a horse that he has driven over the city milk route for about two years, and the Maine Farmer gives the following account of this horse: "Knowing the norse to be an un usually intelligent one, Mr. Pullen, one morning after starting on his . route, let the reins remain in the hook in the top of his wagon to see what the horse would do. He had his own way in coming into the city, stopping regularly at the houses of eighty-four customers without a mis take, then went to the postomce, thence to the store of Mr. .Haskell where Mr. Pullen is in the habit of stopping and then took up his route home, where he arrived safe. Mr. xtuien not once naving touched the reins fram the time he left home. Is not this pretty -well for a horse? And could any ordinary milk man do better? Mr. Pullen says any variation of the route, such as new cus tomers or a change of ; residence, is readily learned by a horse in four days, after which he never makes a mistake. Horses and Snails for the Table. Since the war Paris has consumed from nine to ten thousand horses a year, and here, as in the principal German cities, the crowing taste for norae-neen has been very marked. A prime, jaded horse brings, at x'ans, from zo to and there are 48 places in the city where a man can eat all the horses, and mules and asses he pleases. It is furnished at half the cost of beef, the juiciest outs ranging from twenty to twenty-five cents per pound. Horse sausage is also quite popular ; the tongue, brain and liver are served in tempting bits, while the fat is utilized for butter. But asses, decayed salmon roes, and unnatural geese livers are not enough, and a new dish has ap peared which will make the Gallic Tera phim smack their lips ; it is the com mon j slimy snail. Burgundy and Pro vence are the seats of the snail culture. Throngs of women and children scour the country, collecting the snails in immense numbers, and depositing them in little tracts of land, enclosed with simply a trail! of sawdust. This last the snail despises, and avoids its vicinity as a matter of preference. After incarcera tion for two or three days, he is permit ted to starve, and - then the plot is laid out in patches of turf intersected by paths of sand. Above, boards are hung to serve as shelter for the snails, which instinctively gather in large groups. The food provided - consists in aromatic plants, such as mint, or lettuce. This is fed to them three times a day in enor mous quantities. At the end of eight days, the snails become quite obese, and besides have attained a very succulent flavor. Then comes another period of starvation for several days, after which transmission to market follows. Gour mands, it is said, prefer the snail when taken wild, so long as the capture is made in tne fall of the year. A Famous Squash Boot. The big squash of Amherst Agricultur al ixMiege xarm, which grew so stoutly that it burst several iron cages, and final ly lifted four thousand one hundred and twenty pounds (and of which a plaster cast in is preserved ), naa enough roots underground to feed it for its herculean work. The squash vine was washed out with its roots by the continued use of a crar- denhose for twenty-four hours, and the whole root system was spread out on a floor and carefully measured. The main branches were each 12 or 15 feet long, and aggregated some 4,000. One of the seventy nodal roots, 4 feet long, had 480 branches, and a most careful estimate of tnehamifications of the rootlet based upon the actual measurement of the di vision showed that the squash vine had between 15 and 19 miles of roots. Beckoning the number of days it had been growing (52), it was found that it must have made on the average 1.000 feet per day, and on favorable days about Col. Clark, the President of the Asr- ricultural College, says that while this growth was going on, and the big squash was expanding and lifting its enormous burden, great drops of sweat stood all over its rough rind, proving that it felt tne great task imposed upon it. Treating a Flesh Wound. Every person should learn Low to treat a flesh wonnd. Every one is liable to be placed in circumstances away from surgi cal ana veterinary aid. where iia may People and Things,, . .. TRaAVMriTr.w natural -f cariosity A woman a. t a u fn Milwaukee hs been chris tened "Zero," in honor of the cold Sun day upon which he waa born. .; i: . Tot TTwi T. AT Conor, aa Mayor off Augusta, Me., stepped into an office that his father had held twenty-one years ago. Tmi niw tViTwv-million-dollar hotel at San Francisco will contain, among other features, a billiard room for the exclusive use of ladies. . A SWEET little 12-year-old of Browns ville, Tenn., is on trial for poisoning; three little children. She did it " just to see 'em die," ' Ex-Gov. Mosbs. of South Carolina, has filed his petition in bankruptcy. His liabilities amount to $92,451.50; assets next to nothing. T.rrwv Tbateb has been Justice of the Peace in Parish, Fulton county, N. Y., for over thirty years, and has never had decision reversed. In France a man has been condemned for a libel which he wrote with a sharp stick on the skin of a green pumpsin growing in the fields. . - Thk debt owing by bankrupt foreign States amounts to no less than 240,- 000,000, of which the greater part al most all is held in England. Con. J. G. Lane, of the United States army, will have command of the expedi tion to be sent out by the American So ciety for the Exploration of Pidestine. In Missouri wolf scalps , are received in payment of taxes, and the legu&lativer committee appointed for that purpose burned about $6,000 worth, that had as cumulated during the last two years. It is said that since the passage of the Civil Bights bill the Pennsylvania Col onization Society has received applica tions from eighty-six negro families in Alabama for transportation to Liberia. owned in the county of Lim erick, Ireland, recently jumped over wall thirteen feet in height. It had been separated from bis companions, and to rejoin them took this extraordinary leap. A vottno woman in Macoupin county. 111., recently sawed a cord of bard wood in 105 minutes, cutting each stick twice. Pretty and not quite 18, she performed this feat because her mother told her that she was good for nothing but to read novels. Kow Yon Begin to Talk. On a certain occasion the counsel took some ; exception to the ruiuug ox tne court on some point and a dispute arose. " xf the court please, said the counsel and at the same time picking up a volume. ' There is no referring to any book," exclaimed the court, angrily, I have decided the pi'nt." " Uut your honor persisted tne at torney. Now, I don t want to bear anythin on the subject, veiled the court. tell you again I have decided the p'nt." " x know that," was tne rejoinder. " x am satisfied of that ; but this is a volume of Blackstone. Iam certain he differs with your honor, and I only want to show you what a fool Blackstone was." "An, indeed, exclaimed tne court, now you begin to talk.": A Poetical Proposal. ' Daniel Webster' " proposal to Miss Fletcher ia worth remembering. Like many other lovers, he was caught hold ing a ekein of thread or wool which the ladv had been unraveling. " Gracie, Raid he. " we have been untying knots. Liet ussee if we cannot tie one which will not untie in a hfe-time." With a piece of ' tape he fashioned half a true lover's knot. Miss Fletcher perfected it, and a kiss put the seal to the symbolical bargain. A Keat Swindle. Some simple folks in West Boylston, Mass.. have lust been "done in a very contemptible way. Two well-dressed scamps found out the deal people in town, and then proposed to cure them for from $50 to $100 each, according to their extremity, asking, of course, an advance payment. Some paid from $10 to $20 down, and were ornamented with a wire oontnvanoe wmcn came over the top of the head and down be hind the ears, and which they were to wear four hours a day for eight weeks, as it would keep up a current of elec tricity that would ultimately restore the functions of hearing entirely. -, The swindlers, of court, have gone, but some of the dupes are still wearing their foolish headgear. Alitor Show. The world is crazy for show. : There is not one perhaps in a thousand who dares fall back on his real simple self for pow er to get through the world, and exact enjoyment as he goes along. There is no end to the aping, ttM mimicry, tne false airs, and the superficial airs. It re quires rare courage, we admit, to live up to one's enlightened convictions in these days. Unless you consent to join in the chat, there is no room for you among the great mob of pretenders. If a man de sires to live within, his means and is reso lute in his purpose not to appear more than he really is, let him be applauded. j nere is Bomeumg ireau ana invigorat ing in ouch an example, and we should honor and uphold such a plan with all the energ in our power. . The St. Louis Globe gives a new word "Shot-gunned." save his own life, the life of a friend. a beast, simply by the exercise of a little common sense. In the first place, cloae the lips ot tne wound within the hands, and hold them firmly together to check the flow of blood until several "stitches be taken and a bandage applied. Then bathe the wound for a long time in cold water. " Should it be painful, " a 1 correspondent says, " take a panful of burning coals, and sprinkle upon them common brown sugar, and hold the wounded part in the smoke. In a minute or two the pin will be allayed, and the recovery proceeds rapidly, xn my case a rusty nail had made a bad wound in my foot. The pain and nervous irrita tion were severe. This was all removed by holding it in smoke fifteen minutes, and I was able to resume my reading in comfort. ' We have often recommended it to others with a like result. Last week one of my men had a finger-nail torn out by a pair of ice-tongs. It became very painful, as was to be expected. Held in sugar smoke twenty minutes, pain ceased, and promised speedy recovery. " . The Supply of Hogs. Some commercial authorities and deal ers express the opinion that the stock of hogs on the farms in this country is now than at any lame m the past ten years. Whether this be true or not. there can be no question that the supply is very small, and this indicates good prices next season. xt seems to us that, this season es pecially, it will be wise for . farmers to give more than ordinary care to their breeding sows and pigs, and that it will be safe for most farmers to raise all the pigs they conveniently can, keeping them growing as rapidly as possible during the summer, so as to have them ready for market in the fall, should the prices open high. Western Mitral. Female Bights. Only the female spiders spin webs. They own all the real estate, and the males have to live a vagabond life under stones and other obscure hiding places. If they come about the house so often as to bore the ruling sex, they are mercilessly killed and eaten. The spider s skin is as un yielding, as the shells of lobsters and crabs, and is shed from time to tuner in the same way to aooommsdate the ani mals growth, xf you poke over the rubbish in a female spider's sack yard. among her cast-off corsets you will find the jackets of the males who have paid for their sociality with, their lives trophies of her barbarism as truly as scalps show the savage nature of the red man. ifroj. JS. is. Morse A street preacher of San Francisco, being disturbed during a sermon, Sun day week, pulled out a police whistle and began blowing it, but those wno disturbed him skedaddled, and the po lice arrested the dominie for blowing tha whistle without a cause. A Lieutenant in the Russian navy Eublishes a device for quickly stopping oles made in ships 'by collisions. It consists of a waterproof, pliable patch, with mechanism by which it may be ad justed on the outside of the leaking sur face. The xiuseian men-of-war are being supplied with it. What in the world is Patti going to do with all her diamonds f At the con clusion of her recent engagement at St. Petersburg she was presented with a ' magnificent diadem of diamonds and sapphires, by far the handsomest gift she has received during her several visits to the Russian capital. Thb duties of a Connecticut school master in 1661 were as follows: " To act as a court messenger, to serve sum monses, to conduct services in . the church, to lead the choir on Sundays, to ring the bell for publio worship, to dig the graves, to take charge of the school, and to' perform other oocasioaal duties.' Bret Habtb once' worked for his board up in one of the Sierra valleys, but the old fellow he lived with thinks he hardly paid his way. ". Do you see that fence V said the old man to a party of visitors lately, pointing to a stump-and-bruah affair around his garden. " Well, Bret staid with me two year, an' about all he done was to help me build that. - A Topic of the Day. , Cremation, onoe the -prevailing fashion in China, is now reserved for the priest of Buddha alone that self-made outcast from society, whose parting soul relies on no fond breast, who has no kith or kin to phod " some pious drops the clos ing eye requires ;" but who, seated in an iron chair beneath the rniniature -patroda erected in most large temples for that purpose, passes away in fire and smoke from this vale of tears and sin. to be ab sorbed in the blissful unconsciousness of uui eusirutu xtirvana. Two hundred and thirty-four millions . of oranges and lemons were sent from, Italy to New York during 1874 ; 33 per cent, of the oranges and 14 per cent, ox the lemons spoiled in the Atlantic pass age. Over 1,270,861 boxes of fruit of all sorts were sent from Italian ports to the United States during the same year. The business is regarded by the Sicilians in particular as very profitable. A boy at work m a Pittsburgh glass factory went off the other day and had s glorious drunk. The firm, having no sympathy with glorious drunks, dis charged the drunkard. Then the other hands in the shop, taking sides with. glorious drunks, refused to work unless the drunkard was restored to his place. Result of the movement, the firm shut up shop and will not reopen until Sep tember, and seventy-five bands are out sf work, i In Hale Attire. The Tiftnal vjaonotoTinnft mnMriA rf Vwi ra nees at the North Side Police Station was somewhat relieved this morning by the appearance in tne prisoners dox oi a young female of 19 years, dressed in male attire. This young woman, whose name is Annie Miller, was arrested last evening, away up in Milwaukee avenue, while looking for lodgings. She was taken in for stealing the clothes she had ' on from a person named Levi, living at 171 West Randolph street, where she has been employed as servant. On Sunday last, when Mr. Levi went to put on his new clothes to attend a wedding, he found them missing, and the girl's clothes were instead, and the girl was missing. Mr. Levi reported -the case to the police, and last night he heard she was in Milwaukee avenue, and procuring a policeman caused her arrest. Annie is not very a bad looking girl, speaks first rate English for a German girl, and her features greatly resemble those of a boy of about 17. . She has often assumed the male attire, and has earned her living a number of times in this disguise, tn-a-iTy care of and driving horses, chopping wood and other manual labor. She says she will wear the breeches as much as possible, as she can earn more money and ia better treated than in the attire of her sex. Justice Kaufmann heard her out, and, changing the charge from lar ceny to disorderly conduct, fined her $50. Chicago Journal. This JPhrenolxgical Journal is asked to diagnose a farmer who is so tender hearted that he can hold on to an nimfi while it is getting its throat cut, but can not perform the job himself. His wife can cut a windpipe like a man, but cries when she is spoken to harshly. The Journal remarks that the farmer wants more destructiveness and firmness, while his lady lias large approbativeness and moderate self-esteem. Probably the best cure for the symptoms described would be to dress the wife in breeches and let the inferior animal take the other appareL ., Cement Coffins versos Wood. The Prefecture of the Seine has at present under consideration a new in vention in connection with the burial of the dead namely, the substitution of cement oomns for those made, or woou. The thickness of the shell would not ex ceed three-fourths of an indh, and they would cost about the same as very com mon material, and far. less than oak. The corpses would, it is argued, be more perfectly preserved, and for a longer period, and all mephitio exhahitiona would be prevented. M. Ferdinand Duval, Prefect of the Seine, has refer red this proposal for examination to tha Counoil of Health. ;