iv t - i jf j f)lff(f ML . ' ffft VOLUME VII. BUSINESS CARDS. SAMUEL,. E. YOUNG, Wholesale and Hetsttl Dealer In clotix:3, ins, REAFR3 .TOYBIS, vacs::3, novis; CIED CHRIS, CROAQCAST SEED -C3YE33, ETC. ' Pint ntreeS, Albaas y. Ornw. - Terms - - Oasli. Here's .-"llsePtece .Has received and is offering for sale a wen Mice-, GENERAL MERCHANDISE! Which be is determined to sell AT THE LOWEST PRICES 1 for. . r C a s li , or HercMaMs Prate ! Please rive me a call, and examine Goods and Prices. B. H. (lAl'QHTOV. 115V7 Lebanon, Or. O. - S. CO. ROM AND AFTER DATE, CXTIL FCB- JL' tber notice, freight from FOHTLASTI to WILL BE OH E DOLLAR ALBANY PEE T05! AH down freight will be delivered at FOBT IAXD or ASTORIA Free of I) raj-age and Wharfage, At Reduced Rates. SoavU wlU. Icavo AT.BAS Y for COBVALLIS or fUUTLAI 1 - -.- - . Tor farther particulars, apply to Albany, Nov. Sd, Ml AftsU ATTENTION. PARKER & nOBRIff Hem, Elevator! - -n wow BKAnw MR THE RBCKPTIOX I at wheat and oats. We call the attention of feraters to the met that we have erected the n- nest wart-now o in me wsipjh m -m nre ciinim i -r- in nosltion to handle shUhIHc trttflHIv All iiainemw quantity of grain. Our lioam has tpaciiy ror 2G3,CC0 bushels - of - Wheat ! at one time, and U lorated on the margin of the WIllnntBtteUiver.andprovidedwlthairtdetmck frota t lie O. A G. B. K-, o that shipment may le made dallv by rail, an das often by water as Imatuiff facilities offer. We have two Ihw suc tion tens. In addition to other fans, attached In the house, run, by water power, and are tuna prepareato - C3 4tl the wheat received. Caa take in and clean ' in w hnshnla wr dav. Cleaned wheat is worth mneh more In all foreign markets than font wheat, and none slMHtld be shipped without cleaning. Onrcharges wOllssnvecentsalnwhel on wheat, ana loar cents on wi. n c imio 'SIXTY TIIOUSASfD SACKS to fnmish those storing wheat with ns, free to , those whose w neat we pnrcnase, ana mi ine t inMt msb nrioa to those who sell their wheat from oar honse to other tmyers. Persons stor. l.r -nil h in it tihertv to sell to whom thev Mw, Those who reside on the west side of the river will havo ferriage free. W ill te in the market it buyers, and expect b b,e to oay the highest possible price. Having pre rared onrsel ves to do a large onsiness,- we hope ioroar absvra of -tba. pautfe pnironage. - - PAUKEI V 910BHIS. Bt7rJulr31 ' Albany; Oregon. Lzlh ncs? & Esrfeer Shop. ww! I-vnvRMGSKI) WOULD BE8PECT- . fnilv thank tltaeitijsens of Albany and vt- ctaHv for the liberal patronage nesiowea m hiss tor the nast seven years, nJ hopes ror ine fuUirea continuation of their nayprs. ror mm friends in the nppar part of town, be m open ed a neat mtle next """ T " " hi, raloon. where a good workman will always be Id attendance to wan u-sm iTViSS nnm Dec. 11. 17 i. ; JOB W8BB1EB, ESTET OHOAS8 SOLD AT JHK K.K.PAH, sonure. Albany, on t te post " f 7?" Th- tarif v ntiufAV has fseenpronouweea tne vi uy ilia o9,mwn. . . .1 any other nntil you ave seen and n;-fa"?, nnntifnl Insrrnnienta. . Wllflua. . . rj" . hutuM. Deht uny iKMtwr Asrr. Endoreed lr : KMUeat prafeaahm. Pa. Wt. HALfS BALSAM fox the longs cure Coughs, Colds and Conanmptton. i and all diaoaaea of the Throat and Cheat; w, ' TOWKfLEyS TOOTQACHE AJSODTXB cures is one MZNUTB. "n4" FOB HAIJ5I ' .VA small pabm OP OWE mnfTDRE DACBE8 I 4X two miles from AJtmov. with house, oom I uodlons bn-m.andmnali$rGiird of cocetrsea. AJwt. Atnniitip ImnnumlL mm A llRV ll-"!'llt 8pnn.iT e. yfklH LOV ASD IfcttMS aRy. tnvi.t lntuinis to em irnt seea- mgahoms nwrthlstrinrinr atty.. J-twswweksn Siven immadiatelv." For mn; -" qnira Of ; , Washington H 14 ata,Aluaoy Of, CASES-; St. ''QaSfjssi H(rtel, . Cawme Waahtes-M aaal FIrat ALBANY, OREGON, Matthews & Morrison, , PROPRIETORS. House newly furnished throughout. Tba beat the market afford always on Uie table. Free Ceaeb aad firesa IM H Eschangd Hotel, . : Corner rlrat and Washington street. - ' ... , ALBANY, OREGOX, - ; J. H. Esc&e&stOt Proprietor. --FlrWMirftie .atew management; this" popular Luotei Das JbeeiF refitted -and .rcfnmtohed. arid now offers The ravelina; nubile the best aeeom- mndarkms on the most reasonable terms. 33-7 Lelmnoai Mall and Stase Line. W. B. DOSACA, PnY. MAIL PATS-.Monday, Wednesday and Fri day. ; . . i . -7n32 '- 0. P. S. PL15I3IER, M. D bbvch, ; rljiri'iiuuHi. I'WARs, , TOBACCO, BOOKS AND STATIONERY. full stock of Trusses and Surgical appliances. W Beta ember PLIXHEB. r7 n28 Ratlslng- and moving Bufldlngrs. TTTKTHE tTSDEKSIGNED BE LEAVE TO V V announce to the citizens of A limn v and surrounding country that, having supplied our selves with the necessary, machinery for rais ing ana removing onuaings. we arereaayai an times to receive orders for such work, which we will do in short order at lowest rates. We guarantee entire satisfaction in au wora nnaer taken by us. Orders left at the Register office promptly attenteato. Apply to. HAXfY.ALLtJ Albany, Or- April Si. 1875. 31 v7 BRXTNK & SIAY, Mannlhctnrcrs of BOOTS Sc. SHOES, ALBANT, OKEOOS. rRPEHf WUCTTEH, AKD ALL WORK guaranteed. Leave vnur rt!cr tit 1uaW shon In the old Foster building, on First street, below A. Ca rotbers tt Co. S.1V7 P. C. HARPER & Dealers In . CO., Clothing:, Boot mm! Shan, Hate, Uroee rtesv, rasj.j moatfa, Sletlesns Khotg-utis tntols, Sails. Bone. Mirrors, Wallpaper Wood smkI Willow . Ware, Trwnfca and Valises, PWket Cailery, .e I 8nld very low either for caxh, or to prompt pay r in cnstoiner on time. v7 A CARD. A IT. BELL PARKKB, late of Oregon City, leg leave to inform the public that they have purchased the entire stock ot ilrng. nieu- Icinex. Ac., formerly ownedbv It. C Hill A Sim. and that they design continuing thti bnine at the old stand, where they purpose keeping in the fnrnre a full nssortmentof Druijt. , Chemfeatu, Patent Toilet Artlele, " . , '-Perfatnay, and everything usually found in a first-class dmgatorc. While earnestly soliciting a ontinnanoe of the liberal patronage heretofore extended to tins old house, we hope at the same time, by fair and liberal dealing, and careful attention to the wants of customers, to merit the esteem of any x:w friends who may tavor us with their or ders. Particular attention will be given to the com pounding of physician's prescription and am ily recipes, at all hours of the dayor night. ' A. If. HEUi lc PABKEH. . Successors to B. C. Uli.li A Sow. ; Albany, October , 7-n4t OTOVCO I OTOVEO I From this date until further notice, I will sell a CHOICB BXX.ECTIOW OF Stoves & Ranges -AT- d3 GD -AIO- PUMPS, HOSE, ETC. W. H. McFARLAKD. Albany, Deo. 16, 1874-U LOCK TO YOUR INTER EST3 ! -A"VJE MONEY! Old Beuyera, Bawtw and TSiresbera Bepal?ed and made almost aa good as new plIEEBILLA PUTWAMPS 7 rizvv r.iACitinc chop S now prepared to do all kinds ot TSriaT $tmmtmg awMl Orgaslng. Also, an-v Ironwork and general Blaaksoiltb ing tba uaa may dernand. Fenmez rkueeM wtil be kept cn hand at an tine, . . ,, , . flnS) Businrss 9 ABAOBAS LETS. Bring on that wood, f ' J:; Wheat la quoted at 80c. ' ' ". Wild strawberries are ripe. Prof. Warren returned last week. , Wm. Gearhart died on Monday evening. A good stage of water in the Willamette. Wm, Parrlsh and family have gone to the mountains. g Alex. Pnrdom left for Portland on Mon day. ! '; - r: : John Lay ton has commenced, delivering orics. ior c ruman a new diock. . t -1 v. . . a. i , Tlie Pioneer Hosiery, at .Tefferson, started into work on the first of the .week. Delicious soda at the drug establishment Of iMessrs, Bell & Parker." " , Plenty of glorious sunshine during the week. 'f'-C ' ' . ' ' CdroT-fcknes8 in TJdonsof t!s, county genenvly fevers or r mlHt type. - The Grand Xodge of Good Templars con venes in Portland.on the 8th of June. '--jr' Our hotels have ieen . having a big rotf for some weeks. ' ; k L " W. C. Tweedale is Ma receipt of fresh 1 groceries, etc .- . v . . " " The waters having gone down,' the mills are enable to grind once more. " " 7 i Doc. Lister sells groceries aud provisions way down for cash. .1 Mr. Bales has purchased a farm near Peterson's Butte. Trade fair during the week, but not rush ing. . j Don't forget the orthographical contest at the Opera Honse Tuesday night. ! Sociable at the Methodist parsonage to night, to which you are invited. ; . ' Maple syrup at Win. Tweedale's splen did on slapjacks. Urn. V j - A. seeat ueai ot sickness in and near Swaet Home. I ; . Money, money, meney! Scarce, scarce, scarce! :. AVm. Powersy of Shedd, was in the city Wednesday. . i The mornings and evenings have been remarkably cool cool enough for fires. llurd s (Jo. have received their new planer. . - i Colored stockings both for; adults and children, are more fashionable this season tlutia lat. r - ' . ! Mr. J. Ketchttm, from Seattle, W. T arrived in the city Tuesday, ou a visit to relatives and friends. j , j The picture men closed out .Tuesday night, liaving sold a large number of line pictures, liandsotiiely framed, our citizens. The annual meeting of the atockhoklers in the Kagle Woolen Mills transpires on me unn ot . i one, at Brownsville. . Bishop Morris will Iiokl Kpiscoji.il ser vices in the Congregational church on Mon day evening next. Itats are getting thtcker'n anything in this city, and the question is often asked What is the best way to get rid of thctn. Thomas Clemens starts for Old Missouri next week, with tlie intention of bringing to Oregon his titlier and mother. The Sunday School picnic at I-cbanou last Friday was largely attended, and proved a piy ami festive occasion. : Tames Lorent. Sen., starts for the land of hi nativity, France, iu a week or two, probably to remain. Tlie first and secontl nines of tlie Wil lamettes played a match game lat Friday, tlie second nine coming off victorious. Billv Beacli came down from thePalouse country last week, looking well preserved and liearty. ' ' The stockholders in the Grange Union are requested to meet at 10 o'clock A. M. to-morrow. In the Court House. Business. We were visited by a slight rainfall on Tuesday. Tlie street-sprinkler is having an easy time this spring. The ladies bold their. Sociable at the Methodist parsonage, on Third between Calipooia and Baker Streets, this evening. Everybody is invited. Fanny Potion brotigh up 3G0 packages of merchandise for tlie niercliants of Lebanon on Monday night. Slathers ot goods, are sold at Lebanon. j ,;- " ., ri ;The dltchdown Lyon , street is being finished hi first class style. It is to be flnmed all the way, and will cost like scis sors. : " ' ... ' , j The FannlfTatton brought np an im mense load of freight Monday night, among the rest a portion of the iron front for Dave Froman's net bricks. ""' - The new hotel at Sodavtlle, kept by D. M. Foote, is winning golden opinions. It is neatly furnished, and the table is all that could be wished.- P&xUm ' will soon be in readiness to ac commodate you with those new style pic tures which get away with everybody, at bis new place on Second and Ferry streets. The corner-stone ot the new Episcopal church will be laid, with appropriate cere monies on Monday at o'clock P. M Bishop Morris presiding We will sell an interest in this paper to a reliable man on fair terms, if application be made soon. Business is Increasing, and we want an assistant. Continued sickness in our family, in addition to an abundance of office work, doesn't allow ns any. elegant leisure to speak of. - The Greenhorn claim j on the Santlam, Doc. Herren Informs us, la in good shape, ready to oaatasence operations, the hy draalto working like a charm. ' L 8J Waldrlp, of Idaho, a former resi dent of this' city, was in 'the city on Mon day, He came down to purchase ; the machinery fop a jrrist mill to take back with him, ' t . ALBANY, OREGON; MAY Camp meets to-night."' . - On Tuesday night Mrs, Allen Parker re ceived a telegram frdm her husband who was then in New York, where"he calculated to remain until tomorrow, when he would embark for Europe. . . ' : j !:; : Avcamproeettng will be held near Ib- anoriT corhrnenclrig Juno 35th. On the 80th, the Synod transpires In connection with the meeting. AU are; invited to par ticipate. ' ' :" J :-' Eer. Isaiah Wilson, of the M. K. Church, administered". the rites-ofaptlsp by im- meipoa on Sunday lasts to Mr. Carother, In, the Willamette at foot of Ellsworth street.'' . - ' ' . ' j- j'! A. CflTotliers&Co. will soon, receive a new generator, capable or turning one 950 dozen of soda every day. v The soda fonn- fain aijd apparatus wiljrCost over4300taud win be elegant enough fctfnybodjw . . We are indebted to .Sen&tor Mitchell for ivahiable ptiWkj-aocutaysntR.'tbe 1as(eJng 1R wiigr6SlJOi -atCBuruLf-vsmiM'iijiiiac report of the spocjar sesslpfl or tSft Senate from tM4thfothe 26tti of Marcfii 1473, . - Dr. Alexander has received the mourn ful intelligence of the death of Ma father, John Alexander, , near Keosauqua Van Buren county, Iowa; on the 6th Inst., in. his 78th year. ' 1 The base ball , match between the Cor- vallls club and' the Wlllaaiettes of this city. was won by the first named.- As the Cor vallis boys wen the first game also, this gives them the championship. If parties-who have land to sell will call and. leave a description, number of acres. price, etc., with ns, we may be enabled to send them a purchaser and it won't cost them a cent. , r - Luther - Elkins, 7Esq is erecting a neat dwelling on the -corner of Third and Ferry streets.' It is impossible for" Mr. Elkins to be Idle he must be doing -something, ' if it's only building houses and improving the city.-:- , . r"? - . : Persons wishing to employ help of.any kind, are invitedto call and see' ns and make their want known. We will, en deavor to send them Just such help as they require, and will not charge them one cent for the trouble. A basket, picnic, ituder the auspices of the Good Templars, comes off at Jefferson to-morrow. Everybody Is invited to fill their baskets and join in the fun. Rev. P. S. Knight, of Salem, has been invited to deliver an address on the occasion i'. Aud this is .what schooling doeaibr the boys WOHam Scott, if yoo ever cornv gate-ypni" ."'brow at me li tliat way again. 1 shall temporarily deposit otr books on the sidewalk, and caiiwthe llood Jo coagi ulste. untler youJef qptic. William t?- An advanced little rooster who was asked which was the greatest evil, "hurting an other's feelings or his finger, replted, the former. When asked for a reason for the belief that was in him, be replied: 'Cos yon can't tie a rag round the feelings, ami you can around the finger! If people who suffer from the dull stu pidity tliat meets us everywhere in Spring, and too often in all seasons of the year. knew how quick it could be tHired by Aak ing Acer's Sttrmparilla to purge the ' bile from their systems, we should have better neighbors as well as clearer heads -to deal with - For a lay out ' of , delicious, ripe, wild strawberries, on Tuesday, we are Indebted to ottr ktud-hearted ami thoughtful neigh bor, Mrs. J. I, jftmiom. -,They - were sent to her from Pass Creek by her son John, and she kindly divided with u. Wliat a blessed thing it is to have such friends. - ' A large number of beautiful op paintings ami ciiromos were soia at auction Monday night. Tlie highest price paid we believe for a pair of oil paintings was $75, Messrs. Saml. E. Young and W. II. McFarland eacli paying that sum for a magnificent pair oil paiutlugs tn elegant frames, A large number of our citizens Indulged their taste for the beautiful in purchasing pictures, paying as high as f23 for a single chromo. Daniel Clark, Master of the State Grange, will meet tlie members of tlie Patrons of Husbandry, for the purpose of laying be fore them matters of importance to the or ganization, at the .'following ' times and places in this county ; ' At Peoria Orange on Monday, May Slst ; Bro wnsvll ley Tues day, June 1st . Knox Butte, Wednesday, J une, 2d ; Sautlam,"Thttrsdayj ' Jdfae 3d Meetings will be held at 1 'o'clock P. M. of tlie days stated. It Is suggested that the Granges In each county in tho State, should, publish and send to the Eastern States, a reliable and truthful description of such county, and thus aid in spreading abroad reliable infor mation concerning our State. The sugges tion is a good one, and If taken hold ot In the proper spirit, would be more effectual and prove of greater benefit to the State at large than any ; other mode that could be adopted. ;:';v;'v';'- ' r: ';M ;A' Tlie other evening, at one of our down town residenoesynav large rat was discovered in the kitchen, 'after all the doors had been closed. ' Then the fun commenced, as the death of hat "rat waa decreed, there and then. , After chasing that rat around the kitchen without making an impression on him, it occurred to the parties that there was a way to get rid of that rat without so much labor; and while bis ratsMp waa rest ing behind a barrel, kerosene was- poured over him, a piece" of lighted paper thrown on to htm, and then for a few minutes a ball of fire might have been seen leaping and vaulting over that room. ' It might bays been fan to the lookers-on, but tww death to the rat. - - " - : 28, 1875. '. - : I . it- . .-j ' t The Kkgisteb is the official city paper. John Lay ton will burn another kiln of brick Immediately. Mr, Pierce has procured a new wire rope for hit ferry at this place. Emigrants continue pouring Into this city, In search of homes . Frank; Wood goes to Greenhorn to-day. to start up work. . Hallock Griffin has returned from San Francisco. We learn, that father Royal Is improv ing. , - ' .. R, S. 3hank!ln, of Peoria, died of lung fever Thursday night of last week, leaving iHaaiily of five children. Jas. Harmon, Esq.,! has consented to deliver an address before' t&a. Monmouth College literary socle tie on tho l&tb prox. Robert. GUlllaod, an of the toll-gate keeper in .Sweet Hone valleyv died on Monday last, of pnentnonla. - gh Grange Business Council wuTeiset at tea la this city on T&esdayr June etn-.-.t.; f.v- , , .... - . . AsonotL. C.-Borirt received kick inj the month frotn a vicious horse, on Tuesday. Xo bones broken. As we go to press, we learn that Mrs. Warren has somewhat Improved and is feeling quite cheerful. , Ti . : A large time was had yesterday .at the Gpod Templar's picnic at Robert's bridge. It was a pleasant occasion. Butter and eggs have fallen since last re- portr the first 6o per pound, and the latter 2c pec dozen. Mr. W. D. Belding has been confined to his bouse for a week or two past, with something like rheumatism in his feet. As nearly all the Good Templars in this burg went to tlwfplcnic yesterday, the city was very quiet, f; Mr. A. Cowan started tor Sim Reed's farm in Washington county, with several fine mares, on Wednesday. We understand that Jack Grouse, for merly of this city, is engaged in business at or near Syracuse, X Y. J. J. Comstock, of Pass Creek, was in the city on Tuesday. looking as portly and handsome as he did fifty years ago. We are glad to learn that Miss Eva Goltra is recovering from her recent dan gerous illness. From the number of warehouses in Jef ferson It is anticipated that tho storage and handling of grain will be reduced to a low figure the coming season. - A government officer is to examine the Willamette river from this city to Eugene, in order to ascertain the cost of improving t-v - - ' At the auction of pictures on Monday aad Tttesday nhrhfav our -people iiiwated ;bont $3,000 cash tn ciiromos and oil paint- Ilia Greenhorn Company have employed a Superintendent, an old and experienced miner, who will commence at once to de velop their mining claim. . The Odd Fellows of this city are making preparations for a grand excursion, extend ing ten days or two week's time, to come off soon. It'll be jolly enough for any body. .. -----;- .. . - Prof. B. D. Kennedy-will be at the St. Charles not el from to-day until Monday, where lie will receive visUa and describe diameter. On Monday he departs for Salem, where lie will probably lecture In the Opera House on that evening. We besspeak for tlie lecturer a full house, as be Is away np as a phrenologist, etc A sable son of Africa called at the Mag nolia Mills on Wednesday, and demanded some bran or other mill stuff, from Frank Parton, tlie miller. Frank declined letting the colored man have what he wanted, on the ground of being short, when his sable- ship demanded : "Do you understand, sir, de meaning of de cihll foce bill ?" Frank caved at once and with good grace, and the colored gentleman get away with bis mill stuff. . ...... . .The Committee appointed to confer with the City Council, onr Tuesday evening. In behalf of the Hook and Ladders, presented the matter .when the Council authorized the Company to secure as large an amount as possible by voluntary subscription, when the city, would donate the balance. The Mayor instructed the Committee to secure the best outfit that could., be obtained. With an efficient book and ladder company, onr fire department' can hope to cope suc cessfully with any fire that nwy unfortu nately visit property in tlw dty , A 'ltet of fifty-one, names -having been secured tor the organization, of a hook and ladder company, a preliminary meeting was held In the hall of Albany Fire Co. Jfo. 1, 'en Monday evening at which a com mittee, consisting ot Messrs, W. H. Dodd, 3. K. Weatherford and H."; D. Godley, were appointed on constitution and by laws, and a committee, consisting of Messrs. L. C. Bice, X. Senders and C H. Stewart, were appointed to ask the City Council, In behalf of the Company, to make the necessary appropriation to. pur chase books, ladders, etc., both committees to report at an adjoured meeting, to be held at the same place on Monday evening next. Oa the heels ot the organisation of the hook and ladder will come the organization of a fire department, with tta Chief etc WOOIi WAJTE-F. C. Harper A Co. will pay the highest cash price tor all the wool they can get, and would respectfully Inforns every body that they have -a fine stock of general .merchandise: for sale very low lor cash, or to prompt paying customers on thud. tstf. Ms. JsjfES Moons WDJ conusance, oa. or about the 10th day of May, delivering fresh MUX. Batter, F gga and Tegetabtea to the citi seas of Albany. How Is the time to make year arraegenMnta, as Mr. Moore wiQ tea a team daily, and do as he agreea, aistt. f ' ... v; NO. 37. " ''"'i"' "'"""-"y" ' '---------saaaa '" 'XJsrr or u.'riJSaui Rematnina; In the" Albany Foetofflce, way 37, 187.1. Persons calltns: for these letters must give the date on which they were ad vartiaed: Gray, Anna Ml' ' " ' Bennedlok, E. C. v Btrage, ainry v- oivwu, nu.. XTs KX aAiKUinvi iu IIOTF.I. ABBS AIM ' : A3CXUICAII BXCHAStOK. May 19 -- O Daqidson.' Corvallia Bnrk. eltv J Allchin, eoonty M Pike. Linn OO r in oi rtrsn, county . kderson- Cor J Aliemand, Benton eo Wm An li uaviason. ati vallis J Blevtns, Tansrent Geo Grimes, Tangent -F Easliell, Tansrent W 8 Woodcock, Cor-, vallis Mtsa F Baskins, Cor vallis J J Beard, county, J Lopran, county J Maxwell, county ". W J Clark, Salem A Blevtns, Tang"t P feFraneis. Illinois J H Tavkrr. crty J B Onbard, . W B TUlard, Polk co E Bovle Tnnirent J Taylor, Corvallis . J Jnstiaec Corvallis " J B etites. CorvalHs. S Aoktn, Chlcajro 111 BobertFlelder.P'tland LeFranots. Ill - - . A Huff. Kansas Lanra Janes, Oresrao Frank May, Kansas eity- v - ! H Dohse, CorvaUis -J H only. Frlsee, -. P (i Eddy.Salem .Iuh Smith, tin 'li lfvK fiilom B G Strahan, CowaTBs jf Looney, Jetfgrson sfiss Lizzie Wins. Boae-T (irabani. CorvallS:--'. vuie .... - , -ia.lMy. wrvauis i bunc . V S chwaru inland J! Nteo Otty; tendon Ot I. Hanson, Portland" - . - T tiraiw 4 A He Bins, Ltnn CO . A B urjgge. ueomWfH i . W M Soott.Linn eo:: N Mm, Junction -.-.. J YanMay Corvallia L BliOl, Boseburg W Baldwin, Corvalli W W FranrtStUorviw . P M Fronk. Marion- A B Webriell. Wasoo oo T J-Cook. Lomr-Tom I Jacobs. CcwvalUa -.- - J A Miller, Long Toa L IT Quwiette, P'tland ' j J B Cooper, Folk eo W J Clark, Salem-- ( i. zwower, w us aonora, jorvi-, Wm Piper, Salem , -C Moors. Corvallis Mbllat, Sr.len F Canthorn, Corvallis Blum. Portland r ' J J HoncJc Corvallis J a Palmer, Corvallis J H Glass, Corvallis li jjonse A sister uor u r oeuress, uktbiiis vallU -- ---v a Brocks, Corvallis F Maefcln, Corvallis - CD Baybnrn, Corv'l's L L Colby, 9alem . t-F Bamgartner, Corvht 1 J M Grlgsby, Salem B McLatran, Corvallis May 20 W 8t Clair, Corvallis . T MeMahon.connty - Mrs Atwood, Corvallis an n a xiainuion, unas jjooMi,uirv&uu . Dalles - C March,, county -- . , J Bohtnson, TtaRes C Louster, Salem Miss t wttimn, lialies f j.r raneis, losa Z Job, Corvallis A Huff, KttnsnB K T Wilson, Solem - Mav M ' -si J' V OUaAMIItf,IWlMI V ..11(1.11. ... C Marsell. Jefferson C W fieri tmer, Wis F H Sberan, New Xork C Loar, Colfax A Huff. Kansas jrs is cnrismao, te dan Col lax J W Leanv, Halsey H Webb. Portland -M Blnke, city J S WUIkinson.e F " . . E Ptere,' wife Nebraska J Kverette, Halsey 8 B Orer, Portland B M McTeer, Soda Snrtnacs - F May, city J S Mickols, Salem J H Lawton, Salem O Reynolds, Salem JBeed, Salem -M P Bnmham, Me i: narsnaii, rortiana John Staurer. Iowa - j p Kpes, Astoria B F Sam watt. Lewis M Get. Astoria ville 1 M Jones, city Wm Fisher, Portland L Stimpson, city it n eieuman, n-'ia C Marsh. Portland K h steanum, Pt.'iand o r uearasiey, eaiem S Chapman. Kan H Cavendish. Salem May SI rvev. Pol Mrs Sales. Salem H Watts. Mrs Atwood, Corvallis W P Breeding, Psion so A V MeCarty, Corvallis Wm Miller, Portland J O Davidson, CorvVs ST. CHARLES. . Msr 19 M H Madhran, Springr J F Calbrcath, CorvTs Hill T Morris, Lebonon Mim Davidson, Benna J McBrtde. St Helena Vistn W L Rcneily, Tangent MIms Llnvllle, . Beuna W B Brown, CorvTs - Vista . ? M 8 Woodois, Corv'ls E Fenteuson, P'tland G Clark, Cirvatlis H Wilson. W W C P Bishop, Browns- T Humphrey, Htllsbro ville W H Humphrey, Iowa W E Wells, Brown 'vie N H Looney, Jetterson Mrs. J Sprinirer, Port- 1) H Looney, Jefferson land E Meyer. Salem Mrs C Bunnoll, Lewis- II M Brnnk. Sulem . ton I T B Jsiiies, Salem J F Hill. Brownsville F May, city ' J " T Kay, Brownsville W HBruok.. - - V TliiaJT!, tly W T JorUan, Polk co W J Qwtnn. Portland' U B.ilanna, Polk eo -J Smtth, Portland J Tatonr, tnfm T S Thomnsnn. Ptland J Orchard.aulem N JB Huuiphrey, eity B Williams. Tangent iross. Missouri S B Thompson, Leb 8 F Gross, Mo BotkGiXM3.Mo WGroes.Mo Frank Uross, Mo L Gross, Mo Belle Gross. Mo anon . Mlsa Looney, Jefferson May G W Settlemler, city C K Templeton, city . W II Oueener. cltv K Bokman, Pniand W Kichter. city Miss Bokman, Ft land M Kewrrass. Corvallis K P Thompson, Lob- T G. Smith. Salem anon 8 Tlliard, city May SO W Tillard. city - Geo Stevens, CotvI'b S L Shedd, Corvallis W M Chambers, SUets J 8 McNeil, Halsey J Watroner. Corvallis J P Sullivan, Boston II B Welch, Fr1sco - M V Brown, city ' . W Grant, Salem N B Humphrey, city J K Weatherford, city A Compton, Lebanon . C Alder. Salem - - B L Creed, Lebanon Mrs L Hindi dan J Cnrl. Solo Salem J Webber. dry. B B Grimes, Salem L- Bel Ills A wife Bose. J Teal, Portland burg W r lMnm.ljlaiiai J Lane. Halsev Hill, city J Curt Scfo C Starr. Maine UT'lBUUXir T Morris A with Leb- J Briinrs. city anoii M Chambers, Sllets J B Wimauns, Tanjrent J luick, Leuanon tc tuocum, Tangent May J ilackleman, Saiem n P Mfuion. SkIo - W Keart Lofty T K Conley, B P'tland C. V Tm. irriafO ,-- W J Blalll. eltv J H Daly, THseo J A Crawford, city A Hchuman, Portland J Williams, HUlsboro J B Mahar, Wis 8 T Do rant, Portlaad J D Brown, Salem - ' - G Humphrey, city . A B Webdett, Wasoo OO W H Beach, eity ' S Davis, New York : P Murray, Salem - sirs Davis. ew xonc may S IJodint. Maine M Bradley, Salem A 8 Miller, Dayton F G Babcock, Salem J B Kennedy, P'tland Mrs WUllanis, Ptland B S Newcomb, Hlaboro Miss C Thayer, PUlaad A 8peennan, Ptland . W L Button, Ptland M Snvder, Lebanon J Wassom, Lebanoa .. H B Miller, 8 V C Marsh, city J D Brown, Salem W A Hart. Portland J K Mercer, Portland C J Christie, Pniand C A VolJum. Ft land J Bird, , Portland A Balefcrh, Portland ' A J McCue. Portland H ensuing, Portland J Burke, Portland J Delmore, Portland T E Conley, East Pt J Williams, E P'tland Mlsa A Davis, Beuna Vista K sen, saiem J A Campbell. JeffVa B W Don laea. Lebanoa may t. lV si W E Watts. P'tland T M Chance. IT B Simpson, Portland M A Phillips, Ptland G F Mosher, Ptland A M Smith, Benna Vista -M AUstott 1am Me A O Anderson, Mo E Moller, Portland -Mrs Parrott, Peoria MlasParott, Peoria May W Piper, Srlem W B Brown, Taqnlna W W Beaoh, city. ,. B J Smith, 8 F W & Howell, S F F A CbenOweth, Coo vallis - H Gatennan, Salem J B Hanna, Eugene W J Quin, Corv'l'a , H Gerth, Corvallis T E MagtUgan, Mon--i mouth ... C Marsh, City ' St Davis A wife Van- oonver F A Chenoweth, Coty Vallis J H Walker, O city -D Lee, Corvallis -" J S Palmer, Corvallis H J Bissor, Corvallis E Casteel. Corvallis J Bales, CorvalUs W H Cornelius. Co Cornelius, Corvls jr H Lawton, Salem t: H MoClaine. Corvls F S Kendall. Halsev Diller. eeattle . J A Cold well, Benna C W Bell, 8 F - Vista J Davidson, comity B Bidgetvay, Lebanon D P Hedges, county J J Cowthet, Lebanon A W Stannard, Browa- K C Head rick, I F ville WJHardy.SF A Bartseh, Portland M N Chapman, Salem E P MoClure. P'tland G Shimtde. Mo O Compton, Lebanoa W Kay, Lebanon . J W Bialn.city T Kay, Brownlvnle , J B Templeton, HaK D Lneliing-, Portland : W W Taylor, Portland W A Ph<ps, Ptland C Levin, SaJem J Bills A son Salens - iy A J Jcnnlnm.),mii CBTempleson. Halsey J Allen, Tangent : B May A wife 8hedd A Thompeon, Aurora ; i 'v"-'. . " 'JI '' :'- '"'' ' Nkw Ftbic Sam Millar has bought the Waay on and Smlthshtm heretofore oeeupied by Peters SpeideL together with the material and nnfintehoa work, and Is now prepared te furnish anythl.sr to his line, eoaaisrtin of Carriages, fcugjrW Lumber WaKona, Eaeks, 5 and geuerui smuhins neatly and with dfc? pasch. . X employ none but tbe best of aaeehaa. ". and insure Hraction. All work war fV.L4iink make it an object fat yon to buy of me. In price, style and durabfKty ot ?r"r,k- I e tha Wt of material, hiekexv and oak, from tjie Eastern States. Cab and iorJ?u,reel 1 aU I want la a fw-r tr-. I have bad aeverad years of experience on tn. Sl?f?Tn3Lwit , " knoledsje thus Rajned. ma om-taln I can pleu a yon. guarantee to sedicr S4 " bMcht in this eity. A Inrge lot of lumber aaroaa. sldeandendsprlna; t.;jcs 0.1-hand, patronise Uo mamihiotory do not and your money off out of the country. Act the part of wise men, and bnild np your owu State, and you wiU prosner '," -v,. ' A - - i ttiU .; . It is underBtood tLU Nesmlib refuse to be a candidate Icr re-electioo t Coogreas. A Tebbtble Falx A branch of the Santlam Canal runs north along Tine street to Thfrd, where it empties into the Cali pooia,' the ditch being fl timed for some little distance from its month. After leaving; the ditch or' flame the water; has a clear fell ot from 30 to 35 feet to meet the waters of the Callpoolaj On Sunday the water had been shut off and wry little water tf any was running through the diteh. About one o'clock Sunday afternoon, Willie Hen-, derson, agedjaboirt niue. and , a younger brother, stepHchllSren of Mr. pngscery were playing about tbeTnotith of tlie ditch, when Willie got into and In attempting to kick some, small article, slipped and fell headlong out of the'mouth of the ditch on to the rocks belo, a distance, as above stated, bef ween Sfah 25 fet; iThe Httle fellow manlfes'grea coohTess and pres ence of mftHT.'ai be-calleil to his tittle w brodwr. 'tellnig Ma&'2rm$: the house. jdwi ee.jifMl tell 4hiher tQWp&&ilppm' examination,lfbund that' 'the little fellow's : left arjn was-.brolcen Ih two places, -between the shottlder ana eioow, anq oetween ine . wrist .and elbow f that ie 'had received a terrible cut, across the forehead which laid the skull bare for two ; or three Inches ; that be had received cuts on bir face and lips, and ' that both knees t were pretty severely bruised. Cllie doctor took several stitches to close the wound on tbe forehead, set and bandaged 'the arm, etc., alK which, the little fellow bore with becoming forti tude. It was a fearful fall, and the wonder . Is that he escaped so well. Willie's left arm was broken; some years ago, from a fall from a fence. He seems to be peculi arly unfortunate. Dr. O. P. S. Plum roer was also called in. and assisted in ad justing tbe fracture, etc. A , ' Spell " fob the Poob, Tbe Toa dies' Aid Society of this city will give 'spell" af the Opera nouse on Tuesday night (June 1st), to which an admission fee . of twenty-five cents will be charged.' The entertainment will be enlivened by music, and ice cream and cake-will be served tn the way of refreshments. The committees appointed at tlie last meeting of the Aid Society are requested to make their report at once. The Society has been laboring faithfully ever since its inauguration to succor the afflicted, and the needy wherever found, and with the small .means in its . bands, J ha accomplished Wonders. . Now -the excliequer of the Society is empty, and there ace still calls for charity, This being tlie state of affairs, tlie ladies of the Society ask the citizens ef this city generally -to turn. cast ort"Trtsday eveiiuig. and by thus meraJij patroiiialiig tbft Aspell " they will place money in tlie treasttry-of the Society,' which. : indlviilually, tliey will not miss, while the Society will lie ot 1:1 hied to con tinue affording relief to nil worthy persona who may seek or need its aid. Let every body go. ': : ' :y Officebs Elected. At tlie annual meeting of the Halsey Farmers' Union on the 15th Inst., C. Gray, Esq., was re- elected President. Messrs. Jacob Thomp son and Wm. McCoy were elected assistant directors. J. II. Reed was elected Secre tary, and Seth W. Hayes Treasurer alto gether making a good, substantial Board. The financial a flairs of tlie Company are In prosperous coudition, thanks to Piestdent Gray's ability and honest administration. Cascsb Can be Ccbed.' We warrant a cure on Cancers and "old sores." Have also new vegetable remedies for diseases of tbe eye, which have cured a great many cases considered hopelessly blind. Office at Geo. F. Settlemlcrs, Second street, near Democrat office, Albany, Oregon. - K. G. & Mrs. Pbeshaw, ! Wool, Etc. Only 100,000 pounds good! wool wanted, for which I intend to pay the highest market price In cash. For wool sacks and twine, inquire at N. Banm's. May 14, 1875. ''. tf. ' My Traatfle Bed. As I rrrmmajred thronsh the attic, Liefninir to tho fulling rain. As it pattered on the slrfngles And against the window rane ; Peeping aver chests and boxes Which with dust were thickly spread. Saw I, in the farthest comer. What was onoe my trundle bed. - So I drew It from tho recess Where it had remained so long. Hearing all the while the tnnaio Of my mother voice in song. As she sang, tn sweetest acoenta . V What 1 since have often road : M Hush, my dear, lie si ia and slumber. Holy angels guard toy bed." As I listened, recollections That I thought had been forgot. Came" with all tbe gush of nieiu'rv. Bushing, tlironglnsr. to the snot"; . And I wandered back to childhood, To those mei ry days of yore. When I knelt beside mv mother, " By this bed upon the'llooc. . Then it was, with hands so gently Placed upon my infant head. That she tanght my lips to ntter Carefully the words she said ; ' Never cru they be foicotten. Deep are they in mem'17 driven : ... "Hallowed be thy name, O rather! t3 Father, Thou Who art tn Heaven." This she taught me, then she told nse Jf Its import great and deep. After which I kiarned to ntter : jjNowIlayTnedown tosloep." , Then it was, with hands uplifted, ' And tn aooentasotX and mild, That my mother asked, O Father, Father, do Thou bless my ehild I Tears have passed, and that dear mother . Long has mouldered tieath the sod, - And I trust her sainted spirit i v Bevels in the home of God; -. - Bat that, scene at summer t w IHgbt . . Neveraa frota mcm'ry fled, - And it comes in all its freshness : When I see my trundle bed. Two months ago Governor Smith, of Georgia, refused to graiit a rein3aitl'" from -Governor Porter, tf T"jse 'e, fop a ma named Knitrht, on C.sf- tbe r-Tieved parties bad s'jea Bi"" Geo- . On Wednesday of last Oov ernw Porter refused to grant a fl.t Ion from Smith for a man JT" sayins that when Smith coe i requiiTilloo ha would recogubsa one fceoa him- - . .