The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, May 21, 1875, Image 8

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j Comt furry pd IFHr Slreett, ,
One copy, one year... ..,.,... ............Itti SO
eme ropy, si x month. i 50
To elnhsof t went y, each copy..... ......... W
S'.ncte loplrw..... Tun );
Sulwrihera on, side of Una eowtrty -wtiiba
eharged so cent exlr tl 70 for the year as
tlmf is the Amount of nostosre Mr niim
which we in reijnirod to Ptiy on eacii Pfcper,
FRIDAY, MAY'S..' 107.. ;V
Ay" mp the Hegtator. ,, jf,it
The following PRimvl een flymen Jit arfthor
to receive and receipt tor subscriptions
to the U rrjisTKK in the localities mentioned ;
Mows. Kirk A Homo..... ..Brownsville.
Robert Glass .i...,...iw'..Cmwfoihwlev
O. Tompkins .i.... juirrishnrg.
n. CInnghon ............... ji...Lelmon.
A. Wiwhir Co -.......... ......Sliedd-
Mwn. Smith A itrasfield. ....... Junction City.
J. B. irvme..w Wclo.
Thos. H., Reynolds...... ,........... Salem.
W. Wnierhonse ................. ....MonnioutU.
The Grand Encampment I.O.O.F. met
at Portland on Monday. Cortstitntion and
by-law: i for Grand Encampment, and rnles
ot- orclt r and constitution lor subordinate
camps, I were adopted. B. F. Dorrta, of
To. 6 (Eugene City), was elected Grand
Representative. The following committees
were then appointed
Committee on Credential James Gor
don of No. 6, C. Hegele No. 1, WVS.
Newbury No. 5. P. Aletscban No. 3, G.
IV. Jon Ian No. .
Committee on Finance A. G." Walling
of No. 1, George II. Chance No. 2. E. J,
W. Stemme No. 3. C. O. T. Williams No.
4, Fred Craft No. 5." '
Committee, on Cnrrpotwetioe A.
THvU of No. 1, E. K. Miner N5LA. J
Apperson No. 4, 11. Saltniarsli No. 6, B.
. uorns no. p.
Committee on Apnea"
No. 1, A. I.. Stliison NoS. W P-. Bnrncs
No. 4, E. St- Joiiu No. V-E. L- Bristosr
Committee on Slate of tie Order J. H
.von of No. 1, A. Noltner No. 4. J. J.
Walton Jr. No. 6, K. U.Stoite No-' 1,
Committee on Laws of Subordinate
JXKlges A. Noltner. C'Cv T. Williams,
Cna. Kelly, J. T. Apperson and Win. P.
Curtis ol No. 4.
Committee on Petitions K. St John
ami A. G. Walling, of No. 1. Geoifre JI
"Ulmnre No. 2, P. Mctscban No. 3, It.
'Saltniarsli No. 5. -,.
Committee on Legislation J. M. Cay-
wonu so. I. l. li. Mnores X. M. Watch
and B. F. Drake, No. 2; J. J.. Walton,
Jr., .No; u,
The Grand Encampment tlien adjourned
until Thursday morning at 8 o'clock, j
We have London dates to the 18tb. The j
M'trk Lane Express, In Its review, of the 1
ireadstnfls market, says ttiere lias been a
marked Improvement In tlie temperature
the past week, reaching tlie Iiigliest point
.Attained In the summer, and altering the
face of the conntry. Tills coming on a dull
' market, made business stid more dlfilcnlt.
Had high prices been paid, a smart decliue
would have foDowed, but at tlie present
rates there is ik room for abateinent all
over Europe. A beneficial cliange 1ms been
jfelt, but the markets are little altered in
.prices, perhaps a shilling lower. - '
- '..
IlaTOna letter states that highway rob
lieriefl and murders have been so frequent
lately la the streets of Havana that the
Captain GeneraL who was himself robbT
In the streets of a watch and je welry worth
4400, has ordered 'all culprits hereafter to
fte tried by the military au'ltoritles. : f
The a.wfnl consequences of indulging "
too freely, is thns graphically related of a
man of Yamhill, near Amity, who, while
under the influence of too much tangleleg,
deliberately ; ki.ed his : wife's motlier!
What must be tlie shite of Uiat man's mtud
now! -: ' - V S .
On Sunday night,, Mr.. JlcPherson, liv
ing" near Columbus Nebraska"; ent to
call on some friends, leaving fonr little
chiHrns t borne. During his absence-the
boose was burned and three of the chiidrea
yritbr.t.. Fire supposed to be the wrrlc"of
mn'ineeudiary. ' 7 , i i . .
Following are tlie officers elect; f the
GraiKl Lodge,. L O. d. F., for Uiensoing
rear- T. M. Gateb, R. W. G. ; J7N.
Dolpli, D. d. 31.; O. N. Denny, G. W. ;
J. 3L Bacon, G. S. ; I. E. Moores, G. T.;
S. E.llsworth, G. R. ...-.
In the race at Lexington, Ky., on the
13th, Searcher won the race against Light
Coin and Lost Fortune iu 1:41 the
fastest time on record. '
Jeremiah Hamilton, colored, died la
New York on the IStb. He was a specula
tor, formerly a slave to -tin West Indies,
arid leaves a million dollars. '....
Tlie funeral . of Gen. Jobs' C Brecken
rldge tranRpb-ed at Lexington, Ky on tlie
19th, an immense Oirong following In the
procession. -' -.
." A telegram from Panama aunonnee the
death at Guayaquil, on the 7th insU ot
Hon. Thoa. Biddle IT. S. minister ot Eco
ador. - . .
Congressman M. C. Kerr lias retamed
to Washington entirely recovered from re
cent Illness. , t
On the 13th, at Newbury, iTaw., Wnt.
Russell killed his mother, aud seriotisly
wounded his lather and younger brother
Maj. JTohn P. Striug. of MemphU, Tenn
one oi the most proounent business men of
that city, died a few days sinoa. . .
IlichacI Lynch aeviJdutaHy hot himself;
near Portland, iaet Suiiday eysaliigV caus
ing his death In a few tours. , , ,. , -
The iiazardviiJe Powdar Works eiplotled
on the ISih, killlr tliree meu,' each of
whom eiC3 a Jars family.
Oscar F. TTalnw i ', SL, conrlcteJ of per
jury in February, $211 La ieBJpswffltee
by the Presilent. t ,,' .
The gra-hoj-jn am nrla ft work Iny- .3Kl.-itclifirdt of the TJ. S. district
Hksoui 1 and IZa,,-.
moved from New Orleans.
- .v ..
f ...........
Small j. la -u i0 jsrevsU li tba Car
lists camps. ,.. -. -'. "i ,-. - "
From the annual address ot Graud ilast-
ter, n.Gv. Strtiv.- delivered before the
Grand Lodge, I.O.O.F in session at Port-'
laud on Ttiesdajrj "gather he follow Jng
Jodges in this Stat, ,f .ttrWaglstegten Ter-
mory, 8 In htaboTerritory, and. 9 Eebkali
lodges in the JnrlsxTictlon, wftH a "total
TBembehJnyof 2,8CC3 . TfifeEross receipts
lifet year for dassAetc.. araoiiuti-tl to 44.-
000 ; $3,468 was paid otttbr tlie TetieJ 'of ,
sick brethren ; f8,550 fcrirell ot ridows i
and orphan of deceased brothers, and
$2,000 for funeral expeases' and education
"of prphans.i iQaHng "tlie -year" there were
533 Initiations, whiles -T2Q were "aditiitted
by canl, making a total of 433. ' Five new
lotlges were instituted diiriiig the twelve
mouth, and tlie Widow and Orphans Belief
Association paid out $1,840 to widows of'
deceased, brothers during tlie same." time.
Tlie report shows the order td be in a pos
perons condition throughout (lie jurisdic
tion. 'V'".1 .";"." :
As OireooN Smp.It is with a par
doimble . degree ot. pride that we publish
elsewliere tlie fact that a vessel built In
Oregon, the Wesftur A'Aore, ot Coos Bay,
ltas made the quickest ntn of the season
from Sau Francisco to L.ivcrpol with a
cargo of wlieat. While the winls may
have fjivoreti lier. we nave no doubt from
tlie exnressioiis ot admiration which her
build and model called forth from those
who saw her and wbo knew the good sail
ing qualities ot a vessel, wlien she was first
launched,' that, her construction and style
of rigging helps to account for the tact tiiat
siie ontsbitiped the crack sailors of several
nations, which have left tills coast the past
season. The San Franciscans wagered
quite large sums of money on tle race be
tween the Throe Bmtkem, and BrifUh
Kim, two ships which, sailed from their
City to Liverpool last wh-ter, the fatet of
which consumed over 150 daya jn the
voyage, -while tlie Weston Shore Went past
tlie n i both with tier Oregon colors afloat
and moored to. the Liverpool docks la oue
hundred and fxir days. VVe are onlvsoiTy
that the Jf" egtem S'Ar did not carry a cargo
of the best w'icat that could be found in our
State to add to the very considerable at
tention which site will tlotiotlfsa receive on
account of Iht quick trip, as itWould. Jutve
given a more complete idea, of tluj great
reonrces of this country. Uoweer. as it
is, we are inclined to give one hurrah lor
tne uregon snip. vregfmum.
Slim Jim" and two oilier monte sharps
have been doing" Oregon. ' ;'
i ne rriai oi jounc, on Aroitn ou ap
peal, has been fixed lor July 1st.
Commissioner Pratt took charge of the
Internal Revenue last Saturday. ;.,. x:
For violation of the revenue law, $200,-
OOOwbrthof wlilsky, ' belonging to thirty
arms was actzuu in lioston on tjie lotn. '
A. Center , bas resumed tlie posh ion of
general agent of the Pacific Mull Co. in
japan anu uiiliia. ,
The American ' morcbautA,- Angiiatine
Mead & Co., suspended payment In
and China Ajirii 17th; liabilities, not ststred.
Oxumissioners recently retmied from
Siam report against the expediency of at
preseni opening uipiomatic and commercial
relations Between siam and Japan, ,:
, Ou tlie 13th at San Francisco, In tlie
melterand refiner department or the U. S.
Mint, 70,000 'oiuiccs of stold were melted
and run iuto $20 lngpts-a good day's
work. . y t,.- tit so-
" On the 14th, at ItocklaniT, Maine, Alfred
Spear, while "dmnS. hot Ids wife-twice,
tiicn killed hlmseJt. J.he wife will recover.
Good enough.-v v- .;::.v." . i t ";
Arthur Gait, aged 10. a few tlavs'since
"absconded with $10,000 beloneinaf to the
Lyochbnrg. Virginia, National Bank, of
Which lie was clerk. j v c J "
5 Flgliting coiitiuues In Formosa between
tl aborigines and Chinese, to tlie did-
vanfcige of r .tlie latter. Reinforcements
have been sent to the Island. '
jompte ue onambord has written a
h-tter to Si. D Belcartel. member of the
Assembly for Haute Garonne. In which lie
neciares he still has hone that a monarchy
win oe re-estabitsiieu in ranee. .
A dispatch from Berlin to the StrnftTrd
statethnt the alleged principal in the late
cotispiracv againtiPrinc Bismarck . life
is nsmed Dtiuin, aud he lias been arrested
In Cjracow. ' -j .
1 here w a cpneral snspicion that tha re
cent death of the voting Empress was pnr-
liweiy orongnt aoont w avoid complica
tions that might arise in case her expected
cnuu niigut prove a son.
A collbkm tpok place April 4tb off tlte
coast of Clilna. Iietween the China steamer
Fuifing and tlie Britisli steamer fremi.
The former sank Instantly ; 50 lives lost :
rue i.tuer is coniueraDiy aamngeti.
' A few days since -Andrew Wharton's
parry, consisting of 42 irspn, 6 .wagons and
22 horses, from Sioux CItw en route for
the Black Hills were captured by the mili
tary nmier hunt. Armstrong, and taken
to Fort Randall. .
The Trft' New. York srecil says
tba Erie, company will be compelled to de-
fkn5t on the Jnne Interest, unless the money
is ramnzoii rrom tlie sale or coal lands which
have already been ordered to be mortgaged
ior nan a million. V--
- A dispatch from Pesha wer, Afghanistan,
reports that that place 1ms been visited by
a destructive conflagration. .Half the city
Is laid waste. At one time the powder
magazine waa In peril, but tlie Are, Iiap-
1it siuppeu oeiore rescuing ic.
There seems to have been an open mp
turo'between the Panama anil Pcjfle-Mail
Companies. The' Panama Co'. h.u dl-
cnargea irora ftirther consideration tho
Am - . w-t a
, ? "" " :. lBO racinc jnaii managers
tion i eeeni atsposecl. to. grant any conces-
mvu ( ,s.-... ', l r i - - -
Si Dnng Cluing, ytceroy of Cliihil Prov
ujoEsvnas petitioned the throne that wes
tern studies be Introduced In schools and
that candidate for pnblic office be i-xami
" " ioreign sciences. If the viceroy
7ZZ":l?tM9 Pposal the Peking
government will not veuture to resist It.
Demands for satfafaction for the murder
ofMr. vMargary.-at Horaeln, ' have been
forcibly presented by Mr. v Wade. BrltUh
rrldP1 offlciaF eSdeav
f.i0 Je the responsibility. Jf per
tiltfltm B7ti3h authorities will imder
etlsf PQnlshmat ot the crime tbemT
. A special dispatch from Ronm states that
J&fJ'!011?? waa oalol
brated with eraort!itiary rcjolelnersT- EeZ
n ration, lotrora ani .L..i-?-t-J'
Hvcd ) througliout . the day. Th twelve
preceding pontifi readied the ago of 84.
PIo Nono alone surpasses the years of fc
Peter Id bis chair. . ,t. h ,..,
A. Cliicaso telrram sara Tlio tinier of
hii t for the sale at anction of tlie Nottliem
Pacific lUUr'uul, . was on the order of Jay
Co. 8 and CharieniBa Tower; holders of
uo fiitmort; bonds. Tlie sale of lands
and laud rsnis nl oiher propertr In the
sewni i-ca a i A Ti-rrSfcorics iu wliich tlifey
are located,- wi.i tw he'd on f!i first Mon
day la ARS'uiat tha toia. hpiise , IwreCi , .
Cantllli and Swaby, cashier and account
ant of tlie French bank Yokohama a
brancli of Coinptoir D. Escompte de Paris
stole about $30,000 in notes converted
them into Japanse gokl and attempted to
oluxniul Anril l'.lth iii the Schooner Irt.
5-lie robbery was. discovered and warrants
tor their apprenension isaiect Dy me Italian
and English cotusula. The schooner .was
overhauled- by an. nrtned steamer. As tlie
pursuers drew alongskle-the two. defaulters.
hQt'theniselve3 aixu died soon afteK- A
large proortioii ot tne stolen money was
round on Doaru.-- 4110 captain anu -owner
of tlie schooner were; Arrested as accotn-
Goveniment ' changes "are progresslHg.
April 14Ui a proclaination was Issued creat
ing a body calll "Genro Iiw' which will be
composed of' Senators appointed by tlie
Mikado. Also a second body called "Dai-
shin- In," to adjust and administer tlie ' iu-;;
dicial system., The ciiu.suon of an e.Iectlvo
house Is reserved tor future consideKition.;
The proclamation is regartlcd as tlie great-,
est coiicesKion tlint can lie made with projier
regard to tlie'-piiblic safety to the desires
ot the party asking parliamentary reform;
New complications in Lew Chew affairs
in coiisequenee of a party of Icw Chewaus
going without authority to congratulate
tlie Emperor of China on his accession.
Tlie Chinesttinthorities gave out a false
announcement that lheohject of his visit
was for purposes of renewing declarations
of ancient vassa lage. Tlie Japanese Charge
D'Att'atrs at Peking committed the mistake
of seeking personal explanations from Lew'
(Jhewans instead or rererring the matter to
his governmeiit. 'The Chinese authorities
objected to his interviewing Lew Chewans.
The whvle affair Is itow under considera
tion at Yedo. The need is strongly felt of
warning China Hot to continue surrepti
tious relations witii tins Japanese uepeod
eucy. '
ute Tixnviiunnt' ssira.
Clias. i;avl9, Jale postmaster of Union Springs
Alalinms, wW found tmilry of emliczzHnir
money from Icttnrw. At the request of the ilia-.
inoi anorneyy no amies mere wore exieumu-
mst circumstances, tlift least, sentence was im
bped;-six mon ihs In vrisoii and a flne. l;avia
was m meinocr or tne iej?isiature-ui 1873.
.' Tlie following occurred on the 14th instant.
While the engin attached to a freight trahi go
ing to New YoiSc citv wasinuwimr through the
aivh at Miijc SiiiiX Slate priaon this morning,
four conTlcls juuix:l on the engine, presentin;;
revolvers at the eii)jinx;r an l lirtmnn. compell
ing them to fret otT. They then ctit tlie undine
lotwe from the tiatn and mnrted southward.
aUindoninj; the engine three miles north of
jarrytown, wnoro it was lounu wltu uo;n
cyimaer nesias oroKen. .
Josh Fi-azcr, co!oi-c.l. wa3 hanged at Camden,
S. C, on the 14th, for the morder of TJonJ.
tiooner In Decern I kt Inst. He wrh convicted on
circnin'untial evidence and alterwardsi con
fesf0'l the crime. On the Hntfold he confessed
he had killed hist wife and child and a nero
woman, anu uurnea many oui ns anu iiouhoh.
Repoxlafrom portions of Miniveo".-i Missonct,
Knsai and Nebra--ka state Hint xrasslioT)iei-8
are already devastating the eonntry of every
rreen thinjf. and that farmers are f?rea!ly dis-
(onniOT i. lie iei si'm 10 neyonna ; ni irasi
thev are verv snmil. ranuimi from the size of a
flea to that of tin common house-lly, hnt tlieir
do.struetive powei apjiear quite as great as
those of the fuil-grown lnstfet. .Gentlemen who
lir.-erpcentlj- been on a lotirthronshont wntli--srest
Mu"?! say the srrasshoppei-s are devouring-
everyllnnj, Jeti in that section. The
people are lTanic-alrtCKc-. and . horses
are dyin by bundredsofsfarvatlon.
Ond nothing to eat, not even in the woods
us Hie KiadHliopiiers linvecaieu tlie k.-avia of Hii
tree. Jn Mitmeso'a the tnvesti-nttion BWHe
reporter of the St. Fanl 7Vdt, sent out ane'cbillv
for t he-nniTTOMi, shows, so lar. onlv a port ion of
four con lilies are Uonbled wi'h the tiests, lnt
the detxwits of esrjrs &rs3 t'onnd in otheraectkins,
and scj-iotis damage to cro)s is fenred. - ;
This from Tncson, Arizonn, May 14th: Indian.
Agent Cliem, in a letter from San Carlos re
ports that on the th three Indiana were tired
npon near the I'inal mounlains, bv pi-ospectora.
The Indians liad ieruifcwlon to lie a'isent, and
carried passes s-ilh tlicin. Kotwiihstaudint?
the fact tliat one wholuid the pass hold it above
his head in full view, erylns: out, Bueno!
hncno! Amerkanol Paida-to! San. fartosf
they were liRd upon five limes. The Indians
ret urned two shots not tokill. bnt toshow they
were armed. The men tied, and tlie Indians re
turned and reported the aliove facts. A party
sent out to in vcs'.yatu corroborate their state
ment. -:-f ' i
The following' from Kingstoii, Jamaica, ifoy
8th, gives the story of tlie latest revolution hi
Hayti : Saturday, the 1st of May, was celebrat
ed a an annual agricultural festival through
ont Hayti. Tlie evening previous President
FKminqiM was advised of a conspiracy to as
sassinate him the following dav, witli a view
lostablish Mnnplosar Pierre in the Presidency,
sunportwi hv tJeneral Bryce and Geneial Car
roll, -while the President, was in clioivli. . Three
separate twlies of troops were sent t a arrest tho
consiardtors. A-nnnl Bryce, residing imme
diately opposite the Britwh eonsu'ate, was first
smronnded. lie. refused to snrrender.and shot
down four Hay t leu officers before he was fired
on and mortally wonnded, wlien he crept into
I he liritiwh conf nlV nd died. A shot inteiMet
for Bryce killed a servant of tlMBriiish eonsni.
W ben Hmt troops lt-ai hed the ivsldeitce nf Mon
Slosar Pierre, who was a caiidiJnte for Pivik
unr when tieneral Messasres term expire1, he
retired to the at lie and shot binielf.. When
fJcnemt Carrot! was m t he vlefn-Hyof the Amer
kn mi;!! r'S, a r t h head of a I arl y of wot J Uji-s,
these, on sreing tlieunvernnu nt forves. forsook:
Genrnl farrbil and fled. Tlie Genei-al went
in:o Minister I'jiswIIk .residenve, under the
stars and stripes, where he remained. The
scene which followed these, incidents is indo
scrilmble. The Pi-sident,a man of overwhelm
int passion, dir!e' ed the arrest of every person
ms-ifi'ieJ. Anvsts were made tlironghont the
reimblic, eansinx a Kenera! panic. Several
houses aud a! ores were lrillime l and burned. .
A three-card nionte man hits been convicted
at Officii. His name is John G. nUcgina. .
:' A detachment of C 6. department survey
ors have none to Clatsop countv for the pur
pose of surveying vacant lands fn that vicinity,
which are well adapted to settlement. .
Postal Agent Underwood has caused ft chnnp-e
to lie made in the time of delivering- the mail
at (Spencer rcek, Kiuslaw, I.on)t Tom aud
Cartwrisht's from Wednesday to Monday, i
The Rock Point (Marion county) Farmers'
clnb will send to the Centennial Kahibitiona
complete fire-place, cutout of the lava roelc
which-is. found abundantly In the Waldo
- Tlie Bock Point J -Farmera clab, Marion
county, at its. next meeiingr "will discuss the
expediency of the eoonty fflvins 5,000 in aid of
a watroa road over the pass toy way of Jlt
JelTorson to Black Butte. . . . , . . ; ?
About 330 passengrers arrived at Victoria on
Satnrday, May 8th, by the Son Francisco stea
mer, a wixe number were iiHialranta and
came over to the Bound. - . ' . . ; -, .
A more ipboinar made to et op an old-fashioned
Fourth of July celebration, to fnk plie
at or near Olymiiia. It has been suggested,
tiiat the ffi-anuers take the lead tn the matter,
and Invite sister grange iu the vicinity -to1
Join hi tbeafiair. , u. v -i'
Messrs. Hart man, of NlsqttaTry;' bpttom; have
bout six acre of hops this 1 season that are"
ftrawinr flnely. from which thev estimate that
thev will srather .nMi mmuh. . This a, tiw mm
hjjw e sold, at lust year wlU brbig thorn
fuu iw ao.v..- j .-. . '4 .. . ) .... .
The Olympic Cmrier -ayi "Tho continued
talnf weather of the post, two weeks is likely
to loss by beating down the mere advanc
ed fields of growing grain. One- instance of
serious loss from this cause has alrerdy been
.owv a w ua "-ij..,..
An attempt was made to burglarize the store
of Waterman .Kat,. Port TownsehdV a frw
nights ago. A waielt dog lehatned up in the
rear of the prem laes was poisoned and a pane
of K's cnt ont of a window. The robbers
wofrightoned away before , securing ny
- A. number of the mercha nts of Port Towns.
f 1, Port Discovery, Port Ludlow, -Ptrt,-Gam-bkiRnd
Seaitle liavo itnetland publMied an
Bsrrttnent not to order goods or merchandise
from traveling parents representing bausea. in
Pottland, gan. i- iiwntixoo. or, Jtaatera. itie.
under any cii-cumtanoai7- . ,- -k
TheOlympia JtorosaysV'The contract ror
inn-y Trinting Twas awaraed by .'the
tJinty .coiniisioners of Thurston county
JSf.i?5 following rates: Proceedings
wuiSSniJ!SJ " .""vS''. Jr colum n
I douata over the price paiS st yea7.
laming posters are mv-in Seattle, says the
fn ?2?LJ,' BC Montgomery, who has Wen
v.."?,,,Pn intent of the 'ortli
i!0,L'ook 'bow U it was intended' by
mp?' fAny work nt, that end of
the wmuI very g,Km, 1? e'w Th8 north
of Torotna- shonl.i in. - ,.wi ..
A nlnnlr mut la to tie constructed front
Olympic to the fair grounds near, at a cost of
The assessor informs the DUmaich that the.
population of King county, according to the
census Just taken, asgre?nte9 S.00Q. The pop
ulation of tlie city - of 'fieattle, The
assesaeU value of property, in tliej county, JB,-,
ww,(PWl ; tn file City, 9l,llu,uwii lucrensv u iiw
city of about 800,0 over last year. ' ' -
The Guard saysi lt;pfeara tltat English,
who M Woodland Cl.. k fifed W. Sloctwn,
nt one time uivsident of Eugene, did so in self
defence. Sioemn told Knelish that ho had
t-aused trouble in his family and that he must
leave town oy 3 o"elocK or n 1 .wtoki pop.-
Mvi " TPP, " but not as glocum autlctpatea. . ;
'A mai living near uuayetm iiaa maae nm
tsn(?literl frf-i ,,ktv ts vosra ot assisted
trv h voniKri'T- xt.tur and ft brother who is still':
Toxmaori iri -.if -one a oaiciioi. urasn .m
vfaitas this winter. The girl -says that they
nave cleared over six acres tins winter, sub
alone -taking out one hundred grubs in one
A new fire company lias been organised in
the ralies to be knowiT as the Columbia Be
lief No. 4, and wilt have -charge of the hose
carrinw formerly belonging to Jackson Kn-
51ne Co. It is ebinposed of 'alt yonng. men.
oe Dny, foreman : &. Hudnott, .1st assistant ;
Al. Bettengen, 2d assistant ; Oharles Beed,
secretary-, and Ben Worisley, treasurer. '
-"'A man borrowed a razor of a Cheyenne bar
ber to cut bis corns with, but changed his mind
and tried to sever''his Jugular Vein. Tlie -flrst
slash sickened him soot tne sniciaai Dusmess
that he returned the razor to it owner apd
applied to a surgeon for aid.
Among the laws now on the statute book's of
Montana, is one which provides that diseased
stock shall be removed to some secure inclosnre,
or shall be driven at. least six miles from any
farm or where there is stock running at large,
and sliall be strictly herded. ,
Messrs. II. A. Strait and Chas. H. Canfleld,
of orcs-on City, went out into the mountains
prospecting last week, but thev got lost and
prosiected for the road home for two day
wn uom any gmo. . ,
There will be three days races at Union,
commencing on the Smb. inst. The boys have
some s.kki norsea anu very promising coirs
that thev are anxious to break before the Fair.
The Murscsai-e not large, That as liberal as the
times will i.istirv. . ,
Mr. 5Iet;omas, of heliaGrand 8-tiiittd was
rocenlly traveling some distance from his home
on a very dark night, leading bis horse, when
he stumbled and fell, breaking one finger and
dislocating two others, in the attempt to break
uis iau ny tiirowing out nis nana. . . . . .
The school directors of tho Amity district, In
.Yamhill 001111 r v. Inst Satnrdav awarded the
contract for building the new school house at
Amily. to Mr. J. C. Cooper, of Zena. The
price to be paid is S200, to pat the bouse in
complete running orue. v( . v ..
, From S. A. MahaflVy,. of Auburn, the jpslfael
learns that John Graham picked up a nice little
specimen in ihe shape of a nugget, valued at
on xne iRn n 'nit,, near rrencn i.utcn.
There has been a liirge amount of money taken
ont of tlie gronud in and aionnd Auburn
during the past ten or twelve years. ,
The Coos Buy Ifrtrt says: Westward the star
of empire take its flight. There is something
sublime in tlie steady, onward inarch of civil
ization from the risiuz to the settinir sun.
Every steamier to Coos Bay brings from 75 to
The Hillsboi-o Initt-prruiiia says : "TIks case Of
the State, of Oil-on vs Kd. t'ham'ierlnin- nn-
cused by J. Reveoti of killing hts son, was
uniuxui 11 air. vave. a. 1-., aionuav, anu
the defendant wits held to answer at the next
term of ciwuit court. In default of bail he was
sent to jail. "
A couple of enterprising young men have
built stern wheel 1 Hint on the Ooonille river,
propelled by lever power, on which they pro
pose to cnri-y freight to any point on t lie river.
They curried a cargo of lumber from Pohl-s
mm tot oqninei.ityjn five hours, the other
my, b uu.unce 01 xu mues up sircaiM. .
The Coos JS-cord says: "From the interest
'hat is being exhibited bv ncn Of means and
busmesB l the reson roes of tho Co'inf" va
ley, and ihe investments that have already
been made there, it is quite evident that it
win not in 10117 iwiorH eerier limes wiu .tUtwn
npon-rne seiners mtnat region.
Sir. Rice Informs tho Statesman That the
Indians on the reservation seem tlri be pros-
perons. They have their crons all in. and aro
fencing off i heir land, bniidlng their houses
rni'inintiioMipr lmtirovemonts, mm vvent
r'airehlld is making m-ciira Ions to Imild them
a saw and grist-mill. Mr. Kice considers the
coast region a splendid conntry, and says
every one in t hat section Is looking forward to
prosperouii times when the Yaquina railroad la
Ulllll. . . . j. . .
Mr, Tliomas Mclnlire informs the Hirmr
that there ts no Hessian fly at work in Oregon,
11c 1 mnKs, ior wiient. lypresenieo as annunriv
nfected to that descriiied bv Mr. Kobblns
around Bethel, when exanniltiiHl bv him oa
t lie farm of -Mr. Harritt, over the river frotn.
wiicm. proved to De sound, and the supposed
injnry to grain was meriilv the effect of a few
nnnsnaliy hot days in April, from which it tuts
Puyallup Valley, W. T is good for hops but
is not tlie only locality in which hops will
grow to perfection. Messrs. J. and D. K. Hart-
man, of Ihe Xesqimlly bottom, made a success
fel exrriment with thiscron last vear. and
now ihey htave five acrtts plated for the com
ing season . The vines are creeping along up
tho poles in a. thrifty-manner, already reach-
I-1 FIT I f3 kt, ll-Vfc 1 1 MHI irilT I,HII1.1. -v
: On Wednesday last, Mr. Spnrlocfc of Thurs
ton "county, made a shipment of sheep from
Oregon to Olymina. At Kalanm- they were
put in box cnin for transportnlton across the
country, ami at Tenttio it was found thnt one
en tire car load and .most of another had -died
of sntlocation ; in all, our informant thinks
about 130. "The oiily chance for entrance of
nir w tirniiwit nttw windows at each end.
nuu vunv9'fiii.illinn). . .. - '.rl 3 'Z - i"
iA - Montana i paper tmys : . H3id , from the
grass roots down,teane-xprckn not nnderv
stood in tbotitrveisauil yot some of t lie richest
Plar digirings ever worked in Montana were
of Ibis description-. -We have got S3S0to the
yian by pulling up the-gmss mots on Carpen
ter's bur, Blackfoot, and washing theut, and we
have Msen j washel frotn a pan of grass roots
milled n-p'ofT the rim of Harris Mill below
Bannock.,,, Tlie gold was coarse, and in boita
cn- tlie grass root a reached tho bedrock.
Thonsandsof miners have worked diggings of
, ne Kinu Known wgotu iroin tne gross roots
" Tlie Jlemizer says: Aline fence was tho sole
cause of the ti-ottble. - It arose near a classic
nnrg Known ny tne suggestive title of Dixie.
One man said be wanted part of the fence.
The other said " nay verily." The first man
lit over tlie fence to where No, 3 was. No. 3
drew ills frog-sticker. No. l drew a rusty
11 1 ii i IT.-: iv 1 1 -f i j -1 - ' -i uuwn utme i ue nnmmer,
"chewish " went the powder in tho rain and
along In the evening the pistol went olf, Not,
however, until No. S had went home and done
up the chorea and went out and got behind
The surveyor's on the route of the Yaquina
rnilroad. says tSie "flenton Vinocrnf, have now
passed the summit of tlie Coast ffatnuH. and
are at work on tlie western slope oi tlie. moun
tains, no tar tne utmeuities to be surmounted
nro trifling, while the country over which the
road is located is fnch that the cost of grading
win oe comparatively ngnt, ana almost ail tne
way, Ttmnor lor ties, etc, can be. had near
wnere It. wiU he needed lor use. The- distance
over which the road is located nmvei In b
much shorter than was anticipated, and the
grade is much lighter than the most sanguine
imsiitsoi tneroau una (nougni possioie. too
survey, so far as completed, reveals much that
hi favorable to the enterprise, and does away
with tliecroakings of many who bavo persist-
.cjiiiy oppuseu iu - , - ,iv -t .. . s
Slate Supreintendent of Common Schools
I.. L. Rowland has arrived at la Grand, and
on Monday last organised- Jbe first teaehcri"
institute tor that judicial district. At Union.
There whs a tcenei-al attendance of the toacii-
ersof t li etiuiit y , Uiouirh the other counties of
tne1 omniei n-ero unrepresentea. tne uistt.
tote wasorsanized by Ute election of Key. H.
K. liines as presidents J. T. Outhouse, vice
president; and I. J. Kbuse, secretory, aud con-
tinueu in session tin vreuncsuity noon, very
Interesting examination and discussions were
had on all the branches of common school ed
ucation, an da general iuteteet seemed to be
awakened In the minds of tlie teachers preeeut
JOB 1 no suiject ui successtvu IWCUUlg.
A number of the prominent cltlxens of Ma
rion county met iast "vVednesday evening, at
Grangers' Hall at Ealem, in the Interest of l ive
mountain road across the Cascades from the
fttnttam to- the Black Butte. Hons. John
Sfin to and George, Downing, who were t wof
me viewers iast snmmer, gave a grapnto ue
scrtption of the conntry through which the
proposed road is to be built. On motion of
w.j. i-ierreti uie following committee was
appointed to file articles of ioocKrafion for
the. Minto Pas road and. open books for ' the
mm i inn Auito, iftttt. inirotn, K. m. wade'
.. V. aiunt, John Hunt, I s, fkiott, and
Wia. C "Griswold. On motion Iha uriiml
stock was fixed at S1O0.000. in sliarea of S100
?;b. ou motion ailjounted to mean again on
Fron fnrthor informntton mniwrntnar th
murder of Mrs. Y'alile, at Ballon, lv her lius
liHi, it eotu she wasa' native, of 'California,
had been previously married and bad property
by her former l.tis.mi. Value was verv Jeat
onsor her without any cit gi-ounds. au'd was
aiso QlrMntutiiod boeauss lita lMan-tmce did not
el'" tiiut possession or Her prooeity. tm the
, nay of the murder he came I o -town with eev-
eim iiunuttiu Ooilars" worth- of her property
for the PnrrinHn nf wIHm l t.ii fnimm
wilh her son. tbv ru-evioiiM irauvifuwi &tviit. ia
j-STirs aid, received the goods and took them.
uuer in tue uay v aula ret urnea. home,
andm UreHmneil aiiemtiion ensued.
In which he killed her. Mrs. VaUle was much
On the morning of May ' 7th the mercury at
Silver City, Idaho, marked 9 degrees below the
.Avc&,ug Mint. - . . . --. .- - 1
Uk-hard Kagle,' a miner, was killed tm the
Ch tawo mtne, near slt Ttke. afew days ago.
1M was a native ot 1 or t iuad, Me. . , . -
: A few grains of gold, -washed from a panful
Of dirt in the Mnrilnliu. Il has M-bdteit
the cepidity of the Laramie folks, . .....
!. The lawyers doctors and merchants of Tam-
llill COIintV havil 1.lrin M r. .V. a .(..lUmM Af thA-
gmnKers for a general spelling match. -. ;
TheTJarion county tai dendeny has been.
redneed -rs.ono. since -the deaetency balance was
Struck , from l4,0tjo to mjJDJQ or thereaJ-oata.
The Colorada Springs Miruntainecr wonders if
fhore isn't a special Providence in the prevail
ing rheumatism among new Territorial om
cers. - - .. - - , . , ... .- i. - i..--. -
Fotir bodies one of which has beta identified
as that of a prospector named Balph Bates
nviro imuiu unuer a now suae in xu&iio Terri
tory. ,
Mr. S. W. Brown, nf Vo
ed in the nursery business states t hat a large
iiumuvr w ms w;n. iven uat are only one
year pid are foil of fruit. . ". .-,--. f
Fourth Plain, back of Vancouves of last
Saturday was stirred to its very center by the
picnickers from different -parts of the eonntry.
Some three hundred, old and young, were there
toenjoy the festtvitiesof the day. It waSa
general rally, with baskets and bundles. .
Tlie M. E. flnndav School of Vuimnmr h1t
their annual election a few days since which
resulted as follows : For Superintendent, H. H.
trriniey; Assistant Superintendent. Hon. 8. w.
Brown ; tor iiomnans, tj. a. Kors, and Miss.
Klla WllinrJet for Seeretarv and Trnasnrar.
Clinton Grldley. - . ;
One of those enrious optical Illusions, called
a mirage, was seen at Corinne on Wednesday
causing all the houses bi the town and a. strinir
of fifty freight wagons to he seen doubls and
appearing m u stiTienueu aoonr one imnorea
ieetaiKive tne grounu. The lUussioii lasted
fully twenty minutes. . - . ; .s . s
f Tho new trust deed nf James T.ick, which is
only waiting for the formal assent of some of
the beneficiaries to be placed on record, differs
in tlie following respects from' the former:
The donation of 50,ooo for tho erection of slat
nary at the State Cmpitol is changed to $100,000
for statuary for the tHty Hail, Son Francisco.
The snra of $700,000 for an observatory at Iake
Tahoc has been committed to the care of the
University of California, and will be expended
by regents for the observatory and apparatus
originally contemplated. The appropriation
Tor a Key monument has been ' reduced from
$t0,000 to $tw,eoa The donation form Mechan
ies' Art School has been raised from $300,000 to
$540,000. The gift to bis son fa -raised from
S3.00U to 150,060. "Mr. l.ick reserves for hrm
self a gross sum ot $500,000, t be interest of which
sum he is to use, and any part of the principal
at decease, after all the donations are provided
for, to go to t he Academy of Sciences and
Pioneer Society equally., It is not yet de
termined who the trustees will be. Mr. Lick
will probably-be one, and others win soon lie
named. Under the former deed none of the
tteneliciaries could receive any benefit until
Lick's death, on account of his having a lten of
$2.",000 per year on the property. Under the
new arrangements his claim is discharged on
the payment of 500,too, and the balance can at
once be applied to other purposes. -
' -1
May 12. "
A RLeeor. Corvallis
C Smith, Lebanon W H Cornelius. Cor'vla
O P Tompkins, Harsbg H J Rizeor, Corvallis
1 Rntnow 8 F . J P Bales, Corvallis
K G Hughes, Portland B W Morris Portland
T K Canthom wife W G Thompson, Cat.
Yaknnia W T A Koch, t F
F S Akin, Portland J Mulkey, Unn county
J C A Very, Corvallis J Hawley, tlorvallis
.IHHackelinan, county AL firidEefkrmer( Tssi
C Adler, Kngene City gent
Mrs N Xsen A child N K Simons Iiehttnon
E'-Jttnct ton City C V. Carter, Leiiation
V M Pttgh. Shedds - B L Creed, Lebanon
A N Thompson, Shedds J Klngsley, Pugct 'nd
P Hilven, Scio S Dodge, Maine
1, T Williams, Tangent C Whit, Albany
K S Rogers Tangent . J R Thompson, Tangt
V K Fuller, Tangent. W F Briggs. Tantfent
J Thompson, Tan cut R S Price, vlty
MR ilarklue, Ilalauaa T P Shipley, city
W T Snndny May K.
C Wliiis cottnf y . A It Porter, city
I. Ward, Albany Ierov Martin. city
4(M(!iMnnlnti. tjihsnfltl J ScllfUOr. cltV -
N IIQoecner, city F M Jack, Brownsville
Mrs Dooilnle ft sister J K Weatherford, City
rvallis li i!"swn. city ;
J II Walker, tli-egon Cy T t: Conley, B Portland
li rom. Mnnroe- w mevens, virvauia
M R Webb, Portland V W TUlard, city ,
K X Tandy, Aalsey - C White, do.
T K Conlev, K llnrtPnd ' Montlay May 17 '
J T Williams, Portland H Morris, Portland
13. .
M 8- Woodcock.
jr i.iiuer
Madame Babcox
T Whlttln
B Gallon .
P H llyraman
C D Simpson. Albany
H P Hicks, Portland
W O Thompson, Cl.
J fkbmeer, cily
A P Morris, country
KG ilmrhes. Portland
G Weller. citv
J A Prnott, Pendleton
J Donnelly, Port land
J H Haskfns. Cor-allIs
L. K Orimn, Scio
K A Wililams 'Frisco
G W Tileston, city
I. H Onlmette Portland
C II MMich, Portland
J is (.all up, 1-eoria
li M Powers, a wife A 2
Prof R D Kennedv. Cal
children, Peoria
W K Hall, Biiena'Vista-R T Smith, Tangent
MH Miller, Tangeut J Keisey, -uorvnnis
N II Qtteeticr, city Mrs. Belfiis A 3 chid,
MT Moore. Grass Ridge Corvallis
J Curl, Scio K alien, Corvallis - .
I It oble. St Tfolcna W Km rick. Corvallis
W It llarr, Portland
J Lnekev. Ochoco
i n AiiurewTS i oi i I'tiivi
L Bam in, Portland -J
H Balieock, Salem
R tJrtfrln. Polk eonntv J Hnxbes. Portland
J ACampltell. Jefferson J Teal, Portland
- Mav 14. C K Brown. Polk Co-
C W Miller," Harrisburg G Ji ickei-sou, eity
T Nearson, Albany - J R Jolinson, Portland
R li Watsons Olvrnpia L W Newman, POrtatnd
Dr Alexander, Alliany t Tuesday 18
J I. Brown, Brrpwnsv'le S A Carujiijen,; Mon
F A tnienoweth, Cot mouth i.
vallis. , W B Sargent, Monlnth-
C W Liggett, Allianv E P MoClnrs,city
K tii-iffln, Pnlk Cotmty J 1 Barnard, Portland
C Lovfn, CorvrrUfSi i J P Sullivan. 1 riser,
T Kamev, Polkconnty E W Linfor.h, Frisco ....
R Preshaw A wife D B Gable, St Helens -
San Francisco " J Senders Brearnevtlle
C Adler, Sulcm A Wheeler, Sand Ridge
O P Beardslv, Salem ' W P Anderson, Sand
TB Price, I-acrosse Wis Ridge -
H D Snnliom. Portland M Wirta, efty
IV f4revier. Lea Crosse L T Smith, city .
; Wtseonsln S A "Dawson, country
M Grwvier, Im Crosse C P Bnrkluvrt, couittry
Wisoonsin . T Froman, prarrie
R J tirahain, Portland C T Shaw, city
J Whitney, Habbords G G Smith, Ijtne CO
S-Rtion J Hedges oily
G F Bm-kliart, Iebanon C.White,city k
T E (Vmley, E Portland W R "TUlard, eity
W S Moore, Astoria ' C V Scott, Wells river
Mav 13. ... T MeChance, Silver city
R n Lord, Portland V Tillard, city
O W Primlle. Portland T Bead, Benton on
J K Weatherford, city H WUhelm, Coos Bay
C II McLaim, Corvallis .,,!. ?-
May 14h.
J V Moore, Portland
John Stormer, Iowa
Enoch Holt, Harrtsb'g
S Setter, Harrisburg
R A Walker, Iowa.
R R Lease wife, Iowa
A Murray, Chicago
A S Bridgefarmer, Tan.
- gent ... - .--T
Froman, conntry
M. Fllliert, city
Samuel Gaines Boston
T Fnlford, Torre Haute
Miss Mary Hunt, Terre
W T Bowen, Portland
F lteartlon, AllKuiy
H O Crump A lady.
T Raney, Polk'co .
R A JcfTerson. S F - .. .
John MeGill, Boston .
John Burmister, Salt
Lake '
Ike Nicholson, Linn CO :
R T Scott, Port land
Semi Ranev, Missoari
-A L Emorick, Polk eo
Albert Kiggs, Hoseburg
John Green, Linn eo -R
T Reynolds Baloiu '
John Berry, eity -Wm
S Bell, Missouri
John Martin, Iowa
R 8 Johnson, Seneca
- -. May lsth.
Ike Nicholson, city
Edward Gavlord, city
Thomas Roberts, city
Clarence Gaylord, oity
John Smith, city
F M Mowsy, Salem '
- t ortianu -
Mav t'llh.
John Stnit h, country 4
Father Jlacken, Cor
vallis MO McCoy, Ohio
Mrs Oaldwell A son, Al
bany Samuel Piker A wife,
Miss S Moore, Portland
IS B Chapman, Albany
P H Stednian, Inde
pendence F Reardon, Albany -
Otis Ford, eity
Geo D Finn, city
Wm Scott, Linn CO - -Geo
Rowers, Linn CO
W Fitzgerald, Linn co. .
R Fisher, Miller station ,
E Fishor.Miller station
L D Colby, Walla Walla
G G Patterson, city
John Fondray.eoanfry
John Humphrey, oity
F Reardon, city
Gold In New Yoiic '115
Legal tenders S7j88a..
. No cliange hi Liverpool quotations. -
San Francisco o notations show little d
vance. Wheat, (1 61(31 7$ p 1009n. , O&ts,
333 20. Wool, ' 1315c,"t for , burry ;
choice, 222c extra "clioioa long staple,
-jaaaa -v h . -,
Home markets remain about as quoted.
last week. "
roUtoestiei S3 bushaK
t -A t .
Apples, green, reUiUlng from stcft-cs si
Uiitckens $-2 S0(S3fldoen. r j '
llama 13ic shoulders Vo? slddS lie
V lb. : . ' j .. i.Aj ;-' .ft .a,: .
Iard, In lOlh cans, f l 75;t la bulk, - 14c
T 1- rt : 4 i ;,-t - - -;T- ' ; .
VMte beans 4c ft IK, - ' - - - , !;- i
- Onions carce-noinInally 'fl "6.0. per
btishe.f rom f-tores. j , ;
,; Hoc t, on foot, 6o ; pork.' 6jc : njiittoa
sheep, per bead, f 3, 1
Kcw Xo-Say,
next regular annual'meeting of tho stock
boiders of the agle Woolen Mills Company,
will be held at the ofBee of the Company I
Brownsville, on Friday, the lot h day of June
pext, as three o'clock P. M. By order of the
President. ? A. WHEELER, Secietar't
5 May IS, 1875. - . . . sOwi
proceed to let, at. public anc-t km at tne
Court House in Albany, Linn county, Oregon,
OH; ,Y ---j, -J -y-'', :r--: t x
: j ... WRWCSW7,asf,XlU,, t7a ... -
a contract for the -construction and completion
of a bridge across the sontn fork of the Sanrhinr
river, eaftt-of and near Lebanon, in Linn i-onniT,
Of Smith' Patent Trrow puin.andia accordance
wltb plans and specificatjons now on file in the
Clerk's office of said Linn eonntv ; said brhlge
to be completed by December 1st, l75, pav
ments to"be made in V. 8 gold coin, as follows:
Half of the amount of the contract price, on the
part of the citizens, arid two thoasand dollars
from Linn eoonty, upon the completion and re
ception of the bridge, tlie balance to be paid by
Linn eounty in six (6) months after tlie com
pletion ef said bridge. Requisite bonds will be
required on the part-of ail bidders. The Super
intendent reserves to himself I he-right to reject
any and all bids. J. K. CHARLTON, :
. ,; ' , w buiwrlntenilent. .
l-obftnon, May 6th, 1875. . 2Tv7wS '
New and BeautlfVil Furniture 1
(ottitrioir MASK)
The atetaler 'tiRlr-rwlilde bettontsv
and the
Bolding Broom !
all In good snpply at W. D. Bcldlng's shop on
First street, east of Magnolia Mills. Call and
examine goods and nriecs.
Mayli-,v7 - W. D. BELD13TG.
For ' Salo I
Lime, Shingles, Plaster Paris,
rith, Ifair, etc.," ,. ,
and tor sale low, at the warehouse of
The IIItict Cnsli Price FaM fbr Wool.
Albany, May 14, "73-S5v7
S88 .02E1.330 Z
A JLarge and Talnable Tract of
tarmlug JLand lor tHIe. .
rpHRKE HUNDRED ACRES of plow laud, 200
X of which is rich bottom land, thi I he prem
ises are fair Imildings, house, tuirn, granary,
sheds, etc.; also good bearing orchard of fruit
trees; SCO acres of Ihe very best pasture land ;
50 acres of timber hind, ash and maple, the host
of farming taiid when cleared. A never failing
stream of Water runs through the farm. There
is also a splendid quarry of lim-rock on the
lace, pronounced by experts A 1 rock. Fenr
undred acres are under fence, ll is one of t he
most desirable and cheapest farms in -Douglas
county, lying 1H miles from the O. A C. railroad
at Oakland For particulars as to price, etc,
apply. In this city, to -
Albany, May 14, 1873.
Pictures and 11 et arc Frumei.
I e. n. puiiDOii
Would announce to the citizens of Allmiiy and
vicinity,! hat he is pretiared to furnish all kinds
of PICTURE FRAMES to order, at short notk-e.
Pictures f ruined, and old frames rc-nalreal. jilt
at hi office on Fb-st. street, one door west of
iM-oaaaioin, anu leave your orders. S4-I
Allen, admiuist rator Of the estat e of Alfred
Alkm, deceased, on the nth dav of May, IrtT.I,
11 lei I bis final account in said estate in the
Coimty Court for Linn county. Oregon, for final
settlement, and I hut by order of said Conrt,
WchMftsr, th Mk lajr f Jan, IM7S,
bus lieen appointed to lienr objections to said
account, and for the settlement of the Aoiie.
Published by order of the County Court. -,
May 7, 1875-n3tw4 ; . . Administrator. .
- With your Coin "for
Cheap Groceries !
naving paid Cash for his stock, he offers superi
or inducements to consuiuors. AU kinds of
accepted as the equivalent of cash In exchange
for goods. - .- i -.'.c... .
Superior Glassware CtVery,.NW lens, Pcrfn
niory, oux, la largo aaantitice, at wholesale or
retail. .
asHl Tehntco Sipeeirlty.
Husr. mVajjukt.
stock of u - '- .
' selected with care, and lionght hut coin at '
: Seandalously Low Figure I
and as we bought low we can ant) will sell then
at pricestlrat will - .
AstorHsh .Everybody.
Come and see our selection, of - .
nreaa faooda
" . .
IepliBa, ..
Ulbbons, ColIar, CoIBarettea,
jLaeea, &e., sice., -for
the ladles and our complete lines of
Readymade Clothing-.
. - Heeiery,
... ' ' fsiwlaierrs,
. Cloths, -t f
- filieeH, . i
Beola, . : '
2? :
ot all descriptions for men and boys. ' Also, full
- j, - assortments oi . . . .
Groceries," Croctery ; ami Glassware.
? ", for everj-body. , , -
; Tho nest goods at the lowest rates every time.
- fejfOome and see. -
i Lebanou, Oregon, October 30, 1874. . '
' 1Zlnes Headers, (Wood's unproved.)
: C'v-BUtorara IadUasia Fans Wra.
' Tltostissrl suw V1H" Threahera,
, ' - (beat machines on the coast. ;
' Btatesnsw Foreefced Drill.
- Ktar Plows, and other maehinoa.
oMworrb at., Aibanyiregon
ke -nwsrwohhred Detwashlr 1 "11,
"victor Second,
V ing March 1st, W75, and ending June 1st,
tB7 at tlie. farm of the - undersigned, to
mues north of Shedd Station, on the road lead
ingfroin Albany to Harrisbuiv, Una county,
Prhosa desiring can obtain good pasfne on tea-
vfcTOS'lsthe finest bull In the State, having
taken tlve first premium -over all rompetitocs
when exhibited at, the Oregon State Fur.
-SSr ' KAaOSAKLE. j3
4 " SiB.sI.Bi EPKiUS'GElC-.
Sash A . Door Factory a generaJ overliaul
ing and repairing, and greatly inereiuied tlielf .
facilities for. doing work, by putting In a new
and a new'PLANEIt ASD MATCHER, al! made
tit Oregon by Oretron 'hihcIisoUm nd out of
Oregon iron, ami urea crodtt to th-egoiw
The Planer and . Watclier is specially adapted
to matching Flooring : and Rust id,', which we
make a sprcialijv and are now .prepared to do
without delay, as can change the maobioo
from one kind of. work to unci Iter in a few
minutes, and - with oar excellent water-power
are always ready, to run any or all our ma
chinery. .
We keep DOORS. SASH and MOLDING always
on hand, or umke to order with dispatch. We
have made arrange men! by which we are now
prepared to furnish Srfsh " and SasU-Doors,
primed and glased, to order,, very near Port
land prices, and ' propose ut make it to . I bo
interest of Builders to liny AT ' HOMI and
enconrage home interests. -
Wit h nor new HitAi'KH wo are prepared to dp
any kind of circular or irregnlar work, much
better than li has ever been done in Albany,
We have two, new: Grindstones, one for tha
special bene tit of those wishing to grind ones or
tools of any kintL
In short, we have spared neither money of
lalior in fitting tin otir shop for doing all kind
of work in our line with -neatness, cheapness;
and dispatak. ssd ha ve majseriaSljr reaacwsl
our prfres for work.; All of which we bops
tlie public wUl appreciate, and conttnue to give
us a lilieral share of their patronage.
Ei. Caktkk wiilttlwaybe on liand, with com
petent nMichunics, ready lo serve those who
may favor us wilb their orders.- '"
Matlslaetlon am So work and prices, prttavr
- svsteei.
Allmny, Or., April ft. W7j. ..
EASY-SHOE 1 v -;
i-- -4rXE-v FOR. OLJJI MEJff.
, ' FOR LADlFg,
just misoi2:ivi3i
;" By Ocean Steamer, at
Baal & SHae Store,
Albany, Oregpn,
Cheaper tban the Cheap eat
: Albany, March SO, I87j-2t)v7 ,
So l!oimekrepr mm Dawsie-KwevS aiatt
Wbolcsoiue Bread M 1 1 turns i -; .
This well known and long established YEAST"
Pi i W PER is now in great demand. Sales in
creasing daily. Now a gross, per dav to tho
trade. D. CALLaGHAX now sole manufac
ture and proprietor, uses no drugs no lione
dust; pure white cream of Tartar. Iniporte!
direct and irroutHl An Llui rrikfaH- Iwlnr tho
chief ingredient. - . .
Always on band and for sale at lowest prices :
Cwllngrhan'a Yesiat Powder, iu 1 & caws, a.
superior article. -
C!aIIatluuis t'r-an of Tartar, In all stylo
wf intckages. 1
CaiUMKhasi-a, JPnre tjigllsh Btrhowa
. oriMMta suff hsh-mum,
;-,".- V Aijkj ''. ''' "
f VMIM At Twtav I-.V.1.I. a n I . -
- JUt-TMr bonwle of lavkesra. -
- Voa 8AI.B BY-
1-21 FRONT STltKK. Sun Fmnetsm.
ttEA-tSHS Dt
Oliver & Plated Voro,
' Land- .
- ' The Pest Machine Hade. l
:-L' t LYON'S A-V -
.'o'rEHTS JPEBrTIXJE.' V -'i
MJisi's ;"o 'oywrtlair A CestSfflwy,
II P-rwasotea the Ure.ih, PrtsWrn t,
Color, Inr-iMies' -fi-r 'wi lakswfy
indies; -
Do yoa want a : WrsHdBOwtHtoar.- Cs'
jBlsmlaaW;'.l't, 'Stew--!ii.WtJ-E's f
HAtQAsm 3l4fA'B41M wtki
liSesw OveroiMHoa lo 1 . - v .
anee r heat, folfs-ue aua eiifEest.