CHILDREN'S CORNER. The M key ui the Nat. v-.' .... --.--.j- -:---,.:- "Within a balcony of state, At erne, and happy beyond measure, ' - . r JL Monkey ut, wSo Lmd of late f Become the toaster of a treasure. 'Though not, indeed, of cem or gold, Mark (I translate it to the 'etter), Bat freeh, sweet uuU, which I've been told , t Friend Pug esteemed SB something better. "These in a sack he tied with care. For other monkey, by the dozen, -Came Socking roand, in hope to share ' The rich poaneriona of their cousin. . . .'They thronged beneath, in greedy train, The balcony whera he was seated; But quickly foond 'twas all in vain They reasoned, threatened, or entreated. ''For Prig, however rich in fruit, Appeared in boanty somewhat lacking; And Bong, in answer to their suit. . Tue sheila of nuts which he'd been cracking. "At this the suppliants, filled with rage. Resolved to sue to him no longer; But battle next prepared to wage, As they in nomberp were the stronger. " The Monkey, on this rode attack, - ' Although he deemed the means expensive, Without ado untied the sack, - And turned his nuts to arms offensive. " Pug with these missives mimed his blows So hard and fast, that in oonclasiou, His smarting and bepeited foes Fled off in cowardly confusion. " And now he proudly stood alono, ' With feelings that of rapture savored, Prepared to thank iu jo-rous toiie. , Came Fortune, who his cause had favored; " That he had, in the Tate attack, Hia precious nuts so well defended. But cast his eves upon his sack, . t And eaw that they wore all expended ! " Through these he had maintained bis place And now his foea bad ail retreated. He stood precisely in the case Ae if himself had been defeated. THB ANT'SJUSTINCT. " I Bailed from Philadelphia in' the winter of 1859. After being at SUA some ten days, I discovered that we had on board a large n timber of ants and cockroaches, doing through the cabin one evening,, our colored stewart t-.ir1 ta mA fVvn'n iea look hea h. Ho m standing , in the rmntry-aoor, with a lamp in bis hand. . On looking into the pantry, I discovered on the lower shelf a number of large discs. ants in a huddle, and a half dozen by themselves, and on the opposite siae oi the shelf was some sugar which the ants did not seem to notice, which caus ed me to wonder; the reason, nowever, osvnn KiwximA nnnarent. A COOkTOach made his appearance and went 101 uie I ants went for him; and before he fairly get a taste of the sugar they Had bun uown .r him in less than a minute, mcu o.V Kaf atrwiri nnnrt from the rest DOW tha dead cockroach, .ni hnm him off the ffcld. The others Miia;nw1 nn fchA watch, ana as BOOH US another approached they all pitcnea ux or.,1 maAo nhnrt work, as before. In the mMnimii th nail-bearers had returned, - . . f, T , A.I and took this one on tne noiu as iu l,il tha other. I watched until I Ko,i iVtSsAnantetlAhalf dozen times. anil if. wfla Hr,nA Oft recularlv as it could have been done by men. The ants kept on killing the cockroaches until they had ent relv cioareu mem uuv, ntuvu took but a short time.. THE LATEST FASHIONS. l v " ' Sterlra far the Yean- Folks. t i "WHAT HE COULD NOT 8FXX- A gentleman walking with his little hov cast the cottacre of a German labor er, the boy's attention was attracted by a lit tie dog. It was not a ivmg tuaries, or a black. -and-tan. but a common cur. Still the bov took a fancy to him, and wanted bis father to buy him. . Just then the master came home from his labors, and was met by the dog with everv demonstration of joy. The gentleman said to the owner, My little boy has taken a fancy to your dog, and I will buy him. What do you ask for him ?' I can't sell dat dog !' said the German. Lcok here, said tho gentle man, 'that is a poor dog anyway, but as my boy wants him I will give you five dollars for him. Yas,' says the Ger man, 'I know he is a werry poor dog, and he air t wort almost nuttm," but ilere ish von lectle ding mit dat dog vot I can't sell. I can't , sell de vag of his t.ul ven I comes home at night." ' THB PATTEST ELEPHANT. An elephant i in Calcutta had t a disease in his eyes. For three days he had been completely blind. His owner, an engineer officer, asked the doctor if he could do anything to relieve the poor animal. . . The doctor said he would try the nitrate of silver, which was a reme dy commonly applied to similar diseases in the human eye. The large animal was ordered to lie down, and at first, on the application of the remedy, raised a most extraordinary roar at the acute pain which it occasioned. . The effect, how ever, was wonderfwL The eye was in a manner , restored,' and the animal could nartiallv see. Tl e next day, when he was brought, and heard the doctor's voice, he lay down of himself, placed . his enormous head on one side, curled tip hia trunk, drew in his I reath just like a. man about to endure an operation, gave a sigh of relief when . it was over, and then, -by trunk and gesture, evi dently "wished to express his gratitude. FLAYING THK BAR TBTJMMET. . Two fishermen, . out. for a day's . sport were driving past a farm "house when an old man came out and . hailed them. . " What is it ? " asked one as he drew in the reins and came to a stop. " We are in a hurry. Instead of replying in words, the old man simply waved his hand, and then turning toward his fields, he shouted, at tne tap of iua voice: " Timothy, Timothy ! -"''The two wo-ntsmeu looked in that direction, and saw, nearly a quarter of a mile off, sv boy engaged in digging Dotatoes. He evidently heard tbe old man's n-nua tor XAanino' nmD liin hoe. he faced the homes; and directly after wcrds came the taint sound, ot . " Hallo 1" The old mta, seeing from the boy's motion that be bad been hd, shouted again, with stentorian power. Where is the new ox yoke ? A response: faint, but distinct, came back: - " In the eon crib.' " Sneak loader, will ye ? I'm foard o' hearinV ".-". Thew ahented the words into his ear. "Aht thank ye. That's alL You can driveou., . - " ? - "v. THS FATTUi VU DOO, A French raerchant, having with him a larce basr of srold. which, he tied to his saddle, started for home after loner iournev. accompanied by hia faith f ul docv -t; Af tex riding some miles, he , alighted to rest himself under shady tree, and takinflr tive bag of money in his hand be laid it down by his side. uiftsntinflr afirain h forgot his bag. The' dog perceiving this,' ran to fetch it; but it was too heavy for him to drag Along. He then ran alter hie maater, a4 by barking, tried to remind hiaa of feCs niiBfAke-'" The merchant did not un derstand thewe signs, bat the dog went on with his ttBorts, ana alter trying .in Gin Urinking Extraordinary. An old resident of this city about seventy years of age, who has long been known as a irequnser oj oar-rooms ana an excellent story teller, is said to have; been a steady gin drinker for over sixty years. ' The account of the quantity of gin he has drank is drawn from his own statements. What is quite xemarraDie is that he has never been seen intoxi cated during all the, time ha has been addicted to alcoholic drink. He says, however, that he believes giu will some day prove to be the cause of his death. At tnree years ot age ne nrst taetea tne liquor." Gin and sugar, lie says, were in those days given the children, and were considered beneficial to them. He estimates that after he had formed a habit for the drink, he drank up to the present time an average of two quarts of gin, a week. For the information of these who have no idea of the quantity of gin a man can drink and yet continue Bonnets Presses Cellars .Vests Etc. f"-K i SBBXXta BOXHsra. r;sr"r:--Openings: of . millinery at exclusive honss settle all vexed questions and de cide details about bonnets. The absence of all ornaments such as jet or filigree is remarked, and scarcely a yard of - iaoe is used. Trimmings consist entirely of Bowers gros grain, and the various new ribbons. Of the last, serge ribbon, soft and finely twilled, is the choice with lanuioname mininera. .mere are no more monotone bonnets. ..The chip is of one color, the ribbon another, the lace uiiuiuujjj i uuiu, ouu tuti nowers are several aifferent ; colors. Cream white, pale yellow, and poppy red pre vail, and they are associated with other colors in ways that form odd and new contrasts. Of twelve hats designed by Virot for a New York milliner, not one was witnouo a touen oi scarlet some where.,, The shape that promises to secure favor is that with a white halo brim and large crown. The brim' is turned no broadly above the forehead, and slopes narrower on the sides and back. - Chip bonnets of this shape have a full face trimming and a rouleau that extends under the entire brim, even crossing the bacK, and holding it out from the hair, Much, of the style of the bonnet de pends upon this roll under the brim. and ' it also adds to the comfort Of the wearer, as such bonnets, when nroDerlv placed on the head, fit so, trimly, that an elastic for holding them on is almost superflous. . The hair must be dressed close to the head, and very softlv. dis. pensing with "topsies" and other hard biling for braids. ILadies just returned from Paris wear a long and wide Cato- gan braid, tied by a bow above the nat of the neck; their front hair ,is. fully inzzea,' ami au anger, puns are aban doned. The ' new bonnet is then set snugly on the head, neither too far for ward nor back, and? tho effect is excel lent. Two long streamers of white tulle, each a yard long and three-eighths of van! wide, are trat on tbe bar-It of Mia bonnet and tied Under the hin; these are the only strings seen, 1 As we have already said, the trimming is massed high in front, and does not always sur round the crown. A Black Chantilly lace bonnets are made over new frames that give the appear ance of having , a very shallow crown resting on a face trimming nearly three inches deep. . xnia race trimming is a The Inside of the Wiiite House. " Olivia " writes to the Philadelphia Times: . The house inside i fine, but is kept w ith iale care. There are, tor ex ample, large conservatories attached to it, yet no plants or flowers can be seen in the reception-room except a few hyacinths scattered here and there on the marble tables in ironi ox uw nr rors. Tbe so-called blue, red and green rooms, though their furniture is some- shitvnm. and then uinsmmms no very stately, are still fine rooms, while the'large eaet room would have been really a beautiful one had it had bronze chandeliers instead oi common crys tal ones, ; very little in harmony with thA fine Oreek decoration or tne ceiling and walls. But, on the other hand, a kind of butler's pantry is used as cloak room, and a crow a ox peopie l ava to Tass their hats and coats Himneh a window about tnree leet square. Tne spacious TesBuuio ntbrlv inosAR its effect at present. The sash screen dividing the entrance hall into two parts not being thrown open, ... - . -a A mafenn thevestttmle loOKliae two ciuiosv corridors, and the absence of any plants at the entrance bail deprive is even ox that air of comfort and nabitabiuty which is to be seen in every well-kept private house of well to-do people. to live, we have made an estimate of the j wad8 of small white flowers, such as Dishonest' Government Clerks. Conclusive evidence has been obtain' ed that four or five clerks in the Post office Department and several, persons outside have secured a number of con tracts for mail service in the southwest ern states by means of counterfeit stamns containing the initials of the first and second assistant. Postmaster General, which is placed on tho bids when onened. in order to show that-l they have been received in time. The counterfeit Btamp has been used. to give apparent validity to strw bids made at lower figures than the lowest of the bids really opened at tne advertised time, Amonx the contractors implicated is Hvmes. recently appointed United States Marshal for Alabama. The con tracts thus secured will be annulled and all clerks implicated immediately dis missed.;:.- . . - - j , Theodobb Thomas, of 1 nomas or chestra, than whom there is no higher musictu authority in the world, says there are no other cabinet or parlor or gans equal to those made by the Mason & Hamlin Organ Uo.. and that musicians agree with him in tins opinion. cost and quantity of the liquor imbibed by tins old resident. ioubting, some what, the length of time he states he has been addicted to gin, and calling the period only fifty years, it is found that at . the rate,, of .two quarts a week he has ' drank a very little less than forty-eight aula half barrels oi the liquor, ihe money expended tor this, the gin , being reckoned at sixty cents a quart, with simple interest for half the . tune, amount i to 7,oUU; and this does . not begin to reach the sum which, the old man s estimate would make The only indications of this life long habit to be seen about the mr.n is his very rubicund face. Undoubtedly many men in this city would be greatly surprised should they make an estimate of the liquor they have drank. 2Tcw Haven Journal and Courier. Thad. Stevens Retires. The famous four-miler, Thad Stevens, sold at auction in San Francisco last week for the moderate sum of SI. 100. His history has been an eventful one. in his younger days be was broken to harness, was - used as a road norse xor some time, and could trot in azlO. . lie did not gam much fame until he wasfive or six years old, since which ume nis victories nave Deen numerous. In a . race at Sacramento, mde heats tnree in bve. witn Jell x iahertv. I horn- hill, and others, he made the fastest time ever recorded in a third heat-r-1:43. At Oakland, in 1873, in a four-mile-and-repeat race, his record of 730 is the fastest recond beat ever made. His four-mile-and-repeat race, when he deieated Joe. Uanieia and True Blue, snowed him to be a horse of remarks ble po wer and endurance, as he had to run sixteen miles before victory perched on his banner. At one time Thad ooiua nave - Deen sola lor S1Z.OOU or $15,000, but since his defeat by Katie Jr'ease last year it was plain to be seen his running days were over, 'and conse quently his value has decreased. He will probably now be kept exclusively . . - - - lOTDreeaing purposes. Boiler Explosions In England The Pall Mall Gazette savs: "The list of persons killed by accident in 1874 is very heavy, and under one head alone, namely that of boiler explosions, tue cgures are startling. Mr. E, R Marten, C ., chief engineer to the Midland Steam Boiler Inspection and Assurance Company, in his ann'ial re port for 1874, says that dnrhsg the year recoros were oorajnea oi t boiler i - - it , , . dwarfed daises or button-roses; a brown bird nestles on the lace crown. $ White chip bonnets to wear with black or with dark colored suits have two or three colors in the trimming. and much black velvet. ! Pale blue and buff serge ribbon, ' the deepest green with cream-oolor, and pearl, or French gray with poppy red, are seen together. Picturesque hats for the country are very large. The broad brim turns up high m front, is dented in above the ears, and droops on the braids behind. Such a hat tor summer drives in low phtetons is made of white' chip, and trimmed to match gay Madras suits. The inside is faced wifh black velvet, and there is a roll partly velvet, partly pale blue gros grain that supports cluster of three pink roses and two small ostrich tips of delicate cream- color. Around the crown are loops of cream and blue serge ribbon,and cream- j colored feathexa. -.:.. rBKNCE DBESSES. The handsomest black silk dress sent out by Worth is trimmed with ruches of crimped tape, thread lace, and knife. plaitings. ; There are three jtnife piait ings acro-s the back breaths, -while the plain front has merely a rucne and I ace down the front, and a single plaiting at the foot. The side breaths are trimmed with rows of beaded fringe, forming a square, and there are square breadths and . black satin streamers behind to givo fullness. The Marguerite basque has two side forms, and the whaltbones extend to the end of basque. . A traveling suit of gray-limousine is striped with threads of red and black. The stiped basque has plain gray sleeves. AA JiUiglisU c lax of the striped materi al is faced with cardinal red silk, and there is a neck-tie and bow made of this silk, and laid in fine plaits, and fringed by raveling. The double apron, shaped in a deep point, is stnoed, and tne stripes meet in a seam down the middle. The back is two straight breaths, looped, and the whole is edged with knife plait ing. The plain gray skirt, has a gath ered and a plaited . flounce, . one plain, 11 ' 1 A . sue outer eupeu. .-; j, : . Another sty lis it suit for morning. shopping, traveling, etc., has a skirt of navy blue silk, wiUt an apron and basque of wool goods in wide blue and brown stripes : : i.-i'v '.MEW KBCK-TZES. -' A"novelty just introduced is the neck tie of black or white tulle, with square or pointed ends, embroidered with liose and dotted with tiny white silk buttons; priee 2.75. i- ;-.-- Jcru batiste necK-ties are new. ana NICH0L8, 8HEPARD ft CO8 1 "muw TUSHER. The RRIXI.IAJVT SUCCESS of this Grain Saving, Time-Savisg ' THBESHER, H unprecedented in the annals of yrm Uachlnerj. In a brief period it has become wldel jr known and WULV ' ESTATBUSHKSi, as the "LIADia G THRTfiStnrate MACmig. A $4.00 Book for $1.50. The People's Common Sanaa Mntlinal Adviser, in plain English, or Medicine Simpli fied: By K. V. Piebck, M. D., Counselor-in-Chief of the Board of Physicians and Sur geons, at the World's Dispensary, Baffalo, N. J- J" above work a book of about nine hun ored large pages, profusely illustrated with wood "gruuip sua coiarea plates, and well and strongly bound will be sent, postpaid, to any address, f er One Dollar and Fifty , Cents making it Oie cheapest .book ever offered to the -" ' w jM-fnv. ... uuer oooas creating ox ao mestic medicine, of like size and style vf uwuing, na not nearly as well illustrated, with no colored plates, and some of them con taining no prescriptions and making known no tneaue of aijf-cnre for the diseases which they autcuaa, sen for from three dollars and a half to five dollars. Were Dr. Pierce's work not published by the author, printed and bound wua iua own machinery, and were it otd through agents, as other like works are, the pnoe of it would have to be not less than four dollar. For when tho tmkK,k.i tne author a fair price for his production, then j 5t, .T;X . ; t, InTeent, large encmgti j GRAIN RAISEHS BSTV8H to submit to satisfy iumself and compensate hun, not to the wasteful and imperfect work of other only for ma labor but also for tbe risk of pe-! Threshers, when posted on the supariorttg cuniary los which he asaumea in taking the , of this one, for asTing gain, saving time, and chaucea of the enterprise nrovimr a sncoess i'oiBf faet thorourh and econontieal work. ; and when the state? cmnFvd8 ,!vS tHRESHERHES ft.SO IT highly anvantawous to aireut has riWl M.'nat. th, nJ " "",e" ":cte". added to the eznense of a book, that orisrinsllv cu ooni i., so mneu tnat tne people nave to pay not lees than 4.00 for it. The People's Medical Adviser, on the contrary, is placed witnin tbe pecuniary reach of au classes by the author, who adopts the plan of the 1 Grangers, dispensing with middle men and giving the benefit of their profits to the peo pie, offering his book at a price little above accuai cost ox punucation. lcat wose tie siring the book may run no risk of losing their money hi sending it through the rrWIa, the author advises that money addressed to him at Buffalo, New York, and enclosed in registered letters, may be at his risk of loss, xhe au thor's large correspondence with the people upon medical matters, which we are credibly informed, frequently exceeds tnree nunarea letters a day, and requires several trained and skillful medical assistants and short-hand, re porters to enable him to entertain and answer them, as well as Itis large daily dealings with disease at the World's Dispensary, appear to have peculiarly fitted hun for writing the work, by rendering him very familiar with the every day medicinal needs of tbe people. He eudeavors in this work te answer all the numerous questions relating to health and dis ease that have been addressed to him by the people from all parts of the land, and hence it contains imporuuie wiuiiuuiuu ia h-o jvuu and old, mala and female, single and married, nowhere else to be found. All the most prev alent diseases ot both sexes are also plainly and fully considered and means of self -cure made known. Unlike other works on Domes tic Medicine, it includes the subjects of Biolo gy, Cerebral Physiology, Hygiene. Tempera ments, Maniage, Reproduction, etc.. all of which are treated in an original aud interest ing manner. It is a compendium of Anatom ical, Physiological and Medicinal Science, and embodies the latest discoveries in each de partment. Com- or - Armm." that bandies Damn Grain, jAmK Slr.iw, HeaaiiBca. Flax. Timothy. !Ulett nivl all sn'-h rtiBlrnU ,inin ami seed, with EBiXIllK BASIS AND BFPECriVKNEM. Cleans to perfection ; saves the farmer his threoh bill by extra caving of grain ; makea no Litter Injts;" requires LESS THAN ONE-HALF the usual Belts, Boxes, Journals, ami Goars; easier man aged ; less repairs ; one that jrrnin raiecr-t prefer to employ and watt Tor, even at advanced prices, while other mar-iiines nre "out. of Four lifimado with C, 8, lOand 13 horse " flaunted Pnten, also a pe ciauroi separators "alone," exprily lor STEAM POWEB, and to BlaUu otUer Horau Power. If interested "m grain raialnp-.or threshlnc, write for Illnstrutctl Circulars (tentfrlce) with full partici.lara of size?, styles, priees, lerma, etc MCUOLS, IKBPAItD A. CO., ' - ; -' ' ISattU Creek, Michigan. 1 1 i U E CCK3 , ' ' r av G'lFl EI Dr. 7. Walker's C&IIfomia egar Bitters ar ftTnr6ly Vegetable preparation, mad. nhieflf frra tlie na tive herba found f. tbe loner ranges of the Sierra Nevada mountains of Califor nia, the medicinal properties of, which are extracted therefrom without the use of Alcohci. Tho question ia almost dailv a3keL '.What w the. cause or ttia s tinparallelod uect.f -f Vijtfoar ilrr. TERSf lur answ-3V iPTu;it tney reirova , the cause of di8eafls ami the patient ro eovera hi3 health They are tho great Diooa pnnner ana a uie-givmg pnncipiw. perfect. Kenovw., ana .lnyrfrdrnio of tho pystero- Kayer le!oyj in the , history of the wf-fM has t meiacme heii comaocndeA - poaww-'ing the n.nmrkabia qualities of VisnoABiJiTTKBa sir lieaUajr th sick of every . dtene man is Leir to- They are a genua mrgative as won 6 a xtniia, relievaia CuriKCjo!i J or ' Iuflamniatii'i til the Liver,'--una fciceLal Orgaubj-in. tklious - Di8aes. . '.-.:,,'".....-. . The TsroDcrins of pp.; Wa lkee' TftrBOARBirrsUa weAWiiob't, Diaphoretic, , Oarmin,iVii"XuiriJturt, Laxflt:-. i)iuretic Sedative, Counter-irritant, Sua on .-i. Altera rive, and ABli-Biiioa-- " . it. 31rIKH AL.D i CO.. m prists ana Oea. Act, Ban Fnncibon. Olifornia1 fhe Only sellable Gift Distri'bution in tl-s - oountry, . , $60,000.00 Valuable Gifts to be Bittrib ntea m In Parisian Statistics. Some statistics "civiuff the sale of meat, vegetables, poultry, came, fish fruit &o.. in the Paris Central Markets during the past year, have just been compiled, and they show what the French call "le commerce de boucho has not been effected by the uncertain ties of the political situation. At the pavillion specially reserved for the sale of meat more than 7,000,000 kilo grammes of beef, 4,000,000 of mutton, 9,000,000 of veal, and 2,500,000 ef p;rk. forming in all a total of nearly 25,000 tons -were disposed off; while for poultry and game the flgurea are chickens and capons, 3,226,775; rabbits, 1.-271.017; pigeons 1,5933,347; larks, 1, 774,028; hares, 461,103; partridges, 405,r 281; deer, 7,015. The number of eggs sold reached the total of 213,500,000, and the weight of fresh and salt butter is estimated at 11.000 tons. The sale of fish has increased immensely within the last five and twenty years, for while only 63,000 kilogrammes were brought to the ( Central Market in 1850, the total for 1874 is 23,000,000 kilogrammes, n eight of which was : made up of fresh water ; hah. The octroi duty upon oysters has risen from-890 francs in 1848 to 12,000 francs, the tax paid upon the 12,000,0000 of oysters consumed by Parkians in 1874. The vegetables and fruit disposed of weighed more toan 6, 000 tons. " H. D. SINE'S 172nd Regular Monthly GUT ENTERPRISE . TO BE DEAWS . " Monday, May. 3rd, 875. ind our. of Wmdiliurton anil Charlton BU., Ji. Y. Moid by all UrnglMf i i aad Dealers. Counterfeiting- Pennies. London Letter. It is reported that an unknown per son recently wrote to the First Lord of the Treasury saying that he had suc ceeded in counterfeiting the pennies of the realm, lie wa very iranu in ins communication, telling the officer that I,o lioH Tt-tila OfKI Bt.nrlmo hvthd on- rtlnr. fnrthfirmnrfi described how TWO OFJ the counterfeits might be detected. So $5,000 00 EACH IN CASH ! far as the public know, hia story is very Two Trixea$L 0001 , , . . likely to be true According to the Fwo pri SgOEaCh 111 CaSh. common be hef, all pennies having a BwUh OTwerHBOBe, Hara capital "H under the date 1871 are - -worth . twgus. 1 have seen nuudreas ana moa- T-;;5; "sCZf MaaoVu tvrnk. sands Of them in Circulation Within the 1 Tnre Oold Watche and Cnlna, -worth 8.0 each. past few months. Whether this name- Th GoW Amertc;Sta8 Watcu,, ,ortb ie88 genius intends tO go on Tim IMS I Tet uaaie' sou wtcn, worm aim rnnntawiairiTir hereafter leaving out the boo Ooif and saver irr jiunting Watches (in tonr. 'H a t.rib vpn well known or is 1 vorxn j.-om ju to cacn. lest tX A iriCK very weu Known or IB I 0( M chAiBtt siWer-ware. Jewelry. Ac, o. Modebn MedicaIj Discovert. It is claimed that disease, with a few excep tk)D8, has been conquered by the re search and intellect of enlightened men; and yet a noted professor of New York admits that "of all sciences, medicine is the most uncertain," and that thou sands are annually slaughtered in the sick room." Certain " schools" of med icine are - in existence, one of which makes the patient ill, in order to claim a cure; and another administers sugar-coated bread puis, relying upon nature to effect her own cures. Db, J. Walkrk, of California, an old and respected physician, tried both modes of treatment and both failed. He then appealed to nature's curative herbs; and now enjoys ragged health, lie Has given the benefit of his discovery to the world, in tbe anape ot Yintgab -Bitters, and since its introduction has sold a quantity almost large enough to make a small harbor, or to float the " Great Eastern.". Its curative properties are attested by grateful thousanda Com. plosions, causing the death of 77 and favor for wearing with blacK and very the injuring of 198 persons. These rec- dark suits. "The ends are wrought with ords cannot be nresnmad ( nrmrajn all I Tngliah embroidery: price 1.75. There the explosions in the United Kingdom, I are also white Swiss muslin ties, with as many are not heard of' bevond their I ends of Enelish embroidery; Bold for own neighborhood. Of tbe 275 per- the same price. sons killed or injured 10 were owners. masters, or managers, 32 were engine-1 men or toners, itw employed at works. about, 20 of whom were, women, and about 50 bystanders. . some dozen of whom were "women and children. There were inquests or inquiries in the 20 fatal cases; ana, a oeing in ooouand, the le- snlt was not make pablio. In nearly all the other cases the verdict was accident al death, and sometimes blame was al txiDutea to xnose responsible, in 'one vfa tolstoD t bo horse, at last began' to I case amounting to manslaughter. The bite Ids heels. I explosions happened, 19 at mills of va- The thought now struct tbe merchant I nous kinds,' 14 at ironworks, and 43 at that the - f aith.xd ereatare Jaad gone mines and colic nea, with the result that I mad; and so, in crossing a orooK, ne 16 persons are Kalled, and 160 injured. turned back to k Vk the dog vrould drink. The anim. U "was too' intent on its ch.rtL to ihmk of itself; and it con tinned to barfs ant: 3be with greater wiolpneo than, before. ' ' Aiaai" erUA. the merchaat. it most be so 1 1 My poor dog iir certainly wrWt mrjut T dot I must kill him; I may mvself become a victim if I spare him.'?; With these words he drew a pis--si r.nm i,;. TOvVbot. and trxk aim.- - The poor dog fell weltering ms his blood; T,;, .noof A. : nno.hlA at bear tne mmt nT.fortnaate. raid he to Dirnseil. I had almost rather hare lost - my money tha my ,do.'; Saying this, he stretched out hia hand to griWp his txj-asnre. Hobag was to be found I p an instant ha opened his eyes ttf his He iuxned his horse and ro4e,back 4A tf.a r1M riA had stopped. i' ffiiw the marks of blood as he proceed, i but in vain did he look for boa dog; he was not to be seen on the road. -.- At last he reached the spot where be had rest ed. The po dog had; crawled all bieody an hm was, to the forgotten bag: "Syhen he saw to master he staB showed hia jij by tl w a,egmg of Ida tail. ... E tripdr't !!. baft Hit streceth wa fise? eehteg. m job-soaffae-w i th8Jt;was now ; itm&ms The other explosions are ranged under the several heads of chemical, domestic, marine, builders, railway, clay, brew ery, farm, and; ' no information.' JTEW COLLAKS. New Bvron eollars and square cutis. . , . . . .. - 1 1 a.1 : . are oi sneer wmie uoeo, wu man loped edges daintily wrought with navy blue, ; Turkey red or oiacs. Accom panying these, and sold as part of the set, are thin white muslin neck-ties tied in a bow in front and wrought to match the collars' and under-sleeves... Price 84.50 for the set - t All imported cOUars bow have T the neck-tie to match. iThere are EiiRlish collars of lintn, with a half inch border of bias striped percale and a , small flower- wrought in - color in the turned- over corners. , ; These have sheer muslin ties also, edged witn, percale and lent, broidery, and likewise cuffs-Therthree pieces cost $4.50.. !.- .';'. n-'-iis New veils '-are of i black thread net t r f-jjl 4r4l ItniAflf Knlfnna - m A; Snake Extracted trom a Girl's 1 wront in Wilrma ami : vinea on ihe. MomaeB.".sx lower dge.i They cost $3. 75 a yard, Amenar the papers presented to the Plain taelle fnot dotted) edRed with i Tennessee State Medical Society, at its vine is 02,75. . "White tnlla veils are meeting,- waa one oy ir.- tsurger, giving I lasiuonaoio- r.vuii uxeutsy uunuiga - oi- tbe history oi a case where he extracted lettes, -but are n uact --aste witii plain ana siler e Lckt'n 1 !,-L..i intf eyes Li t. , a snake twenty-three inches ions and three-fourths of an inch hi diameter from the stomach of a young. lady Jiving near Mixrfreesboro, Tenn. He exhibi- eted the snake in a glass jar, yet the so-1 a roaak veil, iety doubted his story and declined re-1 ceiving his-papers, but appointed- a ' Irish lace made oi pure linen thread committee toj; one. naturalist and two is imported ' for" ' trimming summer physicians to examine all the facts in the dresses of Unen, batiste, ete? It 'is in case .and report at the next maeting p rich leaf-like designs, with feathery street dress." These'arO lately imported with pearl beads dotting them. ' The tulle is a yard wide, and costs 81 a yard three-eightha of a yard is sufficient for LRI3H LACE. , ; ., the society. Borger claims he can fur nish any number of sworn affidavits for the trnuj of '-hi story. Ak International Scientiflo Congress, in oonnectioa with an exposition of archteologicai, r, anthropoiogical and taiaerfcl cotlooioEB, will ; toke place in the city of Kaaoy, Franeev July next, . A numbesr of works oi - the highest valne hax - already . been, tered," photo grapLi representation" d- which -will be forwarded, together " with " the ciizmt&s of ihs Congress, to ' the flb- edges, oords and buttons.. There are in. sertions to match all tbe quaint antique designs. The expense is from $2 to 53.50 a yard. Harper' a Baxar. r sFstrrr Cakk. Two pounds of raiains one and a half .rounds of currants three-quarters of a pound of citron ; six ounces of .butterj one-half pound of su gar; three eggs; one-half pint of milk; one half gill oi brandy J one -small cup of molasses; large teaspoonful of soda; one and a half pounds of flour. Spice to please the taste. -1 -" ; "- A Hint to tide Wokkxno Man. man with a f amilv. however noor be may he, owes it to hia wife to eave her health and Btrensrtu in every way possible.- Be has : no nent to aiiow tne rnotber ox his ebiioren to wear ner lire out toilmtr with her needle to clothe her family. Hia dutv is to trav the Wilson enuttle sewing machine, the best ma chine-for family sewing and xaannCaetming purposes ever invented, and ha can buy the Wilson mac time upon terms which enable nun to pay for it in small monthly instalments, that na can Bpare axu, ul nia wages Wltnout reeling the drain. He will tret, therebv. a machine capable of doing every variety of family work in uw man oeauuitu manner : a macnine mi even a child can operate, and which will prove a cermanent famiiv MaKaio' ManninM will he delivered at any railroad station in this country. tree ox transportation charees. if ordered through O. W. Robertson A. Co.. 413 Milwau kee street, Milwaukee Wis. They send an ele gant cataicgue ana enromo circular tree on application. The -company - want a few more agents. uom. . - , - Coi.. J. E. Foster. & well known and highly respeeted real estate mm of HooBton. Texas, ia at present managing an enterprise of p uiieresi to lauu men, oauea tne i exas mumo tirtvoig. xne tickets are ema i.w,ecn. xtse prizes are 6il,WU acrea oi land eamzally located, it nooses. 2.325 gold comprizes, among them one of 10.000 and M W SS.W9. . loL Fmtn- i irentietaan whom we personally know, and whose integrity us uhj yuu i turn. Vhiavjo jabui Vtcner, J. he Hcmah Haik.- How, many per sons abuse this delioata and beautiful orna ment, bv banumr it with aJmholin wnnfttt aud plastering it with greaee, which, has no affiuity for the Bkin, and is not, absorbed. , Boruett's Cocoaine, a compound of coooautit U, etc., is unrivaled ae a drearing for the hair is readily absorbed, and w peculiarly adapted to its various conditions, preventing its falling off m jjrumeung its bealtby growth. : tsee aav t. ... ' abczsicjctx is j XiiFB. All nervous disorders, chronic diseases of the chest, head. liver, stomach, kidneya.and blood, aches sua fwiB, , nervous and general aeouity. eto., quickly cured after drags fail by wearing Volt JUectno Belts and Banda. Valuable book free, uj votta jueit Co., tAociiuiaU, Oaio. uim. AiiUBw'B .Iitrso" Bamak has proved itself to be the greatest Medical Remedy for healing the Lunge Purifying the Blood and restoring the tone of the liver. It excites the phlegm, which ia raised from tha Lungs, thereby tbe Caneh, Pains, Oppression, Might Sweats, and IJiracnlty of Breathing all the above Symptoms will be eared, and the whole Borneo, again ressorea so neaun. . rat sale by all Hadiaine Dealers. Com. : Tas best 11 actio Trusa, warranted the best, ia Pomeroy's, lA Broadway, N. X. Get it. Com. , Taa tun says, with a lisp, "I thaw lfc ....... - really conscience-etneken, I do not pre- j tend to say. It is only just to add. however, that many people declare that the pennies with the 'H" are perfectly genuine after all. . The Fountain of Knowledge. . One fountain there is, whose deep vein has only just begun to throw up its silver drops among mankind a fount ain which will allay the thirst of "mill ions, and will give to those who drink from it peace and joy. : It is knowledge: the fountain of intel lectual cultivation, which gives health to mankind, makes clear the vision, brings joy to his life, and breathes over his soul's destiny a deep repose. . (Jo, and drink therefrom, those whom fortune has not favored, and thou wilt soon find tbyBelf rich! Thou may- est go forth into the world, and find thyself everywhere at home; thou canst cultivate in thine own little chamber; thy friends are ever around thee, and carry on wise conversations with thee! Tne indnstnous Kingdoms ox the ant, the woffea of man, and rainbow, and music records, offer to thy soul , hospi tality. jrredertka JBremer. Many have withstood the frowns of the world, but its smiles and curessess have often hugged them to death. The Black Hills Geld Region. The publisher of the Cheyenne CWvo.1 Leader will issue. Anril 17th. a twentv- eight-colnmn extra, containing a fine map of the tsiacs mils, incmoing an tne mountain ranges known under that name; also a large vaiietv of valuable information gathered from official and private sources, relating to this all absorbing topic. Price 10 cents. Bend your orders to H. Gu.fcke, publianer, Cheyenne, Wyoming. Com. Kumber of Olfts, 6.5U0I Ticket limited to 60,0001 AJEJT WASTES TO WEJO. TICKKTM, to whom Liberal Premiums will be paid. Single Tickets, SI: Six Tickets, $5; Twelve Tick ets, $10 ; Twenty-five, $30. 7 Ctreelars containing a tall list of prizes, a de formation Ul reference to the nistri nation, will be sent to any one ordering them. All letters must be r.ddreaaed to Office, Excelsior Bnflding, L. P. SINK, Box 433, Cor. Race &- Longworth, f - Cincinnati. O. Burnetts Cocoaine . , Prevents t&s Hair from Falling.; Burnett's Cocoaine ProaMtestts Healthy Growth. '- . Burnett's Cocoaine . ... la no. Greasy not 8tfcky. BurnetfsCbcoaine ,v, , Lea-res no DlBagreeabla Odor. ,. .Burhetfs Cocoaine .' Behdoes Refractory Hair. Burnett's Cocoaine Sootbea ibe Irritated Scali-Skln, - Burnett's Cocoaine AftoMe the Idebest Lustre. r ' ' ' ; Burnett's Cocoaine , Isnotan AVcohoUe'Wasli. ;. , Burnett's Cocoaine Kills Dandruu. Burnett's Cocoaine' Gives New Life to the Hair. Burnett's Cocoaine Eemalna Longest in Effect. , Prepared only by JOSEPH EUSSETT & CO. 27 Central Street. Boston.. : And Sold Everywhere. llilA?v3 vvxiiawos; - Dunham &. Sons, Manufacturers, . Warerooms, 18 East 14th Street, rEatabUshedlSSi. RCW VQMU Sm&for Illustrated Cimdar and Prk List. ML C. L BOMMIMJ, NO.BI9 Norrblftl Street, St. ijaakKKo., ra i USHKD183?. Cmee all atom without tbe ate at. DB. WHITTIEE, No. 61 St Chartes St, St Louis, Mo., eotitlnw to ti eat sll rmr of elitvUefr to HMntoffc, Mmd Im port, fast, vry a lmsx4 or Mbm whk-H rvMlta from !4JsV YtitB) mr iantmiaeBC. wlih autMrtUkH-! Biservsa IV. W- tufcd hm ixta dbllab4d to wecurm susfe, nrlitisi awl rlUi kt - tt. lent a pMWte or ewrmi nrtktu mhro, bum mmwrntf WM upeirnrs tn m tattjg Kmm tsccwaim iiiej ias nam wirsmtitvmmm bsi pwicctrd MftedfcM thurt mrm IVcf tittS In sUl fw. Of ptu rMtta a- bc'ic tretl Vr nmll or xyvmm etmrymherm K saatar who fafleL cM or wrtca. From tu tprmt anwr .t ap pHratlono tie la fMhM to ttp U cbswrM lorn M T-hOMA, Civuac lau avstsiMonia, vot i siaaipa. :M A n til ACE GUIDE:- SMt-ajreo. pnealar hoo rihh utoont t hm rw her aryxvly-. No morrft?tl aair. or Mfttnt mtlimistiiM aaiian, cao aarj toAoaitliaul lt Iteontafna tlw cream oi vwtlral lltcrmtura a thlsi rnmby-rt. tSo vaaa'Caaf Or. W.a kao mxrmrtmcm, aaao tho ImS tibOTurhca rrorn lavta voru la Saropo om A nea, sens eaiotl. poat poivl tor km coato. Establish 185$. - Cheap Homes fn Texas. The great Texas Real Estate and Gold Distribution takes place on the 13th ot Har. when 64,000 acres of choice land in the best portions of Texas, near the principal rail roads, 15 houses in Houston (population 20, 000). and 2.325 prizes in gold coin will be (riven ticket Holders, xne enterprise-is enaorsea oy the City Council of Houston. Send 91-00 to c jb ewter. trie manager, as Houston, xexas. for a ticket. Circulars, descriptive pamphlets and maps of Texas. uom. rrtnee & Co Organs.. Five octaves, two fall sets of reeds. Solid walnut cases, elegant bronze finish. Frice with six stops, $125: eight stops, 9180. Address Reed's Temple of Muaic, Chicago.. .-Com. ,- Tf Johnson's Anodyne Liniment is half as valuable as people say it is, no family should ba without it. Certainly no person, be he lawyer, doctor, minister, or ox any other professi'n, should start, on a jOu.ney without it. No tailor, fisherman, or woo isxnan should be without it. li fact, it ia noeded, wherever there is an ache, sprain, cut, bruise, cough or coli. Com. - - - - - Farhkbs and " Horse Men" are con tinually inquiring what we know of the utility of EHerxaan s Vaeairy vonauton romaer, ana in. reply, we would say, through thecoluaansof our rtapT. that we have beard from hundreds who have used them with gratifying; results ; that is also our experience. Com. . HOW TO GET A HOME. S6 ftdvt. ' s., nun naaa. wuiau Tne brst an 1 (-.irapc-t Paint ta the Wni-M Tor Iron. Tin or Wiml,. For sale bv rVmlera evrrrw lMffo riTTJCOI. MBTaXUTC PAINT t O.. t'rmi'ft'TVTS, ee C?nrRt , Now Y.-rt 3BrCA.TJTX02i .urchasera wllileaM see that onr run? e- d tnt'e mark are oa each aad HUE 700 SUPERB VARIETIES OF B f eoo.000 OimbImum Flanta, B 1 j MaUintr Tlaata a Specialty. P XUnetrateS Catalogue riw. atiVihe JB.'T.XtSAJS &GOJkkmaoA, las ntiaiiclai aDeeui. briaa 8 UI.OOO. ttamd 23 cant for B00V cfrlnir the eret and- - xplalninx h bmt. nmlns investment 01 tee aar.. aecnaa not 1VIPO8ATOE. Tbe best in nee. so pe.- a ay I most. SliBD'e, eeoaonl- cak Xvanorator and Territorial Ribta tor cale. Ao-RRii wanted. Sena fttimn Tor circular, jobs- Tmvit KuioutUdOo.,149 LaSalle Su,CliicB,ia. BEIARKABLE1 2-3 cantft for Book tirlnif tl h boKt Bnvlna iaTestment .3, New York., JONlSMuTl Charade reaaonAbae feea. aymptonu, ana meane Uercury. V i. ( FT nuiT upturn w """, --"r-T.ry : . iir k)l forms Of HfiTBOTM IKlCUlt-T. IJWmrm tv.ha -Knonol OUin. Bm '"i"."'" wt,." - - other Seneate suBjeaea, anmlope. and sent raas In plau DO YOUR OWN PRBNTINCI 1 War Pirclaal aid AnatciBi 1 lriBae, Hekewta, fSoeteWea, Mm 1 nalactarera, BSereitaBta, and vthtn a lhaSSrlinariIlL 13.COO ! W. ,Tm ylo, rteo.rroni 6500 to vaou0 incaKi. o. woods a e.i MansfnaaS dnlmla aS Una of PrlntlnK MatertBlj Bcnti Hump for Cmkuc. ) 4S federal St. Boston. . Thin nswTraai t wera -a-ltn perffiot eomfor irisblsjidekT. Adaota itself to ererymotlon ot -taesodr,retaijilne-rai. -tnr under the hardeat) eserclae er severeea- train , until pernia aently cured. SoM eaeap by U Elastie Trass Co No. 683 Brcadway, ft. V. CfSjT- Sentay aalL Caller aend circular juid oe cured. 8.U ill. aove, WeeBta dt O o . , Grocrrm, Mttrford,Ct.aKttHm Foaaa' taaea the lead of all Bread Prep arations, wnr aalea are rou-Aild what they were jm ago." Danfettk, ssaddr db C., vrecArmJiostonav: 'llaTe aold your Hea Faam for past three - all who have bonsht It." "Ita cMmr is wonderful; ens r'r'a -avinrawiU oaj aoow.Bena be a3lta Psaat St New York. MABRU6E GUIDE intereatlns II luatrafced work ot due natrea. coatatn- iugr valaable Information far taoae who are jntr rled, or oontemplate marriage. Price, SO ct. by nail, a dra Br. Butt' tliapeasaxy, 13 Korth Klghtb Street, St. tjouis, Mo. ?:- , ..- ;. !TH.Ti.StATRsGJLiZRTTEEli - A book for every American. Bell everywhere at sight. Farmer, Teaehei-s. Student Jjawyers.Btev . chants. School OireetO', Manafactarera.Mechaia' te. Shippers, -Sareajneri, men of learntnir, and mem who can only read, old and young, au want It fur : everyday reference and use. Show Brand remits of ISO Veaurs Progress. A whale lAbranr. , Boston Globe Mot a inrf, but a necessity. irt-ter- trenn- Heat Seliius Book PublUbd. Oooel -Pay. rsWact Sen. A Ft. in every city of WjUO. Addrei J. C. MeCVK ft Y db CQ- Putbltalieira. Cincinnati, O Chicago, 111., or St. Loula. Mo. MONEY IN IT filTHKt Just oafc. Useful, Haudaome, Cheap. Sella j evervwaere. A rare chance. Also. ?. J?W -MAPS, OHA.BTS. Etcv , w new chart, 'C M 1 I 8 T 1 A M tH CK., i a nludld sncoeas. Ctncinnatk- nrfcea same - as Mew York. Send for. terms to I, SV BR1DOMAN, Bar.liv St., Now York, aud IT) W. 4th St.. Cta GMMt Foil. Climate. Water aa' 8cheIa. We U tha Railroad land on the Iowa Division ef the Milwaukee a St. Paul R. B. on si x Tear Mm. atas to d)S par, acre. ,Xwe years? rent will bays' farm. Write or call en PAIiMKIl, UAVIDSOSd CaI,KIK,' It. B JL, aud Agt n ta, Algona, Koesu th Co., lo jra. . aJUSTi SOT U H N I SEL.L.1 iWfflSKIRS; The only Preparation that give perfect satisfaction to those 1 wtshtna to raise Beard or KM- laehs. Ta LAGiBBt' kVijzoriaa.,t Drenared onlv In Farl. Ijach package warranted aad cent by mail on receipt or St. Binpnt matiea ror laeii. aanrev J. P. FfiANKLIN, B ! Importer, Jersey City, M.J. I Suffering from Falling of tbe Womb unpreaasd or painful Menatrnatton. ' or other female weakness. willreceiTe a circular of interest to them by sending addrest to - bi, E, a, liouxx co rcefcort,iii. L4D1SJ SmithOrganCo. J rtfi u Of tbe prettiest Cartas, you ever saw, with your name handsomely printed on them, sent, post paid, upon receipt of 20 1 . cents.- rourTrteao win ail want them .when they ee yours. Address, "w. C. Casaox, a. O Knecland St., Boston, Maas, EOSTON, MASS. Tttes Ktamiartl Kastrnanents Sold by Music Dealers Everywliere. kuim xikmta ta every town. Bold throughout the United States oa the INSTALMENT PLAN; ; That is, on a System of Monthly Payments.' , Purchaser should ssk for the Sams AkxbIcas Oaeaji. Cataiog-ues aud full particulars oa appU. canon. . $2501 HOHTB ASenta wanted snrera where. Business honorable and flrat ciaas. rarttcuiars sent tree. Address wusiuicg,, DC boats, mo. . , , The best. All Colors. One Wafsr fnaket 3 onnces.' Sample and Cireex lar a mailed fov lu .Ant. . n . . . y DBFtAHCB HBBDLB CO ; S5S Broadway 757 mm PORTABLE -rf W3 'afhs wap-a. - . . T ioUHU. - JJ O UlitellllS- GOOT, BTJRABLE, ASD CHEAP. " Bhtpped Beady for trse. Manufnctursd y tKlPHlK St CO.'. -jv . MadleoB.lnd. , , . i - taTSeod for a CaUiloffua. ' . -4- nPniT.Tfiimi? prseat day. 8tnl SM& W sWw Al for paiier ouOplntie Bating. Prot D. ISecker, P.O.Pox 478, l.aporte.Ind- TEAii AGESJT3 WAK-TRO BVERtWHERR. Tb ehoieeatin the wnr Id 1 m nor tttra erires Itrgeat Com rawv in America atanlc article pleaaea -everybody trade locr Mpb t-vt in ducement ssnd tor Circular to KOBEHT VVKltUS. 3- Vesay Street, Kew-Vork. P. O. Boa, lH7. ,., . ,,, ,, , , rrr bam is nnnted- witn Tnv farnfhrl JL Charles Koea Johnson A Co So. lath St.. rfons - a caarlea Mnen Jflftnuaa HA luta PaUadelDtoia. and W Oold street. Mswrork. ' iiUiil ' FOB, AGEST8 la oar ten Haw "oveHtss. Just out. Ksededin laxsarsahymaO. H.B. WHITS CO., X awark, j. f vj O fprdavat home. Term free. Ad dreat VJH Gao.BSiaeoCo.,?ojUaAd,lBui. FPU PP-,'nI' urd y the use e Boss f" 5 ' , n r. piieptte remedies, Trial paekage K la. Per rircniara. a-rii'niac. Mraa Boss BBOS feicamot t . Ia acct. euCac, ffj' v .r. tt v Fit ft i iu w wan in rr. ny ibiii (Sna, nwn m , JCl Sold hy agaata. Address M. W. XovaiArlea I MtJij FrW. DAT Commissi on, er 30 a week I uT. . vl "Bram. we aueriaanawuf L1 It. M. Boa mbilt 1 ATION address leavea, ataaa. paw it. Apjrdy mow. 1. .mA U u. m xaaaa uo. AUurutn, O. C T fi A 7??FK- ants wautsd evarjr where. For I f- valuable r-aefcfa ac t lor 15ct J i OoBlatJioo. 9au)aAWAiAaa,5a7to3roaiol 'taa.ta.saayJatrboroveaueis aala in 1(1 anrf Ai nnaad ean In CKAMBB, A1ASKS C&AKSS, atuwauaew, nmrt&irf SarumiT It homa, Male orre-. Pwrtloularsaad valuable taaiola itfrea,aadress with to rstara stamp, O. Boss, WUliaaaahnxg.' . , Address- ZZZ3 ilOBlVcO' Bucaa-,-Uck. it. r. v. Ho. IS. rtcwUMi amy y " tke A4vertUc.e This Paper.