The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, May 21, 1875, Image 1

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    , . - - - - , . , - - ----- -- xv: sx,
Eg?rr:Swaajiiu liiijimigiii 1m imL'u'i' ui , ' j.,; bim wimiii niiimi mm mini iii "n'lnn i'mVimiummmTmimiJ LLULJLJILLLI1'"""""' UMiiiiijiiii iiiiiii.aiii; j' i H nMfniii f r mimiwiimiiiii nriiminii "miiiimiiiii i" "'" iTii'iViii uiiimi uimiiiMii ir 'i ni i ii'miii 'in .7 ii-'i .1 J: J iiiiniii iniin li'Mi ivm ''':- ' -'M-f-'--'-J--j''JV
TwiroiqW'Bfff Til' i IM MllllffllWnTliancU JUM liiMWilllllTII IPniMMninElMllM Tl Tiir i iii j! ii r r i i im ' " " 11 " --".-- - ,R ? - - - ';'- - ' J ' " " ". ' f ' . ' - - . . ' -..Ufm-. .-
" Wbolesalo id Retail becOor In '
t'lft 1 .
l& 0
5St- "fc-.
. Oasix.
vT - '
Cjm (odhrdand Is olTerin jor saleawellaeteo-
zz:: :z:x--nrntmnrnzE
. v ' . s v
Soods and Xiioei3
All down fre'-j-ht will be delivered at JOKT-
J,AXI or ASTUai.V , . v
S7re of IrxSC and WltarfUge,
tncducect nates.
will leave ALT VST for OJKVAU-IS or
" Tar further jrtiea1ars, npry 7
Albany, Xov. SO, ' Agrat
-A of vrwut r,a f. V e-(-ail tUe attention of
taiTr tn tit iisct t r.nt wo rmvc erected toe II-
Bc inana-x! in thv BmteJU ft lrafG exrene,
- mml are in iwwstloa to handle aatfajHctortly an
- cmpmtMy tut -..---: - ' -
t m tfe-nnd la kwted on tlie margin of th
, Li s innr. int rtrov kled wit lumide track
' 1 Trow 1 1 . C. B. l hat eipmenta may
be M.ft" O v by i-il,sr"1 as mien by water as
tkm tan, tn ad liiioti to other tana, attached
t. t bT.nwt. rua toy. watt, .power, and,., are
C3 X 33 -flL' 23" "
TJ t wlvft rwcetvfed. Can fake in and ttajn
J tr-t bn-r,, , ler 6y. -h-arrd yheat I wwrt a
m,icSt sbiyra m ii lorern umrketa tiin tool
w S, Had Hon Sioi l Jf nipped tlM
tt w fa.-wJ, and lour oenis oa oara.
We liave
to fnnii"b tl-rfw !H " " w'- '" wltb fr.
iua viuvwi thl wu tm-tjK--, ana a i
lowest eaMlt prifO to S tbeir wheat
from onr boo." too'- f Pnon MOf
i ... n irt mvi.f i to wtvo thor
Ilia rVrui'l f - " ltlliJ"l
a, m hope
f47rJnly 81
AS'M.ny, Ortsgon
V t""
. '1 vt
1 on
. .,-d
i f J ,
emltv i- r
tin'ift '
futBr-j si
acat'fjt- I jta
fri-Hti 4 in i
ed ar. .t I H
ti:!!i, v. ,,
In atiwiUm
"T33TKT- OF''
Ay r
best 1 v t mwi
any e'Sjur nni '
bftBOAAiiii lantrai.
-ISaPOETA?.'?. 1 . . r.4 J
yfOfeaskm.'- Jn, WM. ITASJE.--Inaga
nrea cvv-:!s ., t "
ada-lfi'jej a rf .-. "7,r
. toinfra.Ei's a : : rxi ur; -In
owe jnvcaj.
- v V
'. 1:3,
7' 'Z etrres
f t
J -1
wiar Wnaklaac - Flraf E.
Katthcws & Morrisoi
TTmnn. MvlT rnrniHlied throosrhout
best tle market affords al iwj-s oa tbe table,
fcre coalk aad fro ttte Ilea
Ezohange ' Hotel,
Corner First and tVasbJngtoa atreeta,
J. II. Eackezsto, Prbprielcr.
filler "tW new tnannfement. this nrmnlar i
rtotel he been refitted and ivfhrnMiaa, and
Mow ndc-rathe travelinir raibiie the best aocoiik
UMKlariunson tbe most reasonable terino. .
Csdr' reeeoacn to ana trout tuo ttoac ' 53-
Kiebaaoti SXult and Stase Line,
t ATX. IDATS-Mohday, Wednesday and Frl-
A fall stock tt Trnses and RnrsrlGBl appliances.
' ct-- IT i iminhfr Pt.l'WHKB. dS
Oatalnz nd Bloving ISoildlngit.
: mmunm tothe eitigen f Allianv and
sammndintc conn try that bavtmr ampnltoil oqr-
mTIVCS Willi IIIB DWIJ ... y arawiurcij
msanfl remm inx wiimmrA we are ready ai an
times to receive orders tar tudi mrk, which
-e wu rtom Miort rtrner at towesi rares. we
amranrre entire totis&ictlon In all work tinder
taken by.ns. - -. - -
Ontora Irft at tbe BKaiTBJ offiee tiromntlx
atteniea to. Appiy w. . .
Albany, Or- April S3. 1875. 4 . ; Sv7
, Mannfiiclnrers of .
v en
Ieave vor order nt tbeir slion in tbe old
rowter bnildinsr, on First street- below A
rotbersA Co.
. :.'-". -Ucnters rn
tlothiKK, BmU kimI Kltees, Hate, Urere-
; rlts, Faaey Uesds, XoUom, Mt4irsui
- maid Pattela, Ball!, Kopa, 3f irrwn
WaUpaser, H'eel and Willow
, Ware, Trmks sumI Talkvts,
-v.'.- Peefces CaUny,fte &c - ...
Sold very low ait Iter for cash, or to prompt pay.
11 33 , lng eusioiners on tluie. . v7
' ' . t ' A CARP.
A II. BEX.L, A PA R KKH, late of Oregon City,
Ki iiN '3
Iwve nureluomd the entire stoel
u.Mm iMBf jtatvu iii ixinn itie ntirnieiimT ritr
fcinefl, Ae.. formerly ownedbv H. o. Hlil A Sim.
and that they dvsiim continnin tbe businea
ai mourn siaiiti. wuere rncy pnrpose Keeping in
in lunnHiuuHwruueuiui w
-" - 'Giemeals, . ,'
reteU Maticine,
' Toilet Article,
. ' ." v ; Perfumery,
and ttyerytbin nsoally found In a firstrclass
drnt store.
. While -earnestly soliciting- a continuance of
tbe lioeral patronage heretofore extentted to the
ti,D house, we hope at the tame time, by fair
am tNruj ikt-auuf, anu eareiiii airenuon tome
wants of customers, to merit tbe esteem of any
xr:uu iiv uwjr mvur to wuii meir or
ders. - Itarttenlarattentlon will be given to theoom-
ponnaintroi pnysunanK prtourtptuns ana teua.-
xiv revipcs, ai mi noun ih ine uavor innc
- ' A. H. BKUi & PABHER.
t ooonessors to B. G. Hu.b Sox.
Albany, October 9, lir-HBtt
Frotn this date nntil fnrtocr notice, I win seTTa
Stoves '& "Sanies -1
ARwny, ItS. IS, 1S7M3
'' yet .--. aam9BA- a
..I U a w Mki-.. iaeaMl IW .
:i S":
f,i almost as good as m
tM kept oa lia'-'
'5. -Z20'Z.
,;: Ehtbroste. 1
L Reirmlnln In thn Altnnv... 1aiitrifnro. May
SO, Ftiraons calllnir for these tetft-ra miint
give' the data on which they were advertised;
Barker, Mnry
lUavia, B. DU
Dodson. B D.
Mltler, Mary T-
, Koamiae. Jfcroma W.
, . Eiebter, ilarprarettJVf s r
-Roberrson, Lorenso -
.treat, Wv.H. .v,... r
.jj -Weet, Jennie -. .
P. U. Kavmosd, P, JI.
Kvana. Wm. '
Kin, Wnii It.
Onestcr's day, , ; n
Picnic all day v: t ; :
' Crofftiet waking tn. J
Onr hotels are crowded with gnests.
Hareual Fox Is rustling lor city taxes
W . .. j . i . D.
i ti xecps our sraener ,-ruMiuigxo soppjy
tbe demand for meats. ' ' ----- '-.
Mw. Hart and clilltrrcrilmve been very
111, but are aboat'agnln. " . .,, "r ...
Henry Myer has gone to Corral I is on a
pleasure trip, j May ltealth atteiid him. -
Vol. Jo xeai baa been with ua some
during tbfe week. ' 'u. -
Milt. Beach is able io be out: on the
streetonce more.
Geo. R, Helra, EsrjM is &b far Tecoveml
as to be fttTils offlce a short time each day.
Jas. Ilfirrls secuied a nice lot' of beef
cattle on Tuesday. -
The' surviving members of the Davis
family are recovering from the measles.
Nice htr nil tire at W. D. Beldlngs's,
way down In price. - j - '
Several very drank Individuals In tlie
city on Tnesday.
TButter Is quoted at 20c and eggs at 13c
In this market. '..' ,-
A good deal of cloudy, cool weather dur
ing tlie week."
A large , number, of . people from the
States arrived here during the week. -'.
tnas. Monrctth and wire started on
tltelr return to Lapwal onTWednesrTay.
Cass tlmnphrey called yesterday , fjass
has wld his interest in the Corvallis Dem
ocrat, and l ready for new fields.: .-
The boys have fitted tip- magnificent
base ball grounds' between nfth and Sixth
and Kllsworth aud Lyon streets, j
"Ve are informed that Mr Montgomery
sold siooily and rjconchln, his noted pac
ing team. In Han Francisco, for f 1,400.
Clias. Montelth and wife, of ; Lapwal,
L T readied this city last Saturday, ou a
visit to relations and friends.
Bishop Morris, afaled by Itev. Mr. Bjid-
couk, held Episcopal services in the Con-
gregational church Monday evening.
Mr. 8. Montgomery has returned from
hlal-sotMltern trip, in eood lieaich and
spirits. t ; . " .
At tlie election of Directors, for -tlie
Albany Farmers' Company last Tuesday,
the old Board Was re-elected to a man.
The election for officers ot tlie AIlany
Fanners' Varcliotuse Miiich came off on
Tuesday, brought a large number of farm
ers into the city. - -
' Messrs. Elkins Bros., of tlie ; Iebanon
Mills, are getting out a superior mvtlity of
Graliam - flour, hitetKling- to- make at
specialty. ' ' -
Bev. S. Grlrvlne's son, 'OHy started
for Ohio m yesteiday, ' to visit . his grand
parents. . TVVei believe. Ids intention is to
remain tor an Indefinite time.' ! '
Wdswortb & Parks' were awarded ;the
I contrct r painting the new StMithcrn
Methodist cliurclt, at $153. - They will use
the cliemiual paint..: :
J. M Flsk bas for sale some of tlie
handsomest chromos you cver wpnt any
where, already framed ready to hang ou
the wall. - Ynt call ant see 'em.' ':-r:s ' -,
From a notice elsewliere in this issue It
will be seen ' tliat the stockholders in the
"Eagle Woolen Mills Co., of Browsvllle,
will hold their atWnml meetiag'at the
office ot the Company on Friday,, the 10th
day of June next. Those interested will
please make a note of it. : ' . " ,
Tlie contract for tlie construction and
completion of the bridge across the south
fork of the Santiam, near Lebanon, will be
let at public auction, at tbe Court House In
this city, on Wednesday next, May 38th.
Plans nd specifications tor tlie bridge can
be oeen at the County Clerk's office.
Bridge builders will take notice. , ..-
' ProtV WV E. Wells, who lias been en
gaged lor tbe past . few months - in this
county as a popular and successful teacher
ot penmanship, will commence a class ' at
Halsey oa -Monday. From recommenda
tions we have seen we can. freely recom
mend .Prof. Wells to the ptrouage of the
citizens of Hateey. ' ' "'-"."
- Geo.-F. Settlemler 4 returned from his
trip from the southern mines oa . Tuesday.
It etortned nearly all the . tUne he was
gone. He reports everything remarkably
qutet In the quartz districts, and ' would so
remain until capital was forthcoming to
develop them. , . , t
A special election - to fill the vacancy
occasioned by the death of Congressman
day, October ih, 1S73. This g.ves car
people five months in which to canvass the
merits of tlie different aspirants for Con
gressional honors. The time - selected is
about aa convenient probably as any that
could be selected, and we judge "will meet
the general approbation.
- The tpcllln match last Friday evening
was not very lnr-.y attended, wir to
tfce ct tLAt tl;re . wer.o- raany ctier
ettr&tK.ons oa the occasion. - Xcaass cf
tLis fact tli &liAlmrj was tsfe put vp,
and nUl be F,trsed t-se at sc-ne t sr tlie.
Tbe proce 'a- ot evBi? fcy vot3 were
totlie etusrsrit fesaily- iDavtn),
severly, ahnoat ever V
t?r?t wUS. measles
:;3 tllr tnivil
Clias. Mekley n3 lib son George were
In the city tn fast oJPflie week. ,
ffm. Ifeicb, of JPiUau. readied Lis
okl borne in thli city Ott Wednesday, look
ing hearty. . - - 1 . -' - ' -
MLsr Jfollle Cfinnoa mrlved 'Ikhim on i
Wednesday, from ., VFaitebtB.W. .T-
where slie hai been ort a yisi.. v ...,, . ' ,
A large number of jjfiflr btiildlng'a are 1
gofng tip, the largwr ' tiiicaber bcinsr In '
llackieman's addition.
It Is both probablo a&dpossTole that the j
St. Charles wIU. ke; enlarged during the
season to accommodate the Increased travel.
Wrn. Petersonwas 'united la marriage
to Mrs. Young in this city on Snnday l
The. ditch down- Lyon street, to carry I
water from ihe.tiwi to Altboose & Cas
planer, is progreewni;.
Miss Eva,ottra, has been danger-
ousiyinwren raeasieswe leanris oat or i
uanger. . - - -, -
-Charley " has gone - back to China,
having anutsscd a fortune in the ; washing
The Farmers' Company, at belr raeet-
ing on Tuesday, resolved to increase their
stock ami build a mill. . r - " "
Sam Miller lias some elegant hacks and
carriages completed. . Call and see some
handsome vehicles. '
Onr city Is dmck full of strangers, Targe J
numbers of tlietn wishing 'to purchase
Owners of fast horses are beginning to
exercise them aud get them lit sliape for
,the County. Fair.
Tlie soda fountain at Parker & Morris',
tlie only one in town now. Is hi full blast,
and tlie soda Is the very best.
W. . W Parrish and family liave gone to
the mountains for health, and calculate to
remain some weeks. ..
Hnrd & Co., busted th bull-wheel of
their sawmill last week. The boys are
liaviug considerable biid luck of late, we j
are sorry to say. - I
Tls a mistaken Idea to soppose for- one J
moment tliat we will take offend at any
one who bands us $2 60 for the best family I
naner in reeou. ,,- . - . 1
The stockholders faV the JUbany Farm-
' -- I
ers' company at their annual meeting
Tuesday, it is understood, authorized the
Directors lo build a mill. t
Tbe repairing of old and the construe-
tion of new sidewalks and street 'crossings
will be commenced as soon as lumber can
be secured.
Dave Froman- will soon be ready to
commence the work of erecting his brick
block on First street. 'It will be a hand-
sotne addition to the city. '
- Frank. Backus Is now carefully nursing
one of his feet, as some of the bones were
broken In a collision with the ferry boat a
few days since. 5 ,
Another child ot Mrs. Davis, a little boy,
probably four years okl, died Thursday
night week, of measles.- 11m poor -little
follow suffered untold agonies for hours
before lie bt-eathed his last. f , . .
Prof. Sox, in charge of the Albany
Collegiate Institute during tin absence of
President Warren, is filling the position
admirably, aud giylng the fullest satistac-l
won. vs. . f ,
. i Onr little roster, seven months old, up
set a cup of hot syrup over Ids right hand,
on Monday, fearfully burning the. inside of!
the hand,. , and causing the most intense
pain. . , - v ;s . - ;-t ,..
Mr. Melan. otu-, excellent tailor, has
moved into his new quarters on First
Street, a few doors -' west ot tiie old shop.
and when he gets fixed up will look ueatr'tt
anybody. . -.., -?.? . j
' Ttw two-story ffntmo ou' First street,
occupied by Prof. PaxtonV picture gal
lery, has been ou wheels most of the week,
and Messrs Bantv. & ! Co.. have bad to
labor faithfully to movo tt at all.-
7 Baltimore & ' Dowel. contractors, have
the frame ot tlie Albany Alden Fruit Pre-
serving Factory up. ready for the rustic,
which they will . crobabiy put ou next
week. - -' ' "
Wu. Gird takes his blooded mare Ante
lope to Sim Seed's farm . next week.
Mart. Fayue . Mr. , -.Cowaa- and Frank
Parton will .Bond stock at tlie- same time.
Mr. Keed bas li&d '- printed a book of S3
pages, giving names d Pedlgreef his
JVB. Comley, the etiampioa Nimrod of
Pass Creek, with hU protege, Wm. Gird,
returned oa Monday -from that delightful
retreat, after a ten days absence. ' They
report "overythlr? lovely Kut Comstock's,
and advise parties Jin search ot health and
pie&ura. to take a trip ' in that ' direction
A railroad , station and telegraph office
makes it more convenient for business
men, - ' - , --' t ,
Onester's" picnic to-day at Hsckleraan's
grove, and a dance . In the evenlugat tls
Opera House: Tbe great feature of the
nlenic will b tlsn sack race tor fat men,
in which II. V. Browa wUI run a -altut
time.' Thera Ia aome bora that STart.
wlli make a tolerable race, as welre in-
formed Itr. Comley bas had him la trail
ing for some days. ; ' ' ' . " . '.
Urs. TL. K. Warren, bavlrshad trraral
severe attacks cf hemorrhage since ie 6i.ii
last, it was tI,ot-hfc best to teieCTsrh
ber husband.' Tl , ProSsaor was c i 1 '
wsv toClcvf'jni Ohio, as a ' & !) U
tbe. Precbytailaa General AsssseI.1 -1
the tek'nrsci v, aa received fcy Matt at
XSUso, Kev-Ia. .lis lAnvflaicly to. 5;
return t---0a a- 1 w,Ul"prcLitVy sn'.vi 3
to-day - ."7 "'7. '-' .
The It
Baorrow, i!
their uuail
i'-,-y e?
"id ilrrl
tplau crl
graphical contest agawst all cornea
Fred, Oral; J. F. 2ia-i'l:ensto,. DatB
TljompsonaiKia;Tir;Toiuig went down
to x'ortiana tne first or (he week, la
attendance at the meeting of t!o Oramf
Encampment and the Grand Lodge of the
I. O. O. T. ; . ;
J erry"" Lackey, of : Oc1kco, came down.
last Friday, via the Dalles He -brought
to Dalles one hundred and ninety-wo bead
of beef" cattl; selling at thai point for4J
cents a pound net. One othd ."beef
critters." weighed 1,704 pound. J
Mrs. J. B. Sprenger, of Portland, and
Mrs. C. C. Bunnell, of Lewtston, ' I T.,
both former residents- of this, city, were'r friends here on -Wednesday aud
Thursday. " Both were enjoying spteudid
health. ' k" - '
Wild Jrawberries ripe and perf!y
delicions, were received by? express from
rvgg creek on Tuesday. . There were about
two raKons, and Uwy came to Mr. ?m
Gird as a prerent. Snch frierds are worth
Iiavtug, yoa know. Wild strawberries are
much more , delicious than the - tame
ones. - ,v - - . ' ."
Mr.'D. Beach has beea eufierlng ;for
months with a cancer on the .lip, tnd "has
tried various remedies with IJttie or, no
success. ' Dr. Preshaw took charge of the
matter a few days ago; since when, we are
informed, there has been marked improve-
ment in the health ot his patient. ;
It seems that at least one ef the stock-
liolders in tbe Farmers' C6u)pany was
dbtsatisfied with' Superintendent Simpson,
and gave vent to a growl through' last
week's Democrat. ;The matter coming be
fore the Board of Directors, that body
passed a resolution, unantmortsly endors
ing Mr. S. At tbe meeting of the stock
holders on Tuesday the same resolution
was uiianiinonslr endorsed by that body,
Prof. Kennedy, who has been lecturing
on phrenology,"' physiognomy and physi
ology during tlie week, is decidedly tlie
peer ot any man- who has ever visited this
state as a lecturer on human science. . lie
not only tliorotighly understands his snb-
ject, but lias the faculty of Imparting bis
ifoi mat! on to his audience so clearly tliat
none . can fad to understand him. ? The
Prof, goes from here to Lebanon; and among
. . ..." . . - .!-. "
Its Uberai ami- progressive citizens wni
doubtless receive a warm reception. . as bis
talents and skUl deserve. As a. reader of
character Prof.' Kewnedv has no sunerlor.
The 4Littte Monitor " Is the rmme of
tae latest scyie sewing macnine tnat
have seen, and it certainly is a .compiete i
machine, possessing advantages that will
recommend It to the ladies. It makes the I
lock stitch from two spools direct ; also tbe
cable stitch directly from two spools.' It
does away with " shuttle and bobbins ;
you have to do wlien one spool gives out is
to put. on " another and go ahead, thus
saving time; It runs exceedingly light,
and makes scarcely any noise. .It will sew
silk thread equal to cotton ; lias self-setting
straight needle,, and puts work through
very rapidly; Call at Paxtou's gallery,
and see tlie Little Monitor.
Tlte Good Templars give a grand picnic
j at tbe old campground on . the bank of, tbe
I Calipooia liver, fornhist Jtobcrts' Bridge,
nine or tea : miles south of tills city, on
Thursday next, 'May 27th, feud Invite
ow.rvhnnV to come. J. S.'
this cltv. IS to be Presklent of the davr
Rev. I. Wiisoti, of tills city, is t deliver
tlie ojration - Joseph Beard r , of Tangent,
is to be Chief Marshal. ji-Apprupriate com
mittees have been appointed, and- It will
undoubtedly be a, big day, A brass baud
will be In attendance,, volunteer speeches
will be made-while swing, eroqnet, ;eto
' will afford liealthfnl amusement. There'll
be an al fired big crowd there. If the weather
prove favorable. . . - " ,. " ' f
Aoc. utewarc naa oeen - snnering ex
tremely with something like cattrrh in his
right hand,, getting .little or no sleep for
nine or ten days up to Wednesday, when
piumraer lanced 'tbe hand and gave
him a dose or morpnine. Tbe relierarrord -
ed by tlie operation, added to the effects of
the medicine, set Doc up in the sleep bus -
iness, and considerable alarm was -felt by
the family, because of the pertinacity with
which the old gentleman hung on to the
semblance of the "last sleep, " and strong
coffee and other remedies, probnblyv were
l We learn, toweverv that
all was well with him yesterday, and that
j be was getting along finely,
The Kight Eev. B. Wlstar Morris,
D. D., assisted by the Eev. J.' O. Bab-
cock, held services on Monday, evening,
the 17th tustn lu the - Congregational
church, which was kindly -offered for the
occaslon'The'-aervlose'' were peculiarly
impressive, and heartily enjoyed by quite ,
a larze coneregation. At the close of the
sen lces the Bishop made a" statement of
Lis wishes and plans in regard to the
establishing of the -Episcopal Church la
I tLls place. The cong-f-egation ' responded
1 to the Bishop's appeal by promptly pledg-
ir three-fourths of the amount necessary
to eurchaae a lot. We uadrsCnd onl
j t?a tollowing day the taU amoui.t ee!el
toe the lot was made up. - The site aelectc-l
Uat the corner of Lyon- and EavenKi
K,-cf,tu -Thus the proverllid libers,:.?y cf
cur cit'..:sns in euta matters baa beea r-f-la
roanir.ctsd. . -: . : , ju'
".' TLa sanitary oond!iea cf !ty-:-i5B3.
Cm serlcH-a attention cf the City Lv.!t and
w Irr j Q;ey will gv the SBatteiPieri
coiTclIgration ie&ra ti tested tints la j
t-on us. - - i -. - r
1.7 i ott fs&stt V: ti Ceafcoira Ct
their t"'".h srd vr-'d, to-work"!
v ; . i , t er ou pfBo
ers, 1 . a i. tJl-3 la ati.e K'ia.
ii.8 i'asrjy U'O4:i.0 Cu ut 0
.a advertised . We caa't expliia wty
oraiiro itegs.
Uf rJoim w. TAIiHartl, wlio has been up
In the Oclroco ' country, looking after his
tock interests arrived home in this city
Last Saturday. " From him we get tiie fat
Kfwing items j,-
extreme - coltl weather and ' deep
snows of" last winter caused the loss of a
good many cattle lu tlie various ranges In
and about Ochoco. Setrt. White, ten
miles above PrlaevIUe, test between sixty
and seventy head; Calloway 4 dssek at
WDlo f Creek, , tWenty-flre miles from
Ochoco. lost abont 200 bead; GuUiford's
lost a nn tuber, while other parties, whose
names were not remembered, met , with
serious loss. Horses do splendidly 'in Ocho.
oa, and there are large numbers of them
there. "Slieep also thrive well. " ,
Otitoco are paying welL. 1 Uncle 'Jlmmv
Dontliit and a 3Jr.. Foster-own tlie Hons
share of the paying grtmraV liaviog bought
rrp tlie claim. -They lia ve pat in . a by-.
drattlic, and latve? some, fifteen men at
work. , j. partial clean op after a few days'
run, showed (300. ' Uncle Jimmy says he
1ms ground enough to afford him 'work for
tlie next ten years, and the only drawback
Is tlie lack of. water the 'water 'affording
work for about six weeks only .- :.: :-r
Ed. Freeland has been 'haying a hard
time of it.- More- than seven months ago
he hurt his left knee In getting .off a horse
tlie saddle turned, throwing him violently
to tbe ground con fining him to bis bed
ever since. ' A V soon as he is able to stand
thelrip, lie will be brought back to bis old
home here, for proper medical attention. .
The weather lor some time past had
been pleasant but very dry, and the crops
were needing ram. ; Tbe rainfalls of last
week and the week previous - probably was
sufficient to insure lair crop. -
Piae eex, I. T.
From aletter dated Pine Creek. I. T-
April 29th, 1875, we glean tbe following
items of interest :
The weather during the peat winter was
, tlie severest known, killing pine trees tba
? " U ""-fji
I lauwit. : WhnM On ante An thm wMrtlrnrcxst l
1 " , . rr"r
I nrotmuurw were at.tcu oy
1 nen mSt.
I -A : .great, many cattle succumbed to thn
fl A w a. . A m - - ara. .. a w aira
twJ na 04 ' Pr ,oe ia"
out of 1,025 head; Powers lost 190 out ot
400 ; Davis lost 400 out of 600 in feet
nearly every settler In tlat region of coun
try lost heavily, some losing every bead,
tbe writer of tfao- letter losing every head
but one, and Is thankful that be and family
are left alive.
Following such dreadful cold weather
comes the eiteerful spring, starting tne
grass and grain; .but, alas, no sooner does
nature begin to put oty her most ciieeifai
garb than that fearful pest, the cricket,
makes his appearance, coining In countless
numbers, filling the whole earth and eating
up and: -utterly-- destroying every green
thing, i These crickets are but half an Inch
Irt length, -but what they lack in size they
make up in voracity. As the crickets were
making their way north, the fanners Imped
still to raise some grain; bot if they 're-
a a a '.m ..II 1 - A.-
ftiuneu agaui in .time, utreneii wiare,
I f-yroVm'
Some of the sheep men were preparing
to leave the country, and stock men
I awnernllv 'were teelins blue.. The writer
had Joined the Grangers and was much
better pleased With them than he had been
led to believe be would be. Everybody in
thateountry belonged to the Grange infact
t U all Ui fsinMnn.
Aboct Plows. A plowing match came
off on Ute Cirtn of Isaac Edwards, two miles
from Junction City, on Tuesday of last
week, at which there was a good attendance
of tbe fanners of that section.- The plows
uitn!tlnir wfiti the 'Jfiliri Deer Moline
Gang, Garden City Sulkey, Collins Cast
1 Caststeel Walking, and. Frank Woods' Corn
blued Gang and Sulkey. After a thorough
1 trial) in which Woods' plow labored under
I some disadvantge, our Frank got away
j with toe whole' lot in good etyle. Follow-
-ingts a -report of Oj trial t 'John Deer,
gang of two eleven inch plows, veqnired a
draft of 7&0 pounds for a depth, of 1
inches; Garden City Sulkey, 18-inch plowT
required 675 pounds; Collins l6i-inch
plow;- required 850 pounds; Woods', one
13-Inch pJow, iSOd pounds--tw6 13-lnch
j plows on gang, feqniued 700 pounds. 7 Th
farmers were greatly, pleased with tbe
Woods plow, and Frank will have good
sale for Litem In that section. That Is one
of tlie best farming sections in the valley,
and has soma of tbe most thorough and
energetie farmers In the State.
A JLiABGS VOI.T.-ilr. l--aiS i..JWtlL,
who lives near J uuctloa City, co-tUy,
has one of the f.neFt Pe'xin col -8 la
that reriott cf country, fcalJ on tl.e I
of JisClh;- Thecot was sired ly WLi'?
Prince, owned by W. C llytrr, ti A.U-
land, aiwl C.e-eu liO-.-ts at .-r in I '
I tae following measufe;i.ts : !
on ts-I a half inch in Lirlh: C3 i
j gUCi 9 i:cbea acres te c?..vit; 13
j around tte kuee; 13 inches t, - 1 (
bock ; II . Inches across the Us.
hock ; 11 inc'ios texo-i tl.e l
owe ha a &j'2r celt ot same sr
Caschs Cam bk Cve;es. We wsft
cure x ' C&ucers tad d sores." -. 1.
also new vet-'e rt? t r C v-;-t t f
t&sr Uch la-m cw.l a . - t t: j
e-4 cii.sIJereJ hr s,i..J! I ... L t
it Gz-x r. Set t:ir. r, f - '. , -.
Democrat Cce All-rr;-, (v n,
. ; -. 12. O. & 32m. I-..;i, w,
,jajA . i,ye aud KX otr Ln.u,a
xrutx v
To the therifs of tie sereral e&uniie Kiihi
r the Stmt of Oregon 1 ' - " '"; '
Whekeas, At a general eTerffort no" I err
the 1st day ot June, A, I. Io7-5, r' Ilea.
George A.'LaDow was duly, eieetetf repre ,
sentative ot the State of O-c -vi In th9
Forty-fourtlr Congress ot tfa4 Ui-t.ed Stales ;
aiirl , . ..
Wkeeexs, Elnee th saliT elect irrti tafj
offioe has become vacant by, the death of
said incumbent; and . - .
WhebkaS, By provision of th Constltu
ron of the United States amf the laws of
this State," it has become the duty of tl
Governor thereot to issae Ms writ 1 leo
tlon to fill such vacancy f '
Now, therefore, I. L. F.' G rover. GcrtW
nor of the State of Oreeon, do hei ebv com
ma ml yoa and each of you to noti" tVie
several judges of election witL'.i
your several conncles to hoW x r' ? .'.si e'
tion of representative In ConfTi.-, It
the vacancy srfort-Bt.!, on lloruity, the 2 ,-:5r
day of October. - IS75, and ;.at you tf x
ail proper notices to be given Usere&f ac
cording to taw. " .
Given Under my luind and the seal f t?w
Stato of Oregon, at Salem, tkis I0:h tfay f-
Attest I M. . vHASWICa, -
Secretary of State of Oregon. j
Beselwtlos mt CeJstaateweTef tnttn.
At a meeting of the Board ct Directors1
of the Albany Farmers Co., at their ofSce
in the city of Albany, on the l&tb vy ef
May, 1875, M. IT. .Wilds offered te fol
lowing resolution which was tmanimoasly
adopted by the Board of Directors t
i?tedV;That tlie Board of Dlrecfor
have had, and now have, full confidence?
In the honesty and efficiency of uperioten.
dent G. F. Simpson, atid do believe be lias
discharged tlie duties of his office in a credi
table and conscientious tttanner, there beiti
no proof in the possession ot the Board of
any irregularities, or delinquencies what
ever.. . , ,., . , T
The above resolution, was read at a meet
ing of the stockholders oa May f3tfiP lS75j.
and unauunously adopted.
D. MAKfruat.D, - FresidenCL.
'- t - See;- fi
- BcKNEn Ckktkai. . Chckch About
seven and a iialf 'miles east of this dtyr
waa burned to the ground, on l.iei SirodJty
idghtaboutTO O'clock, 'believed to be the
-rurk of an incendiary. Two -weeks ago-
tast-Sunday night, It will be rememberecV
Vl school house, it mCe aud a hz.1T south
-efxi. Central Church, was bnrne, and the
'7- ,'f7i.ireh had been in use since fotr
tlie district school. As Cs bouse-
ad tuf closed since Friday tLo fre was-
uiiJoaLtdly the work of so.s fe'd dis
posed person or persons. TLe C::k'.i waa
erected aLot.t twenty-ou years t.ii, anJr
was still In a good" sfcrta oF p?e. ;vX!ju
Tlie Central Chrrrch, last :ttrmcr, rsctsd
a new chnrrh ediftec. abeut one r.i .i.3 weeL
of the old church, which she Setfcty had"
been ruing ever since tor church purposes.
The belief is tliat the school-house aud the-
old church were destroyed by tfier sacra
hands. ' The bulkllngs destroyed are la
what is known as tlie Mar-snail . district.
School District No. 21. We hope fiat the
party or parties gnflty of these mean and
cowardly acts may be cangfts and- peaitea-
tlaried ad they de-erve about 1 years
quiet lite.; - ' -' ;
; LosTi Last Snnday, somewTre Re-
tween her residence aud tTie Ccr'rrnri tlooal
church, Bessie Cranor a ri lo-efc
and chain, tlie locket cfs!.'r.!...Ii- ." fjre
of her tathef nt-d rfot!!('r--tlts lata Jalp
Cranor and" te'. Of co.r-e ti.e j wa!ry hi
valued very highly a an Lurloosc-, K)Jt!
finder will be suitably rewarded tt a liavw
hig'lt at Mrs. K&in Cnwiior's nIUac oa
First street,7 or at Uifs onTee.
Lattkct the CoitKKrt-sTosnE. Oar tlif-
sens will be graiiSed. to lesm tlt t' I
a fovorable prospect cfereeiTng as 7 l-so-pal
house of worship In Albany Cm 7. t- tli-a
coming summer. B"hop ITorrts f -t-t:!
to lay the cornerstone of the f""T7.38 cr
tbe 31st lost. Any one wtaMng ta V;-xTS
any articles in the- corner-stone c..i ! 3v
them at the store ot W. II. Dwl Co.
G baxgb " Ukion. A Rieet r;
r t?i
stockholdsrs In the Giarf TJi-I1"
lor Use 27)t!i Instu, &t .10 o't
the. Court IIoue.. Beii.e-i.biir
and be ou liand ar1y. - - .
Woot, ETi Only 130,C03 p t?-."i iJ
wool wanted, for w?.'. i I ' .t. . 7 : .. ; .? 11,9
L'ghest market prka la c: 1 , r wocl
sacks and twine, lnc;i?e at IT. I '.'a. '
7May 14, 1875.--- s-- - tC -
' .: wew. wA?m T3r. c rr.u rtn, wsa
Py the ItSglseat cas'Si i . n f te t I Ctey
can get. arid t-tl l w . i. ry 1:-:,:, -y.ry-bedy
that thy r. ve a 6 ,o t -.-x-k .f j..r I
rcerhff,ii.lia8 r r si u -very lo- ti,r er to
pransptr -yirge&stfcnwrsrua t!rae, t.S.f
1-1 eow
f ky, -tfii
I v rt i
w:.',jo or
verliMt. frealk '
a t fs e!tv
j !-i ue jsnv
t.'n t tc-aua.
. a;tx.
: i 1 1: e Wat-
orrv.; 'Ml fcy
about i " -y
ca ef All
arra -nrf
aa 'r. Mt i
i-aa ha jro.
itrtsad I
i 1
"8ft OT
t t
.it ! v
is tb:
llev. O
JeseD. Er!:'.tfH ; -through,
tha day oa tie I-