The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, May 14, 1875, Image 8

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    rtrsiimsa kvcby fiuoav, r .
.,' Cookt Ferry end 'Fir Street.' ' ,"
Tne copy, one vw ........,...v.S3 so
Gjne copy, at x thorn .a...,,....,. ... IM
To olnbs of twenty, eouh copy..... . ........ 00
Single copies.. .. .Tert cents.
8utMtcrbr outside of Linn eountv- will bo
Ciirgd SO cunts mm-So for the year-as
that ia the amount of nnwtiurs mr annum
hleh we sm required to pay on each, paper,
?iiirAY J1AY 14, 1375.
A-sswta Sor tt B3atetV.'
.1e following named gentlemen are author
ised to receive and receipt for aitlwicription
to the Bbqimtkr in the localities mentioned : .
M.sssrs. Kirk & II lime llrow n v 1 1 le.
Kooert t!h.. wlbrdsvtlle.
W. P.Smith...... Hiiley.
O. P. Tompkins.... Hnrt-ilmi-g.
8. H. Clanirhton,.. ....... ......... Lelmnoii.
A. Wheeler A Co..... ................ ....Sliedd.
Messrs. Smith UrasneJd ..... Junction tit v.
J. B. Irvine ................. .'.....Sclo.
Tho. H. Reynold,........, ..' .Sntnti.
W. WaterUouse.. ...... ............. .Monmouth.
This, little inconsiderate creek, in com-
pa risen with the Immensity of the Wil
lamette flowing by Albany;' would be
swallowed &a Jonah did the whale; yet
the gilded gold ia not tbe finest, and In
this little. far-oSf shoot ot the country we
find live, noble and generous people few
In number, but, measured by their hearts.
and noble hospitality, containing thoosaod.
We bad been so constantly confined within
our noble little city of Albany, the oasis
ot the valley, " that we scarce Imagined a
hospitable resident outside, and started on
m cruise of Inspection, expecting, In onr
Ignorance, to lose ocr scalp, even though
ve railroaded the thing. Before starting,
however, we were tenderly provided for by
most considerate friends, with ammunition
sA all kinds necessary to our entire satety
sfigalnst danger during our trip, depending,
of course, upon our moral courage and
-fighting propensities. Hence our safety
. and compliments in our present position.
Our camp is with Mr, Ja. Comstock,
rhlch Is all that is necessary to be said
for if a man wants comfort ami happiness,
and Jim cant give it to him, " It cant be
' did." Them's our sentiments, and we
.boldly proclaim them. ; , !;':
Mr. Comstock, by tbe way, Is elegantly
situated a fine residence, office, etc., and
m his business ot sawmilllng recognizes no
superior. His mill located here is adjacent
to tbe finest of timber, and saws not less
than from 13,000 to 20,000 feet per day.
Tbe lumber Is shipped along tbe line of tlie
railroad as ordered. He informed me,
"however, that he has established at Albany
lumber yard, with Mr.s John Andrews
"lone of the politest and most honorable
gentleman on the coast, as manager. -
Outside of business, a pleasant field of
Munusement Is offered here in tbe way ot
bunting and fishing trout- In abundance,
and, In the hunting season, deer till yon
cant repose. Mr. C. has a full pack of
hounds, running under tlie sobriquets Of
Goldsmith Maid, Lucky, Fanny, Sconchlny
Tom Bowlin, Battling Jack. Bearing BUI,
Scartaced, Dan Boone, and last, but not
least, a big, at, overgrown dog,, which
makes the rest do all tbe running, whilst
he takes tlie short cuts, and which he lias
named, in honor of J. B. Comley, calling
him ' Comley," for short. More anon.
-; ' PEDRO
Troim I&mrriwltUTB.
HAtnnsBCBCS, Or- JTay i2tb,.lS75,
ElirroK Begisteb . Onr little burg, for
the hut few weeks, has been remarkably
quiet, but as the formers finish putting In
tthsir crops, our streets present a livelier
: aspect, and since tbe last rain their genial
; faces bespeak anticipation of a prosperous
The school ia largely attended, and
nnder the head of our genOemaury and
efficient teacher, Mr. O.. P. Porter, is. in a
more flourishing condition than it has been
for years.
The spell epidemic reached, here about
three Weeks ago, and many of our citizens,
old and young, liave had, at the Academy,
a semi-weekly attack. In view of an ortho
graphic combat with our neighbors . of
Junction City.
Prof. Wells has Just closed a large and
successful wrltlnz school, and has com
menced another. His popnlailty in this
1 place may be determined by the fact that
rbls present class numbers about sixty
-scholars, or nearly twice as" large as any
ever taught here before.
'Base tall lias revived and a fine large
club oratnized. with 3r. J. L. Henderson
at the bead, and every ' evening our ath
letic knights of the ball and bat may be
een on our commons, ptirsaiag tlstr sport
with an enerjjy characterlitsc of tbe game.
-As I can think fL. nothbi store of
'interest, and assured of the &et thai brevity,
nnder some circumstances, may feecotaea
virtue, I humbly subscribe myse?& .',
r : IImwoIkUom r
Wiiekkas, it tws been tbe wittand pleasure
4f kn AO-Wlae Providence to call from ear
midst ouresrtocmed andgrWed brother, TLxvsum
-RetofoMf, That while we deplore fbe loss at
ill bright countenance, cheerful -words, and
safe and viae counsel, in tbe temporal sphere.
we rejoice tbat we can find eonaolaiion ta the
knovtedtEtt of the feet, and invito tbe bereaved
patents brothers and sinters, to ntiit with ns
la tbe pleasonOde recollection that be pes-"
messed an of tboese troe QnallncatKais which
will enable bin to pass triamDhaativ tbrotnrh
the valley and bsdow of death, to an tabex-i-
tanee and home to tbe KoMen-paved streets ot
jtnac etty, tne New JenuaOenv.
aaanea, Tnataeopyof tneaanroceeO:i:rsbe
lendered the fsmUy of our deoeeaed friend,
and each of the county papers, for pabiicatton.
- ' Lebanon Brass la&aS.
w w. WAjrrKO-p. c. Harrwr & Co. will
Jy tha taighe cash price for all th wooi ttwy
get, and woold rewooctfxsilv iuftiru Mnm.
body that tSjey toav a fine acoctc of uaral
xciiBiHii8e tor aoio very fcw for cat-h, or to
prompt paying easterners on time. . tmt.
oea a. wtstar -Morris D. D tsj-ects try
hold services In the -Cotif-r: 3 .i". jnal church
on ZIon:-y, ?.T?y ITth, at T.T.l V, II,
- All rer&O'".., i. ecUZy LivIlcJ t atfcnj,'
Honor to Wuom IIonor is EruK. Ovir '
County Commissioners covered tliemselves
all over with glory last week, by granting
the petition for a bridge across the Sunt lam
at Lebanon, and agreeing that the county
sluiH stand haif the expense, limiting such
total amount to be paid by tlie county to
$5,000. Tlio , com so of these gentlemen
meets With the most' general :. and cordial
approbation t the people,' and several of
tlie heaviest taxpayers whose Tiame3 did
not appear on tle petition, have, since the
action ot the Commissioners, we are In
formed, expressed themselves as gratified
that tlie petition lias been granted. In
this matter onr officer have shown them
selves liberal minded, progressive gentle
men ; they luive shown their readiness to
do the will of the people, by liinuguratine
a system of iuternal Improvement, calcu
lated, to bring the people of the comity
into closer commercial and social relations.
All honor to them say we. ,.......
Some of onr Democratic brothers in
tlieir efforts to cast odium npon eX-Attor-
ney-Genera! Williams, through Ignorance
or the usual mendacity characterizing the
average bedrock editor, make the most as
tounding assertions with regard to hi in,
The last assertion which we., nave, seen
comes from an Illinois exchange, and con
tains a piece of information that will sur
prise the Attorney General as much as it
will his many friends and acquaintances' in
Oregon. This Democratic editor gives ns
this Information : " Williams is not a man
of much intellectual force, his highest am
bition is that of display, and bis notoriety
was brought about in the first place as the
husband of Mrs. Stephen A. Douglas."
There is just about as much truth in the
first clause of flle above assertion as there is
In tlie latter; and an Intelligent public will
at once set down Uio writer or such, a ni
gra ph as either a willful liar or an unmiti
gated ass.
Verdlrt of th t'oronfr'n Jnry Tame r
tbr ExplMioa r Uie SScaiuer SenMlor.
Following Is tlie verdict of tlie Coroner's
Jury, as reported In the Portland Orejo
nfun : . .
momhct :
We, the iindersiened iurr. emnnnneletl
by the coroner of Multnomah county, Ore
gon, and sworn to inquire into the ennse
of tlte death of Daniel McGill, .lohn Cos-
prove. George Wanier. John tlrowley and
otner persons sttppoei to oe ieni. ami
otliers dangeroiiAly wounded ; wlien. where
and by whtit means tliey came to their
death, or were wounded, and whether any
Hereon and who is guilty of a crime tliure
by : do find
That ou thcCth day ot May, 1875, the
boiler of the steamboat Senator was , ex
plnded near tlie foot of Alder street, in the
Willamette river, at tlie city of Portland,
In said Multnomah conutv ; that hv means
of said explosion Daniel McOill, John Cis-
grove. George .Warner, John Crowley,
and also, as we believe. J. D. Ixeey ami
otliers, were- killed ; titat Dauiel McGill
was captain of said steamer. John Cos-
grove was a deck-hand t lie reon,-George
Warner was a fireman, and John Crowley
was also a deck-hand ; that Felix Evans, a
passenger, Charles ..Grant, a deck-hand.
aud in all probabilitr others whow names
we could not obtain. M ere seriously wound
ed-; that said explosion ocenrredby rea
son of an insufficiency "' of water in said
boiler; tliat John Smith, engineer of
rntu, actcn in tne premises wunotit
duo caution or circumspection, as it seems
to us, by the , testimony,- ot competent
witnesses, and was : therefore guilty of
criminal negligence.
John F. CAPI.E3, Foreman,
J. Jj. Atkinson, -K.
V. Hekov. ,
S. C. BrrcHET,
K. A. White,
B. Gaken.
Tliis vlrdict places John V, Smith in an
unenviable position. ; Yet, if some of the
testimony adduced on the occasion is to be
believed, tlie verdict does not go far
enough. It 'appears' from .' the evitlence
that the oumpine macliinery of thej boat
had been out ot order for months, and
through such : ineficiency the boat ; was
liable to an explosion at any moment. It
may be lield that an Investigation before a
Coroner necessarily cannot be as searching
and thorough as if brought before a . court
of justice, where parties are represented by
counsel, an- witnesses are subjected to a
thorough examination, and therefore tlie
public should not pass judgment until tlie
matter has been thoroughly itivestigated.
and all interested given the fullest oppor
tunity to clear their skirts trom : blamo in
tlie matter. : It tlie Investigation proceed
then, and let the whole matter be probed
to the bottom ? and when the? whole truth
Is laid bare, let whoever is to blame for the
sad occurrence snfier the penalty.3 6 -
Freas Use Iepartaaeat of AgrtetilUire.
The followinsr communicatioo from
Commissioner i Frederick Watts of the
Department ' of Agriculture, explains
itself: '
WASiirsGTON, D. C, April 8, 1S75.
Th APTtenltnral Denartment of tlie
TTnitMl RtAtesdesires to communicate to its
correspondents tlte following" information s
1. The fojectarai. purpowe of the; Def-
partmeut Is to procure tlie best and Tnost
approved setd which can be obtained in
tiita ttr anv other country, and so distribute
them as that they may be introduced Into
.,1 . r .K iTuUorl SHtna tA ,fhl'h thnv
are respectively adapted.' f " 1 ' v
. -r- Vegetable earaetteen is put up in
M.irw and varieties, liavlnsra reference
iL.iw b th r-JImate and soli to which- tliey
are to be sent. Any designation ot tliese
seeds wanted by iiwUvtanais is nseiess, oe
cause they ore already put up ; except the
aM! one of flower or vegetable, or
.tiiii- fijiii mxvI. such as com. oats
barley, spring or tali wheat, or particular
: . S. The Department does not .profess to
have every variety or seeu ior unnuuiiii
tvr.mtnniv thft wants of anv tierson, but
itnlw Kiuh ns are riarticul&rlr EtHKl ana
.r.... w-.j - " ' . . . .
nsenif, ana wntcn cannot we reauujr iwir
ed elipwhere. - .
- 4 Th I ?rmrtmeni: often receives irom
flva to flfi v titters from one place, and
sometimes written by one hand. These
are not responded to. : . -5.
The Department has Its own agents
for dlatriDution. Jsts- Bent nere
a r not, attended to. - -'
0. Money or stamps should not be sent
io tlie Department for any purpose what--
It lias no authority to receive it.
7. lioseeJ U deUvrred at the Depart-"
i- - -'. but only by rftftll.
h 2sent.J.ti f nc3 of-the special
f -H'-f u ci Lal. rrtA ' to tbe grass-
Si ,1 - i
0, ..',lU not been snbject to
. , Corres"-
-"nra tlioi'M fsetl.e rrodnct
vJiuiL-ctouer oi Aricuiture.
Our i. aty to Emixrant.
K migration is pouring in upon us la a
steady stream from the East,' from- one 'to
three hundred arriving on every steamer
from Sau FranciacOxto Portland, and from
thence finding their way ail over tbe State.
Large numbers liave arrived among us, and
more are coming,' seeking employment In
our towns and villages as mechanics and
laboring men, while others who have
means are seeking Information with regard
to lands, desiring to purchase and make
homes for themselves and little ones. It is
often difficult for a stranger to obtain the
information he desires, from not knowing
to whom to apply. 'To obviate this and
other difficulties under which new comers
among ns labor, the State Board of Immi
gration, consisting of Messrs. w S. Ladd,
H. W. Corbett, B. Goldsmith, C. Llenen
weber and Wm. Beld, have appointed
Committees of Immigration in every town,
village, and district in Oregon, who are re
quested to give all the aid and Information
they can obtain to emigrants seeking em
ployment and homes among us.: Dr. D.
W. Ballard and Jas. Elklns have been ap
pointed members ot the Committee for
Lebanon, and Messrs. Beach & Montelth,
Jas. II. Foster & Co., and the editor of
this sheet , for Albany. Now -'"what tlie
members of the Committee ask ; of the
people of Linn county is, if you jwlsli to
employ any kind of helpTgive them Infor
mation of the fact ; whether It be mechan
ics, farm help or day laborers; the length
of time you wish such help; the wages you
will pay, etc. If the Committee have, the
necessary information, they will doubtless
be able to send you exactly the kind of
help you want, at no cost to you or the
party employed. Then again, if those who
have farms r mill sites to sell, or any
other property likely to be wanted the
new comers will lw-ve the necessary Infor
mation with the Committee, it will aid in
uo little degree all parties concerned, while
no one will be at .any expense watever.
The principal design in appointing these
Committees, however, we apprehend, is to
enable emigrants to obtain vork in the
various stations for which tliey are fitted.
If men are wanted In logging camps, on
tarms, In factories, or as blacksinitlis, car
penters, shoemakers, wagonmakers, or in
any trade or branch ".of business in'any iwi-
tlon ot the county, forward information of
such fact to members of tlie Committee,
who will then be in a position to aid both
parties. '.Just remember this, friends wlien
you are in this city or Lebanon, call npon
a member of the Committee and let your
wants be known. In this way employment
can easily he proviueu lor -many . wno
would otherwise leave the State, and we
would lose valuable citizens. iVe have
invited emigration to the State;: we need
tlie brawn and muscle; it lias come upon
our invitation, and now let us do our whole
duty iu the matter. I
, THE U8AS. '"";''
At a recent gathering ot Grangers in an
Eastern city, one of . the speakers con
tributed some very- interesting facts bear
ing upon tlie growth of the Order of Uie
Patronvof Husbandry. Said tlie speaker,
six years ago uo elevators or warehouses
were owned by us and no iiisnmnce .was
controlled by us. Now, in one Sfite alone
there are thirty one insurance companies
and more than ltalf that number of eleva
tors and warehouses in Iowa .and Wiscon
sin are under our control. j tirt her more
we liave agents In every section of tlie
country, to whom we ship onr products
and from whom wo receive prices forty or
filty per cent, higher than we formely re
ceived from local buyers. Iu consequence
of the fairness of our treatment by these
agents w-bo.. ate bound by tlie ties of
brotherhood and heavy money bonds the
Patrons of Husbandry saved five millions
in 1373, twelve millions in 1S74, and ac
cording to the present indications will save
at Jeast twenty millions in 1875.! Six years
ago there were 10 Granges; the next year.
150; tbe next. 200; the next, 2,000; now
there are 15 State Granges gaining in ranks
daily, and we number one million and a
halt. Our experience is pointed proof that
women are worthy members j of every
Grange we have, for a hundred thousand
of tliem are among us. ' j ' , ,
m !
37ew3 from tbe East is to the effect that
the Indian troupe under... Meacham and
Kedpath has been a decided failure finan
cially. At last accounts the company was
In New York and had an engagement for
a week and hoped to improve a past want
of success. The allure was attributed to
Its being advertised as an Iiidlan show In
stead ot as a' lecturing expedition, . A
different plan of advertisinwas to be adop
ted hereafter. Another cause of failure
was the fact that the Warm Spring Indian
troupe, under Donald McKay, had acted
very; badly and were-" in " very bad repute
The Indians 'With Mr.' Meacham Iiad con
ducted U i em selves well so far in, every re-
Bpect. !
The State Journal tells of a converted
Millerite, or at least of one who atribntes
bis discomfiture toa want of faith in that
particular doctrine Mr. Powers, - the
Ocboco mail carrier, had an order tor some
phosphorus, and not being posted as to its
nature, had it placed in a paper package.
narrvinsr it u his hands, it soon ignited.
nnii rue more ne-enueawreu wreiuum nm
burning mass from his liands tlie more it
scattered to otlier parts pf his person until
be was virtually a Burning Xuciier in
front, and rear. DOrtunaieiv 118 rraeiieu
the banks of the McKenzle, and a cold bath
extinguished the names.
The present rage for spelling matches
recalls a story ot General WuifieM facott.
He had drawn op the rough -draft of an
order, lii which Ui woru - wagon .- w
curred. Tlie General Inserted one ' g"" to
Ma i-lortr on discoveiitisr it.
timidly asked on what authority be spiled
ro,, with two srs.M ' On the au-
t-hoiitV of Lieutenant General Scott, coin- j
manding tins armies of the United State I
thnn!t-5 old Fnss-and-Featliei-s and the i
clerk said he guessed it was asl rigu
The' Indians are thoiibt to' be "getting.
rePi.! fir the usual sTitg scalping parties,
and are startir r ofTln parties - of 30Q and:
On the 10th the Massachusetts House
appropriated 150,000 to enable the State to
be well represented at the Philadelphia
Ked Clood, Spotted Tall nd seventeen
other chiefs of the Sioux tribe were to
leave Cheyenne on the 11th for Washing
ton CHy, to treat for the sale of the Black
Bev. Geo. Webber, of Kent nill, Me.,
suicided by hanging, on the 11th.
Geo. W. Homan proposes to open a
stage line to the Black Hills from Omaha
as soon as the Government will glve;eon
sent. ' ; - ' . - -:
The International Sunday School Con
vention met at Baltimore on the .'11th.
From reports presented we learn that there
are In . the U. S. 68,200 S. 740, W7 a
teachers, and 8,637,307 scholars.
Judge James Paull, of the State Supreme
Court,' Pa., died near Pittsburg on the 11th.
From Washington we learn that the
grand jary have presented a true bill
against Wm. 8. King for perjury, in hav
ing sworn, on the 22d of February, 1874,
before the committee of Congress, that be
had neverreeelved a dollar to. assist in pro
curing an appropriation for tbe Pacific
Mail Steamship Company. .
.The steamer Glencoe , from Victoria to
Ft. Wrangell, Alaska, is reported lost. '
- The principal conspirator iu the plot to
assassinate Prince Bismarck and Emperor
William, has been arrestedV -;
The Czar of all the - Kusshts arrived In
Berlin on the 10th. where be was received
by Emperor William and Princes' Gens.
Van Moltke, Manteuffol and other dis
tinguished individuals. Of course Europe
ia all of tremble, and surmises all klndj;
of trouble to come irom this visit.
Another dreadful disaster at sea, causing
immense loss of life. The Eagle line
steamer, Scft filer, 3,GC0 tons was l03t off
Scilly Isles; reported loss 200. There
were 149 cabin passengers on board, be
sides those in tlio steerage, with a crew of
124, including officers. The whole num
ber saved is reported at . 44. The Sckiller
was a new and powerful , vessel, classed as
A 1 at Lloyds valued at $700,000, and fully
insured. Hie disaster . occurred at 10
o'clock at night, during a dense fog which
prevented the Scilly lights from being seen.
Capt. Thomas tlie Commander of the
vessel, was one of the oldest and most
trusted officers of tlie line. She carried
eight keg containing $300,000 in gold, 230
mail bags. boi !es a large cargo of general
merchandise, etc.
A large number of distilling awl rectify
ing establishments have been seized by
Go'ernment officers, cliarged with per
petrating frauds on the revenue. A num
ber of gunge rs aud storekeepers liave been
discharged, and suits will be commenced
against revenue officers for complicity in
the frauds Tbe main arrests were made
in St. Louis Chicago, Milwaukee and
At the instance of Senator Mitchell
postal service has been increased ou the
route from Dalles to Canyon City, from
weekly to semi-weekly ; from Ashland to
Llukvllle. weekly to tri-weekly. .. '
Isaao Sinsheimer lias tlte contract for
furnishing tlie new postoflice and court
bouse at Portland. , . .
Tlie Department of Agriculture during
last week received reports from 330 coun
ties as to the condition of tlie winter wheat
About 300 counties of the valleys of Ohio
and Missouri are represented, which Isist
year produced 70,000.000 busliels or 60 per
cent of tlie product of Seven States from
Ohio to Kansas. .The average condition of
tliese States Is 33 per cent, indicating only
five-eighths of a full crop if no Improve
ment occurs. 5 In 'Kentucky 75 per cent.
Ohio 57, Michigan 63. Indiana 66. Illinois
63, Missouri 59, Kansas 87, tliotigli only 32
counties u. the latter ntare are represented.
The condition lit better in Pennsylvania,
Maryland and Virginia, though below an
average. A tew wheat counties in Sew
York make extremely unfavorable returns.
The proportion to be replanted in other
crops average 14 per cent In the - West, or
i,iw,vw acres unnui ui ,uuu,uva
acres seeded. w.---
Pennsylvania win not reap but halt a
wheat crop, owing to severe trosts etc
At Leavenworth, Kansas May 10th,
Wm. Embry, editor of the Appeal, met
Col. D. B. -Anthony, editor of Uie Times,
and brother of Susan; B. Anthony, at the
entrance of the opera house, where a quar
rel began, resulting in Anthony's striking
Embry in the face, and the latter firing
three shots from a revolver at Anthony,
two ot which tooK eaect. a newspaper
quarrel had been raging - between the
papers. Embry was arrested and Jailed .
it was thought Antnony couiu not live.
The coal miner's strike in Pennsylvania
etill continues to vex the public mind.
Last Saturday, at Hope,' Arkansas, in a
personal quarrel, Col.R. SL Gaines,'
agent of Slew Orleans firm,, shot and
killed Dr. Winn, hotel keeper.
John Best, of stonenam, uass a mem
ber of the House of Representatives col
lector and assessor of taxes and commander
of Post No. , 75, G. A. B. . was arrested on
tbe 10th for stealing $1,700 from tbe safe
ot Arson Hill. He was .caught Iu the
act. He " is a man of some . wealth, and
heretofore has stood high In community.
Carlyle is not a tit man tor a .census
taker. He savs 'England is populated bv
4U,uuo,uou sows mostly loois. -
He. Jajcks Moobb WC1 commence, on or
about tbe loth day ot Way. delivering freali
Milk. Batter, Eggs and Vegetables to the clti- i
sens of Albany. Sow is tho time to mk your
arrangements as Mr. Moore will run a team
daily, and do as be agrees. nS3tf.
Nrw Fibm. Sam Miller lias bought tbe Wag
on and smtthsuop neretomro occupied by
Peters Sneidol. tosrether with the material
aud undnished work, and Is now prepared to
lurnuu anytning in nis nue, ounsuumg oi
r-jirriairos. liucrtrios. Lmnoer wagons. Hacks.
&e and genenu simuung nentiy ana wna ats-
etch. 1 employ none out iua utoii ti lneciian
l and Insure satisfaction. Ail work -wait.
ran tea. J. Ltniia a can iuw i oujticx ir
you to buy of tne, in pries, style and durui;iiUv
of work. I use tlie tait of nwtoml, lnckory
rik. from the Ivastern 64 ruci c t-
ninfor vonrselves? all I wasit . .tf 1.
1 haveliad vral years of e- n , o t.-s
i'.. rih thoknowledf i -'
certain! can rdca. yon. Igft-
to " .'i Ii
ao ran OR DOnifitr. lit
laree lot of iamuerwaoT!H ;: '! -
,ri.M and hacks on hand. Parro- iwwu.
r... ..r-ilnnnt wrtd yonr roey oio t
l..C.Z. ZZ..r.t-'v- Act th nart Of wi-. itt.'i, at
huud up your owo enowc, x
Papilla BlGgers.
There is oonBidarable excitement over q.narta
out about Can yonville now.
The Eugene City Library offers a fine array
of valuable biographical works. c
The ChUdren's Aid Society at Salem have
eight orphans under their oaro. -
Persons from the Valley towns are at rock
with the Uvely appearance of Marsh field.
Tbe road from Coos City to Boaeborg ia Im
proving, consequently travel is increasing.' .
Four Good Templar lodges in Coos county,
at Empire, Marshfield, Sumner and Coqullie
Tho Circuit Court for Coos oonnty wlU be In
aeasion, commencing on tbe 24th of tbe pres
ent monib.
Tbe coroner of Marion connty wants to bear
from the relatives of 8. A. Fillcins, wbo died
at that place last week; Address coroner at
The season for catching halibut has eomtneno
edatNeabBay. -A
very pleasant dance was given at Seattle
on the 28th ultimo, by the young ladies boat
cloto..-. ',-L-":.t ."
Mr. A. W. Moore, Of Olympla. and Mr. Dud
ley Barnes, of Ttimwater, are both lying dan
gerously ill. ;.-....-.
Thlrty-elx bead of mules went over the rail
road to Tacoma a tew days ago, en route to tbe
Caaslar country
Mr. W. O. Bush, of Olympio, received
small package of wheat by mail, which cost tl
for one hundred grains. " . .
Tlie old steamer Btixa Andermm is still lying
at Freeport, and looks quite fresh and natural
since receiving ber repairs. f
There is to be a new wbarf built at Fisher's
landing, above Vancouver, within tbe next
sixty days. . Contract to be let this week. -The
PuyaJlup valley Amateur Singing Club,
gave a concert a short time Bince for the bene
fit of a poor widow, wbicb netted about $150.
.' The young people of Howen and Salom
prairies have united and propose to have a btg
picnic near the Pudding river bridge, about
six tuQea from Salem, on tho . Sllverton road.
i he tune fixed upon la Saturday, the 23d
A scow load of hoop-poles were taken from
Stoilacootn to Seattle last week. At the latter
place they will be shipped by sailing vessel to
San Francisco.
'" May-day at Port Town send was celebrated by
everybody going to Hastings grove in tho day,
and attending a ball in tbe evening. The ball
room was crowded.
: Fonr Indians who were convicted of stealing
groceries and numerous articles from tbe
wrecked ship at Nenh Bay,' last week, were
fined SS each by Agent Huntington.
Wm. Bishop, of San Juan, employed at
Port- Jamble, died suddenly on the 4th Inst,
from a stroke of paralysi. He was bifrbly
esteemed and left an interesting family on Sim
Tbe schooner JCatie L Iteron, wbicb sailed
for Tillamook liixt week, carried tbo camp
oqninage of Ctipt. (iilhert's coast surveying ex-
ni-ilitton. Tlie horses twloncrintr to tbe oartv
irrt overlHiid. Cant. Gilbert will resume the
const Biiney as soon aa he can fully organ
Gold in Xew York 115.
gul tenders 7iS8S.
Xo cliange In I.iverxol quotations,
The steamer Ajftx sails for San Francisco
this evenhitr, and tlie Gussie Telfair tor
Money matters remain about as tliey
were Last week with indications of return
ing " flush times " at no distant day.
The grain crops in the East are not
Drotntriins. and will no doubt foil off
nearly one-lialf. Tlie outlook wouW seem to
be fiivorahle for good prices in Oregon
1 1' 1 . I .... 1.. U. t1.... n.ninin ua
Ijast quoted: Oregon eggs are quoted at
23327 ic: butter. 25332 .Uc : wool, 133
20c, a to quality.
Albany markets quiet with few, transac
tions in grain. Wheat quoted at 73c; ortts
50c. With fine growing weather and pros
pective largo yields of grain, our Cinuers
are resting serene, aud will probably have
wheat to sell if prices should advance one
hundred per ccut. between now and liar
vest. 1
Potatoes tl (31 23 f! bushel.
Apples green, retailing from stores at
Chickens 2 oOiH.i ciozen,
Hams 13 'oe; shoulders 9c: sides 11c
V lb.
Iiru, in 10 cans 1 50: hi bulk, lie
hite beans 4c Tib.
Onions scarce nominally tf 1 bu per
buAheltrom stores. ,
Beet, on foot, Cc : pork, ouc ; mutton
sheep, per head, $3. - , .
AVer's Cherry Pectoral,
For Disease of tbe Throat nirl Lnnrt,
urn na cvatarna, v noopmg
coiisTb, JUrwaruitn avuibhu maa ;
Tho fow composi
tions, wnicn nave won.
t lie confidence of man-
k i n d and become
liousehold -words,
among not only one
but many nations
mnst have extraordi-
i nary virtues. Perhaps
noone ever aeenred
' rrC1 ? or maintained it so
"-.-Js t inner as AVKR's
s ChehbyPb-tohal. It
' 4 1 lias been known to tlie
b- MajS public for about, forty
yeara, ny a long continued series oi marvellous
fclll W 1 WW tr ftfc .wiiuwmwiii .(v
vtrtnos never ei
Ttarill tnskea -1
nnuallflfl trv anv otner meoicme.
makes the tnost. , ertectual cures of
tamon. Villa, vutaumvuon, t ttati can oe maue
bv mortica sk 111. Indeed the CHKKRY Pbctobai.
lmjs realiv rnlibod those danserous diseases of
foeltng or imniiiiuy irom ineir raiai ec"S
that to well founded, ir the remedy be taken In
season. Kvery family should have it in their
closet for tho ready and prompt -relief of its
momhAra. HicKuuaa. auuerma. ana vvjeu me us
saved by this timely protection. The prudent
should not neglect it, and the wise wUl not.
jbOP It oy you ior iuo pniiwiwuu vj
MS timely use in muuuii ai.iac.Ha. .. .
n.. I. ci. 1VEB Ac CO.. Lowell.
sr?a-Mnii hv all Drvuririats aud Ilealeara in
iluuicine. ; SV7y
Ayer's Ilair Tlgor
For Bestortna; ray Hair to lta JSntctral
Auvancmg years,
- '; Blekness, care, disap
. nnlntmBnt. and
hereditary prod is.
-- position, all turn the
bair gray, and either
of tbem incline it to
. abed prematurely.
ob, by long and ex i
ttensive use, naa
proven tliat it stops
i hefalilngof tbe hair
V Immediately; often
iironews the growth,
and alwava surety
' restores ita color,
It stimulates tne nu-
trittve oitoiss to healty activity, and pro.
oni-vna both the hair and iia beauty. Thus ,
1 woak os Rk-.k Iv iuur oecomes giowy
i.i "Jio and trengtiiene; lost, nan- totohj
wi li lively expression; felling hair ta cheeked
.i.t.iuiwi . thin tutir thickens: and laded
. . h.t MMmAthAii1 orii?lnal color. Its
o'x wSon is sureand liarmJess. It cures dan
..... - ,kMiVtt di hnmnmi. ana Ireena tbo scaln
-., ... -.ejkn and soft under which conditions,
iumm of t"e scalp are impossible. - -Asa
draasinir for ladies' l)Hir. the TTGOH1S
rmiatHl for its gratefof and agreeable per
f .st.e. and TRino.1 for tho soft lust reand rioh-
um of tone it iniTwtrts,
fir. C. ATEiS Be lxwe?1, MiMSU
'nctical and Analytical Chemists.
1 ": --'v.irl W nil Iinursrista and Dealers fit
WjAioft - 8v?y
h" ...
New To-Dar.
JPacific.Opera House
Immense 1 Attrhctioiia I ;
redteaday aBid Ttaoradajr EvealagiH
May 19th and 20th, will be produced a
Splendid. Drama,
followed by a grand exhibition of the
by Capt. McDonald's Trained Indians, who will
execute ineir Ajitcuiumg x&ui, jwvunei r.xep-
ciso, and
feats. ,
graceiui uymnaaue aim Acroiwitc
New and Beautifkil Furniture !
Tbe Sfetaler Ctaalr rawbide boWow
.... and tbe .
13 elding Broom !
all in good supply at W. D. Bellings shop on
First street east of Magnolia Alius.
Call and
examine goods and prices.
May 14-3v7
ale t
OXSTAXTI.x' on haa
Lime, Shingles, Plaster Paris,
J Iath, Hair, etc.,
and for sale low, at tbe warehouse of
Tbe nigh est Casta Price Paid for Wool.
Albany, May H, 15-S5V7 v
A Large and Taluanle -Tract or
Fanning Land for bale.
THREE rrCSDRED ACRES of plow land, 200
of which is rich bottom land. On theprem-
ine are fair buildings. House, nam, gmniiry,
sheds, etc.; also good bearing orchard of fruit
trees; 200 acres of tlie very best, pasture land ;
SO acres of timlwr land, ash and maple, the test
of fanning land when cleared. A never fulling
stream of wnter runs through tho larm. There
is also a splendid quarry oi iinio-roca on i no
Elace, pronounced by experts A 1 rock. Four
undred acres are under fence. It is one of the
most desirable and cheapest farms in Douglas
county, lying l,H miles from tho O. O. railroad
at iJaKiana. fur iru ncumra ns iu jjluxs, vw.,
annlv. in this eitv. to
' " ' .
Albany, May 14, 1873.
Pictures and Pictura Frames.
Wonld announce to the citizens of Albany and
vicinity, that he is prepared to furnish all 1
ty, that he is prepared to fumlHii all kinds
of PICTURK FRAMES to order, at short notice.
Pictures framed, and old frames repaired. Oul
nt hi oltlee on First street, one door west of
Broadaluin, and leave your orders. Al-i
Allen, administrator of the esi ate of Alfred
Allen, deceased, on tlte Ath day of May, lx5.
tiled his lliml account in said eiaic in the
County Court for I.inn county. Oregon, for Anal
settlement, and that by order of said Cirt,
WcdneiMlajr, tbe Sill day of June, IM73,
has been antKintel to hear obier-tious losnld
account, and for the settlement of thOHfime.
i'uuiisiiuu oy oraer oi tlie mnniy wran.
May 7, 187Vn34w4 Adiiiinistrator.
AVitU your Coin Tor
CEeap:y !
Flavins paid Cash for his stock, be onVrs superi
or Inducements to consumers. All kinds of
accept ed a tbo equivalent of cash In e-tchange
tor goods.
Rnnertor Glassware. Cntler-. Kotlons, Pei-fn-
lnvry.etu. in large tthoiesale or
l lgan sad Tobacco a apertvtty.
xx siocl
l ock of
selected with care, and bought for ln at
Scanuatously Low Fljurei I
and as we bought low we can and will soil them
.. . - at prices inni wui ..-
Astonish Everybody.
Come aud see our selections of ' " "
Mwwmm nuuuSf
-" ' Khsals,
Maraeilleat, .
RlbDonn,-' Collars, 1 Collareftcs,
spaces, ate., ace.,
. for tbe ladles and onr complete Hues of
Readymade Clothing.
" CottoaauleM, .
Clotlutv ---"! -
-r. Hhoea, . ,. . . ; .- -
' " "Btoot,
SlMi, :' ,.'- " '
of all descriptions ror-men-andboya. - Also, full
(uaoriineoiit w .. :
Groceries,' Crockery ; ani Glassware.
lv- ior every ooay. ;
Tbe best goodsat tbe lowest rates every time,
CrCome and see. ,.
Ltsbanou, Uregon, Octoler 30, 1874.
v BEAPEKS MO Wlilis.
nnJncM Efeoaern, Wood's improved.)
(alluAIa4iMunrn V(W.
(lest machines on the coaat.
Statesman Foreefeod Drill.
Star Flows, and other machines. , -,
Cart, see, and get price and terms before buying
elsewhere, at mv Blacksmith Shop, comer Sec
ond and Ellsworth ate., Albany, WSr.
Hva - -
Tho Thoroughbred Devonshire 3-ntB,
Victor Second,
VV lot- 1K7S. and endinir June 1st.
1875, at the tarm oi tno oauBKwwi, iwu
miles north of Shedd Station, on tho road lend
ing from Albany to; Karriabuix, JAnn county,
Thowi desiring can obtain good pastue on rca
aona'!o term. - , ; ' ,
Ylvrili 19 iM nn8H mu m u nwe, nn
taken tb first premium over all competitor
when exnloueu at tne Oregon mate xau..
H. B. St T. B. SrUESUER. '
Have givejt Tnicm 'pxakixq vnxi
Bash A Door Factory a general overhaul
JnSfand repairing, and greatly Increased tnnir
facilities for doing work, by rmtting in a new
Water .wh-ei, a new 6IIAPINJ SfACiaJ
and a new PLAN EKATiD MAli;HK, all tnad
in Oiwon by Oregon mccbunic and out of
1,on' and a ci-odit to Oreiton.
ne rianer and Matcher is specially adapted
to matching Mooring and Kustio, which we
make asixx-inltv. and are now nrenared to do
without delay, as we can cliange the machine
from One kind of wnrlr In .nttlw. (n A f.-W
minutes, and with our excelletit water-power'
are always ready to run any or all onr naa"
chinery. ... .- ...
We keep POORS, SASH and MOLDrNO alwf v
on band, or make to order with dispatch. W
have made arrangements by which we are now1
prepared to furnish Siikb and Sash-Doors
primed and glazed, to order, at very near Port-
land prices, and propose to make it to tbe
interest of Builders to buy A- ROM and
encourage home interests.
With our new Shoi-ks we "rw pnrpmma t 09
y .urn ui circular w irreiru-i-ir wirriifinacn
ueiier man it na over bbm cktmm tu Aiwwyt
We have two wew firinttMtmes. mm tnv thtt
special be rve fit of those wisbiltg to grMd axes of
"i any Kina.
In SllOf-t- u.' u anvlMrl 4ktf lid
lallOr in fllHni r . Svn- mTtnn f.vf ilnlrnr mil trfntt
T"1 ia ""f Hue with neatness, cheannea
and (linnatch, mid kaw sniti-l-illy rr
onr prleea for work. All of which we nopal
the public will appreciate, and continue to give
us a liberal share of their patronage.
fcD. Caktrk will alway be on band, with com-
petent mecliuutc-s ready to serve those miitf
may favor ns with their orders. ;
Kalis fix-Mon as to wsrk and prtetm.
Albany, Or., April , 1K7,".
By Ocean Steamer, sA
FUST &T., MtXKB llKOAJ0Alalae
.lla.iiy, Oregon, -Cheaper
than the Cheapest.
Albany, March 2G, 1873-28v7
1 f aa?
THE KF.1T LJ Tilt Wl HLD1 -
Xo Houwe"ppor enn MmI SimM-a adl
. Vlbolmuiu lirt-act itboat ia.
This well known and long eifiuWIxhod YEAfcT
PoWI'KIt l now In ercnt dinnnnd. fsules In-
emwdng daily. Now v grow ier day to tho
' iraiie. i. i allaiiIIAA now iuu uiunuuw
tore and pmnrielor, tines no drugs -no bono
dust: pure white crvnm of Tartar, 'hniortt
direct and gronml on tho prcinlsca, la-'ing tlio
chief ingredient.
Always on hand and for sale at lowest price t
Callwgctinn'n Tnwt l'owcr. In 1 tb cans "
miperitir article.- -
t'allaiebNn-M trrna of Tartar, in all stylo
oi u:Kntrc.
! t'altMUmi'H I'nte Kngllalt BiarlMMiat
ot hola hihI hMlcrnt-ux,
t' or Tartar fryatala and EncUaka
lil-fxrlwuule ol Kimis, in Mega.
. CAI.I.AVUAS A t o- Miinalkclart
121 FltOST STKEE, San rranclsco.
Watc&es, Clad
Silver & Plated -Were,
1 nd . - ' .
Singer .
i Sewing' -.
1ie Best Blacltln E2ad?.
so c-E-rrs pek iwitti.'.
Rao bca -ta lute over Hair Centnrjr
It Promotes the Urowtli, Frearva tH
CXtlor, lMrnuwt ttto VUgor omut Ii5ay
oT tnO llalr, Prevent It FmUUoic ot
avad Tnrniug lirnjr.
DO yen want Pure, Illwrnlng Cocavs
pIsKua T xr m, n , few ai.liastonti of
IfAUAjra HAUOi,IA llAOX will Kratiry
yott to ysar hearr mot'nt. It taM
twajr wttu Renewi, t.l" l.ra ,S Fi i
vrrHaM fbe l-..e-.S a$inror
anee of beat. riiifu-anl esitfutent.