WHAT I LI VK FOB. . 1 Hvc f or thouc who love me, I'm thow I kitow m trw, Tot the bcna that smiles above me. And avraita my spirit, too; Fo all human tie that binds e, . .". For the Usk by God assigned me. f the bright hoars lets behind me, Atid the good that I can do. -1 live to lean (heir story, Who've suffered for my sake. To emilata their Ktory, And follow m their wake ; Bards, martsrs, patriots, sages. The nob's- of all ages. And time's dree volume make. I live to bafl that i Bv RixvM mmda foretold, Wnen mew rail Mv by reason, And not alone by sold : When man to man united. And every wrong thing righted. As Kovn was s old. I live to hold oommuninn With all that Is divine. To feel there Is union Twixt nature's heart and mine. To profit by afluction. Grow wiser from conviction. And fulfill each great design. 1 live for those who love me. For those who knew me true. For the heaven that smiles above me, And awaits my spirit, too ; For the wrongs that need resiatanoe, For the cause that lacks assistance, Fer the future in the distanoft, And the good that I can do. IS IT A GHOST I . BY A BAJBBISTKR. The incident I am about to relate oc ) aired many trad many a year ago, in . the time of the old " Charlies " (or watch and -when "hells" (gaming-b-usee flourished at the West End. George Marley, having none but fash ionable vices, was not what the world calls vicious. .He drank without being a sot, gambled without being a blackleg, nd if not a saint, was no profligate. , He had recently oeme into a handsome for tune, njod was spending his first season, and a good deal of money, in 1 jondon. Among others whose acquaintance he formed was ' a young Frenchman, a few years his senior, named Antoine Giraud, between whom and himself a similarity of tastes soon caused an especial intimacy to spring up. ; Young Giraud was perfectly acquainted with the city and its ways, and was noth ing loth to place his knowledge at his friend's disposal. - "When the theater and opera grew tiresome, as they did at last, andiftcasked balls and champagne sup pers began to lose their zest, fresh ex citement was sought and found at the gambling-table. Giraud played persistently against his friend. Marley thought it was because they were friends. There was another reason, perhaps. ,- However, if money was the Frenchman's object, he was sig nally disappointed, for he was uniformly unsuccessful. ; ; a OnO night their -play ran unusually hiprh. Marlev was flushed with wine. while the expression of his companion's face betokened a still deeper excitement. With ' a nervously trembling hand, the latter deposited on the table a sum larger than any he had yet risked. It was promptly covered by his adversary. " Ihis time I have won I" cried Giraud, throwing down his cards. " Nt so fast !" exclaimed the ether "your hand is almost invincible, but this beats it." It was true ; the Frenchman had lost again. - " Come. Georsre, he said, with a forced kmcrh: "it is time to go now and taking his friend's arm, the two left the place together. - It was past midnight, and the. streets were almost deserted, when a drowsy watchman, pacing his accustomed round. came suddenly on a scene that startled him into- life, and caused him to signal for assistance, which happily proved to be at hand. A man was stooping over the prostrate' form of another. At the sound ox ap proaching footsteps, he raised himself, recoiling quickly as if In flight. But the summoned help was already on the spot, and the fugitive was intercepted. In his hand he held a bloody dagger, and at his feet lay the inanimate body of the victim, still warm and bleeding. On finding himself in the hands of the officers, the prisoner's self-possession ntuaelv forsook him. His answers were so incoherent as to be wholly unintel ligible. Nothing could , be gained by questioning him in his present con dition, and he was at once taken to the nearest station-house and locked up. The body was conveyed to the dead- house, where, on the following day, it was identified as that of George Marley. j At the inquest, Giraud testified to hav- ing accompanied his friend as far as their ; way lay in common, and that they had 1 then separated for the purpose of going to their respective lodgings.' The facts - sworn to by the policeman were those already stated. If the crime had. been perpetrated with a view to robbery, the perpetrator had been interrupted before aocompiisning ms oujecu, lur uie mur dered man's waitsh and pocket-book were found on hU person unmolested, and nothincr identified as his was discovered in the prisoner's possession. " Eugene Aubrey, the person accused of the atrocious deed, was a young arti san of hitherto unblemished character, and the only child and sole support of his widowed mother. The day after his arrest, he gave an explanation of the cir cumstances against him." His story was this : He had been spending 1 &e evening nd bo much he was able . to prove in a 'visit to a yocag girl to .whom he ws betrothed. On hs return, two men walking arm-in-ann turned into the' street before him, continuing in the nam directiaa as him self, but some distanee in l va!nee. Sud denly; one of them disengaged his arm -and dealt' his companion swift blow with some instrument which, as it des cended, gleamed in the gaslight like the blade of a weapon. The one stricken, reeled, and fell, uttering faint cry. . . The other glanced hastily around, and seeing the prisoner rapidly approaching, tamed and fled. When the loiter reached the body, life was extinct. - He had just . withdrawn the weapon, which had been left in the wound, and -was about to run or call for help, when he was apprehend ed as already stated. But a prisoner's statement, though all powerful against him, goes but a little way in exculpation. A verdict of " wil ful murder ? against Aubrey was re turned by the ceroner's jury, and he was fully committed for trial It was at this stage of the case I was retained foe. the- defence. The task seemed hopeless enough. On the final trial, the only facts in evidence would be those which told so damning! j against the prisoner. His own statement, which the coroner had allowed to be received, would there be entirely excluded. . But one result could reasonably be antici pated. ' ' The 'poor . widow never doubted her son's innooenoe. He was bIjts m good and gentle,' she said. -iiH lea would it have been possible to create a sus picion in the mind of her who loved him with all the blind devotion of a yens 3 and trusting souL " I know fee is not g-sllly," r'le woiaZJl again and aiia reiterate. " When he left me that nigli wiih worcLi so tender J and loving, there could have been no I murder in his heart.'' i It was impossible to -.witness a faith so pure and steadfast without feeling its in- fluence. The young man's statement, if j true, perfectly reconciled every fact with his innooenoe ; and, after all, less weight i was due to his "first confusion and fail ure to explain the circumstances man was generally supposed. The day of trial came. I had no witnesses,- save a few to previous good character. I had determined to ' risk all on a stroke, the wisdom or folly of which could only be determined by the event. ' - ' ' -- ' " Giraud was the first witness called. He gave his evidence with great pre cision and clearness. I cross-examined him very briefly, and he had just quitted the witness-box, when, as if transfixed by some instantaneous shock, he stood the very impersonation of terror. Jis hair literally stood on end. His eyes were , riveted on a figure advancing toward him with slow and measured tread. It was the exact image of the murdered man! his face all pale and ghastly as when he lay in his coffin. That such a visitor was not of this world was the common feeling even of those who had never seen Marley, and who knew not whose was the ghostly form thus mysteriously revealed. ; " Merciful God !" shriebed rather than articulated the frightened wretch who had just steeped his soul in perjury against another's life, " but unchain my senses from thishorrible vision, and let man's weightiest condemnation fall upon me." Then,, sinking on his knees, in dis jointed and broken sentences, he poured forth a confession that fully - justified the belief I had for some time entertained, that he, Giraud, and not my client, was the real culprit. And now, reader, don't throw away the paper with a sneer at " ghost Btories," till you find out whether I have been tell ing one or not. I had a friend, a young actor, who, if living to-day, would be the brighest star on the English boards. His power of imitation was wonderful. He knew and had seen Marley. A week's prac tice made him perfect- in the part he was to perform, and it was he, and no ghost, that appeared, as pre-arranged between us, at the critical moment. I had read : " That guilty creatures, sitting at a play. Have by the very cunning of the scene Been struck so to the soul, that "presently They have proclaimed their malefactions ' and the result proved that the great dramatist, as usual, was right. Golden Thoughts. Our whole duty is embraced in the two ideas of abstinence and patience. There is a silken string connecting all virtues. It is called moderation. Occupation is the great safeguard; idleness is sure to run to weeds. Our actions belong to ourselves; but the consequences belong to heaven. Prosperity is no test of character, it is adversity that surely finds us otft.s Advice, though dispensed wholeale, is received but in very small doses. Adversity is a great educator, and teaches more truly than all the schools. The small-pox and affectation both ruin a great many handsome faces. Ultra modesty is very nearly allied to extreme vanity. Old age is often beautiful, and proper ly so, for it is the cliildhood of immor tality. . It is not a man's pedigree which we should care for, but only his virtues. Avoid apologies. Sensible people do so. Accounting for an evil does not al ter it. " Women are never cowards for others, though timid for themselves. That which we use and improve is ours; what we hoard is for some ?ne else. Truth may be violated as much by si lence as by falsehood itself. We are often injured more by suspicion than by the perfidy of others. Cunning is not wisdom; we. are liable to overreach ourselves with it. In the East they speak of death as the black camel that kneels at every tent. Doubts increase with knowledge. It is the unlearned who are most confident. Exaggeration is the rule. We are neither so happy nor so wretched as we fh-in tr, "My God, man, he will not live to serve the half of it !" was the exclama tion of a Boston Irishman, the other day, when he heard that Friel, who killed a fellow in the station-house, had been sentenced to imprisonment for life. How an English Peddler Manages. An itinerant jeweller, who is very hon est in his business transactions, has a great horror of telling lies. Every morning, ere he sets out on his' journey, he spreads his ware on the family table, and his wife is summoned when all is ready.. - .. --.,..,;.;,,,-, -:-:- " Sarah, offer me .15 for that watch." Sarah makes the bid, which the hus band refuses to take. Sarah then makes other offers for the rest of the articles, which -her spouse habitually declines to accept. He then marches away with a clear conscience. When a cus tomer bids -1-1 for the watch, his reply is : " My -dear sir, I assure you I was offered 15 tor that article this very morning, and I refused to take it." And so he proceeds with the remain der of t his goods, and in each instance swearing that- he had such and such a bid already, which he refused. The jewel ler is a thriving man, and clings to the old adage, " Honesty is the best policy." Sanson, the Hangman. . The literature of 'horrors, 'says the 1 Academy, is soon to be enriched by the publication of a work that has unacoount-1 ably hitherto escaped the keen eye of translator and book-maker. ' This disin-1 terred gem is - the Memoirs of Sanson, 1 the hereditary French executioner, who officiated at the decapitation of Lcmis XVI. It is said that Sanson's son, who was also on the scaffold on the memora ble 21st of January, had at the restora tion a secret interview with Louis XYTT., to whom he recounted minutely the death of the last French King. . The memoirs have become very rare even in France. They are written in the turgid and vulgarly-sentimerittU style of a phi lanthrophist whom fate has condemned to officiate at the guillotine. Before he died Sanson founded a perpetual anniversary mass for the repose of the soul of Ixnva XVI. " Clergyman and Baker, v "' - A clergyman in Scotland desired his hearers never to call one another -liars, but when any one said the .thing that was not true they ought to whittle. One Sunday he preached a sermon on the parable of the loaves and fishes, and be ing at a loss how to explain it, he said the loaves were not like those nowadays, they were as big &) some of the hills in Scotland 1 He had scarcely pronounced the words when he heard a loud whistle. "Wha is that," says he, "ca's me a liar?" "It is I, Willy KcDonald, the baker." "Wei?., V7illv, what objection have ye to v,Ls.ls I La tzll you?" "irons, ila&s John, ottlj I want to know what sort of of ems they had to bake those loaves in." Strange Coincidence. The whole history of " Bin found out " can furnish few incidents more striking than the following, from the Oaudaloupe Times. Circumstantial evidence of guilt usually rests in dumb - marks and ' silent correspondences; but here : a ' piece of paper spoke the accusation in so many words. The crime was perpetrated late one Monday evening, during the r rogress of a camp-meeting in 1 the Cottonwood neighborhood, four miles south of Se guin, Texas : v-i-: -:JV""T - " On this night about ten o'clock, Mr. Job Drennan, his wife and daughter, and child of ten years, on returnintr home from the meeting, were shot by wayside assassins. Drennan was killed ; his daughter, riding behind him on' the same horse, received five wounds, and Mrs. D. received one j severe wound. The daughter alone saw a man crouched down in a fence corner, vj " Next morning Judge Moore held an inquest on the body of Mr. Drennan. Among the evidence a piece of gun wad ding was found, but partially burned. On opening it, it proved to be a piece of a German newspaper. : Boot tracks were found and followed, leading directly to the homes of old man Kunda and his son Fred. t " These houses were already strongly guarded by citizens, whose suspicions fell there, waiting the officers' arrival. At Fred Kunda's house it was asked : - ' Is Julius here ?' I -"Fred answered, 'No; he's down at the old man's.' " But in passing the house Julius was seen through a window. ; The brothers were both arrested. "Proceeding to the old man's, on his mantle-shelf was found a torn German newspaper. To the rent in it was applied the piece of gun-wad, which fitted . pre cisely. On reading the sundered matter now brought together, to further test the connection proper, it proved complete. The interpreter read a broken line as fol lows : ' And he raised his gun to his ace and shot him dead. " Most singular coincidence, though but part of a story in the paper." A Good Shot. In a recent publication, ("Harry Blount," a book for boys, bv Philip Gil bert Harcerton,) the author, in an essay on manly sports, holds that to wound and not to kill is almost a crime. . Hence the appended advice : . " If you shoot at all, make up your mind to become a thor oughly good shot, and exercise yourself a good deal at first upon inanimate ob jects, first at stationary things, and after ward at things in motion. It is easy enough to contrive both kinds of target. Anything will do for a stationary target; the best thing is a piece of cardboard four or five inches square. But the moving target is a great deal more amus ing, and affords more advanced practice. If you live anywhere near a pond, make a little rough boat of a solid block of light wood, so that it cannot sink, with an iron mast, and a paper sail that you can easily replace with a fresh one. Fire at this, when it is sailing fast, and see how many pellets you can put into the saiL It is quite as amusing- to practice in this way as it is to wound a quantity of wretched little birds; indeed, it is even more amnainsr. for von and vour friends can count the number of peUets you put into the target on each shot, a thing you cannot do on the body of a wounded bird that has gone away to suffer at a distance. And as for acquiring skill in shooting, there is ample proof of the great utility of target practice. Many of the finest shots among English riflemen formed themselves entirely upon the target. good shot is more merciful than a bad one in his practice, whatever his private feelings may be. Somewhat Doubtful. 1 Conductors of trains are almost ; daily annoyed by the presence in the cars of indi-iduals possessed neither of tickets nor money, and who have to be put ashore at the earliest opportunity. A few days since the conductor of an eastward bound train on the other side of the "hill" found that he had a "deadhead" of this class among his passengers, and three different times stopped the train to put him off, each time giving emphasis to the matter by the application of his boot, but it invariably happened that the un desirable passenger managed to get on board about as soon as the conductor. The third time the conductor remained ashore watching the chap until the train had attained such headway he felt con fident the deadhead could not get 011 iu fact he had to spring in a lively man ner to accomplish it himself; but as soon as he got -straightened upon his feet he found the impscanious riding ' along with the rest. Somewhat discouraged, the conductor turned to him and in quired, " Where in blazes are you going, anyway?" "Well," said the not-to-be-: got-rid-of, "I'm going to Chicago, if my pants hold out, but if I'm going to be kicked every five minutes I don't be lieve IU make the trip." The conductor let him ride a little ways. Sacramento Record. ' -- ' RIehes Take Wings. Some years before the war a woman engaged as . a scrubber in New. York, married a mechanic named Thompson; Both worked hard, and in time the me chanic became a contractor, and finally' took the job of building the marble pal ace of A. 'X'. cstewart, on iruui avenue. The war came, prices advanced, the con tract ruined the contractor, and he died insane from his losses. His wife, who from a scrub-wo man had become pos sessed of his carriage and had her serv ants in livery at command, found herself dependent upon her own exertions once more, and it came to pass that last week Mayor Wickham re-en gaged her services as a scrub woman for the city offices. Patent ' Mbdxctjtcs. That there are some good patent medicines no intelligent man dare for a moment deny; and pre eminent is the great California hero med icine, Vineoak BirrxBs, discovered by Dr. J. Wamektv a. prominent physician of San Francisco. This ! medicine, al though called Bitters, is not to be classed among the vile "fancy drinks" recom mended and sold over the bar by rum venders, - but is a combination of : pure herbalistio . extracts, known -to possess sterling medicinal qualities, and is com pounded without the use in any shape of spirits. . Its action upon the internal sys tem is not stimulating to the extent that alcoholic poison is, but it at once attacks blood-impurities, and by removing the original cause destroys the germs of dis ease and invites returning health. Its action upon the stomach and liver render it an almost certain specific in the most stubborn cases of dyspepsia, and in truth imparts new life and vigor to the whole system. It is one of the best medicines ever invented. J . . . . 1 32 Thb moat eminent organists of Paris and London, as well as Warren,' Morran, ZundeL of Trinity, Grace, and other principal- churches in New York, have given to the Mason & Hamlin Organ Co. written testimonials to the superiority of their cabinet organs, which they declare to have excellencies not found m others. A S4.QO Book tor l.SO. , The Feople's Common Sense Medical Ad viser, in plain Englwh. or Medicine Simplified : By li. V. Pikbcb, M. D., ComiBelor-iii-CLief of the Board of Physicians and Surgeons, at the World's Dispensary, Buffalo, N. If. The above ; work a book of about nine hundred large Sgeo, profanely illustrated with wood engrav- i gs and colored plates, and well and strongly ; bound will be sent, post paid, to any address, for One Dollar and Fifty Cents making it the cheapest hook ever offered la the American Peo ple. Other books treating of domestic medi- ; cine, of like size and style of binding; and not ; nearly as well illustrated, with no colored plates, and spjne of them containing no prescriptions and making known no means of self-cure for the disease which they discuss, sell for from three dollars and a half to five dollars. Were Dr. Pieroe's Work not published by the. author, printed and bound with hie own machinery, and were it sold through agents, as other like works are, the price of it would have to be not lees than four dollar t. For when the . publisher pays the author a fair price for his production, then adds a profit to bis investment large enough to satisfy himiwlf and compensate him, not only for his labor, but also for the risk of pecuniary loss which 1m assumes in' taking the chances of the enterprise proving a success, and when the State, county and canvassing agent has each received his profit, they have added to the expense of a book, that originally cost about $1.25, so much that the people have to pay not less than $4.00 for it. - The People's Mlical Adviser, on the contrary, is placed within the pecuniary reach of all classes by the author, who adopts the- plan of the Grangers, dispensing with middle men and giving the benefit of their profits to the people, offering his book at a price little above actual cost of publication. . That those desiring the book may run no risk of losing their money in sending it through the mads, the author advertises that money addressed to him at Buffalo, N. Y., and inclosed in registered letters, may be at his risk of loss. The author's large correspondence with the people upon medical matters, which we are credibly informed frequently exceeds three hundred letters a day, and requires sev eral trained and s&xliXul meical . assistants ana short-band reporters to enable him to entertain ana t answer tbem, as weu as nis jargeaauy dealings with disease at the World's Dispensary, appear to have peculiarly fitted him for writing the Work, by rendering him very familiar wit the every day medical needs of the people. He endeavors in this Work to answer all the numerous questions relating to health and dis ease tnat nave been aaoreseea to mm oy tne people from all parts of the land, and hence it contains important information for the young and old, male and female, single and married, nowhere else to be found. All the most preva lent diseases of both sexes' are also plainly and fully considered, and means of self-cure made known. Unlike other works on Domestic Med icine, it includes the subjects of Biology, Cere bral Physiology, Hygiene, Temperaments, mar nage, Reproduction, eta, all of which are treated in an original and interesting manner. It m a nnmnandiiim of Anatomical. Phvsiolo&ri. cal and Medical Science, and embodies the latest discoveries in each department. A Remarkable Book. In 1868 P. T. Barnnm ' wrote his Autobiogra phv for Burr & Co., the celebrated publishers in Hartford, Conn., for which they paid him $15,000. - It made a book of 800 pages, was profusely illustrated, gave a particular ac-. count of Barnum's eventful life in all parts of th world, and included his celebrated lecture on "The Art of Money Getting." Horace Greeley pronounced the book "worth a hun dred dollar greenback to many a beginner in life." The publishers sold 90,000 copies of the book by subscription, at three dollars and a half a copy. In 1871, when Mr. Barn tun started his great traveling shows, he bought back the copyright and stereotype plates of his book for $10,000, added an Appendix bringing the account of his . life up to that date, printed an edition of 100,000 copies. Bent them with his traveling shows, and sold the whole of them at cost, .one dollar each. He has added an Appendix each year, which has now increased the volume to a thousand pages. It averages a sale of 100,000 copies each year. They are neatly bound in muslin, gilt, and sold in all his traveling shows. As his patrons emerge from his great show tents with his books under their arm, they look as if coming from a cireulatincr library ! . No book in this country ever had such an enor mous sale, or so abounds in curious incidents of real life and valuable experiences. Buffalo Courier. . . ;- - ; - Thb Queen of all, Sewing Machines. In speaking of the merits of the Wilson shuttle sewing machine, it is sufficient for us l i to say that we think the invention of tbis ma- the history of this country ; and when we con sider the influence it has upon the social well being of the masses, it is difficult to conceive of an invention of more importance. It has a beautif ul, ' noiseless movement ; it makes the genuine " lock-stitch" alike on both sides, and does to perfection aTUtinds of plain and fine sewing ; it needs no commendation ; its rapid sales, the increasing demand, aid the many flattering testimonials from those who have used it, is sufficient proof of its merits. The want of a sewing machine is deeply felt in every household, and as the Wilson shuttle sewing machine, on account of its extreme simplicity and less cost of manufacture, is sold at a much lower price than all other first-class machines, it is meeting with the extensive patronage that it so justly deserves. Machines will be delivered at any railroad station in tha county, free ; of transportation charges, if ordered through the company's branch house at 197 State street, Chicago. They send an ele gant catalogue and chromo circular free on application. This company want a few more good agents. - . . , Davis Pain - Kz&tEB. This article needs no comments from us, but the real worth of so valuable a compound compels ns to give publicity to it. The Pain Killer we keep con stantly at hand, and have done so for a number of years, and have administered it for ails of all descriptions, both external and internal, and have ever found it to be the best remedy extant. We well recollect its first introduction for pub lie patronage ; it was then sold in a few shops in the city ; look at it now the world are its patrons. Sold everywhere. The final settlement of the estate of the late Johns Hopkins, of Baltimore, Shows the property to be worth $7,145, 841, even putting; some of the railroad stock at very low valuations. The Johns Hopkins University gets $3,148,840, and the Johns Hopkins Hospital $3,076,187. " Horse-Men," and others who pre tend to know, say that the following directions had better be observed in using Sheridan's Cavalry, Condition Fotedersi Give a horse a tahlespoonf ul every night for a week ; the same every other night for 4 or 6 nights ; the same for a milch cow. and twice as much for an m. The addition of a little fine salt will.be an ad vantage. Wb have heard recently of several se vere cases of spinal disease cured by Johnson's Anodyne Liniment r one ease of a man forty-five years old who had not done a day's work for four years. The back should first be washed, then rubbed with a eoase towel. .' Apply the Lini ment cold, and rnb in well with the hand.-. Ousn FrxraA Springs are located at Waukegan, IU. .. Cures Dyspepsia, BrightSXis ease and Kidney Complaints. Circulars free. Thb Elastic Trass of Pomeroy it Co:, 744 Broadway, N. Y., is by far the" beet in use. "Btjknktt's Goooaxnb is the best and cheapest hair dressing in the world. ' T?0!1 m AJiVA?JLF INFORMATION, address -A,;-I M- H. Alia IS, Boa 51,X, Boston. Maes. VJVJAddross FmAB A Co., Box 1510, Boston, Mum. PiFjSfi i?n ?" kerne. 3tarme free. Addree Co.. Portland, Maine. 020 Q .Jte.irentaevBTrwlre. : Addra w,v Excaxaioa It'ra Col, Bactianan, likh. A GENTS.,: Chang Chang sells at sight. Neoessanr as soap. Ooods free. Chang Cnang K'f g Cn lioeton. 1T5J5y .VA "HT W.4 WTS IT. Mrln7t. - sotdnr Agents. Address M.N.IXVEXlsKria.Ps. Csw3"' Catalogae Tree. R ioipt & vo-. torn a. eui at- hoavt. Mo. S250 A MONTH to male end female agents everywhere. Address Kuheka MJiurc TOkzxo. Comvaby, Buchanan, Michigan. A Ctt'RTJT'CJ 'her ear s stefdr works! hows J.MSZfl X. iJ y j. .hie ssmi'lcs and tortus, AO ii. OortiaiHKt., it. . AH V i 1 wr ' - eaovses tor PVar to sop UasJ,U it-..:,, ,L.v4 A4BitehtJiioago. ."vs. -'BvaT PUMWIIUKD .....t- bv ssail for bo W. -i Colaraae. a i !nm i rrr' ovf1 .-. w'tdBs of siiuoeas, WA .-Aosa, iiui. - Chromo Smtr A WBEfc AgeDta wanted everywhere. For 7 O oatStSar JFbiW Wuua, fjaytoo, Ohio. $250 A MONTH Agents wanted wnhw BcalnaM honorable and ent-eliH Particulars aen frea, Addraaa Woaxa A Co.. St. Loois, Ma. B V"HP Ml a HVPil far thm beat, she Ei,IJli3 WAil I E.U aifMtartMUtncBtnl - ever jrabuahed. Sena for oar extra tarma to Agent. NATIONAL. PUBLISH 1NO CO., Chicaoo, I1L, or St. Louia, Mo. - 5OO0 K Wl "Ml eoaiar. imur S M Tf f atneen pcemlama- msqh m ft mi a II I wire. . mm. jiej-me 7 K't'f 'HIKST and bardeet work parsUnljr but and pleuant. Emy one interested in r y JraJl worm Booma send mw e etemp tor oar etr-enlex.- GBA7.S1XOM A CO., W Girboam AveCnioego. Geo. p. Rqwell & Co. T2 T TCA CTJ Ti. Bboaswat, New York. J . e ej V J JLM. menafeeteumot Solid Gold JEWELRY of every deocipOon. Tbestoak t large, verr choice, and te offered at retail at trade prices to keep oar workmen going. Bills nnder CU. P. O. order in advance. Over $16,0.0. D. privilege to examine. Catalogues free. m AGENTS WANTED BVEBTWHEKE.-The ehoioest tn the world Importers' prices largest Gonrpanv In America staple article plcasot everybody trade increasing best- tndncement don't vrasta time tend for Circular to JBOBER1 WKliS. 3 Vesey Street. New York. P.O.Box 1ST. flTTTJTl Q Th alT Preparation that I k' I. I S elves Derfeet satisfaction to f AXaUAAUXvM tiioee wishing to raise Beard Mtutmesha. Ie I snnsvnnn " VierorineJ nreruLrnd rmlv in Puis. Kaeh Pckae warranted and cent by mall on J. P. FI rvctiipi ut BiiinN oa-uiyiea Diauwu lur ia eM auui ffKLIN, Bote Importer. Jenejr City, Ji. J. Ik. SJaC.EK,a HaTinr atme tried tweut vetralMtTNi UfaBtl JaJSIO CATAMUI REWDY. deatta wftb ASTHMA, I axperlKBnte. ty com DoviKllna; roots and barbs aad tnlwUiic tba bmoV IfclDa, I Ibrttuiately diaeoTersli a woottovfot icroady and sare cur for Asthma aad Catarrta. WarraDtsd Co rrite-w tastantty so tbs patient can lile down to rest and steep oomiortauy. urac JdistribntloiL. Call and et oa. or addraaa 1 'ruts ar suppxiea wiu mm rue paoans wr tmmm vSold by tmirsUts, Fuil-aisa Facks-e, by bdsU, (XJs. MS. suAKwlKL.!. ErOWBia OBkAw. N. F. BURNHAM'S - TuiujisK f ' WSi seleeterl, 4 rears ago. and pnt to I work In the Patent OJHrr, Wssh k ingten,I. O., and has proved to be the l.wt. lOsiEMmadA. Prirei lower than any other first-olaas Wheel. Psm phiet free. N. P. BDBN HAM, York, Pa. ,1'HF5 BKBT In ne Wtnrlcl. It (ves Universal Batistaeuon. WOMJE1IFI L Kronomy. 40 ffis. more Bread to brl. Floor. SAVEM MILK, EGOS, &. One year's serines will bay cow. NO MOBE Ntl 11 BBJCAD. Whiter. Lighter. Sweeter, Richer. EVKIIVBODY Prmlass It. The Ladies are all in Loi-ewith it. like HOT ( AKKS. I W iend at once for Circular to CRA. V. GiKTZ .- 176 Duiu gtIiew York. A3)saHTSWAHTEIftr the CENTENNIAL. TJiriTEiiStATEsGrAZETTEEE A book for very AmerioAn. Sella orerywhera at sight. FanneraTeachera, Stadenta, I-awyerm, Marchanta, School IHroctora, Maaafactorers. Mechanica. Shippera, Saiea mu, men of learning, ana men who can only read, old and younft, all want it for erery day reference and nse. Shows grmnd resulta of lOO YK RS aPK.UiRKSS. A whole Lir4rary. JBoetim 9 Not a lnxnrF.bat a nrccssitr. Inter-Ocean Rest K 'Ulng Book Pnb lished. Good Py. HTWant Gen. Ajrt. Tn every city of 10.0U0. Address f . C. 3IcC URDY & CO, Pab-UaIaca-, Cinrinnriti. O. ; ClvicAso, UL, or St. IauIa, Ho, A fMt and owfkasKc aceoont of the 6iacg Hrujs Gold Rcoxon, containing Oen. Costar's official report of the leoent Oovemment Kxpeditlon, letters from Gen. Forsyth snd Lxeut.-Gek. P. H. SHERXXar, and a de seription of the mines snd oonntry by Blsckwell snd Ho. iAren, the two returned miners, with a map drawn by the Chief lraus:htanian of the Snrveyor-GeneraTe omce, being the nnly reliable map of the Black Hills ever pub lished. Finst edition of 80,000 copies sold in two weeks. Soeond edition of 60.000 copies now ready. Price, S3 Cents. Two Copies, 0 Ci-stte, Address UKAXJ'.Y CO., Publishers, 114 Monroe-st.. Chicago. DL ,W ii -9 . )' ' rAVJj Jo, ATTEXTIOS. New Penuon and Bounty law.. Claims due almost every soldier or his heirs. Have your rights eg. amrncd under the late laws.. No fee or charge unless successful. The new law io. eludes thousands who are getting no pen sion, or are entitiea to Bounty, nounnes collected, new discharges obtained. Pen stons procured or increased. Pay for ra tions while prisoner, back-pay, and all other claims settled. Surviving soldiers war t8ia, and with iilegicn, pensioned ; widows oJ same also. " Soldiers' Record" a neat pa per, 16 pages, Riving Oldest pension and bounty laws. Nosoldier can do without it. Send 10 cents for sample copv. Address. (with stamp) Nathan W. Fitzgerald, j . a. tuura Agent, inaianapous, ana. FREE! FREE!! FREE!!! The PiowEBit A handsome Ulnstrated newspaper containing in for mat Inn for everybody. Tells how and where to seeare a bomb cheap. Sehz ritu to all pabt or thb WORLD. It contains the lrgw RomaTaCAD and Tonts Law. with nuw J . . . , . . . . . . - -"- -iwiwuaf maiiimr iiwuu eeug m lots paper. Send, far it m One I It will only cost yon a FoeTAt, Cans. - Hew number for April just oat. Address, w . O. P. DVIS. Zaand Comnslasloner t. P. R.K., Omsk, Meb. Smith Organ Co., BOSTON, MASS. These Standard Instruments Sold by Uuiiio Dealers Everywhere. AGENTS WANTED IN EVERY TOWN. : Bold throughout the United States on the , INSTALLMENT PLAN: ' That is, on a cyst em of Monthly Psymenta. ' Farehasers shootd ask for the Ssrmt Aargnrean Osoaic Catalogues and full particulars en appaosMon! - 'If Janlii irtMISlinfllll'ili ,,fRlfl.l APT I 1-1 M ill I SS i. awSaV aatsta Th 0., S.Lef. B. S. Company ' b aMttai nv v rriwe as4 Hot m.iimli Tims. TO ACTtiSl. SETTUEU, Kom-e OfT tse T-iamt ilslrstll avsMl Vevtflg . vn rii jirr9 vet a-w-bmb asm . CX.-rritAi. P.ft TE trvm cSm Uteurn fttt, stA m& wrs ttumtiv fef-s Utw iEiftatmatvitim oC h itatam ixmami affiL ta ta Imm Jajififus-i'v-rai ana tnoM tpaij-mnio&Tc botio i Lm. fSnr5 from ftS to 9 1 0 per oerer tXt Jl SIM. & - WmMm, m at sus sua Mtiwim h saua mm, aassw . itWWs Xjsw- C-os -vott, C., is. i. P. it. IS, W., IlATJanvnX, iOWA $10 ZJZLTfYt ItiSl M JJMUJPipp.,4.UHWlll JR.W4WM--"W-'lliJl-lJI. .ll,MlHIUefflIWW m V-t- " ., -Jl- M : i ' - , i 1 ' eUM i itoa in m hi ina. icisa.s rtiagitaagaeweniai ns 1 ? ra .. ga f" 'f;?'li!a, ill,! Erf 6 m THB BKST. An Colors. One Wafer makes 3 oenoes. Sample and Olren lars mailed for 1 0 eenie and stajnn bt DKF1ANCB NKEDLS CO., 63S Broadway, N. Y. alHfS paper printed with Ink ftmdshod by Charles EnenJohnson A Co., 60S Sonth Tenth Street, Phila. phis, and 60 Uold Street, New York. Pur sale in 10 """nSEw-SPAPBR UNION. Chicago. IU, no So 8 000 people nvOMea say of O. Improved Hair Kestoratsre. Sent J. WOOD'S Improved free of express oharaes on 1 Mint of 1.00.i boHlee for .(. Address J. R. KIMBALL. Proprietor, loA Monroe tCHICA0,lJLLj Mm REIIMKABLE OPPORTUNITY tor safe financial speonta tlon. 0 MHP ometintes brmgs 8 IO.OOO. Send SS cents for Book giving the ssuiete and 'xplsbitng thar-test paying Investment of the day. Address Hoc 1633. New Yark.' ATTENTION, OWIER1 OS- HVSf'. Ala your 1 li 1 num.! na. wt the Zlas Cellar They are warranted to cure any sore neck on bores or mole, or money refunded, if printed directions ere fol kneed. Send Ihc. for sample. Zino Collar Pad Co., Sole Manor t'rs, Bnchftnan.Micn. DO YOUR OWN PRINTING! mmsm iws eMv o uv w - a eiiaai ? rroreeelons.1 stnel A bus tear Prlsttera, lsckoels, Sx-tetJa, &tten i wfevturera, Mwissts, and ethers itis f the BEST ever invented. Jt7o la ?S"n styles, Prloes from (5.00 to CloO.OO atEivv. v. nuvug at UU Manurrsana BendstampsH Catalogue.) 40 federal St. Boston. 7TNF3LTETI2E ViiHabit Cured - A eertala aad rare cure, without Inconvenience and at home. An antidote that stands porelr on lt Own merlta. Send for jny qnarterly magazine, (a st mm notUnff,) containing- certificates of hundreds that have been permanently enred. I claim to have discovered and produced the fibst, obiocvaa. ajto Oxlt TJtK crag tok ovixrx battjjo. , . PK. S. B. COLONS. Lst lot-t, IrsrI. In Actual Use : MORE THAN 55 STEY ORGANS! ; MANTJF ACTUKED BY J. ESTE1T & CO.i BRA TTLEBOnO, VTT. tw Sann von It-trrsntATEn Catauxius. Tbcb KTiARTIO TRUSS" AJfl SUPPORTER la now saparaMMlina: all others, be inc adooted esrywhra by r.ra tmA itur nh wwricisUM. axnv ajeoaa, draKffiiita, army aad navy, haapitaJa, cjrimi sinma, eto. The noosni and nniyai-aal ajatiafactkm they hara stIt str as waII aa thai aiast Bomber of radical MArva thay have etftscted, haa demom wtrrUtxi the fact that rupture can be Sfsri eurci wltiKmt aafferinfr or annoy anoe, and uriihtn th dcuT incur ring Spinal XHa or Paralyrt, offn eaosed by the ae ere pressors of Metal Tmrses and Supeortgrm. It la the only core eure for Hernia, aa it ia the only Trusa tn mse that will hold the rajptttra aecoirOy tn all po-ation which the body oan twviaoed. It will prform raJ enrea when ail others fail. Iteaa b worn withoaaa a Sat poaaiasons in tee and svrmfnrt wtm no anrinsr trass can be naed. When once adjusted, no motion of the body or aocldent can ctiaaee it. These instruments have the unqunliUd ejnjirasei of toe moat eminent praotioonera in we pvoieasion. From the nnmerona testiBsvoniala in ear posaoa append toe folio wins; : "After theexpertonoe of montha. patients teatily strona; ry;te Us Mcaey, as well aa to the " and freetttjsx. from irwoiiwemenoa wish which the instrument is worn. With upexier advantages, taa Elastic Trum poaeeesea in a hi h decree AXX reaxiintes and qximli&am&ofi claimed foroUi er invntiana. I have no hesitation in regardlna it aa aa important meana for the relief and ottre of Hernia. J. M. CARNOCHAN. X. !.. M Kx-Health OAeer of the Port of New York, Soraon-ln-Chief of Kew York State HoapUal," etc., eto. 0KO.V. Houhx. M.D. J5npermtendtftit Eaastia Trass Oo. j iear Sir : After nmnerina; for thirty yeara. In my own. parson, from the nse of every form of Metailio Trnaa pra onrable in tlna ecmntry and in Europe, I, two years aco. applied or JClostic Trua, and sinoa timt time 1 have ex perienced eomfort and satisfaction, and been tana-ht the troth, that the KloaVtio Truss is the only hisUTiment that should be naed for the relief and eure of Hernia; and now, after more than thirty years1 eontinnous practice, and havina adjusted many hand reds of Trasses (and for the; last twenty months yours eicrasively), 2 ajratefally, declare it to be my deliberate opinion that yoar Mlamtie Trust at me oniy one enuuea vo uie eonnaenoe ox we pablic ; that elasticity is the only power at ail adapted to the reqairenaenta of a Truss or SiipooTter, and am eon vlraeedthat yoer portion of all eaw jeriascte ttum icwx ly cares ulto pro- to which it is aDrjiied. not oniy amone ehildren. bet in namerrjna cases within Bar own knowl. edse of patients from WtolS rear of age. Prof, of -.sn.r and SnnreiT, M. Y. K. Medics! College. Beware of cheap and werthless imitation Klsetie Trasses, which some parties advertise and sell, fraud a lentiy representlnsr that ttaer an man ui adored bi tn Rlsstle Trass Co. Tneee Trasses are sent by mail to all parts of the erran try. Satisfaction anaranteed in all eases. Before pur. chasing an other, write for JDescripttve Circular (res) F83 BROADWAY, KEW YORK. NICHOLS, 8HEPAR0 & CO.'S VIBRATOR" THRESHER. it The mtllalalANX SUCCESS of this Gratn Savlnsf, Xlme-Savins; TBRE8HEB. is unprecedented Id the annalaoC Farm Machinery. In a brief period it has become nvldeln' known and FlTIalaY ESSABLISHED, as the "LKADIMGTIIBESHING MACHISE," CHAIN RAISEftS KKFUSB to nbrait to tho vrastcfal and imperfect work of other Threshers, when posted on the raws superiority of tbis one, for sarins: grain, savins; time, and doiirjr fast, thoronjrh ami economical work. THRESHERMEN FIND IT highly advantaKeona to ran a machine that has no Heaters," t'Pickers," or " Apron," that handles Damp Grata, ' !: Straw, HeadlDrs, Flax, Timothy. Uill(tt arxt U uchdifflotiU aiatn and seed, wish ENTlIiJS EASE AND EFFECTIVENESS. Cleans to perfection ; saves the farmer his thresh hi IT by extra savin of jrrain; nmkesno -Ijlter-inW requires LESS THAW 0E-HALF the usual Belts, Boxes, Journals, and Gears; easier man aged ; less repnir ; one that trraia raisers prefer to employ and wait Cor. rret at suivnsl prlea while other machines are "ont of jobs." I'oar alzesi made wills 0, , IO and 13 ttorsw) " RIoaBd Pewsrs, stlso sl einity of henarstors Ualoa,n exnmsly for STEAM POWEB, and MMli ther Uoras Powers. If Interested in irraln raisins;, or threshing; write for Illustrated Circulars tent free) with full particuiars of 'sizes, styles, prices, terns, etc. NICHOaUaV CHEFARO 4c CO., . -Satitt Creek, Michigan. AAC PER. DAT Commission, or 830 a M al ry, and enemas. We offer It and will pay it. 4 pply mw. tiT w. Webber Si to., ManeS. C. tr BTITIOKiSCT. rr Sotal Ctonnn !.' I w i Ih.r sx wiy fiaM-lnt And satn (U luve ancilen ei aajr prison uwy ntmn, iioisauiir. iMMna rre. by mall.9S evutu: toiccUivr wliia.rriB. uhw. cwti Look. an jr cl, UrvmarMi, lnnt. in Ia AddTMS T. W il r.i.im a OA, r ab's, rikllaeahitila. k aat-a"a,--aii;' - ' -a...... Ua. H7 Si. Clarlss Street, Si. ZzH, iLx, kaixutiMS, every ailmve. av staUete ebiek Muti tr.as , umuwawa. mr mrwiMiM, wiOt B09anfala flWMa bS.iB. is ekartma at ts SwaU mt M,Z jtj, wm saaA n baa bwaa eettuliaa ie tuua . e.si. earcaia see rmtmk&a satMf. ains a mwu ?ry yfr a.,, loss aa svLniwilal Li i. ais apcotnittee feeaa. ywfnhe eswttae that an mUmourt ia eJlteee aasei! KlmZZZZZ r.?L eatreas svwaereV. STS ?".!,' f '"S tae rrea iZ.,J!Pamt)amJ ","eS aF Bis ecarnes i ISW. Sir r-n, Stviag fad ayaaBUeM, m twe si.aj jS. Flfif "! 4. vsaarat Jrf'ii. aiiisUuaa, faaaaawrs;- fMsesns, seeelar sank srftfc skesisl se reei kysvere ? . sesy. ass alarms p..r, er perewis eefeiiiadu.f sue sw. star -attt . ttamu,wntmma - n eeeararaas t afte tee Wb. usa rnne isle IMI i ubs ee sew swawet, toe rsnussef lit. w.n . e in in . sw ssiwe. seet-iwaa sir suets. Bl 0.-L IMLZ:.'?, TSJO. Sia vhFUthiiMa,'e. Imtis, Me- FWAJfU 1 v r.l.-sfii' .5 CiaresaiJE sttiijeraKWit&oMtiamesi A..-- -v. t -uirrHS tvwaonatie 'rm. t vr. ' rt4 -'..-1 Tfasans. trMalK fntiy es'Ji-rjeLthe p w, r m tHtiw 1 tocrrea ....-tisasol o.s.-E . . j fov"te " retire of Yrti.fii,' . -k..a it.. .-.vf . ... . i maw SKiufiata subjwta, aeait vaiaa la envelope. .. irises ooo fxi aTt i c WW . . ( . Dr. !. t'siicr's Caliromi egar Twitters are a pusely Vegesfatlc breDaraiion. made chiefly from tba na tive herbs found on the lower ranges of the sierra -SeyaoamouiitAiraa ai Cauror- . nia. the medicinxti uronerties of whli : are extractod theren-om without the ns -of AJbohot ' The question is almost daily asked, "What is the cause of the nnparaaeiea eneoeea oi vinkoak tsar TEEal" Onr Answer is, that they removs " the cause of diseai3e,.aiuithe patient re covers bis health. They are the gsmM blood purifier and a life-Fin g- priaciplo, a perfect , fienevator and Javiorator -Gf the system. . ': Never, before in the history of the world haa medioine benn eomporiiuletV posseaainir the remarkatte ' qaahties of Tikkoar Bitters in beaiin f titm Bick of every disease man is heir to. lltfrsr are a genua njrgrauve as reu as a xania. , relieving OomTegUorr OJf Itaiiammatian S ' liver and.yaoeral Organs, in Bilions Diseasea. r . f The properties of Db. Wax-kxeIs ViiiiwAicBiTTBRrfare Aperient, Diapboret&v Carminative, Nntritions, laxative, IlicreUat, Sedative, Ccrnnter-Ijsritttiit, Sudorifio, Alter tive, and Anti-Buions. Scrofula, or-Klag's Evil, white Swelling, Tcen, Eryisipelne, Swelled Neck, Ooitre, Scrafoloiu JiHJainmati-riB, Indolent lnfiammationa, Mercurial AffecUona, .014 -Bores, Eruptions of the Skin, Sore Eyes, etc. In these,- as in all other eonstitutional Dis eases, Waiakb'b Tikeoab Bitters have scown their great curative powers ia.th most obstinate and intractable catses. For Inflammatory and Chronic Rhenmatlsm, Goot, Bilious, Eemlt tent andlnterrnittent Fevers, Diseases oi " the Blood, Liver, Kidneys and Bladder, these Bitters have no equal. Such Disease are cansedjiy Vitiated Blood. Mechanical Diseases. Persons en- faged in Paints and, Minerals, such as lumbers. Tvpe-oetten. Gold-boatmn. unA Miners, as they advance in life, are subject to paralysis -of the Bowels. To guard against this, take a dose of Waikkb's Vih kqa Bittkks occasionally. . For Skin Diseases, Eraiptiona, Tet ter. Salt-Kheum, Blotches, Spots, Pimples, Ptuto-les, Boils,. Carbuncle, King-worms. Scald-head, Sore Byes, EryBipelae, Itch, Scnrfs, TiscoloraUbns of the Skin, ilumora and Diseases of the Skin of whatever name or nature, are literally dug up and carried' ont of the system in a short time by the ase of these Bitters. - - Pin, Tape, and other Worms, larking in the system of so many thousands, are eflectualJy destroyed and removed. . Ho system of medicine, no vermifugoa, no an thelm initios will free the system fiom worms like these Bitters.' , - . r For Female Complaints, in young or oia, lOftrncoCT eingie, at we nawn oi manhood, er the tarn of life, these Tonia ,. Bitters display, o docidell an influence tbaA improvement L soon peroeptiblo. Cleanse tho Vitiated Elood wben ever yon fiiKT its imparities bursting through the skin in EJipBles, Braptions, or Sores; cleanse it wlhm ynw find it obstructed and sluggish in the, tiis: cleanse it when H is foul : your feelings will fell you when. Keep -tba blood pure, and. the bealtli of the s jrta . - -1- WllJ I011OW. K. H. sncDONAlaD eV OO Drngirista and Gen. A-ta., Sen lnrrlsoe. Califoralsv and onr. of Washinirtoa aod Charlton Sta., N. Y. Sot by avll lrsa;stlarta aad btaknk. ' Grateful TSsonsands psociaim VtBti---' jegar BiTXKKS the most wonderful In- K vigorant that ever sustained the sink ing ? (rrstem. ' : ' '; . Yo Person can take these Bitters, according to directions, and remain long; unwi.ll, provided their bones are not de- ' stroyed by mineral poison or other means, and vital organs wasted beyond . repair. .. , . ?-.- ' ltilious. Remittent and Inter mittent 1 e?er which are bo preva lent in the valloys of oar great rivers throughout th Ciiited States, especially those of tho Mississippi, Ohio, LlisSoarir Illinois, Tennessee, Cumberland, Arkan- ' eas, Red, Colorado, Brazos, Eio Grande; - -Pearl, Alabama, Mobile, ftavanuah, Eo anokc, James, and inany others, -with their vast tributaries, throughout oar entire country during the Summer and! Autumn, and remarkably so during sea- " sons of cnusual heat and dryness, are . invariably accompanied by extensive de-, M rangements f the Btomach and liverr md other abdomiDal wcenu" In their treatment, a purgative, exerting a pow erful influence upon these various or gans, is essentially accessary. Then y la no cathartic for the purpose equal-to ran. 1 ! Kr s v io-VMa Vrwnie Tl I I. r a - as they will speedily remove the dark colored viscid, matter with which tho bowels are loaded, at the same tlmo stimulating the secretions of the livery, and 'generally restoring" the healthy functions of tho digestive organs. FortHy the body against dlscaia ! by purifying all ita fluida with Viitboab IiiTTESs.., .No .epidemic caa taka hotsl , . of a system thus tbrevanned.'- ... ., , -v . . Dyspepsia Or Indigestion, ijeacl- , ache, Pain In 'the Shoulders, Coughs, " Tightness of the Chest, Dizziness, Sour ; ' Eructations of the Stomach, Bad Taste ' In the Mooth, Suiona Attacks, rjui ita a tatien of the. Heartv Inflammation of tha Icungs, Pain in thd retrloa of the Kid-, j neysy and a hundred other painful eyrop-' ' torus, are tbe -offsprings of Dyspepaiat. One bottle win prove a better guarantee, of Its merita than a lengthy advortido-' men&" ; . ..... .. ... 4 aa sasa !''. a mopah to swwm. fcea Ms biUi-wAI-j. dtMBtvula, hiMtt. SOIIET WOK AGENTS tn oar tva tSmr l H. B. WAire t CO.. vrk. Zi. J-r JOJTJT, !HOKllTMinEI Jastr.' Lneral.aasDilltunie,(;baap. Hells evetji-wrt-im A rarfi c:iar.M. jM.r.. I.e. if ltnr( w Uriel I Ci.-U. O-iv n ehsrt, rillt 1 fT I A W .. lt J- -, ni.n, I-. J.iirs.wa. :i. eirmatl lim w aain a. .S. Y-t-it. tat tenus to li. C h K 1 Oij MAN. 5 lu-, la St, . '., 1 . V W. i st,' L.iu..iZ doc:: cat: SELL. I ,k ' , 1 "''' l- J ..-ek's r- ' U ill J kns,n aod sure lieate.ij.. for treatment until cor3. tall ea.or addreaiJ VS. j."c. t.ZZli, f v."; a, .- MsaeasH 'tl-i i - ' ' "Goda Fountairj:. -, ftA. nt, r-tf,. - UtrOO, WKA t La A? JJ CU t h Mix IT. YP H M1 IU Tl r-- TH- if