The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, May 14, 1875, Image 5

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One day, in pensive, dreamy mood,
I thought of bonny Mary
How fair she was, how sweat and good,
How t atry-Uk and airy
I held a treasured fragrant earl,
. And let it pound mynnger twirl,
Yet thought, "Tta strange a few short yean
Sinew we two parted, blind with tears,
It's golden tint ahoold Try t"
The oUnfrfng oaii m soft and bright,
Yet rather brown than golden :
returned and tnmed,it to the light
To cesoh the eoior olden.
"Alaok!" I sighed, "'tis gone. Dear girt!
Her image fades not like the earl ;
I see her now, my graceful maid, ,
- sMerU tfeat she made afraid
e heart she would embolden.
Then came a thought of sodden pain:
"How now I her hair so sunny
as wary, soft, yet always plain.
Hut enrled at all. How f tinny !
What changes may a tress befall !
cannot mass n oat at au ;
The preokma look is rained traits ;
! I'd not hare i
en this
Kot for a mint of money 1
" rn not H by, this gift of yore ;
Mo more it eoothea and blesses.'
I took the paper, dropped before,
That held my Mary's tresses.
Hal think upon it I notthesamet
Hot " Mary " was the written name.
Bat "Jenny" .Jenny, darling girl
Uert was the bonny sweet brown carl,
And gone were my distresses I
Jenny, my Dower t my girl of light!
Mr faHrtMmA. winsome Jennv 1
I saw it all. The looks were right j
8af e in its nowr naner laid
I found my Mary's golden braid;
And. eloae beside it Bessie's tress,
Keren and gloasy-Bare Queen Bess
The sweetest giai of any I
Vhere ere they now T Who? What? The girls
Or do you mean the tresses T
- The girU. An, well (how Tempos whirls!), ,
Each one a husband blesses.
Married and settled long ago
Bess. Jane, and kTur dAnt -vnu rmwf
Mary and Wallace made a match: -
Bright Jenny found a brilliant "tatoh . j
And Bess took me the precious!
Harper' Bazar.
They were seated side by side under the
limes where tliey had bo often met. His
hand clasped hers. His eyes were fixed
fondly upon berjdrooping face, on the
golden lashes of which a tear trembled.
About them was the autumn sunset ;
around, the voles and uplands of Eden
shire ; while on the slope of a hill to the
right stood Holme Manor an ancient
building belted by a thickly-wooded
park, and at present in the charge of the
housekeeper the owner, traveling abroad
at his accession, not haying yet visited it.
' It grieves' me to the soul, darling,"
said the young man, " yet also I cannot
help experiencing a flattering delight to
witness your sorrow at our brief separa
tion." . i - . .
"I ought not to give way, I know,
Claud ; it is foolish," responded his
companion, brushing her hand across her
eyes, and looking up with a smile. " Did
I doubt you or myself, it might be ex
cusable. " And you doubt neither, Iiucie ? "' he
said, folding her hand in his.
" No more," she laughed, " than I do
that the sun yonder, setting behind the'
Manor, will nse to-morrow."
" Though he who has won the sweet
prize of your affection is only a poor
artist, with his way yet to make?"
"As if money could make a difference,
Cland! You would not so wrong me.
Am I not only a farmer's daughter t
"A jewel, Lucie, that by chance has a
rough setting, but whose beauty would
better become one fax more exalted," he
said proudly. "Ah f were I the fortunate
, i . a j; j.
possessor oi bucu an waue as coat 01
Holme Manor a place the master has a
right to be proud of how I would re
joice to malu you ita mistress !" .
"And destroy me by my grandeur,"
she replied gaily. " Zthe Squire's wife?
Absurd, Claud ! Recollect the violet
that grows in the valley dies if trans
planted to 1 the bleak mountain top,
" It is the church-clock striking six ; I
must ero. Lucie, said Ulaua JtercavaL
rising. ''The walk to the station is fully
two miles, and the tram starts m naif an
"And when will you return f "
" I cannot before two months, dearest.
Then you shall see me. Farewell," he
continued, taking hex to his heart. " I
go without fear, Lucie, trusting in your
truth as my own. No other, whoever he
be, could win you from me. Not even,"
lu lT,Ka1 ' llm nienlKi nt TTlm
Manor. - ': '
" Noteven he. dear Claud," she smiled.
Again they embraced ; then taking his
portfolio and folded camp-stool from the
stsiis. ri carted from hex. -
She watched him until a turn in the
Edenshire lane hid him from view ; after
ward she went back to her father's farm,
one of the best on the estate.
As she entered ihe f sitting-room, the
farmer, who wad there, exclaimed
"Here's news fox you, lass. The
Snnirn takes pcenoaaion at last. He is
coming down this evening without hardly
a word of warning, ana au me servanra,
IH warrant, are in an awful hurry and
fluster y while he has already sent word
that to-morrow he visits his tenants ; and,
lass, it's here he comes first; so it's high
bnsv we must be - to have all spic and
span, so that he may renew my
-wsrtinh ia stliortlv OtlL" " '
father," smiled hia daughter. "Ton see
to outdoors, and leave the house and the
dairy under my tsireciaon.
urr nrmldn'i be done better. Lucie.
Hell be a fortunate young farmer who
'gets you fox a housewife. - .
Tin mr averted her countenance to
iA tl Khiah that sagased it, fox as yet
hex low fox Claud JVreroii was a secret.
to be revealed only on his return. ,
ticie karot hex word. The house and
afw oa rvtrfect . bv the . tame Mr,
arrived. ? . He was a talL
arifitocxatie-looking man, with dark hair
and eyes, red lips, and a pale complexion.
Under the farmer's guidance he inspected
th farm, but rati with the ajr of, a
man TMM-frtrmiij. a d ' ty than a pleasure.
Hia ly.aer cuspci wholly, however,
when tb9 i' C'-T, w, -a.ils bright, glitter
ing tl-v 'fij t.-d -c. !a, red-uiea floor,
imAit oT-ftervaiaoii. "i
"I ave souix many- tartd-go. -Axiiies,"
K Tvmitrl. " even tH of the pro
verbially clean - Ijl" li, Lut none could
crarscrs wlh tbis. It nmVas one almost
forswesr every! inj ve butter,
milk arui -,
" At." r.norked the farmer, proudly,
mi&iit f&i, vonx dinner off the Hoox
here., as the savins' -is beUex than off
mriA Mlkn' tniXvio4li Ob a Basoxdav.
It's all owins to my' dasgiiter, IiiKiie,-Mr
afniua'in.- '.. . fii... BtaLia . would be . here.
there and everywhere, and the butter
and cheese nowhere, if it weren t for her
directing them. I gT her ta cast ea
ucation a lass can have, but she ia too
wood and devex too let it set her above
her wok" . . ' -
"May I have tLe pleasure of seeing
one to whom my ejea ewe so much ? "
asked Gerald Ha&;'J, ltx&l3 round.
" Eh, sorely. Lhe's oon wLere near,
IH warrant," relied iLa frr; goiag
to the door, and tiie c-.rrinwith
Id datoghiex. era v. : ' "'
- A momeat tdt&s, Imoi&t dresseuialjaply
bnt pritiiy, in a L' rh xnuslin, entered.
Ia rather apjILkKia rvuneif Ger
ald MawUn terried. Am, Lowever, his
eyes res-ted on the girl, the fanner saw
him eVrt, and hia cUzk brows rise in
astosshment as he bowed low.
: "llatraa'ia heraahenuVlritadLicLeiW,"
he thought approvingly; "and -bless
her I she behaves quite like one,
too. I'M warrant he has seen few pret
tier lasses than Lucie."
Gerald Mawsin evidently was of the
same opinion. "His dark eyes rarely
wandered from her face. The tones in
which he addressed her. were low and
respectful, and the encomiums endless
that ne passed on tne dairy, wmcn ne
appeared in no hurry to leave, but sipped
the cream he had received from her
hands so slowly, that Lucie strongly sus
pected he didn't like it, but, being well
bred, only drank it out of compliment to
the place.
'When, finally, the farmer carried him
off. Gerald Massin displayed more in
difference to the live stock and the acres
of arable land than before, and soon,
pleading time, mounted his horse at the
eate to leave;
"I will come another day, if you will
permit me." he said. " It is a fine farm.
and profitable a fortune in itself. By-the-wav,
the steward tells me your lease
is nearlv exnired."
" It w, Mr. Massin; but I trust you'll
find no objection to renew it."
"I see none at present, certainly. We
will talk over it when I come again."
Gerald Massin came again very often.
and always at those times when Lucie
was sure to be' at home: but he never
mentioned the lease, and always changed
the subiect u the farmer spoke of it.
The farmer r however, experienced no
dread; for with much satisfaction he had
begun to read the cause of Gerald Mas-
Bin's frequent visits, even as had Lucie,
witn pain, sorrow and mortification.
The squire loved the farmer s daugh
ter. -
One morning, nearlv a month after
Mr. Masai n 'a first visit, a footman brought
word that Farmer Western was wanted up
at the Alanor on business respecting the
I knew it : it's all ricrht." remarked
John Western. "Thank goodness, the
weurht will soon be off mv mind.
Ja.18 honest face the picture of content.
ne rode on ; but it was nouiing in com
parison to now it beamed when, an hour
later, be galloped home.
Flintrinsr himself from his horse, he
hurried into the sitting-room where Lucie
sat at worK.
News, lassie news ! " he cried.
" What will you give me for it eh ?'
"The usual -oavment." she smiled.
putting her arms about him, and kissing
his cheek.
"From a bank where the account can
never be overdrawn, he proceeded,
cheerily. "Well, I've been up to the
Squire s, Lucie; and if you were to guess
a hundred years, you'd never guess what
ne said. . 1
But Lucie, though steadily she in
quired what he did say, had already
guessed, as her pale cheek and her arms
abruptly dropping from the farmer's neck
' He loves you, iiucie. and wants to
make you his wife."
" His wife I" she gasped. " And what
did you answer, father-?"
'What did I answer? - Why, lass.
what could I answer, save that it was a
great honor done us too much for such
e, but that he had my consent, as I
knew he'd have yours, my girl."
"Father, it is impossible," she mur
mured. " I cannot marry him."
' Not marry him I " cried Farmer
Western. " Refuse the Squire ?"
"Yes. father, I must, even had he been
TTing of England."
wnyf Are you mad, ljucie r
"No, but dear, dear father 1" she
exclaimed, abruptly, sinking on her
knees, " forgive me for keeping it from
you, but my heart is already given to
Claud PercivaL In the eyes of heaven
we are engaged ?"
- " Claud Percival ! a wandering, beg
garly artist !." roared the farmer. " Marry
him before a man like Squire 'Miurm
No, Lucie; we've been good friends to
this moment, but henceforth yon are no
daughter of mine if you say that. I'll
see you and Claud Percival to the deuce
before I give you to him !"
" Father, in mercy," she implored,
"do not speak hastily." "What is
wealth without love 1 45ut love can be
priceless, without wealth. I cannot I
must not wed other than Claud Percival 1
I would rather die !"
"Die, then !" roared John Western ;
when a hand was placed on his shoulder.
It was Gerald Mb wain's.
. He had entered unheard. His coun
tenance was calm, but also stern, as he
addressed first the father, then the daugh
ter. "Mr. Western,' he said, "control
yourself. Miss Western; am I to con
sider you refuse my proposition to make
youmywife?" .
" Mr. Massin," replied Lucie, tremb
ling very much as she rose, " though
deeply sensible ef the great honor you
would do me for which, indeed, I am
grateful I must decline. Not only is
such a position far too exalted for one of
my station, but, ; as probably you just
DQWUtmm, my iuvh u bjrwij given, a
am sorry to cause you pain very, very
sorry, fox you have been so kind, and
and I would not, could I help it, be the
cause of grief to any one."
She averted her head, unable to sup
press hex tears.
'Thia is your irrevocable reply f " he
Bilked.-' ' -' 'J:y---: : ;M V !'f
"It is."
"That is enough," he rejoined, quit
ting the room, and taking the farmer
with him. " Not a word further." he
said, getting on his horse. " You shall
hear from me this evening. "
The Squire was true to - his promise,
As Lucie sat in hex own room, exhausted
with suffering, she a heard her father's
step on the stair. A second after he
entered the apartment. His healthy face
was pale and wrathful, his tones hoarse.
as, casting a setter os the tame, ne said :
"Read that." - ; -
': Amazed, suspecting more3 trouble,
Lucie'complied, and read with horror.
, . , The writing consisted ohly" of a few
matter-of-fact likes, stating that, " unless
Lucie consented totnarry Gerald Massin,
the farmer must consider his lease can
celed, as the Squire would desire the
land for himself . "
. " He is a villain ! " cried Lucie, start
ing up indignantly. .:'
. , v!ain or not, " - exclaimed the far
mer, sinking- into a chair, and dropping
Ms head on the table with a groan, "I
am ruined I have werked and toiled in
vain ruined ruined ! and youmy own
daughter, Lucie, are the cause ; for you
might have, and yet could, save me. -"
Oh I father father, do notsay thatl"
aha cried, falling on his neck; "you
break my heart 1 1 Ah 1 if you only knew
how I love Claud ! I cannot be false to
"Go, then marry him I" ejaculated
the fariacr wrs4ifiiI!V. ' Be happy, and
leave ma -to - rr.-n b-P"gary. " What do
y0uef.raf G.-5, 1 say t'5 - - , .
- He r. ru.-,t her angrily from him.
Yilh a cry of dpair, she fell insensi
ble to Ci r. 1 ' : " '
Two t&ot.:Zi8 passed, and the support
Lucie had looked for in Claud Fercival's
presence did not arrive. Not a line had
the bad from him ; neither did he oome.
She was wsi-rhed down, by misery- and
doubt doubt whether she was doing
fight to sacrifice her father, to whom she
owed her birth, for her own happiness,
or even Claud s. she looked at the far
mer : she noted his gloom, his indiffer
ence to events, and saw that he rarely
stirred abroad in the farm, wliich already
he had received notice to quit. It might
be his death, and she yes, she could not
deny it would, be the cause.
That idea conquered her.
One evening, crossing to him, putting
her hand on his, she said :
"Father, tell Gerald Massm I will
marry him." '
" What Lucie 1" cried John Western,
starting erect, " you will f
"I will save you from ' ruin, father.
Say no more. Let me be alone," she
sighed, and carried her tears and break
ing heart to her own room.
Gay and many were the preparations
for the master of Holme Manor's wed
ding. In all that part of Edenshire
there was rejoicing, save at the farm,
in Lucie's breast. Gladly would . she
have acquainted Cland with what had
happened ; but she was unaware of his
address ; and now she dreaded his com
ing. She felt his look of horror and dis
tress would kill her.' But he made no
The wedding-day arrived. Wishing
for death, she attired herself in her
bridal clothes, and descended to the
parlor, where she expected Farmer Wes
tern to be awaiting her.
It was not he, however,' who stood by
the window not he who, turning, caused
her, with a wild shriek, to sink, half
fainting, to the floor.
It was Claud Percival. the artist.
They were his arms which clasped her;
it was he who laised her to a chair ; it
was his anxious face, as he knelt by her
side, that her eyes first rested upon.
"Oh, heavens!" she gasped; "why
did either live for this ! Go go, Claud?
In pity, leave me !"
"No, Lucie," he" rejoined, clasping
her hand, "I have been a fool an idiot;
yet in thus seeing you, bitterly am I
punished for what I have done. Will
you ever pardon me when you hear!'
"Pardon you? It is J- I who need
that?" she sobbed. "Oh, Claud! it
was to save my father! This is my
wedding day.
"I know it, darling."
" Know it ! and you speak thus ?"
" Yes," he smiled. Yeu have promised
to marry the master of Holme Manor,
and 1 am he.
" You !" she shrieked.
" Yes ; be composed, sweet love, and
listen. A year back, before I knew 1
should be its owner, I came here incog
nito to visit ike place. I saw you, Lucie
1 loved the affection of the poor
artist was returned. When, unexpected
ly, I found myself its owner and rich, an
idea i see now a foolish- one by those
File cheeks seized me to surprise you.
put a friend as Gerald Massin in my
place a while to see if wealth and position
could win you from me, staking my life
it would not. But by it I have indeed
learned your priceless worth, sweet,
faithful Lucie that the wife I take to
my bosom would have -renounced all
worldly riches for my sake ; while, as was
right, she would have sacrified herself
and me for the welfare of a fond father,
to whom she is indebted for everything.
I have done wrong ; but, Lucy, I swear
I never doubted you. Am I forgiven ?
May this yet be your wedding-day, with
Gerald Massin alias Claud Percival for
the bridegroom "
She did not reply ; but her head sank
on his shoulder, and he felt he was
answered.. ...-'
She had- consented to become the
Squire's wife.
Trades of the Past.
Half a century ago bellows-making was
a thriving trade. Every house had its
pair of bellows, and in every well-furnished
mansion there was a pair hung by
the side of every fireplace, t
But as stoves and grates took the
place of open fireplaces, and as coal was
substituted for wood, the demand fox
bellows diminished, and the business, as
a separate trade, died oot. .
- The same is true of flint-cutting.
Flints were once necessary, not only fox
tinder-boxes and a under-box was t
necessary for every house as a gridiron
ox a skillet." Every one who looks back
to a childhood of forty' odd years ago
must remember the cold winter morn
ings when the persisent torack, crack of
the flint against the steel sent up from
the kitchen an odor of igniting tinder
and sulphur which pervaded the house.
We have no more idea what became of
the flint producers than of the old man
of Borrowfulrnemories, who, three or foux
times a week, called at our store with
brimstone for sale at a penny
the half-dozen bunches, iioth nave com
pletely vanished from the country. -
Then, again, are gone the pin-makers,
who, though they t have been in their
graves this, quarter of a century, still
figure in lectures and essays to illustrate
the advantages of division of labor. ; In
stead of a pin taking a dozen men ox
more to cut, grind, point, head, polish
and what not, as it used to do, pins are
now made by neat little machines at the
rate oi three hundred a minute,' of which
machines a single child tends to half a
dozen. ;'
Nail-making at the forge is another
lost industry. Time was, and . that in
this nineteenth century, when every nail
was made on the anvil, now, from one
hundred to one thousand nails per min
ute are made by machines. The nailer
who werks at the large has but a bad
chance of competing with such antag
onists, and he would have no chance at
aU were it not that his nails are tenfold
tougher than the former. 1 : 'k
As ax over-loaded horse-car was com
ing up Sudbury street, a short time since,
when the icy condition of, the street ren
dered the ascent of the bill extremely
diiSoult gentleman Ijsiled tSeeon-
daotox from the-jadewaGc,- reqneetmg
him to stop the -car until he got on. i hia
the conductor refused to do until the car
reached the summit of the hilL By that
time, the gentleman, out of breath and
temper also, got upon the car and ad
dressed the conductor as follows : " Sir,
I supposed this road was run for the ac
commodation of the public." - " You
never was moire mistaken in your life,"
replied the conductor ; " it is run in or
der to fill the stockholaers' pockets."
" Indeed, said the now irate passenger,
"I thought all the conductors on this
road were gentlemen." ' "Worse than
before," said the conductor ; do you
suppose I would run a horse-car if I was
a gentleman ?" ' This seemed tmanswer
able, and - the conversation suddenly
ceased. -Boston Advertiser. ',.- .'. t
t How would you feel, my dear, if you
were to meet a wolf !" - asked an old lady
of her little grandchild, with whom she
was walking along a lonely country road.
"Oh, rprandraanuna, ,,I'Bhould be, so
frightened 1" was. the reply, v.1 But I
should stand ia front of you and protect
you," said the old lady. " Would you,
grannie ?" cried the child, dapping her
hands with delight, "That would be
nice 1 While the wolf was eating you I
should have time to run far away." -
Strychnine vs. Whisky.
The GDroy (CaL) Advocate gives the
following account of a man in that
neighborhood who is in the habit of
sobering ri-imaalf after a drinking bout
by taking enormous quantities of strych
nine : . .
The individual who performs the
wonderful feat of. eating with impunity
such large quantities of this , deadly
drug is an occasional visitor to this city,
and is well known by a number our citi
zens, to whom his peculiarity has been
known for years. He is an eccentric
genius, and does not make bis strychmne
eating a public matter, but rather seeks
to hide it. By chance the subject has
into print, and it being so extraor-
an occurrence, we tooK it . upon
.vea to investigate it, ana now
know, positively whereof we speak.
Morphine, arsenic and other poisonous
drugs, it is well known, are often eaten
in .large and small doses, for various
purposes, but that trychnine should
also become a palatable article, -and in
such large doses, may well excite the
credulity of all, and it is only in the in
terest of science that we now write, hop
ing that the subject will be investigated
by the medical fraternity. This person.
who is known by the-, sobriquet of
'Jack, is a man of intemperate habits,
and has his periodical sprees, which last
from one to three weeks, during which
time he keeps completely saturated with
whisky. If occasion requires that he
should be sober at ' a certain time, ox if
perchance he feels the slimy folds of
' snakes' coiling in his boots, be immedi
ately procures a bottle of strychnine,
and eats from ten to twenty grains. If
the desired effect is not produced, say
within an hour, the dose is . repeated.
Unless his spree has been protracted,
one dose usually straightens him up,
and no matter how drunk he is when
he takes it. within three hours every
trace of his debauch has left him, and
the closest observer could not discover
the slightest indication of recent dissi
pation. Instead of a hectic flush or dull.
heaw look, his eyes are clear and bright
and Ins skin presents its natural appear
ance. This singular being came to this
city last (Saturday and remained until
Monday, during which time he went
through his performance. He had in
tended to depart on Sunday, and having
imbibed rather freely missed the train.
On Monday morning he was very drunk,
and visiting Dr. Morey's drug store
called : fox a bottle of strychnine, re
marking that he must leave on the noon
train. He immediately emptied a por
. . . , . . , 1 , j . , - ,
non 01 we contents 01 tne ootue mio
his mouth and went off. When the time
for departure came he was as sober as a
radge. The only information that can
be derived front him as to this habit is
Uthat he has followed it since 1856, but
as to how he acquired it cannot be
learned. Dr. H. C. Morey has known
him since 1861, and has frequently
known him to eat a bottle of strychnine
within twenty-four hours. When we
consider that from an eighth to a quarter
of a grain of this poison is usually suffi
cient to make a corpse of the most ro
bust person, we do not wonder that the
statement that twenty (Trains can be
taken at a time with no deleterious effect
should be increduously received. How
ever, facts herein stated can be substan
tiated by incontrovertible evidence, and
no matter how absurd or singular they
may appear, must be accepted as facts.
vinery: is strychnia an antidote for tne
poisonous effects of alcohol, and vice
Forrest's Last Appearance.
A writer on the late Edwin Forrest
says : " His last engagement was in Bos
ton, xte had had an attack of pneumonia.
which affected one of his lungs. Mr.
Oakes. his life-long friend, implored him
not to go on -the stage again. He was ill
all the afternoon so hoarse that he could
scarcely speak. The. play was ' Riche
lieu. ' All the entreaties of his physicians
and friends could not keep nun from the
theater. Too feeble to walk, he was led
to his dressing-room, and arrayed him
self for the part. The physician had
given Mr. Oakes a small phial of whisky.
telling him that if Forrest showed signs
ef suffering to administer it to him.
When Forrest heard this, he said : If I
die on the stage I will die, but they
shan't find any rum in me-' A chair was
put behind the scenes, and when he was
called he was led to it by Mr. . Oakes.
When his cue came he was raised to his
feet ' Steady me.' he said : ' steady me.
and let me go on. Tottering on the
stage, the sound of the applause of the
multitude seemed to put new life into-
him, and he went through his part accu
rately, and so to the end of the play.
When he finished he was led. half faint
ing, to his hotel, and he never appeared
upon the stage any more. ' The next night
the play was Yirginius ;' but his physi
cians and friends aheolntelv forbade his
playing the part. He struggled until
the last moment, resolved he would not
be governed by either friends or physi
cians. Finally the doctor -said : 'If you
dress for " Virginius" to-night, and go
upon the stage, you will die. He listened
for a moment burst into tears like a
child, and submitted himself to be put to
bed. This was at the Globe Theater,
Boston, and he never acted again." .
How They Buried a Senator Seventy
rears Ag., -'-"-'X
Among the items of the accounts pre
sented for the funeral expenses of the
Hon. Francis Malbone, a Senator from
Rhode Island, who died in Washington
in June, 1809, and whose remains were
interred in the Congressional burial
ground, are the following : ; -
1S pounds crackers.... $3.60
11 Hounds cheeM at 25 cents : 0.81
The committee to andit the contingent
expenses of the Senate directed that pay
ment be made for the crackers, but re
jected the claim for the cheese.: The
next voucher presented to them for their
approval read thneT' ' ! : -
7 iralloartMst Madeira wine ............... . .38.0Q
-Kt0iJ5n!rnrty-.-....w."ia.i,-.'.. : 8.1
u posnas atmooa at U cents. .,.....,...,. .w
19 pounds mains at AOeento.. S.O0
, Of thi account the committee would
only -allow "fo' 4 gaHone wine and
3 quarts brandy. S29," but they passed
rn another voucher fox ". 14 pounds
pound-cake, $7," purchased from
Monsieur Julien, a confectioner, who
also supplied "12 pounds crackers."
Beaufort Tribune.-
, - - 1
Asotheb illustration of the character
of the professional tramp may be found
in the following route taken from the
pocket of one of them, in Connecticut
"New Haven to Birmingham, 8 miles,
ask fox supper and breakfast ; to (Sey
mour, & miles, go to selectman, he wfil
send you to a tavern j to Naugatnck, 8
miles, go to selectman, get crackers and
cheese to Waterbnry, 6 miles, police
station; to Newtown, 18 miles, selectman
to Danbury,' about 10 miles, police
station ; to Brewster station, State of
New York, poormaster j from Brewster
make to Newbuxgh, then to Goshen,
taaa to iUiDoora.' xaxe the west track.'
Joeh Makedt, member of . Parliament
fox Meath. Ireland, is dead : cured 3.
He had been ailing, and became aWioa-
ly ill in consequence of excitement pro-
duced by the death of John MitcheL his
1 Al. . .
The 0 Possum.
If there is any thing in names this ani
mal is Irish, but - there isent none there
now, and them in the oolliniee call their-
selfs possums, like they was natifs.
Possums is bigger- than a bird, but not
so big as a dog, and has a sharp nose and
a long bald bedded tale wich is all ways
cole as ice, never mind the wether. Its
jus as if their tales Was ded and the fun
erals was poeeponed, but this aint so, for
there tales is mity lively if you have ever
see em roun the bars of their cage. 1
herd a maa from Ostralia say that they
was no place in the world where nature
had been so good to her creatures,- and
he said, the man did, that if it wasent for
the possum's tale how cud they hang by
em from the branches 01 trees use they
do, but wen I ast him what they hung
for he dident kno. X spect its only to
show they aint afraide. :
The she one has a tobacco pouch on
the outside' of her stummack, and wen
the little ones is friten they creeps in it,
and wen they are snug they dont care a
copper wot becomes of their ole mother
wich is outside. When the dogs fines a
possum aid it cant git to a tree it lies
down and pretens it is ded.
Once they was a dog wich diddent kno
about possums -foun one a lying like it
was ded, and after rollin it over a wile,
and smellin it, the dog lay down by it
and went to sleep. Wen the possum
the dog was a sleep it got up quitely
to go a way. but 5 us then the dog opend
its eyes ana see we possum riwwuiin up.,
such a friten aog you never see, ana sucn
a friten possum you never see, but the
dog most, it jumped up ar made for
home, howlin at evry leep, and fore it got
home it had a. change from a black New
founlarn pup to a ole bull dog as wite as
A man wich ' had a pet possum and a
chicken wich he thot ever s much of
was a settin at his table writin one day,
wen he see the possum oome in at the
door and try to sneak under tne bed. ao
the man he said Cleopatra, wich was the
possum's name, come here and do some
tricks on the table, but the possum need
ed lots 01 ooaxm, ana wen was gecon
up on the table beggin, like a dog, the
man herd his chicken go yeep, yeep,
yeep ! Then the possum she started and
stared, all roun the room like she said
wy, bles my souL were is that chicken?
But the man he knew were it was wel
enoughf. Then the chikin went yeep,
yeep, agin, and the possum ran to evry
side of tne table and iooki over tne eog,
and then came ack to the middel a
shakin her head like savin I cant make it
out at alL it beats me I But wen the
man he cluckt like a ole hen the chickin
stuck its head out of Cleopatra's pouch,
were it had been put a way to be et.
Possums is marsupials, wich souns
very fine and gramd, but I spose its jus
cos they cant be any thing els, with their
cole tails and them pockets on their
The Boy on Labrosse Street.
When a Isibroese street bov is nlavinsr
" hop-scotch " on the walk and his mother
comes to the door and asks him to split
some wood, he replies that he will be
along in just one minute. At the end of
ten minutes she opens the door and says:
" Wiiyum. 1 want that wood I
"I'm coming right now," he replies,
and then goes on hopping here and there
on one leg.
Another ten minutes tries away, and
she opens the door and says:
" Wiiyum, if you don t get that wood
you know what your lather win do 1
"Just ten seconds 1 ne calls back, and
he enters upon a new game.
The next tune she calls she says:
"Young man, its almost noon and
can't cook dinner without that wood !"
"I know it I'm coming now," he re
plies, and he stands on one foot and
holds a long discussion with the Johnson
boy as to whether the game of "hop
scotch " is as good a game as base ball.
He has just started to hop when a boy
Bill! there's your old dad !"
Great Snakes !" whispers BilL and
he goes over the fence like a flash, grabs
the ax, and during the next two minutes
he strikes two hundred blows per minute,
He gets into the house ahead of his
father, and as he drops the wood be says
Mother, the bovs were tube a savin'
that I had the handsomest and best and
goodest mother on Labrosse street, and
I want to kiss you! Detroit Free irress.
Dancing Lawyers.
A writer in a London magazine says
' In former times men of the gravest
profession did not disdain to dance.
Even the Judges, in compliance with
ancient custom, long continued to dance
annually, on Candlemas Day in the hall
of Serjeant s inn, (Jhancery lane. - jum
coln's Inn, too. had its revels foux in
each year with a master duly elected of
the society to direct the pastimes. , Nor
were these ' exercises of dancing, as
Dugdale calls them, merely tolerated :
they were held to be ' very necessary,
and much conducive to the making of
gentlemen more fit for their books at
other times. Indeed, it appears that.
by an order made in James I. a time, the
junior bar was severely dealt with for
declining to dance; ' the under barristers
were by decimation put out of commons
for example's sake, because the whole
bar offended by not dancing on Candle
mas .Day preceding, according to the
ancient order of this society, when the
Judges were present; with this, that if
the like fault were committed afterwards
they should be fined or disbarred." ; : ,
Arctic Expleratlon. i'fl-; vji,
England ia preparing for her Arctic
explorations this season in a very thor
ough manner, and there seems to be a
general belief that the British expedi
tion, now almost ready for work, will ac
complish more than has any prevkwaone
ies. xhe aaormt voted uy jrnmenx
for tiii.-r out the cxpedifaon thisyeae is
about f uo.OOO.witi toe expectancy of
adding about $75,000 next spring, and as
much more in 1877. There is also men
tioned the possibility of $250,000 being
required for, extxa expenses, in. case of
delay in the return of the expedition, and
relief expedition necessitated. The
British government is evidently in ear
est in its determination to do thorough
work this time in unraveling the myster
ies of the great frigid district of the
: ' '
Teeth and the Phosphates. -In
a paper read before the American
Dental Society of Europe, Dx. George
W. Field showed that healthy blood
contained a small percentage of inor
ganic, bone-making matter, from which
the teeth drew support end as modern
economy throws away the phosphate por
tion of food, the result is that the teeth
are starved. : In Northern Ii eland and
Scotland, where oatmeal is a staple dish,
the teeth are oomparativery sound.' Fox
Americans, the right thing to do
dental reform, would be to xetarn' to the
old haBty-pudding days a literary reform'
too, if there is anything in Sidney Smith's
motto, which heclaima ne proposed lor
e xlfJe,' ,
Wldch may be freely translated :
" We ealtinte literature upea a tattle oa-Baeal.a
Judging br Appearance.
Tn other vears. when Maine was a dis
trict of Massachusetts, Esekiel Whitman
was among the chosen to represent the
district in the Massachusetts Legislature.
He' was an eccentric man, and one of the
best lawyers of his time. In those days
Whitman- owned a farm, and did much
work upon his land; and it so happened
that when the time came for him to set
out for Boston his best suit of clothes
was a suit of homespun. ixm wue ob
jected to his going in that garb, but he
did notcare. '--i
" I will get a nice fashionable suit
made as soon as I reach Boston," he
said. . .' .--:
Beaching, his destination, . Whitman
found rest at Doolittle's City Tavern.
Let it be understood that he was a grad
uate of Harvard, and at this tavern he
was at home. . - - .
As he entered the oar! or of the house
he found that several hv lies and gentle
men were there assembled, and he heard
remark from one oi them, " A", here
comes a countryman of . the real home
spun genus. Here's fun." : Whitman
stared , at the company, and then sat
dOWn,'...,v'.'.:-- -
Say, my friend, yeu are from the
country," remarked one of the gentle
men. ' ..
Ya-as." answered EzekieL with a lu
dicrous twist of the face. . . . ..
The ladies tittered.
"And what do you think of our
" It's a pooty thick-settled place, any
how. It's got a sweepin' sight of housin'
in it" - -
" And a good many people, too."
" Ya-as, I should reckon so.'
" Many people where you come from ?"
"Wal, some."
" Plenty of ladies, I suppose ?'
" Ya-as, a fair sprinklin'."
" And I don't doubt you are quite a
beau among them."
" Ya-as, I beau 'em home tew meetin'
and singin' schewL" .
" Perhaps the gentleman from th
country will take a glass of wine?"
" Thank-ee. Don t keer if I do.
The wine was brought. .
" You must drink a toast. " - ;
" Oh, git eout ! I eats toasts never
heard o' sich a thing as drinkin' it. But
a Km give ye a senuinenr..
The ladies clapped their., hands: but
what was their surprise when the strang
er, rising, spoke calmly and clearly,
in tones ornate and dignified, as fol
lows : ;
Ladies and gentlemen: Permit me
to wish you health and happiness, with
every blessing that earth can afford; and
may you grow wiser and better with ad
vancing years, bearing in mind that out
ward appearances are often deceitful.
Yon mistook me from mv dress for a
country booby, while I, from the same
superficial cause, thought you were ladies
and gentlemen. The mistake has been
He had - just spoken, . when Caleb
Strong, the Governor of the State,
entered and inquired for Mr. Whit
man. -'.. --.',-.
Ah here I am, Governor. Glad to
you." ; Then, turning to the dumb
founded company: " 1 wish you a very
good evening." - :.
, And he left them feeling about as small
and cheap as it is possible for full grown
people to feel.
IlaTing Moral Courage. '
Moral courage is a big thing. AU the
good papere"wdviseverybody to have
moral courage. All- tne almanacs wuia
up with a word about moral courage.
"Have the moral courage to discharge
a debt while you have the money in
your pocket, is one of the moral para
graphs.' L.v -V
; Mr. Mower read this once, and deter
mined to act upon it. - One day his wife
h.nrfa hua nve dollars, which sbe bad
been two vears saving, and asked him to
bring hex up a parasol and a pair of gait
ers. On the way down he met a cred
itor and had the courage to pay man.
Betarrning home - his wife called him
157.000 vet names, am "fooL" "idiot,1
etc., and then struck him four times in
the nit of ' the wtomaWi with a flat-iron.
After that he didn't have as much moral
courage as would make a leaning post
for a sick grasshopper, and his wife
didn't forgive him for thirteen years.'
"Have the courage to ; speak the
truth", is a paragraph always in use.
I onoe knew a boy named Peter. One
day when he was loafing around he heard
some man talking about old Mr. Hang
money. Their talk made a deep impres
sion on Peter, and he .spoke the truth.
He said: . .
"Mr. Hangmouey, when I was up
town to-day I heard Baker say you were
a regular old hedgehog with a tin ear.".
" What I roared the 01a gent. ,
" And Clevis said that you were meaner
than a dead hoff rolled in tanbark." con
tinued the truthful lad. .
"You imp you little villain," roared
the old man. ' . . .--U :. .
"And Kingston said that you were a
bald-headed, cross-eyed, cheating, bring,
stealing old skunk under the hen-coop !"
added the boy. , v
Then old Air. u&ngmoney leu upon
the youthful Peter, and he mopped the
floor with mm, Knocked ms neeis against
the walL tore his collar off, and put his
shoulder out' of joint, all because the
boy had the ' moral courage to tell the
truth; --si:.: .v-':,: ....:
And there was young Towboy it was
the same ' way with him. He had the
moral courage to go over to an old maid
and say: . ;t'v;' " -
, '. Miss Falseair, father says he never
saw such a withered up old Hubbard
squash as you are, around trying to trap
aman !"
y " He did, eh !" mused 'the old maid,
riainr rm from her pbair. . . -
; i " Yes. and mother fcay a it's aburcing
ahame that yotf call yourself twenty-four
when yearsre ;orry-sevn, an--she nays
your -iuir-aye costs , juore than
wood!" ' '
, " She said that, did she?'' murmured
the female. -
-"Yes." and sister Jane eavs that if she
had such a bis: month, such freckles, such
big feet, and such silly ways, she'd want
the ugh thing to strike her I' v '
. And then the old ' maid mcked n the
rolling-pin and Bought the honseln whirfi
Towboy resided, and knocked down and
dragged out until it was a hospital.
Then Towboy 's father mauled him. his
mower pounaea nun, ana his sister de
nuded him of hair all because he had
moral courage m hiajdaily life-. ;
The Dammed Ieev
There is one preacher in Port Jervis.
N. Y., who has been enabled for the last
law weeks to indulge in a luxury that
generally is denied to men of his profes
sion. He lived in the line of bnilding-s
which were demoliahed bv the ice ad
the flood during the late break up, and
of course was greatly excited at the pros
pect of being rendered nomeiesa wu
the floods 'cause and the toe (save wy. - In
common with Ma fellow citkeas, it was
the theme of hia conversation by day and
the subject of his dreams by nif?ht ; and
his friends say he rolled as a sweet morsel
under his tougne ths expression " tlvs
dammed ice." And it seemed to do him
a heap of goad, for lbs was afway more?
cheerful and eonteuted after he bad stidl
it a few times, and finally, .when then
cateatrophe eame,hewa so resigned that,
he lifted wa hm voice and said s Well .
brethren, God daeEsnned the ice for some?,
wise purpose, sad in Ms.ewn.geod tiineB
has taken the dmtiaaed ice-away. Let ns
be resigned to Ilia will.
- Aaovs awl tern" yore childarni its speL-
Sackaiosmto. e!ais m popnLttLoa eft'
20,000. . . . ...
Thkbk are uppn-i2 continent f Ea
rope 6,000,000 awldkm.
Trans wem 300,000,000 busheia zooms
wheat raised bet year than in 1373. .
DkXaAwakh sent away 837,3 baket
of peaches last year, and got in mtmif
$7,1)00,000. -
Tkbv Ovder ef Juvenile TeTjapawmnmsr- " .
hex about 60,000 members iaXngl&nl
and Scotktadv -v ' j ,.,,"
Th totawvednsvef. dairy prodaGtaoztaxn
the United Statesin 1874 was the xeepe
able figure of f447,750,000u
A Tgie thoTrftaad-dnrgtatoOeui jgi.?
D. Prentice is to take 'a seat wvprtise-..,
door of the Louisville J&umctf. -.
' A "Natmhak CatristaW TixuperaneaA '
Alliance " ia to be formed at aeon ventka '
in Pittsburgh on the 11th ef May.
A nor az. decree bas been isanacl sd&"
Madrid restoring to the- Duke de Mont
pensier his mOitaxy rank, bis deeoxst--tions,
and ether honors. , . .
- Gkk.- SriirsR.jceUremiflti!nwR---sitate
the eonhtingrof every dollar in the
Treasury of the United Sfcatoe-eaont
ing to over $lOO,C0Op( v -
Foarx. fhousand.. coal mnerae IVnii
sylvania have suspended Iabcff,$arinj7
the last three months rather than yield' '
to a reduction of wages proposea fcyjr -their
employers. i '
A retttrw to the old method of re- -
deeming mutilated United States cm
rency, try which a deduction iaxoad;
proportional to the part of the note ths. .
is missing, will be made at thebegunur
Of next month. ,:.f
Gen. Spdhtjeb's resignation was re
ceived with general sadness amfcrni tie
employes of the Treasury. Th Wasfe-
ington HepubZlean says the- worrsna
clerks wept like children when be toLX.
them of it. .1
Okb effect ef the doubling of postav
on third-class matter will be toexlisaxat.
the . appropriations for official postage -stamps
in the first half of the year, oe
that a good deal of mail matter willbve-
to be sent fy express. - - , t
Thb Adair Liquor law of REams las s
been : so waodified as to exempt laqraor
dealers freia consequential damagssv ex
cept i sucls eases aa warning baa been -
given against the sale of liquor to pex
sons habitaaQy inclined to intosrication. -
A sxrrp td test'fiie-.eoaiBtitntionality '
the Civil Bights law, has been broogjxtin
Louismna, and Hon. Jeremiah B2ackand
David Dudley lreld will present the
arguments to the court. The case will I
go to the Supreme Court of the United -Stateev
where it will be decided t-Mdly ,
and irrevocably.
MAwmt an&ISsiasl Wisner. of Dux- -bury,
have beea residing in Boston this
winter. There i noeaLmg remari.lla i
thie Kwtsjiiwsttit mata" yea are itdarnMriLi
that the former i SO and tJie latter-;
91 years of -eg."' They haver lived to--'
getbex seventy yeaars, and are- boil well 1-
A faxbtp dm, hwtiiriy reoentiy in t
Kess county, .Faniwsn ' found the dead
bodies of three mem in a roofiese cabin..
It ia snpposed they took refuge there
during the eevexe sow storm in January r
last, and pextshed faom oold and hunger. -A
yoke of oxen and a wagon were found I
near by, which probably belonged to the f
men. '. :' . ,.- - ,
: Tmar have pdisway-of interview--
During the pky a note ttutters down -
from the gallery, and faUsen. the stage. .
The audience exy,-" Bead it I." "Jiead '
f' mI. ZM,,LZ11 . -..
makes the eontente knows. It onktairaavs
a complaint against the manapandIa--
has to come forward and expifcim.
Thb house of 6ytvans KelW. in.:
per county, Mo. was blown down tkuem&z
the storra of the night of the 3CO nil
and Keller, lus wif e and five cluldremv
were boned in the ruins. Keller waae
fastened to the earth by a heavy beatR.
The rains took , fire, and for a tune it.,
seemed that all would ,be b&ried alivH
but, by a superhuman' effort, KelW mi-
leased himself and rescued his family,
excepting one girl, .7 years old, w!auws
head had been crnehed by the falling mS
the house, and whose reiniiina were badly
burned. ' "
Lose by Weeds and Insect.
It is estimated that the value of rtrav-
duofl annna&v - raised in this nnmtn ia--.
$2,500,000,000, of which amount nearlw
or quite one fish, or e500,0Q0,OiK iK
lost, according to the American 1aC
uratist, from . the attacks of infiarioafc
plants and animala. A single emntpmg?m.i
ot the txvKt worm cost the fArmera cs
Eastern IfasMachneettS' t250,(XX wtis-iX" '
grass. '-'Missouri, alohe1 loses from CfSease'. '
to twenty milliott-- dollars , annually tmaae-.
insect depredations. .The ananwd daraa- ,
age to the tple sad' pear crop from ther
codling motb MuouriU to severed w-Jlotn '
dollars, and tLe wosk of' tLe coreulio Sr.:'
costly. A partial remedy ia to tm f onX
tn a close study of insect habits, wiiia ar.
view to asoerUming what insects ther.
are which hold the depredators in cImwJc.:
anddestroy tasaa. It is hardly poseiblen
to estimate tSe havoc annually wroh..
uy .sae gimeawpper and'-tne bee
fox exafeple, and any bird ox insect- ,
which woi,. l rcdace such pests would be
a substantial ; benefactor to the fanner :
As to the' "idjasioTsa plaii.ta,r, in the..
coTnaion vwraets3ax,i weeds, the :CT-" ,
method that is feasibTa is. to kill thorn at
their- very jtjermination by meanss S
proper a.gricultnrsd r": macuinoa. The? -Cvuntrg
(Jeniieman aSlrms tliat ,tS en ,
nual growth of weeds in this wuby
amouiiUi to eight nsilHon tons, ox eaoxsiw .
to load a compact train of wagone
enough to spaa the globe. " ;
: '"" A' Scared TUct.
All the people in a Paris houea wuwr
atartled one night by a tretnondoris oissw
made in an upper aprjtm'nt.
to the doors theysaw a man oomiJ,': ira
four RUpe at a time. - He waa rilm,
half -dead 'with fear. lww a
.had made hie way in wiiA a fl fcry.
and f echog his way about sae iawrrtai.
from room -to room,, to ffd vtiKii, .
and come rpoa some ff- f..' wrr- -able,
upright thing in' the- tui i ' i f tlicr -room.':
1 felt of ; it, ptwe4 hi. hmfuVl
Li river' ar Mfcher, and f&'il a wj, x ;J
M1ee; -' frightened, eager to.
ncmld not. mBd toa way to tii mmXL. mmM .
in his flight upset every articla sff tme
tare in the apartment. Then t " -r
went up stairs and found tf i
the fourth boot hanging tn t 1