The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, May 14, 1875, Image 4

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young noma peeyy.
Villate'a " drive" of logs bad jammed
t the foot of Bed. Rapids in the very
throat of the main " pitch," -where the
Aux Lie vree faUa over the ledges into
the " glut-hole," fifty feet below.
A wilder spectacle I never saw
throughout the lumbering region daring
m space of eight years.. The gates of the
dams at the foot of all the lakes were up;
the volume of water ." was immense.
Hooka, which in summer stand twenty
feet oat of the rapids, were now under
water. The water eame pouring down
the long incline, black and swift as an
snow, and went over into the pool at one
thunderous plunge, throwing up a vast
column of mist. Two ledges-only, situ
ated in the very throat of the " pitch,"
snowed above water. 'XHese rocks trie
ferambering company had 1 designed ' to
t MHW vui eaggjej lau'vub "" ------ ftUa TT I
been prevented by, heavy rains. They
then stood, twenty-seven feet out of
-water. Now their exeats are barelv ex
posed, and the flood . washes over them
an its nughty rhythm-motion. In the
sapids the whole stream is compressed
to a width of a little more than seventy
AyMght. jam had formed that morning
at a puioe wom a mue aoove. amis was
broken by getting a haul on it from the
shore with a dog-warp. Thereby several
snou&ana logs were noeratea at once,
and went down together into the rapids.
The older drivers exclaimed that it
would make mischief when it started
bat nothing could be done ; it brole and
went out witn a rusb. . We, who were
ahead, ran on down the ' ledges to nee it
go through the falls, and we had to run
last to keep up. The instant the logs
entered the rapids they left us .behind.
We : could see them croinar down, how-
ver. end over i end. and hear them
" boom " - against the sunken rocks.
Tuxtlotte and a Welshman named Fin
frock were ahead. I heard Turtlotte
call out in French that the Iocs were
jamming, and saw the butt ends of great
sticks fly up, glittering, out of the water.
The1 logs had struck and hung on one of
-the center rocks, and on the shelving
ledges upon the east side. The ends of
; these large sticks,' three or four feet
across, stood fifteen feet or more out of
the water. We ran on, clambering from
crag to crag till we came to a point
looking down on the grift, sixty feet be
neath ; and that was about near enough,
for the ends of the logs- flew up almost
on a level with our eyes, as they went
over, and the spray drenched our faces.
The ledges under our feet trembled as
if an earthquake were shaking them,'
anl not a word eould be heard, even
when shouted in the ear. The combined
noises were louder than thunder, heav
ier, deeper. It was a wjoth forenoon,
and the sun shone into the rack dazzliog
ly bright, making a vivid rainbow. It
was the hottest, maddesj) chasm that can
well be imagined ; and to see that bril
liant rainbow hanging there, so still and
motionless amidst all that uproar, gave
one a queer sensation.
OU nian Villate himself , with his red
cap over , his 'ears, came pnlBng down,
shouting at the top of his lungs. We
oould see his iips fly. . The hitch was be
twixt the shelving ledges on the east side
and one of the mid-channel rocks. . ' It
was not one log that had caught, else the
weight of the water would have broken
it out. It appeared that two large sticks
had ( come . down with the ends across.
each other, land a third logperhaps
several logs, overlying these. When the
current sucked them through the rapid,
between the center rock and the shore
ledges, the .outward ends of the crossed
logs struck on beth sides.
The warps were brought, and Villate
alled for volunteers to go down, or rath-
r be let down,- tlie ledges and prize oft
the shore ends of the jammed logs with
peeviea." . There were plenty f bold
JaQowa; but every man hesitated. Mtn
mnrsof "cextainemort," "aurmort,"
" porta da tombeeu," "parte d'enfer,"
xose and were .repeated,- -
" It's a hard world, but I wants to tar
ty in it a spell longer boss 1" said one
grizzled old Yankee from the Maine riv
with a sage shake of his long head.
We all knew that when the jam started it
would go through like an avalanche. Who
mever - was dowa there would have to go
with it into the glut-hole.
' Bt noon'' all' the crew had come. up.
Xhe iam filled the whole river for a third
f a mile back from the fall, so com
pletely thai during the afternoon the west
bank gangs crossed on it to tne east side.
We lighted our fires Oil the ledges; and
as the evening advanced it was a pic
turesque sight the red-shirted drivers
- ai . . .11.
camping mere via . aumug in meases
boiit their oo&ise fare.
All the next day we worked with the
warpck Nooses' were dropped over the
npnght ends of the logs at the foot of
the jam, and the gang was set to pull on
them.'' the oay a nevy capstan
-was risked, i The hawsers broke like
twine. - It was impossible . to start a log;
mo tremendous '- was the weight of water
.and lumber. eonujtoed., .-s"'-
Next day the jam , was mined witu
powder placed in. water-tight molasses
easks ana connected with fire at the top
of the l&drre by means of tarred fuses.
The blasts blew out splinters freely, but
. . . ... .. . 5 . i
Xaued K Dress or amiouge me large
-atieka.' vHiate lamed and sweated.
Unless the drive went down to market,
nt a. Hollar would be paid to one of na.
so i he declared. -' If you want your
pay, break the jam, was hia constant
: . exhortation, enforced by vigorous curses
and, iadeedV 'Wo had Iseen hired on
these terms: wags to be paid " when Cms
rive ! reached Montreal not before.
i a common rule, or used to be;
Via rai have thus stronsr interest in
tie driving. ' '
i A r1sa was moots!' macms0m.mBmm
tie ft; --iwirT nili to cut oat the front
1 ,--(, Tiie t-no sc. erne f-ai peeu oxsen
4retchinsr wsrp-Iine across rsne rapios,
. imm cliil to diif, directly4' over the foot
f tLe ;ira, a man might be lowered oa
iiL witu an ax, ami. ens away .ua
a lno, "b'-,-Bt" 1 it wss talked
jni-L"t be rams; on the cable. By tck
esuT"r tbe iiise, the ax-man could be
! towered tO'thelccs md Tthe. iastaait.the
isiicks cracked caJer taeetrofisshe comd
ieep to -tlie ba?cet -end bspued up
' out of 1 rra d lot te jn go
v.--- t
JkT --
I... -
lon ii .
foot o
T!S'er i.-U . Aiie kiuu fcauu
: i f:"iwl" racrsir the end
s ears
i e j'T to toe
'iiirv men
ti 2
- V. k a
'SZatCr in
JL. .hon
mfeove- the
'i - KO. &
it -8s V.'
1. iSot
tne Indian
'"vers, 'mamid' I
' . tf-i novel c.'ii-. 3 waa fia-
ished and slung on the cable, the project
n inuj ivl uuu . Y I11W UU3 project
was beinflr talked over. "several of the
drivers had declared themselves willing
to undertake the feat, but now . that the
basket was alung, and' after seeing it
drawn out over the abyss, they were less
disposed to proffer their services. It
needed strong nerves and a stout heart
to gaze into that foaming gulf and 'not
turn dizzy.
There was among us a youngster
whom the old drivers called. HYounc
Moll's Peevy.'? - Younsr Moll was a half-
breed (French and Indian) girl, or rather
woman at una tune, of thirty . ot thirty
three, and the mother of this boy. Borne
of the drivers said that his rightful pat
ronymic waa Skeily; but this was a
rather obscure -matter. ' ,
" The PeevY." as he was. half-humor-
ously christened, must have been nearly
ur uuiw eiiiniii. - ioa name was - sua
to have come to him one day in boy
hood, when a " peevy " was dropped off
a glut into ten or a dozen feet of water.
Several of the drivers were trying to
hook it up, but kept missing' it. The
boy, then eleven or twelveyears old, had
come alone unobserved. : Presently, and
without savmcr a word, he dropped off
the logs, brought up the . peevy and ran
away, dripping. The men laughed, and
not knowing his ' nam e called him " the
peevy-boy." Afterward, when they
found out his mother, they named the
urchin " Young Moll's Peeyy." But his
mother called him Ixtte. A' stranger
would not easily have, believed him the
child of the fresh young person who had
cared for him ; for he was unusually stal
wart and bronzed by exposure. Seen
together, they rather resembled lad and
lass. I thought so, at least,' when first I
saw her, coming to fetch him dry fee ting
and a dean shirt. She had walked
twenty miles to bring them, through.the
woods, following our traiL And the way
she kissed the young man, aside, was, or
looked to be, rather lover-like than ma
ternal. Afterward, on several similar oc
casions, I was much struck by the genre
picture they made ; the youth had the
great black eyes and black curling hair
of his mother. The drivers used to
chaff the fellow unceasingly J about
Young Moll and the care she took of
him, all of which he bore silently, with a
troubled, resentful eye ; though, other
wise, a great noble-hearted boy, gener
ous and inclined to jollity. Really, the
rough fellows thought the more of. the
young woman for this motherly affection
and wealth of care for her boy. It was
in their uncultured faces, all the while
their tongues belied them.
The " basket was alung and ready.
The gang on the other side were ges
ticulating, with random tugs at the line.
There was something whimsical in the
way the proposers of the project shrank
the one behind the other, with assumed
bravado and covert glances at " each
other's faces.
"I shall have to go myself , Villate
exclaimed, with his characteristic French
oath. "I will go myself, fat as I am I"
when bashfully, as if afraid of giving
offense, young Lotte said he would go
"if bo better man wanted the job."
There was at first muttered " non nana "
of a discussion in the crowd, but nobody
claimed the "job," and Villate was but
too glad to get a man to go. In a mo
ment the young man cad stripped to ma
shirt and red drawers, taken his ax and
stepped to the basket, but it was found
to be insecurely attached; and afterward
several better modes of t handling tae
hue were suggested, in all 'causing a de
lay of an hour or two"" .-ii
And now. as if the birds of spring,
just flitting past, had carried thcrword,
or seme presentiment of evu nad found
its way to the Pfeevy's mother, she inop
portunely made her appearance. Bad
Gates privately, touched my elbow and
nodded back, up the bank. I then saw
young Moll standing partly in the cover
of a shrub fir, a hundred yards off, in
tently watching the gang and the ex
tended warp, x , ; h j 3v;
Several of the men 'saw her, but did
not look or notice her after the first
glance. "Parbleu t a pity she's here !"
one said, and they closed in aoout J-ioue
to prevent . his seeing her. But the
woman eoon came nearer, going partly
around the crowd, keeping aloof. She
had a new plaid shawL gayly colored,
pinned closely about her neck, and her
long, black, Indian-like curls showed be
neath a beaded scarlet hood. There was
an intently anxious look in her eyes; vhe
appeared worn and tired. -. "
"The Peevy" was much too tall a man
to be shut up in the crowd. Presently
he espied her, and his eye f elL After a
time he casually, as it were, 1 made his
way back to her. - None Of us heard what
was said. The most instinctively kept
their eyes to themselves. The gang on
tae other side was staring across me
chasm. Villate ripped out an oath,and
I saw Ixtte push the girl aside so roughly
that she caught at a shrub to. save her
self. He walked straight to the brink of
the cliff,.,, j.;.J:,',--,,fj-j' - -vffc' i-
"I am here," said he. Inever saw
him look so manly. - We knew his eye
was quick and his hand sure. I had little
doubt that he would out the front logs
and come up safe, We did -not know
what the danger was till afterward. He
stood upright in the " basket,", with one
hand on the hawser to steady himself,
and his ax in the other. .
At a signal the gang on the west side
straightened the hue. We paid it out
slowly. They dre him5 out from the
brink of the ledge, till the basket was
directly over the center rock. Then
gradually we slackened - it, and - let him
down foot by foot, down under the rain
bow, where the hot, mad midst flew up
in fierce gusts, bearing the strong odor
of crushed spruce fiber. He seemed to
bear -the deafening roar without con
fusion, and glanced about quite coolly,
as it looked. " -
1 Our attention was given closely to his
signals and to our task, yet I saw Young
Moll eonung forward, step by step, as
the " basket went deeper and deeper
into . the gorge, her eye riveted on it.
Che was very pale and her hands were
tiielsacliaaVB The 'drivers cast mi
nous glanoea-at hat. rr'.-- . .c...
. : ! dent half like the looks of ' the
woman !" I heard muttered, and I think
the sight of her filled every one with a
sense of the foreboding. . '
As soon as the basket was down to the
logs we saw him step out upon .them,
and thence to the rock. From moment
to moment the mist hid him, and tran
sient jets of water, from betwixt the
lows, squirted Mgh over his head. Guard
ewp he planted one boot, shod with the
shftrp corks, upon one of the large logs
the one he judged it best to cut away
first ; the other rested on the rock. The
"basket" he had placed on his back.
We were holding it steady from both
banks, ready to pull it up when signaled.
Before and beneath him raged the cata
rvt. We aaw him' raise, his ax and
'e it into the log. The blight steel
fU. .ed in the narrow chasm. At the
fourth stroke the great log erackedr He the ax 'and clutched the basket.
A Eiijhty crash rang up. The jam had
Btewt -was moviag going down
maL?y splintering thundering into the
glDt-hole I The wet splinters all along
rapids went no a hundrmi f.f. in
air. ; , On both sides the gangs were run
ning backward, hoisting the " basket."
It - rose twenty feet a second I A hun
dred and fifty strong men pulled with
might and mam 1 As he rose he waved
his hand to ua. .-. f-.
Ah, Godl we were too slow! It was
all done in a trice. One great stick,
ending over like a fagot, barely missed
the basket. Another longer log, whirl
ing up struck the warp farther but, and
hurled him down with it 1 ' The cable
was torn from our hands J Gone like a
flash,- into . the gulf below ! - From the
one great rough human heart on either
bank a groan of pity blended with the
roar. ,..
"Too d- n bad !" they cried out in
all sincerity, and stood staring.
Tnen all eyes turned toward the poor
fellow's mother. She had thrown up her
hands when the timber swept him down.
as. if to shut out the sight, then'c
dropped them on a sudden, with a moan.
" Oatob her 1" some one shouted. Half
a dozen standing nearest sprang forward
for she was standing on the very verge
of the rooks. ; Her eyes had fallen on old
man Villate. They were like the eyes of
one in mortal agony. The blotched and
bloated old rum-butt turned his face
aside and downward, and thrust out his
hand as if to fight off flame. For their
lives the men durst not lay hold of her.
She seemed to waver m soul betwixt grief
and fury.,''- '-'':
A moment after, the men gave a loud
shout I She waa gone from where she
had stood, and the echo of a smothered
shriek tribute of . a woman's heart to
death came to our ears. i . We sprang'
to look over. There was a glimpse of
the bright shawl whirled amid the foam.
" Did she fall ?" some cried out.
" Threwed herself down !" said those
who saw it. .
We never saw trace of either of . them.
But the jam went out, to the last log.
Two hours later the gangs were follow
ing the - thrive down the stream on to
Montreal I But .the men had turned
sullen. Scarce a laugh or a cheery
shout was heard for three days. jScrib
ner. '.: . - -
The Fashions.
The present fashionable bonnet is
simply a large hat with flowing brim,
and upon it and inside of its upward
front rests a . conservatory of flowers.
There are numerous other shapes, each
Eretty, some coquettish, all becoming,
ght and graceful withal. Straw is dis
appearing and in its place is chip of the
ugliest and finest ecru, dust color, drab,
black and white. The English round
hat will be very popular as affording pro
tection to the eyes. All of the hats have
drooping streamers behind, but there are
no strings and very few feathers are seen.
As the beauty of the bonnet consists in
the heaped-up masses of flowers on the
front, there is evidently no room yet for
the proposed change in vails. The stiff,
scrap of lace or tulle will, therefore, con
tinue in use placed under the hat, to the
injury of the eyes, and with the loss of
the grace given by floating lace. The
newest shapes-imported are called La j
Brune, Lucia, the Kiatori, the Bon Ton,
and in Tflngliah, the Warwick, with a high
round crown and flaring brim ; the very
piquant Girofla turned up at the left!
side. A coquettish sailor hat is called
Castalia ; and there are other shapes, the
front or back being decided by the
trnmTftin- -r r- y- . . J
For early spring and cool summer days
there is a large display of " suitings,"
so called from being made up simply
with other fabrics in a suit. These are
in all wool broken plaids, extremely soft
and fine, of single width, called camel's
hair ; twilled, damasked, diamond-blocked,-
bird's eye and diagonal, in
drabs, grays, blue-gray, and neutral-j
tinted ground, with thread-like bars and
broken lines of blue, red, dashes of
green, dull blue and gold color. The
overskirt and basque are made of these
fabrics, and the skirt and sleeves of silk,
the color of the darkest or most promi
nent dark shade of the plaid. These
cost 80 cents and $1 a yard. All Oriental
stuffs are fast gaining popularity ; deli
cate grey Japanese suks of this season
have tiny black figures- scattered over
their surface with here and there an em
bossed white flossy silk figure, giving an
exceedingly silvery look by gaslight.
; . Black silks are more lustrous than they
have been for many years past, and much
finer in the reps. American silks are
steadily gaining in popularity on account :
of their rich appearance, durability .and
freedom from all chemical dyes and
mixtures. The colored silks of this man
ufacture come in all the new fashionable
tints the Oxford, a cold, blue- gray; a
Russian gray of pinkish hue; seal brown
and beige brown; jujube, a red brown
like paste; all shades of steel and dust
color and olive and bronze greens, deep
green, and violet merging into plum
shades. Besides these are all the light
evening shades. ' The colored American
silks are especially adapted for street
wear. ,''. :1.. . .--. -n -
- A novelty this spring is guipure gren
adine, or called by others ecru hnen,
open worked in Hamburg designs, or
like - Tfingtiwh embroidery, so very open
that scarcely any of the fabric is to be
At present, fashions seem to have set
tled, into the cuirass and long apron,
scanty skirts with much less trimming,
and quantities of shirr. Shirring is in
troduced in sleeves, . waists, aprons,
headings of flounces and ruffles. The
figure will not be disguised by volumin
ous drapery and quantities of tarimming.
It is impossible to do away with the use
ful, -pretty and ; economical polonaise,
covering as it does a multitude of evils
in the way of shortcomings in tbedreeses
of a past season. So they come again in
cashmere, silk-trimmed, and jet-embroidered,
and in braided and embroidered
camel's hair. " "v t - - ' ? ;, ,
There are several important changes m.
fashionable jewelry. .- A taste for oolored
stones is revived, in accordance with the '
passion for everything Oriental in dress.
--iVew York Tribitne. t s "; ,
- " How He ExplaJnei.'- .
h. resident of the Sixth Ward has been
missing wood from his pile fox several
weeks past, and the other night be
watched and caught a negro loading up
a big armful. ; Springing- out, he cried:
. " Ah ! hah ! I've caught you, have I!"
- "Is dat .youf" asked the negro as he
dropped the wood. . .
"Yes, this is I, and I want to know
what you are doing here 1"
"Doin heah?"
Yes, sir."
You see dis yere wood-pile, doesn't
you f" inquired the darkey.
"Yes, f do."
- Well, dere's ; a new famSy moved
into dat shanty over dar, and I don't
like dere looks one bit. I believe dey'd
steal wood quicker'n lightning, and I
cum over to warn ye. If ye miss any
wood don't say I didn't tell ye what
kind of people dose are I" ,
And he walked away leaving the man
dumbfounded. Detroit Free Pre, .,
Abkhxs is projected from Staten Isl
and to New Jersey, : and also a double
track railroad tunnel under Newark Bay,
2 miles long, and costing 3,000,000.
.The Pumpkin. .
- The pumpkin iz a large, yello fruit,
about one foot in diameter, and not far
from being round.
The seed ov it is shaped like the hed
ov an Injun arrow and iz about the size
ov yure middle finger naiL
The seed iz inserted into the ground
about the 15th ov May, and. cums to
light in about 6 days.
The pumpkin keeps on bizzy growing
tin till the fust day of Oktober, and then
gives up the contest.
Pumpkins gro on to a vine, and thar
iz but few if enny smarter . weeds than a
pumpkin vine. On ritch ground they
will gro four inches a day, besides grow
ing about two inches . each night, and
they have large, yello 'flowers an them
about the size and shape ov the other
end ov a key bugle, or French horn.
- Kach ov these flowers means a pump
kin, and I hav seen ,16 able-boddyed
pumpkins on one vinei. '
, This is called "sum pumpkins.''
Pumpkins are ; planted among corn,
and after the corn haz been got off I
hav seen the . pumpkins so mutch on
the ground that yu couldn't count
hem.,, j,"
-. The most remarkable thing about the
pumpkin iz the pi that iz in them.
Each able-boddyed pumpkin haz from
6 to 8 pize in them,'and there ain't no
food, anshunt . or modern, kan outstyle
them.;;.-- -;.'T'.'' . '
, Pumpkin pi iz az hard to beat az the
simple truth 'iz. Pumpkins are kut up
into strips and hung up in the kitchen
for winter pi. . , : .
; I dont kno whare or when the pump
kin waz fust diskovered, or who it waz
who fust worked it up into pL .
Christopher Columbus found Ameri
ka, Newton waz the father , ov gra vita
shun, and menny a man haz spent hiz
whole . life and talent on perpetual
motion and never kaught up with
it, but who fust found a , pumpkin or
invented it iz a mistery . up to this
Pumpkins grow the most cheerfully in
Na England, . bekause folks are most
kind to them thare, but the pumpkin iz
a good-natured plant, and will gro enny
whare if people ain't sassy to it. Josh
A California Goose. "
The season of wonderful fish and bird
and snake stories is fairly inaugurated,
and, as might have " been expected, the
Pacific slope, with its big trees and its
big vegetables and fruits, produces also
the prize zoological romances. . The last
story which comes is of a wild goose of
the past and the present. One Mr. Abe
Green, a mighty hunter, went forth to
hunt lately on Cache creek, near Yolo,
Cal. , and saw in the course of his ram
bles a wild goose sitting at the edge of
the water. Mr. Abe Green crept up as
close to the bird as he thought prudent,
and the thunder of his overloaded shot
gun reverberated up and down the creek,
but the wild goose didn't budge. Then
Mr. Abe Green went up to fathom the
mystery, and discovered a wonderful j
thing. The goose he shot at was a pet- j
rifled goose, and the load from his gun
had only clipped off a tiny fraction of its
wing. He lifted the goose from the
ground, and as he did so a piece of its
breast dropped out, disclosing a hollow
inside, from which pure, dear water
commenced running. The feathers of
the goose, though of stone, were natural
in appearance, and the general look of
the bird was altogether life-like. -Mr.
Abe Green took the solid curiosity to his
cabin, where it is now undergoing in
spection by the curious..
Scene in a Cincinnati Barber Shop.
Enter a oolored man " I say Boss, has
you heard obde Civil Rights bill f"
Barber "Yes, certainly." "
t Cord man An' ye know u s become
olawob de lan'J " ;
i Barber" Oh, yes."
Col'd man" Nigger jes' much rites as
de white man eberywhere I "
; Barber" Seems so." :
. Col'd man-" Well, den, (dropping in
to a vacant chair), you jes' shave me, will
you," boss t "
- Barber" Of course, sit still and IH
The lathering was duly performed and
the barber got ready to apply the razor.
, " Look-a-heah, ''cried the civil righter ;
" what makes your hand tremble so ? "
Barber "Well, I am a little shaky
this morning, that's a fact, (vibrating the
razor in dangerous proximity to the
customer's juggler.) You see, I've been
drinking ' pretty hard lately, and last
night I had an attack of delirium tre
mens? but "
; The darkey didn't Btop to hear any
more. ' " Gosh A'mighty 1 boss, you
can't shave me," he yelled, and slipping
out of the chair, he made for the door,
lathered as he was, and disappeared.
Moody and Sankey.-
There is no hesitation, so beating
about the bush: Mr. Moody's earliest
request is an eminently hopeful and prac
tical one. "Jjetus praise uoa, ne ex
claims, " for what He is going to do in
London;" and forthwith, without more
prelude, he. gives out the 100th Psalm,
the 16,000 people rise together, and, led
by the harmonium, sing the grand old
lines which all have learnt from their
childhood. It may be that " all people
that on earth do dwell ' are objecting
strenuously to comply with the request
the chorus makes; the adjuration is none
the less determined, and the wave of
sound rolls round and round the build
ing, forming a very ocean of melody Buch
as may scarcely be imagined.' " Preachers
and their people alike throw back their
heads and shout out the refrain , with
heart and soul, gallery answers to gallery,
the singers on the platform to the chorus
below, and when Mr. Sankey calls for
renewed expression in the last verse," the
audience makes one more grand effort
with tremendous effect. A Mr. Billing
now offers a short prayer, and with this
the " revival " service is inaugurated.
London Daily Telegraph, ,
Facts Worth Eememberlng-.
,One thousand shingles laid four inches
to the weather will cover over one hun
dred 'square feet of surface, and five
pounds of shingle-nails will fasten them
on. t , -
One-fifth more siding and flooring is
needed than the number of square feet
of surface to be covered, because of the
lap in the siding and matching of the
One thousand laths will cover seventy
yards of surface, and eleven pounds of
lath-hails will nail them on.
Eight bushels of good lime, sixteen
bushels of sand, and one bushel of hair
will make enough mortar to plaster one
hundred square yards.
A cord of stone, three bushels of lime,
and a cubio yard of sand will lay one
hundred cubic feet of walL - . ,
Hve courses of brick will lay one foot
in Light ca a chimney, six bricks -in a
course will make a flue four inches wide
and twelve iackes long, and eight bricbs
in a course will make a flue eight inches
wide and sixteen inches long. . . .
Teerb is a horrid rumor of the restora
tion of crinoline.
Tlie Spelling Mania.
Dr.-Mess was about right when he
said, at a late spelling-match between
two Christian associations, that the man
isn't entitled to much respect who cannot
spell any word in the English language
in more ways than one. There are cer
tainly two ways in which every English
word may be spelled one as pronounced,
and one as it is written. But conven
tionality is a dreadful thing. , The man
who pronounces an Tfrngliah word as it is
written makes himself about as ridicu
lous as the man who writes an English
word as it is pronounced. One would
think that so palpable a contradiction as
this might be corrected in the interest of
more than 100,000,000 people. The En
glish language is spoken . and written by
more people than the language of any
other civilized people. Yet none other
is so barbarous in its othography and
orthoepy. The language is a jumble,
from the complex character of its origin.
A mixture of Anglo-Saxon,; Norman
French and German, aerniring ite Greek
through the Latin, and its Latin through
the French, it is a composite of richness
and irregularity. We uve departed
from the almost universal rule of cul
tivated tongues in the relations between
spelling - and pronunciation. Sanscrit,
Greek, Latiny Italian, German, Spanish
are all written as they are pronounced,
and pronounced as they are written.
Having acquired the organic sounds
peculiar to the different nationalities, it
is an easy matter to spell the words cor
rectly in any of these languages. . Even
in the French there are rules which gov
ern the discrepancies between orthogra
phy and sound. Not so in English.
Hence the English-speaking people are
necessarily "pad ' spellers." To spell
English correctly comes by nature much
more than Dogberry's reading and writ
ing, for the accomplishment is the result
of a retentive memory, as well as long
application. The most serious applica
tion will fail without the assistance of
this natural gift of a tenacious memory.
The new amusement of spelling matches,
old. and familiar in the country-school
districts, has, in its present form, a wide
field of usefulness as well as entertain
ment. As if in keeping with the con
tradictory character, of the language,
nothing brings one into ridicule as quick
ly as bad spelling. The printers and the
proof-readers get an excess of abuse
which they do not merit. If they would
put into type and pass every word as it
is written in editorials, local articles,
advertisements and ' communications
(especially the latter), the issue of a large
morning daily would be a more wonder
ful orthographical product than the
wildest efforts of Josh Bflling or Arte
mus Ward. Chicago Tribune.
live Stock and Population.
Prof. Thorold Rogers, of Oxford Uni
versity, England, has made up a curious
return of the proportion of domesticated
live stock to population in the most
prominent countries in the world. .It
shows the following results:
Great Britain has one cow to every
twelve persons, a sheep for everybody,
and one pig for every six. -
France has a like proportion of sheep,
a double share, comparatively, of cows,
but only one pig to every six persons,
i. The Swedes have a cow between three
and one-half of them, a sheep between
two and three-quarters, and a pig to a
baker's dozen.
" There ae as many sheep as , there are
Norwegians in Norway, when they are
all at home; and two and one-half of
them the Norwegians axe entitled to a
cow. They can have only one-eighteenth
of a pig each.
Denmark has a cow for three persons,
as many sheep as persons, and a pig for
four and three-quarters persons.
Prussia, with her usual uniformity, has
an equal number of cows and pigs, one
to every five inhabitants, besides a sheep
apiece all round.
Wurtemburg has a quarter as many
cows as people, a sheep to two and
three-quarters, and a pig to every seven.
Bavaria rates the same as Wurtemburg
as to cows and sheep, and is as much bet
ter off for pigs as one-fifth is better than
one-seventh. . ..--..--'.'"
Saxony has a sheep and a pig for
every eight persons, and a cow for every
Holland has a cow to every four, a
sheep to every four, and a pig to twelve
persons. :-;k"- .:-:'
- Belgium a cow to six, a sheep to nine,
and a pig to eight (which is an Hiber
nicism.) .:::-, ."
Austria has a cow for every six persons
and a sheep and a pig for every five per
sons. .'..'- -
: Switzerland runs up to the Swedish
standard on cows, one to three and one
half persons, and has a sheep for five,
and a pig. for "every seven and one-half
persons. . :. ,
We Americans close the list with a
cow for every four of us, a sheep apiece,
one pig to every one and one-half. Ru
ral New Yorker. .
Her Yapor Bath.
Says a writer in the St. Louis Repub
lican : 44 She will not take a vapor oath
again very soon, though the one she took
recently was by no means lacking in re
sults. One of her friends had been tell
ing her of the beneficial effeota of baths
of this kind and giving definite advice re
garding; ita preparation, so she resolved
to try it " The extemporized bath was
arranged by filling a sanoer with whis-'
key, in which' was placed some boneset
and sassafras. Then she pl&oed the
saucer on the floor, and over it placed a
cane-bottomed ohair, taking a seat in the
chair dressed a la Eve, save that a huge
blanket enveloped the whole outfit. An
attendant then lifted a oorner iof the
blanket and applied a match to the whis
key in order to. produce the gentle,
soothing vapor, which was expected to
arise and do worlds of good. - Would
that . weil could be drawn over the sub
sequent proceedings, but an ordinary
veil wouldn't cover 'em. The gentle,
soothing vapor didn't arise, but a red
hot, soorching t flame did arise, " like
lightning, tv the height - Of about five
feet from the saucer, there was a terrific
report,' and the bath-taker was lifted off
the chair on the wings of a sirocco, and
deposited, half grilled, in a corner of the
room. And now she is nearly well, but
opposed" to extempore vapor baths."
Thx following table shows the leading
8smoultural products in " the - United
Siates in 1850 and 1870 :
.' 1880. 1870. a
Cash value of farms, '
CerStaTbn' 867:3,a6T I,SOT,a79,SM
ay, tons ... v f!8-'?;
Butter and cheese, lbs.
Animals slaughtered or
18,ua,lU C77,017,6UO
rJonbaieaof a00S. v a,toS ,011,fr
Cane susar.fehaa : Wfilt 87,9x3
S-roSoosa of ail menu
Stores Sl,01,tOe,slS $t,z33,83B,iSS
At the former of these periods the popu
lation of the United States was 23,191,873
and at the latter period it was 83,558,871.
Vices are often habit lather than pas
arm. rr w
ml ft'TO-vjar M-(7
adW Vs SnWiS rnmmtm . Bra mmrnm
" AND -4-
Exchange Office,
PepoaHa neeived mbjeet to check at aiirhi.
Interest allpwed on turn depoaica in coin.
Exchange -on Portland. San granctaco and Haw
York t v aala a lowaat raiaa.
Collection made and promptly remitted.
Refers te-H. W. Corbet t, Henry Failing,. W. 8.
Xdd. : - , i
Banking houra from 8 a. m. to 4 p. m.
Albany, 781.1,187., 3M
- ' J. W. BALDWIN,
Attorney and Counselor it Law,
Will practice in aU the Court in the Second, Third
and Fourth Judicial Piatrtota, in the 8nprame Ooart
of Oregon, and la the U. 8. Pietrict and Circuit
Ootirta. S" -
Office in Parrish brick (ap-etaira), in office occu
pied br the late N. H. Oranor, ilral street, Albany,
Oregon. - tolSrt
, D. B. RICE, M,
Office, Fir -.', Beiioeen Ferry and Wathington.
Residence, Third street, two blocks below or east
of Methodist Church, Albany, Oregon. r6n40
J..O. FOWXIJj. ' .4-. FLYNK.
Attorneys ana Counselors at Law.
Xi. FUnn, Notary Public), Albany, Oregon. Collec
tions and eoneyenoea promptly attended to. 1
Albany Dock Gtore.
' Denier In
MiteeUaneouM Book, School Boolct, Blank
Books, Stationery, Fancy Article, dbo. ,
Books imported to order at shortest possible no.
ioe. - T6n..
.. AiiBANT, Oregon. ;
Office in Parriah Brick Block, corner First and
Ferry streets.
Residence, corner Fifth and Ferry streets.
Office hours from 8 to 13 o'clock a. m. and 1 to 5
o'clock p. m. 18vS
Epizootics Distanced.
And is flourishing like a green bay tree. Thankful
for past f avora, and wishing to merit the continu
ance of the. same, the BAY TEAM will always be
ready, and easily found, to do any hauling within
the city limits, for a reasonable compensation. .
t Delivery of goods a specialty.
aovfi A. N. ARNOLD, Proprietor.
Dealer In
Groceries, ProTisions, Toliacco, "Cinars,
Cutlery, Crockery, ana Weed ana Willow War,
tM- Call and see him. ' SavS
The ITJctzler Chair !
.. Can be had at the following places t
Junction City.......
Brownsville. ...... ..
Bam May
. Smith a Braaneld
. ..Kirk Hume
J. M. Morgan
.4. J. Jurown
Albany............ ................... Oraf a Collar
A full supply can also be obtained at my old shop
on First street, Albany, Oregon.
. . J. M. MITZLEB.
" ilXeoughton, m. D.r
and lata member "of BelleToe Hospital Medical
College, New York. "
Office in A. Carat hers ft Co.'s Drug Store, Al
bany, Oregon.
I Pile3l Piles I
Why aay thia damaging and troublesome com
plaint eeanoe be eared, when so many esideueee of
success might be placed before you every day
cares of supposed hopeless eases f Your physician
informs yon that the longer you allow the complaint
to exist, you lessen your chances for relief. A.
ptrienc ka taught thi in all com.
L Caifitliers & Co.'s Pile Pills & Ointment
Are al they are recommended to be. Will eure
Chronic, Blind and Bleeding PUea in a very short
time, and are eoneetwm to ea.
This preparation is sent by mail or express to any
point within the United States at 1.S0 par package.
Address A, CABO FHE&S CO ,
S7v6 Box S3, Alabany. Oregon.
Groceries and ProvisiGiis,
. ,' ALBANY, OREGON, -l ":
Bm just opened his new grocery establishment, on
Corner of Eilsworth and Fire Streets,
With a fresh stock of Groceries, Provisions, Candies,
Cigars, Tobacco, ate., to which he invites the atten
tion of our eitiaene.
- In connection with the store he wiU keen a Bakery,
and will always have on hand a full supply of fresh
Bread, Crackers, Ac
tar-Cell end eee me.
February 1L '
. John Rrigg8, '
JjWaJjJ ":''?'
Cc:l, Pd:r ail E:i Stra!
Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Ware,
And th usual assortment of Furnishing Goods to
M ODSaiSMNI IK a AW Diwrv.
. Benairs neatlv ana Dromptly executed on reason.
Short Reckonings Slake Long: Friends.
Dec a, 1874.
Dealers in Merer, aedtsa and Prod no. A good
assortment of all kinas of MOds always in orv
aA loweet market rates.
A gears for sale of Wagons, Oraia Drills, Cidev
HUis, Churns, sea.. Ice.
OaeH paid for WBKiT, OaTS, PORK, BCT
TEB, avOas, and POVLXKr.
. Dealer in ...
'' A ' " l "
j ,,.3iais t vf
A. W. GAMBLE, M. D.,
W on Firtt SL, over Weed's Grocery Store-
denhSI'fFJF0 Ut "sldence of John O. Men- -Foundry,
Km street, Albany. .
VI e b foot Har k etc
SfSif n'-Li"' WJWoot Market, on First street, .
adjoining 0radwohls, respectfully aska a share of '
EQl aui. with sil kinds ef fresh meats. Call,
tW The highest cash price paHf Iw Rifles.
Albany, Angust li, 1874. .
lli. 0 ' "BtJ ea
AiiumBj m .uBMssiisr ai imy,
Will practice in all the Courts of this State.
Offlos in Vox's Brisk Building (ap-stairs), First .
street. T7 .
Mary MarllaclmB Slopn
A. F. CHERRY, Proprietor,
Manufactures -- "' ' .
Steam Iilngijies
1-Tw Tl sr-j W S 9
xiour ana caw mm xoacmiiery, -
'..". . '," , And sU kinds of ',
Iron and Brass Castings.
Particular attention paid to repairing all kinds oft -machinery.
dkaTiTOi nr
Drugs, Chemicals,,
Oils, Paints,
Dyes, Class,
Lamps, Etc
An the popular " ""
Particular care and promptness given physicians' "
Albany, Oregon. 4v6
to Btrr-
&c.,ic.s &c.,,
Cheap for Cash, li
Coantry Prcdnce of All Kinds EOuifetL
For Merchandise or Cash.
Th-'e is the p'sos to get the
i "
Best B&rg-aina Erer Offered la Albny
Fartles will always do well to oaU and arc for them
selves. H. VEE1).
First Street, Albany, Oregon.
ustang Linimonr
Was first known In America, Its merits are now
well knows throughout the habitable world. It haa
the oldest and best record of any Liniment la tba -world.
From the millions upon mil I tons of bottles'
old not a single oomplaint has ever reached na. As
a Healing and Pain-Sabdning Liniment it has no -equal.
It is alike '
Sold by an Pruggfta. .
ST --IPflftla-- f
Hi IUUU aC.h
Plantation Bitters ;
Ts a nnrelv Veeetabla ' Preparation, coronoaed of'
Calisaya Mark, Uouta. .Baris a4Ht ran r.n'm
vhKh wtU be found bares parriian, I.u .1, Hlid.
Cherry, tassifraa, Tansy, ! ftwews etc.;
also Tamarinds, Dates, .prune ead Jimipeif orrSes,
preserved in a samoeac quantity (only) of Ui spirit
of Bogar dane e awp m any ium& -a. ney junrK
ably relieve and eure the foiiowlee; ooBiplainte
Dyspffpaia, Jaundice, XAvar OomrMainta, horn of
Appetite, Headache. Bilious Attacks, Fever and
Ague, Summer Coin plaints. Sour Mr:io.b, Palpita
tion of the Heart, Oeneral Debility, etc. They arsv
estwoiaUy adapted as a remedy tor the dhM-aeea to
which... .
. 7 O LI C tl
Are sub.lectfd ; and as a tonic f .r t'e Agri, Feeble
and Debilitated, have no eqRl. They a r atnotly in
tended aa a Temperanoe Tome or bitters, to be
need as medicine only, ea4 always aoeording to
Ureoiiona. . .... v .
Souo bt iu. Fibst-Cijubs DsuaotsTa
Who manufactured tiie first pood Bmora every
naade in Albasy, has returned ir-a Osnita, s
loealad perntauectiy iu tills city, wtiere be 1.
agaia cotscaoeit the njaaufacture of nil amos t,f
Bmslrcs hie factory on ITrs KTEfJTT
MetKlrS o!d stand, east of -.eWi b"rr
he invitee those wnusg a ii-lee broom to cu
and secure it fhu. . sr. D. BKUDIKO.
Albasy, Oct. 14, 167a. . ,T