t ... 't- ! ... 1 I . . - w I r- VXiVK lll'IIIT ALBANY. OREGON. REUGIOS AND doctrine. nnn hit. I1 ood kefars the Sanhedrim : The aeowiing rabbis gued a him. He recked not or their praiar or blame: ltmM bo fear, there waa so shame. Jr one npon wfcoae dazzled eyes The whole wosid pound its rit surprise, SJ ,IV. y u8ht "e ad clear, T l J1 -"-sate his new-gained ken , On the bate-clouded face of men. 'What hast thou been T w hat art thou now T Thoja ut not he who reston-day . sat here and begged beside the war: 4 , , JFor ha waa blind. ... , " ' Ab1 X he Tori waa blind, but now 1 see. . He told the story o'er and o'er': It waa bis full heart's only lore ; J " ! A prophet on the Sabbath day " . ; Had toncbed hia aifaUesa eyea with clay. And toMdn htn aee who had been Wind. Their worda passed by him like the wind ; ' 22ulh d kowla, but cannot shock The hundred-fathom-rooted rock. Their threats and fury all went wide : The- eould not touch his Hebrew pride. Their sneers at Jesus and His band, j ; " Nameless and homeless in the land, " Their boasts of Moses and bis Lord, ! AU could not change him by one word. ) " X know not what that maa may be. Sinner or saint ; but aa for me, -. One thing 1 know, that I am he Who once was Mind, and now I aee. v TThey were all doctors of renown. great men of a famous town, " With deep brows, wrinkled, broad and wise. Beneath their wide phylacteries " The wisdom of the Kt was theirs, ' ' And honor crowned their silver hairs. The man they Jeered and laughed to scorn Wm unlearned, poor, and humbly bom; But he knew better far than they . What came to him that Sabbath-day ; And what the Christ had done for him He knew, and not tb Sanhedrim. -Harper' MagazmBjar Jfoy. .. matter in a more practical light, arid did not regard the match e' oiDucr ma auvice, ana noped sne would heed it. Miss Corydon had another suitor, whom epdiisotiomme had told THE HISSING LINK. 3By Stanley "'Curtis. WHAT OF IT ? 1 awui tea years ago 1 -was passing uuuugn a Mimtu city in uie atate of jncw York. . My errand there wa one of bus iness solely; and hauoe my sojourn was anon. amvea at o o clock, m the eve nincand departed at twelve that same night About half-past eleven, as I passed through the main street on mv A. .. At i 1 ' T - wsyr u uie Biaaoii, x encountered a man with a mask, who, at the moment I met nim, was emerging from a shop. Just as he stepped out his mask dropped off, and I caught a good glimpse of his face. It would be irrelevant to describe his personal appearance now. But he glared at me fiercely, hastily i placed his mask, and made off at j quick -pace. I pursued my way,: thinking the event -rauier strange, DUt tua not give it much ESTHKB COBTTJOJI. A year ago I came in possession of manuscript left by a lunatic a female of Tare beauty, it was said, who had just died at the age of 29. Her life had -been a sad one. :Deep sorrow in her maioennooo, disappointment in love. and experiences of a terrible nature, had unsettled her reason.. She was violent attunes; at otner tunes, silent and sullen, -while occasional lucid intervals broke in w uer oancenea mud. ! At these times, he invariably spent a gre deal of time wxicmg, ana, aitnougn apparently sane was so inexpressibly sad and weighed down by melancholy, that delirium seemed a relief rather than a curse. -This I learned of her attendants and friends. From her manuscript I have collated a story too strange, almost, to be true a story of wrong and ruin, of grief and injustice, of the irresistible force of circumstances; ' Which some times combine in stranon atuI mm; shapes plotting destruction to innocent victims. fair complexion, and fine, though firmly moulded, features. Her brother was also tall; but his hair was light and his eyes were blue . Fr tjem jfcjj Tmi non, courage, and a proud and r.i. 7u an, , hls 818461 ever disagreed was that ofher marrying Qeoffry Armstrong. Armstrong was poor artist; and Esther bad eonfidenoe fttia4 his! geniuswimld iy uixu Buooessiunyttnrouirii lffe-- Itii( i'hilip, aKhdugfi ; irW cherished no Mil. was going ana bade me good-bye, as he to the lake shore to sketchJ ' " Now." thoucrht I. ''for thrJctoi Kivers."' But strange to sav he did not come near me for more than tive snirir i A., -7" " ,"ft' I " not come near me for toore than hranTntsr&e TdM no aA during that time, and I thought he had left the fcall-jsoom, though I was not hot sure, as caugnt . rew, distant glimpses of figure reeemblinar his.' jemaiiyj ,ne approached ne Just as the feelino- nvr.f nJ&Z, iZZ- pwy was unauong np, aau tMfered his ItT1, aeijvCeesas an escort home. I could do nothing else than accept, as the dancers were rapidly dtspersmg." "'To my sur prise satisfaction, he did not make love to me; on my way home, and we separatea witn a simple good night. I went to bed, and slept soundly. But, oh, what a waking the next morninir ! him . 1 4 . " , """" wm""K ne rrVurix'iTD y iweBervea ueoarey murdered ; his poor, mangled manner ; but stul he persecuted her with body and white faoa beinggazed nnon name was John Rivers. " People gerner ally called him handsome ; but there-was a look , about liis small, bead-like black eyes which Miss CJorydon called ?snaky." But whatever were his bad or good quali ties. Miss Corvdon nreferrn fhtnflVow Armstrong, and that was-enough, i At by hundreds of curious eyes ; and, more than au, my brother accused of doinc win unu - i - As the - people passed through the streets, I heard their shouts and mutter ings, and Philip's name was often dis- uuguisnaDie. " wnat are tney raving uut mm tnouKnt i. AM oi a snd- 5ft?J? Mrs, C3ambee, my landlady, rushed -r I iT uer suuue. i into my room. i i S? not ,only not let her. alone, j " Oh, Miss Corydon 1" she exclaimed. uij lie ueariy pesterea tne life out of her "what do you suppose they are saying , , ; . X. ZJ "f J""- t nuuui.vuui oromeri xner nave found xne ueau uouy oi ueppey Armstrong L something terrible in his room, and thev was conveyed to his late hoarding house, ( ttiink Jie. killed poor Mr. Armstrong ! ana there, respectably laid , out. The wounua -were dressed as neatly as pos sible, and preparations ' for the funeral made., - i?-;. - .:,. . Meanwliile the office rsf -were discussing the best mode of detecting the murderer. The clue afforded did not eeem to promise much, as the knife had probably been thrown far out into the lake ; and in that case there could be no possibility of recovering it. .,..s But who had last "beeri seen with ijhe victim t - No one knew. " He had left his boarding-house early in -the evening, and gone, as he said,, to tk shore of the lake to sketch a moonlight scene g However, one person had been - seen searching for him during the evening stopping at all his lounging places, and anxiously in quiring for his ; whereabout, 1 That per son was Philip Corvdon. i, His manlier was somewhat , excited, and he appeared in great haste. - No one thought of ing him of the crime; as his reputation was unsullied ; and to associate him with such an act seemed prenosterona. : " But," said John Bi vers, who was con versing with the officers, . " where is Corydon t I haven't seen him about this morning. Yon know he was very much opposed to a marriage that was talked of between his sister and Armstrong i" - "You don't accuse him of anything, do you ?" indignantlv demand a v. stander. : . "Accuse himf" OJi -nn T4r.f U'J , , "u, ah? a n good' sharp lawver." and ' w rmnht have his advice in this case, it seems to me. Whv don't - soDiftKrwlw imir him?" ' " rt Officers areT inmnlntia vLina take nothint? : for trrtmtaA ' CS had Listened mlently to Rivers, and was thinking m silence. He flnallv looked Oh, mercv! what have I said? Dnn't look at me so l" . i I did not faint, but think I Imust have fastened my eyes on Mrs. Gam bee with a strange expression, for she appeared to be in great terror lest she had done harm by telling me the news so suddenly. -1 was nearlystunned. They had found something in his room, had i they, that led them to think he had done the mur der ? These words I repeated to myself a number of times; and finally, without speasang to jura, uamoee, or paying her any more attention than if she had not been, there, I put on my things and started for Philip's residence, j i I had a vague idea that some one tried to stop me; but I went on, regardless of any attempted interruption, and walked swiftly through the streets,' my face closely veiled. But few recognized me; I believe; and they gave me a wide berth, hot caring, probably, to touch the gar ments of a murderer's sister, r I soon arrived at Philip's boarding place. A dozen ragged urchins had col lected in front of the door, and were dis cussing the murder with childish wisdom and garrulity. I ascended the steps and knocked tremulously. A man-servant opened the door. ' i ; Is Mr. Corydon in?" I asked. . " No, miss," he answered grinning. , Do you know where he is ?" ; "No, miss; nobody knows where he is. He keeps himself scarce, now, he doesv". ...... i Miss Corvdon's storv i inn and incoherent to give bodily; therefore, X will narrate the facts as clearly as pos sible, making only occasional quotations from her manuscript. . :. ' jTHB MURDER. ucuiucj Ajruisurmg naa Deen mur- uerea murdered in the dead of night. In th.e morning bis body was found on the lake shore, disfigured by several ugly gashes, and one deep, cruel stab in the left breast, which had evidently done - The i discovery was made "about ten o clock in the 'forenoon. He bad been missed from his , usual haunts, , his room was found to be empty, and wjaren was instituted. . The horrible cisoovery of bis murdered -body was uuo iwaii.- Atwasiouna by two labor ing men, wno brought the news with paieiaces. ' ; 'Xhe excitement was fatense; Geoffrey Armstrong ' had many friends in the TOwn, ana tney wept and vowed revenge. Jlne eeroner was summoned, and pro- "wuou wiux-at jury w noia an inquest. Nothing peculiar was discovered, noth ing Dy wnxsn erne coma be obtained to nnd the track of the - murderer. Nothing, I cay, until one of the fury- up, ana said, y "Twouldn't do any harm. hi mju lor vxnat tjorydon. It seems queer that he shouldn't be about, 'specially seeing : he was after Armstrong so eagerly last night. "Where's his boarding house?" , , , On being informed he . started for it, followed by a parcel pf men -and boys of the class always on-the lookout for a sensation. . He soon aniund f. h nation, and, . accompanied by a brother officer, ascended to Corydon Vi room. He knocked at the :door lrwtilw tj i. A- louder knock bailed to feHeit any re sponse. The office looked n.t u.h nf. significantly. 'Another knock' was given, with the same result. Afirain Hie vffivi-a peered into; each Osfiers countenances; and, as if by simultaneous agreement, they placed , their shoulders against the ""y uutbi its iasiemngs. "What was that on the At die of the room I And that near the chair f ' i . The one was a loner, slmnv vhi-n' fla bladed knife, covered isvit.h - lilvni- wi the other was a can. with red sfAina ot.,i . .... . ' ""' uixxonati ( ;-,(- . . : The officers involuntarily started back, accustomed though they were to scenes of horror. They then scrutinized the room closely, but found nothing else un usuaL, The weather was very warm, and one- window was ; rraised, allowing the slight , breeze to gently ruffle the light Kuiioun, r wiiooni, au was Prtgnt sun shine; within, "it was bright, too,: but upon , what a scene 1 There lay the traces of a recent murder, in the room of a man of high standing in the, community. He evidently had : Hot retired - to rest the night before, as the bed was .undis turbed. ,,rtii.tijti..5, t'. sr !.ft-i otHsj--: i The people Outside crew imriaflont . the non-appearance of , tl omersy and began to be clamorous.''. PinaDy.'one at tuux ojvMreci, w sue aoor. AaT Tl-J -s - " What do you mean ? I am his sister. They have not gone so far as to arrest him, nave they?" i " Oh, you're his sister, are von? I'm sorry fer -that. No, - they haven't ar rested him, for the reason that they can't find him." i , " Cannot find hini?" I echoed "wTi-.- can they not find him ?" " 'Cause, miss, he's the servant. ' . " 1 do 004 believe it," I exclaimed, in dignantly. "He did not do the deed. He would not run away. Let me go to his room." ' " This way, ma'am. There's an officer there. YouTl have to ask himj" 'I went up-stairs. ! An officer guarded the door of Philip's room, and would not let me enter. I begged. He was firm. It s mv dutv. ma'am " caiM an. go in there- now. I saw it was of no use to plead, and sat down at the head of th To thmk ! Oh, what misery there is in thinking ! Thought has driven me mad. If I eould never think again, what a com fort it would bel j After sitting there for some time, I was aroused by a hubbub below. Bovs were screaming, and there was a sound of wheels approaching. j ,., " Something is up," said the officer ; and he strained his neck to look out of mT , ' Dut oia not desert his post " The vehicle sfavmWl ir. fi ii. house, the frontdoor opened, and Philip came bounding up the stairs. I . " What under heavens is the 'matter ?" he cried. " What does this crowd mean, and these people following me 1" ' vn, ramp . x cried, springing to vrn Wi J -a. 1 - -T " j v. uiu uvn viu m. aia you if' TY 4nf Amrc TA.l many given and the points presented on uia Biue oi uie prosecution. . ..The defense submitted the following: The prisoner was a man of high char acter in the community, and of known good traits as a citizen. That although h was opposed to,. th marriage ot his sister to Geoffrey ! Armstrong, his dis like of the latter did ' not - partake of the character : of violent hatred, ' and was altogether insufficient on which to found an accusation of this -kind. The prisoner could' not ' account ' for the knife and cap. being in his room. They must have . been placed there by. some other party, in order to direct suspicion in we wrong quarter, f The prisoner admitted that he had searched for Armstrong the night before the murder, and he wished to see "in? on private business. But he had left town without seeing him ; and the fact that he returned the next day ought to be proof oi ins innocence. - i - When asked why he left town so late at night, prisoner replied that his time was precious, and by leaving at that hour he could do his business early in the morning and return by noon, which he did. His business was connected wfth Armstrong, and that was the reason ne naa wisned to see him before lea vine. The said business was of stfoh a nature that it would be of no avail in the de fense ; and hence prisoner declined to mention it. Such was the substance of the points elaborated upon by the respective coun sel. A Die ana eloquent, speeches were made on both sides, and the Judge charged the jury impartially. - j The large audience was agitated "hv conflicting emotions ; first, the general esteem in which the prisoner was held ; second, the almost overwhelming evi dence against him. The verdict won awaited almost breathlessly. The prisoner was found guilty of man slaughter, and sentenced to hard labor in the State Prison for the term of ten years. ,.; . .. VX MISS cobydok's NABBATTVE. ! When I recovered from mv illnAm mv brother was in prison. I looked over tne accounts of the trial. , " Fools !" thought I. " Why do you say my brother is cruiltv of manslaxKrh. ter? He is either guilty of murder, or n wmjcctw, n ne Killed Ueoffrey Armstrong, it was a devilish, eold-blood- eo. muraer. i5ut you doubted it You knew he could not do such a thing. You wanted to convict - somebod v. thnrnrli - and so you declared my poor brother guilty oi manslaughter. " .tsut ne was innocent He never did the deed. As soon as I was strong ouu"ui -- e preparations ior a jour ney. I would go to the prison, and see witn a dreary, heart and a nJnd clouded with trouble, I got my clothes in orcier, and made preparations to go, une evening, when I was sitting in my room, despondent and gloomy, a knock was heard at the front door. The ser vant said a gentleman had called to see xi"5. Jin a nsuess manner X gave direc tions tnat ne might be shown in. : John xuvers was usnered into my presence. oiiauL never lorget my feelings on beholding him. AU the dreaded memo ries of the last sad two months rose up .""i nucitiy ana oppressively. iuy Drain was a heavy lump of lead. But in tne midst of all my wretchedness rose the thought, " That man is my enemy !" He stood looking at me, with his small black eyes, bright and insinuating, in a ""xmeir questioning ana doubtful. He seemea to wim to read my thoughts. "aui i naa Deen only an acquain tance who had made himoAlf T bly intimate a rejected lover, a disap- to this place," said Philip, at one time dur ing our interview. - I left-himwith a heart almost dead ened, but with a spirit to dare anything m order to dfac6vervthe real murderer, andset mjf brother, free. But what oouig x, a helpless girl, do ? The world ,e, m brothWguilty, and no one would look' with i encouragement on any efforts I might make to prove him inno eent Howeyerrrimtde up my mind to feenre the serrioes otma able lawyer, and let him watch, in a quiet, unobtrusive manner, for eonterclew by which to dis cover the real vmLrAeew,-'' -s'l''v' j , So. one evening I went to see Mr. nnch, a shrewd little man, who saw everything in a minute, when he chose, and who eould observe without being observed., I talked with him an hour, and at the end of that time, I believe, convinced him of "Philip's innocence, and had him thoroughly interested in my case. . . 44, But we were not to .be known to be in communication. If either discovered anytiung, the other was to be informed by ( letter. ; So we ' parted, my heart soon departed, after making a few common-place remarks. . j The next morning I sent the following note to Mr. Pinch: I ' ' . "Nov. 20th. "Watch John Rivera If you com municate with me, call him Fald. -.' . "E. C " , Ihiring the next four weeks I received two notes' from Mr. Pinch. They read as follows: "Fald shore."- ' No. I. walks frequently to the lake No. n. "Fald has a visitor apparently an in timate friend. They go together on the lake shore.,- They have hired a room in a row oi nouses Deionging to me." I cannot say that I suspected John Rivers of having murdered Geoffrey Armstrong. But that dream made a deep impression on my mind, and I found my thoughts involuntarily wan dering in a channel indicated by the a Dove correspondence with . Mr.: Pinch my brother to be set free, and again to be an honored citzizen f -1 was dizzy and faint with excitement and anticipation. I would see Mr. Pinch to-morrow, and we would push things to the glorious strangely buoyant Yet there seemed to I would . John Rivers, at any rate.' ds a aead weight within me, dragging me back, and a voice dully whispering that all my labor would in the end come to naught .1 had to force this feeling back, and summon all the resolution of my nature to drive away despair. Yes. 1 had an-end in life how.1 an obiect to be accomplished, in which, my whole being was enlisted. ' - I used to ' walk ' often on - the llr shore, and wander about on the gravelly beach where the dreadful scene ' was enacted. Through cold ' weather and watch the waves as they rolled high, and seemed to. be trymfir to wash off the stain i. , .... ten dv tne Diooa of my.Ueoffcey. remain a fnendr "but nnw ; T vnli help it, he seemed like an enemy an in truder on my risrhts. and a. my happiness. It was the first time I had seen him since the murder. " Miss Esther," said he, "I make bold to call on yon, for I hope we are inenos, as we used to be before the the great misfortune that has come over us. " He spoke in a low tone, with an at tempt to be subdued "and avmraUiofin 4 his manner. - The character did not suit him well, for his bright eyes sparkled and snapped as if they would give the lie to his pretentions. xnis is an unexpected honor. Mr icucu ooituy. will you . Ho sat down, and rubbed his hands. ; thin him ; " Ah, Miss Esther, it is dailv Bcraieatnat tnis world is bntanlA nf "For mercy's sake. viaJZ JZ"' stratea tnat ns world too ? Do what ?" ' f rears. Vhe happiestof us see dark days. An officer do A- . .. oursi in nr. ths a. "uuwi iaj my Drotner. "I arrestyou, Philip Corydon, for the murder of Ueoffrey Armstrong " At that moment I fainted, and can re member no more. I was ill for six weeks, most of the tune in a ravin ir KrmJ frieDaa, , tli--r.yW:lettf ttJJtZLS?' o mv brother? We've made an jmPortant rTVT?..," Pperi witn an go home. duooveryr i which may lead to the find ing of the murderer. Philip ! Ctarydon was looking for Geoffrey Armstrong last night: and this mnmini- AnailiiaA the other's not to be found.' : Besides. we ve seen something in Corydon's room that leads to korrid suspicions. eiuug w now, ana yon'a better- do tne same; ior Bill's guarding the room,"D.d u&k WHO, and the most confident are often doomed n meet witn aisappomtment ' He spoke with a satisfied nii uu it 4-Viia mil " , . . , "WW nine speecn were a triumph of eloquence that should set him up in mv opinion ' i"jr response A could " Yes, Miss Esther, human beings who seem perfect often carry sorrow to the Oli. poor boy, to be struck and cut till you were aead I ' ' The beach was two or three rods wide. and then the land rose, abruptly and was thickly covered with trees and bushes. Among these I would sit, in a measure protected from the wind, and watch and think. . I knew not what the charm was that drew me there. -, Sometimes I went to get rid of John Rivers: for he visited me frequently, and I never was glad to see him. But he would come, and he often opened anew the wounds which had been inflicted on my spirit - One evening I was sitting in a large easy-chair, by the fire, feeling tired, ill and drowsy. I was almost asleep ; when, by a sudden impulse, I rose and wan . dered - down' to the shore, and was soon seated among some bushes, looking out upon the water. As I was sitting there musing, j. neara a footstep on the gravel; and looking around, I saw John Rivers approaching. My heart gave a leap, for I thought he had come to seek me. But he soon stopped and looked out over the water; and as I became ; certain that I was not what had brought him. there, I gave a subduedsight of relief. He had stopped on the exact spot where the murder was committed. After standing for a few moments, he looked around in all directions, as if to be satis fied that he was alone. He then HtemWl back, and appeared to be looking at some imaginary object Then he stepped stealthily: forward: and lookinc at n. nr. ticular spot made a violent motion, tut it striking some object. Then, springing back, he gesticulated wildly, as if ficht- ingwith "a phantom. Finally he ex tended his arm, with a sudden lunce. and turned, and ran about a rod from the spot Then he covered his face with his hands for a moment; and after a minute or two, approached the spot of his singu lar pantomime, and bent over, as if ex- aming some object on the around. He remained in this position, an if trans fixed; and l, drawn by a mysterious and irresnaDie impulse, approached the spot also. : He did not hear or see me; yet I stood close by him. Horror of horrors ! There lay. on the orormd. in n. Him phantom-like shape, a human form, cov ered with ghastly wounds. From one deep wound in the breast nmif long knife. I looked at the face. There. upturned and pale, with death-throes agitating the features, was the counte nance of Geoffrey Armstrong ! At that moment Rivers looked up. His eyes "Murderer!" I cried alone 1" Suddenly, 5 a new sensation came over me. A bright light was before my eyes, a warm fire beside me, and I was sitting in my chair, waking from a doze into which I had fallen. . . ' Oh, what a dream !" T AY! oi' m oil and arose just in time to receive Mr. Riv ers, whom the servant was ushering into Had he not tried to marry met Was ha not in a great rage when I refused him ? Now that Geoffrey was dead, did he not nearly persecute all patience out of me ? It was a, terrible crime to accuse one of without good foundation. Yet I did not mean to accuse him of it; I only meant to find out all about him, and know what there was of my dream, if anything. Mr. Pinch, I thought, would not en courage me in prying into John River's actions; and so, without saying anything to him; I took a careful survey of the premises where Rivers had hired a room, and found out that there were several vacant, unfurnished apartments adjoin ing - each other, and that his room was' one of these. I obtained a key that would fit the lock of the one next to his, and resolved to play the part of eaves dropper for a few evenings. What a course was this for a young girl supposed to be modest and respect able. But who was I? In the eyes of me wona, x was a murderer s sister, with nothing to lose, and everything to gain in character and standing'. I .might have abandoned the place and gone to some distant region, where my history was not known, and I could occupy a respectable position. But no I had an object in life, and that was to prove my brother's innocence. Until this was accomplished, reputation and standing were notning to me. So, evening after evening, about six o clock, when business men were gone to dinner, and I was comparatively se cure irom observation, X walked down the street, and made my way, unknown to a single living soul, to my solitary room in Mr. Pinch's row. Here I would sit, bundled up closely for protection against cold, and watch through a small npoi ture m a wan tne proceedings of John Rivers and his friend. Most of their time was spent in playing cards, and sometimes friends were brought in to join in the games. Once in a while small sums of money changed hands, but never to any great amount Sometimes Rivers and his friend would sit down, after they' had done playing, with a box of cigars between them, and hold lengthy conversations. I then would hear vague allusions, as I thought, to me. The conversation would run as follows " Why the deuce don't von marrw Tiei- Rivers ?r' " . ' "Hang it, man; if a girl won't have you, what are you to do ?" " Why, try the arts of skillful persua sion, and overcome her objections, to be Blue. " xes ; but that don't always x,,ut visitation of woe awaited me I It is said that the darkest hour comes just before dawn. It is also true,, sometimes, that when hope seems bright- mediatelyhTViiSaPPOijatment lm" On my table, just beside the lamp lay a telegram directed to me. I hastily opened it, and read the following: "By telesrranh from fK Tnmha PnW to Esther Corydon: Philip Corydon died tins afternoon at five o'elock, from a sudden fit the result of a lingering ill- Darkness seemed to envelope me. ' A heavy, oppressed feeling took possession of me, which I tried in vain to shake off. At last my desperate struggles found vent in a long, loud scream. I heard a rush ing sound, was conscious of a struggle, and forthwith relapsed into unconscious ness. When I awoke I was in a small room, lying in a bed. Everything looked strange. No one was in sight, and I slowly looked about me. There was no furniture except a washing-stand, and a chair which seemed to be fastened firmly " against the wall. The bedstead was of Iron T A-ArtAA n - i . " PllliMI wuitiow, which was protected outside by iron bars And. whn. IriTklrAl ntronovii titan oil l. .. If O Ml) niw walls of the room were thickly padded all over. I sat up in the bed. I tried to.' rise, but was bound fast Just then a woman entered the room Seeing me, she crave a start, nml imrrkosK- aveiy oraerea me to ne down. I obeyed involutarily, and asked where I was. "There-now," she exclaimed, peremp cited" let, and don't get ex- I looked at her in wonder. ' She re turned the stare curiously, and, approach ingme, Said, " How do you feel V " Weak, very weak," I replied ; " but. ten me where I am, and what these cords. are about my limbs for ?" She gazed at me for a moment and then started off with the words, " I'll eo and see the doctor !' b This seemed very strange to me. I felt over the bed, and took up a handkerchief " that my hand came in contact with. It was marked in the corner " Esther Cory don." The sight of my name brought I'uiug viAAsn. iaj me. "Oh! oh!" I cried, as the recollec tion of those dreadful events rushed upon me. It was more than I oould bear, and with a scream I sank back into uncon sciousness. - 'you are not account of his trial, and the report I be- earts of their friends by appearing in men, a physician, closely examined the l S ymg, he started off, but only a stab which evidently had been the fatal I le!W dld likewise, ? , ... . i v no u neip me to tind PhOipr Cory, r tember. one. " This wound, said .Tie, " w&a not made with an ordinary : weapon." ! it oould only have been uvSicied with a knife of peculiar sliarte. . Observe. said he, " the cut is at and thin ; .and the knife used must have been a long one and a sharp one, .for there are no cruises on tne body, and nothing to in dicate that the knife was inserted to the nut. He then inspected the wounds minute ly, ana made . accurate and elaborate memoranda. " In the absence of anything better," he said, " these features of the oase may prove of use. For myself,:! would iad- . ywe tnat every effort be made to find that knife." , - s i xne wisdom of the doctor's advice was wmiwea by all. , The , knife -;must be found, and the murderer must suffer the Penalty of his foul deed. J Q M?f Corydon heard the-news she was wild with grief, for. Geoffrey Armstrong was her accepted suitor, and she dearly loved him. It was with diffi- ' -Ti ,uli w prevented frem boys that gathered around the body as it carried through the staeetet She sat down in her room, and her 2Z?J"J. -Wh2e into murderer .of ' AaollVsiw'.' Irmi1 i i. . " " I :.. . TKR TRT1T. ii snai oi A-niiip (Jorydon took place rSfcni 7 exciting, anof also raer lengthy, occupying about three day's tame m the court, A summary is gjyen taken from the newspaper -found among Esther's documents, ; ' 2te.n8?? ot he' Prosecution pre sented the following points : a. weonrey Armstrong had been mur dered on the night of the 28th of Sen- i 2.. Philip Qorvdon had isearcltog for Armstrong. Once he had fZZLTBt' here uaw vwjr UKI AJtXW XUimCU i 8. Corydoa id lffc night of tiieurder; and Uie next morn ing a knife and can haA hun j iwuii waiiieu wim PIOOO. Strong?. i A loud Bbout Went Vi nr. ' 'ft' -LbtA fcoop followed ,hioM Down th-street they went, murmuring and - nthttedhg. ever and anon- a. .louder vbica . thn)T rest giving utterance to some sentiment that found ! quick and. noisy' applause Knots of . jnen .were at the stm m-nm- and women hastened from another to talk, over: the terrible. affair.. Excitement ran high.' and before Taoon the murder, Bus Philim fW. ii 6 " 7" vuxug ior Armstrong, not to Wound. ' mnner ed excitement and agil vim VvtI'wJi' . '. I lector Brown was called, and testified ?Thftt masauerade ball Tf iiomr BT.alH v fVo ."""wa t.rm it Fr ma r Ztt&Zi"! VX been , , iu6'r.i' nuei uwuviiou umy won a Knife corresponduio' murder. X went drefmed m (Ha Wmuh' (nlitnaoprnfim n Ai. a . rr v u uuwavwu.puu vtMiiiiiuxi yery iaT.at. .. . ... .. ... t .. . . . , . .. , JDiacK mask. . lie OkI. not wish to he en. cumoerea with costume. . as he waa their true characters. '. J m no mood for conversation, and uiu iiui reply. -r ...,.- .uv, aau wuuuueu, our auty is not to mourn ana pine away ; we should mmoiw oast asiae sorrowful memories, end look about us for makinir ottrseivefl and thra nappier. --"-; "Borrow ana disgrace are not easily .u.uww.u wi Bou aoiuo, mrM xwvers. ? "Ah, but it is a fault of the world's people tnat tney associate the guilt of w .wmu uie ( uuiooenoe of- another. xou snouia not Dear the disgrace of your brother's cri that is to say, his im- That was a cruel stab, and he knew it Xie , would have said " my brother's crime,'! u ne nad dared. . . . i , : " Mr. Rivers," I replied, with dienitv. "yon should know that such tioa is painful tome. ,Yon wfll certainly ji: . . xi . knew of don was . ... , iu ItwasknowsittiatO ' LiL. ZZL Tft -.P" ?rtaui?y brown objeeted.thftteplatn of uia sister to Armstrong; and n 4&J .IJ .. - - J , - ACUOU. jduv a wan lea to in Corvdmfsrcn4i.k Max Struss, a ; dealer in toys, masks, arid curiosities, testified that on the nigkt of. the murder, about half-nAHf.11 n'7v sav to VOU that vrm must consider me your friend, and call v auio lur auy assistance you may re quire. : If people should turn a cold shoulder to -- you, why, " just remember tnat John Rivers, will always remain a true mend, and rejoice in any opportu nity to serve you. " BCe remained for a while .longer; sus taining a conversation almost entirely un aided by me, for I was sick at heart, and longing for him to go- : At last he took his departure, bidding me , good night gimg out Ute in the evening to sketch a rhewd Wk"at thedoor.u6n: prStesting hTSdship8 moonlight scene. , PhiLp would not po. fit a man, with, a mask entered iTTZ TT"!1 ?J??ZP xsusiness. he said. kert Mm evu frw that fatal business! r Why," did: he select John Rivers (how -.can I . write' his name rj was there, also. How - he did lather Corydon was an w.- pyrsecriSrt Toe I liis character was that us a school-teacher. - Et kCT f i Djac- aomsno ; and itconeealed all - .... t iucou vym auu iuh wrilEB- i v. hke hands. v lie , haunted me ; all toe fame, and no oms , but myself reoog "aed him. Occasionally - during the u4!4 " 21' to ml' W. wiih his boo and pencil . V '.... a. Aiaap vxjryaosi, .was a lawyer, - They were the L&t rc, "esaniatives of their family, and w?e sol sLarers of a sanali e- iaba. They were energetic, higa efBriielnndafTtwl aoata. , .f, l.v -Ltj r. :..,.? tv-ove the'mecium JasShtj 2sS4 bLidc dark hair,. Huuou iui, ,wuru.,, yyuness. naa no sword; but sold him a long, flat-bladed uue,-vsiea tne man said would An K wanted it iorsa character he was trnmcr don's rsom was shown to witness, and h identified It as the one he had sold. Ha also thought the' cap found in Corydon's room was the5 same one wean bv the r- son who purchased the knife. WiiiKwa oould not identify the mask worn by this person, as it was of a very common style. .similar to twenty or more he had sold j . . " ' Such was the suhstanoe of the tests- see my Drotner. x cannot describe our mter iew. . The disgraee had told terribly on him. He looked . thin and pale, , and I thought be was hot welL He told me about the business that called him away snot fatal mgat ?, It was aooutueoarey the room. " Pardon me, Miss Esther," he said ; " 1 thought I heard von. scretuii itirI; ah T entered. Are you ill ?" I Was ' acritated. the dream 1 fected me strongly. . i -.-i. " uooa evening, Mr. JSivers," I said. Did I scream? I had mirth n. Hraolfnl dream." , "Indeed !" said he '; " and ma-ir T . 1 L ... L . . . : wu was its nature r 1 - ' Oh, yes." I replied. "Iam so ns1 to horrible thousrhts. that I am verv sto. 1 l A. 1. A.' PVT. -. buuui mien tmngs. xne oream was a very fnninilar and a. vprv tarnKU one : but I will tell it to von. if von WltUU i I do not know what spirit came over me. , for X was not only wiliina-. bnt ab- T . . .... . ' ' soiutery ltcxung to teil tnat dream to John Rivers. I would paint it in glow ing colors, ana teil it to nun with all my eloquence.- But I did " not mention his name. -1 told it all but that and then said ; .,..,.',' ...iiW ' "It was terrible. . Mr. ... Rivers. Ah. how distinctly';" the face of that man is pictured to my mind, as he looked us from thephantom body and bis eyes met mine. .tns isoewas paie. ma eves small and dark, his eyebrows heavy, his mous- X-l. Jl. J i , wftuuo jtsi uittujL auu. luxuriauv. ms cheeks rather sunken, with a small 'mole i on the upper part 'of the one. . .,: He - sprang from his chair. His cheeks were paler,, if possible, than usual ; he looked at me , steadily for a moment,' his eyes darting lightning flashes. , . . . m. "You have described me!!' he said, at -.1 m lengtn. -, "X know it," said V After a pause he walked to the door put his nand on the-knob, held it there for a moment irresolutely; and then came oacK ana sat aown again. , y , t tu, . nuu in, .-- mat was a nm Very." -1 -replied, and tiiAn mnhV ued, bent , on tojrtnrinfir hini: "TKoxr that when a man commits a mnrdni- v. " fiicoiBuiuio iHHcination wnicn leads him to visit the spot afterwards." "What What do von men" : claimed in a violent manner. . What do lou mean. MiJ nim. " -r asked, drawing myself up. am, not Armstrong. . He wanted to look ever eer- f aware that there is any necessity for art tain records by which -Geoffrey thought ting excited."'' ? - w coma prove nis cianu u uonie prep-1 - "vn., no. weettauaiy unkJf . erty he had been cheated out of years forcing a laugh. " Pardon me it T vTZ! befprs.i But he feund that he would need certain memoranda, and so retaraed early next day to see Geoffrey ; 'but Geof frey was then dead 1 ' .. '. ' "I feel that I cannot live ten years in The conversation lagged! after this, as I had no desire to continnA it seemed to lose his ready command of fine-sounding words' and phrases; He oeea. Xnere was nothing in this to repay me for my trouble, and I once almost resolved to crive up mv lonelv wtciies. XJut just about that time, I received wora tnat my brother s health was fail failing ; and this maddened me so, that I watcnea ana listened more intently than before. Not that I really expected to accomplish anything; but I took a grim delight in sittiner there throuch the Ion r uigiiui, auu imninng now sweet revenge wuuiu ue u x snouia uscover any thing to materially aid me in my under taking. ' So the time went on. Perseverance has its reward, and I was to have mine. One night I heard something that set the blood thrilling through my veins, like a shock of electricity. Rivers and his friend had been plavinir cards and drinkine. Rivers had drank moderately, but his friend grew excited and garrulous. He talked and prated with a smsular mixture of cood and ill humor. " Oh, you miserable fellow !" said he " you ought to marry that girl now. But X suppose you think it wouldn't hardly pay. wnat wouidn tpayr XT you mean it wouldn't pay to marry her, you are about right, for she's got the devil in her; and, besides, her fortune is not half what I supposed it was," added Rivers. .-- - . "Oh. is that so? Then I'm sorrv had anything to do with it By George, is was an ugly jod i "What are you talking about?" : "Devilish ugly ! How did you feel wnen it was done?" "When what was done? a fool," exclaimed Rivers. : "Ah, it's very well to talk like that Xfut we're alone now. what's the differ. I have now been in the asylum eight . years. I am crazy most of the time, they tell me ; but I am not now. I am temporarily sane. These periods come three or four times a year. In them I have written out my life history. , It is a terrible tale of wrong. But who would listen to the charges of a maniac 1 I liave tried the doctor several times, but he never will talk with me on the subject. These days of sanity which come over me are most unbearable. I write to re lieve my mind. For I can't help think ing of my sad history, and thought to . me is distracting. Memory brings noth ing but sorrow with it, and contemplation of the past is misery. i ' Oh ! how I long for the relief of deli rium. Then I may rave, and forget in frenzy all my woes. Oh welcome, mania t -Let me force t mvself in vonr nbljvinn and drown grief in madness! - . - " ' TIL . THE MI8KIJTO LINK. ' I have compiled the preceding story from Miss Corydon's manuscript, be cause the facts related possess for me a strong interest This will be understood: when I state a fact connected with the incident mentioned in Part T. of this narrative. The features of the man coming out of the dhnn. Wh,Vli tra vealed by his mask dron Tsinrr flp im pressed themselves strongly on my memory. His face was pale; his eyes small and black, his evehrowa hrr moustache jet black and luxuriant his cheeks rather sunken, with a nmoll mole on the upper part of the left one. But the next miles away, and still traveling rapidly. How Potatoes Came into m viiisofi,,.. The potato is one of the many reallv- Tou talk like enoe t T tell you I get so crazy thinking about tt, that I must talk to somebody and if it isn't you, it will be some one eise. 'Well, well, talk then, an A 1.. done," said Rivers, in a voice full of impatience and contempt: "bnt- iinn't you oiap to any one else." ' : Oh, no. You can trust me for that lut lam T,mn at qi n "I don't wan't to think of it ? "Just think of it, 1 say two innocent "Hold voar tontmA. wfll AUTOIO. - - "Ion't be BO infernal i-r f- fltkTt the work, aMsj. s A4f a JL. SCAB Villa. VHH 14a her now. after all that - xuvers was on his feet and had a.nugejBtick of wood that lay by the wr . w. MO IUDQU At, aiOXt. ' M Another word mt .av mrai!" "1 yOU t3ond uttering any His eves were two i;'r,. i, j t.- faoa was a picture of rage. 'flton't km him tooJ"i I eri&cL in a WMiung voice, from my plac of conceal ment . J - - 7. The effect was electrical. ThAdmnVen manjeobej.. sober man dropped nis mllet of wood, and turned the oolor oi ashes. Both looked at each other wiwi a oazea look. : I Waited no Innnw W nn'oaloaslv left. the buildinff on A nmnoulal milMlv home. It was eleven o'clock, and my light WBS bnmW lr T nniwiHwl witK a. latch-key, without disturbing any one, and : wended my way to my own room, i - I Was in a fttata nf tarriMA nrritamMiL My brain was all of a whirl, and my thoughts ran wild with earth other: Oh. had i discovered the real murderer! Was Wa Inn hlA AVl. i m - i-ii ?i - LLLU1B wortn notning to man mi weir use is diacivpiwl. Tliof. world knew nothing of the vaiue of do tatoes toil, about two bundred years aga shows whit rich secrets Nature has for her children, and how long she can keep fhAm HrnM 1-1 , , , . . -AiAOAAj uieaaingB are pronaDiy bid den now m the earth, and even in the " common growth of the fields, which will be found out and considered quite indisK pensable. A writer gives this Interesting' sketch of the history of the potato, con taining some particulars which we have . never before printed : ..'." When the Spaniards conquered Peru ' 1 in the sixteenth century, they carried i some potatoes to Europe and sent them -to the Pope. The new plant was cultivated ' a.aY1 SP"1. Ital7. Burgundy, and the JNetherlands, and-from a certain re semblance to the truffle, an esculent fun gas growing in the earth, the Italian gave them the name of Tarttu or Tara-'J tufoli, whence the Germans deri-red thmV . word, EartoffeL The French called them " ' "apples of the earth," Pommes de terre, while in Austria and portions of Ger many the eqmvalentexpressioTi. F.roa.rfl is used; ' ,.,.'. ... . ' Dr. Hawkins first England in 1565 : Walter RalmVn vi, ' them there in 1584, and finally Admiral -: Drake in 1586. The latter seat some to a friend to plant, with the remark that - tne fruit was excellent and nutritouB, and WOUld be very naafnl in RniviTva His friend planted the tubers, and they , fu grew nicely. . But when the eeed-balfe ' were ripe, he took the seeds instead of the tubers Anrl triaA tham in Thnttm- ttnA n roared sprinkled sucar ; and cinnamon ''otpi-' - them, and placed them before some com ' n ; pany as a great rarity. . Of coarse the ball tasted disgustingly, and the assembly '.', ' concluded that the fruit would not ripen in Europe.. The gardener pulled up the '' " plants and burned them. A gentleman '. who chanced to be present stepped on one of the baked potatoes as it lav in the. ashes, when it broke open, and he noticed that it was white as snow, and mealy, and had such an agreeable ' smell that ho"-" tasted it and found it to be very p<vs - ! t ble. The new vegetable was thus rescued , - k but for a oentarr af ter it was, only cul- ' tivated in the garden, and in 1660 the , Queen of England made the remark in ' ' her house-book that a pound of potatoes . cost two shillings (about fifty cents). 1 A Rat Catcher. A professional nt t : catcher is meeting with considerable eees in Albany. He wears upon his feet v ; i shoes that are perfectly noiseless, and, -. armed . with a dark lantern, a pair of tonga and a wire cage, enters the place where the game is supposed to be. The - blinding flash of the lantern is Baid to so- 1 bewilder the rat that he stands perfectly ' . ', Btill and allows the man to pick him P - ,.. with tongs and safely deposit him in the-, ' receptacle provided for imprisonment