The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, May 14, 1875, Image 1

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    volume vii.
NO. 35.
Wholesale and Retail Dealer In
lrt .!,
On(i .
Here's tSic Place
S3. 12,
Has received and la nfferlwr for sale awell aoleo
ted stock of
Which he is determined to sell '
C a i , r MercliantaWs Prolnce !
Please give me a call, and examine '
Goods and Prices.
- s. u. vlaioiiton.
Lebanon, Or.
O. S- CO.
titer notice, f roiglit from
AH down freight will be delivered at PORT
ft?re of Drayuge and Wharfage,
, At Reduced Rates.
Bra-4 "will leave ALBAST for COKVALL1S or
very 2Z ay.
For further particulars, Bpply to
Albany, Xov. 2d, Ti-12 ,i : Aajeiits.
PAIIRER & Moamsv
ITew Elevator !
-rm wnw m lnr VK TME RM'KPTSOS
A of wlu-at.anil oata. We call the attention of
farmers to the fuctthat we have erectetj the fi
nest warehouse in the Statcat a mrce exiwnse,
-nl t nnaiiinn to handle satisfactorily an
Immense quantity of grain. Jur house lura a
capacity lor
20000 buslicls! of Wheat !
at one time, ami is located on the tnarshr of the
Willamette River, and provided wit ha aide track
from the O. & C. K. K-, so that shipments may
tm made dally by rail, and off en by water as
txtinsfaciiitiesoff('.r. We have two lanre sne
tlon (an, in aidition to other fans, attached
to the honse, mm by water power, and are
lb us prepared to .-..--.-....'
CD X 33.
all the wheat received. Can tntee In and dean
10, mm bushels per day. Cleaned wheat Is worth
much more in all foreign. markets llian foul
wheat, and none shook! he' shipped without
cleaning. Our ehargea will beflveeentsa bushel
M wheat, and four cents on oata. Vp have
to fnrnlah those storing wheat with us, free to
those whose wheat we purchase, and at the
lowest cash price to those who sell their wheat
from onr hoase to other buyers.' Persona stor
Jngwithna are at liberty to sell to whom they
pleoe. Those who reside on the west side of
4ho river wUl have ferriage- free. - Will lie in
the market as bnyers, and expect to be able to
fmy the highest possible price. Having pre
pared ourselves to do a iarse business, we hope
for our share of the public patronage.
. PABKEB 8c MOK11IS. '
47raly 81
Albany, Oregon.
Bath House & Barber Shop.
fully thank the eitizens of Albany and vl
einlty for the liberal patronage bestowed on
blin for the past seven venrs, and hopes for the
future a continuat ion of t heir fiA'Oiw. For the
aneommotlation of transient eustonvors, and
friends in the npner part of town, he Has open
ed a neat little shop next door to Tayior Bros,
rtokton, where a good workman will always be
in attendance to wait upon pat rona. '
lee. 11, 1874. ' JOB WBBBHt.
Allmny, on the most favorable terms
The fciiigY OKUAN has heenprouonnced the
neat by tna mwt eorupoteht juiitfes. ' iJon't hoy
any other until you nava soon and heard these
beantifnt iiun.raiueau. , . WIISOS.
UMBTMr. Endorsed ly the Medical
profession. -ia. Wm. HALL'S BALSAM for the
lung culSJ..ta. Cohhumd Consumption,
nd all di.h , -.f rueThroat and Cliest. Db
in one MISirifc " - n48
. ' : ItAXJtt--.--.y .
two- intUI trout Albany, with hou,coSb
modK. ''H.r.ndsmMlodiaraofehoictiSi!
Also, . munrf't hnv siifhcWnt
.''" i'KiCK UiW A!U TBRMS
loent Iiiduwiuciits tOem&rnntSKer-k.
tngahoinenenriliUthri-insf ety. possnasion
given iutweduitely, - For parti.nnlrB enouire of
J3V7 M as-jlnstpa & Sd sts., Allany Or.
St. Charles Hotel,
natr Waahlnjr eat wad Flrat Nta., :
Matthews & Morrison,
best t lie market nfltorilR always on the table,
- rm ( osoli Ut and from the IIesne.
Exchange : Hotel,
Corner First and Nvashtngtn.trot
ALBANY) '; Eb;Jj-;;
J. n. ;Backensto'itjirIetor.
tender the new mnnaewnent. tills rmrwl
Hotel lias been refitted and refurnished, and
now offer the traveling public the best accom
modations on the niiwt reasonable tertns.
fcsg"Free coach to and from the House. 33-7
Lebanon Mall and Stage Line,
W. B. DOS AC A, Propr.
f AIL DAYS Monday. Wednesday and Fri
7 n31
0. P. S. PLIMMER, M, D.,
A full stock of Trusses and Surgical appliances.
trBuinabcr PU'M.VCR.3
T7 n23
Raltiiu and Moving Buildings.
announce to the citizens of Allmny and
snrroundins country that, havlngxnpplied our-
si;lves with the necessary machinery for nils
In and removing bniMinga. we are ready at all
times to receive or:ler for such work, which
wc-will do In short oriler at lowest rates. We
gnarantee vntire satisfaction in all work under
taken by ns.
Orders left at the Register office promptly
attcnted to. Apply to.
Albany, Or., April 23. 1S75. , 32v7
Mannfitcturcrs of
Uuve your orders nt their shoi in the old
Foster building, on First street, below A. Ca
rothers & Co. 83v7
P. C. IIAitrSR & CO.,
t Dealers In
Clottaiugr, Koots and Utoea, I Iota, Hcoct
jrica, Vaney omIh, Kotiona, Khottruns
ad 1'intolM, Xaiia, Rope, Mirrors, .
Wallpaper, Wood nnd Willow
Ware, Trunk nnd Talisrs,
J'orfcet C'ntlery, Ac, Ae., ."
Sold very low eitlier for cash, or to prompt pay
ii33 ingcuslouierson time. v7
AH. BELL A PAR KER, late of Oregon City,
lxg leave to inform the public that they
have pnrchase;! tne entire stock ot drugs, mei
leines. c.. formerly ownedby R. C. Hill Son,
and that they design continuing the business
at the old stand, where they purpose keeping in
the fur u re a full assortment of
Potent Mxlicincs,
: Toilet Articles,
and everything nsnally found in a first-class
drng store.
While earnestly aolidtlng a continuance of
tlte litieral pat ronage heretofore extended to the
old bouse, we hope at the same me, by fair
and Hltcral dealing, and carefnl attention tot lie
wants of customers, to merit the esteem of any
skw fi iends who may tavor as with their or
ders. , -n-.
Particular attention will be given to the com
pounding of physician's prescriptions and fam
ily recipes, at all hours of the dayor night.
Sucx-essors to R. C Hil.1. Sow.
Albany, October 9, 7-n4tf .,
From this date until further notice, I will sell a
: ' - - ,,sr
Stoves & Eanges !
Albany, Dec 10, 187-13
. Old Kespera ,Mwra and ThrealicMi
Bcpaired and made alinoBt fis good aa new
. 2XE22SXILX. & PCT3A3I'8 - "
' . Is now prepared to do all kinds of . ,
Wood TBrniajr, 8wfnK and BrwlogC.
Also, any Ironwork and genatal Blacksmith,
ing the titule may uemamu
lenoing Pickets will be kept on hand at all
times. lni
Remaining la the Albany Poatofflee, May
18, 1875. Persona calling for these letter, must
give the date on wBtca they were aavemaea:
rag. Jtb w.
Moiae, Fred
Murray, Alfred i
Murray, O. T.
MeMahan, Miss Mary
Root, Amos
Powell, Calvin
Meiner Pearson ; .
P. H. Ratkond, P. M.
Bunch, 8. p.
latere v. John -
r errior, l..
Hayes, Iaae O. t
Kennedy, rrOL B. i.
Leigh, 0. H.
Ingerns and pie plant are In vogue. ;
Several cool weatlter during t!m week. ,
The Rentle dews fell nearly all dny Sun.
Orgeana Encampment meets this even
ing- . "' - .- .- .'-.;;
. Tl Sunday School picnic comes ff - at
Lebanon next Friday, and all are Invited.
Fresh strawberries are only tea cents a
pound in 'Frisco. f '
The Social Club meets at oar palatial
residence this evening at 7 O'clock. Onr
latch-etring hangs out to all. , j
Mr. Coffey, formerly clerk for C. P,
Harper as Co., or this city, died In Amity
a iew tiays since. j
Bro. Carter, of the Corvallis Gemote, got
away with the prize as the best spellist at
the contest in that village last week.
St. Lonis hasten thousand dogs. The
natives wear a section ot stovepipe on each
leg during the man aog season.
Mrs.' Judge Powell, we are pleased to
learn, is recoverins, after a severe ! illness
of several weeks.
If there's anything in the world that'll
shake a man's confidence .In "''humanity,"
it's a kicking cow. IX-e-l-i-v-e-r ns ,
Brown reports his patent clothespin out
ot onler, and wants the Forks toretnrnand
recover his property. . , f '"
The soda fountain at Messrs.; Bell &
Parker's drug store distills its nectar on
call. .: - .:-.:.' - j -i:
A large drift striking the logway of
Tlurd fc Co., this week, caused the shutting
down of the mill several days for repairs.
Hank Mendeuhall came from his.trm
near Sweet Home on Wednesday. Re
ports the roads in the valley very rough
Dr. Plummer has received new goods,
late styles stationary, blank books, drugs,
chemicals, etc. They must be seen to be
appreciated. -
Talk about the poetry of motion and
sylnlr-Kke grace, but did yon ever stand by
and see a woman use a one-tined fork to
flop a stove .cover off? " j s
Frank Wood has had his dwelling on
Second street raised between three and
four feet, and a neat brick wall put under
lor a foundation. .
The last heard from the Greenhorners,
tlie water ditch had slid out in one or more
places which will set the boys back for a
time. " !
l Iighton Blaiu's tin wedding, last Tues
day night, was a brilliant success. Bin!
lias on hand nearly the entire stock of tin
ware in the burg. ; l l l
Remember the big spell for the diction
ary at the Congregational church this
evening. As we have a full assortment of
dictionaries, we will not be a contestant on
the occasion. ?
Messrs. Banty, Conn Co., will re
move tlioe old frames on the north skle of
First street, above Ferry, the present week
or the first of next. They snatch a : build
ing from taw wlien they take liokl on't.
A match game of base ball will be played
in this city to-morrow between the Rat
tlers, of this city, and the Homeletics,
Corvallis. This is the deadest tiling
the world." :-s " ; 'tf-'--:- '"'"V '
Mrs. Jennie Pnrdom started for Kaia
ma and her husband on Monday." She
left her store in safe hands, ; where milli
nery can be bought, and dresses cut and
made as usual. ' i.
Parker & Morris offer the , highest cash
price for wool, at their warehouse. They
also keep on band, shingles lath, lime,
hair and plaster parts which thev will
sell low.1 j:iS'i:t :y",V. 't .-
. The ordinance of baptism by immersion
was not administered lastSnnday,-owing
to : the , tempestnoos character of the
weather. Sliould the. weather prove suit
able, next Sunday will doubtless be select
ed as the proper time. i : f f
Mr. . Ike Coun was awarded the contract
for the erection of the new Methodist
Church Sooth, at $1,450, Ike to fnrnlsh
everything. ' He is to furnish the necessary
number of seats, after finishing the build
ing, at fz 60 each.
Some fifty or sixty emigrant from
Illinois Indiana and Kansas arrived
this city on Wednesday's train.., They
came up on the Ajax, which brought to
Portland some three hundred - emigrants.
They are here for the purpose of finding
homes and employment. . : j
Bead the new advertisement of Titus
Bros. They are in receipt ; of a full In
voice of jewelry, watches, clocks etc., and
are still agents for the Singer .Sewing
Machine, which they claim is the ' best
machine made.- They are always on hand
for a trade call on them. ,
The wife of one of our citizens recently
received very un gentlemanly treatment at
the hands of a conductor on the - O. & C.
Railroad, between tliis city and Mnddy.
If the circumstances aa related to us Is a
sample of his general conduct, be Is unfit
for the position, aiu should be removed at
once, t . 1 ' ' - " ' " ' ' !
A little thpee year old son of ifc (Jraw
ford, who live on the Ctastar place, east of
Knox Butte, died about noon on Tuesday.
Death vras cassedby Injuries received about
two weeks before from a fall, received
while getting oyer A f?n.c? j
Bob Irvine was in town Tuesday. Bob's
got his crop in, and of course is serene.
Lew Royal has pnrcnaseu a team ana
wagon, anu incenas putting hi uis spare
time the coming season traveling over the
State in the interest of articles manufac
tured by D. W. Beldlng.
For fluting machines, that do tip the
work in a jiffy and neater'n anything, call
at John Briggs' stove Fore on First street.
They are handsome machines and do in a
few momenta what requires the labor of
hours by hand. '" :IS
T. F. Smith, a forfjfer resident of this
county, was a passenger on the last steamer
from San Francisco to- Portland. i- Flero.
conies back with a wire and several clnl-
dren, after an absence of about ten years.
AIL come back lta only & matter of time.
Look ; out for slathers of flirr" Wednes
day and Thursday evenings of next week.
at which time . Fannie Morgan Phelps'
Dramatic Company, and Capt. McDonald's
celebrated band of trained ' Indians will
oin their combined attractions at the
Opera House to charm and please. ., Go
early if yon want seats as the bouse will
be jammed, you bet you. Read ad. on
8th page.
W. H. McFarland has a most excellent
assortment of goods the largest and most
varied south of Portland and is doing a
fine business. If you want to see a big
stock and all that's handsome in stoves
stove furniture, pumps pipe, tinware, etc,
etc., call at his store one door west of Con
ner's Bank.
A most liberal list of premiums is offered
by the Linn County Agricultural Associa
tion at its next Fair. We publislied the
list in the Registkr last week, and also
printed 1,000 copies for distribution, which
are now in the hands of the Secretary, Mr.
W. W. Parrish, from whom they can be
Charley Williams and George Hughes
on Tuesday, while bringing logs down the
Calipooia, were both precipitated Into the
cold, deep and swift-running waters of that
stream, throuhg the turning of a treacherous
loz. Both neine expert swimmers and
cool headed men, tltey succeeded tortu
nately In extricating themselves from
among tlie floating logs, and swam to the
shore.'. - . ' r
The subject of the construction of
wooden railroad from this city to Lebanon
is receiving some attention. , Such a road,
it is said, will cost not over $1,000 per
mile, and would be a matter of great con
venience to the people ol Lebanon and
Albany Prairie. It would pay from the
" first jump." T)f course, In time,""Snch a
road would grow into a railroad with Iron
track, locomotives and cars; but for the
present, it is argued, a wooden-track, with
cars propelled by horse-power, would an.
swer all tlie demands and pay good divi
The Government Snag Boat, under com
mand of Capt. Geo. G. Smith, lias
been lying at narrisburg for four weeks
past, unable to do but little work on ac
count of high water. Capt. Smith, seeing
no prospect of being able to do any great
amount ot work for some weeks to come.
last week discliarged all the hands, himself
included, leaving but one man in charge, a
watchman. Cnpt. Smith is determined
tliat no Government money shall be thrown
away in idleness hut every dollar passing
through his hands shall be honestly earned
Give us more just such honest and consci
entious Government officers.
Tlie Davis family are objects of univer
sal sympathy and ' charity. The man,
Davis having recovered from tho measles
extracted from tlie pocket of his sick wife's
dress their all, some $40, and decamped.
leaving the family, now consisting of four.
all confined to their beds with measles l
its worst form, in abject want. :The Fire
Company, getting wind of tho matter, and
the dire need ot the suffering family,-! like
true firemen and noble hearted men, ever
ready; to succor the needy and help, the
distressed, appointed a committee to look
after their wants. The; Ladies Aid So
ciety, too, have also came forward; and
proffered assistance. We are proud of onr
people, because, we know that the needy
and suffering never want lor attention and
care a moment after the matter is made
known. :: ' vt:,v
; The citizens of Lebanon are canvassing
the subject of building locks on the Albany
& Santiam Canal, so as to render the Canal
a navigable' stream from tlie head to its
mouth, and are urging its necessity, not
only as a great convenience to that whole
section. Including the Forks of the Santiam.
but as a ma tter of profit to the Canal Com
pany.; Probably It would require but three
locks, the construction of which would not
require an exhorbltant sum,: to render the
Canal navigable. Boats could be loaded at
Lebanon, and floated down to this city,
delivering their freight either at the depot
of the O. & C. Railroad or at warehouses
on tne river bank. .With the necessary
locks the current; would be much less rapid.
and the wash in the Canal would be much
less, while tlie depth of water in the Canal
would be greater.; If we are correctly in
formed, the people of Lebanon are deeply
Interested In the matter, and will subscribe
liberally in aid of such Improvement.
? Mr. W, D. Belding has added to the
attractions of his broom factory on First
street,--just west of Washington, a fine
selection of Oregon manuxaotured furniture.
such as bureaus, tables eta., all choice and
well made, and offered low for cash.' Mr.
Belding also Keeps- a good, stock of the
Mctzler rawhide-bottomed chair,-the strong
eat, neatest finished, most lasting and
cheapest chair made on "those coast."
Go a 9,4 see for yourself.
C English's. Drop in and see. '
Messrs. P. C. Harper & Co. want to
buy wool, paying tlie highest price for it.
Considerable rainfall during the front
part of the week. ' " -
The water In the Calipooia lias been too
high latterly for milling purposes.
Money Is in demand, and we bear num
erous inquiries for loans in small sums.
We learn that a small paper is to be
issued at Harrisburg soon. ?
A large number of farmers were In the
city on Tuesday, in attendance on a meet
ing of the Central Grange. -
Hammond has been in me city some
days. Says be intends publishing a paper
at Independence.
Through a mistake the' St- Charles only
furnished ha with one day's arrivals until
too late for this issue,
Saml Miller will get yon up as good a
wagon as you can buy, at as low-figures as
good work and the best material will allow.
If you want s valuable trees ot land
cheap, go tor Dr. Boughton at once before
those 658 acres are scooped up. ,
M. M. Harvey, of San Franciaco,
formerly a resident of this elty, visited the
city during the first of the week.
For -special favors we are Indebted to
Messrs. Oomley and Wm. Gird, who as
Kimrods are away up. A thousand thanks
gentlemen.': .j-1
Business has Increased so greatly that
Mr. Melan. our superior tailor, has had to
employ additional help In bis shop. No
tailor ever gave better satisfaction.
We have received the " Champion
Speller," containing two . thousand test
words just published by E. & D. M.
Kuowlton, San Francisco. Everybody gets
one, as they are but ten cents each.
The child of Mr. and Mrs. Davis new
comers so kindly taken in charge by Mrs.
Lnper a tew days since died of measles on
Wednesday morning at about 3 o'clock,
Tlie Register is all right tills week, and
we hope no unforseen event will com pell a
half-sheet issue again. But as we can't
control the weather, we can't tell wbatH,
happen. ;
Mrs. R. K. Warren was taken with hem
orrhage of the lungs on Sunday night. ' .The
attack was very severe, requiring " the
greatest skill and closest attention of ber
physician during the entire night.
F. E. RubeH, formerly of the Itemixer,
proposes starting a paper In Harrisbnrg
about the 5th of J tine. ' He starts out under
the most favorable prospects we learn.
Success to him. ;
A few dtiys since Mr. John Brfggs Li
brarian, received eleven volumes of the
reports of the Smithsonian Institute, from
1803 to 1S73 inclusive, as a donation for
the Odd Fellows Library of this city.
These are valuable scientific works, and
tlie boys are correspondingly grateful.
The live people of Junction City propose
to have a grand celebration on. the coming
4th of July, to wind up with a ball lu the
evening. Able speakers and. good music
are piomised, and those who go will enjoy
a good time, for the Junction City people
know how to treat their friends. All are
. Neither failing teeth, nor the peeping
wrinkles of time, so forcibly tell of advanc
ing years as your gray hair. Ayer'a Vigor
restores the color and makes your appear
ance more agreeable to otliers, aa well as
yourself. With fresh, luxuriant hair, the
infirmities of age are far less noticeable.
Tlie question as to the use of the Berean
leaves in our Sunday Schools Is causing
considerable discussion among the -officers
and teachers. ; At the next meeting of the
S. S. Union the subject will be fully dis
cussed, and a full attendance of our people
is desired on that occasion.
Geo. F. Settlemelr has gone oat south to
inspect tlie mines in Jackson, and Jose
phine, and see the country. As be went
on horseback be has certainly been enjoy
ing himself to his heart's content ! - How.
ever, we hope George may strike something
rich to compensate him fop bis lack of
pleasure. ., r.- t
We hear otone or more parties, to arrive
in a few weeks from the East, who come
here for the purpose of making a home,
and who intend doing a brokerage business
loaning money in large and small sums
on longer time than usually given by the
banks ; Let ; 'em come. They will find
this a splendid place to operate in
, Through the courtesy of the Secretary,
EM. Waite, Esq we are hi receipt of
tlie list of premiums to be awarded .at the
fifteenth annual fair of the Oregon State
Agricultural Society, which will be held on
the far ground near Salem commencing
Monday, October 11th, 1875, and. hold
through the week. The pamphlet alsoconr
tains the award of premiums by the Society
for 1874.
Mr. James McIIargue, of Brownsville,
passed up on Monday's train, on his way
home from the Paloose (W. T.) country.
having In charge the coffined bodies of hU
two sons William and John, who died
there recently, while In charge of their
father's cattle one of them, William, aged
about 30, from rheumatism ot the heart,
the other, John, aged about 23, from some
kind ot fever. Mr. James McHargue 1ms
a thousand head of cattle in the Palouse
com) try, and, as we learn, William, who
had been bearding the cattle, died during
the winter, ' Early this spring, John went
up to take charge of the cattle, when he.
too, sickened and died.' It la hard for
parent to lose two noble sons In the very
pj ime of monbood, when' life seemed Jw
unfolding all its brightness and glories to
them, and Mr. McUarene lias the fullest
sympathy of his entire neighborhood la
His great loss, ,
More new and elegant goods at Mrs,
Ko quorum at council chamber Tuesday
evening, consequently no meeting
-- Banns wants wool, and wfil oar coin
Ellas Woodward has been appointed
poettnasttr at Corvallis, and B. W. Red
man, Sclo. -
Three drunks before the Recorder dnrinir
tlie week. Fines paid and ponte dis
charged. 1
The wife of Lew Stf mnsoo was knocked
Insensible by a refractory cow, on Wednes
day evening, bat soon recovered, and is
now all right. v;. ;.;' : .
At the fjanetal of the child of the emigrant
family, Davis, on Wednesday, W, R.
Cannon gsnerotwly donated the ttse of one
of his vehicles free. Geuerotta William.
The McKemae. & Harrtsburg Canal en-
terprise sSDl enlists the best talent ef Har
risborg and vidnfty. Those what favor the
project are sealoos in Its support and strong
In the belief of Its ultimate success. It la
quite an nndert&klng, and to secure success
must enlist all tne moneyed men of that
section ef the ooanty. And even after this
has been accomplished, and the necessary
amount ot cash has been subscribed, there
Is still work to be done, and the friends of
the enterprise most never for a moment
let their Interest flag, but keep right up to
the work until it Is fully accomplished No
great enterprise, such as the one under con
sideration, was ever pat through to success
without great labor and perservertng in
dustry. It will meet with foes where
expected friends and men who have not
means to help (in fact never help anything),
can find means to binder and vex the en
terprise in many ways. Stand right up to
the work, gentlemen,' as this is the only
road to success.
fiCncNTmc Lectures. To-morrow even-
in z, at the Court House, Prof R. D. Ken
nedy, a practical Phrenologist and Physi
ognomist of twenty-six years standing,
will commence a course of lectures on this
Instructive science, el vine onr citizens an
ODDortanlty to spend a few pleasant even
ings wnere tney may gain miormauon ox
taemaetres wnicn wui prove oi vast oenenc
The Yreka Journal says s "Prof. Kennedy
is one or tne nest nnrenoiosists tnac nas
ever visited this place, not even second to
r owier, ana an over tne state wnerever ne
has lectured his examinations have been
decided invariably to be correct.' This
seems to be the universal 'testimony ot the
Dress everywhere. ' 1 nose or our citizens
who desire to bear a good lecture on ho
man science. ertuVracmsr phrenology, nhvsW
ognomy and physiology, or have their cra
nium examined, snouid not iau to ne in
attendance to-morrow night. Those wish-
Ins to consult tne Professor tnrougn tne
day should call on him at tlie St. Charles
Hotel, iiie jrroiessor certain ly nas Tne
reputation of being away up as a phrenolo
gist and physiognomist.
Hit S. A B Ortsoa. Lebanon
MT Moore, tirasaltldge J W Frenlc, Lebanon
II Bovd. Portland J A Gorl. Lelmnon
I i Vannorten. PortlM B Hyhtnd. Corvallis
J n McLvnny, county G A Hill, city -
J Boant, city J H Bnrkhart, dty-
j r tcaieaon, county un i iranpwn,uiiTO
J L Cowan, Lebanon W 8 Klklna, Lebanon
C H Ralston, Lebanon U W Taylor, Lebanon .
J Ntckson, Lebanon M Anderson, Lebanon
C B Montwraet Lebnon E H Wbittlock, I'ort
C Lnyder, Tantcent . ..; land
E Miller, Corvallis H Cox, Albany
J Taylor, Corvallis LD Haley, Halsey ;
K T Johnson. Portland Mrs Opp, Laixey
W Moore, Portland ' C B Darjier, county
W W 8paoldmy, Port- W F Mofnt, Portland
land L Tlnaly. Portland "
J Carter, 8 r OJacknon, Portland
J W Morgan, Shedda
Vt' HContey, K Portland
J Roberta, K Portland
T K tkHilev. E Portland
T J Bod ley, Portland
J Cnrt. 8ol
(i T Mnrray,
Harris M Nickolaon, city
MavS. T Thoreson, Portland
J Tales 8 Jonla 8 8mlth, SF
G 8mlth, Corvallis N J Robinson, 8 F
C Fulton, Pawnee City R Stratford, city
J rx 'laymr, city ai iiwm, munijr
W U wara. Mtneama juerry, cny
F Seals. Eoswna City May 8. -
A B Smith, 8 F R 8 Strahan, Orwallia
u Nixon. Rosebnra' ' W Koas. nenton co
K Robinson. CorvalU : J (irern, Benton oonnty
j Merry,
P McMare, Portland
1) McCai
i; Lixon, juinn connr
C W HamuMNtd, InO
C Marsh, city :
R Smith, county
J Taylor, elty
J Bryant, city
I M tehoiaow, city
C Taylor, citv
A wtun, ureenn vuy
O F Dennia. Salem
P Mnrray, Salcn
X B tiay lortl. hy . .
LN Font, .fly
J M Hetaler. Jefferann
W Mnttinir, Basbea, Msj
J E Corbura, IndiS3na
M O McCoy, city ,
E H MeCoy, eonnty .
P M Smlty, county '
E L Bryan, county
E R Uatoa, Corvallis
E RoWnaon, Corvallis
W C Form, Linn co
L Wrener.eity
a J M&tJoak. Portland
W R Qowravr, fit jr -C
n FHentllr, rbftlsnNf
J Bowen.Clucago. ,
tinnw, lialsey
M Brown, jurtorta
J Bowa, Utwec-e -
1 Hunter, Dallas Texas
F Allen, etrv -
J Barry, city
May. ,
QT Finn, city ' ' '
J Rankin, city r' '
O VmL. citv . . ;. ,
4 Vincent son O'fc'a C Bnston
C Hnston, county
M Filbert, county -E
Btiylord,eity ,
KGIrd, city
W Webber, dty
H Bai.ensto, city ,
J M GarriaaOfSaiom.
P Mnrray, elty
J Bnfard, Oregon City
Kiiey, vreKon ui
J Conat. 8aiem -
H Moran, IMUlea - -A
B Gritrgs eoontry
K P Henry, Indian
May e.
May ml '
A MttcbeiLcity G Mltenell, Corvallis
W K McKallia, Jnnetton E B Davidson, Little
J Brjiwta vt, Corvlis Rock Arkansas
TTborson. Portland ,.A PrttaU Brownsville
J H Bailey, Portland F E Roblnnon, Corvalls
tr Mi jkimn, ctev annv nuniw, vw
HUPrwMir.Atlem veil
W Wilkinoon, Portland A I Batrker, city
4 Miller, Haisey . J Anurewa. city
C W Hammond, tads- IVMalene, W T
A L Matltews 8alem
J Fleming, Portland ;
RT Snlajravo, Clicam
J Rowley, Oreean i.ity
E W Kdar, Salem,, .
A lmmler, C-orvallls '. i.
J 8 Bowen, Salent
1 K Magnrgaa, Hon.
month -B
F Parker, 8 T
R Harrison, patent .
K u Clara, eaiem . .
TClaua;, Portland '
B F Boone, Salem
C I Ford, Salem
iN Smith, Portland
May new, Chicago
J 8 Coitrrove. Miaoorl
A K Taylor, NY
J 1 liarriMin. Kalem
T P Moore, IVtrltand
(tFK irby, IaUas Texas 4 8auera, 1
W Sfraamyer, Indiana ' .Mi
l Mtoonri
W Straomyer, Indiana ' May 11. - tt
T Bunion, Maryland J Wheeler, county
ul. AW Moors. Brownavn
3 Ctmmarntan.MIsonri C P Barkbart. county
B A Wiikinson, MiMonrl G Honck a wf, Corv'lia
J H Bailey, Portland J Mot'Alley, Albany ,
JG la nBnuun.auininn m. vavhm, nwiuuqi' miirl PlVmiev. Miiwaultea
C Hathaway, Mlaoart 1 M Tayior wf, Illinois
A Sow. Kansas
J A lama, Harrison ville-
W Finley, ITnrVm vl Uo
J Iansr, California
T II M s-oeder, Slsjedda
W H Mendenfettil Hap.
H Shield's Iowa
J Orttaliafcon.'elty
k w Kaimin. Hoio
C M ilnar, PorUand
r Lewis, ctty
H Iderltaff. citv - '
B iMeooo, ri t
V tf T uln. . '
JIGreen.Benteneonaty JCain, IKInourf
A MitoSietl, eKy - J T Wliiianinou
JOS ickiMMua, Alieoart
Wool, 2lTC.---Oit);5y poanSa gvx
weol wanted, fur which I intend to pay the
highest market price' in cash.' For..wod
sacks and twine inquire at N. Bacm's.
May I, 1875. - tf.
t- Locals on Sib pajs.
tkbl tn ktmm
Last Tnesday evening, Slay 11th, 187
being the tenth anntversary of Site wedded
life of Mr, sad Mrs. L, . Blflfn, thelf
numerons fHend fn tSifs etty eoneladed1
thai llie event mfist be proiierly celebratedl
by the usual ceremonies incident to a-" tin
wedding." A selfappomterf eommittee
andeftopk the task of spreadTng tlie invita
tions and Well tJse did tlielr daty, send
tog out no less than one L mid red and sixty
or seventy fnvtaatkns on tin cards. As tber
past history of this city limit crowded ttr
any great extent with events of this kind,
everybody was on ffce fiptoe of enpeetatioo
and anxious for tlie hour to mtifn tm w
to nshef i tlie event of tlie sesrson. If .
eame a last, m everything dt. it
time fa given, and- irfy the evening
commenced t&e'rtMfhof Unmafcy, hmdedl -
with good things and tinware, for the resi
dence of Mr. and Mrs. Blafnv and soon the
five tower, rooms,: tlie porch and all up
stairs was crowded fUll ofUimkisome women; f !
and passable men, all apparently enjoying" .
tne event with aa mncu seat as tlie two par'
tlcular stars of the occasioSt. There were
from one hundred to one hundred and fifty
people present, and about as joUy and fan. -loving
a set of people as ever straek hands
over a tin wedding. We are sorry to-say
that our limited space will not allow ef at- v
foil description of the toilets of all Che ladfe
present, therefore we can only say that all
were Superbly if not gorgeously arrayed?
while the gentlemen generally were trphcit.
stored with an Inch of their lives, altogether
forming as gay a spectacle of youth and
beauty as we have ever beheld. Mr, ami
Mrs. B&ttvdone tlie honors of toe occrarbtv
with grace and dignity, doing, their utmost
to make all present feel at? ease and flior-
OUgmjr etljoy UW uu; nicjr nw-
ceeded to ty-. Among tAiose present we'
Lnotioed. Mrs. John Barrows and her daugh
ter, Ella, or San Francisco.; Mrs. St BV
McFarland and Misses Josie and Jeanta
IlamilConof GorvaUVj 'r(X P. Tempklasy
of narrisburg; Wa, 5lorgrmr ef Salem f
Mrs. D. Uv Wakefield and daoghtei, anef
Mrs. Van Schuyler, el Portland-, About
10 o'clock .a splendid eoliatlon was served
up, wmdtng. op witli Ice cream and some
of tlie best coffee um ! Tlieu tlie fun be
gan and was kept up until a late hour. . Ill
was tne largest attended, most successful,.
complete ana saitsiaciory nn weouing wo
ever attended In any conntry.
In conclusion- we might adUV t&at Mr,
nnd Mrs. Blaln .were Butted fn marriager
Mav 11th. 1805. bv Ber. 8. O. Irvine, in
the Presbyterian church of tnls elty, the
first ma rr lags earmmny performed fn MdS
church. It was the anlversai wfsh ef all
present tliat tlie happy "ten-y ear-elders
may live to seo many mere mmfrers.frte
of their we. ltliil life r attd onr wish Is that
tlielr golden wedding maybe as Joyful and
satisfactory as this, their" flu weddlngr way
to all present. We came near omitting; to
mention tliat trie Albany Brass Band
honored themselves andthe oeeasiew y m
Lmt-.i. ! i err
lowing is a list of seme ef the present
received on the occasion ; '
Skeleton leaves, in a tin frame, were fceaoti
ful; suifar bowl, trainer, padding; mould, tin?
plates, several at ylea, lavge sAd snuUI; skimmer,
egg-beater, " the lumdloat thing in the world;"
tea strainer, cake Iwaket and fraltt basket, both)
gorgeous; tea-iml and tlie nan-JUet little spirit
opffee-pot ; dumb waiter, crcmb-pan witl -brush;
tnaiwiva bottle, with a Immense thing
in the eorkairew line, the bottler labeled "Old!
Dominion Whisky;" padding and jelly ateolda,
tvt Almmnt. aiAO! thnw MttniianaamnTVMii
holder wit spoona; dipper Uiat "want leak in
the handle,"' wire oalce4iaakst, aangbtg basket
two wire y-acasena, rarvwa; kartfe and ofe, pf
knife, locket and ahain a bkr thing vpetw
watchr andT ahain, moat alegaajt; got waters
and crurtnf, splendid workasansMp-; set of nap
kin rings, flat front complete shirt " bnasnn,"
vaeaUanUy well mtada, bat dld'ut at. worth at
sent; sheet of tin fo genarni M patchln'" pur
paaes; den; eollar, twe pit and psUng holdsrsj
spit box, tallies waist baits, two, highly en
tented; flute; whistle, diMMr bora, spSse-box,
fancy motot caga, Iraga cake box, aa immense
bow for cravat twe higaly ernasnented and
towering dress eosahs full set of elegant Jew
elry, all the way Srero Jlarrisbnrg, tkwt gave
e vldence of the, pessassiea of sn artist to wya and
hand i tbsir pwadaatlsWy aaarkad, oempU
went of P. Tocapfctaai' Japanned waiter;
lantern-, oti painting on tin with elegant tin
fraxnefbtndret and dtDDSR ctaar cue,knifc bnx.
toy set for catld, tinware, tea canntster, toilet
stand with, porftnos twttiaa; geBtleman 'a col
lar; halter for bonne; hat for lady; an elegans -and
coetlv bed-room ast, three pieces, sjopbewl.
water pticner ana .nasaing vm n race leu, toe ,
pnrty to keep; eignr.Iaoider,' pair celler
skates, frail but elegant; cradle, a, meet angges- .
tlve present; boqnet for lady's heacVdreas, neat
bat not gandy; scissors, and such a pal bseaat
pln with quartMgate set, (resembled cast- .
steal soanl: sleeve buttons which nnalrad,
tin In their mannfactnre; pair of apara; teteat
styfn n stovepipe w Imt: two boxes callina:
cards an tin; enxine tnaiM, and t wo csct wrrt '
and much admired walking canaa, etc.'Thw '
best gift in the whole kt wan a neat litt le bible. !
bound in tin, bearing the following jnaoriutioat '
a its UUa page ; .. .. . ,
Learn y tof wdl,-
bat if ya ralwii. , , ' .
? . ' Ill venywwos bwrln,' ' .
, And take ail toy tiaw ;
Lao Far fob Salic. Cy reference
to onr advertislag eolnrans tWs morning, it
will be seen th&ta&rm. consist ihg of 659
acres, the larger portion ot which is grain
land. Is offered for sale very cheap. It lies
tn nn. ,rl mtiv... t.. . .........
... w.w . cTM, i KiKMinu (teaiii.icss
Mttla valleys lajOiTots, Is well watered and
timbered, and. is. so located that it will
answer for either a grain or stack ferm, or
both. -The purchaser will get a valuable
piece f projierty low a borne" already '
nsada, where fee can set down nntEor hia
own vine and x tree and enjoy tle ood
tfelE-5 cf ,J; w'.'JIiont lot er hindrance. 1
The health of perifou ef tM f'-o.i, too,. -is
pronoaaced' anperior not excel: I bj.
any ether point. For partierr as t,
, price, etc., call on Dr. II. J. Boughton,
' of this city, at once, iryou want a home at