FRIDAY MAY 7, 1878. Several new cases of yellow fever are reported at Key West, Florida. Seventeen car loads of emigrant arrived In Sacramento oo the 4th from Uw East. The Pope ol Come was announced again tinder the physician care on the 4th. The Presbyterian Synod in session . In London on Uw 4th, cordially endorsed Moody and Sankey. .. , h, Tbey bav been having heavy dews In. portions of California, which, It to claimed, will help the crops. ' ' The. American Evangelists, Moody and Sankey, have Immense auSkncea to Lon don, averaging S7.000 on week days, and 48,000 on Sundays. , - At the dty election In Montgomery, Alabama, on the 4th instant, the Democrats carried the day the first time since the Teconstroction. Congressman TV. 8. King, who arrived at Mhmeapons on the Sd, says he Is all right, and will so make it appear by docd SMOtary evidence at the proper time. : ' The Demccrafsof Shelbrvllle, Ind elec ted the Mayor and city ticket on the 4 th, the first Hm such a thing has happened then in forty-five years. .f; ; , Near Hndaon, X. Y on the 4th, wealthy but eccentric farmer named Hnd aon Van Dnsen, shot and kilted his mother and then killed himself. ' ;" - The Hew Oregon Iron ' Works have re ceived the contract for the construction of Cwiiew cotter lor the Colombia river, at Jt Is said that at least one of the passe n- grs on the Jtjax left without telling his wife, and that he took another woman witli him ftom Portland. . The Democrats were badly beaten In the Logansport, Indiana, city election on the 4th Inst the citizen's ticket getting away' with eight oat of ten oouucllmen by a ma. Jority of 810." - ' .' It having come to the ears of die State Board of Immigration that emigrants had been badly treated npon their arrival at Portland that they bad been preyed upon and robbed by sharps and thieves they have taken the matter In hand, ami inti mate that they will prosecute to the fullest extent ot the law parties who are caught attempting to fleece strangers who arrive ajpon oar snores. - The Commissioners were Appointed for that purpose, and we are lad to see them ready and willing to act promptly when ' called npon so to . do. When It Is known .that the Commission will protect emigrants from Imposition. It wCl deter thieves and blackgnards from Attempting their villainoas games, and still more encourage emigration to ear shores. Says a Walla Tfalla paper: Six miles the railroad track from WaBnla Is al ready laid, and one hundred hands In con- .stent employ are poshing the- work along with all possible speed. In fifteen" days he track will be fully completed to the Toochet Station, after which the company -wIU commence carrying freight and pas sengers both ways.' The iron has now alt arrived at Walhala for the completion of the road: within nine miles of Walla Walla, and the balance to fully complete the road has been contracted for and win arrive in due time, so that Walla WaUiansmay con fident!? expect to bear the whistle of the locoaotve by the middle of Angast or first f September. i... . . The tide seems to have turned at last, and Oregon Is beginning to receive her Jest dues. The terrible cojd of last winter la the as&ent States, the grass hopper and other plagues of the middle and border States, has induced a very large emigration from the Sates so plagued to the great West, and the great bulk of this vast army at hungry people are beading for Califor nia. Thousands have already arrived In CtNtfidVttoaTWA OMtforUyfwhom, It wesMseera, are without means, having ex hausted fbeir little all In getting there, and1 the pspera of California; are, becoming Jams at t&e terrible tafias, and are al ready fcredlcSlog hard times for the emi grant. , The fciksre, almost total, of the crops there, -tbM; season, wlli be more severely ft-lt than ever. ' The Journals now, ta tlselr desperation, have avaiutned to the tact timt Cbere is sweh a country as Oregon, and they are even puhiUldsg commendable notices, telling '$o Dew:arrivls ib&iltls possible .under 1mm circBmstaniw, they may fbidOregda a" jpretfy fair.eountry after' ail. Thus tt to that our sister gtaje, being ovoti-siowded and not knowing what to do with so many eeosle who wIU scon be aik- iag Sead corileH9elgly acknowi- edges Cm existence of Oregon. Wel! of Oregon do not take pleasure la the aKie- tions and trembles of ewr sister State; we are sorry aad grieve with her In her ralsfbr tune, for the lots of ber crops is a great misfortune and one that wiUgroatly retard her growth and protpei-ityi The tacts "v about Oregon ' are begtniilng', ta fee'tdiown. and acsnowtedgBdl even In CallfornLa we . rejoice at t&U. Whila.a failure of ps In Csllforala is not a rare thing, the con-. trary is, fee (act hi Orroa. . Cere sach a ttlsjt as na mJlre .f&nure of the crops was know j . our fUrroers , can . always l.'r crcpa ox cereaa., For honest, Ir T .irtrtaa taen,- wilh small capital, Orsoa iftfJucemecis surpassed , by none, e do not ariyiw parties, no matter bow in rTiooa. or emmstlA: whp;.are entlxly wUhU means, tot come to Orer3 ';Sfict3. &s&.ISscsifey.Ss nm 'well SasV':E-' PSRMIBAraS. r I. IT. Mossmal lis been appointed G ea ger for Washington Territory. f II. M. Atktnsin, the new Commissioner of Pensions, ww swrn In and took pos session of the eUce at Washington on the 1st Instant. i if . T (-; J. J. Pryor, an actor, fell dead in the dressing room f th Opera House during Uw performancsof Little Nell, at Toledo, Ohio, of heart diaeise, on the evening of ea cj alftss T The Secretny of: the Treasury has autboriaed the stant secretary at New York to sell five hill Ion gold during the present montk : The steamship Orijtamnte, from London to San Francisco, on the 1st Instv was at Portsmouth undergoing repairs received in the coUiska with the steamer Effinch. In the lower bouse of the Prussian Diet, on the 1st tost.; Dr. Falk, Minister of Public Instruction, introduced a bill tor tlie suppression of religious ortlezs In Prussia. The berk Sarah Scott, from Portland, Or arrived at Qoeenstown on the 1st In stant. ; 'j'j French and English gun-boats are ordered to the banks of Newfoundland, to prevent threatened troable between the fishermen of each couutry thU summer. The answer 6f Belgium to the last Ger man note Is prouounced satkfadtory, and terminates the controversy. ' On Sunday lat Henry Ward Bcecher received Into Plymouth chnrch 105 mem bers, 75 on protewion of faith and 30 by letter from sister churches. After baptiz ing 8 of the new members, Beecber an nounced that children would be baptized next Sunday. Henry C. Bowen and family were among the communicants. ; The earnings of the Union Pacific Bail road last month were $1,062,952, an in crease of 320,103 over the same mouth last year. : ' Thomas M. Edwards, a member of Con gress from New Hampshire four years, and flrt President of the Cheshire railroad, died at Keen, N. H., on the 3d lust. Still man Witt, who sailed, in the Servia for Europe, for the benefit ot liis healtli, died at sea. He was largely interested iu western railroads. Eastern- telegrams to the 3d say that little if any damage has resulted to wheat in Iowa, Indiana, Illinois, Kansas, Missouri and ; Minnesota ; by the heavy frosts ot Saturday. The only harm done seems to have been confined to early vegetables, fruit suffering but little. The coal strike in Pennsylvania si ill continues, with ditturbarces reported at several places The river St. Lawrence Is reported clear of ice to Quebec The steamer Alhamfm went ashore at Cape Sable on Sunday. Steamer probably a total loss. : Passengers and mail all safe. Baron Schwarta-Senborn, Austrian Min ister, says his resignation has been accep ted. ! The Baron will make a tour of this country before returning to Austria. Now it Is reported tint Secretary Fish win resign to accent the appointment as Minister to England in place of Schenck, who Is to resign Gen. Sberidau Is soon to be married to Miss Rucker, a daughter of Gen. Kncker. Lieut-Col. Hatch, cammanding at Fort Sill, reports, that the frequent complaints made .by Indians camped near the post, that they -are suffering from hunger, in duced him to Investigate tiie matter, and he finds the complaints true. He says there is evident maladministration of In dian! affairs at Fort Sill and Witchla agencies, and adds : "So long as this maladministration exists, the military authorities cannot be, and wilj not consent to be, held accountable for any outbreak which may occur on their part." A telegram from London, dated May 3d, reports that the Carltet committee has re ceived telegrams reporting great victories by Don Carlos forces, under command of Saballo at Breda, Lerida and Santa Coloma King Alfonso's - forces numbered 40,000 men. Tbey lost five chief officers at Breda and 350 at Santa Coloma.' Another victory for the Carlists under Castello Is reported from : Aragon. - Government troops said o have lost all their artillery and many prisoners. The AUbnsist General Delstre was killed. The Unita OatXolt&t, of Borne comments In bitter terms en .the Installation of the Prince of Wales as head of the order of Masons In Great Britain, and declares that the act ideudfles Anglican Protestantism with Mssootenu i j. i The schooner Jefferson Borden Patterson, master, sailed from New Orleans, March 5th, lor London. ',, , When 18 days from, the former port, a mutiny broke out. Captain Patterson and ofBcers lought the men with revolvers -and knives! After a terrible struggle, In which; the first and second mates were killed, the captaht socceeded In d!bllng and securing all the men who resisted. He hailed passing Vessels' and obtained enough hands to work the ship. and proceeded on the voyage to. London. " From Yuma, Arizona, come reports that the Huahtpals are quiet,' but the Apache- Mohaves are on the. war path." Crops on the Gila are iugood condition. Mines north of the Gila are the absorbing topic. Set tlements are.; nearly depopulated, the men rushing Into; the mountains. Parties turning for supplies, bring rich specimens. Several parties are now out who were hunt ing Apaches-over; the fame ground years ago, and 'ire supposed to have made rich discoveries but. to have kept thect dark until they could return wlthBsafety. - sA man named Dav!a, who attempted to go from Seattle to Port Madison one day last week la a small boat, was soon flound ering In the sea, his boat having been up set by a galei . He was saved as by a' mb aele. '--'Hr. G. W. Lonndagin, who resides on theCoppei, near ' Waitsburg,' W. Tn ' Is ereotlng ' machinery, and . cultivating ell beans preparatory to manufacturing castor Oil- ' Tae, flowrteg mill at Jefierson Is . still . . L r' xtinangt aad i&kiruga eood artiola pf ; .fT . . Cacr- raws LIST OF PlsBJ9II7n9 ' "r vTo"ia a.WAaiMt at thx 'f LINN COUNTY i FAIR, TO BB BKT.I AT TBI 6ROOHSS OKI Mt.1 BOTTTtl OT ALBikJiT, UN OCTUBKB 5, S. I, S tf, IMiO. CUkSB KO. I'al. B. Calloway, SuperinlenUeut, , NO. 1 SlIOKT IIOBKS. Hull. Best bull 8 years old ami upward.... 6 00" (3 SO S " " .... 6 00 S SO l " . .... a wi i aa Beetcalf... S 00 1 00 Best cow S years old and upward.. 5 00 3 SO 4 00 1 00 heifer 1 voir old and at) ward... S oo 1 00 heller calf S 00 1 00 No. -Devon. No. S Hereford, No. 4 A-vreshires. No. S Alderaeys Stune premi ums mKo. 1. rKxhlhitor In Xos. 1. S. S. 4 and S. moat fur nish mtts factory evldenue of Mice and Dedlxree in wrlUiig.3 No. 6 GkaiD Cattle, cross breeds. . Bulla. Beet bull S years old and upward.... 0 00 3 SO " .... 4 00 S 00 1 " .... 9 00 1 00 Best calf. 3 00 1 00 Cotca. Best cow S years old and upward . 4 00 5 00 .3 00 S 00 1 SO 1 00 S 00 Best milch cow of any Mood. .... 4 00 RI7L.K. -Kxhibitors coinnetine for nramhiin for the best milch cow ot'onv blood. shaU furn ish the Superintendent a ccrtiiled stateuoent of the amounv. oy weifrnx, m miuc proanoca oy t)M9 cow entered by tlietn, daring ten days pre. ceding the exhibition, with a statement of the aire n the calf at the time the uUI$ was whjbed, and kind and amount of food. No. 7 Fat Cattle. Best ox S years bid and upward ... .. 4 OS 9 00 .. 4 00 i 00 Oompetitora In this department are required to file with the Corresponding Secretary, a statement of the aice of the animal, time, man ner, kind, quality and coat of feeding, and all the expenses connected with tuo uttteuiuy. No. 8 Sweepstakes. Best bull of any breed 8 00 4 00 Beatcow of any breed.... ..... 8 00 4 00 CXA9W SO. II. Boraaaw. J. A. Crawford, Superintendent. No. 1 Thoroughbred. Best stallion 4 yrsoldand unw,rd....8 00 t 00 " . S - .... 5 00 9 SO 2 4 00 9 00 3 00 1 . t 00 1 00 Best stickling colt...; 9 00 No. 2 Thoroughbred, Best mare 4 years old aud upw'rd.... 8 00 4 00 9 50 3 OO s 5 00 9 1 " 4 00 2 00 1 0O Best stickling-colt..... 9 00 1 00 In the denarttnent of thorouirhUred animals. wnnther cattle or horses, none will licucrmitted to compete out such as tutvc patfeiactory pedl- No. 3 Graded. Best stallion 4 yrs old and upw'rd.... 5 on 9 50 2 00 1 60 1 00 1 00 a . .... uu 3 " .... 3 00 1 " too Best suckling colt 9 US . NO. 4 GRADKD. . Best mare 4 years old and upw'rd.... 5 00 2 50 2 00 1 50 1 OO 1 00 a .... uu " 9 " " .... 3 00 " 1 " " .... 2 00 Best suckling colt S 00 No. S Sweepstakes. Best brood mare 4 years old and up ward and oolt 8 00 Best (elding 4 yerus old and upward 8 00 4 00 1 60 k NO. 6. V Best span of carriage horses or mares - ' owneu ov one person.............. a uu Ml The above to bo tested. , . NO.,7. Best span of homes or mares for all work 10 00 5 00 Best span of draft horses or mares for an worn .. . 1U W 9 oo rl'be above to be owned bv one ueraon. and to beteated.) . i CXAKS K4W III. Running?. Hugh Fields, Superintendent. Bnnnmar 3 in 5. free to all : purse. 8250. 1st hone. SUK 3d horse (85 Running 2 In S, for Oregon and Washington -l'orroory nuaeu norsea; pnrse, vi.hi 1st horse S100 1 3d horse 830 Running, single dash 1 mile, free to all ; purse, urn. 1st horse.. SB7 ; 2d horse..... 833 Running, single dash 1 mi be, 9 year olds; purse 8100 1st horse.. ...887 1 2d horse.... 833 CXJkSH HO. IV .--Trotting- Rale, j Trottinir. 3 in 5. free to all: nurse 82-0 1 1st horse 8160 1 2d hone. 8S5 Trottiug. 3 in 8, for horses that have no record 01 Having made less tune man minutes; purse, 8u0 1st 1 horse... ....100 i 2d horse 850 Trotting, 2 In 3, for horses that have no record of having made less time than &30; purse, sno 1st horse fiO 1 3d horse 830 -i roning, a in s, tor s year otas ; purse, fno 1st horse .840 3d horse 820 Pacbur. 9 In 3. free to all : purse. 8G0 1st horse JHQ d horse 820 Horses to make each heat In less than S minutes, or no premium wIU be paid, and the entrance fee, will be forfeited to the Associa tion. Any person entering a none, not en tinea to go in the race on acount of age or record, shall forfeit the entrance money to the Associa tion. In ail I rials of speed, there shall be three to enter and two to start in the race. Any bone that distances the field, shall be entitled to Doin premiums. , I ( JAXH KO. Tr-Xnles sad Jack Nimrod Price, Superintendent. Best Jack....... S3 08 Bestjennette 5 00 Best span of work mules....?......... 8 00 Beat Buckling mule 300 3 50 9 50 1 60 1 60 CLASS NO. VI. feneep. R. L. Rudd, Superintendent. j NO. 1 AMERICAN OR CROSSBREED ME RINOS, j Best buck 9 years old and upward.. ..84 00 83 00 Best buck 1 year old and upward..... 3 00 1 AO Best " Iamb 9 00 1 00 Beat ewe 9 years old and upward..... 8 00 1 60 Best ewe 1 year old and upward...... 2 50 1 60 Best ewe Iamb 9 00 100 Best sample wool, qual z white neeoe 9 00 -1 op No. 2 French Merinos, No. 3 -Spanish, No. 4--Southdown, No. 6 New Oxfordshire, No. 6 Cotswold, 'o. 7 -Graded, and No. 8 Leicester, le premiums Ju NO. 9 SWEEPSTAteES. :; Best buck of any breed for wool. 5 00 3 SO Best ewe of any breed for wool... v... 8 00 150 Best weather of any breed for wool.. 3 00 1 00 No. 10 Angora Goats, full blood. Best buck 2 years eld and upward... .98 00 81 50 I 44 ' . .... 9 00 1 00 lamb 1 00 50 ewe 9 vears old and upward.... 8 00 1 50 " ewe 1 " .... 9 00 1 00 ewe JtunD 1 w . ou StrLS L Those exhibiting aheeo for nre. ntlnmi offered for wool shalTexhlbit the shorn fleece with the sheep together with astatement oktbe time of its growth. Kl-li 3. The committee shall take into con sideration the quality as Well a the weight of ineneece. . ; . . . . r . . CBVAnS) HO. TIISwIm Sc Pwultry TJMMnaa Froman, Superiatendent. No. 1 Chester White. . i . Beat boar 9 years old and upward.... 85 00 82 60 1 - a w inu S months old 1 60 75 Best litter of pigs not over six months : 01a ou zoo No. 9 Berkshire. No. a Crossbreeds. No. 4 Graded, same premiums as No. L No, Sweepstaxsjl ; f. : Beat boa' of any breed, .......;.,,..85 00 84 50 Beat sow of any breeid.,.,,......,,,,. S 00 50 NO, 7 PotJLTBT. Best pair of aeese, ........ . Best pair of ducks..,....,.. Best pair of chickens . Best pair of guinea fowls.. ,..,,..83 00 (1 00 ...... 9 00 J 00 ... 3 OT 1 00 8 00 I 50 Best pair of pea fowls-......... S 00 1 60 sTKiAJW KO, YIH.-4JrUn ausd Ve?efele, , Joseph Hamilton, Superintendent. 7. No-.l. : vv!:..:;';. To bo gvowa by the parson competing, Best 9 acres of fall wheat. .:.........830 00 810 00 Best acres of snrin? wheat... W 09 . 10 00 Best acres of oats.. ....90 00 10 00 rne auove products to be exmmtea in the Pavilion, in samples of not less U)an onebuslfel of each kind. , Partaea eomnetinir for the above nremiums are requested to earefoliy measure the ground. iu, K.-wH3w ui sworn wiineaMiK, hn jjstvmh. threshing and caeasurinf or weighing to be done in trie praamum at disinterested wtt- neaees, whom allkiavu shall be attached to the anpiicatioa lor the pcemiumj , - - ' tnjst 1 acre 01 umotby bay .....810 00 85 00 Eeatlacreof corn.. 8 00 4 OA iMsat 1 acre 01 omom corn... . .v. . 10 00 s 00 a 00 iMist H acre of white beans. . , : .. . . ... S 00 Ft samp's of broom corn ico Best 1 bushel of lal) wheat 2 00 liest 1 bushel of spring wheatt., . oo : 50 1 00 100. Bust J bushel of oats 2 00 1 00 Best 1 bushel buckwheat loo 60 Best 1 bushel of rye 1 00 SO Best 1 bushel of,..4 1 OS , se xrom l uunutji 01 wniie COm. ........ . X W " Best 1 bushel of yellow corn,... . . . 1 00 i ' SO Best assortment of grains.;........;.. 8 00 1 AO Best assortment of grains... ......... S 00 1 50 Best 1 acre of flax i S 00 50 Best 1 peck of timothy seed.. 1 00 . 50 Best 1 peck of White clover seed, ... 1 00 '60 Btwtpeckof red clover seed.-.. 1 00 60 NO. 2. BestlpeclriBf white beans.. ..T.;:." 00 Best 1 peck of peas 100 Best X bushel of potatoes.'. ...... 1 00 , 50 50 50 - vi. .i i.'i n i T5 ............ Beat X bushel of sweet potatoes grown ii irretron , Best sample of pumpkins. Bust sample of squashes.. Bust sample of onions. .. . . 9 00 1 00 50 60 50 50 .50 50 50 50 50 50 50 1 00 ..... 1 00 1 00 ..... 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 ..... 1 00 2 00 est sample or beets Best sample of carrots Best sample or parsnips... Best sample of turnips.... Best sample of tomatoes.... ium samples orcaooaee. nest samples of eest plant. xw samples cuunnowcr. Best exhibit of vegetables... .i...-. Rulk. In all cases where persons compete for- premiums by the acre or part of an acre, there shall be three to enter. . , No. 3 Melons. ! o be grown by the exhibitor. Best watermelons.. ...1 00 50 Best muskmekms 1 00 60 ; No. 3 Flour. Best wheat flour (50 lbs).. ............ ..$1 00 50 Best corn meal (30 H) 100 50 Best buckwheat flour (50 n).... 1 00 50 CLASS KO. IXk lsneatie Jtaanftetarc, Martin Lupor, Superintendent. . . . , NO. 1. - , ,: ... Best 10 Ihr butter not less .than 4 months old.- 83 00 81 50 Best 10 U.S cheese not less than. 4 months old 200 Best 10 Iks lard not les than 4 months old 1 00 Bust 4 lbs candles.......... 1 00 Best 4 V&saip 1 00 Hest bacon ham... 9 00 Best bacon side 3 00 Best bucon shoulder. 2 00 1 00 50 50 50 1 00 1 00 1 00 No. a.-::; BestOregon Joans, 8 yards............ 1 00 50 Best Oregon sticks ..........100 . 50 Best Oregon cloth, all Wool..... M 1 00 50 Best Oregon blankets 9 00 1 00 Best pair Oregon mittens 1 00 60 Best pair Oregon buckskin glove 1 00 50 Best Oregon brooms. 1 docun. ........ 1 08 50 C'EJUMB NO. X. Home Work. Mrs. Jason Wheeler, Superintendent. .. ...j : : .... NO. 1... j.,,:-.;' ; To be exhibited by the maker, apron, braided..! 00 SO.coverlet, W00I..I 50 75 apron, eiubr'd..! 00 afghati 1 00 Imsket, fancy... 1 00 basket, hanging bead work...l 00 " acorn work.. I 00 " cone work. . 1 00 " wall 1 00 blanket for liirt embroidered..! 00 bouquet cryst ali zedurs Allowrs.l 00 cushion toilet embrVlered.-l 00 60 cushion, snfa...l 00 " look...l 00 collar, tatting.. 1 00 60 60 60 50 50 60 SO crocnet....! uu embr'd 1 00 transf er'd.l 00 cover, stand cro chet ...... 1 00 " table, embi'd.l 00 ' pillow, crocht.1 00 " chair, embr'd .1 00 counterpane em br'd crochet..! 00 60 60 60 50 60 50 no 50 50 60 60 chemise 00 corset 1 00 comfort, e'ts tn.i 00'd inft..l i 60 mat, lamp. 1 00 5nl worsted 1 00 501" worst'd, floor.i 00 50!mUtens, link...l 00 501" - knlt....l 00 embd lnft....l 00 Indies wool.,.1 00 " ladies silk.. ..1 00 cap for lady.w...l 00 cravat, gents. 100 " citx:het..l 00 box shell 1 00 drees, white !n..l 00 night, ladys.l 00 60 1 necklace, leel..l 00 50' " imitation 6l coral 1 00 50 ottoman cover. . 1 00 50 50 wmte, mint. 1 uu braid, child.. 1 00 so pants made by lady.. ......2 00 100 edging, crochet. tutting 1 00 embroid'd wrstd 50 quilt, white 1 00 60. I" patchwork ..1 00 50 fancy 1 00 50" worsted 100 silk 1 00 bead 1 00 nannou s van run. Irug. hearth 1 00 nouie-mane...s uu iou shirt, wntte. 1 00 1 00 frame, shell.... 1 00 50 slips, pillow , seeu...,.t w 4 1 -photo...! 00 501 emtH-'ded .1 00 50 " croohet ...1 00 60 skirts, white 1 so; " embr'd. 1 SO " bi-aided. 1 fruit, wax 1 00 tlowcrs, wax....i oil " liair 100 pocket, watch.. 1 00 501 " forinrt.l zopuyr..i uu " for inrt - flannel ..1 " HmIv I gown, geut s " dressing 1 00 gnnrd, watch... 1 00 gloves, h'ked..l 00 60;boyssuit plain. .1 S sol uraiucfi.i made by hand .-. .1 knit.....l 00 buck 1 00 501 handkerchief suit for lady embr'd. 1 00 walking......! drawn embr'd. 1 00 h a u d k crchief, stockings, knit cotton ..1 woolen...!. transferred....! uu '50 Jeans. 3 yards - (socks, woolen ... I nome-maue..a uu 4uui coiion...i shawl, crochet . . 1 sack, crochet...! . unsey, 9 yaris " nome-miuie.s uu w linen, stach and Iad 9 mvsc.l oroeb tbo'se.1 infant " ho'se..l work, leather... 1 00 Ix-ud ..1 11O rock 1 uo ironea 1 uu 8llTpere,cinlr'dl 00 tuty, worsteo...! uu crocuet....i w ttted......l 00 vest made by lady 1 00 work, burr.. ....1 " straw 1 00 50 " hair 1 50 raised worsted. 1 00 50 yarn white home made ..1 00 50 44 colored home- sneu 1 uu UIOP 1 0U rarnet. wool ....3 00 MO carpet, rag 3 00 loot 'made 1 00 50 Miu;hine and hand work wl'l not compete In the alove, as first and second premiums will be given to articles of the same kind, for the best machine and hand work. No. 2 Millinery and Maktau-making. velvet bonnet.. 1 00 cloak ladies 1 00 60 fancy.. ..'.1 uo bonnet, ladys silk 1 00 50 bonnet, silk t rimed 1 00 60 hat straw 1 00 50 ladies' hat, vel vet. ........ ...l 00 chllds velvet hat 1 00 bead dress.: la- cap lnants.....l Oil 60 dys 1 00 SOjdress ladys 1 OS 50 NO 3 Work by Misses under Fifteen. shirt, hnd mde.I 00 quilt patch work... ..1 00 501 apron calico I 00 .1 00 .1 00 1 00 .1 00. oeaa worn..... stockings knit. SO crochet work...! 00 : Swdarned worstd " tatting 100. .Sol ." cotton dress, calico....! 00 Ritt.k. Machine and band work win not compete In the above, a first and second pre miums Will lie given it nriusivs ui 1 im buuiv kind, for the heat inacuine ana turn a wosxi. Claw So,XI.Wsrlui sf Art, ' A. T. Arntdl, Buperlutendent. Best exhibtt mechanical dentistry 83 00 1 00 Best oil painting on canvas..... 3 1 Best printing, newspaper 3 1 Bent printing, cards, Ac .....2 1 Rt nrlnt.lnir. posters, in colors 9 1 - u pUiin 1 50 . .- watercolors. ...... ....... I 60 " " siirns .3 ' Oriental 1 ' 90 Diaf Milnnttnn nlmtosraDUS ........... 2 Beat penmanship 1 60 Best drawing pencil .................... 1 50 Best nionochromntio 1 60 Best erayon ..,.. ' 60 Best sandpaper... .,...-.......-. 1 po BestzeDhvr wrstd pctrs, needlwk.... 1 50 Claaa XlI.Flowera and Irsbcrvea. : Mrs. Joseph Nixon, Superintendent, " NoV 1 Flowers. Best exhibit of greatest variery and -4 f HmmmIi TlOtj. . ... .J nest oouquetoi roesf.,..,...... ...... j - everlasting flowrs 1 ; : 'mix01 flowers,,,.... 1.;. t- ' ' .'..' NO, iPWKXES. Best ptcktes, eueumberi. . , , '. . '. . .'. . . . . .t 00 ; ' .. mixed.. ...,.,...., .v. 1 si sweet, , , . . j ; ' ' No. 3-tBread. ' , , . ou SO 50 Best bread, salt rising........... .'.31 00 . . . . . . ......... . 1 - soda biscuit... ............. 1 - '" " No. 4 Cakes. ' Best assortment of four cakes .....i..85 00 9 SO ; : - No, 5 esektes. Best exh,blt of preserves, S kinds,,,, 83 00 3 50 : J.; NO, 6 JeUJKS. i - Best exhibit of Jellies, 8 kinds ..,.,,,,,85 00 9 80 ' f 1 : ; -fi NO. 7 M ARMALAPB. Best slum marmalade ...81 00 B0 Best quinoa mar nrnlade ....... 1 ' ' 50 No, 8 C ANNEwFHtjnpi Glasses) Best exhibit canned fruit, 8 kinds,., ,.88 00 3 00 CLAM xmrrttitl A? yfim. . .. . Jajqes Finlayu, Buperinteodent-, ,t . NO.. IpAFFLES, , . Best 90 vartot4es, 4 specimens each..,. .83, 00 1 50 NO. Pears, Best 10 varieties, 4 specimens each,. ..83 3 50 No: 3 Peaches. ' Best twenty peaches. . . . . . t, . .83 NO. 4 PLUMS. ' Beat twentypluiBS,.....,.,..,t.viv9 . No. ,6-jGRATES. t For tbe greatest number of good va " rtetteaand best grown specimens, three bunohes each.... ........,,83 , Best six specimens, one variety.. 1 - ; - No. 8 Wine, etc. -- - Best currant wii4o.v"l.,.w...,v..w. 1 Best grape wine ..... 1 Best cider -vinegaf.;: .... ...,.'.....:.;t.. 1 50 ' 8ft ., 60 so V-.. V- .NO. 7 i-BCTTER Best jar of aple butter! . Uv . 1 . . .31 50 60 60 50 60 ,i . " peacuj r ............... l . " rear . " ' .... 1 i ! " v Plum '' 1 ' " Tomato 1 v No. 8 Dried Frtjits. Best three pounds dried apples.. w.... 81 " v peaches j.... 1 " ciwrants........ 1 " " pluma. ....... i sweet corn 1 1 cherries 1 " " gooseberries 1 : ' x ;. ' pears 1 - ' .' " tomatoes ........ 1 Best exhibit of dried fruits 3 1 . I .. ....... .. CL.VSS SO. XIV Mechanical JeparV , . - meat, v . ." , : j W. t. Anderson, Superintendent. OREGON MANUFaCTCBE EXHlBrTKD BY THIS MAKER. best wagon 8 5 3 60 best saddle.... 3 2 50 set team hrns. 4 3 50:sampl leather. 5 1 OOjbest bureau... S 1 50 2 50 1 So 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 2 50 - onggy ex. wairou . a " plow 8 " gang plow. . 3 " sulky " .... 3 seed sower.. 5 cultivator.. 4 ' harrow. .... 3 " reaper or ' header.... 5 par fine boots. 1 par course " 1 pur car names 4 1 &0 DeUatead 4 1 501 sofa S hay press... s 2 50f 2 " grub'g . me 4 ' ditch'g " 4 " straw cutter 3 " faning miU. 3 " cheese press. 3 ' churn 2 " Windw sash. 9 1 50 2 50 60 ." . 60 2 Best blacksmith work, 4 pieces . '. ...... 83 " tin work, ten pieces............. 3 M castings, 5 pieces S revolving windmill S stove, made in Oregon. ....i.. . 4 exhibit of cooper work. ........ 3 washing machine 2 " chairs, half dozen 9 window sash 3 sample of doors ....... 2 . j : force pump 9 " suction pump......,- .1...... 8 - " mirlnff miuthlne., . . . . . . 4' 2 Parties cxhihltimr articles In the above class. ena bave eit her the eash premium or a diploma, as they choose. ) t'l.A&N XV.-Plowlna;. ' St n ben Powell, Superintendent. Best plowing ...810 85 Plowing nutt"h to commence as directed by the Judges, and to be continued In snch a manner as they shall deem best for a fair and impartial trial. Parties competing to bave choice bet ween a diploma and the cash premi um as offered. i C'l.ANS XVI. IUtlimtriMnteul. George Simpson. Superintendent. ' Best equestrienne .....85 00 89 80 CLAM XVIIr-raniH. A.' A'. Settlemire; Superintendent. Best nrraiiired and conducted farm. three to enter .....830 810 All Jhrms romnetinir must be entered bv the first day of September nert, so that the Com- Kntranee Fees- The entrance fees on all articles In the Pa villion will be 15 per cent. t)n all other articles, including stock and trials of speed, the entrance fees will be 20 ter cent. All entrance fees must be mid ut the time the entry is made. A 11 nt ri4 itmxt. Im, miutft hv 11 n'clneJr nfmn. on the second day of the Fair, as no entries win i w receiveu aiier tuat time, except on u-uiis oi speeu. Miscellaneons. All articles not enumerated in the- foregoing list, shall be entitled to enter for premiums, and the Judges shall have the right to rule out all articles thHt have no merit, and the Board of Directora shall decide ntmn the amount of premium on each article that is ad- JudKC.'! wort.ny. 4 lie upiun!imeiiii win np;iuinT ooniiniHmn in their respeijUve classes, by 10 o'clock A. M. of the second dav, and present their names to tlie Board of Directors for approval, and at 3 o'clock P. M. mil at the Secretary's desk and receive the entry books ann instructions from the President. And such Superintendents hail enter the awards of tlie Jndges. in all rases, in the several classes in which they may aot as such suuerluleudcnts. . Rales for Running and trottuur. 1. No person shall act as Judire in anv race in which he is interested. 8. The persons enterlne for a race will draw for position on the track, under the supervision of the Judges. 8. In trotting and pneing, all animals to carry 145 pounds in addition to the vehtcln. 4. The premium will bo withheld from any and all parties, if in the opinion of the Judges, ' ir is not a lair rnai oi speeti ; anu no loCKeying, fonl riding ordriving, will be allowed. 5. No competitor in a race will he allowed any advantage by the break of his animal. tt. Any animal that is not in readiness at the precise time appointed, shall forfeit all claims to the contest. 7. Three are to enter and two are to start in all trials of speed; PmrhlrcU that if no more tlmu two entries no made in any race, then two-thirds of the first and second premiums win op pait. 8. The time between heals sball be 20 min utes for mile heats. 3-1 minutes for two mile heats, 40 mlnntes for three mile heats, and 45 minutes for fonr mile heats. The following weizhta shall be carried. to-wit : Two vears old. a feat her : Three vears old, 80 pounds : Four years old, 90 pounds ; five years old. 100 pounds: six years old, 110 pounds ; Seven years old. 115 pounds, with an allowance of three pounds for mares and geld- lnsrs, una two pounds allowed in weisiiing-onr. it, -i ne nisranoe stanu snail oe nity yams from the Judges stand, for mile heats, and fifty additional yards for every mile In a heat. unless it lie for the best 3 in 5, then eighty yards to the mile. 11. All disputes shall be decided according to the rules of the Rational Turf Association. OEXEBAX. HI LES , 1. All articles and annuals mi.4 remain throughout the Fair, and no premium will be paid on any article or animal taken away be fore the close of the Fair, without a written permit, from the President is first filed with the secretary. , 9. A II entries (except trials of speed) to he made by 12 o'clock M. of the second day, and on exhibition by 2 o'clock of the same dav. -1 3. All animals and aU articles entered for premiums, to nay 20 per eent. on the amount offered on auch animals or articles, except such articles as are in the Pavilion ; they shall pay an entrance foe of fifteen per cent- on the premiums enereu. 4. AU animals eomnetinz for premiums, and all premium animals, must le paraded on the trade at sucn nmo as tue rrcsiueni, utrougn the Marshal, shall designate. 5. Kn person shall be required to pay any license for the sale of hav, grain, meat, or fuel, npon the grounds of the Association during the Fair. 8. The Secretary shall receive all tickets and badges, and charge each person with the num ber ho delivers to then. 7. The Marshal of the Pavilion shall have charge of the PavilUm, and shall have power to appoint aids to assist him in his duties. He shall see that all articles on exhibition in and about the Pavilion, or lielonging to the Society, or exhibitors, are carefully preserved, and perform such other duties as the Board of Directors sball direct. J 8. No person shall be allowed to sell or give Sway articles on the Fair grounds of the Linn Count v Agricultural Association, either during the annual Fair, or any time before the com mencement or the sauie, until the license lor the privilege shall bave been- paid for, and a receipt therefor obtained from the Secretary. 9. . Anv person driving a hack or other ve hicle taster than a reasonable gait, on any of the streets or ruaus wit n in tne r air grounds. shall forfeit, his Uuenee, and be liable to a fine. 10. All articles and animals entered for ex hibition must have a card, with the number of entry, as entered oy ute entry -cwtk, anu ex hibitors, in all cases, tuufct obtain their cards previous. to placing their articles or animals on exhibition. Cards for animals must be placed in a conspicuous place on their stalls or pens, and cavds for other Articles must be attached to them. ' - ' it - ' ; U. An animal may be entered so as to oom- pele for three premiums oury, except In trials of speed, as follows: First, auigly, In its uro- per class 1 secondly, as of a he! 1U us ur pair ; . and. tniroiy, in sweepsiaKes. . . 19. ' Anv iwrfttn Mitnptttff atoelc or anv kind, and misrepresenting its age, will fowelt the entrance money, and be excluded from coin iwtltinn. - 1 .-. --! - ia. . when t.hA naci-ntarv baa made an entry for a premium, be shall not charge it, unless he nas oommiuea an error. - . r il Judinw win nunl no premium when nnnA of t.l,u .nlinaiu or arliclea entered are worthy of a premium: and when there Is no compotltioU, orily one-half the premium, will bo paid. j'- T .- 14. Ne premium shall be" awarded to any manntaoturod articles to which a premium has heretofore been awarded by this Society. 15. Any exhibitor who shall interfere with, or attempt to influence the Judges while task ing their awards, shall be excluded from com petition. , ..." , .- -.-17. to all eases, except in trials qf speed, the Judges shali, without consulting together, write on paper their choice for the premiums, and give the same to the Superintendent; and after examination, if no choice has been made, they may consult and agree upon their awards. -18. Blue ribbon shall represent first pre. mlums ; red, second premiums. ' - ' 19. Premiums not called for within ninety days from the close ot the Fair, will be forfeited, and revert to the Association. 90. If animals occupying stalls, are hot ex : btbited in the ring or on the track at the ap grimed time for their class, as stated in the roKtamme for the day, the owner or exhibitor wiifbe charged one dollar per day for each stall so occupied. ' SI. i All rxuouliin esrewin. Im ta&en of stock. or articles entered for exhibition, or otherwise brought upon the grounds, but the Society will . :Ant Im nwrnAtmiblA for ksB or dAmafffl. . - .23. Any rules and regulations found neces sary, not comoiiiea otumn, viu oe juwbuiuw on the grounds. 23. All persons owning stands or booths on . the fairgrounds, sot applying to the - Secretary or bis authorized agent for license for the same, eilhur lu pursoa or by leter, within one tM-n esal'"- I f It ' I.Yi.Wifs'iiIliiii..inai..Vr. week previous to the first day of the Fair of each year, shall be deemed to have forfeited their right to the use of t be same for the sea son. . ..:- j .' -i . jny person wno a nan onnr upon tne fairgrounds an animal having a eon tasioua disease, sha l be liable to a fine of not leas than n ve aotiara nor more than arty dollars. 'y Uind Rcsjsrks. A eeneral invitation is tBXtendml to rhenlt bens ot Oregon and the adjoining 81st and Territories, to oompste lua- preuiiuuis at Um appraacliing Fair. " - filcer f the Amocl tton. - C. P. BCBKBABTr president i Alban y , Or egon. ' V ' - ' - - f r-- ii'iA.i. . s;- .. . f J. A. CRAWFORD," Vice President; Albany, Oregon. " -f. - - - FRANK PARTON, Treasurer; Albany, Ore gon. .iT -i s-t : ii' sf,"."",' -J. - W. W. FARRtSlI, Secretary; Albany, Ore gon. "" ...,.-. . . .... ... - W. R. Oregon. fjANHON, Chief Marshal ; Albany, SPECIAL NOTICES. Mb. James Moorx Will commence,' on or about the 10th day of slayi delivering frvsh Milk, Butter, Kggs and Vegetables to the citi zens of Albany,, How Is the time to make your arrangements, a Mr. Moore will run a team daily, and do as be agrees. -' - hSStf. "; Nfw MI1.1.IJIEKY. Mrs. Jennie C. Purdrtm has received her spring styles of hats, bonnets, millinery, etc., and invites the attention of the ladies to them. Bonnets and hats neatly and tastily trimmed lu the latest styles, and rtll or ders for millinery and millinery work carefully and expeditiously , filled, at lowest rates. Call and see at her store on First, between Ellsworth and Baker streets. ' Kkw FiBJf. Sam Stiller has bought the Wag on and Smlthsbop heretofore occupied by Peters Speldel, together wit the material and unfinished work, and is now prepared to furnish anything in his line, consisting of Carriages. Buggies, Lumlier Wagons. Hacks, Ac, and general smithing neatly and with dis patch. 1 employ none but. the best of mechan ics, and insure satisfaction. All work war ranted. I think I can make it an ohjuct lor vou to buy of tue, in price, style and dumbilitv bf work. I use the best of material, hickory and oak, from the Eastern States, Cull and ex amine for yourselves ; all I want Is a (air trial. 1 have had several years of experience on this coast, and with the knowledge thus gained, am certain I can please you. I guarantee to sell for cash as low as can be bought in this city. A large lot of lumber wagons, side and end spring carriages and backs on hand. Patronize home manufHctory do not send your money olfont of the country. Act the part of wise men. and build up your own State, and you will prosper . Go to Gird's For 'imported llavanas. JJe says lie's got 'em, and everybody knows tliat Gird is the sole heir to George Wash ington's "little hatchet. " Further re mark is unnecessary. 33. Instrumental Music if r. G. S. Nick- erson proffers his services to the citizens ot Albany & a teacher ot instrnmcntal mrtic on the piano or orpin, lerms twelve dollars for twenty-tour lessons. Lftorw given at tlie residence of pupil. Siitisfac- tion gimranieeu. ureters lerc at tne Aiixmy Book Store promptly attended to. G. S. N1CKEESOX. Albany, April 24,-1875. 2w . a ' Rf.moval. H. Weed lias removed tlie Bee-Hive Store " to Freeland's building, two doors west of the old stand, on First street, where lie will be happy to meet liis old iiatrons ana mends, lie oirers ine nnblic Groceries. Provisions, Jfcc. at re duced prices for cash or Produce.. Call and see him. tf. , Slathers of New Goods : Our enter- prislng merchant. N. Banm, arrived last Saturday from San Francisco, with the largest stock of general merchandise ever btouuht to this city, comnrisine the latest styles of ladies' fancy dress and drjT nood.. aud tlie neatest and best cuts and styles of men's and boy's clothing in tact a full assortment of every line, which lie intends to sell according to tlie times lower than anv house in the city. Give him & call be- tote purchasing elsewhere.. tf. New Miijjneuy. Mrs. C. C. Engllsli has received a nice Invoice of tlie latest in millinery, among them some of the pret tiest and most stylish bonnets and hats wev' seen in many a day. Mrs. English is a lady possessed of tlie most exquisite taste, and can tell you just what will suit your complexion and style to a dot. Call at tier store on First street, east of A. Carothers & Co., and least your eyes on handsome millinery. ; Mrs. E. wishes to engage tho services ol a first class dress maker at once. v PrortniES. Mr. J. M. Flsk's Picture Gallery would charm the idea of a con- nolasetir. All shades; colors and kinds ot chromos and lithorraphs can be found in his assortment. Mr. Fisk means business. sells low for coin, and will , accommodate you with anything in the picture line from George Washington's "little fiatchet " to Napoleon crossing the Alps Uis floral pictures, in sets, are simply superb, Family Eecords. handsomely framed. with snaces for Dhotomaiihs. are not onlv tastenil and elegant, but tbey preserve tlie remembrance of friends no fkmilv sitoUld be without one. The pictures -My -Fa- vonte " and "Mr riayinate," tne nrst. Mary andber slice p. the other her brother anu ms " purp, in pairs or sineie. ots'i ne. oenc we couia mi up tne paper In description, but don t Intand to ao if, lor iryou are possessed or an appre- iauon oi rrue menc ana works or arc, call at tlie Picture Gallery on Broadalbin between First and Second streets, where you will . be, received by Mri B isk,: who will at once direct your attention front his nanosomo ngure, Dy exniDiung in his modest suavity, an assortment ot pictures not excelled lu too valley, . We have not seen more elegaiif chromos anywhere. We ' mlirht also mention, that. Mr. F, frames picture cheaper than anybody. 2a It is sf.i.pom that WK KOTK7K anvthlns in the n?etieal line, nor would we now, unless e eould he convinced that we are not doing our duty as a journalist in reeommending to the nnblta the eelebrateel botanical preparations of lr. Henry.. Whoever indaces the victim of Scrofula or any other disease of the blood, to oa Dr. Henry's Kztraet of 8,rsaparilkv, has begun a good, work. - There can be no question a to the result or TiHSmeoicmp h pmrvwwi in. i la a sura cure Tor scroruia, Kneumatism, wait nhmim. and indeed all eoraolaiats arisintc mun vilated or impure blood. Itiataat what a good physioian would praseribe for these complaints, nil wfloonfldentlvraoominend it as. heina the best article now in use. lr. HenryCagh Hal. sara Is the most eoecuve remeuy iov any ajaee tions of the Throat or Lungs that we Wavpevur known. It contains no deleterious drqgs, and can be taken with impunity and certainty of re lief. For the core or (Jougns,OMi, ftore i nroar. nteu. ttetands without a rival. Dr. Henry's Lin I- ment, as an alleviator of pain, ia unrivalled by any preparation before the public; the most kxnficol will be eosvinced bv a sin trie trial. It will prove Itself a friend in need" which no nunuy souuiu viuswhk, ... , The Salt Lake Tribune aayg that a largo number of people met at Laramla i-ccently to witness the first rolling of railroad : Iron ever ' maiiutactored. la the ; Bocky moun tains. SOW BEADY FOB Bl'SMESS. E. CARTER & CO. TTAVB CIVETS' THKIR FLANIXG WILL. XX Sash & Ixjot Factory, a - genwi mJir mc anu repniiiiig, anu greatly increases ifiteir facilities for iloing work, by. putttoig in a uww) water wheki, a new SMAPINtii UAC0UII9 and a new PLAN' tR AN I MATOMKR. all made in Oregon by Uregou meehuuius -attdiomSnaSa Oregon iron, and are a credit lo tlregon. A iie l-iimermid Matcher is special Jr aaaptea to matching Fkmring and Itnstic which wd makeasjNtcialty. and are now prepared to without delav, as we can change the macbind from ne kind of. work to another ia httfrZS mtnntes.and wifli oar excellent water-pow1 are always ready to run any or all Our ms" We keep DOORS, SASH and MOLPflftf alway on liand, or make lo order with Sistxitcs. we have made arrHiigcmenrM by which are now ifi" to turnisn rasn anaisusiKHoors, primed and glazed, to onlcr, at very tiear Port land prices, and propose to make it to tho . interest of Builders to- A'v HOSCK and enconrage home interests. ' .' i With our new Shaper We itfW ftrepared to do any kind of circular or irregtllaF workimuclt uciier iiinn n nas ever heen dotle rn'ATuany. We have two new iMtiilaimic,. (out for ths special benefit of those ,wisii lug tbriUdaxesor ivinvvi bviij ailltl, In short, We have snared ttWtheT" uissiey or lal Mir in fittinir nn mir sl,n at dnlnar nil kinds of work in our line with neatness, cheapness mm unimcii, hrq imveiBttteriaiiy rHanr onr prices for work. A 11 of wlihdl tee hone thd public will appreciate, and continue o giv us a liberal share f their patronages Js Kn. HlHTltt vlllaU.wlu..u. .l,hM.nU PCtent mechnnics, ready ta Her-;hoa whet inay favor us with their orders.' J"... NsitlsflseUvK as to wsrh sod price. K. CAKTSK M Albany. Or., Apl-fl 9, 1875. f Ti K 4 BOOTS & SHOES FOR EVERYBODY It '.v -. :.y ?f K :-. .. '-toil - k.ik C EASY SHOES FANCY SHOES ' PRETTY SHOES , n ,n TINY SHOES JTJST RKCEIVEO By Ocean Steamer, at LOUIS REMVALD'& Uml & Slioe Store. F1ISJST ST., tXIRTEn BIIOADAUui, ........ . .' . -A.llaiiy, Oregon, Clicnpcr llian tlie Cheapest Albany, March 20, 1870-28v7 : - 'i ike bknt n the So llousefceeper na Mhe Kwrrl WMiemnM amis vtiuiwM It. Tlilswell known and long established YEAST . POWDER is now in great demand. Sales ln '. creasing dailv. Now K gross per day to the trade. D. CALLaUHAK now strie liiannftw ture and proprietor, uses no drugs no bone oust; pure wnuc cream w iiniir, impomi direct and ground on the premises, being the chief ingredient. - - - WEASTPOWDERi , rr Always on hand and for sale at lowest prices z ' Callairlinii's Yeaat Powder, in 1 & cam, svi- smxtrior article. OiIlaglian'M fretun of Tartar, in all style of nackiures. . Calliiirlinii'a Inre English ltlarfOSBtv or noun hhi mieraURK ' f FOR 8AI.K UY ALL. UHOCEBS. Crenm Tsrtr Cryatal sad Eaa;llatg " wcsrnoasM oi iMHia, in irgs. tf; i KUKBALK BY-; 'J'.I5-'",f " J D. CAI.LAUIIA! JbmMorm, lit FBOKT 8TREE, Sun rrancisco. n32 Sra, Aycr'n Afcue Cure. TTD tfe for tUm Sijwcdy l ellef r Fever snS Airii)', latermts tm Sent Fern. 4til Feverl?r Kciulttent Fever, mnk. true, FerloIleal or SSI I Fever. Ae., anal iadeed alt. tlie aneeMas wss-n anan . frous nialarlonn. utarak. sr., miasmatic polmas, Has been widnly used,., duriugtbe last t went y-flve years, iu the treal ment of these distressing tllwnses, and with kmc -h nnvttj-in7 iiiu,w tlist it bus ffnincMS tha reputation of being tnfullihle. Tho shakes, or-, cniiis- onc inroaun oy ir, uu nor ntiuni, rhiii li t I tne disease is ountntcieu azaw. a nw ihh, nmun ft an accepted tcbioiIv, and tmted spi'cltic. for the Fever and Ague of tVe West, and tiie ) Chills Jind Fever of the South. r -wft if Ayer's Ague Cure eradicates the noxioo-,,,.f poison from the system, and leaves the pa-.,n t lent; as well as before the attack. It.,;',, Uutroughly expellsthe d'seaso. so tlurt uo Llver miii tkiinpliiints. Rheumatism, Neuralgia. Iyser- a. tery or Debility follow the -tire. Indeed, wherO umoniunini IIW utWAnaiwwvu mmiTOinm . from Miasmatic Poison, it removes tberansa of them and ihr dlsnnnear. Not only is It in.. . . effectual rare, but, if taken occasionally by J t IwiRnuoxpowa to raarm, wm cajjti iiv . poison and protect tlium from attack. Trav- . elters and temiiorary residents In every and all;. ! Ague localities are thus enabled to defy tho ' ' disease. The General Debility which is so apt 1 ! to enone from continued exposure to Malaria. , ' and Miasm, has no'speediur remedy, for. ;. Mver Casatallatasa, tt is an excellent remedy.. ' Or.: JT. C. ATKH a liwllr Wasa., ; HiwMrsi siki Anuvttcai twsnni.: Cirsoid by all Druggists and Dealers in vi-i. i vhavi .u.t.iuw ,.....- ., ... - - Ayer's Cathartic, mils,' For all the Farnaac of a Faaalljr Jtrywi , J V t.. .1... . V'.".. IIW Jannuice. Dyspepsia t, Imligiwtton, Dysentery, - 1 Foul Stomach and'';. Hreatb, Krysipelaa. .' V? Headache, Pile, Eheo-' ";' mat Ism, Eruptions' and Skin lAseases, '' ' iiinonwiBiw, ijivervom- plaint, Dropsy, fetter,1 Timor) and Sale .'-HKiwum, worms, tfout, -Neuralgia, as a Dinner Fill, and Purifvtnir tho - Blond, are the most congenial purgative y- t- Cerfecteal: - Their effect abandaatiy -ahew-- ow much they excel all ether Pills. They are safe and pleasant to lake, but powerful to cure, i r r They purge out the ftml humors of tb blood; i they stimulate the sluggish or disnrderetl .,i i organ into not Ion; and they Impart bealt b and 5-' tone to the whole being. Tbey eore aot only tiu the every day complaints of every body, but. fnnnidaliile anddangerous dlse&sea. I&oetaklll. ful nhyskrlans, most eminent clergymen, and ' '" oar lieHteiUxens, send certi4eata of cutva tmtt j forntml and of git lienents they bave derived from these Pills. Vhev are the safest and beet 1 physio for children, because mild as well h . i etteotual. Beimi sugar coated, they are easy . , , to take; ami bcino purely vegetable, theyaro ' " ' rKtARl! BY ' .'.'.'.'. , Dr. J. C. ATKB tc. C, Lowell, Has.. Pictleal and Analytical Chemist" " lter Irons 'WlaeonaUs, ' , .' Tbe anrjandMl iptttfr u.i..i J r ortwosuice by subscriber In Lebanon, who forwarded, tt to -us,, with a request to ' copy aiid answer. Tho letter reads as fbl lows : - . . - Vf AcsAr, VW March 17, 73, rt t Tl