The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, April 30, 1875, Image 1

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NO. 33.
tsusiNEss cards:
Wholesale and Retail Dealer in '
, ::. ., . ;
T. . CUT C3Ca3e .vT
BOOTS & SH0I3S, ":
Terms :
Here's the Place
' Has received and is offering lar akwcllitle
' Which he is determined to sea
: for
C 1 1 h , it lercMalilB Pfcance !
Please give tne a call, and examine
Goods and X7?ies,
S. II.
Lebanon, Or.
O. S. S. CO.
taer notice, freight front
all down frebrht will be delivered at PORT
Frre of Drajar and IVbariage
At Reduced Rates.
Boats will have A I. BAN T for CORY ALUS or
-r ery
rJAav further particulars, apply to
Albany, Xor. Sd, Tt-H
New Elevator!
ifsmir RuvT rR the KErcraosc
J. of wheat and oats. We cU the attention of
fanner to the fact that we have erected the n
MM warehouse in the Slate t a ante expense,
and are in poritinn to handle auinuorUy an
Imanrn f luanUr ot gram. Out boose has a
oapacity tar '
2C0,CG0 bashels of Wheat!
t onr!me.and tslnrated on the ntarrin of t be
WUknKiWtl er. Mil Mrw V Sei wit im .irte lrr
tram the O. A C. R. so that shipments nay
be, sastue daily by raiWand as often by water as
hoatmsiaciit&s offer. We bare two kip
ttos Inn, in addttion to other ans,astaelnd
t the Bowe, ran by water power, and are
thus prepared e .- "-
u oij 33 a. :; "
an tbe wheat received. Can take In and icssaa
jejaasbosneisperday. Cleaned wheat fa worU;
snore ia ail wireifn markets than xd
whaat. sad aowe shoafet lw sbtpped wttbaat
, aadfoarenntsoBoaCa. We havw -
to famisb those storbwr wheat: with , free to
t aeaa waose wheat pnreaase, and at the
loweaaeasa ariea to those who aerf their wheat
fsasa oar boose to other bayera. reisona ator
inrritkM are a litem ty to meO to whom they
ptaasa. Those who reside aa the west aide of
the riaw will bare au i uute frees. Will be ia
thaasarfce as bayers, and exnret t be abie to
pay tae bnea nosstble price. Having pre
oaasdoorsaiVeatodoalarKe Ixwiness, we hope
(or war share of tae pabbe patronage. -
asTiajalyM -.V Aibaax.Oregoav;
rony thank the citizens of Albany ana W
tor the iibevnl petronaica nestowea. on
hHn fctnsssl snrea Tear. mkQ bones Wiethe
fotarea eontiaaattoo of their aarora. for the
areoxaatodatioa of transieat eastoaaeva,' and
friends in the apper part off town, he has open.
ed a neat little sonp next door to Taytee Broa.
Kalooa, where a rood workman wilt ai ways be
ia artanrtaowt to wait npon patron;- -
SilTer-Pl2ted ITcre!
a rtru. rsrofCK or
r' IHllllT futT
aaeei .! evy, etcu. direct fixwHin FaWory.
We win srSl Table Spoons at at per set, and Tear
spoon, at 1 se, andotaer mods preMwn.mmta.
iy aw. TITl JuXHAjul.
-32tey OrgaTifs.
Af,'My. on the mrt is mnbwtenm
The 4ESTKT ArioXtH has beeanamaoaaeed the
sat br Uu amtanoant jatna iMatbery
T !ber, mnl11 yo "av seea aad heard theas
bcaaufoi hnroisnL . . 1. WILSOji.
A "-?AIi6-i vt ,w 2 ' 1X1SWA2229
A tosny one provuur that the aatas of toe
HXfc&ia dn
U ethen h-ir DfnmaiM
Wh.)a ail tteatWnM
tia 1,-Caidsi" ami titivnira
increased wleefiitirand keep at the hiieiTL
sunt H aiatjs tat idmikl b.t - - .
MaJaew Header, (Wood' Unproved.)
r k'adnaWTala
(best machines on the coast.
Mar riim, and other machine.
Call, see. and get price and term before traying-
elsewhere, at my tuacasmrin onors corner see
ond and K IHwon n ms., Albany, ureeon.
H. WTI.t A PARKER, late of Oreron CKy,
X her leave to inform the public that they
have tmrchaaed the entire stock ot drags. med-
irinaa. Ac mrmerlvoWBedbv R. C Hill A ten.
and that they deiitn continuing the bnsiness
at tne 01 moo. wneretney purpose Keeping m
me luruer a ton wnnan 01 .
Patent Medicines,
: 4;:J" 11 ToiletArlicle,
??;i""T!J 5t , -Perfumer.
and everything osnalry louna in a Brst-ciass
dms store.
wnue earnestly aolK-irmir a eontm nance of
the HBeral perrenafreherwtofore ectended to t he
old nonse. we hone at tne same- time, by fair
ana noerai oraiing, ami carerai attention tome
want, nt customers, to men i tae esteem 01 any
sew friends who may favor us with their or
der. - '
Particular attention will be riven to the com
pounding of pbvsician'8 prescript ions and fam
ily recipes, at all boars of the Uavor msnt.
r Saeeesoors loK.C Hiu. Sox.
Albany, October 9, Trt-utrr
Of AS. B. xoxTXerE.'
XA. stock of
selected with care, and bought for coin at
T Srandaf ouafT Ew Figores S
and as we booa-bt low we can and will sell them
ntpneestnat wiu
Astonish Everybody
Come and see oar select ions or
PMS ...
Ribbons Collar, r Collarettes,
AAf C., AC,:,,
for the ladies, and our complete lines of
Readymade Clothing,
: l ' ' MeaJery,
Hate, -
of all descriptions for men and Iwiys. Also, foil
assortments of
Groceries, Crsclery and Glassware,
for everybody.
The bet the lowest nttesevery time.
trv ouie ana wee.
JMbaaon, Oregon. October 30, IXi.
From this date nntS further notice, I will sell a
Stoves & Ranges
W. H. MrfAKLiXa
AAany, Dee. !, 1S74-13
iwrea Dei
iVirtor Second,
V inc March 1st, and endina- Jane 1st,
la7Va (M am of the nndernsjned. two
mikw north of Soedd Matiorx on the road lead
inr from Albany- to Harrtsbors;, Linn eonnty,
Those deal rtag can obtain rood paattsttat rea
aonaMe terma.
VICTOR is the flnest baB in the State, havmg
taken the first piemiom over all competitors
when exhibited at tbe Ureses, ttmie Fair. -
fr I . t i H EL. A T. B. SPRENGER.
Endorsed by the , Medical
Dav. WtL HALL B.V LSA X for the
mng care. Coaaha, Ooids aad.
and aB diseases of the Throj
in one XrXUTE T ! Tn
roa uui
J. two miles from Albany, with boose, com
nvodioos barn, and small orchard of choice trees.
Alaa.flu miliar nwpe?meftaaa4 hay seffleieot
EaSYV Great indneements to emigrants seek
in a home near thia torr-inr city. Poaoeation
Kiven immedialely. . cg,gu,
Sv7 -kr: Wasblortoa A Sd sta, Albany Or.
- i - ilJ - - -'
. jPtLArfr; dedqv.
, . Xeatly CTemlad.
, ; :.aa' a JFMts- - wr
blant? r.l o rt cro u oo;
4 ; i'"1 laiewatid improved atytea, "J ?
or umn -
Remaining- in th A than v Tntr,m. Anril
fctth, lfii. Persons cnl Una- for these letters must
rive tne date on wnlch tbey were advertised:
Bortfe. JLtEuwtta
OHn. Asa
Cniwftjrd. Emma A.
Price, M. J.
- Rice. J.
Ktenbena, A. K.
rtedman. K. II.
Willis, Thomas
WiUes, Lizzie
Devany. 8. A.
Lomtn. Martha
Moiirwror. William
Marstun, Geo. A.
P. M.
For the week endinr April 2tt toJ '
err. cBAm.ts. l
Anril 91. W H Tlnnlpw. Vn
C K Cljandler. Harrtsbr A Pool, Portland
R f White, BarrabarK F H Bearick, Iowa
w Finiavsnn. Tanrent C Borkliart. City .
alias A K Bailey, Cor- April Ss. '
vaiiis ; seitenoncn. cut
A Ghu-fc, CorvalHa T P McKniebt, city
A G &mito. Peoria W Canon. city i
F Smith, Vancouver W Canon, eitv !
O 9 Beardsley, Saiem W Co no pton, Portland
airs uwinnre, vort'ua j wuey, city
A Brrtn, Lebanon Jay B'ain, etty
H st uonaca, Leoanoa Apru sa. :
A C Harvey. Peoria J Titns, city
A L alorse. Lebanon Jas Titus, city
W Kennedy. HarrisbV Jas Teal. Portland
J W. Alexander. Peoria E Qnaekenbuan, Port-
a u anaever, inoiana inni
T P M cKnteht, city ' W H ElBnrer, citv
T Con ley. Express T, T L'only, Express T
W Zatt,city April 6.
- Apru H- j tt sevens, noseonrr
Mrs Cnstar, S. F. W R I:nnbar. Silverton
8 R Wheeler, & F. A Rizeor. CorvaJlis
C R Geary, city W Wbete, LonxTom
AI R Webb. Portland O W Cannon. N Y
8 O aUtebeU. Bic Sandy fc R Redeway. Leb
W E Stronc-k. lhtvton
T Keley, Janctton
F M Motvan, Bnowsvle
W F Abrams. Eugene
H J Rireor, Corvallis
W H Cornelias. CorvTs
April xi.
J Harritt, Pbolomatn
J no Pettv.citv
a tinnnoeii, nansow J mner.iorvnjin
K T Morton. Boston AL W Collens, Harrisbnrg
T Morris, Lebanon
W E Stronck. Dayton
vr s tnui, Olyinpia
J G Cowen. Cat
J Lnper, row ley -
W Irarey, Mo
H B Scott, Stmir Ohio
S B Seeley. Stmir olio
Z Hatch, Simir Ohio
W H H Deotev. Mo
J II Mav. Piuimiath
If itnpie, .V wr ,
Jas Smith. Iowa
W H Trotter. Satem
W B Hunter, 5 F
W Wa.ihams. Portland
G Wiliiams. Portland
MwCti Moore,Harbr
Miss r. tt uamer, Jtiiix-
J Robins. Lebanon
J W Morxnn. Haisey
J H Fuller, smriameato Mrs Nevtll, Portland
8 K Morran. Tangent f B Johnson, Osm City
W Bars. LelMDaa . W H Oaeeder. City
J H Irvine. Salem April 27.:
W J BiaicweiL. Harris- G Smith. Corvallis
bur G W Williams. Tangnt
G K warn, t lamsnnnr v il howcii. iem
L B Scavier A wile N Y A Bnrtach, Port land
A R Moore, wit. Portld R S Moore, Portland
T P McKnirbt, city J D Nelson, Junction
J Morenn. Iowa - J Belcher. Oreeon Citv
II W Hasting. Lebanon W C Crawford. Corvlis
P Reenter, i K Benuv. fort tin a
J Jenkius. XT Miss Bawsm, Tonrent
J Taylor. S T Mrs Saw-ver. Tanjrent
J Falk, X Y C Keency. Halaey
April . S P Hall, S F
A Thompson. Osn City D S 5enier. F :
A Kensiani. Portland lieo Helm. 8 F
J I tiraham. Corvallis Col Joe Meek. Hiilshoro
W R Webb, Portland J E Bundv. nilLhoro
A S Miller, Marion 8 E Morri. ftiMimity
W R Dnnbar, Silverton F 8 RedtieM, S P
J B Lee. Corvallis A McKiiutr F
Mrs Case, Corvallis W WaJhum, Portland
8 R Johnson. Lebnnon R 8 Ramsey, Portland
J H Brnnnemer. city Chas Wilson. City
WDmry, Mo Miss JoUnson, Lebnon
April 21. M EThnrston. Chksjfo
j c ayior. corvains x uui man. t-ncinau
T J Baford, Corvallis April i3.
S Wellcem. wlte A 4 G D Finn, country
children A Ti-.iv, Enncne City
Frank Seals T Willis, Oregon
Jas Simersnn M Stewart, eonnty
E R Burt, Shrievdan L X Ford, city
P Mnrrav. &i!eni W Wilke. Portland
R T Merfon. Boston G Honck A wif CorrUs
F E KabelL Dallas H A Beiknan, Orbocn
J F Hamilton. Corvlis Rev J H Matsfieid 8 F
U G Wo, xi cock, Corvlis I Hilmore, Oregon City
I L lavis. Arcansas Ktranan, torvaiits
C Davis. Aarkanas J Burnett. Corvallis
JIr Iqtvis A 3 cbiklren, J Hodae, Pwtroit
'Richmond Va - E Barnes, Bitnevilie
J Sulgrave. Micsiojan BFanton.SF t
April iZ- CI Fulton. Xebraska
J 8 Smith. Lialtes . Airil 26.
W F CampbeU,Eagene A Pritzl. 8aU-m
City ' M W Forest j Iowa
R Pendleton. EiurneCx W F Forest. Iowa
X 8 Parker. Portland M Thompson A wife
E Smith. Salem 8bedd
B Mart mv Portland Rev A Cark A wife
H Warden. Purttand 8bedd
T Hitl. Salem W r. CrawforI. Corvlis
F C Hill. McMtnnville A Perkins, 1'mp.inah
T C Harvev. PnrtlHnd H Brvant. Crannnah
8 Canssrrow, Portland 8 W Lon?. Brownsville
M O Met ot. Losanrelst Apnl i7.
W G Wand, MineWa D Hazels, Xebraska
R 8 Dnnran. lliioots
J Woods, Junction
T A Robinson. 8 F
J K Knixbt. 8 F
April 2S.
E Smith, 8aJeui
J Berry, conntry
G Marsball. Portend
J M Garrison. alem
R R Hall. San Francisco
tieo Helm. 8 F
Mfr 4 Savsire. Portlnd
r u Wayne, Con-all is
T R Johnson, 8 F
T E Roberts, Chieaao
T A James, Portland
W G Happis, Waterloo
W H DeasduiL Monroe J Woods. Salem
C H Friendly. Portland G B Smith. CorvaRis
O Bowen. Jefferson J Tavlor. citv
- April St. jWli Ward. Mlnesnfa
J O X irhoison. Mo F Sralea. Eufrene City
H Tronson, GardnerCy G P Kirby, Galvnton
II E Woolev, Tancrent Texas
K H McCoy. Oreeon A B .Smith. ST '
J !tnowr. St Louis J Yates, t Lonis
F Mnerit. Salem R Xison, Rossbnr?
W H MeCorotliers Ore- ( j
V i
4 Mb. jAXf.s Mookz Win commence, on or
abont the loth day of Hay, delivering fresh
Milk. Batter, Eggs and Vegetables to the citi
zens of Albany. Now is the time to make your
arrangements, as Mr. Moore will run ia team
dally, aad do as be agrees. nSRX.
Snr MnxtsiXT. Mrs. Jennie C. Purdom
has received her spring; styles of bats, bonnets,
millinery, etc-, and invites the attention of the
ladies to fbem. ' Bonnets and bats neatly and
tastily trimmed in the latest styles, and all or
ders for millinery and millinery work carefully
and expeditiously fined, at lowest rates. Call
arr-1 ee at her store on First, between Elkwortb
and Baker streets. ,
Piprurs. Mr. J. il. Fist s Picture
Gallery would charm the idea of a con
noisseur. All shades, colors and kinds ot
chrotnosand lithographs can be found la
bl assortment. Mr. Flsk means business,
sells low for coin, and will accommodate
yon with anything in the picture line from
George Washington1 "little hatchet " to
XapokoB crossing the Alps. His; floral
pictures, In sets, are simply strperb.
Family Beeortts. handsomely-framed,
with spaces for photographs, are not only
tasteful aud elegant, but they preserve the
remembrance of lriends tio family shook!
be without one. The pictures 4Ty Fa
vorite" and; " My PUytnate." the first,
Mary andber sheep, the other her brother
and his purp, " in pairs or single,
can't ibe heat. We could fill np the
paper tadescriptfon, bat don't intend to
do it, for if yon are. possessed of an ppre
cutioa of true merit and works of art,
call at tbePVctore Gallery on Broadalbia
between Plrst and Second streets,' wbere
you will be : received by Mr. Fic. who
will at once direct your, attention from bis
handsome , figure. , by exhibiting in bis
modest cuarUy. aa assortment of pictures
notexeeUed In the tmliey. We have not
seea - more elegant cbromos anywbere.
We migbs also mention that Mr. F.
frames pictures cbeaper than anybody. 23
Slathers op Kevt Goods ! Our enter
prising rrierchant. X.5 Baum, arrived last
Battu-day from Saa FraacSsco,' with the
largest stock of geaeni evchande ever
bought to this cityi-comprfeiifgthe latest
styles of ladies tacr dre aod drv goods.
and the neatest arai best rests and styies of
sen's aod coy's estnring net a ftta
aasortinent of every Hne, which be intend
to sell accorvlinsr to Uie times lower than
any bans in the city. ' Give hiai a taB ba.-
trae rnjniiasirrgeisesrbere. ' ' t tr.
IM"llliift WT tae WlXlaasette sUrer. I
Now that Congress has appropriated a I
large som of mottey for the improvement
of the "Willamette river, much larger than
we bad hoped tor, the next great desidera
tum U to expeud tlie money judicidsaly.
where it is most needed and where it will
accomplish the most good. We are among
those who believe the appropriation ia
lifrge enough, il bonestlv and judiciously
expended, to affect the desired end- to-
wit : improving the channel of the Wil
lamette so as to render its navigation
possible during the entire Tear, from Its
mouth to Eugene City, for light draught
boats. If practical men, men who are
thoroughly acquainted with the liver, and
are interested lit iu iiaprotement, can have
the work committed to their care, then the
a moan t appropriated, together with what
has been subscribed by the farmers ot this
valley, will accomplish the much needed
improvement. Petitions are In circulation.
largely signed, asking Gen. Micbler to
appropriate a reasonable- portion of the
money to the improvement of the Wil
lamette from Salem to Eugene, -and
especially from Albany to Eugene, and
not expend all the money between Port
land and Salem. We hope the General
will see the justness of the claim, and
grant the request of petitioners. And if be
wishes to consult the further wishes ot ear
people, be will employ a practical river
man and there are a number of practical
men now plying the river, who know every
crook and beiid and rapids in it, from the
falls to its bead who are thoroughly alive
to the interests at stake, and who can tell,
without awaiting slow and tedious surveys.
jut where and what kind of improvements
are necessary to make navigation practica
ble the year round on the Upper Willam
ette. Let everybody sign these petitions,
to the end that those in authority may
know the will of the people in the Wil
lamette valley in regard to this matter.
The Odd Ffllows' Picnic On Mon
day, specially intended for three-linkers
and their families, was a most pleasant and
agreeable affair. Promptly at 10 o'clock
A. M Albauy Lodge Xo. 4. and Orgeana
Encampment Xo. 5, I.O.O.F., tormed in
procession at ttieir hall on First street, and.
headed by Albany Brass Band, marcbed
up First to Washington street, out Wash
ington to Fifth, and from Fifth to Hackle
man's grove. Arriving at the grove, after
a few minutes' intermission, the opening
ode was sung, and the X. G- Walter
Ketchum, introduced Past Chief Patriarch,
J. F. Backeusto, wbo delivered a most
interesting aud entertaining address, which
was listened to throughout with the closest
aSeittton by Ids audience. Bro. Dunbar,
of Salem, was then called upon by the
Noble Grand, and responded in his usual
happy manner, in his remarks taking occa
sion to acknowledge the bad egg prop
ositi ou. We not only fogive him, but
sympathise with him, and hope be may
' go and sin no more." After singing the
closing ode, the "bretbering and cistern,
assembling around well filled lunch bas
kets, proceeded to refresh the " inner man
in the regular orthodox manner or words
to that effect. It was a grand and refresh
ing sight to see some of those old veteran
three-linkers, wbo wore the scars of many
a well-fought fray, going baldheaded after
baked chicken and things with all the vigor
and grace which marked their earlier years.
And then to see the salt chuck of joy leap to
the northeast corner of the optics of the
patriarchal degree members and slowly
chase its way down their happy, smiling
sun-embrowned, Grecian features, as they
observed an aged patriarch of the "royal
purple," slowly but grandly rise to bis feet.
with happiness and brotherly-love beaming
from every knot-ltole in his complexion,
grasping in his left hand the limb of a de
funct fowl ot the genus chicken, and his
right hand holding aloft a bottle of soda.
while his expansive mouth, large but ex
pressive, was well filled with cake and
pickles and ham and peaches and pie, in
melting but somewhat smothered and in
distinct tones, offer the toast of the day
ah! words fail to express the beauty, the
grandeur, the magnitodinositousness of the
picture ! It beat anything all to pieces.
and the oldest man in the world, if he'd
been there, would have been overcome en
tirely I The graod sublimity of the toast,
yer"s lock !' struck a responsive chord
in each heart present, and was drank In
such absolute silence that yon might bave
beard a pin (tenpin) dror especially ITt
had been one ot the larger kind and bad
fallen on some aged patriarch's toes. Of
course, we wish to give a truthful and re'
liable report, and we would add that, yon
might not have been able to bear the ten-
pin drop, but irt had fell with force, as
above indicated, ail present would have
certainly beard (aot patriarch rrsawt But
we harot time nor space to enter into
Inrtber details of tills "auspicious occa
sion. SufSce it, that after a day happily
spent In swopping affable and polite re
foarks, playing croquet, etc., the "three
linkers' inarched back to their ball, Tbe
day was ddlgfotful, and everything con
spired to make the occasion pleasant aod
agreeable to all. In the evening. Odd
Fellows and their families praeeeded to tbe
skating rink, which bad been chartered for
the occasion, w bere the day was firtfahrid
up in fcn aad jolarity, the brass band add
ing greatly to the pleasure of the evening
by diepenBing most excellent music. The
whole efiair awed ofT so pleasantly, that
there is talk oi getting op a grand excur
sion to last through tea days, to come off
soon. Good.
We have fVom time to time dinW oaf
jmHence ia thia county, through, the
, columns ot the Kbgister, advocated the
building of a bridge across the Santiam at
Lebanon, or at any more feasible point.
if such there be, for tbe accommodation of
tbe people residing In the forks of the
Santiam. We have shown that one of tbe
richest and most productive districts in the
county, in which reside nearly or quite one-
third of our population, are practically shut
off from the county-seat and tbe balance of
tbe county by this barrier, the Santiam
river, during a portion of the year. On
several different occasions petitions, largely
signed by prominent citizens, not only resi
dents of tbe Forks, but of other portions of
tbe eonnty, have been . presented to our
Honorable Commissioners, asking that a
suitable bridge be built across tbe Santiam
at Lebanon, the petitioners agreeing to
pay a portion of the cost of such bridge.
As it is announced that the county is now
entirely free from debt, a more auspicious
occasion for presenting and urging tbe
claims of the people in tbe Forks
in this behalf could not be selected.
County Court convenes next week, and the
friends of tbe enterprise should use all the
intervening time in fortifying and strength
ening their petition, and in securing tbe
fullest data to bty before that honorable
body, to tbe end that they may have a fair
and impartial bearing and secure favorable
consideration of the subject.
The citizens immediately interested cer
tainly have exhibited a commendable
spirit in proffering contributions of $,000
or $5,000 toward a work which not only
will prove immediately beneficial, but will
increase in value from year to year to that
whole section ot country as well as to tbe
general interest and benefit of tbe citizens
of tbe whole county. After a thorough
canvass ot the matter, it seems to us that
no well founded objection can be urged
against the county's paying at least one-
half the cost of a so much needed public
Tbe contemplated bridge will be 380 feet
from one abutment to tlie other, with one
pier in the center. One abutment
already constructed by nature, decreasing
the cost of the bridge, wliicii, npon careful
estimate, will not exceed $10,000. We do
not believe that any serious or formidable
opposition will be offered against an enter
prise of such vital importance to the in
terests of tbe people of tlie Forks of tbe
Santiam. and affecting more or less the
general interests of our whole people, as
does the building of such a bridge. When
all the facts are taken into consideration,
no reasonable objection can be urged to tbe
appropriation by the county of the neces
sary funds to build tbe bridge. The people
directly interested propose to donate half
tbe cash necessary to build the bridge, and
they will also pay their proportion of the
tax assessed upon property throughout the
county to raise the balance. Can anything
be more just or fairer on their part t Tbe
building of tbe bridge win prove largely
beneficial to this city, as all the trade
hitherto driven to Marion county because
of the difficulty experienced in crossing tlie
Santiam, will then come here.
Tai tt Xaahera aw aat
Harrtsburg, April 26, 1S7S.
Ed. Register : According to previous
arrangements, the three-linkers of this
vicinity took a grand excursion from this
place to Corvallis to-day.
At 6 A. M. members of tbe order num
bering some thirty-fire or forty, formed in
procession at. their hall, and, headed by
tbe Harrisburg and Halsey brass bands,
under tbe kadershiph of Prof. Everest,
took up their line of march through the
principal streets of the city to the wharf,
where lay the O. S. S. Co, 'a fine steamer,
Fannie Patton, with steam np ready to be
off as soon as passengers and luggage could
be gotten on board. At 6 tbe line was
east off, and we started down the winding
Willamette, with flags flying and bands
playing, and the greatest enthusiasm pre
vailing among the exenrtionists. Soon
after starting, the freight deck being
cleared, the " youngsters n of tbe party
formed quadriHs and commenced dancing,
which they kept np pretty much all day,
winding op in the evening with a "fat
men's dance." In this last dance we
noticed Geo. Brandenburg. M. Fuller, and
others of equal averdapoise.
After a pleasant run of four boors, we
arrived at the point of destination, Cor
Tallis. As the boat landed at the wharf
we were greeted by a cordial reception
from Barnaul Lodge, I.O.O.F., and by
several hundred citizens, and last, but not
least, by the Corvallis brass band, which
saluted us with some splendid masks what
it lacks in numbers it makes np in vim.
A procession was then formed and
marched to the Court House, wbere Prof.
Emery was introduced, and delivered a
short but eloquent speech of half boar's
duration,' after which lunch was spread
trader the beautiful maples surrooRdlugthe
Court House, to which ample justice was
done. At 1P.M. the shriU whistle of the
boat reminded as that twas time, to torn
our faces homeward. An boor was con
sumed in getting together and making
adieus. At P. M. we were fairly started,
and the ran borne was accomplished by a
liUle after 9P. JL
AH were highly pleased with the trip,
though somewhat wearied. We cannot
speak In too high terms of Cape Tackel
berry and bis gentlemanly parser, Mr.
Pratt. Both done everything in their
power to make tbe nconiouiLte feel at
home and enjoy themselves, which was
duly appreciated, z.
Eggs ISc. .
Oats 50c. s
Butter 25c.
Wheat 70c
Beautiful weather
Business dull enough.
Biver is In good stage.'
Council met Tuesday night.
Baum has got a neat turn-out.
Some of our farmers want rain.
Yesterday was Commencement Day at
the College.
The Pmnie Patton took 250exeursioniats
on her trip to Corvallis. Monday.
W. B. Dunbar, GWCT was with as on
M. M. Hart has gone to San Frandaco,
overland. . - , : .. '.: .- ..;
There are ever sixty persons In Browns
ville wbo are more than sixty years of age.
CoL Joe Meek was In the city on Wed
The opposition steamer line from 'Frisco
to Portland, goes on next month.
Delicious soda, rold as Ice can make It,
at A. Car-others A Co's.
Plowing pretty well through with for tbe
Vegetables are beginning to make their
appearance in our market.
W. W. Parrish "s little boy. who has
been very low, is reported out of danger.
Bev. W. K- Blaio preaclws at Lebanon
next Sunday, in aid ot the Oregon Bible
A few ciays. ago, Mr. Larkia killed a
large black bear, near Brownsville, which
dressed upwards of 150 pounds.
The spelling mania has reached Har-
risburg. At last accounts Mr. O, T. Por
ter was champion spell ist.
Bacon is firm at one half cent per pound
advance on last quotations in this mar
W. W. Hart's neat residence, sold
few days since for f 1,200. was resold
tew hours afterward for $1,400.
Business at the Recorder's office dull.
City jail empty. City Marshal, Fox, do
ing bis best to create business, but so far
has proved a massive failure. The Good
Templars have got tbe burg, Richard, and
quiet reigns.
One of those light-fingered gentlemen,
acting npon an old but long since explod
ed principal that tbe world owed him a
living, entered Beiienger's saloon a few
evenings since, and quietly appropriated a
knapsack. From whence be came -or
whither be went Is now tbe cormuudrum
fS agitates Mr. Beiienger's mind.
. .Jesse Irvine, of Scio, was in the eiiy
yesaerday. Reports a fire in Scio, tbe
residence of Dan Morris, oo Monday. A
veryfew minutes after tlie tap of the fire-
bell, the book and ladder company bad
complete control of tbe fire, which they
quenched before damage to any great ex
tent bad resulted.
It yon want to get a fight on your hands
ask Dave Froman when be intends re
moving bis buildings on First
Dave says he will kill a half dozen aboli
tion Democrats if they dont let him alone,
especially that editor Brown, and believes
the grand jory will acquit him unanimously.
on the ground of the abatement of a pub
lic nuisance.
Messrs. P. C Harper A Co., have anew
card in this issue. It Is unnecessary for
us to say that this is one of tlie most re
liable and accommodating dry goods
bouses in tbe city, and that their
stock of goods, lately received, embraces
all the staples and many novelties, all of
which will be sold at reasonable figures for
cash, or on time to prompt-paying cus
tomers. 1 We have received a copy of the consti
tution of the Oregon Pioneer Association,
to which Is added the address of Hon.
S. F. Chad wick and remarks of Governor
G rover, at re-union In June. 1874. It is a
neatly printed pamphlet of 9s pages, con
taining valuable historical information.
Copies can be had at the bookstores in
Salem or Portland.
: Messrs. Clark have completed their con-1
tract for the brick-work on tbe new Alden
factory. Tbe building Is to be Szx48 feet
The brickwork for the basement is 7 feet
in the dear, on the top of which the frame
work tor a tJii tie-story building win be
erected. Hard A Co. ere to furnish the
lumber. The contract for putting tip the
frame has not yet been let. The baOdtng
will be completed and tbe nmcbinery in
position, in readiness for work In a very
short time. '';; '""''i '
An invitation to Albany Fire company,
from Corvallit firemen, inviting as to
coma np and help them celebrate on the
7th prox. was received, x and a special
meeting called by Foreman Webber to
consider the Invitation, on Tnesday ; night.
It was decided, as our boys are to picnic
soon, that we would not accept the Invi
tation, as a company. We hope the Cor-
vallis boys may get away with the 7th In
good shape.
auc hw-isui ot iemeni coram, at
Grass Ridge, started up oo Saturday. 2r.
Wm. Bilea takes charge as bead sawyer.
Aney nave pot In one of Etnerssna
proved 56-inch pbiner saws, and tMuktbcy
can saw ten thousand feet per day wttb the
power they have, and perhaps more, and
will saa have sufficient power to ran a
planer. They expect to commence regular
work on the 1st prox to-morrow.
We raxlerstand that Martin Loper, wila-
ly known in thia valley, win take charge
ot the race track on tbe Linn County Ag
ricultural Society, ereands at the next
Fair. This i a very jadSckwjs ' selection.
Tbe writing school at the District school-'
boose is well attended by all who come.
Dont forget the Sociable at the Metho
dist parsouage this evening.
The palntists done a neat Job on the .
M. E. Church, and H- now presents a
handsome appearance Inside. -
Female Complaints should be cored, as - -
tbey often can be, by a tew doses of
Atfer't garaapartfla. , 1
rwm- are urkuuu iu um, iukt .ma
copies of the Dairy Attdaaeitt, published
Silver City. Idaho. t "
Bev. Mr. Stratton, of the Calvary '
Church, has leased the residence of Dr.'
Lister for one year. - cream, at a bit a sasser''
every uouy can suuru some. J uu
Smith, price, and tea, awful cotd at that.
: W. J." Belding has made new "con
tracts, and win hereafter manufacture a ''
much larger number of brooms than here
tofore. Biz U biz. '
Mr. A. B Morris Is erecting" a neat '
two-story frame dwelling, adjacent to Par-'
1 A. v r - i . .. .
aer o in orris warcnuuae, ui um eastern
portion of the city.
. Williamson Bros, contemplate moving ; t
their flax factory from its present location .
to a point on the Canal Dear the depot, at
an early day. .,, ,,.f-.
Mr. Froman is gertiner readv to move
art all Hma jVLt AuuM UnMi ITlIna, Jk ,
Cos-'a store to Joseph's, for tbe purpose of ,
- Frank Woods returned from Greenhorn
on Tuesday, and reports the boys in good
spirits, and that they will probably com
mence washing this week".
Jacob Znckerman jeweller, removed
bU establishment on Monday next door to
Thompson Sb Irving, west . of BeaUter ,
office. : " - ;'. . ..
Our Business Agent, in response to tne
Granger' Item of yesterday referring to
turn, oesires us to say, mac ne accepts tne
compliment in preference to an expert's
edition of Pedro and Vegetables. -'
. Saml. E. Young has purchased the two- ,
story frame on First street, lately oaed as a -furniture
store and picture gallery, and -
a . . a m a a " flSLt X
Will laaVVV U IKKUk Ml , IA nKUUU J I A. UUW t
street, and use it m a w-uliaae- r 1
Va t S . a 9 a.
m waaaa aaa t iniaaa. b jwaaa aim j mrr9 -
swarded tl contract for putting up. the
brick: work of the A Wen Factory works in .
this city. Work Is to be commenced at
once.';"' " . T '" -',-. ,
Mr. O. Gaylord started on Monday for
tha Rnsaa rtwr mrnibv' . ahns ba will .
ensafe in DUttirur no a uuartz mill on a
new and supposed rich ledge recently dis
covered there. He will probably be ab
sent until fall.
Bev. W. B. Blain started on Wednes
day for Lebanon. Scio, and other points.
111 UK W UK VITCVU XIiJTT ouart '
Though young, Mr. B. has won the confi
dence and esteem of all who know him.
ir .av..
ami anxcw vwu m wuw.
' Vmn. A. II. ' Bell A Parker have
their soda fountain In order, and are ready
to give yon a sizzfng, cooling draught of ;
the nectar at an times. Can at their neat
drug establishment and try s glass.
J. E. Smith win dispense ice cream to
those who wish it, ' at tlie restaurant on
First street, next door above Weed's. He
wui also seep wt nun aiar aaDBixtors
to order all kinds of fancy cakes, for balls, '
parties, etc Give Smith a call.
Messrs. Brunk A May make a neat fit
ting boot or shoe In short order. Call and
see their stock of work on liand, and if
tbey have nothing suitable, leave your
order, and youH get a neat fit and a well
made boot or shoe, bee card in this issue.
. . Af JmM Mmm In m S.iw ibva wrtTt
commence delivering- fresh milk, batter, a
eggs and vegetables to those desiring In the
city. This is an accommodation that will
De apprectatea oy oar atizens, ana Air.
Moore will no doubt make the botioeas a
very profitable one. ,
In nortiooa of this coontv the erutmd ia
now too bard to plow; in a few districts It :
isstintoo wet ; but we believe the larger
tww4i4wft tfw tba lsirwbi In f Ha mhw 1mm
been plowed, and in a large number of in-:
stances, seeded. , '. i ..,s, - ' .
T? w At. mi a traKwTi- r-.. t-
couto uuorms ns mat ne recenea xromtir.
a contribution toward tbe buUdiog of his.
church in this city, this being tba proceeds
of Joe's " taujaueos " labors on Saturday.
Joe is everwminr, a good fireman, a tree
friend and noble man. Brotiasr White
exclaim In bis earnsat spirit, ' God bless
Joe." -
S. W. Melan, our obliging mylor, is the
best "cntter; and , fitter that ever
came to tins city, a all who " have bean
there win agree' with, ns in saying. If
yon want a salt of clothes that wUlfityoa,
and In which yon via feel "at home,"
that will be well made and stylish, go to
Melan -shop en First street. ; ,
: Ovnr lla five-year old boy. Bert, on
Tnesday, eonehided be would make bis
two months old calf haul Ms little wagon,
thos enabling fclm to bant rsateransn
tlty of ashes,; wMch be dodred to spread
w the yard promiscuously to saato things
look "nice, dont yon taow'- The calf
was somewhat wfJd and seary, and when be
bad got hold f tbe long Irwh
was tethered tea post, ft comeieiicrfrram
iog around him, eventually catching him
in a eon of th. mps sbont ths seek and
flawing Mm to ths gronnd.- hea Ss-
nd extnesna irw
...... , . i ,.
be bad very usua aw ss as
1,1 m.
t w naek. was aontewnet fasKmsnuxx
i soon swelled Into bngs proportion..
bat was jvdueed to natural size by propar
mexlkal treatmeat-